#luckily it seems people have reclaimed it and are continuing it independently of her
fandomsoda · 1 year
Something that happened earlier today:
Me, at Disney: Wow, seeing stuff about Oswald coming back reminds me of this cool ask blog series I liked during my Cuphead and Bendy phase! What was it? Oh yeah, Quest for the Ink Machine! I should revisit it for old times sake!
Me later, watching a dub of it: Wait a minute, that art style……
*heart shatters into a million pieces*
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littlelottiexsloan · 3 years
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case  file     ;  Charlotte Sloan
nicknames     ;  Lottie
associations    ;  Civilians
occupation    ;  Student of Veterinary Science
birthdate    ;  26 years old
hometown    ;  London, England
current  location     ;  Downtown
pronouns     ; she/her
mirror image     ; Kaylee Bryant
the record stops, the player tape states, and the radio static is replaced with voices ;
 — And our dear listeners are eager to know, how long have you been in Sunset Port? — Most importantly, why do you stay?
I have been in Sunset Port a few days. I came to finish my Veterinary degree here. Why I stay? Why shouldn’t I? My brother and his fiancee live here. I get to know my nieces and be close to the ones I love. As far as I see it I have tons of reasons to stay.
 Of course! We can all identify with the sentiment. Well, at least some of us. [LAUGHTER] What do you do in Sunset Port?
I’m sure you can. Family tends to mean a lot to most of us. Like I said I’m a here to finish my degree. So I am a student. I’m also looking for a part time job so if you’ve heard of anything, any tips are welcome. Otherwise I’m just curious and excited to explore this new city.
 Admirable! Now, I'd have left this question last to finish with a bang, but our listener is impatient, oh my! Have you heard of our little organization?  
Uhm well in a general sense you mean? I’ve heard rumors, but nothing concrete. Can’t say I know much about it to share, I’m sorry.
 Oh my! — And if Isabella Castello came knocking at your door, what would you do?  
I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t come knocking on my door.. I’ve heard of her in the papers of course, but we haven’t been formally introduced. If she would though I’d treat her like any other guest. Offer them refreshments and ask what they might need of me.
 Interesting. Well, I think I've kept you here long enough! Thank you for speaking with our public! Which song would you like me to play for you, now?
Okay I know some people think them a bit over the top but I’d say Somebody to Love by Queens.
trigger warnings: death, cancer
Charlotte Sloan. Named with the intention of creating a free and independent woman, her name meaning 'free'. The tale of her birth, during a full moon, was a night her mother loved to tell the tale of. Because it was the night when she finally became a mother, and threw herself into the role with passion, a bit much some might add. She had great aspirations for her daughter, set ideas of who she was to be and where her life should take her. But she never stopped to ask if her daughter wanted to reach those aspirations, or who she wanted to be. Hell, she didn’t much seem to care that her baby girl might want something different for herself. The most important thing was always what she, and Selene’s father wanted for their child.
Not surprisingly, Charlotte grew up being chastised, advised, steered and scrutinized by her mother, and sometimes her father. She often felt set up for failure, given that she was indeed not the girl her mother wanted her to be. She wasn’t outgoing or a natural leader. Nor was she bold and outspoken. Whenever someone tried to put Charlotte at the center of attention, big or small, the girl was painfully uncomfortable. Anxious and frightened even. But to a fault she did her best to do what her mother wanted. Even if she spent nights crying over it, antagonizing over every little misstep that would be met with displeasure. As a soft spoken, kind but often introverted child Selene much preferred the company of nature or animals rather than people. She liked observing and taking note, but wasn’t fond of stating her opinions to people she didn’t fully know or trust. Growing up she was cosseted and sheltered in many ways, always carefully watched and protected as the youngest child of  Edward Sloan and his third wife. Whenever she was with her siblings though, Charlotte was happy. Being around others in her family without her parents ever looming presence allowed her to be more carefree, joyous and playful. Traits in herself which she looks back on and wonders if she’ll be capable of reclaiming one day.
All her life Charlotte has done what she is told. With two domineering parents who in their own ways thought they knew exactly what was best for her, she found that both disappointing them or rebelling against them demanded getting into arguments and conflicts she’d rather just avoid all together. She isn’t fond of conflict in general and will rather back down and do what she’s told to do. Its been seared into Selene’s very core how her opinions or thoughts doesn’t really matter. When she was younger she did try to voice her thoughts or state her opinions, but she was always ignored or brushed off. The only ones who seemed to really listen to her were her japanese grandparents. She loved spending her summers with them in their family home on the island of Okinawa. Her mother let her go, despite not being fond of what she was sure her parents taught her daughter. Propriety, chastity, quiet manners and too much respect for elders. Though she might have been glad of that considering how void of rebellion her daughter showed in her teens. The only time she did rebel against her parents were briefly in high school, when she fell in with the wrong crowd. Charlotte was then considered a follower, someone who could be persuaded to come along despite knowing it was wrong. She wanted to be liked, to have friends that weren’t as proper or focused as her middle school ones. Her friends convinced her to join them in stealing from boutiques and stores, and for a while their after school curricular activities went by unnoticed. They stole more, drank and partied, broke curfew. But then they were caught stealing.
As a minor, Charlotte was lucky her father could buy her way out of any charges. Though the consequences were severe. She was sent to boarding school in Scotland to make her straighten out for the second half of her sophomore year and senior year of high school. The school itself located far out in the country side. Away from everyone and everything she loved back home. Her time away gave Charlotte the room to explore other sides of herself, such as her sexuality. Most of her teens she had found that boys didn’t really interest her like they seemed to do the other girls. During her small rebellious phase she experimented with a few boys, but that one hook up she did end up having left her feeling.. empty. Like nothing about it was right for her, and while the guy seemed to enjoy it, she didn’t. At her boarding school, Charlotte had her first girl crush, and she experimented with more than one girl, excited because being with them felt good, in all the ways she’d been told she was supposed to feel with a boy. Though she knew that admitting she was gay, only attracted to women, would only be possible with the closest of friends. Her parents would never approve and neither would her grandparents. In fact, her father had repeatedly vented, both to her and her mother, about his older rebellious son, doing the greatest sin of all. It was so painfully clear that he had cut Etienne off for being bisexual, and Charlotte was terrified of what might happen if he were to figure out that she wasn’t straight either. All her life her parents had been very clear about the path she should take, and that did not involve girlfriends, but boyfriends and straight marriage.
While at first she had loathed being at the school, it was caring for the animals there that got Charlotte trough. At first she was set to care for them as a punishment for skipping class. But after that first afternoon with the horses, pigs, cattle and goats, the big city girl was eager to return. The creatures needed her, and they had to be read and carefully treated for her to understand their needs and wants. It was like learning a new and exciting language, one that inspired her to start reading about animal behavior, biology and training. To Charlotte, this time in her life was pivotal, as it inspired her to put her dreams of becoming jewelry maker on the shelf, and decide to study to become a Veterinarian.
Luckily her parents didn’t disapprove, much. Her mother tried to persuade her to become a surgeon instead, vehement that it was a better profession for Charlotte. But for once, her daughter didn’t automatically break under a bit of pressure or comply without question. Instead the girl quietly argued why she was set on Veterinarian school, and continued focusing on her undergraduate degree after high school. She studied at The university of Edinburgh, though when her mother was diagnosed with cancer last year, Charlotte moved back to London adamant to continue her studies, but remain close to her parents. She thought being close would make her mom fight harder, would mean she might make it. But Christmas Eve came and her mother passed away. Beaten by the cancer that had infected her body. At first Charlotte was at a complete loss. All her life her mother had been her guiding force, the one to oversee and often make every little decision she faced. Now there was just her dad, and he had always been less insistent, more lenient, not the loud voice that her mother had been. Though when he suggested that Charlotte might benefit from studying abroad, she took his advice to heart. Much to his chagrin, she decided to come to Sunset Port to continue her studies at Veterinary School. He tried to talk his daughter out of it, though for the first time in a long time, Charlotte felt as if she could tell him no. As if she actually did have a choice.
Coming to the city, Charlotte is trying to allow herself to be excited to start a new life in a new place. After all she’s going to be close to her older brother and his soon to be wife and adorable twin girls. The two haven’t been all that close as adults but she does feel as if he’s not totally averse to having her around. They used to like each other as kids and while she feels like she has a lot to catch up on she does know that she loves him and is looking forward to living in the same place. Actually its a comfort to her that she’ll have family around to lean on. While she is still grieving the loss of her mother, Charlotte keeps finding out new things about herself, life and others as she is feeling oddly liberated. Before life was very set, her path narrow and lined with strict lines. Now the road is wide open, and she gets to decide what happens next. Its both thrilling and terrifying all at once.
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