#Gujarat Riots 2002
taricide · 1 year
Its absolutely terrifying how India is possibly in the beginning stages of a full blown genocide of muslims and dalits and other non Hindus and no one is talking about it. All the major news channels are controlled by the media, the prime minister hasn't given a single press conference in the nine years that he's ruled, one of the major opposition MPs was recently outsed from parliament in a bullshit move and BJP party members and supporters are openly lynching people and raising genocidal slogans publicly. And no one is talking about it
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massivelyspeedyobject · 6 months
The real story of prosecution of minorities by Hitler & the resemblance
Credit: quora The prosecution of minorities under Hitler’s regime, particularly targeting Jews, is a dark chapter in history. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party implemented policies of systematic discrimination, persecution, and ultimately extermination of various minority groups, most notably Jews, but also including Romani people, disabled individuals, homosexuals, and others. The persecution…
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sasusakucore · 2 years
Trigger Warning: Rape, murder and communal violence.
This is really a grim day for bilkis bano because one of her petitions has been rejected by the supreme Court of India. She was raped and her family was murdered during the 2002 gujarat riots and her 11 rapists have been set free by the gujarat government under the current ruling party at the centre under 'good behaviour' and the bjp leaders said that they were "good sanskari brahmin men". This really shows the apathy and insensitivity of the supreme Court of India and how Muslim women face injustice in india.
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metamatar · 1 year
it is genuinely grotesque when hindutva fascists repeat the story about a pregnant woman being targetted by hamas with gory details to bait the outrage of zionists because. the story they're actually echoing is of an indian muslim woman called bilkis bano. her rapists were freed this year and they were garlanded and feted by local bjp workers. the riots this occured during were aided and abetted by narendra modi in 2002 when he was gujarat cm, and this was why he was not permitted a visa to many countries.
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max1461 · 6 months
I'd say your selective opposition to ethnostates is hypocrisy, but you at least do make it clear that you'll tolerate an enormous amount of nationalist or ethnoreligious violence and repression, so long as it's coming from "nonwhite" (by your standards) people acting in the service of "decolonization."
I don't think I have a selective tolerance of ethnostates. I think I've been pretty clear in my opposition to non-white ethnonationalism, including Hindutva and Japanese nationalism (both of which I've talked about recently) and Han Chinese nationalism (which I haven't talked about recently, but which you can find posts on way back in the archives).
I don't think ethnonationalism is infinitely bad; that is to say that if there were e.g. a group of ethnic nationalists who also credibly claimed to support some form of democracy, and they were engaged in a civil conflict against an autocratic state, I might very well think they were the lesser of two evils. Someone described Rojava as an ethnostate the other day—I don't think it is, either nominally or in practice, but even if it was I would be pretty sympathetic to their cause, given that they're attempting to break away from Assad's Syria. None of that means that I think ethnonationalist policies are good.
Beyond that, I would say that "ethnonationalism" gets used pretty freely on here, for sets of policies that don't materially resemble each other very much. People trying to revive the Welsh language and the BJP trying to eliminate Muslims from India both sometimes get described "ethnonationalism", even though I don't think they actually have much in common at all as policy agendas. The most you could say is that perhaps at some level there are similar emotional motivations involved for certain supporters, but like... who cares? I don't think that's a great basis on which to judge a set of policies. Uncharitably, I think people opposed to policies of the former sort often call them "ethnonationalism" precisely to associate them with policies of the latter sort, as a cheap rhetorical trick. Even if you feel the description is technically accurate in both cases, "preservation of Welsh is just like the 2002 Gujarat riots" does not really work as an argument...
Anyway, I'm a pretty strong supporter of people's endeavors to express and partake in culture that matters to them, and I see "coordinating endeavors that matter to people" as one of the main functions of our (public and private) institutions. So I'm exceedingly sympathetic to "let's dog-ear some money in the budget to help keep Welsh alive", and I suppose if that makes me an ethnonationalist then so be it. But I don't think it does. And in any case, as you can see by my choice of example here, this applies exactly the same to white and non-white people.
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indizombie · 4 months
When the BJP-led NDA came to power in 1998, the government of India's human resource development minister Dr. Murali Manohar Joshi included 'Priesthood and Ritualism' into school curriculum. During his time, astrology began to be taught instead of science-based astronomy. Learning how to perform the Putrakameshthi Yajna, a (Vedic) ritual to get a male child was also introduced. They are inculcating unfounded beliefs and foolishness into children's minds. Recalling Golwalkar's call for involvement in RSS activities to be essentially devoid of any critical thinking and discernment, once they are in power, they have set about implementing this in children's education. Recently, CBSE has removed several topics from their syllabus. Of these, topics such as democracy and diversity, impact of globalization on agriculture, popular (mass), movements and communalism were removed from the Class 10 syllabus. It is for this kind of school curriculum excisions that the RSS has nurtured one of its offsprings, the 'Shiksha Sanskriti Uttahn Nyas. It has consistently been pressurizing NCERT to remove from textbooks, allusions to 'the former prime minister Manmohan Singh's magnanimous apology for the Sikh riots', and the 'killing of around two thousand Muslims in the 2002 Gujarat riots'. This is their chicanery.
Devanuru Mahadeva, 'RSS: Depth & Breadth'
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
21 Jan 23
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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fairuzfan · 1 year
That guy who is sharing is most likely a sanghi too (an virulent islamophobe from the rss/bjp).
While you are correct, I want to give you an additional context: that there were identical situations against indian Muslim women in Gujarat riots of 2002 and that man is very likely stealing/misrepresenting those horrors on the internet. (Anyone can check the Wikipedia on the atrocities of Gujarat riots)
Never trust a sanghi or a right wing Indian account.
I thought when you originally sent this you were talking about the quote retweet and was INCREDIBLY confused about how you could tell about the quoter but I understand what you mean now.
Thank you so much for the context and additional information. I'll be reblogging the original post with a link to this ask.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Police in the Indian capital, Delhi, have raided the homes of prominent journalists and authors in connection with an investigation into the funding of news website NewsClick.
NewsClick's founder Prabir Purkayastha and a colleague were arrested. Police also seized laptops and mobile phones.
Officials are reportedly investigating allegations that NewsClick got illegal funds from China - a charge it denies.
Critics say the move is an intentional attack on press freedom.
Started in 2009, NewsClick is an independent news and current affairs website known to be critical of the government. In 2021, it was raided by tax authorities on allegations of breaking India's foreign direct investment rules.
The co-ordinated raids at 30 locations on Tuesday are some of the largest and most extensive on India's media in recent years. Police later confirmed they had arrested Mr Purkayastha and Amit Chakravarty, the website's head of human resources.
"A total of 37 male suspects have been questioned at premises, nine female suspects have been questioned at their respective places of stay and digital devices, documents etc have been seized/collected for examination," a police statement said.
Opposition leaders accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government of a "fresh attack on the media". But Information and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said investigative agencies were merely doing their job.
How did the raids happen?
Among those also questioned were journalists Abhisar Sharma, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, Aunindyo Chakravarty, Urmilesh, Bhasha Singh, popular satirist Sanjay Rajoura and historian Sohail Hashmi. Some were taken to police stations.
Searches were also carried out at the website's office in Delhi, news agency ANI reported.
In Mumbai, activist Teesta Setalvad's house was also searched. Ms Setalvad has long fought for victims of the deadly 2002 riots in Gujarat state and has written articles critical of the government for NewsClick.
A source close to Mr Purkayastha told the BBC that more than 15 policemen arrived at the editor's home at 06:30 local time (01:00 GMT).
"They did not produce any warrants or paperwork, questioned him for several hours and took away all the electronic devices they found at home," they said. Later, news agencies showed him being taken away by the police in a vehicle.
Mr Rajoura's lawyer, Ilin Saraswat, said the comedian was raided at the same time and that police took away his laptop, his two phones, some DVDs of his old work and some documents.
"The police said that Mr Rajoura is not named in the current investigation, but since he has worked with the website, he will be interrogated. We have not been provided a copy of the police complaint," he added.
BBC India offices searched by income tax officials
Indian tax authorities raid critical media outlets
India top court frees Muslim comic on bail
According to reports, the raids are in connection with a case registered against NewsClick in August after a New York Times report alleged that the website had received funds from an American millionaire to spread "Chinese propaganda".
It claimed that Neville Roy Singham worked closely with the "Chinese government media machine" and used his network of non-profit groups and shell companies to "finance its propaganda worldwide".
A case was reportedly registered against the website under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, or UAPA, a draconian anti-terror law that makes it nearly impossible to get bail. NewsClick has rejected all the charges as false.
Who was raided?
All the people who were raided have been associated with NewsClick - some are employees, while others have worked on freelance projects.
Prabir Purkayastha, its founder and editor-in-chief, is the author of a number of books and a founding member of the Delhi Science Forum. During the 1975 Emergency - when civil liberties were suspended - he was jailed along with several opposition politicians.
Bhasha Singh is an activist and journalist who has reported extensively on manual scavenging and farmers' suicides. She has accused the government of being anti-women and on Monday appeared in a NewsClick video expressing concern over the increasing trend of members of the governing BJP praising the man who assassinated India's independence leader Mahatma Gandhi.
Abhisar Sharma is a prominent video journalist known for his critical views of the government. He worked for BBC Hindi before moving to work at the NDTV news channel. One of his last videos covered widespread protests by government employees against a new pension scheme.
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, writer, journalist and filmmaker, is best known for his investigations into billionaire tycoon Gautam Adani and is facing several defamation suits filed by the industrialist. Earlier this year, he was mentioned in a report by Hindenburg Research which alleged that companies owned by Mr Adani had engaged in decades of "brazen" stock manipulation and accounting fraud - allegations denied by the industrialist who is perceived as being close to PM Modi.
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buzz-london · 2 years
Anti-India bias of the BBC
BBC's recent 2 part documentary, India, the Modi question, on PM Modi is very divisive and has a strong anti-India, anti-Hindu bias. (January 2023)
Instead of focusing on the life or achievements of the Prime Minister of the largest democracy in the world, BBC focused on the controversial riots that happened at the beginning of his career as the Chief Minister (CM) of Gujarat state in India. 
On the morning of 27th February 2002, a mob of muslim rioters from Godhra, Gujarat, burned a train, killing 59 Hindu pilgrims (9 men, 25 women and 25 children). A state wide strike on the 28th Feb sparked riots across Gujarat. Army was called in and arrived on the 1st of March. Despite that, violence lasted for weeks, resulting in the death of over 2000 people, of which, 75% are presumed to be muslim. 
The main claim of people accusing PM Modi of post-Godhra riots is that he waited 3 days before calling in the army, allowing rioters to kill muslims with impunity. 
Sloppy journalists assumed 28th till 1st March was a delay of 3 days. Intelligent ones knew that Feb 2002 had 28 days! So the 1st was the very next day of the month and there was no delay of 3 days! Indian army was there the very next day of the riots, not 3 days late! I wish the BBC had checked facts rather than rely on hear-say before making grave allegations of genocide on the PM Modi! 
BBC's prog on India's PM Modi shows its obvious bias and absolute colonial arrogance! It assumes it knows more than the police, investigating agencies and the High Court (HC) of India! Every court in India, from its HC in the state of Gujarat to the Supreme Court (SC) in the centre, investigated Mr Modi for over a decade. They went through a mountain of data, investigating every claim made by every NGO and journalist to try and see if Mr Modi was complicit in the Gujarat riots of 2002. This is when the Congress party was in power and being opposed to CM Modi's BJP party, they used every lever of gov to try and nail Mr Modi. Yet at every turn, evidence showed that Mr Modi did his best to quell the riots, including calling in the army on the very day the riots started and they arrived the very next day! 
No less than the SC of India exonerated Mr Modi on all counts of all charges levelled at him. Yet, 20 years after the event, BBC continues to rack up old, unfounded allegations and continues to malign the PM of India. 
BBC has strongly insinuated in the documentary that CM Modi was voted as the PM Modi because of his anti-Muslim views. It totally ignored the fact that the nation voted him in for his 'development' model, which was explicitly agnostic of voters' religious affiliations. His party's slogan is 'Sab ka saath, sab ka vikas', ie With everyone and progress for everyone’. People across India voted him to be their Prime Ministership because of the progress and development they saw in Gujarat during his 12 year tenure as its chief minister. BBC also ignores that PM Modi has been voted back to power for a 2nd term because of the positive growth people have seen progress seen across India in his 1st term.
Last week, BBC spent the best part of the hour exploring what Mr Modi did or did not do after the riot. But, crucially, it spent no time exploring the cause of the riots - the cold blooded murder of 59 Hindu pilgrims by a muslim mob who burned them alive! Why were the lives of Hindus victims so easily disregarded by the BBC? BBC spent a lot of time talking to the muslim victims of the riots. Why did the BBC not speak to the family of the Hindu victims? Why did it not speak to the muslim extremists who murdered Hindu pilgrims? Why did it not spend any time examining the 31 people found guilty by the court system of the heinous murder of Hindu pilgrims, and instead waste time examining the 1 person exonerated of any guilt! 
BBC's series on PM Modi will do nothing to rehabilitate its image as a racist, left-wing organisation that produces biased programmes that are not fair or balanced in their content or views.
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massivelyspeedyobject · 6 months
The real story of prosecution of minorities by Hitler & the resemblance
Credit: quora The prosecution of minorities under Hitler’s regime, particularly targeting Jews, is a dark chapter in history. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party implemented policies of systematic discrimination, persecution, and ultimately extermination of various minority groups, most notably Jews, but also including Romani people, disabled individuals, homosexuals, and others. The persecution…
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Teesta Setalvad
Human rights activist Teesta Setalvad was born in 1962 in Mumbai, India. In 2002, Setalvad founded Citizens for Justice and Peace to provide legal assistance to the victims of the Gujarat riots. This organization has secured over 100 convictions related to the riots. Setalvad, who seeks the prosecution of government officials for complicity in the violent riots, has faced reprisal for her activism. Her home and office have been raided and her bank accounts have been frozen. In 2022, she was arrested and detained in retaliation for her work.
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legalstudiesin1 · 1 year
What is Bilkis Bano Case?
Bilkis Bano Case and Supreme Court Judgment: Significance, Sections, and Conviction
The Bilkis Bano case, also known as the Gujarat Riots case, is a high-profile case of communal violence that occurred during the 2002 Gujarat riots in India. Bilkis Bano, a pregnant Muslim woman, was gang-raped and several members of her family were killed during the riots. In 2002, a mob attacked Bilkis Bano and her family while they were trying to flee their village in Gujarat. Bano was…
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mullahusman · 1 year
Hashimpura Massacre
It was the 22nd of May 1987, Ramzan and Friday, just like today, when 'secular' India's most shameful and horrendous custodial kil-ling took place at #Hashimpura. That day, after the Friday prayers, in the midst of the ongoing Meerut riots, some 600-700 Muslims..
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were dragged from their homes by army personnel, CRPF, PAC, and police and were made to sit on the footpath near Gulmarg Talkies. — The young and the strong among them were chosen, loaded in a PAC truck URU 1493, and taken to Upper Ganga Canal in Murad Nagar..
and later to Makanpur in Ghaziabad only to be shot cold-blooded and thrown into the canal. — This was totally an anti-muslim crime by the state, though the documented facts are known to everyone, three points are worth mentioning:
A) On May 23, 1987, at Meerut Circuit House, the next day after the massæcre, there was a meeting attended by Veer Bahadur Singh, the CM, Daya Shankar, the DGP, SK Mukherjee, the IG, Nasim Zaidi, the Ghaziabad DM, Vibhuti Narain, the Ghaziabad SP and other senior officials.
There were discussions that can the bodies of 42 be thrown away in the canal just like Malyana, never to be found? Could the 3 survivors under police protection also die? Would anyone expect justice from them? #HashimpuraMassacre
B) One of the survivors Zulfiqar Nasir had a press conference in Delhi with Syed Shahabuddin and Subramanyam Swami, narrating the nightmare he went through. There was a shameless press brief the next day addressed by Meerut DM RS Kaushik, SSP Girdhari Sharma, nd frmr SP VKB Nair.
Not only did they claim that no massacre happened at Hashimpura but also that no one with the name of Zulfiqar ever lived in Hashimpura. Shouldn't they have been punished too for propagating blatant lies. #HashimpuraMassacre
3) There were three 'Sarkari Musalmans' sitting at the vital position throughout the investigation. Just to show the Indianness in them, they did very little to ensure Justice. Syed Khalid Rizvi, who headed the CID failed to link the role of Major Satish Kaushik whose brother..
Prabhat Kumar, a RSS terrœrist, was killed the previous day; who was present at Hashimpura during the whole incident. Mr Nasim Zaidi who later became chief Election commissioner failed to act responsibly and tell the outside world about the heinous crimes.
And Ms Mohsina Kidwai, the then MP of Meerut who later became the General Secretary of AICC, not only refused to ensure medical care to one of the injured survivors but kept silent about the gory crimes.
— Hashimpura, like the Bihar killings of 1946, Nellie of 1983, Bhagalpur of 1989, Delhi Pogrom of 1984 and 2020, Muzaffarnagar of 2013, Gujarat pogrom of 2002, and numerous others remain a disgraceful instance of the merciless and barbaric use of brute state force..
and a spineless, politically expedient government lying prostate before its own men - The Killers. Hashimpura is not just an instance, it's a phenomenon that goes deep into the mindset of Indian society. Justice is awaited. #HashimpuraMassacre
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"I wish the dead could have eyes for once, they could look into the Indian State with tears and anger and say that irrespective of any political party at the government, you have been inherently anti-muslim"
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indizombie · 2 years
Adani Group has grown remarkably during Modi’s time in power. Adani himself has been a cheerleader for the politician since 2002, when deadly riots undermined business confidence in the state of Gujarat—where Modi served as chief minister between 2001 and 2014. The state is known for its enterprise, but in the wake of communal violence, investors began to turn away. Adani came to Modi’s rescue, bringing Gujarati business leaders together to invest in the state’s resilience. Modi doesn’t forget those who criticize him, but he also remembers those who stand by him. While Modi was chief minister, Adani invested in several plum projects in the state, including India’s largest private port in Mundra, Gujarat. By early 2019, Adani controlled one-quarter of India’s port capacity and had won the rights to manage six government-owned airports; he later added a 74 percent share in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, India’s second-busiest.
Salil Tripathi, ‘Gautam Adani and the New Indian Capitalism’, Foreign Policy
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