#Gun nuts
odinsblog · 1 year
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America doesn’t simply have a gun problem, it has a problem with gun owners who are just itching for the opportunity to murder. For non-life threatening “crimes” like knocking on doors, accidentally opening the wrong car door, entering the wrong driveway by mistake, and apparently even fishing.
These alleged adults, who are afraid of their own shadow, are desperate to live out their Wild West fantasies. Anything that frightens them, startles them or makes them feel uncomfortable is fair game, as long as they get to tell their stories about how they “bravely” “defended” themselves from an unarmed person in a a non-dangerous situation.
We need to overturn all Stand Your Ground laws and take the Castle doctrine back indoors where it belongs.
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There needs to be a national level discussion about eviction and not one with millionaire politicians putting their two cents in. I’m not justifying some gun nut shooting it out with law enforcement by any means but if this were handled differently lives could have been saved. Forcibly making someone homeless is one of the top ten most traumatic things that can happen and people are going to resist it. If it was indeed just unpaid taxes then other less severe measures could have been taken. Community leaders, social workers, and activists could step in and help plan a course of action. Sending armed officers in to every conceivable social situation needs to stop. The guy probably owed thousands while billionaires who owe hundreds of millions never have law enforcement sent after them.
Further, the push by Republicans to evict everyone immediately needs to stop as does their relentless drive to criminalize the unhoused. Nobody wants to be homeless. Decades of tough guy bully talk from right wing Fox News, conservative talk radio, Neo-confederate racist Republican politicians, and oligarch controlled social media has turned this nation into a cruel heartless place with no compassion for the vulnerable.
Red state legislatures are turning their privatized penal systems into debtors prisons. Being poor shouldn’t be a crime, nor should homelessness. We need solutions to lift everyone up not trickle down schemes to keep transferring wealth to the billionaire class.
Finally you can no longer be a Christian and a conservative. The term “Christian conservative” has become a contradiction in terms. Conservatism once meant low taxes, military preparedness, and a robust foreign policy that protected our allies and our trade. Now it has degenerated into being hateful animals consumed with rage, petty jealousy, contempt for the vulnerable, and hatred to everyone not in the MAGA camp. It is an abomination. A vengeful mob of ignorant degenerates led by media savvy Neo-Nazi oligarchs and power hungry Republican demagogues. Demagogues who preach literal Nazism, often openly quoting Hitler himself, to a mob that thinks wrong is right, hate is right, and corruption is good.
We have become the French Revolution in reverse. The angry mob is propping up the oligarchy that oppresses them while tearing down American democracy which seeks to level the playing field and treat everyone with equality, decency, and respect.
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rejectingrepublicans · 6 months
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White trash hoe down!
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queerism1969 · 1 year
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children in the USA.
Every developed nation has people with mental illness, video games, disgruntled ex-employees, alienated people, homicidal and suicidal persons, etc. Why does the U.S. have the problem it
It's the same things it always has - the number of firearms, access to them, fetishism surrounding the 2nd Amendment, and the immense political power of the firearms industry.
Not a single politician has the courage to step up.
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thingstrumperssay · 11 months
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QAnons are so fucking insane. Don't be surprised if you hear "QAnon man killed person because their child was throwing a tantrum in Walmart" in the future.
I mean, some of them already killed their own family. What's stopping them from killing others?
Sources for that claim: Igor Lanis and Matthew Taylor Coleman
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nerdykeith · 1 year
Dear gun nuts of Tumblr, I support smart gun control. Sorry not sorry. Deal with it bitches!
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My reasons to live:
When I’m eighteen, I can buy a gun and shoot shit✨
That’s abt it lmao
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lenbryant · 1 year
Trigger warning for this one. Another senseless gun slaughter in America. That just means it’s a day that ends in Y.
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onenakedfarmer · 11 months
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"The biggest danger of taking your child to a drag show is that a christian could show up with a gun."
Truer words have never been  spoken.
[Photographer unknown to me.]
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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Tennessee’s descent into far right extremism probably began gradually a while ago but didn’t get much notice until the late 2010s.
And it wasn’t until 2023 that things became so hideous that the state began to attract worldwide attention.
Any sane person or business thinking of relocating there is probably having second thoughts.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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No Action, No Peace
Republican lawmakers in Tennessee have been accused of overt racism after expelling two Black Democrats from the state legislature in an act of unprecedented retaliation, for their role in a peaceful protest calling for gun control in the aftermath of a massacre at a school in Nashville.
The Republican-controlled legislature voted on Thursday to spare a white Democratic lawmaker who participated in the same protest.
Justin Jones, representative for Nashville, and Justin Pearson, who represented Memphis, gave rousing speeches in the chamber before the majority-white legislature voted to oust them, leaving tens of thousands of mostly Black and brown Tennessee residents without representation.
Justin Jones, 27, said he had “no regrets” and would “continue to speak up for Tennesseans who are demanding change”, in an interview with CNN on Friday,
“What happened yesterday was an attack on our democracy and overt racism. The nation got to see clearly what’s going on in Tennessee, that we don’t have democracy especially when it comes to Black and brown communities. This is what we have been challenging all session, a very toxic, racist work environment.”
Jones said Republican lawmakers were trying to take Tennessee backwards, and pointed to the state’s history of white supremacy, the birthplace of the ultra-violent Ku Klux Klan.
After the vote to expel them, Jones and Pearson, the two youngest Tennessee lawmakers and former community organisers, were greeted with rapturous chants and songs of resistance by a huge crowd outside the state capitol building. During the vote, the visitors’ gallery exploded in angry shouts of “Shame!” and “Fascists!”
Pearson, 27, told reporters that in carrying out the protest, the three had broken “a house rule, because we’re fighting for kids who are dying from gun violence and people in our communities who want to see an end to the proliferation of weaponry in our communities”.
He later tweeted: “We will not stop. We will not give up. We will continue working to build a nation that includes, not excludes, or unjustly expels. People power will always prevail!”
Gloria Johnson, the white Democrat spared expulsion by a one-vote margin, was asked by reporters about the split vote as she left the chamber on Thursday.
“I’ll answer your question; it might have to do with the color of our skin,” said Johnson, a retired teacher.
(continue reading)
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The well regulated militia…
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randyite · 8 months
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andythecorsair · 1 year
Tumblr made me think about US-Americans and guns. I haven't done that since twitter ceased to be culturally relevant. Bad tumblr, no!
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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thingstrumperssay · 1 year
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Some fucking psychopath saw the story about a six year old shooting his teacher and was trying to “inform me” that children in New Mexico are being “trained” to carry out school shootings in America, based on how many minority students of that district are there.`
Because of course gun nuts are going to go straight to racism every chance they get.
And course they’re going to ignore the fact that most mass shooters in America are white and have been born in America. (Y’know, because that’s how statistics works.) The one time the child could be Hispanic they’re going to jump on it.
People were calling for a total ban of immigrants crossing the border (specifically the brown ones) as soon as they found out that the Uvalde shooter from North Dakota has a Hispanic-sounding last name.
All gun nuts really are are bigots who hopes to have the opportunity to kill people and call it “self defense.”
Edit: I guess I misread what they were saying. I was thinking that they were saying a new Mexico compound, like it’s been recently made. Not that people are training children to commit school shootings in New Mexico, the state.
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