#H50 episode 9.13
h50europe · 5 years
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McDanno (Gracie’s dads) - it is pure joy on Gracie’s face when she watches her dads arguing. Cuteness overload…
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five-wow · 5 years
i just watched that new preview clip with the pancakes for the first time and it’s given me many feelings so here is a post about my favorite parts (spoiler: everything. my favorite part was everything)
danny opens te door and steve is just posing there like some GQ model. we’re starting out strong in the extraness department
steve doesn’t care about greetings. he doesn’t even pretend to smile. “where’s my girl?” is a very serious question
STEVE’S GOOFY LITTLE DANCE when he moves to the table!!! steve is a GOOF
a steve and grace hug!!!! these last few episodes have been absolute gifts in the hugging department and i love it
steve’s “oh hi hi hi” when he hugs grace, because it’s just? so relieved? he says it on a breath out?
danny SLAPS steve’s hand away from the pancakes and steve is so offended. poor steve. he just wants some of your pancakes, danny
“you don’t need pancakes, she needs pancakes”
grace appreciates steve’s pancake desires a lot more than danny and tries to let him have them, and steve throws his hands up and goes “eeehhh” in celebration and he’s still SUCH A GOOF
AND THEN danny orders steve to put the plate back in front of his daughter. steve: [obeys with a deep sigh and half of an eyeroll]
grace makes up blatant lies about feeling cold to get danny out of the room to fetch her sweatshirt and THE MOMENT grace says this, danny’s eyes flick to steve first. MEANINGFUL DAD TO DAD LOOK
danny calls steve an animal for the second time in under a minute. a classic
grace and steve’s entire conversation is gold!!! danny is helicopter dad #1 and both grace and steve clearly love him so much but they also obviously agree he’s a little overzealous in his helicoptering and what does grace do when it’s too much? SHE GOES TO STEVE
“so much soup!” “soup??? he’s doing soup?” (i can’t do their faces while they say this justice in words, but it’s amazing)
steve tries to explain to grace why danny is being like this and steve is NAILING it here because he’s being a good dad and a good partner at the same time and honestly, marry that man, danny
other people have said this but: they conspire. grace and steve conspire and it is a thing of fluffy domestic beauty
steve, whispering: “give me one of those pancakes.”
danny comes back with the sweatshirt and offers to butter grace’s pancakes and, again, helicopter dad #1, but it’s also very sweet
“you never butter my pancakes.” oh, steve, darling. how are you turning those innocent pancakes into even more of a really terrible euphimism than they already were
“i need you, buddy.” steve has now fully abandoned all attempts at any kind of subtlety. nice.
steve pretends to be worried about taking danny away from grace for this homicide and grace pretends to be disappointed that danny so urgently needs to leave and danny kind of looks like he knows they’re conspiring, but he still goes along with it
grace’s silent “thank you” at steve! steve’s wink at grace! so much conspiring going on here that i’m surprised jerry didn’t spontaneously appear because his conspiracy senses were tingling
only downside: steve did not get one of those pancakes. hashtag get steve a dannypancake 2k19.
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flowerfan2 · 5 years
Bound To Be Together - Chapter 13 (9.13)
McDanno, M, A03 A continuous story of Season 9 codas exploring the bond between Steve and Danny as they grow even closer.
Chapter 13 (9.13)
Steve’s still feeling a little shocky when he thinks about his team’s latest close call, even though Tani and Junior assure him that the only lasting effect from their sixteen hours in the hyperbaric chamber was an intense case of boredom.  Adam takes the day off, but the kids do seem fine, so much so that by the end of the day they’re demanding that everyone go out for drinks to celebrate a job well done.
Steve, however, is exhausted, and he still has a ton of paperwork to do.  He tells the team he’ll meet up with them in a little while, and gives himself a ten minute break to put his head down on his desk before he gets back to work.  It’s not something he’s accustomed to doing, but there’s no question that his crazy free dive yesterday has taken it out of him.
And if he’s honest with himself, he’s also avoiding Danny.  Danny’s given him time to figure his shit out, but in typical McGarrett fashion when it comes to relationships, he’s still procrastinating.  Although he thinks he made a little progress yesterday, finally asking Danny what was up with him and Rachel.  If only they had had a slightly longer walk before they found the body, he might have gotten more information.  But he’s pretty sure Danny told him there’s nothing going on.
Then Steve had to go and pull another of what Danny will likely call one of his stunts.  Danny had hardly protested; Steve can’t decide if Danny refrained because he’s just gotten tired of arguing with him, or if he realized that if Steve did nothing three of their closest friends (and all the scientists trapped on the underwater lab) would be dead.  The look on Danny’s face when he pulled Steve back up out of the water, the way Danny looked at him when Steve sat gasping for air… it was hard to decipher.  
Danny wasn’t angry at Steve, not like he was when Steve jumped into the stupid sand processing machine to catch a perp.  But he was holding something back.  Danny’s trying to give Steve his space, Steve thinks, and it turns out Steve doesn’t much like it.
 What he wants is his old Danny back, the one that says whatever’s on his mind, that will rant and wave his hands around, that isn’t afraid to raise his voice and argue with Steve. But Steve’s gone and made everything between them awkward, and Steve’s too much of a chicken to fix it.
 Even their time with Grace is weird these days.  Danny’s overprotective of her, with good reason, but while he’s happy to let Steve see her as well, he didn’t exactly invite him over for breakfast.  Danny wouldn’t even make Steve any pancakes.  He didn’t even laugh when Steve joked about it.
 Steve finally forces himself to pick his head up off his desk and stop sulking.  He’s got to actually do the paperwork he talked about, or when Monday comes everyone will know he was making excuses.
 An hour or so has gone by when his phone rings.  The governor wants a full down-run of the Nostromo situation, and then somehow the conversation turns to the governor’s friend’s nephew who wants to go to West Point and is looking for some advice on the application process and how to get a congressional nomination.  Steve doesn’t have a lot of recent information on the subject, but he’s got some friends that might be able to help, and he goes down a bit of a rabbit hole online to find the governor some information that might be useful.  
 It’s a good way to procrastinate some more.  With any luck, the team will finish up soon and he’ll be off the hook, free to go home and fall into bed without anyone having to witness how freaking tired he is.
 When he gets off with the governor, he turns back to his case report, and he’s just finessing the language about Junior’s clever use of the rescue beacon (which probably saved his life) when his phone rings again.
 “You’re not so old that you completely ignore all texts, are you?  Because I refuse to believe it, but I can be convinced.”  It’s Tani, sounding peeved.  There’s music in the background, and he can hear Junior enthusiastically butchering the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody.
 “Officer Rey, how can I help you?”  Steve says.
 “We’re still at Rumfire, bossman, waiting for you.”
 Steve glances at this watch. It’s after ten.  Oops.  “Um, Tani, I’m not sure-”
 “Don’t say it.  Do not say it.  Just get your ass over here.”
 “Really, I’m pretty tired-”
 There’s a deep sigh over the phone.  “You really haven’t read any of my texts tonight, have you?”
 He hasn’t.  And he has the feeling it’s too late.  “I’ve been on the phone with the governor.”  This is at least true, although definitely not the only reason he’s still at headquarters.
 “I’m sure that’s terribly important.  But your BFF is important too, right?”
 Steve’s stomach lurches. “What’s wrong with Danny?”
 Tani snorts.  “At least that got your attention.  He’s five sheets to the wind, as they probably say in the Navy, or at least they did back in the olden days.  And he won’t leave until you get here.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “He keeps saying he’s waiting for you.  ‘I’m waiting for that dumbass,’ are actually the words Danny used.  Multiple times.  Emphasis on ‘dumbass.’”
 Shit.  “But he’s okay?”
 Tani sighs, and mutters something that sounds very much like “you’re both dumbasses,” but Steve doesn’t call her on it.
 “Yes, Danny’s fine. But he’s totally wasted, and I think you should come get him.”
 Steve gets to the bar as quickly as he can, and tries to not wonder too much about what Danny really means when he says he’s “waiting” for Steve.  He’s pretty sure it’s not just Danny wanting Steve to come have mai tai’s (although they do make killer mai tai’s at Rumfire).
 The traffic is ridiculous in Waikiki, and the crowds of people along Kalakaua Avenue do nothing for Steve’s nerves.  He finally makes it through the Sheraton and into the bar.
 The place is packed, as it usually is on a Friday night, and it takes him a while to push through the sweaty crowds to find his team.  Junior and Lou are sitting at a table, the remains of what look like several orders of kalua pork nachos and shrimp bao in front of them.  Steve nods hello and grabs a handful of chip crumbs.  He scans the room quickly.  “Where’s everyone else?”
 Junior points towards the DJ, and Steve squints his eyes.  He really doesn’t want to get even closer to the pounding music, but it seems like he doesn’t have much choice.
 “Danny’s been asking about you,” Lou says, his face neutral, and Steve wants to kick himself.  Did he really think he could ignore Danny and his team wouldn’t notice?
 “I know,” Steve says. “I’ll go find him.”
 “Don’t forget to put on your dancing shoes,” Lou says, smirking, and Steve just sighs.
 When he finds Tani and Danny in the crowd, he can’t help but smile.  They’re dancing to that dumb song every beach-side resort in Oahu loves to play, Danny twirling Tani around and then jumping up and down as they cheer “cake by the ocean!”
 Danny spots Steve and his eyes light up.  He dances over, arms waving over his head like he’s at a middle school party.  He sings in Steve’s face, “You’re a real life fantasy, a real life fantasy!”
 “Hey, Danno,” Steve says. Danny’s dress shirt is rumpled, and his eyes are wide and bright.
 “Dance with me, Steve,” Danny says, shimmying up close and then grabbing Tani by the arm to bring her into the circle.  “Dance with us.”
 He can hardly say no, even though he can’t rival Danny and Tani’s excitement.  Steve grins at the two of them, and does his best to play along, letting the music take over and move his body.  
 Steve’s not sure how Danny knows all the words to the song.  He blames Grace.  But it’s surely not Grace’s fault that Danny keeps throwing flirty looks at Steve while he twists and turns, all head tilts and shoulder rolls.  “Let’s lose our minds and go fucking crazy, ah ya ya ya, I keep on hoping we’ll eat cake by the ocean.”
 Finally the song ends, and Steve swings an arm over Danny’s shoulders.  He’s sweaty and warm, and his thin shirt is damp.  Steve would really like to just hug him tight and breathe him in, but he can’t.  Not here, not now.
 “Time to go, partner,” Steve says, guiding Danny back towards their table.  Thankfully Lou and Junior are getting up, and Tani’s putting on her jacket, clearly indicating that the party is over.
 “I waited for you,” Danny says plaintively, and Steve allows himself a little half-hug with the arm he’s still got wrapped around Danny.  
 “I know, buddy.  I’ll drive you home.”
 Danny seems pleased with this, and practically giggles as Steve shuffles him out of the bar.  He’s really drunk, drunker than Steve has seen him in a long time, and is leaning heavily on Steve.
 Steve exchanges a look with Junior that he hopes communicates something along the lines of “how did you let this happen,” but Junior doesn’t seem to quite get it. Getting wasted in a very public, very tourist friendly bar isn’t really the right image for Five-0, and somebody should have done something about it… Steve pushes away the thought that the somebody in question was supposed to be him, and concentrates on making sure Danny doesn’t mow over any pedestrians as they make their way down the street.
 Steve is hoping Danny will sober up a little by the time they get back to his house, but he still seems pretty out of it as they go inside.  
 “You should go to sleep, Danny,” Steve says, as Danny pauses in the foyer.  “I’ll get you some water.  Sleep it off, you’ll feel better in the morning.”
 Danny gives Steve a challenging look and shakes his head.  “I’m not tired.  Let’s watch a movie.”
 “I don’t feel like a movie, and it’s late.”
 Danny pulls away from Steve and flops down on the couch, patting the spot next to him.  “I’m not asking you to hike the Himalayas, Steve. Just watch a movie with me.”  It’s the least you can do, Danny seems to be saying, after blowing me off tonight.  
 “Fine.”  Steve gets them each a glass of water first, and then joins Danny on the couch.  Danny’s got the remote in his hands, but he hasn’t even turned on the television.
 Steve’s about to take the remote and try to move things along, maybe rewatch a nice familiar Marvel movie,  when suddenly he’s got a lap full of drunk Danny.
 “I’m tired of waiting, Steve,” Danny says.  He’s straddling Steve, pushing him back against the couch.  His hand rove over Steve’s chest and shoulders, making his skin tingle.  “I’m tired of playing ball.”
 Danny leans in and kisses Steve, hard and desperate.  Steve can taste the liquor on his breath, and he moans as Danny thrusts firmly against his groin.
 “Danny,” Steve says, his mind spinning.  “Danny, no…”
 Danny sits up, still pressing down on Steve’s rapidly growing erection.  “No, what, exactly?”  Suddenly Danny doesn’t seem quite as drunk.  “No to us?  I asked you to think about it, Steve, I didn’t think you’d need to take a sabbatical to figure it out.”
 “No to…” Steve struggles to find a way to do this without pissing Danny off permanently.  “You’re drunk.”
 “And you know how I feel -  I’m not the one with a consent issue,” Danny replies bitingly.  “You’re sober as fuck.  So what’s it gonna be?”  
 “Danny…”  Steve wants to tell Danny how he feels, he really does, but the words just won’t come.
 Danny sighs, the fight going out of him.  “Give me something to work with here, Steve.  I miss you.  And I was so goddamned scared yesterday.  What you did… not many people can do that.  You’re not a kid, you don’t train for that now.  There was a good possibility you weren’t going to make it up, not alive. I couldn’t stop you, but, dammit, I was so scared.  When you finally broke the surface,” Danny swallows hard, and meets Steve’s eyes.  “I love you.  I don’t want to wait any longer to do something about it.”
 Danny’s voice cracks, and Steve can’t take it anymore. He lunges up and catches Danny’s mouth in a kiss, hands clutching at his shoulders.  Danny gets a hand in Steve’s hair and tugs, and then they’re frantically shedding their clothes and scrambling for a more comfortable position on the couch.
 “I wanna blow you,” Danny says, scooting down and nipping at Steve’s hip.  “Let me blow you.”
 Steve mumbles out his assent and then Danny’s mouth is on him, hot and wet and if he was a little younger, he’d be coming already.  But Danny slows down and takes his time, sucking the tip and then sinking down, doing something amazing with his tongue and then rising up and doing it over and over again.  
 “Fuck, Danny,” Steve groans, as the pressure intensifies.  “Danny, I’m…”
 Danny just looks up at him, eyes wide and mouth stretched, and Steve finally comes in a burst of pleasure that nearly whites him out.  When he recovers, he flips them over, nearly knocking them both to the floor, and gets his hand around Danny’s throbbing cock.  With his other hand he works over Danny’s nipples, kissing up and down his neck and collarbone.  
 Danny is letting loose a stream of profanities, his hands squeezing Steve’s ass as he writhes underneath him, hips thrusting and stuttering as he gets close.  When he finally comes with a low moan, he goes almost limp, except for one arm still wrapped tightly around Steve’s shoulders.
 Steve finally extracts himself and goes to the bathroom, returning with a wet towel to clean them up. But Danny is fast asleep, and no amount of cajoling will get him to move off the couch.  Steve covers him with a blanket and plants himself in the armchair for the night, not wanting to leave Danny alone.  
 He realizes, as he sits and waits for exhaustion to overtake him, that he’s still not really sure what’s up with Danny and Rachel.  Steve’s pretty sure that in this case, actions speak louder than words.  He just hopes he hasn’t made a mistake.
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itsalycenotalice · 5 years
Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 9.13 - Ke Iho Mai Nei Ko Luna - Press Release
ADAM, JUNIOR AND TANI TRAVEL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN WHEN A MURDER TAKES PLACE IN A REMOTE UNDERWATER LAB, AND THE KILLER MAY STILL BE ON BOARD, ON “HAWAII FIVE-0,” FRIDAY, JAN. 18 “Ke iho mai nei ko luna” – Adam, Junior and Tani travel to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean when a murder takes place in a remote underwater lab, and the killer may still be on board, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Friday, Jan. 18 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (“Ke iho mai nei ko luna” is Hawaiian for “Those Above Are Descending”) CHEAT TWEET: #H50 fans, how long can you hold your breath? Adam, Tani and Junior must find a killer at the bottom of the Pacific. @IanAnthonyDale @BeulahKoale @MeaghanRath @HawaiiFive0CBS 1/18 9pm http://bit.ly/2FsFxQZ REGULAR CAST: Alex O’Loughlin (Steve McGarrett) Scott Caan (Danny “Danno” Williams) Chi McBride (Lou Grover) Ian Anthony Dale(Adam Noshimuri) Jorge Garcia (Jerry Ortega) Meaghan Rath (Tani Rey) Beulah Koale (Junior Reigns) Taylor Wily (Kamekona) Dennis Chun (Sgt. Duke Lukela) Kimee Balmilero (Noelani Cunha) RECURRING CAST: Teilor Grubbs (Grace Williams) Eric Scanlan (Natano Reigns) GUEST CAST: Reed Diamond (Claude Nostromo) Katie O’Donovan (Nina Kane) Jeff Galfer (Jim Walker) Angela Lin (Linda Brady) Moronai Kanekoa (Marcus Nash) Haley Webb (Lisa Kamaka) Ken DuBois (Jason Kamaka) STORY BY: Johnny Richardson TELEPLAY BY: Rob Hanning & Sean O’Reilly DIRECTED BY: Karen Gaviola SOURCE:CBS
MY SOURCE: https://www.spoilertv.com/2019/01/hawaii-five-0-episode-913-ke-iho-mai.html
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h50europe · 5 years
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McDanno - Not on the show but on my mind...
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h50europe · 5 years
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Uncle Steve & Gracie - cuteness overload. Who wants a hug from Uncle Steve? 
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h50europe · 5 years
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McDanno/Gracie’s dads - Steve’s face speaks volumes! LOL
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h50europe · 5 years
Hawaii Five-0 9x13 Sneak Peek 2 "Ke Iho Mai Nei Ko Luna"
Gracie & her dads, or when Uncle Steve comes to Gracie’s rescue, 
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h50europe · 5 years
McDanno - words Danny didn’t say on the show but I heard them...
we see scenes and our mind is hearing things that were never said on the show, you don’t believe it? Just listen (before Danny comes up with the “take-out” remark)
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h50europe · 5 years
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Steve McGarrett
Unzipping a wet suit just got sexy!  Or aren’t you watching only for the plot?
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h50europe · 5 years
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Gracie is trying hard to keep a straight face in this lovely father/daughter scene.
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h50europe · 5 years
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#McDanno - Monday mornings suck…
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h50europe · 6 years
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#REPOST  @hawaiifive0cbs Have you ever seen anything cuter than McGarrett and this horse? 
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h50europe · 6 years
Hawaii Five-0 Episode 9.10 Terry O’Quinn Returns as Joe White via TVLine (additional Sneak Peek)
Joe White has an urgent message for McGarrett in this exclusive sneak peek from Hawaii Five-0‘s fall finale  — but will it get to his pal in time?
In the episode “When the Light Goes Out, the House Is Dark” (Friday at 9/8c, CBS), fan favorite Terry O’Quinn reprises his guest-starring role as Joe White, who in the clip above is trying desperately to get in touch with Steve (played by Alex O’Loughlin). McGarrett, though, is soon enough tied up cooking up a smackdown for an uninvited guest in his home’s kitchen.
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h50europe · 6 years
McDanno - Gracie, her dads, and the-buttering-my-pancakes-case via @PLenkov IG stories - snippets from the editing table feat. H50 episode 9.13
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h50europe · 5 years
HAWAII FIVE-0 Episode 9.13 promo
“Ke iho mai nei ko luna” – Adam, Junior and Tani travel to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean when a murder takes place in a remote underwater lab, and the killer may still be on board, on HAWAII FIVE-0, Friday, Jan. 18 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
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