aevumrp · 2 years
hello can i get some fcs for my girl mary macdonald please 💖 thank you
of course! here are some mary fcs! these are just some that come to my mind: sofia carson, julia montes, danielle campbell, alisha boe, maia mitchell, haliee steinfeld, natalia dyer, lana condor, diana silvers, margaret qualley, melis sezen, maude apatow, charithra chandran, Özge Yagiz, helena howard, taylor russel
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scmg11 · 2 years
hiii! Hope ur exams are going well! When you get the time, could u plz write a Hailee Steinfeld X Fem!Reader smut fic. R is an actress like Hailee and they play mentor/mentee roles on set, (Haliee being thementor & R being thementee) but irl they r friends (secretly crushing on each other). After a scene where Hailee has to fight R, (R's character is reckless getting her in trouble). Anyway the 2 end up confessing with some smut @ the end, H calls R 'little one' just like her character does) ty
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A/N: LOOK WHO'S BACK?! HELLO PEOLE!! I am truly sorry for being M.I.A. for so long but I had been so busy I was too exhausted to write more than a few phrases at night lol.
But here I am with another Tumblr request. I honestly LOVED writing this chapter and I hope you guys will like it too!
As always, thank you so so so so so much for reading, liking and commenting my stories, it makes me so happy!
Sending love ❤️
Summary: Hailee and Y/N are in the middle of shooting a brand new season for Hawkeye. They are best friend that are secretly in love with the other. After a particularly hectic day on set, they confess their feelings and act on their desires.
Warnings: smut.
Word counting: 8385 words.
"Okay, Megs now remember what I taught you. Try to stay focused on the target, this is just a reckon mission. We hide and take as much intel as we can. Nothing too much dang- Megs?! Megs?" Hailee hastily turned her head around to locate the girl her character thought was dutifully listening to her tips for a stakeout, but she was nowhere to be found, already knowing where she was by their script. "Megan! What are you doing?" Hailee yelled as planned when she let her eyes fall on the girl crossing the street and strolling towards the warehouse their characters had to observe in this scene. Even if they were 2 feet apart, the editing of this scene will make it look like Kate was standing from a building not too far from the warehouse that she carefully choose, like her mentor Clint taught her to, to have the best view to watch whatever sketchy things were doing the drug dealers they were keeping an eye on. She let a grimace on her face to make it look like Kate just realized her mistake and almost blew their safe cover in order to screech at Megan across the street when she could’ve used the intercoms they had on. "What are you doing?" She repeated in a quieter, hushed tone as she ducked down acting like Kate was shielding herself from anyone who might’ve heard her.
"I’m taking matters into my own hands. I’m just going to take a closer look around and get the informations we need."
"Are you insane?! They could shoot you as soon as you step into that warehouse!" Hailee countered back in an hushed tone, following the script to desperately try to convince the annoying girl to backtrack and come back to her.
"Relax granny. Jeez, since you became my mentor you completely lost your coolness." Y/N quipped with a smug smirk as she walked closer to the warehouse backdoor.
"What?! That’s not true!"
"You’re starting to sound a lot like Clint. Uh, growing older is the real deal." Y/N kept on acting, her character continuing to mock Kate as she now stood in front of the warehouse rusted door blocked by a bolt she already started to pick to open it. The camera pan in on her hands to show the lockpicking tools in her palm to point out she pulled them out of the black haired girl’s suit when she was distracted and then on her face where she put on a smug smirk.
Hailee huffed out in frustration to show her character realized Y/N’s one wasn’t going to give up in entering the building, then grabbed the bow and sprinted down the stairs to catch up on the girl, the camera following her down in front of her. As she descended the stairs she murmured grumpily, "I’m not turning into Clint." Then she raised her voice to be heard by the supposed girl across the street. "I’m not a granny and I’m not loosing my coolness, missy. We will have a chat after this. Oh no, now I definitely sound like Clint. Damn it!" Hailee stretched a flabbergasted expression on her face as she lashed out in frustration to sound like Kate realized what she said while opened the building door and run towards the girl kneeling on the floor to pick at the lock.
"AND CUT! Hailee, Y/N that was great. Go get ready with make up. It’s already pretty late, so we’re just gonna shoot the scene of the girls fighting about Y/N’s reckless decision. And we’re done for the day." The director instructed shortly at the two, both nodding and making their way to the makeup trailer.
"I can’t wait to go to bed, ugh- I’m exhausted." Y/N groaned out in pain as she massaged her neck to release some of its tension. Hailee gulped imperceptibly at the sound, clearly throwing away the feeling it aroused and tried to act normal by letting a groan of agreement herself.
"Me too. It’s already midnight. We will probably finish shooting around 2 a.m., if we’re lucky. I’m just glad tomorrow is my day off. I need sleep."
"I have the day off too tomorrow and I plan to just do that, sleep my tiredness away." Y/N rubbed her cold hands together to try to warm them up just a bit, but the cold winter of New York was proving that task to be completely useless. She gave up after a few seconds and opted to warm herself up in a more successful way, slotting her arm between Hailee’s side and her own and hugging the singer enough to warm themselves up a tad without making them stumble in their walk. It seemed it helped a lot because as soon as their bodies were in a close proximity their bodies temperature immediately rose up, enough to let a blush burn their cold cheeks. Having a crush on your co-star and being best friends with that said co-stair, both expressing affection through physical contact, which means cuddling, hugging, holding hands every time they have the chance to, tends to make your body temperature be extremely high and to your cheeks and neck to be more often than not tinted with a crimson color. They reached the makeup trailer and walked inside, both sighing at the warmth that immediately engulfed them and warmed them up from the cold outside.
"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Hailee asked excitedly as she took a seat on her chair closer to the door while Y/N sat on the chair beside hers on her left, their makeup artists immediately starting their works - both wanting to speed up the process to call it quits and go take some well needed rest, it was very late after all - to make their faces look up like they just had a big, badass fight with drug dealers.
"That alligators have a permanent erection? Or that kangaroos have three vaginas?" Y/N asked Hailee in confusion, mischievous swimming in her eyes as she took the brunette’s, now wearing Kate’s black hair, open-mouthed, shocked expression on her face while their makeup artists snorted at her funny questions.
"That’s not… exactly what I was thinking." Hailee drawled her words in confusion, looking at the wall behind Y/N completely lost before meeting the girl’s Y/E/C hues and asking bemused, "why the fuck are you thinking about that?"
"I wasn’t, it’s just funny teasing you." Y/N snickered loudly when Hailee graciously slapped her knee, trying to be careful and to not move too much to let her makeup artist keep doing her work. "Anyway, what were you thinking?"
"Sleepover? Mine or yours?" Hailee eagerly asked, her big grin so shiny it could oveeshadow the bright lights surrounding the big mirrors in front of them.
"Well last time we slept at your trailer, so I guess we can stay at mine tonight." Y/N pondered out loud while watching the girl sitting beside her through the mirror in front of her and smiled back when Hailee flashed her an excited grin followed by a gentle squeal of approval.
It was well known the girls’ habit of having sleepovers almost every night to spend as much time as they could on set. They had met five years ago at the Vanity Fair Oscars after party and they had been best friends since then, so imagine their reaction when one day Y/N, hanging out at Hailee’s house at the time, received the call she landed the role of Megan, Kate’s protégé, for the brand new season of Hawkeye. They both screamed in excitement for 10 minutes straight, almost losing their voices in the process. The fact that they both developed a tiny, insignificant crush on each other was just a plus, however they both were slowly losing their minds due to the fact they were always reaching for the other out to seek some physical contact and it drove them crazy for always wanting to take that small step to change their friendship for good but always chickening out the second after, afraid the other wouldn’t reciprocate the feeling.
After they were done with makeup, both admiring the great job the two makeup artists did, they were ushered back on set. The cameras and the crew moved in the building where Kate’s apartment was assembled to shoot the scene of the fight Kate and Megan have after escaping from the drug dealer’s hideout where they fought against 40 people at least.
"Okay girls, whenever you’re ready. Remember this is a really heavy scene, Kate’s and Megan’s raw emotions come out causing them they argue before making up." Their director instructed before going behind the camera and signaled at them to get into position.
"Ready?" The two girls spoke up at the same time after opening their eyes and taking a big, grounding, deep breath to get into character.
"And… ACTION!"
"Kate I still don’t get why you are making this a big deal." Y/N opened the door and walked into what the set had been assembled to be Kate’s apartment, turning around as she leaned her butt on the kitchen counter, "I got everything we needed on the thumb drive. I had everything under control." She turned around to open a cabinet and retrieved a glass to fill it with water and taking a sip. She set the glass down with a roll of her eyes following the script when Hailee’s character countered back.
"Oh yeah, you were clearly fine with 43 thugs ready to kill you. You were supposed to stay by my side and let me explain what to do." Hailee crossed her arms angrily and stared at her friend with anger burning in her blue eyes thanks to the contacts her makeup artist put on.
"I could have handled them."
"No! You could’ve not! You started your training only 6 months ago."
"Pft, I’m a pro. I can-"
"You’re not listening to me! The most important part of our mentor/mentee relationship is listening and communicating and you didn’t follow through neither of them." Hailee punctuated her listing by counting it on her fingers, her character trying to make Y/N’s one to understand the great risk she took by acting so reckless.
"Your plan wasn’t great-"
Hailee rolled her eyes according to the script and wrinkling her face to make it look like Kate was loosing it, Y/N’s character’s stubbornness was really testing Kate limits, then she walked quickly towards the girl and stood in front of her, now both were face to face staring in anger at each other. "MY PLAN WAS GREAT! YOU RUINED IT!" Hailee stressed the word ‘you’ out by pressing her finger harshly on Y/N’s chest, "you acted like a child. Your recklessness was dangerous, it could have put you in trouble."
"I had everything under-"
"No! Don’t say that. After I knocked two men down, I turned around and saw one of them pointing a gun at your back while you were beating another one up. If I wasn’t there-" Hailee stopped abruptly when her voice cracked, closing her eyes to stop her tears from spilling out of them and taking a deep breath to calm her nerves before taking a step back, but a hand on her bicep stopped her. She was really shocked how easily it came acting with Y/N, but this scene so full of anger was really testing herself. She never fought with Y/N and the words Kate says to Y/N felt so real to Hailee. Y/N was her world, she wanted to protect her at all costs and she couldn’t imagine a world without her.
"Kate look at me." When Hailee acted like Kate didn’t listen to Megan’s request, the girl tightened her grasp while taking a step closer, "Kate please, look at me." Hailee merely shook her head with her lip slightly quivering and her expression full of pure sorrow. "I’m here Kate. I’m okay. Thanks to you. Listen-" Y/N sighed out loudly, collecting her thought to explain to Hailee’s character what pushed her to act so recklessly, "I just wanted to look cool, okay? I-" Y/N hesitated as scripted, giving Hailee her cue to open her eyes to meet hers, "for all my life I’ve been judged. My parents abandoned me when I was born. I never stayed more than an year in a foster family. I was always the weird kid, the lonely one, the one everyone avoided. And when my powers showed up when I was 15?" Y/N used the ability she perfected over the years to let a few tears roll down her cheeks, even tho Megan’s story was so painful she felt sorry for her, so crying on cue was easier, "it was hard. But then you saved me in Portland and took me under your wing. I never felt special. I’ve always been nothing, a freak. But you made me feel special. You trained me, you helped me control my powers, you gave me a purpose. And I wanted to look cool in front of your eyes, okay? That’s why I acted that way." Even if Megan’s story was far from Y/N’s one, there was something they had in common. They always felt like they weren’t enough. Before becoming famous, Y/N had to endure a lot of doors in her face, then she got a part on a small Netflix tv show and she only grew from there. But she was always putting herself down, not really feeling like she was good enough. Then she met Hailee. She was nothing but sweet and gentle the first night they met and when they grew closer and closer, for the first time Y/N felt like she was more than enough each time Hailee regarded her with a look of pride whenever she did anything at all. And falling for her was even easier. She just wished Hailee felt the same.
Hailee wiped away the tears she let roll down her cheeks before hugging Y/N tightly, "you never told me that. Now I understand why you always changed the subject when I asked about your parents. I’m sorry if I pushed you on this subject."
"You didn’t. I wanted to share my past with you but I wanted to look cool so I dodged your questions." Y/N gave Hailee another heartfelt hug, letting out a not scripted sigh when the brunettes heat warmed her whole body up, "I’m sorry for my behavior. I promise you I won’t do that again."
"You better." Hailee slapped the back of Y/N’s head playfully, snickering softly when the girl let out a gentle, unscripted ‘ouch’, "y’know, I always thought you were cool, you didn’t need to pull all that off for me to think that."
"Yes. For starters, I’m your favorite Avenger." Hailee pushed her hair over her shoulder as she gloated with a big smile on her lips, causing Y/N to smile warmly at her. "But seriously, you held yourself so high, emanating this cool aura while pride shined brightly in your eyes doing what you were born to do. Save the world from darkness. And now that I know you had a really shitty youth, it makes you cooler." Hailee let herself get carried away as she added a line that wasn’t scripted, something that the two of them did often since they shared such a deep chemistry, "you didn’t let your past define your future and I find it mesmerizing." Y/N let tears roll down her eyes once again and shivered wildly when Hailee’s hand caressed her skin to wipe them away, "you remind me of myself when I was Clint’s protégé."
Y/N looked at Hailee confused and furrowed her eyebrows in question, "really?"
"Yep." Hailee popped the ‘p’ for more effect and continued with a smile, "I was desperately trying to make myself look cool when I was doing the opposite. Once I tried to look cool by saving his ass, it didn’t go smoothly. I feel from a window on the roof and crashed right in front of him, tied up on a chair, while 6 guns were pointing at me." Hailee laughed to make it look like Kate was laughing at the fond memory, her stomach filling up with butterflies when Y/N’s giggle reached her ears, "you are brave, little one. Don’t ever lose that beautiful light you have here." Hailee lifted her hand up to point at Y/N’s chest right were her heart was, before gulping imperceptibly at her gesture.
"AND CUT! GIRLS THAT WAS ASTOUNDING!" Their director congratulated them and both smiled in appreciation at him.
Hailee pulled her hand away from Y/N’s body and cleared her throat while her eyes looked down at her feet taking a few steps back, "that was my boob Steinfeld, not my heart."
"Shut up. It was a movement not executed correctly." Hailee pushed Y/N away from herself when she tried to hug her, "and don’t try to look that smug. You enjoyed my finger there." Hailee teased back, not noticing the blush now adorning her best friend’s cheeks as she chuckled under her breath and pulled her into her body in a side hug. "Let’s go take our makeup off and go to bed. I’m exhausted."
"Yeah, me too. Bickering with you is tiring." Hailee shook her head at the teasing words Y/N just threw at her before pushing them out of the building and towards the makeup trailer.
"Ugh, ordering pizza was a great idea." Hailee groaned in satisfaction when she took the last bite of her second slice, already stretching her hand to grab a third one.
"And whose this idea was?" Y/N asked rhetorically, throwing her rolled napkin in Hailee’s direction, who was too busy enjoying her pizza to dodge it, letting it just roll off her forehead.
"Whatever." They were now seated in Y/N’s trailer, both too tired to shower so they just plainly changed into comfy sweats and hoodies and were now chilling on Y/N’s couch, facing each other with their legs crossed under their bodies. "I’m so glad we have the day off tomorrow. Shooting at night it’s pretty demanding and I really need sleep." Hailee took a big gulp of water after finishing her fourth slice of pizza, cleaning her greasy hands on a napkin before slumping her body unceremoniously on Y/N’s one, the girl already laid out on the couch comfortably.
Y/N grunted at the sudden weight falling on her body, "get off, you’re heavy." Her words didn’t follow her actions because as soon as she finished speaking, her hands sneaked around Hailee’s waist and hugged her, the singer cuddling into her friend right away. "Want to go to bed?"
"Yes please." Hailee shifted her body to pull up from Y/N’s lean one, the girl doing just the same alongside her, her movements causing her to sit up and straddle Y/N’s lap and shivered at the intimate position she found herself in, before squealing in surprise when Y/N prevented her to stand on her feet by sneaking her left arm under her legs while the other grasped her mid-torso and jumped quickly on her feet and carried Hailee in her bedroom. "Y/N!" Hailee screeched loudly, amused laughs following soon after at their playful banter, while knots filled the singer’s stomach at the show of strength and the almost intimate gesture. "Y/N I swear, if you drop mE! Y/N NO!" Y/N faked loosening her grip on the girl and making her believe she was gonna drop her, laughing heartily at the squeals leaving Hailee’s mouth as she tightened the grip on the girl neck, before continuing her walk towards her bedroom.
"Okay, now I’m gonna throw you on the bed. On three. Ready?"
"You’re not gonna throw me on the bed. You’re gonna put me down gently." Hailee countered back with a serious expression but the devilish smirk plastered on the Y/H/C girl and the mischievous glint sparkling in her Y/E/C eyes told the singer Y/N was definitely going to throw her on the bed and not in a delicate way. "Y/N I swear to god, don’t even think aBOUT IT!" Hailee screamed in fear when she felt Y/N having momentum before pushing her out of her grip, but Hailee’s arms tightened around Y/N’s neck and caused both of them to fall on the bed in a loud thud, mixed with the loud squeak of the bed springs. They shared a great, loud belly laugh at their childish behavior, Hailee clutching Y/N’s t-shirt as she hid her smiling face into Y/N’s neck while their laughs dwindled, feeling her pulse quickening as soon her nose came in contact with Y/N’s skin, her perfume invading every cell of her body, and her right leg slid over her hips to cuddle as closer as she could while they came down from laughing care-freely. Their moment was interrupted with Y/N’s phone, that was charging on the nightstand, beeping loudly, signaling she got a new notification. When the phone beeped once again, the Y/H/C girl sighed out and stretched her arm over the nightstand to grab it. "Who is it?"
"Oh it’s just Twitter." Y/N answered briefly after taking a quick look on the bright screen in a strained tone and a clearly fake smile that Hailee saw through right away.
"Yeah, it definitely is just Twitter." Hailee’s sarcastic tone was clear in her statement as her eyes rolled half-heartedly, before laying a soft hand on Y/N’s stomach to grab her attention. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, a lot of fans tagged me in a video of my ex talking shit about me. Nothing new." Y/N tried to downplay the situation as she always did, but Hailee shook her head firmly, wrapping her hand, previously caressing her stomach, around Y/N’s hand clutching her phone and staring at her with her eyes full of affection and sympathy.
"Can I?" Y/N was torn for just a millisecond before sighing loudly and nodding slowly at her friend, letting her take the phone form her hand and open the video attached to an article talking about Y/N’s ex boyfriend making fun of their past relationship on a radio interview. "Oh so he just plainly avoided talking how shitty he made you feel? How poorly he treated you? How he forgot your anniversary because he was too busy partying with his own friends?" Y/N just stared on the ceiling, not finding in herself enough voice to answer Hailee’s questions without her voice cracking from the emotions boiling up in her chest. A silent tear fell down the side of her head but a hand prevented it to continue its journey down and hit the pillow, caressing her skin softly in a comforting manner. "He is an asshole that didn’t deserve your love in the first place. And you were kind enough to not show the world what a dick he really is by just avoiding talking about your relationship. He is just doing it for a bit of fame. Your fans will shut him up in seconds. I’m sure they already did!" Hailee chuckled under her breath at the image of Y/N’s fans already lashing out at him, causing a small but significant smile to roll over Y/N’s lips previously curled in a pout. During Hailee’s speech Y/N’s eyes strayed from the ceiling and met Hailee’s fierce gaze, conveying as much love as she could through her brown irises, and grounded Y/N into them and ignited a fire whining her. "You are amazing Y/N. Never forget that."
"You’re just saying it because I’m your best friend." Y/N tried to crack a joke to light up the heavy conversation lingering in the air and to stop Hailee from looking at her like that. It was really testing her willpower, wanting at all costs to close that excruciating gap between them and to let her lips express every single emotion she had been repressing since her feelings for the brunette changed.
"I’m not. Y/N-" Hailee sighed loudly and let go of the phone in her hand, laying it beside Y/N’s torso, to grasp the girl’s cheek and caress it tenderly. "I’m talking from the bottom of my heart. You are special, you are kind, passionate, nice, polite, smart and just the most talented person I’ve ever known. You are just so full of love and unfortunately you gave it to the wrong person, that will never love anyone beside himself. You deserve to be treated like a fucking queen. I don’t know what I would do to be that person, to give you the world, to personally go to space and give you the moon. To shower you with love and affection." Hailee at this point just let her heart do the talking, not really planning to confess her feelings but, atlas, that’s what just Y/N did to her. She fueled a fire that she couldn’t control anymore, so she just let it take over and do the talking. Meanwhile Y/N just stared aghast at Hailee’s words, not exactly believing what she was hearing. Maybe I just fell asleep and I’m dreaming those words all over again. She bittersweetly thought, blinking repeatedly to force herself out of her slumber but when she noticed she was very much awake and those were words Hailee was really speaking, she forced her body to fucking do something, like talk. But nothing came out of her, her mouth plainly opening and closing in a fun way, making her look like she was a fish underwater staring dumbly back at her. Hailee sighed loudly at Y/N’s reaction and broke their intense staring contest to look down at her arm outstretched in front of her, "I know it’s a lot and I know my feelings may be unrequited, but I’m so tired to pretend I don’t have them, to push them into the deepest part of my brain every time we spend time together, to repress my desire to kiss you and show you how being loved really feels. I hope I didn’t make it awkward and that we can overcome this and keep being friends-" Hailee’s words were abruptly cut short by a pair of lips pushing on hers aggressively, wrapping their mouths in an eager, passionate and loving dance once the brunette overcame her initial shock and reciprocated with just as much enthusiasm at the long-awaited kiss. "Does it mean mean something or did you just kiss me to shut me up? Because people do that." Hailee asked dazedly, opening her eyes slowly and meeting a pair of sparkling Y/E/C ones staring back at her.
"I like you, so fucking much Hailee Steinfeld. I would deliver another heartfelt speech about my feelings for you and how tired I am for hiding them from you, but my mind is actually pretty much a heap of mush from that talented mouth of yours. Besides, I would love nothing more than to use our lips to do something different from talking." Y/N seductively whispered on Hailee’s mouth, letting her tongue out to lick teasingly the seam of Hailee’s plump, slightly red lips and ripping a soft moan out of Hailee’s throat at the sensual gesture. "I have a feeling you want that too."
Hailee groaned out as she moved her hand from Y/N’s left cheek to tangle it between Y/N’s Y/H/C locks and slip her tongue between Y/N’s lips, curled in a smug smirk. It was now the other girl’s time to moan out at the pleasure spreading throughout her body from the sexual action but eagerly kissed Hailee back while their tongues dancing together between their parted mouths. "I want to do more than just kiss you." Hailee admitted boldly on Y/N’s lips once they pull away to take some needed breath, their lungs burning wildly at the lack of air and their hearts bumping loudly in their heaving chests. Y/N’s jaw went slack at the admission and just stared at Hailee with a mix of shock, bewilderment and arousal swimming in her Y/E/C eyes, her irises searching desperately a sign Hailee was joking or something like that, but finding in her brown hues nothing but love, affection and pure lust. "If you want that too, of course."
Y/N’s lips immediately connected with Hailee’s ones again instead of answering, kissing her passionately, her tongue licking every inch of the singer’s mouth as she reveled in the amazing minty taste and something uniquely Hailee while her hands caressed all over her body, filling her palms with the singer’s amazing curves and lean figure, feeling her strong back muscles stand up under her pads at the attention when her fingers raked up and down her spine. "I don’t want to sound like an horny teenager but I want to feel you around my fingers so badly." Hailee moaned lowly at the image immediately forming in her mind, shockwaves traveling from her spine straight down her core, drenching more and more her already ruined panties in less than a second. "But I don’t want to sound like I just want sex from you, because, god, Hailee, I don’t. I want everything from you. And I want to give you just as much, if not more." Y/N laid a long, affectionate peck on Hailee’s lips before continuing, "I just- I’ve wanted you for a very long time and just kissing you turned me on, like- a lot- by the way you’re an amazing kisser- I just-" it was now Y/N’s time to be cut short by a pair of soft lips, Hailee effectively shutting Y/N’s ramble up with a fierce kiss while her hands boldly reached up and cupped Y/N’s right breast through her shirt, whining gently between their mouths at the pleasant discovery of the girl not wearing a bra under her oversized, worn out black t-shirt when she felt her nipple under her palm stand up at the attention.
"I want you. So badly." Hailee murmured between kisses, moving her lips then between the hollow of Y/N’s neck and where it meets with her clavicle, focusing on a few seconds there to leave a faint mark there that would disappear in a few hours - she didn’t want to gain Y/N’s make up artist attention - and smirking on the skin there when she felt more than heard the hoarse, low moan that vibrated through Y/N’s throat.
"I want you too Haiz. I’ve been wanting you for a while-shit!" Y/N cursed under her breath when Hailee’s hand slipped under her shirt and finally came in contact with her breast greedy for Hailee’s fingers attention without restraint, alternating between squeezing the firm mound hard and softly before she rolled the pebbled nipple between her thumb and index finger, sending shock waves directly into Y/N’s aching core.
"You can touch too, y’know." Hailee encouraged Y/N when she noticed her hands stayed at her side, grasping the hem of her shirt hard from the pleasure building up within her and from unconsciously hesitating with letting her hands roam around Hailee’s marvelous body. At that Y/N noticed her frozen hands and immediately did what she was craving to do since she met Hailee years ago, grasping her magnificent ass to knead it eagerly, smirking triumphantly when she got a high-pitched whine as a response to her actions. "Fuck, your hands feels so good on me."
"And wait till I start touching more." Y/N murmured sultrily on Hailee’s parted mouth, biting on her bottom lip gently as her hands slipped under the girl’s grey sweatpants and panties and grasped her ass without pieces of clothing in the way. She didn’t know where this boost of confidence came from, but she was definitely riding this wave to make the most of it. Hailee arched her back in response to push her ass more into those amazing hands worshipping her butt in a heavenly way, but she needed more. Now. So with a disgruntled groan, she slipped her hand out of Y/N’s shirt and immediately discarded the piece of clothing on the trailer’s floor, before doing the same with her own shirt, pushing her bare chest out just for Y/N.
Y/N’s eyes devoured every inch of her scorching hot skin, feeling her hands on her ass twitch lightly before pushing on it and making her fall on Y/N’s body gently to let her connect their lips back together in a heavy kiss with their tongues dancing between their mouths while their naked torso sliding over each other made them shiver in arousal. Hailee’s shifting body caused a leg to slot perfectly between Y/N’s ones, the sudden impact of a strong thigh hitting her clothed clit made her interrupt abruptly their kisses and moan lewdly in Hailee’s mouth, before unconsciously sliding her own leg up to also brush it on Hailee’s center, eliciting the same reaction from the singer. Hailee’s loud moan did nothing more than completely ruin her panties for good as the fire burning deep in her stomach was becoming almost unbearable. They set a steady rhythm, both starting rubbing involuntarily on the other’s thigh as they resumed their hot kisses, but the motions quickly became greedy movements to chase an orgasm that was building fast in their lower stomaches. "Shit Y/N, I- am- fuck- close."
"Yeah, me too babe." Y/N smiled warmly at the singer having some troubles talking coherently as her pleasure hazed her mind, so she spurred the girl to chase her orgasm down as she gripped impossibly hard on the girl’s ass and helped her ride her thigh in a fast pace, instantly matching her rhythm, wanting to flip over the edge alongside Hailee. They continued to dry hump for a bit more, by now they both stopped their kisses to plainly pant and moan into each other’s mouths when their clits rubbed particularly hard on the other’s thigh, their frenzy movements causing the bedrest to slam steadily on the trailer’s wall, the sounds mixing with their own tumbling out of their throats and creating a perfect melody that ended with a long, breathy moan and a gentle, high-pitched whine blending together when their climaxes crushed over them. They slowed their movements to ride their highs as much as possible before stopping altogether, Hailee’s body immediately slumping over Y/N’s one before connecting their lips in a languid, sweet kiss as they both regained their breaths.
"Wow." Y/N murmured after their lips pulled away gently with a soft pop to take some needed breath back in their burning lungs from lack of air.
"Yeah, wow." Hailee smiled brightly down at Y/N before hiding her face in the crook of Y/N’s neck when a blush started to form on her face at the intense, fond look Y/N was regarding her with.
"If someone told me this morning I would have had confessed my feelings for you after you did the same and then we would have had sex, I would have laughed in their faces. But here we are." Y/N chuckled softly to cover up her flushed state when her stomach erupted in wild butterflies at her own words.
"Yeah, me too. Even if, y’know, it’s been a current dream to me. You don’t even know how many times I’ve dreamed about confessing my feelings and finding myself in this very position after. Well, with much less clothes, you know what I’m saying." Hailee snickered while her eyes fell down on their entwined, clothed legs, and moved them involuntarily. The motion made her very much aware of the fact that her panties were completely drenched and it created an instant pressure between her thighs, a clear sign that she was turned on once again.
"Well, I can easily make that dream come true." Y/N countered back with a quirky smirk on her lips and Hailee didn’t have enough time to wrap her still a bit hazy brain around Y/N’s words because the Y/E/C girl swiftly switched their position and pushed her on her back and got rid of her pants and panties within a second. Hailee shifted her eyes from her bare, lower half, to Y/N’s straddling her thighs and wearing an hungry glint in her eyes as they drank her now naked body in quickly, shivering wildly at the attention she was receiving.
"Take a picture, it’ll last longer." Hailee quipped to try to get Y/N’s attention, now focused intently on her breasts moving up and down every time she took a breath, succeeding right after her joke. She swallowed loudly to get rid of the instant lump in her throat when her brown irises met Y/N’s Y/E/C ones now almost completely black from lust.
"Y’know, maybe I will. After I worship you the way you deserve to be worshipped." Y/N leaned down and laid gently on Hailee’s body to whisper those words in a low, raspy tone on the singer’s lips, her pants’ fabric caressing the singer’s hot skin in a delightful way that set every single nerve ending in her body alight, before connecting their mouths in a languid but fierce kiss, enhancing their senses ten fold and making them feel each other more.
"Fuck." Hailee wailed when a hand skid up and down her side, brushing each time the side of her boob but not giving it the attention it needed. "But first, I want to get rid of those pants first." Hailee pushed Y/N gently up to let her take off her pants in a few, quick motions before focusing her attention on Y/N’s panties. "Would you look at that? This mess is because of me?" Hailee caressed Y/N’s entrance through the completely wet fabric of her panties, causing the Y/H/C girl to mewl pitifully at the new, amazing stimulation her throbbing center was receiving and buckle her hips down Hailee’s fingers desperately. "Answer me little one." Hailee knew she was playing dirty now. She knew how the nickname effected the girl. She started using the same nickname Kate use to call Megan in the show and Y/N quite liked it. Kate was 3 years older than Megan, but Hailee was just 11 months older than Y/N, however she liked calling her like that and Y/N enjoyed it just as much if not more. It gave them more closure to their characters. Hailee knew the nickname sparked the desired effect when she felt a gush of Y/N’s juices leave her core and increase the already copious amount of wetness collecting there, causing a big smile to form on the singer’s lips.
"Yes. All for you." Y/N answered under her breath, a whine leaving her lips right after when Hailee’s pointer and middle finger started rolling around her clothed clit.
Hailee let out a grunt of satisfaction and ripped the girl’s panties apart, throwing the shredded undergarment on the floor and instantly connecting her fingers with Y/N wet center, reveling in the groan of satisfaction leaving the Y/H/C girl at the touch. Seeing Y/N with her eyes closed, completely naked on top of her and her face contorted in pleasure as her hips buckled down to cease a little more contact, gave her an idea that covered her entire body in excited goosebumps. "Ride my fingers."
"W-what?" Y/N stuttered in shock at Hailee’s command, asking her to repeat herself because there was no way she asked her that.
"You heard me. Ride my fingers, babe. I wanna watch you while you come on my fingers." Hailee answered boldly while she pointed her words out with her fingers teasing Y/N’s entrance. Y/N let out a breathy moan and involuntarily pushed her hips down, the motion causing Hailee’s pointer and middle fingers to enter her just a bit and ripping a moan out of both of their throats at the new sensation Y/N’s movements triggered. Y/N then spurred into action by grabbing Hailee’s wrist and pushing her hips down more to let Hailee’s two fingers enter her completely, wailing pitifully at the feeling of finally being filled by the singer and shivered at the thought.
"Fuck Hailee, you feel so good babe."
"Shit, you feel amazing wrapped around my fingers." Hailee’s words prompted Y/N’s stilled hips to move around tentatively slow, adjusting to the brunette’s fingers before speeding up gradually their pace, the Y/H/C girl savoring this new wave of pleasure crashing over her as she chased her climax down, trying to keep her eyes open as much as she could to look into those mesmerizing brown irises.
"You’re even more beautiful looked from this angle." Hailee whispered sweetly on Y/N’s mouth after she wrapped her hands around the side of her neck and her thumbs started caressing the base of her jaw, then sunk her teeth on the brunette’s plump and soft bottom lip, causing a low whine to leave Hailee’s throat while her free hand instinctively gripped the girl’s left buttcheek to increase her hips’ speed before adding a third finger to enhance the girl’s pleasure.
"Look who’s talking. Babe you’re breathtaking from every angle. I can’t believe this is happening." Y/N’s truthful words and honesty swimming around her sparkling Y/E/C hues made the singer’s stomach knot over itself as a wail of pure pleasure and love thundered from Y/N’s throat and found it’s way out to reverberate on the trailer’s walls and her hips’ movements quickened while her movements became more sloppy and rushed as she neared the edge but she wasn’t caring about that when she had the most beautiful and caring girl in the world looking up at her like she put the stars in the sky. Hailee noticed the changed tempo of Y/N’s motions and helped her to reach her climax sooner by massaging carefully her clit with her thumb while meeting her movements by pushing her fingers up and slipping them in deeper.
"Holy shit- Hailee!" Hailee’s last hard thrust hit something deep within her that made her see stars through her hooded eyes as she came all over the singer’s fingers that slowed increasingly their movements down to prolong her pleasure as much as she could.
"How are you feeling, cutie?" Hailee whispered sweetly when Y/N’s tense body, finally slumped down on her own and nuzzled her nose on her jaw as she regained her breath.
The term of endearment instantly dusted a scorching blush on her cheeks that Y/N promptly hid with slotting her face in Hailee’s neck to prevent her from noticing her face getting red from a stupid nickname. "Good. Amazing." Y/N murmured almost unintelligibly and the brunette smiled fondly at the girl’s shyness, her fingers tangling in those soft, silky Y/H/C tresses to massage her head, comfort instantly flowing in her body and lighting it up. They stayed like that for a few more seconds, soaking up in each other perfume and molding their bodies like they were meant to be just one. When Y/N’s breath became steady again and her body rested enough to let her move freely, she resumed her previous position on top of Hailee as she wrapped her lips around Hailee’s still a bit red ones from their kisses in a slow, sensual kiss while her hands took their time to caress and explore Hailee’s marvelous body some more.
"Fuck, Y/N." Hailee interrupted just a second their kisses, becoming needier and more lustful, to moan in Y/N’s mouth when the Y/H/C girl’s hand stopped its skidding all over her skin and grasped the brunette’s soft, right boob and kneaded it greedily.
"Mh, you like that baby?" Y/N murmured gently on Hailee’s parted lips, before slipping her tongue between them to lick inside the girl’s mouth and eliciting another loud whine that she promptly swallowed.
"Yes, so so much."
"Well, then you’re gonna love what’s next." Y/N pulled away to whisper out sensually, winking right after placing a sweet peck on the brunette’s addicting mouth, before descending her lips down the hollow of the girl’s neck, focusing a few moments on the bumps of her collarbones, peppering her upper chest with soft, gentle kisses before finally suckling a waiting nipple in her mouth. She smirked in satisfaction when Hailee arched her back to push her chest more into her mouth while letting out a long moan at the new sensations sending shock waves down her spine and right between her legs.
"Y/N/N, please."
"Please what?" Y/N teased, slipping her lips off the now sensitive nipple, to focus her attention on the other one, tapping her tongue on it and when it immediately stood more still at the attentions her tongue was paying to it she smirked triumphantly for sparkling such reactions from the Y/H/C girl.
"Please I need you."
"Where my sweet baby?" Y/N murmured, wanting to tease the girl just a little bit more, even if her begging for release sent shivers all over her skin.
"Y/N, I know what you’re doing. Normally I would play along, but I’m so turned on I could just come by you staring at me like that."
"Like what?"
"So innocent while you have my nipple in your mouth." Those words caused Y/N’s mind to turn into mush while her center clenched over nothing. She was shocked and extremely impressed from the fact that a few simple words turned her on that much in mere seconds. She wasn’t complaining one bit. "So now, little one, please fuck me." Hailee stated simply, using once again Y/N’s favorite nickname, but those straightforward words were enough to spur her into action. She reluctantly let go of the pebbled nipple to reach her previous target, showering Hailee’s stomach with open mouthed kisses, stopping on her left hip just a second to tease her some more, before slipping her tongue between her wet folds without warning. The loud sound that came next was a mix between Hailee’s moan of pure pleasure at the attention her needy, throbbing center was receiving and Y/N’s gentle wail at the inebriating, salty but sweet taste that was uniquely Hailee. "Yes!"
Y/N slipped just the tip of her tongue in before slipping it out and sucking thoroughly on the singer’s clit as a bunch of profanities mixed with Y/N’s name echoed around the room and instantly invaded Y/N’s body with pride for providing so much pleasure to Hailee. She stayed there, lapping up at the brown eyed girl’s clit, alternating between drawing idle circles to sucking on it hard to increase her pleasure, but when the girl started to trash around uncontrollably she new she was near the edge but needed her to tip over it. So she laid a sweet kiss there while she simultaneously slipped two fingers in, drawing a loud mewl from the welcomed intrusion from the singer under her and causing a satisfied smile to roll over her lips wrapped around Hailee’s throbbing bundle of nerves. She used her left hand to push Hailee’s hips down on the bed when she started to buckle them wildly to chase down her release while the right one took her tongue place on the girl’s clit to intensify her pleasure. "Fuck, you’re taking my fingers so good." Y/N whispered in awe as she watched Hailee’s body tremble uncontrollably with her back arched and her head leaning on the pillow under it with her mouth open in a silent moan.
"Holy- Y/N-" Hailee moved her head down after hearing Y/N’s voice and almost came on the spot when Y/N’s now almost black hues were staring up at her from between her legs with so much affection, love and lust. "I take that back. This is the best view I’ve ever had the pleasure to see." Hailee’s hand slipped down cling on the Y/H/C girl’s hair when the girl’s moan that followed at those words, reverberated through her body, and pushed her more into her aching center while moans slipped out of her mouth.
Y/N smirked in satisfaction at that and got back to work, adding another finger and speeding up her movements, desperately wanting the girl to come so she could drink her up like she had been dreaming since she started having feelings for her. Not too much longer a particular hard thrust, followed by Y/N’s teeth scraping Hailee’s clit gently, made the brown eyed girl tumble over the edge with a loud moan of the Y/E/C girl’s name leaving her lips. Y/N slowed her fingers’ movements and slipped them out to replace them with her tongue, lapping up till the girl’s last drop of juices spilled out of her core, almost melting right there and then when Hailee’s other hand intertwined with her own placed on her hips. The gesture was so intimate and loving that both of them felt butterflies fly wildly around their stomaches and her hearts almost bursting from happiness. When Hailee stopped trembling and whined to signal Y/N she was a bit sensitive, Y/N laid another sweet peck on the girl’s clit before sliding up the singer’s lean body and smiling down at an equally grinning Hailee when they were face to face once again. "Can I-?" Y/N asked gently as her eyes flashed down at Hailee lips, watching a loving smile unravel on those addicting lips at the shy question, knowing really well Y/N asked for permission to kiss her just because she had her lips and tongue in her center moments before and didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, before Hailee grasped the back of her neck and pulled her down to let their mouths meet halfway in a slow, languid kiss, silently answering the girl’s question. Hailee whined at her own taste on Y/N’s tongue and shivered at the memory of Y/N making her come with her fingers and that very tongue.
"You are amazing, miss Y/N Y/L/N."
"Just like you, Hailee Steinfeld." They shared a few more loving pecks, now fatigue from their activities and from a full day of shooting making itself known, so they switched position, once again to allow Hailee to lay her thigh over Y/N’s hips while her hand clutched her torso, before nuzzling her nose under Y/N’s jaw, both of them cuddling each other tightly as they let their bodies take their needed rest while soaking up in their loving bubble a few more minutes before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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simplybombshell · 2 years
Hello! Can I be super cheeky and ask for 2 manips?
Could I have one of Lucy Hale and Joseph Quinn(but in his Eddie get up in possible?)
And one of Seb Stan and Haliee Stienfeld ?
Thank you so so much 🥰
Of course :)
Posted them for you just now. I hope you like them. Thank you for requesting.
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xxonoiroxx · 4 years
The Way
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Nestor Octeva x reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, that’s pretty much it
Request:  “Could you do a fic where the reader is dating a guy(doesn’t matter) and it’s just fluff”
Genre: fluff
Songs: Trumpets- Jason Derulo, Meant To Be- Bebe Rexha, Starving- Haliee Steinfeld
             Ok but just read it, I enjoyed writing it a little too much
“Mi amour come here!”
Nestor had just gotten home and all he wanted to do was see your pretty face. 
“I’m coming baby, give me a minute!”
Oh and that sweet voice of yours he missed that too. The way you hummed along with songs while you cleaned. The way you yawned in the morning. The way you giggled thinking about something random. The way you softly moaned out his name while he was deep in you, your body trembling in pleasure, the way you clenched around him. Making love to you. He loved it.
“Hey baby” 
You said as you waddled over to him, protruding stomach filled with his babies, two to be exact. Wearing a simple outfit but still looking like a goddess. Having your hair styled the way you always do.
“Hello gorgeous”
True statement, you are absolutely beautiful. From the way you scrunch your nose up randomly, to the way your face contorts in pleasure. You are truly gorgeous. His queen.
“ I see someone had a good day today.”
“ It was mostly filled with me thinking of you.”
Like every other day at work. Thinking about you and the little ones growing in you.
“ You always say that.”
You say while playfully rolling your eyes.
“You always ask.”
You let out that cute giggle of yours. You could go places with that giggle specifically to the bedroom.
“Hmmm, you’re not wrong.”
“ I know.”
You walked up to him and placed a kiss to his cheek then smiled.
“ Are you hungry.”
He chuckled then smirked, looking you up and down, then leaned near your ear and whispered,
“ I guess you could say that.”
You gripped him by his belt buckle and pulled him closer. looking up at him with your pretty eyes. He loved the way you stared up at him in awe. The way they sparkled. 
“ I’m being serious.”
“Me too”
You let go of him and walked toward the kitchen, swaying your hips.
“ I guess we’re eating steak then”
You said over your shoulder.
“ Or you”
He said lowly.
“I heard that”
He chuckled but then followed you into the kitchen. He was damn sure he was gonna get some rounds in after he was finished helping you with dinner. He could care less about the food getting cold.
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gleeunionhq · 4 years
Hey, can I get some female fc's for the open Anderson kid.
Hello! I can definitely see Victoria Justice, Miranda Cosgrove, Nicole Anderson or Haliee Steinfield, and if you want to go the older route, I can see Leighton Meester, Nina Dobrev, Rachel Bilson or Emma Mackey!
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clannad2 · 7 years
Hello Nyomi, i wanted to ask how you and James met? Also how did you both feel when you conceived your first child? I wanted to thank you for the play-date, all Ayra keeps saying is Nada (Nadia) she had so much fun!!- Haliee X
Hi Haliee James and I meet in high school in music class and when we found out that we were pregnant with Nadia we were so happy because it took us a long time to become pregnant and that’s so sweet Nadia misses Ayra as well she keeps asking me Ayr (Ayra) come play today pwease, mommy, we will have to set up another play date  :)
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reevespieces · 7 years
Hello, i just wanted to say your children are gorgeous! do they have set routines?-Haliee
Hi Haliee. Thank you so much
We actually have a lot routines and I did a post about them a couple of months ago. I feel like having a big family like ours you have to have some kind of control lol.
Morning Routine. Afternoon Routine. Night Routine.
I feel like the routines are going to change though because the girls always love to do new things and I have to make them fit in our routine lol.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Girls Like You - Chapter 1
A/N: hello soo i’ve been working on this and I’m not sure I should continue it. Feedback would be great! so this is an AU, where Lauren in is H4rmony and Camila is a solo artist dating Haliee Steinfeld, theres a bit of drama in this
Lauren Jauregui was apart of the biggest girl group in the world. Along with 3 other members Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, and Dinah Jane. Otherwise known as H4rmony. Lauren loved the screaming fans, selling out a venue, every night there’s a new fan, new places to visit, but what most people don’t know is that Lauren thinks about a certain girl she has gotten to know.
“ So who are you guys most excited to see tonight? ” The interviewer asked.   
Normani was the first to speak, since she was the closest to the interviewer. “ I’m really excited to see Beyoncé perform, I mean who wouldn’t want to see her perform?” Normani added smiling. Dinah mumbles a ‘amen’ which earns a laugh from everyone.
“Mine would actually be Camila Cabello” Lauren starts, “I know she is new to the industry, but I see a lot of potential with her music and she just seems like a good person overall”  Lauren ended, she looks over at Dinah who winks back at her knowing how much of a celebrity crush Lauren has on Camila ever since that girl started popping around a couple months ago. They follow each other, but that’s really the only interaction they have had together. Either way Lauren still freaks out about it.
“Well it seems like Camila is actually walking this way from the red carpet.” The interviewer points over. He looks back to the cameraman"But it looks like we don’t have enough time, That’s all for my interview with H4rmony but watch them later tonight as they are nominated for Group of the year"
“Hey looks it H4rmony, weren’t you talking about them earlier” Hailee said as she dragged Camila over to talk to them. Camila laughs and holds Hailee’s hand tightly “Holy shit, I heard they weren’t coming”
Before Hailee can respond, Ally is waving at them and smiling. The whole group is smiling at them as well.
Lauren felt like she couldn’t breathe as she makes eye contact with Camila. This was the first time she comes face to face with her. She looks even more beautiful than in the photoshoots she has seen.
“ As you can see Lauren is starstruck at the moment” Normani said as she knocks her shoulder with Lauren getting her attention.
“um sorry what?” Lauren asks feeling nervous. “Sorry I’m Laura… I mean Lauren sorry” She messed up causing everyone to laugh. “Sorry I don’t know what I was thinking”
“Caught you staring too long? huh Lauren” Ally added
“no it’s ok” Camila says. Dinah just laughs
“Looks like Lauren has a crush, better watch out Hailee” Dinah says, causing everyone to laugh again but earning a glare from Lauren.
Lauren looks over at Camila and sees that her cheeks were a bit red. It couldn’t have been from Dinah’s comment? no, Lauren isn’t gonna overthink it.
“Well Camila and I are going pretty strong , but maybe next time Lauren” Hailee says with laughter in her voice , but definitely not in her eyes.
Lauren was about to comment until the an interviewer called Camila and Hailee “Camila! Hailee! Can we get an interview?”
Camila smiles at the group waving goodbye and her and Hailee walked over away from the group who is moving into the venue for the show. “ You know I’ll always be yours”  Camila says as she puts her hand of Hailee’s lower back as they walked towards the interview. But she can tell Hailee doesn’t want to talk about it right now.
Camila and Hailee are walking to their seating section, only a few seats past H4rmony. Lauren looks over and smiles at Camila. She knows she shouldn’t feel this way about a girl she just met and has a girlfriend.
As the award show started, Lauren didn’t pay much attention to the winners or performers. Out of the corner of her eye she can see Hailee and Camila talking. Camila is gnawing at her lip as if she is uncomfortable. Laure doesn’t want to think she was the one who caused trouble between them. She has heard of how loyal Camila has always been to Hailee. Lauren looks away as she see Selena Gomez on stage waving at the camera  "Hello, I am here to announce the winner for Group of the year" She paused as the crowd starts clapping. “ We have some great nominees up here that you all voted for but there can only be like winner” She added. Lauren zoned out as they introduced who the nominees were but was brought back when Normani grabbed her hand along with the rest of the girls. “And your winner for Group of the year is……H4rmony!”
“Holy Shit!” Lauren yells standing up and hugging each of the girls. They all walked up together hearing the crowd cheer as they hugged Selena. She handed the award to Lauren who was first to the mic. “Wow I have no Idea what to say” Lauren said still in shocked. She passed over the mic to Dinah who thanked there record label, fans and their family. Lauren was still in shock that she realized they were being directed off the stage to the backstage.
Lauren handed the award to Ally who was tearing up along with Normani. “Beyoncé just saw us won that!” Dinah says as the rest of the and laughs and they go to the dressing rooms to get dressed in their proper clothes.  Lauren was the first one out.
“congrats on your win” A voice says causing Lauren to turn around only for it to be Camila.
Lauren flashes a smile and stands up to hug Camila. “Thank you, but what are you doing back here?”
“i’m actually performing next” Camila said releasing Lauren from the hug. It was silent between them until Camila spoke again “Listen about earlier, i’m sorry about Hailee”
“no I should be sorry if I caused issues. It was not my intention.”
Camila looks at her warmly “ Her and I just have trouble sometimes. It sucks a lot”
Lauren looks at her confused “ I know it’s not any of my business, but if it’s not a healthy relationship why don’t you break up with her?” Hearing herself say that makes her heart clench. She should not expect something from Camila.
“I love her too much to let her go” Camila says looking away from Lauren. “ Even if it hurts I will always be with her”
Lauren nods and smiles . “I think it’s your cue to go” She nods her head at the show manager who is waiting for Camila. “Listen I hope you and I can stay friends” Lauren added as Camila was walking away.
“ Yeah I would love that, maybe we can hangout soon” Camila says as she went behind the curtain to start performing. Lauren walked back out to her seating just in time to see Camila perform. She looks over to see Hailee was nowhere to be found. She was missing Camila’s performance. Lauren took out her phone and tweeted.
@LaurenJauregui: Never expect something to happen quickly
She finished her tweet only for her bandmates to look over with a questioning look. She ignored them and stood up along with everyone to see Camila perform.
(Flashback end)
*a year later*
Two knocks  on Lauren’s door of her hotel room suite woke her up from her nap. Currently H4rmony are on a break from tour so Lauren decided to stay in her suite as her bandmates went out to visit the city they are currently in. She walks over to see Camila standing there smiling at her. She has gotten to know the girl. The media considers them to be best friends as they are always together. Lauren has seen Hailee once in awhile, but the girl does not really talk to Lauren, only if Camila was there she would.
“Hey what are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to be in Milan with Hailee?” Lauren asked nodding her head for Camila to come in moving to sit on the couch.
“Actually Hailee and I aren’t on speaking terms” Camila says “ She has been ignoring me for days” Lauren could feel the pain in Camila’s voice.  
Lauren watched Camila heart get broken by Hailee Steinfeld too many times. She had watched Camila breakdown because of her.
“Camila, this is what happened last time. You know this is not the best” Lauren said in a soothing voice and moving over to sit next to Camila on the couch.
“I know, but you know how much I love her” Camila said getting teary eyed. “ I can make this work” Lauren felt her heart break hearing this. She has been talking to Camila for the past couple of months and she told herself she would not fall for the singer but it was too late. How can you not fall for her?
Lauren was there for Camila, giving all the love Hailee wouldn’t show Camila, the love she deserved and has always wanted. No matter what the circumstances are, Lauren was always there for the girl she loved and hoped that one day she can give her all the love in the world. Lauren had to see the person she loves forgive someone who kept causing her pain.
Lauren has kept her mouth shut. She had no right to tell Camila what to do. So she took it all in, every time she chose Hailee. She has kept herself from overstepping a boundary that could hurt Camila in anyway.
Hailee only spoke to Camila when they needed to be at a award show, or some type of public place to prove to they still together. Lauren knew it broke Camila’s heart
“Hey hey.” Lauren cups Camila’s cheeks and looks at those brown eyes she loves. “ I know you love her Camila. But are you really happy?”
Before Camila can respond she felt her phone vibrate.
Hailee: Camila, Where are you? I’m really sorry. I need you in Milan for the modeling show today. Don’t you love me anymore? Come home right now. Love you.
Camila sits up “I uh. I have to go, Lauren”
Lauren looks at her disbelievingly. Camila’s phone catches her attention. She grabs it and reads the message.
“no wai-”
“Why Camila?” Lauren motions the phone up in the air.
“This? You’re going back to her because of this? Can’t you see, she’s using you!” Lauren said putting the phone back down on the table.
“Aren’t you tired Camz?” Lauren started with tears. “ Aren’t you tired forcing yourself to someone who doesn’t love you back?” Lauren says stepping back a little and letting the singer breathe. Camila can’t hide the guilt on her face.
Camila stands, clenching her fists. “Am I not tired forcing myself to someone who doesn’t love me?” Camila walks closer to Lauren. She pauses and makes sure she’s looking at Lauren’s green eyes. “aren’t you” Camila says causing Lauren to raise her eyebrow. “Aren’t you tired of loving me?” She sees the shock in Lauren’s eyes.
“I’m not blind, Lauren. I’ve noticed how you feel. But I love Hailee” She says.  Camila wants to feel bad and say sorry. But she can’t take back what she said now. And for the first time Lauren’s world shatters into a million pieces.
Lauren’s tears slowly fall from her eyes, her voice breaking.
“It didn’t matter, Camila. If you felt the same way or not. You tell me that she loves you?” Lauren chuckles sarcastically.
“ When I first met you almost a year ago, I can tell Hailee doesn’t love you. She wasn’t even there to support you in your first performance in the AMA’s ” Lauren was now basically shouting, letting it all out.
“I had to witness so many things since being your friend Camila but never have I ever overstepped. All I ever did was be what you needed me to be! And now” Lauren shakes her head in disbelief. “ How dare you accuse me of not wanting you to be happy when that’s all I ever wanted. Even if it wasn’t with me”
“You want my feelings gone, Camz? Well, consider it gone. You badly want to get out of this hotel, then get out”
Camila blinks. she doesn’t say a word. She knows her and Lauren’s emotions are taking control of this conversation and it’s no use talking until they’ve both calmed down anyways. She heads towards the door. She pauses as if contemplating to stay or not. She still decides to leave but not before she hears Lauren’s last words.
“Do me a favor, and get out of my life as well ” Lauren whimpers. “The next time she hurts you, find yourself someone else to cry on”
This time there was no hint of anger in Lauren’s voice. It was now fueled with pure sadness.
Camila closes the door behind her. Coming into contact with Dinah.
“Hey Mila, have you been crying?” Dinah asks looking at the girl. Camila mumbles something she couldn’t understand and walk aways from the Dinah. She opens the door to Lauren’s room to see her on the couch crying.
“Lauren, What happened with Camila?” Dinah asks rubbing Lauren’s shoulders.
“What should have been done a long time ago” Lauren adds wiping her tears.
Camila gets to her car and hits the steering wheel. Camila closes her eyes and weeps and mourns. She mourns for what she had just lost. The feeling of emptiness that she knows nothing and no one could ever fill. She hears her phone ring with a twitter notification from Lauren. Yes she had her notifications on because she did care for that girl.
@LaurenJauregui: It’s better this way.
A/n: soo tell me if I should continue this or not. If I do then I will post this on Wattpad also.
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