#hailee steinfeld x female reader
scmg11 · 3 months
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A/N: HELLO HELLOO! How are you guys doing? Missed me?
Enjoy this new chapter ❤️
Sending you love ❤️
Summary: Emily meets Y/N at the well one day and just falls in love for her. When she tries to find her again the next days, it seems like she just disappeared. She was ready to lose hope when one day she finds her in her house to start a job as her new maid with her aunt Maggie. What will happen then?
Warnings: just slightly groping, nothing too much explicit.
Word count: 15380 words.
The sun beamed all over the expanse of the Dickinson’s garden, warming up Emily’s face as she decided to spend her morning outside, leaning on her favorite three and just soaking up in the calmness that was the nature. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back on the tree’s trunk surface to take a few moments of quietness in, smiling widely when she heard a few birds chirping around her, setting a warm and fuzzy feeling in her chest that always put her in a good mood. "Emily!"
The brown haired girl sighed loudly at her moment being ruined and tried to drown the sound away, but she heard it again a few seconds later and inevitably opened her eyes and turned towards the source of the sound coming from her right side, right where her house was, "yes?" Emily had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes when her mother called her name once again, ignoring her answering to her calls and making her sit up and abandon her morning in the nature to go and see whatever she needed from her.
"Emily?! Emily?!" The brown haired girl scoffed under her breath on her way back to her house, she knew her mother had head her when she was leaning on the tree but called her over nonetheless and was keeping calling her despite seeing her walking over her house, "oh Emily, dear, you’re here."
"Yes mom, what did you need? I was enjoying my day out in nature."
"I am sure it can wait, honey. I need you to go fetch water."
"Why can’t Austin or Lavinia do it?"
As if on cue the blonde made her appearance from behind Emily’s mother with what Emily deemed her trademark adorable frown since they were kids, "I did it yesterday and Austin is a man. He can’t do it."
"Right, you would believe he would be perfect for it since men’s are always bragging about themselves being strong, stronger than women, when in fact they are staying all day behind a desk while women do all the physical, exhausting stuff."
"You’re talking nonsense sweetheart." Emily rolled her eyes right in her mother’s face and grabbed the two empty buckets she had in her hands and trudged begrudgingly outside her house to walk towards the well to go fetch water as her mother asked her to.
"Oh no, I’m so sorry! I should’ve watched where I was going! Oh no, your dress is completely drenched, here let me help you." In mere seconds Emily bumped accidentally into a girl carrying four buckets full of water, resulting in one of them spilling over her blu navy dress, but got also got flooded with a multitude of rushed words of regret and of apology, an adorable sight that made Emily forget about her dress being completely drenched in the late summer weather.
"Don’t worry, it’s totally fine. I wasn’t watching where I was going, I had my head elsewhere. So I should be the one apologizing." Emily smiled reassuringly at the distressed girl as she desperately tried to find something to dry Emily’s dress.
"No, no. It was my fault!"
Emily tried to look at the girl’s face but it was completely covered by her hair cascading in front of it as she had her head down in search of a cloth in her small apron’s pocket she had around her hips, "I insist on taking the blame. Hey, please stop worrying. It will dry up eventually, it’s not a big deal."
"No, no. It should be here. I had it here an hour ago!"
"Hey, please. Relax, take a deep breath." Emily tried to calm the girl down and for the first time she seemed to do listen to her, sighing loudly as she took her hands out of her apron’s pocket and lifted her head up slowly.
Emily felt like the world stopped existing for just a moment when her eyes met the girl’s ones, establishing a connection that send a thrill down her spine and that lighted up her whole body, a sensation she had never felt before. "Are you okay?"
Emily took her time to commit to memory every single feature on the girl’s face, from the perfect slope of her nose to the soft bump of her cheekbones, from the gentle but still defined angle of her jaw, to the smooth surface of her chin and finally focusing all her attention on the plumpness of her velvety lips. Emily almost got lost again in the vastness of the girl’s eyes when she met them again that she almost forgot to answer the girl’s question, making her appear a bit dumb in front of her for gawking at her, "yeah, yes. I’m fine. Totally fine. Great. Hm-." Emily cleared her throat to stop herself from embarrassing herself some more continued with a regained composure, "how about you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine. Thank you."
"Good, I’m glad to hear that." Emily smiled gently at the girl before shaking her head as if she was the dumbest person on earth, "I’m Emily by the way."
"Y/N." The girl smiled gently at the poet while putting a strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear, a gesture that made Emily’s brain melt as she took in the girl’s beauty.
"Y/N." Emily repeated, testing the girl’s name out, feeling a warmth spreading throughout her entire body as the name rolled over her tongue. "I like it. Y/N. It’s a really pretty name."
"Thank you. Emily is a great name too."
"Yeah, it has a Latin origin, it-."
"It’s a Roman name. It means laborious and eager among other things." Y/N interjected the brunette before she could speak and Emily had never felt so infatuated by someone in so little time.
"Yeah, how do you know that?"
"I like reading a lot. I do it whenever I can." Emily didn’t know it could have been possibile being interested in someone in so very little time, but she was starting to feel something for this girl, something she had only felt for one person only before.
"I like that too, a lot. What are you reading right now?"
"I just finished reading ‘The Old Curiosity Shop’ by Dickens. I liked it. What about you?"
"I am in the middle of reading The Divine Comedy by Dante. I’m halfway through Inferno."
"Oh I liked it a lot even though Purgatorio and Paradiso are just as beautiful. I mean his writing style gets more complex and more refined after each part."
Emily felt like she was floating through a new dimension where only Y/N and her existed, instigating a myriad of new emotions Emily never felt before that mixed with a few ones she only felt for Sue. "Wow, I-. I don’t know what to say. It’s the first time I hear someone talk about Dante’s amazing work without it being repeated from some stupid journalist’s review. No one really care to really read it. Or at least comprehend its real meaning behind his words."
"Because not everyone can see through what’s in front of them. There’s beauty hidden in every single thing we know, creating something new that just awaits to be discovered, studied. Most people just waits for someone else to do it." Y/N reasoned with a shrug, like she just didn’t made Emily fall madly in love with her brain.
"Wow- I- I feel like you had been in my mind and found a way to make it speak for itself. You-."
"Y/N! Are you ready to go?!" The poet got interrupted by a loud voice coming from behind Emily and when she turned around to look at who was yelling, she found a middle-aged woman with blonde hair styled in a perfect, classy bun, a blue dress with an apron on her front similar to Y/N’s one waving at her from the grocery’s shop a few feet from them.
"Sorry, I need to go. It was great talking with you Emily."
Emily felt her stomach drop at the aspect of having to part ways with Y/N, trying to find a way to prolong their time together. As she closed herself in her mind to think she didn’t notice Y/N refilling the bucket she unwillingly spilled over Emily and walked towards the woman, saluting Emily with a small nod. The gesture pulled Emily out of her thoughts and coming up empty-handed with ideas to make Y/N stay with her a bit longer, she could only sigh out loud, resigned but also completely smitten for the Y/H/C girl, before letting out softly, "the pleasure was all mine Y/N."
"Emily, where is the water?"
"What?" Emily got ripped out of her own thoughts full of the mysterious and intriguing Y/N by her mother as soon as she entered her house, her mother stopping her in their small hallway in front of the door and the living rooms before she could run upstairs and let her thoughts flow freely as she wrote a poem or two.
"The water Emily. I sent you fetching water an hour ago. Where is it?"
"Oh shit!" Emily just then noticed she came home empty-handed, she forgot her empty buckets at the well after her encounter with Y/N. "I forgot them at the well!"
"How?! You went there just for fetching water. How did you manage to forget that Emily?"
"I- I gotta go. Later!"
"I don’t have time mom, I need to-." Emily got stopped mid-sentence and in her track towards her house’s door by her mother’s authoritative voice calling her from the living room.
"Emily! Come here, now."
"Mom, I have everything under control. I got distracted and I forgot the buckets there. I will be quick. I will go get them, fetch water and come back here." Emily explained quickly, hoping her mother wouldn’t be so much angry at herself for not doing what she asked her to do and getting ready for her scolding when she sighed out loud, pinched the bridge of her nose angrily and closed her eyes.
"It’s not that Emily. You are always avoiding doing chores, always complaining about them and never doing them in the end. It’s time for you to grow up. You will need to know how to be a proper housewife."
"But mom, I-."
"No buts." Emily’s mother ended their discussion with those final words spoken with authority and nodded at her daughter when she nodded dejected at her not winning this argument. "Since Lavinia is going to get a few groceries from the store and I’m going with her with the carriage, I’m going to go fetch water, while you’ll go into your room and think about what you did."
"Okay, mom. I’m so sorry." Emily’s mother smiled gently at her daughter for apologizing and laid a soft kiss on her forehead before she walked towards the stairs that would led to the first floor where the bedrooms were. She smiled apologetically at her mother once again but before she could go up the stairs and into her room to think and most importantly let her mind flow with writing her poems, she got stopped in her tracks.
"What is happening here?" Emily turned around at the sound of her father’s voice reaching her ears as he made his way into the living room after exiting his office, where he had been holed up the whole morning.
"Edward, your daughter Emily this morning was tasked to go fetch water and after disappearing for more than an hour, she also forgot our buckets at the well. Unbelievable!" Emily hung her head down in shame and closed her eyes to get herself ready for one of her father’s scoldings, not particularly thrilled on having her good mood ruined right now, but she had a feeling it was coming anyway as it was well due after her forgetting their buckets at the well.
"But also hilarious." Emily lifted her head up in shock after hearing her father’s words, not exactly expecting them, and widened her eyes comically. What was actually hilarious to Emily was her mother’s bewildered expression that stretched over her face as she stared in shock at her father. If she wasn’t already walking on thin ice, she would have laughed at her mother’s expression, so she kept quiet and listened to the conversation unfolding in front of her.
"Excuse me, dear, what?!"
"Oh c’mon, Mrs. Dickinson. You have to admit, it’s funny." Emily laughed nervously when her father started laughing loudly while looking at her mother then at her.
"But-." Emily bit on her bottom lip to prevent her smile to widen when her mother tried to reason with her father but he waved her off with a few chuckles still coming out of his lips.
"Oh, come on now Mrs. Dickinson. I know you want to laugh." Edward smiled at his wife and pointed his finger at the blonde woman, not putting it down until she saw a small grin making its way onto the woman’s lips, "ah there it is!"
"Oh dear, always finding a way to laugh! Anyway, I’m going with Lavinia to the grocery store and to retrieve our buckets to fetch water for dinner tonight."
"Great, I’m coming with you girls. I need to go to speak to Ronald about a really important matter I worked on this morning."
"Oh that’s wonderful, dear. Emily, why don’t you make it up to us by starting dinner?" Emily almost let her jaw drop down on the floor at her mother’s request. She knew she wasn’t a great cook, she hated cooking and something always ended up catching fire. But she also knew this was her mother’s way to tell her she wasn’t forgiven for the fetching water fiasco as her father made it sound and as much as she wanted to fight over it, she knew there wasn’t a way out of this. Oh, well it was worth a try.
"Mom, I don’t th-."
"Oh what a wonderful idea Mrs. Dickinson! I can’t wait to taste what you will prepare for us Emily! Let’s go now, we are gonna be late!"
Emily sighed dejected while making her way towards the kitchen to start up dinner and as she tried to not set the whole house on fire, she let her mind fill with the few memories she had of Y/N. She was fascinating, captivating, alluring. She piqued Emily’s interest with just a few words and when Y/N expressed her passion for books, ignited a fire in Emily that had been extinguished since she had broken things off with Sue. Could that mean something? Emily was sure she felt their souls connect in such a raw and deep way she had never experienced before, but would that be enough for Y/N as it was for her? As she started baking the freshly made loaf of bread, a sudden need to know if Y/N felt the same hit her and with a renewed determination she set her mind to try to encounter the Y/H/C girl the next morning.
"Good morning my dear mother." Emily entered the kitchen with a grin so bright they could have used it to light up the whole house at night, arousing suspects from her mother that stared at her warily as she watched her make her way towards her as she prepared their breakfast.
"Emily, good morning to you too. Did something happen that put you in a good mood?"
"Nothing in particular. I just woke up like this today. Do you need help? I still want to make it up to you again for yesterday. Maybe I can go fetch the water again? This time I will bring back the buckets, I promise." Emily tried to be as subtle as she could without making her mother ask the real reasons behind her intentions on wanting to go fetch water, finishing with a joke to sell it better.
"Oh sweety, what a wonderful idea. You can help me with putting everything in the living room. And don’t worry about fetching water, Vinnie already went this morning."
With her heart sinking down in her stomach, she reluctantly grabbed the tray full of their breakfast her mother already prepared to the living room, trudging a bit in her steps as she tried to think of another strategy to meet Y/N again.
"Emily can you please help me with dinner?"
"I can’t mom, I need to write. I don’t have time to help you with dinner or chores."
"Well, I am sure it can wait." Emily snorted under her breath at her mother’s rebuttal as she made her way into her room.
"No mom, it sadly can’t. When words flow out of me I can’t stop them or ask them to wait to help with chores."
"It’s worth a try, isn’t it? I need help Emily, Vinnie is setting the table after cleaning the house, so you’re the one who will help me. C’mon, it will be fun!"
"I’m sure it will, but I really can’t right now. It would be so much easier if we get a housemaid to help you out."
"You are talking nonsense Emily, I am perfectly capable of doing it all by myself and with the help of my daughters everything can be done faster, so now please come down with me and help me out. You will write later." Emily sighed out as she let her pencil fall down on her desk, the soft clinking sound of the pencil hitting the wooden surface of her desk calmed Emily just a little, making a quick grin appear on her lips before a small frown took its place. The poet sat up slowly from her desk, placing both of her hands on it to slowly stand up, the screeching sound of the chair moving back filling the sudden silent room as her mother watched her movements with rapt attention.
"I will help you for just a bit, but I can’t take too long on helping you with chores because I’m really trying to finish a poem."
"That’s the spirit! C’mon honey, I will show you how to make the perfect roasted chicken that will make you the perfect housewife every gentleman would love to marry."
More like gentlewoman. Emily added in her mind and as soon as that thought came into her mind, Y/N appeared right after as she smiled lovingly at her. That instantly made Emily stop in her tracks on the stairs, watching blankly her mother’s back as she descended the stairs and rambled about roasted chicken Emily wasn’t interested in listening at the moment. What made Emily freeze in her spot was the fact that for the first time since she could remember she didn’t imagine marrying Sue. She imagined Y/N. And that thought excited her to no end, instead of scaring her. "Shit." Emily sighed dopily as she smiled with her eyes full of love as another image of Y/N waving at her entered her mind.
"Emily, hurry up!" Emily let her dumb smile linger a few more seconds on her features before shaking her head and resuming her way down the stairs to join her mother in the kitchen and help her with their dinner.
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"We should hire a maid to help mom out in the house."
"I heard you the first time dear, I was just shocked by the request." Edward smiled gently at her daughter repeating herself before going back to being serious as he regarded her with a curious look in his features. "Why should we hire a maid? Your mother is perfectly capable of doing a good job here."
"Ah- a great job dear! I told you this earlier Emily. We don’t need a maid."
"But it would be so much easier for you. For all of us! She would help mom with chores so she doesn’t tire herself out every single day. And she would do a lot of things mom asks me or Vinnie to do. C’mon dad, think about it!"
"Edward you are not seriously considering it, aren’t you?"
"Honey, she is not completely wrong. She would help you out, you know I hate how much tired you are at the end of the day."
They kept discussing it for a few more minutes as they enjoyed their dinner but when the dessert came, her mother served it in an unsettling silence so they moved onto a new subject Emily wasn’t interested in listening. As she ate her dessert she couldn’t help but let her eyes linger on her mother a few times and observed her as she stayed quiet for the rest of the dinner with a sad expression on her features. Despite her mother not taking assuming a maid to help her too well, Emily was sure she will come around eventually. Emily knew she was asking to hire a maid to have more time to write but she also really wanted her to help her mother and ease her load of work to do in the house.
"Good morning dear family."
"Good morning to you too Edward." Emily’s mother smiled widely at her husband as she finished serving everybody’s breakfast before her grin got ten times wider and brighter when Edward leaned over and kissed her gently.
"Hm, I can smell so many delicious things today." Emily watched as her father sat down in his chair and brought up his newspaper to read the news, his smile never dampening.
"I can see you are in a good mood this morning, dear."
"Because I am."
"I’m glad to hear that, honey."
"How is my family doing this morning?" Edward brought his newspaper down after reading a few paragraphs of the first news and took a sip of his tea, then moving onto taking a bite of her wife’s famous scones, humming in satisfaction at the taste.
"I am good dad, I just finished reading an article about financial management that I found pretty interesting." Austin was the first to speak up after taking a sip of his own tea, smiling at his father as he did so when he nodded at him in understanding.
"And what about my girls?"
"Last night I finished sewing a pillow for my cat, he loves it!" Lavinia announced with a bright grin, her enthusiasm filling the room as everyone at the table smiled at the ecstatic blonde.
"I finished a few poems I was working on."
"That’s great guys, I see everyone is proud of their achievements! But now let’s move on why I am in a good mood today. There is a reason and that said reason is- after considering it for the last few days, I decided that we will hire a maid to help in the house!"
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed at the table at the same time with excited tones, except for Mrs. Dickinson, who looked at her husband like he went completely nuts.
"Yeah!" Edward smiled alongside his son and daughters, not noticing her wife’s expression yet, "I thought about it and in the end it was a really great idea Emily!"
"I’m so happy to hear that dad!"
"Honey, why are you doing this?" Mrs. Dickinson finally found her voice to speak up and asked in a strained tone the first thing that came up in her hazed mind still shocked from the news Edward delivered.
"Oh dear, it will be good for the house and for you. You tire yourself up too much for this house."
"But- I’m fine."
"I know you want to make it look like it, but I know some days are really stressful. I see how spent you are after those days at night. I’m doing this for you too!" Edward explained calmly as he enjoyed his breakfast, his good mood still on.
"Yeah, I can be a little tired, but a great night of sleep sweeps it all away and restores my energy back."
"I am sure of that, but it will good! We can do more small trips or spend days differently when I am not working and you’re not thinking about doing any kind of chore in the house."
"Yeah, mom, it will be good for everyone here, you’ll see!" Austin butted in with a cheerful tone and nodded at her mother still looking worried and skeptic.
"Yeah mom, you can finally focus on yourself a bit more." Lavinia then decided to add her thoughts too, trying to encourage her mother on relaxing on this topic, although she knew it was a sore spot since she always aspired to be a great housewife and having a maid restrained her from doing that in her mind.
"Mom, think about it, you can find a new hobby with the extra free time you will have!" It was Emily this time that spoke up, encouraging her mother with a brighter-than-the-sun grin that unfortunately her mother didn’t reciprocate as she stayed frozen in her chair with her eyebrows furrowed together and a sad expression on her features.
"See? The kids have all good points!" Edward looked at his wife with a wide grin, nodding at her encouragingly, "anyway, the decision is already made. They are coming here tonight."
"They?" Emily wanted to snort under her breath at the outraged tone her mother used to pose the question to her father, but decided to stay still for once and enjoy the show in front of her.
"Yeah, two of them. One of my dearest friends is moving to Minnesota and he doesn’t need his maids anymore since he won’t take them with him, so they are coming here. He told me they are the best maids in Amherst. An Irish woman and her niece."
"That’s so exciting!" Lavinia exclaimed as she clapped her hands enthusiastically, making Emily and Austin smile fondly at her.
"Ah, good evening! Come inside please!"
"Good evening Mr. Dickinson." Emily could hear from downstairs his father greeting guests at the door but she shrugged and went back to her poem, but for some reason her attention shifted back to the new guests in their house and after a few more attempt of focusing to write a few more lines in vain, the poet gave up and sighed out loud as she placed everything in her small drawer in her desk, before sitting up from the chair and making her way downstairs to greet their guests.
"We’re so happy to have you here!"
"The pleasure is all ours Mr. Dickinson." An Irish accent waved through the air, increasing Emily’s curiosity and made her almost sprint down the stairs to go see the new maids as soon as she realized who their guests were.
"Oh Lavinia, come here. They are our new maids."
"Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you Miss Dickinson." Something like a familiar voice reached Emily’s ears as she descended the last few steps and almost fell down of them when she got at the top of the last set of stairs and her eyes met with a pair of wonderful, familiar irises.
"The pleasure is all mine, trust me!"
"Ah, Emily! You are here too. They are our new maids."
"Oh hello Miss Dickinson."
"Good evening Miss Dickinson."
"H-hello. Just call me Emily, please." The poet found the strength to descend the last few steps and even talk coherently before walking slowly towards the two new guests in her house, stopping right beside her father.
"You will meet my son soon. He is coming here with his wife tonight. And about my wife, I really don’t know where she is." Edward joked, making the two guests laugh softly under their breath, clear, wide smiles etched on their lips. "Anyway, they are Mrs. Maggie and Miss Y/N."
"It’s a real pleasure meeting you both." Lavinia butted in sincerely and nodded at them softly, meanwhile Emily still tried to properly kickstart her brain.
"It’s a pleasure for me too. I hope you will enjoy staying here."
"Oh Miss Dickinson, I am sure it will be amazing staying here." Maggie countered back with a warm grin, mirrored by Y/N right after with a small nod of her head.
"Alright, girls would you mind showing them around?"
"I need to finish a few things for my art lesson tomorrow." Lavinia admitted dejectedly and the fact that she could potentially be alone with Y/N again thrilled Emily to no end.
"I can show them around the house, no problem Vinnie. Dad we will see you later."
"Okay, have fun!" Emily smiled and nodded at her father before dorkily lifting her thumb up and saluted him before signaling Y/N and Maggie to follow her in the kitchen.
"Alright, this is the kitchen. A place my mom likes to call her kingdom." Emily joked with a soft snort that morphed into a squeal when her mother appeared out of nowhere.
"That’s right dear."
"Mom! You scared our guests!"
"I think you were the most scared here, honey." Emily rolled her eyes at her mother’s teasing and shook her head with an amused smile.
"Mom, they are Y/N and Maggie. Our new maids."
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N was the first to speak up, trying to look cool when inside she was freaking out about meeting Emily again. She thought she would’ve never encountered her again.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Dickinson."
"You are so young Maggie." Emily smiled subtly as she sunk her teeth on her bottom lip to prevent to be caught laughing about her mother being so caught up in being mad for having maids in their house that she didn’t even pay attention remember their names, since she called Y/N Maggie.
"Mom, she is Y/N. She is Maggie." Emily emphasized the word ‘she’ as she pointed to the redhead and noticed, to her surprise, that both of their guests had amusement on their faces.
"Oh sorry, I have a terrible headache and I do not have my usual laser focused attention on anything today." Emily’s mother tried to cover up her mistake with a made up lie and laughed softly to light the air up quickly.
"Ah you should see me with an headache, I don’t even walk straight. I bump into things all the time." The redhead joked before moving on telling Emily’s mother an old Irish remedy for headache.
After a delicious dinner her mother prepared Y/N and Maggie disappeared into the kitchen to clean everything up, despite her mother’s protests, who in the end stayed still in her loveseat in the living room. The whole family stayed about an half an hour to chat, before everyone called it a night, saying goodbye to Sue and Austin, before going upstairs to sleep. Emily stayed in the living room a little bit more to pretend to read, staring at the words written on her book, as she waited for the perfect moment to ‘casually bump’ into Y/N before she could go to sleep in her room. Luckily she didn’t have to wait too long. "Go to bed aunt Maggie. We are almost done. I can finish the last touches myself."
"Are you sure?" Emily could hear the hesitation in Maggie’s tone, not wanting her niece to finish alone, but she could already picture Y/N protest with a resolute nod despite not knowing the girl at all except for a few details they shared a few days prior.
"I am sure auntie. Go. I will finish this up quickly and I will go to sleep too."
"Okay munchkin. Don’t wear yourself out. We have to wake up early tomorrow for breakfast."
"I won’t. Goodnight auntie."
"Goodnight Y/N/N." Emily immediately moved herself from her position on the loveseat as she was leaning over to take a small peak from the kitchen and eavesdrop as good as she could and pretended to casually read before Maggie could catch her. "Oh Miss Dickinson, still up?"
"Oh hey, Maggie. Yeah, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to read for a bit hoping sleep to find me."
"Ah, you should try the concoction my uncle used to make me when I couldn’t sleep. It was disgusting but it always made me sleep like a baby." Maggie delivered another one of her great and funny anecdotes to give her personal advice and Emily smiled kindly up at her as she caressed the pages of her book.
"One of these days you could make me some and we will see if it works for me too!"
"Alright. Goodnight Miss Dickinson."
"Goodnight Maggie." Emily smiled widely at the redhead before watching her walk up the stairs until she disappeared behind the wall. Emily stayed still for a few more seconds, listening for Maggie’s room’s door to close before immediately closing her book and sitting up, placed the book back in its designated place and almost sprinted into the kitchen, excited to finally spend some time alone with Y/N. She had been trying to do that for the whole evening, but she always had something to do with someone always in the way.
"Spying on people is wrong Miss Dickinson." Emily jumped up in fright as she had been caught staring from the threshold of the kitchen Y/N putting the plates they used during their dinner in the cabinet on top of the counter.
"Sorry, I was watching you work."
"Yeah, I noticed it." Emily smiled as her teeth sunk in her bottom lip at Y/N’s sarcastic counter back and walked into the kitchen, stopping right in front of Y/N, the kitchen’s wooden table separating them. The fire in the fireplace was still crackling softly in the silent room, bathing the room with an orange light that highlighted Y/N’s Y/E/C irises and almost made Emily faint at such ethereal beauty.
"Have you finished yet? You must be tired."
"I am, just a bit, but I am almost finished."
"Do you need some help?" Emily asked in hope Y/N would say yes, so she could prove to her she wasn’t the snotty rich girl that didn’t want to help in her house with chores. She didn’t exactly know why, but she just wanted to do it.
"No don’t worry. Aren’t you tired?"
"Not at all, I tend to have a lot of energy at night."
"Oh so you sleep during the day?"
"Not really. I am not a morning person, but I don’t oversleep."
"Oh I see." Emily detected a sarcastic lilt in Y/N’s tone and immediately wanted to prove to Y/N she wasn’t a lazy person.
"I swear I am not! Do you remember when we met a few days ago? It was around 7 a.m.! That was early in the morning!"
"Yeah, but I also remember that after that you forgot your buckets at the well." Y/N teased making Emily drop her jaw on the floor flabbergasted, making Y/N snort under her breath.
"I-I was distracted! I wanted to get them back but my mother prevented me to and did it herself."
"Yeah, I saw her." Y/N still had an amused grin on her lips but Emily could see the entertainment in her eyes that made Emily realize she was just messing with her and for a mysterious reason Emily wanted her to keep going, she wanted to be the subject of her teasing and entertainment just to see her smile.
"I tried to find you again at the well the next few days but I never did."
"Yeah, I was busy in the house helping Mr. Peterson with packing all his family’s stuff for their moving."
"Oh, yeah. That makes sense." Emily nodded in understanding before detaching her eyes from Y/N’s magnetic ones and focused instead on her wringing hands.
"Did you finish Dante’s Divina Commedia?"
"Yeah, last night actually. This morning I tried to find something new to start but nothing piqued my interest." Emily admitted after moving her gaze back on Y/N, who now placed the cloth she had previously in her hands neatly folded on the table.
"Ah I see. It happens to me all the time."
"Do you have some recommendations?"
"Hm, I need to think about it. I am a little bit tired and I can’t actually think about anything worth your while right now." Y/N chuckled after finishing speaking as she shyly made her way towards Emily, who stood a few feet from her.
"Oh then I won’t keep you away from sleeping."
"No, no. Don’t worry. I like talking to you but for now, as late as it is, I would like to keep our conversation as simple as possible."
"That’s fine by me."
"Do you want to stay here or-."
Emily didn’t let Y/N finish as she spoke up without thinking, blurting words out without any control, "we can go up to my room."
Y/N seemed taken aback for a few quick moments before a mischievous grin replaced the confused frown she had on, "oh I see where this is going."
"What-? OH! NO, NO, NO, NO! Y/N!" Emily exclaimed in shock before slapping Y/N’s shoulder gently, watching as she snickered under her breath at her joke.
"What?! It was a legit reaction from me!"
"I am not trying to seduce you!" But I would like to. Emily thought wistfully in her head as she tried to look as shocked as she felt a few seconds prior instead of looking like a kicked puppy yearning for cuddles.
"That’s not what your words sounded like Miss Dickinson."
"Ugh, you are unbelievable!"
"Let’s go now." Y/N shook her head with a small chuckle, making Emily’s heart clench at her cuteness.
"I-Okay. But it’s not done!"
"Whatever, now let’s go!"
"Okay, okay. Relax." The two made their way up the stairs as quietly as they could since everyone was already asleep and as soon as Emily closed the door behind herself, she felt butterflies fly around her stomach in excitement. She was with Y/N, in her bedroom, alone.
"Nice room." Y/N admitted as she took Emily’s bedroom in, walking around the small room to try to take in as much details about Emily as she could in the softly lit room.
"Thank you. You can sit on my bed, you are tired. I will take the chair."
"I can’t sit down Emily. I am your maid."
"I don’t care."
"I am serious Emily. It won’t be a problem-." Emily stopped Y/N mid-sentence by walking towards her and stopping right in front of her before placing her hands on her shoulders and pushing her gently backwards until the back of her knees touched her mattress, then she pushed her down and made her sit on the bed.
"There, it wasn’t so bad, was it?" Emily smirked proudly down at a shocked Y/N and following the bold thrill she had been hit on, she sat right beside Y/N and bumped their shoulders together.
"You are always so full of surprises Miss Dickinson." Y/N admitted and Emily called herself crazy because she saw Y/N blush slightly under the soft light coming from the fireplace. It must be her infatuated mind playing her games.
"It’s something you need to get used to from now on."
"Hm, I like it though."
"I’m glad to hear that." For a moment they just stood there, sat in silence in Emily’s room, gazing into each other’s eyes as small smiles adorned their features.
"I noticed all those small scraps of paper on your desk, what are those for?"
"Oh I write my poems on them. I am actually working on a poem right now."
"Are you serious?"
"Very." Emily nodded and smiled as she pushed her chest up proudly, "do you want to read a few things I’ve written?"
"Oh yeah! Absolutely!"
"Okay then." Emily sat up from her bed and walked towards her desk, opened the small drawer and grabbed a few poems she was sure Y/N would’ve liked, of course she didn’t grab the few ones she wrote about her.
"Wow, there are so many!"
"Yeah!" Emily smiled brightly like a kid on Christmas Day, just like every time she talked about her poems, and watching Y/N’s eyes fill with excitement warmed her heart.
"I can’t wait to read them!"
"Okay, which one do you want to start with?"
"I don’t know, you are the poet. You should tell me."
"I- I don’t actually know! Let me think- I want you to start with-." Emily trailed off to pick one out of the five ones she brought to Y/N as she sat back down on the bed, "this one, but then I also want you to read this one first." Emily pointed to another poem with her pointer finger as she held the previous poem she choose in her hand and smiled sheepishly at Y/N.
"Okay, let’s try with this. What is the poem you are the most proud of. Don’t think too much. Just point at it."
"Okay, hm- this one then."
"Alright." Y/N grabbed the poem Emily gave her and opened the small folded up paper, reading the words written in Emily’s elegant but a bit messy handwriting. The edges of the paper were a little bit dirty with ink but it only made the poem ten times better, full of raw emotions and vulnerability.
"What do you think?" Emily asked anxiously after a few minutes passed by and Y/N haven’t opened her mouth yet, her Y/E/C irises glued on the small piece of paper and her face completely blank, making reading her face a really difficult task for the poet.
"I-I-. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read, Emily. It’s so raw, so real. It opened my mind to new possibilities, it made my eyes see the world from another point of view. It felt like I was in your mind and I could see the world how you see it."
"Do you think so?"
"Absolutely!" Emily felt tears prickle behind her eyes at Y/N’s words, something really rare despite how emotional Emily was about her poems. She was very proud of them and when people complimented them it only helps to boost her self-esteem but it never happened that just a few words made her almost cry. Y/N was really special.
"Thank you. Truly." Emily smiled appreciatively at Y/N as she tried with all her might to not cry in front of Y/N. "No one ever complimented my poems that way."
"Well people are dumb and stupid. You are an amazing writer and your poems will change lives." Emily smiled bittersweetly at that as she picked at a thumbnail nervously. Those words. She recalled them being said by Sue.
"Yeah, I already heard that. Someone already told me."
"And why do you not believe in them?"
"It’s not that I don’t believe in them." Emily started slowly, swallowing the small lump that immediately formed in her throat as her mind filled with memories of Sue, of all the great time she spent with her, of how much she cared for her. "It’s just that- the person that told me that doesn’t tell me those words anymore."
"Why? Did they change their minds?"
"No absolutely not. We just- grew apart I think. She has a new life now. I’m not a part of it anymore."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N asked in a soft voice, leaning her head to the side, in a cute manner Emily noted, and looking at Emily with a gentle gaze as soon as she noticed the poet’s sad expression on her features.
"Not right now. I will, I trust you. I just- I don’t want to ruin the mood or like- annoy you."
"You won’t ever annoy me Emily Dickinson. You have such a way with words that you make listening to you alluring." Emily felt her eyes prickle slightly with unshed tears again as she listened to Y/N’s words and smiled appreciatively at her.
"I- I don’t know what to say. I-thank you."
"You don’t need to thank me Emily. I mean that. I hope you know I am sincere."
"I know, I can sense it from your voice and your eyes." Emily pointed her words out with her brown eyes as she glued them to Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, noticing Y/N swallowing almost imperceptibly at the bold gesture but decided to not comment on it.
"You know-." Y/N started after a few moments of them just staring into each other eyes, both feeling the air around them charge with an unknown electricity but not dwelling or thinking about it too much, but got cut off by a big yawn. She promptly covered her mouth with her hand before placing it back on her lap and smiling embarrassedly at Emily with a small blush on her cheeks, "sorry, I am a bit tired."
"Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing for keeping you up this late at night after the busy day you had. Not to mention the busy early day you will have tomorrow. Shit, I am so sorry." Emily grimaced after she realized she had been keeping Y/N from her well-needed sleep, but Y/N, the cute self she is, only shook her head gently.
"No, no, no, Emily. It’s fine. I wanted to spend some time with you too."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." Y/N smiled widely at Emily before starting to get up from her bed, "well, I should go to sleep now. I need to be up at 6 a.m. to start preparing breakfast."
"Do you need some help with that tomorrow morning?"
"Another one of these questions. Hm, are you sure you really needed a maid? You seem to want to do all these chores by yourself." Y/N questioned with a mocking tone as a small, entertained smirk appeared on her lips, mirth clear in her Y/E/C irises as they eyed Emily teasingly.
"I just-." Emily trailed off to ponder her options. She could easily lie about her real intentions behind her question or she could be bold for once and actually tell she just want to spend as much time as she could with Y/N to get to know her. She decided to be bold for once. She was tired not listening to her heart’s desires. "I like your company and I really want to spend more time with you."
"Oh Emily, we will spend more time together, I promise. My aunt Maggie established a few shifts between us. I have an early morning but I work till 6 p.m., then I’m done for the day. We can do something together after dinner like tonight." Y/N suggested as she idly played with her fingers, anticipation filling her whole body as she waited for Emily’s reaction to her suggestion.
"That would be great!" Emily exclaimed excitedly and had to really stop herself from jumping up and down in happiness at the prospect of spending more time with Y/N, just sticking on grinning widely at Y/N, who did the same.
"Okay then. Goodnight." Y/N nodded towards Emily and turned around to open the door, before turning her head back around to look at Emily once again, waiting her answer.
"Goodnight Y/N. Sleep well."
"You too."
Y/N opened the door completely and exited the room, smiled at Emily one more time before closing the door, sauntering into her room, across from her aunt’s one. As soon as the door closed, Emily sighed out dreamily and let herself fall on her mattress with a dopey smile on her lips, the soft thud filling the silence in the room. "Y/N." She whispered under her breath before closing her eyes and let her mind be filled with images of Y/N as she let sleep take over her.
"Good morning!" Emily exclaimed as soon as she entered the living room, her face illuminated by a big grin that lighted up the whole room, making her whole family, already seated at the table, look at her curiously.
"Someone is in a great mood today." Edward pointed out after he pushed his newspaper down and took a look at her daughter.
"I just slept good, that’s all."
"You are right on time honey, I was just telling your father that Austin and Sue will join us for dinner tonight again." Emily spit the sip of tea she was drinking at the news, not noticing the small snort that left Y/N’s mouth as she served the poet her breakfast, luckily only Emily heard that.
"Isn’t it amazing? It’s been too long since they had been here with us. They are so busy with their sophisticated parties these days. It’s a rare occasion having them joining us for two nights in a row."
"Parties I am paying." Edward pointed out making Emily grunt in acknowledgement. She was avoiding Sue at all costs and she was glad the night prior they were all busy chatting, it made avoiding Sue easier.
"Parties we are not invited to. Em you are Sue’s best friend, why don’t you ask her to invite us?" Lavinia lamented with a whining tone, pushing gently on her sister’s shoulder but then crossing her arms stubbornly when Emily just gently shook her head.
"She has new friends now. She is not interested in hanging out with us anymore." Y/N couldn’t help but notice the bittersweet tone Emily used as she addressed her sister’s question and the sad expression that flitted over her features for just over a second before it got covered by a calculated blank expression, but she couldn’t dwell on it too much as she kept serving breakfast to the Dickinson family, so she made a mental note to ask Emily about it that night.
"Speaking of friends, Emily!" Emily’s mother caught the poet’s attention and continued only when she met her eyes, "I met George this morning at the grocery store. He is such a nice guy."
"I know where this is going mom. I’m not going to marry him. He is a great friend. That’s all." Y/N missed Emily’s mother counter back and she didn’t hear the rest of the conversation going between Emily and her mother as she returned to the kitchen to tidy up the kitchen a bit before starting up lunch, not having the time to notice her stomach jumping up in happiness at Emily refusing to marry her friend.
"Are you sure? I can help you with all this mess."
"Oh don’t worry Y/N/N, go get some rest. You had a very stressful day. It’s my turn now." Maggie assured her niece, waving her off as she tidied up the kitchen after the Dickinson’s dinner. "No, don’t try to convince me. Go!"
"Thank you. Goodnight."
Y/N exited the kitchen to go up the stairs and to her room, but unfortunately she had to pass by the living room where the Dickinson family was still chatting after their dinner. Y/N sighed out of relief when no one seemed to notice her presence and kept minding their business and continued her quiet way up the stairs, a little bit sad that she probably won’t spend some time with Emily like they planned. Despite good mood being slightly dampened by hers and Emily’s plans ruined, when she arrived at her door she sighed out wistfully at the mere thought of finally getting rid of her devilish corset and lay on bed, but before she could open the door a hand touched her shoulder and squealed in fright. "Shit- Emily!"
"Sorry, sorry! I thought you heard me." Emily reasoned with an apologetic grimace, warming Y/N’s heart at the cute sight when she turned around and was met with puppy dog eyes.
"No, I was just thinking about getting rid of my corset."
"Oh I know the feeling. Looking forward on breathing normally again, hm?" Emily joked, making Y/N snort softly as she nodded in agreement with the poet.
"You have no idea."
"I have actually, because I need to get rid of my corset too. I can’t stand having it on me for one more second. Do you mind if I change in my night gown and then we can hang out?"
Y/N looked a bit taken aback from the question, not really expecting it from the brunette, "don’t you have your entire family downstairs?"
"Yeah, but they will be fine. I spent enough quality time with them, now it’s time to spend some quality time with you." Emily admitted with the slightest rosy tint on her cheeks and for once she was grateful for the lightly lit hallway so she can hide it from Y/N, who didn’t seem to notice Emily’s shy behavior.
"You make me feel too special Emily. Choosing me over your family, wow- that’s flattering." Y/N felt the need to half joke with her hand on her heart as she tried to not show how much touched she was by Emily’s words, since she only met the poet a few days prior and she was her maid.
"Get used to it! Now let’s go, I’ll help you with your corset then you’ll help me with mine."
"Hm, so eager to see me naked. Are you trying to seduce me Miss Dickinson?" Emily felt her face heat up in a millisecond at the question, not sure this time she could hide it from Y/N, her heart skipping a beat before starting beating fast in her chest as her mind filled with completely not innocent images of a naked Y/N on h-. "Emily? Are you okay?"
"Oh- I- I was-wasn’t. I was just trying to help, y’know since corsets are so difficult to take off. I always ask Lavinia to help me because I can’t reach the strings behind me, but she is busy right now so sh-."
"Emily, it’s okay. I was kidding, relax." Y/N giggled softly under her breath and bumped her left shoulder with Emily’s one to help the girl calm down, effectively stopping her ramblings.
"Oh I- I knew that." Emily laughed awkwardly for a few moments before clearing her throat, "should we, I don’t know go in your room or-?"
"Oh yes, let’s go, so I can help you undress." The last part of Y/N’s phrase sent Emily’s brain out of control as it replayed those words over and over again and each time it only helped melting her brain into mush as far from innocent images filed in.
"O-okay, let’s go." Y/N nodded and opened her bedroom door, letting Emily in first then following her, closing the door a moment later to have some privacy.
"How was dinner?" Y/N asked as she tried to look as nonchalant as she could despite having a really pretty girl in her bedroom about to undress her. Okay that totally sounded really dirty and out of context it could sound like what it actually sounded like, but we all know the truth, right?
"It was good. I liked your special bread recipe, you need to teach me how to make it."
"Oh yeah, it’s actually aunt Maggie’s recipe, but I added a little bit of raisins to enhance its flavor."
"They definitely do their work because it was the best bread I’ve ever tasted. Do not tell my mother that." Emily was quick to whisper the last part with the hand on the left side of her mouth, making Y/N laugh heartily at her goofiness.
"Noted." Y/N nodded as she still smiled widely at Emily, before starting playing with her fingers nervously. "Hm-."
"I- I really can’t resist another second in this. Can you please-?" Y/N trailed off, letting the half-finished question hang in the electrified air between them as she stared at everything around the room but at Emily’s magnetic brown irises, moving her hands to signal behind her back to hint at Emily she needed to take off her corset.
"Wha- OH! Your corset. Of course. Yeah. Yeah." Emily nodded as she stumbled over her words, grimacing inwardly at her awkwardness. "Hm- turn around please. I’ll help you out."
"Oh yeah, thank you." Y/N held her breath as she turned around and almost gasped out loud when a pair of slightly cold hands touched the skin of her back.
"Sorry, my hands are a bit cold."
"Don’t worry." Y/N let out in a breath as she tried to calm herself down and not look like she was actually melting under Emily’s touch. After a few moments, Emily succeeded in loosening the strands of Y/N’s corset and the girl visibly relaxed, "letting your corset loose is like- the best feeling ever, right?"
"Yeah, every night I feel like my soul comes back in my body."
"Yeah, they should be banned. Why women need to suffer this much while men wear the comfiest clothes ever created?"
Emily listened to Y/N talking as she focused on her fingers unfastening Y/N’s corset, "that’s what I’m always thinking about. I tried pants once, it was a breakthrough. Never had on something so comfy in my life. Even my night gown isn’t that comfortable."
"Wait- you had the privilege to try pants on?"
"Yeah! Of course my parents don’t know that, but yeah."
"Wow, I always imagined trying them! How do they feel?"
"Amazing! And I even tried a blouse with a vest. No corset on. Even better than having pants on." Emily admitted and watched delighted Y/N’s face illuminate like a Christmas three, full of curiosity and wonder.
"Wow, that sounds amazing." Emily focused on untying the last strand of Y/N’s corset with shaky hands even if she tried to stop her body from shaking with her nerves, the mere thought Y/N was a few beats away from being naked short-circuited her brain. "I always wanted to try men’s clothes on."
"When do you have the whole afternoon free?" Emily asked with excitement shining brightly in her eyes, almost jumping up and down in her spot in anticipation as an idea popped in her mind.
"Thursday. I start at 18 Friday afternoon then."
"Alright, I really hoped it was Thursday afternoon. My parents and Lavinia are going to some kinda spa thing my aunt Lavinia organized, I’m not going because I’m not in the mood to go, even if my mom and Lavinia have been trying to convince me for days. But now that I know we can have almost 24 hours together I’m definitely not going."
"Wait- hold on, are you serious?"
"Yeah, I can even convince them to bring Maggie with them or let her have a few days off. I think they will be back Friday night or maybe Saturday morning, I need to ask them."
"Wow, I don’t know what to say!"
"Well, my dear Y/N get ready for these days all by ourselves." Emily announced excitedly, finding the same amount of excitement she had in her eyes into Y/N’s Y/E/C irises, warming her heart to no end. She was afraid she could come off as too eager to spend some alone time with Y/N, but the Y/H/C girl didn’t seem to mind or she didn’t pay attention to it and it reassured Emily.
"I can’t wait." Y/N exclaimed excitedly before shivering slightly as cold air hit her hot skin, "I should put something on quickly."
"Oh yeah, it’s freezing!"
The two girls stayed looking at each other for a few more seconds before Y/N moved her gaze away to find something to put on, Emily quickly turning around as her cheeks warmed up and her heart beat loudly in her ears. "Okay, we can go now."
"Oh thank God, I seriously need to get rid of this corset as well."
"We better hurry up then." Y/N snickered at Emily’s whiny tone, ushering her out her room.
"Have you ever thought-." Emily stopped in her tracks when, after looking at Y/N for a moment on her way out Y/N’s room, she turned back around to look where she was going to not trip over something and she was met with a pair of familiar eyes.
"Sue." Y/N exited the room right behind Emily and stopped in her tracks too when she was met with Sue’s confused and also a little bit… jealous? - Y/N couldn’t tell - eyes, but she sure she could feel a little bit of electricity palpable in the air, especially when Sue detached her eyes from her and stared Emily down with an hard gaze, silence filling the small hallway for a few long moments.
"I- I hoped we could talk a bit. It’s been a while."
"Oh- can we do it tomorrow? I am a bit tired."
"Oh- oh y-yeah, s-sure. How is it going with your poems?" Sue asked with a bit of a shaky voice, her eyes full of a nostalgic glint that intrigued Y/N to no end.
"It’s going just fine. They are my safe place where I can hide when I need to be away from the world."
"Yeah, I remember. They were the most powerful way for your heart and mind to speak out loud. I miss them." Sue admitted with a nostalgic tilt in her tone that kept fueling Y/N’s curiosity about the strange dynamic that Emily and Sue shared.
"Well you decided you didn’t want them anymore. So it’s a bit hypocritical missing them, don’t you think?"
"I- I- uh, that’s why I wanted to talk to you." Sue started with her voice full of anxiety and anticipation, "it’s been too long and I-."
"You were pretty clear the last time we spoke to each other. If you want to tell me about your amazing parties and your new friends, fine. But if you want to say anything else, you don’t need to worry. There is nothing else to say."
"I-." Sue sighed out loud while her shoulders lost their tension and slumped back in their position, "I guess you are right. I have no right to want to make amends after what I did and said. I just miss my best friend."
"What? Aren’t your new friends enough? This explains your need to always want more."
"I guess I deserved that." Sue hung her head down a few beats before meeting Emily’s eyes again, "I didn’t want this. Us fighting."
"I didn’t want this too. I- listen, we will talk. Tomorrow. Okay?"
"Thank you." Sue went to hug Emily but she stopped in her tracks when she stepped back and shook her head a bit.
"Right. I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Have a good night Mrs. Dickinson." Y/N chimed in for the first time since they bumped into Sue and smiled politely at the girl who looked her up and down before smiling politely too and nodding back.
"Have a good night too-."
"Y/N." Y/N finished for Sue, who trailed off waiting for the Y/E/C girl to help her out.
"Y/N." Sue repeated before turning around and going down the stairs where chatter was still going animatedly. Y/N watched the brunette’s back a few seconds as her mind replayed everything that went through in the last couple of minutes before focusing her attention back on Emily, finding her already looking at her, making her heart skip a beat.
"Hey." Y/N started with a soft voice, her smile widening when Emily grinned gently at her.
"Hey. Sorry you had to witness that." Emily apologized as she opened her bedroom door and lead them in her bedroom.
"That’s fine. Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Emily sighed out loud and nodded gently at the Y/H/C girl while closing her bedroom door. She stared a few seconds at Y/N before turning around, "can you help me?"
"Yeah sure." Y/N’s voice was a slightly bit hoarse as she walked on shaky legs towards the poet, who was standing in the middle of her bedroom, but she paid her no mind as her brain played the conversation she had with Sue a few minutes prior.
"I can’t believe she told me those things. She had no right to tell me those things!"
"I’m sorry Emily but I don’t know what you’re talking about."
"You’re right. I will tell you after getting out of this damned corset."
"I feel you." Y/N snorted as she started unfastening the knots on Emily’s corset to help her out of it faster, the poet already sighing out happily.
"Oh yes. This is wonderful." Emily moaned out in delight as soon as she felt the corset starting to loose around her upper body, creating a tingling sensation all over Y/N’s body at the unexpected sound, but she kept going instead of fainting embarrassingly behind Emily.
"Yeah, I feel you."
"I hope one day we can get rid of these things. They are awful." Emily admitted and watched as Y/N nodded in agreement when she turned her head around slightly to Y/N behind her still working on unfastening her corset’s straps.
"Yeah. It will take a lot but I’m sure they won’t be used anymore."
"We would wear something similar, maybe something that doesn’t feel so tight and that doesn’t need help to take it off."
"Oh wow, that would be wonderful. I still struggle trying to take it off myself." Y/N snorted under her breath as she shook her head.
"Wait, do you really take it off yourself?"
"Well yeah, most of the times I ask my aunt Maggie to help me, but a few times I had to do it myself when she is still busy or not around in that moment."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed, but furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Y/N chuckle under her breath, "why are you laughing?"
"Because I remembered I once struggled so much in taking my corset off that I didn’t see the bed and fell down on it and then on the floor." Y/N explained, giggling after finishing with Emily doing the same as she imagined the hilarious scene, "here you go. I’m done. You’re free from your corset."
"Oh yes! Thank you!" Emily moved without properly thinking and pushed the top of her dress and her corset down to her hip as she turned around, exposing her upper body to Y/N, who widened comically her eyes as they inevitably fell on Emily’s exposed chest. "Oh my God!"
"Oh- sorry, sorry!" Y/N immediately turned herself around and covered her eyes as a deep, burgundy blush fell on her cheeks. "Sorry for looking I- hm." Y/N cleared her throat and tried to find the right words that would not make this situation even more embarrassing but her brain seemed to be stuck in a spiral of images of Emily’s round and full breasts and was incapable of forming coherent thoughts, so she decided to just shut up.
"No, no. Don’t apologize. I should be sorry for- flashing my tits in your face." Emily turned around too, making now both of their backs face each other, and touched her cheeks to try in vain to subdue her scorching blush, while frantically searching her night gown to put on.
Y/N snorted imperceptibly under he breath and let the next, murmured words slip out of her mouth without her consent, "I should thank you instead."
It was almost imperceptible, but Emily caught it since the wired silence surrounding them was almost deafening and it made her stop in her tracks as she opened her drawer. She couldn’t have heard right, could she? Do those words mean Y/N felt something for her too? Or maybe that she was at least attracted to her? She needed answers. "I’m sorry again. I wasn’t thinking."
"Don’t worry. I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable."
"Are you serious? I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable." Emily countered back as she carefully took her dress and corset down her body, then putting her night gown on, purposefully choosing one that has a slight see-through fabric around her chest area. This way she could know if Y/N was interested in her in that way or not. If her eyes struggled to not stay focused on her chest, maybe she had a chance with her. "You can turn around."
"So, what happened with-." Y/N did as Emily told her but stopped mid-sentence when Emily turned around and she almost flashed her breasts to her again. The top half of Emily’s dress’ fabric was see-through, that much so that Y/N could see Emily’s erect nipples, but she wasn’t sure they were erect from the cold of the room despite the fire crackling on the right side of the room or from something else. Y/N immediately noticed her slip up and her ogling and forced her eyes to look at a portray on Emily’s wall, beside her head, instead as she cleared her throat, forcing herself to not stare at Emily’s visible chest again, "hm- with Sue?"
"Oh yeah, right, hm. Can I trust you?"
"Emily of course. I promise your secrets are safe with me."
"No, I know it. It’s just- nobody knows about this but- we had a thing going on." Emily admitted quickly, not exactly knowing how to put into words what she wanted to say, extremely afraid to watch Y/N’s facial expression at her revelation, so as soon as she finished talking, she focused her eyes on the fire crackling on her left and played around with her fingers.
"Oh wow."
"Did you love her?" Y/N asked after a few beats of silence, completely taking Emily off guard.
"Wow, I wasn’t expecting this question."
"Sorry, it was too personal. You don’t have to answer me."
"No, I didn’t mean it like that. I-hm, I was expecting you- well I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe you asking about our arrangement. Or maybe not reacting this well about this- new information about me."
"Oh yeah, I got it. You don’t have to worry about that. Like ever. I- I know what it feels like to like- love a woman."
Emily had to rectify her previous statement. That took her off guard. "Really?"
"I realized it when I was 15. I started working with my aunt Maggie in a beautiful house. Their owners were a wonderful family. Always so polite, never getting angry, very sweet with me since I was a kid but also with my aunt Maggie. They were treating us like we were part of their family. But Molly. Molly was the sweetest of them. Not to mention beautiful. We were close since we were the same age. But- hm- you were lucky enough to have some kind of something with the person I presume you loved. I wasn’t that lucky. I had to endure watching her loving someone else. For the entirety of my time as a maid in their house."
"I’m so sorry Y/N." Emily butted in as soon as Y/N, after turning around towards the fireplace, trailed off to stare blankly at the fire, too caught up in her thoughts to notice Emily approaching her slowly.
"Don’t be. It happens. Especially in the world we live in. Where people like us has to hide."
"I hope one day we don’t have to." Emily admitted a little bit wistfully, her heart aching for the pain she can clearly see in Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes when she finally looked into her brown ones. She had been lucky enough to at least act on her feelings somehow. Y/N hasn’t been that lucky.
"I hope that too." Y/N smiled gently at Emily, their eyes meeting a few seconds before Y/N’s Y/E/C one’s focused on the fireplace again.
"Did you tell her how you felt?"
"Oh God, no. Are you crazy? She would’ve ruined my life, my reputation, I could have lost my job."
"Yeah, but you broke your heart that way."
"Yeah. It will heal, eventually." Y/N shrugged like it was nothing, "it’s already healing."
"How long has it been since it happened?" Emily asked a little bit sadly, her eyes conveying as much compassion and sympathy she could to try to make Y/N feel a little bit better. Little did she know she was already making her feel better by healing her broken heart.
"About two years."
"Wow." Emily exclaimed as her brain wrapped itself around this new piece of information. She didn’t know what to say to Y/N to help her make her feel better, she had been broken hearted by Sue, but they at least had some kind of relationship.
"Woman full of words I must say. It must be easy being a poet."
Y/N’s joke made Emily snort under her breath, a gesture that she hoped distracted Y/N enough to not make her see the blush she triggered with her words. "Shut up. I was just shocked." Emily pushed on Y/N’s left shoulder when she snickered under her breath and pretended to be offended.
"Oh no, don’t be mad. I was joking. Well- not completely but- HEY! Don’t hit me with your pillow."
"Or what?" Emily smirked widely when, without Y/N noticing, grabbed the pillow laying on the chair beside her and lifted it up to hit the Y/H/C girl, but before Y/N could form any sort of warning, she got blocked by Emily swinging the pillow forward and hitting her on the face.
"Ok, you asked for it." Y/N stopped another hit with her right arm while she fumbled behind her to grab a pillow on Emily’s bed and as soon as her hand wrapped itself around the soft pillow she flung it around and hit Emily right on the face, stopping her movements altogether as she stared with a shocked but amused expression on her face at Y/N.
"You. Didn’t."
"Oh I did. I can do it again if you want."
"Don’t you dare! No! Y/N!" But it was too late. As soon as Emily finished threatening Y/N, a pillow hit her face and made her stumble a bit, but she regained her balance quickly and flung her pillow at Y/N, hitting her on her arm.
"Alright, alright. Truce." Y/N placed the pillow back on the bed and waited with an entertained smirk on her lips for Emily as she mirrored her gesture and placed the pillow onto Y/N’s one on the mattress.
"Anyway, before someone interrupted me, I was gonna say I am sorry for what you went through."
"It’s in the past now. I’m finally healing. I’m finally moving on." Y/N admitted, a slight rosy pink tinting her cheeks, something that didn’t go unnoticed from Emily but the poet decided to not ask anything about it, for now.
"I'm so happy to hear that."
"Yeah. It’s not that easy, but I will be fine. Hopefully soon." Y/N admitted with a shy smile, a gesture that Emily mirrored as she nodded in understanding.
"Good, you deserve to be happy."
"Yeah, you too. Speaking of which, how about you?"
"What about me?"
"You two had a thing going on. It must be painful calling everything off."
"It’s actually going good. I missed her a lot since we stopped our thing, but it got better in the end."
"I’m glad to hear that." Y/N smiled widely at Emily and nodded, igniting a fire within Emily that she thought it was extinguished when her thing with Sue was over.
"I- hm." Emily trailed off to ponder her next words carefully, not completely sure she wanted to admit out loud and to Y/N what she wanted to say. After a few beats of silence she made up her mind and decided she wanted to be brave, she wanted to take a shot and discover if Y/N actually liked her more than a friend. "I met someone. I- she made me feel things I thought I only felt with and for Sue."
"Oh." Y/N cleared her throat, successfully getting rid of the jealous lump it formed in her throat at Emily’s admission, but as hard as she tried no other words left her mouth.
"How is- she?" Y/N stuttered, cursing herself for being so obvious about her jealousy, but it seemed Emily paid no mind to it.
"Perfect. Extremely funny, always so polite and sweet." Emily gushed uncontrollably, her eyes shining brightly with all the affection she felt for the other girl, "oh and she has a great mind too, full of ideas that fascinates me. We have a lot of hobbies in common. She is perfect."
"Wow, from what I’ve heard from your description she might be. Is she pretty?"
"No. She is beautiful."
"Already so smitten for her, hm?" Y/N teased with an arched eyebrow and a small grin to try to divert Emily’s attention on her to prevent the poet to detect her jealousy.
"How could I not? She is perfect. I think- I never felt something so hard for someone. Not even Sue."
"Does-hm-." Y/N cleared her throat when her voice wavered a bit, "does she feel the same?"
"I don’t know, but I’m trying to figure it out." Emily admitted a little bit cryptically, noticing every little reaction coming from Y/N to at least detect any kind of sign from her and if her instinct was right, she was jealous, so she maybe felt the same.
"Have you told her?"
"No. I’m a little bit insecure about it. She could feel the same but- what if she doesn’t?"
"Yeah, I know what you’re feeling. I felt the same way with Molly. I spent a year beating myself up for not telling her. Maybe we could have worked out in some way or maybe definitely not. I spent a year living on ‘what ifs’. But I have to be honest, now that I’ve moved on I think it was better that way. I don’t think she was the one for me."
"So you’re saying I shouldn’t tell her?" Emily smiled slightly at the girl rambling her thoughts out, finding all of that an extremely adorable sight witness and it became ten times cuter when Y/N blushed at her stare before shaking her head softly.
"No, what I’m trying to say is-." Y/N trailed of to take a deep breath as she stared intently into Emily’s brown eyes, "do whatever your heart craves. I’ve thought a lot about it and with a clear head I realized I was just deeply infatuated with Molly. I wasn’t actually in love with her. If it was true love I wouldn’t have moved on. So if you feel like she is the one, like you need to tell her because you truly want her, then do it. Don’t think too much about it." Emily looked at Y/N like a lovesick puppy as she talked, flaring up the fire she felt burning for Y/N, so with a made up mind and without properly thinking, as soon as Y/N finished speaking Emily surged forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips, lingering only a few seconds before pulling away abruptly, fearing Y/N’s reaction when she felt the girl completely frozen in her spot.
"I- shit- I’m so sorry- hmph." Emily got stopped abruptly when a pair of soft lips unexpectedly pressed themselves hard on her own, making her head spin out of control with a plethora of emotions she only felt when she wrote her poems. Emily felt her brain completely shutting off as she completely dived into the blissful sensation of Y/N’s mouth on hers. Their lips danced sensually over the rhythm their heartbeats set, their bodies burned from the passion the two girls shared but had to suppress for their own fears of losing the other if their feelings weren’t reciprocated, their minds were a delicious mess as their senses were completely filled with the other’s taste, perfume, essence. It was a perfect mix that both of them wished it could never end.
But Y/N had to reluctantly slow their kiss down and pull slightly away from Emily to take some needed breath as her lungs screamed for some air and she was pretty sure Emily felt if her heaving chest was anything to go by. "Do not apologize for that. Because it was so perfect."
"I was just panicking. I thought I read your signals wrong and I went too far."
"It was extremely impossible to read them wrong since I’ve been trying to not stare at your boobs for the past 20 minutes and I’ve been failing miserably." Emily snorted at Y/N’s admission, feeling a sense of pride swell in her chest as well as a familiar burning sensation in her lower stomach lighting her whole body up at Y/N’s admission.
"I think now is the right time to confess I chose this night gown on purpose." Y/N swallowed loudly when Emily winked seductively at her while puffing her chest up, giving Y/N the intoxicating view of her half exposed breasts.
"You like to torture me." Y/N murmured under her breath as her eyes never moved away from Emily’s chest, watching it move up and down with every breath the poet took and feeling her insides melt each time a nipple came in sight through the see-through fabric of Emily’s night gown.
"Because I can’t touch them."
"Who said you can’t?"
"Yo- wait, what?" Instead of answering verbally Emily smirked mischievously, grabbed Y/N’s wrist and pulled her hand towards herself. Just when it was hovering inches from her covered chest, she lifted her right eyebrow and silently asked Y/N if it was okay for her and smiled widely when the girl instantly nodded enthusiastically. The Y/H/C girl’s grin dropped as soon as her hand came in contact with Emily’s right breast and let out a small moan without noticing, making the poet groan at the unexpected attractive sound.
"Oh, Y/N." Emily whined and gripped Y/N’s wrist a bit more strongly when the girl squeezed her breast tentatively, but just right to light up her whole body with need.
"Come here." Y/N snaked her other hand behind Emily’s neck and pushed her harshly onto her lips to share a bruising kiss, reigniting the fire they set up a few moments prior. Y/N promptly swallowed another sound coming from Emily as she changed the angle of their kiss, full of passion but still chaste. But Emily needed more. She wanted to taste Y/N’s mouth fully. Just when Emily was debating with her mind to try to find the courage to deepen the kiss, Y/N beat her to it as her tongue licked the seam of Emily’s lips to ask for entrance. The poet granted it a few beats later with another small whine and her body got completely wrecked by a shiver running down her spine when their tongues met just as Y/N’s thumb and pointer finger found her nipple and pinched it gently but firmly.
"Oh fuck." They let their desire take over for a few minutes, giving their tongues time to explore the other’s mouth, licking every nook and cranny of each other’s mouth and swallowing every small sound they could pull from the other. As they kissed fervently, Emily’s other hand, until now placed meekly on her lap, sneaked into Y/N’s hair, after freeing them from the bun she had on all day and pulled on the Y/E/C girl’s scalp each time Y/N found a new way to stimulate her nipple or when her tongue moved just right. Their small moment was abruptly interrupted when they heard Emily’s family wishing each other a goodnight and they had to reluctantly pull away from each other, but not before sharing a few small, sweet pecks.
"I should go."
"No please, stay." Emily begged, leaning their foreheads together and sighing disapprovingly when Y/N removed her hand from her chest, only to smile widely when she grabbed Emily’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.
"I can’t. Your family is going to be upstairs any minute. We can’t get caught."
"You’re right." Emily sighed and nodded gently. Y/N had a point. "With Sue it was easier. My parents always let her sleep with me."
"Already talking about your ex with me Dickinson? Are you trying to make me jealous?" Y/N teased with a wide grin that widened when Emily blushed softly and pushed her gently on her shoulder.
"No, you jerk. I just wished it was that easier with you too. We wouldn’t have to stop this." Emily murmured seductively before leaning slowly towards Y/N and capturing Y/N’s lips in a slow but sensual kiss, making it last just a few seconds to tease Y/N and smirking widely when she accomplished her mission after hearing Y/N grunt in disapproval at her pulling away from the kiss and trying to follow her lips to kiss her again. "But you have a point. You sadly need to go. When do you have some time off tomorrow?"
"Around 11 a.m."
"Perfect, meet me here. I will tell my mom I need some help with my surprisingly ripped dress." Emily winked as she stressed the word ‘surprisingly’ and felt her heart swell at the sound of Y/N’s cute giggle.
"Alright. Goodnight Emily. Sleep well." They shared another kiss full of passion before Y/N quickly slipped out of Emily’s room, just a minute before Emily’s parents walked up the stairs to go into their room, followed right after by Lavinia.
Both girls had some troubles falling asleep that night as adrenaline still pushed through their bodies still burning with their passion, but after about an hour both girls fell asleep with wide grins on their lips, excited for the next day.
"Good morning my dear family!" Emily entered the living room with a brighter-than-the-sun smile, making the whole family stare at her weirdly.
"Should we get used to her being in a good mood every morning?" Edward asked his wife as both looked at Emily weirdly, eyebrows furrowed and confused expression on their faces.
"I like it." Lavinia interjected and giggled loudly when Emily run towards her and hugged tightly her over the chair. After a couple of seconds she walked to her chair and sat down, immediately stuffing her face with the delicious breakfast she had in front of her on the table.
"Hm, Maggie this breakfast is amazing!" Emily murmured with her mouth full of chocolate cake, rolling her eyes back in pure ecstasy as all the flavors hit her taste buds, completely ignoring her mother’s reprimand stare.
"Thank you Miss Dickinson, but I didn’t make it. Y/N did."
"Oh really? Where did you take the recipe?" Emily’s mother spoke up in disbelief as she too took a bite of her cake and widened her eyes comically at the tasty cake.
"It’s actually mine. It’s not that difficult to make. The secret is chocolate."
"Ugh, Y/N you need to teach me how to do this." Emily requested as casually as she could, this time waiting to swallow the cake and swiping the chocolate away from her mouth before talking, to not rise her family’s suspicions of her asking Y/N to teach her how to make a cake since she always refused to help her mom in the kitchen. "It’s delicious."
"Oh please Y/N if you succeed in making Emily do anything in the kitchen I will give you a week off." Emily turned her head towards her mother and stuck her tongue out, making her mother laugh at her in amusement.
"It would be a pleasure Miss Dickinson."
"Miss Dickinson?" Emily asked in a mocking tone, trying to make her best impression of Y/N, on Y/N’s lips after pulling away from the bruising kiss the two shared after Emily literally flung herself into Y/N’s arms as soon as they entered her bedroom, slamming her on the door.
"I can’t call you with your first name Emily, even if you asked me to."
"I know, but it was hilarious hearing you calling me by my last name. It’s weird."
"No, weird is being in a room with your parents when all my brain could think of was how good it felt kissing you." Y/N admitted with her eyes glued on Emily’s plump lips, biting down on her own bottom lip then to emphasize her appreciation of Emily’s lips.
"Not as good as feeling your hands on me." Emily countered back, purposefully arching her back to flush their chests together but whining in frustration when their corsets and dresses prevented them to feel anything.
"Yeah, it’s pretty much a tie." Y/N joked and thanked the door behind her back holding her up when Emily giggled on her mouth and the cute sound made her almost faint. "You are so beautiful." Y/N spoke up without even noticing as she stared at the poet with a loving gaze, creating goosebumps all over Emily’s skin.
"Not as much as you Y/N. That’s the first thing I thought that day at the well. I’ve always been fascinated by the beauty of the nature, but as soon as my eyes landed on you, it was like threes and flowers never existed. It was just you."
"Shit, do not say things like that." Y/N shook her head as she bit hard on her bottom lip while closing her eyes and leaning her forehead on Emily’s one.
"Because it makes me want to kiss you."
"Then why are you not doing it?" It was all the validation Y/N needed. After opening her eyes for a brief moment to meet Emily’s brown irises for confirmation, finding in them only affection and entertainment, she surged forward and captured Emily’s lips in a slow kiss, full of passion. Y/N decided to keep the kiss as chaste as possible to savor the softness of Emily’s lips, caressing her back with both hands to feel Emily’s every curve she could despite the dress and corset in her way, but when Emily’s fingers dug in the back of her neck to silently ask for more, Y/N whined softly into the kiss and immediately bit down gently on Emily’s lips. Y/N shivered at the poet’s whispered whine but took advantage of that to slip her tongue into Emily’s mouth and lick every angle she could reach. "Oh."
"Shit." Y/N murmured into the kiss when her mind finally stopped spinning from Emily’s moan and shivered wildly when the poet took advantage of Y/N’s dazed state to suck harshly on Y/N’s tongue, pulling a whine from her throat. After a few moments Emily had to pull away to take some needed breath, not too far away, just enough so their noses could brush together gently. "That was so fucking hot. And fuck- that sound." Emily giggled at Y/N’s murmured words, her eyes staring lovingly at the her and a dopey smile adorned her kiss-swollen lips, and she thought about how happy she felt in that moment.
"Ugh, I wish you could stay here all day." Emily admitted out loud after a few seconds of them basking in the comforting silence, the two girls just existing together, wrapped up in each other’s arms, with their forehead leaned together and with their breaths mingling, sighing out sadly and leaning into Y/N touch when she caressed her back comfortingly.
"I know, but your mother and sister will be back with my aunt soon." Y/N sighed out sadly, caressing Emily’s sides gently as she committed to mind every small detail she could.
"Yeah and Sue will be over in an hour. We still need to talk."
"She just wants her best friend back, Emily. Give her a chance to be a good friend. You two were friends before having what you two had."
"You’re right. I want to talk to her too. I want my friend back, but I just- want to spend more time with you."
"You will, tonight." Y/N nodded encouragingly and smiled widely to hope to make Emily do the same and when she did a few seconds later her own grin widened ten sizes.
"Do not forget we have the house all for ourselves on Thursday."
"Already trying to get under my dress Dickinson?"
"Maybe." Emily winked with a mischievous grin, making Y/N laugh heartily before kissing her gently and slipping out of her room.
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Can I please request reader taking Hailee's strap for the first time or Hailee taking reader's strap for the first time, whichever you prefer! I really really enjoy all of your fics 😁
sinking deeper into you [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: top!hailee steinfeld x bottom!reader
summary: your girlfriend is the sweetest person you've ever met and yet you can't help but try to get her out of her shell for a night.
warnings: smut -> minors look away [porn with two inches of plot and by plot i mean fluff; sweet, needy, dorky hailee turns into borderline daddy hailee very quickly so keep that in mind; strap-on sex {R receiving}; like 2 seconds of strapwarming; so many pet names; praise kink go brrr; is loving degradation a thing?]
wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: not gonna lie, this is exactly what i think about every time i listen to the coast bridge so...yeah. you can't tell me it's not intentional. i sincerely was going to write this the other way around but i got too carried away and committed to this instead. thank you, lovely anon, for being my first smut request [and for the lovely comment], hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
There are a lot of things to love about dating Hailee. There's the long list of ridiculously cheesy pet names she loves calling you, the constant hand-holding, the soft reassurances whenever you're having a particularly rough day, and, of course, the way she's always so considerate about your feelings.
Sometimes, you don't even need to tell her you're uncomfortable with something for her to know she should step in. She'll just quietly change the conversation or lead you away from whatever was causing your discomfort. 
Your girlfriend is lovely and supportive and you would have absolutely no complaints about it if she weren't so blinded by her need to make sure you're always comfortable. It's a strange thing to complain about, you're very aware of that, but sometimes you wanted more than the brunette was willing to give you. 
Especially in the bedroom.
You’ve heard every possible excuse under the sun about why she’s so hesitant to take certain steps with you but you’re pretty sure she’s just trying to keep her dominant side in check when it comes to you. It’s truly sweet but also attractive in a way that only makes you want her even more. 
Which leaves you stuck in the best yet worst cycle of your life. One that’s filled with soft pleads that fall on ears that are too busy relishing in your moans of ecstasy to actually listen to your words.
Tonight was going to be different though.
At least that’s what you told yourself. You had rehearsed the words you were going to say to your girlfriend over and over all day but unfortunately for you, they flew away the second she walked into your shared home.
She’d been gone all day, bouncing from one boring business meeting to another and while she loved her job, she loved being with you even more. So, the second she found you lounging on the couch wearing one of her old shirts, she practically pounced on you.
“Hello to you too,” you say through a laugh. “I take it you missed me?”
“You already know the answer to that, baby.” Her voice is softer than usual, traces of her earlier annoyance still noticeable in her tone. You don’t have to ask to know she’s had a rough day and you both already know you’ll do everything in your power to help her feel better.
You merely hum in response, content to just lie there with your overly affectionate girlfriend situated on top of you. Hailee seems just fine with having her face buried into the side of your neck but it takes no less than two minutes for her true intentions to come out.
She shifts a little seemingly trying to wrap her arms around you so she can feel you close to her but you know her well enough to know she’s not merely trying to cuddle with you. You’re proven correct when her hands start to mess with the hem of your shirt. “Have I ever told you how much I love it when you wear my clothes?”
“Once or twice,” you reply with a grin.
You feel her chuckle against your neck, her warm breath dancing against your skin but now quite touching you yet.
It’s been five seconds and you already want more.
Hailee, never one to leave you hanging, gives in to both of your desires and begins to press feather-light kisses onto the side of your neck. You instantly tilt your head back for her and pretend not to notice the smug smirk plastered on her face. She’s slowly winding you up like you’re her favorite toy and you can’t find it in yourself to complain.
Especially once her hands begin to move.
“Is this okay, love?” She whispers between soft kisses.
The tips of her fingers are just barely grazing against your stomach and it takes all your strength not to arch into her touch. “Mhmm…”
“I need words, baby. Tell me what you want.”
That’s all she has to say to get you to turn into putty in her hands.
“Keep going…please.”
“Good girl.” Your reward comes in the form of her helping you slide out of your shirt. She leans back and kneels between your spread legs to admire your body, her smirk growing once she realizes you’re not wearing a bra. “Always so good for me. So beautiful under me.”
“Is that why you’re taking forever?” You ask, unable to keep your inner brat in check.
She rolls her eyes at your question but you don't miss the way her hands wrap around your hips in a tight grip. It's a subtle warning but it's a warning nonetheless.
You can't help but wonder what would happen if you pushed her, though. If you truly pressed all her buttons until she had no choice but to strip away that sweet facade and put you in your place.
But that's a plan for another day.
For now, you bite your tongue and let her have her way.
She watches your face closely, her lack of words only adding to the intensity of the moment. She’s barely even touched you and you’ve already made a mess in your underwear.
A mess that only grows once her hands finally move again. They glide up from your hips, her nails lightly scratching your stomach, until she finally reaches her destination.
It takes all your self-restraint and then some to stop yourself from bucking your hips as her fingers tease your sensitive nipples. A barely audible whine slips past your parted lips the second she starts pinching and pulling at your flesh, though.
The sound makes her stop which only serves to draw out another needy sound from your throat. “What was that? Do you need something, love?”
All you can do is nod but, of course, Hailee’s not letting you get off that easy. It’s part of her charm, even though it’s also ridiculously frustrating in moments like these.
“Go on, baby. Tell me what you need.”
Here it is. The moment you’ve been searching for for far longer than you’ll ever admit out loud. You ignore the flush on your cheeks and the throbbing in your cunt long enough to ask for what you truly want.
“Your strap,” you reply, your voice barely above a whisper yet full of that subtle desperation your girlfriend loves bringing out of you.
She doesn’t say anything for a few moments but the glimmer in her eyes stops you from overthinking your words. “Are you sure? I don't want to rush you, love.”
“I know but I really need to feel you inside of me.”
Her eyes widen for a few seconds before her whole face changes. You practically watch her slip into that dominant persona she plays so well when she wants to. And it seems like she desperately wants to tonight.
“Is that so? My fingers aren't enough for you anymore, baby? You need more?”
You force the confirmation she's looking for out of your mouth before you get too flustered to respond. “Yes, please.”
That's all she needs to hear and she wastes no time jumping to her feet, the action so endearing you almost forget about your drenched underwear. You hold in a giggle as she extends her hand out to you and helps you stand only to pick you up and carry you toward the bedroom.
You’ll never understand her fascination with carrying you around but you’re also not about to complain. Mainly because her radiant joy is contagious…and because the view you get of her biceps is more than enough to distract you.
“Stay right here, okay?” She mumbles as she sets you down on the bed. “I’ll be right back to give you everything you want.”
There’s no doubt in your mind that she’ll be true to her word.
The next few minutes pass by far too slowly for your liking but your suffering finally ends when Hailee comes out of the bathroom, looking far too proud of herself and the dark purple dildo strapped to her hips. “What do you think?”
You’re speechless and more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life. You didn’t think the brunette could get any more attractive and yet here she is leaving you dizzy and desperate just from standing in front of you. The smirk, the abs, the pure confidence she oozes, it’s all too much in the best of ways.
“Come here…please.”
All she does is chuckle before finally joining you in bed. She helps you discard the rest of your clothes without pointing out how absolutely drenched you are for her. One hand lands on your hip while she uses the other one to hold herself up above you, staring down at you like you’re the best thing she’s ever seen.
The sentiment is mutual except you’re sure your eyes carry far stronger traces of neediness than Hailee’s. Which is exactly what she likes, if you're both being honest.
For a second you’re sure she’s going to make you beg before moving an inch but thankfully, it seems she wants you just as much as you want her.
She shifts her hips closer to you and you immediately wrap your arms around her as she oh so slowly slides the tip of the strap into your aching cunt. You let out a gasp, the intrusion feeling slightly uncomfortable but not unwelcome.
“I know, I know,” she whispers. “Just relax. I’ve got you.”
“Fuck.” You groan, loving and hating the torturously slow pace she’s set.
“Is that good or bad?”
“Good. Really good.”
Her slow movements allow you to feel the way she stretches your walls with every inch she pushes inside. It takes no time at all for the sound of heavy breathing and quiet moans to fill the room.
Her hand slides down between your legs and her thumb messily circles your swollen clit to help you get used to the feeling of her strap buried inside you. “Was this what you wanted, baby? To have your pretty pussy filled up by me?”
You’re glad she can’t actually feel the way you clench around the dildo at her slightly degrading words. She’s not an idiot though and she’d have to be blind not to notice the way your hips buck toward her.
“Come on, darling. I’m not a mind reader.”
You open your mouth to say something, anything really, but Hailee decides it’d be the perfect time to start moving again. You can’t form a single word or thought once she starts thrusting in and out of you.
The brunette can’t even pretend to be disappointed by your lack of words, too lost in the way your body responds to her movements and the feeling of the base of the dildo rubbing against her clit with every thrust. “Fuck, you feel so good, babe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. So wet and needy for me.”
Your nails dig into her shoulder blades as you pull her closer. “Hailee-” Whatever else you were going to say is swallowed up by another moan.
“I’m right here, y/n.” The way she so easily slips back and forth between the two opposing sides of her desire drives you to the brink of pleasure-filled insanity. “Just focus on me.”
She leans down to nip at your jawline while her hips move faster and faster against you. The only thing you can do is arch your back into her touch and beg for more.
A request your girlfriend wastes no time in fulfilling.
Her soft caresses to your clit pick up speed. Her thumb, hips, and lips all work in unison to bring you the release your body craves. “You’re perfect like this. All fucked-out and mine to please.”
You love and hate the way she knows your mind and its hidden desires so well. “Lee, please, babe.”
“Please what?” She asks, clearly loving the way you’re so willing to play this game with her. “Use your words, baby, you know the rules.”
“Please, can I cum?”
A few agonizing seconds pass by before she gives you the answer you’re waiting for. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Show me how much you love the way I feel inside you.”
If her actions weren’t enough to push you to the edge, her words are.
The world outside of her embrace disappears and you give in to the overwhelming pleasure. All you can feel is her strap pushing and pulling in and out of you as you let yourself go, making a mess on both the toy and the sheets below you.
Hailee falls over the edge with you, mumbled words of praise and breathless moans filling the space between your faces.
It takes a few moments for your brain to come back down from such a breath-taking high and once you do, you realize the way your girlfriend has collapsed on top of you. The sight is just as heart-warming as it is arousing but you’re far too tired right now for another round.
“You okay?” You whisper, tilting your head a little so you can truly appreciate the way your girlfriend looks with her face buried into your neck.
“Yeah.” She presses a quick kiss to your sweaty skin to emphasize her point. “That was incredible. How are you doing? Was that too rough?”
“I’m not made of glass, Lee,” you assure her. “And I’m not the one covered in scratches.”
She shivers as you trace a finger up and down her spine. “Feels nice…Do you mind if I stay like this for a little while?”
The way you hold her close is enough of an answer for her. You’re both desperately in need of a shower and some food, but all you want right now is each other and the peace being locked together like this brings.
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haizficz · 1 year
We fell in Love in October.
Hailee Steinfeld x Female Reader
Summary: You and Hailee having a cozy day on your anniversary.
Warnings: sm cuteness and fluff that it needs a warning^
a/n: it's october!! So this fic is of course inspired by "we fell in love in october" by girl in red. I actually wanted to post this on the 1st october.., well better now than never ig. Enjoy reading! <3
P.s. Thank you all for the support, Notes, Reblogs and Comments are highly appreciated.
Btw Requests are open!
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You slept peacefully in your soft, warm bed, the window open, which why you could hear the birds chirping, the sun shining through the glass of the window into the room. and the most beautiful of all, Hailee's hands clasped around you and her leg over your hip. And her warm breath that you feel on your neck. It was perfect. Especially because it's your and Hailee's relationship's anniversary. You and Hailee have been together for exactly 5 years today so you wanted to make something special for her.
Something you always do on your anniversary is breakfast. Usually you would just go to the bakery, buying Hailee her favorite things, serving it on the dining table and wait in the kitchen until she steps into the room with sleepy eyes, messy bun, and wearing an oversized t- shirt.
But not this time.
You wanted to make her a breakfast in bed. It's something different but it still has the point of your tradition.
So you slowly climbed out of bed and directly went into the kitchen where you took the time to make delicious looking pancakes, some fresh orange juice, coffee and before you could change your mind you went to the bakery too. You served all the stuff on two big plates and went back into the bedroom where you found a snoring Hailee. She looked adorable sleeping in your hoodie and snuggling into your pillow, like she has missed your scent. You love her so incredibly much.
After some time staring at your sleeping girlfriend you put on one of your favorite songs "We fell in love in october" to wake her up. You love this song especially when you listen to it with Hailee, because you fell in love with her in october, so did she with you. It´s like your relationship song.
Before you played the song, you connected your phone with the box and turned up the volume.
You started laughing as Hailee jumps out of her sleep and looked at you with her sleep swollen eyes. As she realized it was just you being annoying she fell back into the comfortable pillow, closed her eyes again and yawned. "Let me sleeeeeep." She begged while you paused the song and sat next to her. You looked at her with raised eyebrows and just placed one of the plates on her stomach. "Happy anniversary, you lazy mouse." Now she was looking at you with raised eyebrows and sat up. "You're annoying, but I love you." Hailee placed her soft lips on yours and kissed you multiple times. "I love you too, now eat your breakfast." You whispered into the small kisses. She giggled and took a look on the plate, which was in her lap. "This looks really good, thank you baby." Hailee cuddled to your side and you both enjoyed the food while talking about some random things. And you must admit the pancakes weren´t as good as they looked but that didn´t matter.
After breakfast, Hailee persuaded you to watch some movies. I mean you couldn´t say no to her puppy eyes, who even could? So now you were here laying in your lovely girlfriend´s arms, snuggling close to her while watching some love films.
Later that day you went for a little walk in the woods. Hand in hand and most importantly without any security people.
Both you and Hailee were never scared of paparazzi making pictures of you kissing or generally being in a not so private relationship. Especially today you didn´t care, and mainly you´ve never wanted to go out with Hailee when a security guard comes with you. No thanks.
One weird but so adorable thing which Hailee always does when you walk side by side is resting her head on your shoulder. And as she exactly did that, you rested your hand on her waist as you made your way back home.
When you got back to the apartment, you and Hailee sat down on the balcony and watched the stars as it was already dark outside.
After ten minutes of absolute silence Hailee breaked it saying "You look so pretty and I love this view." You immediately grinned at her words, noticing that she used the line of your favorite song. Instead of telling her something back you kissed her slowly and gently. You felt her hands approaching your cheeks and deepen the kiss. "You know why I love fall so much?" you suddenly ask. "Why?" She whispered and you could still feel her breath on your lips. "Because I fell in love with you in october." Hailee started giggling which made you smile widely as you were a little child who just got chocolate.
It was already midnight and you and Hailee were still sitting on the little couch you have outside. Both of you cuddled together into a big blancet, your hand going through your girlfriend`s hair, who´s resting her head on your chest, almost falling asleep, just like you. "I think we should go inside, babe." You tell her in your already sleepy voice. She just hummed in response and right then she drifted into a deep sleep. You sighed in defeat and started thinking about how the best way is to carry her to the bed. Just then you took her in bride style into your arms and slowly went to your bedroom where you softly placed her into the bed. You laid down next to Hailee before you also fell asleep.
It was a perfect day to start the month.
[This is so short lmao, sorry]
Can't thank you too often for inspiring me etc. @hard-core-super-star <3
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alotofpockets · 2 years
Meeting the family | Hailee Steinfeld
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Pairing: Hailee Steinfeld x Reader
Prompt: “Do you want to come to my mom’s birthday with me?"
masterlist | marvel masterlist | Words: 500
You were spending the night at your girlfriends place, she had ordered in your favorite meal, which you were currently enjoying together as you were watching a movie. Something about the way Hailee was acting was off, you couldn’t pinpoint exactly how she was asking though. She seemed to only be paying attention to the movie half of the time. She was also eating way slower than she usually did, like a significant amount. “Is everything okay, baby?” You ask her, putting one of your hands down on her leg as a form of comfort.
Hailee seems to snap out of her thoughts as she feels your hand meeting her leg. “Oh yeah, I’m okay.” You smile and kiss her cheek. “I’m glad everything is okay, but your mind seems to be somewhere else. What are you thinking about?”
“We’ve been together for a couple of months now, and it has been so incredibly amazing. You make me very happy, and I was wondering if you would maybe want to meet my family? I would really like for you to meet them and them meeting you too, but if you’re not ready yet, that is totally okay too.” Hailee shares. “Yes, I would love to meet them!”
“Really?” Hailee says in disbelieve. “Of course, silly. Your family is important to you, and I would love to meet them. I think we’re ready for the meeting the parents step in our relationship.” It made you very happy to know that Hailee was at the same level as you were in your relationship. Meeting the parents was a big deal, especially to someone who loves family as much as Hailee does.
“Do you want to come to my mom’s birthday with me? We were planning to go out for dinner, just my parents and Griffin.” You snuggle back into her side. “That sounds good. I’ll be there.”
Hailee sent a text to her family group chat, before putting her phone down to continue watching the movie with you.
Hailee: I would like for you all to meet y/n, can I bring her to mom’s birthday dinner?”
After the movie was over Hailee checked her phone to see if they had responded to her text.
Cheri: That would be an amazing birthday gift, sweetheart.
Peter: I can’t wait to meet her, darling. I’ll let the restaurant know we’ll be coming with an extra person.
Griffin: Awesome, I’m excited to meet the person you can’t seem to shut up about 😋 “I’m so excited for you to meet them.” Hailee says as she shows you the messages with a big smile on her face. “I am for meeting them too, love.” You were excited to take this next step with Hailee and couldn’t wait for her to meet your parents next. You could see yourself taking many more steps with Hailee in the future, your relationship had felt right from the beginning and even after just these couple month you were ready for more.
Turn on notifications for @pocketslibrary to be notified when I post a new fic! 
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crowleying · 2 years
Hey can you do an instagram au with hailee steinfeld x fem!reader? Can she come out as not straight as well! love your work, thanks!
Hailee Steinfeld x f!reader instagram au
Date: 03.10.2022
Pairing: Hailee Steinfeld x fem!actress!reader
Faceclaim: Jessie Mei Li
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Social media: instagram
Fandom: Dickinson
Warning: None
Requested: yes
y/n - your name
y/l/n - your last name
Notes: I haven't watched Dickinson yet so I might have messed up seasons
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Liked by lilyjcollins and others
vogue "Opening up is never easy but it gives you freedom." @yourinstagram is an award winner actress at the flush of her fame. After years of hiding behind characters, she is finally ready to show her true self to the world.
For Vogue's May issue, y/l/n talks about coming out, mental health and freedom. Tap the link in our bio for the full profile.
Photographed by liam jackson
View all 1,075 comments
yourinstagram Thank you ❤️
y/nfanpage We all love you so much and are so happy you are finally free to be yourself! 💗
y/nfan I think I might cry, I feel like she managed to put to words everything I've ever wanted to say, thank you so much 😭💞
abigfan The queer community has won!
ronenrubinstein so proud of you!
March 25
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Liked by arianadebose and others
haileesteinfeld First time at pride to support some of my favourite people @mnek and @yourinstagram
View all 3,042 comments
dickinsonlife QUEER KEEP WINNING 🏳️‍🌈
haileeandy/n Watch them supporting each other always. We love seeing this ❤️
yourinstagram Had the time of my life 💕
fanuser screaming crying throwing up
June 27
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Liked by haileesteinfeld and others
yourinstagram Couldn't have asked for a better partner. I will always be thankful to @ dickinson for making our paths cross.
New season this November!
View all 5,826 comments
dickinsonfan I can't wait for the new season
queerfan Dreaming to get kissed like that
haileesteinfeld You know, making me cry is not cool
yourinstagram @haiIeesteinfeld don't cry love, or I'll cry too
ohmydickinson We fell in love in november 🎶
anewfan Are they together?
y/nsfan @anewfan they just play a couple in the tv series Dickinson
shipname @y/nsfan @anewfan okay but look at the caption! She called Hailee partner, and I'm sure she doesn't mean only work partner
y/nfanpage @shipname please let's not start these speculations. They never said anything about it, if they are, they will tell us when comfortable and if they aren't they aren't!
September 25
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Liked by florencepugh and others
haileesteinfeld Can't wait for you all to see what me and my precious @yourinstagram did in this season of @ dickinson out this November!
View all 7,914 comments
fanofhailee Did you two finally get together?
dickinsonbaby Both of them posting one of their kisses makes me wonder 🤔
fanpagehailee Please guys stop with this! Let them live their life!
florencepugh BABIES
haileesteinfeld @florencepugh ❤️
yourinstagram Can't wait to start working on next season with you
haileesteinfeld @yourinstagram let's start now
ashippingfan they are trying so hard manifesting being a couple
shipname @ashippingfan they are trying so hard hiding they are a couple but just can't help it
October 1
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Liked by historyofcinema and others
enews As new season of Dickinson is about to drop, rumors start spreading about actresses Hailee Steinfeld and y/n y/l/n being in a relationship.
Read the whole story at the link in our bio.
View all 2,381 comments
abigfanofyours STOP! LEAVE THEM ALONE
lovinghailee people need to start minding their own business
dickinsonlove please don't do this. This is so disrespectful.
haileelovesme since when is Hailee queer?
heyhailee @haileelovesme she never said she was! People just like making things uo
October 16
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Liked by elliotpage and others
them After rumors spread about a relationship between Hailee Steinfeld and her co-star on Dickinson y/n y/l/n, the actress has come out. Even though she said she doesn't know yet what definition better fits her, she assured she is very much not straight.
"Coming out is a lot easier when there are people who love and support you no matter what," she said.
Read more at the link in bio.
View all 1,004 comments
shipname We all know what come next
shippingfan FINALLY
lovinghailee So happy she has people who made her feel accepted and loved
haileeswife Getting my wedding dress
haileeismine ❤️❤️❤️
user I bet this is just to draw more attention to the show
October 28
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Liked by zendaya and others
haileesteinfeld Getting to live your love freely is one of the most amazing things in the world and it's worth everything we had to endure. I couldn't have asked for a better partner than you @yourinstagram. You've been there for me since day one and I'm so grateful.
View all 8,630 comments
zendaya you two deserve all the happiness in the world ❤️
lovingy/n upset over the fact that I very likely won't be y/n's wife
yourinstagram I was the lucky one 💞
amybethmcnulty I want to be the maid of honour
November 3
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teaaagan · 8 months
Clint: Have a sleepover they said.
Kate, from the kitchen: PUT IT OUT! PUT IT OUT!
Peter: It’s called a fire extinguisher. A FIRE EXTINGUISHER!!
-Glass shatters, something explodes, screams in unision-
Clint: It’ll be fun they said.
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bishopsbeloved · 7 months
a night in
kate bishop x female reader
After dinner plans are cancelled, Kate Bishop skips straight to dessert
straight up smut, kate topping, she is so fucking horny, fingering, oral (R receiving), mentions of her strap, 1.4k words
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Dating Kate Bishop keeps you on your toes.
At the last possible minute, as the two of you were ready to leave her apartment in white tie attire for the high-end Valentine’s dinner reservation awaiting you, she got a call from Clint that had her huffing and grunting and tugging off her blazer.
“Stupid— fucking— superhero thing,” she’d muttered, fumbling with her quiver, “won’t— give me a, uhm, a couple hours, baby, I’ll be so quick.”
When she comes home, you’re at the kitchen counter, preparing a homemade meal in place of your prior plans. You’re still in the tight little number she picked out for you to match with her suit, figuring she’d still want to take it off you. The front door slams, and almost instantly she’s dropped her gear on the ground and made a beeline towards where you’re stood.
“Hi, baby,” you murmur, setting down the knife and turning to face her. Within a moment she’s pressing herself against your back, hands on your hips, stopping you from moving.
“No,” she sighs against your skin, her chest to your back, her mouth on your neck. She leans into you, draping herself over your back to pin you between her body and the counter, and hold you in place. “Stay.”
You’re quiet, cheeks reddening as her lithe arms curl upwards to let her hands cup your tits. Sometimes she’ll hold them just for the sake of holding them, but today she wastes no time in beginning to roughly grope them over your dress, fingers tugging hungrily at the cleavage.
“Katie,” you sigh, unable to stop yourself from leaning back, instinctively relaxing into her touch. She’s solid behind you, deceptively strong, groaning against the skin of your neck and then taking it between her teeth. You whimper.
“Was thinking of these the whole time I was gone,” she tells you lowly. She fumbles with the front of your dress, whining in the back of her throat when she can’t free your tits with ease.
“J— just my tits?” you manage, overwhelmed by her, arching your back into her touch.
“All of you,” Kate admits hoarsely, her hands moving to undo the zipper of your dress now. “Just you. Fuck.”
She’s all over you, she’s everywhere, beginning to grind herself against your ass as she trails open-mouthed kisses across the newly exposed skin of your shoulders. She tugs your dress down further still, impatiently rutting against you like a dog in heat, and you wince as you hear fabric rip.
“S’fine,” she mutters against the skin of your spine, sending shivers down it. She begins to tug you towards the sofa. “C’mere.”
“Katie, the food,” you remind her.
“I don’t— screw the food, we’ll get takeout. You taste better.”
She grips your hips as she sits on the sofa and pulls you onto her lap. The dress is somehow squirmed off of you entirely, leaving you in nothing but panties, and as Kate fights with the buttons of her own shirt you’re finally able to take her in — her pretty lips are parted as she pants softly, cheeks a little flushed, pupils blown. She looks up at you as she tosses her buttonup aside and a thrill of arousal shoots through you as her darkened, hungry eyes lock onto yours and finally your lips meet.
You whine openly into her mouth as her tongue slides against yours, and her hands make their way to your tits again, her thumbs toying with your nipples. Without the boundary of your dress you can feel how cold her hands are, and it makes you tense, squirming a little.
“Shhh, sh sh,” she soothes against your lips, “just let me play with you. Been— been thinking of you like this all night, baby, fuck.” She drags out the syllables, her voice dripping with need, and she’s not the only thing that’s dripping.
“You’re so wet, huh?” Kate muses as your wetness seeps through your underwear and onto her trousers. She jogs her leg, rubbing against your cunt and watching with amusement as you squirm. “Yeah? That feel good, baby? You want more?”
You cry out in the affirmative, and one hand stays on your tits while the other slides down to nurse your overwhelming wetness. She toys with you over your underwear, teasing your clit until you’re shivering in her arms, before growing impatient with her own games as she often does and sliding her cold hand beneath the lacy fabric. You yelp at the contact, and let out a low guttural cry as she slides two fingers into you without hesitation.
“Shh, it’s okay,” she soothes you, lazily curling her fingers inside of you as the pad of her thumb makes its way onto your clit. “Just be a good girl and take it. I’ve been outside working, I’ve been so cold, and I was thinking of this the whole time. You’re gonna be good for me and warm me up, okay? You gonna warm up my fingers?”
“Y— yes,” you cry out. You’re rolling your hips into her, arms curled around the back of her neck, and as the pleasure grows more intense your head falls forward to rest on her shoulder. You pant softly as, on every thrust into you, Kate fucks into the sensitive spot of your gummy walls that makes your vision go white.
“So— s’good,” you whine, breath hot against her skin, and you feel her shiver a little.
“Yeah?” she murmurs, picking up the pace a little. With every thrust your wetness seeps out of you and down onto her thigh, soaking it. “God, you’re so fucking tight,” she says desperately, whiny, her own hips beginning to rut up into you as she fucks you, and it’s the way that she gets off on your pleasure alone that has you gasping and teetering on the edge.
“Cum— cum on my fingers, baby,” she almost begs, an arm looped around your waist to hold you in place as she fucks you steadily, sinking her teeth into the soft skin of your neck. With a cry you obey, blinding waves of euphoria rolling over you as you clench around Kate so hard that she struggles to continue thrusting into you.
“Fuck, fuck,” she grits, fucking you through your orgasm and shuddering a little. The realisation that she’s cum in her pants just from fucking you has you whining, dragging your fingernails down her back, rocking into her. Eventually she pulls her hand from your cunt, sucking your slick off of her fingers and whimpering at the taste.
“Have to taste you,” she mumbles, almost to herself, easing you off of her lap onto the sofa and then getting on her knees. “Just take what I give you, baby, so good for me.”
Kate nudges your thighs apart, burying herself between them and running her tongue up your slit. She groans at the taste, not caring for your little whimpers of overstimulation.
“So fucking good,” she breathes, one arm wrapping itself around each of your thighs to hold you in place. You’re too far gone to muster a reply.
Kate Bishop always eats you out like a woman starved. Tonight, though, she’s hungrier than you’ve ever seen her. She laps at you messily, her nose nudging against your sensitive clit, desperate to engulf you. You’re crying out her name, writhing, and when you reach out to wind your hand through her hair she looks up at you through her lashes. Her eyes are wide and dark, lips swollen, the entire lower half of her face glistening with your juices. She blinks up at you hungrily, still lapping at your clit, swallowing everything you have to offer her, and the sight paired with the overwhelming pleasure coursing through you is enough to have you cumming on her tongue. She hums approvingly against you, the vibrations only prolonging your orgasm, and you feel so overwhelmingly good you can’t even move. Eventually she slows down, sensing your need for a break, and makes her way back up your body to tug you into her arms and hold you close to her.
“So good for me,” Kate soothes you, a hand combing through your hair. “So good at taking everything I give you. So, so good, my gorgeous baby.” She waits until you’ve come down a little more, until your eyes are a little less glassy, before grinning at you. “Happy Valentine’s, sweet girl. You want to ride my strap next?”
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
Thicc MILF!R being shamelessly hit on & loved on by a pair of twins, Kate & Hailee (and one of the twins is packing a massive cock)
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PAIRINGS: Hailee Steinfeld x reader, Kate Bishop x reader
WARNINGS: small angst, fluff, jealousy, double ending, this is actually horrible plz ignore this, uhm it seems dark but it’s then not…., R has a son, think that’s abt it :)
Ignore this guys I hate how I wrote this sm…
The twins stared down at each other, both chugging down their shots before sharing a glance with you.
“They’re mine, Hailee.” You sighed, feeling her hand come to the bottom of your back.
“Oh, really? Whose bed were they in last week, then?”
“Hailee! Please, can we not bring my sex life up.” You looked around to make sure no one else heard the comment she made, only to remember you were allowed into the VIP section with the two women and only them. Kate turned to face you, hoping her seductive eyes would cause you to fall into her trap.
“Baby, we’ve been together so long-“
“We were together, Katie. Look, both of you, I’m single now and I want to keep it that way, and I don’t want to mess up your relationship anymore than I already have.” You tried to move from the booth, but you were soon pulled in by Hailee and felt yourself being placed onto her lap.
“Hailee, it was a last time thing, never to happen again.” She groaned and wrapped her arms around your waist, placing a peck on your shoulder with a grin.
“Please, love, I’ll give you the entire fucking world if you just let me.” Your eyes fell on Kate who was biting her lip to hold back, her fingers tightening around her glass.
“You know you want me, Y/N, that’s why you can’t resist me. We’ve gotten together so many times because in the end you know you can’t get rid of me.” She spoke up, tapping the table with her other hand.
“We’ve also broken up just as many times, and I don’t want to be with either of you again.” She scooted impossibly closer, placing her hand on your thigh that Hailee tried to push off.
“And James? He loves me, baby, he even called me mama. Don’t you want someone who your dear little boy loves?”
“Don’t bring him into this.” She smirked at your annoyance, and Hailee’s hold on your waist tightened. It made you remember where you were and caused you to tense. Kate suddenly stood and soon found herself standing right in front of you as she looked down, desperate to reach out and touch you.
“There’s nowhere to go, Y/N. We own this piece of shit, you think they won’t listen to us? You’re locked in, and you’re not leaving until you tell us who you want.” You gulped fearfully, eyeing the door that you noticed was turned in a different direction and realized she wasn’t lying. Your breath became uneven as you thought about your options, it was very few.
“And if I couldn’t choose? What then?”
“You will choose, there’s no other choice.” Hailee responded, and you were forced to remember her intoxicating touch and raspy voice. You worried that if she moved then you’d feel more than you wanted, and you’d have an even more difficult time deciding between who to let go.
“Please, if you let me go, I’ll tell you! James is home and my friend is with him, he misses his momma.” You began growing scared of the two women and what they could do, even if you had known them for years it felt like all of that had vanished.
“Don’t you worry about him, love, he’s perfectly fine.” The younger twin, Kate, reassured you.
“We wouldn’t dare hurt him or you, baby, you just need to come to terms with yourself already.” Hailee followed her sister, the two holding a heavy eye contact that you couldn’t read.
“I- I can’t decide, I shouldn’t have to; this is foolish!” Kate stared you down with determination, her lips aching to collide with yours as you glanced between her eyes and mouth on occasion.
“We both know it’s always been me, Y/N. Ever since high school it’s been me, Hailee was only some dumbass you used when you missed me and you know it.” The twin was growing a deeper level of anger the more Kate spoke, and she quickly came to defend her side.
“Remember all those talks we shared? Remember how you’d come to me and cry on my shoulders because you felt so guilty that you still loved me whenever you were with her? I know you need me, you’ve always loved me.” You sighed and tried to loosen yourself once again. You made eye contact with Kate, giving a sad smile as you leaned your head down.
“Hailee, Kate’s right. I’m sorry but, it’s always been her, even when I loved you I always loved her more. I’m sorry.” You bit your lip as you played with your fingertips, and you felt guilt beginning to invade your body. This wasn’t fair. Why were they doing this to you?
“Yes! I knew it! I fucking told you, didn’t I?” She glanced at her sister with a smirk that carried a smile behind it, shrugging her shoulders as she placed her hand on top of yours to guide you up for her lap.
“You’re a bitch, you know that?”
“Mm, call me a bitch all you want but I’m the one who won in the end?” You shared a shocked glance between the two, your eyebrows raised and your mouth slightly agape.
“Wait, this was all just a stupid bet between you two? You got me scared for nothing?” They both laughed lightheartedly as if you hadn’t been in true, genuine fear only moments ago.
“It was just a little joke, baby. Well, plus a twenty-dollar bet between us.” Hailee handed her the bill from her pocket with an eye roll.
“So, that was all for nothing? I thought you two were going to, like, I don’t know, kill me, or something!” Hailee stood suddenly, and it was still difficult to make eye contact with her knowing deep down she was hoping you chose her.
“Oh, please, this one here cries when she steps on an ant, you really think she’d try to hurt you?”
“You’re the one still scared of spiders!”
“So are you!” You let out a breath of relief as the two began a banter, your mind now at ease as you knew you were safe in the arms of Kate.
“I- I can’t decide, I shouldn’t have to; this is foolish!” Kate stared you down with determination, her lips aching to collide with yours as you glanced between her eyes and mouth on occasion.
“We both know it’s always been me, Y/N. Ever since high school it’s been me, Hailee was only some dumbass you used when you missed me and you know it.” The twin was growing a deeper level of anger the more Kate spoke, and she quickly came to defend her side.
“Remember all those talks we shared? Remember how you’d come to me and cry on my shoulders because you felt so guilty that you still loved me whenever you were with her? I know you need me, you’ve always loved me.” You sighed and tried to loosen yourself once again. You made eye contact with Kate, giving a sad smile as you leaned your head down.
“Kate, Hailee’s right. I’m sorry but, it’s always been her, even when I loved you I think I always loved her more. I’m sorry.” You bit your lip as you played with your fingertips, and you felt guilt beginning to invade your body. This wasn’t fair. Why were they doing this to you?
“Fuck! You had to go with that one? I lost because of you.” The older sister glanced at her with a smirk, shrugging her shoulders as she leaned her head onto your shoulder.
“Hand it over, Kit Kat?”
“Stop calling me that already, you child.” You shared a shocked glance between the two, your eyebrows raised and your mouth slightly agape.
“Wait, this was all just a stupid bet between you two? You got me scared for nothing?” They both laughed lightheartedly as if you hadn’t been in true, genuine fear only moments ago.
“It was just a little joke, baby. Well, plus an extra way to pay for my shopping trip tomorrow.” Kate handed her the bill from her pocket with an eye roll as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, that was all for nothing? I thought you two were going to, like, I don’t know, kill me, or something!” Kate sat back down with a grunt suddenly, chugging down her martini that you forgot she had ordered nearly an hour ago. It still hurt to look at her, but you knew you had made the right decision.
“Oh, please, this one here cries when she steps on an ant, you really think she’d try to hurt you?”
“You’re the one still scared of spiders!”
“So are you!” You let out a breath of relief as the two began a banter, your mind now at ease as you knew you were safe in the arms of Hailee.
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katebishopsbaefy · 6 months
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: you come home after a long day of being a superhero and kate helps clean you up :))))
warnings: swearing, blood, sorta nudity but not sexual at all (just for bandaging purposes), kate and reader are down bad
word count: 1496
notes: heyyyy guys i totally said i would post a wandanat fic but im literally never getting to that bc im a busy girl in a busy world so have this instead :)
You trudge your way down the hall of the apartment complex, rubbing your arms to keep the cold away. All you want is the warmth of your girlfriend after a long day of fighting crime. On a normal day, you would’ve called before showing up, or at least gone through the window instead of the front door. Today, though, you were too tired to care.
You knock tentatively on the door of Kate’s place; one knock, three knocks, two knocks to let her know it’s you. It takes about ten seconds for her to fling the door open and another three to get worried.
Studying your face, she says, “Oh, shit. Hard day?” She takes the mask in your hands and throws it somewhere on the couch as she guides you inside. All you can muster is a small nod, pure exhaustion taking over as you press your face into her shoulder. Her arms wrap around you and her hands gently play with your hair. That is, until she feels the blood seeping through your shirt.
She pulls away immediately to inspect the gash on your shoulder. “Holy fuck, babe. You have to stop getting hurt so badly.” She says it with some amusement, but the expression on her face reveals her fear.
You reach your hand up to rub at your eye. “‘It's fine,” you mumble. You figure the faster you can get her to stop worrying, the more hugs you can get, and the faster you can get the sleep you so desperately need. You put all your energy into smiling at her. She doesn’t buy it.
“Um, no. C’mon, we’ll go get you cleaned up,” she argues. You groan quietly, but she just tugs your hand towards the stairs. You quickly shuffle up to her and lean most of your body weight into her side, to which she happily wraps an arm around your waist and helps you up the stairs. You feel a little bad for making Kate practically carry you, but you’re too tired to walk on your own.
Kate places you gently on her bed and runs to grab some first aid supplies and a towel for your shoulder. You wait to lean back on her pillow until she comes back and places it under your wound so blood won’t get everywhere. Watching her sort through the bandages, you prop your head up on the headboard and smile to yourself; she looks pretty when she’s concentrating.
“Okay, here, let me do your face first,” she mutters, gently straddling your legs. You lean back to look up at her and feel your face get red at your proximity. This time, she grins at you. As gently as she can, Kate holds your cheek with one hand and begins to work the dirt and blood out of the small cuts littering your face, occasionally turning away to get a new band-aid or clean Q-tip. You stare into her watery blue eyes that scan you, her eyebrows that scrunch a little with focus, her cheeks that are painted a soft pink for the same reason as yours, her lips that are upturned in the smallest smile.
The way her fingers softly dance across your face makes you even sleepier than you were before, and your eyes start to fall closed every couple of seconds. The exhaustion hits you like a bus, worse than before and you can’t keep yourself awake despite how much you try.
Kate’s thumb brushes over your cheekbone. “You can sleep,” she murmurs, “I’m sort of almost done. Couple more minutes. I’ll try to be gentle so I don’t wake you up.” You don’t think she could be any more gentle than she already is, though. Your eyes drift fully shut as you feel her softly kiss your forehead, quickly falling asleep.
You wake up what can’t be more than thirty minutes later to Kate messing with your shirt sleeve. You lazily turn your head towards her hands, blinking confusedly. She quickly stops.
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up. I need to fix the cut on your arm, but I didn’t want to take your shirt off while you were asleep, so I thought maybe I could just move your sleeve up, but it wasn’t really working and I didn’t want to wake you up but I guess you’re already awake so I just… uh… yeah,” she spits out. You can’t help the massive smile that grows on your lips at her; her nervous rambling, how she didn’t want to disturb your sleep or take your shirt off, the way she’s still being so soft with you. It makes you fall just a little more in love with her.
Her nervous expression fades into small giggles. She looks at her hands in her lap, quietly twisting her fingers together. She asks, “Is it okay if I take your shirt off? Just to fix your shoulder. I won’t if you don’t want me to.”
You nod silently, continuing to smile softly at her. She moves her hands to the hem of your suit’s top, gently pulling tight fabric over your head and chucking it into the hamper on the other side of the room. She quickly gathers her materials and starts examining the cut. 
“Stitches?” you whisper, fear lacing your small voice. You hate needles and especially didn’t want to get stitched up while you were so out of it. Fortunately, Kate shakes her head.
“No stitches, don’t worry,” she replies, beginning to clean and bandage the wound. You can’t help but admire everything about her for the 50th time tonight. You’re still sleepy, but your staring keeps you contentedly awake.
“All done,” Kate says, breaking you out of your trance. She moves her bandages and other tools to the side so she can take a good look at your arm, then your face. Her hand finds yours, thumb gently rubbing across your knuckles. You look up at her eyes to find her studying you, just as you had been studying her before. You can tell by the way her eyes flick downwards, only for a quick second, and the way they gaze back into yours when they return how desperate she is to kiss you. However eager she is, she knows just as much how exhausted you are and doesn’t want to push you. Regardless, your lips quirk upwards and you squeeze her hand softly to let her know it’s okay. 
She leans forward, pressing her lips to yours as softly as she can. You press a little closer to her to deepen the kiss, just enough for both of you to feel satisfied and bask in the other’s love.
You pull away after a minute or an hour, head spinning and heart pounding. Your hands are still interlocked in your laps and Kate keeps rubbing her thumb over your palm; back and forth, then circles, then tracing your name into your skin. You can almost feel all of her love seeping into you from the small act. You lose track of time again, sitting together and just being.
A yawn from you interrupts the quiet of the moment. Kate giggles at you and reaches behind herself to grab your set of pajamas from the foot of the bed. They’re not technically yours, since the set entirely consists of clothes you stole from her, but she would never dare ask for them back. She likes how you look in her shirt, anyway.
“Here, arms up,” she says. You lazily follow her directions, and she slips the old t-shirt over your head. Then, you work together to take off the rest of your hero suit and exchange it for old flannel pants.
Once you’re dressed, Kate flops on the bed next to you and you curl into her side, happy to finally get to sleep. She starts rubbing your back with one hand, the other picking up your hand again. You bury your face into the crook of her neck, not caring for the small cuts you aggravate. You feel like you can’t get close enough to her. You settle, and it’s quiet for a moment.
“You smell good,” you whisper, breaking the silence. It’s the first thing you’ve said in a while, you realize, since you’ve been too tired to speak. You felt like she needed to know, though, that she smells like home. It should be an odd mix: coconut shampoo, Old Spice deodorant, honey from tea she must have had earlier, yet, it’s so comfortingly Kate.
Kate giggles again. “Thank you. You also smell good,” she murmurs into your hair, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You know you don't; you smell like sweat and dirt. It’s nice that she’s nice, though. 
Her touch makes you so sleepy and comfy that you fall asleep within seconds, your hands still intertwined. Neither of you let go for the whole night.
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scmg11 · 5 months
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As I got swiped away by inspiration and already wrote 8 chapters for my new book, I wanted to surprise you. So I finished proofreading this a new chapter for you!
Let me know what you guys think.
Sending you so much love ❤️
Summary: Y/N got assigned as Hailee's new bodyguard but Hailee is not so happy about it.
Warnings: just a little bit of description for harassment, but it will be gone quickly.
Word count: 21840 words.
The sound of feet covered in combat boots echoing around in the small, empty hallway was the only sound filling the silence around, creating a calming melody to the girl’s ears as she sauntered to a closed door, stopping in front of it and knocking gently, patiently waiting for permission to enter in the office.
"Come in."
The girl opened the door right after and smiled warmly at the person sat behind the big, glass desk in the middle of the room, "good morning."
"What’s it with this formal shit, Y/N!"
"Oh my bad. Hello bitch, how are you doing?" Y/N smiled cheekily at her boss but also her longtime best friend, sitting on one of the two armchair placed right in front of the desk and crossed her left leg over her right, bent over one and looked at her friend expectantly, waiting for a witty remark.
"I would say ‘that’s better’ but I’m not so sure now." Y/N chuckled at her best friend rolling her eyes and winked at her teasingly, "anyway, I don’t want to take too much of your time up. Let’s get to the point and discuss why I called you here today."
"Alright, what is it?" Y/N looked expectantly at Clara, who was now leaning with her elbows on the desk and with her hands linked together, slipping ‘business face’ on.
"I know you got back from your last job about two weeks ago, but I have a new client and requested the best bodyguard I have. I would be a fool not giving you this job."
"Hm, the best bodyguard here. Flattery. A lot of it." Y/N teased with a proud smile, puffing out her chest, before deflating after a snort left her lips when Clara rolled her eyes good-naturedly at her best friend’s antics, "anyway, of course I will take the job, you know I get bored easily at home after a few days off. So who is this new client? A snotty young prince? A dumb heiress? Uh-oh! I know! A stuck-up model with a big God Complex? Ah they are my favorite. Their head is full of themselves, it makes me laugh every single time. Especially when they are male models."
"None of them actually. Luckily I would say." Y/N sighed out in relief at that before both shuddered loudly as they thought over enduring months and months of working with those kind of clients. A fucking tough job. "It’s an actress. She is also a singer and she is starting a tour soon. You will have to follow her around on tour and a few events she is invited to. If you do a good job, which I’m sure you will, more than perfectly, they will have you around her a lot. She is gaining fans quickly and her parents want her safe."
"Sounds good. Easy. Do I know her?" Y/N nodded gently at the job offer and got instantly excited hearing she have to follow the actress around tour. She is always happy with traveling around the world to discover new, amazing places.
"I don’t know. I’ve seen a couple of her movies, maybe you did too. She is Hailee Steinfeld."
"Oh yeah, I remember her. I listened to one of her songs yesterday on the radio. She has a beautiful voice and that song was such a bop."
"Oh great!"
"When am I starting?" Y/N asked in excitement, always wanting to work since she loved her job dearly. She doesn’t know exactly who her new client is, she just knew her name and her voice when she sang, but she will have time to do a small research about her. She always liked to be fully prepared for a body guarding job.
"Well, if you are ready, they would like for you to start now."
"What, now as in now?" Y/N asked in disbelief, her eyes widening in shock as she realized what her best friend just said.
"Yeah, it was kinda fast." Y/N snorted at that as she shook her head in amusement.
"That’s an understatement Clar. But I will accept. How much time do I have to get ready for her tour?"
"2 weeks I think. She is finishing a movie and then she is off for tour. You can meet her today. Her mom called me this morning asking me if it was okay to join them today."
"Sure, no problem. Are we still up for drinks tonight right?"
"Are you kidding me? I’ve been holed up here for the entire week. I need a break."
"Hm, when you say break you actually mean a good fuck right?" Y/N teased her best friend, who looked at her in fake outrage as she placed her hand on her chest feigning taking offense from Y/N’s words.
"Excuse me?!"
"Don’t act so innocent all of a sudden. I’m the one that has to be your wingwoman."
"Go before I decide to fire you as my wingwoman and as a bodyguard."
Y/N chuckled as she sat up and walked around the desk to give her best friend a big, warm hug before promising to pick her up at 7 for their usual Friday night full of drinks. As Y/N exited the building and climbed into her car, her phone dinged with a text message her best friend sent her with all the information she needed about her new job and the location Hailee was actually in right now to go there and meet her. She put the address in her GPS and drove away into the busy streets of LA.
"Name please?" Y/N lifted her sunglasses up her head and looked at the security guard outside the set Hailee was filming in, smiling at him politely.
"Hi, Y/N Y/L/N. I am Miss Steinfeld’s new bodyguard. My agency should’ve already sent all the information needed."
"Ah yes. Here you are. You can park right beside Miss Steinfeld’s trailer. You have to turn left, then right, then right again and you should find it right away. Her name is on the door." Y/N listened carefully to the guard’s directions after he lifted the automatic barrier and let her enter the set’s parking lot. "Have a nice day!"
"Thank you so much. Have a nice day!" Y/N followed the guard’s directions and drove through the set’s parking lot, stopping a few minutes later when she saw a trailer parked in the middle of a deserted part of the parking lot with just 2 cars parked near it. Y/N parked her car right beside a a black Porsche and exited the vehicle, locking it before making her way towards the entrance of the trailer to read once again the name on its door and to make sure it was actually Hailee’s trailer.
"Mom, I already told you that I didn’t need a bodyguard. I don’t want one!"
"Haiz please, listen to me. You are going on tour soon and for the first part of it we can’t be there with you. You are gaining fans fast and we are worried about your safety."
"Yeah, you could’ve tied me to my tour bus or you could’ve locked me into my room. It’s the same, right mom?" Y/N listens to two voices argue, loud enough for her to hear it but just quiet enough to not let everyone around them hear them. She didn’t peer around the trailer to watch who was arguing to avoid being caught eavesdropping, but from what she could hear, she assumed she pretty much was the subject of the argument between Hailee and her mother.
"Haiz, I know you are saying this because you are angry at me and your dad for making this decision without asking you for your opinion, but trust me it was a decision made for your own good."
"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Thanks." Y/N was debating in her mind if she should make her presence known or not, fearing she would get caught by someone, especially from Hailee or her mother.
"Excuse me Miss Steinfeld, but we are ready to shoot again." Y/N sighed out loud when she heard someone approach the two women and quickly ran to her car when she heard footsteps approach where she was leaning on the other trailer’s side.
"Thank you Simon. I will be there in 5 minutes."
Y/N had just the time to close her door quietly before two figures rounded the corner from the back of the trailer, taking just a second to look at them before opening her car door and feigning arriving just in that moment as she adjusted her leather jacket before closing her car door and locking the vehicle again, feeling a pair of eyes watching her movements. "Hm, hello?" Y/N spoke up tentatively, feeling a little bit uneasy at the two pair of eyes staring at them.
"Hi dear, can we help you?" The shorter of the two women asked in a gentle and soft voice, smiling politely at her as she approached them, while the taller one stayed in silence, standing beside the shorter woman with a rigid stance, her arms crossed and her face stoic with her eyebrows furrowed angrily.
"Yes, hi. I am looking for Miss Hailee Steinfeld."
"She is right here." The shorter woman pointed to the taller one with a smile just as Y/N stopped in front of them. "I’m Cheri, her mom."
"Oh, nice to meet you Mrs. Steinfeld, Miss Steinfeld, I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I was assigned to you to be your new bodyguard." Y/N stretched her arm over to shake Cheri’s hand first before doing the same with a reluctant Hailee.
"Oh dear, there’s no need for these formalities, just call me Cheri!" Y/N returned Cheri’s warm smile and nodded softly at her request, "anyway, welcome! I’m afraid we don’t have much time to discuss things since Hailee needs to go back on set, but you can stay with me until she finishes for the day."
"That would be great!"
And they were off, walking towards the set with Cheri talking excitedly to Y/N, telling her how excited she is Y/N was assigned to Hailee as her new bodyguard, how much she admired her for doing such a difficult and sometimes dangerous job, and Y/N listened with rapt attention and with slight amusement at the woman’s enthusiasm but she couldn’t help but notice Hailee stayed quiet the entire walk towards the set with her jaw set and her nostrils flared a bit as she stared with furrowed eyebrows ahead of her. "We’ll wait here sweety, then we will discuss everything after you’re done for the day."
"Okay, see you later."
After about three hours Hailee joined them back where she left, her face conveying her tiredness but Y/N could still see in her eyes she was still slightly mad at her mom for hiring a bodyguard she apparently didn’t want from what Y/N gathered when she eavesdropped Hailee’s and Cheri’s argument earlier that day.
"I already ordered burgers baby. They should be here soon." Cheri told her daughter as she approached them and when Cheri’s hand caressed Hailee’s bicep, Y/N watched as a bit of her anger slipped away and got replaced by a loving glint.
"Thanks, shall we go?"
Y/N couldn’t help but notice a small change in Hailee’s behavior compared to the one before shooting back on set. Maybe she cooled off a bit or maybe she had time to think over her mother’s words during filming, but Y/N was glad that she actually came around her mother’s decision, decision she found truly heartwarming. "How was shooting, honey?"
"It was good. A little bit stressing towards the end of it since Nelly couldn’t remember the right line and she had some troubles getting it right, but it was fun as always."
"Oh I’m so sorry for her. She must be exhausted."
"Yeah, she came back from another set three days ago. She has so many projects going on right now."
Y/N didn’t know who Hailee and Cheri were talking about but she assumed they were talking about one of Hailee’s co-star. "Y/N, dear, have you already worked for another actress or actor before?" Cheri asked Y/N with a small smile as they approached Hailee’s trailer in the set’s parking lot.
"Yes, I have. Quite a few. I started my body guarding job with an actress actually. I remember being so anxious and so nervous all the time. But with time you develop more confidence, you become more confident, you learn how to control your emotions and act rationally and logically. You have to be strategic when needed and you must have a clear mind when a dangerous situation unfolds before you so you can protect your client."
"Oh wow!" Cheri exclaimed, her eyes shining with curiosity that Y/N found extremely cute but she couldn’t help but notice Hailee scoffing under her breath as she rolled her eyes, now being the one curious about the actress’ reaction to her words.
"Anyway, it becomes ‘easier’ with time, even though there is nothing easy in this job." Y/N clarified with a small smile directed at Cheri, since the singer wasn’t exactly paying attention to her as she fished her iPhone out of her pocket and started texting someone.
"Oh I’m sure. Y/N, I know how much you’ve worked with your agency and how much of an hard worker you are, that’s why I specifically asked for you. I know Clara. She is one of my dearest friend’s niece. I asked her to assign Hailee one of her best bodyguards and she immediately told me your name and everything you’ve done during your time in her agency."
"Yeah, we pretty much funded it together. We started together."
"For how long have you known her?" Y/N watched as sheer curiosity glistened in Cheri’s eyes and felt her chest flutter at how comforting her attitude is. She couldn’t help tilting upward her lips when she noticed Hailee had her eyes still on her phone but she stopped typing away on it, clearly interested in the conversation going on between Y/N and Cheri as she tried to listen carefully even if she was acting disinterested. They arrived at the trailer and settled in, Y/N sitting on a loveseat, while Hailee and Cheri sat on the couch in front of Y/N.
"We met in college. She was my roommate."
"Oh that’s wonderful dear! I’m so glad Clara assigned you-." Cheri got interrupted when a knock on Hailee’s trailer’s door echoed around the makeshift living room, "it must be the delivery guy with our order. One second, I’ll be right back."
"Yeah, sure." Y/N awkwardly looked around the room with her hands entwined, not really knowing what to say now that she is alone with Hailee, but trying to find something to say since she will be her bodyguard from now on and they will need to start some kind of civil relationship between them. "How was your day on set?"
"Good." Y/N had a feeling that that one word answer will be the only thing that will leave Hailee’s mouth and sighed out softly. The singer’s tone wasn’t exactly harsh or conveyed hostility, but it held a dryness in them that told Y/N she was still pretty mad at her mother or even Y/N herself for this situation. Not that Y/N had a say in all of this. She was just doing her job.
"Okay! Here I am!" Cheri came back a minute later, carrying two dark paper bags full of their food and Y/N immediately sat up to go help Cheri, feeling Hailee’s eyes on her in the process but paying no mind to it. "Oh thank you, dear."
"You’re welcome." Y/N smiled widely at Cheri, who grinned back at her with sweetness seeping out of her every pore before they settled everything on the kitchen table, with surprisingly Hailee’s help, who got up a minute after Y/N.
"Let’s dig in. I’m starving." Hailee stated, making her mother chuckle with a fond smile on her lips and gestured to Y/N to eat before joining them.
"Have you got everything, honey? Did you pack everything?"
"Yes, mom!" Hailee laughed good-naturedly at her mother’s anxiety as she made her check her suitcases 4 times and go over the list she made of things she had to pack at least 10 times to make sure she packed everything with her before making her finally close her suitcases to bring them down to put them in her tour bus. "I literally have the list memorized by now." Hailee smiled lovingly at her mother as she checked the list for the umpteenth time before meeting her eyes and nodding at her.
"Okay, yeah. You’re right. Sorry. I- I’m just a bit stressed. You’re going on tour and I want to make sure you have everything with you."
"I know mom. I got everything. I checked everything before closing all my suitcases." Hailee smiled warmly at her mother before chuckling softly under her breath with fondness swirling around her brown irises when she watched her mother fold the piece of paper with the list on it and nod gently at her.
"Good! That’s good. Hm, alright it seems you’re ready to go. Oh no! It’s getting late!" Cheri took a look on the watch on her wrist and placed her right hand on her cheek in shock when she looked at the time. They were running a bit late.
"Yeah, we need to go." Hailee hugged her mother before doing the same with her father and her brother then walked in her tour bus and closing the door, making sure to lock it before making her way further into the bus to settle everything down. She felt the bus start moving and sighed out contentedly.
"Hi." Y/N had to swallow the soft snort that was ready to come out of her mouth when Hailee jumped up in fright with a small squeal at Y/N’s voice echoing around the silent bus.
"Oh shit. Fuck! You scared me."
"Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I didn’t know how to make my presence known without scaring you, I guess I didn’t do a good job." Y/N chuckling softly while scratching the back of her head, the grimacing to try to convey her regret for scaring the singer.
"Well- don’t worry. I guess it’s definitely better than doing a sudden loud noise or something like that."
"Yeah, I guess." Y/N chuckled softly under her breath, emitting another soft chuckle then let a small smile adorn her lips as she looked at Hailee for a few seconds before focusing on her hands in her lap, feeling slightly awkward being in a room alone with Hailee since they had never been alone again since when first meeting almost 10 days prior.
"Hm, what are you doing here?" Hailee asked as she played with her fingers, wringing them gently as she tried to focus her gaze on anything but Y/N, clearly feeling the awkwardness between them. It’s not that they started off on a wrong foot, but Hailee still strongly believes she doesn’t need a bodyguard while on tour and she hadn’t acknowledged Y/N, just the bare minimum.
"Your mom told me to stay here with you." Y/N answered with a serious, business-like tone. She had always been a professional at work and had never, not even once let her emotions show or let them control her, but since Hailee had never been friendly with her, always acting annoyed by Y/N’s presence, almost like she blamed Y/N for being there to protect her when she was just doing her job, she decided to build a wall between them and act just with Hailee just like Hailee is acting with her.
"Oh, yeah right. To protect me." Hailee stressed the word ‘protect’ out with a sarcastic tilt in her tone and Y/N felt annoyance bubble in the pit of her stomach, but she tried to swallow her comeback down to prevent starting an argument with her new client.
"Yeah." Y/N trailed off for a few seconds to collect her thoughts and try to not sound annoyed as she felt to Hailee, "that’s what I do. It’s my job."
"I don’t doubt that, trust me. It��s just that, like I’ve been trying to say for the past 10 days, I don’t need protection!"
"Yeah, I heard you. Your mother heard you. Your father heard you. But they are still worried. Fans can get crazy. They are all amazing, but sometimes meeting your idol makes you go a little crazy. Trust me, I met a lot of them. A few of them were pretty crazy."
"But not my fans."
"I’m not saying that. I’m just saying that fans can be a lot sometimes, especially after waiting for you for an entire day at a venue or at the airport. They are loyal, passionate, loving. And that can get too much sometimes."
"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Hailee dismissed her as she wasn’t paying attention anymore with a wave of her hand and rummaged around the kitchen for a mug. "I’m just changing a few things from now on. When we’re stopping for a break in about an hour, you’re gonna leave me alone. I don’t need a babysitter."
"I’m not a babysitter." Y/N countered back with a strong but still polite tone, crossing her arms and staring at Hailee hard.
"Yeah sure, but I still want to be left alone. I do not agree with my mother’s choice of giving me a bodyguard, but I have to accept it in some way. But what I don’t accept is you staying here when you can easily stay with the crew on the other bus. I want my privacy."
"Okay well. I will go on the other bus as you wish." Y/N gave in dryly, not wanting to keep discussing this subject, stood up right after and, without sparing Hailee another look, walked into the driver’s cabin and asked him to pull over and let her walk out of the bus. Thankfully he stopped immediately after her request, communicating what he was doing to the other driver and without even saying anything else to Hailee, she walked out of the bus and got on the other one.
"Yeah, yeah, totally. Oh, yes, we just got here." Hailee opened her tour bus’ door as soon as it stopped, finally arriving in Phoenix, the first city that will start Hailee’s worldwide tour. "Yeah, I am getting off of the bus right now and I’ll go in the venue for the soundcheck."
Hailee stopped in her tracks on the last step to get off the tour bus when she came face to face with Y/N, already waiting for her with her arms crossed and stoic face to accompany her in the venue. "Hi."
"Yeah no, sorry mom. Line got interrupted for a second." Hailee ignored Y/N and visibly rolled her eyes, letting out a huff through her nose as she descended the last step off the tour bus and walked away from Y/N, huffing out again when she heard over her mother’s voice through her iPhone’s loudspeaker steps following her, annoyed about Y/N following her around. "Okay, I will. I need to go now. Okay, bye mom. Love you."
Hailee waited for her mom to say ‘I love you’ back before hanging up the phone. "Are we ready to start our first soundcheck for the first date of this tour?!"
"Hell yeah!" Hailee high-fived her guitarist before doing the same with the drummer, joining her at her sides then walking inside the venue. Hailee took a second to sweep her eyes all over the place, taking it in and smiling widely when she imagined the venue being completely filled with her fans that night. "Hm, I missed this so much." Hailee stated out loud, letting out a sigh as she soaked up in the feeling of finally being back on tour.
"Hey, Y/N! It’s nice to see you again." Y/N smirked smugly when Hailee furrowed her brows and turned her head around in confusion when her drummer said ‘hi’ to Y/N, Hailee then noticed the smug grin on Y/N’s face and rolled her eyes in annoyance before turning back around and walking towards the stage.
"Hey Mick. How is it going? Everything already set up?" Y/N asked enthusiastically at the young man smiling back at her, who walked into step with her as she walked behind Hailee, now a few feet from them. "Excited for tonight?"
"Oh yes! Everything is set up. I’m so thrilled for tonight. I can’t believe it’s sold out on the first night already." The brown eyed young man looked at the stage with a big, bright smile before looking at Y/N again, "so everything is going good. Great even."
"Cool. Are we ready for the soundcheck? Can I go get my in-ear monitors in?" Hailee butted in the conversation and asked just as enthusiastically, eyeing the stage some more before focusing her attention back on her drummer.
"Oh yes! I have them already. Go get ready."
"M’kay, ready for soundcheck in 5 minutes, Mick."
"Are you ready?" Hailee’s makeup artist asked in a soft voice as she applied the last touches of makeup on the singer backstage, Hailee nodding gently as she stared ahead of her after taking a deep breath, making the makeup artist smile warmly at her.
"I’m a bit nervous." Hailee admitted as she bit on her bottom lip anxiously, watching from her position in the backstage the lights on stage changing colors while the music in the background became louder and louder each passing second, signaling and warning her she only had about 10 seconds before going on stage, the beats of the drums reverberating through her ribcage, filling her up with adrenaline.
"You’re gonna do great." Y/N shouted over Hailee’s fans loud screams and smiled encouragingly at her, shocked to see a small grin directed back at her after the singer moved her focus from the stage to her, meeting her gaze briefly then returning her eyes back on stage, taking one last deep breath before running on stage, saying ‘hi’ to her fans that erupted in the loudest collective scream yet.
"Hello everybody! How are you?" Hailee laughed into the mic when her fans screamed louder and shook her head fondly before continuing, "I can see you’re doing great! Let’s get this show started, shall we?"
Y/N had to admit the concert was amazing. The fans were crazy for Hailee and Hailee put one hell of a show for them. Y/N had travelled a lot and she had seen a lot of concerts when she was a singer’s bodyguard and she had seen a lot of crazy fans, a lot of them were crazy, but she had never seen so much love being directed at a singer with that intensity, with so much warmth. It was endearing, truly. "WOHO! HOW WAS THAT?!"
"You did amazing. Congratulations."
Hailee turned around to stare back at Y/N, still not expecting her acting so nicely after treating her so poorly. "Thank you!"
Y/N smiled warmly at Hailee but the brown haired girl just reciprocated with a tight lipped smile before turning towards her dancers engulfing her in a big group hug, "hey, great show!"
Mick high-fived Y/N enthusiastically and giggled alongside her while bumping their shoulders together, watching as the dancers surrounding Hailee now started jumping up and down with her in the middle and screaming at the top of their lungs. "And it’s just the beginning."
"Do you think it will get crazier?" Y/N asked with an incredulous voice, watching Mick nod with widened eyes. "Really?!"
"Yes! Hailee’s fans are the best. They are so passionate about her! It’s amazing."
"I saw them during the concert. I still have to ‘encounter’ them in other occasions but I can see they are passionate." Y/N admitted as she watched Hailee interact with her dancers as she smiled widely, "I guess I will need to be extra careful, right?"
"Eh, not that much. They are respectful. Most of them at least. She had almost zero encounters with ‘batshit crazy’ fans."
"That’s good to know. I had a quite a few with that kind of fans and trust me, it’s not a pretty sight to witness."
"Oh I’m sure." Mick snorted under his breath before shaking his head softly, "but I’m sure it’s fun and exciting, am I right?"
"In some way yeah. But I guess when you need to protect your client, you are worried too. Even if there isn’t too much danger."
"Oh yeah, right." Mick seemed to ask something else, but he never got the chance because Jasmine, one of the dancers, came sauntering towards them with a big grin and interrupted them.
"What?" Y/N snorted when Mick asked that question with his eyebrows furrowed and a confused expression on his face.
"You heard me. We are going to celebrate the first concert of the tour!"
"You already planned everything, didn’t you?" Mick asked with a mischievous grin on his lips as he crossed his arms and looked at Jasmine knowingly.
"Well, yeah! C’mon, we’ve known each other for years!" Y/N watched as Mick chuckled with a small nod as Jasmine circled her arm around his shoulders and side-hugged him tightly.
"Fair enough. Anyway, I’m always in when there is alcohol involved."
"Y/N, are you in?" Jasmine asked with a smile, rolling a strand of hair around her index finger and looking at the Y/H/C girl expectantly.
"I kinda have to." Y/N replied with a snort, "you guys kinda have to be friends with me, because wherever Hailee goes, I go too. But I’m glad you invited me, so I don’t feel like I’m crushing on you guys’ night."
Mick and Jasmine laughed at her joke and both punched her shoulders as they shook their heads, "you sound like a jealous girlfriend."
Y/N snorted out loud at Mick’s joke before flipping him off, making him laugh harder alongside Jasmine. "C’mon you two, let’s get drunk!"
"I know! But at least I got free alcohol!" Jasmine laughed care-freely as she sipped on her drink, moving her head to the beat of the song playing in the club while eyeing her friends in the vip area dancing.
"We got free alcohol. Thank you Jaz!" Mick leaned over the table and high-fived Jasmine then doing the same with Y/N, who was only paying half attention to what they were saying as she tried to keep her gaze focused on Hailee dancing with a few of her dancers on the dance floor not too far from them. "Dude you now look like a jealous girlfriend. Chill. She is with us. She is safe."
"Stop harassing her Mick. She is doing her job." Jasmine leaned over the table to slap Mick’s shoulder before sitting back on her chair and patting Y/N’s hand gently, drawing her full attention. "Don’t listen to him Y/N."
"Oh trust me, I’m not. And I never will." Y/N joked with a mischievous smile directed at Mick, making him gasp with an offended face, his mouth opened in an O shape and his eyebrows drawn together, but she purposefully ignored him and focused her attention on Jasmine instead. "I just- I don’t want to be too oppressive. She doesn’t want me here. But her mom does. I want her to trust her mom is right. I am not her enemy. Nor are her fans. But sometimes things get crazy and I am here to protect her if it will ever happen."
"Don’t worry Y/N. She will come around eventually." Jasmine assured Y/N with a warm smile.
"Yeah, she will. I am sure of that." Mick caught Y/N’s attention by laying a hand on the Y/H/C girl and patting it gently.
"Thank you guys." Y/N smiled in appreciation at her friends, who just lifted their drinks and winked at her with small grins of their own.
"I need a drink." Y/N snorted under her breath when another dancer, Tess, walked at their table and sat unceremoniously down on the chair beside her, a bit sweaty and out of breath. "Can you go get me one Mick?"
"Sure. For 200 dollars."
"What?! C’mon! You came here to sit three songs ago! I need to rest." Tess argued as she groaned at Mick’s mischievous expression.
"Not my fault. You could’ve joined me then and you could’ve rested enough to get a drink." Mick countered back with mirth glowing in his eyes. Despite his words, Y/N saw Mick gripping the chair’s armrests, a clear sign he is ready to get up, and that gesture made Y/N smile fondly as she witnessed the drummer mess around a little bit with Tess.
"Ugh, you’re an asshole." Tess flipped him off before sending him a kiss when he got up from his chair right after. "Love you!"
"Yeah, yeah." Mick waved Tess off before walking towards the small group still dancing and talked to Luke and Mark quickly, before walking towards the VIP area’s bar. He probably asked his friends to get drinks for everyone and not too long after everyone joined the table when Mick, Luke and Mark brought shots and drinks. Everyone except Hailee. Y/N was ready to sit up and join her to keep an eye on her closely, but Tess passed her a shot and made her cheer with everyone else. Then another. When the third one arrived in a very short time, Y/N declined it since she was technically working and that made her senses go back on alert, chancing a look at Hailee, expecting her to dance with the few people dancing on the dance floor, but she was met with uncomfortable eyes that were clearly asking for help. With a lightning-fast movement she sat up from her chair and strode towards the dance floor.
"C’mon, let me buy you a drink babe."
"Do not call me babe. I said no. Thank you." Hailee talked slowly but with a firm voice, her tone a bit lower and full of anger and annoyance.
"Then let’s dance a bit before getting that drink. I promise I will make worth your while."
Y/N wanted to punch that douchebag’s face repeatedly when she heard the conversation going on as she got closer to Hailee and a small curly, dark brown haired boy, watching as he ogled Hailee with his brown eyes. "Is there a problem here?"
"No. Bye."
Y/N had to restrain herself when the boy answered before Hailee could, not even moving his eyes from her chest before meeting Hailee’s gaze with a disgusting flirty smile, "where were we? Oh yeah, we were about to dance. Or we could skip the dance and the drink and get right to the good part."
"Like a said no. A million times no."
"You heard her. No." Y/N interrupted him as she crossed her arms under her chest and approached Hailee slightly, noticing how she leaned a bit over her as she tried to move away from the boy.
"Who are you?" Y/N had to physically restrain herself from punching repeatedly this douchebag’s smug face by closing her hands into tight fists, feeling her short nails sink deep into her palm and creating a grounding stinging, and by taking a deep, calming breath but it proved to be a really difficult task when the douchebag’s face twisted in disgust, "go find another girl to hit on, she is not interested."
Y/N’s patience was becoming thinner by the second and closed her eyes for a second to stop from head-butting hard this jerk, before opening her Y/E/C eyes again and focusing her cold gaze on him, "the only person I want to hit, hard, right now it’s you. Don’t test my patience. I’m here to tell you to go fuck yourself."
"Nice try, but I’m not going anywhere. Not without her at least." Hailee frowned in disgust when the boy winked at her in something that he may have considered seductive before focusing his gaze back on Y/N. "So why don’t you go bother someone else?"
"Did I stutter? Go. Fuck. Yourself."
"No you listen for once. I said no. NO. A million times no. I guess you don’t take a no for an answer but I don’t care. I said no. I’m not going anywhere with you. And apologize to her since she had been nice enough to not beating the shit out of you."
"Oh I got it now. You two are together. It’s fine. We can arrange something." Y/N and Hailee facepalmed right away as they stared dumbly at him for a few seconds but they sighed loudly when they noticed he was actually serious.
"We’re not together. I am her friend."
Hailee was glad Y/N didn’t use the word ‘bodyguard’ since this jerk seemed to be so dense and dumb that he would’ve thought about some kinky role play shit he would’ve wanted to join. "We are her friends and we tell you to go nicely. Don’t let me repeat myself or the word ‘nicely’ won’t be used again."
Hailee turned her head around and smiled warmly at Jasmine and Mick behind her mimicking Y/N’s pose and watching the boy with a withering glare, "ugh fine, you bitch were too fucking haughty and snob to fuck."
The boy turned around with a scoff and went to walk away, but Y/N stopped him right after, "oh hey! You forgot something."
"What?" The boy didn’t have time to turn fully around before Y/N’s fist collided with his cheek hard and made him fall down on the floor with a grunt that almost got covered by the cheers and loud wolf whistles from her friends as they cheered Y/N on.
"There. Now you can go to hell asshole."
After about an hour, Y/N walked out of the club, following Hailee closely as she talked animatedly with two of her dancers about something Y/N wasn’t exactly paying attention to. "You don’t have to worry about that, we will blame Pete for that."
"Hey!" Y/N smiled softly at the boy in question protesting, lowering her head down and watching her feet move on the concrete for a few moments before looking up ahead again.
"Don’t worry, we won’t do that." Hailee was quick to reassure with a calming, comforting tone but her innocent expression then broke into a mischievous smile a second later, "maybe."
"I hate you two!" Pete put his hands on Hailee’s and Lorna’s shoulders, walking respectively on his left and on his right side, and pushed them to the side, making them stumble in their steps.
"That’s our stop. We’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Haiz." Lorna and Pete hugged Hailee tightly, doing the same with everyone that wasn’t on the bus they were staying in then walked in their bus.
"I’ll join you guys in a second. I will walk Hailee to her bus."
"Okay." Jasmine lifted her thumb up and nodded at her after she hugged Hailee goodnight and walked alongside her friends to their bus.
"Hm, I need to walk you back to your bus then I’ll leave you alone." Y/N told Hailee in an awkward stance and shrugged softly.
"Okay." Hailee nodded and started walking the few steps towards her tour bus, hearing Y/N catch up with her not even a second later.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah." Y/N didn’t believe Hailee not even for a second, she saw her bite on her bottom lip and fidget with her hands nervously since they left the club not too long ago, making Y/N ask if Hailee was okay.
"Are you sure? You seem a little bit- lost? Deep in thought. I just want to make sure you are okay."
"I am just a little bit shaken by what happened." Hailee finally admitted after a few seconds of silence, causing Y/N’s heart to clench at her quiet voice.
"I am so sorry." Y/N apologized with a regretful expression on her face and looked at Hailee with remorse clear in her Y/E/C eyes, "I shouldn’t have sat down at the table. I should’ve been right beside you so he wouldn’t have approached you in the first place." Y/N looked down at her feet for a few seconds in shame before looking back into Hailee’s brown irises when she felt them on her, finding nothing but fondness in those mesmerizing irises.
"Y/N, it’s not your fault. I actually really appreciated you giving me space and not staying glued to me all night long. I might not wanted and I might still not want you here since I don’t think getting a bodyguard was necessary but I understand my mother’s worries and I respect your job. And you did an amazing job. You came at the right time and helped me out and I’m grateful for that. Stop beating yourself up. You did nothing wrong."
"I know, but I should’ve arrived earlier. I should’ve stopped him before he could’ve approached you. I was distracted and I shouldn’t have been distracted. Not when I am working."
Hailee smiled tenderly at her before placing a hand on her right shoulder and caressed it softly in a comforting manner. "It’s okay. You need to have some fun too!"
"I don’t. Not when I’m working." Y/N countered back with her eyebrows furrowed and shook her head in denial, "my priority is your safety and I can’t protect you if I am distracted. It won’t happen again."
"Okay, stop. Hold on. Let me open the door and we can keep talking." Hailee rummaged in her purse to find the tour bus’ keys and opened the door, then signaled for Y/N to enter, but the girl shook her head and signaled her to go in first. Hailee rolled her eyes good-naturedly and shook her head with a small smile before she realized Y/N wasn’t going to give in and walked in first.
"Wow, what a mess!" Y/N said out loud and widened eyes comically as she took in the place, full of clothes scattered all over the living room’s floor and couches.
"Yeah sorry, I was trying to unpack a few things."
"All of this is a bit more than a few things." Y/N joked as she looked at Hailee comically and the girl shrugged shyly.
"Anyway, we started on a wrong foot. Especially because of me. Let’s start over. I will try to be more polite to you if you will try to have fun when needed."
"Oh I didn’t realize this was a negotiation." Y/N cracked another joke, smiling mischievously at Hailee while shaking her index finger to point at Hailee and herself, the singer scoffing with another good-naturedly roll of her eyes. "Anyway, I will try. But your safety has to come first."
"Ugh, Y/N relax. You don’t need to walk me back every night to my trailer, especially when it’s 10 feet away from the entrance!"
"I am sorry, but this is the protocol. It’s my job to be sure you are safe in your trailer."
"Yeah, okay, but no one is around. My fans are on the other side of the venue."
"I still will walk you back in your trailer." Hailee huffed out a small laugh as she fished her keys from her stage pants she stashed in there after grabbing them on the counter in her changing room before walking out of the venue and unlocked her tour bus door. "I-."
"Like every other night for the past month, no. You don’t need to check the bus. It was locked."
"Okay." Y/N sighed dejectedly, scratching her forehead in frustration at Hailee’s stubbornness as she looked the singer in her eyes, "you did great tonight by the way."
"Thank you." Hailee smiled widely at the compliment, adrenaline still pumping hard in her veins at how wonderful the concert was that night. The crowd was ecstatic and the atmosphere was amazing.
"Goodnight Y/N."
Y/N could hear Hailee’s name being screamed by the ecstatic crowd from the backstage and couldn’t help but smile at how passionate Hailee’s fans were and how much love they showed her, "okay, all set. You can go on stage now."
"What’s up everybody!" Y/N smiled widely when Hailee run up on stage and the whole crowd erupted in a loud scream of excitement at her sight, "wow, I see you are happy to see me!"
No matter how many times she saw it, Y/N was still stunned how much loved Hailee was by her fans. She had travelled a lot and she had been pretty famous singer’s bodyguard before, and even if Hailee’s fans weren’t that much compared to the singers’ fans Y/N had worked for, she could see the real passion, affection and love they had for Hailee. A lot of really famous singers have also a lot of ‘occasional’ fans in the crowd that are there at their concert just to watch them live, but with Hailee’s fans Y/N could see every single one of them would go to every single one of Hailee’s shows, they weren’t just occasional fans. "WOHO! WHAT A GREAT SHOW!"
"Fuck you Mick! You will make me go deaf one of these days."
"Nah, you’ll be just fine." Mick waved her off and snickered as he circled his arm around Y/N’s shoulders and hugged her closer for a moment before pulling away.
A few seconds later a body crashed into her back as it crawled over it, giving her just a few seconds to react and grab the person’s thighs to prevent them to fall on the ground, "Y/N! I missed you!"
"Jaz we saw each other 2 hours ago!"
"I know! But I still missed you!" Y/N smiled warmly at her friend as she hugged her tightly and shook her head before putting her down gently.
"Oh yeah! I’m gonna change quickly. I wanna say ‘hi’ to them." Y/N heard Hailee speak to her manager not too far from her and watched curiously as she run to the hallway that led to the dressing rooms, already knowing she was talking about going to say ‘hi’ to her fans waiting outside the arena. She followed her and waited patiently outside her dressing room as Hailee finished changing from her stage clothes and walked her to her fans when she finished, watching with fondness in her eyes Hailee talk to her fans, signing their pictures of her and taking selfies with them. It was calm for almost 10 minutes until a fight started not too far away from them, a few rows back, between a few Hailee’s fans. A few screams could be heard and Y/N, waiting patiently a few feet behind Hailee until then, immediately jumped into action and went to take Hailee away from the scene, since the arena’s guards already got it covered, but the singer walked forward to try to calm everyone down slipping from Y/N’s grasp. Y/N saw from the corner of her eyes as she walked again towards Hailee, a girl crashing into another girl holding a beer and accidentally breaking the bottle onto the barrier on her left, before another girl crashed onto her side and made her stumble forward, dangerously close to Hailee, as she walked a few steps forward to try to help and calm everyone down. "Guys, please let’s just-."
"Hailee!" Y/N got in front of Hailee’s just in time. The Y/H/C girl grabbed the singer’s forearm and pulled her behind her back as she got in front of her a second before the broken bottle got pushed into her lower stomach while the girl holding the bottle fell down on the floor right in front of Y/N’s feet. Y/N grunted in pain when she felt a big piece of glass embed in her skin and flesh, while the rest fell down on the floor and crashed into pieces, but the Y/H/C girl pushed the pain away to protect Hailee and moved her away from the hassle. "We need to go."
"Oh shit- Y/N!"
"We need to go now. I need to escort you away to a safe place."
"B-but we need to look at that-."
"I’ll be fine." Y/N gritted through her teeth as she ignored the excruciating pain and grunted out loud when she pushed Hailee towards the direction of her tour bus.
"Y/N we seriously need to call someone." Y/N grunted back in protest as she kept pushing Hailee towards the bus and signaled for her to open the door as she looked around for anymore treats. "Y/N, please. You’re bleeding."
"I will check it as soon as I am sure you are safe and now-." Y/N trailed off as she closed the door behind her and locked the door. "Now you are." Y/N sighed out loud as she laid her back on the closed door for just a moment before she pushed past the pain for a few more seconds to check the entire bus to be completely sure Hailee was safe.
"Okay, now please, stop here and let me check." Hailee leaned her hands on Y/N’s shoulders when she joined her back on the living area and pushed down gently to let her lay her butt on the small table behind her. "Oh fuck. It looks bad." Hailee stated, examining the big red spot on Y/N’s white t-shirt with a worried expression on her face.
"Can you- l-lift the shirt?"
"I don’t know." Y/N grunted in pain when Hailee just grazed the hem of Y/N’s shirt and stopped her movements right away.
"Fuck." Y/N hissed out loud and retracted her body abruptly from Hailee’s grasp, "sorry, just- be careful."
"I am." Hailee replied softly with a small smile, "I think we should let it be checked." Hailee repeated as she looked once again at the blood stained patch on Y/N’s white shirt, biting her bottom lip nervously. A few seconds later she felt the bus move and instinctively looked at the closed door separating the living area from the driving cabin at the front of the bus with her eyebrows furrowed together. "No, no, no! We should stop."
"No, it’s okay. It’s important that we get away from that chaos. We can handle it. Wait, let me rephrase that. I can handle it. I don’t want to bother you too much. I will go into the bathroom and as soon as we are far away I will go into my bus." Y/N announced as she lifted herself off the table with another pained grunt and limped a few steps towards the bathroom to check herself the damage that broken bottle did to her, but a gentle hand on her right bicep stopped her in her tracks.
"You can’t be serious Y/N. I will help you." Y/N smiled in appreciation at the soft tone Hailee used and nodded gently at her, who nodded back with a small grin of her own, "okay, now stay put. I don’t want to hurt you if you move."
"Yeah, okay." Y/N let herself be lead by Hailee back towards the table, making her sit back down on the table and slowly but more firmly this time, lifted Y/N’s t-shirt to assess Y/N’s injury, carefully slipping the shirt away from the glass before pulling it up under her chest.
"Oh shit." Y/N gasped out loud when she felt the cold air hit her hot skin and chanced a glance down her lower stomach.
"Oh shit." Y/N repeated Hailee’s words and stared at the big piece of green glass embedded into her skin. "Fuck."
"Sorry!" Hailee grimaced in apology as she tentatively grazed the piece of glass to assess the damage.
"Don’t worry." Y/N said through gritted teeth as she tried to subdue the stinging sensation in her lower stomach, "it has to be taken out."
"Wait- do you want me to-? No! No way." Hailee asked when she moved her eyes away from Y/N’s injury and found her Y/E/C eyes staring at her expectantly.
"Hailee please, we still need to drive for a bit more and I am starting to feel dizzy. So we need to take this out and stop me from bleeding out. I would have done it myself but I don’t have enough energy in me to pull it out neatly, I would cause more unnecessary damage. So please, I know I am asking too much, but you are my greatest option right now."
"Geez, talk about ‘no pressure’." Hailee joked and made Y/N chuckle airily under her breath as she smiled fondly at the singer.
"Yeah." Y/N shook her head and looked at Hailee amusedly, "sorry but it is what it is."
"No I got it." Y/N smiled fondly at Hailee and nodded once before letting her continue, "I just don’t want to screw it up. And I don’t want to hurt you."
"Don’t worry, you won’t. You will do great. I will guide you through it all."
"Why do I feel like it’s not your first time being this heavily injured?"
"Because it’s not. I liked to get into a lot of trouble in high school." Hailee smiled mischievously down at her but in her eyes Y/N could see worry and apprehension as she stared into her brown irises.
"Hm, why am I not surprised?" Y/N snorted under her breath and blushed slightly under Hailee’s gaze, "anyway, we should probably focus. I seriously need to take this shit out, you look a little pale."
"Yeah, yeah. It also hurts like a bitch. So we should hurry."
"Okay-." Hailee took a big, deep breath to ground herself and closed her eyes to focus, a few seconds passing before she opened them once again and with her index finger and thumb took a solid hold of the big, broken bottle’s piece. She stared at the glass a couple of seconds, took another deep breath then looked into Y/N’s eyes firmly, "on three. One, two, THREE!"
Y/N groaned out loud, trying not to scream too loudly at the searing pain in her abdomen and closed her eyes shut hard, "ow! Fuck, fuck, fucking shit!" Y/N felt dizzy and hold onto the table’s edge hard to prevent herself to fall on the ground. "Sorry for cursing. It won’t happen again." Y/N murmured quietly after she gained some consciousness, her head spinning slightly and feeling a little bit weak.
"Are you serious right now?" Hailee asked incredulously as she walked to the trash can and dumped the broken bottle’s piece into it and walked back to Y/N to assess her injury. "You were in pain. Hell, you are still in so much pain. There is no need to apologize."
"I know, but I’m still working right now, so I should try to at least be well behaved." Y/N tried to reason with seriousness but the small smile that Hailee sent her way broke her deep serious frown into a big grin of her own as they both chuckled under their breaths.
"I don’t care. You are not working right now. You are a friend that got hurt and I am taking care of you."
"I should consider myself lucky, shouldn’t I?"
"Oh yeah, very lucky actually!" Hailee replied with a serious face as she nodded once before breaking her serious façade with another grin, her hands still lifting Y/N’s shirt up some more to prevent the shirt’s fabric to stick onto Y/N’s deep cut on her lower abdomen, "I will take care of you really good, you’ll see!" Hailee winked playfully before looking down on Y/N’s cut to see if there was any small pieces of glass left that she didn’t take out earlier, luckily there weren’t. When she moved her eyes once again back on Y/N’s face she was met with a small blush on Y/N’s face and a big, mischievous and cheeky grin on her lips. "What?" When Y/N just kept staring at her knowingly, Hailee thought about what she had said and immediately blushed furiously as she fumbled over her words to try to clarify, "NOT LIKE THAT! Y/N!" Hailee slapped gently Y/N’s shoulder, who chuckled softly under her breath.
"Hey! You are the dirty-minded here, you should hit yourself! And I’m injured, I’m in a lot of pain right now, it’s not fair hitting me!" Y/N caressed her left shoulder where Hailee slapped her and chuckled under her breath at their banter.
"Not enough to stop you from being the only dirty-minded here!" Hailee countered back before lifting a challenging eyebrow up when Y/N opened her mouth to try to counter her back. She smirked triumphantly when Y/N shut her mouth and grunted out childishly.
"It’s not my fault, you said it like it was meant to be dirty!" Y/N replied a few moments later and pouted softly, trying to play her trump card and make Hailee relent and say she was the one dirty-minded between them, but it only blackmailed when Hailee smirked cheekily.
"Well, this only proves you are the dirty-minded here. Because even if I decided to specifically say those words with a dirty meaning, I covered it all up with an innocent look and I made it sound innocent. You were the one that caught the dirty meaning behind that phrase. But it wasn’t the case anyway, because I didn’t realize what I said only after you pointed them out, you horndog."
"Ugh, fine you won. Now please, tell me if I need stitches because I seriously need to disinfect the cut before it could get infected."
"Oh yeah! Wait-uhm- how do I know you don’t need stitches?" Hailee asked with an insecure voice, her eyes now back analyzing the cut intensely while her eyebrows were cutely furrowed together in concentration.
"Check the central portion of the cut. How distant are the two flaps of skin?"
"Hm, I think not too much. Maybe just a tad bit of a quarter of an inch."
"Okay, that’s a good thing. You don’t need to patch me up-." Y/N trailed off as she thought over what Hailee said while she tried to see the cut’s damage for herself too.
"Yeah- wait, hold the fuck up. I would’ve had to patch you up? Are you insane?" Hailee asked incredulously and stared at Y/N like she just grew two heads, who simply chuckled in amusement as she shook her head good-naturedly.
"No, I’m Y/N."
"I-hm." Hailee opened her mouth to prepare herself to counter Y/N’s words back, but as soon as her brain registered Y/N’s witty joke, she closed her mouth shut and looked at Y/N unamused. Y/N then chuckled softly under her breath and shook her head, but didn’t add anything else, wanting to hear what Hailee would counter back, excited for their new teasing and bickering dynamic. "Wow Y/N, that was really mature of you, I must admit. Very, very mature."
"What can I say? I’m a book full of surprises and plot twists." Y/N replied with nonchalance, shrugging and smiling innocently at Hailee.
"Unbelievable." Hailee shook her head good-naturedly and rolled her eyes in amusement as she walked to the cabinet where she knew there was the first aid kit and joined Y/N again. She place the bag beside Y/N and grabbed a cotton wool, soaked it with hydrogen peroxide and lifted it to Y/N’s cut. "Okay, this will hurt a little."
"Almost done, stay put!"
"I’m trying!"
"Not enough!" Y/N grunted at Hailee’s reprimand and tried to stay as still as the excruciating pain on the left side of her lower stomach allowed her to, closing her eyes shut as Hailee cleaned her cut. "Almost done."
"Finally, ugh it hurts so much, shit."
Hailee then stopped altogether when her eyes moved up from the cut just an fraction of second and got met with Y/N’s defined abs, every muscle standing out due to Y/N contracting them from the pain. "Uhm-." Hailee opened and closed her mouth like a damned dumb fish, slapping herself on the forehead in her mind for not getting a grip on herself at the sight of just defined abs and a well-defined body, her hand frozen on the cut.
"Hailee please, hurry- fuck! Ohw, ohw, ohw!"
"Oh, shit! Sorry!" Hailee apologized as she lifted the cotton wool from the ugly cut after she started pressing on it too much without notice in her distracted state and cursed herself under her breath for hurting Y/N more than necessary due to her being an- horndog? A stupid? "Here, done!"
"Uh, fucking finally. Okay, it is starting to subside." Y/N started to breath evenly back a few seconds later Hailee stopped mending her injury and relaxed her previously contracted abdomen when she could just feel a light and small stinging sensation from her lower stomach cut.
"We need to put an antiseptic cream on it otherwise it will get infected." Hailee pointed out as she walked towards the bathroom and opened her medicine cabinet, finding the aforementioned cream after rummaging a bit in the cabinet. "Wow, I need to thank my mom for thinking about everything. She packed a whole pharmacy in my medicine bag."
"A big thank you to Mama Steinfeld." Y/N breathed out as she nodded oxygen Hailee before chuckling softly under her breath with her as Hailee approached Y/N back and opened the bandages.
"Ugh, it looks ugly. Does it hurt a lot?"
"Not as much as before but it still hurts." Y/N explained with a shrug as she looked down at her injury too.
"Okay good. This will sting a bit but it will get it better." Y/N nodded and gritted her teeth to prepare herself for the stinging, flinching just a bit when Hailee’s delicate hand applied the antiseptic cream on Y/N’s cut with a cotton swab.
"Do you want me to blow on it just a bit?" Hailee did all her best to refrain her face to break into a big grin and tried to keep a serious face as she asked the question and it got even more difficult when Y/N looked down at her incredulously but she kept applying the cream not looking at Y/N, fearing she would crack and laugh out loud if she looked into Y/N’s incredulous eyes.
"How old do you think I am?"
"I don’t know, 5 years old?" Hailee then cracked as she looked at Y/N with her bottom lip trapped under her teeth to prevent her smile to broaden but as soon as she met Y/N’s eyes she bursted out laughing.
"Ha-ha very funny." Y/N rolled her eyes good-naturedly and snorted under her breath, her heart fluttering alongside her stomach at the cute laugh Hailee was emitting for her own joke.
"I know, I am hilarious."
"Debatable." Y/N countered back jokingly, "ohw, hey!"
"Sorry!" Hailee smiled apologetically but Y/N saw through that and rolled her eyes at her pushing on her cut at her mocking words.
"Thanks." Y/N breathed out gently as soon as Hailee stopped applying the antiseptic cream and smiled in appreciation for her care and patience.
"Okay, time to patch you up and we’re done!"
"Finally!" Y/N exclaimed out loud, amusing Hailee to no end as she wrapped the bandage around Y/N’s lower stomach. "Thank you."
"You’re welcome." Hailee smiled affectionately at Y/N after placing the other unused bandages back into the emergency kit and looked at her in gratitude, "I actually should be the one thanking you. Not the way around."
"I was just doing my job."
"You almost got hurt badly for it." Y/N shook her head with a soft smile and lifted her hand up in protest.
"It’s nothing. I’ve been worse injured." Y/N admitted with a mix of shyness and resolution, trying to make Hailee stop feeling bad for her.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
a kiss to every scar [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: servicetop!hailee steinfeld x [inexperienced] bottom!reader
summary: hailee sets out to show you the ropes of acting on a tv show...unfortunately, your very obvious crush on her distracts her enough to stop being so professional.
warnings: smut -> no minors allowed [this is technically porn with plot but the plot isn't important; fingering [R receiving]; praise + petnames; needy hailee [yes, this deserves a warning]; technically public sex but not really [aka sex in hailee's trailer but she forgets to lock the door]; hailee being overly protective but also very horny; R is technically younger than hailee but the age gap isn't that important, the height gap is though :) [sorry to my tall peeps]]
wordcount: 2.4k
a/n: this request comes to you straight from our beloved 🧞‍♀️ anon! i tried to balance the fluff and the smut but well...you already know i always end up getting carried away. i TRIED, though. i'm going to make an announcement soon regarding writing hailee so stay tuned for that because it's going to be important. anywho, hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You’re no stranger to surreal experiences. 
It seems like your entire life ever since being cast in your first TV role has been a series of unbelievable experiences after the other. Most of said experiences have been due to the overall excitement that comes with learning lines, going to outfit fittings, and talking through scenes with amazing directors and producers. 
However, the biggest, most surreal, of all the amazing things you’ve done has been meeting, working, and getting to know Hailee Steinfeld herself. The reasons for that are endless since you’re not only a genuine fan of her but you also have a not-so-small crush on her.
A crush that has thankfully managed to pass by undetected considering your overall awe at the work you get to do every day. It’s managed to be so undetected that you haven’t noticed how mutual the admiration that flows between the two of you actually is.
You’re not totally oblivious so you have picked up on some of the looks she sends your way and on the way she’s so adamant about helping you maneuver through the many obstacles that come with being on set all day. None of that seems like anything more than her being nice since you’re so new to a life that she’s lived for so long so you’ve never questioned it.
Plus, you like the feeling of her hand on your waist way more than you’re willing to admit to anyone. (Especially her)
Which is how you ended up getting talked into staying on set to watch Hailee finish her last scene of the day. It’s not something completely uncommon since you love watching her and the director in action but the brunette promised to buy you dinner afterward, something that’s never happened before. 
Your heart and mind have already made up more than enough excuses to overshadow the very clear intentions behind Hailee’s invitation but nothing can take away the pure joy you feel from being near her. 
A joy that draws in the actress like nothing else.
“What’d you think?” Hailee asks as she approaches you, her face lit up by a smile you know all too well.
“You’re incredible,” you reply the same way you always do and successfully draw a little chuckle out of her. “Seriously, I don’t know how you do it.”
“Practice…and way too much free time.”
She reaches a hand out to you, an unspoken question lingering in the air between you. You waste no time in taking her hand and letting her guide you toward her trailer so she can change back into her normal clothes. 
The walk is spent in the comfortable silence that always seems to follow the two of you and you pretend not to notice the way she keeps looking over at you with every few steps. You know exactly why her eyes keep shifting over to you but you can’t find it in yourself to be embarrassed about it. 
Despite how used to being on set you might be by now, you still admire each and every detail as if it was the first day again. Part of it comes from how unbelievable it all still is and another part of it comes from how cool everything is. There’s always so much to take in and it’s become a habit of yours to be present and grateful for every moment.
A habit that, unbeknownst to you, Hailee finds really adorable.
The list of things she likes about you is quite long but at the top of the list are your wide-eyed looks of wonder and the smile on your face nothing seems to wipe away.
It’s no secret that the brunette has taken a liking to you, especially in her attempts to make sure nothing snuffs out the bright beams of sunlight you carry inside of yourself. She knows exactly what that’s like and she’d sooner lose her role as Kate Bishop than let you fall into any dark spirals.
“So…” She speaks up, gently pulling you closer to her side. “Did anything exciting happen besides watching me?”
Your cheeks flush at her words which makes her grin. “Sort of. Florence and I talked about walking around New York tomorrow since it’s just going to be you and Jeremy filming scenes.”
“Oh, yeah? Where are you thinking of going?” She leads you into her trailer while you launch into the specifics of all the places you want to visit and the things you want to see.
The brunette watches you intently, although her attention slips from the words you say to the genuine excitement your body language conveys. You’re too busy talking to notice the way she’s eying you or the way she keeps licking her lips.
You finish your explanation only to be met with complete silence and Hailee’s tall frame leaning comfortably against the door to her trailer. 
“Lee? Were you even listening?”
The tiniest of pouts tugs at your lips and the actress is quick to make her way over to you, completely forgetting about the unlocked door and her promise of taking you to dinner. “I’m sorry, baby, you’re just too cute, I got distracted.”
The “apology” makes your heart skip a couple of beats and you’re sure she notices your flustered state. “I guess that’s fine. I should probably go anyway so you can change.”
You look away from her and attempt to walk away but she stops you with a gentle hand on your shoulder. The contact makes you stiffen, not because it’s unwelcome but because it sends an overwhelming amount of feelings through your entire body. “You okay, y/n? I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I?”
Your eyes remain locked on the ground below you as you shake your head. The lack of a verbal response only serves to worry the brunette further and her free hand quickly tilts your chin up until her warm eyes meet yours. 
She doesn’t say anything but the question on her face is obvious.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” you force yourself to answer. “I just…I think I like it too much.”
The concern in her eyes shifts to something else, something bordering on passion, but you’re far too embarrassed to question it. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to be nervous. I like you too.”
The words don’t fully register in your brain at first. Sure, you’ve lived through a lot of unbelievable moments but this is something right out of those dreams you can never tell a single soul about. 
“You…you what?”
Hailee chuckles, taking the smallest of steps forward so your bodies are practically touching. “I like you too, baby. I hate to break it to you but you’re not as subtle as you think.”
“Neither are you,” you blurt out.
She leans in a little and your eyes instantly drop down to her lips. “I know.”
Her whispered words are the only warning you have before she claims your mouth with her own. Whatever shock you feel fades away almost instantly and you can’t stop yourself from wrapping your arms around her and pulling her closer.
You’re so caught up in her kiss that you don’t fully register the way she gently pushes you up against the nearest wall and presses herself as close to you as physically possible. You don’t register anything besides the feeling of her lips and the way your hands tangle in her hair so easily.
Hailee’s not as zoned out as you are, though, and her ears pick up on the muffled sounds trying to escape you. She instantly pulls away from you, staring down at you with blown-out pupils. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you reply breathlessly. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Your response doesn’t seem to convince her but at least she doesn’t notice the way you’re clenching your thighs together. “We can stop if you want, I’m not looking for a one-night stand or anything.”
The sincerity in her voice is almost too much to handle and the truth slips out of your lips before you can stop it. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”
She blinks a few times and you practically watch as the wheels turn inside her brain. “You’ve never…oh. Oh, wow.”
Her response isn’t bad but it leaves you flustered all the same so you lean forward and hide your face in her shoulder. “Hailee…”
“Hey, hey, look at me, baby.”
A few seconds pass before you follow her instructions and she instantly melts your worries away with a soft kiss. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s cute.”
“It’s cute that I have no idea what I’m doing?” You question.
“Yeah, it just means I’ll have to show you. I mean, um…if you want, of course. There’s no rush.”
All you can do is stare up at her while you think things over. There’s no denying how nervous you are but you trust Hailee more than anyone you’ve ever met before. So, maybe it’s time to take a small leap of faith with her.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I want this. I want you.”
The brunette groans in response and the sound goes straight to the growing heat between your legs. She wastes no time in attaching herself to your neck, kissing and sucking every inch she can find.
The sensation is so pleasurable, it borders on overwhelming and your hands grip her shoulders in search of the stability you lost the day you met her.
“You're so pretty,” she murmurs against your skin. “You don't know how long I’ve wanted you for.”
“Hailee-” You gasp as her hands find their way under your shirt.
“I know, let me make you feel good, sweetheart. Can I?”
The answer is more than obvious but you find yourself nodding desperately anyway. You know deep down everything about what you're doing is desperate and yet you can't find it in yourself to want to stop. Maybe it's unconventional but you don't need anything more than the brunette to make your first time unforgettable.
Hailee detaches herself from you long enough to help you shed your shirt, her eyes swooping down to take in every inch of you. Your knees buckle under her gaze and all she does is grin. “You're fucking perfect, baby.”
The words themselves are enough to make you burn a few degrees hotter but then her hands are removing your bra and you're quickly standing topless in front of her appreciative eyes.
Her fingers soon follow the path her eyes trace and you shudder in ways you can't describe. Her thumbs gently rub against your nipples, your back arching almost instantly as you turn into putty in her hands.
“Does that feel good, darling?” All you can offer is a moan and she chuckles. “Gonna need some words.”
“Yes. Feels so fucking good.”
“There you go,” she murmurs, swooping in to litter kisses along your jawline. “Good girl.”
She pinches your nipples right as the words escape her lips and you're sure you almost pass out from the pleasure. “Oh- please.”
“Begging already?” Despite her question, one of her hands leaves your sensitive nipples to trail down the front of your body. “Do you think you're wet enough for me to touch you yet?”
You hum in response and attempt to keep your hips under control. “So wet for you.”
“Look at you,” she coos while her hand slips under the waistband of both your jeans and your underwear. “You’re already an expert at getting what you want from me.”
“Lee,” you whine. “Don’t tease, babe.”
“I’m sorry, you're just so cute like this.” She rests her forehead against yours, everything about her seemingly cool and collected while you're burning up and panting. “We’ll take it slow, okay? Tell me if it hurts too much.”
Your inexperience leaves you a little clueless…until she starts to slip one finger inside your tight cunt. You gasp almost instantly, your body tensing at the intrusion.
“Relax, baby. I've got you.”
It's hard to fully relax but Hailee does her best to keep you distracted by murmuring soft praises and keeping up her gentle touches to your breasts. The full length of her finger sinks inside and she gives you a moment to breathe and adjust.
“How’re you feeling?” She asks, warm eyes searching your face for signs of unease or pain.
“Full,” you mumble with a smile.
She lets out a sound somewhere between a moan and a whine. “Fuck. That's so hot.”
The brunette leans in to kiss you before you can reply and you happily melt into the contact. You don't realize it’s yet another loving distraction until she starts to slowly pump her finger in and out of you.
You moan against her lips, the sound coming out muffled but no less desperate. Your walls clench almost uncontrollably with every move she makes which only fuels her need to pleasure you.
“You're doing so well for me,” she mumbles. “Taking me so well, aren't you, baby?”
Her words cause an unfamiliar feeling to start to rise from deep within you that only gets stronger once her thumb finds your sensitive clit. Your hips buck into her hand and she ends up burying her face into your neck to stop herself from getting too wild.
She somehow manages to keep her slow pace, fucking you nice and gentle to build up your orgasm and prolong your pleasure. At the end of the day, all she wants is to keep you happy.
“You’re so close, aren't you, sweetheart? I can feel it, the way you can’t stop clenching around me. God, it makes me so wet.”
You don't know what triggers it, maybe it's her words or her thrusts or the tight circles around your clit, but you fall over the edge instantly with a cry so loud, she has to kiss you to drown it out.
It’s impossible to describe how you feel. It's like you're floating and underwater and in the heart of the sun all at the same time. All you know is you've never felt pleasure like this and it's all thanks to Hailee freaking Steinfeld.
Hailee holds you close until your body stops shaking and you slump forward into her. “Hey, welcome back, y/n.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, every muscle in your body feeling absolutely spent yet satisfied.
She doesn't reply. She merely removes her hand from your sensitive center and kisses the side of your head.
“So…are you still up for dinner or…?”
“You're the worst.”
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haizficz · 1 year
Fire on Ice.
Hailee Steinfeld x female Reader
Summary: Depression is cold but not the love you both hold.
Warnings: depression; panic attack; fluff explotion; Hailee being the cutest person on earth; soft and comforting Hailee (we love her sfm)
a/n: Y/n (Reader) is an image of me and i don't have anyone like Hailee and how i described her in this fic, so i decided to write this. [i'm so freaking proud of my title and summary for this fic lol]
[Also one of the paragraphs is inspired by euphoria.]
P.s. Thank you for all the support! Notes and Reblogs are highly appreciated, love you <3
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"Life is hard" That's what everybody says. As a kid you don't really understand why everybody says that. But at some point the vision gets more and more visible..., or invisible. It's always different for every kind of person.
You don't know why, but your Life is not just hard. Sometimes it's beautiful and you enjoy it and at other times you feel like you can't breathe. Like you're stuck in a hole and you can't get out. Like you're depressed.
The other thing about depression is it kinda collapses time. Suddenly you find your whole days blending together to create one endless and suffocating loop. So you find yourself trying to remember the things that made you happy. But slowly, your brain begins to erase every memory that ever brought you joy. And eventually, all you can think about is how life has always been this way. And will only continue to be this way.
Of course your girlfriend knew about your mental illness. She reads you easier than any open book. The moment you told her that you were not always onehundred percent happy. And with "not always" you mean never. Hailee began to spend more time with you than she ever did before. You didn't even knew that was possible, but it was.
She started cuddling with you longer. Mumbled I love you's before you fall asleep. Holded you any time she could. Bought more often your favorite snacks. And the list goes on and on.
She made you fall in love with her more and more every day. Like she did with you. But you never really realized this. You were grateful for her and what she was doing for you. Yet there was always that one ulterior motive back in your head.
You're just a burden to her.
Today was exhausting. Not physically but mentally. About an hour ago you said to your girlfriend that you were going to go for a walk alone. Whatever you did. You tried to clear your head, enjoy the chirping birds and it worked a little. At least for the first few minutes. After a while you started missing the physical touch of Hailee. Your hand was empty and cold. Maybe it wasn't very smart to be without your comforter on a bad day.
As your eyes started to tear up and your body started trembling, you walked without hesitating back to your and Hailees apartment. Or better said you tried. Breathing was difficult and you strolled slowly.
Finally you saw the door to your home. It felt like several hours before you got here. Thank God you took the key with you. You didn’t want to wake Hailee. She's probably sleeping right now because before you left she said she was already going to bed.
You unlocked the front door and made your way straight to the bedroom. A lightly snoring Hailee filled the room with comfort, exactly what you needed. You took off your shoes and you softly layed onto Hailee. Your head hid in the back of her neck where the sharp note of her perfume stung your nose. It smells like vanilla and cherry blossoms. Like Hailee. Hailee who wasn't really in a deep sleep. She could feel the tears running down your cheeks onto her shoulder. She heard your quiet sobs and above all she felt your body trembling and shaking.
Suddenly you felt her arms wrapping around you and her head slowly turns to yours. She shared you a sweet kiss onto your forehead and afterwards she took the blanket near to her and pull it over you both. You were still shaking from the panic attack you had minutes ago. That's why Hailee softly placed her hands under your hoodie and drew randomly little circles on your back. Her touch was smoothing and it felt like fire on your freezed body.
A little while later your crying became quieter and you calmed down. Hailee and you are still in the same position as before. Only your head moved further down from her shoulder to her chest. Your ear right over her heart. Hailee's heartbeat, which you heard clearly, filled your soul with peace. Your hands wrapped around Hailee's body and her hands wrapped around you. None of you made a sound. You both knew exactly how the other person was feeling right now. Words didn’t have to be spoken. Except those three. Those three words you and Hailee share every day, every hour and always mean it.
"I love you."
She whispered to you. Her voice was raspy and you could hear that she was crying too. Your grip became tighter but also softer at the same time. Which maybe doesn't make any sense at all. But it was true.
You fell deeper into Hailee's touch and again a tear fell from your eye. "I love you too."
You slowly sat back up and looked down at Hailee. "I'm sorry to be such a burden to you, Haiz, I just made you cry and I, I don't want that-" Your body started shaking again and you felt a lump in your throat from holding back the tears. Hailee quickly sat up and placed both of her hands on your cheeks. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I know that you're not feeling well, y/n. And I'm crying because it hurts so much seeing you in this state, I'm not crying because you made me." She comforted you, her hazel eyes meeting yours. And you could definetely tell that she's saying the truth as always. Hailee never lies to you, but your brain told you the complete opposite. "There's literally no difference between making you cry and crying because of my state." "Yes there is!" She shouted, which really surprised you. Hailee never yelled at you before. You looked at her without saying anything. "Sorry." She whispered after realizing. "I'm just- I'm just so worried about you, y/n."
You sighed deeply and lost yourself in her eyes. Eyes that were filled with worries, love and fear. A layer of water was placed over them, which made them shine. "I'm sorry, Haiz." You flustered and you fell again into her arms. She held you tight and you enjoyed the warmth of Hailee's body. She warmed you, and your freezing heart started to melt from the fire of love you both have for eachother.
Warm Love that is bigger than your cold Depression.
tagging again my dear friend here: @hard-core-super-star
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alotofpockets · 2 years
A Valentine's Surprise | Hailee Steinfeld
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Pairing: Hailee Steinfeld x Reader
Prompt: “Do you want to come to my mom’s birthday with me?"
masterlist | marvel masterlist | Words: 700
One of Hailee’s biggest loves was her dog, Martini. She was a Yorkshire terrier, a tiny ball of joy. The love Hailee had for the dog inspired the idea for the best Valentine’s day gift for your girlfriend. You did some research online and found a great place to adopt a little puppy. You made an appointment for the next day, since Hailee would have a long shooting day, and asked Griffin to come with you.
He was very excited, as he loved Martini very much as well and he thought it would be the perfect gift for his sister. The next day you meet up with Griffin for coffee, before heading over to the animal shelter. The two of you walked into the dog section of the shelter and met all the dogs there. Saying “Hi buddy” every time you met a new dog. You thought all of them were adorable, but none of them felt like the right dog for Hailee, until you heard a small bark coming from a kennel that you had thought was empty. It was the same high pitched bark that Martini had, which made you think this dog would become instant friends with her. You walked back to where the sound was coming from and sure enough there was a tiny Yorkshire terrier puppy looking back at you. “Hi buddy” you called again. The dog wiggled forward, eager for you to pet him. Looking up at Griffin you shared a look, without a word you both agreed that this was the perfect dog for Hailee.
You called over the shelter employee and signed all the necessary paperwork before you were allowed to take the puppy home. After signing the employee opened the cage and gave you all the dogs belongings, his favorite toy, the leash he had gotten used to and some left over food. The little guy jumped in your arms as you reached out to him. Griffin snapped a quick picture to show Hailee later and you were on your way home.
Back at the home you shared with Hailee, Griffin helped you introduce the dogs to each other. At first they were taken back a bit by each other’s presents, but they quickly warmed up to each other and started playing together. When the dog was all settled in Griffin went on his way home. “She’s going to love it, y/n. Text me any pictures or video’s of her reaction, please?” You hug him, “I will, and thanks again for joining me today.”
A couple hours later you hear Hailee’s car pull up in the driveway. You rush to the door to surprise her. You walk up to her at the car, “Hi darling.” You greet her with a soft kiss on her lips. “Hello my love.” She says back as she takes your hand in her own. “I love your enthusiasm coming to get me from my car, it’s very cute, but you usually don’t pick me up at the car. What’s going on?” She knew you well. “I’ve got a surprise waiting for you inside.”
You lead Hailee to the front door and ask her to close her eyes as she walks in. Right away the new dog comes running up to her and starts sniffing her shoes. “Alright, open your eyes.” You say as the dog is wasting no time to investigate the new smell that is Hailee. Hailee’s eyes widen in excitement as she sees the surprise. “Happy Valentine's Day!” She picks up the dog and hugs him tight to her chest, giving him many kisses to his forehead. “This is the best present ever! Thank you so much.”
You snap a couple pictures of the two of them together, before Hailee notices Martini isn’t there. “Has he met Martini yet?” You laugh, “Yes he has, they’re already best friends. She’s hiding behind the couch, right now. They were playing when you got here.”
“What do you want to name him?” You ask as you wrap your arms around Hailee’s waist, leaning your head on her shoulder. “What do you think of Brando?” She asks after thinking for a moment. “I love it, Brando it is.”
Turn on notifications for @pocketslibrary to be notified when I post a new fic! 
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Tony: Petra? Have you seen Morgan’s orange slices?
Petra flashes a smile, revealing an orange slice…
Petra: (muffled) I don’t know
Tony: Y/N?
Y/N does the exact same…
Y/N: (muffled) I don’t know either
Tony: (huffs) you two are perfect for each other
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For @multi-fandom-enjoyer
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guineverebeckswife · 1 month
Kate is the the type of girlfriend to never let go of you. she always wants to be by your side no matter what she also want to have her hands on you all the time whether if it’s just holding hands to being wrapped in each others arms she’s so adorable and so clingy and we love her for it
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bishopsbeloved · 8 months
crystal clear
kate bishop x fem reader
there’s something about kate bishop that you can’t get enough of. you need to be close to her, always, but you’ll take whatever you can get — even if that means you’re just her fuckbuddy.
fwb to lovers, fluff and angst (happy ending), mentions of sex, god i love kate bishop, 3.3k words
read this fic on ao3!
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Kate Bishop doesn’t swing by your borough very often.
When she does, it’s for either superheroing or sex. Her being in the area for the former will inevitably lead to her calling you for the latter.
You met through a mutual friend in college. You got on really well as friends at first, but you were undeniably attracted to her (who wouldn’t be?), and at a drunken New Year’s party she proved that attraction mutual when you were her New Year’s kiss. You ended up doing a lot more than kissing that night, and when you woke up in her bed the next morning she ever-so-casually suggested that the two of you “do this again sometime”.
“It’ll be good for both of us,” she shrugged. “You’re stressed with school, I’m stressed with… this,” she nodded over at her suit and bow, haphazardly discarded in the corner of her room.
You knew it wasn’t a good idea. You knew somewhere deep within you that you wouldn’t be satisfied with just sex. Kate Bishop is the kind of person that it’s difficult to get enough of, and you wanted all of her. But you’d take whatever you could get.
The two of you laid out ground rules, of course. Neither of you would sleep with anyone else (Kate didn’t have the time to find anyone else, and you didn’t have the interest). You wouldn’t tell any of your other friends (“America will never let me hear the end of it,” Kate said, nose wrinkling), and, most importantly, rule number one, you wouldn’t let it ruin the friendship.
“It’s just sex,” Kate insisted. “We can’t— I don’t do relationships.”
It’s not like it was news to you. Kate Bishop doesn’t do relationships, ever. Everyone knows it. You bit your lip and nodded, stomach already sinking a little. In retrospect, that should’ve been your first warning sign.
You hadn’t meant to break rule number one, though. Honest. If anything, it’s Kate’s fault, for being so… Kate. And it’s didn’t happen all at once, either. In an effort to maintain your pre-existing friendship, you both continued your routine of coffees every Wednesday morning, and walks with Pizza Dog in Central Park. Everything was as it always was on the surface, but within you could feel a shift begin, no matter how badly you wanted things to stay the same. Every time you caught yourself staring at her too long or laughing too hard at something dumb she said or your heart doing that stupid fluttering thing, you did everything in your power to put a stop to it. But you were helpless. Kate Bishop is a beacon, a lighthouse, and you’re drawn in to her against your will, no matter what you’re doing — whether it’s movie night or a coffee not-date or those late-night talks after sex or, yes, the sex itself. The sex is great. Just like everything else with her.
It happens gradually, so gradually, but everything comes to a crescendo when you roll over one morning and she’s already awake, staring at you with such depth and warmth in her big blue eyes. You blink back at her for a moment and know with frightening clarity that you’re in love with her. It’s crystal clear. You can taste your love for her on your lips when she kisses you good morning, and it terrifies you.
You don’t know what to do. You can’t tell her, that’ll ruin everything. It’s the number one condition of this arrangement — don’t jeopardise the friendship. This will do more than just jeopardise it. She’ll never want to talk to you again. And now that you’ve gotten used to Kate Bishop’s presence in your life, you never want to let it go. She makes your days brighter, she’s a joy to be around no matter what you’re doing, and you want to be around her in whatever capacity is achievable. Even if that capacity is friends who fuck sometimes.
So even though it’s a bad, awful idea, even though you’re already breaking the most important rule of the agreement, you carry on with it. You respond to every you up? text and then try to ignore the way your chest hurts the next morning when she walks out the door. Sometimes she’s gone before you even wake up. You think you prefer that, in some ways. At least you don’t have to watch her go.
Kate’s visits to your part of the city are sporadic, and mainly motivated by you, to be honest. There’ll be times when she doesn’t call in on you for a week, and then the next she’ll be at your place for three nights in a row. (She always makes an effort to maintain your Wednesday morning meets, though — a gesture you’d be touched by if you knew no better.)
This week has been one of those in which you haven’t seen her at all. Your life is a little less bright when she’s not around, although you do your best to distract yourself with college things and coursework, and your attempts are generally semi-successful. You’re just getting ready to turn in for the night when your phone chirps out the little notification tone reserved exclusively for Kate, and her name flashes on your lockscreen.
kate bishop <3: you awake? i’m abt five mins away
Your heart is in your throat, but you of course tell her yes.
kate bishop <3: ok omw
you: do i need to have the bandaids ready?
Your teasing, of course, refers to all of the times she’s shown up on your doorstep a little worse for wear. You’re sure you’re a qualified nurse by this point.
kate bishop <3: no
kate bishop <3: …yes
you: see you soon
You place your phone down, grinning stupidly to yourself.
(You are very, very stupid.)
In barely any time at all she is sat on your kitchen counter with you stood between her legs, gently dabbing at the most recent gash on her forehead.
“It’s just a flesh wound,” you reassure her exasperatedly.
“There was a lot of blood,” she pouts. You laugh softly.
“That’s what flesh wounds do. Even small ones. You should know that by now,” you tease, carefully extracting a Band-Aid from the packaging.
She sighs. “No, I think I’m seriously injured, and I need a pretty girl to kiss it better.”
If literally anybody else had said that you would not be smiling dopily back at them with a stomach full of butterflies. But it’s Kate Bishop, so you place the Band-Aid over her forehead cut before dropping a kiss on top of it. “Better?”
“Maybe if we kissed in… some other places.” The latter half is said against your skin as she wraps her arms around your waist to draw you in closer. You can’t help but melt into her arms as she begins to trail kisses down your neck, and the lower she gets the more open-mouthed they become. She grins wickedly when you start to make those little noises at the back of your throat that she loves to draw out of you.
“So sensitive,” she murmurs, her hands beginning to slide lower. Her eyes meet yours and they’re dark and stormy in the way that sets your stomach alight.
“Katie,” you pant, and she pauses to look up at you. “Maybe we shouldn’t— if you’re so seriously injured,” you try breathlessly, and she laughs. (The sound sends a little shiver up your spine. You adore her laugh.)
“You know I’ll eat pussy no matter what’s wrong with me,” she retorts, and you feel your face heat up. Yes, you do know that. You know it from experience. There was a time she had a broken nose, and — well — the activities she roped you into didn’t help that broken nose.
So you let yourself succumb to her touch, as you do every other night she wants you, and try your best to quash the bad, bad feeling that’s been threatening to surface the last few months.
Part of it is guilt, you think. You’re pretty much lying to her — or lying by omission, anyway — when you continue to pretend you’re not breaking the most important rule. You kind of feel like you’re violating her. She didn’t sign up for her dumb fuckbuddy hopelessly pining after her.
But also, you’re beginning to feel that maybe you deserve happiness. Maybe you deserve better than being the dumb fuckbuddy who hopelessly pines. You want to love, and be loved. You can’t stomach meaningless sex anymore, and you can’t stomach being meaningless to Kate.
Maybe if this ends now, you and Kate can still salvage your friendship.
You know ending things won’t be easy. That’s why you’ve been putting it off for this long. But you have to stop giving yourself false hope. It’s getting pathetic.
Even as you’re coming on her tongue you tell yourself resolutely this is the last time you’ll sleep with Kate Bishop.
When the act in question is over, she lays her head on your bare chest, humming softly. Your love for her hits you all at once; it sets you alight and sickens you all over again. You can’t do this anymore. This ends now.
“Kate,” you say quietly. “I’ve been thinking.”
The way that you say it makes her shoulders tense, she can tell something’s not right. She moves to sit up so she can see your face and take your hand between hers. You gently retract your hand, you don’t meet her eyes, and the cleft between her brows only deepens. “What? What is it?”
“I think,” you say shakily, “I think this… should end now.” You swallow, still not really looking at her.
“Why?” She says it quietly, and you can’t glean much else from her one-word response.
“I don’t really wanna be someone’s fuckbuddy anymore. I want to be someone’s girlfriend,” you admit.
Kate is silent for a few moments. “You know that I— I don’t —”
“Do relationships? Yeah,” you exhale. You tilt back your head, looking at the ceiling, anywhere but her. “So that’s why I’m saying we should— maybe we stop.”
“Okay,” she says eventually, and despite yourself you feel your shoulders sag a little as she confirms your beliefs. She doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. This is what it’s always been — just sex.
You feel her eyes on you and you’re careful to keep your gaze averted. You’re certain that if you look at her you’ll cry. Because you’re not looking at her, though, you miss the way she opens her mouth to say something else before thinking better and closing it again. You don’t see the way her bottom lip trembles as she turns away from you and begins to gather her various belongings, scattered across your room. You grab your phone from the nightstand and scroll through it mindlessly while Kate fixes her messy sex hair in the mirror. You only look up when she moves to open the door.
“I’ll… I’ll text you when I’m in the neighbourhood,” she says half-heartedly.
You press your lips together and nod. “See you around, Katie.”
“Bye, Y/N/N,” she murmurs, and closes the door behind her. You finally allow the tears to spill from your eyes.
You didn’t expect her to actually follow through. There’s radio silence between the two of you for a good while. You chicken out of breaking it to ask if Wednesday mornings are still on, and she certainly doesn’t initiate conversation, so you don’t see or hear from Kate Bishop for almost a fortnight (which is probably for the best, you’ll admit, since she’s left you in a right state). When she finally does text you, you almost fall out of your bed reading it, and have to double check that you’re not seeing things.
Sure enough, though:
kate bishop <3 (now):
can i come over?
You hastily type out a reply.
sure, when?
kate bishop <3: now lol?
kate bishop <3: i’m already omw
This makes you shoot out of bed. You’ve taken the definitely-not-breakup hard, and pretty much haven’t left your bed in the two weeks since you last saw Kate, much less your apartment. You’ve kinda just spent your time crying, eating ice cream and ignoring America’s threatening texts that come through when you miss another game night. You’re just not ready to face Kate in a social setting. One on one, though, is probably manageable. At least if it goes downhill no one else will see you cry. You’ll need to clean yourself up, though.
You spend the few extra minutes you know you’ll have, because Kate says hi to every dog she sees on the sidewalk, shovelling clothes from the floor into your closet in a vain attempt to make your place look a little more presentable, and questioning why you said yes to her coming over at all. When you hear a knock on the door, the silly little pattern only she does (“how else will you know it’s me?” she always says), you feel sick to your stomach.
You answer the door, and the two of you blink at each other for a few moments. Sure, it’s only been two weeks, but it also feels like there’s been a lifetime of change between you. The Band-Aid you put on her forehead when you last saw her is gone, and the cut beneath it is almost healed. A few others have replaced it on various different parts of her face, though. Her hair is loose, her cheeks are a little flushed from the journey to you and god, she’s so pretty.
“Hi,” you squeak out, and before you can do anything else she’s rushed forward and her arms are wrapping around you, tightly. It takes you a minute to process but then you return the hug, just as hard, breathing her in like it’s the last time you’ll ever see her.
“Hi,” you say again, but it’s much quieter this time, a whisper in her ear. She hums a greeting back into yours.
“I really missed you,” she murmurs quietly, and your breath hitches. You weren’t expecting any of this. She holds you close to her for a moment longer before finally letting you go. You don’t really know what to do with yourself, so you just step aside and let her into your apartment, closing the door behind her.
She wanders into the middle of your room, intently taking in everything like it’s her first visit. It’s not — far from it — and not much has changed since she was last here. There’s a moment of silence, and you can see the cogs turning in her brain. She’s building herself up to something. You don’t know what exactly, you don’t know what’s about to happen, but she’s got that faraway look in her eye.
“Kate,” you say tentatively, “what—”
She spins around to look at you, like you saying her name has grounded her, and she earnestly reaches for your hands. You give them to her uncertainly.
“Y/N,” she says, and her voice is thick with emotion in a way you’ve never heard it before. “I—”
She studies you intensely for a long, long moment before pulling you flush against her and pressing her lips to yours.
You can’t help it. Your eyes flutter shut at the familiar sensation, at the way she tastes, and your hands slide through her hair. The way she feels against you makes your head spin, and you’re gasping into her mouth and she’s whining, backing up towards the couch, and then suddenly she’s sat on it and you’re on her lap and Kate’s tongue is beginning to slide against yours, and it’s so good. You groan, your brain beginning to catch up with your body, and it takes every shred of willpower you possess to gently push her back.
“Katie,” you say weakly. She leans up desperately to reconnect the kiss, and when you shift from her lap to the empty seat on the couch next to her she makes a quiet noise of protest, her hands reaching out for you. “Kate. I told you I don’t want to do this anymore.”
Her face falls. She looks like a kicked puppy, and your heart clenches, but then she presses her lips together and looks up at you with determination.
“Y/N,” she says, reaching again for your hand. She’s not deterred when you don’t let her take it. She takes a deep breath, and you know as she opens her mouth you’re in for one of her trademark Kate Bishop rambles. “I am a fucking idiot. Think of the stupidest person you‘ve ever met and times it by twelve and that’s me. I literally—” She buries her face in her hands for a moment before continuing. “I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t have let you end things. That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Which is seriously saying something, you literally watched me shoot down a priceless historical bell last year. You are— you’re— it wasn’t just sex to me, Y/N,” she says desperately, and this time when she reaches for your hand you let her. “I don’t think it ever was. I don’t know. I said I don’t do relationships, because it’s true usually I don’t, and that’s what you agreed to when we started this so I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and also I didn’t know how to tell you that I’m maybe a tiny bit obsessed with you, like I’m always thinking about you, how do you say that to someone? That’s not a normal thing to say, and then I didn’t want to freak you out and then you wanted to end things so I thought maybe that would be easier for you, I thought maybe you didn’t want me like that so I just let it happen which why did I do that, but then it was too late because I’m an idiot so I was trying to let it go, but I can’t sleep, Y/N, all I can think about is you, and I’m sorry I didn’t know what to do, but I do. I do want a relationship with you, I want it so bad I want everything with you, and if you don’t then you can forget this ever happened because I don’t want to make anything weird and America will kill me if I ruin her perfect Wii Sports game night team, but I just— I really had to tell you. I want a relationship with you, I want to be your girlfriend. I want— yeah. Yeah,” she says breathlessly, her eyes bright, and when she finishes her spiel her shoulders drop in the way they always do, like a physical weight has been lifted from her body. You stare up at her adoringly, and take her face between both of your hands.
“Kate Bishop,” you say sincerely, “you are such an idiot.”
“Wh—” she manages, before your lips meet with hers again.
This kiss is different. For the first time, the two of you are on the same page. Kate Bishop is yours, she wants you, and the thought makes you want to sing. On her lips now you taste something beautiful blossoming between you. You kiss her until you’re breathless, until the air that’s in your lungs is hers, and then you rest your head in the crook of her neck while she holds you as close to her as she can, clutching you like she can’t believe this is real, her chest heaving and hands shaky.
“I— I really do want to be your girlfriend,” she whispers again, and this time it’s so gentle and vulnerable. Your heart bursts at the way she’s so earnestly giving herself to you, no matter how much she swore she wouldn’t.
“Okay,” you tell her, and when your eyes meet hers are full of hope. “Okay.”
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