bbreakingbenjamin · 17 days
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓😏🎬
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kitsudolly · 11 months
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Can you blame me though
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thedespot · 1 year
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My Babies !👺💀👹🤖💞
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wickedchic · 26 days
I'll be the No 1 men runner
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ivanzplaid · 1 year
Can I get yandere head canons for the Sinclair brothers, Billy Lenz and Harry Warden, thank you as always 💛
HIII HELLO YES OF COURSE YOU CAN CASSETTE ANON SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU 🫶🫶 i have had sm work and no motivation but a little yandere hcs will do, ALSO THIS IS SUCH AN OLD REQUEST ORE HIATUS IM SO SORRY💔 these are sfw so if youd like nsfw ill do that :) these are mainly set for after meeting you, and how theyd make sure you'd stay with them, and some cute little ideas for when youre theirs
this is darker than i remember writing it so please proceed with caution⁉️
requests r open, masterlist is up!!
Yandere! Slashers x Gn! Reader | Headcanons | Meeting You
Warnings: Yandere Behavior/Actions, Obsession, Kidnapped reader in every section.. my bad, Dark themes kinda-ish, Drugging mentions in Billy's & Bo's section
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Lester Sinclair
lester, love of my life, he will most likely be the one to plot your meeting. he sees you while hes out of ambrose, hes infatuated, he thinks youre the most charming person hes seen in a while. he will stalk you when he finds youre in town, its a small, but quickly growing obsession, he thinks that youre just an after thought, but the more you come in, the more he wants to have you to himself
so, he does his lester thing, and waits & waits, trying to lure you into ambrose one way or another. he'll show up more in youre life, saying hello or making small talk, then, he may slash a tire or make it so that your car just has its miles draining faster n faster, so when youre pulled over on the side if the road, hes your savior
not only does he love this because hes saving you from this, and youre just thanking him over and over, and hes becoming more excited by the minute, he loves to hear praise come from your mouth, its exciting. he also loves this because now he finslly has his excuse to bring you to ambrose, away from those friends he always sees you with that just dont value you and love you as much as he would, or care about you as much as he does
he'll bring your car in, and say in such an exasperated voice that it just wont be done for the next few days, would you like to stay for coffee?
he explicitly tells his brothers that you are not to be made a sculpture, hes serious, but if they see you trying to leave, they have the job to bring you back to him
hes just too thoughtful of you to let you go, do you really wanna go back to your family? who let this happen to you? look him in the eyes snd tell yourself he doesnt care, because he wants to know all about you if you gave him the chance
touchy, touchy touchy touchy, arm around your waist, a smiling kiss on the cheek, you on his lap, he wishes for it to happen
he thinks of physical touch as wondrous, how can he hold the epitome of perfection in his hands? hes in awe
he will 100% sweet-talk-manipulate you into staying with him, hes too desperate to let you go, its unfair, why would you leave the man who loves you the most?
hes also very delusional, he truly believes what hes doing is justified and fine, and it pushes him to be much more emotional in this 'relationship'
will be absolutely distraught if you outwardly insult him / say rude things, but hes convinced you dont know what its like, and this is for the greater good of your existence
caretaker!! loves to treat and pamper you, he almost needs to take care of you because he thinks its cute, but dont let this trick you, he will take these privileges away because he loves to see you beg for basic things
be a good little pet and stay with him, hes the only one who knows how to treat you
not the violent type, wont hit or hurt you because it would pain him as well, you deserve so much more than that and he stands by it
but is not afraid to tie you down if that means youll stop trying to leave ( if you do try )
he loves sharing time with you, he will bring you everywhere to do everything, you deserve the same fun as him!
he loves to talk about you, allll you you you, please tell him about your hobbies, he'll do his best to indulge in them more! or about your day, or who you are as a person, or aomething that makes you laugh, anything, literally anything please
not as into killing as his brothers, but he will be the most protective man over you, he is not a fan of flirtation and will be passive aggressive if visitors flirt with you, but dont worry your pretty little head, they'll just go on over to bo or vincent and you two wont need to worry
loves loves loves to give you gifts, but has a stigma where only he can give you gifts. if he sees anyone else trying to give you them, it leads to his temper shorten
id be happy to exaggerate if youd like! but these are the main ones :)
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Billy Lenz
he most likely meets you in the sorority/fraternity, and is immediately interested, youre a sophmore trying to get through your classes, youre like every other person, but he cant get his eyes off of you
unlike lester, he acts on his thoughts quickly, hes impulsive and foggyheaded, he has not a care in the world, and most dont know he even exists, so the moment he takes a liking to you is the moment he sets out to talk to you
he'll call you nonstop, sometimes just to listen to your voice, or to say obscene things, or even to pretend hes really with you, he wants to have the interactions you have with your friends and hes jealous, he should be getting that treatment, its just unfair
i have yet to mention hes possessive, even before he has you, he gets upset at the slightest of things because he focus's completely on you, its hard to get his eyes off you, so your every move will be noted
one night, its before winter vacation of course, the holiday lights are up and youre packing your things to go back home, youre the last one left besides a friend whose waiting on you outside, but in the house its quiet, your own breathing is too loud for you
billy is upset, hes been upset, why dont you answer the phone anymore? why havent you been responding to the notes hes been leaving you? why why why
he doesnt like to see you leave either, he prefers if youd stay because youre the only thing keeping him from having the realization that he will be alone once you leave, he will have no one to talk to or see or be with
hes spiraling, his impulsiveness and intrusive thoughts get the best of him and he decides you arent leaving, you cant and you wont
he doesnt mind having to do a bit of killing if it means you'll stay, he needed to get rid of the people taking away your attention from him. you should only be focusing on him, spending time with him, all about him
he is desperate for attention, he needs you to acknowledge him, will create disturbances just so youll look around and think of him
he eventually kidnaps you, treating you in the most delicate nature as to not harm you ( hes already slipped sleeping pills into your drink before bed, the easiest method so that you'll be compliant )
he wont understand if youre mad at him, and will genuinely be hurt by anything you say or do. why wouldnt you enjoy being with billy? billy loves you, thats all that matters
his warped perception of love & infatuation causes him to be awkward and have a harder time in a relationship (especially now)
loves to have express his love for you in all ways, he wants to stroke/hold your hair and give you gifts and play board games with you because he loves you so much that it physically hurts to not be with you
if youre thinking about it, theres little chance for escape, hes always with you, whether hes lurking or just hanging out, he likes to see you
will steal someones camera to take photos of you two together, its perfect since he can always remember you and your face
loves to take you around and show you all the secrets he knows of the fraternities/sororities, as well as the campus himself, hes your certified tour guide
will jump on you if hes scared, like full on hide behind you while clawing at your shoulders, hes quite literally a little feral
if you want to, he will allow you to style his hair, he thinks you work wonders with whatever you do to it, even if it looks bad, because as long as his love did it, hes happy
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Bo Sinclair
i want him.
you'll stumble upon him out of town, accidentally shouldering him, which will make you get his attention. at first he'll want to give you a charming "watch it.", but when he sees you, he physically stops in his tracks, he just stares at you for a long amount of time before you awkwardly laugh and walk away
he gets hooked faster, hes interested in the absolute beaut that just walked out of his life as fast as they came in. hes not used to social interaction so being bo, he tries to plot out an official meeting (after stalking you from a distance and trying to put on a charming stranger face)
he'll bribe lester to mess with your car so that he can bring you into ambrose, sealing your fate as soon as you've entered
hes talked to his brothers, instructing thst youre not to leave, and to not be *too* hurt in the process, he understands if you have to be roughed up a bit, just so that you'll listen to him next time
when you come in to meet him, he'll act so shocked to see you, chuckling and saying what a coincidence it is, and how fate brought you two together
the entire time hes taking in your figure and your body language, trying to control himself from drugging you right then and there, to have you all to himself
he uses his social skills to talk you into staying a night, claiming that your car has been meanin for a checkup, and the damage is bad.. but he wont charge you the full price, since youve been so kind. He'll offer you a room snd a nice homemade breakfast, saying that hell work on it so you can be out of here in no time, all of these promises just for you, because he wants to take you home
hes extremely possessive, he believes that youre property, and youre owed to him. which is the exact reason he thinks its ok to toss you around if it means youll behave better (he'll comfort you after, stroking your head.... while saying 'thisll be easier if you just listen to me darlin')
he likes to take the shorter, yet harsher route, so that stockholm syndrome sets in quicker. he just wants to live his best life with a docile partner.
his delusions cannot take you arguing or insulting him, it will cause him to have outbursts of anger, because this is your new life with him. it is real, he is the one for you, so why cant you see it? hes been so nice, so caring, and yet youre unappreciative.
dont worry, a few more hours of isolation will have you thinking better than before. he uses this to emphasize his care and touch, because thats all you need to know now, how his fingers feel when they cup your cheek and delicately hold you
he would love to have a quiet morning with you, him working on something in the shop and you accompanying him, talking while sharing a cup of coffee
he wants to have a life like his fathers, living up to what he did, and to be better. in short, if he feels like hes not achieving that, he will also lose it. he has a short temper, and while youre one of the only people who can ease him out of it, he cant always control himself
he has such a strong emotional attachment that he feels like he needs you to live. not like billy, where he was not as emotionally intelligent and was just clingy, but bo feels that without you he is incomplete, and to live his life he needs you in it, or else he isnt really living
he loves to see you smile and be happy, it warms his heart to know that you enjoy his company
bo can be a genuinely compassionate man, who will take you for rides or out somewhere to eat, be a romantic and loving husband, and thats what he wants to be, but he truly thinks it all relies on your behavior and how loving/into the relationship you are, because either way youre not heading home
quick note before we end this he will gaslight you, bro is the gaslighting king, he will convince you that ambrose is the place for you, and that your old friends and family cant do what he can
he'll try his hardest to impress you (shows you his muscles) and make you love him, he just wants to show off all his great qualities since you're so amazing in his eyes
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Harry Warden
you stumbled into him while your friends and you were drinking in the mines, partying on valentines day night. Harry could feel his anger rise because he never got a day off, always having to be disturbed or intruded on, never having anyone to give him any pity when he deserves it all
his pickaxe dragged behind him, and as he approached your group, he eyed everyone in it. seeing as you were the closest, he'd begin the chase with you. Raising his pickaxe snd bringing it down right next to you, your head swiveled to his direction, and the look of fear on your face stunned him
truth be told he hadn't had a human interaction longer than 5 seconds without him killing them, he felt that you were somehow different. The way you were paralyzed with fear as you begged for your life made him feel something close to love that he hadn't felt for a lifetime
it wasn't like his previous killings, the rush he got when he towered over you, tilting his head down to get a better look at his newest interest
maybe you could be his reparations for valentines day all those years ago, finally getting a proper gift for being left to die
he'll let you go.. for now, until he can make a proper place for the two of you and make sure you'll be comfortable and safe. hes concerned about you having a good living and a nice place for the both of you to share the rest of your lives
really wants you to come with him willingly, dowsnt want to scare you or anything like that, so he'll drop off gifts, or disguise himself and go into town to stalk you find out what you like, and charm you better
hes typically a semi-romantic man, wanting to convince you to be with him, then cut off all contact with the outside world so that you can be in the perfect relationship hes imagined, but if push comes to shove he will drag you to youre new haven with him, literally
will see who you hangout with, who your family is, maybe he'll even research your name in any ancestry books/records, because he would just be a bad boyfriend if he knew nothing about you right?
may or may not replicate your room in the mines... just so that the transition is easier <3
eventually, you'll find out hes the one thats been making you feel like youre being watched, and was the one giving you all those gifts
so when he gets down and proposes the idea of dating, and you (presumably..) say what the fuck? he knows what he has to do, quality time in the mines!!! (forever)
once he brings you to his humble abode, he'll explain everything, he has to let you know how much he loved and needs you for his own well being, and how in time youll feel the same because youll see how great of a partner he is!
he knows these mines like the back of his hands, and would be overjoyed if you even took interest in him or asked to be toured, because in his head hes shocked about the quality time you're initiating
will let you hold his pickaxe, maybe show off how strong he is & talk about his suit
he talks and talks, finally after being left alone for years without any sorry's or nothing from the town, you come in and show him what life is all about, so of course he wants to listen and talk to you, youre the most entertaining person in the world
not only can bro not cook, but he genuinely cannot cook, he doesnt have anything to make anything with, so he uses this as an excuse to steal your favorite food and drinks to cater towards your feelings
wants to hold you and see how delicate you are, he admires you like a god(dess)
he doesnt like to be violent, he tries to avoid it, he may accidentally leave bruises from holding you too tight, but he thoroughly apologizes and tries to make it up. he doesn't wanna screw up the one 'relationship' hes ever cared about/recently had
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Vincent Sinclair
you were definitely a victim brought in by lester who caught vincents eye, something about you stood out from the rest of his victims. maybe it was because of your respectful nature and not intruding on ambrose, maybe you admired the detailed wax work and complimented it, or maybe it was with your looks or social skills. either way, vincent wants to know all about you
he immediately tells his brothers that youre off limits, and states that he wants to see you better. while bo and lester dont really care, they say that they'll assist him in making sure you cant leave (as they always would)
he likes to draw/sculpt what you look like and leave it around for you to find, he thinks your beauty is on another level snd that you are a piece of art
he may be seen lurking from a distance, scared to show his face since hes nervous of rejection from someone as perfect as you are. he'll make it known that hes there, and one of his brother may tell you about him, but other than that (unless you ask) you wont see much (.... until he takes you)
leaves you gifts alot. flowers, sculptures, even some jewelry from other victims that youd like, he wants to flatter you and put out the image that hes a genuine guy, and that he pays attention to you
he pays attention to your style and what you like, adding it to his room to make it feel more like youre with him
if you have friends with you, hes most likely been plotting their deaths since the start, theyre skeptical about ambrose and are beginning to panic
he thinks they're a bad influence and could possibly get the cops called, so he tag teams with bo to take care of the problems
by this time youve most likely figured out whats been happening, so he takes his chances in knocking you out (and tenderly caring for you afterwards), and then carrying you back to his room, making sure youre nice and comfortable
he does care about you, and even now is a semi-gentle giant to you. he doesnt want to spook you more than whats already happened, he just wants you to be adjusted and not afraid
to some extent he wants to live a free-er life with you, going outside and acting 'normal', but his fear of ridicule because of his scars snd his pre-built of walls from years of bullying cause him to even be reclusive with you, the person hes infatuated with
he likes quality time, sitting with you or having you watch him as he sculpts, he likes when youre interested in his work so he can show you the process and maybe do it together
he'll sometimes slip into a mode where his feelings are amplified, and if you decide to insult him or work him up, he'll go mute and angrily pace around. sometimes grabbing your face and forcing you to look him in the eyes so he can convince himself you dont mean it
shares his clothes with you quite a lot, he thinks the value and meaning with you in his clothes is special
he'll sit with you all day, trying to make it so that you like his company more and more
this took so damn long im sorry vincents section is so small but i needed to get this out😭 i swear i love him but dawg
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darthursfartblog · 2 months
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The boing loings.
someone got hit in them.
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grctagerwig · 4 months
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“I Know the End.”
i know the end by phoebe bridgers // arrival // the hollow men by t.s. eliot //the climate clock // all eyes on me by bo burnham // don’t look up // sign of the times by harry styles // oppenheimer
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k1swass · 7 months
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Do I feel guilty about my obsession with slashers?
no 💋
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slut--for-love · 4 months
How they spend Valentine's Day with you
Bo, Vincent, Lester, Rusty, Chop top, Nubbins, Drayton, bubba, brahms, and Harry
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To be honest he forgot about it until either Lester or Vincent brought it up, lucky for him it was still rather early in the day so he told you that he'd be heading into the next town over to run some errands. He came back with some yellow roses, a card, and a small box of chocolates (He might even try something new in bed for you)
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Vincent was nervous as this would be your guys first Valentine's day with each other and he didn't want to mess it up and ruin everything. He gave you small wax figures of you, him, and jonesy and a few sketches he thought were worthy enough, maybe next year you'll get some poems
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Like his older brother Lester was also quite nervous he had this whole night plan, he was gonna take you on a nice pretty picnic dinner date with all of your favorite foods but just as you both sat down that's when you felt the rain drops start to hit your head. Lester was so bummed that the picnic went south, you both decided to watch a movie instead
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Rusty made sure that he would have Valentine's Day off he took you out to a small but nice diner and then drove around for a bit before he drove back to the house. Where he then led you into the bedroom for you to find a bouquet of wild flowers, pink champagne, chocolates, and teddy Bear (and some condoms)
Chop top
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He made sure to brush his wig, put on his best vest and grab your favorite records from his collection for tonight. You and him relaxed in his room listening to all the records you could, dance to them every now and then
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He used his best roadkill to make you a pouch so you could match him!! He even filled it up with all his favorite photos of you sure some of them were blurry or inappropriate but it's the thought that matters. He even asks if you'd stay up and go roadkill hunting with him.
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Drayton hates this damn holiday it's just a scheme those big companies made to steal the money he worked hard to make but now that he has you? It didn't change his opinion at all he's not going to buy you anything, but he will make the god damn best chili you'll ever have in your life. Though if he's feeling nice he might go to town and buy some ingredients to make his own chocolate (keyword might)
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Bubba doesn't really know what to do for Valentine's Day he's never celebrated it before and he never thought he would but he'll try his hardest to make it a good Valentine's for you. He picked some flowers for you from the side of the road and fields, he even did his chores extra fast so he could spend the rest of day with you
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You think he's clingy now? wait until the morning of Valentine's Day he's basically attached to your hip, the only time he's away from you is when Malcolm arrives to deliver the groceries and your surprise. In one of the bags there was some of the finest wine and chocolate money could buy from this town. Brahms stayed up just a little past his bedtime to order them for you
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You're going to spend Valentine's Day alone as much as he'd love to spend it with you, he does have a town to terrorize. That's not to say he won't spend the next day with you, in the morning you'll wake up to a card and heart shaped chocolate box on your kitchen table and who knows he might Even take you on a date to the mines
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suugarbabe · 11 months
I love the twins too!
Imagine Draco practicing the imperious curse o! different students and he does it on the reader and she starts acting differently but one of the twins (you choose 😉) notices and tells everyone and they try to break her out of it but he is the only one who can because she’s in love with him … or something like that lol
Ohh interesting interesting… I’ll give it a go
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Under the Influence
pairing: Fred Weasley x Y/n
Warnings: None, lil fluffy
Things had been getting weird at Hogwarts. This year the school was hosting the TriWizard Tournament, and the school got yet another new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Moody was not like the typical DADA professors that came through. It was rumored that he showed the fourth years all three unforgivable curses. Fred could only laugh in disbelief when his brother told him.
“I’m being serious!” Ron squeaked, still a little unnerved, “He showed us all three and he used a…spider.” He whispered the last word like it was more foul than the curses themselves. George rolled his eyes, “You’ve really got to get over that Ronald. Makes you look like a wuss.” Ron rolled his eyes, mumbling to himself before starting to stuff his face.
You walked up to your seat next to Fred to find the three brothers still discussing the events of the DADA class, as well as Ron’s fear of spiders. “You know Ronald you really should get over that fear,” you chimed in, the twins stifling a laugh. Ron finally piped up, “Moody really is mad, I’m telling you. Him showing us these curses like it’s no big deal is gonna cause the Slytherins to start bloody trying them.”
You scoffed, “Don’t even say that Ron, they can’t do that.” Ron raised his eyebrows, “I heard Malfoy was trying the imperius curse on some first years.” Your jaw dropped, moving to stand from the table “Absolutely not, where is that vile piece of sh-”.
“Woah there, love, sit back down,” Fred laughed, grabbing your hips and making you sit back down on the bench. You huffed crossing your arms and pouting slightly, “The next time I see Malfoy, he’s fucking done for.” Fred patted your head, “Okay darling, just be careful.”
You had your head down as you were leaving potions, thinking about all the homework you had to complete that evening. As you turned the corner your body slammed into someone, nearly knocking both you and the other to the ground. You heard a scoff as a sinister voice scolded you, “Watch where you’re bloody going, Y/l/n.” You looked up to see none other than Draco Malfoy. You rolled your eyes, picking up your textbook you dropped on the ground, “Having fun torturing innocent first years, ferret boy?”
Malfoy glared at you, “Oh I’m having the most fun, but I bet I’d have more fun doing it to you.” You stood your ground in front of him, “You don’t have the fucking balls to do shit to me, Malfoy.” With that you pushed past him, starting to walk toward your next class. You didn’t make it five steps before you felt a tingling sensation come over you, then a blanket feeling of calm and relaxation, like you were in a trance. You felt someone’s breath on your neck before you heard Malfoy’s voice in your ear, “Looks like I’ve got more than you anticipated, Y/l/n.”
Your brain was telling you to freak out. To run, to scream, to do anything of your own free will but you couldn’t. You went to the rest of your classes in a trance, not fully being able to pay attention and just going through the motions. When it was time for dinner you walked toward the great hall like you always did, walking up to your table. Fred smiled at you, scooting over for you to take your usual seat next to him.
You ignored him, going to the other side of the table to sit next to Ron. You were friendly with Ron, but you were the twins' friends first. Fred’s smile fell, “Y/n/n, what are you doing?” You didn’t look up from your plate as you spoke, “Sitting next to the cutest Weasley.” Ron’s cheeks immediately flushed pink and George and Fred both looked at each other with utter confusion. Ron was opening and closing his mouth like he was trying to respond but you cut him off, “Don’t talk Weasle-be”. Fred tilted his head at the nickname, something felt off to him.
He looked past you and Ron to see Malfoy staring at you from the Slytherin table. “Hey, Y/n, did you ever run into Malfoy today like you planned?” Fred saw a smirk curl onto Malfoy’s face from across the great hall as you shook your head, “Nope, haven’t seen him.” He huffed, not quite satisfied with your answer, though the others seemed to shrug their shoulders and continue on with their meal. As dinner concluded you got up and started heading back toward your dorm.
The others followed shortly after you. Fred quickly caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you off to the side as the others continued to pass. “Are you okay, y/n? You seem a little…off?” You shook your head, “I’m not off, I’m perfectly fine.” Your tone of voice was flat. You wanted so badly to scream but you just couldn’t force yourself to do anything. Fred quirked an eyebrow, “You don’t seem like yourself, love.” You widened your eyes slightly, the most control you felt like you had. You tried to pull yourself out of the curse Malfoy put you under but all you could do is make your eyes get slightly teary.
At this Fred grabbed your arm and quickly got you back to the Gryffindor common room, calling out for Hermione desperately as room as he stepped through the portrait hole with you in tow. He sat you down on the couch as Hermione came rushing down the stairs, “What is it Fred? What’s wrong?” The others were quick to follow her, seeing what the commotion was about.
“It’s y/n, I think somethings wrong. I think she actually did run into Malfoy today. I bet he used the imperius curse on her,” Fred was boiling mad, clenching and unclenching his fists. Hermione crossed her arms, “That seems like a stretch doesn’t it, Fred?” George nodded, “Yeah, Freddie, how can you tell?” Fred just shook his head, “I just know. I know this isn’t Y/n.” Your turned to look at Fred and he met your eyes, you could see it in his face how worried he was about you and it made your heart sore. You’ve heard of some witches and wizards being able to break out of the imperius curse on their own and you kept trying, but the best you could do is make yourself stutter over the response that wasn’t truly how you felt, “N-no, Weasle-be I’m f-fine. You can l-leave me alone now.”
At that Hermione’s posture stiffened, “Okay you’re right friend. The only person I’ve ever heard call you guys that is that slime of a boy, Malfoy.” Hermione stood in front of you, taking your hands in hers. You met her eyes as she spoke, “I can tell you’re trying to fight it y/n, you’re struggling saying what I’m sure Malfoy has instructed you for certain situations.” Your eyes welled up again as you involuntarily plastered on a smile.
The ground struggled with how to help you. Hermione educated them on ways to break the curse, that some powerful witches and wizard can break it of their own free will, while other times the curse can last until the caster has died. George, Ron and Harry all agreed to happily kill Draco for his actions. Hermione hit them all on the arm, telling them to be realistic. The last Hermione knew of was the curse just waring off. They discussed how long Draco may have set the curse to last.
Fred shook his head, “That goblin shit could have set it for a day to a month. We can’t just wait around and see.” He turned on the couch to face you, making your body do the same to him. He grabbed your face in his hands, your eyes meeting his. You loved his eyes. They were the prettiest color hazel, brown mixing with green in the most mesmerizing way. “I’m gonna try something, okay y/n? Don’t get freaked out, I just wanna see if it works,” he spoke, looking from your eyes to your lips and back.
Your heart rate started to pick up as you understood what he was implying he was about to do. He leaned in closer to whisper in your ear, apparently not wanting the others to hear what he was about to say. “I’ve also just been wanting to do this for a while, so hopefully this works and you can tell me you’ve been wanting to do this as well.” The others stood, waiting with anticipation on what Fred could possibly do that they haven’t already discussed.
Fred leaned his forehead against yours, taking a deep breath. “Here goes nothing,” he mumbled. Ever so gently, Fred met your lips with his. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of this scenario for months. His lips were soft against yours, you wanted so badly to reach up and tangle your hands in his read locks and pull him closer. One of Fred’s hands slid from your cheek to the back of your neck to pull you closer. In an instant your hands shot to his neck, one arm wrapping around him as the other tangled itself in the hair at the back of his neck like you had been fantasizing about.
After another moment or two you pulled away, breathing heavily but a goofy grin plastered on your face. Fred looked at you with hooded eyes, “There she is, there’s my girl.” Your cheeks tinted pink at his verbiage. You turned to look at the others who just stood there, dumbfounded looks across their faces. George was the first one to form a different facial expression. Unsurprisingly it was a smirk as he spoke up, “I can’t wait to tell Jordan this. He owes me ten galleons now.”
You quickly grabbed a pillow, chucking it at the boy. You turned back to Fred, “How did you know that would work? That kissing me would help me break from the curse?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I didn’t know for sure, but I couldn’t just wait around and let a grease ball control you.” You smiled, brushing a piece of hair behind Fred’s ear before pulling him into once more.
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princessgorewhorexx · 6 months
i wish somebody would write a fic of like a y/n situation where the y/n kidnaps a slasher and keeps them in a cage i think that would be on par for some of y’all’s obsessions with these men and would be a cool change of scenery. (pls let me know if someone does this i will be first in line to read it)
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kitsudolly · 1 year
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I need more slasher/horror fans friends :P
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supervillain-smut · 2 years
How do the slashers react to orgasm denial?
You’ve managed to get the jump on them and successfully restrain them. How you did it, you don’t know, but now that you think about it, they’re kind of hot, and completely under your control… It’s your turn to torture them. Give them a taste of their own medicine, in your own special way.
If you like this, please consider commenting and/or tagging, it helps a lot. Tipping is optional and helps support me as a creator, if you’d like me to continue these send an ask to my inbox, and commissions are open and pinned if you’d like something all for yourself!
Bo Sinclair: He’s at a loss for words.
“F…Fuck! Will you just lemme… Ahhh! God…”
The man who was just about to torture you in this dingy little basement, who’d seemed like such a sweet-talker only hours ago, could not form a complete sentence. The anger was still in his eyes, oh was it ever, but he’d given up on getting out around an hour ago and had only focused on convincing you to let him cum.
He wasn’t about to beg, oh no he was far too proud of that, but if he wasn’t going to before he is sure as shit he might now.
You could tell he was getting close again, the time it took was becoming shorter and shorter, as he leaned his head back, his breath came in short gasps, and his hips strained against the rope you had used to tie him down after he couldn’t stop bucking into your hand in a vain effort to reach completion.
He swallowed hard, his mouth dry from hanging open, panting, and attempting to talk for the last half hour, his voice beginning to sound hoarse. “Pl… GOD will you just let me cum? FUCK it hurts… Aaarrggh!!” He growled as you took your hand off his cock again.
“I don’t know. Maybe I should think about it.” Bo’s eyes widened in fear at your words, and he began to fight his restraints again desperately.
You walked away to the beginnings of his screams of threats, the last one fading in volume as you shut the door.
Brahms Heelshire: He begs.
You didn’t really have to restrain him at all. More like telling him to stay like a dog and he reacts like he’s bound. Even still, you’ve tied him to the headboard, and not once has he fought it. He’s been surprisingly good.
“I’ll be good, I promise!” He whines as he tries to buck his hips into your hand. “I won’t hurt you! I would never! I wanted to protect you! He hurt you!” He cried out as he let his head fall back into the pillows. You could see him swallow thickly and feel his hips still in an attempt to ‘be good’ for you.
You almost felt bad for the last four times he was close. Almost.
You stilled your hand again and heard him whine. He was almost pathetic with how easily he submitted to your demands, how he’d let you tie him up and tease him for this long, even though you could see it in his body that he wanted to fight back, to take control back, and yet he didn’t. Not once.
You watched him steady his breathing and pick his head up to look at you. You made the mistake of meeting his eyes; the biggest brown puppy dog eyes looked straight into the empathetic part of you. He was so patient, and he was being good… You resumed your pace, running your thumb over the head of his cock and he keened in return. His hips thrust forward just slightly, and you corrected him.
“Ah-ah! Be good and you can come. Don’t move.” He groaned, but still, you felt his hips stop.
You pressed just behind his balls and his back arched before he slammed back down onto the bed, remembering your order; he was really trying, you could tell. You felt him pulse and twitch in your hand, signaling he was close as precum oozed from the tip. You didn’t stop this time and watched as thin, watery jets of cum erupted from his cock, coating your hand and his stomach as he cried out again and again.
“Good boy, Brahms. Such a good boy.”
Bubba Sawyer: He’s obedient.
“So you’re going to be good, play nice, and help me out of this place, right?” You needed to make sure he was going to help you, but at this point, you were pretty sure he’d do anything, probably including chopping off his own hand just so he could come. You pressed your foot harder into his erection and he moaned, hanging his head as the ropes that bound his hands behind his back and around the metal pole took his weight.
He was drooling and bucking his hips into whatever touch you gave him. You knelt down and tipped his head up. His eyes pleaded with you. You slowly slid your hand up and down his shaft, and he began to hit his head on the pole in frustration. You quickly brought your free hand to the back of his head and did your best to stop him.
“Hey, hey! Don’t do that. I’ll let you come, and then you help me out of here, okay?” He met your eyes and nodded frequently and mumbling something you could never understand. “Okay, then.” You picked up the pace and he was breathing hard, his noises were getting louder and louder. Finally, he came, his sounds muffled in your hand covering his mouth, his cum blending in with the rest of the mess that covered his apron.
“There. Now, your end of the bargain.”
Ghostface: He screams for hours.
You needed earplugs or something. What started out as a good idea in your mind now that you had the bastard that had tried to kill you tied up in a chair and completely at your mercy had eventually turned into a goddamn banshee of threats and insults. He sounded like the one being murdered now.
“You fucking bitch! I’m going to kill you! I’m going to gut you like a fish and skip rope with your intestines!”
Yeah, you stopped having fun a while ago. Around the third time you didn’t let him come.
“You know what?!”
“You can fucking stay here and rot for all I care. I’m grabbing a drink from the store, and you get to stay here. Scream all you want, you’re caught red-handed by the security cams trying to kill me, and I stopped them before I started to have my fun, so as far as they know you were just some pervert that was trying to kill a defenseless person!”
Silence. For the first time in two hours, complete silence from both of you. He sat there and, what you assumed, was staring at you. You grabbed your bag from the floor and pulled on your shoes.
“Wait, where are you going?” You didn’t respond. “You’re not seriously leaving me here, are you?” You continued towards the door and opened it, turning to look at him. “You wouldn’t dare. You get back here!” You backed out of the doorway. “Don’t do it you little bitch!” You slammed the door. “GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!” He was muffled from down the hall and behind the door, but not by much. Man, that guy could scream.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: He acts unfazed.
You had stopped him from coming four times now. You wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him, the only evidence you’d even so much as started to have your way with him was the slightly red flush to his cheeks and the small beads of sweat on his forehead.
“How?” He lifts his head to look you in the eyes, his baby blues as stubborn as they were intrigued at what you’ll try next.
“How, what? Be specific, otherwise, I can’t answer the question.”
“How have you not gone crazy yet? Surely you want to come.”
He stayed silent for a moment before answering, looking you up and down. “Why? Would you have? Besides, if I admit what I want you’re just going to keep taking it from me. Best to keep you guessing whether that’s what I want or what my body wants.” You tilted your head in confusion.
“What’s the difference between what you or your body want?”
He smirked at you. “The difference, my dear, is that your body merely reacts to stimuli, meanwhile your consciousness and your wants make all the difference as to whether it truly affects you.”
You thought for a moment. “So you don’t want to come?” You smirk back at him, leaning into his game. “I didn’t say that. Then again… I didn’t say suggest anything to the contrary, merely stated a fact.”
As he was talking you began to stroke him again, running your thumb along the prominent vein on the underside of his cock. You finally noticed something you hadn’t before; he gasped when you did.
You paused everything. “Thank you for that fact, Doctor Lecter. It’s given me a great deal of insight.” It was his turn to tilt his head at you, as much as the hand truck dolly he was restrained to, as well as the mask to keep him from biting you, would allow him.
“You do want to come.” He stayed silent, but his eyes betrayed him.
“Clever girl.”
Michael Myers: He never stops trying to escape.
You had dodged death many times on Halloween night. Once by avoiding death via The Shape, otherwise known as Michael Myers, and about seven more times since you’d somehow, by some miracle, managed to restrain him. If you weren’t dead before, you’d absolutely be if he caught you. He hasn’t stopped struggling since he noticed he was trapped, wrapped up in extension cords and strapped to the table with his arms pinned at his sides.
You’d been taking advantage of this new and exhilarating scenario heavily, starting with merely feeling him up while you had the chance, then palming him through the mechanic's suit, until you were jerking him off and had even dared to deny him release. He was not happy about that. Not at all, given the amount of struggling he was really doing now.
You were hypnotized by every muscle, every muffled grunt of effort, frustration, and fury that escaped his lips that you couldn’t see, obscured by his iconic mask. You moved to take it off, and you could’ve sworn he’d nearly given himself whiplash with how hard he jerked his head away from you. He began to struggle again, and you leaned back in your chair, expecting it to be another fruitless endeavor of his. That was until his arm came shooting out toward you, stopping just before your face.
You launched out of the chair, unsure what to do; you couldn’t restrain him again. You thought too long about it, and by the time your mind had caught back up with reality, his hand was around your throat. Finally, as he brought his face centimeters away from yours, could you see his eyes. Something in them told you he wanted revenge. How he was going to get it was the terrifying part.
Ruben “Ruvik” Victoriano: He threatens.
“Let go of me. Now.”
That was how it started, anyway. His voice was as calm yet deadly as the sea. Now, however, it shook with desperation.
“Once I get out of this… I’m going to… Ahh! Fuck!” You started to stroke him just as he began another empty threat, staring him down as those icy blue eyes glared a hole straight through you.
“We both know you either won’t do anything, or you can’t do anything. If you could’ve, you would’ve by now. I’ve got you right where I want you, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” You spoke calmly as you stopped moving your hand, opting to instead circle the head of his cock with your thumb, watching as his chest rose and fell as he watched you, a moan rumbling from his throat. The gurney wasn’t the most ideal thing to strap him to, but unfortunately, the only thing you had.
“I can absolutely get out of this. This is my world. You’re in my world!” You raised your brow at his words, feeling his cock twitch, threatening you of its release.
You let go of his cock and walked away as Ruben gawked at you from the gurney.
“Alright then, get out. Or off.”
Stefano Valentini: He bargains.
“Oh, tesoro per favore non fermarti*!” Stefano whined from under you as you held the knife to his throat, pressed your knee harder into his chest, and stroked his cock at a fast and relentless pace, watching as his face scrunched up in pleasure. His mouth was agape, panting and pouring honeyed words in Italian as he gave in to your demands at knifepoint.
You had somehow managed to get his knife off of him and his camera lay forgotten, at least for now, a good five feet away from you both, unharmed. You had left him on the edge of euphoria three times now, and the view was incredible. He sat in front of you with his back pressed to the wall as you held him steady with his own blade, your knee pressed flat to his chest as if he needed any further reinforcement not to move, and your other hand was on his cock.
“You know, if you let me go I can really fuck you properly. I won’t lay a finger on you that you don’t want to be there, I swear.”
You couldn’t lie that his propositions weren’t making you incredibly wet; you wanted him, of that there was no doubt, but you did doubt if he’d hold up his end of the bargain. You considered his offer, slowing your pace, but hardening your grip on the knife. You had decided as you removed the knife from his throat, much to his delight evident in his eye, and you slid it across the floor far away from you both. He smiled earnestly at you, and then he was on you in a flash.
*Honey please don’t stop
Thomas "Tommy" Hewitt: He glares.
His body shudders violently and he groans as he nearly reaches his peak before you take your hand away and pull harder on the ropes tying him to the chair he had in the basement. You can’t look at him and those chocolate eyes filled with hate and murderous intent, solely for you. He hasn’t taken that gaze off of you since you managed to tie him up.
You let him sit for a little while before working his cock again, pulling an animalistic growl out of him as his hips desperately tried to thrust upwards into your hand, but his position wouldn’t allow him. You ran your thumb over the head, causing his head to fly back as he moaned hoarsely. Maybe if you stopped teasing him, he’d stop glaring at you like that. 
That was your plan as you worked him over the edge, as he gasped and whined, jets of cum hitting his apron and oozing onto your hand as you gave him a few moments to catch his breath. Once his breathing had slowed back to normal did you lift your gaze to his. He was still glaring at you like a big cat in a cage, unrelenting in the slightest. You couldn’t let him go or he’d absolutely kill you, so you tied the ropes into knots behind him and began working on your escape.
Vincent Sinclair: He writhes.
He despised the fact that he was currently strapped down to his own bed, in his own workspace, with his twin brother just upstairs, completely unable to hear him, and completely unaware the person he was looking for was just below, torturing him. Vincent couldn’t help the way his body was reacting, begging for release as all he could do was let out hoarse moans and pleas. His hips desperately chased his release as you stilled your hand once again, causing him to throw his head back and arch his back as much as the restraints would allow him as he cried out.
His legs and arms were working desperately to free themselves, to no avail as you left him on the edge over and over again. He was beautiful, you had to admit; his one blue eye silently pleaded with you as his pitch-black hair lay sprawled on the bed, some strands stuck to his sweaty forehead as the heat of the basement and the heat building inside him proved too much, his mask was removed long ago when it had started to lose its form.
He attempted to buck up into your hand once again, and he wailed as you completely removed it, his body still writhing, although he was unsure why anymore. Was it to escape and end you, or a vain attempt to find some other way of release? He had all the time in the world to figure it out.
Harry Warden/Tom Hanniger: One hates it, the other loves it.
When Tom was in control, it was a consensual bit of fun, edging him until he couldn’t take it anymore and gave in. He loved those times with you, seeing how long he could last, sometimes beating his previous record, other times giving in much earlier. But when Harry was in control, when that mask was on and all you could hear was his heavy breathing, it was a whole different game, a whole other test.
Tonight was one of those nights. Instead of Tom coming home to you, Harry Warden stood at your doorway, had forced his way inside and onto you, still feeling the adrenaline of what seemed to be a fairly recent kill given the amount of blood that dripped from his pick, which he leaned against the door frame.
He had made it clear exactly what he wanted as he forced you onto your knees, but what he didn’t anticipate was your rebellious nature as you had seemingly obeyed, taking his cock into your mouth and eventually down your throat, until you felt him twitch, his breathing heavier than before, his right hand digging into the wall behind you as his left clenched into a ball at his side.
You could hear the gasp and groan that escaped him when you stopped completely with his cock down your throat, your hands on his hips to keep him from thrusting into your mouth. He stood there, eerily calm as you waited until his breathing slowed again before you returned to swallowing him.
This went on twice before he’d had enough, gripping your hair at the back of your head, pushing your hands away, and relentlessly fucking into your mouth, forcing himself down your throat until he came down it. He pulled himself out of your mouth as you gasped for air, and he gently wiped the tears that had fallen, before he roughly picked you up and threw you onto the couch; apparently, he wasn’t finished with you just yet.
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Y/n:….I’m…dying and the only way to save me..is let me suck your dick..
Slasher:…did you take your meds today?
Y/n:…no…BUT that doesn’t change anything
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tahlalilian · 2 years
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Everyone does the Bubba Wiggle!!
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evilvvithin · 3 months
it's kinda funny but the more i see the mainstream slasher media the more I appreciate our "indie-slasher" boys
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