#HAWK ricky armellino
unholyc0nfessionz · 1 year
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my girl a registered priest
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thyele · 1 year
津田直士 | I.o.Youさん「シンプルに思う。 美しいものを生み出し伝えている人に 美しくないものを投げる行為は とても悲しいと思う。 そもそも美しいものは何も傷つけることはないのだから。 どうしても美しくない気持ちが湧いてしまっても どうか美しいものへ投げることは避けて下さい。」https://twitter.com/tsudanaoshi/status/1640631051608526848
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「Etsyアプリの通販で 見付けましたが🤓 これらは全てミニサイズの ホラー映画タイトル1個822円の マグネットだそうです🧟‍♀️🩸 気になるショップでありました🤯 https://t.co/q48ITTC5YV」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1641042804385398784
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「🩸INKのKillendar🗓✨今月のページ チケット🎫と👑Spencer🎤さんの ブランドshop https://t.co/Z5oZrj5ubN の 買うと付いて来るステッカーも サイン✍入りポストカードも ダイソー100均のクリアファイルで 綺麗に整理整頓できた🧟‍♂️ ありがとう😃😃ダイソー https://t.co/MZpc55qx2l」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1641032235984863234
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「あ、そうそう🩸INKのKillendarには ちゃんとメンバー様のBD🎂も 記載されていたんです🤗 🗓カレンダーでさえ大事❣」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1641037336044552192
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「今まで行って来たLiveチケット🎫の 整理整頓を100均のクリアファイルで 作ってみたんですが… 昔のは、手帳に貼ってあったり これからの分のは埋まる予定だけど 🎪knot festのがぁぁ… まだ見つからない😰 ②番目の一番下のは4年分全部 応援してたチケット敢えて出しません。 https://t.co/IMyo9zLiAM」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1641024367378284544
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「🩸INKのdrummer🥁Patrick Galante とバックVocal&guitarist🎸 プロデューサーであり バンドHAWK🦅のRicky armellinoとの 共作でsolo side Project 【Lowist】の楽曲💿🎶 曲調が好む人多いはずの1曲 是非ともご視聴ください👂🎧💥☟☟ #ICENINEKILLS #metalcore  https://t.co/A24CC3i8y9」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1640319458240778240
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「こちらがNight Riderの ご紹介文です👇👇 (英語解らない方向けに翻訳) https://t.co/neLwgu24BY」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1639970290641014786
藤原ナオヒロ / NO-GATEさん「こんばんは🌆 今日のラジオのアップが ��し遅れてしまいます。 お許しください。 https://t.co/Nb0GHOYRia」https://twitter.com/naohiro_fuji/status/1641034578474180608
[email protected]’S PUNXさん「い・け・ず あまりにも、、、人の悪口を 言う人が、多い! そんな人に、なりたくないなー! 人の、欠点だけを、見て・・w だから、何なんって思う・・・w https://t.co/RT2SrKwFpk」https://twitter.com/satui_joefromgi/status/1641046169727176704
PATAさん「明日、スポーツ報知に載るみたい。 野球の話しっすけど😅」https://twitter.com/PATA_Official_/status/1641037110147796993
Chirolynさん「待望のニューアルバム 【Chirolyn/Release yourself+DVD】NOW ON SALE‼️ カバーにはhide with Spread Beaverの『ピンクスパイダー』を収録 feat.ボーカルにROTTENGRAFFTYのNOBUYAが参加 iTunes Store(日本)の"R&B/ソウル トップアルバム"で最高2位にランクイン ◆CD購入→https://t.co/eZgPOmMhlJ https://t.co/4HhTqFqiv0」https://twitter.com/Chirolyn_1965/status/1597221354520342531
激ロックさん「【フォロー&RTで応募】 OUTRAGE "LOUD PARK 09"限定タオル+メンバー全員直筆サイン色紙プレゼント! オーケストラと共演したデビュー35周年公演&映画"#鋼音色の空の彼方へ"収録映像作品に迫るインタビュー公開中! 【本日締切】 #OUTRAGE #loudpark https://t.co/SD4BXgTXc4 https://t.co/kAMcsAxnJQ」https://twitter.com/gekirock/status/1640980910110564352
有島博志/GrindHouseさん「【#FALL_OUT_BOY 新作『#SO_MUCH_FOR_STARDUST』発売記念企画!】 直筆サイン添えた7インチシングル+ステッカー2種類を1名!レア!フォロー& RTで応募!〆切いよいよ明日3/30夜11時! #FOB https://t.co/s2bBTZpNog」https://twitter.com/hiroarishimaGH/status/1641032948450205696
激ロックさん「【フォロー&RTで応募】 上田剛士(AA=)直筆サイン入りジップアップパーカー2名様プレゼント! 自身の音楽的ルーツを振り返り制作された、キャリア初となるカバー・アルバム『TEENAGE DREAMS』に迫ったインタビュー公開中! 【4/6まで何度でも応募可】 #上田剛士 #aaequal https://t.co/a62qj9JOAz https://t.co/LQN72mJvXn」https://twitter.com/gekirock/status/1640963289961119744
𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔶さん「[announcement] ⚠️本日29日(水)で終了となります webで観れるURLプレゼント🎁 本日3月29日(水)までに新作DVD "This is a memory from December 1996 to August" を購入していただいた方へプレゼントです スマホやPCでお手軽に視聴出来ます 🕸DEPT OF MAYHEM https://t.co/RXbzh1QuSL」https://twitter.com/THEHATEHONEY_jp/status/1640877294297432064
ぶっ殺すぞ!けんchan(KENZI)dps4・10Zepp横浜/20日秘密基地配信ソロ。さん「ついに解禁!! KENZI&アナーキスト30周年企画 ぴぱんくぅを現実の世界で暴れさせたい ~着ぐるみ拡張大作戦!~ 4月1日(土)20時スタート ↓ https://t.co/eZRgdOeVWL 僕の大きな夢を叶えたいです。 応援宜しくお願いします。 FAN&ファミリーさん向けに、 楽しめる色々なプラン用意しています。」https://twitter.com/Antikenzi2000/status/1641032475303346177
kazuyaさん「皆様のおかげです! ありがとうございます。 引き続き宜しくお願いいたします。 やったね💕」https://twitter.com/kazuya2418/status/1641045395580276737
石月 努さん「素直に嬉しい😃✨ みんなのおかげだよ~」https://twitter.com/ishizukitsutomu/status/1641110005922562053
HIROTO ALICE NINE.ヒロト アリス九號.さん「TheRavens at下北沢シャングリラ🔥 圧巻の音像と曲の世界感とメッセージにknockoutでした💥 しばらく『カッコいい...』しか出なかった... PABLO兄さん最高のギターサウンド&プレイ,最高に熱い熱いLIVEをありがとうございました🔥🔥🔥 ロックにライブハウスに希望をみました! #TheRavens #PABLO さん https://t.co/3l7zpd6N7D」https://twitter.com/hrt_A9/status/1641085084601290753
FANTASTIC◇CIRCUSさん「#LastAction こちらの表記に対して、沢山のお問合せを頂戴しており、曖昧なご回答を行っていた旨、改めてお詫び申し上げます。 今週末より18年振りのツアーが開始します。人見記念公演迄の道のりとなります。 ツアーが終了した後に、#FANTASTICCIRCUS としてのあり方をメンバーで話合います。…」https://twitter.com/ftccircus/status/1640997939635159040
Yoshikiさん「俺って、強いのか、弱いのか、よくわからないけど、 前向き! みんな、応援してくれて、ありがとう。 みんなも頑張れよ! #YOSHIKI #前向きと書いてYOSHIKIと読む #XJAPAN #TheLastRockstars #XY」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1641077956339699712
Hitomi_Voさん「今日スタジオ帰りに見てみた めっちゃ嬉しい https://t.co/LX7DiAsPU2」https://twitter.com/Hitomi_Vo/status/1641071776406048768
リブユウキさん「ICDD本編とは違い、00年代V系あるあるで構成された外伝的な雰囲気のあるEP作ですよ。 ギターもおれです(今ならもうちょっと上手く弾けるな~ってとこもあるが、それもまた味になるのがこのジャリ感) https://t.co/XW8A7VN0A5」https://twitter.com/yuhkiICDD/status/1641087812182380551
NAMELESSさん「🎞️LIVE映像公開🎞️ NAMELESS「Love or Die」LIVE ver. @赤羽ReNY alpha https://t.co/OF3wchHmwB 💿12ヶ月連続配信リリース💿 『変態カルチャー』 3月配信曲「Love or Die」 本日0:00より順次配信開始‼️ #NAMELESS0729 https://t.co/J8lmdC41pl」https://twitter.com/NAMELESS_1114/status/1641034599743488005
DAIGOさん「ZIP! 木曜パーソナリティ卒業! 水卜アナウンサー、出演者のみなさん、スタッフのみなさん、見てくれているみなさん本当にありがとうございました! HYDEさんもサプライズコメントありがとうございました😭 今日から日本一早起きなロッカーから、ただのロッカーに戻ります!!! #ZIP #DAIGO https://t.co/HRqYC7bR18」https://twitter.com/Daigo19780408/status/1641227460573548545
alt-H@ボカロP・「トライアングル」2/11最新動画さん「「トライアングル」 鏡音リン https://t.co/jtBmJZT7If https://t.co/YmAcUKCBFQ 間が空きすぎてしまいましたが、新曲も準備中です! https://t.co/UNvZv3QtE8」https://twitter.com/alt_H20/status/1619654229706305537
YOUさん「Tsubasa Guitar Workshopの中では異端児的なこのベース。 クラック柄の部分は蓄光樹脂が流し込まれていて、暗闇で光る仕様。 オリジナルのピックアップがベースの“オイシイ”帯域を存分に出してくれる。 https://t.co/EOQjO9Zlg8」https://twitter.com/YOU_official/status/1641327993799991296
grace periodさん「未発表音源「89%」配信中! 2ndシングルの「壁」を彷彿させる、疾走感のあるアグレッシブなサウンドでgrace periodの持ち味を全開にしたナンバー! 「信念」をテーマにした歌詞はgrace periodがバンドで在り続ける想いの詰まった1曲。 https://t.co/oDKtKAqgwV」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1640852466723086337
grace periodさん「YouTubeチャンネル「grace period official」にて『grace period Radio』が隔週月曜日21時より配信されています! バンド情報を発信したり、裏話を話したりと情報満載の番組! そして、ラジオをお聞きの皆さんからの質問を募集してます! 質問、メッセージ等はこちらから! https://t.co/OZeeayBACH https://t.co/luLguwZhz4」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1640952824979918848
grace periodさん「これからもお気づきの点がございましたら、grace periodオフィシャルアカウントの方へお問い合わせ頂きますよう、合わせてお願い申し上げます。」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1640919372708593664
だっちー / Daxchie @grace periodさん「色々とご迷惑おかけしました🙇‍♂️ 今後とも気をつけて参ります。」https://twitter.com/gp92191846/status/1641033699675258880
YOUさん「配信してます! 募集もしてます!!\\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////」https://twitter.com/YOU_official/status/1640693967841812480
YOULAND™-Informationさん「We added new items to our online shop! Check 'em out! https://t.co/2WZLjKd0qZ」https://twitter.com/YOULAND_info/status/1639825690232012801
grace periodさん「【grace period Official Online Store】 オリジナルTシャツ好評発売中! その他のグッズも企画中! https://t.co/yArCwo1Z3a」https://twitter.com/graceperiod_jp/status/1639946497168130048
Karyuさん「📢H.U.G TOUR 2023 -LOVE THAT NEVER ENDS-開催決定! 6/10(土) 西川口Hearts 6/17(土) 福岡DRUM Be-1 6/18(日) 山口LIVE rise SHUNAN 6/23(金) 名古屋E.L.L. 6/30(金) OSAKA MUSE TOUR FINAL 7/07(金) 白金高輪SELENE b2 先行受付は3/25(土)12:00~ 詳細は👇 https://t.co/dqkKMpYEHN #HUG https://t.co/nNQ2Xof1U2」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1640977450313330689
Karyuさん「午前中からの長時間打ち合わせ終了! 忙しくなりそうだ🍅」https://twitter.com/karyu_official/status/1640978489758334976
十三月 紅夜さん「⚡️🌐ACM::: NEXT LIVE🌐⚡️ 『Auberge à l'ile Beau que l'or.』 4月21日 (金) @池袋手刀 ACM::: krishnablue ラパンナジール Mother Goose 開演19:00 前売¥3,500 (+1d) / 当日¥4,500 (+1d) 🪐予約 https://t.co/1LN08inf1z (コチラのツイートにリプライでもご予約可🔥) #AConcreteMur https://t.co/7r1iRaISRP」https://twitter.com/jusangatsukouya/status/1640852972187058177
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「‼️本日発売‼️ SOPHIA LIVE 2022 “SOPHIA”🌻 約束の場所 日本武道館にて開催された『SOPHIA LIVE 2022 “SOPHIA”』のDVD&Blu-rayが、本日リリース‼️ 9年ぶりの、あの復活の日の感動を、 ぜひ映像で堪能してください✨ ★ご購入はこちら https://t.co/jFuvSQhZNe #SOPHIA https://t.co/WmATBcx4il」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1640991970146525185
都 啓一さん「ありがとうございます! また遊びに行きます😊」https://twitter.com/Rockparty71/status/1640931272766930944
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somesortofsiren · 3 years
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Hawk - King With No Survivors
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HAWK - Clvrmfkr
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monotropauniflora · 3 years
The chat during Ricky's insta lives are so funny to me cause like. He almost exclusively goes live while he's working so half of the people stopping buy are like
"wow, sounds great Ricky👍 What are you working on?"
Meanwhile everyone else is like a teen shouting things like "Woah! Scrunkly girlboss!" at him which he absolutely doesn't understand
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makeit0utalive · 3 years
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pearbastard · 5 years
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Well, Ricky told us to take screenshots of him and jd so here's one from his ig live (FaceTime) today
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quietandfalling · 5 years
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HAWK - Mileage
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trickstoph3r · 5 years
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I just-
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infi-delity · 5 years
at the concert last night i accidentally bumped into ricky at his merch tent but instead of saying excuse me like a normal person i just went “ah!”
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speakeasyhq · 5 years
i have to request ricky armellino of hawk pls give me my buddy 😔✌🏼
He’s so sad, y’all. We gotta give the boy what he wants.
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Carousel Kings: das neue Album kommt
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Sie schleudern die Hooks im Akkord aus den mehr oder minder tätowierten Handgelenken und machen dabei auch noch mächtig Dampf! Wer die bisherigen Alben – "A Slice Of Heaven" (2012), "Unity" (2014) und "Charm City" (2017) – sowie die diversen EPs kennt, weiß, wovon wir reden. Das von Ricky Armellino (u.a. Ice Nine Kills, This Or The Apocalypse) produzierte "Plus Ultra" zeigt die CAROUSEL KINGS in absoluter Bestform. Die Songs sind detailreicher, tiefgehender und subtiler geworden, ohne ihren catchy Charme zu verlieren. Zudem haben die Herren gleich zehn(!) Gäste am Start, darunter Mitglieder von Hang Tight, Ice Nine Kills, Dayseeker, Hawk und GutterLIFE). Großes Ding! Hier gibt´s das coole Video zur aktuellen Single ´Code Breaker (Smile)´: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbd1JkJJa_A CAROUSEL KINGS Plus Ultra Victory / Soulfood VÖ: 31.05.2019 www.facebook.com/carouselkings Gordeon Music Read the full article
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bthenoise · 6 years
HAWK (formally This Or The Apocalypse) Share Debut Single ‘Mileage’ With Guest Vocals From Spencer Charnas
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For the first time since 2012, members of Pennslyvania outfit This Or The Apocalypse have joined forces to release brand new music. Doing it under the moniker HAWK, original members Ricky Armellino (who you may recognize from Ice Nine Kills) and Jack Esbenshade have teamed up with Bernard Stabley and Adam Reed to share their debut single “Milage.” 
Opening up about the transition from This Or The Apocalypse to HAWK, Armellino put together a detailed statement saying:
“I don’t know how to keep stuff short.
This Or The Apocalypse made some moves about 4 or 5 years ago to make a new album under a new name. We put our all into the record- self produced big chunks of it, worked with different producers, then spent enough to put years of debt ahead of us. The album wasn’t released and there are no hurt feelings; we gained more than we lost.
TOTA became Hawk years ago and kept it off the internet. I guess we finally started to agree with some of the A&R reps in the inbox- there was a phone call with a few of us in the team regarding a contract offer contingent on a name change and it lasted a couple of minutes. I just said ‘How about we call it Hawk,’ a couple of us said ‘Yeah that’s cool.’ It wasn’t a hard decision to make.
We were preparing to lose to one of the last remaining ‘founding’ members of the band and filling his slot felt like the last step out of what we were doing, emotionally at least. TOTA toured between 32-35 times across the US alone, I’m not even including all of the international tours. We gained the perspective/understanding that a lot of musicians don’t get because people are just really transparent and honest with a band that comes through 3 or 4 times a year without popping.
We were playing for promoters that I regularly texted jokes to, our booking agents and managers were personal friends who sugar-coated nothing. It wasn’t emotional, we embraced the change and got to work. For a lot of different reasons that don’t belong here, the brakes locked on the whole thing and we ended up rebuilding our whole business from the ground up.
I made a studio for us to spend years trying stuff out in. My mentality was that musicians needed to be in control of their own material and the quality of it to not be helpless. We wrote for, produced, played on, and mixed over 30 records in there. We genuinely care about every single band that stepped in there. I’m so proud of everything that we accomplished in it.
Then we could bring what we were working on back to our band. We just wanted to be ‘worth’ entertaining others, not guys who felt as if they were owed something for showing up and getting on a stage. This whole time everybody’s been asking where we’ve been and it’s funny because we’ve never been more productive. We weren’t going to come out swinging on everyone until we were truly ready to do it.
So yeah, Hawk. Pronounce it however you want. Say it like you’re getting something out of your throat if you want, we don’t care. We are playing new music now and it’s all material we had a hand in producing.
‘Mileage’ is the first of about 20 songs on deck. Every member produced their own performance, I mixed it, Andreas Magnusson, head producer of ‘Dead Years‘, joined in when we did the live drums down in Richmond and he mastered the track as well. Spencer Charnas from Ice Nine Kills sang some harmonies on the chorus- We didn’t even ask him to.
I just sent him the song and he immediately sent me a bunch of unsolicited audio files of his voice. We put a video together to tell a story about mental illness with the help of videographer Eric Dicarlo and a group of our best friends playing different monsters. We spent a lot of evenings after rehearsals gathering everything we wanted to use in the scenes and it’s full pop culture references and nods to our favorite movies. It’s also every type of weird that’s out there.
The band is myself and the only other ‘original’ founding member of TOTA, Jack Esbenshade. We have played together for about 15 years. Adam Reed stepped up from assisting and editing all of the tracks at the studio for 3 and a half years to our full-time drummer. I think people are going to be shocked by how tight he is.
He also conducted the whole “teaser” video with me and edited the whole thing (Spencer Charnas also did some voice acting as the old woman working at the post office). Bern Stabley is hands down the best bassist I’ve worked with and bringing him into the mix was criminally easy.
Good to be back. Sup.”
So there you have it, from This Or The Apocalypse to HAWK, Ricky Armellino and Jack Esbenshade are back at it again. To check out their impressive lead track “Mileage” featuring Ice Nine Kills’ Spencer Charnas, be sure to look below. Afterward, for more from the band, head here.
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thephotopitmagazine · 5 years
I always found summer concerts to be some of the most memorable and fun events. Tours that have tons of bands stacked on the bill, early start times that drag the shows into the evening hours, and each band given a pretty decent set time to play at the show. And this is what we had when the Rage Fest tour came to Orlando, FL at The Plaza Live. Five bands, lots of metal, and all the time to sit back and enjoy on a Saturday night. It was a large crowd that night with people packed in as close as they could get to the stage and with the back area opened for the “designated” mosh pit.
Hawk, formerly known as This Or The Apocalypse, opened up the show. Rick Armellino (vocals), who also performs with Ice Nine Kills (guitar), and Jack Ebenshade (guitar) are the only two original founding members. Joining them under Hawk is Bernard Stabley (bass) and Adam Reed (drums). The band kicked into gear right away when Rick jumped over the barrier and into the mosh pit singing from within the crowd. The crowd was loving it and the band rocked on through their set. Their energy poured through the venue getting those in the mosh pit moving hard. They thanked the crowd after their set and Ricky said he would meet fans out by their merch table. You find Hawk’s music on their website HERE and see a full gallery of photos from their performance HERE.
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Gideon, the metalcore band from Alabama was next to the stage. Founded in 2008 and with 4 albums under their belts, Daniel McWhorter (vocals), Tyler Riley (guitar), Caleb DeRusha (bass), and Jake Smelley (bass) turned it up a notch. The band rained down the heavy with red lighting pouring down on them. The crowd definitely reacted to the heavier style of music and the mosh pit grew larger as they played on. Daniel encouraged the crowd to keep moving and moshing. I was extremely impressed with their music, stage presence, and Daniel’s vocals were truly headbanging worthy. Gideon appeased the metal gods that night and the crowd threw up horns in appreciation. Daniel thanked the crowd and also asked the crowd to visit them at the merch table. You can find Gideon’s music on their website HERE. The band will be releasing their next album Out of Control on October 11th. You can see a full gallery of photos from their performance HERE.
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Next to the stage was Veil of Maya. The metalcore band formed in 2004 out of Chicago, IL. After self-releasing and self-producing their first album, All Things Set Aside, the band signed with Sumerian Records. The band went from a five-person lineup to a four-person lineup. But, their biggest change was the departure of their original vocalist after their third album Eclipse. In 2014, they brought in Lukas Magyar from Arms of Empire as their vocalist. Along with original members, Marc Okubo (guitar) and Sam Applebaum (drums), and Danny Hauser (bass), they would release two additional albums with their most recent False Idol releasing in 2017.
The band came out to tremendous cheers from the crowd. Veil of Maya’s metal has some great transitions in the vocals from guttural screams to crystal clear singing. Lukas has some gifted vocals that compliment the band’s heavier metal sound. Marc passionately played all over the stage, bouncing, jumping, and dancing. One thing that surprised me was Danny’s bass which was smaller than most bass guitars I’m used to seeing on stage. Yet, he made the bass vibrate sounds through your body that night as I could literally feel it coming off the speakers. Sam ripped out thunderous beats to keep the crowd energized. The mosh pit was going even heavier now and at one point Lukas separated out the crowd to the left and right and had them run at each other to continue the mosh pit. Veil of Maya put on a great performance and was thanked with booming applause and screams. You can find more info on Veil of Maya HERE and see more photos of their performance that night HERE.
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
And then the crowd went insane as hometown heroes Attila hit the stage. Formed out of Atlanta, GA in 2005, has always called Orlando, FL home. With their carefree attitude, hardcore metal music, and true love for their fans, Attila instantly became crowd favorites wherever they went. The band released 8 studio albums with Villain as their most recent released in February 2019. The band was recently in Orlando on April 7th touring with All That Remains (read that review HERE) and now returned to continue their partying ways. With Chris “Fronz” Fronzak (vocals), Chris Linck (guitar), Kalan Blehm (bass), and Bryan McClure (drums) raring to go the crowd was screaming for them to perform.
Attila’s greatest strength has always been their stage presence and how they engage their fans. Their song selection has always been crowd pleasers to get them amped up and moving around. And Fronz knows how to get that crowd moving. Yet, the band is humbled by the love the fans give them and Fronz always calls out how much they appreciate their support. Outside of that, Attila’s music gets right in your face, rattles you around, and throws you down metal. You can’t help but smile watching and hearing the band perform on stage because they love their music, they love their fans, and of course, love to party. Fronz described that night as “being at a house party with the best band ever playing”. And he constantly referred to the crowd as family. When he asked who had never seen Attila before he told them, “Welcome to the family.”
As usual for an Attila show, Fronz asked the ladies to throw their bras up on the stage so they can hang them on the mic stand. Halfway through the show, he noticed there weren’t many bras thrown onto the stage. He started to ask why and then said, “Oh, it’s because you ladies aren’t wearing bras”, which raised cheers from the crowd. Before performing “Pizza” Fronz called up a woman on stage. She was topless and had pizza stickers over her nipples. She stayed on stage to dance and sing with Fronz which led to huge cheers from the crowd. And right before they wrapped up with “Toxic”, Fronz separated out the moshers to the left and right and had them run at each other. It was the largest mosh pit of the evening and it was utter chaos. Fronz thanked the crowd and the band said goodnight throwing out guitar picks and drumsticks. Also, I learned there were multiple injuries from the mosh pit during their set. You can find more on Attila at their website HERE and see a full gallery of photos from their performance HERE.
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Finally, the headliners Crown The Empire were ready to take the stage. The metal band from Dallas, TX formed back in 2010 and released their EP Limitless in 2011. It didn’t take long for the band to be signed to Rise Records and release their first studio album The Fallout in 2012. The band won the Alternative Press Best Breakthrough Band award in 2014. The band released 3 more studio albums, including Sudden Sky, which released on July 19, 2019. Andy Leo (vocals), Brandon Hoover (guitar), Hayden Tree (bass), and Brent Taddie (drums) came to the stage with a huge roar from the crowd. Andy moving around the stage as he sang invigorated the crowd. Brandon and Hayden were also moving around as they played getting the crowd pumped up.
At one point Andy noticed a bar in the back left of The Plaza Live and asked if that was a bar. He then asked if they carried White Claw Hard Seltzer. He said someone gave him a thumbs up and he would be eternally gracious if someone brought him one. As they continued to played someone had indeed brought Andy a White Claw, which he proceeded to chug on stage and finished it. He said if people brought him another he would happily finish it, and so they did. He was having fun and Andy looked very happy. Andy mentioned the band was celebrating their 9 year anniversary as a band and he thanked the crowd for supporting them.
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Photo by Talon Kane Photography
Crown The Empire played some of the singles off Sudden Sky including “(X)”, “Sudden Sky”, “20/20”, “What I Am”, “Red Pills”, “BLURRY (Out of Place)”, and “MZRY”. One of the best things they did that evening was their performance of “Millennia” from their 2014 album The Resistance: Rise of The Runaways. Those who purchased the Deluxe Edition of the album got an acoustic version of “Millennia”. Brandon was handed an acoustic guitar and Andy sat down on the stage. Brandon sat down next to him as they played through that acoustic version of “Millennia”. It was heartfelt and powerful. When they finished their set, the crowd gave then a tremendous round of applause. You can find more on Crown The Empire HERE and see a full gallery of photos HERE.
The Rage Fest tour was a solid night of talented metal artists. Everyone put on a memorable performance and it was an absolutely fun time.
From The Pit To The Crowd: Crown The Empire with Attila, Veil of Maya, Gideon, and Hawk – The Plaza Live – Orlando, FL – August 17, 2019 I always found summer concerts to be some of the most memorable and fun events. Tours that have tons of bands stacked on the bill, early start times that drag the shows into the evening hours, and each band given a pretty decent set time to play at the show.
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