#HB 1006
As Gov. Greg Abbott tells state agencies that using diversity, equity and inclusion criteria in the hiring process is “illegal,” lawmakers in the legislature are pushing against the practice in Texas universities. State representative Carl Tepper, R-Lubbock, filed a bill to prohibit higher education institutions from funding or supporting diversity, equity and inclusion offices. HB 1006 also prohibits any efforts to formulate diversity “beyond what is necessary to uphold the equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment.” “We call it division, inequity and indoctrination. The DEI office name is a misnomer,” Tepper said. “We feel like it’s purposely being misused, to push a very woke very liberal agenda. You can have any belief you want, you can have any care about race relations or sexual relations or what have you. But we think that on the state dollar, and the state budget, that these universities, these state departments, departments of the state of Texas, should be neutral.”
Tepper’s alma mater Texas Tech University, now in his district, said its Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion works “to foster, affirm, celebrate, engage and strengthen inclusive communities.” They provide mentors to first-generation students, cultural centers for minority students and outlets for the campus to engage with the intercultural community.
Tepper said he hopes his bill will get rid of those outlets. He called Texas Tech’s Black Cultural Center “self-segregation.”
“I would do away with that. We have some wonderful facilities for everyone,” he said. “We want our students to learn together and play together, interact together, not as a segregated society. We want to see distinguished Black alumni, the portraits of distinguished Black alumni all over campus, not just in the Black Cultural Center.”
Some attorneys worry the recent restrictions of DEI policies are misguided. Jay Ellwanger, an attorney who specializes in employment and civil rights litigation at Ellwanger Law, said DEI policies are already prohibited from discrimination by federal law and may attract businesses wanting to create a diverse and competitive workforce. “The thing that struck me most in Governor Abbott’s memorandum to the state agencies was that I think he needed to go back to law school,” Ellwanger said. “Because the issues that were raised by this memorandum are impacted by areas of federal law that have been in place for almost 60 years.” The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recommends DEI initiatives as a best practice.
“EEOC makes it make extremely clear that you can’t have quotas, that you can’t purposely put a minority ahead of a nonminority in a DEI context if they’re not qualified,” Ellwanger said. “All the federal law says is that you can allow for other parts of someone’s makeup to go into that hiring equation, which again, allows for a company or state agency to hire more competitively, to get more viewpoints in the workplace, and just overall become more competitive.”
Rep. Tepper’s concerns are already shifting policy, however. Texas Tech University announced Wednesday they are eliminating DEI criteria. That decision comes after a Wall Street Journal report criticized the weight that some departments give to subjective diversity statements required in candidates’ applications.
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elsolnetworktv · 8 months
Floridians don’t like China, and they don’t like vape shops either
The survey comes as lawmakers are poised to consider bills (SB 1006/HB 1007) that would require vape manufacturers to register with the state and prove they’re complying with federal and Florida laws regulating nicotine delivery devices. Florida is the top state for vape sales according to data from the Florida Retail Federation. By extension, the Sunshine State is also a hot spot for illegal…
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natb00 · 1 year
Ayudas diagnósticas: Cr 1.21 mg/dL, BUN 17.9 mg/dL PCR 3.84 mg/dL HLG: HB 14.4, HTC 43.1, LEU 11.700, PMN 9711 (83%), LINF 1006 (8.6%), PLAQ 289.000 Paciente de sexo masculino de 43 años de edad con antecedente de lumbago crónico, hoy con dolor exacerbado. En el momento en aceptables condiciones generales, alerta, afebril, hemodinámicamente estable pero con dolor marcado en región lumbar que le imposibilita levantarse de la silla de ruedas por lo que ingreso para modulación del dolor. Se valora posterior a analgesia refiriendo persistencia del dolor de la misma intensidad, por lo que adecuó analgesia por horario y escalo opioide. Teniendo en cuenta antecedente de base con poco control del dolor pendiente de bloqueo, solicito valoración por neurocirugía y medicina del dolor para concepto. Explico conductas al paciente, entiende y acepta.
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thetwistedrope · 4 years
In CT spell 307 Hu is created by Re, and in another spell, 1006, by Sia. Sia, on the other hand, is never said to be created. The only text that alludes to the coming into being of Sia is BD chapter 17, in which the two powers come into being as a result of a self-circumcision performed by Re, being equated with the blood which fell from Re’s penis.
So Sia is the primary force with the ability to create Hu, but on the other hand Hu can be understood as the active manifestation (utterance) of a hidden potential as in CT spell 469 where the speaker, having eaten the Sia of every god, acquires two Hu gods which somehow allow him to revive Sia who is said to be tired (wrD) and not yet equipped with what belongs to him.
A spell for becoming the scribe of Hathor connects Sia with the profession of the lector priest. The speaker states that he is: ‘A lector priest (Xry-Hb), a scribe of the perfect words, a keeper of Sia.
- Secrets, Knowledge and Experience in AE Religion, Jens Jorgensen, pg 58
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
Qingdao Taiqingda Stationery Co., Ltd.
0086-0574-62939984 13596448154
No. S-1006, Poly Lafei-Gongguan, Changchun, Jilin, China
Founded in the year of 2000, QINGDAO TQD Stationery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specializing in high-quality ploymer pencil lead refills. We devote to making high-quality products, so we choose good raw materials from the very beginning of the process to guarantee the quality of every item. Our products are made according to the regulations of lead quantity standard stipulated by the State Light Industry Ministry of China and meet the requirements of EN71-3 and ASTM F963-07. We can also supply MSDS and REACH certificates to our customers if required. Generally, our products are classified into two categories, loose packed and tubed, more than 100 items altogether. Grades: 6H, 5H, 4H, 3H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B, 3B, 4B Diameters: 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.8, 2.0, 5.6, 8.0 (mm) Lengths: 45, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90, 120 (mm), any length as per detailed requirements. We supply various reliable quality pencil leads, both normal and OEM products to pencil makers, distributers, agents, importers, exporters and any others who need. After striving work of many years, we now have a perfect sales network home and abroad. We have successfully sold our products to Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, USA, Argentina and many other counties. We obtained a good reputation from our customers and TQD is becoming a symbol of excellent quality pencil leads. As a leading pencil lead manufacturer in China, we hope to expand our business market to more and more countries and get to know more and more friends in this field.
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Governor Nixon Veto MO SB 67
Governor Nixon Veto MO SB 67
The Missouri Legislature had one issue left on July 14th, the final day for the final day for the Governor to take action on bills passed by the General Assembly. The issue which the Governor vetoed was SB 67 which was a bill introduced by Sen. Mike Cunningham that made modifications to Court Fees.  This is important to because there was some language to be clarified on a landlord tenant rule…
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timetravelingdandy · 13 years
Even Tabatha is chiming in about HB 1006!
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natb00 · 1 year
NOTA DE ATENCIÓN DIFERIDA POR SATURACIÓN EN EL SERVICIO Reporte de paraclínicos: Anticuerpos treponema Pallidum 0.13 S/CO (no reactivo) Anticuerpos Hepatitis C 0.30 S/CO (no reactivo) VIH 0.3 S/CO (no reactivo) Anticuerpos contra el AgSupVHB 2.0 mlU/mL (negativos) AgSupVHB 0.24 S/N (no reactivo) Ionograma: NA 136 mmol/L, K 3.47 mmol/L, CL 103.8 mmol/L, Ca 9.3 mg/dL. Cr 1.42 mg/dL, BUN 12.6 mg/dL HLG: HB 13.9 g/dL, HTC 40.2%, VCM 91.1 fT, HCM 30.2 pg, ADE 13.4%, LEU 11.700 mm3, PMN 10.156 (86.8%), Linf 1006 (8.6%), plaq 259000 mm3. Extendido de sangre periférico: Anisocitosis +, microcitosis +, macrocitosis +, hipocromía +, poiquilocitosis +, ovalocitos +, estomatocitos +, megatrombocitos presencia. VSG 39 mm/H PCR 17.20 mg/dL AST 51 U/L, ALT 29 U/L BT 0.24 mg/dL, BD 0.03 mg/dL. GGT 34.9 U/L, FA 136 U/L C3 144 mg/dL, C4 40.4mg/dL TP 12.2 seg, INR 1.10, TPT 32 Glucemia 70 mg/dL Hierro 41 ug/dL, transferrina 130 mg/dL, capacidad de fijación de la transferrina 162 ug/dL, saturación de transferrina 25%, ferritina 7.500 ng/mL. Ácido fólico 7.7 ng/mL, Vitamina B12 1504 pg/mL Fibrinógeno 123 mg/dL Recuento de reticulocitos 57.600 mm3, índice de reticulocitos corregido 1. 1.8% TSH 1.12 mUI/mL GA: pH 7.38, pCO2 45 mmHg, pO2 24 mmHg, HCO3 26 mmol/L, Sat 96.5%, FiO2 24%, P/F 325 mmHg, Lactato 0.9 mmol/L, ABE 0.5 mmol/L EKG con ritmo sinusal, FC de 60, eje normal. PR 160. QRS 60, QT 400. No hay supradesniveles del ST, bloqueos o arritmias. Notas de hospitalización paciente COVID Fecha de ingreso: xx/xx/2022- XX horas. MC: remitido de SURA TAL para ingreso a UCRI/HCE/HMI Fulanito de Tal de sexo tal de X años. Reside con X familiares en el barrio Tal, del municipio Tal Estado civil: Ocupación: Escolaridad: Teléfono: Responsable del paciente: Parentesco y contacto. Enfermedad actual: describir con detalle lo que lo trajo a la UCRI Revisión por sistemas: Diagnósticos: Neumonía por SARS-COV2 *** Voluntad anticipada: disentimiento para IOT/RCCP *** (EN CASO DE FIRMAR DISENTIMIENTO, DEJARLO ESPECIFICADO) Inicio de síntomas: xx/xx/2022. Hoy X días de síntomas. Prueba (RT-PCR/ antigénica) positiva de xx/xx/2022 Vacunación para Covid-19: especificar qué biológico se usó, cuantas dosis lleva y cuándo fue su última aplicación. Si lleva tres dosis, especificar si la tercera fue diferente a las dos previas y especificar cual fue. (Diagnósticos adicionales) Escalas de severidad: *** Call Score: TANTOS puntos, Grupo: X. (riesgo: X) Siempre agregarla *** NEWS 2 Score: TANTOS puntos. (riesgo: X). Siempre agregarla *** qSOFA: X puntos (diligenciar si es necesario) *** CURB 65: X puntos (diligenciar si es necesario) *** ROX INDEX: TANTOS puntos (posible riesgo intubación) Siempre agregarla si tiene CNAF *** HACOR:TANTOS puntos (posible riesgo intubación) Siempre agregarla si tiene VMNI Antecedentes personales: -Patológicos: -Medicamentos ambulatorios: (importante a la hora de conciliar medicamentos) -Alérgicos: -Quirúrgicos: -Tóxicos: -Familiares: -Transfusionales: -Hospitalizaciones recientes: Tratamientos recibidos a destacar (Administrado en el lugar de donde provenga) … tal y cual… -Se inició AB??: Fecha de inicio -Se inició desparasitante: tal, que día? -Se inició esteroide: tal, que día?
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