#HC: Darrick
fademirrored · 9 months
headcanons: kieran
Caje Cousland: Caje pestered Alistair into doing the ritual with Morrigan. He would not recognize Kieran from a whole in the wall. On an average day, he does not even remember that Morrigan had a child.
Darrick Tabris: Darrick did the ritual with Morrigan, but then he also never really saw Morrigan again after the Archdemon was dead. If anyone asked him if any of his companions had children, he would say yes. If anyone asked him if he had children, he would say no. Kieran was, as callous as it sounds, a means to an end, and Darrick chooses not to put much thought into it beyond that.
Temry Mahariel: In their canon, they romanced Morrigan. They did the ritual with her. They parented Kieran alongside her. Kieran is their kid and they love him immensely. In verses where Temry and Morrigan are not together, Temry is still open to doing whatever Morrigan needs of them for Kieran's benefit, as they still feel a level of responsibility for him, regardless of whether they're co-parenting.
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fademirrored · 9 months
minor headcanons: critters: beta world state
Darrick Tabris:
The mabari: Clegane miraculously makes it out of Ostagar in one piece, follows Darrick across hill and dale, and decides 'this is mine.' It's a mutual decision. There were a lot of different types of mabari at Ostagar, and Clegane is a working variety, which means he's essentially a Bernese Mountain Dog with tiny ears and a nubbly little tail. A big boofer. He adores Dare, pleasantly tolerates Dare's friends, is politely disdainful of most other people, and will go straight for the throat as soon as Dare gives the signal. He lives a respectable 11 years and dies in his sleep on the road while Dare is looking for a cure to the Calling. Afterwards, Dare cries harder than he has since being told his mother isn't coming home as a child.
The wolf: Admittedly, Fang is less a pet and more of a coworker. Darrick frees her from a trap and feeds her at camp. She starts trailing the party for a few days, accepting whatever food is thrown to her, and dives in to help when shrieks attack the camp. If she is hurt, she lets Dare tend to her. If Dare is knocked down, she protects him, and she checks on him if he is hurt. If it's particularly cold, she'll come into the tent. She does not snuggle. She only barely tolerates being pet on rare occasions, and only by Dare. She tends to stay out of arm's reach at the closest.
The horse: After Awakening, while Darrick is in Tevinter trying (and failing) to track down the elves from his alienage who Loghain sold into slavery, he acquires Belle. She's a small, strawberry roan Arabian, or whatever the Thedosian equivalent is, and she is Spicy. Darrick steals her. He doesn't know who he steals her from; he didn't check. That detail was unimportant.
Rigel Hawke:
The first mule: A trader passing through Lothering had a cart drawn by a blatantly neglected draft mule mare, and Rigel disapproved. So he stole her, and kept her hidden until the trader eventually gave up looking for her and left in a huff, sans most of his stuff. Her name was Jenny, and she and Rigel would do errands around Lothering for people. Unfortunately, she did not make it out of Lothering during the Blight.
The mabari: Sirius is a derp, but a very well-behaved derp. He's primarily a sort of dingy white with a light blue-gray mask and saddle markings, and mismatched eyes; one blue and one amber. Most of his girth is side to side, instead of top to bottom. He's short for a mabari, but Beefy. He's very polite and very well trained. While he does live for a rather impressive 13 years, that still means he passes of old age towards the tail end of Act II.
The second mule: After dealing with the Inquisition and being sent to Weisshaupt to explain what was going on with the Wardens, Hawke buys another mule for a pittance on his way north. She's very pretty, and Hawke suspects she was an accident involving some nobleman's prized horse. Rigel calls her Cassie, and while she's a bit bitey at first, she warms up to him pretty quickly.
Oleander Trevelyan:
The dracolisk: Citrine is a hunter-shade dracolisk. She's primarily sort of beige-y orange with dark brown spots and red-brown points, and despite the fact that she has a face that only Olly could love, she is a sweetheart. This poses some problems, considering she is the size of a draft horse and made of knives and gravel. She is convinced she's a lap dog. She wants to snuggle. Unfortunately, she is not an easily snuggled shape or size.
The falcon: Verity is Oleander's falcon from back in Ostwick. Considering he stays on good terms with his family, it's not a hassle to get him brought to Skyhold after the events of Inquisition. While Olly does go hunting with Verity himself, he also lets the Inquisition's falconers borrow him if they need to.
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fademirrored · 11 months
minor headcanons: weaponry
Caje uses a longsword and a very well reinforced round shield that doubles as a weapon just as much as a defense
Cyrus uses a staff with a long blade on one end and a jasper (dragon's blood, specifically) orb on the other end
Owain uses a staff with a blue crystal spike on one end, framed by a pair of spikes, and a serrated, single-edged blade on the other end. eventually, he also uses a spirit blade
on the field, Aneirin uses a horse bow with a 60-pound draw weight, combined with explosives as necessary. if he's being set up somewhere to act as a sniper, he uses a war bow with a 180-pound draw weight, also combined with explosives as necessary
Darrick uses a short sword and an alarming hunting blade that may as well be a short sword
Rigel switches between short swords, a chain knife, and gas grenades/flasks as the situation demands
Oleander uses a hook sword and a sickle
Temry uses short bow initially, but switches to a crossbow pretty early on. they resort to a boot knife when cornered
Madry uses a short staff with a short, stabbing spike on one end and a large, sharpened hook on the other end. it is used as a melee weapon as often as it's used as a magical aid
Petrichor uses a montante
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fademirrored · 11 months
beta timeline world state
Note: I’ve listed how they got along with the companions purely to give an idea of what they’re like. I won’t force any relationships on you.
Darrick Tabris
Alive and well
Rogue; ranger, duelist, shadow
Recruited Dog (named him Clegane)
Persuaded Revered Mother to free Sten
All companions recruited
All companion quests finished
All companions alive and well
Acquired the Grimoire peacefully
Loghain executed by Warden
Warden made a baby with Morrigan
Alistair became king, married to Anora
(Note: I romanced Zevran and was totally BFFs with Alistair, but I won’t force that on you)
Broken Circle:
Mages supported
First Enchanter Irving survived
The Urn of Sacred Ashes:
Not poisoned
The Arl of Redcliffe:
Helped Redcliffe fight
Helped Redcliffe prepare
Freed Bevin, took sword
Helped Owen’s daughter escape
Connor alive, not possessed
Asked Circle for help, Isolde is alive
Nature of the Beast:
Brokered peace
Decided ‘I don’t have time for this’ with Cammen and Gheyna
Saved the halla
Told Athras about his wife
Brought back ironbark
Paragon of Her Kind:
Defeated Branka
Harrowmont rules Orzammar
Dagna left to study
Mercy killed Ruck, told Filda he was a hero
Helped Zerlinda reconcile with family
Helped Orta join Assembly
Told Bann Sighard about Oswyn, got his support
Gave Alfstanna Irminric’s ring, got her support
Brought scroll to Sister Justine
Cleared out the Pearl
Returned amulet to beggar
Helped Alistair find Goldanna
Killed Marjolaine
The Landsmeet:
Said that Loghain could be a Warden; poisoned the Joining Chalice while Riordan wasn’t looking
Alistair and Anora rule together
The Battle of Denerim:
Darrick killed the Archdemon
Allowed the Architect to live
Keep and Amaranthine protected; Keep fully fortified
Nathaniel alive and well (recruited the second time around)
Gave Nathaniel the Howe Bow
Looked for Anders’s phylactery
Oghren and Felsi reunited
Witch Hunt:
Didn’t go through the eluvian with Morrigan
Warden’s Keep:
Said ‘no’ to all suspicious concoctions
Slayed Sophia and allowed Avernus to conduct ethical research
Stone Prisoner:
Matthias and Amalia alive, unpossessed
Rigel Hawke
65 % purple, 32 % blue/green, 3 % red (roughly)
Rogue; shadow
Carver died fleeing Lothering
Bethany became a Grey Warden
Bethany survived final battle
Friends with Varric
Bartrand still alive
Helped Varric discover cause of haunting
Varric did not keep the red lyrium idol
Recruited Isabela
Isabela did not return
Didn’t give Isabela to Arishok
Fenris alive and well
Merrill stayed loyal
Merrill did not destroy eluvian
Clan was not killed
Merrill is alive and well
Didn’t APPROVE of Anders’s explosion, but didn’t kill him or make him leave
Aveline married Donnic
Aveline stayed loyal
Recruited Sebastian
(Note: Romanced Fenris and was BFFs with Varric, Aveline, and Anders, but I won’t force that on you)
Joined smugglers
Act 1:
Turned mages over to templars
Fenris killed Kelder
Brought Saemus back home
Ginnis died
Killed Danzig
Didn’t blackmail Thrask
Idunna killed
Solved mystery of missing miners
Sent Feynriel to the Dalish
Recommended Keran not be a templar
Defended Ketojan from the Qunari
Didn’t kill Karras
Act 2:
Javaris alive and well
Discovered looter of Hubert’s caravans
Killed Gascard
Feynriel freed and left for Tevinter
Didn’t side with Petrice
Didn’t side with Varnell against Qunari
Killed Arishok
Act 3:
Rescued Nathaniel
Killed dragon at Bone Pit (bastard had my armor)
Allowed Emile to go free
Offered to help Nuncio
Let Zevran go
Reunited Charade and Gamlen
Handed conspirators to Orsino
Gave Keran to the templars
Sided with mages
Sided with Larius
Found Malcolm’s will
-Dorian didn’t reconcile with father -Friends with Dorian -Dorian stayed with Inquisition -Iron Bull recruited -Iron Bull saved Chargers -Iron Bull is Tal-Vashoth -Blackwall recruited -Blackwall left prison as Grey Warden -Friends with Blackwall -Cassandra discovered book of secrets -Cassandra rebuilt Seekers -Friends with Cassandra -Cole recruited and stayed -Cole more like a spirit -Friends with Cole -Sera recruited and stayed -Sera killed Harmond at Inquisitor’s urging -Friends with Sera -Solas freed his friend -Friends with Solas -Varric tracked the red lyrium source -Friends with Varric -Vivienne recruited -Gave Vivienne a Snowy Wyvern heart -Friends with Vivienne
Exploring Thedas:
Did not reach the inner sanctum
Helped refugees
Gained cultists’ allegiance
Investigated the dwarven ruins
Rescued troops from the Avvar
Fairbanks not revealed as noble
Fairbanks defeated the Freeman
Captured Caer Bronach
Closed the lake’s rift
Claimed Griffon Wing Keep
Imshael killed
Captured Suledin Keep
Inquisition forces deployed regularly
Sutherland’s company was formed
Jecin and Celeste never met
Inquisitor contacted Charade
Calpernia was the Inquisitor’s nemesis
Told Cullen not to use lyrium
Did favors for Du Paraquettes
Leliana inspired
Investigated Calpernia’s past
Talked with Calpernia
The Wrath of Heaven:
Inquisitor does not accept being chosen by Andraste
Champions of the Just:
Went to Therinfal Redoubt, templars allied
Ser Barris is alive
In Your Heart Shall Burn:
Inquisition is declared for order
Here Lies the Abyss:
Grey Wardens rebuilt
Stroud and Loghain sacrificed rather than Hawke, but Hawke sacrificed rather than Alistair. Just to cover all the bases.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts:
Gaspard rules as Briala’s puppet
Grand Duchess Florianne killed (“I also judge the box! End table for orphans!”)
Empress Celene died
What Pride Had Wrought:
Disrespected temple traditions, accidentally made enemies of the guardians
Morrigan drank from the Well of Sorrows
Doom Upon All the World:
Supported Leliana as Divine
Judgments At Skyhold:
Equal parts merciful and recruiting judging
The Descent:
Saved mines, stopped earthquakes
Decided he’d be happy never going to the Deep Roads again
Bull remained loyal
Disbanded the Inquisition
Attempt to redeem Solas
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