inoxske · 2 years
Kirishima would make a playlist of goofy songs that remind him of bakugo and they dance to it all the time in the kitchen and only get caught ONCE!
The person who caught them was deku and he just smiled and walked out QUICKLY only slightly out of the way of the nrxt blast bakugo let out unconsciously
Kirishima also made Bakugo a SERIOUS playlist with rlly rlly sweet romantic songs. Bakugo listens to it while studying
BAKUGOS A NERRRRRDDDD and Kirishima will NEVER let him live it down. Bakugo has a really good way of hiding it which is to make it seem like everythings really obvious and everyone around him is stupid when rlly hes just smart. Kirishima thinks hes very funny
They study together! BUT! Depending on how Bakugo is feeling they usually never get anything done. (by studying I mean LITERALLY like going over notes, tutoring is taken v seriously by baku)
Bakugo has SUPER SUPER good balance, like crazy good. He once stood on Kirishimas shoulders for a dare and didnt wabble for a good 1h and 35 minutes(he got bored) BUT!!!! ONE DAY when they were doing close combat, Bakugo and Kirishima got paired up. Bakugo was super tired that day, and while trying to turn he stumbled and Kirishima(who was tryign to pin him to win) Caught him by the back of the neck and held him in a dip for a second before realizing he was not on his side and let him fall. Bakugo is still made at him
Kirishima gets hit by a quirk that makes people super aggressive and like want to kill people. He ends up trying to kill literally everyone but Bakugo. The moment Aizawa gets there Kirishima breaks down into tears in Bakugos arms (everyone forgives him)
Kirishima has an interner ship over 2nd year summer and is away from Bakugo the whole time. When he gets back they do a really cringe like run at eachother and Kirishima picks him up and spins him and everyone around them boos them
Bakugo reads books for fun, Kirishima doesnt. Bakugo will sit on Kirishimas back when he does pushups and he'll read his book.
Bakugo and Kirishima have a weird soulmate mind reading thing where they always know what the other person is gonna say or where they are or something and its super creepy to anyone around them
Bakugo gets turned into a cat while Kiri and him are going to the store. Kirishima spends 3 hours SEARCHING for him b4 realizing a cat has been following him meowing persistently. Bakugo keeps the same personality but not the memories. So hes like, literally a cat. He was- He became a cat. Hes a cat. Anyways he purrs the MOMENT kirishima gets anywhere near him and hisses at everyone else
Bakugo and Kirishima sing "Blue" by Heathers while making dinner one night and inly realize people were listening AFTER the finale. LOSERRSSS
Kirishima CAN sing!!!! All of u can DIE I DONT CARE HE CAN
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