#bro said MROW
inoxske · 2 years
Kirishima would make a playlist of goofy songs that remind him of bakugo and they dance to it all the time in the kitchen and only get caught ONCE!
The person who caught them was deku and he just smiled and walked out QUICKLY only slightly out of the way of the nrxt blast bakugo let out unconsciously
Kirishima also made Bakugo a SERIOUS playlist with rlly rlly sweet romantic songs. Bakugo listens to it while studying
BAKUGOS A NERRRRRDDDD and Kirishima will NEVER let him live it down. Bakugo has a really good way of hiding it which is to make it seem like everythings really obvious and everyone around him is stupid when rlly hes just smart. Kirishima thinks hes very funny
They study together! BUT! Depending on how Bakugo is feeling they usually never get anything done. (by studying I mean LITERALLY like going over notes, tutoring is taken v seriously by baku)
Bakugo has SUPER SUPER good balance, like crazy good. He once stood on Kirishimas shoulders for a dare and didnt wabble for a good 1h and 35 minutes(he got bored) BUT!!!! ONE DAY when they were doing close combat, Bakugo and Kirishima got paired up. Bakugo was super tired that day, and while trying to turn he stumbled and Kirishima(who was tryign to pin him to win) Caught him by the back of the neck and held him in a dip for a second before realizing he was not on his side and let him fall. Bakugo is still made at him
Kirishima gets hit by a quirk that makes people super aggressive and like want to kill people. He ends up trying to kill literally everyone but Bakugo. The moment Aizawa gets there Kirishima breaks down into tears in Bakugos arms (everyone forgives him)
Kirishima has an interner ship over 2nd year summer and is away from Bakugo the whole time. When he gets back they do a really cringe like run at eachother and Kirishima picks him up and spins him and everyone around them boos them
Bakugo reads books for fun, Kirishima doesnt. Bakugo will sit on Kirishimas back when he does pushups and he'll read his book.
Bakugo and Kirishima have a weird soulmate mind reading thing where they always know what the other person is gonna say or where they are or something and its super creepy to anyone around them
Bakugo gets turned into a cat while Kiri and him are going to the store. Kirishima spends 3 hours SEARCHING for him b4 realizing a cat has been following him meowing persistently. Bakugo keeps the same personality but not the memories. So hes like, literally a cat. He was- He became a cat. Hes a cat. Anyways he purrs the MOMENT kirishima gets anywhere near him and hisses at everyone else
Bakugo and Kirishima sing "Blue" by Heathers while making dinner one night and inly realize people were listening AFTER the finale. LOSERRSSS
Kirishima CAN sing!!!! All of u can DIE I DONT CARE HE CAN
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minisugakoobies · 10 months
Best friend’s bro trying to cheer OC up when they come home
🥺🥺🥺 Oh my god, YES, that is definitely something San would do!
So here's 700+ words about it. No warnings, other than PINING oh my god the pining!
Meetings with your editor are never your favorite thing. But today's meeting was especially stressful, given all the "cutting back" going on at work. The staff size is shrinking and you feel like your neck is on the chopping block.
It feels like you've run the gauntlet by the time you get home. Mentally exhausted, back aching from holding yourself upright so rigidly during the meeting, trying to look interested, like a good employee.
But to get into your apartment, you need a key, and right now, yours appears to have fallen into the Bermuda Triangle via your purse. Swearing profusely, you dig through your bag for a few minutes, before finally finding what you need.
The door opens, then stops suddenly, like there's a weight on the other side. "What the f-"
Nero greets you. Not on the ground. In the air.
You take a step back, baffled laughter leaving your lips. Your black cat is suspended in the crack of the doorway, bright green eyes blinking at you in similar confusion, San's hands gently wrapped around his middle. Around Nero's neck is his little fish-spotted bowtie, the one that makes him look like a proper gentleman.
"Good afternoon, sajangnim," San's voice says from behind the door. He shifts Nero slightly, like he's snapping to attention. "Welcome home."
"Thank you," you giggle, giving Nero a chin scritch. You push on the door slightly, and San steps back, bringing Nero into his arms.
"Hi Noona," he grins. HIs fingers stroke the back of Nero's neck, which is one of Nero's favorite spots. Which San knows now, too. He and Nero are inseparable. 
“When did Nero get a job as our doorman?” you ask, sliding your shoes off before slipping into your house shoes. 
“Just today. And he’s doing such a good job, isn’t he?” San rubs Nero’s ears, earning a loud rumble in return. “Yes, he is.” 
It’s too cute, the way San fawns over your cat. Like he knows Nero has a piece of your heart. So he protects him. Protects it. 
It’s too cute and it’s too much to think about. 
You don’t lay down so much as collapse onto your couch, a loose pile of bones sprawling across the cushions. San takes a spot on the floor, leaning back against the couch. Nero leaps from San’s arms up onto your legs, where he proceeds to bake biscuits in the meat of your thigh. 
“Where’s Haneul?” you ask. Normally when San’s sister is working third shift, she’s up by now, zoning out in front of the tv until she has to get ready for work. 
“Jongho took her out for breakfast slash dinner,” San informs you. “Just me and Nero home.” 
“Well, good thing he’s here to keep you in line. And he got a promotion today, so I think someone’s earned an extra treat tonight.” Nero’s purring grows, ears pricking up at the word ‘treat.’ 
San passes you the remote. He watches you scroll through your Netflix queue for a few minutes. As your fingers run over Nero’s smooth coat, you wonder idly if San’s hair feels as soft as it looks. 
“What about me?” San tips his head back, letting it rest on the cushion beneath your hips while he glances at you. “It was my idea to make him doorman.” 
He pouts, but not his usual pout, not the one that makes you want to give him everything in the world, but a comic pout, bottom lip stretched to its limit, meant to do nothing more than to make you giggle. Which it does.
“Why’d you do that, anyway?”
Something shifts in San’s eyes.
“You said this morning that you had a meeting today. I remember how stressed you were after the last two. So when I heard you in the hall, cursing like a sailor, I figured maybe you could use a laugh.”
“Oh.” Looks like San knows other things now, too. “Oh, yeah, that’s - I did have a meeting. And it sucked. So, um, thanks.” Too many emotions swirl through you, your voice shrinking as you speak, unsure how to express how you feel. Or if you even should. “I appreciate it.” 
“Of course.” When he smiles, your chest physically aches. “Anything to see you smile, Noona.” 
There goes another piece of your heart.
Previous installments of bff's lil bro San: one two three four
Tagging a few people who I think are interested @moni-logues @kiestrokes @augustbutwinter @sweetnspicy-noona @krystal-a @yeontan-my-love
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muselixer · 2 years
dumb things my friends and I have said: 2022!
part three: july - september apologies ahead of time for length! feel free to change pronouns if need be. warning for foul and dirty language, and capslock-implied yelling :)
“He’s got the emotional range of a plastic fork.”
“My brain is made of garbage and sewer rats.”
“Please do not fuck in a church in Russia.”
“Mimes are just straight clowns.”
“Oh, come on, is this even a question? ...Oh, fuck, it is a question, shit.”
“My fingers have been in many places on my body.”
“With realization comes more symptoms.”
“It didn’t have to end this way... Rest in hell.”
“Stop it. You don’t need to go in the closet. A lot of people work really hard to get out of there.”
“She made him wash his hands. He wanted to put dirt in his mouth.”
“Bro, come get your rabid car.”
“You’ll be fine. You own cowboy boots.”
“I might need to go to grippy sock jail, guys.”
“It’s not for everyone, but it is for me.”
“The Tesla is designed after his torso.”
“I smell like a Hair Cuttery.”
“Your cat is just fur and bones. Like an owl pellet.”
“Old man child boy likes his liquor.”
“Okay, ST― SEVEN STDs?”
“I’m gonna experience freezerburn at this rate.”
“He was always a himbo, he was just kinda bad at being one until recently.”
“You wanna haze our waiter like that?”
“I don’t know enough about carbonation to tell you if you’re right or wrong.”
“I would join a cult but I’m already a teacher.”
“Hello! I am a moron. How may I help you?”
“When in doubt, strip.”
“My sanity is also back to the penis.”
“It’s a funny joke because I do need sunlamps if I want to be warm.”
“Um... That man is a child.”
“I want bouncy ball bones.”
“He’s just so mrow.”
“Those men are not submissive OR breedable.”
“They call him Tinyhand McGee because he only has one tiny hand.”
“You said words but they don’t make sense.”
“We might have beef, but he’s funny.”
“I’m going to a better place. Heaven. No, I shouldn’t say that.”
“Continue living? In THIS economy?”
“Like I need a TV to see things.”
“I may have gone slightly out of sane.”
“Weehhh, it’s so bright. Dude, just close your eyes.”
“You wanna be a mom so bad it ACTUALLY makes you look stupid.”
“Not being extra is SO hard.”
“I just want my back to be a slinky. I really don’t think that’s too much to ask.”
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forestwater87 · 6 years
The absurdly-overdue Niekki post
I don’t think I realized it until I answered a Ma//kk//i ask a few days ago, but I fucking love Nikki and Neil as a ship. It’s just really cute and sweet, they make perfect sense together, and if I was a betting nerd I’d call them endgame.
And they’re also the least popular ship in the entire fandom. Including the gross ones.
And it honestly comes as such a surprise to me, because thinking it over, I realized something completely fucking bonkers that I don’t think anyone has paid much attention to:
Neil/Nikki has a stronger canon basis than any other ship in Camp Camp, by miles.
Yes, more than Gwe//nvid. 
That should tell you how dead-fucking-serious I am about this ship.
Season 1, Episode 1: Escape from Camp Campbell
These two spent an entire who-knows-how-long bus ride together, as the only people on that bus (QM doesn’t count as people and you know it), both of them convinced they were going to entirely separate camps.
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I want more than anything on this earth to know what that conversation was like. Nikki being such an enthusiastic and chatty little bean, there’s no way she didn’t talk his ear off the entire time and we were robbed of that conversation, Rooster Teeth. 
Season 1, Episode 2: Mascot
They went on a fun little adventure together, without Max! They risked life and limb and found a new mascot and learned about each other and held hands and it was so cute and sweet -- and I failed to take a single screencap of it, because like everyone else I somehow missed that this ship is perfect and everything I ever needed. But I do have a picture of them bonding with David, so:
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Season 1, Episode 3: Scout’s Dishonor
Not only do I have no pictures from this episode because it doesn’t include David and when I first started watching/screencapping I was a total slut for that good tree boy, but the Camp Camp wiki has no pictures from this episode. WHY DOES NO ONE WANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE HOW GOOD THIS SHIP IS?!
Anyway, picture-less: Neil explores his gender, is exposed to basically the camp of his dreams, and in the end decides to abandon it because Nikki gives him the sweetest most vulnerable smile --
Man, a picture would sure go down smooth right here, huh? Too bad no one cares about these two or their interactions, my 2016 self apparently included. (My 2019 self is currently doing this during some downtime at work, hence not just pulling up new caps. If I must suffer, y’all must suffer.)
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-- and then they fly away together on a bird Nikki summoned! And Neil thinks that’s the coolest shit ever, and the awe in his face and voice when she shows the Flower Scouts Timothy is really good and HOW? HOW DID NO ONE NOTICE?!
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They learn about each other and accept one another even though they’re not exactly alike, and it’s one of the more wholesome parts of the entire show. 
  ETA: JUST KIDDING I TOTALLY HAD A POST I FORGOT ABOUT! I’m keeping my comments in because they made me laugh though.
Season 1, Episode 4: Camp Cool Kidz
They’re on opposite sides of this conflict because Neil is on the side of his bro/boyfriend Max, but it doesn’t seem to damage their friendship at all. These two can forgive and forget like nobody’s business. (This also applies to Max and Nikki, yes. Makkiel4lyfe.)
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Also she saw him shirtless. Mrow.
Season 1, Episode 5: Journey to Spooky Island
They . . . um . . .
Listen, not every episode is gonna have ironclad evidence, okay? Just look how cute they are and shut up.
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Season 1, Episode 6: Reigny Day
Actually, Nikki’s kind of a dick to Neil in this episode. She doesn’t especially care if he’s dead and laughs at him for having a diary. This episode is really all about Max being Neil’s bro and looking for him when he goes missing. 
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Like I said, not all gold, but adorable.
Season 1, Episode 7: Romeo & Juliet: Love Resurrected
And I think that’s all the incisive commentary this episode needs.
Season 1, Episode 8: Into Town
Neil is the first and only person to notice that something is wrong with Nikki; even though they didn’t spend a ton of time together this episode, they do have one of the more powerful emotional beats. He knows her arguably better than Max does, and can therefore more quickly recognize when she’s not herself (though how you miss that says less about Neil and more about what a single-minded revenge-obsessed monster Max is at this point in the show).
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This is not the first time he notices that Nikki’s being mistreated and expresses concern, either. He’s much more protective of her than his often-selfish nature would imply.
Season 1, Episode 9: David Gets Hard
They spend the entire episode playing together! Bonding! This is basically what we can assume they’re doing whenever Max is off with David or Dolph or whatever scheme he has going on when he’s not with them, and the fact that they basically spend all their waking hours hanging out and being friends is just really lovely, especially considering how little they have in common and how few the things they’d both enjoy doing are.
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It becomes clear that their friendship can survive without Max acting as an anchor, which, as anyone who’s been in a 3-person friendship can attest, is not always the case.
Season 1, Episode 10: Mind Freakers
Neil is such a jerk in this one, and I actually think it makes a really nice contrast. Nikki’s been mean to him in previous episodes, and in a very similar way; in “Reigny Day,” she cares less about his well-being than about having her own fun and exciting adventure. In this episode, Neil’s similarly too self-absorbed to worry about his friend’s personal safety -- albeit with much more disastrous (maybe? Is Nikki magic?) results.
But the way Nikki just trots along beside him down the path to hell and choking on magic scarves is adorable. She more or less always trusts him and does what he tells her to.
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This is perhaps not the wisest idea, but Nikki isn’t known for her wisdom.
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What’s the opposite of that “get you a man who” meme? Because this is not. Get a man who never does this.
That being said, the look on his face when he’s genuinely scared for her life and about to turn his back on everything he believes? 
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I ship it.
Season 1, Episode 11: Camporee
There’s literally nothing. They’re barely in this episode and I don’t think they interact at all. They can’t all be winners, I guess.
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That being said, Max and Neil have this really cute moment and it should be appreciated. Anyway.
Season 1, Episode 12: The Order of the Sparrow
Shit, they’re not really in this one either! The closest we get to shipping fodder is Neilxplatypus.
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I mean . . . Nikki is basically a wild animal, and apparently Neil is cool with that under very specific circumstances. It’s a stretch, but I still think there’s more than enough -- 
Holy shit.
I’ve only done the first season so far! And this is long as balls! Oh my god, there’s no fucking way I’m doing all the episodes in this post. Niekki is getting a multi-post spectacular because they deserve it, damn it.
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cheswirls · 7 years
What You Gave to Me - 5
She wasn’t expecting anything like this.
The cavern was ginormous, with patches of greenery and canopies of leaves scattered about. Several hollow structures above made the sunlight shine through the foliage, and sent down groups of beams that made the ground seem to glow. She could see now why this was considered a sacred place. Ever the air somehow felt different here.
“Allow me to formally welcome you to Verdant Cavern,” Ilima called, striding over to stand by her. “Beautiful, isn’t it? Just magnificent.”
Faaora nodded. “It really is.”
“What you’re attempting to do is defeat three of the pokemon here that lurk in their dens.” They pointed to a small hole in the rock structure. “They’ll most likely be in there, though some like to dart out. After, travel to the pedestal deep within the cave and collect the Z-crystal that awaits.”
Faaora nodded along, then hesitated at the last statement. “Z-crystal,” she murmured. “Is it really okay for me to have it?”
“Of course. They’re not a one-in-a-million stone, because these trials are sanctioned by the island guardians. As long as they are around, the crystals are still in abundance.”
“R-Right. That makes sense.”
“Ki Ki Ki Ki Kiiiii!”
Both trainers jumped, startled by the booming noise coming from the back of the cavern.”
“One last thing,” Ilima said, wincing. “The pokemon here are strong, but there is one stronger and more fearsome, the Totem Pokemon, that also resides here. It will be your greatest obstacle.”
At this point she could feel the sweat trickling down her neck. The Alolan people didn’t mess around. She swallowed deeply, her throat suddenly dry, and tried to steady her breathing.
“Now, let the trial of Captain Ilima begin!”
Faaora stepped up, hand dropping from her racing heart, and scanned the cavern. Upon finding what appeared to be a den, and somewhat out of Ilima’s view, she began to walk in that direction. Litten popped out of his ball, padding beside her, then a bit ahead of her as her legs stiffened up.
When the pokemon spotted the den, he began to run towards it, then paused and turned back to tell his trainer to get a move on. But, when he saw she was still a ways back, seemingly frozen, he paused. She covered her eyes, palms shaking, and the kitten darted back over, stretching up to place his palms on his trainer’s knees.
Faaora peeked out from her hands, downturned lips slightly perking at the sight of Litten. She bent down, lowered herself to the pokemon’s level, and let him jump into her lap, grasping him tightly. “S-sorry,” she breathed. “I’m just-a little freaked out.”
“Mrow.” Litten lifted his tail up to dust across Faaora’s cheeks, settling on the skin. She paused, leaned into the fur giving off warmth, and the nodded to herself. Eyes popping open, she looked down at Litten, limbs steady. “Okay,” she told him. “I’m ready now.”
A well-timed ember attack directly into the den apparently knocked the first one out. Rotom confirmed it, saying she now only had two left.
She hiked up the path further, Litten alongside, and paused along the edge of one of the sunbeam circles. Once she had a little warmth on her face, she broke into a run further up. Litten caught her attention by pointing out another den, and when they grew nearer, both were surprised to see a little dust cloud darting out from the hole. Once the dust settled, it revealed an oddly-familiar pokemon. Faaora tipped her head and pulled out the Rotomdex. It told her this was a Rattata,  and at her confused insistence, relayed this was an Alolan version. She cupped her mouth with her hands, looking back at the pokemon. When it made to move forward, she moved in front of Rotom. “Litten, use ember,” she called.
After the pokemon was defeated, she let out a little burst of laughter. “Hey, Rotom, would you take a picture for me? I wanna send it to mom.” Upon complying, she viewed it as they moved on, laughing even more. “It has a mustache aww. Kinda like an office man actually. Okay. Okay focus.” Deep breath in, and she led Litten on.
They came to a bridge at one point, a long plank seeming to grow from the stone, with a large split so it looked like two separate pieces. Faaora, despite his complaints, picked Litten up for this. It was a long way down, and she wasn’t taking chances. She carefully walked to the edge, quickly moving away once she was off, then sat Litten down.
There was a path to another den ahead, but it was blocked off by a raise in the rock. They chose another path to the left, crawling through a hole at the top, tiptoeing through the green area behind it, and jumping off the incline to right in front of the den.
But nothing was there.
Frowning, she stepped back, only to see a dust cloud dart back from the edge above. Hmm. Maybe some of the caves were connected? She gestured for Litten to follow and together they made their way to that den. Again, it was empty.
She let her eyes roam until she spotted one more hole, on the opposite upper end of the cavern. They treaded over there, jumping down a few raised paths, to another deserted den. Faaora breathed through her teeth, Litten glaring at the air at her feet.
Since there was nothing from there, they crossed the bridge once more. Halfway across, they saw another pokemon dart in and out of the first den they had checked. Both looked at each other.
“We are going to be the sneakiest, stealthiest pair and nab that one,” she told him. Litten agreed with a nod.
A few feet from the end of the planks, she was forced to jerk to a halt, feet tripping over themselves. Litten jumped out of her arms onto the bridge, growling at the sudden Team Skull members that had nearly charged them. She managed to regain her footing, holding her arms out like a bird.
“Yo yo yo!”
“It’s your berry thief boys, back- . . . back again! Remember us?”
“Sure I do,” she told them, tensing up.
“Oh? Good! You better always remember-”
“Bro, we’re here to mess up her trial, remember?”
She let out a small exhale, eyes widening. They were what? “Yeah, that’s right! Let’s nab that pokemon, homie!”
They sent out a Drowzee and took one more step before Faaora brought an arm out and ordered an ember attack from Litten. She wasn’t being pushed back, not by these jerks. Drowzee went down after a successive bite attack and was returned quickly. Her pokemon glanced back, making sure she was alright, before hissing at the two, trying to be intimidating.
“W-What’s up with this, bro?”
“For real though?! This kid’s mad strong, I can’t wrap my skull around it!”
The first turned back to the other, eyes narrowed. “Naw, it ain’t even like that. This kid’s straight up dangerous.” The both darted up the path to a slightly higher point, giving the trainer a perfect opportunity to hop back to steady ground.
“This whole place is trouble, man!”
“Right? I mean, that thing is so strong that regular pokemon don’t even wanna come out to battle it.”
They both darted up to the top of the path, then one came right back down, not stopping til he was nearly on top of her. She leaned back and Litten sent flames on his shoes, backing him up. His eyes were widened. “Yo kid,” he murmured, voice echoing back against the rock to their right. “Y’know there’s a mad strong pokemon lurking here somewhere, right? I’d run if I were you.”
Just the tone of voice made her shiver. Still, she stood her ground. The one at the top noticed this, and ran down a couple steps. “Naw, we’re not going down like that,” he screamed to his partner, tucking his arms in. “We gotta get our revenge! Go stand over that den and catch the skulking Rattata, yo!”
The one in front of her immediately glossed his voice with annoyance, expression mirroring it. He put his arms of his hips, lips puckered. “For real?! Fine then. I ain’t got no bones to pick with you!” With that, they both ran up the path, going to the two dens in the back of the cavern. Faaora growled, frustrated, and stomped her foot down. “How dare they?!
She stopped to look at Litten, the pokemon pointing towards the den they were originally going for. It was clear. Faaora picked up her kitten, thrust herself through the hole, and sprinted to the den. Fuck stealth, she was gonna nab this pokemon before it ran off into their hands.
“Litten, use ember,” she spat, backing up. The pokemon shot out the attack and moved back as well.
With the noise, a Raticate came hurling out, straight into their path. It stood on two legs, cheeks chubby, but she was too pumped to joke about it’s appearance. Before it could run back in, Litten charged forward, mouth aflame, and sank its teeth into the pokemon, hurling it back, defeated. Faaora breathed in, shocked by the gesture. “What that . . a new move?”
Litten tipped his head at her. That’s when Rotom chimed in, calling the move fire fang and proclaiming it was time to head for the pedestal.
She gave Litten a treat and returned him to his ball, letting him munch on it in peace. Peeking out from her spot, she noticed both Skulls were still kicking up a ruckus in front of the other two caves. Taking her chance, she sped out and up to the back entrance, hurling herself through it.
She came out to an open clearing, the sky overhead. Layers of rock foundation stacked to form the area, the pedestal at the base. She moved closer.
The crystal was right inside, shining off of the golden interior. But she felt a gaze that seemed to cut right through her, and all the warnings she’d been given resurfaced.
But she had been through so much to get this. With that thought in mind, she reached for the crystal.
Before she could get far, a flickering shadow on the ground caught her attention. Drawing back, she saw what appeared to be an Alolan Raticate, except . . this one was about three times larger than the other she’d seen.
The pokemon jumped up and flipped to face her in midair, landing hard on the ground in front of the crystal. Faaora backed up more, giving herself some space. Defeat the Totem Pokemon. That had been the next step. That was right.
“Litten, go!” Once her partner appeared, he immediately lowered into a battle stance. “Take it easy,” Faaora warned. “We got this. Stay your distance and start with ember.”
It landed good, making the Totem wriggle with discomfort. It let out a harsh sound, and a Rattata darted over from somewhere, standing beside the Totem. Okay. Two against one. Because that was fair.
The ally went towards Litten with a tackle attack, but after being pushed back, Litten retaliated with a fire fang, sending the pokemon running off. Raticate still made no move.
Then suddenly, it was on Litten, headbutting it full-force in a tackle. Litten was send flying, landing a bit aways, and Faaora moved back a few steps. “You okay?” she called, eyes still on the Totem. This wasn’t a trainer battle, there was no chivalry here. She didn’t have backup either. Lucky for her, the Totem didn’t seem interested in attacking anyone but Litten.
They’d have to go full-force.
“Litten, fire an ember attack!”
Her pokemon did so, jumping to his feet and running forward. It circled a bit, dodging that humongous tail, and landed an ordered fire fang, making the Totem screech. Another ember towards the Totem’s back, then sliding away to avoid attacks.
Faaora moved towards the opposite side of Litten, watching the Totem’s movements. “Steady,” she called.
Right when the Totem began to lean back, teeth snapping in preparation of a bite attack, she made her move. “Fire fang!”
Raticate dove forward and Litten managed to use that as leverage, jumping onto its nose and landing the attack on its back.
Litten jumped off, but Raticate stayed down. They had won.
Faaora bent down and Litten came running, the two staying like that for a moment. Raticate slowly got up, but just to move further into the cave. Faaora let the tension drain from her body. It was over.
“What an incredible trainer you are!”
She sagged her arms and Litten jumped down, both turning towards the voice to see Ilima.
“For you to be able to defeat the Totem Pokemon that I had trained up to such a powerful state . . I don’t know what I can say!”
Her eyes twitched. Ilima had trained this pokemon. This enormous, three times larger than usual pokemon. I bet they set the Rattata in too. She sure had some things to say. On the other hand, it showed what an incredible trainer Ilima was themselves to be able to do such. Faaora stood up.
“Working in harmony with your pokemon, you have cleared the trial of Ilima. You’re a phenomenal trainer, Faaora. Congratulations, the Z-crystal on the pedestal is now yours-Oh, seems someone was a little ahead.
She looked down to see Litten sitting beside her, the crystal in his mouth. She reached down and took it, a soft smile on her face.
“What you have now is the Normalium Z. If you let a pokemon who knows a normal move hold it, then strike a pose like this-” Ilima paused and went through a short series of steps. She made a note to ask again later. “Then you’ll be able to strengthen the move by unleashing Z power.”
Faaora tipped her head,  question on her lips. What exactly was-
“Moving right along,” Ilima trolled, turning. “Ah, first, something I forgot to mention.” Terrific. Giving me hints only after the trial is over. “The Totem Pokemon are a part of each trial, and all have the ability to summon allies to help out. It’s not a tactic often seen in other regions. Perhaps pokemon in Alola are more inclined to help one another?”
“Hmm . . Possibly,” she replied. “Back in Kanto, it might not be that rare to have a wild battle interrupted by a third party pokemon attacking your potential capture.”
“How interesting,” Ilima hummed, pressing a hand to their chin. “Ah, speaking of which, a have a few great balls here for you.” They handed them over, and Faaora stuffed all ten inside her bag with a short thank you.
“And here, let me see to Litten after all its hard work in here.”
Litten didn’t have a single problem with that. After, Ilima mentioned showing her something on Route three, and although she was a little tired, Faaora obliged, promising to follow after the trial captain.
She had a few moments of peace to gaze around the clearing, the sun’s gentle light touching most things in the closed-off area. It was . . nice. She wondered if Tapu Koko was watching. Would they ever get a chance to meet the guardian again? To-
If you want to see more of that dreamboat Ilima, he’s waitin’ for you outside that cave of hizzz.
Faaora felt a blush steadily creeping up her face, and with a huff, she stuffed the Rotomdex back into her bag, moving towards the exit.
Ilima had the gates to the mountainous paths of Melemele opened for her. They also told her they were the only trial captain, meaning she’d get a chance to battle Hala now for the grand trial. Kukui had descended route three at the same time, and offered to teach her how the Z-crystals worked, even explaining how the intensity meant only one Z-move per battle.
“Oh? Is that why you look so ragged, professor?” Ilima asked.
Kukui shook his head. “No! It’s like I was hit with amnesia. I forgot that I lost Lillie somewhere on route three!”
Faaora tensed, letting the words run through her. When Kukui asked her to help, she responded quickly. They both split up, and Faaora headed out up into the mountains.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 8 years
Dunno if you're still taking prompts, but here's one: You have to take care of your grandma's cats for a day. The only problem is that they all have powers.
Mr. Snuffles is the ringleader, you’re sure of it. You brace your back against the bathroom door, sweat dripping from your hairline as yet another resounding thud tests the wood.
“Bad, Captain Niffler!” you shout, digging your feet into the linoleum as best you can. At the next attack, you risk lifting a foot long enough to brace it against the toilet. “No!”
“Mrow?” A more gentle thud this time and you know he’s brushing against the door instead of charging it. Brushing would be fine if he currently weren’t “hulked out” as it were, nearly five times the size of a normal cat.
You stay silent, hoping that he’ll lose interest. Sure enough, you hear his big, padded paws echoing on the hard wood as he wanders off in search of food. You heave a sigh of relief and slump against the door. You deserve this moment to collect yourself. You deserve it.
Outside the door, you hear the sound of a much smaller cat settling in to wait. Your mouth turns down and your fists clench.
“Alright, kitty,” you say, standing up. “That how you wanna play it?” You throw open the door to glare at the tabby splayed out on the hallway floor. “I can do this all day.”
You swear that Mr. Snuffles raises an eyebrow at you, against all reason. He lifts his hind leg up and starts to clean himself, dismissing you entirely.
You have never been so insulted in your entire life.
“Oh ho,” you say, bracing your hands on your hips. You think that two days in this house have done what four years of university could not; drive you insane. “Oh ho ho ho, you think this is over? This isn’t even a little over, you absolute... dog!”
Mr. Snuffles slowly lowers his leg and turns bright, green eyes on you. He stares up at you without blinking. “Meh?”
“Don’t you meh me,” you say. “I run your life, do you even understand that? Maybe you need a, a demonstration.” You chuckle, totally unhinged, and hope over him. “Too bad that you’ve all been so lethargic lately. I should really call the vet. I think he does home visits.”
You make it halfway down the hall before you trip over something soft. You crash to the floor, most of the impact falling on your elbow and left knees, and blink at the hardwood. You twist and see Catherine the Great stretched out to five or six feet across the hallway, looking at you apologetically.
“We were bros,” you tell her mournfully.
“Mew,” Catherine the Great says apologetically.
“ME-ow,” Mrr. Snuffles says, strutting up to where you’ve fallen. He steps delicately over Catherine the Great and sits himself primly in front of you. He begins to wash himself.
“Alright,” you concede. “The vet threat was a bit much.” You carefully untangle your legs from Catherine and sit up. “But Mr. Snuffles, you are not in charge. I am. And Grandma said I can’t let you bully me.”
Mr. Snuffles rolls his eyes and gently hits you with his tail.
You scowl. “I am so  in charge.”
Catherine the Great coughs like she’s going to hack up a hairball. You get the feeling it’s to hide the cat-equivalent of a laugh.
You collapse backwards. “Worst house sitting job ever.”
Slinky, crawling across the ceiling, chooses that moment to drop right onto your stomach. All the air is forced out of your lungs and Catherine the Great makes another hairball sound.
Mr. Snuffles, when you look at him, is cleaning his paw with an air of satisfaction.
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