daeluin · 1 year
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yoongisbars · 5 years
quest of omission | myg (3)
summary: The war between kingdoms was starting and being Freywind’s highest ranking Captain, you would always be there to defend your people from the treachery of Woodwind. There’s just one problem: their best killer, The Silence, and his insufferable ability to make your heart race with both loathing and yearning. And now, on the verge of death after an ambush gone wrong, you both have no choice but to keep each other alive.
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pairing: myg x reader genre: enemies to lovers au | knight!yoongi au | future angst? fluff? | drabble series word count: 1.9k parts: 3/_ | 1, 2 cw: prolly aggressive animal encounters ??? note: ah yes, finally: The Silence Content TM- its kinda short ? but i hope its decent yOinks;;; 
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        It was probably due to the unknown adrenaline subsiding, or the scuffle with that guy, but after some time to gather your senses, you started to notice just how scuffed up you really were as you felt the bruises forming on your skin… It wasn’t after a few touches to your forehead that you realized what was dripping down your face earlier wasn’t just water.
        The light leather wrapped around you had seen better days, it was only a casual set of armor, meant to just protect you from a punch or two. Not protect you from the aggressions of nature. There were tears here and there, but it could last you another week, or at least until you found a way back to Freywind.
        You had been debating your next move for a while, still planted in the same spot. The only time you got up was to take back the blade that was kicked from your grasp. Using its tip, you drew lines across the ground over and over, each a second that passed. But that failed you and you lost track of the seconds and patience, latching the blade against your other thigh, for safe keeping. It was a miracle it was still banded to you, but you did pay good money for its holster.
        The night was still, too dark to tell if time had passed, too dark to tell when the sun will rise again. It was getting colder, and you were getting hungrier, but waiting safely for sunrise seemed like your best bet. Daylight would offer much easier travel through these woods once it came.
         A grumbling noise in the distance started to set off your unease, and you thanked the heavens’ Atlas’s sword had managed to stay on him after all his body went through. You drew it from its sheath slowly as the sound of running steps grew closer, taking your stance. The desperate Woodwind man appeared first, running towards you. ‘A surprise attack?’  He gave you little time to react as he grabbed you by the arm and dragged you running along with him.
“Bear!” His shout came late, as you had already turned your head back to look at the 4-legged beast running behind you. It fueled your legs to move quicker.
“A bear?! Why would you piss off a bear?!” It was a stupid question you didn’t want the answer to, but this was infuriating. He always almost cost you your life.
“Oh, I thought getting chased by a fucking bear would’ve been a great nighttime activity!” He shouted as he looked behind him. Whipping his face back quickly, his expression was cold, yet… Panicked?
“What is it?!” You tried to look back at the creature chasing you, but the pale boy running next to you forced your head forwards. “Don’t look. Please, don’t look.” His opting for a gentler tone, the request paired with it, and the sudden lack of a bear running up behind you… Force unsettling thoughts into your head… ‘Alone, but together…’
        After a few solid minutes of running, you settled your pace by a giant sequoia tree. The pair of you huffed and heaved, desperate for air. It wasn’t every night you got chased by a bear. “Are you okay?” He gave you a concerned once over. You were thankful that your flushed face couldn’t be noticed under the nightly shade.
“I was fine. Until you came along with that bear in tow. How on earth did that even happen?” You were frenetic, and it was understandable. Not only were you in the middle of nowhere because of Sir Endless Dilemmas, but now you were stuck with him too.
“I walked into its den by accident,” He exclaimed with a large breath. “and it seems I wasn’t quite welcome.” All you could offer was a scoff which he returned with a shrug.
         Leaving was the only plan of action you had burned into your mind, because standing with him for another second might just give you an extreme case of the hives. But, the only “refuge” you had, was probably a bear’s play area by the sound of his voice while running. And with the knowledge of such large creatures in the area, you didn’t want to risk encountering another. And by the Silence’s expression, neither did he.
“Listen, I know we’re not on the best of terms, or any terms at all, but look at the facts here.” He starts counting off with his fingers. “We’re stuck in the middle of the woods, no food, no water, no shelter. I don’t expect you to stick around, but your odds of surviving are better off with me.” His eyes traveled everywhere but to your face, you could tell his discomfort, but towards what? “You can go back to trying to kill me once we’re out, but if you plan on surviving long enough to do that, I suggest cutting the crap and staying together.” He extended an open palm towards you, “Truce?” Did he expect a handshake? “I’m Yoongi.” You eyed his face, then his hand, then his face again. Shaking his hand meant possibly signing away your soul to the actual devil. You did not want to be stuck with Yoongi. This was a death sentence. But…
        It seemed like he didn’t expect your hand to ever reach for his, so he put it back down before you even considered it. It left you with a strange bitter feeling which you quickly brushed away. “Y/N…” You crossed your arms and huffed in stubborn surrender. Water still pooled all around, 2 or 3 inches you estimated. You eyed around for a dry enough shelter, but the reservoir released so much that it was almost impossible for anything to be dry. Yoongi had the same initiative as he gave the tree a roundabout, before calling out to you.
“I think this will work.” You circled the tree, feet sloshing about, to see what he meant. You found Yoongi heading into it. Its roots were raised, causing the tree itself to be elevated enough from the water. Its trunk was a giant hollow hole, visibly dry, that could easily fit 3 people, decent for two people that need as much space in between them as possible.
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         Getting engulfed by water and cast over to wherever you were, witnessing your friends become corpses, getting chased by a bear, and having to spend the rest of the ungodly night inside a sequoia trunk with Yoongi was enough to have your body turn on you. It seems being soaked in cold water during a cold night wasn’t the best way to stay in top healthy condition.
         Only a few minutes after getting in the shelter, your uncontrollable sneezing and coughing fit started. Yoongi had been busily trying to get a fire started inside the shelter, raising your alarm quite a bit since you were inside a tree. But the space was a decent enough size upwards that the fire wouldn’t catch it, and he kept its perimeter small, it would be just enough to get you warmed up, dry both of your clothes enough and not burn the tree down. After a while of trying, the fire finally came to life. Trying to focus on anything but Yoongi was harder than it sounded. Your eyes traveled between the fire, your hands, his armor now laid on the ground, and on occasion: to him. With his chest plate off, all you could try to not focus on was how his shirt perfectly hugged his physique. Resting against the back of the trunk and staring outwards in silence, he evoked a strong presence. Despicable… How calm he looked amidst things was odious, it was almost as if he hadn’t faced the same hardships as you.
Lethargy started to creep up on both of you, the silence of the night was abhorrent and not doing you any favors. Yoongi was quick to doze off without a worry, but you tried being resilient. You weren’t going to allow yourself to fall asleep in the same space as him. Constant, like a mantra, you repeated to yourself that he’s the enemy. He could not be trusted.
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         Morning arrived unannounced that day. You didn’t remember at what point of the night you finally succumbed to sleep. Or when Yoongi put out the fire. Or even when your body, giving up from the cold, desperately searched for the nearest source of warmth and nestled itself against the one you couldn’t bare be in such proximity with, as if your life literally depended on it. So, when you woke up to the soft sounds of snoring atop your forehead, accompanied by the warmth of his cheek, you wanted nothing more than to push yourself off him and rid yourself of his touch. But your body wasn’t listening. Instead, it stayed, taking in undeniably the most comfort you’ve ever experienced. How could the vilest man you’ve ever met, be this gentle ‘giant’? It didn’t add up.
“You know,” His rich velvet voice, hummed through his chest. “you can get off at me at any given point, right?” You hadn’t noticed he was awake, much less that he was looking at you this whole time, and like you, relishing in the moment. In a panicked state, your closed fist connected with his ribcage as you moved away, releasing a low groan from deep within him. “Sorry.”
         Wrapping your arms around your knees, you stared at the ashes in front of you. You felt hot, even if the fire was long out and Yoongi’s body was away from yours. A fever was boiling beneath your skin, and undoubtedly so considering the perils your body had to endure during the past night. The walls of your head pounded like the heavy drums from court festivities, bringing forth a painstaking reminder with each thump. You were ‘alone’. No clue as to where Taehyung could be, or anyone else for that matter. And no absolute idea how to move forward. Sick, on an empty stomach, and with detestable company.
“You’re worse than I thought.” Fingers brushed across your forehead, softly pushing your loose hairs back. Slowly, your eyes opened just enough to find a pale face staring back blankly. “I’m going to try and fetch some food and water. You stay here.” Yoongi, with boots strapped in place, grabbed for the nearest weapon. You were fine, or at least that’s what you wanted to believe. You weren’t going to stay behind and depend on this arrogant being. So, you pushed yourself off the ground and onto your wobbling legs. Whatever you ate would be brought by your hands. “Y/N, stop.” Placing a steady hold on your shoulders to keep you in place, Yoongi let out an annoyed sigh. “You’re sick. You need to stay and rest.” You tried pushing his arms off, but weakness got the better of you, forcing him to tighten his grasp, lest you fall over.
“Just, trust me. I’ll get food and come ba-“
         Words were brought to a stop as both of you whipped your heads upwards. Leaves ruffled and branches creaked with thuds. On impulse, Yoongi got out of the trunk sword in hand. You mustered the strength to follow suit, it was best to be prepared, not knowing what lurks around.
From above the sequoia, a lithe and able body jumped down with practiced grace, the sudden presence caused Yoongi to wrap his arm around you, placing himself between them and you, his sword readied at the suspicious person. You needn’t no protection by the likes of him, but your feeble body was thankful for it. As the lithe figure came into full view, he cocked his head to the side and spoke.
“Yoongi? Is that you?”
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Magic and Moonlight: Chapter 14
Chapter 14 is here darlings! Tagging @queenofthearchitect @wwepoppunkprincess @balorrollinsambrose @bethany99stuff-blog @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @sassyspacedust and @afauss2009 If you want to be tagged, hit my inbox. Enjoy!
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Tonight I was dreamwalking. I was hoping to dreamwalk into Colby’s dream, and I really thought I did.
I was in a meadow, tall grass all around as I sat up on a boulder. I noticed that I wasn’t pregnant in the dream, making it seem pretty promising. But it was the man that approached me, that made me realize that I wasn’t in Colby’s dream.
The man wasn’t really a man, but a teenage boy, maybe nineteen-years-old at most. But this boy had Colby’s long hair, the wind blowing it out of his face. He had a very thin beard, like he was just starting to grow it. He had the same jawline as Colby too. But as he got closer, I saw he did not have the same nose or eyes as Colby. Instead I saw that he had my nose and my eyes. And seeing him up close I knew who was here with me.
It was my son. It was Tyler.
“Tyler,” I furrowed my brow at the boy, “This can’t be really happening right now.”
“Hi mom,” he smiled, just like his dad, and came to sit beside me on the boulder, “This is very real. But you’re not dreamwalking, I am.”
“But why,” I asked him.
“To tell you to not give up on Dad,” he replied, “Dad is so close to being back. It’s up to you to get him back the rest of the way. You already know the spell.”
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I shot up awake from my dream only to find Colby on the edge of my bed. I stared at him, scared the hell out of my mind. Colby grabbed hold of my shoulders.
“Easy, Thea,” Colby stroked my hair calmingly, “It was just a dream, okay. You have to calm down for Tyler’s sake, okay.”
“I saw him, Colby,” I breathed, trying to catch my breath, “He was in my dream just now. I talked to him.”
“Well he is your son,” he chuckled a little, “He’s already using his magic. But did he have a lot to say?”
“Yeah,” I took a deep breath, “Just advice for me involving you.”
“Well it’s still early,” Colby got closer to me, “How about you try to get some more sleep and I’ll get my things settled for the weekend. I’ll bring you some breakfast later.”
When I woke up again, Colby was coming in with a tray of scrambled eggs, bacon, a mug of coffee, 2 forks, and a mug of tea. I smiled as I sat up, getting comfortable as Colby set the table over my lap.
“I brought us breakfast,” he greeted me, “I even fixed you some tea, just the way you like it.”
“Thank you,” I replied before I took a sip of my tea, humming at the fact he did it exactly how I like it, “You really remembered how to make it the way I like it.”
“How can I forget,” he smiled, trying to make the smile reach his eyes.
“Alright,” I moved the tray off my lap and placed my hands on his cheeks, holding him close to me, “I’m done letting this go on anymore.”
I stretched out my magic, going deep into Colby’s mind, trying to find the spell Morrigan placed on him to turn him against me. I found it and I began to untangle its barbs out of his mind. I was struggling so hard, I hadn’t noticed my nose was bleeding from the excessive energy I was expending to do this. But once the last piece of it was out, I released him from my hold and slumped back against my pillows, exhausted.
“Thea,” Colby got closer to me, “Thea, are you alright? Babe, come on answer me. Fuck.”
“Colby,” I looked at him through half-opened eyes, “Did it work?”
“Yeah it worked,” he was smiling down at me, happiness reflected back at me, “I’m back. I’m here, okay. I’m not going anywhere, okay.”
I just smiled and let my head fall back, trying to regain my energy as best as I could. My spell took a lot out of me. Morrigan’s original spell was very strong, making it that much harder to break, but I broke it. I got Colby back.
“You’re bleeding babe, hang tight okay,” Colby ran off to my bathroom and I could hear him getting a wash cloth wet to clean me up. Once he came back, he began to clean me up, “You can’t do that kind of magic again, you hear me. I don’t want you to hurt yourself or Tyler just for my sake. But thank you for bringing the real me back.”
“I needed you,” I told him, “I can’t raise this baby on my own. And he encouraged me to try this spell anyway.”
“Hey Tyler,” Colby had his face down at my belly, talking to Tyler, “Don’t tell your mom to be risky again, alright. She has to stay safe for you and me, okay.”
I just laughed before I started to feel hungry, damn it Tyler. I grabbed the tray and put it back on my lap and started to dig into the breakfast Colby made for me. Colby sat there and laughed as he watched me shovel the scrambled eggs into my mouth.
“Slow down or you’ll choke,” Colby berated me while he kept laughing.
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“Why do they make it so hard to build a damn crib,” Colby grumbled as he sat on the floor of my bedroom, trying to build Tyler’s crib, “Like damn it the instructions make no sense.”
“I could have had this built two hours ago,” I bragged as I leaned against my door frame, “But no, someone insisted on building it by hand.”
“I don’t want you using magic and risk draining yourself out. So I’m building the crib,” he protested, “After this morning, I’m taking zero chances, missy.”
“Oh relax,” I handed him the cup of coffee I brought up for him, “Putting together a crib is child’s play compared to getting Morrigan’s spell out of your head.”
“Nope,” Colby grabbed his coffee and took a sip, “I’m not chancing it.”
“You know what,” I put my hands on my hips before I stretched out my magic and built the crib anyway, “I’m doing it anyway. So ha!”
“You little,” Colby put his cup down and got up, picking up quickly and gently dropped me on the bed, “You are such a stinker.”
“I try,” I giggled.
Colby hovered above me, his eyes staring deeply into mine. I hadn’t been this close to him in such a long time, and I missed being like this. Colby leaned down, closing the distance between us, and pressed his lips against mine, sharing our first kiss in six and a half months. I was in heaven. I had missed feeling his lips against mine, kissing me so tenderly.
“I’ve missed this,” Colby sighed as he pressed forehead against mine, “I’ve missed being like this with you.”
“Me too,” I replied. I suddenly gasped and Colby leapt up off of me.
“Hey are you okay,” he asked, worried he might have hurt me.
“No I’m fine,” I started to laugh, “Tyler just kicked. I think he likes mommy and daddy getting along at last.”
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“Thea,” I smiled as I saw Dean and Roman came into view as Colby and I left the airport.
Colby had asked me to come to see Wrestlemania. I’m at eight months now and I look ready to pop, but I had another month left before then. But I knew if I’m not careful, Tyler could come early, so I was always on guard, and so was Colby.
But now that we were back around the Authority, we had to be careful to not let it slip that I got Colby back and he was madly in love with me again. So I had to make sure I was at the top of my game while Colby acted like a dick to hide that I fixed his mind.
“Hey Rome! Hi Dean,” I greeted my two other favorite wolf-boys, “Thanks for picking us up.”
“Damn dollface,” Dean took in my appearance, “Are you smuggling a watermelon under your dress?”
“Seriously, Ambrose,” Colby groaned, “She’s still having mood swings.”
“It’s okay,” I rubbed Colby’s shoulder, “I think it’s funny. But you need to come up with better jokes if you plan on being the fun uncle, Dean-o.”
“I’m for sure going to be the fun uncle,” Dean replied, looking offended I’d suggest otherwise, “Because I can’t be the push-over uncle because Roman has that on lock.”
“Sorry you can’t be as easy-going as me, Uce,” Roman smirked, “Besides, I have to be the push-over since I already have to be the tough parent with Jojo.”
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I was hanging out in my hotel room, just watching a movie and eating my dinner in bed when the lights in the room went out. I looked around, but I had a feeling I knew why the lights went out. Because once the lights came back up, I saw my old nemesis standing at the foot of my bed.
“I see you couldn’t stay away for the sake of your baby, Thea,” she sneered at me.
“I have a truce with your lackeys,” I warned her as I conjured a shield around me, prepared for her to try to cast any magic on me, “You hurt me, and I’m sure you’ll be in trouble.”
“I’m here because I know you broke my spell on Colby,” she smirked, “But don’t worry, I won’t put it back on him. I left it there to have fun with you. And I wanted to test your power.”
“So what do you want,” I asked her.
“I came to warn you,” she got closer to me, “If you even think of trying to end me, I will make sure to take out someone you love when I go. Maybe I’ll take your son. Or maybe your mom. Oh or better yet, I’ll take Colby.”
“You harm any of them I’ll bring you back just to kill you again,” I sneered at her.
“Don’t worry,” she smiled at me, “For now they’re safe. I’ll see you around, Thea.”
And like that she was gone.
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I was out in the crowd, enjoying Wrestlemania. Colby had me sit with his mom and step-dad. He knew his mom and step-dad could keep you safe and look after you while he was working the show.
Right now, Roman was in his match, the main event for the WWE championship was well underway. Brock Lesnar, who is a were-bear, yes a were-bear is a thing and much more menacing than a werewolf, was giving Roman the fight of his life. I was so worried for Roman, when I saw a shock of blond running down the ramp, I gave out a shriek. Colby was coming in with his briefcase. He was cashing in on Roman and Brock tonight.
“Seth Rollins is cashing in his money in the bank contract,” Jillian Garcia called out to the audience, “This will now be a triple threat match.”
With that, Colby went ham and kicked Roman out of the ring before going for a stomp on Lesnar. Roman came back into the ring a moment later, just as Brock rolled out of the ring. Colby went for another stomp, this time on Roman. This time he went for the pin and got the win. He was losing his damn mind as he celebrated his huge win. I was screaming and crying, so proud of him. I hugged his mom, overjoyed that our Colby got to have the biggest Wrestlemania moment of his career so far.
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Thea and I were in her hotel room. Just like when we were back in NXT, Thea was holding my new title, the big WWE championship title, in her lap. She was just tracing the jewels on the belt, completely in awe of the fact I won this tonight.
“I’m extremely proud of you,” she sighed happily, “I think Tyler is too. He’s been moving around like crazy since you won.”
“Well I’m glad I made our little man proud,” I beamed like a little kid, “Have you been okay, though. Nothing’s sore right?”
“I’m okay,” she smiled, “How are you though? You got caught mid-air by Orton into a RKO.”
“I’m good though,” I replied, “Now are you hungry, babe?”
“I am,” she replied.
I got out of our bed and went to go find the room service menu over by the couch. As I grabbed the menu, I heard Thea let out a whimper before she started to groan in pain. I immediately ran back to her side.
“What’s going on,” I asked her, “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
“Colby,” she sucked in a painful breath, “I think Tyler’s coming early.”
“What,” I was dumbfounded, “He’s not due for another month. How is this possible?”
“I don’t know,” she was sobbing in agony, “Just get me to the hospital before I deliver him in this hotel room.”
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artemisegeria · 6 years
Star-Crossed Allies (1/?)
Title: Star-Crossed Allies (1/?)
Rating: T
Word count: 994
Warnings: none for this chapter
Summary: The known universe is seemingly at peace. Technological advances have increased quality of life across the worlds that humans have colonized. Governments throughout the galaxy are in harmony. The few dark spots of planetary conflict are on their way to healing. But unbeknownst to almost everyone, a fight is brewing that could threaten the entire galactic order. It is up to two reluctant heroes who are struggling even to lead their own people to unite the galaxy against the one who would destroy everything.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18067805
A/N: This story is primarily inspired by the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold, along with a smattering of other sci-fi things that I love, but knowledge of that series is not required to understand what’s going on (although I recommend the books to everyone because they’re awesome, with something for every taste). If anything is ever unclear, feel free to let me know. This will be somewhat of a departure for me; it is my goal to make it a little more plot heavy than most of my stories. Comments, constructive criticism, and questions always welcome.
In the beginning of the universe, all matter and the entire fabric of spacetime expanded from a singularity that had existed in a formless void. Gradually, the stars and planets and galaxies came together. Life was rare, but it flourished where it was able. In one corner of one galaxy among trillions, humans evolved and began to think about the heavens above them. After many tens of millennia, they even began to explore the universe that lay beyond the tiny speck of rock where they were born.
They spread out as far as their technology allowed. Eventually they developed tools that enabled them to exploit the natural wormholes that were scattered here and there between worlds. Many died in the first wave of exploration. They jumped into the unknown, and some never returned. But the humans were undeterred. They began to hopscotch from world to world, building up infrastructure and civilization on the uninhabited worlds they found.
A vast galactic society formed among the colonized planets. The hub of the new civilization still centered on ancestral Earth. The planet was fortunate enough to be connected to all the first six planets discovered in the early days of galactic travel by a single wormhole jump. Together, those seven worlds were the first to master the art and science of wormhole travel, thus becoming wealthy and powerful, the central node of a vast network of worlds that spread from one far corner of the galaxy to another.
Although Earth was at the center—ancient, venerable, well connected—it was growing obsolete and complacent. No one went to Earth for the newest weapons or technology. Its primary industries were finance and tourism. It was left to the newer planets to push the species forward.
Each of the other six planets in the hub around Earth had its own unique chemical composition, which gave each planet a different atmospheric cast and a different specialty. The planet initially designated PO-13 bore a deep purple atmosphere that completely obscured the air outside the domes that encased the cities where the new inhabitants lived. Piyo became responsible for the creation of the newest weapons. SP-45 had a deep blue sky, far deeper than Earth’s native atmosphere, and managed the nexus’s shipping and transportation concerns. RE-37, with a shimmering red atmosphere, focused on food production and terraforming. MI-24, which carried an eerie yellow glow, developed the most cutting-edge computer software and programming. TI-81 developed the most advanced life extension and medical technologies. Finally, SO-62, whose atmosphere was a burnished orange, boasted the greatest patronage of all the arts and humanities.
The chief among the outer planets of this system, beyond the initial seven, was Asgard. The Asgardians had developed their medical arts to such a degree that they lived several times longer than most other humans. Their technology put that of TI-81 to shame. The planet was full of fine architecture, a monument to the Asgardians’ skill and their pride, which they were prepared to enjoy for several hundred years.
On the other side of the nexus stood Sokovia. The discovery of the planet had been a chance occurrence. Terraforming transformed it from unlivable to habitable by humans. However, the planet had been lost to the rest of the galaxy several hundred years ago when an anomaly had caused the only wormhole connecting it to the rest of the system to collapse. It had only been rediscovered in the past ten years when an enterprising jump ship had happened upon a new wormhole. The greater system had been horrified to learn of the strife that had rent the planet into bitter factions. Sokovia was in the middle of a full-on civil war during the period of rediscovery, after the long simmering tensions had peaked. A portion of the population had developed unique abilities, but the rest sought to suppress them. It was only after the ascent to the throne of Empress Wanda, when both sides were weakened enough that it was either truce or total destruction, that peace was re-established throughout the world.
Sadly, that war was only one reminder that no matter how much time passed and how advanced human civilization grew, some things remained the same. Humans had not outgrown their petty hatreds and prejudices. They maintained the will to power over other beings. There were those who distrusted any one who was the least bit different. There were those who would do anything to have their way.
Titan was the planet that epitomized this approach. Its leader, Thanos, had come to power on a platform of convincing the populace that the current galactic prosperity was a scheme to enrich a privileged few, ignoring the facts on the ground. He proclaimed that the entire house of cards would fall apart at the merest upset. In the end, Thanos convinced enough voters that only he could bring about true abundance for everyone. Despite this rhetoric, Thanos pulled Titan back from the wider galactic society, preferring to work toward his true goal in secret. Those who didn’t support him were soon cowed by his gang of thugs. Access to outside news networks was gradually shut down, allowing the rest of the galaxy to forget about Titan. Out of sight, out of mind.
Amid this landscape wandered a lone ship, not the newest or the fastest, but lovingly cared for. Its inhabitants were not welcome anywhere. The ship was one of the old-model colony ships, designed to hold hundreds of individuals for months to years. The synthezoids, descendants of the humans’ attempts to develop the perfect artificial intelligence, who had developed consciousnesses and personalities of their own, had drifted across the galaxy, trying to settle on various worlds. But in the end, they were always pushed out, so they chose to make their way alone, keeping resupplies and contact with human communities to a minimum.
But that all changed once the synthezoids realized that every world was at risk from a cataclysmic threat. 
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hoitash · 6 years
Adventure One: The Faerie’s Ultimatum!
A new year, a new set of adventures! Our elven exterminator has earned herself a Title and shiny weapon! Will the faeries quietly accept her refusal to rejoin them? Let’s fine out.
Three weeks passed with little incident. A Farmland village sent two replacements, grateful gangers swelled the ranks, and slowly the new squads formed a cohesive group, each in their own way. Piece by piece, the Westward Branch of the Office of Pest Control regrouped from the losses inflicted by the Worm.
Squad Twelve, for whatever reason and despite William’s constant pleading, failed to gain a fourth member. Langford insisted the three’s “squad spirit” was too strong to meddle with. Finally William gave up, resigning himself to an understaffed squad, even if that squad had a Worm slayer, a duster killer, and a dwarf who spent part of his wages to buy a small cannon for the Pest Control Office’s armory making up its ranks.
Said cannon was the main gripe William had that day.  As nothing else of note was occurring, after a brief patrol the squad retired to the barracks for some bread and liquid bread.
“I just don’t see a case where we’d both need a cannon and not need the Army,” William remarked over his loaf, “it’s the same reason we don’t have more powder weapons in the Armory –if we need that many it’s time for the city guards to get involved.”
Georg shrugged and sipped his beer, “Seemed like a good idea.”
“We’re the sewer squad,” William insisted, “from what I’ve heard you can’t even safely shoot a pistol down there.”
Georg shrugged again in reply.
William sighed, surrendering to the dwarf’s stalwart stubbornness. Since the incident with the Worm and subsequent squad reshuffles, Squad Twelve’s duties consisted mostly of quick sewer patrols and sluice inspections, a task made easy thanks to the raker’s vigilance in the wake of the Worm’s subterfuge. Though it lacked the duty pay of exterminating, the standard payment kept them moving forward.
Leafa, enjoying not having to enter the sewers unless absolutely necessary, downed her mug of beer and sighed, “I just wish they’d give us more exciting work –all this idleness is getting to me.”
“I’ve never known an elf to hold still very long,” William remarked, “they always have an energy about them, besides the casting power, I mean.”
Leafa nodded, her hand reflexively reaching to the pommel of her Church sword, “I don’t mind light duty once in a while, and I hate going in the sewers, but we barely even get to do a thorough patrol now that the Spire’s taken an interest in things.”
“They still say it’s too dangerous,” William said, “Never mind we have a Worm Slayer with us now and the Worm never got control of the slimes, thank Heaven.”
Leafa gave a sheepish shrug, “It was a group effort, you know –without the druid we would’ve been Worm turds… well, you would be, I’d be….”
“But you’re not,” William cut her off, “You’re a citizen of the Confederation, remember? The faeries can’t touch you.”
Georg nodded in agreement.
Leafa smiled, “True, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. We’ve already seen that.”
“And in response we’re getting an Army Regiment,” William replied, “and the last time I saw an Army uniform was the yearly recruitment drive last spring. Even I know what a big deal it is for the Army to come here.”
Georg nodded again.
Leafa smiled and opened her mouth, but the sound of the city bells ringing cut her off before she could speak.
The elf’s ears twitched, “That can’t be good.”
“Attention all Exterminators!” a voice boomed from the Office speaking tubes, “Attention all Exterminators! Report to the West Gate immediately! All Exterminators report to the West Gate immediately!”
William hauled himself up, “You heard them, let’s go.”
The three exterminators bolted from the room to join their fellows as they dashed for the West Gate, several squads of city guards joining the mass as they ran along the quickly emptying roads.
William matched pace with a guard sergeant, his only armor a skewed helmet slaped over his matted hair. As they passed people quickly leaving the streets for their buildings, the bells clanged as their feet echoed along the stones.
“Sergeant!” William called, “Any idea what’s going on?”
The Sergeant glanced at William, then his Exterminator badge. After a brief nod of greeting he replied, “Word is there’s a druid at the gate under a peace flag.”
“What?” William snapped, “Why assemble us there if they’re not going to arm us first? Or at least let us put on our armor?”
The Sergeant shrugged, “Last I heard unless its iron armor’s no good against fae and their kin, and we don’t have enough for everyone anyway. As for weapons, there’s emergency arms at every gate, though if you ask me we’d be better off breaking out the muskets. Oh, there they are.”
As the scattered groups of guards and exterminators approached the gate, William looked to where the Sergeant’s gaze focused. Several city guards were unloading muskets and handing them out to waiting exterminators, while a squad of musketeers waited at the base of the gate tower. Langford stood by the wagon, arguing with the city guard captain while more guards clambered into the gate’s bastion’s to mount the wall.
William left the Sergeant to it and dashed up to Langford, Leafa and Georg catching up as their sergeant waited to be noticed.
The Captain, a scruffy fellow in hastily fastened leather armor and an unwaxed mustache, jabbed a finger at the Senior Exterminator as he nearly shouted, “We need to blast that fucker to paste before he can react!”
“He’s under a flag of peace you imbecile!” Langford –wearing no armor and his badge poorly pinned in place- barked back, “even mustering the guard risks an incident!”
The Captain retracted his finger and folded his arms, “I don’t take chances with faeries.”
“Is it true? Leafa interrupted, “There’s a druid outside?”
The two turned to the elf, and, after absorbing the squad’s presence, nodded.
“He’s demanding to speak with Langford,” the Captain explained, “and refuses to elaborate his presence to anyone else. He bears a flag of truce, but as I just said, I’m not taking chances.”
Langford sighed, “Fine, do what you want. I’m going to see what that damned druid wants.”
Leafa swallowed, “Most likely me.”
“We don’t know that,” William said, “they could just be here to complain about the Frontier or something.”
“We’ll find out the hard way, it seems,” Langford said.
As the Senior Exterminator headed for the parapet, the Captain handed Georg a musket from the nearby cart.
“I know it’s a smaller caliber than you’d be used to,” he explained, “but it’s something. The Gate Guards have iron shot cartridges, each man gets three shots.”
Leafa’s ears twitched, “Do you honestly think you’d have time for three shots?”
Glowering at the elf, he replied, “No, but it’s good for morale. You want one?”
Leafa rested a hand on the pommel of Schimmern, grateful she at least had a weapon on her when the call came, “Fortunately my sword does not leave my side, Sir.”
The Captain managed a small smirk, “Fair enough. Sergeant, what about you?”
“I’ve never fired a powder weapon in my life,” he replied, “So thank you, but not until I’ve had a chance to practice first.”
The Captain nodded, and then Langford’s voice boomed out toward the Farmland beyond the wall.
“I am Senior Exterminator Matthew Langford! Who are you to stand before the wall of a settlement of the Confederation?”
In reply, a voice like a rainstorm replied, “I am known in your tongue as Streamwell, and I serve the faerie you know as Farseed.”
Leafa gasped, “Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.”
William put a hand on the elf’s shoulder, who jumped as he managed a weak smirk, “It’s fine.”
“What business do you have here, druid?” Langford demanded.
“My master demands the return of one of the elves of a tribe under his protection. He demands Leafa of the Tall Trees Tribe be handed over to me so that she may rejoin her people.”
Leafa whimpered, her ears twitching madly as Langford’s voice boomed back.
“Leafa Talltree, Esquire, has resided within this city for over a month and a day. As a result she is a citizen of the Confederation. More than that, she is a Titled member of the Confederation Office of Pest Control and a Tithing Member of the Church. To demand her is a violation of the Accords between your master and the Confederation and constitutes an act of war. Leave these walls now or you shall be fired upon!”
To accentuate his statement, over a hundred musket wielding guards and exterminators aimed their barrels downward, their match and flintlocks cocked and ready. Leafa held her breath as she watched the parapet, her hands over her ears to protect them from the fusillade she knew was coming.
“I have said my peace and thus will depart,” the druid responded, “know that my master is not one to take no for an answer. We shall return.”
“And we shall be ready to reply with iron, druid. Now return to your master and report your failure, and tell him we shall generously overlook this overstep in the interests of continued friendship between the Confederation and the Tall Trees and Far Trees Tribes under his protection.”
“I shall do as you ask, though know he also protects the Far Marsh Tribe as well.”
Langford said no more, and, after several agonizing moments, the guards and exterminators lowered their muskets.
Leafa exhaled and slumped to the ground in relief, “Thank Heaven.”
William, though clearly also relieved, sighed and muttered, “Last I heard the Far Marsh Tribe bordered the swamps near the edge of the Frontier and the Farmlands.”
Georg grunted, “Could be trouble.”
Leafa groaned, “I can’t believe it…to think he’d go this far for me….”
William, his eyes anywhere but the elf, asked, “You wouldn’t happen to know… why… he’s so interested in you?”
The elf’s ears twitched, though her eyes remained on the road as she replied, “For the obvious reasons, of course.”
William sighed, “I was afraid of that… ah, Senior Exterminator! What do we do now?”
Langford, having appeared from the gates not long before, approached Squad Twelve with the air of a barber about to announce the need to pull an abscessed tooth.
Leafa hefted herself up and took a step closer to the Senior Exterminator, “Sir, I am so sorry-”
Langford raised a hand to cut her off, “None of this is your fault. None of this. Do you understand me?”
Leafa opened her mouth, closed it, and nodded.
Langford grinned and patted the elf’s head, “Very good. Oh shit, is that the Mayor?”
The squad turned around to see several men surrounded by six guards walking down the street. The guards wore chest-plates, helmets, and a brace of dwarven double-barreled pistols. Amongst them walked a stout man with short white hair, a robed man with a large symbol of the Church hanging from an iron chain, and an older man with an aged red cloak fluttering behind him.
Langord swore under his breath, “Great, the Mayor, the Senior Priest, and a Merchant Guild Master.”
William glanced to his commander, “Guess they heard about the druid.”
Langford sighed, “This is going to be my whole day.”
Langford glanced to the south to see a young man running as fast as he could towards him, several notes held carefully in one hand. Raising a single brow, Langford took several steps closer to the man as he skidded to a halt in front of the group.
“You’re a runner from Town Hall, right?” Langford asked.
The runner, gasping for breath, nodded and held out the notes, “Pigeon came this morning… messenger… at the East Gate… confirmed… thought… you should know… first….”
William and Leafa flanked the runner in case he collapsed. Langford, meanwhile, took the notes and scanned them over. After a moment he grinned, his gold teeth glinting in the daylight.
“This’ll pacify the fancy-cloaks, at least,” he said.
Leafa’s ears twitched, “May we ask what the good news is, Sir?”
“It’s the official report from the Confederation Council’s Army Secretary,” he replied, “They’re mustering a Regiment and it should be here in two weeks.”
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