tuppencetrinkets-a · 7 years
so i think one of my favorite things about the sister oc’s i’m working on, thessa and erran, is that honestly it is a case of looks can be deceiving?  or don’t judge a book by it’s cover?  like thessa -  she’s incredibly sweet and loving and kind, and she has the face of an angel and she is a good person... but she’s also kind of  a good person by default if that makes any sense?  she was doted on, provided for, everything that she ever wanted her dad made sure she had and no, she isn’t spoiled and she is generous to people in need around her but she also has had so little actual conflict in her life that it’s just EASY for her to be that way.  and while she is a good girl in the broad stroke of things, she also has spent a lifetime sneaking into the lower levels on the space station - she speaks at least one black market trader language because of how much time she spends with -certain- elements of that type (aka those that have taken it on themselves to protect her when she’s down in the depths because of allegiances made with her father, knowing what hell would rain down on the if something happened to her).  she knows how to pick pockets and pick locks, she has at least a very rudimentary knowledge of how to hack, and as the story with other characters develop whether in my multi-character verse of stand alone verses with other character players, it will become evident over time that the girl has something of a minor death wish -- aka, she has total potential to be the worst kind of adrenaline junkie -- the kind that doesn’t know when to stop because she’s never had to deal with genuine danger. her education has been almost entirely private, she has been as sheltered as one can be when living on a space station -- she absolutely believes her father to be a good person even with her sister and other people on the station that try, at times, to tell her what he is really up to... and even now, in her mid twenties, she’s never attended an imperial academy for formal education or given any thought to military service and yet she is still the golden goose in her father’s eyes, perfect and untouchable. 
meanwhile, we have erran, who has spent her entire life working her fingers to the bone for one scrap of attention from their father.  even as a young child, she was constantly studying, training in hand to hand, building her strength physically and intellectually -- she was constant the perfect specimen of self control and regimen, enforcing her own schedules and pushing herself all the time to be the absolute best at anything that she was doing.  she begged and begged to be sent to imperial schools when she was in her pre-teens and has spent pretty much every moment since in training, graduating from the imperial academy, moving on to the imperial naval academy, specializing in naval combat - graduating second, academically, in the class of thousands, with the top flight and combat marks of all of the pilots graduating that year .... and her dad didn’t even show up to her graduation  --  and after that things started to spiral, building on top of each other until this cloud of falling into the trap of becoming just another ‘bad girl’ hung around her and why should she care at that point?  She had killed herself trying to do things the right way and ??? for what ???  when the story for her picks up, she is on academic probation in the imperial officer’s academy, bordering on one simple infringement more before she ends up expelled, if not court martialed... and while it is a MUCH EASIER role for her to fall into and play than working her fingers to the bone for nothing ... it isn’t really her (or at least she thought) and it’s just.  I just love the dichotomy.  And the truth is they would probably both go to the ends of the galaxy to protect each other, at least for the most part, there is so much unspoken strife between them ... strife that Thessa probably doesn’t even recognize sadly.... 
But anyways.... yeah.  I just find it interesting the layers they have built up.  Like, if they were force users, it would probably be Thessa that fell to the Dark Side, while Erran would honestly excel as a Jedi Knight.... but that isn’t how they are perceived / where their paths take them in their natural environments and I just.  Am so excited to finally write them. 
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