triona-tribblescore · 29 days
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IM FUCKING BACK BABYYYY!!!! [Read tags for a lil info!]
(Please accept this silly doodle dump of my brainrot boys uvu ✨)
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notdysfunk · 19 days
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(This is the first time I've drawn him in months ouufghh </3)
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s0ftpining · 1 year
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request for my friend @pomegranate of some domestic boys... outfits inspired by this iconic post
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 month
HIIII KIT <333333 you said you were okay w selfship asks so!!!!! here i am :33
first of all >:3 i’m a sucker for the falls first/falls harder dynamic, so!!! in your selfships, who fell first and who fell harder?? 🎤🎤 or did you both fall at the same time??? i need to knowwww!!! 
anddddd i also . love & adore….. sun/moon pairings……… 👉👈 so i’d love to know where your selfships fall on that scale too!!! :3 i get sun vibes from you but i could see moon too…. super curious to hear abt this one hehe
anyway!!!! ily kit <3333 i hope sukugo r treating you nicely!!!!! feral cat men smh…
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AAAHHH ARIIi, TYTYTY FOR SENDING ME THESE QUESTIONS! I SERIOUSLY LOVE ANSWERING ASKS ON MY SELFSHIPS SM— i'm hugging u so very tightly rn *mwah mwah mwah* @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat
who fell first? who fell harder?
honestly speaking, the lore of my ship w satoru changes w the seasons 🤭🤭 but acc to the information i hv as of summer 2024, i'm the one who fell first. and 'toru is the one who fell harder. i fell for him a very long time ago— back when i was in my mid teens and he was in his early twenties. but nothing romantic happened then– wtv hints i gave him either went over his head or he intentionally side-stepped them. and i js stopped giving him hints after one or two failed attempts, js staying happy with staring at him from afar, or yk, relishing wtv moments i used to get him as being one of his acquaintances... [he used to see me as a 'friend'. i nvr thought he cld see me as a 'friend', haha] but yk, when we grew up, i crossed quite some distance into my twenties and he too entered his late twenties— this is when the tectonic plates of our relationship slowly started shifting. i cld feel it, but i did not want to hope once again js to get heart-broken a second time— satoru, however, felt the shift like an earthquake. it's like, one moment he was thinking of me like he wld think of a friend, but then smthng happened, and he was like, "oh. this isn't how i think of shoko or nanami. oh. oh."— and well, let's js say, satoru was not rly in the mood for dating... he was more like, "omggg, ily! i'll take care of u! i'll make sure u hv a happy life! why don't we get married engaged, hm?" [i love my men a bit yandere 😂]
i think, mr. darcy's words fit sukuna and my dynamics the best 😄— “i was in the middle before i knew that i had begun.” we did not hv a very normal start to our relationship. sukuna js abducted me from my family and made me his queen. and i js became his queen and began to live in his temple or palace or fort or wtv. and yeah, we js started living together the way two ppl married as if for tax benefits start living together under the same roof. tht is it... except, tht doesn't stay tht is it for long. usually, i wld be content w some yummy food, interesting books, and nice comfy clothes— but over time, i began to notice i was feeling stuff other than js content. over time, this heavy feeling inside my chest began to grow lighter and i began to feel freer— and i realised, it was because of this freedom i was experiencing here. smthng i nvr got to experience when i was w my family— that place was rly good, yeah. i was treated rly well. but i felt more like ' a bird inside a golden cage' there. this observation changed my perception of sukuna from a housemate to smthng more amiable, perhaps smthng more affectionate, and i tried to get closer to him, inch by inch— actually millimetre by millimetre, 'cause i love to test the waters 1st then dip my toe into it— and then one fine day, when i wake up from an afternoon nap and i find sukuna sitting at the table, totally immersed in scrolls of poetry... an odd thing happens in my chest— which occurs again at dinner a few nights later... when i notice him eating as messily as ever— smthng which repeats when i catch him napping one day, akin a big cat lounging in the shade— a phenomenon which starts to happen multiple times a day very very soon... needless to say, i quickly diagnose it as a case of falling in love w my hubby 😌😌 as for sukuna... i don't rly think he feels love... he kidnapped me 'cause he was lwk intrigued by me. [idk why] he married me 'cause he grew highkey intrigued by me. [i still hv no idea why 😭😭] and he gave me space, never tried to be bad or scary to me 'cause he gave me some amt of respect as his wife, his queen [i nvr went to his court tho. i preferred drinking fruit juice and reading a good book in the shade of a tree] [were u able to guess i'm lazyyy] but then, one day, few weeks after i was able to extricate myself from my jumbled emotions and reach a definitive diagnosis— i found him snoozing under the same tree i take rest under, w a very amateurish book titled 'how do you know you are in love'— and i actually got rooted to the spot. and sukuna, heaven knows how, woke up while i was busy gaping at him. and he made an embarrassed face and dashed away— uraume later confirmed, their lord was feeling an odd thing in their chest; esp the last few weeks— roughly the same time as when i first encountered my symptom. later tht night, when i started subtly teasing him, calling us soulmates, he js put a blanket over my head to shut me up, but did not kill me— guess he loves me, huh 🤭🤭
who is the sun? who is the moon?
be it kitoru or kitkuna, i think i'm the moon, babes 😇😇 tho not a full moon. i'm more of a waxing crescent, methinks... 'cause i feel like i'm bright, but not bright enuf to light someone's path thru a forest at night... i js hv the potential, heh [i'm defo not the sun, babes 😅😅 i can be a lil grumpy and mean tbh, hahaha] satoru and sukuna, on the other hand... i think they are the sun in our dynamics. they can be both the comforting sun of chilly winter mornings, when i need them to be here for me, to hug me, to kiss me, to love me— and the scorching sun of a summer noon, ready to burn anyhting and everything which dares to bother me... [i love satoru and sukuna being a little crazy in their love for me 🥰🥰]
they're treating me pretty well so far, babes 🥰🥰🥰 and fr fr— feral cat men make me go insaneeee 😂😂😂
now i too wanna know ur answers to these same asks for ur selfships, my loveee 🤗🤗🤗 [no pressure tho!! only if u wanna ❤️❤️]
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angela-draws-stuff · 1 year
I love your art and how you draw catradora and girls from toh and amphibia! the colors are so pretty, shapes are so smooth
and im a sucker for your soft catradora (i want to eat them)
Heh wow I'm just seeing this, thank you so muchh, it means a lot to hear💖
And yay I love drawing them soft too yesss>.<
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friend i listened to “spring thief” by yorushika and it’s been on repeat for the past hour… please give other song recs by yorushika that you like 🫡 ALSO YOUR FIC WAS SO PRECIOUS AND THE SONG WORKED SO BEAUTIFULLY WITH YOUR WRITING/REALLY ENHANCED THE VIBE OMFG oh 2 live in an apartment w sashisu and get breakfast made daily by suguru <3 - @dollsuguru
KAIROOO MY ANGEL i still haven’t read ur rb of the fic (saving it as a treat for later today :3 hehe) BUT TYSM FOR READING AND FOR UR KIND WORDS ILYSM 🥺🥺🥺 with that being said ……..
WAHHHHH I’M SOOO OVERJOYED THAT U LISTENED TO THE SONG???? ISN’T IT AMAZING????? yorushika makes me fully insane they’re my favorite band Ever hhhhh i’m so glad u thought it added to the fic 😭😭 their songs are all super nostalgic and bittersweet and summery so they’re just . perfect for sashisu & stsg.. u asked for more recs so ofc i will deliver >:3
i genuinely don’t think there’s a single yorushika song that doesn’t hit so i have like 25873 favorites BUT here are some standouts….. some have mvs and others don’t but yorushika’s lyrics are genuinely so so beautiful and incredible so i’ll make sure the links take u somewhere u can read them <3
blooming in that summer
my absolute favorite <333 like, absolute favorite. it changed my life. i want to live in it. the lyrics are insane the instrumental is out of this world and the final chorus always always gets to me. i’ve cried listening to it bc it’s just so so good AND it’s also the most stsg song ever so i cry when i listen to it and think of them (someone made an animatic of stsg with this song that quite literally lives in my brain rent free u can find it here) <33
hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari
another of my absolute absolute faves!! lyrics are so good i cried, instrumental is so good i cried, and the final chorus . makes me cry. notice how i’m already repeating myself bc literally all of these songs are incredible in every possible way aaa ALSO the singing 😵‍💫😵‍💫 esp at the end. there’s so much emotion in it and it makes me sick actually whewww
another absolute favorite :33 (i’m gonna be saying this for all of them i think but i mean it sincerely ok…) kairo this one makes me ill. it’s so gojo coded. it’s Him. the lyrics just remind me of him sm (they’re incredible btw the final line makes me batshit insane) AND THE INSTRUMENTAL??? might be my fave yorushika instrumental ngl don’t quote me on that tho 🙏🙏 just such a lovely summery song it smells like seasalt and tastes like clouds :3
kamisama no dance
AAAA ANOTHER ABSOLUTE FAVORITE kairo this one is getocoded. i knowwww you’ll understand. some of my favorite yorushika lyrics Ever and that’s saying a lot. it also has crazy lore bc it’s connected to this whole story being told in some of yorushika’s albums and :((( yeahhh. this one feels kairocoded to me but that might just be bc it’s so getocoded LMAO i have a feeling you’ll like it though!!
robber and bouquet
THIS ONE IS SOOO LOVELY the instrumental…. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i love it sm. i’d say this one is kinda different from classic yorushika stuff but in a very good way!! also i’m legally obliged to inform u that this one is tojicoded as HELL i associate him w the lyrics so much…. also i adoreee the way suis sings in this one her voice is so gorgeous wowowow… the sense of fatigue…… so good
just a sunny day for you
A CLASSIC but for very good reasons . the mv is just gorgeous, the lyrics are stunning and the instrumental is sooo nostalgic and summery n bittersweet :((( just the best. sashisu coded also!!!
aaaand finally here’s their yt channel!! there are so many other songs i adore that i wanted to mention but i think these r enough for now 😭 oh but here’s also a yt channel that makes lyric videos for their songs in case u wanna find some more!! :3
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archersartcorner · 6 months
HIIIIIIIIIIII I love your art SO MUCH!!! you make it look so easy to simplify a complicated design and still have it look recognizable!! it's really admirable <3
for my question/ask:
tell me more about your thoughts on ulysses and arcade!!! i think their dynamic has so much potential and I rarely see them interact, it's a shame haha
And OUGH Ulysses & Arcade my beloveds… I think I got there thinkin about Ulysses interacting with the rest of the companions, and Arcade in particular I feel would get Ulysses to a pretty significant level, ya know? Arcade is so intelligent that I feel he could level with Ulysses’ own intelligence very directly, and just from a Nerd-To-Nerd viewpoint, those two could probably infodump with each other for hours and just KNOW what the other is talking about.
Ulysses is also a very traumatized character, and in-fandom I know people have some… divisive opinions about how he reacts to it, but the kind of trauma that’s most apparent in Ulysses’ character is one of the reasons I liked exploring the Legionnaires when I was still super into FNV, as the victims of the colonialist, fascist organization the Legion was. Arcade has such deep empathy for people, and he’s not like, a doormat, he’s very “Do no harm, take no shit,” but I’ve always been of the belief that Arcade will always stand up for someone wanting to be better, someone wanting to learn to do good no matter what their past is, particularly considering his own past with the Enclave. I like the idea, if Ulysses ever manages to pry himself from the Divide, that he finds the Followers and assists them from time to time, and that’s potentially how he and Arcade meet. Ulysses finds he doesn’t have to mince words with Arcade, doesn’t have to butcher his symbolism or sugarcoat his experiences for Arcade’s sake. Arcade just understands, in a way Ulysses isn’t sure anyone else has been able to, not even the Courier. And I feel like in turn Arcade feels more comfortable talking to Ulysses about his background, knowing he and Ulysses are on the same wavelength of “Life gave us some shit cards, but we still deserve to find peace and warmth.” Very much learning to end their respective cycles of violence, and learning they can do so together.
OUGH THATS QUITE A BIT here’s a quick doodle!! It’s not super great but I wanted to draw something for this ask when I saw it!
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futurecardbuddyfight · 10 months
Submit a buddyfight character to me and I’ll give you a small headcanon I have about them!
@babymyhyoru commented: No one else seems to be here so I'll try to give another.  Rouga
Where Kyoya had mastered the piano and organ, Rouga had taken up the violin and eventually cello. Naturally so, as the piano and the violin family are instruments that have always complimented and completed each other. Once the foundation was there, it was easy to pick up the cello shortly after learning the violin honestly. Though he hasn’t picked up either consistently in some time, Rouga can play them both masterfully and he has even done professional performances and played for events before. He has also been on the world stage to duet and play alongside Kyoya’s keys.
Though Rouga does not play publicly anymore, those close to him may get a private concerto from him — especially Kyoya. After all, learning an instrument ( let alone two ) was out of the realm of possibility with the life he had at the start. It was an opportunity that would have never been given to him otherwise, and so, even being able to learn was like another gift from his friend. Perhaps, in a strange way, composing something and performing for someone is also a part of Rouga’s love language. Between the two, he does have a preference for the violin though, it being the first of the two he learned, as well as for it being more compact and easier to return to when he does want to play for someone or just himself.
This was mostly inspired by one of my favorite themes, The Eternal Hunters, and some of Lindsey Stirling’s pieces like The Arena. The former is a piece done solely with a piano and cello, where the instruments are meant to represent two halves of the same whole — it feels like something that Rouga and Kyoya could perform together to me, and the song really fits them / their relationship in my opinion. As for the latter... it just seems like a name that Rouga would give to a song he composed ( though perhaps Rouga was used to Kyoya doing the musical composition; thematically, Kyoya was the conductor for the world’s end, and Rouga was ultimately just a mere piece of that composition in the beginning ), though there are a handful of the artist’s songs that I can imagine Rouga performing them.
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kaijusmart · 5 months
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broke his fucking spine oops
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Any or all you feel like answering!
OMG YAY hello!!! thank u so much!!!! i will answer them all hehe >:]
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know? i've been looking up eclipse stuff bc of the upcoming one on monday, and did u know. lots of research has been done on how animals react during eclipses. and one time researchers were watching a bunch of tortoises, and when the eclipse started. the tortoises all started fucking each other. is that wild or what
🌴 Desert island item? BIG KNIFE. not just bc im a knife enthusiast (tho its also bc of that lol), having a knife would be very useful!!! if not that then something to start a fire with
🌸 Best compliment you ever received? HMMMM i mean my family compliments my hair a lot ig? but i think my favorite compliment i've ever received was at my cousin's wedding a few years back, one of her friends told me that i was "just so naturally beautiful" hehe 🥰 i'm not insecure abt not wearing makeup ever (bc fuck the beauty industry) but that night, being surrounded by ppl who were all made up was defs making me feel a lil down, so it made me really happy to hear that from someone i didn't know at all <3 honest compliments from strangers are really something special
🌙 How long have you been on tumblr? IT'S FUNNY YOU ASK THAT, as of Literally Yesterday my blog is officially 11 years old!!!!! 🥳
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ir-dr · 8 months
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Day 3557 - 17 October 2023
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lunarshadow04 · 10 months
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
listen here, you beepin' boopin' looney toonin' looney toon ----->
I love seeing your art on my feed and always enjoy talking to you !! you're just such a cool person😎✨ who always helps bring a smile to my face !! we are bound in spirit because we ship or OCs ( the girlies---> CreamCake 💙💗 )
also really excited about our goofy project and ty for helping me understand discord !!
and omg yes yes the girlies CREAMCAKE
and yes yes the project hehe and of course! Being new to discord can be confusing tbh
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wantbytaemin · 4 months
hi lovely ana i hope you are doing okay ~~ have you listened to lee know's cover of day6's love me or leave me yet? & if so what did you think? ^^
hiiii kas my angel first of all thank you so much for this actually i was having a rly bad day yesterday and it made me so glad to see you’d sent it 🥺🫶🏻 on that note the song actually hit the spot for yesterday bc of how desperate sounding it is (it’s one of my fav song types!) and how you can hear the emotion in his voice so clearly oh that’s my FAVORITE thing for real!!! like it doesn’t have to be technically perfect but if you’re making me Feel something that’s what art is all about at the end of the day. and i feel like it’s so clear he’s been working on his singing so much like the progress is insane even since limbo! his technique and control are both audibly better i feel very proud if i may say so 🥹 it’s a very big challenge for any vocalist to cover day6 imo but he did so well and so on my very biased ana scale i give it 10/10 bc of everything i’ve talked about w the added fact that you can tell he enjoyed it so much and i [redacted] him.
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the-toybox-general · 6 months
Hello... do you take requests, or commissions? 👁👁
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HELLO !! Thank you so much for your interest 👁👁 !! Sometimes both! Most times when I take requests it'll be themed to something I'm drawing recently ( like a fandom ) and I'll make a little post about it! I also enjoy drawing responses to things in my ask box ( usually regarding my ocs or a character I really like! ) but I'm pretty inconsistent with requests as I do them when I want if I want :3
As for my commissions, they haven't been open in a while! I've been a bit busy so if I were to take anything up - it'd probably be a small commission! If you want to, you can hit up my messages and ask; even if I can't take it on now, I could definitely note you down and let you know in the future whenever I open up my full commissions again! :D
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jalapenobee · 7 months
Ooh you like bta and bsd? (I like you, we're best buds now)
first off, love the bta opening, it's a bop.
Secondly, I've learned a ton from bta! It's just so fascinating learning a bit more about the authors. (Very pleasing to my short attention span too. Its a lot easier than reading about them online)
Thirdly: just like the message of it is great. Talking all about how we need books and it's the authors experiences or stories that help make the book.
Its a ton of fun just merging my knowledge between bsd and bta too. (Aka me smiling as soon as no longer human appeared in bta and being incapable of being normal around the characters.)
Sorry eheh I know we've never interacted before or anything but yeah! Feel free to ignore this<3
first of all tysm for being in my inbox :D
SAME SAME omg just by watching bsd I wouldn't have known like. Half of what I know now abt the authors (lmaoo same plus its nice that it's a short series)
YES YES TY it's sooo cool how they use the taints as like a symbol 'we must protect the books' love that (HEHE SAME)
RAHHHHHH YES THEY ARE they're so. So special and oda slays so hard in bta <3
AHHHH YES CHUUYA he was also very good in bta I loved the way his va did him
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pathetic gojo song: big fat mouth by arlie. thoughts?
YES absolutely yes!!!!! it’s sooooo gojo!!!!! i hadn’t heard this song before TYSM FOR SENDING IT MY WAY WHAT A BOP…….. it’s so lovely and SO summery…. ohhh it reminds me of him so much :((((
the vibes are just so lovely & soft & nostalgic AND THE LYRICS AAAA….
sorry, i know that comment wasn't funny // just wanted you to love me // but i didn’t go about it right // sometimes the best advice that i can give // is to bite my lip and listen // with my big fat mouth shut tight
our babyboyyyyy……. </3 him and his big mouth. i LOVE how he’s so silly and rambly and loud he’s the sweetest man in the world….. he just wants to be loved!!!!! he just wants people to like him!!!!!! i think he deserves everything that’s good actually
but also 😔😔😔 anon 😔😔😔😔 these lyrics just made me think of stsg how could u do this to me… i feel so emotional they mean the whole entire world to me they make me want to kiss my bestie on a melancholic summer day
your storming out of my room's // the only way i can picture you // and it's been 48 hours, you've made your point now // so come back
and now i think i still can smell you on me // even after doing laundry // but it might be in my head // and would you still stay mad at me forever // if we just had each other // it was all that we had left?
try to fit my feet in your shoes // i see that i can't have your love and eat it too // but it's been 48 hours, enough of this now // i need you
:((((((( someone needs to cover his face in kisses right now it’s what he deserves!!!!!!! our silly little loudmouth….. we need him back so desperately
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