#HGHFH AND YES that lil tease got him laughing BUT still made him soft hehehe
ahogedetective · 1 year
It had been a long day and Kokichi was curled up on the sofa next to Shuichi, blanket across them and his legs pulled up beside him. The movie on the television long forgotten, he rested his cheek against Shuichi's shoulder and smiled up at him. "Is it weird that I'm pretty sure I like the 'boring' stuff like this with you even more than anything else?" It was a massive compliment on Kokichi's part—Shuichi's presence made him savor the calm and quiet moments.
But then Kokichi was scooting back some, sliding out from under the blanket and throwing Shuichi a wink before trotting out of the room. He grabbed a carefully wrapped present from his (wholly unnecessary) hiding spot, returning with it held over his head victoriously. "Good boyfriends are owed even better gifts!" He passed it off to Shuichi with an eager grin, slipping back under the blanket and beside Shuichi.
Inside the present was a handmade giftbox, complete with a few different types of both teas and coffees, a marbled black and gold mug, a small roll of homemade cookies, and a beanie. The beanie appeared normal—if high quality—until fully unfolded. Then it became clear that something was written on the inside edge, out of view when worn and left as a sort of inside joke: "Property of Kokichi Oma."
Kokichi was snickering once it was discovered, of course.
( Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you have a good one and Kokichi hopes Shu had a good one too, even if he has to tease him even in gift form lmao )
Relaxing for the rest of the night with Kokichi was always something Shuichi loved, but with the especially fun day that they had, it felt all the more enjoyable. He savored the warmth of his boyfriend and the couch, as he has his arms wrapped around Kokichi, hugging him close while he rested the side of his head against Kokichi's. "Oh..?" That brought a smile to his face, a very happy one; to hear that from the boy who usually is fast-paced and restless, truly did feel like one of the biggest compliments he could receive, and the one thing he wanted to do for Kokichi, succeed: making him enjoy even these quieter and calmer moments like this, with him. "That makes me very happy to hear, Kokichi: it's not weird at all. I love these kind of moments with you, so knowing you do as well, is the best thing I could hear."
When Kokichi slid off of the couch, he was going to playfully whine and tell him to get back here, but that wink and seeing Kokichi grab something out of a hidden spot, made him tilt his head curiously. Then when he saw he had a present for him, his eyes lit up in excitement. "Oh...!! H-Hehehe, you're too sweet, thank you! I'm so excited to open it!!" He pecked Kokichi's cheek when he got comfy back on the couch, eagerly accepting the gift box. "The gift box and wrapping looks so pretty, too... " He hums, carefully unwrapping it with increasing excitement. "....!!!!" A quiet gasp leaves him when he sees all the things inside. From the mug to the coffee and tea packets and to the cookies... "O-Oh my god. Kokichi, I- I love all of this. So many lovely gifts I see!!"
He first holds the mug up, carefully circling it around in his hand. "This mug looks so beautiful.... !!! I hope you know the very first thing I will drink out of this, will be the coffees and twas you gave me. That'll make me savor them even more." Then he picks up the cookies, beaming. "And you even made one of my favorite kinds of cookies, too! You spoil me so well." Of course, he was going to try one right now, unwrapping the bag they're in before plopping one into his mouth, and humming in delight. "These are so good. You may have to stop me from scarfing them all down immediately." He jokes with a laugh, before eating another one. "Just kidding. I want to enjoy them with you."
As for the beanie, Shuichi intentionally saved that for last, since he had a feeling that was the most special gift of all. Carefully, he holds it up to get a good look at it. "Oh this feels and looks lovely. I just know it's going to keep my head nice and warm! ...-!" He flipped the inside of the beanie while he was talking, trailing off in surprise when he saw that tiny note. "Oh? What's this I won-" Then he read what it said. "....der. Kokichi." A smile grows on his face, before he begins bursting out laughing. "G-God, what is this!! Y-You are so stupid! P-Putting something crazy like this, a-ahaha!"
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And playfully bumps against Kokichi. Of course, the was he said it was fond, and loving, laughing even more when Kokichi started snickering. Only he could make Shuichi laugh like this, over the most ridiculous things like this. Of course, in absolutely a good way. "Though.... I meaaannn..... " He darts his eyes away... before they slowly look back at him. "It's not exactly wrong. Since, well.... I'm yours... Always..."
His makes his own cheeks heat up as he says that with a soft giggle. Flipping it back over, he then puts the beanie on himself. "...So? How's it look on me. Heheh." Shuichi would then place each gift on the table... So that he can pull Kokichi into a big, tight hug. "You are... The absolute best. The best boyfriend ever. I love you so much." Then, he'd begin placing a multitude of kisses on Kokichi's cheeks, before placing a slow, deep one to lips. Eyes pour with warmth and love, whispering once he breaks the kiss: "Thank you... for such wonderful gifts, Kokichi. You turned a day that was already so fun and wonderful, because of you; into an even greater and happier one. It always makes me wonder how in the world did I get so lucky in life, to be the one that can date you, huh? You're my greatest gift of all: I promise, to take extra great care of everything you gave me. Thank you.... thank you so much for lighting up my night. Just like you do my life... "
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