#I love our baby boys so so muuuch!!!!
ahogedetective · 1 year
It had been a long day and Kokichi was curled up on the sofa next to Shuichi, blanket across them and his legs pulled up beside him. The movie on the television long forgotten, he rested his cheek against Shuichi's shoulder and smiled up at him. "Is it weird that I'm pretty sure I like the 'boring' stuff like this with you even more than anything else?" It was a massive compliment on Kokichi's part—Shuichi's presence made him savor the calm and quiet moments.
But then Kokichi was scooting back some, sliding out from under the blanket and throwing Shuichi a wink before trotting out of the room. He grabbed a carefully wrapped present from his (wholly unnecessary) hiding spot, returning with it held over his head victoriously. "Good boyfriends are owed even better gifts!" He passed it off to Shuichi with an eager grin, slipping back under the blanket and beside Shuichi.
Inside the present was a handmade giftbox, complete with a few different types of both teas and coffees, a marbled black and gold mug, a small roll of homemade cookies, and a beanie. The beanie appeared normal—if high quality—until fully unfolded. Then it became clear that something was written on the inside edge, out of view when worn and left as a sort of inside joke: "Property of Kokichi Oma."
Kokichi was snickering once it was discovered, of course.
( Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you have a good one and Kokichi hopes Shu had a good one too, even if he has to tease him even in gift form lmao )
Relaxing for the rest of the night with Kokichi was always something Shuichi loved, but with the especially fun day that they had, it felt all the more enjoyable. He savored the warmth of his boyfriend and the couch, as he has his arms wrapped around Kokichi, hugging him close while he rested the side of his head against Kokichi's. "Oh..?" That brought a smile to his face, a very happy one; to hear that from the boy who usually is fast-paced and restless, truly did feel like one of the biggest compliments he could receive, and the one thing he wanted to do for Kokichi, succeed: making him enjoy even these quieter and calmer moments like this, with him. "That makes me very happy to hear, Kokichi: it's not weird at all. I love these kind of moments with you, so knowing you do as well, is the best thing I could hear."
When Kokichi slid off of the couch, he was going to playfully whine and tell him to get back here, but that wink and seeing Kokichi grab something out of a hidden spot, made him tilt his head curiously. Then when he saw he had a present for him, his eyes lit up in excitement. "Oh...!! H-Hehehe, you're too sweet, thank you! I'm so excited to open it!!" He pecked Kokichi's cheek when he got comfy back on the couch, eagerly accepting the gift box. "The gift box and wrapping looks so pretty, too... " He hums, carefully unwrapping it with increasing excitement. "....!!!!" A quiet gasp leaves him when he sees all the things inside. From the mug to the coffee and tea packets and to the cookies... "O-Oh my god. Kokichi, I- I love all of this. So many lovely gifts I see!!"
He first holds the mug up, carefully circling it around in his hand. "This mug looks so beautiful.... !!! I hope you know the very first thing I will drink out of this, will be the coffees and twas you gave me. That'll make me savor them even more." Then he picks up the cookies, beaming. "And you even made one of my favorite kinds of cookies, too! You spoil me so well." Of course, he was going to try one right now, unwrapping the bag they're in before plopping one into his mouth, and humming in delight. "These are so good. You may have to stop me from scarfing them all down immediately." He jokes with a laugh, before eating another one. "Just kidding. I want to enjoy them with you."
As for the beanie, Shuichi intentionally saved that for last, since he had a feeling that was the most special gift of all. Carefully, he holds it up to get a good look at it. "Oh this feels and looks lovely. I just know it's going to keep my head nice and warm! ...-!" He flipped the inside of the beanie while he was talking, trailing off in surprise when he saw that tiny note. "Oh? What's this I won-" Then he read what it said. "....der. Kokichi." A smile grows on his face, before he begins bursting out laughing. "G-God, what is this!! Y-You are so stupid! P-Putting something crazy like this, a-ahaha!"
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And playfully bumps against Kokichi. Of course, the was he said it was fond, and loving, laughing even more when Kokichi started snickering. Only he could make Shuichi laugh like this, over the most ridiculous things like this. Of course, in absolutely a good way. "Though.... I meaaannn..... " He darts his eyes away... before they slowly look back at him. "It's not exactly wrong. Since, well.... I'm yours... Always..."
His makes his own cheeks heat up as he says that with a soft giggle. Flipping it back over, he then puts the beanie on himself. "...So? How's it look on me. Heheh." Shuichi would then place each gift on the table... So that he can pull Kokichi into a big, tight hug. "You are... The absolute best. The best boyfriend ever. I love you so much." Then, he'd begin placing a multitude of kisses on Kokichi's cheeks, before placing a slow, deep one to lips. Eyes pour with warmth and love, whispering once he breaks the kiss: "Thank you... for such wonderful gifts, Kokichi. You turned a day that was already so fun and wonderful, because of you; into an even greater and happier one. It always makes me wonder how in the world did I get so lucky in life, to be the one that can date you, huh? You're my greatest gift of all: I promise, to take extra great care of everything you gave me. Thank you.... thank you so much for lighting up my night. Just like you do my life... "
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wssebastian · 2 years
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well , well , well . . . would you look at what the cat dragged in ! ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)  umm quick story i was here a v short time before with the always lovely oh haeil c: i loved him sm but i’m sure no one even remembers him atp HAHA anywho life got wayyy too crazy but i’m in a much better place now !! so i’d like to reintroduce myself - i’m jada and it’s very nice to meet you all !! i’m coming to you with a muuuch different muse, sebastian kang , meta’s walking , drumming . . . trainwreck ! despite him being a p messy muse , i put a lot of time into him so i hope u enjoy !! i have some lovely friends here and i’m so excited to be back, so pls like this if you’d like to plot !! otherwiiiise here’s my profile , plots page, bio , and below you can find trivia !! pheeew lot of words so sorry but let’s get to it !!
background !!
just a general note i did a lot of freewriting for him before creating him officially, so some of that will be copied from the free write <33 i’m saying this bc if you see something written overly casual / conversational ,,, you’ll know why besties lol
born in auckland, new zealand, into an older family who had no kids. both his parents were engineers who didn’t feel they had time for kids, couldn’t get pregnant so kinda gave up ? until v late into their careers when they v shockingly got pregnant, mom was a whole 45 when sebastian was born and dad was a whole 50 !!!
he was seen as a legitimate miracle baby, his parents thought he was a precious child who couldn’t be harmed by society ! which i get but like .... ok they took it too far lol. it wasn’t even that bad until one day sebastian thought it’d be a great idea to chase a fucking balloon into the bird exhibit at the zoo, got lost on his way there, and boy his parents FLIPPED
his mom especially paaanicked, he was lost for hours bc he hid & they thought they’d loss their precious son forever. she literally took him and never has really been the same since, vowed since that day she would homeschool and well … she did !
so sebastian was raised homeschooled & pretty isolated which is … eh. like if a kid would talk to baby him they’d lowkey be like “wtf are u talking about??” bc he was constantly between talking like a kid tv show character and a boomer because tbh those were his only influences growing up
sidenote to all my homeschooled gang pls i know all our parents were not like this LMAO i am aware as i was homeschooled for a while however the kangs are a ... special case
sebastian’s dad only has partial hearing in his left ear , so he grew up bilingual in english & new zealand sign language as it’s how he primarily communicates when at home w his father. his first exposure to music was actually through him tho, as his dad and mom both loved funk rock of the 70′s & 80′s. his dad would always say that he loved despite being hard of hearing, he loved he could still feel  the instruments in his chest and that really stuck w sebastian from then on !!
his parents felt kinda bad for not having him in school tho so they did let him try out all different types of lessons, so growing up picked up hobbies such as gardening, baking, origami, etc. but the main ones that stuck were writing and drum lessons ! fun fact his parents only let him play drums once thinking it wouldn’t stick but kinda hated it did, from then on he begged and begged for a chance to play and they kinda just looked at him LMAO. yeahhh it took him a whole year but he finally got his first drum set and was hooked !! named his drum set mila after his celebrity crush mila kunis omg ....
anywho time skip he felt really detatched from korean culture, spoke baaaare minimum korean only to like, wish his grandma happy chuseok. so at around 16 he started gaining an interest in his culture ?? and around the same time he got into online video games bc well ... it made him feel like he had friends ? u know how this story goes, meta meets and decides to meet in person !!
but well before flying out to korea him & his parents had a huuuge fight. they were against the idea of him going out on his own, but he was an adult now so he was v stubborn !! they had a huge falling out and it caused a v uncomfy rift for a vlong time they’re just recently getting over 
also funny story - the whole time sebastian was playing video games w meta online he felt pressured to be some mysterious foreigner even tho literally no one asked ?? but the second they met in person he was socially awkward 2000x and it was pretty obvious he was fronting ?? long story short meta saw through his shit p easily and it took a loooong glow up process for him to actually be charismatic , like he is now !
ok phew. onto the fun stuff !! now sebastian has quite literally did a complete 180 compared to his younger self.  he often jokes that he was a born charmer who was raised by the wrong family. bc the second he was out of his parent’s grasp he flourished socially. 
nowadays his korean i would say is upper advanced. from the time he started meeting meta online to around 2018 he went SUPER hard trying to learn, and obv he learns by speaking it everyday. but after that he kind of took a more casual learning approach? he can convey most everything he wants to say but if it’s something that’s a little deeper sometimes it takes him a second to rearrange the sentence in his head and it really frustrates him. if u tell him a korean metaphor or like bigger word not used in common convo he might just kinda . . . blink at u HAHA
looooves meta. no,  i mean he looooooves meta. he feels so incredibly lucky to be in a band as he NEVER would’ve thought it was possible, they were honestly his first real friends so being able to make a career out of making good music w them ?? he’s honestly still in amazement today.
idk what was in that hongdae air but those first years in meta made him have a whole vibe switch ?? he let his hair grow out, took a lot of inspiration from hongdae street styles, and had a looot of practice talking to pretty people in clubs. he also got his first tattoos ! he felt like he had to play catch up on all those years he was just cooped up at home, so quite literally went c r a z y w the partying after a while.
i’m ngl he probably has a very real fear he got some random girl pregnant in seoul and she’s just waiting on meta to get bigger before dropping the news LMAOAOAO
the funny thing is basically since he arrived he’s been branded the “sexy foreigner” or something LMAO, and it’s p laughable to the rest of his members when they know how he used to be. like he’s charming now yes but there’s no denying he was iiincredibly awk to start off with. visibly cringes if they mention any old blackmail
ok but here’s where he gets a little messier. over the past few years fame has really been getting to his head ? meta isn’t even as big as some groups but truthfully sebastian already thinks he’s the shit and will say it out loud too ?? too many pretty people told him he was pretty too, now he’s honestly cocky and is starting to develop the mindset he “deserves” his lifestyle bc of his fame ?? yo meta PLSSSS actively humble tf out of this man !! he really needs it bc it’s just getting progressively worse
also alongside this, bc he’s in a band and not a traditional idol group he’s kinda developed this superiority complex ?? feels meta is “real music” or whatever so he can sometimes come off as a bit pretentious to traditional idols, esp the younger ones ?? though the more time he spends in wishbone the less he feels this is true, he’s slowly gaining respect after learning how brutal training is
ok but that brings me to ladybug. maaaan he loves ladybug. in fact when it comes to girls he is v much so the likes powerful woman who look like they can step on him vibe ?? lowkey a milf stan too ?? LMAO pls forgive me i’m just the messenger ok. all i’m trying to say is sebastian talks a lot of shit but somehow knows every line of ddd .... hmmm ??
ok i didn’t know where else to put this but people call him both sebastian and ian ?? you’ll prob mainly see me use sebastian for writing purposes, but irl the usage is 50 / 50 ? his parents & long-term friends mainly call him sebastian, tho his newer friends or the ones who just like ian call him ian ?? do what u want he has no preference !
u know i’m really grateful for jaewon being his fc because they literally take photos the EXACT same way ?? like his stans probably are on twt begging for just one normal photo bc everything he posts looks like this, this, this, or this LMAO ?? what can he say he likes a good blurry aesthetic !!
( smoking, drug & drinking tw ) he’s a drinker & smoker, as well as stamped off a v wide range of substances ? he wouldn’t say he has an addiction to anything but nicotine though. he started off with regular cigarettes but has ben transitioning to vaping recently. wishes he could at least smoke less but at this time doesn’t have much hope to do so
bc he didn't grow up in korea age heirarchy doesn’t really make sense to him ? he feels respect has to be earned, which can sometime create some drama ?? he’s not too afraid to challenge older ideas if he disagrees, but on that same token if they’ve done something impressive he has no problem giving respect to younger people ?
his concept isn’t too far off from his real persona ?? except in the public his flirty side is less nsfw player, more attainable charmer ?? despite not having a lot of action on stages, when interacting w fans he has a lot of fun teasing them within reason and has that whole “i’m your idol boyfriend” thing going on ?? frequently “marries” fans and likes to make them shy ! probably has had to be told to tone it down LMAO
on that note he also loves variety bc he loves to let people see a side of him they couldn’t through music, has no problem speaking up for quieter members if they don’t wanna talk ?? the kind of member to put the group tea on BLAST tho LMAO, think the whole seventeen insomnia-zero episode ???? like sir SHUT UP UR GONNA GET US FIRED
because he craves affection he’s constantly flirting and in situationships / hookup culture, but bc he’s a free spirit rn he doesn’t wanna be tied down ?? so u get ... a v flirty man who will give u everythig u need physically but will RUN at the sign of commitment
loooves the drums omg he’s on a whole different level on stage. uhh he can’t stop breaking drum sticks tho LMAO ! anyways his personal drum set is still named mila, except the one in korea is called mila 2.0 ? y’all i know he’s embarrassing let’s not ... anyways despite usually being in the back he has a lot of fun w his facial expressions, occasional solos, and just rocking w the songs bc he honestly loves their discography ?? is this me projecting the inner day6 stan in me listening to wanna go back as we speak ?? .....
music-wise, still v into funk rock ! but nowadays he prefers actually listening to hip hop & experimental pop ? but he’s still v much a fan of rock in general, and it’s his favorite kind of music to actually perform
career-wise, he’s pretty satisfied rn ! he honestly preferred the early days bc it was all so new and he had more freedom. but he can’t help but acknowledge how good of a deal they got, maintaining creative freedom while gaining financial security ?? he really loves songwriting, so hopes to do that even more, as well as mcing in the future !!
i think that’s all !! this is so much i know but i doubt i’m finished i’ll probably still add more LOLL. if u got this far tho seriously you’re an angel i’m so impressed thank u for listening to my rambling and giving sebastian a fair chance <33
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soliverse · 3 years
baby don’t like it - q.kn
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pairing: royal au duke!kun x princess!reader ft my best girl, Irene of Red Velvet
genre: angst, much muuuch stronger than the last one
warnings: mentions of violence, cheating, cussing, alcohol consumption (again, nothing too explicit, just giving you a bit of a heads up.
word count: 3171
“Keep the change, ya filthy animal.” - Home Alone (weird choice, I know)
“Baby, whether rain or shine, naughty or nice. I'm by your side.” - Ariana Grande (Not Just On Christmas)
ps: did I just write another angst for another Christmas special?
Yes. Yes, I did.
Baby Don’t Like It is a part of my Walking in a Winter Wonderland Collab with @suh-insane​ and @neocitybynight​. Once again, this is one of my first collabs and I am thankful for the approachable anons that let me join this event.
You can check the Walking In A Winter Wonderland event and the works of my fellow NCT writers over here!
networks: @nctcreations​ @kdiarynet @kpopscape
You’ve always hated them.
You’ve hated how your father treated your mother. You’ve hated how you’re treated all your life just because you’re not born as a man. You've always hated how they controlled every single decision in your life. You've hated how you're forced to marry someone you don't love for "the sake of our people".
But out of all the men that you hated; it was the one right in front of you.
As your assistants helped you get dressed, your husband was just sitting there on his phone, looking all nice and fine and smiling from ear to ear. He looked divine, suit garbed in black and red, making him look almost ethereal. Strands of his dark hair falls into his forehead, framing his perfect face even more. At the same time, he decided to wear his circular glasses, something that he did if he didn’t want to use his contact lenses.
Overall, his outfit made him look like one of those princes from those fairytale books that you had as a kid.
You can't help but roll your eyes, but you can't say whether it's from your assistants eyeing Kun or that he just HAD to be there to see you get dressed. After hours of getting ready, they placed a heavy tiara on your head as a finishing touch.
You stood up from your seat and twirled, making sure that everything looked perfect. You walked towards Kun and did a little wave to get his attention away from his phone. It didn’t work, so you walked closer to the couch and tapped his leg. This time, he shot up a look in your direction, still smiling.
“Oh hey. You good to go?”
You nodded as an answer. The two of you then made your way into your car, him being the driver. The car ride was eerily quiet. None can be heard except for other vehicles passing by and funky Christmas songs blasting from people outside. Well, there isn’t that much to talk about. You’ve spent every hour with each other that you feel like there’s more to share.
This is probably the reason why he suggested the event in the first place. Social events aren't really your thing, but at least it’s better than to stay at home and celebrate Christmas in silence. Or worse, spend it at your parents' mansion.
“Hey baby, cheer up a little.”
He was the first one to break the silence.
“Thank you for coming with me to the event. It means a lot to me.”
His voice was soft, just like it had always been whenever he’s talking to you. He moves closer from the other side of the and took your hand, squeezing it tightly. You never said anything. You just smiled at him in return, not really knowing what to say. It stayed that way until you reached the venue.
It was already a bit late at night and the whole city glistened from the twinkling lights that adorned it. The snow slowly falling down made your entrance to the party even more magical.
The car door has opened and cameras started flashing left and right. Dozens of paparazzi surrounded the area while the guards tried their best to keep them out. Kun made a point to wave to everyone, a move that everyone loved. You tried to force a smile as he wrapped his arms around your hips, feeling the silky fabric of the dress that you’re wearing.
Everyone greeted him, of course. His cheery self was acknowledged by everyone around him. Meanwhile, you just politely bowed at everyone else, forcing an awkward smile whenever someone tried to make interactions. They were probably bummed up that YOU had to go with, though. After all, Kun was the life of the party. The darling of the crowd. The Diana to your Charles.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome our honorable guests for tonight. The main benefactor of Little Angels’ Children Hospital and the people behind this lovely event, Duke Kun and Her Highness Princess Y/N of the Northernshore.”
The crowd applauded as you made your way into the grand halls and took your place in the seat designated for the both you. It was a table that was isolated from everyone else, so the two of you are just stuck together. Sitting there was uncomfortable to say the least. You knew he wanted to mingle with people, but being the introvert that you are, he can’t leave you alone.
The program proceeded as usual. The children from the hospital sang some carols which touched everyone’s hearts. One of the cute little girls gave you a small figurine that she made. You gave her a warm hug before letting her join the other children on the stage. Kun, on the other hand, was trying his best to focus on the gala.
“Is something wrong?”
“No. Not at all.” He chuckled awkwardly, sneaking peeking on his phone from time to time. You didn’t pay him that much attention and shifted your focus back to the kids. The host announced that dinner will be served soon and the program will resume right after. You felt the need to go to the bathroom and so you tugged on his jacket to get his attention. Some Christmas carol was playing overhead and so he leaned down to hear what you had to say.
“Excuse me for a second. I need to powder my nose.”
You shyly whispered in his ear. He again flashes a sweet smile before nodding. Other people are so standing up from their seats, taking this opportunity to mingle with other people while dinner is being prepared. The guards offered to go with you but you declined and insisted that they stayed with Kun. From far away, you can see a bunch of people enthusiastically going to his direction. You just sighed as you walked across the crowd of people with your head down.
As you’ve finally reached the bathroom, the first thing you did was lock the stall and breathe. You rested your head at the door for a few seconds before finally doing your business. You’ve heard some people entered the bathroom. Your ears perked up to listen at their conversation. To your relief, none of them talked about you. They didn’t take long inside, probably just touched up, and left the bathroom.
Making sure that no one is inside, you opened the door and proceeded to look at yourself in the mirror. You weren’t that bad. Your red silky dress complimented your body and skin well. There are strands of your hair cascading from your messy bun, but that just added to your look. You look fine. It’s just that in everything that you say and do, everything pales in comparison to your husband. Opening the sink, you washed your hands and tried to snap out of Grinch mode. After all, it’s almost Christmas. You should be having fun.
After leaving the bathroom, this time with a much jollier attitude, you saw Kun sitting in the same table. This time, he was with a woman. A woman that you knew pretty well.
Minji used to be your bestfriend during highschool. She was the only one kind enough to talk to you and actually get to know you as a person. Unfortunately, things changed just as soon as you reached college. Kun was a junior at that time and he became the guide that toured the freshmen throughout the university. Minji has been whipped ever since and Kun returned the favor.
Her family aren’t a part of the royals, which meant they can’t be together. A fact that had always pained you whenever you think about it. A part of you still felt guilty upon breaking the former couple apart. You never had the guts to faced Minji and so you made your way towards the open bar. Maybe some drinks will help you clear your head.
Trying to hide from other people and the guards, you picked a seat just right at the farthest corner of the open bar. You sat at one of the counters and ordered whatever drink that can get you drunk the fastest. You downed the drink fast, not even minding the harsh taste that it leaves as soon as it hits your tastebuds.
A voice suddenly interrupted your drinking session. You tried to hide your face to avoid being recognized, but the woman still sat down right next to you.
“A princess shouldn’t be drinking like that.”
“Excuse me?”
You finally turned around, casually flashing a playful smile at you. Your eyes grew wider at the sudden realization of who she is.
“Irene! It’s been ages!”
You almost spilled your drink to the floor as you stood up to hug one of your old college pals.
“It’s been forever, and yet you still act like a royal novice.”
The lass never changed. She was still her snobby self, a trait that you used to hate before you came to realize that that’s just her quirk.
The two of you are almost squealing before finally letting go of each other. You sat back down excitedly before pouring yourself another drink.
“Okay. Why are you here?”
“Remember Suho? The doctor? Well, he’s thinking doing business with the hospital. He’s making it some sort of an extension.”
"I still couldn’t believe that you got married." You said while chuckling. The old Irene had always had this intimidating aura to her that no boy ever dared to talk to her. It’s something that the two of you had in common.
"I could say the same about you."
Irene snickered as she motioned the bartender to bring more drinks for the two of you.  She casually grabbed her wine glass, being the classy lady that she is, and took a bit of a sip at her sparkling champagne, eyeing you shadily like there’s something she’s trying to tell you.
“I see that your husband is having fun without you.”
You just sighed as a response.
“Royals are for royals, Y/N. Minji isn’t born with a title.That is not your fault. Keep your head high for fuck’s sake. You’re THE Princess.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, preparing to talk her down to filth. However, her phone lit up from a phone call that she's receiving.
"I'm gonna have to leave you for a sec. It's Suhyun's babysitter."
She gave an apologetic smile before grabbing her purse from the counter and finishing the last of her drink.
"I’ll be back in a moment.”
She tossed a wink at your direction before you’re left alone in the bar once again. You started drinking once again when you felt a tap on your shoulder. Thinking it was Irene, you turned around and was about to talk smack to her. Instead, it was your husband. He grabbed you by your wrist and took you to an empty storage room nearby.
“The guards have been looking for you everywhere.”
His voice was low, but you can tell that he’s incredibly pissed.
"I just needed a drink to lighten myself up. Figured you need some time to hang out with your colleagues without your boring wife tagging along."
“You’re glad that I found you first. What would the media say if they saw the princess drinking like she’s in a college frat party?”
You just rolled your eyes at him and tried to free your hand from his tightening grip.
“I want to go home.”
“You are not going home in the middle of the event!”
You scoffed.
“Yes, I can. I’m the Princess. Just tell them I feel sick or something.”
You finally managed to escape his grasp and you walked out of the storage room by yourself and walked back into the. Sure enough, you used your acting lessons to feign an illness. The guards took charge immediately and escorted you back to the car. It caused a bit of a scene, so it didn’t take long before Irene found you. She whispered something in your ear and you just nodded.
“Change of plans boys. I’m going to we’re going to the hospital.”
Kun felt a sudden surge of pain running through his body. His vision was blurry, pupil still adjusting to the light blaring through his face. Despite this, he can definitely see one thing. It was a silhouette of a woman.
"Ugh… Who are you?"
Moans and groans escaped his busted lips, the taste of metal fills his mouth. Not only was his mouth filled with his own blood, he was struggling to talk because of the dryness in his throat. He tried to move but his body felt sore. His arms and feet were tied up to this chair, making it impossible for him to get up.
The last thing that he remembered is that he is on a car ride somewhere, until his own guards pointed their guns at him.
The woman just laughed as a response. She walked towards him, dragging something heavy behind her. The screeching sound coming from the friction of the floor and metal stings in his ear.
Suddenly, he felt a hand run up to his shoulder into his neck making all of the hair in his body stand up. He had never felt more scared in his life. He felt her face lean over and whispered something to his ear.
"You know very well who I am Kun."
The woman laughed once again. It sounded darker and more maniacal than earlier.
"I'm glad you remembered you my name after all these years. However, I'm afraid I’d have to cut this reunion short."
Just as she stood up, another silhouette appeared from the dark. The tapping of the back of her heels filled echoed across the hospital room, completely stealing your attention from Irene.
This time, he's certain about who it is.
"When you said that you'll make my problems disappear, this isn't what I had in mind."
You took the coat off of your body, letting in fall to the floor. He was about to beg you to release him, but he noticed something.
You had that dangerous look in you. Your blank cold stare even scarier than Irene's. The typical shy demeanor was dropped and instead replaced by those of predator. Someone that wants to eat him alive and make him disappear in the face of the Earth.
"I had a little fun with him already, if you don't mind.”
Irene walked towards your direction, smiling from ear to ear seeing her old friend back like this.
“I’m afraid I have to leave you here darling. Suhyun and her father is probably looking for mommy right now. Call me when you need me.” She gave you a delicate peck on your cheek before walking away from the room.
Now, the two of you are left alone. Silence once again peeks in as the two of you just stared at each other. Even up until now, that never changed.
This time, you’re the first one to speak up.
“You’re probably wondering why you’re in this situation.”
You took one of the seats and dragged it just a few meters in front of him. You sat down, leaned back while your arms and legs are crossed.
“I know about the affair between you and Minji.”
“Baby, please. It’s nothing...”
He used his sweet voice again, but to you it sounded more like teeth-rotting sugar. That sickly sweet taste that made you want to gag.
“Oh, stop the bullshit. I know about ALL of the affairs.”
You finally stood up from your seat and held your right hand up in the air.
“Let’s see. There’s Rosie, Jessica, Heather…” You spouted more names, taking down a finger every time you mentioned one. Kun is now looking even more uncomfortable. This time, it was his turn to look down, hiding the guilt-ridden expression of his face. Your finger touched his chin, tipping his face up in your direction.
“Wanna know how I knew?”
You poked your tongue in your cheeks and rolled your eyes before giving him one hard slap on his cheek.
“It’s because of those damn glasses! I can see every lewd picture that they send you, asshole!”
You look down at his direction and you saw tears running down from his face. He was trying his best not to sob because his own mouth betrayed him.
“What, baby? you don’t like being slapped in the face? Isn’t that what you wanted Minji to do to you whenever you’re fucking at the manor when I’m at business trips?”
The last sentence made you choke on your words. The combination of seeing Kun crying and the recollection of memories made you a bit soft. Your legs shook, making you kneel down on the ground and sob like a little girl when someone had taken her toys away from her.
“Why did it have to be Minji?”
“I-I’m sorry Y/N. Please… Let me fix this.”
You wiped you tears away just as you dropped this bombshell.
“Why did it have to be her? My first love?”
Picking yourself from the floor, you went back to where your discarded coat is. You wiped your tears out with the sleeves of the coat while you rummaged through its pockets.
“I can’t stand it. Even when you married me, she ‘s still stupidly in love with you.”
“W-wait… What do you mean?”
“Minji used to be my pretty little angel. You just had to turn her into your slutty mistress, don’t you?”
You felt something hard on your right pocket. It was the gun that Irene left you earlier at the party. Right beside it was your phone, blowing up with notifications of people greeting you a Merry Christmas as the clock just turned 12:00 a few minutes ago.
“It’s a sad thing that this will be our last Christmas together.”
You said once again, finally calmed down from the tears that you have just shed a few moments ago. Kun was now shouting at his seat, finally aware of what you’re about to do.
“You are not gonna get away with this!”
“Oh. But I will…”
You smirked at him once again.
“If I killed you right now, Irene and his men would take care of your body and discard it without anyone noticing. They do it all the time. If people suspect that I did something to you, I can just say that I went to the hospital to get treated. They have logs and cameras over here to back up my claims.”
You cocked the gun in your hands and started pointing it to his temples.
“..And as for you baby, text records show that you’re about to run away with Minji tonight. All of your other secrets will be exposed and people will finally see what you really are…”
You took a deep breathe before mustering up the courage to pull the trigger.
“Merry Christmas baby. I’m sure they’d appreciate charity events in hell.”
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rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! no skipping!
Tagged by: @stantalentstantarget (thank youuu i love these types of games uwu)
1. IMLAY feat. Yangyang - Asteroid ( omg yees our baby is singing in this one asfgshfgs uwu)
2. Nu’est - Bass (ah shit Nu’est is like...the epithome of talent and sexiness i can’t with them #kings)
3. Fall out boy - Hold me tight or don’t (eyyy FoB is like my constant savage mood, i really love their fuck this bullshit style)
4. Daughter - Glass ( daughter has been such a huge part of my teenage years, their lyrics is so poetic and amazing and no it wasn’t LIS that introduced them to me xd)
5. B.A.P - Wake me up ( oh my god... their story is one of the biggest tragedies of kpop, this is actually the song that introduced me to them and their talent, it means a lot because this was the first song that actually spoke to me)
6. CHUNG HA - Gotta go (omggg safhfjahhjasbfa my QUEEEN i love her so much she is actually the first soloist i started to stan and the first female idol too, i love her so so muuuch *-*)
7. CHUNG HA - Chica (ayee it’s my queen again with her song about female empowerment and self-love ahhh keep slaying!!)
8. Bishop Briggs - River (wow i haven’t listened to this song for a while now, but i remember i kept replaying it, so catchy uwu i think i heard it in vampire diaries?hmm)
9. Au/Ra - Assasin (eyyy this girl, when everyone was all over billie eilish i was listening to her, she is very talented and she has such meaningful lyrics too)
10. VIXX - Scentist (aaaand we are ending with a boom *sigh* i only started stanning them recently but honestly..damn the only thing i regret is not listening to them sooner #sensualsexiness)
tagging: @kpop-daze @mayrubyy @cbxtual @metalszofi @christina-dh @kimjongdaely
asdsds i don’t know enough people hereee xddd have fuuuun!
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cost-of-chaos · 5 years
All you Need is Love (Chapter Three)
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Roger Taylor x OC
Word Count: 1.8k+
Warnings: Phonesex, masturbation
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
It had just past 9 and I had finally found myself some peace from nosy relatives, in the corner of the grand ballroom. I sat with my back against the baroque style panelling, cradling my cake in my lap as a sat cross-legged on the floor, giving some respite to my aching feet. I should have insisted against these new pair of heals, since when is wearing heels in for six hours ever a good idea?
I still couldn’t get my head around the fact that my 22 year old sister was getting married to some annoyingly pompous asshole she met while studying at her fancy pansy American college. As I watched her sway offbeat to a poor rendition of Elvis’s ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ by a tone-deaf wedding singer, I couldn’t help but judge her a little bit. Don’t get me wrong the song brings a tear to my eyes on a good day, but she was literally throwing her life away for someone she met a year ago. I reached for my flute of champagne and downed the whole thing in one gulp.
When I was her age, I’d only just started dating Roger, now here we are seven years later and I’ve not thought of marriage once. I’ve never been happier with my life. My art is growing in popularity, gallery showings are becoming more frequent and living together with Roger has been just as amazing as I thought it would be. We are best friends, lovers and dare I say even soul mates, but alas my little sister was showing more commitment to her man than I had ever shown to the love of my life. All we had to show for our relationship was a rented out flat and a cat. Just like that, I was feeling inferior to my baby sister for what felt like the hundredth time this week.
I was transfixed by the happy couple, in the middle of the dance floor completely oblivious to the world around them and I began to really miss my man after a week apart. Right. That’s it, enough of listening to lame music surrounded by most boring people in the whole of Connecticut making fools of themselves on the dance floor and enough weaving to avoid horribly awkward conversations with distant relatives. I stood up and walked up to the waiter who had just popped the cork of a Moët Chandon, I swiped it from his hand and kept walking, I needed to get drunk. I took another glance at my surroundings once more, scratch that, I need to get drunk and be alone.
After finding my way back to my room after getting lost in the rabbit warren that was this fancy hotel I undid the zip on my dress all the way down to the bright pink bow sitting over my ass. I shimmied out of the heavy taffeta and flopped onto the large bed, open bottle of champagne still clutched in my hand.
I brought the bottle to my lips and took a large gulp of the bubbly yellow liquid. I nestled the bottle between my breasts so I could take my hair out of its intricate updo. As I was removing the many clips keeping my hair up, I noticed the underwear I was wearing. It was the pale pink lace underwear set which Roger had bought for me for Valentine’s Day last year. And just like that, I was overwhelmed by the desperate need to hear his voice.
I pulled the phone off the bedside table and dialled the number he’d told me he’d be reachable on for the next couple of days. “Hee-loo” I heard the groggy raspy voice I was so used to hearing when I woke up.
“Hiya Rog” I said sheepily, now feeling slightly guilty for waking him up.
“Ronnie, its 4 in the morning, is everything okay? Are you okay?”
“Everything is fine… sorry for waking you up I just miss you is all” I said, wrapping the phone cord around my finger as I counted the ceiling tiles above me. “I miss you soo much, your touch, your kisses, I want to feel you next to me, holding me. I long to feel your skin next to mine and feel you inside of me again,”
“Oh!” Roger exclaimed with excitement as he realised what was happening.
“A week is too long Roggie.”
“I miss you too V, You wanna know what I’d do if you were with me right now? I’d kiss you, leaving a trail from your lips to your neck, between your tits, to that tender spot on your upper thigh, leaving hickeys all over your body. I want to feel your wetness through your panties while I tease you.” I was growing wetter with every word he was saying, I could feel my breathing deepen as my desire for him grew.
“Alright love, I better get back to sleep, I have to get up early in the morning”
“Oh no you don’t bucko! “You’ve gotten me all wet, now you’re not going anywhere until I cum”. I took another  swig of the champagne, this was going to be fun.
“Did I tell you what I bought the other day while I was in New York City for the bachelorette party? I visited a little store called Eve’s Garden and they have all sorts of wonderful inventions. Truly wonderful inventions. I bought one and it’s been keeping me company while I’ve been soo many miles away from you but… I think this will be muuuch better”. I could hear Rogers breath hitch through the phone when he realised what I was talking about. I scooted off the bed and rifled through my bag until I found the wand. I plugged it into the socket and laid back down on the bed.
“You ready baby?” I asked, in the most sultry innocent voice I could manage.
“More ready than you could imagine, I’m already so hard thinking about you baby girl.”
“Good. Picture this. We’re in our apartment. I push you up against the wall and I crash my lips onto yours, I lick your lips for permission to enter and you quickly allow…” I let out a quiet moan as I turned on the device and the vibrations made me arch my back up off the bed in pleasure. “I trail my hands up the back of your shirt and I feel our muscles relax. I kiss you breathless before moving my kisses down your neck. I pull off your shirt and place wet kisses down your chest and trace down the waistband of your pants.” I licked my lips as I thought of Rogers manhood, “I miss sucking that big cock baby.”
The line was silent, and I was worried I was the only one still turned on but he faintly heard him moan, before speaking again. “Sorry love, I got a little carried away, you’re so hot, is your pussy nice and wet for me angel?”
“Mmhmmm” Was all I could murmer into the phone, even him calling me angel was almost hot enough to be my undoing, I needed him to keep going and keep going now.”
“I kiss you deeply, breaking the kiss only to remove your shirt, I reach around and unclasp your bra, moving my kisses lower and sneaking my hands past your thighs, under the hem of your skirt to your knickers, and baby they’re so wet for me already, are you wet for me baby?”
I let out a strangled moan. “Roger, I miss you, I need you. I want to feel you, I need to feel you inside of me”
I could hear Roger’s own breathing starting to become heavy, he moaned as I begged for his cock. I want you to suck those fingers of yours love, insert them into your tight pussy.” I eagerly followed his orders, loving this sense of dominance which I didn’t see an awful lot of and I quickly found my g spot.
“Roggie… Rog… I’m going to cum baby” I said as I bucked my hips violently into my hand.
“Love I’m not far behind you” He said breathlessly. It only took seconds but I could already feel myself start to shake, and my moans of extasy were soon joined by Rogers as we rode out or orgasms together.
I turned the massager off and dropped it beside me on the bed, as I lifelessly lay there panting, my ear glued to the phone listening Rog do the same thing. After our breathing finally regulated, I was the first one to speak.
“I really miss you babe, I can’t believe we still have a week left until I get to see you again”. I said, sadness washed over me as I realised I was only halfway through my trip to America.
“I miss you too V, but it doesn’t have to be another week if you don’t want it to be.” 
“What do you mean?” I asked, truly confused as to what he was talking about.
“Look inside your suitcase, I believe there may be something in there with your intimates which might help us out.” He said, I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the line. I jumped up with haste and excitement and fell to the floor where my suitcase lay open beside the bed. I rifled through the suitcase until I found a little piece of paper, I pulled it out and as I read it, I couldn’t contain a scream.
“I take it that you like my little surprise?” He asked chuckling. Sitting in my hand was a one-way ticket from Bradley International to Narita International, for tomorrow morning.
“Oh my god! Roger! I can’t believe you did this! I’m going to be in your arms this time tomorrow! I don’t know what to say!”
“You don’t need to say anything! I honestly can’t wait love. I don’t know how I lasted this long without you... Is that totally pathetic?”
“No! It’s like magic to my ears, because if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been missing you like crazy! It’s all love central over here aswell which isn’t making things any easier!”  
“Try being surrounded by thousands of girls screaming for you! And the guys… well, let's just say they’re making the most of the attention” My stomach dropped, I hadn’t actually thought of all the girls who would be throwing themselves all over the boys over there.
I sat there, frozen in place as a sense of dread slowly filled my stomach as my mind flipped between different scenes of Roger in precarious situations.
“I love you, Veronica. I can’t wait to see you later, I have a car organised to pick you up from the airport, I really wanted to do it myself, but apparently, there is a safety issue. I’ve missed you so much... No girl even comes close to you.” He said, reassuring me. Why was I even worried, I knew how amazing he was, of course he’s not going to hurt me. “Well love, I’d love a round two but I need to get up in a few hours, and I believe someONE has some packing to do.”
I groaned in response, knowing our conversation had to come to an end. “ Love you babe, thanks for this chat, I’ll be seeing you later!”
“Love you Ron, keep that pussy ready for me because I’m going to fuck you so hard  you won’t be able to see straight.” The line went deed and I looked around my mess of a room, and back at my large electronic friend beside me. The packing could wait a little longer, I wasn’t quite ready to pack this baby up.
Tags: @perriwiinkle @theglowissodivine
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