#And Shuichi absolutely is!!! All thanks TO Kokichi~!
ahogedetective · 1 year
It had been a long day and Kokichi was curled up on the sofa next to Shuichi, blanket across them and his legs pulled up beside him. The movie on the television long forgotten, he rested his cheek against Shuichi's shoulder and smiled up at him. "Is it weird that I'm pretty sure I like the 'boring' stuff like this with you even more than anything else?" It was a massive compliment on Kokichi's part—Shuichi's presence made him savor the calm and quiet moments.
But then Kokichi was scooting back some, sliding out from under the blanket and throwing Shuichi a wink before trotting out of the room. He grabbed a carefully wrapped present from his (wholly unnecessary) hiding spot, returning with it held over his head victoriously. "Good boyfriends are owed even better gifts!" He passed it off to Shuichi with an eager grin, slipping back under the blanket and beside Shuichi.
Inside the present was a handmade giftbox, complete with a few different types of both teas and coffees, a marbled black and gold mug, a small roll of homemade cookies, and a beanie. The beanie appeared normal—if high quality—until fully unfolded. Then it became clear that something was written on the inside edge, out of view when worn and left as a sort of inside joke: "Property of Kokichi Oma."
Kokichi was snickering once it was discovered, of course.
( Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you have a good one and Kokichi hopes Shu had a good one too, even if he has to tease him even in gift form lmao )
Relaxing for the rest of the night with Kokichi was always something Shuichi loved, but with the especially fun day that they had, it felt all the more enjoyable. He savored the warmth of his boyfriend and the couch, as he has his arms wrapped around Kokichi, hugging him close while he rested the side of his head against Kokichi's. "Oh..?" That brought a smile to his face, a very happy one; to hear that from the boy who usually is fast-paced and restless, truly did feel like one of the biggest compliments he could receive, and the one thing he wanted to do for Kokichi, succeed: making him enjoy even these quieter and calmer moments like this, with him. "That makes me very happy to hear, Kokichi: it's not weird at all. I love these kind of moments with you, so knowing you do as well, is the best thing I could hear."
When Kokichi slid off of the couch, he was going to playfully whine and tell him to get back here, but that wink and seeing Kokichi grab something out of a hidden spot, made him tilt his head curiously. Then when he saw he had a present for him, his eyes lit up in excitement. "Oh...!! H-Hehehe, you're too sweet, thank you! I'm so excited to open it!!" He pecked Kokichi's cheek when he got comfy back on the couch, eagerly accepting the gift box. "The gift box and wrapping looks so pretty, too... " He hums, carefully unwrapping it with increasing excitement. "....!!!!" A quiet gasp leaves him when he sees all the things inside. From the mug to the coffee and tea packets and to the cookies... "O-Oh my god. Kokichi, I- I love all of this. So many lovely gifts I see!!"
He first holds the mug up, carefully circling it around in his hand. "This mug looks so beautiful.... !!! I hope you know the very first thing I will drink out of this, will be the coffees and twas you gave me. That'll make me savor them even more." Then he picks up the cookies, beaming. "And you even made one of my favorite kinds of cookies, too! You spoil me so well." Of course, he was going to try one right now, unwrapping the bag they're in before plopping one into his mouth, and humming in delight. "These are so good. You may have to stop me from scarfing them all down immediately." He jokes with a laugh, before eating another one. "Just kidding. I want to enjoy them with you."
As for the beanie, Shuichi intentionally saved that for last, since he had a feeling that was the most special gift of all. Carefully, he holds it up to get a good look at it. "Oh this feels and looks lovely. I just know it's going to keep my head nice and warm! ...-!" He flipped the inside of the beanie while he was talking, trailing off in surprise when he saw that tiny note. "Oh? What's this I won-" Then he read what it said. "....der. Kokichi." A smile grows on his face, before he begins bursting out laughing. "G-God, what is this!! Y-You are so stupid! P-Putting something crazy like this, a-ahaha!"
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And playfully bumps against Kokichi. Of course, the was he said it was fond, and loving, laughing even more when Kokichi started snickering. Only he could make Shuichi laugh like this, over the most ridiculous things like this. Of course, in absolutely a good way. "Though.... I meaaannn..... " He darts his eyes away... before they slowly look back at him. "It's not exactly wrong. Since, well.... I'm yours... Always..."
His makes his own cheeks heat up as he says that with a soft giggle. Flipping it back over, he then puts the beanie on himself. "...So? How's it look on me. Heheh." Shuichi would then place each gift on the table... So that he can pull Kokichi into a big, tight hug. "You are... The absolute best. The best boyfriend ever. I love you so much." Then, he'd begin placing a multitude of kisses on Kokichi's cheeks, before placing a slow, deep one to lips. Eyes pour with warmth and love, whispering once he breaks the kiss: "Thank you... for such wonderful gifts, Kokichi. You turned a day that was already so fun and wonderful, because of you; into an even greater and happier one. It always makes me wonder how in the world did I get so lucky in life, to be the one that can date you, huh? You're my greatest gift of all: I promise, to take extra great care of everything you gave me. Thank you.... thank you so much for lighting up my night. Just like you do my life... "
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love-me-purple · 8 months
movie night with the v3 boys
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cw: slight nsfw and cursing in a few of em. spoilers of ET in kaito’s
a/n: might make a 1 and 2 vers. !! naur I did a few light puns in a few of them if you spot them tell me. under the cut cause it’s kinda long
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➼ he’s so sweet
➼ he prioritizes you fully! he gives you the blankets, the snacks, he lets you choose the movie; he does everything.
➼ even if he sits on the sofa cold, hungry, and terribly quiet.
➼ he doesn’t complain a bit.
➼ you notice him shivering slightly a couple minutes into the movie, and even after he protested against getting a half in your luxury, you snuggled against him and buried him under the warm covers.
➼ once you did, he whimpered slightly against you. it just felt so nice. not the fluffy sheets, not the delectable food, and even though the movie was pretty great, you next to him really made the experience better.
➼ he moved closer next to you, kissing you on the cheek. you made him kiss you on the lips after.
➼ the movie run ends with cuddling and tangled arms and legs, overall super fluffy.
➼ large pillow forts with lots of soft pillows and thick blankets. he turns the ac and all the coolers on just so it’ll turn super cold in the house, leading you to bury yourself under the blankets and cuddle closer to him.
➼ he sometimes teases you by stealing the snacks and blankets, making you pissed off and subconsciously pinning him to the carpet floor.
➼ he tries turning the simple, pure movie night into a netflix and chill i SWEAR
➼ he flips the tables and climbs on top of you - kissing you lightly on the lips with a smug look. ➼ and then he gets up and goes back to watching the movie like nothing happened
➼ interpret that any way you want
➼ anyways, if he’s not in that mood, he’s very chatty during movies. ➼ he’ll comment nonstop and predict the future with pretty accurate predictions.
➼ his habit of doing that will, if you don’t already, bring you to do the same.
➼ this guy is so romantic
➼ kisses, smooth; non - pushover pick - up lines, basically everything you’d expect from a good gushy mushy date.
➼ he likes playing with your hair. tangles, small braids, etc. if you don’t have hair, then / another option for him is he runs his hands down your arms and hands.
➼ he draws small patterns on your skin with his fingers while kissing you on the head.
➼ he loves it when you do it to him as well, so by all means, go ahead !!
➼ nooo but the chips with dip are absolute perfection adding to the mix. if you don’t like that kind of thing, he’ll get, like, anything you’d like to eat during the movie -
➼ the prices don’t mean aNYthing to him, he’s happy to spend money for you no matter what it is <3
➼ perfect night for netflix and chill
K1 - B0
➼ he’s a robot. he can’t be cold, he can’t eat, and so all he has to do is sit back and watch.
➼ people (miu) helped him with what to do and how to act during the movie -
➼ he’s so awkward, in a cute way. he’ll get closer to you as the movie progresses, trying to be discreet but pretty much failing.
➼ you pretend you don’t notice though, for his sake.
➼ he’s tense during the movie. but with a few calming, reassuring words - he calms down a bit and attempts to kiss you as a sign of thanks.
➼ oh he also looks up on his mental search engine how to act normal and such and comes across the term of ‘activities’ during watching movies / shows
➼ and then he overheats for a bit (thankfully while you were in the bathroom -)
➼ guess he didn’t have safe search on
➼ horror / documentaries. if you don’t like those things, then …
➼ he likes it when you braid his hair. with any other person he’d kinda just be like ehhh, but when it’s you …
➼ he’s such a simp.
➼ he’s pretty chill, doesn’t really talk except for the parts when either you’re talking, something’s factually wrong, or when something especially pisses him off (usually when the characters are especially dumb).
➼ he likes having his hands free, so, of course, you have the blanket and snacks.
➼ he nuzzles his head into your neck and hair during sweet and overall ushy gushy moments.
➼ yeah
➼ he’s only human after all
➼ like shuichi; he gives the blanket, the snacks, and is awfully quiet.
➼ there’s a sort of worried look on his face, like you won’t like doing this and it’ll never happen again.
➼ he asks you like every couple minutes if you’re okay - nonstop until you reassure him.
➼ because of his overall bulky, tall structure - you’re gonna need a few more blankets to cover him.
➼ and a lotta snacks if he’s especially hungry
➼ he’s the type of guy to watch smth like a bug’s life or the bee movie. and you’ll agree because he’ll be self - conscious of himself if you don’t.
➼ it’s either that or bug documentaries. he hates horror films, especially if it has bugs in it that are thoroughly portrayed incorrectly.
➼ he gets so angry it’s almost funny
➼ until you don’t calm him down and he goes to storm the director’s / producer’s place then uh good luck
➼ tries to be romantic and kinda fails.
➼ the whole mood is sorta goofy. comedy / horror / sci - fi def. if it’s horror though, expect him to scream loudly and cling to you. and then for him to make up an excuse like, “i wasn’t scared! i was just … amazed by the stars in the sky in the film! so … spread out!”
➼ if it’s sci - fi, it’s definitely ET
➼ he cries softly when ET dies. and then he says, “I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE WAHHH”
➼ comedy’s chaotic, but pretty fun with him. he tries so hard not to laugh, but when he does, his LaUgh
➼ it depends. it either sounds like a hyena crossed with a donkey or just a hysterical, soft sound.
➼ either way, movie nights with him are always a blast.
➼ he’s smooth. and he predicts the movie in his head, and shows barely emotion during sad, emotional, funny, or romantic moments. like none at all.
➼ but once he gets used to being with you during movies and finding out what exactly you like, he starts showing bits of emotion here and there.
➼ like outward pity. and sadness. and laughter.
➼ sharing is caring when it comes to blankets and snacks. sometimes when both of you reach into the bag / bowl / plate / etc. at the same time, and y’know your hands touch? he’ll squeeze your hand and bring it up to kiss it.
➼ and then he’ll just smile slightly at you. no matter what reaction you have.
➼ yeah other than that it’s pretty normal! still a hit tho
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yawujin · 14 days
hihihi I actually love your writing so much thank you for giving me a hearty meal
could I request dv3 boys with a reader who absolutely LOVES Sanrio like!!! so much!!!!! thank you for your time !!!!
hii thanks anon!! <3 i had an idea just like this so thank you for your request!!!
request | v3 boys x reader that loves everything sanrio
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , fluff , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
often takes nap on your bed that has sanrio plushies everywhere
when he asks you to lend him a pen and later notices that it has a cinnamoroll design all over it
he finds it cute so it's okay lol
he bought you an enamel pin with kuromi on it so you could pin it to your shirts
just a thoughtful little gift
but also because he wanted you to match with the pin he wears from the detective agency he works for hehe
rantaro amami ♡
when he goes on his travels he often finds these little souvenier shops that sell bootleg versions of sanrio merchandise
he buys some of these so you can expand your collection
even though you both know they're fake
it's all for the novelty of it
and bc he likes to see you laugh and smile
"i can tell it's fake because hello kitty has her bow on the wrong ear" he grins while handing a minifigure over to you
K1B0/kiibo ♡
after you showed him what sanrio was, he too, found himself really liking the brand
whenever you invited him over; he sat atop your bed, hugging a plush close to his chest while you two talked
you offered to give him one of your plushies
"really!? i don't want to take something that's yours..."
you insist!
but only because he looks absolutely adorable while holding onto a my melody plush
korekiyo shinguji ♡
finds the difference in your guys' aesthetics fascinating
you two are basically the embodiment of all black s/o x all pink s/o
if there is a holiday rolling around and he can give you a gift you can bet that he'll buy you a shiny piece of jewelry that has a sanrio character on it
"this cutesy look really suits you, my dear." he says while you greet him, wearing a top with pompompurin on it
kaito momota ♡
you two went to a sanrio store once and he found this notebook that had the little twin stars inside of a rocket ship on the front cover
he loved it
you found it funny because he had said:
"this stuff might be a little too childish for me" before walking in
kaito, sweetie, you're really just a big child 😭
gonta gokuhara ♡
likes it when you wear those headbands that look like the top of the character's head (click here for reference if you don't know what i'm talking about)
he likes it bc it reminds him of antennas
also enjoys taking naps on your bed, resting his cute face on the soft blanket you purchased from a sanrio store <3
likes it when you decorate his album full of pictures of bugs with little sanrio character stickers
ryoma hoshi ♡
when you show him all the characters and ask which is his favorite he chooses chococat
you also have the all black x all pink dynamic with him
you placed a few sanrio pins onto his jacket and he wore it with pride
everytime he's out and about and sees anything sanrio related he is instantly reminded of you
kokichi ouma ♡
"you really like this stuff, (Y/N)? it's a little too childish don't ya think?"
sanrio has no age limit silly kokichi
luckily for you, however, that was just one of his lies
his favorite thing about you is when you incorporate sanrio character inspired looks into your outfits (ie: all pastel blue and white clothing for cinnamoroll and red bows for hello kitty)
don't take his teasing so personally
he thinks you look super adorable
would definitely write 'kokichi ouma was here' onto your sanrio stationary just to mess with you
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aphroditesswan · 8 months
Guess who's backkkk! Me ofc <3
New request! :)
This request is idk probably weird! But ur my favorite! Can I ask for a reader who speaks another language but Is fluent in English. (I speak Spanish) and for example reader is speaking English but mixes it up with there other native language? Like I speak Spanglish (mix between Spanish and English) I hope you understand what I'm saying 🙁
But with danganronpa characters! (I'm a multifandom person) with kokichi and other characters u love! Can be either female or male characters! Have a nice dayyyy <3
déjate llevar 
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danganronpa v3 characters x gn! reader 
warnings: translator spanish, kokichi. 
summary: your native language slips a bit while with your classmates 
genre: fluff, crack 
notes: i’m a no sabo kid so please excuse the terrible translator spanish 🙏  also these r the v3 characters that i actually like so like,, there’s not a lot. 
requested: yes! by my fav requester no less
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oh she is on you about it, but not in a bad way. she listens intently to anything you’re saying, thinking maybe she can get kiibo to translate it later. she ultimately fails, simply forgetting how exactly you said it and gets the weirdest translation ever and ends up almost malfunctioning kiibo. 
“whhhat are you doing?” you had asked, walking in on a very confused kiibo and a disappointed kaede. “oh uhm,, i was asking kiibo about something that uhm, i heard earlier!” “translation,, my chicken smacked it’s nightlight in the face.” upon hearing kiibo, you realize two things. 1. kaede was trying to translate something you had said 2. she was absolutely terrible at spanish pronunciation. 
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he’s curious, that’s for sure, but he doesn’t exactly know how to ask you what you had said. he thinks that either you’d think he was dumb or you’d blatantly ignore him. oh the over thinker you are, saihara. like maki, he’s writing down everything you say that he wants to know, except he has no plans of talking to you about it. if he doesn’t have a pen and paper, it’s a mental note in his mind and thank the gods he’s infinitely better at spelling and pronunciation than kaede. 
“whatcha writing, shuichi? i’m curious.” you’d said, and yet again another thing he’d have to write down. “it’s nothing, don’t worry. just a couple of notes.” he had written down your latest phrase, taking the sticky note off and folding it, putting it in his pocket for later. “really? i could help you know-“ “no! i mean,, i appreciate it, i really do, but i don’t need any help, really.” “you sure?” “of course, no worries.” you then smile at him, shrugging and going back to your original task which required you to leave the room for just a bit. he sighed, slumping his shoulders in defeat. stupid shuichi, that could’ve been his chance to ask about phrases. his pockets are filled with folded up sticky notes of the things you say, and now he’ll have to search through an outdated dictionary for answers. good luck with that, saihara. 
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immediately thinks that whatever you said, it was some sort of code. she’d glare at you from wherever she was, leaving poor you to question what the hell you did wrong. you wouldn’t know she was following you and listening to every small thing you said in your native language until you were alone and turned around from looking at something in your lab, seeing maki less than a foot in front of you. 
“ah- maki, what did you need? i didn’t even hear you come in…” you put down the item you had on a nearby desk, trying to back up a bit. “this. what do they mean?” she presented a notebook to you, listing all the spanish phrases you’d said out of instinct in the last couple hours. “ohhh… well for instance that first one means ‘i am surrounded by imbeciles.’ if that helps you.” you smile a bit, already catching onto the fact she thought it was something dangerous and thinking it was just a bit entertaining. 
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somehow fucking knows spanish. and he’s listening for it too, already discerning from the slightest slip of an accent, that nobody else had noticed, that english most certainly wasn’t your first language much less japanese. 
“no puedes hablar en serio. te juro que me pones de los nervios más que nadie aquí.” you’d said as kokichi bothered you with the most useless thing, and trust me he knew what he was doing, for the nth time today. “heyy, that’s not nice to say, now is it?” he’d responded back in perfect spanish, smirking to himself as he followed behind you. you hadn’t noticed until you continued cursing at him in spanish (the same way you’d later realize was much like your mother) and then you stopped dead in your tracts, slowly turning your head to the smug kokichi. “what.” he flashed you that cheshire cat smile, and you swear that if it was possible he’d have the same powers as him. “what, not in the mood to talk anymore now, are you? be careful what you say, amigoooo!” he taunted as he walked backwards and left you with your eye twitching. “kokichi! get back here!” you looked around with furrowed brows, now speed walking towards kokichi with a glare. earlier, you had said some not nice things in a moment of anger, but hopefully he didn’t remember all of them. he couldn’t have, right? either way, he can’t run from you forever, and when you catch him he is absolutely, positively done for. 
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offers to be a translator for you. you could say the most diabolical thing on earth in spanish and he’s looking like 😦 but would still offer to translate what you said like you MEANT for somebody to actually understand you. 
“su multa como el infierno, yo personalmente sería bussing abajo sin dudarlo.” “EXCUSE ME. would you like me to translate your current sentence?” “ABSOLUTELY NOT KIIBO???” you have half a mind to shut him off just because he offered to translate it. hopefully, JUST HOPEFULLY, kokichi wasn’t around to hear that because then you’d really be in trouble, but if kiibo keeps offering to translate your deep dark secrets you say in spanish he better watch out. ricky when i catch you ricky. 
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not a lot of the v3 characters interest me enough to write abt them lowk 😭
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dragondemoness · 1 year
A Hopeful Future - DV3 Cast x Ultimate Cuteness Reader Finale
Ten years since you graduated Hope’s Peak Academy.
You stand on the balcony of the house you shared with your significant other, who was standing right beside you.
At your beloved plush bunny’s request, you passed him down to your child, if you had one.
He was just as attached to the rabbit as you were when you first received him from your grandmother. It was an endearing sight.
But that didn’t mean the bond you shared with Mr. Bunny ever went away. He continued to give you any kind of support you needed, and sometimes, you had time to spend alone with him. He still loved to hold you like a baby, even though you were fully grown.
If you had any children, you’d best believe the rabbit does the same thing to them too.
When they were born, you handed them to Mr. Bunny to hold them, and he held them so gently, as though they were made of glass. And instead of cowering away from him, they curled into his soft chest, and you saw his black, beady eyes shine with tears.
He basically became their third parent, and sometimes, you had to pry the child away from him because he refused to leave their side. Then you would laugh as he got grumpy and pouted at you.
He was like the family’s bodyguard, and he did his job well. Not only was he very difficult to damage, but his keen senses did a great job at sensing danger, then getting rid of it before you or your family could find out.
Anyway, you watched the sunset with a peaceful expression, on the warm cottage property you always dreamed of living in.
Seeing you lost in thought, your significant other gets your attention by placing their hand on yours.
“Are you alright?”
You snapped to attention and gave them a warm smile and nodded.
“Just thinking about the past, and how we ended up here. It’s kind of weird to think about, but I couldn’t be happier.”
Your significant other nods and mirrors you, watching the sunset as well.
Shuichi Saihara
He smiles and chuckles at you.
“Yeah, kind of. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
After graduation, he received a letter from one of the best detective departments in the city
He spent many nights working, and often struggled to come to bed with you
But he still assured that you meant everything to him
Together, you had one child
They took after your appearance, but was shy, like Shuichi
You find them absolutely adorable
Shuichi smiles and takes your hand in his, as he turns back to the sunset
Rantaro Amami 
He chuckles at you and nods.
“It kind of is, huh? But hey, I’m not complaining.”
He still loved to travel, so he found a job where he could take business trips often
So sometimes he would leave for a while, but he sent postcards and gifts he knew you would like
Anything to let you know he was still thinking of you
You have at least two children with him
He loves taking care of people, but if two is enough for you, it’s enough for him
Sometimes he and Mr. Bunny argue over the children’s affections
It’s pretty funny sometimes
Rantaro smiles at you once more before slinging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to him
Kokichi Oma 
He tilts his head and gives you a look of mock confusion.
“Hmmmm? What do ya mean ‘weird’? Are you calling me weird??”
His face changes to a look of playful sadness before smiling at you.
“Yeah, I guess it is kinda weird. But at least we’re here now, right?”
Thanks to him and his organization, he earned a lot of money
He worked too hard to let it go, even after all these years
But he did promise not to do anything too evil
He’s not a fan of kids, so he doesn’t enjoy the idea of having one of his own
But if you really want a child, he might consider it
He hopes they’ll at least have a fun attitude and won’t be super boring
In the present, he wraps his arm around your waist and leans into you
He may not have gotten that last growth spurt, but at least his attitude matured
Kaito Momota 
He looks at you and grins widely.
“Maybe a little, but I’m happy to be where we are!”
He achieved his dream and got a job as an astronaut
Similar to Rantaro, he often leaves home to go on space expeditions
But he’ll bring you back souvenirs from the places he visits
He loves the idea of having kids, so you’ll probably have at least one
He’ll teach them about his passions, hoping they’ll take interest in it
As you sit together, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close to him with a smile
Gonta Gokuhara 
He turns and gives you a warm smile.
“Maybe, but Gonta is glad S/O stayed by his side for so long.”
He found a job where he could talk about bugs all day long
Some people found the way he talked to be weird, but he was improving
And he was at least able to talk about something he loved
He would love to be a dad, so you might at least have one child
Most you'll have is three
He'll introduce them to all his bug friends, and hopefully they won't be afraid of them
In the present, Gonta grins at you and pulls you into a soft, but tight embrace
Korekiyo Shinguji 
He looks ahead with a thoughtful hum before turning to you with a smile.
"Hm. I suppose you could say that. But I wouldn't dare rewrite history if it meant that we wouldn't be together.
To continue his passion for humanity, he started studying archaeology
And he no longer covered his face with a mask, since you being with him finally helped him to let go of his sister
He's not big on the idea of having children, but he's open to it if you want to
He'd prefer to have just one partially because he doesn't want a repeat of him and his sister
As you sit together on the balcony, he gives you a soft smile and takes your hand in his
Ryoma Hoshi 
"Yeah, kinda. But hey, at least we're here."
After leaving high school, he continued with becoming a tennis player
He hoped it would help him find himself, discover what he wants to do
It does help, and he remembers what he enjoyed so much before he lost it
He doesn't plan on having any kids, but maybe
He certainly wouldn't mind playing some tennis with them
Plus, his cat and your bunny have developed a loving relationship
If you do have a child, forget a third parent, they'd have a whole other set of parents
He smiles and takes your hand and pats it
He nods at you while admiring the sunset.
"You could say that. But I wouldn't change a thing!'
I mean
He's a robot
There's a lot he could do
When Miu began her robotics company, he became an employee and worked alongside her for a while
And once he got enough money, he started one of his own
He was determined to show off the power of robots and what they can do when working alongside humans ahaha...
Having children is... Kind of difficult
But he would love to adopt one with you
He wants to experience what it's like to be a father, and to experience parental love
In the present, he takes your hand and squeezes it
Kaede Akamatsu 
She nods with a soft smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad we're here."
She became a professional pianist
She started piano lessons for those who wanted to learn, and she played at big events
She would love to have a child with you
You'll have one, maybe two
She would love to play them soft, classical songs to help them sleep, and maybe even teach them
She leans against your shoulder with a small smile as you enjoy the moment together
Maki Harukawa
She nods and gives you a small smile.
"Yeah. But I'm glad it turned out this way."
After high school, she ditched her job as an assassin and went back to child caregiving
She wanted to leave that part of her life behind and pursue a more wholesome career
Although it was frustrating at first, the kids always liked her, and she started to warm up to them
She's still hesitant to have a child of her own, because she doubts if she can be a good parent
But she would love to have one, to give them the loving home she never got
And she'd do a damn fine job of it
While you sit together, she scoots closer to you and takes your hand while leaning on your shoulder
Miu Iruma 
She lets out a chuckle and watches the beautiful sight ahead of you.
"Heh, kinda. But hey, I managed to find your fine ass. I gotta say, that's pretty damn good."
She got a job as an engineer
Even started her own robotics company to show off her skill
She's still vulgar, she's still flirtatious, she's still Miu
But she has matured quite a lot
She doesn't really want kids, honestly
But if you do have one, she'd make them a bunch of cute toys for them to play with
As you sit together, she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close with a grin
Himiko Yumeno 
She blinks sleepily and gives you a small smile.
"Nyeh... A little. But at least we're together."
She'd still give magic a shot, even after high school
She wants to prove that her "parlor tricks" are real magic
Mr. Bunny has actually been rather helpful in helping her achieve this, so she showed even greater skills to the world
She even started taking aspiring magicians under her wing and training them as apprentices
She doesn't love the idea of having a child; you and Mr. Bunny are all she needs
But she miiiight consider it if you really want one
She wouldn't mind teaching them magic if they were interested
In the present, your sleepy mage leans against your shoulder as you watch the sunset
Angie Yonaga 
She hums and smiles brightly.
"Indeed! But I'm glad that Atua put me on that path! It guided me to you, after all!"
She became a professional artist
She did commissions, sold art online, even sent some of her art to a museum
She even did art classes for anyone interested in learning from her
She would love to have a child with you, if you want
She'd teach them all about art, and she'll hang up everything they make on the fridge, even if it sucks
In the present, she giggles and pulls you close to her in a soft embrace
Kirumi Tojo 
She hums thoughtfully and gives you a small smile.
"Indeed. But I couldn't be more glad that we're here."
She still did work as a housemaid
People could call her and hire her whenever they needed
Only this time, she valued herself more
She doesn't take nonsense from anyone, nor does she allow anyone to take advantage of her
And it's all thanks to you
She would love to have a child with you
She would be strict at times, but also give them all the love and care they could ask for
As you sit together, she takes your hand in her gloved one and squeezes it
Tenko Chabashira 
She turns and gives you a smile.
"Yeah, a little bit. But at least I'm with you."
She became a Neo Aikido instructor
She taught people all over how to master it
But although her master did help her become strong, she didn't poison her pupils' opinions of men like she did
She didn't want them to become bitter and hateful
She wouldn't mind having a child with you if you wanted to
She'd love them with all her heart and soul, and might teach them the art of Neo Aikido when they're older
In the present, she grins and wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close
Tsumugi Shirogane
She hums thoughtfully before facing you with a warm smile.
“Yeah, it is. But I’m glad we’re here now.”
Her talent for cosplay expanded into designing actual costumes
People commissioned her for her talent, and she even had her costumes sold in stores
You'd best believe she'd make a billion different outfits for your child
She would love to have one with you
She would shower them with soooo much love
As you sit together, she smiles and takes your hand before leaning against your shoulder
As you two enjoy your moment, Mr. Bunny comes out with your favorite hot drinks and sets them on the table before sitting right between you two.
Any children you have, if any at all, come rushing out to you, causing you and your significant other to let out a laugh. Now all together, Mr. Bunny wraps his arms around you and pulls you both close to him, as your little family shares this loving moment together.
The End of the DV3 Portion of the Ultimate Cuteness Series
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starstruckserenity · 1 year
Heya! Hope you're having a good day and taking care of yourself!
I'm a fellow kokichi lover (bros just so silly), so I was wondering if I could request a kokichi x ultimate Demolitionist (bomb-user/maker!) oneshot where the two are a chaotic, mutually pining duo?
All good if not, and make sure to drink some water, 'kay?
Have a great day my guy!!
ahhh! thank you so so much for your kind words! :) this is such a unique idea, and on top of that, it is my first request!! i am so so sorry if this is a bit late (testing has been kicking my ass currently), so i apologize for that...! i hope you are having an amazing day! <3
oneshot will be under the cut! :)
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You have always had an odd fascination with bombs. The smoothness of the outer shell enticed you, and the tiny spark of light when you lit the object thrilled you to no end. Some people thought of it as a... strange interest, especially the classmates you were practically forced to surround yourself with. Bombs combined with a killing game don't usually tend to be known as the perfect pair, and you knew this.
But in a way, it was entertaining to poke fun at unsuspecting individuals who were simply genuinely curious about your ultimate. Most were shocked, some found it to be terrifying, but one boy thought it was utterly and completely bad ass.
As you were just finishing up with your current project, a certain purple-haired someone bursted joyfully through the doors of your dormitory.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!" A high pitched, whiny voice was approaching you at a face pace. You perked up, setting your pieces down and sighing playfully.
You didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. You swerved yourself around and were face-to-face with Kokichi Ouma, your newly found friend that you had become acquaintances with due to your chaotic and fun-loving behavior.
You two had hit it off ever since you had informed everyone about your talent. Ouma was absolutely starstruck with the amount of confidence you had. He was sure you knew that obtaining the title as "ultimate Demolitionist" was one that would make the average people around you cower in fear, but you announced it so effortlessly that it drew him to you.
You couldn't lie and say that you weren't drawn to him, either. You related to him. He was one of the only people to match your energy, and actually embrace it. It almost seemed like you were perfect for each other.
Snapping yourself back into reality, you stared at him.
"Hey, 'Kichi. What's up?" You smirked.
He stifled a laugh. "...You know what I want, Y/N."
You blinked a bit, pondering to yourself. You mentally sifted through the thousands of favors he wanted from you, and found yourself remembering what he had asked of you.
Thinking back to a few days ago, you recalled his whining.
"Come onnnn, Y/N! This is really important, y'know? Shuichi has been acting like a total asshole to me. I think he needs a good punishment." You had never guessed Ouma would pull of such good puppy-dog-eyes, but here you were, losing yourself in the color of his big, violet hues.
You deadpanned. "Kokichi, I am not making you a stink bomb to use on *him*. Shuichi is actually a good guy to me."
Kokichi whimpered, "Well, Y/N, I'm doing him a favor. His room would smell better with a new fragrance. He's basically asking for it, I can smell his cologne from across the hall!" You rolled your eyes, thinking of a compromise.
"Okay, how about this. You and me can go throw some stink bombs at Kiibo and Miu once we get the chance. It'll take a couple days for me to make it, but Miu has been way more irritating than usual."
Whooping in celebration, Kokichi sprang into you and embraced you tightly.
"Thank you, Y/N! Thank you, thank you! I promise, it'll be so much fun~!" He giggled into your chest.
You stood there in shock, your mind racing. You slowly regained your consciousness and squeezed him back in an uncommon moment of shyness.
"You're lucky that I'm your friend." You commented before reluctantly pulling away.
You turned back to your desk and pulled something out of the drawer closest to you. Kokichi clapped his hands cheerfully when he realized you actually made what he had requested.
In your hand was a tiny capsule that could release an unbearable stink when thrown from a distance. Ouma's eyes widened when he saw it, shaking in excitement. He snatched it out of your palm and ran towards the door, pulling you behind him.
"Ah, I can't wait anymore! Let's go, let's go!" He laughed while racing towards Miu's lab.
The rest of your afternoon was spent hiding in the bushes together, cackling at the reactions of the disgusted Miu and the gracefully unphased Kiibo. You were having so much fun that you didn't even notice Ouma glancing at your features from time to time, smiling to himself as you two relished in the moment.
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Hello there, I hope you are well! ❤️😊
I would like to request headcanons if you don’t mind!
Could I have headcanons for Byakuya, Kokichi, Kiibo, and Shuichi with a female s/o who tears up easily while laughing/trying not to laugh? (Sort of like Tiahra Nelson. She is an Instagram/Tiktok star who does live talent shows where people do funny/dumb stuff to make her laugh. I recommend watching a couple of compilations of those, they’re absolutely amazing 😂 ) But anyway, thank you so much! Please take all the time you need! ^^
Hello! Of course you can have that :) I’ll admit, I had quite some fun writing these. Tiahra Nelson’s compilations were pretty funny to watch, so I hope you enjoy this! Take care :D
-Mod Kirumi
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Byakuya, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Shuichi with an S/o who tears up easily while trying not to laugh!
Byakuya Togami
•Byakuya is not exactly one for jokes— he’s quite the cold and level-headed person. You’d probably walk on water before you got him to laugh at a joke
•So when he walks into a room to see you clutching your device over some cat video, tears streaming down your face and laughs escaping your lips, he was honestly not too sure how to react
•“Am I interrupting something?” He asked, his arms comfortable crossed as you only continued wheezing, turning your phone around to show him
•“Byakuya, look at this,” You laughed, trying to wipe away your tears yet only laughing even more at Byakuya’s confused expression
•He did not seem very amused at the cat video, which only resulted in you laughing (and tearing up) even more
•...So, now he has tissues on a lot of shelves or tables! So you can have something to dry your tears with
•He supposes he’s happy you’re only tearing up this much because you find something funny, and not because you’re feeling upset
•Though, as time goes on, and he sees you laugh at the simplest things, tears glistening in your eyes due to sheer entertainment?
•He can’t help but feel a small smile form on his face
•Your amusement is contagious
Kokichi Ouma
•Kokichi found the whole thing absolutely hilarious— In fact, he would probably just laugh along with you
•He definitely made fun of you as you teared up, only causing the two of you to break out into even more laughter
•You would both just sit there together, giggling hysterically until you found it hard to get air into your lungs
•It brings you two closer, in a sense— Who wouldn’t feel close to someone who makes you laugh until your sides hurt?
•He definitely uses this to his advantage, though. You two will be in a public space and all of a sudden he’s showing you some silly meme he has saved on his phone, causing you to tear up as you try to hold back your laughter
•Kokichi appreciates someone with a sense of humor, though, so he’s rather thrilled to find that you respond very well to jokes
•Expect him to tease you when you tear up, though!
•He does it all light-heartedly, he promises
•Kiibo mentioned one day that he was really good at stand up comedy, and seeing at how close you were with him, you figured you would listen to some of his jokes!
•He barely managed to tell you that “he would tell you a pizza joke, but it’s just too cheesy” before you teared up
•He was at first rather concerned for you, but he didn’t even get the chance to ask you if you were okay or not when you started nodding and bursting out into laughter
•He just grinned the whole time, sounding proud of himself as he spoke to you
•“See? I’m very good at comedy!”
•You could only laugh, the tears genuinely spilling over, and it was at that point he was a little concerned for you
•He brought you some tissues after that, but when you explained to him that this was fairly normal for you when you laughed, he calmed down
•And, from then on... he would laugh with you!
•He might be quite flustered when he does it, but if your tears ever spilt over due to amusement, he would brush them away with his fingers, his face tinted pink with embarrassment the entire time
•He’s like that with any kind of physical affection, but... he somehow feels the urge to laugh along with you and brush away any of your tears
•Often, though, he’ll say or do something unintentionally funny that just ends up in you laughing with tears filling your eyes
•...Maybe he should keep tissues on him when you two go out
Shuichi Saihara
•Shuichi came home to see you on the couch, watching a movie and laughing hysterically as tears streamed down your face
•...And that was not something he expected to come home to
•He was quick to sit beside you, a nervous smile on his face as he questioned why you were crying (and laughing?)
•You just told him you teared up easily when you laughed, and that reassured a good amount of his worries, leaving him to relax
•“Ah, okay...”
•You showed him the scene in the movie you were laughing at after that
•Needless to say, you two spent a good 15 minutes laughing about that one particular moment, repeating the lines to each other and imitating the characters
•Shuichi definitely doesn’t laugh as hard as you do, but he finds your laughs endearing, and he likes to see the genuinity in them
•He’s never been someone who gets amused all that easily, but things just seem to get funnier when he’s by your side
•There was one time you two were shopping when you overheard the light-hearted argument of an elderly couple in the store
•“That car we saw outside was just so pretty!” “No, it was ugly.” “Ugly? You’re ugly!” “I am, but that’s besides the point.”
•For some reason, you found that encounter rather hilarious, because you started laughing (and crying) so hard that Shuichi ended up buying a box of tissues along with your groceries
•That’s a moment you two will cherish, for sure!
•He’s never going to let you live that down, though
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chainoftalent · 1 year
1/2 I am the anon who wrote in the other day - thank you for responding so quickly! Would you be willing to do prompts from the NSFW Headcanon Game for both Yandere Kokichi and Yandere Shuichi if you feel comfortable with it and/or have the time? If so, could you do B, C, F, G, I, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, W, X, and Y for both of them? I am sorry, I know that's a lot to ask for! I was tempted to ask for the entire prompt but I feel terrible because it's a lot for just one character, let alone two!
*spits out my drink* well, you certainly know what you want! Do I need to get you some water for that THIRST
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NSFT Yandere Alphabet B, C, F, G, I, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, W, X, and Y for Kokichi and Shuichi
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B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kokichi really likes his hands, he likes how clever his hands are and how quick they are, especially on use to his partner. While Kokichi really likes his partner's legs. He is definitely a bit of a leg guy, he likes them lean and strong.
If Shuichi had to pick, then maybe his eyes? They look kinda nice with the eyeliner and all that? He's not very body positive towards himself. His favorite part of his partner is their figure, especially if they're more on the curvy or heavy side, he likes being able to hold you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Kokichi honestly finds all the fluids of sex kinda gross, ew, so if you swallow for him you'll make him quite happy.
Shuichi thinks yours tastes absolutely divine!
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Kokichi likes when you ride his thigh, getting to pleasure you and you being on his lap, AND it can be done on his throne? Yes please.
Shuichi likes a cowgirl, getting straddled and getting to look you in the eyes? Win!
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Kokichi is inherently impossible to stay serious for longer then a minute he's going to be like "hey babe let me take my scarf off" and then he takes it off for like five whole minutes because he tied a bunch of other scarves to it and they just keep being pulled out from under his clothing my dude my guy you are not getting laid at this rate-
Shuichi tries to take it seriously, but hes a nervous wreck and easy to fluster, no intimidation at all, so it becomes rather funny even if he whines if you laugh at him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Kokichi tries to keep it as light as possible, but if hes in a mood or doing aftercare, you'll find his touch...lingering, his holds more deep, some yearning to hold you so very close and keep you so very safe.
Shuichi wants to be so romantic but he's ~terrible at it~ he tries to be smooth and sweet but then you kiss his cheek and now he can't speak for another five minutes, you'll get their one day Shuichi.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Not much actually turns Kokichi on, but submission and giving his partner pleasure is definitely at least mild turn ons, he's just not very sex minded unless his partner is.
Meanwhile Shuichi is the guy who'll get stiff if he so much as has a breeze hit him while he's thinking about you. Very easy to rile up, it's funny.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Kokichi will never bottom, it's not even a control thing he just thinks that sounds Gross. All the fluids? The mess? Nooo thank you.
Shuichi hates painplay, he'll maybe give one or two spanks if you really want it but nothing more, he doesn't want to hurt anyone!!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Kokichi goes at your pace, do you want fast? Do you want slow, you'll get it, he's not here for his own pleasure after all.
Shuichi tries to be gentle and slow and all that, but once he's riled up he'll pick up in intensity pretty fast unless you snap him back to slowing down.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Kokichi doesn't mind a quickie, he'll stick a toy in you and we'll get this done in five minutes! No problem!
Shuichi much prefers something much much longer, but if you really just want something quick, he'll oblige, though he might try and draw it out into something more proper if you let him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as there's not too much mess Kokichi will try basically anything once on you if you want!
Shuichi likes to experiment but he also will be like "okay you can back out if you really want you dont have to do this for me-" the entire time and that can be a bit annoying.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kokichi has little stamina, but he's more of a stone top so thats fine, he can keep you teased out without wearing himself out with chasing his own finish for hooours because he won't touch himself but if you like suck him off? It won't take long.
Shuichi actually has a decent amount of stamina! He can keep going for awhile and would love to push you to multiple orgasm, but if you get overwhelmed you can tap out pretty easily.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Since Kokichi doesn't really like to use himself, he owns so many toys that can do the job done on whoever needs it in DICE. True found family shares and helps out whenever help is needed after all, wink.
Shuichi starts out with a really basic collection, but the longer he knows you and is well, fucking you, he'll collect more if he sees anything he wants to see you with.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kokichi is such a tease if you tell him you want something slow, so much dirty talk, so much touching but not touching the Right places, he can go all day like this.
Shuichi doesn't like to tease for long, he might tease for a few minutes but then he can't help but escalate, he just wants you so so so badly!
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Kokichi likes human furniture while Shuichi has a thing for femdom.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Shuichi is on the average size for his height, uncut, while Kokichi is a bit big for his height but honestly he's a little smaller then Shuichi still because he is a small lad.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kokichi actually has a rather low sex drive, he's the kind of guy who watches porn completely clothed with his hands on his lap as he just stares at it and makes bad jokes, he's really only all that interested in the control it gives him, he likes making people feel good.
Shuichi has a decent sex drive but he's a Gentleman and a Good Partner so he's going to try not to bring it up unless you seem interested, he can handle himself if you dont want it sweetie!
And if I missed any send less next time (teasing), but do resend any I missed
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If requests are open, can you do the traing trio helping a insecure S/O?
Sure!! Thank you for requesting, Chiaki!
Characters: Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi
Made one with poly as well!
He hasn't been all inscure himself but he absolutely wants to help. His dumbass would suggest let's take this as a opportunity to work out! Whatcha say?" And is completely okay if you don't want to. (If he gives you more stress and stuff, tell Maki and she'll deal with him 🤭).
If you wanna just hang out alone or with just him he's absolutely fine with that! He'll give you space if needed but tells you to call him (if outside of the killing game) if you need anything. Wither it be food, drinks, maybe a book you wanted to get, you want it? He gets it 😼.
She doesn't know how to comfort someone pretty much at all but she absolutely loves you so you bet your sweet and adorable self that she's gonna man up and comfort you 🥺😡.
She asks if you wanna do something and depending on what you choose, she'll do anything! If you want to just go sleep and snuggle she will. Sure, she'll blush so red it's almost the color of her scrunchies/huge donut looking hair ties and say she doesn't like it while stuttering but hey, she does love it.
Bro he's like "same😭" momentarily before rushing to you and asking what you would like from him. If you want space, he'll leave and come check on you every like 10 minutes.
He brings back a ton of stuff when you give him the okay to come back. He loves you and has no problem punching the tiny bitch- I mean Kokichi if his ass bothers you!
They never wanna see you upset or inscure so they happily (or as happily as they can *COUGH MAKI COUGH* be) take care of you and what you wanna do. If you would like them to get stuff for you, have it be done in no less than 2 hours because Kaito got his ass lost in the store🥺.
Maki makes sure Kaito doesn't do dumb shit or SAY dumb shit so she's obviously mama bear 😍 Shuichi just kinda is there comforting you while they "fight" and is letting you use his lap as a pillow while you guys eat some of the snacks they got 😼 Shuichi rubs his hand on your stomach (if your comfortable with that) and tells you that there's nothing to be inscure of. Because even with your flaws, your still the person they choose and love.
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the-therapist-is-ace · 4 months
Do you have any theories on Kokichi? Like his psych stuff and how he gets on with others (like Gonta)
Hello hello, thank you for the ask x)
I admit I didn't even remembered where he said to be psychic at first lmao.
But personally I think it was a lie. He's just really, really good at reading people and analyzing behaviors.
And how he gets along with the others... Yikes do you have the time? xD
I think I'll just talk about Kaede, Kaito and Gonta here. Though maybe I'll do Maki and Shuichi on another post.
(Reminder that all of this is MY interpretation of things... Also I'm rambling a lot. I might get off topic lmao)
First, Kaede!
I think he have a split opinion on her. On one hand, he knows how badly she wants to help, and he can appreciate and encourage that.
But on the other, OH MY GOD she's a bad leader.
She's an amazing motivator, don't get me wrong. But actually leading, it's not her talent and for a good reason. A leader is not only someone that encourage people. It's SO MUCH MORE than that.
She doesn't know how to make people acknowledge the tensions in the group (see: the aftermath of the Death Road of Despair, it was Kokichi who forced everyone to talk about it.) She doesn't know when to stop, which ends with her encouragements turning into forcing people to continue even when they're all exhausted. She doesn't know how to step up to end a conflict between the group (again, see the direct aftermath of the Death Road of Despair...)
And I think as a result, Kokichi is both understanding of her wish to help, but also extremely frustrated with her poor attempts at leading. I think he would bash his head against a wall if she survived more than one trial lmao.
Second Kaito. Oh my god.
I think out of everyone, he's the one that gets on Kokichi's nerves the most. (And a lot of people would agree with me on it I think)
He's the one talking about trust. IN A KILLING GAME.
(Just to be clear I don't think Kokichi is paranoid. He's just reasonably doubtful of people in a life or death situation. Trust is very dangerous in that setting.)
Also, the whole sidekicks/hero thing. I get wanting to help Shuichi by taking responsability of what he'll say in the trials, but there's other way to do that. (Say, isn't that also a leader's responsability to encourage the group?)
And don't get me started with the whole deal with Maki. If anything, I think that's one of the thing that drives Oma crazy the most.
Trying to make Maki understand she's more than an assassin? Good idea! -Even though monitoring her movements would have been ideal- Insisting that she's harmless and a good person to everyone in the meantime? No! You don't know her that well yet, and trusting blindly a professional killer is stupid.
But the worst thing -in Kokichi's opinion- is probably Kaito's impulsivity.
Trying to go against the Exisal the morning when the First Blood Perk is introduce? Stupid, and dangerous! Trying to convince everyone to riot against Monokuma at Kaede's trial? That's endangering everyone!
Trying to gather everyone to fight Monokuma and end the game? DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!
Kaito's insistence to trust everyone and his impulsivity is a threat to the group in Kokichi's eyes, and I can't blame him for it. Him calling himself a hero is just the annoying cherry on top of it all.
And last but not least, Gonta.
Aaaah Gonta. The translation did you and Kokichi SO dirty.
First and foremost: GONTA IS NOT FUCKING STUPID!
He's naive, yes. Innocent too, absolutely. But he's NOT stupid!
He's a scientist for fuck's sake, it means something. He is not stupid.
And as someone that is both intelligent and also... well kind of naive, Kokichi saw him as a potential ally. Hence why he turned to him for both the Insect Meet and Greet plan, and the Killing Game Busters plans.
Oma is also one of -if not the only one- that sees Gonta as more than just "nice giant". He see him as someone with a brain, but also too much naivete, which in a killing game is not good. So that might be why he took him under his wing so to speak. Gokuhara is also the only one that tried to see more than just Oma's first layer if I remember correctly.
And we're gonna talk about Chapter 4! Wou-ouh let's go.
Gonta was desesperate to end the game. And Oma knew it. Gonta was ALREADY considering doing something drastic to end the game. And Kokichi took advantage of that.
(Now that was probably not done happily. Remember that he was probably still shaken up by the "truth" of the outside world.)
...Or did he?
Oma told -and showed- to Gokuhara what he saw. What he believed himself was true. And the fact that it was false didn't change the fact that they BOTH got manipulated with false informations.
I do truly believe that those two were good friends. Chapter 4 was the tragedy that ended it, but it doesn't mean the friendship wasn't there.
So... Yeah.
TL;DR: I think he appreciated Kaede's wishes to help, but was really exasperated of how bad at leading she was. I think Kaito's behavior irked him -like 90% of the fans lmao- because of how dangerous he saw it to be. And I think he saw Gonta as a friend, and CLEVER enough to make plans with him.
Thank you for asking!
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wisheduponastar · 9 months
Confessions over breakfast (691 words, M/M)
For Day 26 of @danganronpashipmonths Saioma month. Inspired by the prompt : Fake Dating
Shuichi isn't sure why he signed up to Danganronpa : Salmon Mode. But he has been enjoying his time here, even if it's only because of a certain someone. And after he's barely awake, that certain special someone brings Shuichi breakfast.
Read on Ao3 or below
Shuichi still regretted signing up for… whatever he had signed up for. In fact, had he even signed up for ‘Danganronpa - Salmon mode’? He honestly couldn’t remember doing so, and it wasn’t exactly like Monokuma was a trustworthy source of information. Especially considering how odd the bear was… and how he seemed to defy all technological common sense. Even the Ultimate Inventor seemed surprised by his existence.
But this place hadn’t been too bad, so far. People had actually started to make friends. It was fairly obvious that Kaito and Maki liked each other, even if they didn’t exactly admit it. Other people had made friends as well, Miu and Keebo had been hanging out together - and he had actually found friends in this place as well; Kaede and Kokichi. Although, of everyone, he’d certainly been with Kokichi the most - out of everyone at least. They’d had a tea party together, played rock-paper-scissors for almost an hour, and Kokichi had even stabbed himself (maybe accidentally).
So when there was a sudden knock on his door, Shuichi could immediately tell who it was. Straightening up slightly, Shuichi called out, “Come in, Kokichi.”
“What if I’m not Kokichi?” the person at the door called out, before opening it. It was Kokichi, of course, with a large grin on his face and food in hand, “How d’you always guess it’s me?”
“You knock… very uniquely.”
“Aww, you pay that much attention to me?” Kokichi waltzed over, placing down the tray of food and then sitting on Shuichi’s bed, legs dangling off it, “I’m flattered.”
“It-it’s not that.” Shuichi said, averting his eyes slightly as he looked towards the desk instead. The tray Kokichi had brought up was surprisingly packed, with quite a bit of variety. Some more healthy breakfast options with yoghurt and granola, even some fresh fruit, and then also pancakes - and more traditional japanese cuisine.
“I suppose you memorising my knock is a detective thing as well as a obsessive lover thing,” Kokichi mused, “Kirumi made everything, by the way.”
“She did?”
“Well, I prepared the yoghurt and granola.” Kokichi suddenly pouted, “Apparently cause of the knife game, I’m not allowed around knives anymore.”
Shuichi let his eyes wander slightly to the finger Kokichi cut himself on, remembering the fear he felt when Kokichi cut himself. “Maybe it’s for the best?”
“Nuh-uh. Noooo way,” Kokichi darted up suddenly, taking some fruit before sitting back down, “Will you steal a knife for me Shuichi?”
“Absolutely not.”
“My beloved won’t even do it for me?” Kokichi’s eyes began to mist with tears, “Waahhhhh! You’re all so horrible!”
“Have a pancake.” Shuichi offered, holding out the plate and smiling as Kokichi immediately stopped crying - instead reaching out to grab a pancake and devour it. For a few minutes, the two ate in silence - companionable silence.
Eventually, Kokichi broke it, calling out, “Shuichi, can you pass me my juice?”
“Can’t you get it yourself?”
“I’m comfyyyyy.” Kokichi leaned back slightly more, as if to emphasise the point, “Besides, it’s what good house-husbands do.”
“Well, I can’t be the house-husband,” Kokichi sounded scandalised, “I’m too busy running the world, y’know.”
“So that means I have to be a house-husband why?”
“Well, you don’t have to be a house-husband…” Kokichi was looking at Shuichi from the corner of his eye now, “As long as I have you, I’m pretty much satisfied.”
“I-” Shuichi tried to convince himself the reason he couldn’t speak was because of the piece of pancake he’d just inhaled, not because of the fact he was incredibly red, “-Thank you, Kokichi.”
“Thank you?” Kokichi echoed, “Y’know, I thought you’d react stronger to my confession.”
This time, Shuichi really did choke on a piece of breakfast, his face also turning incredibly red as he forced out, “W-Wait - that was a confession? As in… you really like me?”
“Well, duh.” Kokichi had sat up now, “Weeeell, d’you like me back?”
“I,” Shuichi stopped for a second, it was odd because he hadn’t really thought about it - but he immediately knew the answer. His heart immediately knew the answer. “Of course - of course Kokichi. I like you.”
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this is completely unrelated to any current discussion but i hugely want saiouma to win this tournament because i love to be a little fucking hater so much. if being a saiouma hater was a profession i’d be a millionaire. i could hate saiouma competitively. we all know kokichi needs to be humbled and name a better way for him to be humbled than for someone who is His Type (detective) to have absolutely zero interest in his cat-and-mouse bullshit and actually just think he’s an irredeemable asshole. shuichi refuses to play the game and this is why saiouma will never happen and thank every possible god for that. fuck saiouma all my homies hate saiouma <3. also kiibouruma (kiibo/kokichi/miu polycule) goes SO fucking hard and is infinitely better do not even pretend. those bitches be bickering and weirdly horny about it
you are the most correct person here I think actually if hating ousai was a competition we'd be on the same competitive team
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yawujin · 10 days
Can I request the dr v3 boys w/ their s/o being the ultimate Florist, pretty please? 💐
here you go potato!!!
request | v3 boys x the ultimate florist
type | light hearted , fluff , established relationship, non killing game , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
supports your small flower shop by buying bouquets for the vase in his office regularly
perfume with floral notes will always remind him of you
takes you on dates to flower gardens
you bought him a beautiful carnelian brooch he usually wears on his blazer
yes i hc that shuichi loves to wear pins and brochs how could you tell?
rantaro amami ♡
lots of picnic dates settled in the middle of a vast field with different types of flowers scattered everywhere
or better yet, on top of a hill during spring, when all the cherry blossoms bloom
gives you a book of pressed exotic flowers he found on his travels
you love to make him flower crowns and he loves to wear them
K1B0/kiibo ♡
memorizes each and every one of your fav type of flower and arranges them into a bouquet
enjoys folding origami flowers whenever he's bored bc they remind him of you
compliments you on your ultimate quite often
thinks you look the happiest whilst tending to the various plants and flowers in your garden
korekiyo shinguji ♡
if you get flustered around him
he'll say "your cheeks are as red as a rose, how cute~"
bye ik it's cliché but it's so good
he's also a fan of the symbolism in flowers so you two tend to talk about that
kaito momota ♡
would call you some cute nickname like 'moonflower'
also goes into buy flowers from your shop to support you
he is v proud of you everytime you come home excited, saying how you made some really good sales
your anniversary gift was a messy, but cute, portrait of you and him holding hands wearing flower crowns.
"it isn't much but," kaito hands the portrait over to you, "i hope you like it anyway."
gonta gokuhara ♡
you asked him if it was possible to put a few smaller flowers into his bug enclosure
ofc he said yes
he likes taking you on dates where you're outside and surrounded by flowers
you'll be walking when he points out a few bees nestling into a flower to retrieve its nectar
you're both so happy and the outdoorsy date went so well
you like to sneakily put a flower in his long hair while he's sitting, looking over his notes
ryoma hoshi ♡
you two started dating because of that one time he picked some dandelions for you
"it was the only flower that was around...so"
you were absolutely charmed
you brought him bouquets all the time to celebrate him winning a tennis match
"all these flowers and nowhere to put them..." you exhale. you had brought home a bunch of leftover flowers from your shop but had overestimated the amount of vases you had.
"use this." he pointed at one of his many trophies. a joke, of course.
he bought you a few more vases and you thank him profusely
kokichi ouma ♡
"can you smoke flowers?" the question came out of the blue
kokichi w h a t
you explain to him that yes it's possible but why?
he laughs. "oh, no reason..."
you later found him trying to roll crushed flower petals into a joint
he hates how quickly flowers die and finds it a little bit of a hassle to take care of them so
he usually folds you various types of paper flowers and colors each one in with their respective color.
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saioumaarchive · 9 months
In the dark of his room, there's no judgment. No things that need to desperately be said between them before they implode. They never talk in front of the others, never even look at each other's way. But here, at night, they can just lay here in each other's arms, and even if they don't sleep, it's all he needs. "What do you want to do?" He might as well entertain this. It's earnest and Ouma can never resist him when he's like this. "Let's play a game." Saihara releases his hold on him, propping himself up by his elbows. "Just you and me."
~ shootingstarlightt, “my gift to you”
A cozy little postgame birthday fic featuring enough angst to be realistic and enough fluff to be absolutely adorable. I really enjoyed the portrayal of Shuichi and Kokichi’s relationship here: Kokichi doesn’t feel the need to put as much effort into lying and Shuichi can more easily see through the lies. Even though both are very comfortable around each other, though, there’s still distance between them thanks to the events of the killing game. Above all, there’s hope for a brighter future on the horizon. Shootingstarlightt struck a fine balance here and created a wonderful story in less than 2k!
Rated G (mention of past suicidality, implied past s/h – still mild enough that we feel G is appropriate) 1,938 words, one-shot Published 22 June 2023
~Mod Equinox
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hellscap3 · 1 month
For the Danganronpa asks,
4. Which character can you absolutely not stand? 14. What is your NOTP? 24. Which character do you most identify with? 34. What is your opinion on [Tsumugi] character?
Thank you for askin' 4. There's not really a character I'd count as this outright IG, but probably either Leon or Teruteru for very different reasons lol. Leon I just find unlikable, especially due to his ego. Not normally a fan of characters that are way too into themselves. I can at least respect that he doesn't want to be forced into his ultimate just because he's good at it. Teruteru... I feel can go without explaining. 14. NOTP is hard since I don't really dwell on ships I don't like so this took some thinking lol. I can understand why people ship them considering V3's plot etc but Shuichi x Kaito or Kaito x Maki or Kaito x Kokichi is just not for me at all. I don't mind Kaito but I also don't have interest in shipping him with anyone. He's nice towards everyone so I don't really think he has romantic interest in any of them. 24. Toko and Hajime :3 34. V3 Spoilers probs in this. Only warning. Lol.
Tsumugi is, interesting in some ways annoying in others. I hate her "I'm so ordinary and plain" bit she pulls [Though why she does it is obvious] just cause shes really not either of those things in visual design alone. Shes the only character in V3 with complete control over how they're portrayed and she was so obvious in her mannerisms and actions that I figured out V3s antagonist of the bunch before the killing even started which extra annoyed me when chapter ones crime scene didn't line up and the game wouldn't let me take action based on that knowledge I had x.x
She works well for the game and for what she's needed in her roll on the show that is V3 but she's been at the job so long it doesn't feel like she's even really careful about hiding her disdain for when captives are getting along or getting on her nerves. All and all I really have no strong feelings towards her, she could be anyone to me.
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icejinlov3r · 9 months
I just realized it’s been about over a year since I got into the Dragon Ball fandom - yes, I’m still fairly new to this amazing world lol.
For so long, when I first saw bits of DBZ, I always told myself I’d never be interested in it, I just didn’t think it’d be my thing - then one day, my boyfriend randomly throws on Dragon Ball Super because he’s never seen it, and I just happen to watch with him….and holy shit, I got HOOKED! (It’s also why I like DBS the best in the series)
I love all the fun characters and simple storylines. But I gotta say, Frieza and Frost are absolutely the highlights for me (obviously there are other characters I love, but these two just hit me differently). And heres why:
I’m in general a HUGE anime fan. And as such, there have been a handful of ships I totally love. But normally I like them because I liked one character more than the other. For example, in Danganronpa (pretty much my fav right next to DBZ) I love the ship Shuichi/Kokichi. But that’s because I love how it affects my favorite character, Kokichi. Shuichi….he’s just okay.
Frieza and Frost are different. I’ve been obsessed with both of them since first seeing them on screen. And when the idea of them being together came to mind, for the life of me, I couldn’t get them off my mind! They inspired me to get back to writing fan fiction, and create my AO3 account! They’ve been my comfort ship for whenever I’m upset or stressed. And it even led to me making new friends @anonymous-harpy @majinpiccolo
So I’d like to thank DBZ, my two favorite ice lizards, and the entire fandom for affecting me in the best way possible!
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