despairinthedeqarture · 10 months
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fetus dump
waist is snatched
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ist4rgirlo · 1 year
𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐬𝐨? : 𝐈
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Summary: Growing up with the Conklins and the Fishers has been a wonderful experience for you; you feel as if you were a part of another family. Your days of stress as a child were over, well at least you thought that was the case not until you had to choose between your two childhood bestfriends, the one who did you wrong and the one who has been waiting his entire life for your decision.
Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader ! Steven Conklin x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: yelling, crying, swearing, angst, reader being insecure (lmk if i missed anything)
Requested by: Anonymous
Ever since I was little, the Conklins would always tell my parents that they were going to take me to Cousins — where I met Jeremiah, Conrad and Susannah. They became my second family, they always treated me right, always included me in everything.
Conrad and Steven was the one that I was close with, It was Conrad, me and Steven. We were inseparable.
As a child, Susannah likes me best when I'm with Conrad, while Laurel always prefers me when I'm with Steven when we're together.
That stopped when me and Conrad got together, we always had something special. Everyone saw that, everyone knew that. It wasn’t official or anything but we did have something. He made me feel special, he made me feel loved. Everyone thought we had something going on, including me.
But no, not until I arrived infront of the beach house. Not until I saw Conrad and Belly, infront of the fireplace — together, naked.
I crashed, my heart broke in so many pieces. I didn’t know if I whether to cry or get mad. My emotions were all over the place. I wanted to go back — go back to my car and just drive off like nothing happened but I can’t, I can’t move — I couldn’t move.
I saw Conrad pull away from Belly, he saw me — our eyes locked, his smile faltered — his face now filled with fear, with panic.
“Fuck. I-It’s not what it looks like. Shit shit shit” He stood up, picking up his clothes. Belly looked at where Conrad was looking, when she noticed me she immediately stood up, grabbing her clothes and putting it back on. Conrad walked towards me trying to reach for me but I pushed him away, I walked back.
My vision were blurry, my eyes filled with tears. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, hugging me. I was disgusted, not just of him but of myself too. Am I not enough?
I shook my head then pushed him away “Y/n please” Belly yelled “No, fuck you! You were my bestfriend!” I pointed at her before walking away from her. I ran outside of the door and walked to my car.
“Please, I-I’m sorry” Belly said, running after me — tears running down her face — her hand trembling, reaching for mine but I pushed it away “Don’t fucking touch me!” I yelled at her.
“Y/n come on, let’s go inside please? It’s too cold out here” Conrad walked towards me, pulling me by the arm. Pulling me towards the house.
“I-I thought we had something special, Conrad. You.. you fucking played me!” I yelled, he stopped walking — he turned to me, his eyes, now gentle. “I-I’m so sorry. I was just so stressed, please.” he looked down, he was crying, he had the fucking audacity to cry.
I pulled my hand away from him, “Sorry? is that all you’re going to say? I know you’re stressed but this is what you fucking do? you fuck my bestfriend? and you’re fucking crying? you’re unbelievable. You’re fucking dead to me, the both of you.” I pointed at him and Belly then I walked towards my car then drove off.
As I reached the front of my house, I saw Steven there — with my mom and Laurel.
I hopped out of my car and saw Steven walking towards me — my face still filled with streaks of tears, “Hey, hey what happened huh?” Steven held my face in his hands, caressing my cheeks.
I shook my head, pulling him by the waistt — hugging him. “Oh y/n.” Steven voiced was filled with worry, he doesn’t know what’s wrong, he wanted to help. He rubbed my back and pulled away — watching Conrad’s car arrive.
He walked towards them “Why the fuck are you together? What happened to y/n? What the fuck did you do?!” Steven yelled — walking towards Conrad, grabbing his shirt. His eyes were filled with fury, he had the urge to hurt Conrad.
“Steven stop!” Laurel walked towards them trying to pull Steven away from Conrad. “What happened?” Laurel asked Belly — but Belly looked down, she started crying — she couldn’t even look at her moms eyes, she felt disgusted — guilty.
“Is no one going to fucking speak? can someone tell me what the fuck happened?!” Steven yelled again. He was frustrated, frustrated seeing me cry like this, What could’ve Conrad done to make you cry like this?
It was like there was a light bulb inside Steven’s head because itt all connected. Steven looked at both Conrad and Belly, oh he fucking knows. He knew it, he knew what they did. He knew that it was a wrong decision letting me be with Conrad.
“Y’all fucked huh? you cheated on y/n? is that what it is?!” Steven looked up, he couldn’t even look at Conrad — he couldn’t even look at his own sister, he’s mad — disappointed.
“Steven! Words!” Laurel yelled. Belly couldn’t talk, she was scared of her brother — scared of what he might do, they never saw him get angry like this. Conrad walked towards him “Look dude, we can talk about this inside.” pushing Steven gently towards the door.
“No shut the fuck up, I don’t want to hear anything from you. I’m taking y/n inside, Conrad just go home and you Belly.. mom just take her home.” Steven said pushing Conrad away from him — walking towards me, pulling me against him, guiding me towards the door.
We just sat there in my couch, I cried and I cried and Steven just lets me. He just listened all night, not judging me at all — not asking me questions because he knew. Just thinking about it makes him mad. He wanted to hurt Conrad but he can’t because Conrad was someone who’s still special to me and he didn’t want me to hate him. Steven would die if I did.
I woke up with a headache — probably from too much crying. It was now the day after I caught Conrad and Belly. I didn’t want to care anymore, we never really made things official — whatever was going on between us, but it still hurts me — it still hurts me because I thought we really had something going on. But I guess it was just me, because it looked like Conrad had something else in mind.
“Y/n!” I heard someone yell fron outside my window, I got out of my bed and walked towards the window — there he was, Conrad. He was standing outside my house — with flowers in his hands — roses, my favorite ones. “Just go home!” I yelled.
His shoulders slumped, his mouth frowning. Well what did he expect? that it’ll be that easy to take me back? maybe if I was dumb enough I would but no.
“Please, I… I want to talk to you!”
“There’s nothing to talk about Conrad, just go!” I said, about to go back to my bed but I saw Steven come out of his house — walking towards Conrad, grabbing his shoulders — pulling him away.
“Steve please, just let me talk to h-her” Conrad pleaded — pushing Steven’s hands away.
“Look, I think you’ve done enough. Just go home.” Steven said, pushing Conrad towards his his car. “W-what the fuck? why are you acting l-like this?” Conrad said — pushing Steven away. Conrad’s eyes were filled with rage, his face confused — he was confused by Steven’s actions
I immediately went down the stairs and went out of the house to stop Conrad and Steven. “Stop! Calm down!” I said, pushing the both of them away from each other.
I stood infront of Steven, observing Conrad’s features, his face was flushed — he couldn’t talk properly, his hair was disheveled. “Are you out of your mind?! why would you drive here when you’re drunk! Steven please?.” I turned to Steven, he immediately knew what to do — he nodded.
“Come on Conrad.” He said before pushing Conrad towards his car. “Where… where are we going?” Conrad asked —confused.
“Home, come one. Let’s go” Steven said, opening the passenger’s door for Conrad. “But.. y/n” Conrad whined. He’s such a baby when he’s drunk, it’s ridiculous.
“Just go Conrad, talk to me when you’re sober.” I said, looking at him. Conrad looked back at me before following Steven — too dizzy to fight with either of us.
“Okay, left leg first — then right” Steven instructed.
“I know how to get in a fucking car” Conrad said before going inside the passenger seat — head first. I saw Steven scratch his head — annoyed. After Conrad got in, Steven went around and sat at the driver’s seat.
I waved at Steven but Conrad might’ve thought that It was for him so he waved back — he was just too drunk — too out of his mind to even know what’s going on. I just shook my head and went back inside my house.
I didn’t want to care anymore but i’d lie if I didn’t say tht a huge part of me died. It sucks — it’s traumatizing, it’s the biggest heartbreak anyone can feel. I should’ve been smarter — more alert. God I feel so stupid.
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taglist : @joeybandthings @scysuxx @fangirl-kimora @avengershoeee @tasha13-blog2
i decided to make into a series !! this one will probably have 3 chapters so two more then i’ll start on the sequel for “before everything happened” 👀 so watch out & lmk if you guys want to get tagged <3
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braxlrose · 1 year
Also yall I'm so sorry 4 the wait but I will be posting more smut 😇
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missamyrisa2 · 10 months
hi ms. amy, your posts are soo flustering i've never ticklegasmed before and i'd love to hear what you would do to me if you are so inclined thank you bye
Oooh my sweettt darling ~ I would loveee to introduce and ease you into this most lovely of sensations~~ I like to start at full speed with the tickless, you knoww wiggling my fingers rapidly in the air and making you all squealy and squirmy, before tackling you with rubbing tickles over your hips and sides, spidering along your bellllyy and skittering down your thighsss~ "Coochie cooo darlinggg we're gonna take such a lovelyyy trip today you and mee~" I want to get you allll wiggly wild and warmed up, tickle massaging up your legs with squeezes and rubbings, leaning in pull your shirt down and make it spring up so I can seal my lips over your bouncing belly and raspberry to my heart's content. "Sing for meeeee birdy bird~ let's here those squeakkkiesss~!!"
Just the silliest of playful embarrassing tickles & taunts~ "tickle, tickle tickleeee~!! You can't not laugh! I'll bet you can't not laugh!" My fingers will give way to soft supple paintbrushes, exploring along your tummy and abdomen and waistt as I start to get more commenty on your reactions. "Mmmh ~ tickle spots, right hereeee not so much along hereee but ahhh yes riiight below the navell and to the siiiide" fluttering my soft tools and hmming and studying you. "Oh, I just love how ticklish you are~! Your laugh is toooo addictive and I can't stoppp mmmh mhhh~" As I taunt with my paintbrush gliding on your neck, I reach for my long feather and start teasing your ears, making you turn side to side. I'm kneeling over you now, chuckling and snickering down as I make you so helpless with so little, just playful flirty bullying and playing with your wiggly body following every move with those annoying tickly tools at your neck and ears and face. "Laugh it up goosebump~! Laugh it uppp~!"
Once I have you nice and blushy and a bit gaspyyy~~ and with that contemptuous smirk, I'm going to start taunting your royal chest buttonsss~ "now, if you would juuuust cooperate with meee~" I murmur as my two index fingers wiggle down towards your chest. "Hmm hmmh mmmh hmmm" I ponder as I trace in circles, closer and closer to your girly button tips ~ lightlyyyy flicking and stroking and teasing while I lean in to start planting tickly kissies at your neck. "Ticklish buttonssss~ two ticklish buttons riiight hereee uhuhhh~ does that feel good? Tickles on your girly buttons?" I'll make like I'm going to start tickling at your belly but my finger will continue gliding up under your top to find that button and give it loving tickles while I kiss and nibble at your arm and snuggle you to me ~ we'll play with those buttons, my hands slipping into your top from above or the sides or underneath to keep getting at them, then going back to play through the material ~ "Cooochie cooochie on your buttoniessss~" getting you sooo bashfully giggly while I plant muahs all over your neck and cheeks and earsss tooo~
Thennn I'm gonna get you with the slowwww ticklesss ~ your top lifted up to expose those cute spotsss ~ my hands landing on your chest and ever so gently, lightly gliding down, wiggling across your nipples, ribssss and belly. Barely moving at times. "Tickle tickle..." My tone gets sultry but still jingly. "Tickle tickle tickle.." After many passes on your upper body my hands finally come to rest at your waist, hooking into your pants and tracing back and forth in long strides from hip to hip. "Coochie coochie..." I murmur, following your squirms, and snickering with you. At last we come to the finale ~ I reach behind me and pull out my favorite, the oversized heavy handle with the big white bulb atop. "Say hello to Ms. Wand~" I hold the padded tip to my palm and turn the switch to low. The toy kicks on and hums gently. I can't help but giggle at the sensation. "Don't worryyy she'll be gentle~ and so will I~" I start lovingly tickling at your legs, rubbing up your thighs and drawing the wand up the other side of your bottoms. I get closer and closer to the royal area between, watching your reactions intently. "I'll bet you can't not laugh~~" I gently remind as I lean in to kiss at your tummy while Ms. Wand glides up and rests right in your regal cradle, humming softly but relentlessly through the materials~
"You can squirm and struggle all you like. It's still gonna tickle~" I plant kisses along your waist, keeping the wand bulb moving in tight little circles over your most royal button through your bottoms. Slowly I start ramping up the speed. "That's ittt let it all out noww ~ don't try to fight ittt~" Faster the vibrations build, the buzzing grows louder. I follow your every motion, keeping you vibrated with tickly sensations while I muah at your hips and tickle your navel and thighs. "How does that feel?" I flood your body with distracting sensations growing more tickly as I speed up Ms. Wand. "Can't not laugh~! I'll bet you can't not moan, either~" I smile and insert my feathers into your bottoms, letting their tips glide down to rest on your skin while I continue to vibrate. The paintbrush comes back out to tickle at your ear while you struggle with the growing sensual tickle below on your girly area~ "Ooh~ Oooh~ are you gonnaaa? Mmmh? Gonna let that ticklegasm happen? Yeahh? Tell me all about it ~ how does it feel?" The wand goes up to maximum speed, and so do my tickles, skittering from your nipples to your belly and sides, up your ribs and pinching at your thighs. I keep you guessing, I randomly lean in to kiss or let my long hair brush over your skin ~ "Tickle tickle~ let's get that ticklegasmmmm just let it all out, let it alll goo~ Yesss let me make you feeel soooo goood~" I'll keep you distracted as much as I can but the buzzing will continue, building you up and up with those vibey ticklesss ~ and she won't move until you tumble right over into that giggly edge~~
And once you do~~ I'm gonna snuggle up and give you soo much praise ~ because you're adorable and beautiful and deserve allll these lovely sensationssss~<3
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
https://x.com/_skj003/status/1800300751794966689?s=46&t=UKXsIyx3ykZ4bZYVXM9NSQ hi! just wanted to send this 'cause i thought you'd appreciate it
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tinogiehd · 1 year
the basketball pic is crazy HIS WAISTT!!!!
george is built so incredibly
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j00stkl31n · 3 months
Do u think he’s got a type? Maybe blonde, brunette, blue eyes, skinny or curvy, little waistt big back?? I’m curious
I feel like man probably has a basic ass type and it makes me a lil sad 😤 but I feel like he’d also be into any body type it’s more style that’s basic ya know? But I could also see him fawning over a goth baddie too X33
whatever his type is I hope I can somehow meet it 🫣 gods I hope he’s into shorter people too cuz what a lovely combo 🤤
I’m hoping he just likes whoever he likes regardless of appearance. I feel like he genuinely cares more about personality than looks. But I can see him getting all flustered by a group of hot women coming up to him and flirting lolol
Gods I just hope he likes brown hair and brown doe eyes cuz that’s what I’ve got going for me lmaooo
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gonggum · 5 years
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softshiin · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ BOYFRIEND HCS -tr
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##PARING … shinichiro, hanma, teen!wakasa, mikey x reader (separately)
⋆·˚ ༘ *  SUMMARY … just some boyfriend headcanons i thought of <3
##WARNINGS … nothing ig?
⋆·˚ ༘ * NOTE … helloo it’s been a while since i posted!! ‘m sorryy <3
not proofread
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; he absolutely gives all of his attention to you when you’re around
; even when he’s working and you stop by his bike shop, he immediately stops working and listens what you have to say
; that is why you visit him only when he’s done with work or during breaks</3
; always looks at you in the eyes when you’re talking to him
; loves to play with your fingertips, hair, and jewelry
; when he had a bad day, he always comes to you seeking for some cuddles or kisses
; is an absolute simp for you, even after so many years he always blushes when he sees you, let alone that his heart beats extremely fast
; back hugs back hugs back hugs
; adores night bikerides with you and only you <3
; always spoils you with little gifts
; his love language is teasing 😕
; let’s you sleep on his lap in public places (trains, benches etc)
; piggybacking you whenever you’re tired, especially during 3am dates <3
; loves to hold your hand when it’s cold
; absolutely adores when you steal one of his shirts/hoodies, you look great with ‘em on
; gives you weird pet names but they’re still cute ig🙄
; “accidentally” beat up someone ‘cause they were looking too much at you
; daily shows up at your workplace / school because he misses you
; probably has tried at least once to cook something for you, but failed </3
; hums your favorite songs when you two are cuddling on the couch
; hear me out. he always, and i say ALWAYS, puts an arm around your shoulder when y’all are walking
; it’s almost an habit
; he is 100% sure and he KNOWS you are week for his looks and pretty face
; eventually use this weak spot whenever he can to get you flustered
; hands on your waistt
; kisses you during arguments, ‘cause he thinks it’s hot (and he’s right 💫)
; always shows up to you after winning a fight, cuz he wants you to patch him up <3
; takes you out on a date instead of taking you to school / work, and you can’t be mad at him i mean :((
; loves giving you kisses on the back of your head
; has this habit to come to your house and randomly take a shower
; sometimes you two would also have a bath together, just to relax
; do i need to say that whenever he’s free he comes to you?
; no matter what time is it?
; yeah. he totally does that </3
; he misses you at every hour of the day, so he just comes to visit you wherever you are
; loves napping on your lap, shoulder and tights, he says they’re comfy
; arguing with him is like arguing either with a child or with the wall. he can be so stubborn sometimes </3
; fights usually end up with you not talking to him for ten minutes, and then he comes to you with a snack and puppy eyes
; he’s def the small spoon <3
; protective af !!
; would 100% try to help you with homework and he’s actually good at some subjects
; “should i beat up your teachers? how can they give you so much homework”
; pouting pouting pouting <3
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froggyhoodie · 3 years
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crypticbunnygirl · 3 years
i wanna sit on his lap with his arms around my waistt mannnn 🥴🥴🥴🥴
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davidkarofskyindie · 5 years
sluttyboysxrp (Joey/Andrew)
@sluttyboysxrp​ continued from (x)
Andrew was counting his money, no doubt that was his thing, he finished counting it, and he save it. Andrew smiled when his partner entered and nodded amused. “Well … I have two great things you might like,” he replied as he adjusted his jockstrap he was wearing, as he approached Joey and sat on the boy’s waist, rubbing his ass gently against the crotch of the hunk. “Do you really want to hear the boring details? I would be better if I show you” He smiled provocatively.
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Joey beamed as Andrew sat on his waistt, his hands instantly went to cup the girm globes of that ample ass “Oh if these are the great things you’re talking about, I definitely like” he joked with a wicked little twinkle in his eyes, biting his bottom lip as he just enjoyed looking into those eyes “Well if I get to be shown what you got I’m totally happy to get my own show... such a nice change from having to be the show” he whispered, giving that firm ass a playful pat “Should I sit in the standard way the customers do? Legs spread, hand down the pants with my jaw hanging open? Cos you know once you start doing a show I definitely stop thinking”
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
I just want smooch his waistt (;´༎ຶᗣ༎ຶ`)
Smooch, lick up, bite,,,,,,
him 🤝 kevin: playing with fire by showing me their delicious waists because im this 🤏🏼 close to running over there and swallowing them whole
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haroinheart · 2 years
if i was his skinny short ex hed be so in love with me sadly i cant shrink height but ill try so hard to be perfect for him and shrink dis waistt aye
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