#HLAW Day 3: Pride Parade
lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Hindsight is 20/20
Book: The Royal Romance (with references to Desire and Decorum)
Characters: Hana Lee & Peter Foredale (OC) (platonic), Hana Lee x Kiara Theron. References to Annabelle x MC from D&D.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5000+ words
Summary: Hana and Kiara travel to England...after recieving a letter from Hana's former fiancè. Hana explores her journey as a bi woman in a walk down memory lane.
A/N1: This takes place three years after the events of TRR3. Hana and Kiara are married and have an 8-month old child at this point. Peter Foredale in this universe is both the "Lord Peter" Hana mentioned in TRR1 (who was engaged to her then broke the match) and the current head of Countess Florence Foredale's (my D&D MC) estate, Edgewater. Faceclaims here.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW and @choicespride for National Coming Out Day (Thursday).
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"Ready, darling?"
Hana nods mutely. She is, after all, ready in all the ways Mother wanted her to be. Face serene, back straight, gown resplendent.
You look like a vision, the dressmaker gushed a while ago when she saw the results of her handiwork, I cannot wait to see the look on Viscount Foredale's face when he sees you!
Inside the satin gloves, her hands begin to tremble.
Viscount Peter Foredale. Gentleman. Up-and-coming barrister. A regular on the magazine spreads. The most eligible bachelor in all of England. Most of all...a wonderful, kind friend.
And after tonight...her future husband.
Her stomach tightens in a sick lurch.
"Doing okay?" Kiara asks her wife, running a thumb gently over their daughter's left cheek. Her other hand settles at the small of Hana's back, tracing soothing circles. The child shifts her attention from the pearl button she's been chewing, to coo at Mama Kiki's touch.
"Yeah... she's fine," Hana replies, her voice grainy with fatigue. "Put her in any sort of moving vehicle, and she's the world's happiest baby."
Kiara releases a laugh from pursed lips. There is nothing their 8-month-old loves more than being carried around; if you try to sit down, even for a minute, she will bash her hands against your chest and moan for you to get up and move around again.
Her eyes, however, never leave Hana's face - not the downturned lips, not the concealer-masked dark shadows under her eyes.
"I wasn't talking about Chaima," she says quietly.
Hana closes her eyes. It's easy enough to dissemble her nervousness when Chaima is in her arms, but not when Kiara is pinning her with that piercing, knowing gaze. That gaze has always been Hana's undoing.
"Look at you, asking me all the hard questions at 11 in the morning."
Kiara sighs, and fiddles with Chaima's curls. "Your arms must be aching, ma moitié. Let me have her just a bit. Rest now; we'll be reaching Edgewater in half an hour."
Hana sighs and nods. She doesn't want to let go of Chaima yet - it would be so much easier, pushing every other thought aside when this lovely golden child is in her arms...and she suspects that's part of the reason Kiara wants to take over. Don't put off things just because you think you can't handle them perfectly, habibti.
Kiara tucks Chaima's head gently on her shoulder, crooning an old lullaby in Darija. Nīnī yā moūmoū...Hattā tjī ‘andou moū...Sleep my baby...until your Mommy arrives...
Chaima thumps her little hands against Mama Kiki's breasts in approval. Sighing, Hana takes out the letter that brought her here.
Dear Hana,
I hope you, your wife and your little one are well. It's springtime here at Edgewater, we have plenty visitors in the afternoons, touring the gardens and the lake. Mabel has been renovating the house again - she's been insisting I leave the Regency-style furniture in the Regency era and go for something more contemporary (I'm right!).
Little Alphonsa thanks you for her copy of "A Smart Cookie". I'm sure she'll love the message in a few years...but for now all she can see are the cupcakes, the croissants and the macarons. I'm quite proud of the fact; in this one area she takes after her father.
Despite her nervousness, Hana cannot resist a small smile. It's been good to hear from Peter again, truly. He has always been a serious man, whose humour slips through in the most unexpected moments, and it shows in his letters. And from his wife's rare interjections in his letter, she can tell Mabel is the more open, outgoing one.
It had all begun a year ago. They hadn't spoken at all in the years since their engagement had fallen apart, first out of bitterness and then out of shame. Somewhere in those early days, he'd resented her for those dreams left unfulfilled, and somewhere she half-hated him for leaving her to deal with aftermath, alone.
But when she'd heard the news of Earl William Foredale's death from her father, it felt odd not to give him a call. They'd known each other long enough for Hana to understand how hard Peter would have been hit - this man he'd loved and worshipped and wanted to follow on the footsteps of - and whether or not her presence was welcome she knew she needed to at least try.
You reached out after years of silence and offered only compassion, he wrote to her months later, For that, I can never thank you enough.
She looks to the final lines in the letter. Just to see if there's something she's missing, something hidden between the lines. Perhaps, an courtesy-invitation to an old friend he would much rather not see again.
You mentioned in your last letter that you'd be in London two months from now. I would like to extend an informal invitation to visit the Edgewater estate, and our family, when you are here. It would be nice to catch up.
His letters to her have been nothing but sweet. Warm. Tentative in their attempts to speak about anything but that which caused them to part. And for that, she is grateful.
Still. That prickle of fear remains.
The foyer of the mansion is elegant, imposing. From the parlour nearby she can faintly hear the sounds of an excited child attempting to converse with Chaima, occasionally asking Kiara if she can touch her hand. My baby, my cupcake, we'll give you lots and LOTS of milk and carrot smash!
(I think you mean mash, Kiara replies, sounding amused and more than a little charmed by the girl already)
The Persian rug is soft beneath Hana's feet, and the oak panels shine in the patch of sunlight streaming in through the windows. But that is not what catches her attention.
A portrait on the side, of a young woman in an ocean-blue gown that bears the insignia of a unicorn and an eagle, in gold and silver. An elegant shawl around her shoulders. In her face is the pride of a woman who seems to have fought for her place here, and won. Next to her, a calm, brown-haired man, hands kept behind him. Straightening his back, trying to stand tall, trying to match the stature of the lady he just married...but happy to be there.
"That's Florence Foredale," a rich, deep voice speaks from behind, "Countess of Edgewater. 1817 to 1867." The woman who approaches her walks with grace and confidence, hips swaying slightly as she walks. On her wine-coloured lips, a small smile. "Good afternoon, Your Grace."
Hana laughs, relieved that Peter's wife seems every bit as happy to see her as she sounds in his letters. "I've heard about her. She's quite famous in Cordonia...especially in my wife's province." She gives the other woman a teasing grin. "And we're not in Cordonia anymore, Your Excellency."
"Mabel," she interjects. "Not very many people call me by my name nowadays, and I rather miss the sound of it."
Hana nods, smiling. "Mabel it is," she says.
"Hana," Mabel responds, her eyes brown and speculative, but softening when their gazes meet. "Peter's in the study. He said he'll be joining us in a couple of minutes."
Hana's spine clenches in a mixture of anticipation and dread. If Mabel notices an involuntary twitch from her guest, she chooses not to tell.
Hana closes her eyes. Lifts her chin. Tries not to sweat under the harsh camera lights. Involuntarily tightens her fist until the photographer tells her she looks a little too tense.
She can feel Peter's hands, holding her by the waist like she is glass and he's afraid he could break her. She can feel his breath near her ear, slow and measured. She can almost hear him swallow his nervousness in his throat, and wonders if he is just as terrified as she is.
She waits for the feel of his lips on hers. The one she's read about in books, secretly watched in her cousins' favourite films. The one that's supposed to release a million butterflies in your stomach, the one that softly parts your lips like they're made of silk, smooth and sensuous. Already she can feel him growing closer...closer...
Peter finds her half an hour later in the kitchen, calming herself down with a few small squares of chocolate. Guiltily, she notes the still-blood-red bruising on his bottom lip. She runs her fingers over the delicate filigree earring they chose for the occasion, still unsure why his frown is one of worry, not disgust.
"Are you alright?"
She sniffles, almost hating him for being so kind. "I should be asking you that."
Surprisingly, he offers her a lopsided smile, making his swollen lip even more prominent than before.
"Well, see. At least I landed somewhere in the vicinity of your face this time," Peter says, chuckling, "Give me a little more practice. I promise it will be your cheek next."
Fresh tears spring in Hana's eyes - this time tears of laughter.
"How's this, Auntie Hana!" little Alphonsa chirps, enthusiastically swinging a rattle to Chaima's face, "Am I doing it right? Does Chaima like it? Do you? Do youuuuuu?"
The last two sentences are addressed to the baby bundled in Hana's lap, applesauce running down her mouth. Chaima looks away from her food to gift her slightly older companion a gummy, two-toothed smile. Shaking the rattle is typically the job of whichever mother has her hands free, but Peter's little daughter insisted on keeping her tiny guest happy and submerged in toys for the two days that they were here.
"Yes, Alphie," Kiara blows her a flying kiss, "you're a natural!"
Hana gives Alphonsa an affectionate pinch on the cheek with her free hand. "Chaima lights up every time she sees you, darling, and so do we."
Right next to Hana, Peter grins. It's the first genuine smile she has seen from him since they started talking, and Hana is struck by how alike he and his daughter look right now.
"Alphonsa loves babies," he explains, "or any child, really, they just have to be younger than her. It sets her big-sister instincts abuzz."
Hana sighs, shaking her head and remembering her own days as the only child. Her chandelier earrings swing around her neck as she laughs.
It fascinates her, really, how at ease they are with each other when they're talking about their children. Ever since she came here, their conversations have been awkward, stilted, punctuated with pregnant pauses that harbour all the words they're too afraid to say to each other. They've been trying so hard to be normal around each other, Hana realizes, and failing.
But as parents, they've never been better friends.
"Wait a minute," Peter's voice sounds a little bemused, suddenly, "is that -"
It is only when Hana follows his line of sight that she realizes exactly which earrings she's worn for this visit.
In that moment, she wants to dig a hole beneath the parlour floor and bury herself there.
"Yes," she says, sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think..."
Peter raises his eyebrows, then turns to look at Kiara and Mabel. As they both watch their wives talk animatedly, lost in their own conversation together, Peter suddenly turns back to Hana with a mischievous grin.
"Don't be," he says, "I'm just grateful we both managed to get better kissing practice. Less bloodshed that way."
Hana stares at him, then breaks into peals of silent giggles. It isn't even that funny...not to anyone else anyway...but the dry tone and the memories make it hard for her to stop laughing.
God. She isn't sure what else may happen to cast a shadow on this golden time, this lovely reunion...but if there is one thing Hana has missed up her old friend...it's this.
It is on their second day at Edgewater, that Countess Mabel requests Hana accompany her for a short walk.
Edgewater Lake is a tranquil, limpid little paradise, tucked away behind the estate's beautiful gardens and sprawling grounds. The aroma of bay willow and birch trees is alluring and soothing all at once, and even the ducks seem to float languidly over the water.
Mabel smiles in satisfaction at the sponge cakes in her box, kept specially for the ducks. She offers some to Hana, and together they throw the crumbs in the lake, watching in rapt attention as the ducks practically spring into life, squabbling over who gets which piece.
"I don't think I've ever felt more at peace anywhere in this estate than here," Mabel says. "I found this place quite by accident on my first week here, when I was too intimidated with the rest of the house and the estate. It's been my safe space ever since."
"It's a beautiful place," Hana smiles, remembering Sôse - the lake near the Cordonian Royal Palace. Its clear waters, its free-spirited birds, that distinctive smell of yellow crocus flowers that now reminds her of home. Where she was once told she would become a Duchess. Where Kiara had proposed to her, seven months later.
"Many tales speak of Countess Florence having picnics here."
"With her husband?" Hana says with an arched eyebrow, knowing full well the true answer.
"No. Her...companion. Miss Annabelle Parsons of Hazelvale."
"Parsons? As in the artist who painted Woman's Waltz and Rose Gold Reminiscence?"
"Yes," Mabel says, a faint smile on her lips, "I'm certain you've heard all the stories."
"Not until recently," Hana whispered, remembering just how ignorant she felt, those first few months after she realized she loved women more often than she loved men. How much there was for her to learn. She remembered sitting up some nights after she came out in public, wondering just what to call herself. Am I lesbian? Am I bisexual? Why are most of the people I get attracted to, women? And how can I say I'm lesbian if I've still found myself gravitating towards at least one or two men?
It took Kiara to convince her that she needed to stop overthinking, that changing her mind about who she was didn't mean she was lying to herself. To feel good about learning at her own pace. When she first heard about Florence Foredale, Hana hadn't even known what a lavender marriage was. "I wasn't really out to anyone until I started living in Cordonia."
Mabel's smile grows wider. "Me too. I'm bisexual."
Hana sucks in a breath. "Really?"
"When did you realize?"
Mabel's smile is swift and regretful. "I had an inkling in my early twenties...but I was deep in denial until at least two years ago."
Hana nods, placing a hand on Mabel's shoulder. "That sounds a lot like my journey. I don't think I could even articulate who I thought I was before I left Shanghai."
"Before Peter and I met, I was a young girl brought up in a very strict Goan Catholic family," she says, "You never even uttered the words gay or bisexual around our house." She sighs, heavily, seeming to remember her first year at Edgewater. "I was so scared. The timing was all so wrong. What was I going to do, now that I knew? What was I going to tell Peter?"
Hana winces. She had the same fears the night of their engagement...only now she can give those questions a name. The memory of his face is blinding in its clarity: contorted in pain, his mouth uttering questions she wasn't sure she would ever have the answers for...Is this what you want? Am I what you want??
The way the scales fell from his eyes as she fought to stop her tears.
And then he had left. Left that secluded hallway, left her house, left China. News of the broken match came from her parents.
She had become "damaged goods" overnight. Without a single hair on her head being touched.
Silently, Mabel reaches out and takes Hana's hand, squeezing it in understanding and an attempt to comfort. Hana presses her eyes closed. She doesn't want this woman's pity. Not after this long, when it's too little too late.
Hana is afraid of the answer. But she still has to ask.
"How did Peter react?"
If her eyes weren't closed already, she would have done so right now, cursing herself for coming here. All this time...and she'd really convinced herself he'd changed...but if he was treating his lawfully-wedded wife this way -
"Not of me," Mabel says softly, her hand moving to touch Hana's arm now, "Of himself. He never quite forgave himself for what you had to go through after he left."
Hana sucks in a horrified breath. "He knew?"
Even before she did?? And he never once tried to talk to her about it?
"Not right away. Not that you weren't straight." Mabel says, nervously fingering a sapphire bracelet on her wrist. "It took him years to make sense of it. When the announcement of your marriage to Kiara came out...and then that magazine spread you'd made on Trend for Pride in Cordonia...several things began falling into place."
"Before or after you came out to him?"
"After," Mabel whispers, "I won't pretend it was perfect. I won't say he understood everything all at once . But he did try...and he still keeps trying."
Hana lets out a sigh of relief. It feels good, knowing that the phantom she had built in her head of him isn't entirely accurate.
"More than once when he's spoken about you," Mabel begins again, slowly, "he's told me that he thinks neither of you had a clue you loved women back then. He said you didn't seem to have enough space to ask questions about who you were or what you wanted."
"He's right," Hana says, staring unseeingly at the ripples on the lake. "When I fell in love for the first time, in Cordonia, it was hell. I had no idea what I was feeling, I couldn't get over the fact that it was a woman...and she was lost to me before I could even hope to win her."
Mabel smiles. "...and then you met Kiara."
Hana chuckles, a glow trickling down and filling every inch of her being...as it always does when she remembers their first days after they confessed their love to each other. "And then I met Kiara."
The two women walk further, looking out towards the lake rather than at each other. Hana gropes around in her mind desparately for a change in subject.
"I feel like I've seen this place before, even though this is my first time personally visiting Edgewater."
"It's possible," Mabel concedes. "Several films have been shot here. I think my favourite one so far has been that one with Cassandra Leigh in it... what's its name...?"
"A Timeless Heart," Hana replies, wonderingly. Even as she answers she finds herself awash with memories. Memories she'd kept locked away since Peter had left...yet something about this particular one demands she revisit it today.
They're at the home theatre Father and Mother had installed, just before Peter's parents agreed to their match. Peter tries - not too subtly - to place his arm around her. Hana obediently folds her hands on her lap, and hopes he doesn't realize they built this room specifically for him.
"Did you know," he inches himself a little closer to her, whispering, "this scene was shot a few years ago at a lake close to our house."
Hana does not answer. Her eyes are glued to the screen, glued to the woman with dark hair and wine-red lips, the camera almost caressing her face. The hero, who Hana is suddenly grateful she cannot see, takes a freshly-bloomed rose from his pocket, gently brushing her cheek with it. She gifts him a slow smile in invitation. Yes.
He brings the rose to his lips, and Hana fully expects him to return it to his pocket, but he does not. Instead he brings it back to Cassandra Leigh's face again.
The petals caress Cassandra's cheek like velvet on silk, moving slowly, sensuously, down the line of her jaw. The length of her hair. Her rosebud mouth. It moves across the expanse of her face, and Cassandra responds to the flower as she would the touch of a lover.
As the flower moves languidly over her silken skin...and Cassandra's expression shifts between confusion and desire and pure bliss, Hana feels a softening deep within her. It's a sensation she has never quite felt before. It moves, again, again, almost as if the petals are kissing her - not the man holding them.
It's almost as if he doesn't exist. It's almost as if no one exists, just her. And this woman.
When the projector breaks down immediately after, and Peter gets up - grumbling about missing the best part of the film - she suddenly stares at her fiancé-to-be like she can barely recognize him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" It's Mabel. Hana shifts uneasily at her piercing gaze.
"I was just thinking..." Hana murmurs, still bemused by the revelation, "sometimes all the signs can be right in front of you - staring you in the face - and you won't even realize that that weird feeling at the pit of your stomach was desire."
Mabel nods slowly, her smile one of recognition.
"Yeah...I've had a couple of crushes I didn't even realize were crushes until later."
"It's funny," Hana replies with a small laugh, "this entire time I've been thinking my love for women suddenly burst into life when I came to Cordonia and met Esther...but it's been there all along. It just took me a while to see it. To give it a name."
"Well...you know what they always say," Mabel lays a soft hand on Hana's arm, "Hindsight is 20/20."
"And this...this is Earl Vincent the First," Peter says, pointing to the portrait of a man in 15th century finery on the wall of his study. "Quite the character. He's said to have spied on both sides during the Wars of the Roses."
Hana smiles. "I know of at least one Duchess back home who would love to hear that story."
It's their last day in Edgewater, and Peter has summoned her to the study. Hana wills away the still-slight prickle of fear that he will rake up the past. They've spoken often enough; the topic could have easily come up if he so chose.
"and this...this is my most famous ancestor - appointed Championess of the Realm by Queen Charlotte herself - Countess -"
"- Florence," Hana whispers. The young woman in the portrait is still dressed in her house colours of blue and gold, but holds a white rose to her bosom. Her gaze seems to focus on the artist, brimming with emotions she cannot yet express. Hana is confident that if she strained her eyes long enough, she would find Parsons scribbled at the bottom-right corner of the painting.
"Yes," he says, a faint smile on his lips, "I hear that back in Castelserraillan they've made a film on her life."
"She's quite popular there."
"For good reason, I imagine," Peter says, "Most of what used to be considered 'rumour' about her is...in effect...true."
Hana's eyes widen. The stories of Countess Florence Foredale marrying Mr Chambers but pledging her vows to Miss Parsons...that she gleefully officiated her "husband's" own union to another man on their wedding night...they are fairly common knowledge. Common knowledge that you'd never expect the heir to her estate to confirm.
"Among us descendants, no one knows for sure whether her son was part of the Foredale bloodline in the way the ton of those times would have wanted it," Peter stares at the Countess' portrait, hands clasped behind his back, every inch this woman's heir. "But she left behind a legacy. A legacy I am proud of. A legacy I long to live up to."
Remembering her conversation with Mabel at the lake, Hana says, "From what I've heard, you already are."
Peter's answering smile is one of sad knowing. "You've been talking to Mabel."
Flushing, Hana nods. "I have."
He chuckles and shakes his head. "She often gives me more credit than I deserve."
Hana laughs. "I think I'll let her be the judge of that."
She can see Peter's shoulders heave in a deep, deep sigh. He walks away from the hundreds of ancestral portraits, back to his table, running a fingernail across its wooden surface. His eyes are cast downwards, almost as if he can't bring himself to look at her.
Hana freezes, anticipating the difficult conversation ahead.
"Hana," he says, his voice suddenly rough, "I wanted to hate you so badly in the beginning."
Her stomach drops to her feet. "I know."
"I kept telling myself, she could have opened up to me, anytime. I stayed at her home three while weeks; she could have let me know then. I convinced myself that I was a match you carelessly chose to sleepwalk into, that you considered me another chore to get done."
Tears spring in Hana's eyes. "I couldn't understand what was happening to me back then. I still don't."
Peter moves behind the table, running his fingers through the knob of one of the drawers. His own eyes seem clouded, she notes with a pang.
"Mabel told me once...the process to figuring out who you are isn't always going to be linear. You're never going to figure it out all in one go," he finally raises his eyes to hers, "Was it like that for you?"
Hana swallows. "It's still like that for me. There are still parts of this journey that are yet to make sense."
"I could have stayed back. Talked to you. Tried to help somehow, though god knows whether I'd have messed it all up further. I could have tried." Peter's voice is flat, almost deceptively lacking emotion. Only his eyes betray his recrimination of himself. "Instead I ran off. Leaving you to face all the questions."
"You didn't!" Hana's own voice is suddenly hoarse, roused by his self-flagellation into passionate defense. "Don't think I didn't notice, Peter. Before you left, you and your family made use of every contact you could find...to kill most of the gossip surrounding our breakup. Neither I nor my family found out until two years later."
Peter shakes his head in disbelief. "But -"
"You didn't get all of it right. I know that. People still managed to spread the word, and I kept getting raked over the coals for it, even after I married Kiara." Hana takes a deep breath, exhausted from her tirade. "You hated me then, but you were still willing to do that for me. If you really want to know how worthy you are of Florence Foredale's lineage, you can start right there."
Peter sighs. "Let me apologize for not trying to understand, at least."
She lets out a watery laugh. "Apology accepted."
He searches her eyes for affirmation, and nods, opening the drawer he had been running his fingers through mere minutes ago.
"Come here," he mumbles finally, leafing through a sheaf of papers, "I have something I've been wanting to show you. Ever since we started writing each other."
It's sketches of the same woman - in various moods, various poses...the drawings themselves in various stages of completion. These aren't formal portraits, set up over stand and easel, its subjects motionless. No - these are poetry in motion, impatiently etched, capturing their subject in all her vibrancy and fierce spirit. Here she is, head thrown back in (at least in Hana's imagination) loud raucous laughter, the wind in her hair. And here, yet again, holding a little boy up in the air, his tiny hands reaching out to caress her face.
Here is one made by the Countess - herself an accomplished artist - of her wife standing tall and proud, an eagle perched on her right arm, her left hand caressing a unicorn.
Her heart almost stops when she sees the final painting - the artist Parsons herself, arms wound around the other woman's waist, her chin tucked against the Countess' shoulder. Their fingers seem woven together, so that you cannot quite tell which ones belong to whom. The Countess herself looks to their interwoven hands with a mixture of desire, and longing, and pain.
Hana runs a hand over the couple, her touch almost reverent. Her heart twists a little at the strength of their love, the immense injustice of their loss. "No one else has seen these before."
"No one," Peter agrees, "except my wife. We unearthed these just days after Father died. And a week before you made that call." He picks the last drawing up, his eyes brimming with affection. "When you rang us so soon after that, it felt like a sign. Like I had one more chance to make things right."
Hana takes his hand, pressing it between hers. "You and Mabel have done more than that. I'll never forget this visit. You both owe us a trip to Cordonia, now."
Cautiously, tentatively, Peter gives her a hug.
"I'd like you to have this last painting," he says gruffly, passing her the one she'd touched so reverently mere moments ago. "It just feels right, you having this. There's a lot of things my ancestor didn't have...that I'm glad you and my Mabel finally get the space to explore."
"And even then, we had to navigate so much to get there," Hana responds. "All we can do really is pass it forward. Make it easier for the next generation, and the next, and the next."
Peter gifts her a rueful smile. "I'll try my best to do just that, Hana. I promise you."
Little Alphonsa giggles and gives Kiara a drawing of herself and Chaima, as a keepsake. Already Kiara plans to have it framed and put up in her nursery.
Mabel has a gift of her own, too. Just before Hana leaves, she slips a small package into her bag, insisting she only open it when they're closer to the airport.
The car that takes them to the airport weaves through traffic slowly, steadily, in no particular rush. In an hour's time, Chaima is asleep on Kiara's lap, and Kiara herself has dozed off, mumbling gibberish in her dreams.
Quietly, Hana takes out the package, tears open the wrapper. A letter falls out.
H -
Since you like Cassandra Leigh so much, I thought you might like The Warmest Winter. You'll know why when you watch. Thank me later.
It's a CD cover for a film. Two women, gazing into each other's eyes in reverent devotion, their gazes speaking a million promises that their lips can never tell. Hana presses the CD to her chest and whispers a prayer of gratitude.
A sleeping Kiara shifts her neck ever-so-slightly in Hana's direction, murmuring her name softly. Her hand still lies - soft. protective - over Chaima's stomach.
Hana keeps the CD back in the larger bag she's carrying - the one that holds those precious paintings.
Seems like our plans are set for next date night, wife. She brushes away a strand of hair from Kiara's forehead, kissing it. I just can't wait.
Ma moitié - French for "my other half"
Nīnī yā moūmoū - Moroccan lullaby (link here)
A Timeless Heart and The Warmest Winter are both Cassandra Leigh films in the Choices universe.
Inspiration for the Timeless Heart scene in the movie-watching section, came from a rather sensuous (by our 50s Bollywood standards!) Hindi film scene in Mughal-e-Azam, where the hero caresses the heroine with a feather. See:
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You can watch the full song here and the scene in question is from 2.10-3.00.
48 notes · View notes
Day 2 was amazing!! We explored what she liked as opposed to what she was just good at, and even headcanoned extra things she might discover she likes! A real treat to see readers explore Hana from the perspective of what brings her happiness.
But tomorrow is Day 3, which is particularly exciting because we will be exploring two themes: "Romance" and "Pride Parade".
Romance is pretty self-explanatory: you can write Hana in a ship with anyone: the MC, a character already in the books or an OC - as long as she is centered in the portrayal.
As Hana's story also begins with her being in the closet and not totally out even to herself, the "Pride Parade" prompt is all about Hana and her journey to embracing her sexuality. This can be in the form of romancing someone, but can also extend to her finding a community, her sharing her experiences with someone else, her participating in LGBTQ+ related activism, or just simply living her best life as a woman comfortable with her sexuality...the possibilities are endless!
@choicespride has been running a Bisexual Awareness Week and is still inviting entries for the same. If you have an content that features Hana as a bisexual woman and revolves around that part of her identity, you can tag them in the piece you're working on.
As always, the theme is a prompt meant for the day and there are no hard-and-fast rules about when to send your content. You can always post on a later day, as long as you tag it for the day/theme you intended it for (#hlaw day 1, #hlaw day 2. etc).
Be sure to do the following while making your posts:
1. Write them with these tags: #hanaleeappreciationweek and #HLAW, along with the day (eg. #HLAW Day 4).
2. Tag @hanaleeappreciationweek and the co-hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your content.
Optionally, you can try joining in other fandom events as well by tagging them in content that fits their guidelines!
1. @choicesficwriterscreations in any fic-related content that you're doing (list of events here)
2. @choicesmonthlychallenge which hosts monthly events with prompts, and invites all kinds of content (this time, it's Picktober! You can always choose a prompt from here and try it out)
3. And as we've mentioned before, @choicespride is still inviting entries for Bisexual Awareness Week.
Have a great Hana Lee Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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thecapturedafrique · 2 years
HLAW: Day 3—Romance/Pride Parade
(Let’s pretend for today I live in the PST zone and this isn’t actually late.) For day 3 of Hana Lee Appreciation Week, I am sharing the sexuality arc I head canon for Hana! A lot of it is based on my own experiences being both bi and demi, as I see a lot of myself in Hana when it comes to her arc of falling for the MC.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek and the awesome hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
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Pre-Teen: An avid reader, Hana is attracted to characters in books bc she “knows” them in a way she doesn’t know people in real life; since all of the romance novels she’s exposed to at that age involve heterosexual couples, she is mainly attracted to male characters since she projects herself onto the female ones.
Teenager: Hana watches The Warmest Winter, and being exposed to a prominent f/f couple means when she projects onto Cassandra Leigh’s character, she finds herself being attracted the female love interest; however, she rationalizes away this realization by deciding it doesn’t count since the character isn’t real.
Young Adult: After becoming engaged to Peter, Hana worries because she’s not attracted to him. Doing some research, she learns about the ace spectrum and figures out she’s demisexual, and so believes she just has to get to know Peter first. The two become friends but you still can’t force love, so the engagement ends.
TRR: Hana falls in love with her best friend Ally (my TRR MC) which leads her to begin actually identifying as bisexual. After getting her heart broken and healing through the course of the series, she eventually winds up falling in love with her other close friend Kiara.
And as a bonus, I’ll also share a glimpse of the Notion page I created for the outline of B&tR, Hana and Kiara’s love story:
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Fingers crossed I’ll manage to write it one of these days!
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HLAW Masterlist 2022
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Day 1: Music
Hana Plays Piano for Tzipporah (MC) by @cassiopeiacorvus
Hana Plays the Piano by @ohmyblues
Hana at the Piano by @sazanes
Character Appreciation
SpreadJoy Quote by @storyofmychoices
Pop Star AU by @phoenix-sayeed
Goth!Hana and Indie/Grunge Music by @masked-alien-lesbian
Music Headcanons by @lizzybeth1986
Hana Lee: Character Playlist by @lizzybeth1986
Day 2: What I Love To Do
Hana's Hot Chocolate by @sazanes
"What I Love To Do" by @thecapturedafrique
Hana Lee: Passions Moodboard by @lorirwritesfanfic
What Hana Loves To Do by @masked-alien-lesbian
Secret Notes in Library Nooks by @lizzybeth1986
Day 3: Romance/Pride Parade
Hana and Kiara by @sazanes
When You're Not Looking by @phoenixrising308
Hindsight is 20/20 by @lizzybeth1986
Hana's Crushes Over The Years by @masked-alien-lesbian
Support by @thefirstcourtesan
Sexuality Arc Headcanon by @thecapturedafrique
Khadijah and Hana Lee-Rys by @boujeechoices
Hana and Kiara's wedding by @lizzybeth1986
Day 4: Tea Party
Tea Party with Princess Snickerdoodle by @sazanes
Tea Drunk by @lizzybeth1986
The Time Apart: Needle and Thread by @phoenixrising308
Teas of the Past and the Present by @masked-alien-lesbian
Day 5: Home/Childhood
Hana's Grandmother by @sazanes
Hana's Family History and Childhood by @thecapturedafrique
Day 6: Flowers/Throwback
The Goddess of Spring by @sazanes
A Blossoming Friendship by @lizzybeth1986
Hana Lee: Character Sheet by @thecapturedafrique
Hana's Moon-Themed Masquerade Outfit by @cassiopeiacorvus
Demon!Hana by @masked-alien-lesbian
Black Sheep by @thefirstcourtesan
With A Little Help From My Friends by @lizzybeth1986
In Bloom by @lorirwritesfanfic
Day 7: What If/Duchess Hana
Goth!Hana and her cat Li Ming by @sazanes
Rebellious!Hana AU by @masked-alien-lesbian
The Rise of Her Grace Hana Lee, The Duchess of Chrysopolis by @thecapturedafrique
Hana Lee: Duchess of Krysanthe by @lizzybeth1986
Thank you so much, to everyone who participated in this week and made it so special. We're so proud of each and every piece of content that made it here, and we urge everyone who comes across this masterlist to take a look at every piece - we're positive you'll love them all as much as we did!
If there's any content we've missed, we're very sorry, and do let us know so we can add it to the masterlist.
Enjoy this year's list...and we hope to see you all next year!! 🥰🥰🥰
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
Characters in "Hindsight is 20/20"
So I'm halfway through a fanfic I'd planned for Day 3 of HLAW (Romance/Pride Parade), which is supposed to revolve around Hana meeting her ex-fiance Peter after many years. The fic is called "Hindsight is 20/20" and also explores a younger Hana who is still in the closet.
I thought I'd keep a separate list of my characters and their FCs...partly for anyone who'd like that, and partly to push myself to finish writing this fic 😂😂
Hana Lee - Kaitlin Marianelli
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Kiara Thorne - Flora Coquerel
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Peter Foredale, Earl of Edgewater (present day) - James Krishna Floyd
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Mabel D'Sa Foredale, Countess of Edgewater - Meryl Fernandes
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Alphonsa Foredale - Manasvi Kottachi
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Characters Referenced:
Florence Foredale, Countess of Edgewater (Regency era) - Deepika Padukone
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Annabelle Parsons - Ana Caterina Morareiu
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