#if i’m not able to finish my fic for tomorrow i’ll just share a snippet from what i already have lol
thecapturedafrique · 2 years
HLAW: Day 3—Romance/Pride Parade
(Let’s pretend for today I live in the PST zone and this isn’t actually late.) For day 3 of Hana Lee Appreciation Week, I am sharing the sexuality arc I head canon for Hana! A lot of it is based on my own experiences being both bi and demi, as I see a lot of myself in Hana when it comes to her arc of falling for the MC.
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek and the awesome hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Pre-Teen: An avid reader, Hana is attracted to characters in books bc she “knows” them in a way she doesn’t know people in real life; since all of the romance novels she’s exposed to at that age involve heterosexual couples, she is mainly attracted to male characters since she projects herself onto the female ones.
Teenager: Hana watches The Warmest Winter, and being exposed to a prominent f/f couple means when she projects onto Cassandra Leigh’s character, she finds herself being attracted the female love interest; however, she rationalizes away this realization by deciding it doesn’t count since the character isn’t real.
Young Adult: After becoming engaged to Peter, Hana worries because she’s not attracted to him. Doing some research, she learns about the ace spectrum and figures out she’s demisexual, and so believes she just has to get to know Peter first. The two become friends but you still can’t force love, so the engagement ends.
TRR: Hana falls in love with her best friend Ally (my TRR MC) which leads her to begin actually identifying as bisexual. After getting her heart broken and healing through the course of the series, she eventually winds up falling in love with her other close friend Kiara.
And as a bonus, I’ll also share a glimpse of the Notion page I created for the outline of B&tR, Hana and Kiara’s love story:
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Fingers crossed I’ll manage to write it one of these days!
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation
I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I wanted to share two snippets from Chapter 5 of my multi-chapter fic titled “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
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The closer I get to completing chapter 5, the more excited I get because things are getting even more angsty than they already were for Buck and Eddie.  My goal is to finish this chapter and edit it soon, so hopefully, I’ll be able to post it by the end of the week. ___________ Here are two snippets from chapter 5 because Eddie’s still in El Paso and Buck just arrived in Hershey. ___________
“Like you said Eddie, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.  I almost didn’t recognize you yesterday but I knew it was you after I heard your voice. What have you been up to?  Do you still live in El Paso?”
Eddie shakes his head no and echoes his answer.  “No, I live in Los Angeles.”
“Really, you live in L.A.?”
“Yeah.  I’ve been there for almost six years now.”
“I guess that old saying about time flies is true then, huh?”
Eddie nods.
Dorian looks at him then asks, “What do you do in L.A.?  For a living I mean.”
“I’m a firefighter and a medic with the LAFD.  And you, what do you do?”
“I’m a real estate broker and I dabble in investments, mostly Cryptocurrency as a hobby but I also own a couple of stocks listed on the S&P 500.”
“Ok, that’s interesting.”
“Yeah, it is.  I never thought I’d end up in real estate but El Paso is growing and for the last 10 years, the population has surged tremendously.  There’s a new subdivision not too far from here that my firm was hired to handle all the sales for.  It’s called “New Beginnings”.”
“Really?”  Eddie asks as his eyebrows go up because that’s the same subdivision where he looked at an open house last week.  
“Yeah, it keeps me busy.” Dorian takes a sip of his water. “After two years of non-stop work, I finally decided to take some time off so I could spend time with my kids.”
Eddie chuckles and says, “This is my first vacation ever.  I mean I’ve taken time off work before but it was for doctor’s appointments for me or my son but this is my first time taking more than one or two days off at one time”.
Will Eddie make the decision to move back to El Paso after he has dinner with an old friend from high school?
Buck finds and empty barstool, he sits and after a few seconds, the bartender asks, “What can I get for you?”
“Uh… vodka on the rocks.”
The bartender nods and within 2 minutes, a glass with his preferred drink is sitting in front of him. He throws it back and motions for another.  After his third round, someone sits down next to him on the barstool to his right that was recently vacated but he doesn’t look over at them.
He can feel their eyes looking at him but he doesn’t look over until he hears, “Evan Buckley.”
He pulls back because he recognizes the voice but he’s hoping it’s not the person he thinks it is. He turns his head and it’s him, Jared Persons, the quarterback of his college football team.
He plasters on a fake smile and says, “Jared?”
“Yeah man, it’s me.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, I don’t live too far from here and I come to this restaurant sometimes to sit at the bar, drink a few shots and let off some steam.”
After he looks Buck up and down, he continues.  “But I think the real question is… what are you doing here because last I heard, you left Hershey several years ago?”
“Um… I’m only here for one day and then I—I’ll be gone.”
Buck watches as Jared looks him up and down again with parted lips and a sparkle in his light green eyes like he wants to devour him.  He’s not naïve and he remembers everything they did one night after one of their big wins but he wonders if he should turn into Buck 1.0 again if only for one night.  He considers just doing it to relieve some of the stress he’s feeling before he has to face his parents tomorrow.
He thinks Jared can tell he’s remembering the night they spent together when he leans in close to speak into Buck’s ear.
Jared whispers, “There’s a hotel across the street and if you want… we could, you know for old times’ sake.  One roll in bed while you’re here for one night, one day or whatever.”
Buck moves to the left, then he interrupts him.  “I’m good Jared.  It was nice seeing you again.”
Will Buck accept the proposition made by one of his old college football teammates? 
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Will be posted soon.
I’m enjoying writing this fic because it’s giving me the chance to unravel the mess that was 6x18 for Buck, Eddie and Chris.  Also, it’s taking them places the show refuses to go including Buck being put on Paid Administrative Leave from the 118 due to Taylor Kelly’s book being released along with Eddie doing a self-evaluation journey which currently includes him trying to decide if he should move back to El Paso.
Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading
Read chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4 on AO3.
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks​​ and @shortsighted-owl​.
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greymantledlady · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @thiamsxbitch lovely!! I love this one so much but oh my goddess. i have so many wips. this isn’t even close to all of them but I got tired akjdskhakjdk
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
In my case I don’t have asks open so if anyone’s interested then put it in a reply and I’ll share something! Titles with a star * after them are just messy concepts/pages of notes.
Theo/Liam (Teen Wolf)
1. Theo's trying okay. he's TRYING (actual working title: this is me trying. yes, it’s TSwift, no, it wasn’t on purpose and I hadn’t even listened to the song until I’d written most of the fic. But it just fits perfectly lmaoo this is just more fuel for my taylor swift is secretly a thiam shipper conspiracy theory)(also this one is over 10k now and i’m killing myself trying to finish it gdkfjh)
2. BH primary school fic*
3. Theo sleeping rough in his truck, full of remorse, hopelessly eating his heart out for Liam
4. Theo cooks, Liam keeps coming round, Theo is skittish as hell
5. Theo gets sick because chimera stuff
6. Bodyguard/child soldier AU (coauthored with @eryaforsthye)
7. Theo giving blood
8. theo goes to liam's graduation
9. horror + apologies + chronic pain fic*
10. theo google search fic*
11. theo nearly slips in blood
12. 2. pink, it's not even a question
13. Power Dynamics (coauthored with @eryaforsthye​)
14. Adoption fic (coauthored with @eryaforsthye​)
Michael/Adam (Supernatural)
15. Michael x Adam cagefic
16. Rule 63 Midam
17. 3 - when it is formed into a habit
18. 4 - to presume on god's mercy or to give himself up to despair*
19. Pride month midam
20. adam feeling guilty about not being able to help sam in the cage
Steve/Eddie (Stranger Things)
21. Remember Tomorrow (time travel fixit challenge I'm doing with/parallel to @kaitovsheiji - or will be when we get inspiration again)
22. Summer fic
Loki series
23. child soldier AU (Lokius)
24. cowboy au! (Lokius)
25. kidfic (Lokius)
26. President Loki (Lokius)
27. Sylvonna (Sylvie/Ravonna)
Goncharov (1973)
28. Katya x Sofia
Ted/Trent (Ted Lasso)
29. Fem Trentcoach verse (coauthored with @eryaforsthye)
ROP (look. the show was a bit shit but the little hobbit lesbians were adorable and should’ve been canon)
30. Poppy x Nori
I never tag people in these things but anyone who would like to do this, please consider this an open invitation <33
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ikiyou · 2 years
Trick or Treat! 🦇🎃🕷️
Amazing, this is a pleasant surprise!! 😊😊😊 I've kinda locked myself in this weekend due to an irritating cold, and just finished polishing off one kids Halloween movie - because I like fun with my Halloween, not horror! XDD And saw these in my inbox! 💗💗💗
This is so pleasant, so I'll choose treat! According to the rules, that means I can share a snippet, a line, OC trivia, etc!
And it has to be Halloween themed, of course, so here's the yet unshared intro to a fic where Nakahara Chuuya, from the anime Bungou Stray Dogs, can see and talk to ghosts...
Chuuya could see ghosts.
Which was precisely why he was sitting here drinking at this bar after the mission, the same thing he did after every mission.  Tachihara was sitting next to him and thumping his back exuberantly, not sure if he was caught up in joyous remembrances or about to fall apart.
“They were good men!  Good men!” he sniffed.  “Hattori….and Kanemoto.  I’m glad we were able to avenge them, Chuuya-san!”
“Yeah, good men.  They were proud to serve in the Mafia…content to die the way they lived.  Fearless.” Chuuya remembered the sharp crack of gunshots, the shock in the sudden silence, and then yelling as his men swarmed over their enemy in the abandoned warehouse, aiming for vengeance.  Glancing back at the bodies, he'd caught a pair of steel gazes morphing into content smiles.  Chuuya suppressed a shiver for a second time, and downed his glass, motioning for a refill.  His men had died in the line of duty, helping to secure the Mafia’s assets against a rival upstart. 
Tachihara’s eyes watered at the short eulogy.  “Chuuya-san!!” he cried.
Tuning Tachihara’s exclamations out, Chuuya turned his head to observe the rest of the bar.  He really wanted a distraction, and Tachihara’s constant proclamations over the recently deceased weren’t helping.  A familiar figure caught his eye, and he stared, then scowled.  Exactly the sort of distraction he didn’t want. 
It was the bandaged bastard himself, sitting in a booth across from his new protégé, and, his current partner, Kuni-something.  What were they doing here?  Chuuya squinted.  Was that some new member of the Agency?  Some tall, red haired dude hovered silently next to Dazai’s shoulder.  Why wasn’t he sitting?  Eh, no matter.  Probably that illusionist, he had short red hair too.
Chuuya turned back to Tachihara, who was fast getting drunk on liquor and his emotions.  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?  We still have work tomorrow, ya know.”
Tachihara sniffed again.  “Right!  We can’t let their deaths be in vain!  I’ll see you tomorrow, Chuuya-san, don’t stay too late!”
Chuuya saw Tachihara off then turned back to his own drink, glad to finally drink in peace and quiet, without any reminders.  He had just lifted his class up and was taking another sip when someone slammed into his arm, and his drink sloshed all over his shirt.  Chuuya sputtered, “Hey, what’s the-”
“Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there.”  A familiar face grinned down at him.  Chuuya could feel his already short patience snap, hands clenching into fists.
“Let me help you out….” Dazai leaned across the bar in front of Chuuya, flagging down the bartender.  “Another round for my short friend.  How about a glass of milk?”
“Ha!?  What are you trying to imply, bastard?” 
“Why, Chuuuyaaa, don’t you think you’re a little short to be sitting at the bar?  Someone could mistake you for a child!”
“Why you!!”  Chuuya jumped off the stool and swung a leg at Dazai, who jumped back laughing.
“Enjoy your milk, Chuuyaaaa!”  He waved as he traipsed out the door, following the Jinko and his partner.
“Ahh, you piss me off,” Chuuya grumbled, climbing back onto the stool, before noticing the glass of cold milk in front of him, and glaring at the offending liquid.  He was about to order a proper drink when he shifted irritably.  He really had no patience for lurkers tonight.
“Hey!  You got a problem?”  Chuuya turned to the presence he felt behind him and froze, mouth open in mid yell.  It was the same man who was lurking around Dazai earlier, and Chuuya suddenly realized why he’d looked so familiar.  The man had merely been studying him curiously, about to continue after Dazai when he suddenly straightened up and gave Chuuya his full attention.  Chuuya’s mouth went dry.
“Crap, oh crap.”  Chuuya turned back around to the bar and downed the last of the liquor in his glass.  He studied the empty vessels in front of him for a moment before grabbing the glass of milk and chugging it down as well.  “Bleh!”  He felt sick.  Snagging his hat and sliding off the stool, Chuuya brushed by the man and headed for the exit.
“You can see me?  Hey!  Wait!” 
Chuuya didn’t bother to acknowledge the voice behind him.  He made it to the exit before realizing….he really had to use the bathroom.  Cursing, he swung in the men’s restroom.
“Hey!  I need you to do something for me!”  The voice followed him into the restroom.
“Nope, I am not drunk enough for this,” Chuuya muttered, nearing the stall at the back.
“Nonononono, go away, I am not getting involved in this crap, it’s too fuckin’ creepy.” Chuuya was about to open the door to the stall when the man slammed his hand against the wall and loomed over Chuuya.  Chuuya drew back against the wall, realizing he was pinned against it.  “I need your help.  Dazai is going to kill himself in a few days, and you need to stop him.”
Hope you enjoyed this snippet! Still working the rest of this, but it was nice to revisit on Halloween!!!
Speaking of Halloween, I thought I only had two ghost AU fics...one where Chuuya sees ghosts (this one), and one where he is turned into a ghost. Going through my ghost folders, I discovered I in fact have a third ghost AU that I don't really remember writing.....one where he's possessed by a ghost. It seems to be a sequel to the first AU above. Which makes sense but...
I...really don't remember this one at all. That's kinda creepy >.>
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jillikka · 2 years
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“He meant a lot to you didn’t he?”
“Of course he did! He was the only person who saw me as his equal. He needed me and I needed him. May I remind you that in my time, he not only lost his best friend, but also lost the love of his life? We helped each other for as long as we could before my demons were too strong for me to bare any longer. Even then, in my hour of need, he was willing to take away the last thing he had only to see it be murdered right before his eyes! So yes, he meant a lot to me! In his sacrifices and his efforts to heal my damaged soul.”
The Phantom finally broke and Danny listened in sheer shock as the ghost next to him attempted to hold back his tears. Seeing this before him, he finally let the pieces click and the answer to one of his questions came forward. This monster didn’t show emotions because most of the emotions he felt in his past and even now were a monument of depression and grief. He hid them away behind an iron curtain with the might of steel, only to be broken at the hinges by his haunted past. These memories haunted him more fierce than Danny was probably able to aid. But he knew the pain this ghost was feeling and knew when he felt this way, he simply wanted to be left alone. So he did so.
Slowly standing he sighed and grabbed his bag, swinging it over his shoulder.  
Not looking back down, he simply knocked on the walls of the thermos and said, “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
A small snippet of a fanfiction I’ve been writing
I am a true believer in the trauma that Dan faced throughout his growth, which I believe was the cause of his madness. Butch Hartman's idea of “he’s evil because he’s the villain” is just really lazy story telling and frankly pisses me off. Nick had so much material to make their villains have meaning, but almost all of them are just mindless crazy people with no back story.
I also share in this fic the trauma that Vlad went through. Not only after his loss with Maddie and Jack, but in his childhood where he faced abuse from his father. This past abuse was the cause of Vlad’s bitterness and inability to detect social cues with loved ones. This ultimately lead Vlad to also abuse Dan when he was still human while living with him after the accident. However, Vlad was so manipulative that he managed to make Dan feel sorry for him instead of question why he was abusing him. Basically gaslighting throughout their entire time together after the accident. It’s really depressing...
On top of all this, Danny has recently gone through a tragic loss. A loss that Dan had also gone through, and was seeking his help in the matter.
There’s a lot more tragedy in this fic with other characters as well, and the whole thing has been very emotional to write. I’m not finished, but when I am I’ll post it on Archive.
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loopy777 · 3 years
RE: WIPs game: Actress Mai. what is she acting in? besides her ongoing starring role as Repressed Perfect Child?
Ah, "Actress Mai." This is a headcanon I keep chipping away at in the hopes that I'll eventually have something I want to publish. I have a whole host of little ideas and scene concepts, but only one actual WIP.
It started with the idea that Zuko and Ursa are theater snobs. Sure, Ursa apparently attended Ember Island Player performances, which Zuko disdained, but my thought is that she took what she could get in terms of live theater with her family even if she agreed with his criticisms. However, I like to headcanon that Mai loves the Ember Island Players, hates classical theater, and generally is the type of person who thinks that Michael Bay movies are great and more people should just turn off their brains and allow themselves to be entertained.
Well, because character conflict is what makes stories interesting. Zuko gritting his teeth through Mai's praise of how the EIPs finally made "Love Amongst the Dragons" interesting? Gold! Ursa and Mai getting into heated drunken arguments about theater styles? Gold! Mai convincing Kiyi of the good points of the controversial 'Love Amongst the Dragons II: Love Harder' (which is canon to at least two of my Maiko fics) while Zuko and Ursa grit their teeth? Solid gold!
This fun little conflict turned into something more, though. If Ursa and Mai are dark mirrors of each other in terms of theater tastes, then it felt like Mai needed a little acting history to parallel Ursa's own. But Ursa could be a publicly known actress because she was a peasant; such a profession was okay for her. Mai is a noble, though, and an acting job would be seen as beneath her, especially as a woman, as Polite Fire Society knows (or thinks it knows) that 'actress' is really just a polite term for prostitute. This is a takeoff from some real-life history stuff that I first learned of through Sherlock Holmes stories. Apparently, Irene Adler being an 'opera singer' was a thing British readers would recognize as being of a sordid nature.
So I decided that Mai did some secret, illicit acting anonymously during her childhood and teenage years. She stumbled across an opportunity, gave it a try, and found it fulfilling despite the social stigma. She liked being able to project emotions of all kinds in public, while at the same time shielded by masks or makeup or costumes or whatever. She liked being other people, people who find love with their heroes or die tragically to teach everyone a point or villainously ruin everything around them as a force of vengeful nature. It was the only opportunity for expression that she had, as well as a quiet form of rebellion. So for years she snuck out of the capital, down to Harbor City, and acted in all kinds of plays for a troupe that accepted not paying her as a fair trade for keeping her anonymous.
Naturally, moving to Omashu put a crimp on that, and so it ended.
So the idea is that Ursa eventually learns this about Mai after years of their butting heads over theater opinions, sees the parallels and perpendiculars in their lives, and grudgingly comes to respect Mai's completely wrong opinions about theater as at least being informed. And Mai, who is good at acting and does know the classics and would be wasted in the Ember Island Players, helps Ursa out with some plays she writes (still anonymous, although Zuko and Ursa know) even though Mai privately thinks the dialogue is too stilted and the stories kind of cliched.
But I have had trouble beating all of this into a proper story. I want to do flashbacks to Mai on stage, I want to show her conflict with Ursa, I want to reveal how Ty Lee found out and used that to get Mai to accept running away to the circus, I want Zuko's reaction to finding that his wife can recite soliloquies from all the major classics, I want Kiyi becoming an Ember Island Players groupie, etc. It's just missing a plot to hang it all on.
So here's a snippet of one of my attempts to construct something:
Noren grimaced. "Honestly, I was impressed we got enough people to fill out all the parts, never mind understudies. This play-"
"-is important," Ursa finished for him.
He hesitated just a moment before nodding. "And it's important for the same reasons that it was tough to get actors. I'm sure once Zuko sees it and can give it his official approval-"
"But he can't see anything without a Rinzen." Ursa thought about her son out there in the audience, anonymous amidst the 'peasants' of Hira'a. Zuko didn't mind mixing with his people, despite being their Lord, but the only reason he was here, tonight, was because Ursa herself had written the play, and he was a good son who would always support his mother.
Zuko had even brought his friends, including the Avatar. Aang was a delightful young man, and always very nice to Ursa, but she couldn't help but feel trepidation at his presence. After all, Avatar Roku, Ursa's grandfather and Aang's previous life, was a major character in this play, and while the story was based on real events, it was Ursa's hand that had shaped his dialogue and actions. She was putting her thoughts and philosophies, her very heart, out on the stage for public assessment, and this was tricky material. Would it do right by history?
Plus the lead actress was sick, and going by her complaints and the smell of the privy, perhaps dying.
Ursa had to tell herself that her audience, her friends and family and neighbors, wouldn't enjoy this play becoming a disaster. None of them were that bad. This wasn't the Capital. And she wasn't a princess. Not anymore.
So why had she taken it on herself to write this play, to positively dramatize a story of an ancestor who a few years ago was considered a heretic and traitor, to will into being a performance right here in the Fire Nation of a play that featured a heroic Air Nomad character whose actress was currently trapped in the privy?
Because her nation had hurt the world, and she wouldn't leave it to her son alone to do all the work of helping to fix that. That's why.
"Maybe," she ventured, "I could play the part."
Noren frowned. "You? But you're playing the Lady of Glass, and the characters share several scenes."
But Ursa was already analyzing the copy of the script that existed in her mind. "Rinzen has a lot more lines than the glass spirit, and I'm the only one who knows them. And playing a spirit is a lot easier than playing an Air Nomad. A spirit is just a voice, a costume, and some special effects. An Air Nomad character is a performance, and we're fresh out of actresses."
Noren's head tilted from side to side. "We could ask Kiyi. She knows the play by heart. She's a bit young for the part, yes, but-"
"No," Ursa cut him off. "She'd say yes if we asked her, but she hates being on stage. I'm not going to do that to her. I'd rather call off the play and see if our Rinzen is feeling better tomorrow."
Noren blanched at the very thought and made a gesture of good luck. "Well, maybe we can find a new Lady of Glass. And adjust the Rinzen costume. So are you thinking we'll just go on stage and ask the crowd who wants to join the cast, or maybe-"
And then there was a shift behind Noren, the red curtain over the office's doorway being pulled aside to reveal a living shadow. It seemed to Ursa that a chill had entered the room.
Lady Mai, Intended to Fire Lord Zuko, had arrived.
Ursa stiffened as Mai stepped into the office and let the curtain fall back into place. Time and familiarity had not made it any easier to be in a room with her son's lover. She had no real doubts about Mai, no resentment over the early difficulties Zuko that had apparently been overcome, but it was hard to reconcile Azula's shy and dour childhood companion with what existed now. Mai walked around covered with knives, watching everything; she never spoke unless there was an explicit need, but her gaze was always focused and her eyes missed nothing.
And it was in Mai's kind of silent, watchful abyss that Judgement grew. Ursa did not have a good feeling about how Mai likely judged her. How could a child of the Fire Nation's capital, someone who had become strong alongside Azula, a world-class warrior whose last stand for the life of her lover was already the subject of at least one popular poem, have any empathy for Ursa's life or the mistakes she had made?
Mai looked at her with dull eyes. "Is everything okay? The crowd is getting restless, and Zuko was worried. I told him I'd check on things so that he wouldn't miss the beginning of the play."
Ursa hesitated against that flat, low voice, and Noren stepped in to answer, "Our lead actress is sick. Ursa and I were just discussing options. There- uh, there aren't a lot of them."
Mai might as well have been told that dinner was planned to include green sprouts, but they were all out and so the yellow ones would be substituted. "Which part?"
Ursa swallowed. "The Air Nomad girl, Rinzen."
Mai quirked an eyebrow. "The heroine." She was still and silent for a long moment, and then sighed. "Zuko's really been looking forward to this. I guess I can help out. All right, I'll be your Rinzen."
Ursa wasn't quite sure she had heard that right. "You- you want to take the part? But-" Her voice faltered, as all the possible objections swirled through her mind. Mai was, to put it simply, completely lacking in charisma and non-threatening presence. She spoke without emotion. She moved so efficiently that no one in the back of the audience would even notice her. And she was so disinterested in everything that she'd probably nod off in the middle of the performance.
Noren offered a troubled smile. "Thank you for the offer, but acting is harder than it looks. It's not just about going on stage and reciting lines. An actress needs-"
"It's Nomad part, right?" Mai shrugged. "So we want a high, bright voice. Circular gestures. A bounce in all the movements. Here, like this." She stretched out her arms, shook her head, and then-
-and then-
-and then Mai was no longer there. The woman in red and black looked like her, but there was a wide mischievous smile on her face, and her eyes were big and bright. She stepped towards Ursa- no, they weren't mere steps. She kicked her heels high with each one, and the way she shifted her weight flirted with almost being a dance. She held her arms up at her side as she moved, and then when she reached Ursa, swung them dramatically to bring her hands together into a sign of respect.
She bowed, and in a voice that positively rang and filled the room, said, "Are you not the Firebender Avatar, Roku? What a fortunate wind blows to lay my path upon your own!" She rose again, and trotted in a circle around Ursa. "I say, you are taller than I expected, and must be quite heavy. Are you sure you're keeping up with your Airbending, young Avatar?" She raised a hand and held it out to the side.
Noren recovered before Ursa did, realizing what was going on, and quickly found a rag and placed in the waiting hand.
Mai's eyes never left Ursa the whole time, and as soon as the rag was in her grip, she moved again, taking a stance that had clearly been modeled on Avatar Aang's own style, and held the rag out in front of her, dangling it from her fingers and bouncing it in the air.
Mai gave a laugh that was echoed through the little room. "Your beard flutters in my breeze! Come, young Avatar, let's have a spar!"
There was a beat, and Ursa was tempted to deliver Roku's next line in response, but then all at once the younger woman slumped, letting the grandness leak out of her limbs. When she straightened, Mai was back, standing like a blade made of shadow, her face blank and her eyes dull.
Ursa blinked. What had she just witnessed? So many questions swirled in her mind, and she decided to ask the most important of them: "You know all the lines?"
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 Happy Valentine’s day! ^-^ In the past I’ve had full fics written out for this holiday but I’m old and type slow now so the only thing I have to post on ao3 today is the next chapter of Swan Feathers lol. 
But even though I don’t have a full fic to post, I figured I could share something that has been sitting in my wips for a while as an extra sweet treat? This is a college au that currently sits around 19k words and counting. I was thinking about using it for the upcoming big bang but it’s nowhere close to being done so I scrapped that idea. 
Anyway. Please enjoy this wip snippet, hope everyone is having a good day <3
Gon blinked as Killua pushed his notes back across the table. 
“Okay, what?” Gon asked. 
“Okay, I finished.” Killua pushed the last bits of his cake into a pile at the corner of his plate. “I read everything and I’ll be able to write it down when I get home.”
“You memorized all of that?”
Killua nodded. “I have a photographic memory. As long as I focus, I can retain everything I read.”
It’s just as Gon thought, then. Killua was really, really smart. “Wow, Killua, that’s amazing! You’re amazing!”
The funny look from before crossed Killua’s face—the one where his lips thinned and his eyes went really wide. 
“What?” Gon asked, confused. 
“You’re weird,” was the only explanation Killua offered. 
Gon pouted. He didn’t think he’d said anything weird. “Why? I was only being honest.”
“That—” Killua sighed and dragged a hand down the side of his face, “—that’s what’s so weird about it. No one says shit like that and means it.”
“But I do.” Gon leaned across the table, trying out his best and most honest expression. “Really, Killua. I had no idea you were so incredible.”
“It’s not that big of a deal. A-Anyway, that’s it right?”
He moved to stand and Gon blinked. “Huh?”
“That’s it, right? I got your notes, we had dinner. So we’re done for tonight.”
There was a pang in Gon’s heart. He wanted to protest, to tell Killua he could stick around if he really wanted and they could just talk about anything and everything. 
But the uncomfortable look on Killua’s face from before hadn’t lessened. His ears were still scarlet, eyes darting everywhere but Gon. 
Gon bit his lip. Maybe he had gone too far. He didn’t understand how, but everyone was different. The last thing he wanted was to scare Killua away. 
“Yep, were done!” he said in a falsely cheery tone. Killua nodded and grabbed his jacket. 
Gon slowly rose to his feet, collecting his notes from the table. “By the way, you need to come into class on time tomorrow.”
Killua froze half way to putting his jacket on. “Why?”
“For Bisky.”
Killua snorted and Gon pouted. “Okay, for me then! I want to show Bisky that I’m making a good impression on you.”
Killua cocked an eyebrow. “Are you making a good impression on me?”
Gon’s cheeks warmed. “I like to think I am.”
There was a heavy pause. Gon looked at Killua and Killua looked back. The mindless chatter of their fellow students flowed around them but all Gon could see was the blue of Killua’s eyes. 
But then Killua looked away and, just like that, the spell was broken. 
Gon cleared his throat, prompting Killua to look at him again. “A-Anyway, if you come I’ll have a hot chocolate waiting for you.”
Killua perked up. “Really?”
“Hm. You strike a hard bargain, Freecss. But okay fine. I’ll come.”
Gon felt a rush of warmth at the familiar nickname. He grinned, heart ready to burst, and Killua shoved the rest of his notes into his chest. 
“But only for the hot chocolate,” Killua said firmly and Gon’s smile widened. 
“Right. See you tomorrow then, Killua.”
Killua nodded, tucking his hands into his pockets before turning on his heel and gliding in between the tables towards the dinning hall entrance. Gon watched him go, his heart soaring, until Killua vanished through the door and out of sight.
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edie-k · 4 years
The Art of Christmas Tree Selection
Title: The Art of Christmas Tree Selection
Rating: PG/PG-13 (just language)
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: On holiday at Hermione's house, Ron is faced with one the scariest prospects of his young life: a talk with Mr. Granger.
In the way back times, less than a year after the publication of Order of the Phoenix, I wrote my first Romione fic. This was it. In the spirt of Christmas, I thought I would share it. It is, AU after OOTP. Originally published on Checkmated, as I am 16 years older, I now made Ron’s conversation with Mr. Granger slightly less melodramatic to find a better balance. Enjoy!  
“Now wait Hermione, explain this again. How exactly do those people get into that box?” asked Ron, cocking his head at the television set in the corner.
“Honestly Ron, I’m not explaining it again!” Hermione huffed, placing her hands on her hips. The long strands of garland she had previously been winding around the banister of the staircase trailed from her fists to the floor.
“Aw, come on love. You enjoy being a know it all,” Ron replied, crossing the room and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulled her back against him.
“Ron!” squealed Hermione, pulling away slightly and turning in his arms to place her hands on the back of his neck. It was all Ron could do to restrain himself from letting out a sigh of contentment. Luckily, his ego kept him from sounding too effeminate.
It was his last Christmas break before leaving Hogwarts and it was the first holiday that he would spend without Harry or his family. Hermione had wanted to spend Christmas with her mum and dad and she had managed to get Ron to agree to accompany her home.
If he was completely honest, Hermione had some rather brilliant ways of convincing him.
Hermione and he had finally managed to get their act together a couple of months into sixth year. All of their pent up emotions and tension spilled out in the middle of a row. “I always knew it would come out like that,” Ginny bragged. In all honesty, Ron couldn’t remember what the argument had been about but he never mentioned that because Hermione most likely did.
In the year and some months they had been together, life had proved to be rather trying. Then again, life as Harry Potter’s best friend was never easy. Having Hermione by his side through it all was the biggest blessing he could have received. Of course, Hermione had always been there with him but without the underlying tension, he found that much more comfort in her presence.
Harry was really supposed to be there with them. After Hermione had talked (well, not necessarily talked) Ron into going to her home for the holiday, she had immediately invited Harry, who much to their surprise, declined. He informed them that he had already accepted his mum’s invitation to join the Weasleys and told Ron and Hermione that he would see them when they arrived at the Burrow on Boxing Day to spend the rest of their holiday. “Besides,” said Harry after Hermione had retired to her room for the night. “Don’t you two want to spend some time alone?”
Yes. Yes he did. Another disadvantage of being Harry Potter’s best friend (besides the target on your back) was that Harry required an abundance of support and attention to keep him from slipping into a mood of eternal melancholy. Ron looked forward to any time that he could spend alone with Hermione. Of course, their alone time was not going to happen at her parents’ house.
Hermione’s parents. Oh Merlin, they made him nervous. There were times when Ron could barely convince himself that he deserved Hermione, how could he convince her parents?
Ron had seen snippets from letters that Hermione had received from home and he could tell that they thought she could do no wrong. He figured this had to do with the fact she was an only child. His own parents had never harbored such beliefs. They were overjoyed if their children could make it through the day without hurting themselves or one another.
Hermione’s parents were dentists. This was some sort of Muggle tooth doctor and according to Harry, dentists typically made a good deal of money. If their house was any indication, it was rather obvious. Harry also told him that to become a dentist, you had to go to university for a number of years. Therefore, the Grangers were just as brilliant as their genius daughter.
For the three days since their arrival at the Granger household, Ron stuck as close as possible to Hermione. This strategy had seemed to work for him so far. The first two days, the Grangers had worked during the day (which also equated to some proper alone time) and he only faced their scrutiny at dinner. With Hermione there to properly steer the conversation, Ron was able to participate and sound at least half way intelligent.
This morning, however, was the first day of the Grangers’ holiday from their office, and consequently, Mrs. Granger had scheduled a doctor’s appointment for Hermione. Hermione had protested fervently. “Honestly, I don’t need to see a cardiologist. Just because I had a slight murmur as a baby doesn’t mean there is a thing wrong with me now. Believe me, if it was anything life threatening I’m sure that I would already have had cardiovascular failure,” Hermione had vented to Ron. He had merely nodded and inquired as to the time of her appointment. The appointment was scheduled for 9:15 in the morning and Ron had managed to stay in bed until 11:00 when he heard the front door open. His mum would have him degnoming the garden for the rest of his life if she found out he behaved that way while a guest in someone’s home.
It was now the afternoon and they had finished lunch and begun to decorate the house for Christmas. Hermione had been wrapping the garland around the banister of the stairs of the entrance hall where Ron had been hanging garland to line the windows of the front door. The house was beginning to take on the aromas of Christmastime, which reminded him of his own mum’s baking.
“Ron? Ron?” said an amused voice. He shook his head, clearing it and looked down at a grinning Hermione. “Did you hear what I said?”
“Oh, uh, sorry. I got a bit lost in my own thoughts there.”
“I asked if you wanted to take two steps to the right,” she repeated. Ron glanced upward in the direction that she had indicated and grinned. With his arms still around her, he took two exaggerated steps until they were directly underneath a small sprig of mistletoe dangling from the ceiling. He raised his eyebrows twice and drew a giggle from Hermione, something only he could do. He leaned in for a sweet kiss.
“Hermione?” called a voice. Ron dropped his arms away from Hermione and quickly pushed her away.
“Yes Dad?” asked Hermione, rolling her eyes at Ron. Hermione had told him that she was positive her parents would not be offended if they were affectionate with each other in front of them but Ron could barely bring himself to hold her hand in the presence of her mum and dad.
“Mum was hoping that you would help her in the kitchen with the fudge. She seems to think that if you prepare it, Aunt Patricia won’t be so inclined to criticize it tomorrow.” Mr. Granger gave her a wink and she smiled.
“Sure, Dad,” she replied.
Ron was now completely unsure as to what he should do while Hermione assisted her mum. Before he had much chance to panic, Mr. Granger opened his mouth, uttering one of the scariest things Ron ever heard in his life.
“I was just about to leave to get our Christmas tree. I could use some help. Why don’t you join me, Ron?”
“Uh-um, yeah,” Ron stuttered out. “I mean, yes sir. I would be glad to help.”
“Wonderful! I’ll just round up my winter things,” Mr. Granger said, heading toward the back of the house and leaving Hermione and Ron alone in the front hall once again.
Ron turned to Hermione, his eyes wide open and filled with panic. Hermione rolled her eyes. “Ron, it’s just my dad. You have faced things much more terrifying than my father.”
“Well, what if I slip and say something that makes him hate me?” Ron asked, his voice filled with fear.
“As long as you two don’t discuss snogging habits, I think that you will do fine,” Hermione said with a smirk.
“Hermione!” Ron said, aghast. How could she even joke about this?
“Well, honestly Ron. What could you possibly do? Dad is already quite aware of the wizarding world. My parents know the basics of the war with Voldemort, so no surprises there. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” With that, she stood on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before entering the kitchen to help her mother and leaving him absolutely alone in his own misery.
“Blimey,” Ron muttered to the empty room. “I’m screwed.”
This whole excruciating mess had to be almost over. It seemed like hours since they had left the safety of Hermione acting as a buffer. Ron glanced out the car window and over his shoulder. Shit. He could still see the driveway. They had barely started.  
“Well Ron,” said Mr. Granger. “Judy and I are glad that you could join us for Christmas. I’m sure Hermione filled you in on our family.” Ron nodded. Both sets of Hermione’s grandparents knew that she was a witch but none of her aunts, uncles, or cousins were privy to that information. They thought she attended Huntington Preparatory School. So that meant that he would not only have to pretend to be a Muggle but a smart one as well. At least with Hermione’s parents he could respond with his real life.
“I plan on letting Hermione run the conversation,” Ron said nervously.
Mr. Granger smiled sympathetically. “Don’t worry Ron. We won’t let you die out there. I hope you won’t be too overwhelmed by all of the family tomorrow. They are a good group but they can get a bit rowdy as a party wears on.”
“If anyone understands a rowdy family, it’s me, sir,” Ron answered. Of course, when he was with his own family, he didn’t need to lie about his entire life and impress them enough so that they thought he was good enough for Hermione.
Mr. Granger chuckled. “I would imagine that you are well-versed in that. I’ve heard plenty of stories about the trouble that your twin brothers cause… What are their names again?”
“Fred and George,” supplied Ron. Ron had a feeling that Mr. Granger had not heard some of the more recent stories from Hermione’s visit this summer since most of those involved Ron and Hermione having tricks played on them while being caught in rather compromising situations.
“I know that Hermione has always enjoyed the time that she spends with your family. I imagine it’s nice for her to experience a big family first-hand. Judy and I are glad that she’s seeing a young man that comes from such a strong family background. I’m not sure how things are in the wizarding world but there has been a breakdown of families here in recent years and it’s nice to see that Hermione found someone who was raised with strong family values.”  
“My mum and dad tried their best,” Ron responded. He began to relax a bit. This wasn’t so bad. Mr. Granger was actually being quite flattering. And he had managed to answer mostly in complete sentences.
“Judy and I do like you, Ron,” Mr. Granger continued. “But Hermione is our only child. As her father, it’s my obligation to ask you what your exact feelings toward her are.”
How much would it hurt to jump from a moving car? They were traveling on side streets so they couldn’t be going that fast. As long as he tucked his head…
“Ron?” prompted Mr. Granger again.
“I’m sorry sir,” squeaked Ron in a voice that had not made an appearance since early puberty. He cleared his throat. “Could you repeat that?”
“I’m sorry to take you by surprise. Take a moment to collect your thoughts,” Mr. Granger said.
What Ron really wanted to do was slap himself in the forehead. Why had he left his wand back at the house? Not only was it stupid with all the danger they faced but if he had it, he could Apparate the hell out of there. No. No, he had to stay. And not just because he did not have his wand. He had to stay because he loved Hermione. All he had to do was explain to her father why.
“Uh, well sir, I love your daughter very much. She’s been my friend forever. And I reckon that even with a family as large as mine, she’s the one person in the world that I never have to doubt. She always believes in me and supports me. And even when we argue, I never have to wonder if she really loves me or not because I already know the answer. And I want to be that person for her as well. She means everything to me,” Ron said. Wow, that was pretty articulate!
Hermione was really rubbing off on him because now he was thinking words like articulate. And earlier this afternoon, he was pretty sure he had thought the word melancholy. What was happening to him?
Mr. Granger cleared his throat. “That’s very good to hear Ron. A little hard for a father to hear but it’s a very nice thought.”
“I uh- I mean every word of it,” Ron said, trying to sound confident. He was confident in how he felt about Hermione but less certain about expressing it to her father.
“I’m sure that you do. So now I have to know-what are your intentions toward my daughter?”
According to Bill, Charlie, and Fred, who all had fiancées or steady girlfriends, those were the scariest seven words in the English language. He had laughed at the time. What could be so horrible about saying that his plan was to marry Hermione (when they were much older, of course)? Now that he was actually expected to say it to her father he felt closer to his older brothers than ever before. He prayed that he could channel one of them as he answered the question. Preferably not Fred.
“Um, well, uh, sir, I guess my plan is that when we are older-uh, much older- I would like to spend- that is I want to.” Gryffindor, Gryffindor! “I’m planning to be with her for as long as she’ll have me.”
Mr. Granger turned to regard him as Ron stared determinedly out the windshield. “Do you know what Hermione’s plans are for the future?”
Ron was a little surprised by this. He had expected the next question to be about his own future and career. “I don’t think she has quite made up her mind as to what occupation she wants to pursue. I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m sure she’ll succeed no matter what she does. I just hope that she plans to take me along for the ride.”
The answer seemed to satisfy Mr. Granger. “We know our daughter is intelligent Ron.”
“I wouldn’t have made it this far without her,” Ron said. He immediately reddened at his sudden interruption. “Um, sorry sir.”
“That’s okay. I’m glad to see you think so highly of her. We want her to reach her full potential and we want to see her with someone who will be supportive of that.”
“Yes, of course sir. I sincerely doubt that I could stop her even if I really wanted to.”
Mr. Granger laughed. “She said you had a sense of humor. Although we haven’t seen much of it this holiday.”  
“Well, I reckon I have been a bit nervous,” Ron admitted. He remembered Charlie had said that his girlfriend’s father had liked it when he had shown fear.
“I remember the first time I was alone with Judy’s father,” Mr. Granger said. “I was helping him fix a few shingles on his roof and when he asked me how I felt about Judy, I contemplated jumping off the roof.”
Ron laughed uncomfortably. Was he a mind reader?
Mr. Granger cleared his throat and a rather serious look crossed his face. “This might sound a bit hypocritical after I made such a point of Hermione’s independence but as her father….” Mr. Granger stopped and he looked as uncomfortable as Ron did for a moment.
The car was on a busier road and now traveling at a faster speed but if Mr. Granger asked Ron a question about their physical relationship… gravity be damned, he was jumping.
Ron debated on whether he should prompt Mr. Granger to continue because he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to hear it, when Mr. Granger continued his previous thought.
“I know there is danger in your world. I don’t know the extent of it but I think that it is worse than Hermione leads us to believe.” Mr. Granger glanced at Ron who continued to sit in silence. He did not want to incriminate Hermione because he knew that she had not told her parents the whole truth but his silence seemed to affirm Mr. Granger’s opinion.
“And I know that Hermione is in more danger than most.” Harry Potter’s Muggle-born best friend? She was probably third on Voldemort’s hit list, behind Harry and Dumbledore.
“So I just want to make sure that, well, that...” Mr. Granger was struggling for the words but Ron could see where he was going. And Ron knew exactly how to answer this question.
“Mr. Granger, I promise you that I will protect your daughter. I will keep her safe until the day I die. I would do anything to keep her safe. Anything.” Wow, that was good. He sounded pretty manly.
“Thank you Ron. That’s what I wanted to hear,” Mr. Granger said.
Ron felt the need to fill the silence so he followed up with “I mean it, sir.” He mentally slapped himself. Way to contribute a worthwhile comment, Weasley.  
Mr. Granger looked at him and smiled. For the first time the whole ride, Ron turned to meet his eyes and smiled back.  
The car coasted into a lot filled with pine trees already cut and prepared to be sold. Mr. Granger put the car into park and Ron opened his door and slid out.  
“One more thing Ron,” said Mr. Granger as they walked toward the tree lot.
“Yes?” Ron asked, meeting his eyes again. Hermione was right. Her dad wasn’t so bad.
“When you’re with my daughter, keep your hands where I can see them.”
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gaaruto-kage · 4 years
All My Loving - Gaara x Reader
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day
And I'll send all my lovin' to you
Gaara was the Kazekage, and as the Kazekage he had certain unavoidable duties. Oftentimes those duties involved the other villages, causing him to have to leave the Sand Village for days, sometimes weeks at a time.
You hated it. You hated worrying that he’d be safe, even though you knew he was more than capable of handling himself even if his siblings didn’t always accompany him on trips, you hated that you would only hear from him in little snippets of messages, sometimes not hearing back for several days in a row, and you especially hated spending your nights alone in a bed that was far too big for only one person. You tossed and you turned, throwing off the blankets because it was too hot and then pulling them back over yourself because it was too cold, only to repeat the process several more times throughout the night. Quite frankly, it sucked to sleep alone, and it was only made worse when you thought about Gaara going through the same issues.
The first time you and Gaara had shared a bed, his screaming woke you up in the middle of the night. He yelled and cried and flailed his arms about, all while solidly asleep. It took you nearly half an hour to finally wake him up, and another half an hour to calm him down enough for him to explain the nightmare he was having. Nightmares were not uncommon for Gaara. In fact, they happened more nights than not. But with your gentle words, your soft caresses of his hair, each night it became easier and easier for him to calm down, and eventually the nightmares happened less and less often. They still came on the random occasion, but you had become skilled at chasing them away.
On the flip side, you suffered from insomnia. You had tried various medications and treatments for it throughout the years, but rarely would a week go by where you didn’t spend two or three nights wide awake despite the exhaustion you felt in your bones. With Gaara, however, sleep came easier. Well, once his nightmares got under control. You still had times where you stared out the window all night until you watched the sunrise - the man wasn’t a perfect remedy - but feeling his arms around you, his chest pressed into your back, and hearing his quiet breathing did a pretty good job of lulling you to sleep when your body wanted to fight you on that.
Gaara was due to come home from the Leaf Village sometime tomorrow, but you knew he had several close friends there, so you couldn’t fault him for possibly staying a few extra days to be with them in a non-official capacity. Still, part of you wished he would forget about everyone else and just come home already.
I'll pretend that I'm kissing
The lips I am missing
And hope that my dreams will come true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day
And I'll send all my lovin' to you
You awoke to what sounded like several people yelling loudly outside of your window. The sky was just starting to lighten and you sighed at being woken up so early. It had taken you forever to finally fall asleep. Looking out at the street below, there seemed to be some sort of fight breaking out. You watched the fight until a few higher ranking shinobi ran in to break it up, at which point you decided to get back in bed. Even if you couldn’t fall back asleep, you figured that it wouldn’t hurt to just chill for a little while longer. You had been hoping to sleep in a little bit, both to make up for how long it took you to get to sleep and so you wouldn’t be spending all morning sitting around waiting for Gaara to get back. Still, it wasn’t all bad being awake. Once the sun was fully risen you planned to run a few errands so that Gaara wouldn’t have to worry about them and he could focus on you, once he was finished with his duties as Kazekage, that is.
You stayed there for what felt like a few hours but in reality was probably only half an hour at most. As you got yourself ready for the day you put your shirts aside in favor of wearing one of Gaara’s. He would never admit it, but you knew from the little grin he did a terrible job at hiding that he adored seeing you in his clothes. This would be a nice little present for him when he finally got home, plus you enjoyed wearing his clothes as well. A gift for both of you, you decided.
All my lovin', I will send to you
All my lovin', darlin', I'll be true
Your errands took longer than you thought they would. By the time you made your way back to your home, it was nearing late afternoon and you started to think about what you wanted to have for dinner. You walked into your home and were startled by a man with red hair cooking in your kitchen, humming some tune as he did so.
“Gaara!” you yelled as you all but threw yourself at him. Luckily he had amazing reflexes and was able to turn around and catch you in his arms, a deep chuckle making his chest vibrate against your cheek as you hugged him tight.
“I was wondering when you’d get home, Y/N. I’ve been waiting for a few hours, so I figured I’d go ahead and get dinner ready,” he said before kissing the top of your head and turning back to the food. You rushed to put away all of your things and began setting the table for when the food was ready.
“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting! I had to run a few errands but then there were some issues at the shop where I was getting my dress altered and it threw my whole day off,” you explained.
Gaara waved away your apologies, insisting that you had nothing to be sorry for, and soon enough the two of your were digging away at your dinner. At one point you looked up from your chicken and rice to see him staring at you, a small grin gracing his lips.
“What are you looking at?” you giggled, which only made his smile widen.
“Oh, nothing,” he responded. “Just my adorable partner looking cute wearing my shirt.” You covered your lower face with your hands to hide the sudden blush you felt creeping its way across your cheeks. Gaara reached across the table to take your hands in his own. He kissed the top of each one. “Don’t hide your beautiful face,” he murmured. You pulled him closer over the table and sat up a little in your seat in order to plant a soft kiss on his forehead.
“Can’t be nearly as attractive as your handsome face, but who am I to deny you and keep you from complimenting me,” you smirked. This time it was Gaara who pulled you over for a kiss before the two of you settled back down to finish your dinner.
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you
Tomorrow I'll miss you
Remember I'll always be true
And then while I'm away
I'll write home every day
And I'll send all my loving to you
It was pitch black in the room when you woke up, groaning at the fact that you were having trouble sleeping yet again. You rolled over, trying to lay on your stomach, but instead your face smacked right into Gaara’s shoulder. It had been so long since you shared a bed with him that you forgot that he was actually there that night. The commotion didn’t seem like it was enough to wake him, however, and you let out a sigh of relief. You knew he needed all the sleep he could get. Before you could scoot back and properly flip yourself over, however, Gaara rolled onto his side facing you and his arms reached out. You inched closer and let him wrap his arms tightly around you, yours mimicking his actions. You smiled, breathed in the relaxing smell of his shirt as you pressed your face into his chest, and settled back in, content to let your partner’s gentle heartbeat lull you back to sleep.
All my lovin', I will send to you
All my lovin', darlin', I'll be true
All my lovin', all my lovin'
All my lovin', I will send to you
Is this good? No. Did I get it up in a timely manner? Also no. But am I gonna post it anyway because I’m tired of only having one fic on here and I’m also sick of having so many half finished projects? Yup.
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
wayhaven route questions 7-9 for F! thank you again for making such a fun and thought-provoking ask game! 💞(~narrativefoiltrope)
Hello! Thank you so much for asking! I love both of your detectives so much, and I always love hearing more about them!
I have actually already answered all three of these, but I’ll link them all here anyway! And I’ll include a bonus one as well! (I suppose it is not a surprise how much I got asked for F, since I suppose that is my main route haha)
Pairing: Felix and Thea
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of F’s past and their “guilty” judgment?
8. If your detective is the type to have pictures in their phone contacts, what kind of picture do they have for F?
9. If in a relationship with F, how is your detective settling into it? If not, is that something they would want now, or are they still unsure, and if so, why?
11. If on the Douglas route, what is your detective’s feelings on this? And how do you think F feels about this?
7. What does your detective think of the glimpse of F’s past and their “guilty” judgment?
Linked here! But in summary, Thea is not sure what to think. She doesn’t want to push it at all, not liking the way that she found out the little that she did, since it was obvious he was not ready to share it with him just yet. And that guilty judgement? While she does not believe that the maa-alused judgement is fair, she does understand what it is like to feel guilt, even for something that may have not been her fault at all. Part of her knows, that if she was judged instead, that she would also been judged guilty. She has a lot of guilt that I go over in the actual post, and while she would not want to push it and make him talk about it if he doesn’t want to, she would try to make sure that if Felix ever wanted to, she’ll listen. 
8. If your detective is the type to have pictures in their phone contacts, what kind of picture do they have for F?
Linked here! But in summary, one of Thea’s hobbies is photography, so the photo that she would choose would have a lot of care and thought in it. (And since she saved Felix over Sanja, the carnival picture no longer exists for them) I do think it would change over the course of their relationship, which I go more in depth in the post. But, I do think she would hold on a picture of the two of them with her. (Physical picture, like a polaroid. Been wanting to commission someone for it, but haven’t decided who I should commission yet) And also, this question makes me want to me to finish that WIP drabble of Thea teaching Felix how to use her camera haha
(The rest of this going under the cut because of how long it is getting)
9. If in a relationship with F, how is your detective settling into it? If not, is that something they would want now, or are they still unsure, and if so, why?
I have already done this one, but I think I’ll copy paste this one instead of just linking it.
They are in a relationship, which what Thea would consider the easiest decision in her life. But you know what? Instead of going on forever like I could do, I’m going to share a small snippet from a fic I’ve been working on for ages now that kind of gives some insight into how Thea’s taking being in a new relationship. (Formatting text messages is weird, so hopefully that all comes across okay)
Thea started to type out her response to that, but just before she sent it, she managed to stop herself.
Thea: Of course!
Love you!
              She set her phone down in shocked surprise, and her head continued to spin.
              Love you
              It was not something that she had even thought about, just something that she seemed to write on instinct, and as much as it surprised, a part of her knew that she should not be. Those words always seemed to be on the tip of her tongue when she was around him, and she feared the day that she would say it without thinking about it.
              Isn’t it a bit early to say something like that?
              What if it just ends up pushing him away?
              But regardless if or not she said it, there was one thing that she was sure of. She knew it was true. Her feelings already ran deep for Felix, even with the few months that they had known each other, and she hoped that one day, it would be the right time to set it all free.
              I think most people would say it is too early to really know.
              But I don’t think I’ve ever been so sure of something in my entire life.
So, to answer your question, Thea’s settling into it quite well. :D Even with her fears that it could all disappear tomorrow, I don’t think she could point to a time in her life where she has been happier. Now, the F “I love yous” which I am hoping we get in Book 3, is the next step. :)
And since I had already answered all of these, have a bonus Question for you! :)
11. If on the Douglas route, what is your detective’s feelings on this? And how do you think F feels about this?
Thea is on the Douglas route, but this was more out of me trying to protect her from the mess that is Bobby. (And I know this question is about Douglas, but I’m going to talk about Bobby first) One thing that you should know about Thea is that she sees the absolute best in people, always. (And yes, unfortunately for her, that also includes Bobby) They were friends, but that is more that Thea is just friendly with everyone. I do think, when the betrayal happened, they were really not overly close, but he asked for her help, so she gave it without a second thought. (I do think that Bobby did imply that he wanted to be more then friends, but she turned that down) She was deeply hurt by it, and she struggled with it for a long time, trying to figure out where exactly this went wrong, thinking that if she had been a better friend, this would have never happened. But, even still, if Bobby came to her now, she would still think that he was being genuine, and I know that she would have let him in to her apartment that night. And when Bobby kissed her, she would be too shocked to move, not melting into it, but it would freak her out. Guilt would overtake her, with the “Why didn’t you move? Why didn’t you push him away? This is your fault” It would absolutely destroy her, and she would blame herself for the whole thing. And she would want to tell Felix what happened, but she would be scared of him leaving for good if she did, and so she would live in fear of the inevitable time that Bobby will throw it back into her face and she would lose all what she is becoming sure is the best thing that ever happened to her.
But enough about Bobby, let’s move on to Douglas. Thea doesn’t drink, which is the one reason why I’m still hesitate going out to the bar in the first place (Hating that kind of scene, and feeling very guilty when the others come to find her) But, she did want to see how people were feeling at the bar, so she went with Tina anyway. Now, she is not as okay with Douglas having some sort of weird crush on her, and him showing up to her apartment dressed like Felix. But, she sees his rough relationship with his father, and she does want to help with that in any way that she can. He seems like a person who needs help, and to Thea, she won’t be able to ignore it. She is going to try and help him in any way she can, and she’ll probably attempt (and fail) to stop this crush, never really knowing how to put it. (She worries about him, since when she told him it was different when he showed up at her apartment, and the fact that he did so to get her attention really affected her. Thea does not want anyone to change who they are because of someone else, a situation she’s found herself in several times before the events of Book 1) But she did let him in her apartment, so we’ll see how that goes. (Those Douglas hardens stat in the code has me very intrigued) Now, as far as Felix’s reactions goes? He’d probably clown Douglas, and to be honest? I can’t wait. :)
Thank you again for asking! You’re amazing! :)
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werewolves-are-real · 5 years
Would you be okay with sharing a snippet? I an so curious as to what you are working on!
Sorry I took so long to answer! I’ve mostly been working on Star Trek fics right now - a lot of Star Trek fics - and unless otherwise stated I assume most people are asking about Temeraire, lol.
So, I included both types!
This is from a fic where Laurence gains wings + a tail + scales, due to the all-powerful Celestial Dragon Magic. It’s a thing, which I entirely made up. (The whole covert just kinda conspires to hide him from the rest of Britain)
“What the hell are you doing?” Someone laughs. “What, are you stuck?”
“I am trying not to wake Captain Laurence,” Dulcia complains. “Do not laugh at me.”
“What? Oh – that is Laurence. Why, he is more like a dragon every day,” Chenery says, amused.
“Well, he is a dragon,” says Dulcia.
“I suppose so. Come on, now – I told you we need measurements for your new harness. You are getting far too fat.”
“That means I am healthy,” Dulcia sniffs. “And Messoria tells me it is rude to call females fat.”
“No has ever accused me of being polite.”
They leave.
Maximus is still snoring. Laurence blinks up and realizes it's grown late; he often sleeps outside at night, but for the life of him he can't remember why he chose to take a nap in the Regal Copper's clearing, rather than his own rooms. Messoria still seems to be asleep, but Laurence pushes away her wing and decides to return to Temeraire.
He feels vaguely guilty, and it's not hard to determine why.
'More like a dragon every day,' Chenery said. Is it true? Laurence still feels like himself. But then, a few months ago he probably wouldn't have joined a pile of dragons for a midday rest, so perhaps there's some merit to the observation.
Temeraire, when he explains his concerns, is unfazed.
“Well, I suppose you act a little different,” he says. “But I do not think that is a bad thing or a good thing. You are still the same in every way that matters.”
This is not reassuring. “Different in what ways?”
“Well, for one you sleep out with me more often,” Temeraire notes. “Which can only be good. And also your scent is a little different, so the cows are afraid of you now.”
“That is not quite what I meant, my dear.”
Temeraire stretches his wings. “You worry far too much, Laurence. You are different than when we met, but so am I. Even Granby has gotten much nicer, and cadet Roland has learned to clean my scales better than she used to. Everyone changes. As long as you do not change in a bad way, I do not see the problem. And I cannot imagine you doing anything evil, after all.”
The simple logic makes Laurence smile a little. And, oddly, he does feel better. “I suppose that is all true,” he agrees. “But...”
He is not just worried to find himself changing. He wonders if he is still transforming – becoming other, something less than human not just in body, but in mind.
Yet, looking at Temeraire's expectant eyes, he can't voice the thought. Dragons do not think like humans, perhaps – but even a few months has taught Laurence that they are no less unique, and their opinions no less worthy.  
It is a thought he must consider more. Laurence shakes his head. “My dear,” he says. “I am sorry. You are entirely right; perhaps I have worried for nothing.”
“You always do,” Temeraire sniffs. “You ought to discuss your problems with me sooner, Laurence; you can be very silly about these things.”
Star Trek:
section of a continuation for “Identity,” where Spock has been given a physically feminine body after a transporter accident, and prefers to stay that way.
Over the years, Spock has found that it can be helpful to seek out certain crewmates for advice regarding the emotional undercurrents of confusing situations. In her early years at the academy she often sought this advice from Cadet Elisa Ryland, who she met through a number of astrophysics courses. Ryland had a quiet, rational demeanor that struck her as almost Vulcan, and she was often able and willing to explain issues of human sociology without any accompanying embarrassment. Spock still corresponds with her, although the current Lieutenant-Commander Ryland is not a sentimental woman.
Later Captain Pike became something of a mentor to Spock, who found the older officer full of useful command wisdom. In recent years Jim has been her closest confidante in all matters.
But she cannot approach Jim regarding an issue that does, after all, include him. Which is how Spock finds herself standing before Doctor McCoy's quarters, carefully weighing her options.
At last she buzzes at the door. McCoy is openly surprised to see her. “You need something?” he asks. Spock has only visited his quarters six times in the past several years.
Seven times, now. “I am here regarding a personal matter,” Spock says.
McCoy raises his eyebrows but immediately stands aside. “Well, take a seat.”
Spock politely accepts a glass of water; she is unsure if this is a rare deference to Vulcan tradition, or merely one of McCoy's own ingrained social niceties.
“Now,” McCoy drawls when he's resumed his own seat. “You're welcome any time, Spock, but you don't exactly make a habit of dropping in. What's this about?”
Spock considers how to phrase the matter.
“The captain is trying to seduce me,” she declares, and subsequently watches as McCoy chokes on his drink.
“I take it back,” McCoy tells her a minute later, wiping liquid from his chin. “You are never welcome here again. Goddammit.”
Ignoring this hyberbole, Spock continues. “I would seek your advice in this matter. In different circumstances I would not necessarily object to the captain's intentions, but I consider his motivations suspect.”
“Not opposed - oh, god,” McCoy says. “Spock, if you're going to tell me you're in love with Jim, I really need a drink first. A good shot of bourbon or five.”
“I am not 'in love' with the captain,” Spock snaps. “On Vulcan it is typical for partners to be chosen on the basis of mental compatibility. After Jim, Uhura or Sulu would also be excellent mates.” McCoy chokes again. “But I recognize that humans require a different type of connection. I fully intend to find a Vulcan husband.”
McCoy still looks a bit dazed. “Husband?” he echoes. Spock isn't sure why everyone is so preoccupied with the sex of her hypothetical mate. The doctor shakes his head, as though drawing himself from a daze. “Right, okay. First of all, Sulu would be thrilled to date you – male or female versions – and I ain't saying anything else on that.” Spock raises an eyebrow. “Second – I can't say I'm really surprised. Just to, uh, clarify – Jim never flirted with you before?”
“No, Doctor. Surely you have realized he has no interest in men.”
“Yeah, that's obvious,” McCoy agrees. “Despite the rumors. But you're... well, you're not a man. And you're so damn pretty it's a waste, if you won't slap me for saying it.”
Spock ignores the latter comment. “The point remains,” she says, “That Jim never possessed such interest before. I can only presume that he is acting on lust, which I find distinctly uncomfortable.”
“I'm distinctly uncomfortable,” McCoy mutters.
Spock stiffens. “If you do not wish to discuss this subject, Doctor...”
McCoy waves his hand through the air before she can finish. “Hell, Spock, I ain't sending you away. And you're right – Jim's being a dog, and you deserve to be mad about it. But there ain't any easy solution, except to give him an earful and tell him to shape up.”
“I see,” Spock says. “That seems insufficient. I have rarely known the captain to make personal errors.”
“Oh, we all make mistakes when we stop thinking with our brains.”
Spock tilts her head. She is genuinely unfamiliar with this idiom. “With what else would he think, Doctor?”
Oddly, McCoy reddens. “Nevermind that,” he coughs. “Listen. Just talk to him. That's all you can do.”
“I do not see how that will discourage his... interest.”
“Well, no. I don't think anyone's invented a way to stop men looking at women. But you Vulcans think action is more important than feelings – and even us humans can control ourselves that much.”
A fair assessment. Still: “I would not expect you to advocate emotional suppression, Doctor.”
“There's a difference between making yourself a computer and refusing to be an animal. The first is masochism – the second is just good manners.”
“Very well,” Spock concedes. Though she would never say so, it's somehow reassuring that McCoy doesn't seek to blame her for the captain's attentions. Spock knows that many people over the years – men and women – have found her attractive, though usually it was only the challenge – the exotic nature of Vulcan romance – that appealed to them. Somehow those pursuits never bothered her like this. “I will speak to him tomorrow. Though based on Jim's persistence in past encounters I am unsure if his behavior will change.”
“Jim ain't like that, Spock – you tell him 'no' and he'll back off. And if he doesn't,” McCoy adds darkly, “I'll have a talk with him.”
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haztobegood · 5 years
Six Sentence Smonday
So many friends tagged me to share snippets over the weekend, but I wasn’t able to get to them until now. Thank you to @lightwoodsmagic @runaway-train-works @alienfuckeronmain and @hazzabeeforlou 💛
I’ve just finished my final Wordplay fic. I’m super excited for it to be posted tomorrow. It’s a bit different than the other four so here’s a sneak peek. 
He amplifies the playfulness and teases the crowd with exaggerated dance moves through the rest of the song. Cheers erupt as the music dies out and a huge smile takes over his face. He’d forgotten how fantastic performing for a crowd feels. It takes him back to middle school, when he and his friends started a band and would practice in his garage after school. Louis gives him another kiss when he returns to the booth. “I love watching you on stage. You’re so magnetic.”
I’ll tag everyone above and also @forreveries @jacaranda-bloom @13ways-of-looking and @uhohmorshedios 
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disregardcanon · 6 years
i was tagged by @what-may-be-perceived for this cool alphabet ask meme :) 
A - Tell me something about yourself. 
my first name was almost krista
B - Favorite non-Latin script?  
i think that the vietnamese alphabet is so pretty 
V - Tell me one obscure fact you know, about anything.
teddy roosevelt named his rough riders after buffalo bill’s western show featuring annie oakley (i recently did a lot of annie oakley research so that’s the first thing that comes to mind) 
G - To what extent are people responsible for their actions?  
i tend to determine that on a case by case basis 
D - Name one good thing that’s happened.
i found a cool song called queer gospel today!
É - Name something or someone fictional you’d like to exist. 
i would like the force to exist but on the condition that i get to be force sensitive 
Ž - Name one thing you were taught by experience. 
sight reading music. like god, that has been an up hill battle but i’m getting much better about it 
Ż - What do you feel passionate about?
people as individuals and a collective, teaching, literature, and music
Z - Opinion on global warming. 
real and something we should stop 
I - Which is harder: Math or English? 
math for sure
Yi - Would you describe yourself as Extra™? 
oh yeessss
J - Is recycling necessary?   
i think that it’s important to do my own bit to try to make the world better, so that’s a yes 
K - Are you into “do it yourself” crafts? 
L - Are you a people-person? 
i think so? it’s a little hard to tell sometimes haha
M - Do you care what others think?    
yup, a lot more than i’d like most of the time
N - What’s something you want to share with everyone? 
about a week ago i interacted with a group of girls named michelle, willow and tara so together we made sarah michelle (gellar) and willow and tara. what a buffy kind of day 
O - What are your pronouns? 
she, her and herself
P - How do you relax? 
i’ll either kick back in my arm chair and watch a show or movie or i’ll curl up in bed and read fic on my phone :) 
R - Are you introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? 
i’d say i’m ambiverted. i need to have an up-down sort of thing. when i’m not around people for too long it tires me out but when i’m around people TOO LONG it also tires me out
S - Do you think before you speak? 
is it bad to say no? a lot of the time i tend to think out loud and that makes me seem like i think fast and am eloquent except for when the thought’s half-formed or not in any way a good one and it makes me look like a dumbass 
T - What’s one thing you’re certain is true? 
i would not have become a writer who actually finishes things without an outlet like ao3 where i can receive feedback. i’ve come up with ideas and written snippets of stories as far back as i can remember but i never actually finished something until i had an apparatus for feedback 
U - Name one thing you wish was common knowledge. 
i’m not sure it counts but i wish the US had better “foreign” language education
F - Is it important to speak more than one language? 
oh wow i didn’t even see this before i answered the last one. YES! i think that it’s a very important skill that i have no, personally, been able to cultivate beyond a pretty elementary knowledge of spanish and some passing phrases in other languages
H - Would you say you’re impulsive? 
not really, except on the “thinking out loud” front
W - Name a loan word in your native language, and tell where it’s from.  
schadenfreude is from german and that’s a fave :) 
ŠČ - Are you easily caught off guard?   
yeah, i would say so 
Ć - Know anybody Jewish? 
Č - Have you ever seen or read How To Eat Fried Worms? 
nope i have not 
Š - Does silence freak you out? 
silence as an awkward lull in conversation freaks me out, but silence at the library or when i just want a break from making my ears hear things is a relief
Ye - Ever eaten lamb?
once, and i can’t say i liked it 
Ñ - Any plans for tomorrow? 
no plans but taking an exam and attending a dress rehearsal 
Th - Would you care to learn Greek? 
definitely! i would learn any language if i had the time and the drive
Ě - What’s your stance on marriage?      
i think that it can be really important to people, it is an important legal right that brings certain benefits, and that it should be available to all consenting adult pairs that would like to marry each other (at least pairs, i don’t know the logistics of poly marriage yet and haven’t thought about that yet and whether or not multiple marriages or marriages with more than two parties is feasible) but i also feel like because it’s just a construct and if they don’t WANT to get married couples shouldn’t feel obligated to. 
i don’t feel like it should be your be all end all if you don’t want it to be. 
i also feel since it’s a legal institution people shouldn’t feel obligated to keep it solely between romantic partners! if you want to marry your best friend for the benefits or to make a life commitment to them, i say go for it! marriage is what you make it and it’s mainly an agreement so like, agree to what you want and just be happy 
X - Does anyone in your family have a different native language than you?  
nope. you have to go out to great great grandparents on any side of my family before you get to people who didn’t speak english as a first language 
Ç - How often is your name misspelt?
about a third of the time people spell it as sara 
tagging @khaki-da @titaniumsansa @marielogan and anyone else who’d like to do it! 
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5,9, and 37?(you only have to talk about one if you want) :D
I would like to start by apologizing in advance if this post looks like crap because I'm on mobile and won't get a chance to fix it up until tomorrow at the earliest. Hopefully, tomorrow.5. Share one of your strengths.Dialogue! Which is strange because I have such a hard time talking to people. I just feel so awkward and uncomfortable and don't want to give off the wrong impression, but writing dialogue is just so easy for me. I love writing banter and awkward exchanges and tension. Dialogue is just so much fun and I'm often told it's the best thing about my fics.9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?That would have to be a toss up between Dream a Little Dream with Me and my Reverse Bang. I've been putting Dream out of my mind since June because it just hasn't appealed to me, which is hard because I want to finish it. On the other hand, my Reverse Bang has been giving me a really hard time inspiration wise. Luckily, you gave me that wonderful idea and I might just be able to do the gorgeous piece of art I'm writing a fic for justice. Now, I just got to find the time.37. Talk about your current wips.Let's see here:Technically, my Bang is 100% complete story-wise, but I still have plans to add a few bits here and there to make the story a little richer. I can't really say too much about the story itself. I'll just say it's a JayTim AU that I'm really excited to share!I've also got my Reverse Bang in progress and I'm not going to say anything else about that one.One of the things I'm super excited for is a noir-inspired JayTim AU with Jay starring as the down on his luck PI and Tim as the snarky and sarcastic, ridiculously attractive client wanting help finding his supposedly dead father. I've done so much planning for it and have so much more to do before it's finally ready. Mysteries are so difficult to do well and I really want this one to have a lot of twists and turns and have the reader constantly questioning what happened. It's going to take a lot of work!Of course, Dream a Little Dream with Me is one of my wips because I do intend to finish. Just got to get that inspiration back.Lastly, I've got some prompts and little snippet series that aren't necessarily wips because I haven't started them or added anything to them, but they're on the to-do list and they could get written at any time!
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