theoriginoffire · 1 year
For the Harvest Moon ask game, 🍀 and 💍!
☘ - Which game was the most fun in your opinion?
For me personally, I think the gameplay I enjoy most is Harvest Moon DS / DS Cute. I can play that game for hours upon hours!
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I think all the games are fun, of course, but I really like the way DS uses its main quest - I like collecting the sprites by doing various tasks. My only complaint is that for 100% completion, some of the requirements are a bit TOO out there! Still, I have very fond memories of this one.
Magical Melody has a similar gameplay feature, collecting notes, which I also enjoy. I think that level of collection is more manageable, but I still think DS is 'the most fun'. This is actually different to my all-time favourite, Animal Parade, because while I prefer the game's features overall I think the 'funness' of the quests could be streamlined a bit.
💍 - First bachelor/ette you married?
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OK but now that SNES has come to Nintendo Online I'm definitely going to be marrying her again. I've married Eve and Nina on other playthroughs, and I'd like to marry Ellen and Ann sometime, but I keep going back to Maria because she's my favourite. She's a bit different in Magical Melody though, I've not married her in that...
SNES must have been an early time for videogames, because never again has a character bold facedly asked me if I believed in God as a Yes/No prompt.
If I try to cast my mind back, I think the first bachelor I married was probably ... Pierre? I didn't play Mineral Town until much later, and the only way I could play DS Cute for ages was on emulator. It would've been Carl if I had the means, I still tried to propose to him as a dude :(
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wiitchkins · 1 month
fields of mistria posting but I've had an ongoing just gut feeling of not trusting the mines priestess... she's too... Pretty Anime Girl In Distress & it feels like fom is pretty aware of existing archetypes in harvest-moon-alikes and I can't help but be reminded of Keira from hm:ds but. Too Perfect..
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gaysheep · 1 year
BOKUJOU FANS. apart from the visuals and new marriage candidates, is story of seasons: a wonderful life appreciably different to hm:awl on the gamecube from a gameplay standpoint? (or hm:ds i guess?)
some questions:
is there considerable quality of life improvement? (menu navigation/ui design esp for storage, rigid calendar system instead of the weird thing where you constantly wake up while sleeping?)
does the middle crop still always die before you upgrade your watering can?
is marriage still required year 1?
is there still only one goat that suddenly stops producing milk with no way to get it back? on that note, do cows still require breeding to keep producing and does the barn have a larger or upgradeable capacity?
can you open the shed?
does the game still have a rigid ending point, or does it work like the ps2 release where you can still access your save after beating it?
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doberbutts · 1 year
I got distracted from Valhalla and started playing Harvestella again because I went outside yesterday and heard the cicadas in the trees and it made me remember all the hours of fun I put into Harvest Moon and how much I liked the Summer and Fall sound tracks and ambient noise walking around in FoMT and HM:DS.
Still a game that didn't deserve all the hate it got. People were so determined to kill it in launch week and for what? It's a fun little RPG that also has some farming elements in it. What's not to like.
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just-a-pansy · 1 year
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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Rival Children
Second secret love interest: Flora's and Carter's son! Last love interest...also maybe you noticed HM:DS is also included into my little rival universe here
remember how Keira the beautiful princess was waiting for you deep down in the mines? yea. this time you get Tito
he's got a little camp on the halfway point, doing his research
when you find him he doesn't seem to realise how long he's been down there
figuring that his parents probably want to be updated on his findings he decides to go see the light of day again
needless to say the dig site and archaeology are his life
has an intense interest for beryl
his family has a strong bond because of their shared interests, his parents have built a house near the dig site
he follows a strict routine and is found at the same places at the same time every day starting with a long walk at 6 am to clear his head
it takes a while for him to comprehend that you're romantically interested in him and his way of responding to that is to show you his collection of rocks
he confesses he had a hard time growing up fitting in with the other children of the valley and especially budding heads with Edie
he feels like he can fully be himself around you
Rival Relationship: Tito & Adora
scientist besties!
have a natural connection with each other and enjoy hearing the other one talk for hours about one specific detail of their work
Adora sometimes stops by the dig site because she needs samples (right...)
she even gets Tito to swim with her and though he hates it he loves seeing her so happy
they mumble about having to share their newest discoveries with the other
That's it! I'm intensely invested and I hope you're too because I'll keep building on this!
The Rival Children: Edie - Ava - Marcie - Rae - Mikhail - August - Adora
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Things I want from a HM:DS/DS Cute Remake
Almost all the game mechanics to be the same. Please do not make it easier on us. I want it to be the same insanity of the first one.
I want to have to make calls to order things! I want tv channels to be locked to harvest spirits!
I want to have risks if I build coops/barns out of fodder (😂) or wood!
The one exception to changing nothing being the 3x3 crop issue of the middle being un reachable. They fixed that in SoS: Friends of Mineral Town and that fix should stay.
In terms of adding things maybe let us leave during storms and risk passing out randomly.
Let us leave the valley at sone point as extra content. And maybe adding a house for Skye that you can go to once you can leave the valley.
If they remove the Mineral Town characters being romancable if you have a file for the other game I would riot. That needs to remain, part of the games charm is that there are 14 girls (with the Mineral Town cast) and 11 boys (12 if you include the very hidden Mason). Aka a ridiculous number of options!
This game has an insane number of marriage candidates. They better all return for both genders. If they add any they should add more male special romance options since DS Cute only has Skye (and I do love him but let's even it out some); and the secret addition of Mason.
They should add more to Mason, he's great and deserves better!
More heart events. I want more of them, please!
And I know they will probably remove these cause they don't do them anymore but I want the rival heart events and marriages to stay! Let them be happy together! In order for them to get together in the original game you have to actively make it happen over 4 years! It's so easy to avoid if you don't want it!
Add additional dialouge about the blue feather based on heart level! They currently have one dialogue that doesn't change until you reach a red heart! Add more!
Skye should have more theift events. And maybe even be able to randomly send a note about him stealing from the player if not close enough friends after his first event! Make him seem more like a theif "terrorizing" the valley!
In fact let him join in on some festivals in a disguise that does a poor job hiding who he is!
This game already had a bunch of events but let's add more!
Make the beginning of the game either random if it's the boy or girl opening, or just choose the boy opening. Don't make only the girls be called lazy!
I would love for them to make it multi-player but I know thats an impossible hope.
Overall I'm obsessed with this game and want a remake so, so bad! Marvelous please!!
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HM:AWL and HM:DS are polar opposites but intertwined its crazy. are you seeing this shit. hm:ds uses sepia tone awl screenshots as its cutscene backgrounds. because they take place in the same town. even though the town is shaped differently. hm:ds completely revolves around the harvest sprites, finding them, hiring them, and building relationships with them. hm:awl has you unable to interact with them at all. hm:ds could not be Less realistic or grounded, while hm:awl only makes the smallest concession just so that they don't have to have the word "semen" appear in the game (you still get 'miracle potion' from bulls). hm:ds is full of festivals but has extremely hard courting, hm:awl lacks festivals but makes it so you WILL get married at the end of year 1...
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emeraldhazeart · 1 year
Oooh for the ask game, I've gotta know: 💐, 🎁!
Thank you for the asks 💕
💐 - Most overrated bachelor/ette in your opinion?
Not trying to yuck anyone's yum - if you like her, that's great - but I've never understood the love for the Witch Princess.
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I get it, I guess - she's a bad girl with a hidden sweet side. I just... Can't root for someone who wants me to be actively mean to the townsfolk and my animals (in HM:DS, at least). At least in most games she's in, she's fairly easy to ignore.
🎁 - Favorite NPC?
Already answered the obvious one, so have my second pick:
Honestly, the whole population of Mineral Town feels like family to me at this point, but I've always had a soft spot for Barley. (And no, not just because he gives you your horse 😉)
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He's just so sweet and pure and wholesome. He's raising his granddaughter without complaint, even though his own daughter dumped May with him without a word, and refuses to visit, even though he tries to reach out to her...
Sorry, there's something in my eye. No, it's definitely not tears...
Thank you for the asks ♥️
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shmeegledeegledorp · 1 year
The Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons AWL remake has got me thinking back to my childhood game of Harvest Moon Ds/Ds cute (since they essentially use the same characters,, but weirdly 100 years in the future???💀💀)
I doubt we're gonna get a Ds remake or Ds dlc or anything but if there's one thing I want is for SoS is to go back to being Extremely Weird and slightly Offputting in its newer entries,, bring back the weird ass glitches too bc truly i can't think of any HM/SoS game as weird as HM:DS like,,,, what other HM game lets ur dog maul the mayor to death at the beginning of the game and giving u a game over,,,, or having a secret bachelor literally being the guy that sells you clothes over the phone (if u marry him it ends the game) or have a glitch at the start screen that turns everyone into leia the mermaid,, or the doghouse battle minigame where u beat up the witch princess that too
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moonlight-moondrops · 2 years
First partner in the new AWL? (I plan on going for all of them but Celia was my first crush-- I wanted to *be* Nami so bad)
Ooh good question! Honestly it'll depend on how many save files there are. I'm hoping there's enough for each love interest so I can romance everyone without overwriting a file each time. My first instinct is to say Celia or Muffy (Muffy was my first Harvest Moon love and Celia is my favorite personality wise.) But Lumina's a fair candidate too. Fun fact: I got AWL: SE and a PS2 just to marry Lumina. As for the guys...I'm really curious how they'll go about Cody? (I'm not calling him Gordy smh). I kinda wish they made they 4th male love interest Griffin like in HM:DS, just makes more sense to me. (My favorite guy from the OG was Gustafa though) Overall I'm just happy that we'll finally be able to romance Muffy as a female--the way the universe always intended xD
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spaboiledegg · 1 year
Just found out from a Rachel & Jun video that the grass dumplings in HM:DS (and maybe some of the other DS titles) are actually yomogi/mugwort mochi, and the name in-game is a direct translation of kusamochi, lit. grass mochi.
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theoriginoffire · 1 year
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Don’t get me wrong, I’m TRYING to court Griffin, but how do I tell him that Gustafa also invited me out for a walk this morning?!?
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godzillin-art · 4 years
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ok so. they’re not colored yet but here’s a thing. people have been talking about the possibility of a HM:DS/HM:DS cute remake! so I re-designed a bunch of the harvest moon DS boys because wow they really could use a re-design.  
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acustardduckling · 5 years
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It’s mermay!! Here’s Leia from Harvest Moon DS. 
I also put this up on deviantart, but I hear adding links to posts can remove them from search . . .
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meowseies · 6 years
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drew this afew weeks ago but hey 🧜‍♀️ mermaid wife
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Every time I've played HMDS/AWL I've married Nami but in my most recent playthrough of HMDS I decided to marry a special girl for a change, I picked Keira and I felt weirdly guilty about it. Our son ended up having red hair and blue eyes which made me feel even more weird about the whole thing.
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