icecream-and-gadreel · 11 months
What it feels like (Sneak peek)
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A/N: This may be out in the next few days~ It came to me randomly and I couldn’t stop writing lollll enjoy! 
“Then allow me to help,” he says, taking another step toward you. You tense as your back collides with the wall, heart pounding in your chest as he leans in closer to you. “Please let me in,” he whispers. His emerald eyes search you wildly, fingertips brushing over your cheek as he leans in closer. 
The kiss is feathery light, his eyelashes tickling your nerves as his eyes flutter shut. “Gad ...” your voice trails away as he presses another tentative kiss against your lips. 
“How can you make me feel so much, beloved?” he asks, pulling back to look you in the eye. “I understand not being able to trust. I know the feeling of buckling under the burden of your memories. But I’d like a chance to prove you wrong.”
You squeeze your eyes shut tight, biting your lip between your teeth. It hurts. Opening yourself up to disappointment time and time again hurts too god damn much. Pulling him into a hug, you let out a puff of air, body melting into his embrace as he squeezes you tight. “I trust you,” you say, nuzzling against him. Gadreel gently rubs your back, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. 
“I’m glad.”
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omni-scient-pan-da · 1 year
Apparently,,, May still has,,, so much service overseas,,, which means they will most likely be able to respond to me immediately once they read my confession,,, which means having to deal with the consequences of my actions,,
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How many more of these messages will I get after they read my letter,,, I need to cherish them while I can,, what have I done,,, nooooooooooooooooooooo
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
day 506
“S-stop it, stupid…”
Killua mumbles it so softly, the tips of his cute little ears going red and the bridge of his nose pink. Adorable. Gon pulls his hand away slowly, digging around into his pocket.
“The new JoyStation is coming out. So guess who preordered it?”
Killua gasps, grabbing Gon’s shirt excitedly, looking at him like a kid in a candy store. Gon’s chest gets all warm and fuzzy, seeing Killua happy.
“W-wait… it’s not a special day…”
“Of course it is! It’s day five hundred and six of you agreeing to be mine forever.”
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eames-with-a-rose · 1 month
Parrots. Ily
Really one of a kind birbs
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ellie-lovett · 7 months
thinkin REALLY HARD about the lil guys in my phone.
esp those guys from that one show
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antimonyandthyme · 9 months
seblr will see the man’s hand 🖐️ on his own leg—not even a bare leg 🍗 but a fully clothed leg 🦵 —and go hnnnnnnngggggg i can’t not fuck him 🥵😈🫦👅👁️
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houseofpunk · 1 year
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rinhaler · 5 months
HNNNNNNNGGGGGG fuck fuck fuck
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lovecolibri · 2 years
Okay, I know we all wanted a baseball episode for the OG 911 because *baseball pants 😍🥵* and also I believe Ryan played baseball and maybe it's mentioned Eddie did? Also, baseball pants. And sunglasses. And baseball caps.
HOWEVER, have we considered beach volleyball episode?! Still sunglasses, could still get backwards ball caps. Also shorts?? Shirtless firefam? Cutout sleeveless shirt firefam? Slutty tanktop firefam? Bathing suit firefam? Sweaty firefam with access to water meaning WET firefam? The rest of their families joining in the game or just enjoying the beach?
Hnnnnnnngggggg *grabby hands*
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as-tascen · 2 years
I also feel like /I/ personally would struggle with whoever they chose for casting but everyone could get their head around an animated character. CAN U IMAGINE ALL THE POSSIBILITIES. TECHNOLOGY HAS CONE SO FAR AND THIS BOOK HAS SO MUCH COOL STUFF IN IT. AN ANIMATED MOVIE WOULD BE A BLESSING TO US ALL
An animated version of this series would just be so freaking GORGEOUS
I'm imagining it in like the Arcane style now and just hnnnnnnngggggg
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mapletreeswitch · 1 month
Thinking about a girl rubbing aphrodisiac into her boots and then making me lick them clean with my tongue and making fun of me for how needy and horny it's making me
Like "Wow what a little perv are you really getting that turned on from being humiliated like this? Make sure you get your tongue real deep in the seams slut, I want the leather to shine."
Just hnnnnnnngggggg
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enigma-the-anomaly · 7 months
i don’t want to get into league of legends but heartsteel is technically an alternate universe so it doesn’t count.
hnnnnnnngggggg i need to eat them
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robotdwarf · 8 months
Hnnnnnnngggggg So'mer Teeth Jones actually looks GOOD now, what the hell. The keyword looks genuinely playable
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yuujispinkhair · 11 months
I'm doing pretty good! I got a new phone and I'm an idiot and forgot my Tumblr login lmao. So I was locked out for a couple of weeks 🥴
Aaaaaahh that is so relatable though!! I hate when I get logged out of things because I never remember my passwords. If I am lucky I wrote it down somewhere. I am glad you were able to log in again <3<3
Omggg yes the next few episodes will feed you so well!!! I am excited for tonight's ep!!
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theonyxranger · 4 years
how is it that i have the entirety of the internet at my disposal and yet i can’t think of a single way to distract myself until im tired enough to fall asleep
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lavender-lily · 5 years
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