indulgentarcher · 6 years
Mild PSA: Where are you?
((MOSTLY AT WORK *Badumtsh*
But on a more serious note.
I love Dilwyn, hes my oldest, safest muse. He’s loved, loving and I adore him.
So whys he so dead?
1) Tumblr nerf is an obvious push down an already unraveling sweater
2) Sweater in this sense being my motivation to keep playing him. See. Dilwyn’s OP. He was designed by Pacifist-Seeking 15 year old whos heart was in turmoil. I made myself a dad figure to deal with a lot of shit going on in my life. The origin of Dilwyn quite frankly was attention seeking. That’s not as bad as A thing as you might think. But now, He’s evolved into his own little entity and mission statement of Be Good. He took his own narrative back and now hes just..... content. There is no where further I wish to push this plot. My ultimate goal for him has ALWAYS been a happy ending and at the moment? Full quads? Full family? Full heart and soul? Millions of friends and friend families???? I don’t wanna crush that for the sake of keeping an 8 year old muse active on tumblr- SPEAKING of tumblr-
3) tumblr culture. Bless tumblr. Tumblr really hurt the way I developed as a person. The reason I backed away suddenly. But it also prevented me from being isolated, while it taught me to isolate myself further. All the negativity, the hyper vigilence, the guilt trippingl and aggressiveness. It made even me forget what actually works when it comes to changing people. You have to.
You HAVE to be able to sit down and talk to another person and not dismiss everything they’ve ever said because you don’t like it. Now before y’all instantly jump thats not even about politics which is ANOTHER reason im ditching this site so much from Dilwyn,,,, I cant go a day without something political. Usually ooc shared from a homestuck. Y’all im too tired. This website severely affected my critical thinking skills to a point where I was AFRAID to have opinions of my own and also was afraid everyone could hear my thoughts so I focused on being so passive..... its just a mess how bd purity culture and aggressiveness here broke my little self’s soul. I am much better now, but only after I stopped hinging my life around tumblr.
4) OKAY WELL NOW WHAT??? Ima tell u whats. Dilwyns still here. He exsists, but on a muddy vauge Hiatus TUMBLR ONLY wise. If y’all wanna acess him for conversation p l e ase hmu on discord. If you dont have my discord hmu at @begrudginglybehooved ooc in them sweet IMS. Ob is my Equius, whos p much become my primary muse but even thats..... questionable. Part of me wishes i could have my characters, not attached to the hs communtiy but thats stupid. Bc not all of it’s been dark- But a LOT of it is has been, for me esp.
I hope u guys arent too hurt by this, And i hope u guys understand.
7/8 years finally broke a Feather. I still love y ‘all, its been great. But that’s why i’ve not been on Dilwyn. 💙💜💙)
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