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suckitsurveys · 2 years
Have you ever held hands with the same sex? Yes. What is a difference between the last two people you kissed? One is the love of my life and one is an asshole. Ever made out in a pool? Yes. Who was the last person you got into an argument with? My husband, but a very small one. Be honest. On a scale of 1 to 10, how nice of a person are you? 9.
Who was the last person to cry in front of you? My niece. Do you know a Robert? Tell me about him. No one personally. Who was your first major crush? Do you still talk to that person? No. Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? No. I unfortunately need to see him on a regular basis, but we are by NO MEANS friends.  How old were you when you lost your virginity? Or if you are a virgin, what age do you think you’ll lose it at? I was 20. Ever been to therapy? What for? No. I should be, though. Ever got a piercing behind your parents’ back? I mean, I pierced my nose without them knowing, but I was of age and they didn’t care. Book series you enjoyed reading recently? -- Who do you know that wears the most make up? My friend Lolly. Have you ever been tied up? Yes. heh heh What if your boyfriend/​girlfriend went through your phone? I’d be upset in the sense that it’s just disrespectful and distrustful, but I have nothing bad or secretive on it, so. Who’s your tallest friend? Mark. Does your last ex have a job? No idea. Do you have a serious interest in any forms of art? Yeah, sure. Do you have a love for nature? Yes. Would you be interested in starting your own business? I’d love to be an event planner. Have you ever seen the movie Labyrinth? Yes. Have you ever been a fan of N*Sync? Yes. Last time you saw fireworks, with whom & where? Last 4th, just around the neighborhood. Who was driving the last time you were in a car? Me. Would you ever want to swim with the sharks? Eh. How old were you when you met your first love? 20. Are you taking this survey in a place other than your home? Nah, I’m home, for once, lol. I usually do these at work. Have you ever been to Disneyland? Nope. Have you ever been in a limo? Yes. Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? I don’t. Have you ever watched an anime series, start to finish? FLCL. Which is only 6 episodes long lol. Who was your best friend in elementary? Liz and Sara. Have you ever mistaken a person’s gender? Yes. What are you currently listening to? Some low fi video game mix Mark has on. How long has your ex been your ex? The last one has been my ex for almost 12 years. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? No. The Eiffel Tower? No. The Great Wall of China? No. Have you ever had someone like you that you didn’t like back? Sure. Do you know what you’d have been named had you been born the opposite sex? Dylan. Do you have any step or half siblings? Nope. Would you ever visit a nude beach? Nah. When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? Today. Who was the last person you dreamt about? I don’t know. Do you hate getting hickeys? It’s not my jam anymore. Do you think you were well-raised? For the most part, yes. Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? No. Are you on good terms with your last ex? I’m not any any terms with him. Do you ever use sleep as a way to cope with bad moods? If it’s already around bed time, then yeah, but I don’t take naps so I wouldn’t do it in the middle of the day. Do either of your parents have any tattoos or piercings? My mother had her ears pierced. Do you ever listen to podcasts? Yes. Mostly Office Ladies and Smartless. Do you weigh less than 130 pounds? I am literally twice that. Have you ever wanted to go to Australia? Naur. Give me the capital of the state you’re in now, please. Springfield. Are you bothered by your cosmic insignificance? Eh. Do you really think there is somebody for everybody? No, not everyone wants someone. Do you place any value in gender roles? I don’t feel like getting into this right now. Do you have to be related to be family? Absolutely not. Are you in love? Do you want to be? Yes and yes. Do you believe in reincarnation? Not FULLY but I do like to think people’s souls get passed onto things in nature. Would you want to be reincarnated? I’d like my soul to go to go to a panda lol. Do you think you’re special, or just another person amongst billions? Can you be both? I am both. Do you think you really understand your gender and sexuality? Nope! Do you believe in some form of god/s? No. Are your choices fated or of your own free will? Free will. Do you believe in star signs? To an extent. Do you want to be remembered after your death? What for? Whatever. Would you fight for your country? Do you feel a sense of loyalty to your nation? NOPE, to both. What was the last book you read? -- Are you someone’s godmother? I am. Have you ever snuck out of your house to go meet up with a guy somewhere? No. When was the last time you saw a frog? This summer. Have you ever been struck by lightning? No. When was the last time you wrote a poem? -- Would you rather write a novel or a book of poems? -- Do you believe that it’s possible for someone to be resurrected from the dead? No. Have you ever idolized someone (or just really looked up to someone) and then found out they were selfish? Uh huh. What color hair does your current crush (or boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, whatever) have? His hair is brown. Have you ever been to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris? No.. Have you ever gone out with a guy and then later found out that he was married? No. What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? -- …and what was the name of the villain? -- Have you ever had someone copy you or steal your ideas for something? Sure have. Do you rent or own the place you live? Rent. Have you ever made yourself as a Sim? No, actually. Do you groom your eyebrows? If so, how? I shave them with a trimmer. How would you describe your current mood? I’m tired. What made you stop talking to the last person you cut out of your life? Lot of shit. Who was the last person to give you flowers? Mark Are you Catholic? Definitely not. Do you have nightmares a lot? No. Who did you last eat Chinese food with? It’s been a while. Do you have any plans for the weekend? We are going to Mark’s mom’s tomorrow and then Sunday I am putting up Christmas lights. Do you have a job? Yes.
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Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.
- Tom Stoppard, Artist Descending a Staircase
Sir Anish Kapoor’s ArcelorMittal Orbit tower was completed in 2012 at a cost of £19 million ($27 million). It was intended to be a permanent lasting legacy of London's hosting of the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, assisting in the post-Olympics regeneration of the Stratford area. At 376 feet (114.5 metres) it became the UK’s tallest public artwork.
London Mayor Boris Johnson put into motion a design competition that was held in 2009 and it called for designs for an "Olympic tower". A 9 panel commission made of the great and the good was set up to recommend to both Johnson and the government. It received about 50 submissions. Boris Johnson had said that his early concept for the project was something more modest than Orbit, along the lines of "a kind of 21st-century Trajan's Column", but this was dropped when more daring ideas were received. Boris Johnson was believed to want something like the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty what he and the government settled on was something completely different with Turner-Prize winning artist Sir Anish Kapoor in partnership with Cecil Balmond of Arup Group, an engineering firm.
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Kapoor said that one of the influences on his design was the Tower of Babel, the sense of "building the impossible" that "has something mythic about it", and that the form "straddles Eiffel and Tatlin". Balmond, working on the metaphor of an orbit, envisaged an electron cloud moving, to create a structure that appears unstable, propping itself up, "never centred, never quite vertical". Both believe that Orbit represents a new way of thinking, "a radical new piece of structure and architecture and art" that uses non-linearity – the use of "instabilities as stabilities." The spaces inside the structure, in between the twisting steel, are "cathedral like", according to Balmond, while according to Kapoor, the intention is that visitors will engage with the piece as they wind "up and up and in on oneself" on the spiral walkway.
The Independent described Orbit as "a continuously looping lattice ... made up of eight strands winding into each other and combined by rings like a jagged knot". The Guardian describes it as a "giant lattice tripod sporting a counterweight collar around its neck designed to offset the weight of its head, a two-storey dining and viewing gallery". According to the BBC, the design incorporates the five Olympic rings.
Upon its launch Johnson said "It would have boggled the minds of the Romans. It would have boggled Gustave Eiffel." Nicholas Serota, a member of the design panel, said that Orbit was a tower with an interesting twist, with "the energy you might traditionally associate with this type of structure but in a surprisingly female form.”
When Anish Kapoor’s commission for the Olympic Park in London was unveiled no one really noticed, as most viewers thought it was still under construction.
Orbit confused viewers for sometime, but when they realised that the twisted metal structure in place was indeed an artwork they were up in arms. It was soon slammed by critics and citizens alike.
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Overall reception to Orbit was mixed, but mostly negative. With regard to its potential as a lasting visitor attraction, The Guardian's Mark Brown reflected on the mixed fortunes of other large symbolic London visitor attractions such as the popular, but loss-making, Thames Tunnel; the Skylon structure, dismantled on the orders of Winston Churchill; and the successful London Eye. When plans were first reported for an Olympic tower, the media pointed to a manifesto pledge of Johnson's to crack down on tall buildings, in order to preserve London's "precious" skyline.  The Times criticised the idea as a vanity project of Johnson's, with a design "matching his bravado", built to "seal his legacy", surmising it would be compared to other similar vanity projects such as the "wedding cake", the Monument to Vittorio Emanuele II built in Rome, or the Neutrality Arch, a rotating golden statue erected by Turkmenistan's President Saparmurat Niyazov, while comparing Johnson to Ozymandias. Art critic Brian Sewell said "Our country is littered with public art of absolutely no merit. We are entering a new period of fascist gigantism. These are monuments to egos and you couldn't find a more monumental ego than Boris."
The Times reported the description of it being the "Godzilla of public art". In October 2012, ArcelorMittal Orbit was nominated and made the Building Design magazine shortlist for the Carbuncle Cup - an award for the worst British building completed in the past year, which was ultimately awarded to the Cutty Sark renovation.
Jay Merrick of The Independent said that "[Orbit's] sculptural power lies in its ability to suggest an unfinished form in the process of becoming something else", describing how its artistic riskiness elevated it above the banal artworks of the public art movement that have been built elsewhere in Britain's towns and cities. Merrick was of the opinion that it would be either loved or hated, being a design which is "beautifully fractious, and not quite knowable".
Jonathan Glancey of The Guardian described Orbit as "Olympian in ambition" and a "fusion between striking art and daring engineering", and said that, the Aquatics Centre apart, it represented the architecturally striking Joker in the pack, given that the rest of the landscaping and architecture for the Games "promises little to get excited about". He believed it would become a "genuine eyecatcher" for the Olympics television coverage, with its extraordinary form being a "strange and enticing marriage of sorts" between the Eiffel Tower and the un-built early Soviet era Tatlin's Tower, with the biblical Tower of Babel as "best man".
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The Times writer Tom Dyckhoff, while calling it "a gift to the tabloids" and a "giant Mr. Messy", questioned whether the Olympic site needed another pointless icon, postulating whether it would stand the test of time like the London Eye and become a true icon to match the Eiffel Tower, or a hopeless white elephant. Suggesting the project had echoes of Tatlin's Monument to the Third International, and especially Constant Nieuwenhuys' utopian city New Babylon, he asked whether Orbit was just as revolutionary or possessed the same ideological purpose, or whether it was merely "a giant advert for one of the world’s biggest multinationals, sweetened with a bit of fun".
Rowan Moore of The Guardian questioned if it was going to be anything more than a folly, or whether it would be as eloquent as the Statue of Liberty. He speculated that the project might mark the time when society stops using large iconic projects as a tool for lifting areas out of deprivation. He questioned its ability to draw people's attention to Stratford after the Games, in a similar manner to the successes of the Angel of the North or the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. He also questioned the piece's ability to strike a chord like the Angel, which he believed had at least "created a feelgood factor and sense of pride" in Gateshead, or whether it would simply become one of the "many more unloved rotting wrecks that no one has the nerve to demolish". He postulated that the addition of stairs and a lift made Orbit less succinct than Kapoor's previous successful works, while ultimately he said "hard to see what the big idea is, beyond the idea of making something big".
Fellow Guardian writer John Graham-Cumming rejected comparisons to icons like the Eiffel Tower, which had itself not been intended to be a lasting monument, only persisting into public acceptance as art through being useful; he also pointed out the Colossus of Rhodes collapsed within a few decades, and the Tower of Babel was "constructed to glorify those that constructed it." He suggested that a future mayor should reconsider whether it should be pulled down. Questioning its corporate role, he believed that meant it looked less and less like a work of art and more like a vanity project.
Even Sir Anish Kapoor acknowledged the criticism and said of its clunky features,“It’s an object with all its elbows sticking out and it is slightly awkward, but I think I made it for that reason, I wanted it to be slightly awkward.”
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After the 2012 Olympic Games, the Orbit tower was used as an observation tower, running at a loss of £520,000 ($884,000) in 2014–15, according to the BBC—or losing up to £10,000 ($17,000) a week in 2014, according to the Guardian newspaper.
Amidst the rising clamour of the costs matched only by the disdainful disinterest in the massive sculpture, something had to be done.
To appease Londoners, ex-London Mayor Boris Johnson brought in Carsten Höller to add a slide to the 376 feet tall artwork, making it the highest slide in Europe.
Kapoor later said he was pushed into the high profile collaboration by Johnson. Kapoor would later say that Johnson’s request “felt to me as if it was turning the whole thing in the wrong direction.”
“It was not always my thinking. The mayor foisted this on the project and there was a moment where I had to make a decision - do I go to battle with the mayor or is there a more elegant or astute way through this?,” he told the Guardian.
“I knew of Carsten’s work so I thought, well, who better than a fellow artist to join up with and make this a positive story rather than a negative… Luckily, and thankfully, Carsten was open to it, so we found a way round this,” Kapoor explained.
Judging by the unforgettable success of Höller’s slide installation at Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall, it’s easy to imagine what made Kapoor click and extend the invitation to the Belgian-born Stockholm-based artist.
“One makes artworks for other reasons than profit,” Kapoor told the Guardian. “I understand this is run as a so-called attraction, which I have problems with personally… I want it to be slightly more highbrow than that, without wanting to be pompous about it. There’s a difference between a fairground ride and art,” he added.
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Höller, meanwhile, took a more lighthearted approach, urging people to embrace “the amusement side of it.”
“A child might be here purely for the slide, while the serious art lover might see this in purely formalistic terms. I personally like the confusion, that you don’t know what it is but it still creates a very unique experience,” he told the Guardian.
 The ArcelorMittal Orbit re-opened to the public on 5 April 2014. Since then it has done below average business in attracting people to come and visit it or try the slide.
The London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), which runs the park where the sculpture is located, released numbers revealing the sculpture’s sizeable debt and a steep drop in visitors. Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal had provided a £9.2 million ($11.2 million) loan to help pay for the original construction of the sculpture, but this loan has ballooned to £13 million due to the accrual of interest.
Ticket sales to the observation platform and a tunnel slide designed by Carsten Höller were meant to help repay the loan, but low visitor attendance prompted a £58,000 ($70,000) loss in 2018/19 alone. Visitor numbers have dropped from a high of 193,000 in 2016/17, when Höller’s slide was introduced, to 155,000 in 2018/19.
It’s not just an artistic folly but a commercial one too.
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It's not wholly fanciful that such artistic scuptural landmarks can help lift places. No one can put a figure on jobs created or investments made in Gateshead thanks to the Angel of the North, but it has at least created a feelgood factor and sense of pride. The Bilbao Guggenheim of 1996, still the archetype of such town-boosting, certainly placed a relatively obscure city at the centre of attention.
Buildings can't do it alone and if people find their attention has been drawn only to a wasteland, they will go away again. The Guggenheim worked because there were also dull practical things in Bilbao such as new transport infrastructure and business parks.
But the most important ingredient of a successful icon is that it works artistically. It has to strike a chord, sound the right note, catch a mood, win hearts and confound sceptics. In other words it has to be aesthetically pleasing because it’s good art made by equally by great craft and graft.
The ArcelorMittal Orbit has become an unloved rotting wreck that no one has the nerve to demolish.
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not-xpr-art · 3 years
Art Deep Dives #1 - The Value of Art ~
Hi everyone!
This is the start to another project I want to start on this account, a companion to my Art Advice tag, and each week or so I’ll be ‘deep diving’ into art history, arts & culture, society’s relationship to art, etc etc... (I basically want to make use of my history of art degree, and also because I genuinely love talking about this stuff... especially without the pressure of deadlines lol)
Side note: don’t worry about these being really ‘academic’ or ‘formal’, since neither of those things are in my vocabulary lol... this is a very casual, informal kind of ‘essay’ writing that I want to be accessible to everyone, regardless of how much you know about art! 
This first one is a kind of follow up of my Art Advice post talking about references, and I’ll be talking about the ideas of how we ‘value’ art.
(this is about 1600 words long by the way...)
The Value of Art
It’s no secret that art is highly subjective. Particularly when it comes to the question of ‘what is the most important type of art?’. It changes from person to person, country to country, and era to era. How we define ‘great art’ now is vastly different to how we defined it several hundred years ago. I mean, just look at the kinds of art in galleries in the modern era (Tracey Emin’s bed comes to mind) versus that of the 18th century (with the likes of Joshua Reynolds, JMW Turner and Thomas Gainsborough). Really, it’s clear to see that what we see as ‘the most important type of art’ is forever changing...
Or... is it?
In order to really answer whether the kinds of art we value now versus that of the past has changed, we need to first establish what ‘valued art’ even means. 
I think in today’s day and age, ‘value’ is often synonymous with ‘price’. So, a Banksy original chipped away from it’s original wall setting and having been sold at a Christies auction for £3.2million is, by this definition, what we as a society ‘value’ as art... Right? Or maybe ‘value’ is more to do with what kinds of works that are displayed in big galleries or public spaces? The Tate has an entire wing dedicated to the works of landscape/seascape painter JMW Turner, so surely that means that we today place a high ‘value’ on his work still? What about public sculpture? Architecture? Sculpture and architecture are often a lot more available for the general public, and even if most people wouldn’t be able to tell you who made the Statue of Liberty, they at least know about her and perhaps even enjoy to look at her? And surely the fame of buildings like the Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal mean that they, too, are ‘valued’ as pieces of art? And what of artworks from other countries and cultures? A Chinese man may find no ‘value’ in a painting by a so-called ‘Great Master’ of the Italian Renaissance, but instead will ‘value’ a piece of Imperial Ming Dynasty porcelain instead, does that mean his opinion is the ‘right’ one? Colonialism has played heavily into what arts are now called ‘valuable’ and what are not, so how do we quantify whether a work has ‘value’ without placing our own individual cultural bias on it?
Basically what I’m getting at is, what we value as art in this day and age is very complicated, in a big way because our society is complicated. But for the sake of arguments, and for my next few points, I will be defining an art’s ‘value’ predominantly by whether it has been featured in a big gallery... Which also means I’ll be focusing on painting and sculpture... And also focusing on the Western world of art, specifically Europe, which I want to clarify doesn’t mean I personally ‘value’ that art more, it’s just where I’m from and predominantly what I studied in my course... 
Art historians often declare the Renaissance (around the 14th to 16th centuries) the ‘beginning’ of what we know as art today. But for this essay, I want to instead start a little before this, in the Early Medieval period. People often know of this era as ‘the dark ages’, in Europe at least, because it was after Rome had fallen and taken all their so-called ‘genius’ with them. A particular note for why for years we’ve seen this period as ‘regressive’ is through their art. A quick Google search of ‘Medieval baby’ will come up with a plethora of results for a wide range of paintings depicting babies (usually the baby Christ) as scaled down versions of adults, complete with receding hairlines and strangely buff arms and chests. 
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Now, is this because medieval babies actually looked like this? I think this is... highly unlikely... I know most things happened earlier in that era than nowadays (girls getting married and pregnant at age 14, for example), but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to think their babies had six packs... No, instead it’s more likely that rather than being direct representations of babies, these were purely symbolic. And particularly given how they often were of Christ, art historians often say that the weird adult-baby hybrids are to represent Christ’s divinity. 
Now... What’s all this got to do with art and value? Well, the thing about early medieval art is that the value was almost entirely placed upon the symbology and meaning of a piece. Later in the medieval period, paintings began to become more ‘realistic’ to some extent, but it still for the most part stayed true to this idea of symbolism over representation. 
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That is, until we get to the Renaissance and all of that gets thrown out of the window because artists want to be able to paint babies that actually look like babies, thank you very much! And with the likes of Leonardo da Vinci championing for art to become a science, surely this means that the kinds of art that was valued in this era were highly accurate portraits or landscapes... Right?
Short answer? No. 
Long answer? Well, portraits and landscapes had their place in the hierarchies of art. Portraits were often commissioned by wealthy patrons, and were basically ways of the artist showing off how good their portrait skills are. And landscapes were less important, more seen as ‘nice backgrounds’ than anything else. But the art that was highly valued by most wealthy patrons and art connoisseurs of the time was... (imagine a drum roll here please) 
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History painting! These are basically big biblical or mythological scenes, often with a lot of figures doing a variety of things (think Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel), often with some pretty landscape as the backdrop, and often featuring a couple of portraits in the mix (including one of the patron who commissioned it, probably being blessed by the Virgin Mary, and a cheeky one of the artist peeking out from behind a bush or something...). From the Renaissance era up until basically the mid 19th century, History paintings were seen as the most important works of art to be featured in galleries. 
And really, things only really began to change when we reached the end of the 19th century, with the development of photography. 
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Photography, and film, both lead to a massive shift in not only the kinds of art that are produced in the 20th century, but also the kinds of art that are valued. For so long art had been the main form of representation of society, and the advent of photographs meant that art had almost lost that ‘purpose’. Not to mention the leading towards a more secular society which no longer had a need for symbolic or spiritual artworks. 
So, the only place art could really go was to become a form of expression instead. The likes of artists like Picasso and Braque pioneering cubism, being about new ways of representing the world. The Surrealists delving into ideas of the subconscious. Pop-Artists like Warhol looking into media and consumerist society, and the list goes on... 
Which brings us onto my most hated period in the history of art: Conceptual art. 
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I’m not going to go big into this period, which is still around today (unfortunately), but all you need to know is this twat Marcel Duchamp flipped a urinal (which he didn’t even make himself) upside down and called it a ‘fountain’ and shoved it into a gallery and thus art that has no value beyond it being ‘concept based’ was born. And yes, yes I hate it a lot (I’m not even trying to be objective about this, I hate conceptual art with a burning passion... some guy put some sh*t in a box and put it in a gallery & called it art and I am SO mad about it lol...). And as much as I hate this period, what it does signify is how art began to be valued not through the craftsmanship of the work itself, but instead the ideas. 
And this idea remains today. Damien Hirst has forged his entire art identity on creating works that are based entirely on some ‘meaning’ that could be forced onto it, rather than the aesthetic or material value. And as mentioned before, Tracey Emin’s infamous bed isn’t about the work and effort gone into the piece itself, but instead about what the artists intends for the piece to ‘mean’. So, the ‘value’ of the work is what it says, and not what it is, essentially. 
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(This is not to say that there are no artists who work today that get featured in galleries and are highly skilled at their craft. The one that springs to mind is Grayson Perry, who’s well known for his pottery and tapestries with some kind of social commentary bled into them.)
This ideology around art also bleeds into online spaces of art (which I see as distinctly separate from the world of art galleries and the Turner prize). I still see artists, and non-artists, talking about how much they enjoy work that is ‘original’, and oftentimes ridiculing and demoting ‘fanart’ as purely ‘derivative’ or ‘unoriginal’. 
And all this brings us back to history paintings. Because their ‘value’ wasn’t just in the immense amount of skill that went into them. A large part of their ‘value’ was that artists and non-artists alike saw them as feats of the artist’s ‘genius’ or ‘imagination’ at play. And in the same way that Early Medieval art was valued for the symbology of the piece rather than the representation, history paintings had the benefit of including both elements. In essence, they were both meaningful AND beautiful. 
In conclusion (just to remind you that this is technically an essay lol), a lot about art HAS definitely changed in the last few hundred years, particularly in what kinds of art is getting made now (and why we make art in the first place). However, what we as a collective society ‘value’ as art has remained surprisingly the same, often with a heavy preference for a work’s meaning and symbology, which can sometimes overshadow the craftsmanship of the work itself. 
I still hate that godforsaken Duchamp toilet though...
(images used:
unknown medieval painting (I just liked that he had his hand down mary’s dress lool)
mona lisa by da vinky 
detail of the creation of adam on the sistine chapel by michelangelo
a photograph by louis daguerre, often known as the father of photography
*clenches fist* ‘fountain’ by marcel duchamp
‘my bed’ by tracey emin )
I hope you enjoyed this informal essay about art, I will definitely be doing more of these in the future! If you have any thoughts on this, feel free to reply to this or message me, etc! I love having open and frank conversations about art! 
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drawingfann · 4 years
Oil Painting Ideas
The most popular medium for art is oil paintings. Most of the popular and expensive paintings in history are acrylic on canvas  original site
You may also create oil paintings. If you are interested in art, it is a worthwhile investment. A starter set of oil paints, an easel to permit you to paint for long hours while standing up, a set of brush and varnish to protect the final product is all you will need. 
1. Landscapes
This is a simpler subject to begin with, as most beginners start with basic figures such as mountains and the ocean. Natures is filled with color, and it is challenging to capture the varying shades and colors of a seaside at a flower garden in the fall. Oil paintings make it easy to mix the colors and come up with the ideal hue. It's also not difficult to paint over some areas if you want deeper colors. 
2. Portraits
There are a number of basic skills to learn before you can paint portraits. The challenge is to earn the distinctive features of the subject so you can identify who it is you are painting. Ensure you opt for a photo that shows strong characters of your subject. One of the basic skills to learn is the way to mix basic skin colours. People aren't just black and white in real life. Most artists will recommend that you draw the subject first before filling in the colors. Also, it is ideal to start with the eyes. 
3. Famous or Memorable places
Aside from landscapes, paintings of famous structures like the Eiffel Tower or Statue of Liberty are popular themes. You can also paint memorable places like your school or the buildings in your city. Churches and temples are typically the site of unforgettable events such as weddings and funerals. For some, they paint vibrant and glorious churches if they remember happy events like weddings and baptisms. Others will paint a dark hue for a funeral scene, and the church is going to have a somber atmosphere. 
4. Abstract Paintings
Abstract art is different from drip painting because there are still familiar shapes with clear transitions of colour. There are still structures for abstract paintings, they are not just arbitrary images. Normally, the colors you choose reflect the psychological state. Concepts to learn are color harmony and depth, with deeper colors in the center. 
5. Random everyday scenes
As opposed to portraits, everyday scenes have also been popular. Nameless subjects playing cards on the or crossing the road have become expensive and popular. They capture raw emotion and natural moves, so they have a particular appeal for art fans. 
6. Religious, Mythical or Historical Events
Perhaps the greatest known classical paintings are all about historical and religious events. They depict the high drama and intensity of the scene, and for spiritual or mythical events, reveal the artists' inspired imagination. Additional tips for Oil Paintings
1. Take Multiple Attempts with the Same Subject
The best practice for developing painting skills is to draw the same subject over and over. While this might seem tedious and pointless, you may develop different skills when on the upcoming attempts. The main reason for taking repeated attempts is to focus on developing skills instead of the subject. When you are introduced to a new subject, then you are likely to explore the new subject and apply the same method. Most art schools would use this strategy to develop creative thinking and practice how to use shading through different angles, what happens when you use heavy strokes and mild strokes and how to mix the paints to get the ideal color https://rachellechristensen.com/daily-painting/
2. Remember Key Ideas Unique to Oil Painting
Always remember that oil painting on canvas is the esteemed"medium of the masters." Oil paints can be mixed continually, and it'll remain true when they dry. But oil takes a long time to dry, which means you still have many opportunities to get the right mix. When you make a mistake, you don't need to use thinners. Just paint over the mistake with what you really need to do. Oil painting is not confined to huge canvasses for large exhibits. You can start with smaller canvasses and even miniatures. While this type of revered medium, always remember that you paint to release your imagination and have fun!
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
Bienvenue à Paris (RoE, Mira x Jess)
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This fanfic was requested by @kennaxval for the @choicesseptemberchallenge hosted by @ramseyandrys ! Thank you so much for hosting this, darling!
In short, Mira finally decides to travel back to Paris with her girlfriend Jess and reminisced what the City of Love once was for her...and what it is now, with a new love by her side
Word Count: 1372
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @bhavf @melodyofgraves @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @begging-for-kamilah @strangerofbraidwood @kamilahmykween @desiree-0816 @universallypizzataco @gayestchoices @embarrassingsmartphonegame 
Mira x Jess Tag: @jellymonster @noeschoices
City of Love, City of Light...Paris has many names. To Mira, it was also a place filled with memories. She arrived there when she was barely twenty and had lived in Paris for a decade before she started traveling around the world again: London, Morocco, Tokyo, Montreal, San Francisco, Miami. But it all started in Paris...even if the French capital hardly felt like home. There she began her career as a chef in a cozy bistro in the suburbs and worked hard until she was appointed sous chef in a prestigious hotel in the city center only a few steps away from Place Vendôme. There she became Mira Banerji, a Michelin starred chef whose fame rapidly grew worldwide.
Paris was where her legend began and where she met Mark, a former colleague then-lover then the father of a little boy named Saru. They would meet after work and discuss the French nouvelle cuisine for hours sitting in a cafè. At the time she thought that was happiness looked like. Then, as she started receiving calls from top star restaurants offering jobs and her name became more and more popular, things changed fast, almost too fast.
But  -she realized all of a sudden years later- she didn't know Paris. She knew the streets and the boulevards, the best restaurants and hotels but...she had never truly lived there. She had never experienced the charm of the city that inspired so many writers and artists and made hopeless romantics daydream while walking down the street. She just walked the same street but never felt the city and its ever eternal magic.
Until now. Until...Jess.
Mira could have never thought to make her so happy by simply proposing her a trip to Paris. Jess gaped and immediately covered her mouth to refrain from squealing. She failed, obviously, and a funny cheerful squeak escaped her mouth. The gleam in her eyes and the look on her face was so endearing: she looked like someone who just won the lottery or a child whose parents just agreed on a trip to Disneyland
"For real?" Jess asked, clearly having a hard time processing her girlfriend's idea.
"Yes, why not? It's been a while since I last visited and I was thinking that you might like it too. Have you ever been to Paris?"
"Nope but I always wanted to! My roommate in college hung a poster with the Eiffel Tower in our dorm room and when I was planning my backpack trip to Europe I added it to my bucket list"
"What visiting Paris or walking up the Eiffel Tower?" Mira teased, amused by her enthusiasm.
"Both, d'uh!"
Jess was so excited about their vacation that spent half the flight to the French capital with her nose stuck in travel guides and magazines she bought right after they bought the plane tickets. Mira gently stroke her back and tried to reassure her that she knew the city, they wouldn't need travel guides but Jess just blinked at her, almost shocked that her girlfriend didn't get it, and protested:
"How could we know all the curious facts about Paris otherwise?"
She grabbed one of the books on her lap and started turning the pages to find what could prove her point.
"Like...like...did you know that Paris was once named Lutetia under the Roman Empire? Or that there is a hidden underground lake somewhere? ...Oh and this one! "There are at least three replicas of the Statue of Liberty in Paris. The most famous of them exists on an island in the middle of the Seine and looks towards her sister statue in New York."?
Jess looked expectantly at MIra who just smiled back affectionately and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"You're right, love. I should have known that you would make the best guide in the world"
As their eyes met, Jess beamed and cuddled up a bit closer, resuming her reading. ---------------------------------
Mira didn't have the heart to confess Jess, over enthusiastic Jess that actually she had never visited the Eiffel Tower. She was busy she hadn't had time and even when she had more free time, Mark would have never agreed to go there. For him, it was "just another tourist trap": why spending their free day in line with hordes of tourist to climb up that "graceless mix of iron and glass". The only exception for him was The Louvre because he was a huge fan of art exhibitions. It surprised her that it took her so many time to acknowledge what a fussy snob Mark was.
The thought made Mira smile to herself as she observed Jess leaning over the rail board and taking in the panoramic view over the City of Love with a huge smile on her face. She could tell she was leaving a dream or something like that.
"So how do you like Paris, babe?" she said walking up to her and wrapping an arm around her waist.
"It's...breathtaking. Just like out of a movie or a painting" Jess commented, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
Then she turned towards Mira and added:
"But not as beautiful as you"
"Flatterer" Mira laughed.
"What? It may be cheesy but it's true!"
Mira smiled again: she had never smiled so much since she had allowed herself to lower her guard with the former Nomande waitress. Since she finally allowed herself to give love a chance, another chance. Life can be unpredictable, love is unpredictable and she could have never have guessed that the young woman who was now smiling so brightly and tenderly back at her would have rekindled her heart.
"Do you like it here?"
Jess' words brought her back to reality.
"I mean, you've been here a thousand times already when you lived in Paris but...do you like it here?" Jess expanded, looking a but shier than before.
Mira placed an arm around her waist and looked into the horizon.
"This time is different, I'm with you and I must say...I love it. The view..."
"It's so impossibly beautiful, right?" Jess happily agreed.
"And...being here with you. That's what makes it special to me. Tour Eiffel is just a monument, an amazing monument but...you are what makes unique. I wouldn't like to be anywhere else in the world right now" Mira added and her lips curled into the most affectionate smile as her eyes met Jess.
The former waitress was totally taken aback by that confession: sure, in private Mira wasn't new to tender gestures and words, but it never ceased to surprise her when the stern-looking chef, her favorite chef showed her soft side to her only
She just leaned closer and pulled her girlfriend into a tight embrace, burying her face in the crook of her neck.
"There's no other place on Earth I would like to be now, Mira."
They lingered into each other arms for a while as a gentle breeze played with their hair. When they parted, Jess flashed her an almost embarassed smile.
"Also I've...I've been meaning to thank you for agreeing to vist the Eiffel Tower. I know it's pretty touristy..."
"So what?" Mira smiled.
"I don't know, maybe it's not your thing..." Jess bit her lip and shrugged.
"Nonsense!" Mira laughed and kissed Jess cheek, a smile still lingereing on her lips. "I wouldn't have left Paris without us walking up the Tower!"
"You sure?"
Mira nodded and added:
"Tell you what? Why don't we take a picture together here? WIth Paris in the background?"
Jess mocked a shocked face, barely refraining a laugh.
"But it's super touristy!"
Mira smirked and turned towards a couple passing by, adressing them in impeccable French and handing them her phone. Then she gave Jess a smile, moving closer to pose together.
"You weren't joking!" Jess chuckled.
"Am I ever joking?" Mira raised her eyebrow.
They both laughed as they looked back to the camera.
"By the way can I just say that you're hot when you're speaking French?" Jess whispered into her hear as the kind strangers got ready to take the picture.
"You better save that for later 'cause I will be speaking French only from now on" Mira winked at her as the camera flashed.
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Fragile Hearts chapter 1: Like We Never Lost
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Vegas was incredible. Maybe it was just this specific tourist area, but wow, it was amazing. There was so much to see, even in broad daylight. Katie couldn’t imagine what it would look like at night. Maybe once Matt came home from work, he’d walk with her through the Vegas Strip so she could see. She’d wanted to visit since she saw Miss Congeniality 2 with her college roommate.
Sure, she’d seen other planets and galaxies and had fought in wars with aliens, but Earthly sights were fun to see too. The cold air was similar to that of Massachusetts, so she didn’t mind it too much. Besides, she really needed a break from the intensity at MIT. This many tour sites and colors and people were exactly what she needed, especially after last night’s nightmare.
God, the nightmares. Katie had woken her roommate several times during the semester already because of them, and while her roommate understood, it was a lot better with Matt around. He knew what she’d seen. He had his own nightmares.
Still, seeing a giant M&M mascot, and miniature replicas of the Statue of Liberty, the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Eiffel Tower. It was incredible to listen to people speak in Hindu, Chinese, Spanish, and a variety of other languages. She hadn’t been able to speak Altean since they’d returned to Earth to lead normal lives. It was the only other language she knew aside from English and a bit of Italian.
The street was crowded with people and Katie was thankful for the distraction. She had earbuds in if only to not seem like an awkward loner as she walked through Vegas… well, alone. She was getting a little too far from Matt’s apartment though, and she knew she should turn back. The majority of the people going the other way were across the street, so she stopped and neared the edge of the sidewalk, looking both ways before she stepped off the sidewalk.
That’s when she saw it, a little ways further down on the other side of the street. It was a bakery, she assumed. It had bright colors, swirled together in a way that seemed oddly familiar. Unsettling and yet comforting at once. She furrowed her eyebrows and stepped off the curb when she heard a loud, angry honk. She jumped back, gasping as a taxi driver sped past, waving his fist at her. She struggled to catch her breath for a second, vaguely wondering how that guy would’ve felt if he knew she had helped save his life and that of the entire universe.
She swallowed down her panic and turned the volume of the music up a little more to mute her thoughts. When her heartrate returned to normal, she crossed the street without almost getting run over and started for the bakery.
On display were several, beautiful, irregular-shaped cakes with swirling colors and intricate designs. Some of the cakes were made into spheres, held up in a way that Katie desperately wanted to know. They looked like planets. Planets Katie had visited before. Planet Arus, the Balmera, the Olkarion, the Taujeer. Places Katie hadn’t seen in almost four years, if not more. Other cakes were built to look like lions. They were all different colors. But Katie noticed there was no black, red, blue, green, or yellow. And there were some normal cakes that were simply decorated with frosting in the most detailed way Katie had ever seen.
She pressed her fingertips against the glass as though it would let her touch the cakes. She looked up at the sign, realizing her eyes were watery from memories of the friends she once had.
Fale o Liona Bakery
Katie gulped and ran a hand through her hair, removing her earphones as she walked in. She looked around and saw the expanses of purple hues, light blue, and the hidden colors of the lions that had once formed Voltron. She noticed the cakes had names that sounded Altean and that some seemed to use a form in intricate technology. She couldn’t imagine how much these cakes must cost.
As she walked around the bakery, taking in the familiar scent of baked good and sweet frosting, she heard a laugh.
A very familiar, deep, hearty laugh. A laugh she hadn’t heard in years. She turned and felt her chest constrict the second she saw him.
Her goofy roommate in the Garrison, her partner in crime in Voltron, her best friend. The guy she hadn’t seen since they’d landed on Earth and gone their separate ways. She stood, frozen in shock as she took him in. He had a light, clean-shaven beard, a chef’s coat, and apron tied around his middle, and tattoos that reached 3/4ths of the way down on arm. Very little was visible under the folded sleeves of his white coat. It had two rows of buttons, each painted either red, blue, green, or yellow, and one remained black.
He was still tall, still covered in muscle that came from fighting, training, and war. Hunk had always been big, but he seemed to have grown into it over the last handful of years. He wasn’t wearing his headband anymore. Katie figured that’s what was wrapped around his wrist on his tattooed arm. Still, his hair fell in the same, messy tufts over his forehead and curled at the ends near his neck.
He was smiling at a customer, using his hands to communicate. Katie walked toward him slowly, wondering if he’d want to see her or if she’d only remind him of the struggles and trauma of war.
She couldn’t bring herself to speak, but she stood a few feet away from the counter, everyone else milling about, pointing and complimenting the designs and cakes, while she remained still, staring at her old best friend. The memories began to resurface.
Finding Shiro, finding Keith, the lions, Hunk fixing the space goo, going to the Space Mall, flying Green, losing Shiro and geeking out with Hunk when they were given a technological task. He’d caught on quick with all the time he spent watching her work and talking about nothing and everything.
Then all of a sudden, his eyes were on her. Confused at first, and then the recognition began. He furrowed his eyebrows and waved someone over to the register without taking his eyes off her.
She wondered if he’d recognize her. She knew she looked different. One side of her head was shaved, the other side had light brown waves of hair that fell in layers just under her ear, and she didn’t have her glasses. She wasn’t in her usual green jacket and she was a little taller, a little more filled out. She had just turned twenty when she saw him last. She was almost twenty-five now.
But he walked over to her, as always looming over her, his eyes skimming her face frantically.
“Pidge?” he whispered.
It had been so long since she’d heard that name. She let out a small laugh and threw her arms around him. “Hunk!”
“Oh my God. It’s you. It’s really you!” He hugged her tightly and lifted her off the ground in a bear hug. Those hugs had comforted her and the others so many times before, and she had missed them terribly. Nobody hugged like Hunk.
He let her down and pulled away, one arm at her shoulder, the other barely touching her cheek. She managed a smile, hoping he understood that her tears were fueled by happiness. “It’s been so long, big guy,” she breathed, her voice breaking slightly.
“I thought I’d never see you again, Pidge.” He chuckled and pulled her into another hug. “God, I missed you!” He pulled away and gently pulled her along with him. He led her behind the counter and to the kitchen where a few other people were baking and mixing. “I do the actual designing,” he explained. “It’s all Voltron-based. It’s kind of how I cope. I create the things in my dreams and memories and… I make them prettier. I make them smaller.”
“They’re beautiful,” she murmured, inspecting a cake with a battle ship depicted. Hunk had been tinkering with it, but she wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. “So, you’re in Vegas now?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’ve been here for a few years. Originally, I tried to open a culinary school but I had no certification. So I started this. It was just a few cakes at first, birthday parties for friends. Then it sort of exploded.” Katie raised her eyebrows in surprise. “What about you? What have you been doing, what are you doing in Vegas?”
“I’m at MIT. I started going by Katie again. I had to do therapy for a while first, and get my GED before they let me in. Apparently fighting an alien race isn’t sufficient excuse for dropping out of school at fourteen.” Hunk snorted. “I’m in my last year as a grad student. I’m graduating early thanks to summer classes, but I’m on winter break now. I’m staying with Matt at his apartment.”
“How long is your break?”
“About a month,” she answered. “Have you… heard from anyone else?”
His expression sobered and he shook his head. “I know what they wanted to do. But I don’t know if they’re still there.” He ran a hand through his hair and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry I called you Pidge. I didn’t know you were going by Katie now.”
“No, no, no!” she protested. “It’s okay! Really. You and the others are the only ones who called me that. I don’t mind it. It’s just been a while since I was called that.” She shrugged.
He smiled and punched her shoulder lightly. “You look good, Pidge. Still working out?”
“Old habits die hard. You look good too. I’m loving the beard,” she laughed. He rolled his eyes and smirked. “I also like the ink.”
“Oh thanks,” he said, pushing his sleeve up. “I incorporated a lion. You know I named this place Castle of Lions.” Pidge raised an eyebrow. “It’s in Samoan. It just sucks that no one knows about Voltron and everything we did, you know? So I sort of bring it to life here.” He took her hand and pulled her over to a line of cakes, his eyes bright. “Oh, and look! Remember when we had to reboot the ion cannon?” Pidge nodded and crouched over to inspect a cake. “Well, I decreased the intensity levels and minimized it, so….” He pressed a button on top of a cake decoration. Small blast appeared on each corner of the cake in pink beams of light. The name on the cake began to glow, the sound of a lion’s roar rising from the pastry.
“Holy crap,” she said, her eyes wide.
“And I can reset it, look.” He tinkered with the blasters and tugged on a decoration, resetting it. The rest of the cake remained intact and unaffected. “That’s thanks to you. You taught me a lot. And I sort of put a little into each cake. The physics, the technology, even the names for the cakes.”
Pidge smiled at him and crossed her arms. “This is so impressive, Hunk. You should have your own TV show.” He smiled gratefully at her and leaned against the counter, rubbing his face. “God, I just can’t believe you’re here.” She turned to him and smiled wider. Her cheeks hurt, but it had just been so long since she’d seen or heard from her friends and there were so many emotions that came from it. “Hey, I close up in like an hour. Why don’t I take you on a tour around here while you wait on Matt? I’d love to say hi to him too.”
“Yeah, that sounds great! We’ve got years to catch up on. Do you mind if I just hang out here meanwhile?”
“Not at all,” he smiled. “I’ll be right back, I have to go get this cake into someone’s car.” He gave her a two fingered salute and disappeared past the double doors. Meanwhile, Pidge took the time to look around the kitchen marveling at the designs in the middle of being cut into their designated shapes.
Hunk was taking orders and talking prices and designs while Pidge peeked through the circular window on the doors. The place was packed even as it neared closing time. Once Hunk ushered the remaining people out and closed the doors, he returned to start cleaning up. He threw a rag at Pidge and gestured to the counter. “Come on, Shortstack, make yourself useful.”
Pidge stuck her tongue out at him and walked over to wipe off the flour and food coloring that dusted the counters. Hunk was sweeping and cleaning out the oven, going on and on about baking methods. Pidge had missed these talks. He would always talk about cooking and food when she tinkered with gadgets and the castle’s systems. It felt nice; it felt familiar.
When they were finally done, Pidge sat on the counter and swung her legs waiting for Hunk to discard his uniform and change into some other clothes in the utility closet. When he came back, he was dressed in a short sleeved shirt and Pidge could see the dark, swirling ink on his arm going up his arm in intricate patterns.
“Did those hurt?” she asked as he pulled on a jacket.
“Nah. Not really. I mean… I guess I’ve had worse, so it felt like nothing.” Pidge nodded in understanding. “Ready to go?” She nodded and hopped off, immediately jumping onto his back like she used to back when they were part of Voltron. And just like before, Hunk didn’t even falter. He just chuckled and hefted her up so she could properly hold onto him.
“Where to first, big guy?”
“Have you seen Caesar’s Palace yet?” he asked.
“From the outside,” she answered. Hunk nodded and walked out, with Pidge latched onto him like a baby Koala. “Do you live nearby?”
“It’s about a half hour from here, but it’s good business, so… worth it. Cab fare sucks, though.” Pidge hummed and looked around. “We could check out the pirate show at Treasure Island! Oh man, they have some of the best margaritas there too. And the Bellagio has this really nice water show along with lights that are insanely pretty at night.”
“D’you go to all these places alone?” she asked, feeling a twinge of sadness at the idea.
“Yeah, but it’s okay. I mean, it gave me time to think, I guess. Besides, you’re here now. And instead being pathetically lost, I can guide you through.” Pidge smiled and wrapped her arms a little tighter around him before letting go and patting his shoulder. He acknowledged the sign and stooped a bit so she could hop down.  
They fell into step with each other as they walked to the hotel and Pidge managed to snap a few pictures with the Greek statues. She took a few selfies with Hunk and looked at some of the souvenirs. They were crazy expensive though, so she didn’t even bother trying to buy anything.
“Oh hey, we should head back to the apartment. Matt should be back soon.” Hunk nodded and they hailed a cab to go back to the apartment. Matt was already there, towel drying his hair while he scrolled through his phone.
He looked up when he heard the door, peeking over his glasses and smiled. His face was marred from a Galra attack, and Pidge hated the reminder of what they’d done to him. But Matt always said they were more of a reminder of his brave little sister who never stopped looking for him.
His eyebrows went up, and he had to fix his glasses. “Hunk? Holy crap what are you doing here?” he said with a smile, walking over to hug him. Matt had helped a lot in the remaining missions after Pidge had managed to find him. He’d gotten very close to Hunk through his sister and seeing him must have been as wonderful for him as it had been for Pidge.
“I live here, buddy. I didn’t know you did too!”
“Hunk runs a bakery on the Strip. I’m surprised you haven’t seen it,” Pidge said.
Matt blinked in surprise. “Wow. I’m surprised too. Well, it’s great to see you man. Katie, have you eaten?”
After being called Pidge for the past few hours, it was a bit of a reality check to be called Katie again. She shook her head and smiled. “We got a snack while we were walking around. Hunk wants us to check out Treasure Island and the Bellagio. We were just waiting on you to get home.”
Matt looked between them and smiled kindly. “Why don’t you guys go ahead and catch up? I’ll join tomorrow. I’m pretty tired anyway.”
Katie frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. “Are you sure?”
“Katie, you’ve got a whole month here. It’s okay. I’m kind of in the mood for take out and Netflix, so….” He shrugged and kissed her forehead affectionately. He turned to Hunk and put a hand on his shoulder. “Hunk, big guy, take care of my sister.”
Hunk gave him a lopsided smile and glanced at Pidge. “She can do that just fine herself, but I gotcha.”
Matt turned and gave his sister a hug before she left. “Be good,” he called after her.
“I’m twenty-four, leave me alone,” she said waving as she left. He chuckled as the door clicked. She turned to Hunk as they left the building and shrugged. “So what now? We have time to kill.”
“Ever gambled?” She furrowed her eyebrows, eyes narrowing into suspicious slits. He laughed, a full, honest sound and nudged her. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” She shrugged and followed him as he hailed a cab and they arrived at the strip again. He led her to the casino with an Eiffel Tower in the front. Paris Las Vegas.
They went inside and Pidge watched with amusement as Hunk spent his money at slot machines and watched a confusing game of roulette which Hunk seemed to understand just fine. He managed to gain back twenty of the hundred dollars he spent.
“I gotta admit, it was pretty fun watching you lose.” Hunk rolled his eyes at her.
“Okay, Miss High and Mighty, why don’t you give it a go?” Pidge snorted and sat at the roulette table.
“Reds or blacks?”
She gulped and set forward a few chips of her own. “Blacks.”
There was spinning, there was shouting, there was the ping of slot machines. But Pidge focused her thoughts on the familiar pressure of Hunk’s hand on her shoulder. It made the anxiety go away. And then suddenly cheering and Hunk had her in a tight, boa-worthy hug. “You did it!” he cheered. Pidge blinked and chuckled.
A half hour later, Pidge was flaunting 800 dollars’ worth of chips in Hunk’s face. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Beginner’s luck.”
She snorted. “Don’t be a sore loser. Come on, drinks are on me.” They walked over to the bar and Hunk started with a whiskey and coke while Pidge ordered an amaretto sour. “You ever think about the others?” she murmured.
“All the time. I always wondered if you got into school like you wanted. If Keith ever found whatever the hell he was looking for. If Shiro’s okay still being up there. If Lance is happy where he’s at. If any of them think of me.” He shrugged. “There’s all these social media outlets, and I tried them if only to find you guys, but… no one had them. And I deleted mine because it just… seemed so stupid, you know? Hearing this stupid discourse over the Kardashians, over Taylor Swift, over the newest American Horror Story season. They’re all so small compared to the war we were in that I couldn’t stand seeing people so ignorantly obsessed over them, you know?”
Pidge ran her finger over the sugar around her mason jar. “Yeah. That’s why I didn’t bother keeping my social media around that long either. I think maybe Keith and Lance may have done the same.” She bit her lip and tossed back half of her amaretto before taking a breath. “It sucks that those two had to break up. They were good together.”
Hunk hummed and used a tiny black straw to swirl his ice. “Yeah. But they both wanted different things. Keith wanted to see the world, and Lance was rooted to Cuba. To his family.”
Pidge nodded. “Maybe one day they’ll meet up again and-” She brought her hands together and apart in a mock explosion, widening her eyes. “Bam! They’ll fall in love again.” Hunk chuckled and nodded.
“Well, what about you? Any dating? Boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever back at MIT?” he asked.
She groaned and placed her chin in her hands. “Ha! Nope. For one, I’m a bit older than most people in my classes. Not by a lot, but still. And… you know not everyone understands the traumatic effects of intergalactic war.” She sighed and swiped more sugar off with her finger before licking it off. “First boyfriend laughed in my face when I tried to explain. I kicked him out. Literally, just a roundhouse kick and he fell back against the door,” she laughed.
Hunk’s eyebrows went up and he laughed with her before sobering a bit. “I’m sorry, Pidge.” She shrugged and sipped her drink.
“What about you? Do you miss Shay?”
Hunk grimaced and groaned. “I think she’s just a big what-if. I knew her for maybe a total of three days while I was up there? Not really long enough for a decent relationship. I wonder sometimes, but… it’s not like I’m heartbroken about it.” He drank his soda and scrunched his nose at the strength of the liquor. “To being war vets no one knows about,” he said, holding up his cup.
Pidge clinked her glass to his and smiled as she finished her drink.
“Hey sweetheart,” she heard a low, smooth voice say. She only turned when she felt the hand on her arm. “Can I get you a drink?”
“No thanks,” she answered, turning back to Hunk.
“Ah, come on, pretty face like you-”
“I said no,” she snapped, turning back to him.
He chuckled and bit his lip. Pidge knew this kind of guy. She’d met plenty at MIT. Guys who thought a smoldering look would have the world wrapped around their fingers, guys who felt the girls they hit on owed them something. He fixed her with dark eyes and a cocky smirk. The worst part was that he was attractive. He didn’t look like a creep, and he was young. If he hadn’t been such a jackass, he might’ve been a nice guy.
“Come on. What are you drinking?” She refused to answer, narrowing her eyes at him. “Bartender? Another of whatever she’s having on my tab.”
Pidge turned to the bartender and let out an angry, strong, “No.” The bartender hesitated and moved away to deal with another customer.
The guy scoffed and leaned against the counter. “Look, sweetheart, this hard to get act is fun, but it gets boring real quick. You made your point, now let me get you a drink, yeah?” He tilted her head up by her chin with a condescending smirk and a wink.
Pidge blinked and stared at him in shock. She took a calming breath, stood, sharing a look with Hunk and looked up at the guy who had to be nearly a foot taller than her. Within seconds, she had his arm pinned behind his back and his face slammed into the counter, rattling every drink as she pressed down on the side of his face and twisted his arm a little more. “Ow! What the fuck?” he shrieked, no longer sounding like a smooth talker.
Hunk smirked and shrugged, sipping his drink. “She said no. You should’ve listened.” He winked and the guy seemed to struggle against Pidge’s hold. The bartender was staring, the other people along the bar were murmuring, and even onlookers were hesitating, anxious to see what the small woman would do to the tall man she had pinned to a bar counter.
“Leave me alone. I won’t be so nice next time,” she hissed before releasing him.
He stepped back, stumbling over a stool. “Freak!” He ran off and Pidge rolled her eyes as she sat down.
Two more amaretto sours were placed in front of her. She looked at the bartender in confusion. He smiled in a way that reminded Pidge of Lance for a second. “One’s on the house. The other one was bought by the group of ladies over there.” Pidge glance over to the end of the table where a trio of girls were giving her a thumbs up.
She chuckled and nodded. “Thanks.” She glanced at Hunk who was smiling at her with a proud little smirk. “What?”
“Same old Pidge,” he said. He ruffled her hair and she punched him lightly as she laughed.
“Can I ask you something?” she asked as she started on her second drink. He hummed as he finished his first. “Why didn’t you try to stand up for me?”
He bit his lip and looked at her seriously. “I know you. I knew you didn’t need me, you do just fine fending for yourself. And I know you knew I was here. That if you needed me, you’d ask for it. I’m sorry if it came off as insen-”
“No, don’t apologize,” she interrupted. She smiled and leaned against her cheek. “I’m a big, tough girl, and I’m glad you know it.” He laughed and ordered another drink before Pidge spoke again. “Do you ever miss being part of Voltron?”
Hunk sighed and took a large gulp of his drink. “Sometimes. I miss the nights we’d stay up talking. The space mall. I miss you, Lance, Keith, Shiro, Allura, and Coran. I miss my boy, Yellow. But I don’t miss the fighting. The killing. The fear.” Pidge nodded in understanding. “Do you?”
She shook her head. “I don’t. I miss Green, yeah. But I feel I wouldn’t miss the other stuff if we’d just stayed in touch. I went up there looking for one brother and… I gained four more and a crazy uncle.” Hunk laughed ran a hand through his hair. “Then… we just sort of drifted apart. I mean I guess I get it. We’re all reminders to each other of the things we went through. We all have those scars that remind us of the worst battles. Maybe there’s a small part in each of us that wants everything about that life gone. But I also wish we could’ve started over here, you know? We could’ve gotten a giant apartment and lived all together.”
“We’d have to deal with Lance and Keith screwing like bunny rabbits, though,” Hunk pointed out. Pidge laughed and tugged on her light brown hair. “But we’d eat awesome food.”
“Rent would be easy. Split with the five of us.” She frowned and shut her eyes. “Do you get nightmares?”
“Yeah,” he whispered.
“If we stayed together, we would be able to help each other through them. Instead of having roommates look at us like we’re nuts.”
“Or waking up alone.” Pidge looked at him sadly and nodded. “Can you promise me something, Pidge?” She arched an inquisitive eyebrow. “Don’t you disappear on me again. I got you back. I don’t want to lose track of you again and spend another four or five years wondering if you’re okay.”
She smiled, feeling her eyes water and placed her hand over his. Her skin seemed paler against his dark, tanned skin. “I promise. If you can promise the same to me.” He nodded and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in.
“Want to get out of here? The show should start soon.”
She nodded and drank her last amaretto sour quickly. “God I hope that doesn’t hit me too fast. I usually drink those slower.” Hunk laughed and nudged her along after she paid.
They walked down the street, already coming alive with colors and music and more people. Hunk took her hand to lead her without losing her in the crowd and she struggled to keep up without jogging. Finally they reached a place with two large boats and people dressed as pirates holding on to masts and shouting. People were standing, looking up at the boats and cheering as the show began. “Wait here,” Hunk half shouts in her ears. She nods and hugs herself. Despite the amount of people, it was still cold. Then Hunk was back with two yard glasses filled with frozen margaritas.
“Holy shit, I can smell the tequila from here,” she laughed as she took hers. She took a sip and her eyebrows went up. “Wow, that’s good. Super strong, but good.” She sniffed and looked up at him. “So what’s the story here?”
“Just a pirate battle with singing and dancing and cannons,” he answered, leaning down so she could hear him. “Can you see?” he teased. She hit his arm and rolled her eyes before sipping her margarita. Somewhere along shouting and swinging from ropes, Pidge felt pleasantly lightheaded and giggly. She felt her limbs loosen and the alcohol let warmth flood her veins, making the cold a little more bearable.
She had to drink her margarita slowly if she didn’t want to be a stumbling mess by the end of the show.
“Hunk, I’m cold,” she shouted.
Hunk looked over at her, her pale cheeks tinged bright red along with her nose. Her eyes were wide, and she was giving him a lazy smile. He suppressed a smile and leaned down. “You drunk already?”
She shook her head. “No. Getting tipsy though. I’m cold.” Hunk chuckled unzipped his jacket, pulling her into it. She was still so small in comparison to him. “Jesus, aren’t they freezing?” she hissed as she huddled into the jacket, sipping her margarita.
Hunk looked up at the half dressed pirates as some fell into the water without hesitating. It made him cringe. “They must get paid well.” He rested his chin on her head, just barely feeling the difference between the side that was shaved and the side that had light waves falling just below her pierced ear. Pidge jumped slightly at the sound of the canons before erupting into laughter inside his jacket.
She turned around and buried her face in his chest. “Okay, I’m tipsy now.” Hunk felt his own slight buzz as well and nodded looking up at the show. “Listen,” she said, tugging his jacket. “If I get drunk, don’t take me to Matt’s. He’s never seen me drunk, and I don’t care if I am twenty-four I will not let him see me drunk. Kay?”
“M’kay,” he agreed, sipping his margarita. “You okay with taking a cab to my place?” She nodded. “Well let’s check out the Bellagio before we go. I need you to be a little sober for that.”
“Okay!” She zipped the jacket over her and smiled goofily up at Hunk. “Let’s go!”
Hunk snorted and struggled to walk away from the performance with Pidge literally zipped up into the same jacket, their feet stubbing over each other’s as they laughed down the street. A few people stared or whispered as they looked at them, but neither of them really cared.
It had been too long since either of them were able to be themselves without secrets or hiding. They’d known each other for years, and they’d experienced things that naturally bonded a group, like almost dying. So it didn’t matter that people gave them annoyed or confused looks because they were best friends and they were finally together again.
As they reached the sidewalk facing the curved hotel, Pidge waddled them closer to the edge and stood on her toes to look down at the expanse of water.
“Ooh my God, ducks!” she shrieked. “Hunk, there’s ducks!”
“If that excited you, wait till the water show starts,” he chuckled.
She sipped from her margarita absentmindedly as she looked up at the hotel casino. “Oh, fuck, brain freeze,” she gasped. Hunk laughed at her and she frowned up at him before unzipping herself from him and pointing at his yard glass. “Go ahead and chug it. Give yourself a brain freeze!”
“I don’t get brain freezes.”
“Bull shit,” she said, narrowing her eyes. “Come on, big guy. Chug, chug, chug, chug!” Hunk indulged her and discarded his straw, tipping the last half of his margarita up and squeezing his eyes shut at the bitterness of the tequila and the coldness of the drink. Pidge whooped as he finished and scrunched his entire face up, feeling the beginning of a brain freeze.
“That’s gonna hit me real soon,” he breath, holding his head.
Pidge giggled and sipped on her margarita which was still a little under half. Then water shot up behind her and she turned, her eyes bright as she looked at the spectacle, lighting up with colors as the water tried to reach the sky. “Oh my God,” she breathed. “Oh my God, it’s incredible!” she shouted as she started jumping. She looped her arm through Hunk’s and smiled out at the view. “I can’t believe you live here.”
“I still can’t believe you’re here,” he answered. “I feel like if I look away too long, you’ll disappear.” She frowned and clung to his arm. “It feels nice to have my best friend back.” She hummed and they stared in silence as the water and lights performed their elegant dance before Hunk suggested getting a ride back to his place. Once the margarita was done, Pidge was definitely in the early stages of being drunk and she kept talking about different things all at once, but the hum of her constant voice was reassuring and familiar even if Hunk wasn’t sure what she was talking about.
So he hailed a cab and managed a conversation that made the ride seem way shorter than it was. She held onto him to remain steady as they went up two flights of stairs and down the hall to Hunk’s apartment. As soon as they walked in, Pidge began inspecting each little thing.
It wasn’t much. Hunk kept his walls bare for the most part, unable to stand the idea of being rooted here to an unfamiliar place forever. Despite living there for a few years, it never felt like home. Now, with Pidge walking around, it felt like it could be. Like part of his family was back. “Of course the kitchen is stocked,” she called. She leaned over the bar area and gave a mischievous smile. “Look what I found,” she sing-songed as she waved a bottle of scotch.
“Are you trying to get drunk?” he asked.
She thought for a moment before nodding. “It’s been a while since I’ve been around anyone I trust to be drunk with. But you have to get drunk too. It’s no fun getting drunk alone.”
“Okay, okay,” he said. “But let’s make it a drinking game.” He turned on his television and opened the Netflix app before reaching Friends. “Because I don’t want to get totally trashed right now, this is what we’ll do. Take a shot any time you hear one of these phrases or this thing happens.”
He grabbed a pen and started writing them down hesitating, pondering and writing again. “You’ve watched this show a lot haven’t you?” Pidge noted.
“Oh yeah.” He finished and handed the paper over.
Oh. My. God.
How you doin’?
Ugly Naked Guy
Can you BE any more (enter verb or adjective)
Chandler makes an analogy to his shitty past
Rachel cries
Phoebe sings
Monica nags about cleaning
“We may still get trashed,” he said.
“I’m holding you to that,” she said, looking over the list as she grabbed two shot glasses from the counter. “Alright, let’s do this. Do I have to watch from the beginning?”
“We don’t have to. I’m rewatching and I’m on season six.” She nodded and sat beside him, bringing her feet up under her while Hunk started the show. She poured the liquor into the shot glasses and asked him to tell her who was who.
He gave her a rundown of each character and their quirk and she nodded, prepared for the drinking game.
Except she wasn’t. She totally wasn’t. It wasn’t long before she was a bubbly, giggling mess, laughing at every little thing on the show while Hunk laughed more out of a need to sleep because each time he got drunk, he just wanted to sleep. Pidge stood and tugged on him, urging him to wake up.
“Hunk. Hunk. C’mon we’re playin’ a game! Hu-unk!” She lost her grip and fell back erupting into laughter. Hunk stood, wondering if she was okay before bursting into laughter at the sight of her curled on the floor, face red from intoxication and laughter.
“You look like a roach,” he snorted. Her eyes widened and she swiped at his legs, missing terribly before falling victim to endless laughter again.
“I can’t get up,” she snorted.
“Okay, okay, one. Two. Three!” He pulled her up but he lost his footing and she ended toppling over him, rolling over to keep laughing.
“Dude. Your ceiling sparkles,” she giggled.
“S’popcorn ceiling. Dunno why it had glitter. My room had glowing stars too.” They stared at it for a while. “Why are we on the floor?”
“I dunno,” she answered.
“I’m sleepy.”
“I’m dizzy.”
“You gonna puke?”
“Dunno.” He huffed and felt his eyelids get heavy. “Hunk! Wake up! I wanna talk!” she whined, nudging him.
“I’m ‘wake!” he gasped as he sat up. “Whoa. Uh-uh. Nope.” He grabbed his head and sniffed. “Mkay. Talk. I’m listening.”
And he did. For a while at least. Pidge was talking, her words slurred and slow as she rambled about trivial people from college, but still comforting. It was like a drunk lullaby. Hunk wasn’t sure when he’d fallen asleep.
But he woke up to his name being called in a hoarse voice. He blinked, surprised to find himself on the couch. The memories of the day before came flooding back along with the sharp pain of a hangover’s headache. “Oh, God,” he groaned. “Pidge?”
“Hunk. Why. Am. I. On the floor?” she grumbled.
“I don’t remember.” She sat up and leaned her head against the couch’s armrest looking at Hunk. Her hair was a frizzed mess, her eyes puffy with sleep, pale with the sickness of a hangover. “Well you look like a little angel after drinking, don’t you?” She glared at him and he chuckled before groaning at the throbbing in his head.
“Oh God, I completely forgot to text Matt that I wouldn’t be home. He must be worried sick.” She pulled out her phone and frowned when she found it was dead. “Mm. Great.”
“Go ahead and charge it with mine. I’ll make us food so we can maybe not die.”
He stood as Pidge stumbled up after him. “God, can you imagine? Defender of the universe, died of alcohol consumption.” He laughed at her and shook his head. She sat on the stool by the mini bar and watched as he started taking out eggs and spam. He stopped for a second to give her water and some aspirin. “Oh thank God. Thank you,” she said, taking the medicine gratefully.
She watched him cook, her head on the counter, too tired to talk. He set a plate with her food out for her and sat beside her. “I can’t even pinpoint at what point I decided to just pass out,” he said.
“You were half asleep since we got here, you lightweight.”
“I’m the lightweight?” he asked incredulously. “You were giddy off of three amaretto sours and less than half of that margarita.”
“All consumed within a short span of time,” she pointed out. “Besides, I wasn’t really drunk till that second shot of scotch hit me during our game.” She finished her food and pushed her phone towards him. “Number. I’m not losing track of you after today.” Hunk smiled and put the number in her phone and saved it. “I should get home. Matt’s gonna kill me, even if I am an adult.”
Hunk nodded and walked with her to the door. “Hey,” he said as she pinned her hair back to tame the frizz. “It really was great to see you again. And I really hope it’s not the last time.”
“It won’t be,” she promised. She threw her arms around his neck and he lifted her off the floor as he hugged her. “There’s no way I’m losing my best friend again.” He smiled and sighed and he hugged her tighter. He didn’t want to lose her again either. “I’ll text you when I get to Matt’s, okay?”
“Okay. Be careful.”
She held up her arm in an arch, making her bicep flex. “Come on. You know me.” She smiled and waved before disappearing down the hall. Hunk really hoped he would be able to see her again. And that maybe this meant they could be able to find the others too. He missed Lance.
The drive to Matt’s seemed excessively long and incredibly awkward. The drive hadn’t seemed so bad the day before but it was almost twice the distance this time. When she finally made it back, she opened the door and found her brother watching TV leisurely. “Hey,” she said timidly.
“Katie, young lady, where have you been?” he demanded in a stern voice.
“Matt, I’m so-” She faltered when he turned and gave her a shit-eating grin. “Ugh, you jerk.”
“How was the walk of shame? Didn’t he have the decency to at least bring you home?”
Katie frowned and discarded her jacket before leaning over her brother. “What are you talking about? There was no walk of shame. We went to his place and got drunk watching Friends.” He raised an eyebrow. “Matt, it’s not like that with Hunk. He’s my best friend.”
He hummed and shrugged. “If you say so. Still he could’ve brought you home.”
“I’m going to take a shower,” she said with a roll of her eyes.
“No,” she called back. “Hunk made breakfast before I came back.”
“Well, you sure know how to pick ‘em, Katie.” She stopped and turned back to her brother who was watching the television with a smirk.
Click here for Chapter 2
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oselatra · 7 years
On the value of art
I have a cousin who majored in dance. He flies Vipers for the Marines.
On the value of art
In response to an Arkansas Blog post on state Sen. Bart Hester's tweeted question of UA Little Rock's decision to advertise its dance program, "They lease a sign to encourage computer science degrees or math teachers? No they push for dance majors? Lots of hardworking Arkansans subsidizing this. Not ok.":
"It shouldn't be necessary to ask why the arts are worth fighting for, nor should it be necessary to answer such a question. The answer should be self-evident, making the question redundant. It is distressing, to put it mildly, to have reached a moment in the decline of the West at which the question is being asked and needs to be answered.
"Art can afford us exaltation ... the emotional force of great music, the profound effect of great words, the new ways of seeing we are shown by great images. It brings the extraordinary into ordinary life and nurtures and lifts up our spirits.
"It is telling that authoritarians and fanatics make the arts their first targets. Dictators the world over imprison writers; the Taliban banned song, dance, and theater; terrorist bombers attack music venues. Censorship and persecution are tyrants' ways of saying they know how important the arts are, how closely connected to liberty.
"Those of us lucky to live in free societies should value and support what the enemies of freedom fear. Without adequate funding, theaters close, orchestras disband, films are not made. The arts are strong and will endure, but artists need and deserve our support.
"Nourish the arts, and they will nourish us right back." — Salman Rushdie
John Gaudin
North Little Rock
I have a cousin who majored in dance. He flies Vipers for the Marines.
As a dancer, artist and dance teacher, Sen. Hester's comments about the UALR dance program do not sit lightly with me. The sign itself says "Unlimited Pathways." I think that is one of the greatest things about the arts. Dancers, musicians, artists, writers ... are always trying to push the limits and create new things. In the arts, we are always told to "think outside the box" and look at things in a different light to see the vast amount of possibilities. The world needs these creative minds just as much as we need our scientists, physicians, lawyers, etc.  Several years ago, if the university had have had a dance program at the time, I probably would have stayed in Little Rock for my college career, but instead I went to school out of state where I could get a degree in dance. And now I am proud to be back in Little Rock sharing my love for dance with my students and audiences. Dance has helped me to not limit myself and has given me so many wonderful opportunities in and out of Arkansas. I am currently teaching a blind woman ballet and will be starting to work with students at the Arkansas School for the Blind. I love that I can share my passion for dance with my home state and give back to a community that I grew up in. Those dance majors are the artists performing at Robinson Performance Hall, the actors/actresses on the stages of the Arkansas Repertory Theatre, The Weekend Theatre, the Children's Theatre and dancers who grace the stage at The Nutcracker each December. All of these things bring revenue to our state. Why limit that?
If the "dance" was the "Two Step" and at the Electric Cowboy he'd be for it. Where seldom are minorities found he'd be for it.
Tucker Max
Oh, he's beyond backwoods. In fact he makes primitive Neanderthals look like a tribe of Einsteins. No, Bart, like President Trump, revels in his own truth. So what if it is diametrically opposed to fact? Bringing another reality to replace the present one is heaven on earth for these folks.
Coming from a Baptist background I know that all dancing leads right to mouth gasping, hair pulling, clothes-sofa-car seat smeary hot sex! Hot, hot, hot, hot sex! And in the mind of Bart Hester, prayer, blood-letting and leeches are the only medical treatment needed. He no doubt wishes white people could still own black slaves and believes that wife beating is recommended in order to promote a good Christian home. Jesus says, don't you know? I hope to die in Arkansas in the 21st century, but first the state needs to move out of the 19th century. Electing and re-electing assholes like Hester and Jason Rapert and Denny Altes will prevent that from ever happening. This country laughs at Arkansas, and it's not very hard to understand why.  One must wonder if Mrs. Hester was forced to undergo a clitoridectomy before the wedding?
Now, this Mr. Hester may be onto something, re wasteful expenditures!  As noted above, legislator per diem? Gee, don't think too many Wal-drones get money to travel to the place of their employment. CUT!  Home office tax-credit? They turned what was otherwise likely a little-used room in their house into an office. CUT! $40k a year for part-time work? In the interest of a living wage, how's about $15 per hour during the workday hours that the legislature is in session? CUT! He's right about ONE thing: "Lots of hardworking Arkansans subsidizing this! Not ok."
Hester is the kind of guy that probably gets all weird feeling when he sees anything slightly artistic. He'd probably see the statue of David and make a penis joke.
In response to the Times' Feb. 8 feature on the new Windgate Center for Art and Design at UA Little Rock:
Sen. Bart Hester demands it shut down because he doesn't understand it.
In response to the Arkansas Blog's post on Donald Trump's tweet that "lives were being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation," apparently in defense of his former aide who was accused of abuse by two former spouses:
MAGA = back to the days when husbands can beat their wives with impunity.
Rush Lemming
In response to the Feb. 8 review of The Avenue restaurant in Hot Springs:
The duck confit might have been as good or even better than what you had in Paris. It also cost about twice as much. I'm in Paris now and just had duck confit at our favorite cafe, just a 10-minute walk from the Eiffel Tower. It was 12 Euros. And it was a larger piece than what's pictured here. Remember, this is freakin' Paris, not Hot Springs. Been to the Avenue once —and enjoyed the food. But thought the prices were nuts, especially for a mid-sized town in Arkansas. $26 duck? $28 halibut? Apparently that hasn't changed.
Big Fun
I do not hold with fruit and meat. Or fruit and fish. Fruit and fruit is fine. Or just fruit. But it's this degenerate mixing of the foodstuffs that is destroying America.
Carrick Patterson
In response to the Arkansas Blog post musings about the upcoming action on Medicaid expansion by the state legislature:
If A$a! thinks that failure to continue Medicaid expansion will blow a hole in the budget, wait till he gets a load of Drumpf's infrastructure plan that shifts costs to the states, bigly.
On the value of art
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itismetheperson · 6 years
10 Places I Want To Go Before I Die + Super Big Fun Announcement
Someone on insta suggested I do a dream destination post which I loved the idea of! You know I've actually done a post with places I want to go which you can find here but it low key wasn't genuine. I remember writing it and literally asking my dad where he wanted to go. Like Nabila, that's not the point of the post. For this post though I'm pretty excited! I'm going to make this more of a bucket list and I'll also include some more select places instead of like whole countries. Before we get started though as you might know my blogiversary is coming up! It's in November and this my blog is turning 5. That's so so so so so crazy to me and I want to do something really special! I want to do a month of collabs where all or most of my posts are collabs with other bloggers. I really really really want this to work so if you want to participate please email me at [email protected]! For the collab maybe we could do an interview or guest post or any other kind of collab. :)
A Broadway Show  I love musicals so so so so much and being able to go and see a Broadway show would just be so so so cool. Specifically, I would absolutely love to be able to see Hamilton. It doesn't even have to be on Broadway I just want to seem Hamilton. I know a lot of people you've seen it and they say it's so cool.
Eiffel Tower  The Eiffel tower is like the travel place. It's so beautiful and I think I have it in my mind as just this romantic magical place. All of Paris really. I know it's super touristy but does that mean it's not awesome? No. You know my aunt got engaged in front of the Eiffel tower. I don't expect that to happen but just for anyone who might want to propose to me one day, I would be fine with that. You what would be super duper cool? If I could go with my friend who is french and has been there like twenty thousand times. That would be actually amazing.
The Statue Of Liberty I can't say Broadway or the Eiffel tower without mentioning The Statue of Liberty! I mean she's Lady Liberty. She's like the symbol of America. It would also just be so cool to go to Ellis Island and see everything there. If you've taken history or just know things you probably know both of these but fun fact the statue was, first of all, a gift from France, was at first the color of a penny, and I didn't know this but originally the statue of liberty was actually supposed to have a sister statue in Egypt.
The Hollywood Sign Hollywood. Wow. Celebs and movies and all of the thing. The Hollywood sign in the middle of that all. I have always wanted to go to California and getting a good picture in front of the Hollywood sign would just be so so cool. Did you know the Hollywood sign used to say Hollywoodland as I guess a name for the neighborhood for like rich people haha?
The Pyramids  I am going to go to Egypt sometime in the future. Maybe. You know I was supposed to go this summer? It was going to be a family trip. WELL THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN AM I SOUR ABOUT IT? YES. I absolutely love history and as one of the oldest civilizations ever Egypt has a lot of that. The pyramids in particular just amaze me. Like hooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I don't think people realize how hard it would have been to build a structure like that when they did. Now we have these humongous skyscrapers but they didn't have any of the technology we had today. Egyptians are geniuses y'all it's just a fact.
London This is one of the only places that is a whole city but I can't think of just one place where I would love to go. I just want to go to like, all of it. One thing I think would be so cool is if I would be able to go with my dad. He literally has an English degree and did his thesis on old British literature. Guess where he's never been? ENGLAND. That seems not good. Plus he's so good at explaining things so I would make him research everything and then be my travel guide. That sounds bad but I promise I would do it because I think he should go haha. You know what would be just so cool? A little meet up of all of the bloggers I know who live there. Like how freaking awesome would that be??????? It could be a real recreation of that tag from a bit ago.
The Grand Canyon  I've heard absolutely amazing things about the grand canyon and how gorgeous it is! When I look at the photos I'm just like, wow. Plusssssss it's in the US unlike a lot of these so I feel like it would be easier than some of the other ones on this list. Plus it's just gigantic. It is over 200 miles. That's freaking long.
Venice  Venice, Italy. It just sounds cool! Venice has always been one of the most interesting places for me. With the canal streets, it's also so crazy unique. Besides just the water though I love old or interesting buildings and the architecture in that city blows my mind. They look so cool??? And like I love it??? Wow, I literally just started scrolling through pictures of the city and I just now remembered what I was doing. I TOLD YOU IT LOOKS REALLY COOL. Also, I hear it's sinking???? I don't know if that's true???
Disney World Or Disneyland, or just one of those places. I know this is a bit childish but don't judge me ok! I've wanted to go to Disneyland since I was like 3 and I never have. But I really really want to. It just seems like that magical place full of smiles and just Disneyness. Disney = Magic. Ok, but for the record, I'm blaming those YouTubers that go to Disney like every week for putting this into my mind again. They seem to go like every day it's very much not fair. And they're adults (well most of them), I'm an actual kid.
New Orleans  New Orleans is only a couple of hours from where I live and I know so many people from there but I've somehow never been??? Plusssss my mom said something about possibly us going there soon for my dad's work so I might be able to go there soon. I love how it's a mix of all of these different cultures and Cajun food is one of my fave types of food like ever.
I feel like this is an accomplishable list so I hope I'm able to go to all of these places haha. Maybe I'll do a post when I'm like 70 or 80 (if not a post something) and see if I've gone to all of these places. Once again if you want to collab for my month of collabs please contact me at [email protected]!! 
Where are some places you really want to go? What is your favorite place you've ever been? How many different countries have you been to? Where do you live? Is there anywhere you think I should add to this list? Should I do a post on 10 things I want to do before I die? 
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2xRWKPb
0 notes
Visit Paris
Ever because the allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy this space of France has had particular that means for a big multitude of males and their families. Earlier than Schengen settlement, folks from some international locations have been required to have separate visas for every nation in Europe they wished to go to. The Statue of Liberty, the image of all things optimistic in the land of the brave and the home of the free was also, just like the providers of Lafayette, a gift from our French Cousins. With the Schengen Agreement, border posts have been closed between taking part international locations. After that I've tried to discover a single automotive without scratches on bumpers - I did not find a single one. It is also great to visit this space just to see how the opposite half stay! Savor the breathtaking views from the top of the Eiffel Tower, stroll hand in hand alongside the Seine - whereas stealing a French kiss or two, or simply sit side by aspect in a small cafe and watch the town go by. Spain: The Spanish Embassy, Pretoria, telephone 012-460-0123. You should definitely order wine with your meal, since France additionally produces the perfect wines - whether or not pink, white, or glowing wines. France: French Consulate-General, Rosebank, cellphone 011-778-5600. The Eurostar trains are almost four hundred metres long (1300 ft) and once as much as full pace, will go each other in seconds! There are quite a few locations to see in place together with the Arc de Triomphe, the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur, the Champs-Elysées, the Eiffel Tower, the Grande Arche, the Invalides, the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, the Musée Nationwide d'Artwork Moderne, Notre Dame cathedral, the Opéra Garnier and the Panthéon. The area is understood for producing a wide variety of different wines, which means that whether you favor your white sweet or dry or if you like a totally-bodied red moderately than a light-weight one, you might be certain to seek out something that pleases your taste buds. In 4 or five weeks you can take in the beauty of the continent, with all of continental Europe out there to you - the rail hyperlink between France and Great Britain means that a visit to England is perfectly doable as part of your rail journey. Visitors to Spain tend to opt for either Madrid or Barcelona. The European motorhome expertise is an thrilling one and one of the most secure, most economical methods to cross a continent. Nicely adorned cities, scenic locations, great wine, scrumptious delicacies, thrilling opportunities for out of doors activities, effectively preserved traditions, charming Christmas markets and lots of things to do are ready for you. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is positioned within the city of Pisa, roughly 1 hour from Florence by prepare and involving a journey by means of the countryside of Tuscany. After looking inside these two castles, head over to Ambroise and visit the house where da Vinci died. Although touring the wine cellars and sampling their delights could appeal to adults, these with youngsters could also be questioning learn how to preserve them occupied while mum and pa enjoy the wine. Europe travel gives you a possibility to see varied tourist destinations that may refresh your thoughts and will certainly make your tour unforgettable. If you're traveling with children, they are going to certainly love the Christmas parades, the folks art workshops and the normal dances. Listed here are the top five reasons why individuals from all over the world visit France - the exact same reasons you should be planning your individual French holidays, too. The authentic magnum opus of art maestros like Renoir, Sisely, Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Degas and Pissaro can be gazed at the Musee d'Orsay museum that additionally has. Provencal traditions say that Christmas vacation season lasts forty days. Montmartre itself is well worth a visit if you wish to see what Paris was like within the final century. The Eurostar and TGV trains (each are electric) are wonderful, they travel at over 300km/hr (almost 170mph) and their suspension methods make it seem that you are hardly moving at all. In historic times, it was a city that was without electricity or automobiles. Though there may be low menace from terrorism, the tourists ought to still watch out about the random international terror assaults. The place others journey to stand in awe of the good pyramids or China's nice wall, a wine lover is drawn to the famous names of Margaux, St. Emilion, Gevrey Chambertin and Montrachet. For example, if you're visiting Germany for 3 days, France and the Netherlands for 2 days every, you'd apply on your Schengen visa on the embassy or consulate of Germany. Paris is the best place on the earth for procuring, so if you wish to store observe the locals. If you want to stay in a household villa in France then one can find that the Loire Valley provides lots to keep the youngsters busy, as well as the adults. For extra unique finds and better bargains, do not be afraid to attempt the Saint Ouen Flea Market and other flea markets in Paris and other cities, although you should be aware to come back early and be on guard in opposition to pickpockets. Many of the trains say that 'small canines in carriers' are allowed, but we've typically traveled with our canine on a lead without drawback. On a Sunday afternoon, loosen up a little and take a bike trip to go to other elements of this areas. Buying tickets is easy, you possibly can look up Eurostar, TGV or Rail Europe on the internet. Choose a spot frequented by the locals and it will not cost you an arm and a leg. In Strasbourg, you possibly can discover the oldest Christmas market in France. Château de Versailles, Fontainebleau, Giverny, Musée Claude Monet, Pont d'Avignon, Chenonceau Fort, Mount Saint Michael, Arc de Triomphe, Maison Victor Hugo, Champs Elysiées, Disneyland Paris are additionally vacationer points of interest to be visited. Europe has a beautiful historical past, because it has performed a major position on the earth's events and also has a strong relationship with art, reflective in its unmatched architecture and unique mix of the previous with the current is so lovely that it typically appeals to those on the lookout for a romantic vacation. Netherlands: The Netherlands Embassy, Pretoria, cellphone, 012-425-4500. Switzerland: SA passport holders do not want a visa to enter Switzerland for a visit not exceeding three months. Many of the espresso drank in France though is a mix of Robusta and Arabica. Saumur should be on the high of any wine-lover's checklist of locations to go to while staying in a villa in France. While there are some nice wine shops within the city, I was saving myself for visits to the wineries. And when booking your adventure vacation, you would usually be in a reasonably small, informal group of around three to five families, or a social group of around 15 to 30, which might be headed by a trained tour chief and representative. Though I did not meet any hostility myself personally from the locals, but they are saying that it's quite easy to bother a Frenchman from Paris just asking something like «The place can I find the Eiffel Tower here?». Finland: The Embassy of Finland, Pretoria, telephone 012-343-0275. Fortunately, you should purchase a Litre of fine wine in bulk for less than the worth of a sequence store espresso. While the French nation has adopted a kind of extra luxurious and fashionable life-style, their companions in Belgium are a lot more into the informal way of life. In addition to a Schengen visa, South Africans travelling on a short lived passport must have their SA identity books to show as proof of residence. The driver of the minibus will require a Full Passport and a formal 'Permission to Drive' letter from the automobile's owner, except they are the registered keeper of the minibus. Take a tour of the quite a few vineyards and see how the wine in this beautiful region is produced. Properly the plain answers would be scenic magnificence, wealthy historical past, gourmet food and wine, perfume and vogue. It's amongst one of many famous and largest church buildings on the planet which is legendary for its art and sculptures too. Strasbourg's historic heart was categorised as a World Heritage Website in 1988 by Unesco - a novel honor in that it was the primary time this designation was given to an entire city. The locals are quite calm although and I would say - not pretty fond of the tourists. The world is bedecked by the Sacre Coeur Church, that has almost scaled to the peak of the Eiffel Tower. The winery and cellar was right beside the house and the owner's home was a short distance away. Spain has many major cities which you could think about visiting. Visiting the Louvre Museum offers you an insight into the past, as many treasures from the entire world are kept there inside. The primary piece of advice that I can give is that you should purchase a European train travel cross. They are not required to get separate visas for all of the (Schengen) European nations they want to visit. Travelling outdoors these member states requires an International Driving Allow (IDP). Regardless of its name, this fashion of making espresso is just not essentially a French invention. Nearly all the espresso obtainable like that is fairly finely floor, though there are some packages of entire beans as well. To begin the trip, the Eiffel Tower is a great choice and selection that may make you marvel in surprise. Trying at the splendid shows and opulent surroundings - both inside and exterior - it is hard not to see why the French Monarchy suffered a collapse. France has one among Europe's most in depth rail networks - you may get from nearly anyplace in the nation to simply about anywhere else. cheap flights barcelona Although you may think it's a summer season resort, you can visit Good at any time of the yr and nonetheless have a great time. In addition to being house to one of the nation's prettiest castles, the underground cellars will no doubt be of curiosity to all who get pleasure from a refreshing glass of wine. You can get contact info at wineries web site, or the vacationer bureaus are also helpful in getting you the knowledge. Greater than the star therapy, privateness (a typical French barge cruise solely has six to ten passengers) and leisurely tempo, however, a French barge cruise presents a travel experience unlike another - bringing even essentially the most experienced traveller a brand new perspective of beloved sights and locations. August is the time for Carcassone, a medieval pageant held in the Carcassone Fortress, one of many world's most peculiar and interesting events. Openly gay people or couples who plan a typical vacation need to be mindful of the culture and societal environment at all times once they visit new locations.
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