trans-xianxian · 1 year
just saw someone say that older siblings are allowed to yell at their younger siblings because they had no say in them being in the family and it's "preparing them to be yelled at in the real world" girl what the fuck are you talking about
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shuadotcom · 4 years
The One | JJK
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∎ Summary: You and Jungkook decide to bring a dog into your home, but first you have to find the perfect one. ∎ Pairing: Jungkook x Gender Neutral!Reader ∎ Genre: Fluff, slice of life, established relationship, idolverse ∎ Rating: G ∎ Warnings: None ∎ Word Count: 1.9k ∎ A/N: For btsholidaybingo | Bingo Square: Jeon Jungkook
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"Remember, we're only going for one dog."
"But what if a kitten falls in love with me?"
"Okay, but what if there’s like, two dogs that are bonded? We can’t just separate them, you know."
"Then we won’t get either."
"But what if-”
"I said no, Koo. No to any other possible scenarios you can think of. Do you want to do this or not?" The two of you have a staredown over the top of the car before Jungkook lets out a long, dramatic sigh, and you climb into the car.
You’ve recently taken the next step in your three-year relationship by moving in together. Jimin was unsurprisingly distraught and clung to Jungkook’s legs as he and the rest of the guys moved his things from the dorm. Of course, you had only moved a good ten minutes away from them in the first place.
Now that you’re accustomed to living and existing every night and day around each other, you agreed your home is missing the presence of a fluffy animal. Well, Jungkook has decided rather, and you gave in to his pouting and begging. Since he’s no longer sharing space with Yeontan, he wants a dog of his own around; thus, the decision to bring home a dog was made.
Neither of you has any idea what type of dog you want, but you agree that you’ll go and see which one stands out. According to Jungkook, you don’t pick a dog; a dog picks you. As someone who’s never had any pet other than hamsters, you’re inclined to believe him. As nervous as you are to be a first-time dog owner, the idea of being a cute, domestic couple raising a dog together is exciting.
The ride to the local shelter is only about ten minutes, and Jungkook is throwing his door open and bounding out of the car as soon as he parks. You follow your exuberant boyfriend inside at a much more leisurely pace. It doesn’t surprise you when you walk in and see the first thing he’s doing is leaning towards a cage full of kittens, cooing at them and letting them nip at his fingertips.
"Jungkook..." you say in a warning tone. He turns towards you, looking guilty.
"I just wanted to look!" He pouts. Once you’re at his side and you’ve greeted a few of the kittens yourself, you follow a volunteer to the wing of the shelter where the dogs are.
Jungkook is immediately drawn to a cage of golden retrievers. He leans over, sticking his fingers through the bars, which makes all of the tiny dogs run over to smell and lick him. You smile at him as giggles come out of his mouth. He soon moves on to a large, older looking pitbull and is whispering greetings to it as it pants excitedly. You leave him there to wander around, eyeing all of the cages, and can’t help but feel overwhelmed by all of the dogs around you, attempting to catch your gaze and silently begging you to take them home.
Your eyes continue to scan the signs hanging from the front of each cage, noting all of the breeds and their names.
A shih tzu, a maltese, a poodle, and a-
“Oh, hello, babies!” A cage with five corgi puppies yipping for your attention catches your attention the most.
As you make your way to the cage, the group of dogs notice and clamor over each other, their small noses raised in the air to try and catch a whiff of you. You smile at them and stick your hand near, letting them sniff you. They all have identical brown eyes and the classic corgi golden brown and white fur, which, while they’re cute, none stand out to you.
Pulling your hand back, you dig a bottle of hand sanitizer from your bag, ready to ask Jungkook if he’s made a decision when something in the corner of the corgi cage catches your attention.
Its eyes are what draw you in. Those gorgeous brown eyes are much lighter and wider than the rest of the liter. You hadn't noticed this one earlier, but looking at it now, you see it’s the only one with all-white fur. It’s the quietest puppy, opting to hang towards the back but still flashing you that wide dog smile. It’s excited, with the way it’s small, round body seems to be vibrating. Something in your gut told you this was the one.
"Koo! Jungkook, I found our dog!" Jungkook leaves the pug he’s talking to so he can come over and join you. He looks at the corgis, his eyes immediately finding the pup in question in no time. After inspecting the dog for a few seconds, he nods.
"That’s definitely the one. Stay here, and I'll go tell someone we've made our choice." Jungkook leans over and plants a kiss on your forehead before he leaves. You get close to the cage again, angling your fingers towards the quiet pup, and immediately it wobbles over, squeezing past the others to get to you. Your heart wells as you watch it give you a couple of licks, then lets out a tiny yip.
Jungkook comes back just as quickly as he had left with an older man in a shelter volunteer shirt. He points out the puppy you want, and the man unlocks the cage to reach around the hyper puppies for yours. He puts the puppy in your waiting hands, and you and Jungkook follow him out to the main part of the shelter. As you go, the man explains that your pup is a boy and that he and his siblings were found in a box in a park by someone who brought them in.
Jungkook fills a basket with toys, food, and treats from the on-site pet shop while the fluff ball in your arms watches him go. He stays quiet as Jungkook tries a few collars on him before settling for a bright blue one and claiming it as perfect.
Once everything is paid for and you’re on your way back home, he stands up in your lap and stretches his body out, examining Jungkook's car as he does.
"Please don't pee on the seats, little guy," Jungkook begs him playfully. As if he understands, the dog gives one small bark in response and moves to balance on your thigh so he can look out the window. "We need a name for him, you know."
"I know. Any ideas?"
"Jungkook Junior?"
"We are not calling our dog Jungkook Junior."
"Y/n Junior?" He receives a pointed look in reaction to that suggestion. "Well, what do you think we should name him then?" You look down at the dog in your lap, and he looks back, almost in curiosity.
"Hmm...how do you think Jimin would feel if we named him Mochi?" Upon hearing it, the puppy barks. "Is that a yes? You like the name?" He barks again.
Jungkook lets out a laugh and turns to look at the puppy once the car is parked and you’re back home. "So this is our little Mochi, huh? I think it fits." He reaches over and scratches under the pup's chin, his tongue lolling out and his eyes closing. You and Jungkook share a look similar to one proud parents would share about their successful children.
After all the supplies are carried upstairs to your apartment, you and Jungkook put all of the things away, taking turns keeping a watchful eye on him as Mochi explores and sniffs anything in the apartment he can get to. Jungkook wastes no time in calling everyone over to meet him.
"His name is Mochi?!” is the first thing out of Jimin’s mouth when you introduce him. He looks as if he’s so touched he could burst into tears. As soon as the boys walk in, Mochi is smelling and circling them, vying for attention from them all.
"For a new dog, he’s not very shy," Yoongi says when he sits down on the couch, and Mochi immediately dashes over, begging to be put into his lap.
A coo rings out through the room from everyone as the eight of you watch as he sprawls out on Yoongi’s lap, enjoying the belly rubs he offers him.
The boys spend the rest of the evening playing with the puppy. They talk to him as if he can understand, try and fail to teach him to sit, and unsurprisingly, Hoseok ends up rolling around on the floor with him.
He has his first almost accident during dinner, whining and pacing while everyone is eating, catching the room’s attention.
“He has to pee!” Taehyung warns. Jungkook shoots up from the couch, nearly knocking his pizza over in the process, and quickly opens the patio door, carrying Mochi out to the patch of turf he’d laid out earlier. Quickly after, he trots back inside and plops onto his doggy bed by the couch, eliciting various “awws” from all of you.
After dinner, everyone helps you and Jungkook clean up and play with Mochi a bit more before calling it a night. Before leaving, Hoseok promises he'll be back in the morning to walk his "new best friend." This causes Seokjin to scoff and argue that Mochi was his new best friend and that he'll be back in the morning. Jimin puts his two cents in about how Mochi is obviously his best friend since he’s named after him. Namjoon tries to use the fact that he secretly fed Mochi under the table as a way of winning the debate that they’re best friends, but it only earns him a whack on the arm from you.
Jungkook manages to usher his bickering friends out, telling them whoever gets to your apartment first in the morning could walk the dog. Of course, this will lead to chaos in the morning, but you and Jungkook will worry about it then.
As the two of you make your way down the long hall to your bedroom, you realize Mochi is still sitting at the end of the hallway, looking as if he’s contemplating whether or not to follow along.
Jungkook turns around and tilts his head. "Well, come on then!" The puppy lets out a chipper bark and bounds down the hallway as quick as his small legs allow him. He circles your feet excitedly, then busies himself with observing the new room as you get ready for bed.
When you’re finally snuggled up to Jungkook with the lights off you, take a look at the puppy as he stretches in the middle of the room.
"Can we bring him in the bed? Please?”
"Hmm...I don't know..." Jungkook taps his chin, pretending to think before calling the dog's name. He didn’t expect him to respond, having only had a name for a day, but to his surprise, Mochi barks and runs over to the bed. You watch him attempt to climb and jump onto the king-sized bed until Jungkook leans down and scoops him up. Mochi immediately turns himself in a circle and plops down on the bed between you two. "He's an extremely smart dog," Jungkook murmurs as he lets a yawn slip.
"He is. You know, I think you were right about letting the dog choose us."
"I know. Aren't I always right?" You reach over and swat his shoulder.
"Oh, hush, and go to sleep." He lets out a laugh before leaning over to kiss you.
"Love you, babe."
"Love you, Koo. Love you, Mochi." Right on cue, the dog lets out a loud yawn and snuggles closer to you. You smile and run your fingers through his soft fur before dozing off with your boys.
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luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Notes: I wrote jeonghan a totally different scenario, but I absolutely hated it. So I took a break, and rewrote it! I like how this one came out, I hope you do too! •you are the supposed to be the heir of Quia, a colony inhabited by mermaids •your tail is a cyan blue, with baby blue sparkles on it •your younger siblings all had purple tails, like their mother •you were born from a different mother, who had became sick and died when you were little •no other choice, you moved in with your father, King Ryuu •while your stepmother was nice, and treated you like her own child, only one out of her three kids followed in her footsteps •the eldest one was cruel, he'd put dirt on your schoolbooks, tear you dresses •King Ryuu was the worst by far, he would make you sleep on the other side of the castle, with the servants children •while you had no qualms with that, he'd make you get up at five and make you run errands, help make breakfast, clean his clothes and more •he was nothing like a father •and by law, your stepmother could do nothing, as you weren't her child legally •you were trapped • •When you turned sixteen, things stayed the same •instead of receiving training, since one day you'd be the ruler •King Ryuu gave you more work, and moved you out of the servants quarters, isolating you instead •you received strict rules that you were not allowed to speak to anyone, that you would be punished if you did •Your stepmother would come, drop off books and tell you about the outside, letting you speak to her •every time she had to leave, tears were in her eyes, and she'd give a tight smile and tell you she'd see you tomorrow •little did she know that her daughter would come and hang out with you all day, she'd spin tales about school •she called you her favorite sibling, and that made you happy •soon enough she was the reason you lived •why you didn't die, why you didn't hang yourself, even though that would please the king •Visitors would come and the King would introduce them to his three children •The visitors would talk about taking servants from your father, and he would laugh and say that they'd cost an arm •but he wasn't joking •he ran an underground ring, he sold body parts, children, anything you could think of •it was an awful thing, that his eldest son knew he did •his son, uta, was a part, he was the one who gathered the things to sell •after all, who thought a child was behind the disappearance of children •the youngest son, zion, was only eleven and did not know what his father did, he was quiet, often hiding in nooks and crannies •he'd outgrown his hate for you, and had snuck in to your room once with Lyra, to talk about other colonies • •"Our neighbor colony is coming over tonight! I hear that the prince is supposed to be beautiful but his advisor is even more!" •Lyra sung as she danced around your small room •smiling at her, you hummed a tune so she could continue her dance •"they are only coming to see if we continue to trade, and to see if we are on good terms." •Zion who was perched on the edge of your bed spoke, for being eleven, he was incredibly smart •Lyra paused mid twirl, sticking out her tongue at her brother •"oh y/n! Are you sure you can't leave the room? Just for tonight?" •Lyra pleaded, flinging herself on your lap, her big green eyes growing bigger as she pouted •"Lyra, you know I can't. But I'm sure you'll have a fun time." •you whispered to her, your voice itchy as you spoke •her pout grew bigger, and she sighed dramatically, throwing her head back •"Shut up Lyra." •Zion commanded his sister, shooting you an apologetic look •while he did not know what his father did, he knew that he wasn't a good man •But Lyra thought the best in everyone, she loved her father •"Meanie! I'm older than you, respect me!" •Lyra commanded Zion, or attempted to •he smirked at her, and shook his head •watching her yell at her brother, and than his response that made her continue laughing was funny •"Kids? Where are you?" •your step mothers called for them, making them both freeze •"Coming mom!" •Lyra called after a second, grabbing zion's hand, she waved to you •"bye y/n, I love you." •and the two swam out of the room, leaving you alone in your room •standing up from the bed, you closed the door, making sure that they left no trace •once you were sure no one was coming, you stood by a wall that was covered by a bookshelf •grabbing the corner, you pulled it out of its place •exposing the wall behind it, where you had drawn on it •paints that step mother gave to you •on the wall were paintings of outside, kelp, seaweed, things that people didn't appreciate •this is what kept you sane •staring at the wall, and rubbing the pads of your fingers on it, feeling every crack and crevice •"y/n! Come! Daddy said that you could join us!" •Lyra said, swimming into the room •her blonde hair was in a bun, making her look proper •knowing that King Ryuu had plans, and that terrified you •"give me a minute." •smiling at the girl, you swam to where your small closet was •inside were few pieces of fabric, picking the best one, you put it on •running a comb through the mess on your head, you rushed through •making yourself look a little presentable •"are you ready yet?" •nodding to the blonde mermaid, you raised a finger, telling her to wait •pushing the bookshelf back in place, you let her drag you out of the room •her tail was powerful, even with your small tail movements, you were going quickly •"This is my daughter, Lyra. She is a fine young lady, a beauty isn't she?" •King Ryuu spoke, his tone bragging since he knew that Lyra was adorable •"It's my pleasure to see you again, princess Lyra. Who's the young one next to her?" •the king of the neighboring colony greeted Lyra, then brought king Ryuu's attention on you •"that is y/n, an orphan." •he said coldly, staring at you •your gaze was on the floor, while you waited for someone to change the subject •"Well King Ryuu, I hear that you have had the chefs make a feast for tonight!" •the other kind changed the subject, a jolly smile on his face •that got King Ryuu to smile again, making him remember the task on hand •Lyra squeezed your hand, and swam over to her spot at the table •awkwardly standing by the wall, feeling more alone that you did in your cell •"Y/N, please come sit." •the prince of the neighboring colony said, motioning to the empty chair next to him •receiving a glare from King Ryuu, you swam over quickly, sitting next to the prince in record time •"I'm Joshua, behind me is jeonghan, next to him is Seungcheol, my knight." •Joshua said, a smile on his face as he introduced you to the males behind him •bowing to them while still sitting, you kept your eyes on the floor, fearing your punishment •they saw your reluctance to speak, with odd glances, the feast carried on •you were allowed to eat, since King Ryuu couldn't tell you not to, but as you felt sick to your stomach •small bites of food, and moving it around, making it look like you ate •"y/n?" •you heard Lyra call your name quietly, as the adults spoke •looking at her, you tried to keep tears from coming out of your eyes •"he's not going to hurt you, is he?" •her voice wavered, making her seem younger than she actually was •"of course not, sweetie. Don't worry, I'm strong." •for the first time tonight, you spoke, your voice cracking as you tried to whisper •feeling the princes eyes on you, you looked away from Lyra •unable to see her eyes moving from you to Zion, who was also looking at you • •Uta was telling the king about his grades in a class he didn't even attend when King Ryuu made up an excuse to make you leave the room •"Y/N has an early day tomorrow, I must help her get ready, my apologies." •freezing at his words, you knew that it was time •getting off the chair, you smiled at Lyra and Zion, hoping to get their minds off of you •"it was a pleasure meeting you, I'm sad to see you go." •the king laughed as you bowed goodbye •without looking back, you swam to your room •knowing that he was following •once you were in the room, a hand was around your neck, choking you •King Ryuu's blue tail swishing side to side in anger •"How dare you come out! After all I've done for you! Brainwashing my children, you whore!" •King Ryuu seethed, his hold on you neck getting tighter •not moving around, you let him choke you, knowing that he was happy causing you pain •his hands got off of your neck, but his fist hit your jaw as his other hand clutched your hair •counting the hits, you waited for it to be over •One •Two •Thr- •the next thing you knew, you were on the floor, red floating above you •it tasted metallic when you opened your mouth, so you didn't •black dots clouded your vision, making everything splotchy, your ears were ringing •voices were there, but you were unable to make the words out •a face moved into your vision, making your last coherent thought being a name •Jeonghan • •your body hurt, you felt like screaming •you were swimming as quickly as you could but from what? •who was chasing you? •and than nothing, there was no more swimming, no outside walls •you were inside your prison, where you were beaten down •swimming closer, you saw a person on the bed •it was you, wasn't it? •the hair matched, so did the tail, but where were the bruises, the necklace Lyra gave you on your birthday? •This couldn't be you, it had to be someone else •but only you laid in this bed • •sitting up, you gasped, feeling your heartbeat throughout your whole body •"Y/N, listen to me, you're okay. My name is mingyu, I'm a medic. I'm here to help you. Deep breaths." •the mermaid instructed you, taking your hand and putting it on his own heart •it took you a while, but your breathing was normal, a hiccup every now and then •"where… am I?" •you paused, noticing how hoarse your voice was, it hurt like hell •"Jeonghan went to go make sure you were alright, his gut said something fishy was happening. When he opened the door, he saw you and the king, he called for Seungcheol, and they knocked him out. Sadly the king did the same to you." •the brunette mermaid said, you hand still on his heart as he spoke letting you feel it beating •nodding, you let your gaze hit the floor •"where's Lyra and Zion?" •you asked, afraid of what he might answer •"we took them into custody, King Ryuu and prince Uta have been arrested." •Mingyu said, his eyes on you seeing your reaction to this news •you didn't have any tears to cry for those pieces of shit, so you scoffed •"good riddance." •he shook his head with a smile on his face, and took your hand off his heart •"you've got injuries, a split lip, a black eye, bruises, and a gash on your upper arm. No concussion luckily." •mingyu told you, swimming from the bed you were lying on •"wh…when can I see them?" •mingyu shrugged at your question, unable to give you a definite answer •before you could try to whisper out another question, Joshua swam through the door •the rose tailed male behind him, a worrying look in his eyes •"y/n, my father would like to see you. If that's alright?" •Joshua said, the question more towards mingyu,asking if you could leave •he nodded, a smile in his face •"okay." •you agreed, getting out of the bed and groaning •your body hurt, you could feel your eye throb •Joshua led the way, weaving through crowded areas as you and jeonghan followed •"thank… you. For stopping him." •you said, your throat still itchy •"it was nothing, he was an asshole." •his voice was clear, and his smile seemed to hold nothing cruel behind it •so you returned his smile, beaming at him • •when you made it to the castle, the king was waiting for you •"Excuse me." •entering the room, you tried to your voice as clear as possible but it was clear that it was coming and going •"y/n, how are you doing? I trust that mingyu treated you well." •the king asked, concern clear in his eyes •"I'm fine, thank you for asking." •coughing in the middle of your sentence, you powered through the uncomfortable feeling in your throat •the conversation was a bit one sided after that, the king telling you what would happen to king Ryuu and Uta •that your stepmother would take over the throne as the queen, and if you wanted, you could be the ruler •when he said that you could rule the colony, you giggled •how was he expecting you to rule? •Zion or Lyra would take the throne, and you would be a civilian, that's the way it would go •but what he did give you was an option to stay here, in this colony •that going back to Quia so early, might be traumatic •you agreed to it, since the only thing tying you to that place were your siblings and stepmother • •"y/n! It's time to go! Come on!" •you had been re-homed with a young mermaid named chan and his family •chan was a bit of an excited mermaid, always at full speed ahead •but he was adorable and who were you to complain? •so here he was, dragging you out of the house •taking you to hang out with his friends •or your friends?? •you had made friends with them, but it was still strange to be allowed out •especially since you were still considered an heir, so people treated you differently •except for the group of boys that chan introduced you to •Joshua, who was a prince and already had a fiancé •Vernon, who was training to be a knight •Mingyu, who was a medic and a chef •and so many more who already knew what they wanted to do with their life •"y/n! Let's go!" •chan swam circles around you, laughing as he did so •agreeing, you swam to the castle, where the fourteen of you would hang out •when you and chan arrived, only Joshua and jeonghan were there •but the two of them seemed to be arguing over something •"you don't get it Joshua! Yeah, the way you met your fiancé was strange but I met my crush under terrible situations! It's not my place to tell them how I feel!" •jeonghan had wild hand motion as he spoke, his cheeks a pink from anger •"jeonghan! If you don't say anything, they'll leave! And then what? You sulk for the rest of your life, wondering what could've happened?" •Joshua retorted, looking done with this conversation •before jeonghan spoke again, Joshua saw the two of you and swam over •he hugged chan, before waving to you with a smile on his face •he begun to ask chan about school, and the younger mermaid started to complain about his teachers •swimming over to jeonghan who was leaning against the wall •"you okay?" •within the three months you had been here, your voice had gotten a little clearer and didn't hurt as much to speak •he nodded and paused, thinking about what he wanted to say •"yeah, he's just acting like a brother again instead of a friend." •jeonghan said, rolling his eyes at the prince who was still listening to Chan •"I have to agree with him though, if you like someone then you should tell them. Heartbreak is better than not knowing." •or at least that's what chan's mom said •"you think?" •He asked, cocking his head to the side •"yeah, I do. It's good to do things before it gets to bad." •you were talking from experience, as you had the chance in Quia, but you hadn't taken it •but here would be different •"y/n, would you come with me for a minute?" •jeonghan asked, his face squishing itself into a nervous look •you nodded even though you were confused to what he would tell you, following him out of the room •in the hallway, you heard him sigh, as he prepared to say whatever he was worried about •"It's you. I like you, the way you observe things before you speak. How you care for the younger mermaids, how you aren't afraid to speak your mind, but you're still polite. I like you." •he stared straight at you while confessing, his cheeks the same pink tinge from earlier, but this time not from anger •"uh…I think I like you too. I'm not sure what crushes really feel like, or what to do in relationships. I just know that I like seeing you happy." •your voice cracked multiple times, but honestly you didn't care •you didn't care, especially not when jeonghan was grinning in front of you •"that's alright, we'll go slow." •he said, closing his eyes as he smiled •swimming closer to him, you closed your eyes and did something out of your nature •pressing your lips to his temple, you tried to show how you felt •because words might be difficult but body language was easy •when you pulled away, you saw that his smile was even bigger •"fuck, how are you so cute?" •he questioned, holding out his hand •slowly taking his hand with yours, you smiled back at him •swimming back into the room where you saw that all the boys were there now •when Joshua saw the two of you holding hands, he winked at the two of you •it was mingyu who pointed it out, and made the group whistle at the two of you •you might've lost the ones biologically related to you, but the family you made by yourself was better then that man ever was
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