#and it was in response to someone being like once as a teenage I yelled at my 2 year old sister and I still feel bad about it
trans-xianxian · 1 year
just saw someone say that older siblings are allowed to yell at their younger siblings because they had no say in them being in the family and it's "preparing them to be yelled at in the real world" girl what the fuck are you talking about
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pyroy3 · 2 months
Compiling additional proof against Wilbur into one, easy to understand list.
I'm making a simple list that anyone can refer to when faced with doubts about Shelby's and other victims claims. I don't know if this will reach the right audience, or reach anyone at all, but i'd like to get it off my chest.
Why do I care so much? Because i've followed Wilbur since his day on the Jacksucksatlife channel. He had a great influence over me as a teenager, and it sucks that he was an asshole all along. I want to see him fail, that's all.
Main points are all in Shelby, Nikki, Minx and other creators' videos on him. These are just small details that are easily missed.
Wilbur being abusive towards his friends
The first video in particular really highlights the amount of power that Wilbur holds. "Tell them about how awful I am to you" seems like a dangerous thing to say as someone who is actually abusive, but it's likely that he knows he can get away with it. He doesn't expect anyone to call him out on his behaviour.
I think she has also mentioned the biting a few other times. This is pretty obvious proof that the biting was happening, and atleast got to the point of causing bruises.
A clip talking about how Wilbur threw Niki because she playfully said she was big and strong. His quick sentence "you were saying you were stronger than-" could either be him misremembering, deciding to ignore that detail, or literally saying that he interpreted her actions as claiming to be stronger than him. He says it was a "consensual throwing" but we already know how terrible he is with consent. TLDW: Niki said she was big and strong so Wilbur threw her "to assert dominance" (and show that he was stronger than her).
In Tommy's disneyland vlog, there is a short clip where Tommy playfully unties Wilbur's shoelaces and gets his hand stomped on. Thing like these flew under the radar because of their brotherly bond. You'd expect two young brothers to react like this, but not a grown man and his teenage friend. Tommy tells him that his finger got cut, and instead of apologizing, Wilbur says it was because Tommy was gonna untie his shoelaces. He essentially says that Tommy had it coming, that it was his fault he got hurt.
The biting behaviour wasn't exclusive to romantic partners. This is a clip of him biting Tommy's hand "for content", despite Tommy repeatedly shouting no. The biting isn't bad here, but it once again proves that this was something he genuinely did.
The story starts at 0:38. Here, Wilbur tells the story of how he helped Techno pick apples by gently throwing them so Techno could put them in the basket. Techno says that Wilbur is very bad at throwing. In response, Wilbur says that he threw an apple as hard as he could, aiming for his stomach. Instead, he accidentally hit the shoulder that his surgery was on. Anyone who's been hit in the stomach should know how painful it is. If Wilbur were to throw an apple has hard as he could at his stomach, it would seriously hurt. But he laughs it off. Wilbur once again claims that the person he hurt deserved it, because techno made fun of his throwing ability. I've heard that Techno's dad yelled at Wilbur for doing it, but even then, he still laughs about the story.
Wilbur's music and separating it from the artist
It's completely natural for a musician with a history of bad mental health to blame himself in his music. One of Wilbur's biggest inspirations, Crywank, have lots of songs about being a bad person. A symptom of depression is to believe you're a bad person. But as far as we know, Wilbur's music actually told the truth.
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I can't find the tweet, but we also know that one of wilburs old friends(?) came out with the info that Lovejoy's song "concrete" was based on their experience, and the song explains Wilbur's neglectful behaviour.
You should know what Lovejoy's music is about. A lot of it is based on toxic relationships, being cheated on, being abused. It is a complete mockery of the people that he hurt. "Call me what you like" is clearly about being in an abusive relationship where his partner takes advantage of him and cheats on him. She forces him to "bump his head into every doorway she sees suitable for them to go through". Not that he knows what the song he wrote is about though, since he couldn't recall a single thing about the song during the genius interview. Yes, he was high, but he may as well had someone ghostwrite it for him.
Singing "you claim your ex-boyfriend's a policeman, I say you need better standards" in the song Perfume is crazy when his standards are allowing abuse to happen.
When listening to Scum, you repeatedly hear him admitting to being scum and waste. Concrete is about how he's a piece of shit. Consequences should remind you of the actual consequences of his actions. I already explained what's wrong with "your sister was right". His parody songs are direct reflections of his real personality.
However, if you still want to listen to him - spotify has a feature where you can put local files into your playlists. If you have his music downloaded, you can listen to it on spotify without giving him money or views. Just saying.
Why he can get away with it
Look at him. He is an attractive white man in the UK, And pretty privilege is a thing, no matter how you look at it. He's popular and has gotten empathy from impressionable teenagers on the internet. A lot of people have put him on a pedestal after he showed support for the LGBT+ community and BLM, singing about being against capitalism. People feel bad for him because of his history with mental health problems. They excuse his actions because he was depressed during his relationships. He also has a pattern of exclusively targeting those weaker than him. Tiny women who he can pin down, throw or bite to show he's stronger than, and teenager Tommy who believed they had a brother dynamic. You will also notice that the only people who have shared their experience with him have been women who didn’t feel strong enough to fight back against him. He is a manipulator through and through.
This is not all the proof there is
If you need more convincing, watch other creator's videos on the subject. Shelby, Niki, Minx, Alicenyannyan. There are also more small things that he has done that add up, either violent behaviour, yelling, or ignoring people's boundaries. You will also This man is undeniably abusive.
Thank you to anyone who got this far, I hope someone will get use out of it. I'm happy to finally get what I wanted to say out there.
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artydonsgf · 5 months
Okay so hear me out. The daughter of a famous tennis player, she doesn’t play tennis (maybe she’a like into something completely different like painting lol), but falls in-love with Patrick. Just an idea lol. I guess it could work as headcanons but also like a proper Drabble or something. I think it would be an interesting dynamic.
anon you are a GENIUS. this is non tennis player reader x patrick!!
The ball soars in the air. Your eyes are steadily trained on the bright green ball heading toward you. Slowly, you bring your racquet level until you’re in position to smack the ball. You swing, fully expecting to hear the satisfying sound of connection. Instead, the racquet smacks open air and the ball hits the fence behind you. On the other side stands your mom, racquet in hand and exasperation etched on her face.
“Sweetheart! For the last time, fix your stance!” She cups her hands to yell. You flail your arms in response.
“Mom, maybe I’m not meant to be a tennis player,” you yell back, hands cupped. “You’ve been trying for five years and I still can’t hit the ball properly.” You drop your racquet, smiling when it hits the floor with a dull clang. Serves the cursed thing right. You plop down, closing your eyes to let the sun hit your face. Turning away from the sun, you let your eyes scan the empty seats surrounding the court, trying to imagine what it’s like playing in front of so many people. Mom described it as exhilarating but it only seemed scary to you. Your mom starts to yell something back but you tune her out, guilt free. Contrary to whatever the tabloids say about you, you weren’t sad about being a disaster on the court. Your mom was a tennis legend and everyone seemed to believe that not being able to carry on her legacy was a fate worse than death. To you, it was freedom to do whatever you wanted. The sound of loud whispers caught your ear. When you turned in the direction of the noise, you were met with the panicked look of two teenage boys. They were crouched behind the fence that surrounded the court, shoving each other. You gave them a frown, confused. Once they realized they were caught, they stood up straight with nervous smiles. You looked back to your mother only to discover she was gone. Great, she’s given up on you and now you had two weird boys staring you down. You heaved yourself off the ground and took a few steps until you could clearly make out their faces.
“Yes?” You ask, trying to mask your annoyance with a smile. Had they seen your awful display of tennis? Now that you were closer, you could tell they were handsome. The thought aggravated you more.
“You suck at tennis,” the brunette informed you, a hand weaving through his hair. Your jaw falls, shocked at his bluntness. The blonde one reaches over and smacks him instantly, eyes wide.
“Patrick! Why would you say that?” He turns away from you as if that motion would somehow make his words quiet to your ears. The two exchange a series of looks, the blonde one coming out on top when Patrick rolls his eyes and puts his hands up in surrender. The blonde turns back to you, a placating smile already working its way onto his delicate face.
“I’m really sorry about my friend here,” he gestures to the boy he called Patrick. “He’s not good at talking to girls,” Patrick is rubbing his ear, grumbling but lets the insult fly past him.
“I’m Art. Donaldson. I’m Art Donaldson,” He points to himself as if you’d somehow get the wrong idea and think he was someone else. You smile, finding it endearing. “This is Patrick,” he gestures to his friend again. Your eyes scan Patrick’s face.
“You’re a dick,” you pointedly inform him. He grins, all carefree and beautiful.
“I’m a dick who’s good at tennis,” he says, a smirk playing on his lips.
“Tennis isn’t my thing,” your eyes narrow and Art disappears from your mind. All you could focus on was this boy and his annoying smile.
“Why not? Your mom is a star, those genes didn’t get to you?” He gestures in the general direction of the door where your mom exited. You give him a tight lipped smile.
“I’m not good with a racquet. My strong suit is sewing,” you gesture to your outfit. “Home made.” You do a spin, pleased to see the way their eyes follow you. Being your own designer meant your ass would always look good in skirts.
“I’m good with a racquet,” he leans closer until his face is nearly pressed into the fence. “So is Art,” he waves to his friend. Your eyes dart to the locked door. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you run to unlock it. That’s how you spent the first day you met Patrick and Art. Smushed between them as they tried to show you all the tennis skills they were bragging about. It became apparent early on that Patrick was the expert between the two. He had a stance that your mother would praise and he knew it. Art was good but whenever he caught the cocky smile Patrick wore, his step faltered.
“You got it Art,” you were seated in the shade, your back against the fence, watching them play. He turned to give you a smile. Your eye caught on Patrick, who’s face had darkened. Art threw the ball and served with such strength, the ball didn’t even touch Patrick’s racquet before bouncing and flying behind him.
“Ace!” Art yelled, grinning. Patrick smiled at the display fondly before rolling his eyes. The game continued and Patrick came out on top. The two rushed over to where you still sat, your hands now occupied with a needle and thread.
“So?” Patrick plopped next to you, Art following immediately. You looked up from your project, confident enough you wouldn’t poke yourself.
“What?” You asked, confused. The boys exchanged looks, seemingly speaking to one another through those looks. Finally, Patrick makes a noise that could only signal defeat.
“Your number. We want your number,” he points at your phone sitting in your lap. You raise an eyebrow.
“Both of you?” Your eyes fall on Art before going back to Patrick. They nod eagerly. You stop sewing long enough to gesture between them. “Would joining this make me third place?” The moment the words leave your mouth, Art already has an explanation to shut it down.
“There is no this. Number?” He fishes his phone out of his pocket and drops it in front of you. You oblige, tapping your number in. He nods, satisfied and knudges Patrick to do the same. You hold your hand out for his phone but he instead reaches over to grab your phone. He gestures for you to unlock it and for some reason, you do.
“I’ll give you my number instead so when you’re thinking about me at 2 am, you can tell me,” he has the audacity to wink and your stomach has the audacity to flip. Art has a crumpled look on his face before he smooths it quickly. The boys stand up and leave, wiggling their fingers in goodbye. You look down at the new number in your phone, the only number in your phone at the current moment and smile. Being god awful at tennis finally did something for you, besides putting you on gossip sites. Maybe tennis wasn’t that bad.
hello! tbh i didn’t like this as much as my other writings but the show must go on😭 also it’s obvious but i kinda forgot my tennis terms, high school tennis wasn’t enough for my brain to remember apparently. please enjoy, i hope it’s obvious that this is about patrick.
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pretty-circa006 · 15 days
Unhealthy Attachments pt.1
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Coach! Negan x Student! F! Reader
summary Negan, your gym coach, takes pity on you after seeing the way your peers treat you. tags mentions of bullying/ mild bullying, second person pov (sorry lol this is old pls forgive me) note this is an old WIP that i'm choosing to post because i haven't had time to write anything new (I WILL EVENTUALLY, I PROMISE, BUT COLLEGE IS DRAINING MY FREE TIME). this is part one of a multi-part series, maybe it'll even evolve into a longfic, who knows. btw you guys will have to pry coach negan x student reader fics from my cold dead hands bc i loooove writing these.
wc 1.3k
*you are responsible for your own content consumption. if this is something you DO NOT like, simply DO NOT read or interact! :) *
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ 
You stood lined up with the other students in your PE class, waiting to be chosen by the team captains for this class' soccer game. It didn't even phase you how every other student was picked before you, leaving you the last one standing until one unlucky captain had to pick you. That's just how things went, you were always the odd one out. Even now, everyone wore the usual school issued PE uniform of a t-shirt and shorts, while you had on the sweater and sweatpants version- in ninety degree weather. You were just honoring your father's, the town's local pastor, principles of modesty. Being the pastor's daughter felt isolating. Nobody invited you to things or wanted to be friends with you for fear that the indecencies of their typical teenage behavior would get back to their parents by way of the pastor; and of course he'd get that information from none other than you, his daughter. You never would, though. In middle school, you learned the hard way to not be such a narc, but by then it was too late and nobody trusted you or even wanted to be near you. 
 "Over here!" you shouted to your teammates, wanting them to pass you the ball. You had a perfect shot to the other team's goal. Like always, they ignored you, but it didn't matter because they scored anyway. You didn't give up on trying to be a team player, though. The gym coach, Negan, was watching the game closely and you wanted him to see that you cared and tried to put effort into his class. Maybe it was because he was the only person who ever paid you any attention, but the fear of letting the handsome man down weighed heavily on you. 
"Guys, I'm open!" you yelled. Your desperation to be a part of things was becoming so pathetic that Negan had to direct his focus elsewhere. Maybe it was by mistake, but the ball came rolling your way. Hope blossomed within you. It sounded silly, but you hoped that even something as little as you scoring a goal would make your class like you again. You kicked the ball, sending it flying to the opposing team's goal. It would have made it in if someone didn't intercept- someone from your own team, you notice- and kick it directly at you. You didn't have time to dodge it because it had already smacked you square in the face, knocking you over. You clutched your nose as you writhed on the floor in pain, salt being rubbed even further into your wound by the snickers of your classmates. 
 Negan blew his whistle and called a foul. He profanely scolded the students about their bad sportsmanship and lectured  them on treating their teammates fairly. He helped you up off the floor and led you to his office with an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You sat in one of the chairs with your nose plugged up with tissues per Negan's orders after it started bleeding. It didn't seem broken, so he didn't deem your injury bad enough to send you to the nurse. 
"You can go back now," he told you once fresh blood stopped flowing from your nose between tissue changes. 
"Do I have to?" you asked with teary eyes. You were tired of all the bullying and just ready to graduate already. Your senior year was almost over and you were legally an adult, so why did you still have to put up with everyone else's childish behavior.
"You're all healed up. Don't see why you needa be in here any longer." It was obvious that he wanted you out of his office, probably feeling the same way your classmates felt about you. It shouldn't have surprised you, yet it stabbed you in the heart.  Your chin and lips quivered as you blinked back the tears burning in your eyes. 
"C-can I just stay in here?" you cringed at the way your voice cracked. He rolled his eyes and sighed. 
"Just because your sucky ass team is losing doesn't mean you can hide out here and skip class." 
"That's not why!" you pleaded. 
"Then why?" he asked. 
"Everybody hates me!" You couldn't keep it together after finally saying it out loud. You sobbed like a baby, tears streaming down your face and snot dripping from your nose. You were ugly crying but you didn't even care, it wasn't like you had anyone else's respect to lose. Negan got up and closed the door in an attempt to save you some dignity. Your breathing became short and rapid as your bawling made it difficult to take in oxygen. 
"Teenagers are so goddamn hormonal and dramatic. Nobody hates you, kid," he said disinterested. 
"E-even you d-d-do!" you choked out before going back to wailing. He felt bad for you. He saw the way others treated you and it made him feel worse seeing you long for the acceptance of people who rejected you and took pleasure in your pain. But that's high school for you.
"What makes you think I hate you?" he asked, genuinely curious. He didn't hate you, not even close. He just couldn't stand seeing you walking around like a kicked puppy-dog, it was pitiful. You tried to explain your reasoning, but everything that came out of your mouth was an incoherent blubbering, stuttering, and hyperventilating. He pulled you up from the chair and cradled you in his chest, just letting you sob into his sweater. He hushed you and rubbed your back in soothing circles. It was the best he could do, he knew his words sure as hell couldn't offer the comfort he wanted to give you. Your sobbing eventually calmed into small hiccups and occasional sniffles. 
"Why does everyone hate me?" you whispered. He wanted to tell you that they didn't and that's just how high schoolers are, but he didn't want to lie to you. 
"You're almost outta this goddamn shit hole, kid. Jus' keep your head held up high and finish the year off strong." He clapped a strong hand on your shoulder for added reassurance. You gave him a small smile before trudging out of his classroom and to the locker room now that the class was over.
 Negan comforting you in his office that day made you feel like he was a safe space. He seemed to be the only person who cared, or bothered to do anything about how others treated you, even if it was just the bare minimum, you felt it was better than nothing. 
"Coach," you muttered shyly, standing outside his open office door in the gym. He glanced up at you from whatever work he was doing and immediately sighed. It was a miracle to him that you were oblivious as to why people bullied you. Here you were, dressed so matronly in a long floral skirt that resembled an old woman’s wallpaper and an awful knitted sweater. He knew you were a pastor’s daughter, but did you really need to dress the part. 
“What do you need, kid?” He asked, focusing on his work again. “Can I eat lunch in here?” 
“Why? The bathroom crowded or somethin’?” He joked. When you nodded your head yes, he immediately felt guilty. He motioned with his hand for you to sit in one of the chairs before his desk. You happily took a seat before offering him half of your sandwich. 
“It’s turkey,” you said when he looked at you strangely. He accepted the half and ate it while he worked and you sat in silence enjoying the change of scenery. 
“You don’t actually eat lunch in the bathroom, do you?” He asked. 
“There’s nowhere else for me to sit,” you admitted shamefully. 
“That is  fuckin’ disgusting!” You shrugged your shoulders and went back to your sandwich, embarrassed to let Negan see how pathetic your life really was. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. 
“Look, if you have nowhere else to sit, you can eat lunch in here.” You visibly perked up, a your face splitting into a joyous smile. 
“Don’t make me fuckin’ regret it.”
next part ▶︎
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frompearl · 8 months
Vampire Slayer: THREE
Warnings: Baby Reader almost kills someone
A/N: Enjoy!
“What is that smell?” 
Four vampire children huddle around each other as they look around for the delicious smell.
It was another one of those boring parties where vampires of higher status mingled. Or more so an excuse for vampires to gossip and discuss the latest musings of the vampire world. 
That deliciously sweet smell being one of them. 
Kaname looked around boredly as Hanabusa sniffed the abnociously. An annoyed Ruka smacks him in the head, “what are you a dog? Don’t you dare act a fool in front of Lord Kuran.” She turns to him with expectant eyes of praise for doing something in his honor. 
Her eager look deflates as she realizes he’s not even looking at her. 
Instead he’s looking at the crowd of adult vampires, surrounding something. 
“What are they looking at?” Akatsuki mumbles trying to look over the taller vampires, letting out a grunt when he can’t see anything.
“Ooooh! I wanna see! I wanna see!” Hanabusa exclaims, already trying to push his way into the crowd. Before his small figure can be swallowed up by the bigger bodies of the adult vampires, Akatsuki grabs him by the back of the suit. “Hold on you idiot, don’t go seeking out trouble like you usually do.” 
Offended the blonde child gasps as he points an accusing finger to the ginger haired boy, “you hypocrite didn’t you get in trouble for sneaking out the other day-“
Grabbing him in a chokehold, the once stoic boy is flustered, “quiet you! Nobody knows about that!” 
Feeling frustrated by their immature behavior, Ruka starts to yell at them. “Stop this childish behavior! Really do you have no shame acting like this infront of Lord Kuran?!”
The three of them start to bicker, Kaname starts to walk away from the annoying trio as he pushes through the adults crowding the delicious smell.
As he gets closer, the sweet smell of honey starts to seep into his nostrils, his mouth watering. Even for a pureblood vampire, he was just as weak to the smell as any other vampire. 
“Alucard, you have lost your mind.” He hears one of the elder vampires scowl. Burgundy eyes shift to said vampire in question, Alucard only gives off a shrug as he offers a lazy smile. 
“What can I say? Hellsing was my greatest enemy after all, I’ve grown to respect him. It’s only right that I take his daughter as my apprentice.”
His response only causes an uproar as many vampires all try to get a word in to argue with the uncaring pureblood. 
Kaname doesn’t even bother to listen to the back and forth of the furious vampires and the uncaring responses of Alucard. 
He only focuses on the small girl in his grasp. He noticed how she stood motionless as the pure blood held her shoulders. 
Soft looking h/c hair that messily framed her chubby cheeks. Big e/c eyes that had an innocent gleam to them. She barely reached Alucard’s stomach and she seemed to be fiddling with something in her tiny hands. She looked dirty and unbathed. And yet the soft smell of honey emitted from her in waves.
She was like a lamb surrounded by wolves, he didn’t miss the hungry gazes that the vampires all gave her. She was easy prey, someone could just rip her from Alucards. grasp and devour her. She was harmless.
Is what he originally thought. 
“That human is going to die Alucard, she will be eaten by the end of the night, you have made a grave mistake bringing her here. Much less spewing out such blasphemy.” 
At the vampire’s words, an amused smile grows on his face. “Go right ahead, you can eat her.”
He lets go of her shoulders and steps back. He lifts his hands in surrender, motioning to the defenseless girl. 
“Anyone can take a bite.” 
No one says anything, baffled at his words.
For a second no one stepped forward too shocked by his nonchalant behavior. 
It isn’t until one brave soul steps forward. A teenage vampire who is practically salivating at the mouth as he approaches the girl. 
The girl in question has no reaction, unflinching as the vampire gets on his knees in front of her. 
Kaname sees her perfectly calm in areas where anyone else would be trembling and fighting. She remains a statue, unmoving and unemotional.
When he exposes her neck and sinks his fangs, Kaname doesn’t even see her flinch. In fact, he sees how her eyes stare down at the vampire feeding from her. Looking at him as if he were as insignificant as a mosquito rather than the bloodthirsty beast he was. Her hands continue to fiddle with the object in her hand. 
Everyone watches with bated breath as the sounds of him drinking her blood sound out through the room. Some start to inch forward to get a chance to sink their teeth into the little girl. 
Only they never get to before the teenager is ripping away from her with a gasp. His lips are stained with a black inky color that he immediately tries to hack out of his mouth. 
“What the hell?!-” He’s interrupted by a harsh cough from his throat. His red eyes widened in horror at the sight of his own blood coating the floor.
“What’s wrong with that girl! Her blood’s so-! OH MY GOD IT HURTS! SOMEONE HELP ME!”
He’s wailing in pain as he screams for help, crawling away from the little girl. 
Only the little girl follows him. 
With her soft looking hair and innocent looking eyes, she reveals the small knife she was fiddling with in her hands.
She makes a small incision in her hand, as she approaches the crying vampire.  Mercilessly, she clamps her bleeding hand over the vampire's wailing mouth. 
His eyes widen in fear as her black blood trails into his mouth, he’s trying to force her hand away but she overpowers him. 
She stares down at him as life begins to flicker out of his eyes. Her gaze was neutral as if she had only killed an annoying mosquito. 
As this happens, the vampires watch with horror, all of them moving away from the child they once thought helpless. Thinking she would turn on them and force them to drink her black blood. 
The only ones near her are Alucard and Kaname. Alucard clapped excitedly from the brutal murder of one of his acquaintances.
“I’ll be the first to admit that Hellsing was a difficult bastard to kill. But he was oh so fascinating! He survived in areas where many humans would have perished, I had always seen him with many vampire bite wounds and yet the old dog was still human! You can imagine my surprise when I tore him to shreds and his blood almost killed me!” He says cheerfully, as if he were relaying fantastic news.
Once the vampire stops squirming and he lays limp on the floor, the little girl moves her hand. Placing pressure on the wound, her big eyes find Kaname, who stands there watching her stoically. He’s unafraid, challenging her to try to kill him. She takes small steps to himself. For a moment he can see a rage deeply hidden in her pretty e/c eyes, that is directed at him. 
“This is what I have found out so far if you would all so kindly listen:
They have immunity from our kind.  They cannot turn into level E vampires. They are also quite resilient against pureblood powers, that’s why I’m careful with this little one.” He grunts as he bends down to pick up the little girl. Effectively stopping her from killing Kaname. If he weren’t a Kuran, he would gladly watch her smother him in her blood. He just didn’t want to deal with the wrath of the Kurans. 
He dodges her chubby hand trying to force her blood onto his mouth, “this one also has a natural inclination to kill us! Isn't the Hellsing bloodline so fascinating?” He jokes around, bouncing the girl in his arms as if she were a harmless little baby. 
He fakes a motion of throwing her at the vampire crowd, in which they all scream and try to back away. 
Alucard lets out a cackle at their fear, deeply amused. 
“What's the matter? Scared of a little brat?” He coos, rubbing his gaunt cheek against her chubby one. She makes a motion to bite him in which he moves his head away, not paying her mind.
“I just wanted to let you all know that Hellsing’s devil spawn will be my apprentice. Anyone who tries to interfere with my plans will be answering to me.” 
With that he swivels around with the little girl in his arms. Kaname watches as they leave, the little girl glaring at all the vampires with rage. 
He could feel the bloodlust rolling off of her in large waves as she gave them all hateful looks. Wiping her bloodied hand onto Alucard’s jacket, her doe eyes find him staring at her. She sneers at him, flipping him off. 
He can’t help but let a little chuckle, like Alucard he too was amused of the little girl. 
He was interested to see her again. 
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deadnymph8 · 4 months
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content warnings⚠️ loss of virginity (for you), small age gap (3 years), slightly older women/younger man, p in v sex, aegon being a pervy loser, we love it though, small use of Y/N, chubby aegon, always drunk aegon, small bit of public groping, no protection
Notes: Posted originally to ao3 but I took it down and fixed it up a bit. Still this was like my first fanfiction in 7 years so be nice or I'll cry (also haven't used this app in like 8 years forgive me)
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In you're teenage years you were the next door neighbor to one of the richest family's in westeros. You weren't necessarily born rich you only lived next door because you're mom ended up re marrying some rich CEO millionaire and swiftly moved in with him.
You're step dad was pretty close with the owner of the house next door Viserys targaryen and due to that you had become accustom to all his children.
You were older then all of them closest in age being the eldest boy aegon, he was three years younger than you but you were close enough in age to get along and become somewhat friends.
You assumed that was why alicent the mother of the children and Viserys's wife came to you and asked you to babysit her kids for a weekend. You were a trusted friend and while yes they could hire a nanny you were told the last one ended up quiting after only a month. newly turned 13 year old aegon broke into the wine cabinet and got plastered.
You didn't get details on the rest but you knew it must have been a bad night since they were struggling to find a new nanny who could stay longer than a month.
Alicents last resort was to ask someone she thought could connect better with the kids, mainly aegon since he was the biggest problem. She needed a strong role model and someone aegon was familiar with. after seeing how aegon behaved in you're presence she thought you to be the perfect candidate for the job and so you accepted.
"I don't need a babysitter I'm 13 for fucks sake!" Aegon argued to his mother as you stood behind her.
"You aren't responsible enough to be trusted alone and that's the last of it!" His mother yelled back. Looking clearly frustrated and exhausted as if she had done this a million times.
You stood to the side of alicent now already feeling uncomfortable. You'd probably be upset aswell if you were in aegon's shoes but alicent insisted she needed a good influence like you.
Aegon stormed off slamming the door of his room. "I'm sorry dear, he won't bother you I've made sure all alcohol is put away...all you need to do is keep him in the house" alicent spoke giving you the rundown on you're job. You took in everything she said, she told you that you wouldn't be completely alone.
They still had a housekeeper that would come in mornings and clean up and you didn't need to worry that much.
That night actually went pretty smooth. Aegon was grumpy and hid in his room most the night while you played with the younger kids on their xbox. Things actually went so well that alicent asked you to come back again.
It actually felt nice getting some of you're own money aswell and to be independent for once
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Babysitting had become a regular occurrence for you for awhile. Alicent always praised you for just how well you did with aegon.
Eventually though you turned 18 and you got into college, not the one you wanted but it was only a few hours away and finally gave you a chance to escape you're house and live on you're own.
And how did aegon feel about this? He should feel happy, You were nothing more than a neighbor his mother hired to hover around him and keep him out of trouble. He resented you for that, he hated how pretty you were, how sweet you were to him.
He should be cheering knowing he would have some freedom but with you gone the only thing he felt was this overwhelming feeling of emptiness and loneliness.
He always found himself searching for you're praise. He'd actually get himself to do homework just so he could hear you talk about how proud you were of him.But now with you gone he didn't have a reason to try anymore and almost immediately he fell back into bad habits. Drinking, partying, drugs and sex. He did it all and no matter how much he did over the next three years he could never get rid of that aching empty feeling deep down.
When aegon turned 18 his mother began demanded he go to college. Demanded he make something of himself. He didn't bother trying with any of the big colleges he just found the closest one and decided that was good enough for him to keep his mom off his back. Even if he didn't get in with his grades he'd get in easy being as rich as he was. His father could just drop a generous donation and he'd get in with no problem at all. So when he arrived of course aegon joined the biggest frat on campus. The partys, the girls and the drugs. It all came so easy to him now.
When his frat decided to put on yet another rager he didn't think much of it. After three months here it was becoming his normal. He walked passed the group of drunk college kids, a drink in his hand as he wondered through the halls of the frat house probably long faded by now. originally his mind was set on getting wasted and maybe he'd bang a cheerleader if he was still able to stand.
He turned to the kitchen wanting to refill his cup when his eyes wondered on the back of a girl grabbing a soda off the counter. Something about her was so familiar but he couldn't see her face to find out why.
Mabey one of his many one night stands? or an old classmate oh his? She wasn't dressed like the other girls around. She was dressed casual, Wearing some jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. She definitely looked out of place compared to the small crop tops and short dresses most girls chose to wear.
He began taking a few steps closer. He didn't know why but he felt drawn in to her and when she finally turned around nothing could have fully prepared him for what he saw. You.
It was you. an uncomfortable and nearly sad look on you're face as you opened up your coke and took a drink, eyes wondering around the room full of dancing college kids until they fell on him. For a moment you both just stared at each other, neither really knowing what to say.
"Egg? What are you doing here?" You finally asked breaking the small awkward silence that fell between you both.
That stupid little nickname. Hearing it after so long made his heart race a bit. He always hated when you used to call him that but now hearing it again after so long he'd grown to miss it. Crave it even. Aegon didn't know why but a part of him almost felt embarrassed. Shame even. Her seeing him absolutely wasted after three years of not speaking.
"I'm uh- I'm in the frat" he responded and snapped himself back into reality. "and why are you here? I mean clearly you don't want to be" aegon swiftly added leaning against the kitchen counter in an attempt to go back to his normal self.
"was it really that obvious" you thought to yourself self. "My friend dragged me here...said I should let lose or whatever" you sighed. "And are you? Letting lose?" Aegon couldn't help but smirk at the idea.
He always had a weird fascination with you. All those times you slept over and he'd sneak into your bag of packed clothes and steal you're little white lace panties.
All those times he'd jerk himself off into them imagining himself buried deep inside of you're soaked cunt. All those times he'd spy on you changing through the crack in the bathroom door.
All those dirty dirty memories rushing back to him all at once.
"Absolutely not" The truth was you never cared for partys, you stuck to you're studys and kept to yourself. If it wasn't for you're best friend Tina you'd never consider coming to a place like this on a sunday night before class. You haven't even dated anyone before. You went on a couple dates but ultimately you decided love had no place for you right now.
You needed to focus on you're studys not a relationship
"So...why haven't you left? If you hate it here why not just go home and watch those hot vampire movies you love so much" Aegon always did love teasing you on you're intrests.
It used to annoy you to no ends. "My friend is my ride and she's...busy" you sighed again remembering how you're friend Tina decide to completely ditch you to go off with some guy Leaving you to try and waste time as you waited for her to get done with her boy toy and take you back to you're dorm were you could sleep off the day and this party.
"Why not walk? The dorms aren't far from here?" He asked making you laugh slightly "Walking alone as a woman at night isn't the safest idea eggs" you had pepper spray yes but you really didn't want to risk any trouble especially with a bunch of drunk frat boys all over.
"Why don't I walk you? I need some fresh air anyway" aegon knew he wanted to talk to you, he knew he couldn't let you walk away so easily and now he finally had his excuse. He had spent the past three years missing you're presence and he wouldn't waste the opportunity to get it back.
You took a second to agree but as you looked around at the room of drunk people dancing and making you you knew what you're awnser would be
"Sounds good to me get me out of here" you smiled at him. Gods how he missed that smile. You followed him out of the frat house feeling a sense of relief to be away from the crowd and the loud music blasting in you're ears.
"Soo how's college been?" Aegon hummed walking side by side with you. He looked so smug he always did but what did you really expect from a rich kid who got everything handed to him.
You almost hated how attractive it was. Before you never thought of him of like that but seeing him now, grown. It was like something just broke inside you. It couldn't be attraction? Right?
"It's been fine I guess just a bunch of the same for me, studying and learning and more studying" you rolled you're eyes already feeling exhausted just thinking about it.
"So no boyfriend I'm assuming?" Aegon's smile grew wider. You couldn't tell if he was teasing you or mocking you but either way you rolled you're eyes and refused to give him a response.
He laughed seeing you go quiet "I knew it" he crossed his arms acrossed his chest making frown in annoyance.
"You don't need to rub it in eggs" you sighed as the two of you approached campus and walked up to the dormitories.
"I'm not rubbing in I'm actually glad you're single makes things easier for me" he hummed almost immediately his words made you tense up.
"Excuse me?" you tried to act calm seeing as you couldn't tell if he was being serious or if it was just another one of his many games.
You remembered aegon was always a bit of a flirt even a creep at times with the few times you had caught his eyes wondering to you're chest or hips.
You told yourself he was just a horny teenager and it didn't mean anything.
"Come on Y/N I know you heard me" he said back as you both walked down the hall of the dorms stopping as you reached you're door.
"What are you trying to do here" You finally asked but in response aegon only smirked at you
"you're a smart girl Y/N don't act clueless with me" Before you could speak aegon stepped closer and backed you into you're door frame making a small gasp slip from you're lips.
You told yourself it was the alcohol or whatever drug he could be on that was making him this bold but the way he looked at you let you knew just how serious he really was.
"Do you even know how much I've missed you these past three years how much I have yearned for you" aegon whispered his hands now wondering to you're waist while his head moved to you're neck planting small kisses on you're skin.
"Aegon-" you whined, hands resting on his chest as if you were about to push him away but you couldn't get yourself to do it.
"Ive probably jerked myself off thinking of you more times than i can count" Aegon's hands began wondering up you're sweatshirt to you're than waist to you're breasts, groping you right in the middle of the hallway.
"We shouldn't do this" You gulped before reaching you're hand to the handle of you're door and twisting it open "Not here" Aegon kept his grip on you while you pulled him into you're dorm hoping it was late enough and no one you knew would have seen what just happened.
Now that you were all alone aegon didn't hesitate to pull you close and slam his lips against yours. It didn't take long for both of you to fall ontop of you're bed while he climbed on top of you, hands wondering up you're hoodie to grope you once again.
You took it upon yourself to pull away from the kiss and yank you're hoodie off you're head.
"You're fucking stunning always have been" he whispered before his hands moved to try unclip the straps of you're bra and pull it off you revealing you're bare breasts to him.
He stared almost in a trance, he wasn't going to lie. he had definitely seen your boobs before during the many times he'd spy on you change but having them up close was something completely different.
His hands moved to play with your nipples making a small moan slip from your lips, he smiled in response pleased with himself.
"I knew you'd be sensitive" before you could say anything he latched onto one of your breasts and began to softly nibble at your soft flesh making you squirm underneath him.
"I uh- I should tell you something" you quickly cut him off making him look up and turn his head up at you.
"I've never done anything like this before" You finally spat it out making his smile only grow more.
Not only was he getting to sleep with the girl of his dreams but he got the pleasure of being her very first. "You're still a virgin?" He questioned and you simply nodding back shyly.
"That's ok don't worry I'll make it good for you" he leaned in and kissed your cheek before discarding his own shirt to the side.
Aegon wasn't the most well built, he didn't have abs in fact he actually had a small bit of a tummy on him. You didn't mind of course, you found every inch of him to be perfect.
You moved your hands to the buttons of your jeans and began pulling them down a delighted look on Aegon's face as he did the same to himself. Before long you were both in your underwear, aegon kissing down your neck leaving small marks as he went along. "People will see those" you whined. 
"That's the plan doll" his hands wondering up you're thighs to the waistband of your panties tugging at them before he slipped a finger inside and began running his finger along you're slit.
"You're so wet" aegon whispered in your ear before slipping a finger inside of you.
You whimpered a bit as he began slowly moving his finger in and out of you and once he felt you were ready he added in a second, thrusting his fingers deep inside you're tight wet cunt.
"Aegon please" you moaned his name Sounding like a angel to him, an angel he could not wait to corrupt.
You arched your back feeling his fingers hit a sensitive spot inside you. "Gonna cum for me baby? You can do it be a good girl and spill yourself on my hand"
You nodded in response the feeling of your peak rising quicker and quicker. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders hiding your head in his chest as you came moaning out against him.
You panted softly coming down from your high as he pulled his fingers back and yanked off your panties finally. Next he pulled down his own boxers revealing his leaking throbbing cock.
"I don't think I've ever been this hard" he gasped as he began slightly stroking himself spreading his precum to lube up his cock. you were a bit worried seeing his size, he definitely was bigger than you expected.
Aegon grabbed your legs opening them up before lining himself up with your slit.
"Be gentle please" you asked making him plant a soft kiss on your lips. "Tell me if it hurts" he replied before he began pushing the tip of his cock inside earning a small gasp from you.
He pushed inside inch by inch until he was fully inside, bottoming out on top you as small moans of his own slipped out. "So good baby- so tight so perfect" he panted a bit feeling you squeeze tight around him.
"So big" you whined as aegon kissed down your neck again, in an attempt to Soothe you're discomfort.
He couldn't remember a time he'd ever been so caring and affectionate with a girl, no that was just you. You did something to him. Something that he just couldn't understand. An overwhelming need to protect you and keep you close
He made sure to wait a minute before beginning to thrust himself, moving his hand to play with your clit in another attempt to help take away your pain. You clung onto him as he picked pace, getting faster and faster.
He knew he said he'd be gentle but you were so damn irresistible he couldn't stop his instincts to just ravage you like a dog in heat. Soon the pain left little by little and it was replaced with pleasure.
The mixed sounds of both of your whimpers and moans filling your dorm room. "So beautiful baby" aegon whispered between his small pants and moans in you're ear "Everything I've always dreamed of- fuck- I need you I need you" his hands grabbed your hips slamming you further down onto him.
"I want you so bad- be mine please baby say you'll be mine" he was a mess he knew he was but so were you. "I'm yours aegon im all yours-" you quickly choked out. The Small tears in you're eyes driving him crazy.
Those words alone were all aegon needed to finally reach his peak, being so caught up in the moment he hadn't even bothered to ask if you were on the pill before spilling every drop of his seed deep inside of you. He continued to hold you a part of him worried if he let go you'd leave again.
"All mine" he kissed your cheek softly still attempting to catch his breath "all yours" you smiled at him, That same smile that he had loved for years now, the same smile he promised he'd never let go of again
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Long list of Nimona headcanons cause I didn't post yesterday
I feel like Nimona doesn’t really have great control of her shifting/strength when she’s experiencing really intense emotions 
When she’s angry or frustrated she tends to get bigger 
Sometimes it’s her whole body sometimes it’s just her arms 
She has a bad habit of breaking things on accident when she’s upset 
When they’re sad or hurt they’ll get smaller 
One time Nimona and Bal got into a really intense argument and Bal said something he didn’t mean and they shrunk like 5 inches and he knew he fucked up instantly 
When he gets happy or excited is when his shifting really goes haywire  
Sometimes when he’s really happy with someone he’ll subconsciously take on some of their characteristics 
Ambrosius complimented him one time and Nimona had his dimples for the rest of the day 
Bal fixed her headphones and she took on his laugh for two days 
At first it kind of unsettled them but they understood that it was just another way of her showing love so they got used to seeing their freckles on her face and hearing their laughs from her 
Bal needs glasses and contacts most of the time but he never uses them
He says glasses are a pain and he’s terrified of anything and everything near his eyes 
Ambrosius needs to do it for him because it’s easier for some reason 
He also has a bad habit of misplacing his glasses and recruits Nimona and Ambrosius to help him look for them the second they're supposed to leave 
Half the time they give up on looking for them and he relies on Ambrosius to help him read things 
He loves that man to death but if he has to read one more menu out loud he’s gonna lose it 
There have also been close calls where people tried to start a fight cause they thought Bal was glaring at them
In reality he was just trying to read the sign next to them 
No one should let this man drive he’s a terror to society when he’s behind the wheel
He always insists that he doesn’t need his glasses to drive 
Nimona offers to drive but no one lets them because the last time they were behind the wheel they aimed for a group of people yelling “That’s at least 50 points”
Ambrosius is the most responsible driver but as I said in this post that man can’t find his way out of a paper bag 
So his directions are always on and Bal always complains that he could find a faster way in his sleep
Ambrosius turns to him and says “Love you couldn’t find your hand in front of your face” 
And Bal shoved him so hard he almost crashed the carriage and his passenger privileges were revoked for a week
Both Bal and Nimona have resting bitch faces 
A lot of people think Bal is this mean horrible stuck-up person 
And then they talk to him for more than five seconds and realize he’s got a heart of gold and big puppy dog eyes to match
A lot of people see Nimona’s resting bitch face and get a little scared but they also have this thought of “but she’s just a teenager with a squishy little face how bad could she be”
And then they realize they’re talking to a chaos gremlin and the resting bitch face was there to protect them
Ambrosius has been trained not to frown in public 
This man puts Disney Employees to shame with his bright smile and his energetic personality 
But the literal second he’s home that mask drops 
Bal and Ambrosius are so used to this routine that they aren’t even fazed anymore 
But Nimona always pretends like they’re cutting the string over Ambrosius' head whenever the door closes 
It’s almost comical to see because the second they do it his face drops and his shoulders droop and his once energetic voice is a monotone mumble 
He’s not always like this tho being in the public eye just drains the life out of him
But when he gets to stay home with people who love and care about him he could put the damn energizer bunny out of business
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lizzyscribbles · 1 month
Okay, kinda shocked by the positivity on the last post. 😅 So I guess here we go again??
Today’s MHA thought: Katsuki Bakugo (or Bakugo Katsuki, whichever tickles your fancy) and why I think he’s an incredible character despite hating him in the beginning.
Some context: I was a teenager when the anime came out, so the only thing I knew of him was what we were given there. So like, seasons 1-4 my hatred for him was STRONG. It let up a little at the end of 3 with his and Izuku’s fight, and again with the class a/class b fight in 5, but it wasn’t until I put the series down for a few years then came back this as an adult in April and binged the entire series before 7 started airing that I really started to love him as a character.
Now, there’s a few reasons for this, but a lot of it boils down to this: He has NO REASON to be an asshole.
As far as we know, he has good parents, had a mostly-healthy home life, and doesn’t start being actively traumatized till he joins UA. He’s just genuinely a bad person at the start, like he literally tells Izuku to go take a swan dive off a roof AND HE HAS NO EXCUSES. (Side note, not saying being traumatized gives you the excuse to say these things. NO ONE has an excuse to say this no matter what they’ve been through). He had no past trauma to explain that response, no real good reasoning behind it other than he’s just being mean. We learn later it’s because Izuku made him feel inferior and he didn’t know why, which makes perfect sense and we see the evidence of this long before it’s said, but that doesn’t make it any better.
But that’s the beauty of it, for once this asshole-ery wasn’t born of trauma it just kind of…happened. He’s almost like All for One and Endeavor in that neither really had a good reason to be mean, they just got so wrapped up in themselves that they lost sight of everything else. However, that’s why I love Bakugo’s arc because it’s so satisfying to see him slowly come to that realization himself and change even though he really doesn’t have to. (It also begs the question why Endeavor and Bakugo and really any of the villains are seen in such different lights despite having similar stories, which is a theory for another day that I have brewing).
His change wasn’t necessitated by abusive past that held him back like Todoroki or even having to figure out how to manage a new quirk like Izuku, because say what you will he is SMART and he is TALENTED and he was doing great on his own. He could’ve climbed his way to the top without having a good personality, I mean just look at Endeavor. But he saw Izuku, his classmates, his FRIENDS and realized that wasn’t what he wanted.
And it all culminates in the end of season six when the class goes to retrieve him, instead of rushing to Izuku to yell his apology, he sends Iida after him because Iida is built for speed (these two/three episodes are my favorite part in the entire damn series and I’ll probably make a whole post about them eventually). But then, after that, he genuinely apologizes. He recognizes what he did was wrong, and what gets me about the dub of this episode is the way they chose to phrase the line:
“Saying this out loud doesn’t change a thing”.
He KNOWS that apologizing doesn’t make it okay, and he accepts that Izuku may never forgive him, but he does it anyway, and that’s how you know he really meant it. We see his convictions through the whole series, that boy doesn’t say anything he doesn’t mean. But it doesn’t stop there, he goes on to prove it with his actions, starting by calling Izuku by his real name, and his first name at that.
And in all of that, we still don’t lose his personality. He’s still loud, brash, mean, a bit of an asshole, and determined to be the best, but instead of looking down on Izuku, he sees him as an equal...an actual friend, someone to race against so they can both be better. It’s no longer all about him, he’s learned to see the world through a different lens, one we see him create during the entire series. He has truly changed in a way that feels natural and authentic to him as a character, and that’s something you don’t see every day.
And, we can see in the end, he continues to think about others, striving not for the top, but for Izuku’s happiness, and I think that’s beautiful.
I have so much more I could say about this, but I’m gonna stop here because this post is long as hell already, but if anyone is curious about anything don’t be afraid to ask, I’m an open book!😄
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ask-eden · 9 months
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Etoile watches as the Mesprit attempts not to gag, offering to hold back her hair tendrils, but being met with a irritated swat Too fascinated by the Mesprit's behavior, the mew doesn't appear to notice Alaxia's grip suddenly tighten around the celebi Hands trembling, resisting the urge to dig his claws into the back of the celebi's head, that familiar sharp pain stabbing deep in his chest. The mew leans away a bit, shuddering slightly at the pain suddenly stabbing at them and the violent thoughts flooding his intoxicated mind. The celebi however, mistakes Alaxia's trembling and leaning away as a sign of being nervous to kiss deeper. The celebi had no issues once again leaning into Alax's face to kiss him once more. Alaxia's body begins to relax once more as the pain begins to fade. Shoulders relaxing and grip loosening, enjoying the final kiss for a moment before another shrill shriek can be heard Mesprit: THAT'S ENOUGH OH MY GODDDDDDDD Etoile and the mesprit had returned their gaze to the two pokemon, Etoile smiling and coming over to carefully separate the two pokemon. Etoile: Now now! We can't be having.. whatever this is... all night! Etoile smiles and gently pats Alaxia, who had begin emitting a irritated mewling noise once more Etoile: These pokemon are special delivery pokemon! They are very busy Allie! You shouldn't keep them from doing their work! Etoile leans in a bit to whisper Etoile: Also the mesprit keeps yelling loudly and I don't enjoy it <3 <3 so I would like to leave post haste!
Before Alaxia can make another irritated drunken mewl, Etoile quickly lifts him onto their shoulder as if he was a sack of flour. Alaxia struggles for a moment, before suddenly going limp, too intoxicated to put forth much more effort. Etoile's paw gently strokes his back like one would while trying to soothe a infant, causing Alaxia to begin purring in response. Etoile smiles, knowing that Alaxia had successfully been detained. The mesprit however, was less kind to her father. The embarrassed teenager violently tugging on the celebi's arm in anger. Attempting to hide her face from others, lest someone she knows see what was happening.
The celebi struggled in response, his body flopping around drunkenly and being deadweight in the mesprit's hands.
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A portal opens up outside for the Mesprit and Celebi. The man stopping once again to wave frantically at Alaxia and screaming goodbye in slurred words. Etoile gives a friendly wave to them Etoile: Good luck on the rest of your deliveries tonight! Happy travels! The Mesprit lets out a annoyed grunt in response and forcefully drags her father through the portal Once the portal closes, Etoile stares for a moment in silence, ears flicked back. Etoile: ... Hm. I wonder if I screamed every sentence when I was a teenager.... hm....
Alaxia says something in reply, but his words are far too slurred and garbled up for anyone to understand Etoile looks at him and smiles warmly Etoile: At least you didn't yell that much. You were a very good boy!
Etoile gently pats Alaxia's back, a loud purr emits from the pink mew as his head slumps back down. Too tired to keep it up any longer. Etoile: Let's get you outta here and sobered up little kitty! I have something to discuss with you!
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[ Etoile and Alaxia have left the Event ] [ backgrounds by @/sinnohsiblings ]
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
anon who sent an ask awhile ago about how Stolas getting drunk is always used as an indication for how sad he is -
I didn't even think of that at first but honestly it makes it a whole lot worse Stolas just got out of the hospital after having his wife call a hit on him
Stolas definitely knows about this but he still leaves Octavia alone at night to attend a house party, during which he gets smashed so hard he can barely walk or string a sentence together
this is next level recklessness on his part. Striker could easily try to kill him again or kidnap Via for ransom but Stolas never shows consideration for either. If he'd gotten a call she needed help or was in danger, was he just going to drunkenly open a portal then fall flat on his face through it?
same applies to Ozzie's - he went home and got drunk immediately but what if Via had needed him? at least Blitz just crashed on the couch then only got drunk at the party where he knew Loona was
not to mention Loona is older and can defend herself. Via can't - because Stolas never taught her to. he was too busy lending out her inheritance for sex
besides the writers just forgetting Via exists until it's time for another Stolas Makes Up for Being a Bad Dad But Not Really Episode, there's something else I've been thinking lately:
Stolas is written like he's a teenager. He doesn't feel like an adult once s2 starts; he's alternating between obsessed with his crush or being spiteful towards his wife and the fact he has a teen to look after rarely seems to factor in to what he does or doesn't do. He responds to someone yelling that he's hurt them by shutting down, sulking, then being petty til he can have a crying meltdown about what he really wants, then he makes out with the first person to show some interest.
At no point during any of this does the thought of the risk posed by his ex-wife & Striker, his responsibilities to look after Octavia or the need to behave like a reasonable adult in his fallout with Blitz enter his head. He just follows all his impulses and vices with a hefty dollop of 'me me me' attitude sprinkled in there too
Stolas' whiny behavior makes a whole lot more sense when viewing him and not Octavia as the seventeen year old
I've always said that he looks and post-pilot, even sounds more like Octavia's older brother than her dad. He certainly behaves like it and Viv and the fandom constantly making excuses for it makes it even less cute than it already wasn't.
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lilac-melody · 2 years
I was rewatching the Southern Raiders so I can re-evaluate how I can write Zuko and Katara’s dynamic and honestly, I forgot how angry this episode makes me. I forgot how angry I get when I remember how people genuinely wished harm upon Katara as a character because of her rightful frustration.
Hers and Sokka’s mother was killed, and it’s only Katara who wants closure. Because Sokka, many episodes ago (”The Runaway”), stated that whenever he thinks about his mother, he can’t remember her face, he can only think of Katara’s. This means that he was able to get over her death, because he had someone who was there who took on all of their mother’s responsibilities.
Katara, meanwhile, had no one. She, an 8 year old girl, took on the cooking, cleaning, sewing, acting as a mother to her older brother, and always looked out for everyone in the gaang by the age of 14. And when does she ever get a “thank you” or anything? Hell, in the episode “The Desert”, she’s the only one who focuses on getting everyone out. Aang is sulking (and she’s still supportive of him), Toph can’t “see” properly and is down, and Sokka is drunk off of cactus juice.
Yet Katara was treated like shit in the episode. She not once got onto Aang for taking his frustration out on anyone, yet he screamed at her “What are you doing?!” when he yelled that he was doing his best.
Also, Water Tribes have major gender roles, and it shows us explicitly that Sokka is closer to their dad than Katara is (not to say Katara doesn’t love him of course, but Katara even lets Sokka go see Hakoda while she stayed behind in Ba Sing Se) and Katara was obviously closer with her mother.
So, pray tell, why no one except Zuko supported Katara? Why did Aang compare losing an animal and losing his culture to Katara losing her mother? None of these are the same. For one, Appa was still alive, and two, a mother is something irreplaceable. Katara losing her mother is what shaped her into who she is today, and Aang got over the loss of his culture because the plot needed him to.
For all that Katara has done for the group, one would assume that they would support her. But no- Sokka told her “she was my mother too, but Aang might be right” (which, again, I point out that Sokka was able to process and get over his grief, while Katara never had a true outlet for hers. She was able to talk about it, but that’s not the same as processing grief), and Aang got all preachy, showing he didn’t trust her not to kill him, despite supposedly “loving her” and being her “best friend”.
The lack of empathy and sympathy from Aang and Sokka is honestly infuriating. And the fandom is only worse.
Did yall also forget Katara is literally 14 years old? Can you seriously tell me that you would be emotionally stable if you were 8, lost a parent you were close with, and found out you can get closure by finding that parent’s killer after they literally reshaped your entire childhood? Everyone processes trauma differently, and it’s especially hard on a teenager.
People literally have more sympathy for Sokka losing Yue, a girl he knew for, what, two days max? Than Katara losing her mother.
The Katara lost her mother memes were never funny. And the hatred for Katara specifically for this episode is really old, tiring, and hypocritical.
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Felicia's his crime mom headcanons
He stays at the Black Cat whenever he runs away from home, which is often. After the prison stuff, she eventually runs into him and lets him stay full time
She teaches him new tips and tricks for evading law enforcement
She will refer to him as her son if anyone even thinks of insulting him
When the future spideys come over and explain gender fluid, she helps Benj get some nice dresses for more female feeling days. She tells Benj that she always wanted a daughter, and now she sometimes does
She doesn't understand it at all she's just happy to see Benj smile and twirl around in a skirt.
Seriously Benj is like. Depression extreme
Felicia will literally kiss anyone who can get him to smile
Unless they're a kid, they get chocolate
The fedora is Lippy's. There, I've acknowledged it, happy?
She calls him Honey and Sweetheart whenever she's kind of at her wit's end with him
She doesn't like yelling at him. Lippy yelled once and Benj was just. Frozen. Couldn't speak for the next few weeks. She refuses to see that happen again
He does something vaguely spidery and all she can say is "i love you honey, but sometimes you are beyond me"
The club staff are very familiar with Benj, L. Thompson Lincoln likes having Benj at the bar while he works, he likes talking with him. Having a heavily scarred teenager next to the heavily scarred, albino, tank of a bartender doesn't really help the business, but Black Cat patrons are nothing if not ballsy.
Someone once harassed another patron so Benj and Lincoln dragged him outside and beat the shit out of him.
Half the staff have vigilante/criminal side identities so it's a well known fact that the cocky mess of a kid over there is the Spider, yes the Spider
Fel's cats like sleeping on him, if he's staying over and leaves his door even slightly open they will crowd onto his bed.
Benj meddled in Fixit's business one two many times, so Fixit carried him back to the club by the back of his vest. When Felicia and Lippy answered the door, Fixit said, "is this one of yours?"
He feels responsible for her injury, the run-up to that being different than the comics because guys??? He apologises constantly
Sometimes she helps him as the White Widow.
She's about this close to adopting the other spiders kids (fingers are touching)
She will kick people out if she has to, just to make room for the kids.
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162 sentences!
Over the past few days, he’s gotten text update after text update. SIngle sentence missives about the state of the man he loves. He cannot visit him. He cannot be there for him. He cannot hold him. He cannot yell at him for his foolishness. 
All Eddie can do is wait. 
Wait and fucking hope. 
He’s had extensive conversations with Christopher in the midst of this limbo. Angry conversations. Sad conversations. Anxious conversations. Conversations about guilt and repression and grief; things he’d never have thought in a million years he’d be willing to discuss with his teenage son. But by the end of it, Christopher isn’t upset with him anymore. Somehow. Somehow, Christopher says he understands. Wants to move forward. 
“I don’t like being mad,” he says. “And I don’t like you being mad at yourself.”
Eddie thinks he’s spent most of his life mad at himself. It’s strange now, to have his son tell him to stop. Like now he has to really do it, in order to not disappoint him. 
So he will try. 
But if Buck doesn’t make it out of this okay, he thinks he will fail. 
Eventually, he gets the phone call from the man himself, on Sophia’s phone. 
“Hey, Eddie,” Buck’s voice rasps through the speakers when Eddie answers, expecting his sister. 
“Buck,” Eddie nearly squeaks. His voice instantly cracking with emotion, like he’s a teen again. “You’re awake.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day?” Buck offers weakly. 
Eddie doesn’t find it funny. 
“How… How are you feeling?” He asks. He can’t sort out the intermingling tendrils of anger and worry and love. 
“Like ass,” Buck admits. “But I’m alive… And I’m not…”
He knew that already. But it’s still a relief to hear, nonetheless. 
“Apparently you sort of vaccinated me,” Buck whispers. 
“I did what?” Eddie asks. 
“They think I fought off the infection because of repeated exposure.”
Eddie sits with that for a second. Realizes what it means. 
“Oh my god,” he mutters. 
“So, uh, thank you? Seriously.” 
“Wow. I… Wow.” Eddie exhales. “So you’re just… Okay?”
“I mean, still pretty banged up.” 
“There is that.”
“But yeah, I’m okay. They’re discharging me tomorrow. Just want me to stay another night for monitoring and tests.”
Eddie swallows. One more night. He can handle one more night. He handled months upon months, after all. And even before then, they weren’t together all the time. This separation anxiety should not be so consuming. 
“Okay,” Eddie says. “I’ll see you then. And I’m here to call.” 
“Yeah,” Buck mumbles. Eddie can hear the nerves in his voice. “I love you, Eddie.” 
He says it like he’s worried Eddie might not say it back. Like doing what he did might have erased Eddie’s love. And yet, he was willing to do it. Shit.
“I love you, too, Buck.” Eddie says, trying to erase anything else from his voice. “Get some rest, okay?”
February 15th, 2025
Maddie drives Buck home the next morning, after the doctors determine he’s stable enough to leave. 
“Someone may be in contact,” they say. “Your case could go a long way in progressing research.”
“Fun,” Buck mumbles in response. He loves the idea of being a lab rat, really. 
It’s quiet between him and Maddie in the car. He gets it. He gets why they’re all mad at him. Bobby stopped by to express his anger, too. And also his worry. He thinks they’ll all forgive him, just maybe not as easily as Sophia. Sophia, who would have done the same thing in Buck’s position. That’s the main reason she can’t stay angry. 
Maddie, though? Maddie might be able to stay very angry.
“Look, Mads,” he says once they’re on the road. “I’m really sorry.”
“Somehow, I doubt that,” she says. 
“What?” Buck frowns. 
“You’re really sorry you failed and almost died,” she says.
“Well, yeah?”
“Not that you did it.”
Buck swallows. Okay, so maybe she’s got him there. 
“I had to try,” he says. 
“Did you?” She asks.
“Yes! Wouldn’t you do the same for Chim?”
“If he was in immediate danger, sure? But it looks like the only immediate danger that night was the danger you caused.” Maddie scolds. “After saying you spent months and months having to be so careful.” 
“Eddie is in danger!” Buck argues. “The world puts him in danger!”
“The answer to that is not getting yourself killed, Evan! The answer to that is working to make change where you can!” 
Buck looks away from her. He feels heated with anger and shame. Something deep down in him sees the sense in what she’s saying, but he doesn’t feel it. He feels that he did what he had to. He tried. 
But he failed. So none of it really matters anyway. 
Everyone’s anger might have been easier to swallow if he’d succeeded and Eddie was safe. 
Buck takes a deep breath.
“I am sorry I scared you.” He tries. “And got blood all over your car.”
Maddie sighs. He sees the crack in her anger. 
“Evan, I know this has been hard on you. Hard in a way I don’t understand because I’ve been fortunate enough not to experience it.”
He looks at his feet. 
“But when I see you get reckless with your life again, the way you used to, it scares me,” she says. “It makes me worry for you, beyond just the physical harm.”
That… That’s a fair statement. 
“You’re probably not wrong,” he says quietly. “I’ve been… I’ve been anxious. Like, uh… Like something bad is always waiting around the corner and I’m going to lose him again.”
Maddie nods. “You did lose him. For a long time. I get why it doesn’t feel safe now.”
Buck’s throat feels tight. 
“You have to deal with it properly,” Maddie says. “I think you know that.”
And maybe he hadn’t, before. But he thinks he does now.
“Yeah,” Buck whispers. “Okay.”
He doesn’t know exactly how to do that. But he supposes he owes it to everyone he nearly died on the other night to at least try. 
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indigosunsetao3 · 1 month
A Reason To Try
Chapter 13 - Escape Plan
Masterlist of Chapters
Warnings: 18+ - No minors Please read the tags on AO3 for any of your triggers
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Alex Keller X Original FMC 6.0k words - AO3 Link
Madeline had been in the midst of pulling on a pair of boots when she heard the sound of an approaching car. She shot up from where she had been sitting and went to one of the bedroom windows to peer out, careful to stay off to the side. The gauzy curtains shielded her enough from being seen, but she could easily see the car, cars, pulling in. There were at least three of them, and they were driving slowly surveying the area. Her eyes instantly cut to the bowls that she had left on the fire escape overnight, and she debated how fast she could open the windows and pull them in before they saw. She decided against it as they drew closer; movement would draw their eye, but a few errant items may not.
“Madeline,” Alex called, his voice even lower than usual as he watched two vehicles park by the construction trailer. “How many do you have?”
“Three,” Madeline answered as she walked out to the living room, feeling her body already beginning to tense up with fear. “Why? Are there more?” She asked as Alex remained stock still, staring out the window.
“Two,” he answered simply as he continued to watch. Two men climbed out of a beat-up truck, guns raised, looking around the area as their companions climbed out of their car, also armed. “Armed,” he continued as Madeline walked up to his side to look out as well, pressing herself up to his side to look out the small gap he made in the curtain with his fingers.
“I didn’t stay long enough to see if they were armed,” Madeline answered as she gripped the windowsill, watching as the men used the hole in the fence Alex had made to get into the construction area.  “What do we do?” Madeline asked after a second of watching. One of the men was barely a man at all, a gangly teenager who held his shotgun like he had never seen one before, let alone used one.
“We watch,” Alex said quietly as he flicked his eyes down to her. He brought his free hand up to her lower back, carefully pressing his hand there as a form of reassurance. He could feel how nervous she had become, everything rigid as she stared out the window and her breathing tight. “And we prepare. Start gathering what you want to take and put it in easy-to-move containers. Fill the duffels, backpacks, and anything easy to carry. Keep it as quiet as possible.”
Madeline leaned into the touch before jumping as a car door slammed, and muffled voices could be heard yelling at one another.  When Alex flexed his fingers in response to the noise, she knew he was thinking exactly what she was; they were going to draw those things. In all the time they had been there, nothing had shown up, not even a noise in the distance to indicate they were around. But Alex had still kept quiet outside, was still careful as he worked, watching over his shoulder, and never letting himself get too distracted. She had watched him stop what he was doing on countless occasions to listen. Yet these people were loudly yelling at one another, opening and closing doors without worry, and making a ton of noise rattling the fence.
“They’re too loud,” Madeline finally whispered as someone, another younger-looking guy, began messing with the generator, hitting it a few times because it wouldn’t start. Alex had siphoned it the day before so it just whirred then whined and died. “They’re going to draw them,” she breathed.
“We’ll keep an eye on it,” Alex answered, his voice a bit distracted as he watched two men enter the trailer. They went in guns raised but hardly looked like they were properly trained on how to clear, which meant they’d be jumpy. “If they show up, we’ll figure out the next steps, but for now, let’s keep it one thing at a time.”
Madeline nodded once before stepping out of his grasp. If they needed to get ready, she needed to move now. Most of their items were in the living room and kitchen, respectively, but she still had clothes and items in the bedroom, and she knew Alex had some of his own things in the room he had taken.
She went to her room first and carefully threw things onto the bed: clothes, hygiene items, and a second set of heavy-duty sneakers. Living in a constant state of traveling, Madeline had learned how to pack and make the most out of little space, so she began folding. She rolled undergarments into tight balls and shoved them into her spare sneakers, stuck hygiene items inside rolled-up pants, shoved odd-shaped items into the side nets of the backpack and filled any gaps with shirts. The pack was stuffed to the brim and hard as a rock by the time she finished but she had managed to get everything she wanted to take in it and then some.
Alex kept his vigil at the window, ears strained for any noises getting too close to their condo or for those things. Luckily, the things shrieked and snarled, so their sneaking up wasn’t really a fear, and in the open area, their sounds would travel. So far, nothing. He also listened to Madeline’s quiet shuffling and the soft footfalls as she showed up in the living room with two bags so tightly packed that they made a thump as she dropped them onto the couch. She stood up and pushed some sweaty hair off her forehead, evidence of her hustling, before giving him a tight smile and heading to the kitchen.
All the work she had spent neatly dividing and packing up the items seemed null, though having her notes on them did make it a little easier. She was able to find easy-to-eat foods, ones that weren’t too heavy but had more nutrition. She dragged her old duffel onto the floor next to her and started filling it, dispersing the weight between it and another bag with the water and food. She and Alex would each have to lug one, and she grunted a bit as she lifted one onto her shoulder, then the other, before stumbling to the couch to drop them.
“We need to get to the roof,” Alex said suddenly as he spotted the group headed toward the condo. They were moving to begin raiding the condos, as he expected, but he knew what they would find. He had already gone through them and picked them clean. He hadn’t been meticulous in his movements because there was no need to cover his tracks inside the building. They just needed to keep up appearances on the outside for people driving by. But if they started going condo to condo to find them turned over and empty, they’d be upstairs to them fairly quickly.  
“The roof?” Madeline asked, a bit winded as she heard the people getting closer, their voices echoing in the open stairwell between the condos as they talked. They were discussing how to split up, what to look for, and what to take. And to shoot first and ask questions later. Apparently, it didn’t take long for some people to lose their humanity.  “Why not the cars? We can just-“ she flinched as a loud bang followed by a grunt, and another loud bang met her ears. They were kicking in the doors and calling out taunts to the potential people inside.
“We won’t make it to the cars without them seeing,” Alex answered, “they’ll be up here soon. We need to look like we’ve left.”. He pushed off the window he was at and started gathering up the laptop and phone along with some other spare wires. There was another bang as he shoved the electronics into a duffel with the food before snatching up his notebook and the bag of keys of the shortlisted cars. The last thing he did was bend under the couch and dig out a small reusable grocery bag, one Madeline hadn’t seen before. He packed it as well, zipping up the duffel one-handed.
“The door?” Madeline asked as Alex grunted, throwing the straps of both duffels over his shoulder. The loveseat was still shoved against the door, and he turned to look at it.
“Leave it, they’ll hear us move it,” Alex answered as he ducked his head to slip the M16 strap over his head. “Can you just get the bags?” He slipped the safety off his gun and held one backpack by the strap out to her.
“I-yes,” Madeline answered as she stared at him. The bags of food had to be at least fifty pounds each, and he was holding them ease, along with his gun, which she knew was also heavy. Not to mention all the extra items he had shoved into the duffels at the last moment. She crossed the space to him quickly, and he motioned for her to turn around so he could slip the straps over her shoulders before she picked up the other one to carry by hand. She opened her mouth to inquire what car they were going to take when she heard an angry yell.
“They’ve figured out there’s nothing in those condos,” Alex supplied calmly as he stared at the door.  His heart rate had kicked up a few notches, but he still remained calm. These were civilians, not trained soldiers. So, while they would be trigger-happy, they were sloppy, and he could outdo them. It was just a matter of how many he could take on at a time. “Come on, they’re going to kick in every door they can find.” And no sooner did he say that, they could hear them beating at a door seemingly just a floor below them.
Madeline followed him back to the bedroom, her eyes doing one last sweep of the area before following Alex out onto the fire escape. They moved slowly in an attempt to be quiet, but every movement, each creak, sounded like a gunshot to her ears. She curled her lips into her mouth as she gingerly lowered the window back down, praying her fingers didn’t slip in the water on the glass. When it was in place, she stooped to pick up the bowls, carefully stacking them into one another before going up the stairs.
The roof was soaking, with puddles of water all over, and Alex pointed for Madeline to go to the far corner behind some HVAC units. He wanted them to be as far away from the fire escape as possible because if they couldn’t get into the condo by the front door, they could figure out the fire escape route and go up that way.
Madeline was still quiet with her steps as she walked on the roof, her feet splashing in the standing water as she panted at the extra weight on her back and in her hands. The air wasn’t frozen, but it was still chilled, and the wind that whipped around felt like it was going right through her jacket. When she got to the units, she crept around the side, half bent over, before crouching down fully so she couldn’t be seen over the roof edge. It was soaked over here, too, but they had nowhere else to go, and she eased the backpack onto the driest-looking spot next to the roof wall.
“Good?” Alex asked as he finally joined her, losing the duffel straps from his shoulders to the ground and rolling his neck a bit. When Madeline nodded her reply, eyes wide and skin a few shades paler, he gave her a small smile before sitting next to her on the roof. The water instantly soaked through his pants, and he sighed in discomfort before tensing. The group had made it to their condo. He could hear them smashing at the door, yelling at one another, and then the sound of gunshots. They had resorted to shooting at the door to get it open.
“Alex,” Madeline whispered as she gripped his forearm, flinching at each shot and yell. They weren’t even trying to be civil anymore. Each blast of the shotgun made her wince, and Alex rolled his arm over slowly and extended his hand out to her to grab. She did it gratefully as he sat listening, eyes trained toward the fire escape.
“We’re okay,” Alex stated reassuringly before he leaned forward, grabbed a duffel, and unzipped it a bit before sitting back with a few keys in his hand. “Each of these cars is fully stocked,” he explained as he shoved a few key fobs at her. There was a small post-it note wrapped around the keyring, and Madeline peered at the writing. It was the color of the car and a few numbers or letters from the license plates. “If we need to run, go to any of them,” he explained, and he saw her open her mouth to fight. “I gave us plenty of options on purpose. We can’t plan for everything, but I did my best,” he grinned slightly.
“You’re keeping some, right?” She asked as she fingered one of the loops of an actual set of keys instead of a fob. An older car, she was guessing.
“Yes, there are still some in there,” Alex said with a nod as he tapped the duffle with his foot. “All of them are viable options. So, pick your favorite,” he smirked as she mulled over the logos on the keys in her hands.
Then they heard the rattle of the metal fire escape.
Alex gently untangled his fingers from hers and pushed up on his knees, slipping the gun strap over his head and setting it gently to rest on his thighs. He could hear multiple sets of footsteps on the fire escape, the metal rattling as they clamored up, and a few voices talking. He cut his eyes to Madeline, who shrank down even further against the wall, and he indicated for her to be quiet, to which she nodded. If they could just stay tucked down in this far corner, hopefully, these people were in too much of a rush or inept to do a clean wipe of the area. Then, once they left, he and Madeline could wait it out a few hours before escaping.
Madeline shoved the keys into her pockets as she stared at Alex’s back and listened. It sounded like three or four men walking on the roof, all of them chatting casually and laughing at what they had found. One of them commented that it was obvious a woman had been in the condo, and she shut her eyes at the crude remarks they made about her from the dirty clothes they had found. Alex inhaled a sharp breath through his nose in indignation as he adjusted to reach into his vest and dig out a knife. Madeline stared at him and shook her head once, but Alex slowly shifted the gun off his lap and gently set it down on the rooftop.
They were too close for shooting, too many of them, and the more noise he made, the more people he’d draw. There were four of them, and as he quickly checked around the edge before pulling back, he saw two of them were teens who looked like they hadn’t seen anything more than a schoolyard fight. If push came to shove, he could disarm and take them out, but then they’d have to move before the rest of their companions realized they were missing. He carefully nudged the gun toward Madeline in a sign for her to take it, but she shook her head at him again.
“Take it,” Alex hissed as he flipped the knife in his hand, letting the weight settle in his palm. He nodded pointedly at the gun as if to indicate they were done talking about this, and he watched Madeline reach for it. When her fingers closed around the butt of it, he leaned his back against the HVAC as he shut his eyes to listen to their steps. They were getting closer, spread out a bit but still in a relative semblance of a group. He’d have to move quickly, aim for the biggest guy first, and pray that he was leading the way.
Alex took a deep breath, then another, body bent in a crouch, preparing for the best moment to strike. The toe of a boot came into his view, and as he was about to slip out from behind the corner, a loud blaring horn cut through the silence. He flinched and stayed crouched, looking over at Madeline as the men cursed, obviously just as startled as he had been.  
Madeline prayed that whichever alarm she had set off was one of the cars that was further away. She had reached into her pocket blindly and hit the alarm on the first fob she wrapped her fingers around. Alex was good, but it was four against one, and he was planning on just going into the fight with a knife; she couldn’t risk that. He snapped his eyes to her in silent reproach, but she didn’t care; what she had done had the desired effect. The men had halted in their steps and quickly turned around and jogged back to the fire escape to find the source of the noise. They were cursing as they ambled toward the metal steps, and Madeline gave Alex a small smile.
“What happened to being quiet?” Alex asked as he scrambled toward Madeline, shoving the knife into its slot on his vest as he picked the gun back up.
“You have your methods. I have mine,” Madeline answered with a shrug as she turned the key fob over in her hands. “I hope this wasn’t one you really wanted to take,” she said as she peered at the logo, a Toyota.
“I was more partial to the Ford,” Alex deadpanned. “I think you can cut it before we bring more friends.”
Madeline turned the alarm off so only a ringing silence met their ears. She pocketed the key fob again and shifted in her crouch to fall back on her bottom, water seeping into her skin. The men shouted at one another from the windows and parking lot, trying to figure out what had set off the car.
“How long do we wait? Madeline asked quietly as she leaned her head back on the wall.
“Until they leave or nightfall, whichever comes first,” Alex answered as he peered at the watch on his wrist. It reflected the current time they were in as well as the time in Uzikstan on a smaller face. The pang in his gut at the thought of that made him drop his wrist.
“Nightfall? It’s barely nine,” Madeline groaned as she shifted her hips a bit. She was going to be stiff if they sat there all day.
They fell silent for a bit, listening to the rummaging and things being tossed around inside the condo just below their feet. Alex was sure they were dragging all his hard-won things out the door in the nice totes Madeline had packed for them. It was frustrating that all of it went to waste, but he’d rather have them focus on that instead of trying to find them. As much as he hated to admit it, her trick with the car had been a saving grace; if their group had realized too quickly that their friends hadn’t returned, it would have been an all-out brawl.
“So, is this like a reverse stakeout? We’re the suspects having to wait out the CIA?” Madeline asked after long minutes, nudging him with her shoulder.
“People always think stakeouts are these glamorous things,” Alex answered with a chuckle. “It’s mostly just this. Sitting and waiting for the target to move. I’ve had to lie on a roof for almost a full day just watching a building more times than I can count.”
“I blame Hollywood,” Madeline answered. “They always made it look fun. Junk food, witty banter,” she sighed wistfully, “longing stares between the partners that refuse to acknowledge the tension. Then, in the next scene, they jump one another in the backseat.” She laughed a bit, trying to ease some of her own fear now that they had a moment of rest with the men off the roof and well away from them.
“I can tell you that the witty banter dies pretty quickly, and it’s mostly silence with the occasional check-in and cussing at how bored you are,” Alex answered. “And your partner is usually just as grumpy and probably hasn’t showered in about a week. No one wants to jump anyone in that state.”
Madeline laughed before bending her knees to wrap her arms around them. “I suppose. I like the fake version better,” she confessed as they both heard glass shattering. It seemed that these people were just destroying things to destroy them. “Less dangerous.”
“And more kissing?” Alex asked with an eyebrow raised, and he saw a faint blush creep across her cheeks.
“That too,” she admitted with a sigh.
“Well, I can promise that these men are all flash and no bang. They are being loud to be intimidating because that’s all they have going for them. It’s the quiet ones you have to worry about. The ones you never hear coming,” he explained as a car alarm went off again. He was about to continue talking to convince her they would be safe, if a bit sore, when it registered.
The car alarm that was blaring was further away. It was coming from one of the cars he must have moved in his rearranging, not one of the ones closest to them. Alex had left those keys with those cars, carefully tucked inside the wheel well to avoid setting off the alarms. There was barely any gas left in them, but they could still be useful to someone else for the battery or shelter. Which meant there was only one reason the alarm was going off. Someone, or something, else was there.
Judging by the growling shrieks that echoed, they had attracted more than other survivors.  
“Shit,” he barely breathed as he twisted in his seat to peer over the wall. He could see them, a good dozen of them sprinting toward where the men were yelling again. They were drawn to sound and movement, so the men frantically picking up what they could to run had caught their eyes. And the car alarm still going off, one of them having probably bumped into it, would just keep drawing more and more of them. “We’re going to have to move,” Alex said as Madeline peered over the wall with him.
These stupid fucking men had ruined everything, Had destroyed any hope of shelter by kicking in, or shooting down, the doors of the condos. They had drawn the things by being so loud, and now they were just a beacon for anything else around. Madeline had seen the way these things worked firsthand too many times. They would just keep coming in droves, looking for prey in packs.
“The only way down is the fire escape,” Madeline answered as she shifted the backpack. “The men,” she started, but Alex shook his head.
“The men are less dangerous than these things. We make a run for a car; they’re doing the same thing at this point; they aren’t going to be as concerned with us; they’ll be worried about themselves,” Alex answered as he hefted one duffle on his shoulder, then grabbed the second backpack. If he was going to be using the M16, he needed to be a little freer to move.
Madeline dug into her pockets and pulled out the keys, fingers gripping them all in one hand before grabbing the second duffel and half-hauling it over a shoulder. It was heavy, the strap digging into her skin, but she gritted her teeth as she adjusted it. She was lopsided with weight but shifted and began jogging toward the fire escape.  
The shrieks were getting closer, and the panicked yells of the men below them added to the mix. After days of near silence, the noise was enough to make Madeline flinch as she ran with Alex toward the fire escape, hitting the unlock button on every fob she could. The chaos would hopefully keep the men below distracted from her actions as the mechanical clicks and flashing lights indicated that vehicles were being unlocked.
“Keep going,” Alex said with a nod as he came up hot on her heels, seeing her hesitate at the railing as she looked to him for instructions. “I’m right behind you,” he said as he gestured for her to get moving.
They made it down a level and a half before pained screams met their ears. The group of raiders hadn’t gotten away in time. Madeline focused on her breathing as she kept going and made it to the third floor when a few things burst through the breezeway, chasing a man who had broken away. Not a man. One of those teenagers who no longer had a weapon and was sprinting for his life. He wasn’t going to make it; the tall fences were going to block him in, and he seemed to realize it the second Madeline did.
“Get in a car!” Madeline screamed loud enough that it made her ears pop. “Get in one of the cars!”  
The kid hesitated, looked up, and made eye contact with Madeline, who was half-leaning over the railing as she pointed to the scattered vehicles. He seemed to understand after a second and ran for one, reaching for a door handle and yanking hard. It didn’t budge.
Alex groaned at Madeline but shifted his stance, raising his gun up to try and help the kid, taking aim at one of the things as he ran for another car. Madeline was fumbling with the keys to unlock them, double-hitting the buttons to get another car fully unlocked, when Alex took his shot. It caught the infected person in the shoulder; it didn’t do much but slow it down for a second as it twisted with the impact. Alex shot again and caught it in the neck, the bullet angling off to shatter a car window. They were too fast. He shifted his sights to be just a few inches ahead and took a third shot, and it hit home right in the temple.
“Oh fuck,” the kid yelled as the blood sprayed everywhere, and he yanked on a car door. He managed to get it flung open, but the rest of the party had arrived. There were too many. Alex sent a spray of bullets to try and take as many out as possible, but only a few shots made their mark.
Madeline watched it as if in slow motion as one of the things bodily climbed up over the car and tackled the teenager from above. The panicked scream made her gasp, and she twisted away from the sight as the boy yelled for help, his voice drowning out in gurgles as the thing clamped down on his neck and ripped at his jugular.
 “You have to go, Madeline,” Alex said as he came up beside her, eyes darting around at the mess in the parking lot below them. There were too many, and that damn car alarm was still going off, drawing more.
“Which car?” Madeline asked frantically as she looked up at Alex, who was looking at the parking lot.
“Any of them,” he answered. “Pick one and just drive,” he instructed.
“Fine,” Madeline answered as she looked down at the keys in her hand before glancing at the parking lot. “The red Ford then,” she stated as she held up the keys; he had said he had been partial to a Ford anyway. “I’ll open the back door for you so you can concentrate on keeping them back.”
“No. I want you to get in the car and go.” Alex stated as he flicked his eyes down to her. He saw the moment the words clicked in her head that he was telling her to go without him. The panic in her face was only emphasized more by the last bit of color draining from her face.
“What? No. I’m not going to leave you,” Madeline nearly squeaked as she reached for his arm as if afraid he was going to run from her now. “That’s not how this works.”
“There’s a huge farm about twenty miles straight north from here, off this main road,” he gestured toward the community's exit, ignoring her protests and how she opened her mouth to fight. “Stay on the state road where you can and find Mulberry. It’ll be right before you get to the next town on your left. Go down it for a while until you see the barn and other buildings. Don’t go into them or on the property; go to the service road behind them and wait there. Pull off the road into the woods a bit.” Alex kept his voice even, unhurried, as he relayed the instructions even though they were running out of time.
“No. I’m not going without you,” Madeline said firmly as she held him. She’d be damned if she left him here alone.
“I told you I tried to plan for everything; this is one of them,” Alex answered as he looked down at her. “I will cover you to get to the car, and you will get in and go.” His words were a firm command but not a cold one, just one that she knew there was no arguing with. “Both of us will not make it right now; there are too many. You know it, and I know it,” he paused, staring into her wide eyes to make sure she understood. He gently placed his hand over her own and squeezed once before prying her grip off him.
“Alex, I-” Madeline started, her heartbeat throbbing in her ears.
“I’ll follow you when I can. But you only wait for me until daybreak tomorrow. If I don’t find you by dawn, you need to keep moving. One group of raiders just means there are three more around. You can’t linger. You have to keep on the move,” he instructed, feeling a lump in his throat but forging on. “I have a map,” he dug into his back pocket and handed her a well-folded piece of paper. “It goes as far as the middle of Alabama, so you’ll have to get another. But I highlighted the route. Remember not to take-”
“Stop!” Madeline snapped as she shoved the hand he held out to her with the map. “I’m not going anywhere without you. I am not leaving you. Do you think I can get to Texas alone? You think I can live with leaving you here?” She felt a dizzying swoop in her stomach just thinking about what he was asking her to do. A few days ago, she was so upset with him that she told herself she would be fine if he just walked out the door, but the reality was she was terrified to be alone. To be without him. “I don’t like this plan. I don’t like any of this. Give me another plan of yours; you said you have multiple. Pick another one.” She was firm in her words, though she felt like she would be sick.
“You don’t have to like a plan for it to be the best plan,” Alex answered with a sad smile. “I’ve gotten you this far…you have to trust me.”
Madeline opened her mouth to keep arguing when something rattled the fire escape. The things were trying to climb up to them; it seemed their original quarry was either dead or turned, and they were the new focus. She felt Alex shove the map into her hands as he raised his gun and shot down right through the gaps in the metal floor, hitting the one in the lead right between the eyes.
“Go, Madeline,” Alex said as he avoided her gaze, staring down the sights of his gun to take aim at more of them. “Run right for the Ford. Don’t pause, and don’t look back; I’ve got you.”
“You better be there,” Madeline breathed as she shoved the map into the front of her sweater, needing to keep her hands free. “I need you to be there, Alex.”
“I’ll see you in a bit,” Alex answered, daring to look over at her one more to give her a soft smile and nod.
Madeline felt her body move while her heart still screamed at her to stay, to make it work so they could go together. But she knew Alex was right; he had been right about every move they had made so far. If she lingered, she could ruin his chance to escape, so she needed to trust that he knew what he was doing.
Before she knew it, she was jumping a few feet down between the bottom of the fire escape and the parking lot, careful to avoid the thing that was still oozing blood from what was left of its head. The asphalt was wet, and even over the growls and shrieks, she could hear the rubber of her sneakers squeak against the pavement as she sprinted. The things seemed to be right on her heels as she went, and she felt her bones rattle with every shot that Alex took, hands flying up to protect her head as one felt so dangerously close she was certain she felt the breeze of a bullet on her neck. But just as he promised, Alex kept her covered.
She made it to the car and ripped the door open, practically falling into the seat as she did. She threw the duffel into the passenger seat and balled her feet under her before slamming the door shut. One of the things rammed hard into the glass as if it was only a second behind her, and she screamed into the muffled silence of the car as its hands clawed at the glass, frantic to get to her. She stared at it for a second before shakily hitting the push start and throwing the shifter into drive as she pried the backpack off.  
Alex watched from his perch as Madeline wriggled around inside the SUV, peeling the backpack off her back before starting the engine. When he knew she was locked inside and uninjured, he raised his gun up from its firing position and rushed back up the metal steps to the top. The whole structure shook under him as the things writhed and fought one another to get to him first, snarling with rage and hunger.
The fire escape on the far side of the building was his only option at this point. It was the furthest from the getaway cars and closest to the beacon still blaring, drawing every infected within miles, but there was no other choice. The things were only a few paces behind, and Alex heard the telltale sound of a body falling onto the roof in its uncoordinated rush to get to its prey. He began running again, changing out his magazine as he went and tossing the empty one somewhere on the roof.
Alex had known his chances of escaping were slim when he told Madeline to leave him. But as he watched her speed out of the community, tires screeching and horn blaring to draw the infected away, Alex felt a sense of contentment with his choice. After so many failures on this mission, he succeeded in one of his promises: he kept her safe.
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Apology tour instead of having stolas taking most of the screen time just give him one minute only. Then we go with Blitzo meeting Rosie one of hell overlord, blitzo on his proving he can apologize even though he kinda sucks on it
Rosie : That's not how you apologize to someone
Blitzo : What do you know lady?
Rosie : When apologizing to someone you need to say it. While it's nice to bring a gift but you need to also prove you really sorry for what you've done
Rosie : Hey i lived in hell too that doesn't mean you get to be horrible. Being nice is not bad you know
Blitzo : Being nice isn't gonna get you anywhere
Rosie : There is truth to that but being nice you don't always get rewarded that part is suck i won't lie about that. There is other part people gonna like you, while you changed you hurting people those people have the right to be upset toward you and it's ok
Blitzo : Well i guess that the fucking truth. So here's the thing i run assassin service where sinner come up here asking to kill human. My business is fucked so i've barely have any money. So to get that money i have to sleep with one of the ars goetia stolas. I fuck good of course but man that asshole bird won't leave me alone. When i doing my work he calling me about how he want to fuck me, hell even when i bodyguard him for once he keep on saying all these thing when i don't even feel liked it to fuck. So one day for some weird reason i come to his place he talk about how he want to end up the deal so he gave me this asmodean crystal so i can get to earth. I yell at him how he treated me like a slave and he crying about how he actually thinking highly of me. It's my fault?
Rosie : Oh my dear no. From what you've told me he's a really piece of work. You are a jerk but not even jerk deserved something like that happen to them. If he truly thinking highly of you he treat you with respect does he ever do that?
Blitzo : No he just pretended to care he never ask me anything about my personal life
Rosie : It's clear he didn't see you outside being good in bed you know what fuck that guy. That man happiness is not your responsibility
Blitzo : I mean yeah sure but i still felt guilty he didn't have any friend or anyone cared about him
Rosie : Oh i understood it's not easy. However it's still wrong for him to do that you have your own life and he need to work on it. Not relaying on you for his happiness
Blitzo : So my dad being the asshole he is, he sold me to him so i can play with him. Mom wasn't very healthy so she have stay in bed. Barbie always listen to dad and fizz his always dad favorite. I barely make money in circus. So dad told me i can get money if i play with him so i did. Whenever i play with him he told me to steal all the stuff from stolas palace. When i reach my teenage years i stop playing him go back with the circus. I found out fizz was gonna be mammon clown, i'm happy for him. Then i also find out my dad wish fizz was his son, i get really upset then the accident happen. I dated verosika things didn't go very well, then with other demons. Striker was right the reason, these royalty didn't care about someone like imp or any hellborn who wasn't royalty. I didn't want him to kill stolas because i was afraid what happen to my business my employee my daughter
Rosie : What a tragedy. Hey i know we are stranger but whatever you done in the past That's on you and now we are in the present. So you make your choice in the present
Blitzo : Yeah thanks sorry i don't get your name
Rosie : Rosie
Blitzo : Rosie well hello my name is blitz the o is silent
Rosie : Ok blitz hey if you need any help or advice you can come to me. I know a royalty who is way better than him she's a princess you might like her
Blitzo: I'II keep that in mind once again thank you. It's really nice talking to you
Rosie : Your welcome sweetheart
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titishq · 7 months
first wilbur now george. what the fuck.
why do this large content creators genuinely think they can get away with this stuff? it’s so easy for them to do this too. with a fanbase of naive children and teenagers, willing to believe whatever they say, their minds open for any piece of information thrown their way by these men.
any bad thing they say can easily be slipped under the rug because it’s a ‘persona’. but the truth has come out, they aren’t personas. they aren’t acting. this is just how they are. they are no different off camera, their words hold the same meaning they do whether they are on a script or not, the messages their fingers type cannot be passed as a character anymore because it is all confirmed.
as someone who has been fans of these people for years it is safe to say i am hurt and i am worried. i’m worried for what will be said next, im worried another person will be outed as a horrible monster, im worried about how many people have been hurt by those many have come to love.
i am all for the victims of these people and i am so proud of them for being able to share their stories, i can only sit here and wonder how it must feel to be them. sitting on the sideline as your abuser/assaulter makes it big online, hundreds, thousands, if not millions of people praising them on the daily while you are stuck being silent because you can ruin someone whole career in the matter of mere seconds? it must be terrifying, and with the response some people receive; being called liars and attention seekers, i would be terrified too.
i’m so done with feeling lied to and betrayed by these people, even if i don’t know them personally, they were sources of comfort when i was at my lowest. i found comfort in their words, their voice, their face, only for that to be the face of a horrible person, someone who should rot in hell for the things they’ve done, someone who doesn’t deserve the platform they’ve earned, someone who’s wrongdoings was hidden behind a persona, a screen name, even a simple profile picture and some text.
as far as we know this isn’t the end of these stories. there are plenty of other people who can have allegations come out within this next week, month, or year. and those allegations can either be true or false, but will most likely be proven as true leading us to feel hurt and with more victims left in their paths.
content creators seem to follow a pattern, of putting on an act for the camera, only to not drop it once it stops rolling, leading to harm and hurt around them. and it’s horrible that we can’t yell sooner because we are manipulated into believing it is all an act thrown online to get clicks and views from people willing to sit their and consume the content.
that is the end of my rant, expect more in the future.
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