#HOh boy these took a while and admittedly longer than Id liiiike
sirens-gemberry · 6 years
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Some Holiday gifts for my holiday buds!!! These are people who've been there for me through a lot of shit already, even if I had only met them earlier this year.
Firstly, there's @starthirstvalleyasks with Sandra and Alex. First off, I? Cannot draw Alex for shit and It showed today, pfft. Secondly, I love drawing Sandra now she's such a pretty character to draw,,, even if I entirely forgot how outfits work. Anyway, youve been one of the people who originally encouraged me to make this blog, and I haven't regretted it since! You're amazing man, and happy Holidays!
@honey-beatrix is next, and holy shit Bea is fucking Adorable. The best clumsy and loud daughter. You've been there for me through when I was having lovestruck issues, up until things actually worked out. You actually listen and let me ramble- and in turn I do the same for you. You're such an open and caring person, honestly, and that's just? So amazing to me! Keep your head up, Freya, and here's to a new year!
@lifeinstardew You think you can escape with a coincidental photo right before the holidays? NOT THIS YEAR B O Y. Continuing on, you were the first one to introduce me to the game, which honestly significantly helped me through to recovering from my own issues that had been going on since late last year. This game healed me, and helped me accept myself and- hell, even learn more about myself. Even if my love for this game is obsessive, you never once really tried to dissuade me from it. Because of this, we've been making our save files particularly rich in lore, and became even closer as a result. I've known you for maybe 4-5 years, but I don't think I've known you as well as I have with these past few months. Cheers to the next year, man, whatever hellfire it brings.
And lastly!!! @harley-farms !!!! Sweetheart! You put up with so much of my bullshit even when I just randomly appeared to you one day, laughing about how short my gay ass tiny is. We talked, grown closer, and stronger together than I ever thought would've been possible. You're patient, and kind, and so, so strong. You accepted me, and us, for what we are. And that's one of the reasons I really do love you. Whatever the future brings, I do really hope it can be right by your side, no matter the circumstances or obstacles that may come. Happy holidays, my angel!~
And with that, we wrap up this year! Stay tuned for the next part of chapter 2 of When Push Comes to Shove.... and Happy Holidays, everyone. I hope you all have a safe, comfortable day tomorrow. ❤️💕 -P
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