#HPL and fashion
hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
Clark Ashton Smith (Jan. 13, 1893 - August 14, 1961) corresponded by letter with H. P. Lovecraft from 1922 until Lovecraft's death in 1937. In the letters which passed between the pair (they never met in person) there is a remarkable similarity in style and literary form. Certainly in Lovecraft's letters to Smith there was a tendency to reference fanciful ideas and a further development of his own fictional mythic backstory. Lovecraft never dared to lecture Smith, who was very close to his own age, on literary subjects. HPL took the attitude of 'teacher' and father figure to some of his younger correspondent friends like Long, Derleth, and Conover. Considering the sympatico elements of their fictional styles it is perhaps surprising that Smith and Lovecraft never created any tales together. Smith, however, was much more varied in his fictional creations than HPL. Many of Smith's stories were "interplanetary" whilst Lovecraft's nearly always centered on earthly events. Certainly there were alien beings from other planets or dimensions in Lovecraft's fiction, but in every case they had colonized our planet from other origins and the 'action' was always centered on Terra Firma. Lovecraft and Smith may have been hesitant to create a story together because the possibility of creating a row over any disagreement over particulars was always a potential. Most of the collaborations created by Lovecraft and others had been with the master essentially helping out younger writers. E. Hoffmann Price though close in age to HPL shared credit with Lovecraft in writing, THROUGH THE GATES OF THE SILVER KEY, but Lovecraft changed all but 50 words of Hoffmann's drafts and was never happy with the result even then. Collaboration was always a potential for stiffness and restriction for Lovecraft. Though it seemed that HPL respected Smith tremendously as an artist there were certainly glaring differences in the two men otherwise: Smith often explored erotic subjects in his tales and poetry, Lovecraft avoided discussions on sex whenever possible. In his letters to friends like August Derleth, Smith on the other hand was not hesitant to mention "making love" to his female dates. Smith had no problem enjoying a few glasses of wine either - Lovecraft claimed he had never touched alcohol of any kind in his whole life. Smith wore a moustache for most of his adult life. Lovecraft had a dislike of facial hair of any kind. Clark Ashton Smith had a tendency to wear clothing styles that Lovecraft would never have been seen dead in! Shirts with large lapels, barets, and somewhat ' progressive' jackets would never have been seen on the ultra- conservative Lovecraft. Lovecraft had a certain ability to overlook or forgive disagreeable elements in persons who otherwise showed creativity as poets or artists. Even in his day, artistic types displayed a tendency to be a bit eccentric in dress, speech, morality, or personal values. Lovecraft may have objected to certain persons in the abstract, but those who knew him personally nearly all claimed that he was a very loyal friend. (Exhibit 336)
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soniahdavis · 1 year
Did Sonia and her daughter become estranged soon after Florence met H. P. Lovecraft? I have read that the daughter did not care for HPL. Lovecraft referred to the young woman as "Sonia's flapper daughter". I hope that HPL didn't advise his wife on the Flapper influence in fashion either. The wide brimmed hats Sonia is usually shown wearing would soon fade from popularity. The close fitting hats of the 20s and 30s would overwhelm the old Victorian designs. I can justvsee the Lovecraft in his 30s making some off-hand antisemitic remarks in the daughter's presence. Why Sonia put up with HPL is a real question (she didn't for long!)
From what I've gathered in her autobiographical writings is that they were already butting heads before Lovecraft came into the picture. Florence seemed to have had a very fiery temper/attitude, which she likely took after her father, Samuel Greene. Florence was also likely influenced by the Flapper lifestyle, as you mentioned, while Sonia remained true to her Victorian ideals of womanhood. It could be possible he might've said something racist in front of Florence or perhaps chided her for wanting to pursue the ideals of a Flapper, who knows. I can definitely picture him giving her a "Grandpa Theobald" speech about the disgrace of Flapperdom.
From what I've read in her memoir of her marriage to Lovecraft, he never openly said something racist about her or her Jewish roots in front of her, but mainly about others, i.e., Samuel Loveman. In Lovecraft's eyes, she was cultured in the American ways to be above immigrant status. I think she genuinely tried to help him to see differently. She thought that perhaps if she could show the goodness in all people and their struggle, he would sympathize. Sadly, he was much too far gone in his views to be transformed in the years they were married.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“Against the World, Against Life
More so today than ever before, Lovecraft would have been a misfit and a recluse. Born in 1890, he already appeared to his contemporaries, in the years of his youth, to be an obsolete reactionary. It's not hard to imagine what he would have thought of our society today. Since his death, it has not ceased evolving in a direction which could only have led him to hate it more. Mechanization and modernization have ineluctably destroyed the lifestyle he was attached to with his every fiber (it is not as if he harbored any delusions about humanity's ability to influence events; as he wrote in a letter, "Everything in modern existence is a direct & absolute corollary of the discoveries of applied steam power & of large-scale applications of electrical energy"). The ideals of liberty and of democracy that he so abhorred have spread all over the planet. The man who declared: "What we detest is simply change itself" could only have bristled at the degree to which the idea of progress has come to be an indisputable and almost unconscious credo. The reach of liberal capitalism has extended over minds; in step and hand in hand with it are mercantilism, publicity, the absurd and sneering cult of economic efficiency, the exclusive and immoderate appetite for material riches. Worse still, liberalism has spread from the domain of economics to the domain of sexuality. Every sentimental fiction has been eradicated. Purity, chastity, fidelity, and decency are ridiculous stigmas. The value of a human being today is measured in terms of his economic efficiency and his erotic potential — that is to say, in terms of the two things that Lovecraft most despised.
Horror writers are reactionaries in general simply because they are particularly, one might even say professionally, aware of the existence of Evil. It is somewhat curious that among Lovecraft's numerous disciples, none has been struck by this simple fact: the evolution of the modern world has made Lovecraftian phobias ever more present, ever more alive.
True, this is a treacherous path that only leads to narrow straits. Not because of censorship or litigation. Horror writers probably feel that marked hostility toward any form of freedom in the end breeds hostility to life itself. Lovecraft felt the same way, but he did not stop halfway; he was an extremist. That the world was evil, intrinsically evil, evil by its very essence, was a conclusion he had no trouble reaching, and this was also the most profound meaning of his admiration for Puritans. What amazed him about them was that they "hated life and scorned the platitude that it is worth living." We shall traverse this vale of tears that separates birth from death, but we must remain pure. HPL in no way shared the hopes of Puritans; but he shared their refusal. He explained his point of view in a letter to Belknap Long (written, moreover, only a few days before his marriage):
"And as for Puritan inhibitions—I admire them more every day. They are attempts to make of life a work of art—to fashion a pattern of beauty in the hog-wallow that is animal existence— and they spring out of that divine hatred of life which marks the deepest and most sensitive soul."
Toward the end of his days, he did come to, at times, express poignant regrets in the face of the solitude and perceived failure of his existence. But his regrets remained, if one might express them thus, theoretical. He remembered the periods in his life (the end of adolescence, the brief and decisive interval of marriage) where his path might clearly have bifurcated toward what is called happiness. But he understood that he was probably incapable of behaving any other way. And in the end, like Schopenhauer, he concluded that he hadn't fared too badly.
He faced death with courage. Struck by intestinal cancer that spread to his entire upper body, he was transported on March 10, 1937, to the Jane Brown Memorial Hospital. He was an exemplary patient, polite, affable, whose stoicism and courtesy impressed all the nurses, in spite of his very intense physical suffering (thankfully attenuated by morphine). He underwent the pangs of death with resignation and perhaps with a certain secret satisfaction. This life that was leaving behind its carnal envelope was his old enemy; he had denigrated it, fought it, he would not utter a single word of regret. And he passed away, without further incident, on March 15, 1937.
As biographers have said, "Lovecraft died, his work was born." And indeed, we have just begun to put him in his true place, equal or superior to that of Edgar Poe—in any event, resolutely unique. In the face of the repeated failure of his literary creations, he at times felt the sacrifice of his life had actually been in vain. Today we can pronounce a different judgment; we can, for he has been our essential guide, taking us on initiatory journeys to different universes that lie somewhere well beyond the limits of human experience, but that provoke in us a precise and terrible emotional impact.
This man, who did not succeed at life, did indeed succeed at writing. It was hard for him. It took him years. New York helped him. He who was so gentle, so courteous, discovered hatred there. Returning to Providence, he composed the magnificent tales that vibrate like incantations, that are as precise as a dissection. The dramatic structure of the "great texts" is impressively complex; the narrative procedures are precise, new and bold. Perhaps all this would not suffice were it not that at the center of the ensemble, one feels the power of a consuming interior force.
Every great passion, be it love or hate, will in the end generate an authentic work. One may deplore it, but one must recognize it: Lovecraft was more on the side of hate; of hate and fear. The universe, which intellectually he perceived as being indifferent, became hostile aesthetically. His own existence, which might have been nothing but the sum of banal disappointments, turned into a surgical operation, and an inverted celebration.
The work of his mature years remains faithful to the physical prostration of his youth, transfiguring it. This is the profound secret of Lovecraft's genius, and the pure source of his poetry: he succeeded in transforming his aversion for life into an effective hostility.
To offer an alternative to life in all its forms constitutes a permanent opposition, a permanent recourse to life—this is the poet's highest mission on this earth. Howard Phillips Lovecraft fulfilled this mission.” - Michel Houellebecq, ‘H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life’ (1991) [p. 135 - 140]
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wyrmfedgrave · 7 months
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Pics: On "Gaudeamus."
1. Frontpiece to a collection of Anacreon's surviving works.
2. Masterful sculpture of Anacreon 'capturing' his Muse.
3. Map of ancient Thrace, birthplace of Spartacus - a man who couldn't & wouldn't remain a slave.
Even if the only freedom he could find was in death...
4. Thracian national folk costume. The women still perform old styled Greek dances.
5 & 6. Small, colorful Thracian street scenes still dot the local landscape.
7 thru 10. The ruins of Teos, Turkey - with the top of its lion gate, doorway, palace(?) & amphitheater.
1914: "Gaudeamus" Notes -
1. That short story is "Winged Death", which Lovecraft ghost wrote for Hazel Heald.
The "soul stealing" that I mentioned was described as a "change in (the narrator's) personality."
But, come on.
His whole mind was 'magically'(?) transferred into an insect! That would include his so-called soul...
2. I'm of the opinion that none of HPL's narrators can be trusted - at all!
Whatever they've discovered has rendered them insane - & suicidal!!
Every account that they happen to leave behind, were usually written - after - they became mad.
So, in every encounter, the 'alien monster' remains in a mysterious & misunderstood state...
3. The Deep Ones are underwater creatures 1st named in Howard's novella "Shadow Over Innsmouth."
Think of mermen that look like the Creature of the Black Lagoon!
But, this species were "awesomely hinted at" in Lovecraft's earlier short story "Dagon."
I wonder how these mermen are seen in their own culture. Are they sexual deviants or is it a racial conquest pattern or a holy quest or some kind of survival trait?
Also, they must be closely related to humans to be able to successfully mate with us.
But, we still don't know the specifics that allow this to happen...
4. This story is the great "Under the Pyramids." The novella was sold to readers as a 'real life' adventure that Houdini "actually lived thru."
But, other sources claim Howard had already penned the story & that Houdini was interested in being the tale's protagonist.
At that moment, 2 great minds did think alike...
5. Harry Houdini is the still fondly remembered Stage Magician, Public Escapist & Fake Spiritualist Buster!
(That last remark makes it seem like "real" spiritualists are out there some- where. Sorry, I 'see' that they're not.)
Houdini was planning for a sequel to "Under the Pyramids" - just before he died.
A Canadian fan asked Houdini if he could actually take a hit to his gut & remain unphased!
Harry said yes & the guy sucker punched him unexpectedly!
Since Houdini had not had time to prepare his muscles, the blow ruptured his appendix!!
Nine days later, Houdini died.
In typical fashion, for him, Houdini vowed to contact the living - if he found it at all possible!
Since then, on the day of his death, some family & fans have waited for him to 'escape' death itself...
6. Gaudeamus is Latin for "let us (enjoy)." This was sometimes spoken as an invitation to eat - before rich Romans gorged & vomited their usual meals.
7. HPL's main revisions for Zealia are: "The Curse of Yig", "The Mound" & "Medusa's Coil."
But, it's thought that Lovecraft re- wrote other works for her. Even though she specialized in romantic stories...
I don't yet know why she suddenly wanted to try the weird fiction market at this time.
To be followed up much later...
8. A tankard of warm British ale?
Tankards are drinking cups with 1 handle. They are usually made of silver, pewter - even hardened leather!
In earlier centuries, most pewter cups contained lead - which led to drinkers suffering heavy metal poisoning &/or gout!!
Strangely enough, the acids in hard cider speeded up these poisonous effects!
As for traditional British ale, it's known as top fermented cast (or real) ale.
This means that it finishes maturing in a pub's cellar & is only served with natural carbonation.
9. Though this line has to do with time's illusory 'passing', I can't help but think there's some hint of Howard's "Decline of the West" fixation in it.
10. Anacreon was an ancient Greek lyric poet best known for his drinking songs & erotica!
Lyric poets of that time, usually composed joyous religious hymns.
Though born in Teos, Asia Minor (in today's Turkey) he moved to Thrace, an area in northeast Greece.
Sadly, only fragments of his works have survived to this day...
11. "God split me!", translates as "God strike me down (if I am lying)!"
But, it also has an element of defiance to it...
12. Red nose (aka "rum blossom" & "whiskey nose") is actually not directly caused by alcohol!!
Rather, such facial redness is actually more related to rosacea, which affects the blood vessels in one's face.
A red nose can also be caused by sudden flushing, lupus, inflammation, allergies, etc...
13. "White as a lily" here, references a corpse's color - due to blood loss.
But, it's usually used to mean "pure, perfect, uncorrupted or blameless, innocent."
Not so of the Lily-White Movement in 1888, where Republikkkans tried to oust African-Americans from leader- ship positions in the Texas Republican Party - by inciting riots!!
So, Republikkkans have always been acting like this...
Lily White is now used sarcastically for white people as a whole. Like white bread or paleface...
14. HPL's always felt that he had been born too late. He preferred the 1700s, thinking of it as England's "Golden Age."
Perukes (wigs) have been part of the professional, high status jobs of judges & lawyers since the 1600s.
They are also worn in Parliament, as a sign of authority.
15. Chaff usually means "the cast off husks of grains seeds."
But, it's also British slang for "teasing" or "good natured banter."
There's a Biblical chaff, in Matthew 3:12, which describes "those who enjoy the sacraments, but are not solid..."
Guessing here, "Folk who go to church but, don't act in a Christian manner?"
16. Quaff, "to drink (an alcoholic drink) in a hearty manner."
Has some great synonyms: attack, lap, force down, drain, carouse, sink, kill, slug, knock back, take a drop, wet one's whistle, crack a bottle, murder, bit, sot, etc...
Most of which describe drinking too much - or, not enough!
17. A teetotaler is someone who never enjoys any alcoholic drinks.
In the 1920s, a tolerance movement of teetotalers (made up of Protestants, Progressives & women) actually made liquor illegal!
But, this led straight into the violence of the Prohibition & the quick growth of the Mob...
(Oops, the curse of unintended consequences strikes again!)
Today, overdrinking is treated as an addictive medical problem.
18. Usually "any diabolically evil & cruel devil, demon, person, etc..."
But, here it means Satan, the ultimate Christian Boogeyman!
19. Your lips & face turn blue - if your blood has little oxygen in it.
This is caused by poor circulation or, worse, if one is unable to breathe.
It warns you that someone's choking or has drowned...
Also, cold temps can narrow one's blood vessels. But, a gentle massage of the affected area, make it return to a normal blood flow.
Weird Bit: Why does it make me think about blue-skinned Indian Gods & those Thuggee highwaymen who strangled their victims to death...
(The blue color personifies the depth & vastness of sky & sea for Hindus...)
20. Summon? A chair?
Is this some drunken royal command?
Or, worse, the magical summoning up of possessed or demonic furniture?
Pleasant dreams, eh?
(Yeah, it's now sharing your bed...)
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tanuadhikarita · 2 months
Transforming Modern Spaces: The Role of Toilet Cubicle Manufacturers in Enhancing Public Restroom Design
In nowadays’s fast-paced international, the design and functionality of public toilet cubicle manufacturers play a crucial position in defining the general enjoy of any business or public area. From shopping shops to airports, from office homes to educational institutions, the want for clean, green, and aesthetically eye-catching restrooms is greater massive than ever. At the coronary heart of this alteration are the toilet cubicle manufacturers, who combo innovation, sturdiness, and style to satisfy the various wishes of cutting-edge facilities.
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The Evolution of Toilet Cubicle Design
Gone are the times while public restrooms were merely useful areas. Today's clients call for more – they are seeking for hygiene, privateness, and a touch of class. Toilet cubicle manufacturers have responded to this shift by way of revolutionizing restroom layout thru using advanced substances, modern-day generation, and consumer-centric methods.
Material Innovation: Traditional materials like timber and steel were replaced via excessive-stress laminates (HPL), compact laminates, and solid-grade laminates. These materials aren't handiest long lasting and immune to moisture however also provide a wide range of colors and finishes to match any indoors layout theme.
Hygiene and Maintenance: With the increasing attention of hygiene, producers have advanced substances with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal residences. Easy-to-easy surfaces and seamless joints make certain that restrooms stay sanitary with minimum upkeep.
Privacy and Comfort: Modern lavatory booths are designed to offer most privacy. Features like full-height doorways, sound-soaking up panels, and hole-free installations create a snug and discreet surroundings for users.
Customization and Flexibility
Toilet cubicle producers recognize that every space has unique necessities. As a result, they offer customization alternatives that cater to particular needs. Whether it is a high-visitors vicinity that requires strong booths or a luxurious inn that needs top class finishes, producers provide tailored answers that align with the patron’s vision.
Design Flexibility: From minimalist designs to formidable, declaration portions, bathroom cubicles may be customized to reflect the emblem identification or aesthetic choices of the power. Digital printing technology allows for the incorporation of styles, trademarks, or even art work on the cubicle surfaces.
Versatile Configurations: Manufacturers provide a number of configurations, along with fashionable cubicles, disabled get admission to units, and family-pleasant options. This flexibility ensures that the restrooms are inclusive and cater to the numerous wishes of all users.
Sustainable Solutions: In response to the growing call for for eco-friendly merchandise, many producers at the moment are specializing in sustainable substances and production approaches. Recycled and recyclable materials, low-emission adhesives, and energy-green manufacturing techniques make contributions to greener constructing practices.
Enhancing User Experience
The position of rest room cubicle producers extends beyond simply imparting bodily structures. They are crucial to enhancing the general user revel in via ensuring that the restrooms are useful, secure, and great to use.
Accessibility Features: Ensuring that restrooms are available to everyone is a concern for current cubicle producers. Features like clutch rails, handy layouts, and braille signage help create an inclusive surroundings for users with disabilities.
Smart Technology Integration: The integration of smart technology is becoming an increasing number of not unusual in restroom layout. Features like occupancy sensors, automated door structures, and touchless furnishings reduce the want for physical touch, enhancing hygiene and comfort.
Aesthetic Appeal: A well-designed restroom can notably enhance the perceived price of a area. By incorporating fantastic materials, cutting-edge fixtures, and considerate design factors, manufacturers create restrooms that depart a lasting nice affect on users.
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durian12 · 1 year
Overlays Uncovered: A Profound Plunge into Types, Uses, and Plan Prospects
In the domain of current inside plans and engineering, overlays have arisen as a flexible and key material. These designed composite sheets, created by intertwining numerous layers of materials together, offer a mix of style, usefulness, and strength that has caught the creative mind of fashioners and mortgage holders the same. From private spaces to business settings, overlays have tracked down their direction into a variety of utilizations, exhibiting a great scope of types, uses, and plan prospects.
Types of Laminates:
Overlays arrive in different sorts, each having particular attributes that take care of assorted needs and inclinations. High-Strain Overlay (HPL) is maybe the most notable sort, portrayed by its extraordinary sturdiness and protection from effect, intensity, and scratches. This pursues it a famous decision for kitchen ledges, tabletops, and high-traffic business spaces.
Low-Tension Overlay (LPL), then again, offers a practical answer for surfaces where outrageous toughness isn't the essential concern. It is normally utilized for bureau insides, furniture surfaces, and enriching components because of its moderateness and flexibility.
Advanced Covers have pushed the limits of configuration by permitting complex examples, pictures, and surfaces to be imprinted onto the overlay surface. This sort of cover has upset inside stylistic layout, empowering originators to accomplish a large number of special visualizations without forfeiting the material's reasonableness.
Uses of Laminates:
The uses of overlays are practically boundless, traversing across private, business, and modern areas. In private spaces, overlays find their place in kitchen and restroom insides, offering water and dampness obstruction that regular materials battle to coordinate. They give a chance to mirror the presence of rich materials like marble, rock, and wood while keeping up with simple support and cost viability.
In business settings, overlays have become imperative for their capacity to endure weighty pedestrian activity and continuous use. From eatery tables to inn front counters, covers offer a strong and adaptable arrangement that keeps up with its style over the long run. Office spaces likewise benefit from the flexibility of covers, which can be utilized for everything from workstations to wall framing.
Modern utilizations of covers remember their utilization for lab workbenches, instructive foundations, and medical services offices, where cleanliness, sturdiness, and protection from compound openness are fundamental necessities. Overlays' capacity to satisfy these needs while considering imaginative plan decisions has cemented their place in these specific conditions.
Dessign Possibility:  
One of the most interesting parts of overlays is their capacity to overcome any barribetweenong style and common sense, offering fashioners a material of vast conceivable outcomes. The progression of computerized printing innovation has impelled covers into the domain of imaginative articulation, empowering planners to make interesting surfaces that recount stories, inspire feelings, and change spaces.
Woodgrain covers give an incredible illustration of how plan prospects are extended. With a scope of wood animal groups steadfastly reproduced, fashioners can accomplish the warm, natural look of wood while profiting from the strength and low upkeep of overlay. This considers the consolidation of wood feel in conditions where genuine wood may be unreasonable, for example, damp restrooms or occupied office spaces.
Past mirroring normal materials, covers likewise embrace theoretical plans and examples. Mathematical shapes, striking tones, and complicated surfaces can be generally accomplished through the flexibility of overlays. This empowers creators to explore different avenues regarding unpredictable plan ideas that push the limits the of conventional inside stylist layouts.
In business spaces, covers offer marking open doors through custom printing. Logos, organization tones, and topical symbolism can be flawlessly coordinated into surfaces, establishing a firm and vivid climate that resounds with guests and workers the same.
All in all, overlays have arisen as a dynamic and fundamental part of the realm of inside plan and engineering. Their different sorts take care of different necessities, from sturdiness centered applications to imaginatively determined plan tries. The broad purposes of overlays range across private, business, and modern areas, giving arrangements that equilibrium structure and capability. Generally enrapturing, maybe, is the wide exhibit of plan prospects covers open. From repeating normal materials to investigating conceptual ideas, covers offer fashioners a domain of creative mind to change spaces into show-stoppers. As innovation keeps on developing, it's sure that overlays will stay at the front of creative plan, adjusting to recent fads and pushing the limits of what's feasible in inside feel.
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formicaindia8 · 1 year
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Why are luxurious laminates the way to move to your areas?
In case you’ve been thinking about upgrading your property with luxury laminates however aren’t sure which one to head for, maintain analyzing! Luxurious laminates, often called excessive-stress laminates or hpls, are a kind of surfacing substances that has grown in reputation lately because of their international designs, versatility, and aesthetic attraction. We will cowl the entirety there is to understand approximately luxurious laminates in this piece, such as their characteristics, manufacturing process, and diverse uses. The flexibility of luxurious laminates is one among its most important advantages. They can be used in a huge variety of design patterns and programs due to the fact they arrive in a huge number of colors, styles, and textures. There's a luxury laminate product which could fit your possibilities, whether you want a high-gloss, replicate-like floor or a extra herbal, textured appearance. Also, hpls are significantly greater immune to scratches, stains, and put on and tear than surfacing substances, inclusive of proper stone or hardwood. They may be perfect for use in wet places like bathrooms and kitchens because they're additionally moisture-resistant. Luxurious laminates also can tolerate exposure to hot pans and other warmness resources with out struggling any damage due to their first rate heat resistance. Pricey laminates are very easy to keep; all this is wished is a basic cleaning with water and a slight detergent. Due to their ease of maintenance and durability, they're a nicely-liked option for excessive-traffic locations like commercial homes, hospitals, and colleges. There are numerous reasons why luxurious laminates are favored over other types of surfacing substances. Luxury laminates are a appropriate alternative for purchasers and groups due to the fact they are regularly simpler to attain and deploy than herbal stone, oak, and different substances. Luxury laminates also are environmentally friendly. They are synthetic with environmentally pleasant substances like paper and resin, producing very little waste. Also, numerous hpl items are made to be recyclable, which in addition lessens their effect at the surroundings. Luxury laminates are a type of material that can be utilized in a selection of programs due to the fact that they're both durable and very adaptable. Move no further than luxurious laminate merchandise in case you want to add something special to your home or office. There are many laminate options available for your home, however if you need some thing so that it will endure and provide beauty and fashion, formica laminate is unquestionably the way to head. Formica laminates are a super alternative for humans looking for environmentally friendly wall alternatives because they no longer simplest appearance wonderful however also offer a few top notch environmental advantages. So why are you still waiting? Strive formica laminate right now!
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cthulhu-jewellery · 4 years
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New hand crafted tentacled necklaces availabe to purchase now from - http://www.cthulhujewellery.com
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hplovecraftmuseum · 9 months
We might want to consider the idea that Lovecraft often included characters, concepts, and situations, that were utterly oposite to his personal life and sensitivities. In the tale, COOL AIR, the character Dr Munoz is a smallish, bearded, foreign- born (Spanish) physician living in a run- down neighborhood of NYC. As the story goes, Munoz has a deathly fear of warmth and relies on an old-fashioned gasoline powered air conditioner for his very survival. H. P. Lovecraft on the other hand was extremely sensitive to cold. Any temperature below 40 degrees was uncomfortable for him and below that was downright life-threatening! In, THE THING ON THE DOORSTEP, a story that I believe was a dimly veiled commentary by HPL on his own marriage, Edward Derby is 7-8 years older than his wife. This wife who is described as dark and smallish, is actually a sort of demonic priestess. Even more disturbing is the probability that this woman has been possessed by the 'soul' and mind of a man! In this case her warlock father has taken possession of her body. Now, it may be countered that if Sonia Greene Lovecraft was being represented by the demon-wife of THE THING ON THE DOORSTEP, there were some outwardly problematic differences between the two. 1. Sonia Greene was actually 7 years older than HPL. 2. At either 5'7" or 5'8" ( both had been cited on official documents) and 175 Lbs, Sonia Haft Greene Lovecraft was anything but "smallish'. The one time Mrs. Lovecraft was a talented and gregarious sales- person and that was a type diametrically opposed to her reserved and anti- commercial hubby. Well, Lovecraft considered himself an 'old man' since he was about 14! As to Asenath Waite - the fictional wife of Derby - being smallish rather than "Junoesque" as Sonia had been characterized by more than one person who met her, well, Asenath was possessed by a MAN. The characterization of Dr. Munoz below is a photo of your curator. The "Fish wife" drawing in ink was the work of Richard Corben and appeared in the early 70s publication, H. P. L. (Exhibit 450)
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teter duco poles thinner paint coating , dekoratif, sending, cat wash, pintu harmonika, pintu harminika.
Pengecatan segala jenis plafon dan kayu furnitur yang meliputi deko, air brush maupun HPL.​
Pengecatan segala jenis media besi.
Segala jenis pengecatan dekorasi, meliputi mural, cat wash dan lain-lain.
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delcisco · 3 years
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“Of meats, I fancy I rather prefer beef for all-around consumption, but like most others pretty well. Fond of sausage—especially the old fashioned baked or fried sort. Like fowl—but white meat only. Can’t bear dark meat. My really favourite meal is the regular old New England turkey dinner, with highly seasoned dressing, cranberry sauce, onions, etc., and mince pie for dessert.”
-HPL in a letter to Robert E Howard, November 7, 1932
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1970s #whatthelibrarianwore #submission via instagram: hamiltonlibrary & hamiltonspectator
Images courtesy of Hamilton Public Library, Local History & Archives
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wyrmfedgrave · 5 months
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Pics: Collections & a "can do" HPL!!
It's thought that all of Lovecraft's heroes are learned wimps who go mad at the drop of some debased ichor!
This is not true.
Howard had a select few heroes who got things done.
Violently - & smartly...
I mean, ramming your ship up into Cthulhu's belly - & making it explode (!!) - has got to be up there with our modern heroes's body counts...
If events had run differently, HPL could have ended up an action writer!! Somewhere along the lines of Robert E. Howard, creator of Conan...
With his Anglo-centric fixture, could Lovecraft have rewritten Robin Hood or set down the hellish adventures of Olde Camelot!!
(Like Kirby's Demon origin story?)
Hey, we can dream - right?
1914: Commentary on "Teuton's Battle-Song."
Intro: "Battle-Song" is Howard's poem on the glories of war - as seen by the descendants of Anglo-Saxon blood.
Christianity is but an alien influence "worn lightly" by English-Americans.
Whose ancient prowess was so badly needed for the sake of the U.K. - as it was affected by WW1.
Comments: This piece of HPL's war propaganda is an expression of his persistent racist views.
Lovecraft hated that Aryan nations were fighting each other, rather than the real danger - the racially inferior enemies of civilization itself.
Howard harks back to pre-Christian paganism, evoking a philosophy of violence & bloodshed.
But, it's merely a work of fascist rhetoric. One making use of Nordic culture & white supremacist 'dreams.'
This survives today, as some modern Neo-Pagans hold explicit racist beliefs - to the dismay of the more peaceful worshippers.
These Nazi ideals also filter thruout the works of Black Metal, NeoFolk & Martial Industrial music.
For example: Boyd Rice's (of NON) anthem "Total War" has the same central point as HPL's "Battle-Song."
Both see Christ as being for wimps & that soldiers need to be merciless during war...
These same ideas were also present in Germany - since the 1800s onwards. And, reached their peaks before both World Wars.
Lovecraft, sadly, believed in the whole notion of Aryan/Nordic/Teutonic superiority.
But, with his "Battle-Song," Howard seemed to be coming up with an Anglo version of Germany's national- ism.
Though HPL claimed to strongly dis- like romanticism, he did use it for propaganda purposes.
Lovecraft himself states that he wrote "Teuton's Battle-Song" as a rebuke for U.S. pacifism.
Indeed, Howard's sabre-rattling would continue thruout WW1.
And it started long before the sinking of the Lusitania stirred up American resentment against Germany.
"Arthur" (fake-geek-boy) judges that HPL's work is - at this time - notably better than his poems.
Yet, Lovecraft wouldn't abandon his old-fashioned & heavyhanded style - until he finally switched back to writing fiction again.
Strangely enough, Howard was aware of his poetic limits.
But, thought his ability to evoke poetic imagery & emotion was so bad, that he had to maintain a strict metrical form.
HPL actually considered it more important to be formally correct - than creatively interesting - ouch!!
But, he would finally find his inner poetic muse - much later in his life.
Never give up, never surrender...
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tbonechessor · 3 years
No worries. IMO OP is being very aggressive about their approach on this. A lot of people misunderstood just like you did and I don't think it was being pointed out in bad faith. Insulting people's reading comprehension and grammar abilities is ableist and racist. Clarifying what they meant would have been a more civil approach. And this is coming from someone who is not defending neither jk or hp. They are both shitty. Anyway sorry for the rant
Yeah looking at some of those tags... nobody is really saying she's WRONG or defending HPL? Not only that but most of the tags contain some kind of agreement with her statement so...?
idk why she is getting defensive and insulting people's reading comp when it seems like she is the one who has vastly misinterpreted what people are actually saying on her post?
I don't really expect her to make any kind of observation or retraction about this tho. Being outraged, digging your heels in and defending your own point long after it's deflated is kind of the fashion of Tumblr and the internet in general.
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negociosegxs863 · 4 years
30 negocios rentables que tienen éxito en los novedosos destinos empresariales
Los códigos QR
Aunque no es, ni de lejos, una tecnología emergente , la novedosa normalidad y la economía de bajo contacto que aparece con la crisis de la Covid-19 ha convertido los códigos QR en algo imprescindible para esos negocios que tienen más rotación de usuarios , como sucede con los sitios de comidas y los hoteles. El aumento de la demanda ha propiciado además un incremento de empresas que ofrecen este servicio B2B que van desde el más elemental, como es llevar a cabo un pdf de tu carta y crear el código, hasta otros más complejos. A este segundo supuesto pertenece la solución de Let’s order con la que, aparte de digitalizar la carta traducida a distintas lenguajes , facilita a los clientes que están en el lugar realizar un pedido, pedir la cuenta y realizar los pagos desde su smartphone. Todo ello sin necesidad de descargarse una aplicación.
Control del aforo a tiempo real
Cambiar el aforo de personas en un espacio conforme a la licencia concedida siempre ha sido una obligación. Por otro lado , la Covid-19 ha acentuado la supervisión en este sentido al objeto de evadir la propagación del virus y, en caso de producirse , mejorar la trazabilidad. Resoluciones tecnológicas en esta línea han surgido muchas como la de Findyt que permite a los dueños de establecimientos gestionar las reservas y tener controlado el aforo en todo momento , además de evitar la espera a los usuarios.
Más mascarillas
Vale que las hay ya de todos y cada uno de los colores y de todas las clases y también ideologías, pero se puede continuar buscando otra vuelta de tuerca. Así lo hicieron con la mascarilla bautizada como LEAF, que es una mascarilla reutilizable y transparente que facilita a tu interlocutor ver tu cara y al usuario respirar sin esfuerzo. Según su cibersitio “es la primera en el planeta de su tipo con transparencia que protege del polvo, de la contaminación, de microbios y de todo aquello que no se debería respirar,”. Está mejorada , de forma opcional, con auto -desinfección UV y ventilación activa. Pero hay más. Emprendedores nipones publicaron una mascarilla capaz con la capacidad de traducir a 8 idiomas.
Nuevos materiales
La Covid puso de relieve que hay materiales más resistentes al virus que otros. Aquellos en los que se supone que el virus permanece vivo menos tiempo han empezado a ponerse popular , aunque no en todos los casos sean nuevos. Es el caso del cobre, un metal al que se le atribuyen características contra los microbios, o bien el aluminio. También a los Laminados (HPL) se le asignan propiedades antibacterias.
El Uber de la arquitectura
BIM (Building Information Modeling) es una metodología que facilita hacer simulaciones digitales de diseño en 3D , manejando de forma coordinada toda la información que conlleva un emprendimiento de arquitectura. En esta novedosa metodología buscar hacerse un hueco la joven compañía española Stoor, un marketplace de arquitectura digital que se compara con el Uber de la arquitectura. Se trata de una plataforma de compraventa de proyectos arquitectónicos para arquitectos y constructores concebido por Aitor Arteta y que cuenta con el acompañamiento de otro emprendedor en serie, Taig Mac Carthy. El procedimiento es el próximo : los arquitectos que desean poner en el mercado sus proyectos -o bien revender esos que han sido ahora usados por otros- tienen en Stoor un escaparate en el que exhibirlos. Y los promotores y/o constructores encuentran en la interfaz un lugar donde elegir aquellos que se amolden a eso que se necesita. La metodología BIM provoca que los proyectos arquitectónicos sean reutilizables porque el 80% de un proyecto está ya hecho o existe alguna solución similar , afirman.
Adiós al plástico de usar y tirar
Entre tanto plástico, papel y en este momento máscaras , parece llegada la hora de buscar alternativas que mitiguen la generación de tanta basura y buscar soluciones prácticas que nos ayuden a proteger el medio ambiente a la vez que nos protegemos de la pandemia. En esta filosofía, la marca creativa es I am Other, fundada por el popular cantante Pharrell Williams, en colaboración con el estudio de diseño Pentatonic, ha lanzado al mercado unos cubiertos que, aparte de reducir el peligro de contagio, persiguen acabar con el plástico de un solo uso fomentando el consumo sostenible. El producto se llama Pebble, un kit que tiene dentro tenedor, cuchara, pajita y un conjunto de palillos, que se pueden doblar y almacenar en una pequeña caja de diseño para un nuevo uso posterior. Los cubiertos están hechos con material reciclado. Cada elementos se compone de dos partes primordiales. Está, por una parte , el mango, hecho a partir de restos reciclados de embalajes de comida y el el otro radical producido en acero anodizado de titanio. En cuanto al estuche para guardar los cubiertos está fabricado con CDs reciclados.
Drones guiados por IA
El uso de drones se ha normalizado en los últimos años. De hecho , se han convertido en herramientas del enorme herramienta en tareas como la captura de planos aéreos en el cine y los reportajes , o bien la inspección visual de grandes construcciones. Arshia Gratiot, fundadora y CEO de Third Space Auto , compañía que lidera el campo de los drones autónomos, habla del futuro de los drones basados en inteligencia artificial y los provecho y potenciales ocasiones que pueden sugerir a la sociedad.
Transparencia sanitaria en el restaurante
La compañía iFlares, colaboradora de la Asociación Empresarial de Marcas de Restauración, ha publicado una aplicación de Transparencia Sanitaria en un esfuerzo por controlar la pandemia en un entorno de alto riesgo de contagio: los restaurantes. A través de sistema de transparencia sanitaria (STS), la aplicación de iFlares facilita a los comensales ver los controles de higiene llevados a cabo por los restaurantes a fin de que puedan comer seguros. La aplicación facilita , aparte ,que cualquier comensal estudio la presencia de un error o bien un fallo en cuanto a la contención sanitaria del restaurante. Mediante nuestra aplicación, la incidencia es rápidamente trasladada al restaurante para que ponga solución al inconveniente a la más grande brevedad.
Compraventa de ganado en línea
De esto va el emprendimiento VayaVaca, una plataforma B2B para la compraventa de ganado en línea que nace de la iniciativa de Seresco, compañía experta en el desarrollo de resoluciones de software. empresas Este emprendimiento tiene la meta de asistir y también impulsar al área ganadero, tras detectar sus necesidades “en aquello que llamamos la España vaciada, no podían gozar de las ventajas de la digitalización y se tenían que limitar a las herramientas de venta tradicionales ”, declaraba en otro medio Rubén Pérez Sobrino, del área de asesoría de Seresco. Con VayaVaca todos y cada uno de los ganaderos tienen la posibilidad de acceder a un mercado considerablemente más amplio , sin límites geográficos. Actualmente , 858 ganaderos ahora adquieren y venden en la interfaz.
Casas postcovid
Que el Covid estableció un antes y un después en nuestra relación con los hogares, está claro. Las largas estancias en casa y verlas transformadas también en espacio de trabajo, nos hicieron conscientes de la importancia de tener un hogar más saludable e iluminado. En esta novedosa incomodidad , la marca IKEA, a través de su laboratorio de innovación y diseño, SPACE10, ha publicado una plataforma que ayuda a los consumidores a adaptar su hogar a la pandemia. Hablamos de diseños de viviendas postcovid que te asisten a visualizar previamente debido al empleo de unas gafas de realidad virtual.
Slow Fashion
Si hasta recientemente la práctica era actualizar el armario todos los años de conformidad con las tendencias de temporada, la tendencia ahora es impulsar una industria textil pero sostenible y mucho menos contaminante, más ahora que vivimos las consecuencias de una pandemia. Soluciones empresariales en esta línea se apuntan como las grandes ganadoras de la industria de la moda para los próximos años. Valga el ejemplo de Pantala, la propuesta de Pilar Olmedo y Francisco Sánchez que radica en una plataforma que permite rentar ropa nueva cada mes pagando para ello una cuota de suscripción.
Viajes higienizados
Otra inclinación impulsada por la Covid. Este verano se han limitado mucho las salidas al extranjero en todos los países, mas llegará un instante en el que podamos desplazarnos con mayor independencia. Para en el momento en que esto ocurra , la mayor parte de los aeropuertos, puertos o bien estaciones de tren habrán implementado nuevos protocolos de seguridad que prevengan la propagación del virus. Es lo que se conoce como los viajes higienizados en los que podríamos iniciar a ver túneles de desinfección y someternos a pruebas de control de ingreso.
Aviones premium anti covid
Fué la iniciativa de la compañía Air Canada que decidió adaptar sus A319, destinados a viajes empresariales , para sugerir vuelos 100% premium, y con la más grande distancia popular a bordo del mercado. Air Canada cuenta con tres A319 que se suelen utilizar para traslados de los equipos de hockey sobre hielo (una pasión nacional) o para estrellas de rock u otras personalidades. Ahora que los desplazamientos sin mínimos, han decidido ofrecer estas aeronaves a grandes corporaciones en lo que sería la clase business.
Unas bodas diferentes
Los wedding planners han notado además los efectos de la pandemia. Ni enormes salones para acoger a muchos invitados ni liturgias hasta altas horas de la madrugada y todos con mascarillas , también los novios. Algún negocio que logre hacer una vivencia de boda entretenida y placentera bajo estos nuevos parámetros , se ve ser hoy una ocasión de negocio.
Comida saludable en la oficina
Ahora que las salidas al exterior son más escasas y que muchos usados fueron sometidos a una jornada de trabajo intensiva, hay una ocasión de negocio en aquellas empresas que ofrecen comida saludable a los usados que se ven forzados a comer en la oficina. Por este camino va la oferta de Apeteat que, sin coste mínimo, reparten platos saludables en las empresas. A raíz del coronavirus, la empresa ha ampliado su servicio a domicilios de personas atacables y colectivos de compromiso.
Contra el desperdicio alimenticio
En Phenix han creado un software que conecta de forma automática todas y cada una de las ofertas de artículos invendidos con las necesidades de los receptores de alimentos , haciendo más fácil los procesos, achicando el tiempo de gestión , la capacidad de respuesta máxima y la trazabilidad. Dos terceras partes de los invendidos van a asociaciones benéficas y el resto, los artículos que por el momento no son aptos para el consumo humano, se derivan a zoos y circos. En un corto plazo se destinarán también a compostaje y biogás porque están convencidos de que se puede ofrecer una segunda vida a todo cuanto se iba a tirar.
Fundadores de Rated Power
La revolución de las energías renovables
Rated Power es una una startup de españa establecida por Andrea Barber, director ejecutivo y cofundadora, el ingeniero fotovoltaico Miguel Ángel Torrero y Juan Romero, profesional en modelos matemáticos y energía del sol. En un modelo B2B Rated Power ayuda a otras grandes empresas a diseñar sus plantas solares de forma más rápida , eficaz y precisa. “Nuestra utilidad en este momento cubre todas y cada una de las fases de diseño de una planta fotovoltaica, poseemos nuestro modelo de producción de energía y producimos centenares de páginas de documentación de ingeniería a la medida. Todo en tan solo unos segundos”, aseguran.
Empoderar a los empleados
La iniciativa Loonfy es que algún persona pueda seleccionar el día del cobro de la nómina en el momento en que más le interesa sin precisar aguardar a final de mes. Teniendo en cuenta de que un usado feliz es lo que hace una empresa feliz, la startup busca empoderar a los usados mediante pactos con sus compañias , ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de cobrar su nómina de manera flexible.
Propaganda en redes sociales
En España, la compañía Adsmurai se convirtió ahora en ejemplo de éxito gracias su servicio de Popular Ads efectivos y bonitos creados para conectar de manera directa con tu público propósito. La startup, experta en gestionar propaganda en comunidades , cerró 2018 con 40 millones de euros facturados y es partner oficial de Fb , Instagram, YouTube, Twitter y Snapchat, tiene áreas de trabajo en México y Colombia y está estudiando actualmente su entrada en EEUU y China.
Ayudantes virtuales
Es otro de los campos que se ve tener bastante paseo para los próximos años. En este lote nace Aunoa, una startup que transforma el modo de comunicación entre las personas , las empresas y también instituciones, construyendo soluciones fundamentadas en la Sabiduría Artificial Conversacional para lograr comunicarse con por medio de los canales de correo o bien voz que usan habitualmente. Aparte , utilizan el reconocimiento del lenguaje natural en estos canales para acortar la brecha digital, mejorar y mejorar las relaciones entre empresas y usuarios , consiguiendo transformar procesos complejos en diálogos sencillas y rápidas que resultan clave para la optimización de la atención al cliente. Se dirigen a otras corporaciones en ámbitos como la banca, los seguros, el inmobiliario, el retail o el sector salud, etc.
Viviendas en 3D
La startup de españa Be More tres dimensiones , responsable de la primera casa construida in situ con una impresora tres dimensiones. Formada por un conjunto multidisciplinar de jóvenes emprendedores valencianos, se han basado en la venta de gadgets , material y formación para la implantación de tecnologías tres dimensiones en el área de la construcción.
Peluqueros y hermosura a hogar
Tras el boom de la demanda de los servicios de peluquería sufrido los días posteriores al levantamiento del estado de alarma, ahora los expertos de la peluquería vuelven a lamentar una caída en la demanda. Una parte de la culpa la atribuyen al temor al contagio y a una vida popular más pobre. Sea la causa que sea, si la montaña no va a Mahoma…Esta es la respuesta que dan empresas como Styleprivé o bien Yatepeino que dan servicios de peluquería y hermosura a hogar.
La descentralización laboral implica adoptar una serie de medidas similares con la ciberseguridad que hagan viables las comunicaciones seguras. Y es ahí donde muchas startups están enfocando su negocio, dado que se trata de un segmento de negocio que no paró de medrar en la última década. En verdad , según la asesora Canalys, el mercado mundial de ciberseguridad se incrementó un 9,7% a lo largo del primer trimestre con respecto al mismo periodo de 2019, y la protección de los trabajadores móviles inteligentes (remotos ) tuvo mucho que ver en ello.
Otra forma de hacer turismo
Fué otro de los ámbitos más afectados por el coronavirus por lo que cualquier idea que suponga una reinvención, será bien acogida. Un caso de muestra lo representa el proyecto malagueño Monumentia con el que se quiere ofrecer visitas virtuales guiadas a monumentos. Para eso , están llevando a cabo la virtualización de los 103 ayuntamientos de la provincia de Málaga (capital incluida) por medio de la realización de vídeos (y fotografías) 360 por medio de un dron y de un zepelín o globo cautivo. Esta iniciativa privada está realizando las grabaciones a lo largo de este año 2020 para hallar que desde algún punto del mundo se logre llevar a cabo un paseo virtual por la provincia. Para la realización de este trabajo de enormes dimensiones Monumentia tiene una subvención de la Junta de Andalucía para industrias culturales. “Este proyecto es único porque no existe aún nada similar. Nadie ha conseguido virtualizar toda la provincia”, afirma el responsable de Monumentia, José Manuel López.
Tecnología para personas superiores
La tecnología para personas superiores había empezado ahora a despegar aunque no era el segmento preferido de las startups. En este momento , con una población envejecida y más afectada por la pandemia, las resoluciones orientadas a ellos incrementan las posibilidades de éxito empresarial. Valga como ejemplo la española Cuideo cuyo servicio de atención a personas mayores a hogar no para de incrementar.
Pagos móviles
Una recomendación de las autoridades a raíz de la Covid-19 fue llevar a cabo los pagos con tarjeta o bien a través del móvil inteligente como un procedimiento más seguramente el pago en efectivo. Sumado ello al notable aumento de la digitalización de los negocios, las soluciones fintech que dan la posibilidad del pago en línea han recibido un considerable espaldarazo.
La salud mental
El confinamiento, el miedo a la patología o bien la indecisión económica y social han propiciado el estallido de ciertas nosologías no transmisibles asociadas a la salud mental. Para atender la demanda creciente, han surgido compañias como ifeel que pone en contacto online a psicólogos profesionales con personas que desean mejorar su bienestar sensible. También mindhope ofrece servicios de atención psicológica online.
Limpieza por todos y cada uno de los lados
Que debemos extremar las medidas de higiene para evitar el contagio parece un mensaje ya interiorizado en la sociedad. No charlamos solo de lavarnos las manos y rociarlas con hidroalcohol constantemente , sino también de adecentar superficies, los dispositivos de uso recurrente , higienizar los espacios…Atendiendo a esta necesidad han surgido también multitud de resoluciones empresariales a nivel mundial. Llama la atención el caso de la empresa PhoneSoap, una compañía con origen en Utah (EE.UU.) especializada
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