Attention Tumblr, I demand you travel to the Bayou.
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lostatsea-eric-blog · 6 years
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"Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face. Aaah, the perfect day to be at sea!" -Prince Eric
Archetype — The Hero can be Caregiver too Birthday — January 22, 1988 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius MBTI — ISFJ Enneagram — 2; The Helper Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Gryffinpuff Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Pride Primary Virtue — Kindness Element — Air
Mother — Katherine Andersen nee Hightower Father — Derrick Andersen Mother’s Occupation — Lawyer Father’s Occupation — Owner of Andersen’s Marina Industries which includes ship/boat building and repairs as well as marine equipment manufacturing. Family Finances — Wealthhyyy. Aside from owning a company, they also got that ollddd moneeyy ayyeeee Birth Order — Numero two Brothers — None Sisters — Four!!! Apparently, Eric was the only boy his parents were able to produce xD but only three out of the four sisters are alivvee. Olivia is the oldest of the Andersen bunch (32), then came Eric (30), followed by Aileen (RIP mermaid ate her chomp chomp), then Vittoria (20) anddd Alessandra (19) Other Close Family — He has a niece and a nephew!! Christian (12) and Sofia (9). He adores them and is an awesome and wonderful uncle kk they adore him backkk!! They’re Olivia’s kids. Best Friend — Max!!!!!!! lmao He was very close to Aileen too :((( Other Friends — The Order becaussee his life basically revolved around it Enemies — All SEA CREATURES OUT THERREE I meann other monsters too, like monsters are monsters he won’t kill one just because they don’t live in the water buttttttt he specializes in the water dwellers. Conflicted with mermaids. A mermaid killed his sister, a mermaid saved his life it’s a rough struggle right now. xDD He’ll be on the hunt for answersss.  Pets — Max!!!!!!!!! Yes, directly stolen from the movie with absolutely no shame. His best-friend, his CHILD, his beautiful big fluff of pure love Old English Sheep Dog Maxxxxxxx.   Home Life During Childhood — Not shabby at all. Just going to put it out there he was/continues to still be dad’s favorite. Only boy, so of course it was only natural, plus he proved to be an #awesome Prince becoming the best in his specialized field so old Derrick is very prouudd. Things were a little rough for the Andersen’s during Aileen’s death, but they patched up. All in all, Eric was very loved, pampered, and aside from the death of his little sister, didn’t suffer much trauma in his childhood. Town or City Name(s) — Camogli, Italy is where he’s from and then Eric has basically bopped around the seas of Europe, living in many of Europe’s coastal regions. What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Pretty normal looking. Eric really isn’t the messy type at all, so for the most part his room was pretty kept. Had the standard furnishing. He didn’t care too much for decorating any decoration in his room was marine influenced. Any Sports or Clubs — Captain of the swim team in high school. Eric is an excellent and v agile swimmer as well as a bomb ass diver. Didn’t really indulge in sport teams though when he hit Uni because there was no time in between having full time Prince dutieess. Surfing, he does surf. Jet skiing he loves thaatt. Canoeing and kayaking he enjoys too.  Look any water sport he probably does. He’s like a fucking fish. Favorite Toy or Game — Of course he deff had little ship toys when he was young and those were his favorites!!! Even had those ships in a bottle hahaha, Sailing. Schooling — Primary, Secondary and University all completeeedd with a Masters degree. Wasn’t home schooled because ole Derrick didn’t want Eric to stay surrounded by all girls for his entire life xDD Favorite Subject — Science, specifically Marine Biology. Popular or Loner — Popular. Who didn’t love my sweet, shy, handsome sonnnn. xDD He’s like an introverted extrovert, deff shy but he does like people. It’s more in nature than like in complete mannerism if that makes any sense at all..... Important Experiences or Events — The death of Aileen, the beginning of his training enjoyed more of the sea stuff side of things, becoming a squire then rising up to a knight, the success of his very first solo hunnttt killed a SIRREENN, becoming a Prince, graduating and gaining his Masters, getting to travel all around Europpeee, and the death of his crew members :((( Nationality — Italian don’t think Matt Lanter is but shhhh I made Eric it anyways xD  He does have Scottish roots to him. His family originated from Scotland and then immigrated to Italy. Culture — Italian, and The Order bc that shit is basically a lifestyle Religion and beliefs — Raised Catholic and went to mass every Sunday like a good well-behaved boy. He’s not so heavily involved with it now, but like he’ll go to a mass from time to time to like appease his parents haha.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Matt Lanter Complexion — Fair skin, but not like pale fair, he got some good ole sun back in Italy Hair Colour — Dark Brown :/ I know it’s suppose to be that beautiful dark black but I had to comprimise to get my EYEESS Eye Colour — BLUUEEEE, a BEAUTIFUL crystal ocean BLUEEE Height — 5’10 Build — Athletic. Not like beefy or stocky, but definitely fit and toned. I meaann he goes around killing sea monsters and running ships course he’s going to be fitttt.   Tattoos — Nope. Piercings — Nope. Common Hairstyle — His hair is cut short. It’s always neat. Clothing Style — Simple. T-shirts, jeans, boots. He does own a variety of like weather coats for when he’s hitting the seas. On days he’s working on the University he knows how to dress it up, so he’ll wear his like button downs, still with jeans though haha. Eric deff knows how to dress up for occasions that calls for them, what Prince doesn’t thoughhhhh Mannerisms — Scratches at the back of his neck, runs hands through his hair, can have restless leg syndrome from time to time, jaw clenching when angry  
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Nope. Eric has awesome health, physically. Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — Probably got some PTSD going on from seeing the death of his sisterrr and then from the night of the storm :/ Allergies — None Grooming Habits — Great. Believer in looking groomed and showering twice a day haha Sleeping Habits — Not too bad. The occasional nightmare from his PTSD, but other then that Eric can pretty much sleep anywhere. Like if you can sleep on a ship in the middle of the ocean then I’m sure you’re pretty seettt.   Eating Habits — Eric is a health nuttt. Pesco-Vegetarian. Dairy free, though does cave with his protein shakes. Avid drinker of water. Likes for his food to be locally sourced. Course this is all from when he’s land base when he’s out at sea I mean it is what it is at that point haha Exercise Habits — Hits the gym a loottt. Exercises everyday even if he’s on a ship. When land base he’s normally a professor and so he hits the Uni pool every morning and does a good bout of laps. It’s how he starts his day. Emotional Stability — Pretty stable sorta kinda going through some shit at the moment no thanks to some recent events....   Body Temperature — Average I guess?? Sociability — Eric is like an introverted extrovert. He can be shy, but it’s not that kind of shy where it keeps him from talking to people or acting like he has no social cues. He likes talking to people, and all that fun stuff, but he can be reserved.   Addictions — None. Drug Use — Nope. Alcohol Use — Not really, maybe like the occasional here and there, but he isn’t much of a heavy drinker
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Stubbornness, can lose eye contact depending on what’s being spoken about, blunt with facial expressions, can get bored easily Good Habits — Kind, health nut, exercises, polite, honest, courteous Best Characteristic — Loyal, daring and kind Worst Characteristic — His pride Worst Memory — Witnessing the death of his baby sister Aileen Best Memory — His solo hunt and any memory he has with Aileen Proud of — His family, his sisters, his hunting accomplishments (though he’s questioning some of them), his solo hunt, his education Embarrassed by — Not a lot really. Eric is a pretty laid back type of dude, though miscalculating that storm could deff be one he’s embarrassed about Driving Style — Really good. He’s one of those that follows all the street laws and always stays within speed limit. Doesn’t have a car though at the moment with him, never really saw the need in getting one because he wasn’t having a sedentary life Strong Points — His intellect, thoughtfulness, kindness, determination, daringness Temperament — Laid back. Eric is a pretty lax guy although he can get passionate and peeved out about certain thingsss like family. Attitude — Determined Weakness — His stubbornness and pride too Fears — Lost of his family, he’s such a family guy /pets him Phobias — None Secrets — None so faarrr err well accept that he’s part of the Order which is a secret societtyy other than that Eric is a pretty open book Regrets — Not being able to save his sister and crew members Feels Vulnerable When — Speaking about personal problems and when he’s unable to protect those he loves Pet Peeves — Didn’t exactly have any like real pet peeve…. Conflicts — Mermaids hahaha. No but legit mermaids. One killed his sister and then one saved his life. He was so sure his entire life that all sea creatures were MONSTERS and all of them were BAD and just harmed/killed people (huge in part because of what happened to Aileen) and then a mermaid goes and saves his life like tf he didn’t ask for thaaatttt, so he’s currently on the hunt for some answers and it hoping Swynlake will provide him with themmm.  Motivation — Aileen. She’s like his driving force behind every hunt he has ever done/does. He loved her so muuccchh!!!! /crieesss Short Term Goals and Hopes — Figure out his conflict crisis please and thank you.   Long Term Goals and Hopes — Find LOOOVVEEEE, a true love because he’s such a lost romantic (though ironically isn’t a current priority), settle down, marry and have kiddddsssssss, he would love a bunch of kids and probs even run his family business Sexuality — Heterosexual, Demiromantic Day or Night Person — Day Introvert or Extrovert — Introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — More acoustic and instrumental. He’s not into like current stream music, hell if he even knew what’s currently playing on the radio. xDD He can play the flute took lessons when he was youngeerr. Books — A non-fiction fan when it comes to what he picks up to read. Definitely anything marine involved for sure!!!! Got interested in the Dan Brown series.   Magazines — Nope. Foods — Sea food. He does love his fish. Is a vegetarian so no meats aside from sea food, so like he’s a Pesco-Vegetarian. Not really into sweets basically at all. He’s a health-nut!!! Likes fresh food, and can actually cook too!!!!   Drinks — Water. Water. Water. He drinks a lot of water. Likes protein shakes too. Not much of a drinker. Dairy free for the most part. Animals — Dogs, well more importantly his dog. xDD Lover of all sea animals, that are not sea monsters haha Social Issues — Protection of mundus against dangerous monsters Favorite Saying — He grew up constantly seeing his family’s saying “A mari usque ad mare” From Sea to Sea. He’s actually fond of it more so because it involves the sea and Eric loves being on the ocean not really because of the history behind it all hahaha Color — Blues and greeennsss are his very very favorites. He does like gray too because gray is also found in his family’s coat of arms. Jewelry — In his family it’s a tradition for a silver chained necklace to be forged for the males of the family, normally the eldest in which case Eric is among his line. Eric though added a sea shell charm to his chain because it was Aileen’s favorite charm. He wears his chain all the time, never takes it off. Oh yeah then there’s his family ring buttttt he doesn’t go stunting that around. Games — Boating, jet-skiing, sailing, anything water involved, does enjoy horse riding, is ehh about jousting but whatever he does it when he has too, fencing  Websites — None really.... haven’t even decided yet if he has an insta looool TV Shows — Not a lot either omg horrible Eric!!! But there aren’t really TVs on ships sooo he’s not like an avid tv watcher. If anything he’d probs like documentaries he’s so ehhh about tv Movies —  Loooook he’d rather be out by the ocean side then sit down and watch a movie. He’s an out door person, staying in toooo long probably gets him sorta restless. Greatest Want — To settle down eventually. Find LOOVVEEE get married have some kiddos Greatest Need —Get this conflict shit situated and get back to the WATERRR. He wants his OCEAAANN
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — Camogli, Italy is like his family home. Right now he’s in an apartment in Castle Suites would have loved more to live closer to the lake side by the WATTEERR but he doesn’t need a whole freaking house to himself. Household furnishings — Pretty basic. Favorite Possession — His necklace with Aileen’s charm on it <3 Most Cherished Possession — His necklace with Aileen’s charm on it <3 Married Before — Nope. Significant Other Before — Has had a few girlfriends before, but all have fallen through. None of them were THE ONEE. Children — Nope, but does want!!!! Like a bunncchh Relationship with Family — Closeee!!! He adores his family. Is close with his parents, adores his sisters and would do anything for them, loves his niece and nephewww. He often talks with them making sure to call them so that he can keep in touch. He’s the protective sort when it comes to his sisssterrssss. Car — Doesn’t have one at the moment, his life right now isn’t sedentary. He’s constantly moving from place to place and most of the time he’s on a ship sooo no need for a car too mcuch Career — Marine Biology Professor at Pride U; Prince in the Order Dream Career — He actually likes being a professorr, enjoys seafarer too which he does is often the helmsman. Anything water involveedd   Dream Life — Married with a big home back in his home town of Camogli or anything coastal region right by the beautiful ocean siiiddeee. There is definitely kids in his dreaamm lifffeee Love Life — Non existent at the moment Talents or Skills — He can play the flute, steer, captain and run a whole ship, fencing/ sword fighting, horse rider, swimmer, diver, fishing  Intelligence Level — Very well educated and is actually pretty nerdy in the things that he’s interested in
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — He has been a professor in different places. Helmsman and seafarer in more, takes any job ocean involving Past Lovers — Has had a few relationships in the past, but all have fell through. He hasn’t found his ONE yet :((( Biggest Mistakes — Miscalculating that fucking STORM. Biggest Achievements —Solo hunt, all his other successful hunts, becoming Prince, graduating Uni with both a bachelors and masters degree.
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