1000punks · 7 months
i need to give a shoutout to one of my favorite fics i'm reading rn, Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor on AO3 (i know they have a tumblr too but i can't remember it; anyway the fic in its entirety is posted there, not here!)
raphael x astarion is a rare pairing iirc but i really love the dynamic in this series so far
it's .... hwuf~
also for gods' sake read the warnings, it does cross into the noncon/dubcon territory quite frequently and that may not be everyone's style (though it is treated rather masterfully in the writing, imo)
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
hokay I’ve been *insert pouty frog image here* for long enough. time to watch net/flix or cross some animals
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*boops u* i hope ur doin' well, mun. hopefully school isn't too rough on u '^^
(((hhhthanks anon ‘^^it’s been… ok, all things considered. just tryna get back into the swing of things n keep on top of my schedule n all i’m doin my best! ‘s all i can ask of myself ;w;))
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fvaleraye · 2 years
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Sleep well, wayward dreamer.
Reblogs are appreciated
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6rawler · 5 years
Alright guys.
Probably should’ve made this post sooner. Read more for length (sorry mobile users :( ilu)
 I’m gonna be opening Emergency Commissions for a little bit. As in, I have a financial emergency (what else is new). The nature of the commissions will be sketch or flat color only. Just because I need to able to get them done in a relatively short amount of time for anyone interested.
The commissions will be a flat price of $5 and $6 for flat color. Examples of my art can be found here and here (art w/o listed credit are mine).
If anyone simply wants to donate anything, my paypal is here.
Lastly, if anyone would like to commission me, I ask for at least one visual reference, written reference or both. Let me know if you have any questions and a signal boost is appreciated.
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audarcy · 6 years
I knew the van gogh scene would mess me up bc I am already feeling A Way™ tonight but holy shit was I not expecting it to leave me a heaving sobbing wreck
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moocha-muses · 2 years
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“Good job, Molly! I mean, ruff woof hwuf.”
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chaoticgouda · 4 years
Yeah, yeah, cats are big victorian baby drama queens. Listen. Have you ever seen what a performance a dog makes out of deciding to lay next to you? The beseeching eyes, the forceful slump, the gentle “hwuf” of contentment? We SELECTIVELY BREED our pets to be drama queens because that’s how we likes ‘em. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Now get out. 
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tizianomazzilli · 4 years
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TUNES YOU MUST HEAR BEFORE YOU DIE⚫️NON JE NE REGRETTE RIEN #edithpiaf #frenchclassic #myanthem #fridayvibes (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCeEfL-HWuF/?igshid=1mnegqqicgntq
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
WriteNdraw, 6 June
I was sort of everywhere with today’s WriteNdraw. I think I touched like six separate things. I thought I’d post up the assorted bits I did from all over. I may not do this every week, but it does make me feel a little accountable, so also maybe. Plus, who knows, sometimes enthusiasm can be all the brain lube you need to get shit finished.
Mm. Brain lube. Always classy here on the blog.
Facts comforted Pharah. Facts were steady and immutable. Facts could be relied upon. Facts were either true or they were not.
“You are too short.”
Facts were a weapon when you knew how to wield them.
Tracer froze. She had, until that precise moment, been a blur of flailing, impotent limbs, but now she was still as stone. Tracer, much like Facts, had only two states of being.
katrani said: January 11th 2018, 8:43:00 pm · 19 hours ago Prompt: Usagi, Rei, and Ami, "scattered"
It bothered her, the gaps and blurs in her mind. Luna would have said of herself, once upon a time, that the only thing more reliable than her memory was the Earth hanging in the dark Moon sky.
Her eyes drifted upward, as though it had only been hiding from her all this time and would finally emerge, tired of its child’s games.There was only blue, beautiful and wrong. The Earth was under her feet, and she could barely remember enough to mourn.
It hadn’t been like this on the Moon. Surely, it hadn’t been like this. Luna closed her eyes and let the bickering and uncertainty fade to a distant hum.
A unified court. Yes, this she could see. Mars, her back straight. Fierce and proud. Silent. A smoldering ember giving comfort and warmth, but always prepared to erupt. Mercury, bright and bubbling, a cool balm to soothe troubled soldiers. Moon, capable and strong, a rallying point to--
Yes, Sailor Moon.
There is no Sailor Moon.
There must be Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon was here, now, painfully, frustratingly real.
Sailor Moon never existed.
Sailor Moon existed most of all.
“Rei-chan, you’re so MEAN!”
“Don’t blame me for your inability to take this seriously!”
“Everyone, please! If you would only--”
“See? Ami agrees with me!”
“SHE DOES NOT. Ami-chan, tell her!”
Luna’s eyes pricked with frustration. Her past was smoke, curling into something new whenever she tried to grasp it. They could be more, they SHOULD be more. Whatever else had been stripped away by the Dark Kingdom, that had to be true.
docholligay said: January 11th 2018, 7:11:00 pm · 21 hours ago Haruka and Mina, one taking care of the other when they are sick
“I made you tea.”
“Fuck tea.”
Haruka set the steaming mug down on Mina’s bedside table. “Might get kinda messy, but hey, if it’ll make you feel better.” A deep chuckle rumbled in her chest. Nobody found Haruka’s jokes quite as funny as Haruka.
Certainly, Mina didn’t. “Die,” she commanded. It sounded less forceful than she was trying for. There was a sort of squeak in it. She was a tiny baby kitten, weak, feeble, and furious with the world.
If they couldn’t get it together, they were going to die.
There was comfort in that. Suffering was not infinite. Death brought closure, a well-earned rest after a long, difficult journey, and could be as welcome as an old friend.
There was comfort in dying.
If you were anyone but Rei Hino, maybe.
There were moments -- just moments, naturally, and few at that -- where Rei could vaguely remember someone mentioning something in passing about her proclivity toward what one might call “aggression-based problem solving” or “flinging Burning Mandala at everything you don’t like”. It was all whining, of course, and Rei typically dismissed it as such.
But -- and it was completely ridiculous that things had deteriorated to this point -- maybe there had been something -- a very small, almost unnoticeable something -- to the gentle suggestions that were on occasion politely and respectfully yelled in her face.
Rei was only willing to consider even this much, because she was perhaps five seconds from saving the enemy time and trouble and murdering Haruka herself.
“We need to--”
Once again the earth rolled and shook under Rei’s feet. She wasn’t sure her jaw could clench any tighter, but apparently, yes! Yes, it could.
“It won’t work, we already--”
If there was one thing Rei knew with certainty in the wake of this experience, it was that she would stay on her feet when the next earthquake hit Japan.
“Save your energy for--”
“SPACE SWOR-- Hwuf!”
The air Haruka usually reserved for important tasks like “bellowing”, “shouting”, and “speaking very loud” was forcibly and rudely knocked from her lungs. The floor of the cell was, as it turned out, just as cold and hard as it looked, and Haruka was going to yell about the new bruise already forming on her elbow the very second her body remembered how breathing worked.
And SCENE. Many scenes. You get what I’m saying.
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
i hope ur having a nice day
It’s been ok! Very chill day, for the most part. Beach day n watched a sunset over the dunes n such. Was nice.
Am jus a lil tired rn.
Hope alla y’all had nice days
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Mara ❄️
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
Mara stared at the anon. This was... not a question she’d expected. Did they really expect her to bare her soul to them? Raising a brow, she leaned against the alley wall. The demon let out a short chuckle. “Me? Being sad? Hwuf, now that’s a joke I haven’t heard before,” she snorted. “Nothing in my life could make me cry for that long. C’mon. I’m not a pansy.”
But you are a liar, a voice in her mind whispered. Her tail flicked uncomfortably. ... shut up. Fine. I’ll say something.
“... I might not cry all day, but I do worry,” Mara muttered, crossing her arms. She shrugged tensely. “Thinking about the trouble my brother gets himself into with all his ‘not eating because it hurts people’ business is stressful. Not to mention I can’t tell if he even wants me in his life anymore. I used to be his hero. Now I’m probably just a street thug that makes his life hard.” She glanced venomously down at the trash near her feet. She kicked it away viciously. “A good bit of violence or chaos usually puts me in a better mood. Whatever.”
“... I just wonder... does he ever get lonely thinkin he could live without me?”
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fvaleraye · 3 years
9 for hk or anything else that comes to mind if u dont wanna do hk 3 times in a rowJSAJOAS
It’s all good! I’ll take as many HK questions as y’all have, send in as many as you like ^^
9 - Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Honestly...? That’s a good one... From a writing standpoint, nobody! Because the game is actually really well written But From a Me standpoint The Pale King is an obvious one, little bitch. Like- he’s barely a character in my eyes. He is a plot point, one that just so happens to have a couple lines of dialogue and a sprite, and I refuse to give him the light of day any more than I have to, he doesn’t really deserve characterization to me, not positive characterization at least And like? Tiso a little bit as well??? Like, I don’t hate him, but he’s just. He’s. He’s just kind of there, and doesn’t contribute much. And he feel like he gets a lot more fandom attention than he deserves- like he’s not a bad character in my eyes??? He’s just. Lacking character, I guess. I mean he’s just kind of there, and you don’t miss out on anything by not talking to him. Like the most he does is talk shit to you, there’s not even any intrigue or deeper backstory with him as far as I know, he just exists to tell you that the Colosseum of Fools exists, talk shit, and then die. He feels like he doesn’t have much personality, and it irks me, because everybody else is really well written
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6rawler · 6 years
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audarcy · 5 years
that episode of tgp where eleanor breaks down over her mother being a good mother to her new stepdaughter.......when eleanor is like if my mom can be good for her why couldnt she be good for me.................when eleanor has to be happy for her mom and her moms new family and live with the fact that shes entirely alone in her experiences of her mother’s cruelty and shes stuck with the pain of her mother’s past mistakes while everyone else gets a happy ending.......................................................................................hwuf
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ghostlee-miniatures · 4 years
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Adeptus Titanicus! 2 forces, 2 houses. Those miniatures are definitely for advanced hobbyists. Hard to assemble and to paint. #adeptustitanicusthehorusheresy #adeptustitanicus #ghostlee #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting #vallejo #harderandsteenbeck #warhammer #miniatures #commissionpaintings https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_95w-HwUF/?igshid=1nu7gr21xch2c
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