averaillisa Β· 2 years
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quick guili sketch ❀🌻
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caramel-flan Β· 2 years
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πŸŒ™Β β€œWherever her spirit may be...perhaps she will look at the Liyue of today, and steal a smile when she sees the prosperous land that it has become.”
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cerucerus Β· 1 month
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I've been wanting to post more of my sketches... lately I realized that I've always been super self-conscious about my art and the reception of it and I want to work on that more
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freeros Β· 2 years
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moonsweetswirl Β· 9 months
kinda sapphic of xianyun to look at guizhong out of tsundere behavior while reminiscing that she's superior in the mechanical arts and made final touches to the guizhong ballista to honor her in memory after many lantern rites. even sees guizhong and madame ping hanging out in the mountains like damn, she wanted to be in a polyamory so bad. but it's okay, ping and xianyun are dating bc it's what guizhong wouldve wanted
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pandamito Β· 1 year
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accurate liyue lore
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ceruleanvermillion Β· 10 months
Obsessed w/ Guili's sun and moon dynamic where guizhong is the sunshine personality and Zhongli is the moon personality but Zhongli is glowing golden like the sun and Guizhong is the moon and the starry night.
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guiligardenweek Β· 6 days
Do you miss crying? Good news, we're back! Guili Garden Week is delighted to announce that we're returning to tumblr this 2024! We look forward to seeing you soon this November 4-10! Check out the prompts down below:
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chroniclesofstars Β· 1 year
❖ ── 'Her Last wish, from me to you.'
⁠↗↝↗ Zhongli x reader.
⁠↗���↗ In which you, The goddess of Wishes, had one wishβ€”That wish being to have The beloved God of Geo, reciprocate your undying love for him, but of course, you'll always, always, be inferior to her.
⁠↗↝↗ W.A.R.N.I.N.G.S: β€” Angst, No comfort, Mentions of Death, Mentions of war, blood, weapons, mentions of insecurities. [If you can't handle these, you might not be able to read the story!⁠ ( ̄⁠︢⁠ ̄; ) ]
⁠↗↝↗ S.O.N.G.S: For the First Time, Let you break my heart Again.
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β€”Amongst the many mountains in the old era of Liyue, was a chiseled stone table where bickering amongst many friends was heard,β€” This bickering being from the Infamous, Goddess of Dust, Guizhong, who'd also go by the Alias, Haagentus. And the Beloved Crane, Cloud Retainer. But besides the bickering pair, there was three other people,
You being one of them.
The other two said people, being the vain beauty, Streetward Rambler, and the Cold-hearted God of Geo, Morax. The same man who you had an infatuation for, though, he of course, did not know this, for he was in love with the Beautiful Goddess of Dust, and you were well aware,
Well aware that you were inferior,
And always will be.
But that did not stop you from continuing to have an undying passion for the man, who was indeed, a beauty, he was the finest gem in all of Liyue, and your very wish was for him to reciprocate your feelings, but you failed to possess the power to grant your own dreams, so you'd have to let the stars do the dirty-work for you,
But they hated you,
You were Star-crossed.
You'd attempt to gain their blessing, but you just made their hatred for you worse, so . . You stopped messing with them in hopes they'll welcome you with open arms, they didn't.
So, you'd just sit there, silently drowning in envy as he watched the Beloved Goddess of Dust, wishing that you could take her place, and that he could love you. Oh, how you wished you could grant-
"Who dares believe one's inventions are superior than the ones of I?" The Blue-haired woman said in a harsh, offended tone. Evidently irritated on how Guizhong, The Goddess of Dust believed she was superior in the arts of Mechanics.
"My inventions are indeed far superior, My Beloved Retainer." Guizhong said with a cheeky smile, as she hid behind Morax who seemed to be casting his votes on which invention he deemed far more worthy.
"Hm . . Guizhong's inventions do indeed seem far more practical, Cloud Retainer." Streetward Rambler said as she continued to softly strum the strings on her Zither, playing a tune in hopes it'd drown out the bothersome bickering.
"How foolish!- [N.A.M.E.] Whose invention is far more practical? You needn't feel ashamed to say that one's inventions is far more superior than the ones of Haagentus's." Cloud Retainer, The Blue-haired woman said with an irritated tone.
You blinked, tilting your head as you began, "Well . . Perhaps yours, Cloud Retainer? Simply because Guizhong's inventi-" Then almost instantly, you were cut off.
Guizhong scoffed. "Hey!- No insults to my work! I've put my blood, sweat, and tears into them, They are superior!" Guizhong retorted.
To this, Cloud Retainer grumbled. "Rex Lapis, wrap up your final judgement, and speak the truth on who's invention is far more superior!"
He'd huff, as he continued to examine the blueprints laid out Infront of him, his index finger and thumb on his chin as he thought. Before he came to a conclusion and nodded, looking up from the Blueprints, "Guizhong's inventions are far more practical, they have a more detailed way of work, and would be far easier to plan out, work with, and wouldn't be such a hassle to fix."
You blinked, as you looked over at Cloud Retainer, interested on what her reaction would be.
"Hah, my foot." Cloud Retainer said as she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she looked away from both Guizhong and The infamous Rex Lapis.
"Ah . . I thought Cloud Retainer's would be more practical because she gives a thorough explanation on how it should be used, and more . ." You said, as you tilted your head, a bit embarrassed how you went on the opposite side, and lost.
Rex Lapis nodded, "Yes, that was what nearly led me to pick hers, though," He'd point to one of the paragraphs on Guizhong's blueprint. "This gives a far better explanation of what other things it could be used for, making it superior as it has other abilities."
Guizhong grinned, as a soft giggled escaped her lips as she hugged Rex Lapis from the place she was, behind him. "Thank you, Oh-so-noble God of Geo!" She said, in a playful manner.
Seeing this, you couldn't help but feel jealous, as his gaze softened at the sight of her, and how he so obviously relaxed in her embrace, it made your blood boil. "How absurd . . " You mumbled, to which the woman beside you, Streetward Rambler heard, as she opened one of her eyes to glance at you for a moment, closing it again as she chuckled, shaking her head.
"Your blatant distaste is showing, attempt to be more secretive, Sitri." The woman said, as she went back to strumming her instrument.
You blinked, turning red in embarrassment at her words, but you quickly shook it off, deciding to switch the subject. "Ahem . . Rex Lapis, would you be willing to tag along with me as I wander around Guili Plains?" You asked, kind-heartedly.
He'd glance at you for a moment, his gaze hardening before he nodded. "I suppose I'll honor you with such." He said simply.
Upon hearing this, Guizhong smiled. "Do you mind if I tag along with you two?"
You blinked, and although you were indeed upset, you allowed her, she was far too kind, far too pretty and intelligent to deny. She's everything you, The Goddess of Wishes , dreamed of becoming, but a wish that rivaled that thought was Rex Lapis Reciprocating your feelings, but you know he won't, as you were the other woman,
from start to end.
From the moment you met the pair, you were well aware that you'd always be inferior to Guizhong. You had met them both while you were on one of the tallest mountains in Liyue, sitting on the edge of the cliff as you hummed a tune, granting the wishes of the common folk as you sat there, in the pale moonlight with the cold, calming breeze brushing against your skin as it blew at your hair, and made your long, flowy and billowing outfit flow in all directions.
Then, at that moment, was when the pair encountered you, "Oh, who must you be?" The gray-haired girl said with a small smile, as she tilted her head in curiosity.
And upon hearing her voice, you opened your eyes, turning your head to face her, and the man beside her, who upon first sight, you fell for. He had such, cold, but delicate features, he dressed elegantly, he was clearly of high statues and strong, he was tall, he was the embodiment of Perfect, but seeing how he softly watched the gray-haired woman, you knew, he loved her most.
After what felt like a couple minutes, which was truly a couple hours, you all properly introduced yourselves, told your reasons on why you wish to participate in the Archon war instead of just attempting to hide as any logical person would, and state your ambitions, and wishes.
Looking at that flashback made a small smile appear on your lips, though it was terrible timing as it was no longer the age of Peace, this is the Era of war and bloodshed, it was bound to be cruel. Which is why you were here, on the battlefield as you attempted to defend yourself, you were never the fighter,
Infact, you didn't even know how to properly wield a blade, so that's why you stood there, behind Cloud Retainer who used her countless inventions to protect you both, as Streetward Rambler was on the other side, behind you, fending off the other wave of foes.
As you all stayed focused on the intense battle, with you, analyzing the fight and giving tips on how to counter the said attacks, and even giving a few heads-up and warnings, something you knew how to do, analyzing rather than actually fighting.
But as you were all staying focused on such, you failed to notice how Guizhong, The beloved Goddess of Dust, was overcome in battle, a loud yelp escaping her lips as she was hit with a powerful blast, but with the three of you cornered, you were unable to help.
But hearing her, hearing her scream in utter anguish hurt you, causing you to space out as you too, were hit with a painful attack, a slash across your chest, slightly horizontal, as a pained yelp left you , the blood stained your white outfit, dyeing it a dark crimson color, as you bent over, covering the large gash as you began to breathe heavily, the blood from your wound staining the battle field just as the other countless gods, and mortals blood did.
"Sitri!-" Streetward Rambler yelled as she ran towards you after she and Cloud Retainer finally cleared out the enemies, she helped you gain balance as your crimson blood soon stained her as well. "You'll be alright, [N.A.M.E] , just keep breathing, do not close your eyes to rest!- Stay awake!-" She yelled in worry, and seeing how Streetward Rambler was checking on you, Cloud Retainer decided it was best to go and Check on Guizhong.
You coughed a bit, shaking your head as you attempted to fight the insane amount of fatigue and pain you felt coursing through your entire body. "I'm . . . . Alright," You said through pained breathing. "But I'm not the one we should be worrying about, we must find Haagentus . . She was alone in battle, no one came to her aid!-" You yelled, "Streetward Rambler, please. Take me to her!"
Upon hearing your words, Streetward Rambler frowned. "Alright, I will. But once we do, we'll be healing the two of you." She said as she began to walk with you, allowing you to use her as a crutch.
As you both reached the place of where Haagentus's scream was heard, you saw both, the frowning, and clearly upset Morax in front, with the beloved Cloud Retainer a few meters behind him, with the 5 Yakshas attempting to seal something . . It was . . You gasped, it was Haagentus, you failed to come in time, and all that you were able to see, was her lifeless body.
As you took a look at your surroundings, with tears welling up in your eyes, you came to realization that this was the exact place you both met, and the exact place you had to say goodbye, you slowly moved to the front where Morax stood, watching her lifeless body as it was now stone.
"I . . " You paused, you had one plan, you could . . You looked up, as you let go of Streetward Rambler, who panicked, but then stopped and watched you through eyes of confusion.
You stumbled your way to Guizhong's lifeless body, holding both of her hands. "If anything . . he'd wish for you to be alive and well then wish for me to be such . . So . . I'll save you, Haagentus." You said as you closed your eyes, as you , and the corpse of your beloved friend began to glow a faint white, as you began to grant a wish, not for yourself, but for her and Rex Lapis, for her to Revive and live a prosperous life with him, though, large wishes must come with a price, as saving her, would cause you to exhaust your strength, and revert you to the smallest form possible, far before you were even born, meaning you would be erased, you would eradicate yourself for the sake of her, for the sake of him.
And that was okay, as long as he was happy, as long as he was content in this life, then you could wait for the next, and if not that, then the very next, until he chooses you, you'll let him break your heart again, you always will, you'll never regret it, you'll continue to meet the two of them in every lifetime, even if it means that you'll have to see them fall in love everytime,
But even then, you could hope for once, for the first time, he could fall in love with you, The Goddess of Wishes,
But you were Star-crossed.
The stars hate you, there is no way they would let you have such a happy ending.
For this is the story of the Beloved Goddess of Wishes, the Mistress of Wishes, and the Cold-hearted God of Geo,
And perhaps over those many millenniums , the wishes granted by her, could finally soften a heart of stone, and that he , would realize that maybe, he did love her,
For that was Her last wish, from me to you.
P.S: Please don't translate, copy, change, or attempt to edit my work!~ β™ͺ
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justrandomgrill Β· 1 year
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Do you think there was a time where Cloud Retainer thought Zhongli played favourites?
Commission status is in my pinned post!
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bri-van-ghen Β· 2 years
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Haagentus, God of (star)Dust
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zephyrinx Β· 2 years
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january 22 - 2023
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justanormiewhoreads Β· 2 years
Lover's Oath is NOT Guizhong's Lullaby
(Guili shippers might attack me for this. I have nothing against Guili, it's just that this headcanon had been made "official" by most of the fandom because of misconception and I found no correlation of this song to Guizhong.
It also didn't help that I read this archive piece from a long time ago.
But feel free to keep the HEADCANON if it makes you happy. But remember, you shouldn't push it if it's not canon🀭😊. If any of you misunderstand, this does not mean I'm stopping you from shipping whoever you like.)
The reason why this track is called Lover's Oath is because Wangshu Inn is a hotspot for lovers, which is ALSO where we first heard the original rendition of this song.
Source: Vigilant Guardian's Vantage Point
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People just decided that this was Guizhong's Lullaby because of the original track was a vocal version and people just decided to think "Oh, that's Guizhong!" and decided to call it Guizhong's lullaby because "THERE WAS A WOMAN SINGING" before the official title was released.
Link to the original track: LINK
For those who haven't this heard of this version before (Can't blame you, it was VERY quiet), it was when we meet Xiao for the first time.
Where else can you hear another song with a bit of vocals? The main theme of the game! I don't remember if it's the night or day version.
Interestingly enough, the reason why this played for Xiao when he first showed up is because the other title for this song is "Lone Tower in the West" which was the title we see from one of the music events, I think it was the Zither event. And who do we play it with? Xiao!
The alternate song title refers to Wangshu inn and a call-back to the name of the waypoint, where we know Xiao is also perched over to watch over the people.
The reason why Xiao was there was because he was provided housing via the qixing.
(I'm using this screenshot from the wiki because I don't have Xiao)
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Heck, I wouldn't even be bothered if this was mistaken as Xiao's theme rather than Guizhong's because of these reasons.
If one day HoyoVerse decided to play this on a cutscene with Guizhong in it is probably because the fandom made their headcanon official with many people thinking it and HoyoVerse decided to "officialise" the headcanon to please the fans. 🀨
I decided that this was the right time to make this post because it was finally acknowledged in the wiki. I was like, THANKS! FINALLY!
In conclusion, this song has no affiliation to any character.
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cerucerus Β· 11 months
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freeros Β· 2 years
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aryshacore Β· 2 years
guizhong's design is so silly. and by that i also mean stupid. it's very cute of course but it also makes 0 sense for the master of intricate mechanisms to embarrass herself with long sleeves. i get that shes magical but it doesn't mean she has psychic powers that keep her from touching anything. it's even shown in the cinematic that she's working with her hands (or actually her hands through her sleeves). i get that it's cute and appealing to the eye but please try to make it have sense
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