#Hadaka Matsuri
gwydionmisha · 7 months
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attractive-curves3 · 3 months
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国府宮はだかまつり - 尾張大國霊神社, 国府宮, 稲沢, 愛知 Kōnomiya Hadaka Matsuri - Owari Ōkunitama Shrine/Kōnomiya, Inazawa, Aichi
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suzuran777 · 9 months
Revisiting Gakuen Handsome: Backstory + short review
I think every BL fan has seen something related to Gakuen Handsome at some point in their lives, it's a parody BL visual novel with quite the legacy. It was originally released in 2010 by Team YokkyuFuman and it also got its own OVA and anime adaptation in 2015 & 2016. The protagonist, who is an unnamed seventeen year old boy, moves back to the city after a seven year absence. He enrolls into Baramon High School, a prestigious all-boys school which takes pride in being the best of its prefecture. From now on, his life will be changed forever...
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First of all, the developer team's backstory is probably one of the most unique ones. In 2008, eight film students from the Tohoku University of Art and Design formed Team YokkyuFuman (チーム欲求腐満). Their blog mentions that a year later, they attempted to submit the Gakuen Handsome opening movie to the 9th edition of the Niconico Film Festival (their submission was completely ignored). After that, the opening movie was uploaded on NicoNico Douga, where it was quite well received. The description of the video mentions “to be released in 20009”, as they originally probably had no intention to create a full game.
After it became a hot topic on NicoNico Douga, the team decided to continue production, and in 2010 they released the game "Gakuen Handsome". Their university even gave them permission to organize an official exhibition: Gakuen Handsome Matsuri (or just Gakuen Handsome Festival). Visitors could watch the opening movie, learn more about the characters and take pictures together with the life-sized cardboard cutouts. The exhibition also featured rare merch: A drama CD which would be released in "20009" and canned bread.
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This exhibition was apparently not only held once, but many times according to their blog. The game was finally released in 2010 and many fans were happy to finally play it, supporting the team that created it. Togo Mito, who many of you know as the creator of (in)famous BL game Hadaka Shitsuji, also collaborated with them. These are some pictures I found on Togo Mito's old blog, Mizoguchi and Juro drawn by Togo Mito and the Hadaka Shitsuji cast drawn by Team YokkyuFuman.
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Even after graduation, it seems like they would occasionally invite some of Gakuen Handsome's creators. In 2014, the university tweeted that they would not be able to host the exhibition that year due to renovations, but visitors could take pictures with the cardboard cutouts. There's also an interview from 2016 on the university's website, in which they talk about how things have been after graduation! I absolutely love how the university supported all of this.
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Now about the game itself... Where to even start? You'll have to trust me, but the game is actually good. Many parody games can be quite a hit or miss, but this visual novel is something I still catch myself laughing at years later. The inconsistent art, pointy chins and strange jokes really create an experience unlike anything else. I don't think any commercial company would be able to create something like this, even if they tried. One detail that the anime adaptation doesn't really show is that many different artists worked on this, whose styles widely vary from each other, making absolutely no attempt to create one consistent artstyle. Most characters have at least 2 ~ 3 sprites that often look completely different from each other. For example, sometimes Saionji sensei looks like a clean-shaven teenager/young adult, but in the CGs he suddenly turn into an older looking man with a stubble.
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Yes he's talking about eating paint in the screenshot above, why not. Anyway... the voice acting in this game is something else I wanted to talk about, because it adds so much to the game. Of course it's not professional, but I think that's what makes it amazing. You can sometimes hear the voice actors trying really hard not to laugh, and they will occasionally completely mess up their lines. Of course all of those lines are kept in the game and they didn't re-record them. I also loved it when they started swearing in English for seemingly no reason. Also, instead of just avoiding the name of the protagonist (who you can give any name you want) they pronounce it... by improvision. Just imagine how one would try to pronounce a "adfgdf" keysmash and you'll get an idea what it sounds like.
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There are 6 characters in this game who you can romance. The protagonist's childhood friend Takuya, who is a bit obsessed with the protein bar Calorie Mate (which is censored in the new version of the game, so you just hear a BLEEP sound), outlaw teacher Saionji, school principal Juro who basically only functions as a save point, student council president Kagami, chuunibyou transfer student Shiga, and last but not least, the captain of the soccer team Mitsurugi, who also murders people with his chin sometimes. The protagonist's sister also has a (non-romantic) ending, which you need to play in order to unlock the extra scenario (which... is a ridiculous murder mystery story for some reason). I also could not find the guide I used a long time ago, so I just looked at some videos on NicoNico to see what others were doing and that worked pretty well...!
My favorite scene is probably still that one scene in Mitsurugi's route, in which he stabs people with his chin. It's also one of the scenes that gets referenced the most in fanart. The context makes it even more ridiculous, Mitsurugi gets really upset that some people like the chunky variant of red bean paste (tsubuan) and decides they should die. After stabbing his teammate and multiple other people he runs outside. The protagonist however, isn't safe either and also gets accused of being a "tsubuan supporter". If you survive though, you get a chance to marry Mitsurugi!
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Honestly one of the reasons I wanted to write about this game is because many people only know the OVA and/or anime, but the game is so funny I think everyone should play it if they're interested. I also think the team behind it has such a funny backstory and I love seeing how supportive their university is. Right now the team is still active on their Twitter account and they sometimes create new content. Last year they released Gakuen Handsome Fighters, a short fighting game featuring the Gakuen Handsome characters.
If you are interested in purchasing it, I recommend getting the "Special" edition which can be purchased on DLsite! I couldn't find a working download link anymore of the older version, but I think the creators deserve the support, so I don't regret buying it (it was about 15 USD). It includes the original game and 5 shorter stories which were originally released as smartphone apps. While I think the original game is still the best one, it's fun to explore some of the extra scenarios as well. One of the shorter games takes place in an alternative universe in which the boys live in the Heian period, and for some reason some of the sprites are animated... yeah.
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newloverofbeauty · 1 year
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The Ohara Hadaka Matsuri (大原はだか祭り, “Ohara Naked Festival”) 
is a 2-day annual festival held in Isumi City, Chiba. On the Saturday, half-dressed men carry portable shrines through the town and towards the local fishing harbour, before making a lot of noise and tossing them as high as they can in the air.
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studentofshinto · 7 months
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sasorikigai · 6 months
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Shirai Ryu & Nudity
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From the historical standpoint, Japan had a relatively open attitude towards nudity, with public baths (onsen) being an integral part of Japanese culture, and Shirai Ryu is no exception. These communal bathing spaces often involve complete nudity, with separate facilities for men and women. Onsen are not merely places to cleanse oneself but also to relax, socialize, and appreciate nature and they are scattered around the Shirai Ryu grounds.
Hanzo likes to personally explore the concept of nudity in his own artistic expressions as well, for he has been a lifetime practitioner of traditional Japanese art, such as ukiyo-e woodblock prints and sumi-e ink painting which often depicts nudity, particularly in representations of bath scenes or geishas. He enjoys to capture the human form in various states of undress, reflecting an appreciation for natural beauty and sensuality. Also, through literature and poetry, there are numerous themes of nudity, love, and desire - and Hanzo himself often explores and celebrates the human body and intimate relationships (Harumi Hasashi, of course, and verse dependent) through his writings and journal entries.
Shirai Ryu also participates in Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival), which sees participants clad only in loincloths as they engage in purification rituals, symbolizing the shedding of impurities and the renewal of the spirit. During the Hadaka Matsuri, thousands of male participants, often clad only in loincloths called "fundoshi," gather to compete for sacred talismans or lucky charms known as "shingi." The central event of the festival involves a mass struggle to seize these talismans, which are thrown into the crowd by a Shinto priest from a platform or shrine. The atmosphere during the festival is lively and energetic, with participants chanting and jostling to grab the coveted talismans.
The belief is that those who obtain the shingi will be blessed with good fortune and prosperity for the coming year. When Hanzo became a star apprentice of the Shirai Ryu despite the opposition of his father and thus soon matured and trained enough to participate in this ritual, he became the one who would obtain the shingi, which would also eventually led him to become Master Hasashi, the youngest ever in Shirai Ryu to obtain such a title.
Over time, the festival has become a symbol of community spirit, endurance, and tradition. Since Shirai Ryu thrives and dwells in the concept of tight-knitted community filled with rich Japanese traditions, Grandmaster Hasashi has implemented this, not only in the context of purification rituals or cultural traditions, but of celebratory cause; with energy, enthusiasm, and reverence, and the symbolic art of stripping away impurities and starting anew with discipline and dedication, rather than literal nudity.
While nudity is generally not acceptable in public spaces and there are laws governing indecent exposure, in Shirai Ryu, there are designated areas such as nude areas or specific hot springs where nudity is permitted and even expected.
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explurgercs · 3 months
All about Bizarre festivals around the globe in 2024
In a world as diverse as ours, where cultures intersect and traditions evolve continuously,  there exist some truly bizarre festivals that can totally shock you. From the downright quirky to the absolutely surreal, these celebrations offer a unique insight into the colorful tapestry of human culture. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most bizarre festivals in the world, where, when, and why they take place, and the intriguing history behind them.
The Songkran Water Festival, Thailand
Among the most bizarre festivals in the world, Songkran Water Festival is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm in Thailand. This festival marks the Thai New Year and is celebrated by splashing water on one another. This started as a way to pay respect and cleanse Buddha statues and the hands of monks, but has now turned into a nationwide water fight/festival. The festival usually takes place from April 13th to 15th, coinciding with the hottest month in Thailand, making it the perfect way to cool down in the hot summer.The history of Songkran dates back to ancient times when people poured water mixed with fragrant herbs over Buddha statues and then used this water to bless elders and family members. Over time, this tradition transformed into the joyous water festival it is today, attracting tourists from around the world.
La Tomatina, Spain
La Tomatina is perhaps one of the most bizarre festivals around the world. Held annually in the small town of Buñol in Spain, this festival involves a massive tomato fight where participants hurl tomatoes at each other for pure entertainment. Taking place on the last Wednesday of August, La Tomatina attracts thousands of locals and tourists from around the globe.The origins of La Tomatina date back to 1945 when a group of young men engaged in a spontaneous tomato fight during a traditional parade. The following year, they repeated the event, and it eventually became an annual tradition. Today, La Tomatina has grown into a globally renowned festival, drawing people from all corners of the globe to participate in this bizarre yet wonderful celebration.
The Monkey Buffet Festival, Thailand
Another addition to our list of bizarre festivals in the world is the Monkey Buffet Festival, held annually in Lopburi, Thailand. As the name suggests, during this festival, the local residents prepare a lavish buffet for the monkeys that inhabit the area. The feast includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other treats, all laid out for the enjoyment of the monkeys.The Monkey Buffet Festival typically takes place in November and is a way for the locals to express their gratitude to the monkeys, who are considered sacred in Thai culture. Legend has it that the festival began when a local businessman started offering food to the monkeys in the hope of bringing good luck to his town. The event gained popularity over the years and has now become a major tourist attraction.
Up Helly Aa, Scotland
Up Helly Aa is a Viking fire festival that takes place annually in Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland. One of the most bizarre festivals around the world, Up Helly Aa involves a procession of people dressed as Vikings, the burning of a galley ship, and a night of revelry and celebration.The festival has its roots in ancient Viking traditions and is held on the last Tuesday of January. The highlight of the event is the burning of a replica Viking longship, which symbolizes the end of the Yule season and the rebirth of the sun. Up Helly Aa attracts thousands of visitors to Lerwick each year, making it one of Scotland's most popular and bizarre festivals.
The Hadaka Matsuri, Japan
Hadaka Matsuri, also known as the Naked Festival, is one of the most bizarre festivals in the world and is celebrated in various parts of Japan. The festival involves thousands of men wearing only loincloths, who compete to catch sacred sticks called shingi, thrown by a priest.The Hadaka Matsuri is held in different parts of Japan throughout the year, with the most famous one taking place in Okayama in February. The origins of the festival date back over 500 years when it was believed that touching the shingi would bring good luck and fortune for the entire year. Today, the Hadaka Matsuri continues to be celebrated as a way to pray for good fortune and prosperity.
The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling, England
Among the most bizarre festivals around the world is the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling, held annually in Gloucestershire, England. During this event, a wheel of cheese is rolled down a steep hill, and participants race after it, risking life and limb in pursuit of the coveted prize.The origins of the Cheese Rolling festival are unclear, but it is believed to date back several centuries. Some say it started as a pagan ritual to welcome the spring, while others believe it was a way for locals to assert their grazing rights on the hill. Regardless of its origins, the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling has become a beloved tradition, attracting participants and spectators from around the world.
The Day of the Dead, Mexico
While not traditionally considered one of the bizarre festivals in the world, the Day of the Dead in Mexico is certainly one of the most unique and fascinating. This annual festival, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, honors deceased loved ones and is marked by colorful parades, elaborate altars, and offerings of food and drink.The origins of the Day of the Dead can be traced back to ancient Aztec rituals, which were later combined with Catholic traditions brought by Spanish colonizers. Today, the festival is a vibrant and joyous celebration of life and death, where families come together to remember and honor their ancestors.
The International Hair Freezing Contest, Canada
Rounding off our list of bizarre festivals around the world is the International Hair Freezing Contest, held annually at the Takhini Hot Pools in Canada's Yukon territory. During this unique event, participants soak in the hot springs and then sculpt their frozen hair into elaborate and often humorous shapes.The contest, which takes place in February, began as a way for locals to make the most of the long, cold winters in the Yukon. Today, it has become a popular tourist attraction, with participants from around the world competing for the title of best frozen hair sculpture.
In conclusion, the world is full of strange and wonderful traditions, and these bizarre festivals offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human culture. Whether it's splashing water at strangers in Thailand or racing down a hill after a wheel of cheese in England, these festivals are a testament to the creativity, ingenuity, and sheer joy of the human spirit. So, the next time you're looking for a unique travel experience, why not consider checking out one of these bizarre festivals around the world? Who knows, you might just find yourself having the time of your life!
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andronetalks · 7 months
Japan naked festival: Women join Hadaka Matsuri for first time
BBC By Shaimaa Khalil February 25, 2024 The sea of chanting, nearly-naked men tussle, push and shove towards the shrine. “Washoi! Washoi!” they yell – let’s go, let’s go. It is scene that has barely changed in the 1,250 years the Hadaka Matsuri, or the Naked Festival, has been taking place at the Konomiya Shrine, in central Japan.But this year there is a change – a big one.Away from the men’s…
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qnewsau · 7 months
Last Naked Man Festival after 1000 year history
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/last-naked-man-festival-after-1000-year-history/
Last Naked Man Festival after 1000 year history
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Participants have girded their loins in a fundoshi for the last time as Japan’s Somin-sai or naked man festival comes to an end after a 1,000 year history.
The Somin-sai festival is one of three Hadaka Matsuri or nakled man festivals held in Japan annually. Despite freezing winter temperatures, thousands of men stripped every year and washed in the frigid waters of the Yamauchigawa River in preparation for the ceremony.
They then dressed in a white loincloth known as a fundoshi and wrestled one another for lucky talismans. (Those interested in how to properly secure a fundoshi as an undergarment will benefit from a Google search, perhaps incorporating the word ‘porn’.😉)
Traditionally a celebration of good harvests, prosperity, good health and fertility, in recent years, the naked men festivals also attracted tourists. Japanese media reported that an estimated 3,000 visitors attended this year’s final event.
Festival organisers blamed the failure of the event on Japan’s aging population. They said they struggled to find young participants willing to strip naked and wade into the freezing waters.
However, the other two annual Hadaka Matsuri Naked Man festivals will go ahead.
The Owari Ōkunitama Shrine festival occurs annually on May 6. But it’s too late for the Saidai-ji Eyo Hadaka Matsuri festival this year. It happened just a week ago, with 9,000 men participating. There’s always next year.
Also in 2024, don’t forget the Festival of the Steel Phallus featuring dicks of every shape, size, colour, texture and taste – the first Sunday of April.
Japan festivals: naked done, penis coming soon.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 2.18
Armed Forces Day (Sierra Leone)
Clean Out Your Cubby Holes Day
Cold Day in Hell
Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day
Critical Care Transport Nurses Day
Dale Earnhardt Remembrance Day
Day of Diplomatic Staff (Turkmenistan)
Day of Spenta Armaiti (Zoroastrian Goddess of Earth & Fertility)
Dialect Day (Amami Islands, Japan)
Don Luis Muñoz-Marín Day (Puerto Rico)
Enzo Ferrari Day
Flirting Day
Hertha Asteroid Day
Huck Finn Day
International Asperger’s Day
Island Languages Day (Amami Islands)
Kimathi Day (Kenya)
King Biscuit Flower Hour Day
Konudagur (Wife’s Day; Iceland) [1st Day of Góa]
Kurdish Students Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
National Airboat Day
National Battery Day
National Democracy Day (Overthrow of Rana Dynasty; Nepal)
National Hate Florida Day
National Thumb Appreciation Day
Pluto Day
Rain Water Day (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Rakali Awareness Day
Saidai-ji Eyo Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival; Japan)
Sepandārmazgān (Women's Day; Zoroastrian Iran)
Sleigh Day (French Republic)
Stained Glass Appreciation Day 
Tacita (a.k.a. Rites of Tacita; Roman Silent Goddess)
Tanigumi Odori (Dance Festival; Japan)
Toni Morrison Day (Ohio)
Thumb Appreciation Day
University Mental Health and Well-Being Day (UK)
World Corporate Social Responsibility Day
World Information Architecture Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink Wine Day
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
National Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day
3rd Sunday in February
Anthesteria begins (3 Day Festival of flowers, feast of the dead and drinking festival) [3rd Sunday]
Battle of the Oranges (Ivrea, Italy) [Sunday before Lent]
Biezputras Diena (Porridge Day; Ancient Latvia) [Sunday before Feb 23 or Feb 4]
Poverty Sunday [3rd Sunday]
World Whale Day [3rd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 18
Aromatic Spectrum Awareness Week [thru 2.24]
Bird Health Awareness Week [thru 2.24]
Brotherhood / Sisterhood Week [thru 2.24]
Build a Better Trade Show Image Week [thru 2.24]
Engineers Week begins [thru 2.24]
National Justice for Animals Week [thru 2.24]
National Sauna Week [thru 2.24]
Through with the Chew Week (Chewing Tobacco) [thru 2.24]
Independence & Related Days
Democracy Day (Nepal)
The Gambia (from UK, 1965)
Manchurian Independence Day
Roscamistan (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning February 18, 2024
Aquaculture America (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.21]
Baklahorani Carnival (Istanbul, Turkey)
Daytona 500 (Daytona Beach, Florida)
NBA All-Star Game
Feast Days
Angilbert (Christian; Saint)
Aristophanes (Positivist; Saint)
Awen: The Three Drops of Inspiration (Celtic Book of Days)
Bernadette Soubirous (Lourdes, France; Christian; Saint) [also 4.16]
The Blue-Breasted Party Pigeon (Muppetism)
Colmán of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Duane Michaels (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Women (Ancient Persia)
First Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Buergbrennan (Traditional Burning of Bonfires; Luxembourg)
Invocabit (Lutheranism)
Paisee Sunday
People's Sunday (Malta)
Publican Sunday
Quadragesima Sunday
Flavian of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Fly-By for Faeries and Elves (Shamanism)
The Fornicalia (a.k.a. The Feral; to the God Manes; Ancient Rome)
Fra Angelico (Christian; Saint)
Frank Miller Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Geltrude Comensoli (Christian; Saint)
Helladius (Christian; Saint)
Ishtar’s Day (Pagan)
Ivrea Carnival begins (Ivrea, Italy) [Saturday before Lent; thru Monday]
Len Deighton (Writerism)
Leo and Paragorius (Christian; Martyrs)
Leone Battista Alberti (Artology)
Louise Comfort Tiffany (Artology)
Max Klinger (Artology)
Navel Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Rites of Tacita (Goddess of Silence; Ancient Rome)
Simeon of Jerusalem (a.k.a. Simon; Western Christianity)
Spenta Armaiti (Festival of Women; Zoroastrian)
Theotonius (Christian; Saint)
Toni Morrison (Writerism)
Wallace Berman (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [10 of 32]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [10 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [10 of 30]
The Big Broadcast of 1938 (Film; 1938)
The Big Rock Candy Mountain, by Wallace Stegner (Novel; 1943)
Bringing Up Baby (Film; 1938)
Constantine (Film; 2005)
The Cuphead Show! (Animated TV Series; 2022)
A German Requiem, by Johannes Brahms (Requiem; 1869)
Good Vibrations, recorded by Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
The Henpecked Rooster (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
The High and the Flighty (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The House of Seven Gargoyles (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #23; 1965)
I Am Number Four (Film; 2011)
The Invincible, by Stanisław Lem (Novel; 1964)
Just Ask Jupiter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The King of Comedy (Film; 1983)
Kiss, by Kiss (Album; 1974)
Kitbull (Pixar Cartoon; 1933)
Lake Titicaca (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
Learn Politeness (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion’s Busy (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Local Hero (Film; 1983)
Mickey’s Pal Pluto (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Mickey’s Surprise Party (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Missing Mustache or Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 258; 1964)
No Jacket Required, by Phil Collins (Album; 1985)
Mister Roberts, by Thomas Hegel and Joshua Logan (Play; 1948)
Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan (Novel; 1678)
The Pirates of Penzance (Film; 1983)
Porky’s Tire Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Reality Bites (Film; 1994)
The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason (Book; 1926)
Rumble (Animated Film; 2022)
Samson, by George Frideric Handel (Oratorio; 1743)
Schultze Gets the Blues (Film; 2005)
Severance (TV Series; 2022)
Sick Cylinders (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Trombone Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Uncharted (Film; 2022)
The Villain’s Victory Dance or The Jig is Up (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 257; 1964)
What’d I Say, recorded by Ray Charles (Song; 1959)
The Whole Nine Yards (Film; 2000)
Zorba the Greek, by Nikos Kazantzakis (Novel; 1946)
Today’s Name Days
Constanze, Simon, Simone (Austria)
Bernarda, Šimun (Croatia)
Gisela (Czech Republic)
Concordia (Denmark)
Karita, Karme, Karmen, Rita (Estonia)
Kaino (Finland)
Bernadette (France)
Constanza, Simon, Simone (Germany)
Agapitos, Leon (Greece)
Bernadett (Hungary)
Cinzia, Claudio, Simeone (Italy)
Indra, Kintija, Konkordija, Kora, Vizma (Latvia)
Bernadeta, Gendrė, Lengvenis, Simeonas (Lithuania)
Frode, Frøydis (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Fryda, Konstancja, Krystiana, Maksym, Sawa, Sylwan, Sylwana, Symeon, Więcesława, Zula, Zuzanna (Poland)
Leon (Romania)
Jaromír (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio (Spain)
Frida, Fritiof (Sweden)
Bentley, Blythe, Flavia, Flavian (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 49 of 2024; 317 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 9 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 9 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 8 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 19 Grey; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 5 February 2024
Moon: 71%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Homer (2nd Month) [Aristophanes]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 60 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 28 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Nuin (Ash) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 2 of 13]
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 2.18
Armed Forces Day (Sierra Leone)
Clean Out Your Cubby Holes Day
Cold Day in Hell
Cow Milked While Flying in an Airplane Day
Critical Care Transport Nurses Day
Dale Earnhardt Remembrance Day
Day of Diplomatic Staff (Turkmenistan)
Day of Spenta Armaiti (Zoroastrian Goddess of Earth & Fertility)
Dialect Day (Amami Islands, Japan)
Don Luis Muñoz-Marín Day (Puerto Rico)
Enzo Ferrari Day
Flirting Day
Hertha Asteroid Day
Huck Finn Day
International Asperger’s Day
Island Languages Day (Amami Islands)
Kimathi Day (Kenya)
King Biscuit Flower Hour Day
Konudagur (Wife’s Day; Iceland) [1st Day of Góa]
Kurdish Students Union Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
National Airboat Day
National Battery Day
National Democracy Day (Overthrow of Rana Dynasty; Nepal)
National Hate Florida Day
National Thumb Appreciation Day
Pluto Day
Rain Water Day (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Rakali Awareness Day
Saidai-ji Eyo Hadaka Matsuri (Naked Festival; Japan)
Sepandārmazgān (Women's Day; Zoroastrian Iran)
Sleigh Day (French Republic)
Stained Glass Appreciation Day 
Tacita (a.k.a. Rites of Tacita; Roman Silent Goddess)
Tanigumi Odori (Dance Festival; Japan)
Toni Morrison Day (Ohio)
Thumb Appreciation Day
University Mental Health and Well-Being Day (UK)
World Corporate Social Responsibility Day
World Information Architecture Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Drink Wine Day
Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
National Crab-Stuffed Flounder Day
3rd Sunday in February
Anthesteria begins (3 Day Festival of flowers, feast of the dead and drinking festival) [3rd Sunday]
Battle of the Oranges (Ivrea, Italy) [Sunday before Lent]
Biezputras Diena (Porridge Day; Ancient Latvia) [Sunday before Feb 23 or Feb 4]
Poverty Sunday [3rd Sunday]
World Whale Day [3rd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning February 18
Aromatic Spectrum Awareness Week [thru 2.24]
Bird Health Awareness Week [thru 2.24]
Brotherhood / Sisterhood Week [thru 2.24]
Build a Better Trade Show Image Week [thru 2.24]
Engineers Week begins [thru 2.24]
National Justice for Animals Week [thru 2.24]
National Sauna Week [thru 2.24]
Through with the Chew Week (Chewing Tobacco) [thru 2.24]
Independence & Related Days
Democracy Day (Nepal)
The Gambia (from UK, 1965)
Manchurian Independence Day
Roscamistan (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning February 18, 2024
Aquaculture America (San Antonio, Texas) [thru 2.21]
Baklahorani Carnival (Istanbul, Turkey)
Daytona 500 (Daytona Beach, Florida)
NBA All-Star Game
Feast Days
Angilbert (Christian; Saint)
Aristophanes (Positivist; Saint)
Awen: The Three Drops of Inspiration (Celtic Book of Days)
Bernadette Soubirous (Lourdes, France; Christian; Saint) [also 4.16]
The Blue-Breasted Party Pigeon (Muppetism)
Colmán of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Duane Michaels (Artology)
Feast of Minerva (Ancient Rome)
Festival of Women (Ancient Persia)
First Sunday in Lent (Western Christianity) (a.k.a. ... 
Buergbrennan (Traditional Burning of Bonfires; Luxembourg)
Invocabit (Lutheranism)
Paisee Sunday
People's Sunday (Malta)
Publican Sunday
Quadragesima Sunday
Flavian of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Fly-By for Faeries and Elves (Shamanism)
The Fornicalia (a.k.a. The Feral; to the God Manes; Ancient Rome)
Fra Angelico (Christian; Saint)
Frank Miller Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Geltrude Comensoli (Christian; Saint)
Helladius (Christian; Saint)
Ishtar’s Day (Pagan)
Ivrea Carnival begins (Ivrea, Italy) [Saturday before Lent; thru Monday]
Len Deighton (Writerism)
Leo and Paragorius (Christian; Martyrs)
Leone Battista Alberti (Artology)
Louise Comfort Tiffany (Artology)
Max Klinger (Artology)
Navel Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Rites of Tacita (Goddess of Silence; Ancient Rome)
Simeon of Jerusalem (a.k.a. Simon; Western Christianity)
Spenta Armaiti (Festival of Women; Zoroastrian)
Theotonius (Christian; Saint)
Toni Morrison (Writerism)
Wallace Berman (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [10 of 32]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [10 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [10 of 30]
The Big Broadcast of 1938 (Film; 1938)
The Big Rock Candy Mountain, by Wallace Stegner (Novel; 1943)
Bringing Up Baby (Film; 1938)
Constantine (Film; 2005)
The Cuphead Show! (Animated TV Series; 2022)
A German Requiem, by Johannes Brahms (Requiem; 1869)
Good Vibrations, recorded by Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys (Song; 1966)
The Henpecked Rooster (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1944)
The High and the Flighty (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The House of Seven Gargoyles (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #23; 1965)
I Am Number Four (Film; 2011)
The Invincible, by Stanisław Lem (Novel; 1964)
Just Ask Jupiter (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
The King of Comedy (Film; 1983)
Kiss, by Kiss (Album; 1974)
Kitbull (Pixar Cartoon; 1933)
Lake Titicaca (Disney Cartoon; 1955)
Learn Politeness (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
The Lion’s Busy (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Local Hero (Film; 1983)
Mickey’s Pal Pluto (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Mickey’s Surprise Party (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Missing Mustache or Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 258; 1964)
No Jacket Required, by Phil Collins (Album; 1985)
Mister Roberts, by Thomas Hegel and Joshua Logan (Play; 1948)
Pilgrim’s Progress, by John Bunyan (Novel; 1678)
The Pirates of Penzance (Film; 1983)
Porky’s Tire Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
Reality Bites (Film; 1994)
The Richest Man in Babylon, by George S. Clason (Book; 1926)
Rumble (Animated Film; 2022)
Samson, by George Frideric Handel (Oratorio; 1743)
Schultze Gets the Blues (Film; 2005)
Severance (TV Series; 2022)
Sick Cylinders (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Trombone Trouble (Disney Cartoon; 1944)
Uncharted (Film; 2022)
The Villain’s Victory Dance or The Jig is Up (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 257; 1964)
What’d I Say, recorded by Ray Charles (Song; 1959)
The Whole Nine Yards (Film; 2000)
Zorba the Greek, by Nikos Kazantzakis (Novel; 1946)
Today’s Name Days
Constanze, Simon, Simone (Austria)
Bernarda, Šimun (Croatia)
Gisela (Czech Republic)
Concordia (Denmark)
Karita, Karme, Karmen, Rita (Estonia)
Kaino (Finland)
Bernadette (France)
Constanza, Simon, Simone (Germany)
Agapitos, Leon (Greece)
Bernadett (Hungary)
Cinzia, Claudio, Simeone (Italy)
Indra, Kintija, Konkordija, Kora, Vizma (Latvia)
Bernadeta, Gendrė, Lengvenis, Simeonas (Lithuania)
Frode, Frøydis (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Fryda, Konstancja, Krystiana, Maksym, Sawa, Sylwan, Sylwana, Symeon, Więcesława, Zula, Zuzanna (Poland)
Leon (Romania)
Jaromír (Slovakia)
Eladio, Heladio (Spain)
Frida, Fritiof (Sweden)
Bentley, Blythe, Flavia, Flavian (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 49 of 2024; 317 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 9 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 9 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 8 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 19 Grey; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 5 February 2024
Moon: 71%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Homer (2nd Month) [Aristophanes]
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 60 of 89)
Week: 2nd Week of February
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 28 of 28)
Calendar Changes
Nuin (Ash) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 2 of 13]
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angel0news · 8 months
Japan's 'Naked Man' Fest Welcomes Women, Conditions Apply
In a historic move, a shrine in Japan has allowed women to participate in the 'naked man' festival for the first time in its 1650-year history, South China Morning Post reported. The festival, known as the Hadaka Matsuri, is a traditional event organised by the Konomiya Shrine in Inazawa town of Japan's Aichi prefecture. It is scheduled to take place on February 22, and around 10,000 local men are expected to participate.
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This year, 40 women will be allowed to engage in certain rituals of the festival which has been a 'men-only' affair. However, they will remain fully clothed, dressed in traditional happi coats, and avoid the traditional violent clash of near-naked men in loincloths, as per an Independent report. They will only participate in the 'naoizasa' ritual, which will require them to carry bamboo grass wrapped in cloth into the shrine grounds.
Mitsugu Katayama, an official of the organising committee said, ''We have not been able to hold the festival like we used to for the past three years because of the pandemic and, in the time, we received a lot of requests from women in the town to take part.'' He clarified that there was no active ban on women in the past, but they tended to stay away from the festival voluntarily.
The decision has been praised by local women and gender activists who have hailed it as a step forward in their campaign for equality.
During the event, thousands of males sport minimal amount of clothing with most of them using a Japanese loincloth called ''fundoshi'' along with a pair of white socks. As a part of the rituals of the festival, men spend the initial hours running around temple grounds and purifying themselves with freezing cold water and then head towards the main temple.
The participants then tussle to find two lucky sticks that the priest of the temple throws along with 100 other bundles of twigs. They call out for the shin-otoko or the 'chosen man', and attempt to touch him, as it is believed to bring good luck for a year. At the end of the event men often emerge out with bruises and injuries due to a stampede-like situation.
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attractive-curves3 · 9 months
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国府宮はだかまつり - 尾張大國霊神社, 国府宮, 稲沢, 愛知 Kōnomiya Hadaka Matsuri - Owari Ōkunitama Shrine/Kōnomiya, Inazawa, Aichi
Taken in February, 2023
Photo by © 2023 BlueRigby68/Blue@taka
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newloverofbeauty · 1 year
裸祭りThe Japanese Naked Festival : 裸祭り (Raw video.)
Hadaka Matsuri Festival
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ghanashowbizonline · 2 years
5 nude festivals/competitions around the world
Do you know that there are many nude festivals around the world? Have you ever imagined a festival or sporting event where everyone is completely naked or at least scantily clad? Well, you don’t have to imagine because they exist. Every year many people come together for festivals and sports competitions and do it in the nude. Here are five of such. 1. Hadaka matsuri Men do this to have good…
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explurgercs · 4 months
All about Bizarre festivals around the globe in 2024
In a world as diverse as ours, where cultures intersect and traditions evolve continuously,  there exist some truly bizarre festivals that can totally shock you. From the downright quirky to the absolutely surreal, these celebrations offer a unique insight into the colorful tapestry of human culture. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most bizarre festivals in the world, where, when, and why they take place, and the intriguing history behind them.
The Songkran Water Festival, Thailand
Among the most bizarre festivals in the world, Songkran Water Festival is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm in Thailand. This festival marks the Thai New Year and is celebrated by splashing water on one another. This started as a way to pay respect and cleanse Buddha statues and the hands of monks, but has now turned into a nationwide water fight/festival. The festival usually takes place from April 13th to 15th, coinciding with the hottest month in Thailand, making it the perfect way to cool down in the hot summer.The history of Songkran dates back to ancient times when people poured water mixed with fragrant herbs over Buddha statues and then used this water to bless elders and family members. Over time, this tradition transformed into the joyous water festival it is today, attracting tourists from around the world.
La Tomatina, Spain
La Tomatina is perhaps one of the most bizarre festivals around the world. Held annually in the small town of Buñol in Spain, this festival involves a massive tomato fight where participants hurl tomatoes at each other for pure entertainment. Taking place on the last Wednesday of August, La Tomatina attracts thousands of locals and tourists from around the globe.The origins of La Tomatina date back to 1945 when a group of young men engaged in a spontaneous tomato fight during a traditional parade. The following year, they repeated the event, and it eventually became an annual tradition. Today, La Tomatina has grown into a globally renowned festival, drawing people from all corners of the globe to participate in this bizarre yet wonderful celebration.
The Monkey Buffet Festival, Thailand
Another addition to our list of bizarre festivals in the world is the Monkey Buffet Festival, held annually in Lopburi, Thailand. As the name suggests, during this festival, the local residents prepare a lavish buffet for the monkeys that inhabit the area. The feast includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other treats, all laid out for the enjoyment of the monkeys.The Monkey Buffet Festival typically takes place in November and is a way for the locals to express their gratitude to the monkeys, who are considered sacred in Thai culture. Legend has it that the festival began when a local businessman started offering food to the monkeys in the hope of bringing good luck to his town. The event gained popularity over the years and has now become a major tourist attraction.
Up Helly Aa, Scotland
Up Helly Aa is a Viking fire festival that takes place annually in Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland. One of the most bizarre festivals around the world, Up Helly Aa involves a procession of people dressed as Vikings, the burning of a galley ship, and a night of revelry and celebration.The festival has its roots in ancient Viking traditions and is held on the last Tuesday of January. The highlight of the event is the burning of a replica Viking longship, which symbolizes the end of the Yule season and the rebirth of the sun. Up Helly Aa attracts thousands of visitors to Lerwick each year, making it one of Scotland's most popular and bizarre festivals.
The Hadaka Matsuri, Japan
Hadaka Matsuri, also known as the Naked Festival, is one of the most bizarre festivals in the world and is celebrated in various parts of Japan. The festival involves thousands of men wearing only loincloths, who compete to catch sacred sticks called shingi, thrown by a priest.The Hadaka Matsuri is held in different parts of Japan throughout the year, with the most famous one taking place in Okayama in February. The origins of the festival date back over 500 years when it was believed that touching the shingi would bring good luck and fortune for the entire year. Today, the Hadaka Matsuri continues to be celebrated as a way to pray for good fortune and prosperity.
The Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling, England
Among the most bizarre festivals around the world is the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling, held annually in Gloucestershire, England. During this event, a wheel of cheese is rolled down a steep hill, and participants race after it, risking life and limb in pursuit of the coveted prize.The origins of the Cheese Rolling festival are unclear, but it is believed to date back several centuries. Some say it started as a pagan ritual to welcome the spring, while others believe it was a way for locals to assert their grazing rights on the hill. Regardless of its origins, the Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling has become a beloved tradition, attracting participants and spectators from around the world.
The Day of the Dead, Mexico
While not traditionally considered one of the bizarre festivals in the world, the Day of the Dead in Mexico is certainly one of the most unique and fascinating. This annual festival, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, honors deceased loved ones and is marked by colorful parades, elaborate altars, and offerings of food and drink.The origins of the Day of the Dead can be traced back to ancient Aztec rituals, which were later combined with Catholic traditions brought by Spanish colonizers. Today, the festival is a vibrant and joyous celebration of life and death, where families come together to remember and honor their ancestors.
The International Hair Freezing Contest, Canada
Rounding off our list of bizarre festivals around the world is the International Hair Freezing Contest, held annually at the Takhini Hot Pools in Canada's Yukon territory. During this unique event, participants soak in the hot springs and then sculpt their frozen hair into elaborate and often humorous shapes.The contest, which takes place in February, began as a way for locals to make the most of the long, cold winters in the Yukon. Today, it has become a popular tourist attraction, with participants from around the world competing for the title of best frozen hair sculpture.
In conclusion, the world is full of strange and wonderful traditions, and these bizarre festivals offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human culture. Whether it's splashing water at strangers in Thailand or racing down a hill after a wheel of cheese in England, these festivals are a testament to the creativity, ingenuity, and sheer joy of the human spirit. So, the next time you're looking for a unique travel experience, why not consider checking out one of these bizarre festivals around the world? Who knows, you might just find yourself having the time of your life!
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