#Hades x Reader x Jafar Drabble
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Hades x Fem!Reader x Jafar || Drabble
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Plot: Just something quick I was struck with the inspiration to write while watching these movies+this episode- and I'm actually pretty happy with how their characters turned out!! Set during Hercules and the Arabian Nights- You catch the eye of Jafar... meanwhile Hades, your captor and ‘owner’ for lack of a far better word is not pleased about it. Still, they somehow find a way to frustrate you as a team.
Warnings: Ehhhh... not really. You are imprisoned by Hades, though. Also severely unedited right now because my laptop is running outta charge.
“Oh~ And who is this divine creature~”
“… Hm?” You squeak, surprised at the tall, unfamiliar man suddenly approaching you- reaching for your hand. When he catches it, long fingers curl around yours and he smirks. “Oh- uh- “You were just looking for food! What’s this now?
“Ohh no no no no- “Hades suddenly appears around the strange man, the evil God that tricked you and managed to kidnap you here to this desolate place. Immediately you sigh, rolling your eyes as Hades slips around you quickly and pulls you back away from the new man so he has no choice by to let go of your hand. “No, no, no. This one’s mine, bucko. Back off.”
‘This one’s- ‘ Jaw dropping, you turn your head and look up at Hades with a frustrated frown. You- are not- “Oh, my apologies. Are you married??”
“No.” Hades repeats, letting go of you. “But I have dibs on this one- and I also own their soul, if works out better for you.”
“You… own their soul… “The man rears back, a snake stuff in his hand at his side and chest puffed out. A deadpanned look settles on face and he raises the most sarcastic of eyebrows- and you live with Hades. Sarcasm is basically a second language, here. “… How romantic.”
“Oh, and I’m sure you’re the sultan of romance, eh? Bottom line, stay away from Y/N. In fact, what the heck are you doing here, babe, what’s up? You looking for something?” By the time you realise Hades is looking at you to actually speak, now, you’re over whatever shenanigans he’s up to and just roll your eyes.
Keep your eyes on the prize, Y/N. “I was looking for lunch?”
“Great! Easy peasy- go find Pain and Panic.” With that, Hades turns you around and pushes you off in some random, dank direction - though, they’re all dank in the Underworld, -, shooing you when you turn to look over your shoulder at him. Such a squirrely man… “Go, go! Jaffy and I here have got business to attend to, I’ll play with you later.”
Your jaw drops again, at that, and you turn right around to them again with your hands on your hips. ‘Play’ with you?? Hades looks half nervous, and like he’s about to open his damn mouth again but you go and speak before he can. “Oh, don’t bother!” Rolling your eyes, you make an ‘ugh’ sound, and turn to look at ‘Jaffy’. “And I wanna know what’s going on, here now. How come you’re flesh and bone? Big Blue here trick you, too??”
“Ahh, no.” The man gives a smile, and it sends spider-leg tingles creeping all the way down your spine. Oh, boy. You always meet the worst men. “I was actually sent here by grave mistake- Hades here was just hospitable enough to help correct the mistake.”
“Ah ah ah- not exactly, pal, see we’re just making a wager- “
“Sh,” You cut Hades off quickly, holding up a finger at him that sufficiently shuts him up again. Then you turn to the other man once again while Hades’ jaw drops.  “Look, I wouldn’t trust a word outta Hades’ mouth, uhh… “
“Jafar, once the most powerful sorcerer in the world.” Theirs an heir of royal haughtiness in his tone, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Jafar. Take it from me- He’s full of shit.” The man’s eyes widen on impact, then, at your language. “He told me that line about making a wager and now I’m stuck here in this dump, and- have you met Pain and Panic?”
“Those goons?”
“Yes- them- they’re my only friends. Trust me, it’d be better for you just to go quietly.”
For a moment, Jafar ponders your words, eyes that are prettier then need-be going up and around as he thinks; Drumming fingertips against the top of his snake staff. “Hmmm… “While Jafar gives your words more thought than you, personally, think he ought to, Hades gears up to do his motor-mouth thing once again- but you give him a dark look that for some reason, he heeds. “You have a point, my dear… But I think I can handle this.”
Oh, for gods sake. Men and their egos!- Your eye twitches momentarily from irritation, but ultimately you just sigh and shake your head. Whatever. You start to turn around, to go looking for your lunch again, but Jafar reaches you first and takes your hand once again. “Might I join you for lunch? Hades was just telling me about Ambrosia, and it does sound just… delicious~ “
With that, his eyes glide all the way down your body and back up again. Your eyes flicker to Hades, see the orange flickering in his hair and nervously look back to Jafar. “Um… sure?”
Over lunch the God and the ‘Once Powerful Sorcerer’ discuss their plans for Hercules and another guy that Jafar has a problem with, ‘Aladdin’, and you just sit back thinking to yourself. Their evil schemes don’t interest you, and its not like you can do anything to stop them, so you just find enjoying your favourite fantasy - rolling hills, daisies, the beautiful sun dappling through trees overhead onto the soft grass under your feet… - when you realise much-too-late that both Hades and Jafar are looking at you.
Uhh… mug halfway up to your mouth, you stop immediately; Eyes wide as you look back at them, totally lost. “… what did I miss? Is there something on my face??”
Jafar chuckles. “No, dear- “
“Yeah you’re fine.” Hades cuts Jafar off quickly, flashing the man a dark glare before looking back to you- which point, Jafar gives a heavy eyeroll. “We just asked you if you might be able to help us out with something, babe,”
Immediately, suspicions rise. “… Like what?”
“Just… a little distraction.” As soon as your mouth opens again to deny the request, knowing just enough about what they might b asking you to not like it- Hades quickly goes on. “Look, we got a plan, but we need a little- “
“Shall we say… feminine touch?” Jafar cuts in, and Hades gives a shrug while your start shaking your head.
“Yeah, that. C’mon- Y/N- Nothing seedy! We just need you to hold a conversation with Al!- just so Pain and Panic can slip in and take the monkey.”
“No- no! You two are asking me to help you nab a man’s pet?? Not my idea of a fun afternoon, so no. Forget about it, I’ll be in my dungeon when you need me for something sane- “You push out of your chair and go to leave the room, when you remember the pita bread you had left over and turn back to snatch it up and take it with you. “- Oh, like baby-napping, yeah? Ugh.”
When you turn around back towards the door once again, though, Hades is directly in front of you- of course. Groaning, you roll your eyes upwards into the back of your skull and stop short as he raises his hands in a gesture of surrender- fake surrender, no doubt. “Okay, okay! I get it, not your thing. But put this into consideration- yeah?” Placing a finger into the soft skin under your chin, Hades tilts your head up to make you look at him. And his face is close- but you’re used to that by now. Well… mostly. “… You’d be outside, doing this.”
… Oh. As soon as that part sinks in, your shoulders slump. That’s right… you would get to go outside… That makes you think.
“Mmm, yes. And Agrabah is beautiful, if I do say so myself.” Jafar appears at Hades' side and theirs a tricky smile on his face, but you can’t help but listen. Beautiful?? “Warm, and sunny. Blue skies, soft sand… a Destination, really.” He shrugs. “Travellers brave some very dangerous seas, for our views.”
Your mouth is dry. Your resolve is thin. You should still say no, though!… You’re a good, sane person, and-
“Also- if you did this little favour babe- I would be willing to, let’s say… loosen, the terms of your imprisonment here?” Hades adds, and you find yourself half wishing he wouldn’t say the next words, but- “Howdoya feel about weekly expeditions upstairs, eh? I’ll take you myself.”
At that, you lose all will power. Your lips part.
“… Okay I’ll do it.”
Hades and Jafar share an evil, victorious look.
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The Bloggening
Aight then, time to tell y'all what's coming up next!
As you can see, my asks are now disabled, and will continue to be so until I clear out my to do list. Said to do list is as follows:
Masterlists, Drafts, DV'Cule prompts, and OF COURSE, my ASKS.
Holy hell peeps I've got a lot of asks (thank you all sm!!)
In More Detai! The bloggening plan is as follows:
Masterlists To Be Created For;
The Horned King COMPLETE
Captain Hook COMPLETE
Captain Barbossa COMPLETE
Drafts To Be Completed;
Breakdown of That One Arcane Scene that makes my chest hurt COMPLETE
C. Hook 'Teaching Reader how to Dance' Ask COMPLETE
Reblog of a @disney-android-foundation post that makes me wheeze COMPLETE
DV'Cule Prompts to Write;
Out-Cheating the Carnival COMPLETE
Frollo Does Not Approve of Anything, Ever, Pt. 1.5 COMPLETE
Frollo Does Not Approve of Anything, Ever, Pt. 2
Hades Has to Pick a Plus 1 COMPLETE
By Talos this Can't be Happening, Frollo Edition
ANOTHER Undead Sorcerer?!
Ask List, In No Particular Order;
Romance One Shot, Captain Hook X Reader COMPLETE
Imhotep Summons Pitch Black, Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Fluffy Confession, Barbossa X Reader
Friends to Lovers, Hades x Fem!Reader COMPLETE
Dr. Facilier, Headless Horseman and Horned King. Fluff Headcannons
Pitch Black X Human!Reader, Headcannons COMPLETE
Married Life with The Horned King, Headcannons (two-part ask)
Retro Video Game Love, TFP Starscream X Reader
Witch/Mage!Reader X The Horned King, Headcannons COMPLETE
You're a DemiGod?! Jafar X DG!Reader, Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Who's the Better Pirate?? Hook, Barbossa, Davy Jones. Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Comfort Headcannons, Starscream OR Darksiders Character of My Choice (Undecided)
More Hades x Eldritch!Reader, Headcannons (Two requests) COMPLETE
Hades X OCD TransMasc!S/O, Headcannons
NOS4A2 X Electomancer!Reader, Headcannons
Imhotep X Insecure!Reader, Headcannons
Thieving Meet-Cute, NOS4A2 X Villain!Reader, One Shot
Hades vs Lost Kittens, Drabble COMPLETE
“Did you just bite me?” prompt, DV'Cule One Shot
“Keep screaming. No one’s gonna hear you.” prompt, Starscream x Human!Reader COMPLETE
“Don’t bleed on my carpet” prompt, Imhotep X Reader
“You licked me!” prompt, TFA Blitzwing X Reader COMPLETE
TFA Blitzwing X Chaotic!Reader COMPLETE
Family Kidnapping, NOS4A2 x Reader Headcannons/One Shot
"I remember you" prompt, Horned King X Reincarnated!Reader COMPLETE
"Comforting touches" prompt, Davy Jones X Reader COMPLETE
Return to the Resturant! DV'Cule vs Waiter Headcannons/One Shot COMPLETE
Imhotep X LovesPDA!Reader, Headcannons COMPLETE
“Don’t bleed on my carpet” prompt, Hades X Reader COMPLETE
That's Everything! I'll be Editing and reblogging this post as I go!
Btw in the absence of asks feel free to comment/reblog and say stuff in tags for that sweet sweet serotonin and writing juice to fuel me onwards. I cry with joy everytime someone takes the time to leave me a sweet message or say how much they enjoyed my work, means a lot!
Premptively I'm going to thank everyone for your patience as this won't be cranked out overnight XD
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Hades
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
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Drabble: Hades x Mortal!Indentured!Reader; The Godwhore and his Indentured Healer.
Drabble: Hades x Reader x Jafar- Hercules and the Arabian Nights.
Drabble: Hades x Reader; Zeus' Visit.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Accidental Kisses.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Kabedon.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Unsent Project.
Drabble Set: Pervy!MultiVillains x Reader- Flirting Back.
Drabble Set: Supernatural!MultiVillains x Reader.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains+Beetlejuice x Asexual!Reader.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Hostage!Reader- Heroes come to save Reader but they're in Love.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Reader- Falling in Love.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Reader- Meet-Cute.
*Headcanons: Hades and Eris Co-Parenting.
*Headcanons: Mortal!Hades x Pyromaniac!Reader.
Headcanons: Ultimate NSFW HC Post Part 1 🔞.
Imagine: Disney Villains Realising how Tired you are.
Imagine: Disney Villains Sidekicks Reassuring You.
Imagine: Ex! Disney Villains Meeting your New Spouse.
Imagine: Your ending to the Story.
Oneshot: Hades x Indentured!Reader- Nessus Sucks at Aftercare/Hades is Fantastic.
Smexcerpts: Disney And Pixar Villains x Reader 🔞.
*Smexcerpts: Disney Villains x Reader- Thinking of You during ~Me Time~ 🔞.
*SpotifyWrapped!Imagine: Bonnie.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Jafar
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
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Dark!Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader. Vol 3 🔞.
Drabble: Hades x Reader x Jafar- Hercules and the Arabian Nights.
*Drabble: Jafar x LittleGirl!Reader- Apprentice.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Accidental Kisses.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Kabedon.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Reign Inspired.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains Waking up with different Genitalia.
Headcanons: Ultimate NSFW HC Post Part 1🔞.
*Headcanons: Yandere HC's.
Imagine: Disney Villains Realising how Tired you are.
Imagine: Disney Villains Sidekicks Reassuring You.
Imagine: Ex! Disney Villains Meeting your New Spouse.
Imagine: Your ending to the Story.
Smexcerpts: Disney And Pixar Villains x Reader 🔞.
Masterlist Within a Masterlist- Farja
Drabble Set: Disney Recruiters (+Villains) x Reader.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Do you have something like a list of requests you got and are gonna write? Tumblr is known to make them magicaly dissapear, so I'd like to know whatever I need to send it again or no?! Sorry if it too much trouble
You have a very good point! Not too much trouble, don’t worry! Happy to do it, man ^^
Current Request List: 
Laughing Jack x Reader || Drabble / s : Baking Shinanigans. 
Captain Hook, Clayton, Gaston, Hades, Jafar, McLeach and Rourke *Separate* x Reader || Short Imagine / Drabble : Pinning you to a wall.
Lazlo Valentin x Reader || Oneshot : Enemies who are attracted to each other (; 
Clayton x Reader || Oneshot : Smut. 
Lyle Rourke x Reader || Oneshot : Smut and a sprinkle of Fluff. 
Kahmunrah x Reader || Headcanons : S/O who’s interested in Ancient Egypt. 
Clayton, Ratigan and Sheriff of Nottingham *Separate* x Reader || Headcanons or Drabbles : Villains experiencing love at first sight! 
Yandere!Jervis Tetch / Mad Hatter, Jonathon / Scarecrow, Oswald Cobblepot / Penguin and Victor Zsasz *Separate* x Reader || Headcanons : Yandere. 
Yandere!Rourke x Reader || Headcanons : General and Smut HC’s
Don Karnage x DeathMetalFan!Reader || Headcanons : S/O who loves metal / rock music. 
Hopper x Villain!Tsundere!Reader || Headcanons / Summary : With a tsundere villain S/O who is incredibly violent, has a bad temper, swears, drinks, smokes, is badass, speaks their mind, has no filter, and absolutely loves destroying / killing things.
Offenderman x NewGirlfriend!Reader || Oneshot : Catches S/O doing research~ (Watching tentacle porn XD) 
Splenderman || Summary / Headcanons : What truly pisses him off?
Nina The Killer x Reader || Headcanons : Nina’s friend, who was killed before she went nuts, is brought back to life to seek revenge against those who killed them. 
Jeff The Killer x Rocker!Reader || Headcanons : S/O who is in a popular rock band. 
Dr Facilier, Hades, Horned King, and Maleficent *Separate* x Reader || Headcanons : The hero comes to save reader who was kidnapped by Villain just to find that reader has fallen in love with villain. 
Platonic!Splenderman and Platonic!Reader || Oneshot / Drabble : Splender finds an injured animal, takes it home to health, before finding out one day that the animal was a young woman who couldnt shapeshift back to human while injured. 
Offenderman x Sad!Reader || Drabble : Reader is silent crying in Slender Mansion livingroom and Offender is the only one who notices, so he decides to try and distract her. 
Captain Hook, Dr Facilier, Gaston and Lady Tremaine *Separate* and OrphanedLittleGirl!Pickpocket!Reader || Headcanons / Drabbles : Lil girl often torments villain but they grow a bond when she steals from someone who wronged the villain. 
Alameda Slim and Granddaughter!Reader || Headcanons : Grandaughter is super cute and loves his yodelling, and even tries to yodel herself! 
Rival!Gaston and BellesBabySister!Reader || Oneshot : Reader (8-9 yrs) loves her big sister and utilises every power in her sneaky little self to keep Gaston from harassing her. 
Human!Hopper x Bigger!ArmyGirl!AdoptedByFliksColony!Reader || Drabble : Reader was an army bug but got separated from her group and joined Flick’s colony when Hopper comes and tries to threaten him, and uses her size and domineering presence against him to protect her new people. 
Queen Of Hearts (1951 and 2010, separately) x Alice’LittleSister!Reader || Headcanons or Drabbles : The Queen haaaates your sister, but thinks you’re the sweetest thing!
Sally Williams || Headcanons : General HC’s.
Laughing Jack || Headcanons : General HC’s.
Slenderman || Headcanons : General HC’s.
Candy Pop || Headcanons : General HC’s.
Babysitter!Kagekao and Sally Williams || Headcanons : Kagekao babysitting Sally. 
Familial!Splenderman and Sally || Headcanons : Sally losed her teddy bear. 
Trenderman || Headcanons : General HC’s.
Grinny || Headcanons : Genera HC’s.
Platonic!Clockwork, Jane The Killer, Nina The Killer and Nurse Ann *Separate* and Reader Platonic!Reader || Headcanons : BFF HC’s.
Trenderman x Reader || Headcanons : Famous Designer S/O
Jeff and Jane The Killer x Reader || Drabble : Jeff really likes you, but Jane (Your protective mama bear best friend) wont let him anywhere near you. 
Judge Claude Frollo x Fallen Angel!Reader || Headcanons : Fallen Angel S/O. 
Bill Sykes || A n y t h I n g 
Werewolf!Captain Hook, Clayton, Gaston, Frollo, Sykes, and Human!Professor Ratigan || Headcanons : Their first transformation after getting bitten. 
Sally Williams and Reader || Oneshot or Headcanons : Sally befriends a little girl ghost in Slender forest. 
Slender Brothers x Reader || Headcanons / Reactions : Reactions to falling in love. 
Yandere!Freddy Krueger and Beetlejuice x Uninterested!Reader || Headcanons or Drabbles : Reader is gonna say a firm ‘No thank you’, here. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Oooo, what requests do you currently have?
Here they are! The ones with a star are the ones I’ve started/nearly finished. 
* Jason The Toymaker x Reader // Oneshot // Reader gives themselves up to be his best friend in place of their younger sibling and actually ends up liking it. 
Yandere!Bill Cipher x Reader // Oneshot // Reader gives herself up to Bill to save their family 
Eyeless Jack x Reader x Thomas Hewitt // Oneshot // E.J wants reader to be his mate but then they meets Thomas Hewitt. 
Freddy Krueger x Victim!Reader // Oneshot // Reader has powerful Expression magic 
Al Capone x Reader // Oneshot // They go on a date ^^ 
Slenderman x Fem!Reader // Oneshot // He’s in heat and his S/O wants help... and discovers his tentacles are s e n s i t i v e. ‘Tentacle porn with feelings,’ - Quote from the requester ^^
Dr Facilier, Evil Queen, Gaston, Hades and Jafar x Reader // Drabbles // Accidental first kisses 
Slender Brothers (Seperate) x Reader // Drabbles / Headcanons // Another Pasta is teasing them about having a crush on reader when the reader walks by and hears everything. 
Freddy Krueger x Jason Voorhees // Oneshot // Quarantined together
* Al Capone x Reader x Napoleon (Poly) // Headcanons // SFW and NSFW
Horned King x Reader // Headcanons // Him falling in love 
Bill Cipher x Reader // Headcanons // With an eccentric and happy S/O
* Yandere!Captain Hook, Governor Ratcliffe Jafar and Maleficent x Reader // Headcanons // Yandere H/C’s 
Hades x Reader // Headcanons // Pyromaniac Reader 
* Long John Silver x Reader // Oneshot // Smut
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
I would say underrated characters could be natm al Capone and Napoleon Bonaparte. Also what do you have coming up to post? Anyways have a great day!❤️
Yeahhh, I can see that. Its a shame, because they’re so cool! (Also Ivan, I love him to death) Thank you for responding, and have a great day too! ^^
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And, no problem!! Here’s my current list. I’m thinking about shutting down requests when/if I get to 30 ^^ Which is… hah… very close. I only just realised we’re on 29. 
I’ve put a # under the ones I’m going to try to finish today. 
1.       Jason The Toymaker x Reader who takes their siblings place as his friend to save them, and ends up liking being friends with him. Oneshot
2.       Hans x Secret Admirer!Reader Oneshot
3.       # Fluff for Ratigan, Bill Cipher and Oogie Boogie Headcanons
4.       Ghostface x Victim!Reader who is in Casey Becker’s place and gives an incorrect answer to the horror movie trivia question so they’ll kill her abusive boyfriend (In Steves position). Oneshot
5.       # Jafar, Rourke, Hades, Clayton, Gaston, Dr. Facillier react to walking in on S/O changing. Reactions
6.       Yandere!Bill Cipher x Reader who makes a deal to give herself up to him to save her family Oneshot
7.       E.J x Fem!Reader x Thomas Hewitt where E.J wants reader to be his mate when they meet the Hewitt’s and they work together and Thomas falls in love with her as well. Oneshot
8.       # Jason Voorhees x Hybrid!Reader Headanons
9.       Freddy Krueger x Victim!Reader who has Expression magic Oneshot
10.   # Slender, EJ, Gaston, and Maleficent x Reader who is going to have an Ultrasound Headcanons
11.   Eris and Hades Co-parenting Headcanons
12.   Captain Hook, Hades, Gaston, Dr. Facilier, and Cruella DeVile getting jealous when S/O spends a lot of time with sidekicks Headcanons
13.   Al Capone x Reader Oneshot
14.   InHeat!Slenderman x Reader loving tentacle Smut Oneshot
15.   # Toon Patrol Weasels affection Headcanons
16.   # Yandere!Slenderman Headcanons
17.   Jeff the Killer x Reader where Smile loves Jeff’s S/O more then him and gets jealous a lot when Jeff goes to show affection to his partner. Jeff’s Reaction.  
18.   Gaston, Jafar, Evil Queen, Hades and Dr. Facilier accidental first kiss with reader Drabbles.  
19.   Bill x Rocker!S/O Headcanons.
20.   # Yandere!Hades Headcanons
21.   # Yandere!Evil Queen, Ursula, Shan Yu and Shadowman Headcanons
22.   Slender Bro’s (Separate) x Reader where another Creep or Bro teases them for their feelings for reader and reader walks in and hears everything Headcanons / Drabble (Haven’t decided).
23.   Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees getting quarantined together Oneshot.
24.   Poly!Napoleon x Reader x Al Capone Headcanons
25.   Horned King x Fem!Reader Headcanons
26.   Human!Bill Cipher x Happy and Eccentric!Reader Headcanons
27.   Yandere!Offenderman x Shopaholic!Reader Headcanons
28.   Hoyt with an Extrovert!Daughter Headcanons
29.   # Hoyt with a son who becomes a teenage father Headcanons
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Sorry! We’re up to 31, and I want to at least get the headcanon requests finished before opening up again! ^^ Shouldn't be long! Here’s the to do list: 
Jason The Toymaker x Reader who takes their siblings place as his friend to save them, and ends up liking being friends with him. Oneshot
Hans x Secret Admirer!Reader Oneshot 
Ghostface x Victim!Reader who is in Casey Becker’s place and gives an incorrect answer to the horror movie trivia question so they’ll kill her abusive boyfriend (In Steves position). Oneshot
Jafar, Rourke, Hades, Clayton, Gaston, Dr. Facillier react to walking in on S/O changing. Reactions
Yandere!Bill Cipher x Reader who makes a deal to give herself up to him to save her family Oneshot
E.J x Fem!Reader x Thomas Hewitt where E.J wants reader to be his mate when they meet the Hewitt’s and they work together and Thomas falls in love with her as well. Oneshot
Jason Voorhees x Hybrid!Reader Headanons
Freddy Krueger x Victim!Reader who has Expression magic Oneshot
Slender, EJ, Gaston, and Maleficent x Reader who is going to have an Ultrasound Headcanons
Eris and Hades Co-parenting Headcanons
Captain Hook, Hades, Gaston, Dr. Facilier, and Cruella DeVile getting jealous when S/O spends a lot of time with sidekicks Headcanons
Al Capone x Reader Oneshot
InHeat!Slenderman x Reader loving tentacle Smut Oneshot
Toon Patrol Weasels affection Headcanons
Yandere!Slenderman Headcanons
Jeff the Killer x Reader where Smile loves Jeff’s S/O more then him and gets jealous a lot when Jeff goes to show affection to his partner. Jeff’s Reaction.  
Gaston, Jafar, Evil Queen, Hades and Dr. Facilier accidental first kiss with reader Drabbles.  
Bill x Rocker!S/O Headcanons.
Yandere!Hades Headcanons  
Slender Bro’s (Separate) x Reader where another Creep or Bro teases them for their feelings for reader and reader walks in and hears everything Headcanons / Drabble (Haven’t decided).
Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees getting quarantined together Oneshot.
Poly!Napoleon x Reader x Al Capone Headcanons
Horned King x Fem!Reader Headcanons
Human!Bill Cipher x Happy and Eccentric!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Offenderman x Shopaholic!Reader Headcanons 
Hoyt with a son who becomes a teenage father Headcanons
Yandere Jafar, Captain Hook, Ratcliffe, and Maleficent Headcanons
Hades with a Pyro S/O Headcanons
Al Capone Headcanons 
Al Capone fluff or angst Headcanons (Probably to be mixed with the above request)
NSFW with Long John Silver Oneshot
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