#Jafar x Reader Drabble
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Hades x Fem!Reader x Jafar || Drabble
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Plot: Just something quick I was struck with the inspiration to write while watching these movies+this episode- and I'm actually pretty happy with how their characters turned out!! Set during Hercules and the Arabian Nights- You catch the eye of Jafar... meanwhile Hades, your captor and ‘owner’ for lack of a far better word is not pleased about it. Still, they somehow find a way to frustrate you as a team.
Warnings: Ehhhh... not really. You are imprisoned by Hades, though. Also severely unedited right now because my laptop is running outta charge.
“Oh~ And who is this divine creature~”
“… Hm?” You squeak, surprised at the tall, unfamiliar man suddenly approaching you- reaching for your hand. When he catches it, long fingers curl around yours and he smirks. “Oh- uh- “You were just looking for food! What’s this now?
“Ohh no no no no- “Hades suddenly appears around the strange man, the evil God that tricked you and managed to kidnap you here to this desolate place. Immediately you sigh, rolling your eyes as Hades slips around you quickly and pulls you back away from the new man so he has no choice by to let go of your hand. “No, no, no. This one’s mine, bucko. Back off.”
‘This one’s- ‘ Jaw dropping, you turn your head and look up at Hades with a frustrated frown. You- are not- “Oh, my apologies. Are you married??”
“No.” Hades repeats, letting go of you. “But I have dibs on this one- and I also own their soul, if works out better for you.”
“You… own their soul… “The man rears back, a snake stuff in his hand at his side and chest puffed out. A deadpanned look settles on face and he raises the most sarcastic of eyebrows- and you live with Hades. Sarcasm is basically a second language, here. “… How romantic.”
“Oh, and I’m sure you’re the sultan of romance, eh? Bottom line, stay away from Y/N. In fact, what the heck are you doing here, babe, what’s up? You looking for something?” By the time you realise Hades is looking at you to actually speak, now, you’re over whatever shenanigans he’s up to and just roll your eyes.
Keep your eyes on the prize, Y/N. “I was looking for lunch?”
“Great! Easy peasy- go find Pain and Panic.” With that, Hades turns you around and pushes you off in some random, dank direction - though, they’re all dank in the Underworld, -, shooing you when you turn to look over your shoulder at him. Such a squirrely man… “Go, go! Jaffy and I here have got business to attend to, I’ll play with you later.”
Your jaw drops again, at that, and you turn right around to them again with your hands on your hips. ‘Play’ with you?? Hades looks half nervous, and like he’s about to open his damn mouth again but you go and speak before he can. “Oh, don’t bother!” Rolling your eyes, you make an ‘ugh’ sound, and turn to look at ‘Jaffy’. “And I wanna know what’s going on, here now. How come you’re flesh and bone? Big Blue here trick you, too??”
“Ahh, no.” The man gives a smile, and it sends spider-leg tingles creeping all the way down your spine. Oh, boy. You always meet the worst men. “I was actually sent here by grave mistake- Hades here was just hospitable enough to help correct the mistake.”
“Ah ah ah- not exactly, pal, see we’re just making a wager- “
“Sh,” You cut Hades off quickly, holding up a finger at him that sufficiently shuts him up again. Then you turn to the other man once again while Hades’ jaw drops.  “Look, I wouldn’t trust a word outta Hades’ mouth, uhh… “
“Jafar, once the most powerful sorcerer in the world.” Theirs an heir of royal haughtiness in his tone, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Jafar. Take it from me- He’s full of shit.” The man’s eyes widen on impact, then, at your language. “He told me that line about making a wager and now I’m stuck here in this dump, and- have you met Pain and Panic?”
“Those goons?”
“Yes- them- they’re my only friends. Trust me, it’d be better for you just to go quietly.”
For a moment, Jafar ponders your words, eyes that are prettier then need-be going up and around as he thinks; Drumming fingertips against the top of his snake staff. “Hmmm… “While Jafar gives your words more thought than you, personally, think he ought to, Hades gears up to do his motor-mouth thing once again- but you give him a dark look that for some reason, he heeds. “You have a point, my dear… But I think I can handle this.”
Oh, for gods sake. Men and their egos!- Your eye twitches momentarily from irritation, but ultimately you just sigh and shake your head. Whatever. You start to turn around, to go looking for your lunch again, but Jafar reaches you first and takes your hand once again. “Might I join you for lunch? Hades was just telling me about Ambrosia, and it does sound just… delicious~ “
With that, his eyes glide all the way down your body and back up again. Your eyes flicker to Hades, see the orange flickering in his hair and nervously look back to Jafar. “Um… sure?”
Over lunch the God and the ‘Once Powerful Sorcerer’ discuss their plans for Hercules and another guy that Jafar has a problem with, ‘Aladdin’, and you just sit back thinking to yourself. Their evil schemes don’t interest you, and its not like you can do anything to stop them, so you just find enjoying your favourite fantasy - rolling hills, daisies, the beautiful sun dappling through trees overhead onto the soft grass under your feet… - when you realise much-too-late that both Hades and Jafar are looking at you.
Uhh… mug halfway up to your mouth, you stop immediately; Eyes wide as you look back at them, totally lost. “… what did I miss? Is there something on my face??”
Jafar chuckles. “No, dear- “
“Yeah you’re fine.” Hades cuts Jafar off quickly, flashing the man a dark glare before looking back to you- which point, Jafar gives a heavy eyeroll. “We just asked you if you might be able to help us out with something, babe,”
Immediately, suspicions rise. “… Like what?”
“Just… a little distraction.” As soon as your mouth opens again to deny the request, knowing just enough about what they might b asking you to not like it- Hades quickly goes on. “Look, we got a plan, but we need a little- “
“Shall we say… feminine touch?” Jafar cuts in, and Hades gives a shrug while your start shaking your head.
“Yeah, that. C’mon- Y/N- Nothing seedy! We just need you to hold a conversation with Al!- just so Pain and Panic can slip in and take the monkey.”
“No- no! You two are asking me to help you nab a man’s pet?? Not my idea of a fun afternoon, so no. Forget about it, I’ll be in my dungeon when you need me for something sane- “You push out of your chair and go to leave the room, when you remember the pita bread you had left over and turn back to snatch it up and take it with you. “- Oh, like baby-napping, yeah? Ugh.”
When you turn around back towards the door once again, though, Hades is directly in front of you- of course. Groaning, you roll your eyes upwards into the back of your skull and stop short as he raises his hands in a gesture of surrender- fake surrender, no doubt. “Okay, okay! I get it, not your thing. But put this into consideration- yeah?” Placing a finger into the soft skin under your chin, Hades tilts your head up to make you look at him. And his face is close- but you’re used to that by now. Well… mostly. “… You’d be outside, doing this.”
… Oh. As soon as that part sinks in, your shoulders slump. That’s right… you would get to go outside… That makes you think.
“Mmm, yes. And Agrabah is beautiful, if I do say so myself.” Jafar appears at Hades' side and theirs a tricky smile on his face, but you can’t help but listen. Beautiful?? “Warm, and sunny. Blue skies, soft sand… a Destination, really.” He shrugs. “Travellers brave some very dangerous seas, for our views.”
Your mouth is dry. Your resolve is thin. You should still say no, though!… You’re a good, sane person, and-
“Also- if you did this little favour babe- I would be willing to, let’s say… loosen, the terms of your imprisonment here?” Hades adds, and you find yourself half wishing he wouldn’t say the next words, but- “Howdoya feel about weekly expeditions upstairs, eh? I’ll take you myself.”
At that, you lose all will power. Your lips part.
“… Okay I’ll do it.”
Hades and Jafar share an evil, victorious look.
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A big mistake
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From anonymous
Fandom: The Lion King (2019)
Pairing: Scar x human!reader x Shenzi x human!reader
For as long as you can remember, you have always been passionate about animals, especially the ones that roamed in the Savannah.
The thing is, you were never scared of hyenas until one tried to get you alive. As a child, you went on camping trips with your parents and siblings in the Savannah. There was one camping trip in particular you will always remember because well, you somehow got lost in the Savannah.
You had a gift handed down to you at birth, the ability to talk to animals and when you had run into Mufasa, Scar, and even a few of the hyenas, they were able to help find your way back home, to your family. Not only had this been the last time you ventured off into the Savannah, but it was also the last time you’ve seen them. Those animals who had become your friends never slipped your mind, not even once. You were determined and dedicated on going back to find them, and you waited for that opportunity to seize. Finally, you were able to seize that opportunity when you were invited by some friends of yours on a trip back to the Savannah, the very same place where you met Scar and the hyenas. You made the whole purpose of the trip to find them, but to avail. No sooner did you arrive, you were already looking at your last day, wrapping things up with a campfire and friends, talking about the trip and feeling that it was successful.
Although you did not meet your goal, you still remained optimistic. It was still a difficult pill to swallow, but you were quick to learn to accept it. A lion’s roar disrupted the gathering around the fire, a roar that seemed to be close by. All of you knew there were quite a lot of lions around and other predators, but no one had brought some form of protection, specifically a gun. Knowing there were lions close by, your friends worried about you sleeping outside instead of in a tent. Every night you slept outside, and when your friends protested, there was no changing your mind. Yes, predators were nearby, but you weren’t going to sleep in a tent, that would soon become a big mistake. All you had to sleep in was a sleeping bag and a cheap mosquito net. With some protection, or so you thought, you would put camping chairs around you before falling asleep.
After everyone had turned in for the night, you were fast asleep when Shenzi wonders into your campsite, looking for things that might have been thrown out after dinner when she stumbles upon you. Not realizing it was you, Shenzi goes in for the attack and next thing you know, you are waking up to Shenzi attacking you. Once you realize this was a hyena attack, your blood runs cold as you immediately begin to fight back, and you were good at it, too. You had no idea this was Shenzi, thinking it was one you didn’t know. You put up a fight as she was trying to drag you off into the same bushes where many others have met their end, and you were next. You were next, but you weren’t going to be next if you could help it. On instinct, you try to stand, but that was highly impossible as Shenzi was much stronger than you. You were crying out for help, and with Scar being nearby, he heard your cries and recognized it to be you and made his way over. Scar got there and was furious when he saw Shenzi attacking you, he is quick to intervene and that’s what had saved your life.
“Shenzi! (Y/n) isn’t your enemy! Let go of her and don’t come back!”
Shenzi is taken by surprise as she realizes it’s you and releases you right at the same time your friends rush from their tents to aid you, after being woken up from the commotion taking place.
As you felt the side of your face, you knew there will be stitches needed and you’re a long way from the nearest hospital. While Shenzi takes off with the other hyenas, Scar stays behind and makes sure that you’re getting taken care of by your friends and once you’re taken away, Scar takes off in the same direction of the hyenas, not expecting for you to show up again, but you do.
It’s not until a few months later that you show up, and when you do return, it was easy to find Scar and the hyenas.
After just one look at the result of your injury, Scar was furious once more. Not at you, never at you, but towards Shenzi. His fury towards Shenzi struck a drop of fear in you, as you didn’t want anything to happen to your old friend even though you are more cautious from now on around them. You told Scar even though the attack had struck some fear of hyenas through your veins, you reasoned with Scar, and although he was reluctant to, he agreed that no one would get hurt over this incident.
When you requested to see Shenzi, he hesitated but agreed to let you see and talk to her. You followed as he led the way. Scar stood next to you as if he was your guard once you got there, you kept distance and the moment Shenzi had come out to see you, she immediately begins to apologize to you for her mistake.
Scar stood by you the whole time.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry. I didn’t know that was you.” Shenzi apologizes.
“It’s okay, Shenzi. I just wanted to come and let you know that. I also want you to know that I don’t blame you at all and I would still like for us to be friends.”
Shenzi looked up at you with a smile and a nod in agreement.
“So, did that go as you pretty much planned it?” Scar says.
“Certainly did.”
As Scar accompanied you on your way out, he was surprised to learn of your point of view during the sudden attack.
He’d be lying if he had said he wasn’t impressed after telling him that you don’t blame Shenzi at all and even more so when you mention the fact it was your own doing for not listening to your friends to shelter yourself during the night, as you can never drop your guard on the Savannah. Upon saying all that and meaning it, Scar only respected you more, while wishing there were more like you in the world today who truly cared.
You explain the attack to your old friend in the best you could, in a way that might help him to understand it.
“Scar, I really didn’t feel a thing during the attack. At least, not at first because it all happened so fast I didn’t have time to process what it felt like. I didn’t feel anything until I went in to get treated for it.”
“What did that feel like than?”
“Well, I had to get stitches on the right side of my face, and because I couldn’t be put to sleep during the procedure, I was held down on the table by my friends while they did the job and that was very, very, very painful.”
As you continue to go on with the conversation, you don’t mention the most gruesome part of the attack, and that was temporarily losing your ear, literally.
That was the first to go when it started, but it was still in one piece by the time the ordeal had ended. The only thing you said or acknowledged anything about it was admitting to Scar your biggest fear was of losing your hearing and how that might bring you nothing but more loss. For example, what if you could no longer do what you loved doing most because of it?
But once it was saved and you healed, you go onto reassure him that your hearing had been restored and you were able to continue to what you loved, Scar found it amazing that despite of everything, it was truly amazing you still want to help care of and protect all animals as others would turn their backs.
Truly incredible.
Truly inspiring.
Here you go, anon!
I hope this is done justice for you and thank you for this request!
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The Bloggening
Aight then, time to tell y'all what's coming up next!
As you can see, my asks are now disabled, and will continue to be so until I clear out my to do list. Said to do list is as follows:
Masterlists, Drafts, DV'Cule prompts, and OF COURSE, my ASKS.
Holy hell peeps I've got a lot of asks (thank you all sm!!)
In More Detai! The bloggening plan is as follows:
Masterlists To Be Created For;
The Horned King COMPLETE
Captain Hook COMPLETE
Captain Barbossa COMPLETE
Drafts To Be Completed;
Breakdown of That One Arcane Scene that makes my chest hurt COMPLETE
C. Hook 'Teaching Reader how to Dance' Ask COMPLETE
Reblog of a @disney-android-foundation post that makes me wheeze COMPLETE
DV'Cule Prompts to Write;
Out-Cheating the Carnival COMPLETE
Frollo Does Not Approve of Anything, Ever, Pt. 1.5 COMPLETE
Frollo Does Not Approve of Anything, Ever, Pt. 2
Hades Has to Pick a Plus 1 COMPLETE
By Talos this Can't be Happening, Frollo Edition
ANOTHER Undead Sorcerer?!
Ask List, In No Particular Order;
Romance One Shot, Captain Hook X Reader COMPLETE
Imhotep Summons Pitch Black, Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Fluffy Confession, Barbossa X Reader
Friends to Lovers, Hades x Fem!Reader COMPLETE
Dr. Facilier, Headless Horseman and Horned King. Fluff Headcannons
Pitch Black X Human!Reader, Headcannons COMPLETE
Married Life with The Horned King, Headcannons (two-part ask)
Retro Video Game Love, TFP Starscream X Reader
Witch/Mage!Reader X The Horned King, Headcannons COMPLETE
You're a DemiGod?! Jafar X DG!Reader, Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Who's the Better Pirate?? Hook, Barbossa, Davy Jones. Headcannon/Drabble COMPLETE
Comfort Headcannons, Starscream OR Darksiders Character of My Choice (Undecided)
More Hades x Eldritch!Reader, Headcannons (Two requests) COMPLETE
Hades X OCD TransMasc!S/O, Headcannons
NOS4A2 X Electomancer!Reader, Headcannons
Imhotep X Insecure!Reader, Headcannons
Thieving Meet-Cute, NOS4A2 X Villain!Reader, One Shot
Hades vs Lost Kittens, Drabble COMPLETE
“Did you just bite me?” prompt, DV'Cule One Shot
“Keep screaming. No one’s gonna hear you.” prompt, Starscream x Human!Reader COMPLETE
“Don’t bleed on my carpet” prompt, Imhotep X Reader
“You licked me!” prompt, TFA Blitzwing X Reader COMPLETE
TFA Blitzwing X Chaotic!Reader COMPLETE
Family Kidnapping, NOS4A2 x Reader Headcannons/One Shot
"I remember you" prompt, Horned King X Reincarnated!Reader COMPLETE
"Comforting touches" prompt, Davy Jones X Reader COMPLETE
Return to the Resturant! DV'Cule vs Waiter Headcannons/One Shot COMPLETE
Imhotep X LovesPDA!Reader, Headcannons COMPLETE
“Don’t bleed on my carpet” prompt, Hades X Reader COMPLETE
That's Everything! I'll be Editing and reblogging this post as I go!
Btw in the absence of asks feel free to comment/reblog and say stuff in tags for that sweet sweet serotonin and writing juice to fuel me onwards. I cry with joy everytime someone takes the time to leave me a sweet message or say how much they enjoyed my work, means a lot!
Premptively I'm going to thank everyone for your patience as this won't be cranked out overnight XD
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suburbantimewaster · 5 years
What was originally supposed to be a TUMBLR drabble got turned into a two-shot fanfic.  I’ll admit, I somewhat rushed this.
(AU) After a messy separation, Jafar comes back into your life agreeing to sign the divorce papers. His condition, he wants to spend one last night with you. Will you finally get Jafar out of your life, or will you end up falling for him all over again?
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harryy-hookk · 7 years
Sneaking Out
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader
Word count: 378
A/N: in honor of me hitting 500 followers! sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve been super busy. Here’s a little thing I wrote a while ago (but wasn’t planning on publishing until now), hope you enjoy!
"You know, he's gonna catch you eventually," a voice interrupted your escape.  You halted in your tracks and whirled around to face Evie.
"Oh god, you scared me," you breathed a sigh of relief.
"(Y/N)," Evie started, and you saw her step forward in the darkness, "how much longer are you gonna keep this up?"
"As long as I can."  You shrugged. “How long have you known?”
“I saw you sneak out last week.  I figured it was just a one-time thing, but then I saw you do it again two nights ago,” she explained.  “Last night, I decided to follow you and see where you went.  I watched you go into an alleyway with some guy.”
In the dark, Evie could barely see your eyes widen.
“You saw?” you asked, trying but failing to keep your voice calm.
She nodded.  “I know you’re meeting up with some guy.”
“You know who it is?”
Evie paused for a moment. “No,” she admitted.  “But I know why you’re doing it in secret.”
You groaned, “Evie, I can’t tell Jay about him.”
She shook her head dismally. "You shouldn't keep this a secret from him.  He's your brother, (Y/N).  He'll find out eventually."
"Exactly," you nodded, slowly inching towards the window, "he's my brother. That's why he can't find out."
"Just because Jay is a little overprotective-"
"A little?" you laughed, and Evie frowned.  "Evie, do you not remember what happened with my last boyfriend?"
"Okay, so he scared one off," she admitted, "but that was one time.  And I'm sure whoever you're seeing doesn't scare easily."
You couldn't help but allow the smile that was creeping on your face just thinking about your fearless boyfriend.
"Just, consider it, please?" she begged.  "You and Jay are so close.  I'd hate for a secret like this to cause a falling out."
"Sure Evie," you waved her off, attempting to quietly open the window.
"I'm serious, (Y/N)."
"I know," you replied, one leg out the window.  "I am too."
"At least tell me one thing," she found a compromise.
"Tell me who it is."
You grinned as you fitted the rest of your body through the window. "Harry Hook," you said, and slammed the window shut, leaving an astounded Evie behind.
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The sorceress
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Pairing: Animated!Jafar x sorceress!reader
Requested: @hisokajackson
Warnings: None
Note: Thank you for this request!!!
Over the years as a sorceress, you play it by ear when it comes to dealing with your enemies.
That meaning being you let them play you do that you can play them just the same, only more intelligent.
You were known to be a villain; known to be not only very powerful, but very smart, wise, and atop all, calculating. Not only were you all of that, but you were an elegant soul with an attractive personality. The kind of personality that easily attracts people to you, both men and women. Most of the time being men, of course, the kind of men you had no desire to have anything to with him and it was like that for you to believe to be the story of your life. You were honestly prepared to live your life without a partner, or even finding an interest in someone until you met Jafar.
When you first saw Jafar, it was when you started living in the palace as a maid in disguise. You knew all along that Jafar was plotting to become sultan and take over the palace and nearby village. You knew of his diabolical plan, most important, you wanted in on his plan. The only thing is, you have walked by a closed door quite a few times as you listened in before finally confronting Jafar one day of what you know. You were eavesdropping once more and you come to realize Jafar’s plan indeed had reached a good level, though there are changes in it that must be made if he wants it to work, and that’s when you step in. By the time you confront him, you already had a few ideas in mind.
The night Jafar retuned from falsely imprisoning Aladdin, you made the move confronting him and he went quick to deny it at first, but you were quick to change his mind. You were gifted with the power of persuasion and it didn’t take long to persuade Jafar to accept your request.
“Jafar, may I have a moment of your time?” you ask in a loving tone.
“I suppose so. What can I do for you?”
“Listen, I know about your diabolical plan to become the sultan.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle watching Jafar’s eyes widen of this information before he quickly denies your claim.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. You must have me confused with another Jafar.”
That statement had given you the laugh of a lifetime before you could even settle and take it easy, just enough to say where you’re going with this.
“You’re not about to get in trouble by me, I reassure you. Anyways, I know about your plan and I want in.”
Now it was Jafar’s turn to be confused, he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.
“I want in.” you repeat.
Truth be told, you wanted that kind of power as well and you were willing to just about anything to get it, to accomplish that.
Jafar didn’t agree to it right away, but all it took was for you to share some ideas that you thought would work best if you put both ideas together. You continue to share more ideas that can fit perfectly with his own plans as you explain with reason why working together instead of alone would be the best way to become successful in this plot. Jafar was pleased and impressed with the ideas you had come up with and shared, that helped to earn you a spot next to him as you continue to help Jafar reach his goals.
Another idea had come through to you and Jafar took it for piece it together with his own plan.
“What do you think?”
“I love the way your foul little mind works.” Jafar laughed hysterically.
Jafar’s reaction was better than expected, but it brought a smile to your lips, lighting up your face like a Christmas tree.
This all just felt so right.
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Jafar with a druid s/o headcanons
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Pairing: Animated!Jafar x reader
Request: @add-a-bit-of-neurospice
Note: This was a little challenging for me, I hope I understood this right, if not, I apologize!
• You being a druid, you and Jafar may not always see eye to eye with each other on everything but you both play a crucial role in your names, no matter the differences
• One of the big differences between the two of you is the fact that your time periods don’t exactly lineup and even though Jafar is good at making it nearly unbearable to be in the same room as him at times, you stuck together like glue
• Jafar spends a lot of his time plotting more to take over the role of sultan, other times he will spend time with you , the both of you gossiping as political matters are being settled by pretty much everyone
• Weather it was between you and somebody else, or between the two of you personally in general, it often got heated because as far as you’re both concerned, you’re the only other competent person/people in the whole damn room
• More like in the whole palace and village
• No matter how hard you’d fight back in the matter, Jafar always lets you win, pretending to have felt defeated by your arguments on the topic
• If it was between you and somebody else, Jafar always made sure you would win that, too
• You were his Queen and he needed you to know that
Sorry this is so short, I just really couldn’t think of anything else to add to it
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Hi how are you how would the Disney villains react to having a sidekick who is more competent and smart when helping them with their plans and they seem to be more psychotic than them
Good thought! I’ll have a headcanons list for this topic out soon! :)
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Dark!Disney Villains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plots / Includes:
Possessive!Gaston x RegretfulLover!Reader- Your ex-lover who refused to marry you, who only wanted cheap sex from you, turns up at your wedding and takes you back.
Sultan!Jafar x Mistress!Reader- You're his very capable, and beloved, mistress.
Manipulative!Wheezy Weasel x Traumatised!Reader (x Offender!Greasy)- Wheezy likes to leave you alone with Greasy just so that you’ll appreciate him more when he, eventually, comes to save you.
Warnings: Colour coded! INTENSE VIOLENCE/BLOODY BEATING/BONES BREAKING, possession, sexism, creampie/breeding kink reference, Royal/Servant dynamics, Royal/Mistress dynamics, consensual smut, begging, AFAB reader, reader being VERY eager to please nasty old Jafar, sexual harassment, almost/intended rape (Greasy), mental and emotional manipulation, whatever its called when you let your sick perverted friend attack someone in order to manipulate them, possession, unhealthy attachment, and probably more.
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How I loved those possessive hands of yours... - Marina Tsvetaeva
The way Gaston made his entrance was bad, slamming the doors open so hard that the walls actually shook behind him and some stone crumbled right off the old, weathered walls and hits the ground. Dust from the roof had descended after being disturbed like that as he stormed up the aisle to you and Castor.
But what he did next, was infinitely worse. The first punch was terrible, Gaston’s giant fist crashing against Castor’s cheek so hard you swear you heard the bone crack underneath the now bruised, tender skin. Your fiancé hits the marble floor but that’s not the end- no- that would be too easy. Too kind. And Gaston isn’t kind.
He’s selfish. And narcissistic. And cruel.
Your pleads fall on deaf ears, Gaston surely doesn’t care about your want to save the man you love and Castor cant hear you over his own blood curdling screams. Gaston is a monstrously large man, hard muscles bulging at the seams of his clothes, and Castor is totally out of his league- all he can do is lay there and sob as fists and feet teeth beat at him.
There’s blood all over Castor, coming out his nose, his ears, plastering his hair to his forehead, broken skin, and pools onto the ground. You’re not even sure where exactly the bulk of it’s coming from but it dyes the bottoms of your perfect white wedding shoes a deep, terrible scarlet. God, you didn’t think this would happen. You didn’t think Gaston would react like this.
“No!” The cry slips out of you as soon as the familiar door opens up the night before, and Gaston’s eyes fall on you- and then he reaches out and grabs you. Like you’re his, even after all this time and the distance you forced between the two of you. You gasp, his touch burning your skin now and making you really nauseous, and try to slip away again. “No, I- I’m… I didn’t come here- to do- for this… “
“Y/N.” Your name on his voice only make you feel worse, sicker. You shouldn’t have ever even been with him in the first place, you know that now. But what’s done is done and all you can do now is set things straight- if he’ll listen. He has to. “Of course, you did! Come on, come inside. I’ll pump you so full you’ll be leaking for days- that’s what you want. That’s what all whores want.”
Flinching at the name, and the vulgar language, you fight not to turn and just leave. Because he would follow you, and yell, and then you would be running away and you can’t show him that weakness. “N-No, I don’t. I just wanted- “
“I’ve missed this. When did you come back to town? Am I right to guess I’m your first stop? Of course!- “
“I came back… yesterday… I’m only here to tell you something about to tomorrow.”
At this Gaston stops tugging you to him, but doesn’t let you go. And that make you so nervous. “Yesterday?? What- “
“Tomorrow I’m getting married.” You say quickly, unable to wait anymore. You need to get this over with. And you need to leave. “In the church in town. I um.. I don’t think you should be there. I came to let you know, because… “Because the thought of seeing him on that day makes you feel sick. “I respect you.” You lie, instead of tell him the truth. “I thought maybe you would w-want to go hunting, o-or something, instead of going into town… “
“You’re… getting married… “
“He’s a good man.” Gaston’s blue eyes are suddenly positively venomous, and you quickly rip your arm out of his grip and step back. “G- Goodbye.”
Briskly you turn around and walk off, as fast as you can.
Should you have told him sooner? Should you… have moved away first? Should you never have even triedto move on and be happy?? Why is this happening, Gaston didn’t want you, why is he doing this!?-
Tears fill your eyes and slip uncontrollably down your cheeks and your whole-body wracks with sobs, and no one in the audience does a thing- Not to stop Gaston brutalizing Castor until he doesn’t move anymore- but doesn’t stop, even then. They all just stay in their seats and watch with you, because there’s nothing anyone could do. No one is as big as Gaston, no one as strong, no one as bloodthirsty.
Cracks and rips and horrible squelches fill the air… until Gaston’s knuckles tear open, and he has had enough.
You watch his back as he slowly straightens up again- his strong legs parted, and feet planted firmly to the floor- broad shoulders pushed back- veins bulging in his forearms… He’s terrifying, especially covered in Castor’s blood and tears, but you don’t look away until he turns to look at you. You can’t- You can’t look at his face-
“Ah- “Suddenly one of those large fists, that are soon to be covered in black and blue shades matching all of Castor’s body, encloses securely around your delicate wrist; So breakable and pathetic under his strength. He could snap your hand right off of your wrist if he wanted and god you’re shaking under his touch. “Gaston- please- no!- “
He rubs a soothing thumb into your skin. “Y/N… Don’t make me do that again. I allowed you to go away, but I think we both understood that when you came back… “Thankfully he lets you go, but only to trail his knuckles up and over your skin- until he gets to your neck, which he grabs. “You would be mine, again.”
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I like the way you look at me. Like you are about to talk to me, or devour me, and I am fine with either. - N. R. Hart
As a servant in the palace, you’re never too far out of reach to him- and that’s the way he likes it. No commute, no waiting. You’re there for all his meetings, all his duties, all day long. You see everything that frustrates him and makes him need you, and he can just look at you a certain way- and you know that you’re to be in his bed by the time he’s able to excuse himself; Waiting patiently for him.
After seeing all the stress that he’s put through every day, and after so many nights with him, you’ve come to learn what he needs and when.
Tonight, you know you’ll have your work cut out for you. Your Sultan has had a long day, full of filthy nagging peasants, boring frustrating nobility, and that parrot squawking endlessly into his ear. He’s going to need you to be at your best, so you make sure to pick out his favourite garments - the blood red ones, - and light the incense that calms him before he arrives- slamming the door behind him and ranting.
“Did you hear that insufferable Prince?? I can’t be expected to remember every little diplomatic occasion between our two cities, I’m an exceedingly busy man, and there are many other cities, and- “It takes Jafar a couple of moments to look around and realise his surroundings. The way you’ve set up his room, the way you both like it with the candles and the correct pillows. Slowly he reveals a smirk, huffing out a little chuckle.” … my dear, you might be the only one who understands me.”
“Mhmm… “Humming, you trace your arms up and over his shoulders; Face nearing his. Noses rubbing together softly. Lips a breath apart from eachother. “You’ve had a hard day… Let me take care of you?~” You ask, ever-so-quietly, looking up into his eyes innocently, sweetly. Though you both know you’re anything but, and your offer is the furthest thing from either of those things.
His smirk broadens down at you, his favourite little minx, the dirty look taking over his whole face. “Why don’t you go ahead and try, pussycat?~”
Giving a little smirk back, you lean in gently and connect your lips- the kiss is hot, caught somewhere between soothing and sensual. Its not long though before Jafar has you thrust onto your back on the sleeping quarters. A moment after your head hits the soft material, you slip your own thumbs underneath the waistband of your bottoms, and watch the old Sultan’s wide eyes shine wickedly at your naughty intentions. “Sultan~… “
“Yes, servant? ~” When he calls you that, you can’t help the way your eyes light up. He knows you’re more then his servant, you’re the one person who can please him, but to devalue you to simple servant? A simple servant he just needs to force his cock into to relieve stress?? That makes you infinitely wet in your own lower area and you’re okay with it.
 “… I’m all yours… if you need me… “
“Of course, you are…” His eyes positively resemble a hungry tigers eyes when you slip the garment down your hips and off your legs. He doesn’t even pretend he cares about anything else but your pussy anymore, eyes glued to your lower area. “All mine~” The last word is a sharp hiss, Jafar being taken over by the serpent inside.
Its not long before you’re a fucked-out mess, desperate and jumbled up as he thrusts you both towards orgasms. His long cock reaches and fills you like no other man’s has before and his movements are very deliberate, every stroke a calculated and purposeful attack. Your back arches up above the pillows into him like a feline and your fingers clench the materials tightly beneath you as your face turns and buries half into the blankets. “Jafa- “Allah, no. Not Jafar. Sultan… Sultan… Sultan… he likes Sultan. “N- S- Sultan! M-Masster-… I- “
“Hold on there, my dear~… “He grins, giving a particularly fluid grind into you. “You’re not finished just yet… “
“You’re- “Perfect. “I- “Need you. “Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,” You whine for him, cheeks burning hot and losing your voice as it whithers away to a breathy whisper. “Please please please… Sultan… Master… Lord… “Whatever he wants to hear, whatever he wants you to moan- you’ll find it and you’ll give it to him. You love this and you’re devoted to him, and this is why you’re his favourite.
Once its over, Jafar tells you that you were very good. You served him exceptionally well tonight and you, my dear, will be rewarded. Freshen yourself up, though- because your task is not complete. There are a few more things he needs you to do.
Wheezy Weasel:
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Its alarming honestly, how charming she can be. - Carmen, Lana Del Ray
“Mi vida~“
As soon as the kitchen door closes behind Smartass and Wheezy after dinner, leaving you and Greasy alone- he’s on you. Your breath hitches and your eyes widen, because you thought he left with the others but apparently he laid wait, patiently staying back to be alone with you while you clean the dishes. As soon as Greasy’s hands grip onto your hips, you squeeze your eyes tightly shut, and just pray that Wheezy gets back soon. Where did he go? Why did he go? Why did he leave you by yourself in this house? Again?-
Is he upset that you were talking about going away to college? Sure, he’s going to miss you… and you’ll miss him!- But you thought the opportunity was just too good to pass up… maybe this is punishment-
“Greasy… please… I just- “Afterall, Greasy is always like this. Always reaching, always grabbing. Wheezy knows it!-
“I know, I know~ I’ll be quiet. Wheezy won’t hear anything.” Already his fingers and slipping beneath the waistband of your trousers, brushing at the soft skin hidden beneath. And you can’t help but flinch- when his repulsive, hot breath gets in your ear. “Shhh… “
“No, that’s not- “
“Mm… Do not fight this, bella~ “He speaks lowly into your ear, making it sticky. Instead of digging in further down your pants immediately though, thankfully, Greasy decides to move his hands up; Rubbing slowly up and down your sides and pressing his body into your back. It makes you shudder in disgust, every nerve ending in your body screaming to get away- but you’re too weak. Too tame. Too timid- all you can do is push yourself in closer to the sink to get away from him. Wheezy please, please, please, please come back, you plead, in your mind. “I promise~ I will make this as pleasurable for you as possible~”
He rubs over your stomach, too, and your thighs and your chest, just claiming every bit of you that he can while he has a chance. Meanwhile you wince and grimace, disgusted by the feeling of his hands all over you but too scared to dare speak-
Suddenly Greasy whips you around, your hands that are covered in soap and bubbles from starting the dishes not at all a bother to him as he digs your ass back into the sink, now. He gives a familiar, horrible smirk- and-
“… The hell’s happening here?”
“Wheezy!” You gasp, relief absolutely flooding you as you see the tall smoker in the doorway past Greasy’s head, a dark look in his eyes as he gazes at the scene in front of him; Your cheeks damp from tears, stuck between the sink and Greasy’s hips, with his fingertips digging into your skin under your shirt.
You open your mouth to respond to him, tell him to please please just help you, you need him, but Greasy beats you to the punch. “Nada, mi amigo! Absolutely nothing to worry about, Y/N and I are just having some fun with the bubbles~ Just go about your business.”
Wheezy’s cold grey eyes assess the situation in front of him a moment longer, lips curling into a deeply dissatisfied frown, like he tastes something bad.
“… Mm, nah, I don’t think so. Y/N, why dontcha step away from the sink and come with me?... ” Those eyes turn darkly on Greasy, then. “Greasy can do the dishes for ya, tonight.”
For a moment the two just glare at eachother, one glare as frosty as snow and the other as frustrated as hell and you’re humiliated because Greasy’s hands are still digging into your fleshy waist and his hard crotch is still digging into you and you’re an unpleasant, wet mess. You hope Wheezy doesn’t know that- that he cant tell that you’re-
… Finally, Greasy lets his hands slide out of your shirt and steps back. “Fine… Next time, Bella~” The thought make you shudder, as you cross your arms over your chest and pass him. Wheezy lightly touches your waist as you pass him through the doorway, still glaring the other man down, before he lets the door close behind you both and pulls you into a hug immediately.
As soon as your face is buried in his greying shirt, his good one supposedly, enveloped by the suffocating smell of tobacco, you feel safe. A sigh comes out of you, as Wheezy rubs roughly up and down your back. “’S, okay, toots… I got ya now… “
You pull back, eyes teary and wide, to look at up at him as you grip his shirt desperately. “Why did you leave me?? I- I’ve told you he- He does that. He always does that when you leave. Please, you can’t- you can’t leave me anymore- “
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, it won’t happen again,” He assures, a begging tone to his voice and a certain, solemn look in his eyes. Like, believe me. Please sweetheart. I would never let this happen to you.
You believe him. You believe him every time.
Sniffling, you bury your face back in his shirt. “I can’t… I can’t handle it anymore… “
“I wish I could keep you safe all the time,” He mutters, shaking his head as his chin rests on your crown; Just holding you.
“… at least I have you.” You sigh, totally melting into him. Because you’re sure, because you know- you’re safe with him. Men have always pushed you around, tried to hurt you and have their way with you like Greasy, but you finally found a man that’s different. Who will take care of you and who loves you, and is… good. You trust Wheezy entirely. Can you… risk that? By going away? “I think I need you with me, Wheezy… always… I- I… I don’t think I can go away… “The last part, you whisper so quietly. You’re afraid that if you say it louder, then you’ll be locked into it.
Because you so want to go! Stay away, all on your own, at a college! Get to meet knew people,  experience knew things, and learn! But… can you do that without Wheezy?? Can you live without him?
“What was that?” He prompts, wanting you to say it again because he didn’t hear you. Louder.
Wincing, you lift your mouth away from his shirt and speak a little bit louder. “I think I’m staying here with you, now… You keep me safe.” Quickly then, you rebury yourself.
“… Always, princess. I’ll always keep you safe.”
With his chin propped on the top of your head, you don’t see the self-satisfied grin on his face. Damn, he can always rely on Greasy, can’t he?  
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Hello! If you still have requests open could I ask for some headcanons for Jafar with druid s/o?
Obviously the regions/time periods don’t technicallllly long up, but with druids historically serving number of crucial roles in their communities (advisor often being one of them) all I can imagine is Jafar gossiping with a Druid while political matters are being settled cause they’re the ONLY OTHER COMPETENT PERSON IN THIS DAMN ROOM!
Hope this reaches you well! Have a great day❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Of course! :)
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Hello there and Omg finally someone who writes for Animated! Jafar !!!! You are a life savior !!! 😭😭
Is there any chance for you to write a Jafar x Fem!sorceress reader who is also a powerful , smart , wise and calculating villain who also knows not to underestimate her enemies and has a rather elegant and attractive personality? I'm sorry if it's too much or too demanding !! Feel free to ignore me 🤣 and thank you anyway !
Of course! 😁
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plots / Includes: So in the TV show Reign, two of my favourite characters and favourite couples is Stephene Narcisse and Lady Lola- they’re some good villain/heroine love ^^ So these drabbles are inspired by moments between them!
Inkubus x Fem!Tipsy!Reader- ‘Could sex with you be simple?... Not scary. Just two people. Or is there something… unbelievably dirty, or… odd, involved?’. He’s been after you for a while and you won’t deny you’re tempted- but you’re scared, and hesitant. One day you feel bold, though, and lay it all out on the table.
Jafar x Fem!Nobility! Reader- ‘A lover that towers above the rest’. Jasmine discovers a journal left behind by one of the maids about her various sexual encounters and you and her have a good giggle, reading it. You’re rather curious, though, about one entry in particular.
Offenderman x High!Fem!Reader- ‘He didn’t even offer me bath! And he always offers a bath!’. Offender is always forward with people and you are no exception, it seems that every time he sees you he hits on you. But this time, when you’re high and offering yourself to him… he sends you to bed untouched.
Warnings: References to/talk of smut but no actual smut, age difference (Though you are over 18 in every one of these. Youngest might be Jafar’s, you’re like 19-21), and drunkenness of reader in Inkubus’, use of marijuana in Offender’s.
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He’s on his knees, but what he’s offering is not marriage- which is why you won’t say yes. “I don’t suppose that I can change your mind, Y/N~ “
“Hm,” Giving a nervous chuckle, you shake your head slowly and give him a firm look about it; Hand on the door ready to close it on the man. “No, you couldn’t… “
“Shame.” Inkubus smirks, raising to his feet, back above you on the steps. You drum your fingers against the inside of the door, take a breath, and break your gaze away from him. “Maybe next time.”
“Goodnight, Inkubus.”
“Sweet dreams.”
Months later, this never-ending cat and mouse game is beginning to wear on you. Inkubus is handsome, and you believe he like you enough that he wouldn’t hurt you- you do. And even worse than that? You actually like him too. But… you still definitely have your reservations with him.
You’d be crazy not to, you think to yourself, taking a sip of your 3rd glass of wine- this one a lot fuller then the last. You’re feeling the buzz and the tingle but you’re thinking clearly. After swallowing down a gulp that’s a little too big of the heavy liquid, you set down the glass and head to the door.
Its 12 o’clock, after all! He’s always there at 12 o’clock. In two seconds he’s bound to knock, and- Yes, ha! There it is. 3 purposeful knock that are somehow perfect- how could a knock be perfect? You don’t know, but this man somehow pulls it off.
In your pyjamas and not even a bra, you throw the door open. His eyes light up as soon as he sees you, like they always do, and he opens his mouth to ask you how your day was like always too- but you stop him with a stern finger. “No, no! I have a question for you.”
“My dear, are you drunk?” He asks anyway, an amused and mischievous glint in his eyes.
“No,” The drunkenness is clear in your voice and you stumble a bit- he reaches out to help you but you irritably waive his hands away. No no, none of that. Not until he answers. “I just had a glass- a couple glasses, of wine… - That’s not the point though! I have something to ask you.”
Looking at you like you’re the silliest, cutest creature on the planet, Inkubus steps back and gives a nod. “As you wish, what’s your question?”
Taking a deep breath through your nose, you glare at him curiously… before blurting it out. “Could sex with you be simple?” His brows shoot up, but you’re not done; Taking a determined step towards him. “Not scary- just two people?... Or… or is there something incredibly dirty, or odd, about it…?” You tilt your head to the side, looking up at him in a way that he might describe as innocent, if it weren’t for the content of your words. It drives him wild but he manages to control himself- a feat he's become quite skilled at since making your acquaintance.
“… Depends on what you consider to be odd. My odd may be pretty different to yours.”
“Tentacles!” You exclaim, immediately, furrowing your brows. “That would be odd. Do you have tentacles?” You’re very direct after 3 glasses of wine, and lacking in a filter- you just hope that when the buzz wears off, you’ll find that you haven’t said anything that will embarrass you too terribly. Hopefully, this works out.
After flashing a fierce smirk for just a second, Inkubus shakes his head. “You do not have to worry about tentacles, my dear. I’m not a sea witch.”
“Hmm… “You squint, still unsure about him.
“Look,” This time when he reaches forward to touch you you do not stop him. He takes your arms gently in his hands and turns you around to guide you back inside- all the while, you refuse to take your eyes off of him; Assessing him and his legitimacy. “How about we get you to bed for now, and in the morning if you’re still interested- I’ll explain all the dirty details to you over breakfast. Hm?”
“Sounds like a strange time for it, but, okay. “
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “Good, because you’re going to owe me for being so cute and making me restrain myself tonight… “
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“This is so scandalous!” You whisper, glued to your friends side in her room, peering at the pages. The handwriting is messy, a servant you assume who’s somehow learnt to spell, but you two have put in the effort to understand it. And its page, after page, of smut! This maid has definitely had a lovely time in the palace- she’s practically slept with everyone! There are no names written down, but plenty of details separating each bed friend from the others.
You and Jasmine have managed to figure out from hints in the book who some of them are, like the priest with one eye and her visiting uncle covered in tattoos from head to toe, but most of them are total mysteries. That’s okay, you don’t particularly mind not knowing- after all, its going to be hard looking your priest in the eye now that you know what he’s done.
But one entry in particular has piqued your interest- and that’s the one you’re both trying to decipher now. It says that he’s ‘a lover that towers above the rest’- that he does this thing with his tongue of all things!! Something snake-like, and- What could he possibly do with only his tongue that worked so well? You desperately want to know!
“Hmmm, maybe it’s the Sultan.” You think out loud, not looking at Jasmine. “It does say he’s high up?”
“Oh, no, definitely not. I don’t even want to think about that!” Jasmine snaps, whacking your arm gently as you giggle. “There’s no way, anyway, my father hasn’t even looked at another woman since my mother died… “
“Alright, we’ll eliminate him from the options. What more does it say about him?”
“Well, it looks like he’s quite tall… and so is his sex… and… I can’t make this part out.” Jasmine squints at the page, nibbling on her bottom lip in concentration. Hm, you think.
“Let me look.” You ask, and she cedes the book to you, which you carry up closer to your face. This parts blurry and faint because whoever wrote it hadn’t waited for the ink to dry before closing the book… impossible! All you can make out from the sentence, the last one in the entry, is the word ‘has’, and two consecutive R’s later on. “Ugh,” Sighing, you let the book back down equally onto your right thigh and Jasmines left. You shrug. “I guess it’s a mystery!”
“I guess so,” Jasmine chuckles, shaking her head at the book. Then carefully closes it as you both get up from her cot.
“Oh well-” You shrug. “I have to go finish some letters to my mother and father anyway. Maybe we’ll figure it out later?”
“Hm, maybe. See you.”
The letters didn’t take long to finish, it’s not like you have a whole lot to report! You haven’t found a suitor yet, even though you’ve been here for exactly that reason for 2 months now- a fact that your parents aren’t going to be pleased about. So there’s really no point in telling them about the events that you’ve attended with the Sultan and the Princess Jasmine, or the good time you’re having. They’re bound to just skip over all that, anyway.
When you reach the mail carrier, someone’s already there and you struggle not to groan about it.
Jafar. Of course. His Creepiness is always around. Ugh… rolling your eyes, you approach anyway- offering your mail alongside Jafar’s and offering a sweet smile to the mail carrier. You also hope you can get in and out without having to speak to the sultan’s royal adviser, but your luck isn’t that good.
“Oh, Y/N~ “His eyes positively light up when he sees you, with that familiar creepiness. “Where have you been hiding recently? I rarely see you, apart from at dinner… “Yes that’s because I do my very best to avoid you, you think, turning unenthusiastically to look at him as the mail carrier waddles away. No, don’t go- you plead inside your head. Take me with you!
“Well, I- “Excuse, excuse, excuse… “I’ve been quite preoccupied with um… searching for a suitor, and all… when I’m not I usually just retire to my room. Its exhausting!”
He nods, apparently solemnly. “Hmm, yes, I understand that. The dating pool for young noble girls is rather bleak, finding a husband for the Princess has proved a frustrating task as well… My sympathies.”
“Hm~ “You hum back politely, at that, hoping it sounds like a ‘thank you’, not a ‘thank you, now please please please let me leave’. Your neck hurts when you look up at this man. Too tall…
A moment passes, but not too long a moment that you find it to be a polite moment to excuse yourself, before Jafar presses on- stepping forward into your space with the staff of his ahead o him. “You know, my dear, I could assist you...”
What- “How??” You ask, but don’t back off- its not your style.
“Well, I’m not married myself… And I’m sure, if you just… sat with me, for a bit… we could come up with a compromise, together~… “
… Is this man using double innuendos with you??! Gasping, you set your hands on your hips and step into him- craning your neck back to go head-to-head as he smirks in amusement at your offended response, and steady eye contact. “Excuse me sir, but I’m sure we have nothing in common!”
“I wouldn’t be so certain, Miss L/N… I’d say that we- “
Suddenly, Iago, the creeps pet parrot who you hadn’t noticed was missing from his shoulder swoops over your heads, then turns and lands with loud, ear piercing squawk on Jafar’s shoulder. Feathers land on the ground from him moulting, and Jafar gives a deep eyeroll at the intrusion while you touch your pained ears at the terrible sound the bird made.
“Iago… we need to work on your timing, you feathered nuisance.” Jafar snaps.
Another loud squawk is his answer. “Oh, don’t antagonise the parrot! He’ll just make that awful sound aga- “You start to snap, yourself… but cut off with a realisation.
Slowly lowering your hands, you look up wide-eyed to Jafar again. He really is tall, isn’t he? And… he has a parrot… which has two R’s…
All of a sudden your feelings towards the heathen change, and you find yourself stepping back- wondering if there’s any way that you could possibly wrong while your heart beats erratically in your chest. No way! There’s absolutely no way, that Jafar, is the lover that towers above the rest!!
No! No, no, no no no-
Why do you suddenly find him so attractive? Oh no no? Absolutely not Y/N. No, that smirk disgusts you! He makes you nauseous! He-
“I’m going to leave, now.” You announce, before it gets worse and you realise how broad his shoulders really are or how sexy his beard is- no! Its too late! I have to get out of here-
You feel his gaze on you the whole time you rush down the hallway and out of sight. Oh, Jasmine is going to laugh her mean ass off at you!
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“Oh, Offender!” He hears your voice first, so he doesn’t realise the state you’re in, not until he turns around and sees you smile so brightly at him and he thinks- Alright who drugged her??
When you reach him you nearly tip over but catch his arms, using him to stay steady but seeming happy enough to touch him either way. A smirk spreads across his face, because you’re just too damn cute, and holds his arms out so it’s easier for you- but doesn’t go to touch you anymore than that. “Hey, there, sweetie-pie, what’s got you so happy? Can’t be me, can it?”
Holding a finger against your lips, you whisper loudly to him in response. “I think there was something in Clocky’s brownies.”
He nods. “Yeah, I think so too.”
“But I’m happy because of you, too!” You add brightly, innocently. “I’m always happy to see you!”
Now, that’s not exactly true- on many occasion you’ve been totally displeased at his presence- especially when he would act lewdly, asking you to get in the tub with him, or when he would be drunk. In fact he knew he annoyed you - whether that was because you just wanted to fuck him that badly or not, was yet to be seen, - , so this was an odd thing to hear from you. “Oh really?”
“Yes! Your visits are always interesting- you make Slender lose his marbles!, and that’s… really funny, haha,” After letting out a few airy giggles, you fix your grip on Offender’s forearms and sigh; Eyes gliding from the boots on his feet, up his chest, to a face of sharp teeth and s smirk. “Plus you’re… pretty nice to look at, honestly… woah… “
“Y/N- “
“Actually-… I think I would like to sleep with you.” You go on quite bluntly, stepping in closer to his body and making his smirk drop into an unhappy frown. This, he thinks as he watches you tilt your head to the side and look up at him, is going to be a huge bitch. “Ohh, don’t be sad! You wanted this, didn’t you- Oh!”
“Yeah,” He groans, twisting you around by the shoulders quickly and starting to march you back down the hallway and to the stairs. Where’s her damn room? “I do, sweetheart, but not like this… apparently.” When did he develop a conscience? Fuck…  
 As you take the stairs carefully, guided roughly by Offender, you cant help holding your arms out at your sides like plane wings, for balance. “What’s wrong with like this?~ “ Suddenly, you gasp, and Offender stops dead in his tracks- did you trip? Did he do something?? You turn your head, though, and give him a sad pouty look that he makes him semi-hard. Fuck, fuck, fuck! “Do I not look good tonight??”
“… “For a few moments Offender just stares at you, wondering where to go from here. Can he tell you the truth? Will that just spur you on? Will it spur him on?? He’s only got so much self-control, damnit!
You bat those big eyes at him and he grits his teeth. “… You are literally the sexiest person I’ve ever seen right now. Now, you are going to bed- to sleep, and I am going to ice my balls. Let’s go.”
The two of you make it up the stairs quickly, where Offender catches sight of Jane- and quickly passe you off to her. “What?- “
“Take her. Take her now, she’s high as fuck and you needta take her away from me. Go.”
“Uhh, okay? But- “
“Don’t argue with me, lady! I have to get outta here.” Then Offender’s stomping down the stairs and slamming the front door behind him before teleporting off.
Jane is left looking utterly baffled at you, while you give a careless shrug about the whole thing. "I don't know~ " You sigh, before and give her round, worried looking eyes when you realise something about that interaction. “You know, he didn’t even offer me a bath!- and he always offers a bath!”
Highly suspicious, but occupied with you, Jane nods and pats your shoulder comfortingly. “Hm, yeah… Okay sweetie, lets go do a puzzle until this is outta your system.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Hades
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
---<- 🥀🥀🥀 ->---
Drabble: Hades x Mortal!Indentured!Reader; The Godwhore and his Indentured Healer.
Drabble: Hades x Reader x Jafar- Hercules and the Arabian Nights.
Drabble: Hades x Reader; Zeus' Visit.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Accidental Kisses.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Kabedon.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Unsent Project.
Drabble Set: Pervy!MultiVillains x Reader- Flirting Back.
Drabble Set: Supernatural!MultiVillains x Reader.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains+Beetlejuice x Asexual!Reader.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Hostage!Reader- Heroes come to save Reader but they're in Love.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Reader- Falling in Love.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains x Reader- Meet-Cute.
*Headcanons: Hades and Eris Co-Parenting.
*Headcanons: Mortal!Hades x Pyromaniac!Reader.
Headcanons: Ultimate NSFW HC Post Part 1 🔞.
Imagine: Disney Villains Realising how Tired you are.
Imagine: Disney Villains Sidekicks Reassuring You.
Imagine: Ex! Disney Villains Meeting your New Spouse.
Imagine: Your ending to the Story.
Oneshot: Hades x Indentured!Reader- Nessus Sucks at Aftercare/Hades is Fantastic.
Smexcerpts: Disney And Pixar Villains x Reader 🔞.
*Smexcerpts: Disney Villains x Reader- Thinking of You during ~Me Time~ 🔞.
*SpotifyWrapped!Imagine: Bonnie.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Jafar
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
---<- 🥀🥀🥀 ->---
Dark!Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader. Vol 3 🔞.
Drabble: Hades x Reader x Jafar- Hercules and the Arabian Nights.
*Drabble: Jafar x LittleGirl!Reader- Apprentice.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Accidental Kisses.
*Drabble Set: Disney Villains x Reader- Kabedon.
Drabble Set: MultiVillains x Reader- Reign Inspired.
*Headcanons: Disney Villains Waking up with different Genitalia.
Headcanons: Ultimate NSFW HC Post Part 1🔞.
*Headcanons: Yandere HC's.
Imagine: Disney Villains Realising how Tired you are.
Imagine: Disney Villains Sidekicks Reassuring You.
Imagine: Ex! Disney Villains Meeting your New Spouse.
Imagine: Your ending to the Story.
Smexcerpts: Disney And Pixar Villains x Reader 🔞.
Masterlist Within a Masterlist- Farja
Drabble Set: Disney Recruiters (+Villains) x Reader.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
(Any Category Villains) x Reader || Drabbles
Plot: Congratulations, you have caught character A’s (Italics in the ‘Includes’ section) attention and they’ve been bothering you since you met (Caught you sneaking into the museum, caught Peter Pan bringing you into Neverland, or you transferred to Dauntless and jumped) and you have upheld the front that you dislike / hate him but your real feelings are given away when you see Character B, who is a reincarnation of Character A, and you are visibly attracted to this person. 
Includes (Italics = The love interest. // No italics = The one you gush over) : Al Capone and Frank Castle / The Punisher, Captain Hook (2003) and Lucius Malfoy, and Eric (Divergent) and Captain Boomerang.
Warnings: Looking at our line-up, I’m assuming theirs gonna be some swearing and, because of the topic their will probs be sexual references. Some THIRSTING
I dunno who will want this but I wrote it a week ago and was having trouble adding the last two character (Freddy and Buckman) but I got a new idea for Buckman (And Hoyt, and Jafar. Ya’ll just sit back and wait for what I’m brewing with these unholy three) now so no worries! Imma just post it. I like Al’s at least ^^ NATM fans will be maybe happy :D 
Al Capone: Frank Castle / The Punisher ( @blueinkblot ) 
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“So, you’re supposed to be the other me?” Al talks to his doppelganger with contempt in the other room, and you can just imagine the pinched look on his face. Chuckling about it, I get up from the lunch table and leave the break room, going to see what’s happening and oversee the visit – hopefully I don’t have to use the dreaded torch the museum gave me as a weapon,- , go-ghurt still between my lips and my teeth. Strawberry flavour! Its delicious. The cooling sleeve was a smart purchase, I think. Despite what Napoleon and Kahmenrah might say… Stupid, pompous bastards. Thinking yoghurt out of a tube is inferior to yoghurt out of a tub.
Rounding the corner, I see two Al’s. One of them is grey scale, of course, and he’s holding his tommy gun like it will make any difference in a fight if it came down to it, with is having no bullets and all, and the other looks like he’s recently been to war.
Oh, good, lord.
Really, he is as gruff looking as they come. Where Al’s clean and baby-faced, this guy has that sexy five o’clock shadow. He’s also buffer, human coloured and… is he taller?? I don’t know how it could be possible, but just way the way he looks at people makes him seem taller.
Suddenly he looks my way and I smile… but of course, I still have a tube of go-ghurt in my mouth and when I pull it out -a bit too excited maybe,- some specks of white yoghurt fleck onto my mouth. I go bright red with embarrassment and Al looks over to see what the new guy is looking away from, -me, - as I use my sleeve to wipe that stuff off. I miss his broad, knowing grin.
I flash him a toothless, joyless grin which I hope reads ‘Don’t talk to me, stop looking at me, don’t even mention me. I’m going to go find a hole to live in’ before raising a hand quickly to waive, slouching and slowly moping off to my hole. Go-Ghurt, how could you betray me like this!!
Ahhh, its better off that way anyway. Wouldn’t want Al to get to the idea that I think he’s attractive, haha. I sit down at the table Napoleon, Kah, Ivan and a couple other exhibits are playing go fish on and watch them play for a while, my legs stretched out under the table and arms crossed over my stomach, watching and not saying anything. Even when Kah matches a 6 of clubs with a 7 of clubs and no one else notices- I’d rather not set off any high-pitched French shrieking right now. My ears are still sensitive from last night, thank you very much.
When midnight strikes, they finally decide to give Go Fish a rest for the night, thank god, and disperse to separate areas of the museum. I’m just playing with the cards, shuffling them and organising them into suits and chronological order when Al plops down in the seat beside me. I glance at him between separating hearts and diamonds. “Your guy left?” Oh, thank god.
“Yeah; Said he had some work to do before the night was over.” He responds, and I nod in understanding. “Makes me wonder what kinda work he does, at night… with a gun… in all black… But I don’t ask questions.”
“Oh, you don’t?” I turn over my shoulder, set the cards down and look sceptically at him. I could have sworn he asks me a million questions about myself every chance he gets.  “Do you?”
“Fine, I don’t ask that guy questions. I ask you, a lotta questions.” I make an immediate ‘Ahhh’ sound when he admits the first part and look back to my cards. I look right back at him through when I hear the legs of his chair scratch against the floor and find that he’s much closer now. “One more question.”
I raise an eyebrow at his mischievous face. “What?”
“Did you embarrass yourself checking the other me out?” A wide grin takes his mouth, and I gasp.
“I was no checking him out- and- and he’s not even like you, anyway. He looks completely different! In fact, I think he was 4 inches taller!” Okay, not quite that much taller, but if it gets under Al’s skin then fuck. Four inches is what I saw.
And it does get under his skin! His eyes go steely and he looks from you to where the guy had been a moment ago, then back. Pointing at the spot they were in, he exclaims. “There’s no way.”
“Oh sure, there was.”
“Bring a measuring tape tomorrow, we’ll see who’s really taller!”
I hold back a laugh, looking away from him and shuffling the cards again just to have something to do with my hands. “Sure, Al!~”
“You know what?” Ooh, he sounds frustrated. Success, for me! Yippee!
I grin, and ask him. “What?”
Then Al cups my jaw, drags my head around and plants a kiss right on my mouth. I shouldn’t- No, it shouldn’t have the effect on me that it does. I should push him off and leave, but I immediately transform into mush and turn fully to wrap my arms around his neck, tilting my head into it the kiss instead. I’m not gonna lie, I think, this boy can kiss. And maybe I’d been waiting for it.
A little bit.
Captain Hook (2003): Lucius Malfoy
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“My dear Y/N come over here please! ~” Hook calls over to me from the lower deck, and I look up from my phone -surprisingly enough, I get great connection in Neverland,- like a sullen teenager, earplugs still in my ears, and wait for an explanation. What? What does he want? He’s keeping me hostage and now he wants something from me?? “I’d like to introduce you to my reincarnation! His name is Lucius Malfoy, he’s a wizard!”
For a moment I consider pretending I didn’t hear him, but then decide it’s always a good idea to stay on the good side of your kidnapper and huff. Getting up from the floor where I was sitting, I take my earplugs out and wrap them around my phone as I walk down the stairs to the lower deck where they are, stuffing it in my hoodie pocket when I reach them. “Hi, I’m Y/N. The Captains hos- “
“Consort! My fair Y/N.” A hook picks up a strand of my hair, and Hook watches as it slips off the hook.
What?! I look immediately up from the floor to Hook with a look of utter horror and ‘hell no’ carved into my features. Um, absolutely not- “Yes!” I hate myself for this, but what choice do I have? “That’s me, it’s nice to meet you- “
My mouth goes dry as soon as I see him for the first time and my expression softens quickly. So pretty! How?
I offer my hand to him to shake and he smirks -Lord help me, - and takes it, shaking for a good amount of time. “Lovely to meet you also, Y/N… Its funny, you look nothing like my wife. I guess reincarnation exists but not fate. Peculiar.” Hmmm, yes, or I was kidnapped. Not really his consort! Not at all!! No??!
Ahhhh, rats though. He’s married.
I run a hand back through my hair and take my hand back, smiling politely. Oh well. “Yeah, I guess! I haven’t really thought of it- Hook?” I turn promptly to him to keep up the conversation. I’m not going to. I’m anti-social and introverted. Besides, he started this. Conversation was thrust upon me.
When we connect gazes, I notice he was looking at me before I even turned. I flash a nervous, toothless smile and look away the ocean awkwardly. Oh, dear. What’s going on in his mind?
As they talk, and watch the ocean and feel… slightly, at peace watching the beautiful blue Neverland waves crawl over the expanse of water and the disperse into its depths after crashing. It almost feels like I’m back in Britain again… until a certain hooked arm hooks its way around my bloody waist and my head whips around to see what the hell he think’s he’s doing.
Plastering a smile on my face, I turn to my ‘husband’, giving Lucius a quick ‘excuse me a moment’, and gesturing for Hook to lean down to my level so I can whisper something in his ear. “Yes, hi. Hook. Get your fucking arm off of me; Your touch feels like gross bugs on me.”
He turns to face me, and our faces are uncomfortably close in this moment. “Dear, if you think I’m going to give up on you just because you’re too stubborn to admit you want me too because of some abomination of a moral dilemma then you’re mistaken.” My face burns, from embarrassment and anger -maybe just embarrassment? He touches his lips thoughtfully, then uses those same fingers to pull my chin up so I’m more at his mercy as his expression turns into a full smirk. Bastard. “And don’t think for one second that I somehow didn’t notice your reaction to my lookalike. I know just enough about how you feel about what I look like now to hold on. You will fall for me, you’ll see. “I watch with a deep frown on my face, heat running down my neck and into my clothes as he straightens up again to continue talking with Lucius. I take a deep breath, now that his focus isn’t on me anymore before he tugs me even closer against his body.
Eric (Divergent): Captain Boomerang (Keep in mind that I have never seen Suicide squad or anything else with Captain Boomerang) 
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Ohh, Eric was not happy about this. Eric isn’t happy about most things, unless they included the misfortune and pain of others and more recently, regrettably, me. But he reaaaaalllly hated this.
Contrasting drastically, I’m living for it. Naturally.
And the fact that ‘Captain Boomerang’, or Digger Harkness which is one of the sexiest given names I’ve ever heard, is gorgeous in that ruffled, dark way doesn’t hurt the situation one bit. No, it does not. Eric is villainous looking too, sure, but he’s so clean cut and angry looking. Its harsh on my irises.  
“So, Captain, you said you grew up in Australia?” I’m enjoying this, and I’m sucking every morsel of joy out of it as I can- which means ask the Captain copious questions while Eric just stands with his arms crossed over his chest and tries to intimidate someone the same size and scary level as him, right beside me. I don’t know how he thinks that’s going to work out for him, but I think it’s the only form of offense he has right now to utilise. Poor, evil Eric. Boo hoo.
“That’s right, you ever been there?” He grins -he grins! The only time Eric ever grins is when he’s being cruel and because he does it so little, it’s kind of scary now. Very good for making birds fall out of the sky and babies cry, - and pats my arm. His hand is big, and I beam up at him because I’m getting attention from a pretty boy. “You’d like it, I think. Most people would.”
“Sure!” Will you take me, handsome?
Eric notices the Captain’s hand still on my arm before I do even, zeroes in on it, picks it up so tight I can see his knuckles are white and drops it back towards its owner. I press my lips together and bite on them, looking down at the ground for a moment to widen my eyes at the awkward tension.
When I look back up, they’re staring daggers at each other and it’s even more awkward. Eric! Could you go stand somewhere else possibly!?
Ooooor, maybe I will. This doesn’t seem like a safe place to be anymore.
“Well, it was really nice meeting you Captain. I have to go be somewhere else now, see yaaaaa,” I give him a jaunty and half-assed salute as I’m already occupied with turning and wheeling it out of there.
I was hoping to get away from them, but its two seconds out the door before I realise Eric has followed me. I continue on though, ignoring him and hoping he’ll get the hint- and screw off. I get that that’s a pipe dream though, so I’m not surprised when instead he starts speaking to me.
“So, what was that about?”
“Stop trailing me.”
“Answer my question.” He counters. Oh, scary stubborn Eric.
I know what he’s talking about. I know what he’s going to say. He’s going to say I think Captain Boomerang is pretty so I must think he is pretty- which is just not true!!
Is... is it?
No, no it mustn’t be that. I cannot be. I repeat, it c a n n o t be. “I refuse! Get off my tail Eric!”
He chuckles from behind me, pats my back and quickens up to leave me in his dust as he speeds down the hall effortlessly. “Sure, Y/N. Sure.” Soon, he’s out of sight, and I stop walking.
It… it’s not true, is it?
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Okay, but (yandere!Freddy/yandere!Beetlejuice) "competing" against their reluctant obsession's actual, normal love interest.
I loooooove that, okay? I love it. I’ve actually been pondering a couple ideas surrounding the ‘Villain VS Normal Love Interest’ topic for a while. I always am actually XD Here they are: 
MultiVillain (Including Inkubus and Kahmunrah, among others) x Reader: Based off ‘El Tango de Roxanne’ from Moulin Rouge! the Musical where the villain forces reader, that he’s obsessed with and wants just for him, to tell her real, normal, lovely love interest that she doesn't have any feelings for them just to break their heart and get them out of the picture. 
Freddy Krueger x Reader: He possesses ‘Toby’, the odd boy next door who’s been in unrequited love with you since Kindergarden and you (Unknowing that its actually Freddy) suddenly, w e i r d l y, start to like this new ‘version’ of him. Fit with a scene between Freddy and Toby pree possession.  
Horror Villains (Various) x Reader: I’ve made a post about this one already and its taking forever, haha. Basically, Horror Protagonist / Final Girl / DBD Survivor tries to confess their feelings for reader, but Horror Villain catches on and interrupts before it can happen. 
OH. Also more ‘Preachers Daughter’ (Maggie Rose- villain kills your sweet normal love interest. Very Yandere. Much obsession) inspired drabbles except not with Buckman. With Hoyt and Jafar. Because I can not get over this song, its one of my favourites. 
I have nothing for Beetlejuice though, hah. 
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