#Hercules and The Arabian Nights
slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Hades x Fem!Reader x Jafar || Drabble
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Plot: Just something quick I was struck with the inspiration to write while watching these movies+this episode- and I'm actually pretty happy with how their characters turned out!! Set during Hercules and the Arabian Nights- You catch the eye of Jafar... meanwhile Hades, your captor and ‘owner’ for lack of a far better word is not pleased about it. Still, they somehow find a way to frustrate you as a team.
Warnings: Ehhhh... not really. You are imprisoned by Hades, though. Also severely unedited right now because my laptop is running outta charge.
“Oh~ And who is this divine creature~”
“… Hm?” You squeak, surprised at the tall, unfamiliar man suddenly approaching you- reaching for your hand. When he catches it, long fingers curl around yours and he smirks. “Oh- uh- “You were just looking for food! What’s this now?
“Ohh no no no no- “Hades suddenly appears around the strange man, the evil God that tricked you and managed to kidnap you here to this desolate place. Immediately you sigh, rolling your eyes as Hades slips around you quickly and pulls you back away from the new man so he has no choice by to let go of your hand. “No, no, no. This one’s mine, bucko. Back off.”
‘This one’s- ‘ Jaw dropping, you turn your head and look up at Hades with a frustrated frown. You- are not- “Oh, my apologies. Are you married??”
“No.” Hades repeats, letting go of you. “But I have dibs on this one- and I also own their soul, if works out better for you.”
“You… own their soul… “The man rears back, a snake stuff in his hand at his side and chest puffed out. A deadpanned look settles on face and he raises the most sarcastic of eyebrows- and you live with Hades. Sarcasm is basically a second language, here. “… How romantic.”
“Oh, and I’m sure you’re the sultan of romance, eh? Bottom line, stay away from Y/N. In fact, what the heck are you doing here, babe, what’s up? You looking for something?” By the time you realise Hades is looking at you to actually speak, now, you’re over whatever shenanigans he’s up to and just roll your eyes.
Keep your eyes on the prize, Y/N. “I was looking for lunch?”
“Great! Easy peasy- go find Pain and Panic.” With that, Hades turns you around and pushes you off in some random, dank direction - though, they’re all dank in the Underworld, -, shooing you when you turn to look over your shoulder at him. Such a squirrely man… “Go, go! Jaffy and I here have got business to attend to, I’ll play with you later.”
Your jaw drops again, at that, and you turn right around to them again with your hands on your hips. ‘Play’ with you?? Hades looks half nervous, and like he’s about to open his damn mouth again but you go and speak before he can. “Oh, don’t bother!” Rolling your eyes, you make an ‘ugh’ sound, and turn to look at ‘Jaffy’. “And I wanna know what’s going on, here now. How come you’re flesh and bone? Big Blue here trick you, too??”
“Ahh, no.” The man gives a smile, and it sends spider-leg tingles creeping all the way down your spine. Oh, boy. You always meet the worst men. “I was actually sent here by grave mistake- Hades here was just hospitable enough to help correct the mistake.”
“Ah ah ah- not exactly, pal, see we’re just making a wager- “
“Sh,” You cut Hades off quickly, holding up a finger at him that sufficiently shuts him up again. Then you turn to the other man once again while Hades’ jaw drops.  “Look, I wouldn’t trust a word outta Hades’ mouth, uhh… “
“Jafar, once the most powerful sorcerer in the world.” Theirs an heir of royal haughtiness in his tone, and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Jafar. Take it from me- He’s full of shit.” The man’s eyes widen on impact, then, at your language. “He told me that line about making a wager and now I’m stuck here in this dump, and- have you met Pain and Panic?”
“Those goons?”
“Yes- them- they’re my only friends. Trust me, it’d be better for you just to go quietly.”
For a moment, Jafar ponders your words, eyes that are prettier then need-be going up and around as he thinks; Drumming fingertips against the top of his snake staff. “Hmmm… “While Jafar gives your words more thought than you, personally, think he ought to, Hades gears up to do his motor-mouth thing once again- but you give him a dark look that for some reason, he heeds. “You have a point, my dear… But I think I can handle this.”
Oh, for gods sake. Men and their egos!- Your eye twitches momentarily from irritation, but ultimately you just sigh and shake your head. Whatever. You start to turn around, to go looking for your lunch again, but Jafar reaches you first and takes your hand once again. “Might I join you for lunch? Hades was just telling me about Ambrosia, and it does sound just… delicious~ “
With that, his eyes glide all the way down your body and back up again. Your eyes flicker to Hades, see the orange flickering in his hair and nervously look back to Jafar. “Um… sure?”
Over lunch the God and the ‘Once Powerful Sorcerer’ discuss their plans for Hercules and another guy that Jafar has a problem with, ‘Aladdin’, and you just sit back thinking to yourself. Their evil schemes don’t interest you, and its not like you can do anything to stop them, so you just find enjoying your favourite fantasy - rolling hills, daisies, the beautiful sun dappling through trees overhead onto the soft grass under your feet… - when you realise much-too-late that both Hades and Jafar are looking at you.
Uhh… mug halfway up to your mouth, you stop immediately; Eyes wide as you look back at them, totally lost. “… what did I miss? Is there something on my face??”
Jafar chuckles. “No, dear- “
“Yeah you’re fine.” Hades cuts Jafar off quickly, flashing the man a dark glare before looking back to you- which point, Jafar gives a heavy eyeroll. “We just asked you if you might be able to help us out with something, babe,”
Immediately, suspicions rise. “… Like what?”
“Just… a little distraction.” As soon as your mouth opens again to deny the request, knowing just enough about what they might b asking you to not like it- Hades quickly goes on. “Look, we got a plan, but we need a little- “
“Shall we say… feminine touch?” Jafar cuts in, and Hades gives a shrug while your start shaking your head.
“Yeah, that. C’mon- Y/N- Nothing seedy! We just need you to hold a conversation with Al!- just so Pain and Panic can slip in and take the monkey.”
“No- no! You two are asking me to help you nab a man’s pet?? Not my idea of a fun afternoon, so no. Forget about it, I’ll be in my dungeon when you need me for something sane- “You push out of your chair and go to leave the room, when you remember the pita bread you had left over and turn back to snatch it up and take it with you. “- Oh, like baby-napping, yeah? Ugh.”
When you turn around back towards the door once again, though, Hades is directly in front of you- of course. Groaning, you roll your eyes upwards into the back of your skull and stop short as he raises his hands in a gesture of surrender- fake surrender, no doubt. “Okay, okay! I get it, not your thing. But put this into consideration- yeah?” Placing a finger into the soft skin under your chin, Hades tilts your head up to make you look at him. And his face is close- but you’re used to that by now. Well… mostly. “… You’d be outside, doing this.”
… Oh. As soon as that part sinks in, your shoulders slump. That’s right… you would get to go outside… That makes you think.
“Mmm, yes. And Agrabah is beautiful, if I do say so myself.” Jafar appears at Hades' side and theirs a tricky smile on his face, but you can’t help but listen. Beautiful?? “Warm, and sunny. Blue skies, soft sand… a Destination, really.” He shrugs. “Travellers brave some very dangerous seas, for our views.”
Your mouth is dry. Your resolve is thin. You should still say no, though!… You’re a good, sane person, and-
“Also- if you did this little favour babe- I would be willing to, let’s say… loosen, the terms of your imprisonment here?” Hades adds, and you find yourself half wishing he wouldn’t say the next words, but- “Howdoya feel about weekly expeditions upstairs, eh? I’ll take you myself.”
At that, you lose all will power. Your lips part.
“… Okay I’ll do it.”
Hades and Jafar share an evil, victorious look.
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frie-ice · 1 year
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When I first decided to do a cross ship collage of Hercules and Aladdin, I wanted to use screengrabs of their film, TV and even their Kingdom Hearts counterparts. Until I learned about Hercules and the Arabian Nights and wanted to reference the crossover episode. I could find enough good quality images from it, so I ended up adding in two images of them together in the third bottom roll. To make is a bit different from my other collages, sine it was that very episode that got people to ship them together.
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luigisvampirebae · 1 year
Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Mena Massoud in the same movie would be so iconic
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thenewnio · 1 year
Irida and the Miraculous Blade
In Ancient Greece, Irida helps her widowed father, Georgios, run their struggling vineyard. One day, Georgios learns that, unless he pays his annual rent, his landlord will have him and his daughter exiled. That night, a lost girl named Filomofylia, nicknamed "Filo" for short, arrives at the vineyard, where Iridia lets her stay. Filo is revealed to be one of the demons who escaped from Pandora's urn, the demon of homosexuality. Out of gratitude, Filo offers to serve Irida, who declines, deciding to panhandle the money needed for the rent in Thebes; However, her efforts are unsuccessful. A herald rides into town, in search of those capable of slaying the dragon Thanasima, which has been terrorizing Athens along with its mother, Daimonasima, the daughter of Echidna. Filo mentions the Blade of Peleus, which may be the only weapon capable of defeating Thanasima, which inspires Irida to attempt to find it. Hearing this, the god Hermes takes her to Mount Olympus to speak with the gods. Irida is directed to Kydonia, on the island of Crete. Zeus offers aid, but Irida declines and, with Georgios's blessing, sets out with Filo to build a ship and recruit a crew for the voyage to Kydonia. Among those interested in joining the quest are Thea's childhood friends, Kyrillos, Charmion and Erastos, the harpy Kleftis, an aspiring treasure hunter, and the demigoddess Gala, a female minotaur, or "Minobous", seeking to learn more about her late mother, Ariadne. A last-minute addition is the sorceress Medea, who is only convinced to join when Filo tells her that it would repair her tarnished reputation. The group meets with King Demophon of Athens, who grants their request for a ship to be built. The ship is named the Prisma in honor of Irida and her namesake, the goddess Iris. Meanwhile, Daimonasima is informed of Irida's quest by her imp minion, Kako, and vies to prevent her from succeeding. To do this, she sends the Scyllae to attack them. However, Medea casts a spell to shrink the Scyllae to a harmless size, and they become the ship's pet. When the crew run low on supplies, they stop at the "Island with No Name", where they meet the automaton guardian Chalkos, and give him oil. In gratitude, he gives Irida an amulet of the sea goddess Benthesikyme. As they near Kydonia, a Cetus sent by Daimonasima tries to sink their ship. Irida drops Chalkos's amulet into the sea, whereupon Benthesikyme rises up and grapples with the beast, distracting it long enough for the Prisma to pass. The crew land and accept an invitation from King Kydon to a feast. Unknown to them, Kako, disguised as a human, has warned Kydon that Filo is a demon, and lied to him that the crew are thus untrustworthy. Kydon has the unwary crew imprisoned, while Filo is sealed away in a jar to be buried. However, Princess Lysandra, feeling sympathy for the crew, helps them escape. After rescuing Filo, the crew flee from Kydon's soldiers and are led by Athena to a hidden chamber where they find the Blade, a large dagger. They escape to the Prisma and set sail while Gala sacrifices her life to hold off the soldiers. Back in Athens, Daimonasima, in a final effort to prevent the death of her spawn, confronts the crew as they return, seizing the Blade before leaving with Thanasima and Kako to overthrow Demophon. Injured in the scuffle, Irida tries to follow but collapses. Inspired by Irida's determination, her friends pursue Daimonasima, rallying support against her along the way. Outraged by the citizens' refusal to bow before her, Daimonasima sows Thanasima's shed teeth, spawning doll-like Spartoi to slay the group. Despite Medea summoning her own Spartoi to the group's aid, the battle seems lost until Irida arrives, having been healed by Zeus. With the help of Filo and Pegasus, she manages to take back the Blade and use it to slay Thanasima, motivating the others to defeat the enemy Spartoi. Enraged, Daimonasima tries to kill Irida, but the Scyllae, having grown fond of the group, overcomes Medea's spell, grows back to their normal size and kills Daimonasima. Afterwards, Demophon rewards Irida with the money she needs for the vineyard, Filo confesses her love for her, and everyone watches as Iris makes a rainbow in Irida's honor. The gods, with Gala now among them, predict that Irida and her band of unusual heroes will have many more adventures before being immortalized among the constellations.
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princess-ibri · 7 months
For the Descendants kids with horrible and trashy names, how would you name them? From books and movies.
So I'll just go ahead and give how I changed each name for My Canon Descendants AU, to make them feel more like their own character/fit better with the og movies time periods/cultures. I didn't give them all unique names as the point of the project was to translate the Descendants kids into the actual movies, not make full OCs, (though I did end up making a few of those anyway xD) but I tried to at least adjust them.
Mal--Mallow (to go with the Nature name theme the Three Good Fairies had going on with their own names/Briar Rose)
Audrey I kept as it was actually a Medieval name!
Evie-- Eva, it's a pretty easy fix to more period accurate/Germanic sounding
Doug -- Doleful, to fit better with the Dwarfs Attribute names, plus he seemed kinda down in the first movie so the meaning felt like it fit
Carlos I kept because honestly I felt like it could fit in universe if Cruella's husband was a Spanish man, which he conceivabley could be
Jay--Jaamil, and no not because of Twisted Wonderland that just happened by accident xD
They orginally had Aladdin's deleted sin be named Aziz but there was already an Aladdin character named that in the TV show who was a villain so I changed it to Ahmed, like one of the other Arabian Nights heroes
Ben--I changed from Benjamin to Benedict as that was more French/period appropriate
Honestly I could 100% see Gaston naming his sons after himself so I kept Gastons 1 and 2 but I changed Gil to Gilbert (French pronunciation of course)
Lonnie...oh Lonnie. I changed her name to Chi, as with her patronymic of Li she would be Li Chi, which sounded similar to Lonnie but would actually be Chinese and is the name of a girl in a Chinese legend who slays a dragon, which was what I based her hypothetical movie plot on
Chad I changed to Charles, easy enough. Much more elegant and formal
Jane I just changed to Janet to make it a little fancier/Frenchier as well xD
Dizzy I changed to Daisy (though I suppose since she's French based, it really should be Marguerite...eh Daisy can be the nickname)
Uma I kept cuz honestly its a good name and her song is a banger 👌
Harry is fine, good pirate name, short for Henry, which also works. Harriet was fine too, just made her and Harry twins and made CJ go by her first name only of Calista.
Honestly with a pirate dad named Smee Squeeky and Squirmy also work, though they're definitely nicknames.
Celia works fine, it fits with the time/culture of 1920s New Orleans, though I did change Freddie to Frederique.
Getting into some book characters now:
Artie I changed to Amhar, a lesser known son of Arthur (could have done Mordred but as the kid was meant to be heroic I decided to go with Amhar, plus it started with A x)
Mad Maddy honestly isn't a bad name, but I did change it to Matilda to be a bit more Medieval sounding, plus linked her to Matilda of the Night, a Medieval witch legend.
(And apparently there's gonna be a son of Morgana Le Fay in the new movie named... Morgie. My gosh. Well we'll change that right back to Yvain. Her actual son, no she's not Mordred's mother no matter what the movies try to tell you she's his aunt and I will die on this pedantic hill)
Hadie I instantly changed to Zagreus. He's the literal son of Hades and goodness its such a better name. Same with changing Herkie to Hyllus. Also an actual son of Hercules and doesn't sound like a euphemism for throwing up.
Allie I changed to Mary Jean after the Real Alice's grandaughter, and when I made my Queen of Hearts Kid D4 hadn't been announced yet so I named her Aceline (a pun on Ace of Hearts)
Ruby and Anxelin weren't terrible names so I kept them, just made Anxelin a Dark Kingdom name xD (and apparently they're giving Rapunzel a third daughter in the new movie? Her name is just Zellie though...so I think I'll just keep these two. Zellie could definitely work as being short for Anxelin and hey, Rapunzel had twins in the actual fairytale so two just works)
Wrapping it up:
Claudine isnt too bad and fits the time period but I changed her parent from Frollo to his brother Jehan cuz that man should never ever get to be with any woman.
Clay Clayton I changed to Cecil after the actual Clayton character in the books who wasn't that bad of a guy.
Yzla works fine as a name for Yzma's daughter. I just changed Zevon to Yzon to match better and not sound so much like he escaped the 23rd century
Ginny Gothel I just lengthened out to Ginevra to sound more fantastical
I didn't actually do anything for Pocahontas as it always kinda controversial to touch. But if I did I'd of course just make her descendant her actual son Thomas Rolfe and apparently they gave Ratcliffe a son named Rick? So...we'll change his name to Richard or--well one sec let me see if Actual Historical Governor Ratcliffe had any kids.
OK! Looks like he didn't but he did die horribly. My Gosh.
Anyway I think that's everyone!
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punster-2319 · 10 months
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romancemedia · 2 months
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Aladdin & Jasmine | Hercules and the Arabian Night
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darkspellmaster · 4 months
I also think Aladdin would've been greatly improved if he had more competition for her hand. The only source of conflict in that whole movie, outside of Aladdin's self esteem issues, is Jafar, who wants to use him to get into the Cave of Wonders and then only wants him out of the way when he's disguised as a prince. By adding in another good option like a version of Jafar who's the same age as her, it would add more personal conflict for Aladdin and make him need to actually prove himself to win her over. As is, it does seem like Jasmine picked the best option out of the shitty hand that was dealt to her and Aladdin just needs to go to therapy instead of trying to get another partner. Again, that's just me.
Well the series did allow for a few. The most well known was, of course, Mozenrath, (favorite of mine, not gonna lie, Rip Johnathan Brandis), who sometimes flirted with her and clearly had a thing for her, but also lusted after power, so there was that. And then there was Daru Tavelevil, who was this conman like dude who came off as cultured and impressed Jasmine a bit with it, turned out to be selling iron to one of the other villains. Prince Wazoo was a snooty guy who tried to win her over, but, um...he was more of a joke character, and some people have shipped her with Arbutus, who was a kind of cross between Beast in personality, and Poison Ivy.
In the original Arabian Night's story there was a small conflict in the form of Aladdin, using his Jinn to beat the son of the Vizier who was an option for the Princess to marry, though, depending on the retelling if she was into the guy or not. Some versions have him a clown, some have him a threat, others just have him as like, parents wanted them to marry because. From what I've read and seen of the making of Aladdin, there was going to be more to it. Aladdin's mom was going to be in the movie, being the moral voice to her son with the Genie, helping him to see that he had to make it up to the princess, and be better for her. Basically, what you're saying is Mozenrath should have been in the original movie. XD I mean, given what Iago said about how strong he was in magic, and then later we see what he does when he brain washes here, I can see where people would want that to happen. I do really wish they would have kept his mom involved somehow, it could have helped with some plotting beats, but at the time, most animated movies were between 89 and 93 minutes long. You didn't have the 2 hour plus run time some of them get now to expand on dynamics, so the songs had to do the heavy lifting. Could it have made for more drama, yes. But I'm not totally sure it would be as needed in this case, as the romance, while important to the story, was more about the growth and bonding between Genie and Aladdin. Showing how their friendship allows him to become more honest and true to who he is. And while I'm all for the romance in the story, I'm okay with it being the B plot of the relationship dynamic. Opposed to Beauty and the Beast, where the Romance is A plot, and everything else is B plot. Aladdin was a shift from that formula at the time.
Same kinda with Hercules, Mulan, and Hunchback. Family and Friendships took the mainstage, and romance moved to the back. Aladdin kinda was a bit of a start of that.
It's fun discussing these sorts of things. Ps. if you ever get the chance, and you can find it (since Disney still doesn't have it up on Disney Plus) look up the Aladdin series episode The Secret of Dagger Rock. It's the one where Jasmine fights Mozenrath to free Aladdin. (Additionally for Evil Jasmine, look up Forget Me Not, where she gets tricked into thinking she's a famous villain and totally leads the hell out of a team of baddies, forcing Abis Mal to ask for help to stop her from Aladdin. It's where her black outfit first shows up)
Hope the answer is good for you.
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Yuu with the Disney Princes
I always talk about how Yuu is considered an honorary Disney Princess and how they invite her to their princess get-togethers since she’s one of them but I just love the dynamic Yuu has with the princes (mainly because right now I have a Disney prince brainrot, where I’m constantly remembering how much I love them) where all of them are her very loving, protective, chaotic older brother figures.
Their entire relationship is just:
Yuu: *gets a paper cut*
Also that Modern Family scene where Lily gets locked in the car and Mitch is calmly trying to figure out how to help her whilst Cam is ready to break her out by slamming a metal bin onto the window whilst screaming. Yeah, 50% are the calm, gentle mentor-like older brothers who will always be there to guide Yuu and the rest are the chaotic brothers who see a possible threat near Yuu and it’s act first think second.
Eugene, Aladdin and Naveen are planning a heist with Naveen as the getaway driver and Aladdin and Naveen breaking into a heavily guarded place just for the fun of it. Like, they would literally just break into a museum just to steal the guard’s pen or something. They’re chaotic like that. They remind Yuu of Ace and Deuce and so she’s helping them. Not with the actual thievery but with the strategies like how Ned is Peter Parker’s ‘guy in the chair’
Yuu: But won’t you get in trouble?
Aladdin: Trouble? Ha! You’re only in trouble if you get caught.
Eugene: Exactly! *fingerguns*
Naveen: *Already in the driver’s seat* Guys, can we go soon? I want to get milkshakes on the way back.
They have literally broken into a zoo and park just to cheer her up
Phillip (the first man I ever fancied), Eric, Charming/Henry and Hercules teach her sword fighting. Like, yeah, they know that Mulan and Merida are overseeing her self-defense training but there’s no harm in some extra teachers. Princes Phillip and Charming have been sparing partners and best friends for years so they work wonderfully together. Of course, one simple sword fighting lesson ends up as a fight to the death with the princes and Yuu rallying around and cheering for a victor.
Speaking of fighting, sometimes Aladdin and Hercules reignite their rivalry from Hercules and the Arabian Nights (even though they are literally best friends) and start smack talking each other (half of the time it’s because of the Kalimyuu vs Idiayuu ship war). The other princes are watching with rapt interest and Yuu doesn’t know if she should break them up or join them.
Yuu loves hearing about all of their adventures - especially when they get all grand and epic with their narrations.
The Aladdin series was my favourite Disney animated movie tv show so I’d imagine that after his adventures, he’d bring back a trophy to show Yuu. Yuu very much dislikes Mozenrath and Abysmal. She and Abu are cool. Abu is protective of her the same way Aladdin is and he’s more than happy to prank anyone that wrongs her. She covers for him when she knows he’s off causing trouble and always has a snack on hand to give him.
RACES! Horseback/reindeerback/carpet/chariot/pegasus/foot races happen all the time and Yuu referees.
Hercules insists that Yuu rides on Pegasus 
This always leads to an argument with Aladdin on whether or not magic carpets or flying horses/chariots are better. And no, this has nothing to do with the fact that Kalim owns a magic carpet and the Shroud brothers have a chariot
Hercules and Shang try to get Yuu more interested in training/working out. Whether or not she’ll join them is up to you.
There’s always going to be chaos when the princes meet up and the only ones keeping to themselves in the corner is Beast/Adam with a book and Simba who’s just sitting there and judging everyone.
As a bookworm myself, I would totally start a book club with Disney characters like Belle and Rapunzel (and maybe Ratigan) and Adam is definitely a member of said book club. 
Simba and Yuu are cute. He can tell that she’s a genuinely nice person and his protective instincts flare when she’s around. He’s definitely a teasing, cheeky sort of older brother who likes to harmlessly poke fun but he’s one of the first to act if Yuu’s in any danger. He definitely melts whenever Yuu and Kiara play together. (He also loves watching Yuu interact with Cheka. It warms him)
By the way, Zazu and Cogsworth are in the background just sitting next to each other in silent solidarity. They get each other.
I’ve read headcanons that they all like to play DnD together and I love that and would expand more but I have no idea how DnD works so I’m just going to put it here.
This bullet point is going to be a bit of a rant/vent so feel free to skip it. I see a lot of Prince Florian hate/slander and whilst I understand it (he has no personality, he’s only in the movie for like five minutes and he kisses a sleeping girl) I can never get on that band wagon. I can go on about how I feel about him and how I think the hatred towards him is unfair but this is a wholesome post about Yuu bonding with Disney characters so I’ll keep it as short and sweet as possible.
I don’t think Florian is supposed to be a character. I feel like he’s less of a person and more of a symbol of Snow White’s freedom and happily ever after. Like Cinderella’s Prince Charming, he literally only exists to give Snow White a happy ending after living as a maid under her stepmother who literally tried to kill her. Snow wishes for her true love to find her and say nice things to her and he just appears and serenades her. She wants a happily ever after with a with quote ‘the one I (she) love(s)’ unquote and she gets it. See, this isn’t a logical movie, it’s an emotional one. You aren’t supposed to think, you’re supposed to feel. There’s no deep message and no one goes through a character arc (except for maybe Grumpy). Every single scene is just supposed bring about an emotion: fear when you enter the forest, anticipation when the dwarves find out about the queen, sadness at Snow White’s funeral, happiness when she wakes up, etc. You aren’t supposed to question anything, you just take the fairytale at face value. And at face value, Snow White’s romance with Florian is very poetic with the flowers and the doves and it just screams young, innocent love
Yeah, they could’ve fleshed him out or given him a backstory but Snow White wasn’t just Disney’s first animated movie but also the world’s first feature length coloured animated film. Walt Disney knew that it was a huge risk to make it and the film industry weren’t just skeptical, they thought that he was going to fail. The company had to make do with what they had and they were on the brink of bankruptcy - Walt himself had some serious financial trouble during the film’s production. There were scenes that they wanted to add (like a scene where Snow White teaches the dwarves how to drink soup or the dwarves wanting to make her a more comfortable bed) but had to cut down. He was also really hard to animate so other scenes they wanted to make with him (like where the queen traps him in his dungeon and Snow’s animal friends rescue him so that he can save her) weren’t actually possible. That’s why Phillip is much more of an action hero compared to Florian - the animators had gotten better at animating heroic male characters.
Also, it’s kind of implied that like Cinderella, since she was treated like a servant and dressed in rags, she never would have been able to see the outside world. Queen Grimhilde orders a huntsman to kill her and rip out her heart after watching one guy fall in love with her (and yeah, the mirror also said that she was fairer but her anger visibly flares at watching Florian and Snow’s exchange she already felt threatened by Snow which is why she wears ugly clothes and does the cleaning), there’s no way she would’ve allowed her outside the castle where more people could see her beauty.
Yeah, no one should kiss an unconscious person without their consent but it’s literally not Florian’s fault that the actual source material of Snow White has true love’s kiss as the way to wake Snow up. To take away ‘true love’s kiss’ is like taking away the huntsman or the apple - the story just won’t be the same. And sure, Disney has a habit of changing stories *coughs*TheLittleMermaid*coughs*BeautyandtheBeast*coughs*TheFrogPrince* to make them more family friendly/entertaining (because what little girl in the 1950s would want to see Lady Tremaine mutilate her daughters by chopping their toes/heels off?) but Walt loved Snow White and since this was his first feature length film so why change a simple, well-known, harmless classic? I mean Disney was already changing the original story by getting rid of the Queen’s other two murder attempts before the apple (I don’t really know why but I think it was to make her seem less stupid). And now I’ve realised I’ve written too much so I’m going to stop now.
(Also where did this whole age gap thing come from? I don’t know where the rumours about Florian being in his thirties come from but the official book ‘The Art of Walt Disney’ states that the animators intended for him to be 18. And I don’t know for sure if Snow is actually officially 14 but interviews have said that she’s a teenager so 13/14 would be the youngest possible age she could possibly be)
tldr: I’m tired of seeing Prince Florian hate/slander. Snow White is my favourite Disney Princess so I’m giving her a happily ever after with a very loving husband because she deserves it. Disney may not have given him a personality but I will
So Prince Florian is a hopeless romantic, much like his wife. Think love letters and poetry and horseback rides and bouquets of flowers. He likes singing so I peg him as a musician that enjoys writing love songs for Snow. He carries around a little dagger so I’m going to assume he’s into crafts like whittling.
Eric teaches Yuu everything he knows about sailing. 
Max, Abu, Sven, Samson, Pegasus and all of the other animal companions like to hang around with Yuu. Yuu loves to shower them in affection that they are more than happy to soak in.
No one tell Prince Phillip but Yuu sneaks Samson extra carrots even after Phillip forbade them
Kuzco doesn’t usually go to the Prince meet ups since he prefers to hang out with the princesses but he does appear if he hears Yuu is coming.
All he does is sit there and look pretty but he’s an icon and we are here for that.
Prank wars. Prank wars all the time. Yuu is never a target since she’s always neutral and no amount of bribes will cause her to pick a side. She will cover for anyone who asks (she’s not very good at covering though)
They do treat her like a young child at times though but she knows they all mean well.
Every hour, they take a break from what they’re doing to spend at least two hours sitting in a circle, bragging about how awesome their wives are and how much they love them. Not that they don’t spend every single second of the day praising their wives. It’s just that they are addicted to ‘I love my wife juice’ so they make sure to take a juice break. To stay healthy.
That’s all I got for now
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object-obsession · 20 days
Aladdin > Magic Carpet
Inanimate Object Characters List | Entry: 24
Not gonna lie, he's kinda FREAKY for letting people sit their ass on his face, right?! LOL. (Sorry, I didn't know what else to say.)
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Character: Magic Carpet
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Movies: Aladdin (1992), The Return of Jafar (1994), Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996), Aladdin (2019)
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TV Series: Aladdin (1994-1995) | Episode: Hercules and the Arabian Night (Hercules, 1999) | Video: Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams (2007)
Carpet also makes some cameo appearances in other Disney works.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
I love the idea of Jafar becoming a sorta minion (More like indenturd servant, like Meg) to Hades after Hercules and the Arabian Nights. How?? Well, he wants to live and reap his revenge- Hades just so happens to have an opening, and ta da!~ Deal made.
Jafar is very snarky about being called such a thing as a 'minion' and getting told what to do, but he knows better then to really push it (I mean Hades is a god) and he's done this whole 'loyal' servant thing before, so- he'll survive. Plus, this situation allows for a load more evil laughter and devious plans, and that works for him! XD
Hades is just like 'Great, another maniac on the team... fabulous. This is exactly what I need to deal with. Oy.'
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*Hades, still hearing nothing but terrible puns outside the throne room after he kicked them all (Meaning Pain, Panic, Jafar and the Fates) out for it* "Ey- EY. BOZOS. COULDJA QUIT THE FRICKEN CHORTLE FEST?? SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO THINK-
Jafar, sighing and rolling his eyes outside because must he take away every bit of his joy?? Must he??
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masterbadyl · 5 months
I just answered 5 questions, now let's do another 5
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6. Your favorite animal
Rajah, Jasmine's tiger from "Aladdin"
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I love him! He's so cute. Just look at him
7. "Your favorite sidekick"
Genie from "Aladdin"
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He's iconic XD
8. "Your favorite villain"
Hades from "Hercules"
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It's very rare for me to like a villain this much.
9. "Your favorite original character"
I don't know XD
10. "Your favorite song"
I have so many of them and I can't choose just one, so I'll list them all XD
-"The Bells Of Notre Dame", "Out There", "Topsy Turvy", "God Help The Outcasts", "Heaven's Light" and "The Court Of Miracles" from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
- "Arabian Nights", "Friend Like Me" and "Prince Ali" from "Aladdin"
-"Beauty And The Beast"
-"Great Spirits" from "Brother Bear"
-"La Llorona" and "Remember me" from "Coco"
-"Surface Pressure", "Waiting On A Miracle" and "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from "Encanto"
-"Frozen Heart" from "Frozen"
-"The Gospel Truth", "Go The Distance", "Zero To Hero" and "The Star Is Born" from "Hercules"
-"Circle Of Life" and "Hakuna Matata" from "The Lion King"
-"Under The Sea" from "The Little Mermaid"
-"Make A Man Out Of You" and "Reflection" from "Mulan"
-"Just Around The Riverbend" from "Pocahontas"
-"Once Upon A Dream" from "Sleeping Beauty"
-"I've Got A Dream" and "Healing Incantation" from "Tangled"
-"Once Upon A December" from "Anastasia" (I know it's not from Disney)
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Hades ,Jafar, Maleficent agree to each other to take down each other's adviceries(spelled wrong i know. Sorry about that)
Maleficent vs Hercules
Hades vs Aladdin
Jafar vs Philip
Sorry for the wait for this one, this is such a cool idea!! Esp because switching heroes removes the villains narrative foil, so they're free to do their typical villainy and actually win this time...
Maleficent vs Hercules:
Ok so this is a match that is actually pretty even - herc has dealt with giant beasts all his life, so Maleficents dragon form isn't as much of an advantage compared to with Philip. Plus Herc and Pegasus can fly, so.
Instead, she's at her best doing as Hades would - luring and tricking with words and deals, except she can wrangle the rules of hospitality so freaking well that Herc's chances of shooting himself in the foot are nigh inescapable.
She's going to have to keep her distance and probably kidnap his allies to threaten him with their harm/death, but chances are he'll unfortunately fall for it and she'll make sure not to leave any loopholes.
Just hope Herc Doesn't manage to get within grabbing distance otherwise she's getting shishcabobbed on every tree in the immediate vicinity.
Gods v fairy is also a concern, but she's certainly got the arrogance if not quite the power to go head to head with the Olympians if it calls for it.
Hades vs Aladdin
Weirdly this has kind of been done in the show, 'Hercules and the Arabian Night' episode, but a couple of distinctions need be made here.
In that instance Hades misguided Aladdin into fighting a fellow hero then sent Jafar to fight in his stead when they breached the underworld, he never actually encountered him face to face.
Obviously Hades has every advantage under the sun in a one to one situation with Aladdin. He's immortal, stronger, faster, has magic and has been playing the smart man's game for centuries compared to Aladdin's 20ish years of street smarts.
He could also play the 'see your dead friends and family' card seeing as Al has almost definitely lost people in his life and Jafar did turn up in the Greek underworld, it's not impossible that others did too.
Sans genie, Hades wins so long as he doesn't give Al the chance to weasel his way free by sending henchmen or giving him chance to talk.
Jafar vs Philip
Hilariously the easiest matchup in this set, Jafar wins hands down.
Philip is way too black and white, too noble and too traditional in his role as a prince and knight not to fall for Jafars manipulation or backstabbing.
Sure he's faced down a dragon fairy which gives him a combat edge against Jafar's giant cobra form, but Jafar would probably be able to keep his head and not let it get to combat in the first place.
He only went full scalie against Aladdin to show off and prove a point. Philip isn't important enough in Jafars headspace to warrant the same effort.
Jafar could go the long route and ruin Philip politically as an envoy between the two kingdoms, hypnotising Philips allies and court against him at every turn before killing him when he's at his most alone.
Or he could be dramatic - and find a way to magically cripple the Rose Kingdom.
...would be even need to? King Stefan ruined his country's entire economy in the 16 years it took between aurora's curse being laid and activated, what could break the upcoming king worse than fighting his own people for being unable to fix his predecessors actions? All it would take Jafar is some well placed nudges and Philip would have a full peasant uprising on his hands.
Plenty of distractions to kill him to. :P
Ooooh this was fun, thanks again for the ask!!
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Have you considered that nyx could have been the queen of the underworld before hades, I mean she is a titan and before hades ascended, someone should have been in charge of the underworld.
Hmmm, y’know I haven’t. But that is a neat idea!
Honestly, I always kinda figured the underworld wasn’t run by anybody before Hades was granted the realm and it was just a big mess because as the muses stated in the movie, back when the world was new evil titans ran amuck and the world was a mess. So, I figured once Hades was granted the underworld he pretty much had to straighten everything out and put some organization and order into the place and that’s why it’s so well run today lol. It’s also another reason as to why he would never want somebody else he doesn’t trust running his domain, like Hecate. Hecate wanted to take his domain by force and do her own thing and Hades obviously didn’t like that because 1.) Nobody takes things from the Lord of the Dead and gets away with it and 2.) That’s HIS domain and he worked hard to make it the way it is, he doesn’t want some “wannabe pretender to the throne” messing that up (also it seems that he already didn’t like Hecate and didn’t trust her BECAUSE she was so adamant on trying to take the underworld from him and make it “better”). As he mentioned in the same episode (The Underworld Takeover), he gripes, he moans, but he runs one tight Tartarus. As much as he complains about the place, he’s proud of it and the work he’s done on it and he does have a soft spot for the underworld.
With that being said, Hades was actually going to give the underworld over to Jafar in the Arabian Night episode, thinking that he was actually going to succeed in defeating Hercules and taking over Olympus. He worked with Jafar and trusted him with running the underworld while he ruled Olympus. Honestly, I think if Hades did actually take over Olympus he’d probably make one of his brothers run the underworld in his place as some sort of punishment or payback (also he knows his brothers, so he low key kinda trusts them to run it properly).
But anyways, back to Nyx lol, that is a good idea! Nyx is the personification of night (or I guess the Greek goddess of night even though she’s a titan), so it could work! But for me, I like to think that Hades had to fix the mess that was the underworld himself from the ground up. I feel like it’d give him more reason to be proud of it.
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
MY HERO ACADEMIA       23.06.2023
Izuku Midoriya / Deku
Arabian nights! ...gone wrong?
The other woman , [part two] , [part three] , [part four - Izuku’s ending]
NOOOOOoooooooo..... , [part two - A second chance] 
What happened? 
Dance , [part two] -> Rest of the story on quotev  
Hercules? But make it MHA!, [part two]
Jock vs. nerd (with Bakugo), [part two-spicyyyyy]
I forgot, I’m sorry!
Hero (/Villain?) name : Lady Arachnea , [part two - not yet]
Shoji Mezo / Tentacole
I’m broken, but pretty, who wants me?
Denki Kaminari / Chargebolt
Protective siblings 
Bakugo Katsuki / Dynamight
What happened? 
Dance , [part two] -> Rest of the story on quotev
Hercules? But make it MHA!
Shinsou Hitoshi
The other woman , [part two], [part three], [part four - not yet] 
Shoto Todoroki / Shoto
Todoroki brother bonding time
Cut ultimate moves cut
Drabbles with all the characters : 
Monster AU’s , [part two] , [part three]
Me being a simp
MAID DRESSES - spicyyyy 
Hercules! But make it MHA!
Fiction against Reality. , [part two]
MHA headcannons, [part two]
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some Poptropica dads!
24 Carrot: Shy Sky and Carrot Farmer
Astro-Knights: Elyana and King Richard
Hercules, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus, The Muses and Zeus…
Theseus and Poseidon
Shrink Ray: C.J. and unnamed dad
Vampire’s Curse: Christopher and unnamed dad
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: 
Veruca and Mr. Salt
Violet and Mr. Beauregarde 
Zomberry Island: Abe and Gamer Dad
Monster Carnival: Junior and Father Townie
Survival: Myron and unnamed dad
Arabian Nights: Scheherazade and the Sultan
Poptropica Comic: Konkisha and Water Cooler Guy
Mystery of the Map:    
Oliver and Oliver Senior
Mya and Kevin
Jorge and unnamed dad
Greek Sea Odyssey: Icarus and Daedalus
Monkey Wrench/Fairy Tale: Prince, Red Baroness/The Baron and King
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