#Hairy frog
herpsandbirds · 10 months
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Hairy Frog (Trichobatrachus robustus), male, family Arthroleptidae, found in West-central Africa
These frogs are named for the hair-like structures of the males, that are not true hairs. They are extensions of the skin.
These hair like structures are thought to aid in oxygen absorption in water, acting like external gills.
Hairy frogs are capable of breaking their toe bones, and then jutting the bones through the tips of their toes. They can then use these sharp bone tips as defensive claws. (Most frogs do not possess any type of claw).
photographs by Paul Starosta
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uncharismatic-fauna · 14 days
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Amphibians, as a rule, don't have hair, but don't tell that to the hairy frog! This species is named for the thick papillae that males develop along their sides. Although they look like hairs, the papillae actually help the frog absorb oxygen from the water, allowing the male to guard his nest of eggs for longer periods of time.
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(Image: A male hairy frog (Trichobatrachus robustus) by Paul Starosta)
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slemhosta · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE 2023! I am joining @amphibianaday 's Amphibian Pride event for a third year! Time sure does fly!
He started out as a Hairy Frog and then pivoted into a Southern Banded Newt cross species.
Here is my entry from 2022:
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And here is the one from 2021:
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eon-of-axolotls · 2 years
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Day 1, Frog! Except it is technically day 6 and I am very late!! @amphibianaday
horror/hairy/wolverine frogs are just neat I think. why are they like that.
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The hairy frog also known as the horror frog or Wolverine frog, is a Central African species of frog in the family Arthroleptidae. When the Hairy Frog feels threatened, it will contract the muscles in its feet, causing the bones to break and push through the skin, forming sharp claws. These claws are made of bone and keratin, the same material that makes up human hair and nails.
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saucylobster · 6 months
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I tend to avoid overt pop-culture references but hairy frogs are also known as wolverine frogs for their ability to break their bones and use them as claws, which is just excellent. A nod to Sabretooth makes for a perfect evo and one of my favourites in recent memory. Generally preferring to reside alone, Wolverana prefer to avoid conflict but are ferocious if provoked. Lashing out with steel claws and the spines across their bodies they become frenzied and uncontrollable in the heat of battle, even damaging themselves. Luckily, their healing ability is excellent and they quickly recover from their wounds. Saberana use their claws and spines to inflict vicious wounds on their opponents and unlike Wolverana have no qualms with needless violence. This puts the two pokemon at odds and they often engage in bitter battles, their endurance pushed to their limit as their regenerative abilities prolong their fights longer than expected. --Attack Info-- --Ability Info--
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a-frog-a-day · 3 months
today’s frog is
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hairy frog! also called “wolverine” or “horror” frog, nicknamed for the retractable bones in its hands and feet!
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tadpoles-yay · 7 months
Todays tadpiole,
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The hairy frog tadpole
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Weird mouth
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Very nice tadpole 👍
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drinksss · 9 months
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New video! The hairiest frog.
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normaldex · 2 years
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#453 Croagunk and #454 Toxicroak
I've been busy as all get out recently, but I'm happy to present Pilowog and Croakshanks.
"Pilowog use their thick insulating hairs to protect themselves against fluctuating temperatures. They also hide as rocks to avoid predators." Pilowog is based on the hairy frog, but without the abilities that gave them their Wolverine moniker. The red fingertips were kept as if to imply bones pressed against the skin, ready to escape. This sprite uses parts from Growlithe and Eevee, but the colors come from Pansage and Fearow.
"Croakshanks have large retractable claws they use for hunting, foraging, carving, and warding off predators and competitors. No two Croakshanks have been seen cohabitating." Croakshanks is based on the Wolverine frog, leaning into that aspect and shying away from the hair aspect. This sprite uses parts from Herdier, Kadabra, and Piloswine. Colors come from the same source.
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bestfrogbracket · 1 year
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Shovel-Headed Tree Frog: This species, along with its sister species T. petasatus, is named after the odd shape of its head, which it uses to plug the entrance to tree holes where it lives. It is mostly arboreal and found in Western Mexico. It breeds only during the rainy season, when water is available, and has a low-pitched mating call. It is an opportunistic and generalist hunter, waiting for any insect or spider to pass by before pouncing.
Hairy Frog: Found along the Western coast of central Africa, the “hair” these frogs are named after are actually small skin protuberances that grow on males during the breeding season. At this point, they are primarily aquatic and experiencing increased metabolic activity, so it is thought that the “hairs” allow for increased oxygen intake and carbon dioxide release. This theory also works with their sexually dimorphic lungs: female lungs are typical, while male lungs have increased musculature attached to the diverticulum, perhaps due to an increased need for respiration.  To defend themselves, the last bone in their toes can stick out through the skin to allow them to scratch predators.
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herpsandbirds · 5 days
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Rana Peluda (Trichobatrachus robustus), familia Arthroleptidae, encontrado en Africa Central
La Rana X - Rompe sus huesos para crear sus garras
Esta poco agraciada criatura es conocida como “rana del horror” (Trichobatrachus robustus), habita en el África Central, alcanzando los machos un tamaño de 10 a 13 centímetros y en el caso de las hembras de 8 a 11. En el período de apareamiento, los machos desarrollan unos filamentos parecidos a pelos, por lo cual son conocidas como “ranas peludas”. En realidad, estos son extensiones de piel que la ayudan a respirar complementando la función de sus pequeños pulmones. Esta rana tiene una insospechada arma defensiva que emplea cuando se ve amenazada. Posee “garras retráctiles” que puede proyectar a través de la piel rompiendo intencionalmente los huesos del dedo del pie tal cual se muestra en la figura 3. Si bien durante el proceso su propia piel es desgarrada, su efectividad como medio de protección supera este sacrificio. La garra en sí puede parecerse a la uña de un gato, pero el mecanismo de rotura y corte es muy único entre los vertebrados, así como también lo es el hecho de que esté formada de hueso. Sin embargo, el mecanismo de retracción no se comprende del todo. Se cree que las garras pueden retraerse pasivamente a medida que el tejido que las rodea se regenera. Este mecanismo defensivo nos trae a la memoria a un personaje de la serie “X-men” de “Marvel Comics” caracterizado por proyectar garras de “adamantium” de sus nudillos. ¿Lo recuerdan? En efecto, por ello este animalito es conocida también como rana “Wolverine” (ver “Hairy frog” en Wikipedia).
via: Fernando Arbe Falcón
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trashartgalleries · 1 year
Tis a WIP!!
They were Wolverine/Hairy Frogs I was going to make the OCs of... Rise of the TMNT, if I'm remembering correctly
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I'd love to come back to these characters, one day 😌
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funky-frankie · 7 months
Do you like frogs?
(Thinking of changing my name to multi-fandom frog)
Frogs are amazing creatures!! With their famous and uniqe process from tadpoles to amphibians, making them an excellent symbol of transformation, if you think this change is ready.
Not to mention how many other unique features stand out when you look deeper into the different species:
Poisen Dart Frog: One of many animals that uses extrememly bright colors to warn predetors of poison, which seeps through their pores, and makes a very bad taste when eaten.
Hairy Frog: You heard that right! The males feogs in this species are covered in thin "dermal paillae", which are basically clumps are exposed blood vessels believed to help it regulate air, that give the uncanny appearance of hair! Not to mention its notable claws that can protrude/retract out of its feet, giving it thw nickname "Wolverine Frog"!
(My personal favorite!!) Glass Frog: As the same suggests, an onlooker may get spooked when seeing a frog without skin! Though don't worry, the underbelly of these creatures is simply transparent, looking as though you are peering theough glass! And the frog is perfectly fine!
Though due to it being bright green averywhere else, and its horizontal slit eyes, has many clling it the "Kermit Frog" :3
TL;DR - Frogs are pretty dope, ngl.
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lllllllllllines · 2 years
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Look at this guy, i have a big fascination with this Frog in particular, the two reasons for that are its defense mechanism and the hairs on its body.
Its called the hairy frog, or horror frog.
I dunno much abt them really, I just find them neat.
Knowing tumblr, there are prolly many others who know abt this beautiful Goober right here than i do.
And for those who don't know, said defence mechanism is that it breaks the bones in its little froggy fingers to use as claws.
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opheliamotague · 2 years
Hairy frogs, they're what's hot.
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