#Haitham bin Tariq
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visiting Oman and meeting with Haitham bin Tariq, Sultan of Oman, 20 February 2023
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deadpresidents · 9 months
How many absolute monarchs are there in the world?
•King Salman of Saudi Arabia •Pope Francis •Sultan Haitham bin Tariq of Oman •Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei •The King of Swaziland (now Eswatini): King Mswati III of Swaziland (AKA Eswatini) •United Arab Emirates: Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed (Each of the seven Emirates that form the UAE have their own absolute monarch and Sheikh MBZ, as leader of Dubai, is the overall ruler of the nation.)
Did I miss anybody? I think those are the only absolute monarchs still in power today. The rest of the world's royalty are constitutional monarchs, so they reign but do not rule.
(There's an argument for including Kim Jong Un on the list of absolute monarchs despite the fact that he's not a King and North Korea is a Communist country. He's obviously a dictator, but the Kim dynasty has virtually ruled North Korea like a secular monarchy for nearly 75 years with the supreme leaders inheriting their power through hereditary succession. Kim Jong Un took over immediately upon the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, who had assumed power when his father -- North Korea's first paramount leader, Kim Il Sung -- died in 1994. Of course, North Korea isn't officially considered a monarchy, but the manner in which the Kim family has ruled the country and transferred power from father-to-son for three generations and counting resembles the structure of an absolute monarchy more than a "traditional" totalitarian dictatorship.)
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royal-confessions · 11 months
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“I don’t know much about his background but the current Sultan of Oman has a certain Habsburg-ish quality to his jaw. It is doubly unsettling since his son is apparently married to his maternal first cousin — I thought we all learned it was ill advised to keep it that much in the family. Just what are they doing over in the Middle East…smh” - Submitted by Anonymous
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April 24, 2023 - Day 119
Muscat, Oman
With a population of 1.4 million Muscat is the capital and most populated city in Oman. It is a very old city and has been an important port city since very early times. Oil in commercial quantities was discovered in Oman in 1964 and was first exported in 1967. Subsequently the production and export of petroleum rapidly came to dominate the country's economy and made it a very wealthy country. A man named Qaboos bin Said took over as Sultan of Oman in 1970 and his modern vision and tolerance transformed not only Oman, but also the entire region. As an absolute ruler he used the wealth created by petroleum to advance all of Omani society. How he came to power and how he lived is a very interesting story to long to tell here. He died in 2020 and the new Sultan is Haitham bin Tariq. He is a older man so the future of Oman is sure to evolve over the next few decades.
I have worked in Oman many times and have resided in Muscat for a long time so I didn’t do much but Jane went on a tour. I have many stories about my time in Oman. For me it is the best country for Westerners in the Middle East but man can it get hot in the summer.
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felipeandletizia · 2 years
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Felipe and Letizia retrospective: January 14th
2004: Inauguration of President Oscar Berger in Guatemala City, Guatemala.
2006: Leonor’s Christening (1, 2) & Dinner to celebrate Iñaki Urdangarín’s birthday.
2008: Visited Guatemala
2009: Audiences at la Zarzuela (1, 2)
2010: Diplomatic Corps Gala (1, 2)
2011: Meeting of the “Spanish Association Against Cancer” (aecc)
2012: Investiture of new president Otto Pérez Molina in Guatemala
2014: ‘Civil Awards Order Of Social Solidarity 2013’ at the Zarzuela Palace.
2016: Audiences at la Zarzuela
2019: Meeting with the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Moshé Amar at la Zarzuela.
2020: Meeting with Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, Sultan of Oman, to present condolences on the passing of Qaboos bin Said Al Said, the previous Sultan of Oman; Meeting with Spaniards living in Oman during his visit to the country & Audiences at la Zarzuela
2022: Visited the Intelligence Center of the Armed Forces
F&L Through the Years: 895/??
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onheirpodcast · 2 years
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There are very few existing absolute monarchies, systems of government where a monarch has unlimited power over their country. At present there are six identified absolute monarchies: 
The Vatican (led by Pope Francis 2013)
Brunei (under Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah since 1967)
Oman (controlled by the newest absolute monarch, Sultan Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, since 2020)
United Arab Emirates (the UAE is made up of seven emirates, led by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum since 2006)
Saudi Arabia (King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud has reigned since 2015)
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland; led by King Mswati III since 1986)
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jordanianroyals · 2 years
On 28 January 2023, Saudi media and social media users circulated videos, on Friday, showing Crown Prince Hussein, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the son of the Sultan of Oman, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Theyazin bin Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, in Al-Ula Governorate in Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi crown prince appeared taking pictures with some citizens in one of the circulating clips, driving his car in another and visiting a restaurant. The Saudi Al-Arabiya channel and Omani media published a clip showing Prince Muhammad bin Salman leaving a restaurant in Al-Ula, accompanied by the Crown Prince of Jordan and the son of the Sultan of Oman. (x)
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ramadhanseries · 6 months
The battle of Badr took place on the 17th of ramadan.
1. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
2. Abu Bakar as-Siddiq
3. Umar bin al-Khattab
4. Uthman bin Affan
5. Ali bin Abu Talib
6. Talhah bin ‘Ubaidillah
7. Bilal bin Rabah
8. Hamzah bin Abdul Muttalib
9. Abdullah bin Jahsyi
10. Al-Zubair bin al-Awwam
11. Mus’ab bin Umair bin Hashim
12. Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf
13. Abdullah bin Mas’ud
14. Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas
15. Abu Kabshah al-Farisi
16. Anasah al-Habsyi
17. Zaid bin Harithah al-Kalbi
18. Marthad bin Abi Marthad al-Ghanawi
19. Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi
20. Al-Husain bin al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib
21. ‘Ubaidah bin al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib
22. Al-Tufail bin al-Harith bin Abdul Muttalib
23. Mistah bin Usasah bin ‘Ubbad bin Abdul Muttalib
24. Abu Huzaifah bin ‘Utbah bin Rabi’ah
25. Subaih (servant of Abi ‘Asi bin Umayyah)
26. Salim (servant of Abu Huzaifah)
27. Sinan bin Muhsin
28. ‘Ukasyah bin Muhsin
29. Sinan bin Abi Sinan
30. Abu Sinan bin Muhsin
31. Syuja’ bin Wahab
32. ‘Utbah bin Wahab
33. Yazid bin Ruqais
34. Muhriz bin Nadhlah
35. Rabi’ah bin Aksam
36. Thaqfu bin Amir
37. Malik bin Amir
38. Mudlij bin Amir
39. Abu Makhsyi Suwaid bin Makhsyi al-Ta’i
40. ‘Utbah bin Ghazwan
41. Khabbab (servant of ‘Utbah bin Ghazwan)
42. Hathib bin Abi Balta’ah al-Lakhmi
43. Sa’ad al-Kalbi (servant of Hathib)
44. Suwaibit bin Sa’ad bin Harmalah
45. Umair bin Abi Waqqas
46. Al-Miqdad bin ‘Amru
47. Mas’ud bin Rabi’ah
48. Zus Syimalain Amru bin Amru
49. Khabbab bin al-Arat al-Tamimi
50. Amir bin Fuhairah
51. Suhaib bin Sinan
52. Abu Salamah bin Abdul Asad
53. Syammas bin Uthman
54. Al-Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam
55. Ammar bin Yasir
56. Mu’attib bin ‘Auf al-Khuza’i
57. Zaid bin al-Khattab
58. Amru bin Suraqah
59. Abdullah bin Suraqah
60. Sa’id bin Zaid bin Amru
61. Mihja bin Akk (servant of Umar bin al-Khattab)
62. Waqid bin Abdullah al-Tamimi
63. Khauli bin Abi Khauli al-Ijli
64. Malik bin Abi Khauli al-Ijli
65. Amir bin Rabi’ah
66. Amir bin al-Bukair
67. Aqil bin al-Bukair
68. Khalid bin al-Bukair
69. Iyas bin al-Bukair
70. Uthman bin Maz’un
71. Qudamah bin Maz’un
72. Abdullah bin Maz’un
73. Al-Saib bin Uthman bin Maz’un
74. Ma’mar bin al-Harith
75. Khunais bin Huzafah
76. Abu Sabrah bin Abi Ruhm
77. Abdullah bin Makhramah
78. Abdullah bin Suhail bin Amru
79. Wahab bin Sa’ad bin Abi Sarah
80. Hatib bin Amru
81. Umair bin Auf
82. Sa’ad bin Khaulah
83. Abu Ubaidah Amir al-Jarah
84. Amru bin al-Harith
85. Suhail bin Wahab bin Rabi’ah
86. Safwan bin Wahab
87. Amru bin Abi Sarah bin Rabi’ah
88. Sa’ad bin Muaz
89. Amru bin Muaz
90. Al-Harith bin Aus
91. Al-Harith bin Anas
92. Sa’ad bin Zaid bin Malik
93. Salamah bin Salamah bin Waqsyi
94. ‘Ubbad bin Waqsyi
95. Salamah bin Thabit bin Waqsyi
96. Rafi’ bin Yazid bin Kurz
97. Al-Harith bin Khazamah bin ‘Adi
98. Muhammad bin Maslamah al-Khazraj
99. Salamah bin Aslam bin Harisy
100. Abul Haitham bin al-Tayyihan
101. ‘Ubaid bin Tayyihan
102. Abdullah bin Sahl
103. Qatadah bin Nu’man bin Zaid
104. Ubaid bin Aus
105. Nasr bin al-Harith bin ‘Abd
106. Mu’attib bin ‘Ubaid
107. Abdullah bin Tariq al-Ba’lawi
108. Mas’ud bin Sa’ad
109. Abu Absi Jabr bin Amru
110. Abu Burdah Hani’ bin Niyyar al-Ba’lawi
111. Asim bin Thabit bin Abi al-Aqlah
112. Mu’attib bin Qusyair bin Mulail
113. Abu Mulail bin al-Az’ar bin Zaid
114. Umair bin Mab’ad bin al-Az’ar
115. Sahl bin Hunaif bin Wahib
116. Abu Lubabah Basyir bin Abdul Munzir
117. Mubasyir bin Abdul Munzir
118. Rifa’ah bin Abdul Munzir
119. Sa’ad bin ‘Ubaid bin al-Nu’man
120. ‘Uwaim bin Sa’dah bin ‘Aisy
121. Rafi’ bin Anjadah
122. ‘Ubaidah bin Abi ‘Ubaid
123. Tha’labah bin Hatib
124. Unais bin Qatadah bin Rabi’ah
125. Ma’ni bin Adi al-Ba’lawi
126. Thabit bin Akhram al-Ba’lawi
127. Zaid bin Aslam bin Tha’labah al-Ba’lawi
128. Rib’ie bin Rafi’ al-Ba’lawi
129. Asim bin Adi al-Ba’lawi
130. Jubr bin ‘Atik
131. Malik bin Numailah al-Muzani
132. Al-Nu’man bin ‘Asr al-Ba’lawi
133. Abdullah bin Jubair
134. Asim bin Qais bin Thabit
135. Abu Dhayyah bin Thabit bin al-Nu’man
136. Abu Hayyah bin Thabit bin al-Nu’man
137. Salim bin Amir bin Thabit
138. Al-Harith bin al-Nu’man bin Umayyah
139. Khawwat bin Jubair bin al-Nu’man
140. Al-Munzir bin Muhammad bin ‘Uqbah
141. Abu ‘Uqail bin Abdullah bin Tha’labah
142. Sa’ad bin Khaithamah
143. Munzir bin Qudamah bin Arfajah
144. Tamim (servant of Sa’ad bin Khaithamah)
145. Al-Harith bin Arfajah
146. Kharijah bin Zaid bin Abi Zuhair
147. Sa’ad bin al-Rabi’ bin Amru
148. Abdullah bin Rawahah
149. Khallad bin Suwaid bin Tha’labah
150. Basyir bin Sa’ad bin Tha’labah
151. Sima’ bin Sa’ad bin Tha’labah
152. Subai bin Qais bin ‘Isyah
153. ‘Ubbad bin Qais bin ‘Isyah
154. Abdullah bin Abbas
155. Yazid bin al-Harith bin Qais
156. Khubaib bin Isaf bin ‘Atabah
157. Abdullah bin Zaid bin Tha’labah
158. Huraith bin Zaid bin Tha’labah
159. Sufyan bin Bisyr bin Amru
160. Tamim bin Ya’ar bin Qais
161. Abdullah bin Umair
162. Zaid bin al-Marini bin Qais
163. Abdullah bin ‘Urfutah
164. Abdullah bin Rabi’ bin Qais
165. Abdullah bin Abdullah bin Ubai
166. Aus bin Khauli bin Abdullah
167. Zaid bin Wadi’ah bin Amru
168. ‘Uqbah bin Wahab bin Kaladah
169. Rifa’ah bin Amru bin Amru bin Zaid
170. Amir bin Salamah
171. Abu Khamishah Ma’bad bin Ubbad
172. Amir bin al-Bukair
173. Naufal bin Abdullah bin Nadhlah
174. ‘Utban bin Malik bin Amru bin al-Ajlan
175. ‘Ubadah bin al-Somit
176. Aus bin al-Somit
177. Al-Nu’man bin Malik bin Tha’labah
178. Thabit bin Huzal bin Amru bin Qarbus
179. Malik bin Dukhsyum bin Mirdhakhah
180. Al-Rabi’ bin Iyas bin Amru bin Ghanam
181. Waraqah bin Iyas bin Ghanam
182. Amru bin Iyas
183. Al-Mujazzar bin Ziyad bin Amru
184. ‘Ubadah bin al-Khasykhasy
185. Nahhab bin Tha’labah bin Khazamah
186. Abdullah bin Tha’labah bin Khazamah
187. Utbah bin Rabi’ah bin Khalid
188. Abu Dujanah Sima’ bin Kharasyah
189. Al-Munzir bin Amru bin Khunais
190. Abu Usaid bin Malik bin Rabi’ah
191. Malik bin Mas’ud bin al-Badan
192. Abu Rabbihi bin Haqqi bin Aus
193. Ka’ab bin Humar al-Juhani
194. Dhamrah bin Amru
195. Ziyad bin Amru
196. Basbas bin Amru
197. Abdullah bin Amir al-Ba’lawi
198. Khirasy bin al-Shimmah bin Amru
199. Al-Hubab bin al-Munzir bin al-Jamuh
200. Umair bin al-Humam bin al-Jamuh
201. Tamim (servant of Khirasy bin al-Shimmah)
202. Abdullah bin Amru bin Haram
203. Muaz bin Amru bin al-Jamuh
204. Mu’awwiz bin Amru bin al-Jamuh
205. Khallad bin Amru bin al-Jamuh
206. ‘Uqbah bin Amir bin Nabi bin Zaid
207. Hubaib bin Aswad
208. Thabit bin al-Jiz’i
209. Umair bin al-Harith bin Labdah
210. Basyir bin al-Barra’ bin Ma’mur
211. Al-Tufail bin al-Nu’man bin Khansa’
212. Sinan bin Saifi bin Sakhr bin Khansa’
213. Abdullah bin al-Jaddi bin Qais
214. Atabah bin Abdullah bin Sakhr
215. Jabbar bin Umaiyah bin Sakhr
216. Kharijah bin Humayyir al-Asyja’i
217. Abdullah bin Humayyir al-Asyja’i
218. Yazid bin al-Munzir bin Sahr
219. Ma’qil bin al-Munzir bin Sahr
220. Abdullah bin al-Nu’man bin Baldumah
221. Al-Dhahlak bin Harithah bin Zaid
222. Sawad bin Razni bin Zaid
223. Ma’bad bin Qais bin Sakhr bin Haram
224. Abdullah bin Qais bin Sakhr bin Haram
225. Abdullah bin Abdi Manaf
226. Jabir bin Abdullah bin Riab
227. Khulaidah bin Qais bin al-Nu’man
228. An-Nu’man bin Yasar
229. Abu al-Munzir Yazid bin Amir
230. Qutbah bin Amir bin Hadidah
231. Sulaim bin Amru bin Hadidah
232. Antarah (servant of Qutbah bin Amir)
233. Abbas bin Amir bin Adi
234. Abul Yasar Ka’ab bin Amru bin Abbad
235. Sahl bin Qais bin Abi Ka’ab bin al-Qais
236. Amru bin Talqi bin Zaid bin Umaiyah
237. Muaz bin Jabal bin Amru bin Aus
238. Qais bin Mihshan bin Khalid
239. Abu Khalid al-Harith bin Qais bin Khalid
240. Jubair bin Iyas bin Khalid
241. Abu Ubadah Sa’ad bin Uthman
242. ‘Uqbah bin Uthman bin Khaladah
243. Ubadah bin Qais bin Amir bin Khalid
244. As’ad bin Yazid bin al-Fakih
245. Al-Fakih bin Bisyr
246. Zakwan bin Abdu Qais bin Khaladah
247. Muaz bin Ma’ish bin Qais bin Khaladah
248. Aiz bin Ma’ish bin Qais bin Khaladah
249. Mas’ud bin Qais bin Khaladah
250. Rifa’ah bin Rafi’ bin al-Ajalan
251. Khallad bin Rafi’ bin al-Ajalan
252. Ubaid bin Yazid bin Amir bin al-Ajalan
253. Ziyad bin Lubaid bin Tha’labah
254. Khalid bin Qais bin al-Ajalan
255. Rujailah bin Tha’labah bin Khalid
256. Atiyyah bin Nuwairah bin Amir
257. Khalifah bin Adi bin Amru
258. Rafi’ bin al-Mu’alla bin Luzan
259. Abu Ayyub bin Khalid al-Ansari
260. Thabit bin Khalid bin al-Nu’man
261. ‘Umarah bin Hazmi bin Zaid
262. Suraqah bin Ka’ab bin Abdul Uzza
263. Suhail bin Rafi’ bin Abi Amru
264. Adi bin Abi al-Zaghba’ al-Juhani
265. Mas’ud bin Aus bin Zaid
266. Abu Khuzaimah bin Aus bin Zaid
267. Rafi’ bin al-Harith bin Sawad bin Zaid
268. Auf bin al-Harith bin Rifa’ah
269. Mu’awwaz bin al-Harith bin Rifa’ah
270. Muaz bin al-Harith bin Rifa’ah
271. An-Nu’man bin Amru bin Rifa’ah
272. Abdullah bin Qais bin Khalid
273. Wadi’ah bin Amru al-Juhani
274. Ishmah al-Asyja’i
275. Thabit bin Amru bin Zaid bin Adi
276. Sahl bin ‘Atik bin al-Nu’man
277. Tha’labah bin Amru bin Mihshan
278. Al-Harith bin al-Shimmah bin Amru
279. Ubai bin Ka’ab bin Qais
280. Anas bin Muaz bin Anas bin Qais
281. Aus bin Thabit bin al-Munzir bin Haram
282. Abu Syeikh bin Ubai bin Thabit
283. Abu Tolhah bin Zaid bin Sahl
284. Abu Syeikh Ubai bin Thabit
285. Harithah bin Suraqah bin al-Harith
286. Amru bin Tha’labah bin Wahb bin Adi
287. Salit bin Qais bin Amru bin ‘Atik
288. Abu Salit bin Usairah bin Amru
289. Thabit bin Khansa’ bin Amru bin Malik
290. Amir bin Umaiyyah bin Zaid
291. Muhriz bin Amir bin Malik
292. Sawad bin Ghaziyyah
293. Abu Zaid Qais bin Sakan
294. Abul A’war bin al-Harith bin Zalim
295. Sulaim bin Milhan
296. Haram bin Milhan
297. Qais bin Abi Sha’sha’ah
298. Abdullah bin Ka’ab bin Amru
299. ‘Ishmah al-Asadi
300. Abu Daud Umair bin Amir bin Malik
301. Suraqah bin Amru bin ‘Atiyyah
302. Qais bin Mukhallad bin Tha’labah
303. Al-Nu’man bin Abdi Amru bin Mas’ud
304. Al-Dhahhak bin Abdi Amru
305. Sulaim bin al-Harith bin Tha’labah
306. Jabir bin Khalid bin Mas’ud
307. Sa’ad bin Suhail bin Abdul Asyhal
308. Ka’ab bin Zaid bin Qais
309. Bujir bin Abi Bujir al-Abbasi
310. ‘Itban bin Malik bin Amru al-Ajalan
311. ‘Ismah bin al-Hushain bin Wabarah
312. Hilal bin al-Mu’alla al-Khazraj
313. Awleh bin Syuqrat (assistant of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ)
رضوان الله عليهم أجمعين
And Allah knows best. ©️
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brillmindz1 · 7 months
What is the best application to make free video calls from Oman to India?
Video calling is an extraordinary method for keeping in contact with friends and family, yet it tends to be a piece challenging to manage without a VPN. Oman is a country that has a lot of restrictions on internet usage, so a VPN is essential for anyone who wants to video call in Oman. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a VPN for Oman, but with a little research, it should be easy to find a service that will work well.
There is no need to use a VPN in Oman because toTok allows you to make free video calls. This application permits you to make high-quality video calls, which you can get from the Play Store or the Application Store. There have been several changes to the ban on Skype and a number of internet phone services. Skype, WhatsApp, and Telegram are only a couple of VoIP services that are blocked in Oman by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). You cannot send messages from WhatsApp via video, but you can send messages via text. Due to the dangers associated with this device, it is not suitable for use with Facetime in the United States or Europe.
I use whatsapp or imob to make video calls with Oman friends. The package is good. Itmo has no issues and is fully functional. There is a blocking process in place for WhatsApp video and calls, and users are using VPN to avoid it.
Can You Video Call In Oman?
Because FaceTime and other video-calling services are encrypted, it is difficult to track, Oman is notorious for blocking them. Moreover, those services contend with homegrown telecom suppliers. The restrictions are rarely broken, as some encrypted chat apps do on occasion.
Also read: Mobile app development company in Oman
Is Whatsapp Allowed In Oman 2024?
WhatsApp is not currently allowed in Oman, but there is a possibility that this may change in 2022. The Omani government has been cracking down on the use of social media and messaging apps in recent years, but it is possible that they may relax these restrictions in the future. If you are planning to visit Oman, it is fitting to check the most recent data on the status with WhatsApp before you travel.
In Oman, internet and free sound/video calls have been blocked on WhatsApp and other free internet applications. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), on the other hand, allow you to use WhatsApp video calling. Skype, Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Google Meet, and Zoom have all been temporarily removed from Omani networks. You can be anonymous and secure online with the assistance of a VPN. In the Center East, VPN for Facetime is the most generally utilized and simple to utilize method of connecting with the Internet. The death of Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al-Saud gave rise to Haitham bin Tariq as the new sultan of Oman. Oman has a number of licensed alcohol stores that sell liquor, as well as hotels and bars.
Also read: Best mobile app development company in Oman
Does Oman Allow Whatsapp Calls?
WhatsApp is a messaging app for smartphones that allows users to send text, images, videos, and audio messages to one another. The app also lets users make voice and video calls. WhatsApp calls are free to make, and they utilize your phone’s internet connection instead of your phone plan's minutes.
Yes, Oman does allow WhatsApp calls.
Enter the VPN account information you’ve chosen in the PPTP VPN screen. Your VPN server’s username and password will be added to your e-mail. You can enable or disable the VPN connection by going to the main settings screen and selecting it.
Also read: Mobile app development companies in Oman
Oman Chatting App
There are many different Oman chat apps available for people to use. Some of tSome the most well known ones include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat. These apps allow people to stay in touch with friends and family members who live in Oman, as well as other parts of the world. They give a convenient method for peopling to speak with one another, and they offer different elements that make them ideal for use in an variety of different situations.
Are there any social networking apps available in Oman for the IOS App Store? is the parent company of the messaging application WhatsApp. The Badoo Premium has a login option for the Locket Labs Inc. password for WhatsApp messages. Friedrich Dreith was born in 1907. Threema GmbH's Protected Messenger is outfitted with a GPS phone tracker, permitting it to track  JLC Mobile. You can also chat with an Imo customer service representative. Griddy Pro: Split Pic in Grids is an excellent app for splitting photos in grids. This week, we'll take a gander at Instagram, WhatsApp Messenger  Pro, Zain MiniCord for Discord, and WatchsApp for WhatsApp.
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swissforextrading · 10 months
Presidential visit to deepen relations between Switzerland and Oman
Switzerland and Oman are deepening and intensifying their relations. During the first Swiss presidential visit to the country, President Alain Berset and Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq Al Said acknowledged the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in the Omani capital Muscat on Thursday, 30 November. Bilateral agreements were signed in five thematic areas. https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-99147.html (Source of the original content)
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yhwhrulz · 11 months
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indiejones · 1 year
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“Lovely how Sultan Haitham always brings his (stunning btw) wife to official engagements.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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gulfif · 1 year
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warningsine · 1 year
Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said he was “very relieved” that Kamran Ghaderi and Massud Mossaheb were being brought home after “years of arduous detention in Iran."
Denmark’s foreign minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, said that he was “happy and relieved that a Danish citizen is on his way home to his family in Denmark after imprisonment in Iran." He didn't name the person, saying their identity was “a personal matter” and he couldn't go into details.”
Schallenberg thanked the foreign ministers of Belgium and Oman for providing “valuable support,” without elaborating on what form it took. Løkke Rasmussen thanked Belgium and said that Oman ”played an important role.”
An Oman Royal Air Force Gulfstream IV, which had been on the ground in Tehran for several days, took off shortly before the announcement. Oman often serves an interlocutor between Iran and the West and brings released captives out of the Islamic Republic.
The releases also come after Oman’s Sultan Haitham bin Tariq visited Iran on his first trip there since becoming the Arab nation’s ruler in 2020.
Ghaderi is an Iranian-Austrian businessman who was arrested in 2016 and later sentenced to 10 years in prison for allegedly spying for the U.S., charges strongly rejected by his supporters. His family had criticized Austria for being silent on his case in recent years.
Mossaheb, also an Iranian-Austrian businessman, was arrested in 2019 and received a 10-year prison sentence after what Amnesty International called “a grossly unfair trial for vague national security offenses.” Amnesty had said Mossaheb suffered from heart failure and diabetes, making his imprisonment that much more dangerous for him.
Iranian state media and officials did not immediately acknowledge a release on Friday, which is part of the weekend in the Islamic Republic.
Last week, a prisoner exchange between Belgium and Iran saw an Iranian diplomat convicted of attempting to bomb exiles in France returning to Tehran while a visibly gaunt aid worker headed back to Brussels.
Iran has detained a number of foreigners and dual nationals over the years, accusing them of espionage or other state security offenses and sentencing them following secretive trials in which rights groups say they have been denied due process.
Critics have repeatedly accused Iran of using such prisoners as bargaining chips with the West.
Iran, facing Western sanctions over its rapidly advancing nuclear program, has experienced protests in recent months and economic strain. However, it also reached a detente with Saudi Arabia through Chinese mediation, and the International Atomic Energy Agency dropped two inquiries into the country's nuclear program.
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Khamenei, l'Iran favorevole a ristabilire relazioni con l'Egitto
(ANSA) – TEHERAN, 29 MAG – “L’Iran è favorevole a ristabilire relazioni diplomatiche con l’Egitto. Non ha nessun problema a farlo”: lo ha dichiarato la Guida suprema iraniana, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, al sultano dell’Oman, Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, che conclude oggi una visita di due giorni a Teheran.    Le relazioni diplomatiche fra Teheran e il Cairo sono interrotte dal 1980, dopo l’esilio…
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