#Hal Galili
mariocki · 1 year
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The Saint: Interlude in Venice (5.2, ITC, 1966)
"At the moment I have only a suspicion. Without proof, my hands are tied."
"And you want me to furnish that proof?"
"I would light twelve candles to you if you could."
#the saint#interlude in venice#itc#1966#leslie charteris#paddy manning o'brine#leslie norman#roger moore#lois maxwell#william sylvester#quinn o'hara#paul stassino#joyce blair#richard warner#robert ayres#patrick troughton#derek sydney#earl green#hal galili#tita dane#networks ep order still imperceptible to me (possibly? they're following US transmission? but certainly not UK trans. nor production order)#so disc hopping abounds. but this is a fun one‚ a very familiar type of tale that's not very far removed from the monochrome series (there#are those reviewers who would have you believe the series shifted entirely in quality and tone once it hit colour but of course those#changes were gradual and had in fact begun already towards the end of the bw era). a starry cast too; Maxwell by now known as the Bond#films' Miss Moneypenny‚ Sylvester a legit leading man (albeit in crime b movies mostly) and.. be still my fluttering heart... is that Paul#Stassino I see... sadly he doesn't last long in a surprisingly bloodthirsty entry; Simon quite ungallantly (and fatally) uses a woman as a#human shield in the violent finále‚ which uh.. doesn't look great for the Robin Hood image. and of course Patty Trouts pops up as Italy's#answer to Columbo‚ getting most of the good lines and twinkling his little eyes up at Roger Moore. a fun one! not hugely original perhaps#but I'm happy just when the series is doing something well and without needless chauvinism (which... mostly free from it here)
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badmovieihave · 4 years
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Bad movie I have Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964
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Título Original: Outland
Año: 1981
Duración: 109 min.
País: Reino Unido
Director: Peter Hyams
Guion: Peter Hyams
Música: Jerry Goldsmith
Fotografía: Stephen Goldblatt
Reparto: Sean Connery, Peter Boyle, Frances Sternhagen, Steven Berkoff, James Sikking,Clarke Peters, Kika Markham, Pat Starr, John Ratzenberger, Hal Galili
Productora: Warner Bros. Picture
Género: Action, Crime, Sci-Fi
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYc2GQyrAlw&t=8s
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nasihatdiri · 7 years
Tentu org awam spt sy akan bertanya hal sederhana gini pertanyaannya : "Eh kenapa sih org cm mw solat aja gak boleh? Emang umat islam mw ngapain coba? ampe segitunya dihadanglah diculiklah dibunuhlah.. apasih yg direbutin? Ada apa sih sm Al-Aqsa?? Yg lagi gak sibuk.. yg lagi nonton sinetron atau lagi nonton drama korea dipause yuks, ini urusan persiapan perang akhir zaman, seru lo.. di baca ya.. Yuk kita simak cerita dibawah ini.. tentang mesjid al aqsha yang jadi rebutan... masyaAllah... sejarah isra miraj'... inilah mesjid al aqsha... allahu'akbar masjid tersuci ke tiga bagi kaum muslim, setelah Masjidil Haram di Mekah dan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Kisah yang paling terkenal dari masjid soal isra’ dan mi’raj Nabi Muhammad pada tahun 620. Masjidil Aqsa disebut menjadi perjalanan akhir isra Nabi dari Masjidil Haram. Dari tempat ini pula Nabi Muhammad memulai perjalanan ke Sidrat Al Muntaha atau langit lapis ke tujuh. Nabi Sulaiman menjadi salah satu yang diyakini meninggal di sekitar Masjidil Aqsa... dan inilah MODUS israel menduduki mesjid padahal tidak ada apapun di bawah bangunan mesjid... pembongkaran pondasi mesjid hanya dikarenakan mereka ingin merobohkan mesjid dengan membobol membuat terowongan bawah mesjid kisah perang salib juga ada di mesjid ini... masyaAllah.. Salahuddin Al Ayubi saat menakhlukkan Yerusalem, dan menduduki mesjid al aqsha, dan membebaskan muslim yang di kurung, dan dibantai di dalam mesjid mesjid ini SEJARAH KEJAYAAN ISLAM... zionis israel ingin membangun kuil sulaiman untuk menyambut messiah... taukah antum siapa dan apa messiah itu ? yang di agungkan oleh zionis israel? ada satu syarat lagi menjelang hadirnya Messiah, yakni mereka harus menemukan dan menyembelih serta membakar seekor sapi betina berbulu merah berusia tiga tahun dan belum pernah melahirkan anak. Untuk yang satu ini pun kaum Zionis telah mempersiapkannya. Melalui suatu proses rekayasa genetika, di tahun 1997, mereka telah mendapatkan seekor sapi dengan ciri-ciri tersebut. zionis gila... mereka terbentur satu persyaratan lagi, yakni penyembelihan dan pembakaran sapi merah ini harus dilakukan di atas kaki Bukit Zaitun. Daerah ini sekarang masih berada di tangan bangsa Palestina, sebab itulah maka kaum Zionis selalu berupaya tanpa lelah mengusir orang-orang Palestina dari wilayah ini... dan messiah itu adalah DAJJAL..... NAUDZUBILLAH inilah mengapa mereka ingin MENGHANCURKAN MESJID AL AQSHA PERSEMBAHAN KUIL UNTUK DAJJAL.... Dajjal akan keluar bersama para pengikutnya orang-orang Yahudi. Dajjal akan lahir dari keturunan yahudi. Dia akan memimpin para pengikutnya orang Yahudi keturunan Dan, seperti keturunan Israel lainnya. Dia juga akan melindungi mereka dari musuh-musuh yang ingin menghancurkannya. Rasulullah telah bersabda bahwa para pengikut setia Dajjal adalah orang-orang Yahudi : “Dari Anas bahwasanya Rasulullah saw bersabda : “Orang Yahudi Isbahan sebanyak tujuh puluh ribu lengkap dengan pakaian seragamnya akan mengikuti Dajjal”. (HR. Muslim) lihatlah....dan renungkanlah..... yahudi saja percaya akan kebangkitan dan kelahiran dajjal, dan mereka sedang mempersiapkan kedatangannya.... dan KITA MASIH BERSENANG2 dengan dunia???? Iran adalah satu-satunya negara di Timur Tengah yang ditinggali oleh komunitas Yahudi terbesar setelah Israel. ... dan di NEGARA SANALAH dajjal akan memulai memerintah dan mengumpulkan yahudi pasukannya persiapkan diri.... akhir jaman sudah di depan mata... dajjal sdh akan keluar... “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari siksa kubur, dan aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari fitnah al-Masih ad-Dajjal….aamiiin yaa Rabb ‘Jika salah seorang di antara kalian bertasyahhud, maka mohonlah perlindungan kepada Allah dari empat hal, dengan mengucapkan, ‘Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari siksa Neraka, siksa kubur, fitnah kehidupan dan mati, dan dari kejahatan fitnah Dajjal. Bagi orang Yahudi, tanda di kitab mereka merupakan bukti kedatangan Mesias semakin dekat! taukah antum semua tanda di kitab mereka....sehingga mereka mempersiapkan kedatangan messiah??? di wilayah mereka, ada namanya bukit galilie, dan dikitab mereka di sebutkan jika bukit tersebut memgalami kesuburan selama 5 periode berturut2, maka kejayaan pemimpin yahudi akan turun...dan itulah messiah ini isi kitab talmud mereka...👇🏻👇🏻 yang mereka yakini inilah saat messiah muncul... Maka kamu, gunung-gunung Israel, akan bertunas kembali dan akan memberi buah untuk umat-Ku Israel, sebab mereka akan segera kembali. ~Yehezkiel 36: 8 banyak di antara kita tidak tau soal ini kan???? dan APA dibalik pengrusakan dan keinginan zionis menduduki mesjid... mereka sdh mempersiapkan diri... dan taukah antum semua, yahudi juga sudah menanam pohon QHORGOD DI WILAYAH MEREKA???? Tidak akan terjadi kiamat hingga kaum muslimin memerangi kaum Yahudi, lalu membunuh mereka, sehingga seorang Yahudi bersembunyi di balik batu dan pohon, lalu batu dan pohon berkata: Hai Muslim! Hai hamba Allah! Ini Yahudi di belakangku, kemarilah, bunuhlah dia! Kecuali pohon ghorqod, maka itu adalah dari pohon-pohonnya orang Yahudi. " (HR Muslim VII/188, Bukhari IV/51, Lu’lu’ wa al-Marjan III/308) yahudi percaya isi hadist....dan mereka mempersiapkan diri apa apa yg bisa menyelamatkan mereka😊, astagfirullah mereka percaya... tapi mereka tidak beriman pada Allah... buta mata, tuli telinga...persis dalam alquran Melihat ulah para Zionis-Yahudi yang berlomba-lomba menanami Tanah Palestina dengan pohon Ghorqod, maka kenyataan ini menjelaskan kepada kita bahwa kaum Yahudi itu sesungguhnya memahami hakikat hari akhir, di mana mereka akan dikejar-kejar oleh umat Islam dan hanya pohon Ghorqod-lah satu-satunya tempat yang bersedia dipakai guna tempat persembunyian kaum Yahudi. dan ITU SUDAH JADI PROYEK INTERNASIONAL YAHUDI....😊, penanaman pohon QHORGOD Tanah Palestina telah ditanami sebanyak 220 juta batang pohon Ghorqod. dan mereka MEMBAYAR MAHAL siapa saja yg menjual pohon qhorgod ke mereka... masyaAllah... sudah dekat.... sudah dekat... ketakutan akan perang armgeddon...dan pohon qhorgod tempat mereka berlindung persiapan yahudi.... 1. menyambut kedatangan messiah...dengan membangun kuil sulaiman di lokasi mesjid al aqsha 2. mengkloning sapi dari tahun 1997 berbulu merah usia tiga tahun, yg bwlum melahirkan anak. dan mereka sudah berhasil buatnya... 3. mengusir orang2 palestina di bukit zaitun, karena disanalah sapi itu akan di sembelih sebagai sesembahan pada dajjal 4. menanam ribuan pohon qhorgod sebagai tempat perlindungan saat perang armageddon dan ini sudah mereka lakukan semua dengan berbagai cara.... dan tunggu lah saat perang akhir zaman itu tiba... allahuAkbar... istiqomahkan kami di jalanMu yaa Rabb Referensi : berbagai buku, terutama "Huru-hara Akhir Jaman", berita tadi jumat dari #savealaqsha
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ruiiue-blog · 13 years
Download Movie Warlords of Atlantis Hq
Warlords of Atlantis movie download
John Ratzenberger Michael Gothard Derry Power Hal Galili Lea Brodie Peter Gilmore Shane Rimmer Doug McClure
Download Warlords of Atlantis
Also known as Seven Cities to Atlantis, this is a youth-oriented, British-produced adventure fantasy which uses. Warlords of Atlantis: Information from Answers.com Plot Also known as Seven Cities to Atlantis, this is a youth-oriented, British-produced adventure fantasy which uses rather ordinary special effects. . In Victorian. Amazon.com: Warlords of Atlantis: Movies & TV Most Helpful Customer Reviews: I will never forget turning on HBO sometime @ 1979 and seeing the incredible final scene of a giant octopus destroying a ship. Warlords of Atlantis | Movies.com Read the Warlords of Atlantis movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies.com.. Warlords of Atlantis | Free Music, Tour Dates, Photos, Videos Warlords of Atlantis's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. Actors: Doug McClure: Greg Collinson Peter Gilmore: Charles Aitken Shane Rimmer: Captain Daniels Lea Brodie: Delphine Michael. I did not see that film but let me tell you, this film starred Doug McClure, made by Amicus, and had a pretty good monster by Roger Dickens, which looked. Warlords of Atlantis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Warlords of Atlantis is a 1978 British science fiction, fantasy film. Warlords of Atlantis (1978) - DVD review at Mondo Esoterica Doug McClure descends to the Seven Cities of Atlantis in this cleverly written adventure. Warlords of Atlantis | Moviefone - Movies | Movie Times | Tickets. As the title suggests, the film is about a trip to the lost world of Atlantis. Starring Doug McClure, Peter Gilmore, Shane Rimmer. Warlords of Atlantis (original title) Director: Kevin Connor. Poster for Warlords of Atlantis (1978, UK) | Wrong Side of the Art Carnal Madness (aka Delinquent School Girls) (1975, USA) The Wetter the Better (1975, USA) Warlords of Atlantis (1978, UK) Warlords of Atlantis (1978) - YouTube - YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: Sophia (2.24, ITC, 1964)
"Professor, what is the meaning of this? What is going on?"
"It's rather an elaborate plot, I'm afraid."
#the saint#sophia#itc#1964#leslie charteris#roger moore#robert banks stewart#oliver reed#imogen hassall#tommy duggan#peter kriss#john wentworth#hal galili#wolfe morris#andreas malandrinos#raymond ray#tony arpino#donna pearson#Reed's second episode gives him a meatier role than his first but true to form (at least according to popular legend) he managed to get#injured again; where King of the Beggars (2.9) had seen him with a full concussion‚ here he received a lesser head injury in the scene#where his character is menaced by Greek locals. yes we're in Greece‚ for another sort of morality tale‚ as Simon tries to teach Olly not to#be a horrible crook or to pay his debts or something... it doesn't really work‚ unless threats and blackmail are a good teaching tool. this#ep marked Moore's debut as a director; he'd continue to dabble with it throughout The Saint and later with The Persuaders. actually he#proves a very competent first time director; fond of close up‚ there's a lovely unspoken bit of business of Simon noticing Oliver is#carrying a pistol which is very effectively done. later another character will say that only dishonest men carry guns (no mention made of#Simon's habit for carrying). John Wentworth plays a Scots archaeologist but he's very clearly dubbed (and in fact i recognise the voice of#the dubbing artist‚ another character actor‚ but I just can't place it). his real voice can be heard only once‚ an excited exclamation as#he enters the inn having discovered a golden statuette. the ep is named for Hassall's character but she alas doesn't have a great deal to#do in the plot (and is offscreen for much of the second half)#sadly this was to be a consistent theme in her short and rather sad career (she took her own life in 1980 aged 38)
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Ever-Loving Spouse (2.26, ITC, 1964)
"Is, uh, Mrs. Fennick with you?"
"No, she's home in New York, she hates conventions; she also thinks they're a waste of time."
"I didn't mean it that way."
"Oh, never mind. Liane hates anything to do with the candy industry - except the profits."
"I'm sorry."
"Well, so am I. But I like the profits too, so we have that much in common."
#the saint#the ever loving spouse#itc#1964#leslie charteris#norman borisoff#ernest morris#roger moore#barry jones#jeanne moody#jacqueline ellis#paul carpenter#david bauer#alexis kanner#robert arden#janet brandes#max faulkner#hal galili#stuart nichol#john bloomfield#bartlett mullins#a grubby‚ dingy little tale of blackmail and counter blackmail‚ adultery and murder in San Francisco. there's a murkiness to this ep which#feels distinctly un ITC‚ or perhaps just not very Brit TV From This Era. Simon is on one of his moralising trips‚ getting very furious#about blackmail and punching people in the face. David Bauer (already on his fourth guest spot!) plays the seedy photographer type while a#young Alexis Kanner (only 22 at this point and yet unbelievably already a member of the RSC and shortly to play Hamlet) gives a very good#'unstable young man' performance‚ which was to become kind of his thing for a while. Ellis and Moody are both very good too but the real#fault in this episode perhaps lies in its inexplicably abrupt ending (made even stranger bc this one appears to run a minute or so shorter#than many others). the main plot is exposed but a lot of strands are left dangling and a lot of side characters (Kanner and Ellis among#them) have their stories unresolved. perhaps it's a reflection of the source material or simply a favouring of concise and contained story#telling‚ but for once I'd be quite happy with a little coda scene which explained just how events panned out for the supporting players
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mariocki · 2 years
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The Saint: The Revolution Racket (3.5, ITC, 1964)
"The Saint's reputation has not been exaggerated, he just come in - and he has a prisoner with him."
"One of the Enriquez brothers?"
"Haha, no, that would be too much to hope for, however, everything seems to be working: from merely being intrigued, the Saint is now involved."
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mariocki · 5 years
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Special Branch: Date Of Birth (4.9, Thames, 1974)
"I think both Mr. Strand and I wish to make it clear that no blame attaches to you. I feel that you did a good job, in extremely difficult and complicated circumstances."
"Nevertheless, you blew it."
"You're overdue some sleep, Craven. It would be sensible if you took it."
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mariocki · 5 years
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Machinegunner (HTV, 1976)
"You must be hard up."
"Oh, Christ, what's the matter with me then?"
"Would you like me to tell you?"
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