#Don leaver
doubtfultaste · 3 months
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Hammer House of Horror E01 - Witching Time (1980)
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loneisland · 13 days
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 — leaving your country won’t solve your problems they said, and yet here you are, in… wait, where are you even?
this issue contains fem! / feminine coded reader + reader wears makeup (luna) + chronically non-house leaver (rin) + jealousy / sort of cheating (leonardo luna) + stinking huge amount of money (reo) + a tiny little bit of objectifying (luna)
featuring itoshi rin, itoshi sae, leonardo luna, mikage reo, chigiri hyoma
author’s note this is me formally outing myself as a leonardo luna lover sry… he’s just so hot 😔 sorry for the wait! more at the end of the post
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Rin’s idea of a perfect trip with you rhymes with calm, practical, and smart. Not too far, but still gives the perfect amount of change of scene, it’s clear nothing can beat a nice little ryokan where the sun filters through the window. Plus, the owner, a nice old lady, offered you a traditional teapot from the region!
Her grand-daughter won’t stop running around chasing rom to get him to play with her — he’s asked for your help multiple times already, but you don’t really feel like helping. After all, you’d be lying if you said seeing rin play hide and seek with the little girl didn’t make your heart swell just a tiny bit.
Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that rin hates planes and the airport. He just likes trains better! There’s nothing strange about it, everyone’s got their own tastes, right?
He supposes he should make you visit the place that’s propelled him into the starting blocks of football’s new generation. And maybe also a few restaurants he’s been to that serves really good meals he thinks you’ll like. There’s also a shopping district full of your favourite brands so just maybe, they’ll make a quick stop there. Oh, and, turns out there’s an exposition going on that shows off a few things you really like, so maybe that too… come on, don’t look at him like that, he didn’t know you wanted to go, he just got the tickets for free from a fan.
Besides, this is only for the second day, your first day here is reserved for the city landmarks, so don’t get too excited just yet, alright?
What? You want to go meet his teammates? Jeez, maybe he should have left you at the airport to fend for yourself after all…
Showing off his altinha skills at the beach to make sure a bunch of girls check him out to make you jealous? Check. Keep going to the point where the jealousy consumes your entire being? Also check. Stare back at the girls so that you can’t help but come up to him and kiss the daylights out of him to keep those girls where they are? Definitely check. Yeah, that’s what he calls a vacation… (Which is not the case for the mothers who are desperately trying to cover their children’s eyes, which eventually makes you draw back and assess the situation you got yourself into)
He eventually feels bad for a little, thinking that maybe, getting you jealous wasn’t the best way to get physical affection from you.
At least that’s what he thought until you decide to go back to the hotel to get ready to go out again, and he gets to watch you carefully apply lipgloss in front of the mirror with your body bent over the sink… Yeah, this is definitely not stopping him from doing this again tomorrow.
What else to expect from the one boy who’s literally got money up his ass? Nothing less than the absolute best for you, no sir. Staying at the Ritz just to go ahead and spend lunch at Chez Hortense with an unforgettable beach view at Cap Ferret, go back to Monaco to enjoy the hotel’s private seaside perks and amenities, just to end the day at a bar in St-Raphaël with Reo’s family friends. The life.
You’re exhausted by the time your back hits the premium mattress at a little past midnight, and you wonder if you’re going to have to do all of this again tomorrow.
Then again, if it’s not something you want to follow through with again tomorrow, don’t worry, Reo’s got it all planned out. As much as he likes going out, he’ll order room service to get you eggs Benedict with fresh salmon on the side for lazy mornings, and if you’re not hungry, lounging in the hotel suite the entire day is as much of an option as anything else.
How about a cosy little Airbnb for this one? Chigiri is definitely naturally irritable, so a tourist hotspot or a busy city is out of the question. Torino landscapes and a nice breakfast made up of the groceries you gathered on a hurry before closing time yesterday definitely make up for a better vacation than he could ever imagine.
Hair care dates in northern Italy surrounded by plaids and pillows sounds like the quite the dream, no? Hair oils and lengthening treatments, masks and scalp protecting creams scattered around the floor, and you feel that somehow, you must’ve died, because how else did you get to paradise?
Eventually, these sessions will be followed up by an outing in the old city center to eat up some of the best pasta in the city (and show off your hair— but neither of you will admit to that).
author’s note part 2 as I said, summer has been crazy for me and I literally did not have time to check in 🥹 sorry for that! I will try to be more active but as you probably know, uni has just started again… anyways, enjoy!!
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Brothers kidnap Mc but they are pretty Girls so nobody cares
I feel like this turned out a bit Yandere
she made a very elaborate plan, but it failed so she knocked you out
anyway she actually hide you under the House of Lamentation near Cerberus
just so nobody can find you or take you away
she also thought you would fight a bit more, it´s nice your making it easy for her
but you never make it easy for people, usually you just try to be as obnoxious as possible and drive people crazy
I mean you would be stupid to run away from a pretty woman
and you know would have probably eaten if you did run
she just put a sack over your head and tried to drag you away
big emphasis on tried because you managed to hold onto the door frame and she could not make you let go
so she locked you in your room
and she chained you to the bed and threw the key away
the only reason you could be free is if she broke the shackles herself
but you never even tried to run away, as long as she gave you something to do you were as calm as before
she didn´t even think about it because who wouldn´t want to stay with the Great Mammon for eternity!
she drugged your food and locked you in her room
because she could not think of a better place to hide you and keep you away from the others
it was a really weird kidnapping
if someone didn´t know better people would think you kidnapped Levi and not the other way around
but she plays a lot of video games with you and begs for forgiveness, despite you not even complaining or anything like that
she´s just acting like always
and was very confused by the fact you didn´t even try to leave
she just put you in her room and you didn´t leave since then
despite her kidnapping you she´s actually a bit scared of you
she also had a very convoluted plan which failed but instead of simply knocking you out she just beat you unconscious and chained you to her bed
anyway she told you to not leave her room or she´ll shorten the chain until you can´t move
but she like the fact that you didn´t try to leave, saved her a lot of time
she also smuggled a cat in to make it a bit less boring for you
and totally not because she wants one and to fuck with Lucifer
also she thinks it´s cute when her favorite things are in a room together and getting along well
she tried to seduce you but it didn´t work how she wanted to so she knocked you out with a random lamp
in her words she didn´t kidnap you but only taken away for a short while until you want to stay with her
or in more clear words, you have to stay with her until you develop Stockholm syndrome and never want to leaver her side
she never wanted someone to be affected by her charm as much as now
but she loved it that it took a lot less time than she thought for you to be completely infatuated with her, or rather that you just decided to roll with it
you two will be loveliest couple <3
and she may or may not kill everybody that looks at you
she hugged you so hard that you passed out
it was a very nice way to kidnap someone in your opinion, because it was very comfortable
but kidnapping would be a bit to… harsh? I guess
honestly she just asked you to stay with her and you just said yes
I mean who would say no to staying with Beel?
tbh it was more like moving rooms, still forceful moving rooms, but you can leave whenever you want
and she feels really bad about it, so she tries to make it up with all kinds of gifts
it´s a very weird situation
she had Beel knock you out lock you in the Attic
she could look past it if you hated as long as you let her use you as a pillow
but that you just don´t care is also acceptable for her
it was actually a lie that she could live with you hating her
she also found a curse to hide the attic from her Sisters and everybody else who might come looking for you
seem seems like both of you changed roles now
but don´t worry she won´t let anybody hurt find you :)
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scarletsxnss · 8 months
open to women!
characters: victor "conway" reed , 55 , he / him , & bruce laurant , 33 , he / him 
plot: fantasy au ! lowkey just started reading a court of thorns and roses and want a plot based on that ( but make it poly ) . doesn't have to be exact , but victor captures ym and takes them to his mansion/castle . for any reason u choose , she's now fated to live out her days in this new place but is given a home by victor and bruce . i'm just gonna say they're demons so i'm not completely ripping off the book lol up to u if u wanna go full fantasy but im also down for ym to be from the modern era.
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food was spread out on the table. with a wild display of wealth and abundance, victor opted to have the servants cook food from every corner of the earth—unsure of what type of food this particular human would want. his stoicism shines against the bright warmth of the nearby hearth. one by one, servants pour in bringing golden plates and goblets. victor's eyes barely look at his captive, since the journey from the land of the humans has caused him fatigue. his clothes were still clean, despite a long journey through the eye of the universe. his clean grey tunic sat beneath demonic steel armor—the only armor that can keep him safe from the fatality of human wepons. "eat." his voice nothing more than a low growl. "you haven't eaten in days."
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the large table is set for three, though the third guest doesn't enter until he's fashionably late. servants begin shuffling out of the room and leave the two in silence. the quiet doesn't last for long before the doors swing open and the pompous arrogance can be smelled off the royal that enters. bruce dons a luxurious leaver outfit, lined with the nicest of white threads to accent the rough warrior clothing. "conway." the prince speaks, calling victor by his nickname. "i heard the pet is here. how is she—" his tall figure pauses when he sees the girl. "oh." a dissaproving tone mixed with a judemental look. "victor... you didn't... dress her? did you?" he finally takes his seat across victor and observes the woman. "when i heard we were finally recieving a guest, i honestly imagined her prettier. though i bet if you'd wear a nicer dress than you'd look lovely, sweetheart."
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taniafordwalker · 2 years
Christ, fine, I’m bloody well here already. The chronic overwriter has been arsed out of the one place with an enforced word limit. NICE ONE, ELON.
I’m Tania Fordwalker and I write stories. They’ve shown up in Lightspeed, BCS, PodCastle, Gizmodo, and various other venues. Who knows where they’ll pop up next? If you find one, I recommend donning thick gloves and some sort of facial protection before handling.
I’m not up with Tumblr culture but I assume it’s cooler than Twitter because it pretty much has to be, especially now, despite an influx of Twitter leavers (Twexiters? Ugh, I hate myself) making it several percentage points dorkier for a while. Please forgive me while I bumble around for the first little while here. Advice and follow recs welcome!
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loverofdoctorwho · 17 days
Planning and Research For My Current Story
The Playground:
Split between a jungle gym and a sand box. The jungle gym is full of swings, slides, ramps, and climbing frames, along with accommodations that allow those with mobility aids can still join in the fun. And sits on soft squishy floor padding. While the sand box was full of shovels, buckets, tonka trucks and moulds to make 3D images in the sand. Under a wooden shelter.
Concept For Inclusive Playground1:
Website name: mustdobrisbane.com
URL: https://www.mustdobrisbane.com/kids-outdoors-kids-parks/city-botanic-gardens-playground-cbd
Diggers: Has a platform seat with arm that had a bucket on the end that can be moved by two levers to pick up sand and drop it again. They can also swivel left and right.
Sand Fountain: A series of circular trough that is filled with sand and refilled at the end of each day by fancy pipping and high pressure that pushed sand out the top. Trickling down till each trough was filled.
Wheel Chair Inclusive Carousel:
It has three spaces for a wheel chair, complete with metal arm rests and locking mechanisms on the floor to keep the wheels in place. It can be pulled around by an able bodied person via handles connected the metal arm rests, or someone can use the metal disc steering wheel in the middle of the carousel.
Jungle Gym:
There are three towers that are all at kid level but were all still at notable different heights: small, medium, and tall. The small tower is connected to two lower platforms with ramps that had a number of ship steering wheels and cannons that shot small soft balls.
The small tower has a small twisty slide coming off it and on the inside on it’s platform there is a steering wheel and console of buttons-mirroring a spaceship.
The medium towers is connected to the small tower via a metal bridge and on the inside on its platform there are U shaped steering wheels, a console of buttons and to leavers- mirroring a plane cockpit. And the tall tower is connected to the medium tower via another metal bridge and had a huge tunnel slide coming off it.
Between the towers there is a climbing frame net made out of thick ropes and in a pattern of a massive spider web. All the buttons and leavers had different textures on the tops and handles, all the bridges had hand rails, and all ramps and walkways have 4 rows of small raised dots running up the middle so those that uses a cane to navigate could still do so.
Interactive Play Board:
Three circular disc board that have different items to play with. One has a large xylophone with a thick long dowel stick attached visa a long piece of rope, one had all different types of gears that when you crank a handle the gears turned, and one has a massive hour glass encased in glass and attached to an axes so it could be spun.
Wheelchair Friendly Swing2:
Website Name: Glam Adelaide
URL: https://glamadelaide.com.au/wheelchair-friendly-swing-opens-in-keiths-don-moseley-park/
The frame is a long bar with two legs coming out off it at both ends and in opposite directions.
Four poles- two each side- connected to the middle bar with chains looped over and to the bar on the other side. The free ends then connected to the sides of the chair.
The chair itself has tall sides and a short back rest. It had tracks for the wheels and a locking mechanism attached to the back rest to keep the it in place.
There is a ramp so the user can get on and the chair can detached once the user is ready to swing.
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printkahf · 4 months
Exploring the Tradition of Leavers Hoodies
In the journey of education, there's a moment that marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter: graduation. As students bid farewell to their alma mater and embark on new adventures, they carry with them a treasure trove of memories. Among the cherished mementoes of this journey is a garment that transcends its utilitarian purpose to become a symbol of camaraderie and nostalgia – the leavers hoodie. In this blog, we delve into the tradition of leavers hoodies, exploring the significance they hold and the memories they evoke.
Leavers hoodies have become a ubiquitous tradition in schools and universities across the UK, serving as a tangible reminder of the bonds forged and the milestones achieved during one's academic journey. What sets these hoodies apart is not just their practicality or comfort, but the personal touch they bear. From custom designs to embroidered logos, each hoodie is a unique reflection of the graduating class it represents.
One of the most cherished aspects of Best UK T Shirt Printing is the opportunity they provide for personalisation. From witty quotes to inside jokes, students have the chance to imbue their hoodies with elements that are meaningful to them, creating a garment that is as individual as they are. This personal touch transforms the hoodie from a mere piece of clothing into a cherished keepsake, evoking memories of shared experiences and camaraderie.
Moreover, leavers hoodies serve as a visual reminder of the journey students have undertaken together. As they don their hoodies on the last day of school or university, they are surrounded by classmates who have shared in their triumphs and challenges. The sight of a sea of matching hoodies not only fosters a sense of unity and belonging but also serves as a testament to the friendships forged and the memories created during their time together.
Beyond their symbolic significance, leavers hoodies also hold practical value. As students embark on new adventures, whether it be further education or entering the workforce, their leavers hoodie becomes a comforting companion, providing warmth and familiarity in unfamiliar surroundings. It serves as a tangible link to their past, offering reassurance during times of transition and change.
For many, the tradition of leavers hoodies extends beyond graduation day. Years down the line, they serve as a tangible reminder of a pivotal moment in one's life. Whether tucked away in a wardrobe or worn proudly on casual days, the hoodie becomes a cherished relic, evoking memories of days gone by and friendships that have stood the test of time.
In recent years, the tradition of leavers hoodies has evolved to encompass a wider range of styles and designs. From classic pullovers to zip-up hoodies and varsity jackets, students now have more options than ever to choose from. This diversity reflects the changing tastes and preferences of each graduating class, ensuring that every student can find a hoodie that resonates with them.
In conclusion, leavers hoodies are more than just garments – they are vessels of memory, carrying with them the stories and experiences of a transformative journey. From the moment they are donned on graduation day to the years that follow, these hoodies serve as a tangible reminder of the bonds forged and the memories created during one's academic journey. As students bid farewell to their alma mater and step into the unknown, their leavers hoodie remains a steadfast companion, woven with memories that will last a lifetime.
Read Also: Mastering the Art of T-Shirt Screen Printing
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truststandard · 2 years
Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans
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#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
During this period, he studied privately with Dennis Sandole, Charlie Banacos, George Garzone, Bob Moses, Joe Morris, John Thomas, Ben Sher, Jack Pezanelli, and John Wilkins, attended masterclasses and clinics with Mick Goodrick, Dave Liebman, Chuck Loeb, Frank Tibeiri, Charlie Kohlhase, Chad Smith, Laszlo Gardony, Jamey Haddad and Alex Skolnick, and took single lessons with Ran Blake, Ben Monder, Ron Thomas, and Tony Marino. While attending CMS for three years, he studied guitar and music theory with Eric Sessler, Don Reese, and James Kinney.Īfter graduating high school from Perkiomen Valley in 1998, he attended the Berklee College of Music receiving a B.A. Ryan Leaver started his journey in music education at the Community Music School (Trappe, Pa) in 1996 at the age of 16. Drum and Bugle Corps, Lansdowne Symphony, Chester County Concert Band, Turke’s Head Brass, Atlantic Brass Band, North Penn Symphony, Southeastern Pennsylvania Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia German Brass Band, Tuba 4’s, Ringgold Band, Immaculate Symphony, The Quakertown Band, The All American Brass Band, Upper Darby Sousa Band, Bushwhackers Drum Corps, The VAMM Band and many, many other groups that needed a tuba player. I am returning to the post of Low Brass Instructor with the Community Music School in Trappe which I previously held from 2005 – 2008. I have performed with The Golden Rams Marching Band (West Chester University), Reading Buccaneers Sr. Chuck Neidhardt to play music and share it with the public, because it truly is a gift we can all share in. Mostly, I really love to play the tuba, and it is more fun with many friends. I was one of many local musicians that came together under the very capable leadership of Mr. My name is Randy MacIver and I have been a tuba playing member of the Montgomery County Concert Band in Lansdale Pa. If you ask Rob, he will tell you that he himself is a constant student of the trumpet, and enjoys passing along his findings to students and colleagues alike. Diener likes to use his vast experience to make learning the trumpet a fun, and positive experience for his students. He has also appeared at the Berks Jazz Fest, The Rehobeth Jazz Fest, the Point Pleasant Jazz and Blues Festival, The Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz festival, and Bethlehem Musikfest. He has also Played the National tour of the Broadway musical 42nd Street, as well as subbing on the North American tour of The Producers. Rob has performed with such artists as Greg Karukas, Gerald Veasley, Rick Braun, Chuck Loeb, Jeff Kashiwa, Richard Elliot, Joe McBride, The LA Chillharmonic, Brian Bromberg, The Heads Up Superband, and Chieli Minucci and Special EFX. Diener formed his own band Anomaly, which has 2 cds to its credit that were reviewed nationally. He has played in classical ensembles, jazz groups, rock groups, theater productions, and has even performed for major sporting events such as Nascar. Diener has performed all over the country in every genre of music imaginable.
#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
Rob has spent the past 20 years as a professional Trumpet player and educator.
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mariocki · 4 years
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Hammer House of Horror: Witching Time (1.1, ITC, 1980)
"The usual method of trial, it seems, was by water - even though trial by ordeal had been illegal for centuries. But the Witchfinders claimed that Satan's disciples did not deserve fair trials."
"So they drowned them?"
"Only the innocent ones."
"And the others they burned alive?"
"Not always alive. Sometimes they strangled them first, with a rope."
"I suppose they thought that was being merciful."
"No doubt."
#Hammer house of horror#hammer horror#Witching time#1980#horror tv#ITC#classic tv#jon finch#patricia quinn#Prunella gee#ian mcculloch#Lennard Pearce#Margaret Anderson#Anthony Read#Don leaver#I have been a fan of hammer horror films almost as long as I've been a fan of classic brit TV so it's kind of ridiculous that I've got to#This point in life without ever seeing a second of Hammer's 1980 anthology series. Popular opinion on the show varies wildly from seminal#Example of small screen horror with some iconic moments to the last death rattle of a studio who had fallen so far as to be almost beyond#Parody. I'm ever of an open mind when it comes to brit horror tho and with Network having lovingly cleaned the eps up for a blu ray release#(not to mention a fortuitously timed boxset sale from Network) I figured it was finally time to invest. The boys done good again and this#Is a worthy follower in the footsteps of their previous blu ray upgrades (I will never not be impressed by just how good they got the#Professionals looking). As to this series opener? Well its unmistakably late 70s gloss; a lot more seedy and sleazy than the horror#Anthologies of yore (poor Prunella Gee spends a large percentage of her screentime in some skimpy underwear long after the point of it#Being at all reasonable). Finch is a horror movie composer (I see what you did there hammer..) who is being menaced by a witch from the#1600s and... That's about it. It's fine but plot and script are undeniably slight. Quinn and Gee give it their all and suffer much#Indignity with stoic professionalism. Len Pearce (near unrecognisable from his most familiar role as Delboy's Grandad) steals it away with#A brief turn as a priest who knows everything there is to know about witchcraft. His part could have stood being expanded and the ep would#Have been better for it. Not bad but sadly nothing special; but then this isn't one of the stories I'd heard whispered about on old TV and#Horror forums so there is hope yet for the rest of the series
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horror-aesthete · 3 years
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Hammer House of Horror

Episode 10: "The Mark of Satan" (1980, dir. Don Leaver)
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lamaisongaga · 3 years
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Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer dropped a new interview with Lady Gaga today! In the Q&A (which also includes her co-star Jared Leto and director Ridley Scott), she talks about her role as Patrizia Reggiani in “House of Gucci”. Watch it here!
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The Italian-American superstar donned a black version of this high-necked delicate Leavers lace maxi dress with ruffled capelet from the Rodarte Spring/Summer 2022 show.
Just a few days ago we talked about another interview look from the very same collection which was also color-wise reversed for her!
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ubercharge · 7 years
alright i know this is coming from someone who actually uses an alt account (playing dps on it, as one does) but i still think this is a relatable competitive mood
do you ever have those games that are such an affront to your abilities that you’re just. you’re offended. that was a shitty game. we won, and maybe we did or didn’t deserve to, but the game was bad. route 66 is bad. it should feel bad for being bad.
i mean, we won, and i did some good DPSing with picking off mercy (somebody’s gotta do it, and it’s not the plat hanzo solo queuer), but i was legitimately so salty at everything that happened i had to switch over to my main to play and i don’t think i’ve ever been pissed off to that esoteric degree
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itsme-autumn · 5 years
Author: @itsme-autumn​ Pairing: Jax Teller x reader Warnings: swearing, some violence Prompt: “You’ve been trying to deal with this yourself?”
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You throw back the shot of Jameson in front of you, reveling in its warmth as it goes down. Slamming the glass back on the table, you look at it expectantly for someone to take the hint and refill it.
“Seriously? Never?” Juice asks incredulously.
“Why is it so hard to believe that I’ve never been skinny dipping?” 
This was the annoying thing about being a girl playing Never Have I Ever with guys–if you’ve done something scandalous, it’s slutty, and you haven’t then you’re a prude. You roll your eyes and subconsciously pull the sleeves of your sweater down over your wrists to keep covered.
“Because you’re hot.” Juice quickly answers, then immediately regrets it when Jax smacks him in the back of the head.
“Leaver her alone, shithead.” He looks at you from across the table, “How many is that for you, Y/N?”
You raise an eyebrow. “You keeping tabs on me, Teller?”
He leans forward, putting his elbows on the table. “Wouldn’t dream of it, darlin’. I just don’t know how that boyfriend of yours would feel about you getting drunk with a bunch of horny bikers.”
You grab the whiskey bottle out of Opie’s hand and take a large swig. “He’s working tonight and I do what I please, you know that.” You look around to the rest of the guys at the table, “Jesus, boys. Are we gonna sit around and gossip, or are we gonna drink?”
You’d lost count of how many shots you’d had. Not a great sign. But you felt better than you had in a long time, the warm whiskey seemed to make your forget all your troubles–at least temporarily.
The music picks up and you start to sway your hips. You grab Jax’s hand, pulling him to the floor. “Dance with me!”
Jax puts his hands on your hips, bring your back against his front. “You know I don’t dance, Y/N.” His voice low in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You move your hips more, pressing slightly against him. “Well you know that I do.” It was getting hot in the clubhouse, the result of dozens of bikers, croweaters, and hangarounds drinking and dancing in the confined main room. Sweat starts to pool a the back of your neck. Without thinking, you shake off your sweater and throw it to your chair.
“What the hell!?”
Instantly you’ve realized your mistake, you look to find your sweater. Before you can take a step, Jax pulls you around to face him. He brings his hands to your arms, which are largely covered in hand shaped bruises.
“Y/N, what is this?” His tone is demanding, the relaxed and alcohol fueled expression gone, now replaced with one of anger and concern.
“It’s...it’s nothing Jax.” You pull your arms out of his grasp and step over to grab your sweater. “Just leave it be.”
He takes you by the hand and leads you to the back hallway of the clubhouse. You’re too tired–and maybe too drunk–to resist him. You learned a long time ago that trying to resist Jax Teller was often pointless.
Before you can finish whatever excuse you were about to throw out, Jax pushes you against the wall and holds you there.
“Did that asshole boyfriend do this to you?” His eyes are burning into yours and you feel your chest start to tighten. You open your mouth to say something–anything that will assure him that you’re okay, but you can’t. No words come out.
Tears start to gather in your eyes. You squeeze them closed and shake your head a bit to try and keep them at bay. Jax moves his hands to cup your face, forcing you to look up at him.
“Y/N. Tell me what happened.” The intensity is still there, but there’s a bit of softness now. You melt a little in his hold on you. You can’t help but feel so...safe when you’re with him. Like the feeling of coming home after a hard day.
But you can’t bring yourself to tell the truth. At least not all of it.
“He...he really didn’t mean to. It was an accident.”
“He just got stressed and overdid it. He feels terrible.”
“This was the first time, Jax. It won’t happen again.”
You’re surprised at the strength in your tone. You keep eye contact with Jax and hope that he’ll just drop the whole thing. You didn’t need to keep sitting in this shit, you wanted to escape from it. Hence the getting drunk at a samcro party.
Jax just shakes his head, the rage overtaking him. “No, Y/N. This is not okay. Ever. I’m gonna kill that piece of shit.” He starts to move away, no doubt to grab a few guys and hunt the asshole down.
“No! Jax, no...please.” You move in front of him and put your hands on his chest. “Please let me handle this. I promise it’s not as bad as you think.” Your look is pleading and you don’t know if he hears the panic laced in your voice. 
“Y/N, if he’s hurting you–”
“He’s not. Please, Jax.”
He stares at you for a long moment, considering. “You’ll...” He lets out a deep sigh, clearly reluctant to give in. “You’ll let me know if anything else happens? I mean anything, Y/N.”
You let out a breath. “Of course. I promise.”
It took some time after your talk for Jax to settle back into the party, but a few more shots and you making a fool of yourself on the dance floor seemed to pull him out of his mood. Emboldened by his inebriated state, Jax grabs your waist as you’re walking past and pulls you down on his lap.
You let out a laugh. “Can I help you, Teller?”
“I just wanted to get a good look at ya, sweetheart.” A wolfish grin spreads across his face. “Trying to imagine that skinny dipping scenario...”
“Ha!” You burst out automatically. “Keep imagining, VP.” You flick him in the forehead before you get up. You’re thankful for the someone inappropriate comment though, hopefully that means the two of you can go back to normal.
It’s not too long before the party starts dying down. Patches disperse with various croweaters in tow and you know it’s time for you to get home before you see something you can never unsee. 
Thankfully sober enough to drive yourself home, you make your way outside to your car. You squint your eyes and bring you hand up to cover them as bright headlights come into view. You see a familiar truck whip violently onto the lot and you freeze.
Slamming the door shut, he gets out and storms towards you.
“I knew I’d find you here!” His voice cuts into you, you almost flinch at the sound.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” You do your best to keep your voice steady. You don’t want to cause a scene out here.
His hand comes across your face so fast you can’t even register that it’s happened till seconds after. 
“You don’t get to ask me anything!” He wraps his hand around your throat, pushing you against your car door. “I told you to stay away from your trash biker friends. And here I find you, at one of their whore parties. How many cocks did you swallow down your throat tonight, mm?” He tightens his grip before throwing you to the ground. 
You cough and try to catch your breath, but you stay on the ground. You have no idea what he’s about to do. He’s been rough in the past, but this is the first time that you’re actually scared of him. 
“Answer me!” He brings his boot clad foot back and kicks you in the stomach, hard. A loud cry escapes you before you can help it. Your mind is racing so fast, you can’t focus. You don’t know what to say, what to do. He’s a big guy and he’s seething mad–there’s no way you can match him physically. And anything you say could just set him off more.
“Y/N!” You recognize Jax’s voice across the lot. Your boyfriend turns, but doesn’t have time to react as Jax throws his fist into his jaw. You push yourself farther away on the ground, the pain in your ribs making it difficult to move let alone stand.
The two of them are also on the pavement now, with Jax on top pounding his fists into your abuser’s face in quick succession. Your vision starts to blur and you hear more voices, the fight gaining more attention from inside the clubhouse.
You register Opie and Juice pulling Jax off the battered man, left bloody and barely conscious on the ground. The look on Jax’s face is one you’ve never seen before. Beyond angry or enraged. Murderous. 
But as his eyes find yours it instantly morphs into concern and he rushes to you. “Y/N are you hurt?”
“I-I’m okay...” Your voice comes out a bit dazed, your mind still reeling over everything that’s happened.
“Can you stand?” He brings his arms around you to help you up. You look around the lot to see a small crowd that’s gathered around the commotion. With Jax’s hands in yours, you study them. They’re stained red, the knuckles busted open in places. You can’t take your eyes off of them. 
“Y/N.” Jax bends his head down so he can catch your eyes. “You've been trying to deal with this yourself?” There’s an edge to his voice now and it brings you out of your fog. Embarrassment and shame creep into you.
“I thought I could handle it. I thought he would stop.” 
You sound so small. Pathetic even. And you hate it. How did you let it get this far? You were never one to be pushed around. And you knew it would only take one word from you to let Jax help you. 
So why did you hide it?
Jax reaches up and wipes away the tears that you didn’t even know were falling down your cheeks. That feeling of home returns to you. Jackson feels like home. He always has.
Has that always been there?
You’re not sure if what you’re feeling is emotion-fueled adrenaline that you’ll regret in the morning–or if you’re finally seeing things clearly. 
“Jackson...” You breath out his name like it’s the first time you’ve said it–like really said it.
He looks at you and his brows furrow a bit. Before he can say anything, you pull him close and press your lips to his. You feel him freeze for a few seconds in surprise, but it doesn’t take long for him to kiss you back eagerly. You snake your hands up slowly till they’re wrapped in his hair, bringing him even closer so your bodies are pressed together.
You pull back, stopping the kiss. You whisper “I’m sorry, if you don’t-” 
Jax cuts you off with another kiss, grabbing the back of your head with one hand and pulling your waist against him with the other. You feel him smile on your lips.
After a few minutes you finally break apart, hearing someone clear their throat. You look up to see Opie throwing you boyfriend–now ex-boyfriend–into his truck. You can’t hear exactly what he’s saying, but you’re guessing you won’t be seeing much of him anymore.
Jax starts to lead you inside the clubhouse with his arm wrapped around your waist. He leans down to your ear, “Let’s go to sleep, you need to rest after all that shit.”
You lean into him and smile. “It wasn’t all shit.”
“Yeah? How’s that?”
“Well...your chances of living out that skinny dipping scenario have just improved greatly.”
You don’t even have to look back at Jax to know that he’s smirking. 
A/N: So glad to be posting something finally! And cards on the table I did not proof this. Let me know what you think guys, thank you again for all of your encouragement! ❤️
Jax Tag List: @melissataggart87​ @misssara1981​ @lokilvrr​ @alievans007​  @calirindo​ @leapingoveroblivion​ @curly-minnie​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @actuallyazriel​ @kitkat-589​ @neverland14353​ @traaya​ @sparklemichele​ 
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the-last-ghost · 4 years
As promised, Chapter 1 of my new story, The Woodsman. I hope that you all enjoy it. Please, like, share, or comment away; I appreciate it all and my inbox is always open if you ever have any questions, comments, concerns, or requests. Thank you all for the support and putting up with my hectic posting!
The Woodsman
            Many stories usually begin when two strangers meet, lost family is reunited, true love is found, or best friends join together, all to set out on some epic quest… And just like any fairytale, it always ends with them living happily ever after.
           But what of those for whom the story wasn’t the focus? What about their happy ending? Is their story any less important? The Prince may find his true love, but what about his trusted guard who protected him along the way? The shepherds daughter runs away to a life of wonder at sea with a Captain who promised her adventure, but what of her dearest friend back home who helped her get away?
           The tragic part is that you will never really hear their stories. It is often assumed that they go back to what they did before, or they found some measure of peace and contentment with how the story ends. But sometimes… Sometimes they are not happy with how things end; perhaps their story is not quite over, not yet. So, they set out again to try and find that little something in life that they have been searching for. Maybe, no matter how thrilling their life is after setting out again, just maybe there is no happy ending for them… Maybe their story does not get told because, who wants to hear about a tragedy after finding their own happily ever after?
           Still… The story goes on anyway…
Chapter 1: Farewell
           The tavern sat alone but proud at the last true crossroad along the Eastern edge of the Fanisa Forrest. Lights illuminated every window, their warm glow flickering out beneath the door, casting shadows and silhouettes everywhere one looked. The horses snorted and seemed to sway faintly as the sounds of music reached them. The sign by the door read, “The Hero’s Den” in fresh, red paint; but if you knew the area like me, you’d know that the true name is and has always been, “The Roads End.” For this is where many stories always seem to end…
           I make my way inside and am greeted warmly by my dear friends and have a full mug given to me by Sally, the serving girl who I know has been here for more years than I can count. At the long table in the center of the room, I hear hearty laughter bellowing out from Derrin, Viti, Greda, and the rest of the crew of the Horizons End as old jokes and new stories are traded around. As I take a seat at an empty table near the back, I watch as Sally runs drinks while dancing through the crowd, a smile filling her lips and a rosy glow filling her face as she locked eyes with Viti. Across from their table, Old Vern tells stories of his time before, “the wee lad” sought him out, asking for his help. I don’t even have to listen to know that Dahla is scolding him about how, “the wee lad” is finally back where he should be, as the true King, and that he should be shown respect… Before they both burst out laughing; no doubt going on about how crazy fate must be for their old friend to now be a king. All around me, I see friends, old and new alike, sitting side by side as they drink and make merry, telling the tallest tales as they simply enjoy being alive…
           Finally, my eyes drift up to the place of honor, the two “thrones” set nearest the hearth; clearly as a joke for they are still the most basic of the tavern’s chairs. Yet my eyes are drawn to those sitting there, my dear friend, the Lady Sasha, now my Queen. Next to the love of her life, Zain, the new and rightful King laughs as Captain Derrin goes on about how he had to rescue the King long ago from being pulled of his ship while fishing. This night is for them, friends and comrades all, drawn together from all across the land; for now their fight is over, and peace can finally be restored to the land. Tonight they make merry, for tomorrow they will be drawn into the trappings of court and all the other duties life will demand and many will all go their separate ways, but tonight, none of it matters for they are together and nothing can hurt them.
           I sit in my little corner of the room, watching and listening to the stories as the night goes on. Occasionally I share a respectful nod with some of the soldiers, a silent raised mug with a sailor, and a friendly wave across the room; but I hold back, for tonight is for them and I’ve no wish to ruin it… Eventually I watch as Captain Derrin makes his stumbling way atop his table as he rouses his crew into song after song, all while dancing drunkenly, much to everyone’s delight. They sing songs of old, songs of new, songs of the deeds that have been done and of the glory they have found; soon the songs mellow down, and the candles start burning low. The room is quiet for a while before I hear Viti’s voice signing slowly cut through the quiet of the night and I realize that it is their old farewell song for those they have lost at sea. I forgot that her voice could be so hauntingly beautiful…
 “Here we gather now,
In some far and distant town,
As we raise a mug of ale,
To those who’ve set sail…
 For tonight we live and laugh,
And wish you the very best,
For the sea, she’s come to claim you,
And may the stars guide your way.
 The Horizon, she is calling,
So my friend, be not afraid,
For though now you may be leaving,
We shall meet again someday.
 I will see you when it’s over,
On the Horizons End,
It may still yet be a long time,
For we never can know when…
 But we’ll drink ale by the barrel,
And catch up on all the tales!
So it’s goodbye for now, farewell,
Now hoist the flag and set sail!”
             As she sings, the crew all joins in and I see old friends share solemn looks, comrades raise their mugs, lovers hold each other closer… Sasha takes hold of the King’s hand…
           I finish off my drink and make my way for the door while they are distracted by the song and lost in their own thoughts. No one seems to notice as I don my cloak and rest my hat upon my head; I take a last look inside at them all, happy and together, before turning away into the night. I make my slow and quiet way to the stable and saddle up my horse, Vira, before guiding her toward the road and climbing into the saddle. It’s best that I leave now, lest I ruin this happiness I’ve helped them find.
           I’ve only been on the road for a brief moment when I hear a sign-song voice echoing faintly from the trees around me. “And just where do you think you are sneaking off to, hmm?” I sigh heavily and reign in Vira to a halt before saying softly, “Alara…” Suddenly behind me, I look over my shoulder to see her sitting daintily on the back half of my saddle, regal as if she were in some castle and not on horseback in the woods. “Of course you would be the one to see me leave. You can’t stop me, you know that. Not this time.” Without even looking my way, she replies, “You know that they are going to ask questions, right? They are all going to want to know why the ‘Savior of Lathuia’ just left without even saying goodbye…” Even as she says this, I can tell that that’s not really her concern. “Oh please,” I say, more spitefully than I intended, “We both know that they’ll understand why I left. And don’t call me ‘Savior’ because I know you remember what I had to do…” I trail off as I look away from her. “Fine then,” she says forcefully, and gently grabs my face, making me look into her piercing, amber eyes. “You are right. I know what you did, but I also know why too. Anyone who loves someone that much, is more than worthy of a second chance at happiness. So I ask you, what will She think about you leaving her now? After everything the two of you have been through together, you just decide to walk away?” I refuse to speak for a while, even as I feel a tear start to well up. “What is it you want, Fairy?” I know their kind well enough these days; they always want something from you… “Now, now,” she says, with mock offence, “There is no need for that. I am here because it seems that you are the only one not enjoying this little happily ever after… I want to know why.” I pull away from her grip, breaking free from her paralyzing gaze. “You know that I’m happy; thrilled even, with how things turned out. Sasha found her true love and is finally happy, actually happy, for the first time in a long time. And now she’s the Queen, no less! What, are you upset that I’ve forgotten to thank you for helping us? I apologize; thank you for everything, truly. Now please, let me be on my way.” I turn back forward and nudge Vira into a slow canter. As I do, Alara floats around in front of me, still sitting while in the air. “You love her, really love her… Don’t you? Of course… You hardly looked at them, but her… You couldn’t take your eyes from her all night.” Blasted fairies, you can’t get anything by them. “So what? You love her and now you are going to run away from it all? Is that your plan?” Refusing to even look at her, I continue on. “Fine! Yes, yes Alara, I do love her! I have since the moment we first met.” I bark out harshly, annoyed that she of all people is delving into my feelings like this. “And you know my story. You know it doesn’t have a happy ending; at least not anything like what they have now… But no, I’m not simply running away. The kingdom may be theirs and the people love them, but there are still many things out there that can end it; there are still many outside the kingdom that would gladly see them both gone.” I glance up at her briefly, and for a moment the look on her face was almost as if she came to a decision, but it’s so hard to tell with their kind.
           “So, you love her and are choosing to leaver her… All because you wish to set out and make sure that she stays safe and the lands are protected… That’s very noble of you…” She says the last, almost to herself. “If that is truly the case, then you know that this path with take you far and wide, through many long, difficult years.” I look her in the eyes and mockingly joke, “Well then, it would appear that the Seer was right after all. How was it that the prophecy went again?” I ask the last but continue on before she can say anything.
 “A warrior alone without a cause,
A sailor adrift without a ship,
A traveler lost with no stars to guide him,
A man destined to love that which cannot love him.
 You will climb to the heavens,
Descend into the darkest depths,
No land too wide or ocean to vast,
To travel forever to protect what you have lost.”
             We are both silent for a moment, remembering that night from long ago… “That sounds right too me; and you know just how far I would go for her… Besides, I would simply drive a wedge between the two of them if I remained behind. I’ll not ruin their chance at happiness; not after everything I went through to make it happen.”
           Alara watches me, her eyes glowing faintly. “You truly would protect this land from anything out of your love for her, wouldn’t you?” Though she says this aloud, I can tell she doesn’t need an answer. “Wonderful, then that is all that I needed to hear. For I am going to help you; or rather… She is…” Alara then nods to something behind me and as I turn to see, I watch as a woman steps gracefully from the trees; in the sudden fog that I never noticed roll in, it appears as if she is almost literally coming out of the trees… Her skin glows with the light of the moon itself, small, blooming flowers are entwined in her hair, and her gown is as vibrant a green as a springtime forest. “You’re…” My voice comes out shaking, slightly above a whisper. “I have gone by many names over the years, my son. For now though, you can call me Gianna.”
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bluebellhairpin · 5 years
The Girl Who Knew The End {9}
Thorin OakenshieId X Fem!Reader Too Close, But Not Close Enough
Chapter Eight // Where Your Familiar Lies 
Chapter Nine // (You're Here!)
Chapter Ten // His Name Was Khalin 
A/N: Clingy Legolas guys. Plus a worried Thorin. Oops. - Nemo
Summary: As you journey further towards Erebor, and out of Mirkwood, you soon find that things aren’t exactly playing out to how you remember. Did your appearance in the land of Middle-Earth mean that events change completely? 
Series Masterlist  
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Time, thankfully, passed by quickly.
Thorin took the time he had stuck across from you to educate you a little with the history of Erebor and it’s people. In fact everyone did, and by the time Bilbo came around to take you away you’d heard a mix of almost every story of Erebor there was to tell. 
It was very educational.
When the company managed to clamber as silently as they could to the cellar, you knew your time was running thinner than you originally thought. Your newfound relationship with Thranduil mean he placed extra guards and a tighter schedule for guard-changes around your cells. He really had no intention of letting you leave, which made you a little uneasy. 
“Everyone, the barrels!” Bilbo said, managing to get his words out just as guards started making a ruckus outside. You’re willingness to cooperate made Thorin urge everyone into the remaining barrels without too much protesting.  
It was just your luck that Kili climbed into the same barrel as you. 
Bilbo pulled the lever to release you, and you all dropped into the water with a stomach-churning splash. A few moments later, Bilbo joined you all in the water, and the guards above started yelling orders at everyone who’d take them to stop you in whatever way they could. 
“Come on, let’s go.” Thorin said, and everyone started paddling their barrels further out from underneath the cellar.  
Eventually the river started pulling you along, the need to paddle was no more, and Thorin yelled out again.
“Hold on!” then you were plunged into a huge set of rapids, and elves started gathering at the river banks like they’d been there since you first started paddling. As the river rushed you further down, Legoals yelled ahead at the gatekeeper in elvish.
“Shut the gate!” A horn blew, and the guards at the gate started closing the metal door until it was shut. You were trapped, and protests started from all dwarves in your party. You saw the elven guards above draw their swords, but the one closest was shot with a black arrow before he could approach you further. He dropped to the water between the barrels, but you managed to snag his sword before he was out of reach.
“Orcs!” you yelled, right after a huge number of the creatures swarmed out of the nearby bushes, meeting with your group in a clash of weapons and bare fists.
“Kili, the leaver!” You told the dwarf next to you, handing him the sword you’d gained and hosting him up towards the leaver as the others continued fighting. He fights his way up the stairs with help from the others, and reaches the top without too much trouble. Wasn’t it harder in the movie?
A whistle of an arrow shoots the question right out of your mind.
“(y/n)!” Thorin yells, and you look to your right to see a black arrow was stuck in the barrel next to you. 
Bolg was aiming his arrows at you, not Kili. 
The orc got another arrow read to shoot, but was stopped when an elfish arrow hit him square in the shoulder. Yelling in both elfish and orcish was heard, and Legolas came through from the bushes along the river, searching for you with a hard gaze. When his eyes met yours, you swore you saw him smile in seeing you were okay.  
You always did want a brother like Legoals. 
A yell from Kili snapped your attention back to your group. He did get shot after all, now crumbled to the ground in pain, and he’d almost had the gate open. You spared a glance at Thorin, whose eyes seemed to read your thoughts, and he shook his head as if to tell you no. 
You ignored him. Grabbing a weapon from on of the fallen bodies, you started to climb your way up to help Kili. 
As an orc approached, you readied your weapon to strike, but it was shot down before it could get close. You turned to see Legolas again, running towards you and ridding his path of orcs as he went. He was speaking to you in elfish, which you started to think he didn’t know you didn’t understand. You ignored Legolas’ attempts at speaking to you and went back to helping Kili, an act that made Legoals’ words more harsh and demanding.
You reached Kili and the leaver, choosing to re-open the gate before helping Kili to stand. With a grunt, the leaver moved and freed your friends, and then, after dealing with another orc, helped Kili to stand enough to get him back in your barrel, but your forearm was grabbed onto before you could follow.
“(y/n), haven’t you heard me!” Legoals started, pulling you back from the ledge, “You need to go back to Thranduil.”
“(y/n)!” You heard Thorin yell, from below. The barrels had moved too far for you to jump into one with someone else. You’d have to just jump into the water. You tried to tug your arm away from Legoals, but his grip was like steel.
“Let me go!” You said, tugging again.
“No, we need to get you back-”
“You’re hurting me!” Your declaration of pain seemed to shock the blond, and you took that as your chance to rip free and jump into the water to follow the others.
The water was cold, colder than it was when you were in the barrel, and it seemed the only thing that kept you moving in the right direction among the swell was the noise the others were making. 
You felt very sorry for Bilbo.
It felt like only moments, however long as they might’ve been, before you were pulled up to hang onto one of the barrels edges. 
“Don’ worry lass, just hang on.” Dwalin said, making sure you were going to be alright hanging on to the barrel yourself before going back to fighting the orcs as they came at everyone from along the riverbank.
Everything passed by in a blur, from the dwarves beating off the oncoming orcs into the river, to the elves continuing after the orcs and killing them. That wasn’t right. Thranduil would never had let his soldiers come after the company in the movie. 
But then again, you weren’t with them in the movie. You weren’t in a movie at all. This was very real. 
You weren’t sure if it was from the water, the cold, or the fact that nothing was going how you remembered, but you started panicking. 
Among the roar of the waves, and the changing fight, Thorin managed to spot your distress on top of the emotions of being rattled on the edge of the barrel. 
“Dwalin, (y/n)!” he said sharply, gaining the attention of the former as your grip started slipping, and he quickly grabbed hold of your arm to make sure you would stay close. 
“Have you cut down the tree yet?” you asked Dwalin, eyes opening and closing in a lazy manner. Dwalin looked down at you like you’d sprouted an extra limb. 
“Aye Thorin, your gal’s talking nonsense!” he called ahead to the king. Thorin looked back, momentarily taking himself away from the fight.
“What?” he asked, brow furrowing in complete confusion.
“She’s asked about a tree-”
“That tree!” Fili said, pointing to the broken tree lying across the river, by now having a few orcs climbing onto it to try and reach the others below better. 
As Thorin, Bofur and Dwalin all float under the tree, they all reach up to start cutting it. Everything fell to plan this time, and you found that with that came a comfort that something was going right, as well as a strange surge of energy. 
By now Legolas was doing his fancy elf stuff. You were slightly glad you got paired with the dwarfs instead of elves, and yet you wondered if he got his dramatic flair from just Thranduil, or you mother also. 
Eventually the river moved fast enough that the barrels traveled out of reach of the remaining orcs, and the elves all hesitated in following, all looking back at a stopped Legolas to see what they’d do next. 
You spared a glance back at the blond, seeing him set an order out, supposedly telling the others to head back, before looking back at you too. You felt it wasn’t going to be your last time crossing paths with your elven half-brother.
Series Taglist: @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pigeonsbones @captainrainbowpanda  @theabandonedchocolate @violentmommabear42 @jumpingmanatee @pixierox101 @persassyismyspiritanimal @lilith15000 (Tags still aren’t working, and I’m still very sorry. - Nemo)
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niqhtlord01 · 5 years
Humans are weird: Space Pirates
A Pirate’s Perspective..... Part 1 “Wait until they get a bit closer Mr. Fig. We don’t want to lose them.”
Mr. Fig acknowledged with a nod before running his tongue over rows of sharpened teeth and looking back out the view port on the bridge.
The surrounding asteroid fields rolled by in eerie silence like falling snow flakes. One might even consider the scene beautiful were it not for the fact that a single asteroid could crush their ship like a tin can.
The Liberty Jewel clung to the side of a massive asteroid with her shields down and all systems either shut off entirely or at the bare minimum to keep the crew alive. It was the only way to trick their prey’s scanner systems and lure them into the trap. Two other vessels mimicked the same tactics and were hanging on to other asteroids positioned just so that their prey would be caught in the killing box between the three of them.
The crew sat in silence as they all manned their posts. Not just out of fear of the  Predatorian Mr. Fig pacing behind them to make sure they did their jobs, but also in fear as the numerous asteroids floated around them; each one capable of turning the Liberty Jewel into a scrape heap.
“Steady on lads, steady on.” The captain’s calming voice cut through their collective fears and they regained their composure.
Sitting atop her command throne in the center of the bridge, Amelia’s mechanical fingers gently rattled against the arm of her chair while she rested her head on the other, never breaking her gaze of the void.
At the sound of the rattling several serpent like heads emerged from behind the throne and coiled around the captain’s feet before resting their heads on her lap. The hydra head’s hissed and quietly yipped at the captain for attention which she replied by scratching one of the heads with her mechanized hand. The other heads became jealous and hissed louder and began shoving each other to get head scratches. As their squabbling became louder the captain let out a single underlining growl and the heads stopped and quieted down. To their relief the captain then used both hands to scratch each of their heads one at a time, though still never letting her gaze break from the view port.
“I’ve got a contact!” Mr. Fig walked over to Mr. Tipples manning the readout array. “Numbers?” Mr. Fig asked as he leaned over to observe the array himself. Mr. Tipples adjusted several dials and leavers. “I see three transports with a small escort.” “How small is small Mr. tipples?” the captain calmly asked from her throne.
Mr. Tipples adjusted the books he was sitting on atop his chair, his small frame as a Tipido making it nearly impossible to see the array otherwise, and took a closer look. “I’m counting at least three ships. Judging from their size I’d wager three cruisers running escort detail.”
Mr. Tipples turned around in his chair to face the captain. “If I had a bit more time i could-”. Amelia held out a hand and stood up, the Hydra pulling away to let her rise. “Nonsense Mr. Tipples. You wouldn’t be on my bridge if I didn’t trust your judgement. If you say they’re cruisers then that’s what they are.”
Mr. Tipples smiled briefly at the praise then returned to his screen.
The captain descended down the steps of her command throne, her metal peg leg ringing out with every step, and looked around her bridge. “Time to entrapment Mr. Makarov?”  The old Russian pulled out a pocket watch and glanced at it. “Three minutes captain.”
“At two minutes I want you to send a message to our sister ships to prepare to attack then power up all systems and make a b-line for the target area. Understood?” “Aye aye captain!”
A countdown timer appeared below the view port and the crew rushed to fulfill their duties before the time ran out. Through the chaos of the bridge the captain’s world shrunk until it was only the sound of the clock ticking away and the sight of the approaching ships.
She closed her eyes and wondered if this would be the day that she would finally meet her end.....
Amelia felt something nudge her hand and she opened her eyes to see her pet hydra nuzzling her. She smiled and scratched it once more just before the clock hit its mark.
“Message away captain!”
“Give me power Mr. Fig!”
The Liberty Jewel lit up like a christmas tree as all her systems breathed life once more and her engines began propelling her forward, The approaching convoy of ships detected her at once but also detected the other two ships that now had them surrounded.  The convoy circled up with the transports in the center and the escorts protecting them.
The escort guns began tracking the pirate ships and firing off volleys of energy projectiles at them lighting up the surrounding asteroid field.
The shields had just returned when the first of the energy projectiles hit sending a shudder through the Liberty Jewel. “They’re in the trap captain!” Mr. Makarov called out as he grabbed hold of his chair to steady himself. “Deploy the chain shots!” Mr. Makarov slammed a red button on his console and from deep within the asteroid field their devilish devices churned to life.  Several dozen asteroids that had been chained together and attached with thick docking chains ignited and began shooting towards the cruisers.  One of the escorts took an asteroid right into the bridge leaving it a floating husk voiding atmosphere. The other two switched fire from the enemy vessels and began taking shots at the oncoming asteroids as their gunnery crews began wildly firing in all directions. Amelia watched as one of the chain shots found its mark. The two asteroids missed a escort cruiser but was caught by the chain pulling the asteroids to spin around the escort in a swirling motion until through sheer strain the entwined cruiser was split in half by the ever tightening chain. The last cruiser didn’t last much longer after that. It had attempted to about face and make a run for it but by then all of the asteroids had begun smashing into it until finally the vessel exploded from the damage. “Status of the transports Mr. Fig?” “I’m reading light damage from asteroid impacts but otherwise intact. They’re not getting away anytime soon.”  Amelia grinned. “Well done lads. Pull us alongside them, one ship per transport. Nobody get cocky now, we don’t celebrate until we’re back at the Shallow.” “Aye aye!” came the chorus of replies.  She turned to Mr. Makarov who was grinning himself and winding his pocket watch up. “You have the bridge Mr. Makarov. Let me know if anything changes in our situation and keep those asteroids away from us while we’re boarding. Use the ammo sparingly though, it’s expensive as hell.”  “Pardon me captain, but did you say “We’re”? As in you would be tagging along as well?” Makarov asked inquisitively.  Amelia  nodded and began walking towards the door. “I’m bored and need some action. Mr. Fig, Mr. Tipples come with me as well.” Both lieutenants looked at each other and hurried after her. Makarov looked at them leaving and then at the Hydra that was switching between looking at  Amelia and Makarov. “Oh just get out of here already.” With that the Hydra quickly dashed off after the captain leaving Makarov to silently continue spinning his watch.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three of them began making their way to the boarding tubes where the rest of the crew were preparing for the boarding action. The corridors of the Liberty Jewel were well lit and adorned with trophies from previous conquests. The steering wheel of a Combaran capital ship, the crystal matrix of a prism sphere, even the head of an insectoid bodyguard. All not just mementos, but a clever trick by captain  Amelia to remind her crew of the success she brings. It hadn’t been easy for her to become a captain, let alone the infamous pirate queen of the asteroids. She’d met many roadblocks along her rise to power not only for being human but for being a woman as well. A fact alone which had cost her her leg when a business deal went south when the client refused to deal with females.  Amelia stopped upon reaching the entrance to the boarding chambers and looked at the final trophy with a smile. It was the head of the client that had taken her leg with their face frozen perfectly in the last moments of their life before she had ripped it off with her bare hands. A gruesome reminder to those that double crossed. The bulky doors slowly rumbled open and the trio stepped in. They were greeted by a flurry of activity as some fifty pirates went about their business donning gear, checking weapons, taking final rights even for those that still believed that ground pounder tradition of gods.  As she walked passed flanked by Mr. Fig and Mr. Tipples the pirates stopped whatever they were doing and tipped their heads in respect for their captain before returning to their preparations.  “Seeing as this may be our final hours there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you Mr. Fig.”  Amelia looked down at Mr. Tipples as he was placing smooth metal like plates into his pockets and on his combat vest. “It’s bad luck to talk like that Mr. Tipples but I’ll humor you.” Mr. Fig was opening his locker and removing a pair of electro gloves. “Why do your people prefer simple names? Is it cultural or personal choice? I ask because the last Predatorian I asked nearly bit my arm off at the question.” Mr. Fig grunted as he power up his gloves and smacked his fists together to check the charge. “Neither. It’s biological.” “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” Mr. Fig crouched down so Mr. Tipples could clearly see him and opened his mouth as wide as he could, the bleached white teeth nearly blinding the poor fellow.  “When we try to utter certain phrases or long words and names our tongues often get caught on our teeth and are shredded. So we keep our names short as well as our speech patterns.”  “So If I ordered you to say Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?” Amelia chuckled as she holstered her pistols and knives. “I would consider throwing you out an airlock, captain.”  “Fair enough Mr. Fig, fair enough.” Amelia climbed on top of several crates and turned to her crew. “Alright you bunch of pirate scum, listen up!” A ragged round of cheers came from the group as they gathered around her. “This is just like any other score so keep your heads screwed on tight, because I have no problem taking a bigger share if one of you is stupid enough to lose it.”  She pointed towards the boarding tubes which had begun extending towards the cargo ship, their door cutters already warmed up and ready to get slicing.  “Mr. Tipples team will make your way to the engine room and life support, Mr. Fig’s team will secure the cargo hold and any personnel found, and my team will take the bridge. Remember, no killing anyone unless they try to kill you first. It helps having access codes from a living captive than a dead one. Looking at you Morgan.” she said as she pointed out a certain pirate. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about what you did on the last score. Someone watch him at all times so we don’t get vac’d again.” A roar of laughter came from the crew and Amelia felt like they were ready for the final part of the plan. They secure the ships, take the cargo, then scuttle what they couldn’t take with them. In, out, and done.  The boarding tube latched on to the cargo ships entry door and began slicing through the door until a loud POP called out and a newly made hole was formed.  “For GOLD AND GLORY LADS!” Amelia cried out as she charged into the breech. “GOLD AND GLORY!!!” came the rallying cry as the pirates followed behind her.  As Amelia jumped through the cloud of smoke from the cutters she came face to face with a dozen or so mechanized helpers all focusing their red eyes upon her and clenching their overly large robotic hands.  “Well......shit.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What a climax to end upon! Will our merry band of pirates be able to fight off the mechanical menaces before them, or will they be crushed to a fine paste?  A silly question as we already know a partial answer, one that you can find out for yourself by reading the previous portion of Space Pirates, a Merchants perspective here: https://niqhtlord01.tumblr.com/post/186882167701/humans-are-weird-space-pirates Stay tuned for the climactic finish with Humans are weird: Space Pirates, a Pirates Perspective Part 2 coming soon. 
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