#Hantengu's clones
karakusleaf · 6 months
Someone bring this dude a happy meal immediately.
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itskenickie · 1 year
urogi x reader x karaku when
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Demon Bride Ch11 Interluding
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'll be keeping it as SFW. Some backstories have been slightly altered for this particular story, and some characters cannonically dead or harmed is alive and well. I own nothing.
Credit to @flanelltees​ for the designs I based the demons off to look more demon-like with tails and pointed ears.
This story will be sfw, but there will be some blood, implied death, fighting, some gore mentioned, and a few other things that will be made aware by warnings. Pay attention to warnings at the top of any chapters just under the summery please.)
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Once in the mountain villages it was a custom that once a year on the night of the new year's first moon, an unlucky young lady would be selected and left for the demons to become one of the unlucky few who married such a husband. In exchange for this offering the demons would protect the villages and leave the humans in peace. Until one day a powerful warrior drove the demons away freeing the humans of them. Now 2,000 years later, it's become a tradition that once a year, a new young lady would be picked and wait for her future husband to retrieve her from a shrine in the mountains. And now the lucky tradition would fall upon Y/n L/n. It would be her own turn to take on the tradition and not have to worry about demons. After all that part of the old tradition was just fake, made up by paranoid ancestors. Everyone knew demons didn't exist.
(WARNINGS!!!:  Mentioning of death in this chapter.  )  
First Part Here:
Last Part Here:
Next Part Here:
to be added
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(UPDATE And WARNINGS: For this fic demons can walk in sunlight, although some are nocturnal, and some are actually very sensitive to sunlight, tho not enough to where it'll k.o. them....Except for one demon. Let's see if anyone can guess who that particular demon is. Mentioning of death in this chapter.)
The lonely home sitting in the middle of poverty was woefully empty. Painfully even as the years had passed down. It hadn't been lived in since the fateful day it was built by painful hands by the first builder whom passed away shortly after. Leaving it woefully empty and looming in the town until the fateful hands of one man.
One man whom shall meet a dire and grim fate.
The man was one many would rather not bother. Angry. Kept to himself. And very much not one to be bothered. Many in the village said he was cursed. Others say he was just born with anger. Others just simply thought he'd rather be left alone. Until one day the man met a young woman from the village and fell deeply in love with her. A piece of him he needed and married when she accepted. The man's life turned to one of anger to happiness...
To eventual sorrow.
The man's wife fell ill one day expecting their first born child. No money in this poverty would be enough to get them through this. So the angry man turned from one of anger to one of desperation. And a desperate man was a dangerous man. And a dangerous man would do dangerous things for the ones he loved. The man robbed for his family. Killed for his family. For a medicine they would not need.
In the end the man was put to death for his crimes. Leaving his wife and child behind.
The man's child would grow to follow in his father's sorrowful footsteps. Living in that empty home with the sorrowful mother, until he found his own piece of his missing heart with his own wife, and soon after they too expected their own child. But not everything was as bright as they would like it to be. When his wife fell ill not soon after their child was born. A powerful illness that no cheap medicine would fix. But the son was smarter than his own father. Bargaining with a richer family for money for medicine with the promise to pay them back one day.
Unfortunately misfortune would still follow. Even with the stronger medicines paid for, the wife would give in to her illness, leaving the world behind. Her husband followed her into the afterlife soon after gaining the sickness his wife gained. Leaving the world behind along with their child with the sorrowful mother. Nothing left but pain and misfortune in that lonely house in poverty, raising her grandchild to the best of her old ways. A looming debt demanding to be paid back one way or another less fate drag them down the same unfortunate hole the rest of the family followed.
In turn warnings were giving from on generation to one other. To not seek the same things the previous generations had done.
"Remember, Y/n. You mustn't ever allow yourself to worry about anyone else until you're stable in life. Do not marry. Do not worry about anyone else including myself. Do not worry about anyone else until you are in a place stable enough to do so. Do I make myself clear?"
" But Grandmother, I already take care of you."
"That's because I am old and brittle, but I don't want you to. I'm not in death's grasp yet. You must work hard to pay back what you must fix before you let yourself worry about anyone else. And you must pay it back in a honest and fair way. Do not attempt to cheat your way out, and don't do anything dishonorable to fix it either! It will only bring misfortune and back luck to you as it did your parents."
"And Grandfather?"
"Grandmother...I do not even know our family name. How will I know how to not say it if I don't even know what our family name is?"
"Hmph. It's better that you never know it and have it die with me. ....But just so you know to avoid it in the future, I will tell you it once. Just once. Only this one time. Just so you can avoid it in the future in case someone comes looking for you. But only if you promise to never use that disgraceful name!"
"I promise, Grandmother."
"Alright then. Are family's name is...Or should I say was-"
"Wake up! Miss Y/n, wake up!'' You were jostled awake by a pair of hands shaking you awake and was met with the slightly annoyed face of Eri who frowned at you.
"W-What-" You blinked a bit dazed up at the she-demon who rolled her eyes. "W-What happened? *yawn*"
"I'm finished looking over my lords, so I was sent by Lord Kyogai to assist you again but when I arrived you were fast asleep." A third hand pointed to the bucket of water your leg still sat in. "The water's gone warm, so I'll have to fetch more cold water. Please lift your leg so I can get rid of this."
"Huh?..O-Oh. S-Sorry. I must've fallen asleep waiting for someone to come back.*yyyawwwnn* H-How is everyone?"
"Lord Kaigaku is completely fine. Not a single bruise. And Lord Kyogai will be completely healed by the end of today, so you should not worry about either of them, Mistress." You didn't respond at first just tiredly staring at nothing in particular, making her raise a brow at you. "Miss Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh. Sorry again. Y-Yes. I'm alright. Just had a strange dream."
"What was it about?"
"Just-....an old memory of my grandmother when I was younger."...You shook your head before looking back to her. "But it was just a dream. I'll be fine. Where's Kyogai?"
Taking it as you were too tired right now, Eri went ahead and used two of her hands to carefully lift your numb leg, wincing a bit at the faint pain throbbing from under it. "Oh. Well it sounds like a nice dream then. Sometimes I dream of the times I've spent with my fiancé. Lord Kyogai is overseeing Lord Kaigaku's stay with us at the moment. It'd be best to not bother him at this time however. He seems very irritated at the sudden arrival of Lower Moon Two."
"Oh. I take it that they don't get along well?"
"On the contrary! Lords Kaigaku and Kyogai get along better than most of the other Lords do with each other. Mostly because Lord Kaigaku's often in this area. It's because of that, Lord Kyogai was generous enough to allow him shelter here as well. He is the second most often lord we see around here."
" Oh...So they're not related to each other?"
Eri blinked, bucket in her hands. "I- ..No. Not that I know of. Why do you assume that?"
"Well they have similar features. Like their hair and eyes. And they both have those strange stripe markings on their faces."
She shook her head. "They may share some similarities, but I assure you they're indeed not family. Otherwise Lord Kyogai would've treated him with more kindness." She then turned to the door. "It's getting late in the day. So I'll bring you some dinner before you sleep. You'll be needing the nourishment for your recovery."
"Thanks, Eri." Oh. So that's why you must've been so tired and fell asleep just now. "I mean it. You're very kind to me."
She smiled. "Well you've been a good patient. Can't say I can complain. I'll be back soon. Please wait here one moment."
There was a warmth as steam rose from the pool of lukewarm water. The rich scent of bath salts and flowers floated around his body calming the nerves and relaxing the muscles, although it did not detour his bitterness at the situation he found himself in.
"Stupid humans."
The tiles of the bath room were cooler than the water, almost cold as he sat upon them out and away from the fifthteen foot pool of water. It was a contrast to the wooden walls around the room, painted trees and other nature scenery. heh. Kyogai always was weak for the arts including paintings he guessed. He wouldn't complain about how he wanted to decorate his home, but he did think it was highly unneeded, especially just for a bath. For now he'd allow himself to relax (somewhat-) and rethink over the situation at hand.
He had found the human. That's Good. The human was hurt. That's Bad. The human wouldn't be able to escape him again. That's good. The human was still in here where she didn't belong. That was bad. But he could still right the wrong. That's good.
But now the only question was how he was going to do that. He would already be in trouble regardless. He knew that Kyogai was a perfectionist which was both his strength and downfall. No doubt he would've probably already told one of the higher ups about his mess up, and depending on who it was, his punishment would vary. He wasn't afraid of course because even if Kyogai told one of the Upper Moons, only two out of the six of them would actually give him a harsh punishment and everyone knew it.
Gyutaro and Daki could careless, same with Upper Moons Five, Four, and Two. No. It was Upper Moons Three and One that he was worried about. If it was Akaza, then he could expect a long lecture and forced manual labor until he couldn't feel his fingers anymore, and Akaza would stand right there behind him making sure he did it, and if he didn't, then Akaza would kick his legs from under him and make him do it all over again. He hated Akaza for that. If it was Kokushibo-...A shiver went down his spine. His sensai wouldn't allow him to rest until he thought he worked hard enough and would put him under the most intense training of his life. Kokushibo wasn't known for his kindness if he messed up during forced training. Last time it happened, he could barely feel any of his limbs and slept almost a week straight. And if it was the Master-
Kaigaku stopped. Looking long distantly horrified off at nothing before shivering harder and shaking his head.
He'd rather not think about that right now. He doubted the Master would know, otherwise he would've been punished immediately. The Master doesn't take these things lightly at all. But he could lighten whatever punishment he would get if he fixed it. He'd been thinking on how exactly he'd go about doing that as well. In his mind he had one of two options. The first one was to simply just dump her where she came from. Right outside the Eastern tree line. She can go right back to wherever she came from and he'd be done with her. It'd be the simplest solution really considering she couldn't fight back, but that had a problem with that first plan. Like it or not, she really was unable to walk according to the earful he got from Kyogai's healer scolding him (lightly) for picking up the human when she was obviously hurt and still healing from her dreadful encounter. So if she was kicked back out, she couldn't walk and would most likely get hurt worse or possibly die. He'd be in bigger trouble if he caused a death and news got out, especially to other humans. It'd drive away fresh blood from their lands if humans were afraid they'd be killed. Then how would they get their supply if the humans were too scared to even come near the Master's lands? Even with Douma's wide spread charm bringing them in, it'd be incredibly difficult if they were driven away by fear. So this incident shouldn't get out of hand anymore than it already was. So now he had two options. Either he waited for whoever this 'doctor' Kyogai summoned to heal her and she actually healed to kick her out AND have the possibility of her detouring others from coming by telling them her story...Or...
Or there was the obvious choice.
Douma could easily take her off his hands. Yes. It was a mighty fine solution if he did say so himself. Douma adored surrounding himself in humans. He saw them the same way a human saw a puppy, as pets to entertain himself with. He would be happy to take the human on his hands and add her to his cult. It wasn't the worst option for the human. There was food, water, shelter, and plenty of chores to do to keep her entertained. And Douma would charm her eventually sooner or later. He did that with every human who took refuge in one of the many settlements he runs. He was ....scarily good at running them and taking care of humans. He hated to admit it, but Upper Moon Two was good at what he did. It was why his jobs were so important and why the Master gave him that comfy position despite the fact that he also hated Douma's presence. It wasn't exactly a well known secret at this point that the Master thought of Douma. And he himself disliked Douma as much as the next person, but-...
The human couldn't be let free. Too much was at stake for him. He already realized that by now. The safest bet for everyone would be to deliver her to Douma as soon as she was ready to travel despite what Kyogai thought. He never was a very patient person however, so it would be a challenge. But in the meantime he would worry about doing his job to avoid anymore trouble. At the moment he was busying himself cleaning off his sword. It would need to be cleaned of all that blood and grime from the last two days and then carefully polished to keep it in pristine condition. The cloth he used was gently but firmly glided along the blade showing his reflection as he frowned at it.
"Disgusting pigs."
He paused. But not because of the sounds of the drums that echoed through the halls, but because of the sudden looming presence behind him, and the reflection of the other demon in his sword's blade. He gave one look to the red and blue eyes narrowed back in the reflection before continuing to clean the long blade without a care in the world.
"Took you long enough. I was starting to wonder when we were going to talk."
"I had some work that needed to be finished. You're sorry ass could wait." Kyogai scoffed behind him and crossed his arms. "And you have the audacity to walk in here without a notice again. I think I was being more than generous for not kicking you out once I caught wind of you! You should be out doing your job instead of stalking a helpless woman! In fact, you shouldn't have let her come in here to begin with! If you had just scared her out none of this would have happened in the first place!"
"You don't think I know that by now!", Kaigaku spat shooting him back an equally dirty look. "I've already heard that twice from you! And I plan on fixing it once she's able to travel! And what are you talking to me about audacity!? I could've been in nude and you barged on in on me!"
"It's MY house. I can go where I please! For your information, you don't need to be bothered with her anymore. I'm going to be taking her off your hands and making sure nothing else goes wrong. So as soon as you recover, get out of my house and do your dam job!!"
"She's mine anyways you know!! She gave me her dow-"
"IT WASN'T A DOWRY!!," he taller demon yelled at him, leaning over to point a hand at his face, "Didn't you hear her explain that!? She came in here by accident and she thought you wanted to be repaid! That's NOT a dowry because she wasn't even sent here as a sacrifice! So stop trying to claim something that's not!"
He scoffed. "And I suppose you know the laws around that?"
"I'm. The. Record Keeper!! I write all the laws as well as all the records and important files the Master sends me! Do you really think I don't know the laws that I wrote down myself!?" Kaigaku shut up and Kyogai hummed with a nod. "That's what I thought, and this is also why I'm taking over care for her."
"Considering that under your 'care', she was both chased down and harmed? YES! And you can't deny she's safer here than if she was traveling with you."
"And what's your plan on taking care of her I wonder?"
"I'm going to stay here until she recovers, and until mating season is over. I'll escort her personally to the edge of the forest. She should be safe after that."
"That sounds like a stupid plan! What if she tells others of what happened!?"
"Where she comes from humans don't even believe we actually exist." That caught Kaigaku by surprise because he blinked. "It would seem humans on the eastern side of the mountain haven't heard from us in so long that they stopped believing in our existence all together. ...Hmm. I should inform my findings to the Master. It would be good to inform him of this."
"Oh yes. And how are you supposed to explain to him how you know that when no one's allowed on that side of the mountain!? You couldn't tell him without getting in trouble for revealing you were harboring a human from that sound of the mountain in your home."
At this Kyogai stared directly at him. "The Master has already been informed of her."
He was expecting that of Kaigaku. Because instantly the younger demon's face dropped to a blank stare as he just stared at Kyogai who now smiled lightly. The silence was so thick he could cut it with a knife until he spoke again.
"...You didn't dare-"
"I did."
"Two days ago. I needed the Master's permission for Enmu to come here-''
"ENMU!?" AAAAAnndd that horrified look was back. "THE PERVERT WHO STREAKED NUDE ON THE TRAIN ONCE!?"
Kyogai cringed instantly but nodded. "Yes. I do not like it anymore than you or anyone else involved, but he is the only one I know who actually knows human medical treatments. He's agreed to come here and look her over. The Master's already given his permission."
That horrified look never left Kaigaku as he continued to stare at him. Totally. Petrified. Horrified. Chilled to the bone.
"He'll be arriving five days from today. Until then I'm having Eri look after her and keeping Miss Y/n safe in here."
"That's her name. Maybe you should use it. It'd be rude to call her 'Human' while she stays with us."
.....His eyes glazed over in terror for a moment. "...I'm so dead."
"Not really. I never told them it was your fault she was here. Only that a lost human ended up hurt on my doorsteps. So you shouldn't be in any harm's way....But consider this going forward, Kaigaku." Kaigaku's flinched and his eyes widened as Kyogai leaned over until their faces were inches apart. A hardened snarl on his features. "If you do anything to jeapordize the safety of anyone here including Y/n because of your stubborn pride, then I will not hesitate to tell the Master exactly why she was harmed in the first place. So I suggest you think about what you do next very carefully. Do I make myself clear to you?"
Kaigaku. Gulped.
"Good boy." 
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ok this isn’t a request or anything, I just had to tell someone: since the hantengu clones are technically the same body, I Headcannon they feel the same thing. Hence: tickle one clone, they all feel it. Sadly no other uppermoon has figured that out yet; they are good at hiding it. Although, if you do go for one of them, pick urogi; his wings are his worst spot and are the easiest to go for LOL. For all the clones it’s not AS bad…but it’s still pretty bad but shhh you didn’t hear from me 🤫
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Good morning! Sorry for the late reply; I was in bed when I got this :3
Spoilers for Demon Slayer Season 3 and whatnot below the cut!
They all absolutely feel it, and I like to think every emote-clone has a variation of what they feel/don't feel depending on the spot. To use your example; Urogi has stupidly ticklish wings that will leave him squawking and shrieking if tickled. Aizetsu isn't all that ticklish on his back, so it'd be nothing more then a slight tinge for him; but Karaku on the other hand will be sinking further in whatever seat he's in, trying to block out the invisible hands scribbling up his back and fighting down giggles!
Because we're talking about it: Here's where I think all the clones are most ticklish:
Urogi: Wings
Aizetsu: Belly
Karaku: Armpits
Sekido: Neck
Hantengu/Urami (I know they're technically different but whatever akrkjeakjraejk): Feet
Zohakuten: All of the above (He IS the emote-clones all mashed together)
Like you said: no upper moon has found it out yet; most of the time Hantengu is the main body and runs at even the slightest hint a tickle war's about to break; plus even WHEN he's getting got- none of his clones are out to reveal such a fun fact. They are safe.
Gyokko knows though.
He knows all.
Thank you for sharing such a great headcanon! Ahhh I love it!!! Hantengu and his clones are such a cool demon, and I'm glad to finally embrace who they are in writing! :D
Have an amazing day!
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
˜”*°•.˜”*°• Plaything •°*”˜.•°*”˜
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Synopsis: You've been caught in his trap. And now you're his little plaything. The Upper Moon 4, Hantengu, more so you belong to the 4 clones.
Warnings : smut, gangbang with Hantengu clones, oral(male and female receiving), anal, Double Penetration , degradation, biting, marking, Electroplay, Spit as lube Rough sex , cervix fucking, Monsterfucking , wing play, praise, Blood Kink, creampie, finger sucking, squirting (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word count : 4.6k
Pairing : Hantengu (all four clones) x fem!slayer!reader
A/N: I have no words for this. It's basically straight porn and I know tumblr is gonna slap a label on it. So, check it out on my AO3(same name). I'll link it in my bio/pinned post.
Special thanks to @bleuboyfriend for beta reading it for me! You're amazing Luke!!
Tags: @bakugosbratx (cause I'd get yelled at if I didn't) @herohibiscus (karaku brainrot partner in crime) @linpunny (monsterfucker bestie) @fushisslut (have your lawyer call mine) @sirenspider @unknownspecies @sailewhoremoon @potofstewie @medusashima @sweetblueworm @gh0stfac3-w1f3y @zoroarkstar @potatoboiasta @rav3enmuse @gingerspicelattemix @redsharksimp @shadowvessel172 @hiitogata @iamthepaninpanic @yandere-wishes @tommyinnit-kinnie @maddyybtw @rani-02 @hulahoopingpro @justsomereaderwholikesanime @dedukiddu @shockinglysubmissive @cherryblossomsenpai @cherry1hearts @violxtbxbyy @jeschalynn @jazzthatonewriterchick @comatosebunny09 @ilovetwodmen @cockadodalcuck @nightimewalk-chan @enchantedforest-network
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You're not sure how it even happened. You were summoned to slay a demon that had been spotted in a village; only to find a cowardly little imp like Demon that was scared of its own shadow. Cutting its head off wasn't too difficult, but the result was devastating for you. The demon split into four clones of itself. Each one with a different demon blood art. 
They cornered you and the green one, Karaku found you to be so very interesting. His clawed hand reached out and caressed your cheek before tipping your chin back. His tongue – marked with the Kanji "pleasure" – slipped past his lips and touched your lips, tasting them. A deep purr like growl rumbled in his chest as he speaks to his counterparts.
"It's been so long since we've been separated and had a little plaything. We deserve to have some fun, right, Sekido?"
His green Kanji branded eyes flickering down to your torn top – the swell of your breasts inviting him as his mouth watered when he could hear your heart pounding beneath your ribcage. Your eyes dart from him to his three other counterparts. His fingers tilt your gaze back to his as he tilts his head down towards yours. “Ne, Sekido, can we have some fun with this pretty little slayer? Please?”
Sekido grits his fangs, his red Kanji branded eyes narrowing as he taps his staff on the ground, bolts of lightning sparking from underneath. His gaze cuts to your eyes and he can smell the fear that emits from you – saturating the air around them in its scent. He growls out, voice guttural and deep. “Only if Aizetsu and Urogi agree.”
Karaku grabs you in his claws and sits you down in his lap, easily pinning you against his chest  as he spreads your legs. One hand cupped your breasts, pinching your nipples as the other dug its palm into your core, eliciting a moan from you. The sound was like heaven to his ears. Karaku’s tongue touches the shell of your ear before his fangs nip at it playfully. “Aizestu, Urogi, c’mon say yes. I wanna play with our new toy.”
“Get your hands off of m–” Your words die off in a moan when he rubbed two sharp clawed fingers over the damp spot forming over your panties.
“Hmmm, little plaything. You were saying?” He ground his fingers harder against the clothed little pearl of nerves, making you squeal out. “Just look at my counterparts. Hard just from watching us. You all should join. If not, I’m still going to have fun.”
Urogi’s control finally snapped as a feral grin spreads over his lips when your musky scent permeates his senses. His own tongue – marked with the Kanji “Joy" – flicks out of his mouth as he drops to his knees in front of you. “Fuck, she’s sexy. And we get to have fun with her. Don’t mind if I do.” When Karaku ripped your panties off and tossed them to the side, Urogi wasted no time diving his face between your thighs, his tongue curling through your sticky folds.
You arched your back, pressing your ass back against the other demon’s crotch, involuntarily grinding against his hard cock as the one with golden eyes feasts upon your center. It was ironic that the one with “pleasure” on his tongue was not the one between your thighs. You whimpered when Urogi’s tongue curled through your cunt, slurping messily as he sucked on your clit.
Aizetsu whimpered softly as his cock twitched against his thigh, rising to attention. He watched as his two more confident counterparts have their fun with the pretty slayer. “Karaku.” He said finally, his voice soft almost timid. “I think you should be the one eating her while Urogi fucks her throat.” His face flushed as he palmed himself through his pants. “And Sekido should use his blood demon art to shock her into submission as she takes his cock first.” 
Karaku grinned. “That’s a great idea, Aizetsu!” He laid down on the ground, relaxing against the cool floor as his hair fanned out underneath him. “But I think I’d rather her ride my face while Urogi fucks hers.” Easily holding down your hips, he grabbed you and pulled you away from Urogi’s tongue, a string of slick mixed saliva connecting you to the avian-like demon.
Urogi pouted at having his fun ruined, but grinned at Aizetsu’s words. The little shy bastard has some good ideas in that sorrowful mind. He cackled as he fumbled with the tie that held his pants together as Karaku settled you over his awaiting mouth. His talons caressed your face, thumb wiping at the tear that threatened to fall. “You’re going to be a good little cocksleeve for us, right?”
Sekido growled at the softer, more timid counterpart as he tapped his staff against the ground once more. “What utter foolishness. Like I want to stick my cock in that little whore’s body.” But his hard cock betrayed his angry words as he listened to your saccharine moans while his counterparts had their way with you. His narrowed red eyes watched as your throat bulged as Urogi slid his cock in deep, the yellow-eyed demon giggling as you tapped his thigh.
Growling once more, he dropped to his knees, pulling his dick out of his pants and fisted it roughly. His fangs grit as his claws of his other hand found your hair and yanked your head back to force you to meet his eyes. “You should feel lucky that I’m willing to fuck a needy bitch like you.” His palm smacked against the meat of your ass, making your hips buck against Karaku’s eager tongue and forcing more of Urogi’s cock down your throat.
You let out a whimper around the thick girth on your tongue as you feel Karaku dig his claws in your hips, pulling you even further down onto his mouth. He slurped so noisily at your pussy as his tongue dug orgasm after orgasm out of you. You lost count. Your moans were muffled by Urogi as he thrust into your mouth without abandon. Another pathetic sounding moan vibrated in your chest when you feel Sekido’s claws dig into the fat of your ass and spread your cheeks.
Shame filled your body as your eyes darted around, searching for someone to help you, but they only found Aizetsu, who was calmly stroking his cock, pre leaking – oozing from the tip as his face flushed with a blush. 
Aizetsu covered his face with his hand as he watched his counterparts. His voice was soft as he directed them on what to do. “Urogi, wrap your hand around her throat, choke her until she’s able to take all of your cock down her slutty little mouth. She doesn't get th breath if she doesn't. Kakaru suck on her clit more while using your tongue to fuck her hole. Sekido...” He pauses, his eyes darkening with desire as he works his hand over his cock faster. “Prep her ass for your cock.”
Your eyes widened when Aizetsu told the red-eyed demon what to do. You try to shake your head, but Urogi had wrapped his talon around your neck, his hips snapping faster as he fucks more of his cock down your throat.
“Now, pretty little plaything. It's not nice to be distracted. Eyes on me.” He grins as he tightens his hand around your neck, relishing in the choke-like moans that vibrated around his length. When you shift those big teary eyes back to his, his tongue fell from his mouth as he curled it in the air. “That’s the fucking look! Cry more, slayer!”
You could feel Sekido’s sharp claws dig into your flesh as he lowered his face between your thighs, his tongue slipping out to trace the ring of your puckered little hole. You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped. Sekido’s tongue was hot – hotter than Karaku’s. It felt like currents of electricity were shooking up and down your spine. 
Karaku flicks your clit, scraping it with his fangs as his fingers slip over your clenching hole. He lifts you off his face for a moment to stare up at your face. “Aww, is the pretty little slayer crying?” He cooed condescendingly, “Such a good girl you are.” His praise sounded fake as he pushed his fingers past the first ring of muscles of your dripping pussy. “Oh? Maybe I should call you a slut? Or our little cocksleeve whose only purpose is to be fucked by four demon cocks?”
Moaning around Urogi’s cock at Karaku’s filthy words, words that sounded like they were dipped in honey to your hazy mind. His fingers thrust up into you twisting and turning until they found that spot that made your body twitch and wreath above him. “That's the spot. Come on, let go for me. Cum on my tongue. I take pleasure in it.” Karaku mocked as he licks your cunt with the flat of his tattooed tongue.
“Shit, Karaku. Her throat tightened up when you did that.” Urogi’s cock twitches on your tongue as his talons tangle in your hair, pulling you even further down on his girth. “Fuck, gonna cum down this nasty throat. That what you want? My cum painting that greedy mouth of yours?” His smile was beyond feral as the talon around your neck tightens to the point where you couldn’t breathe.
Sekido growled as you ignored him in favor of his counterparts. His tongue circled the flesh of your asshole before pushing past that tight ring and wiggling inside. “Don’t fucking forget about me, nasty bitch.” He used his blood demon art to send streaks of lightning through your body, making you convulse and shake – the feeling making your body release your juices on Karaku’s tongue.
“Did I fucking say you could cum, dirty slut?” Sekido removed his tongue, fangs biting deeply into the roundness of your cheeks, nails digging into your flesh. He relishes in the fact that you had to pull away from Urogi to scream out from the painful pleasure of his abuse of your ass. Your blood trickled down his throat and he moaned a little at the taste of it. It was sweet – a potent elixir that coats his tongue. “Fucking delicious.” 
Aizetsu whimpered as he stroked his cock, his hand still covering his blushing face. His balls felt heavy as his length twitched against his palm, precum dribbling down the leaky tip. He was trying his best to remain calm, telling them how to please you. Aizetsu was shy, but even he had a limit on how much he could take – and he was approaching it. “Karaku, fuck her pussy hard, but don’t cum inside. Sekido, stop teasing her and give her your cock too. Spread her ass and spit in it. Urogi, have her suck your balls.”
Urogi eagerly did as Aizetsu told him, fisting his cock as he tilted your chin to stare deeply into your teary eyes. “Fuck, I love that you're being such a fucking crybaby and we haven’t even fucked you yet.” His thumb slipped into your mouth, talon scraping over your tongue. “You heard Aizetsu. Open up.” Urogi grinned as he placed his balls on your tongue and tossed his head back and lets out a mewl when your lips closed over them to suckle. “Such a good fucking whore you are.”
Karaku licked his lips clean of your sweet essence as he slid you down his chest, a trail of your slick coating his skin until his throbbing cock nudged at your hole. He shuddered at the feeling of your warm pussy gliding over his length. “Gonna fuck you so good. You gonna be a good little toy and take my cock all the way, yeah?” He lined the sticky tip up with your dripping hole and pushed inside with a low moan.
Sekido spread your ass cheeks, his eyes narrowing at the sight of your twitching little hole. Gathering a fat glob of saliva on his tongue, he lets it slide down past his lips to drip down into the crack. He used his thumb to smear it around and slowly pushed it inside to lubricate it more. Sekido lined his cock up with your tight hole and slowly pushes past the ring of muscle. “Tight ass bitch. Let me inside.” He growled as he gripped your hips tightly, claws threatening to rip your skin again.
You stiffened at the pain of being stretched so full by two cocks, the burn almost unbearable. Your moans were muffled by Urogi’s balls still suckled between your lips as he stroked his cock above your face. You whimpered as you felt them taking alternating thrusts inside you, touching the deepest part of you. Tears burned at the corners of your eyes as you could feel your body reacting to them, clenching down on them.
Karaku grinned as he felt your walls flutter and hug his dick tightly, sucking him in deeper. His finger squeezed in between your bodies to toy with the sensitive pearl of flesh. He watched as your back arched against him, shoving more of your ass back onto Sekido’s cock Laughing when he felt your nails dig into his chest like that would make him stop. “You’re so cute, slayer, but Aizetsu said to fuck you hard...” Karaku planted his feet on the ground more firmly, his claws digging into your thighs as he grabbed you tightly. “So, that’s what I’m gonna do.”
Sekido grunted as he snapped his hips roughly, bullying his fat cock deeper into your tight ass. A growl left him as your warm heat wrapped around him, hugging him so tightly. “F-fuck...” He whined softly, his face scrunching up from the pleasure. “Squeezing my dick like this. You must want me to fucking cum in your ass. You’re such a filthy little cumslut.” He grabs your hips so tightly, nails digging into your flesh and causing fresh blood to drip down onto Karaku’s waist.
Urogi’s tongue slipped out of his mouth and curled into the air as he laughed loudly, his cock throbbing at the sight of your tears. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum if you keep looking up at me with that face. Those fucking tears make me so hard. You want that? For me to cum on your face like the needy whore you are?” His voice shudders as his hand speeds up. “Or you’d rather I cum down the fucking throat, plugging up your nose so that you have no choice but to swallow?”
Before you could even answer, Aizetsu made the decision for you. “Make her swallow it, Urogi.”
“You heard him! Open up!” The yellow-eyed clone giggled as he pushed his cock back between your lips, dragging the throbbing hot flesh across your tongue. The tip hit the back of your throat and Urogi howls with pleasure as he grabbed the sides of your head to hold you steady as he fucked into your mouth.
Aizetsu’s face was flushed even as his blue eyes darkened – his control was wearing thin as his cock throbbed with the need for release. His hand wasn’t enough. He wanted to be inside your snug little pussy. He wanted to be the one to fill you so full of cum that it caused a bulge in her belly. Aizetsu bit his lip, fangs piercing the plump flesh and blood dribbled down his chin – which he quickly licked away. Soon. He’d let his counterparts finish first. 
Karaku’s hips meet yours as his cock bullied your insides, his tongue out to show the kanji etched on it as his eyes zero in on the way Urogi’s dick bulged in your pretty throat. “Fuck you’re taking all three of us so well.” His fingers tighten around your thighs – they were sure to leave bruises behind, marking you as his. Karaku grit his fangs as his balls slap against your cunt, cock tingling with the tale-tell signs of his release.
He had half an inkling to ignore Aiztesu’s command and cream this drippy little pussy of yours with his cum, paint your deepest parts in his color. But he was kinder than that. Aizetsu has been telling them just how to pleasure you, all while edging himself. “Go ahead.” He leaned up and nipped at your collarbone, sucking at the skin to leave more of his marks behind. “Cum on my cock. Soak it. Y’know you want to.”
Sekido threw his head back, hair fanning out as sweat dripped down the side of his face. Your tight little ass was giving him so much pleasure. His balls tightened as his dick throbbed and swelled inside. “Fucking bitch. Gonna cum in this filthy ass of yours. You’re just a fucking cumdump for me, got it?”
“Fuck, I’m about to cum.” Urogi grins as his talons pinched into the skin of your cheeks as he thrust in and out of your drooling mouth. “Take it! And don’t waste a drop!” With a few more deep thrusts, his hot milky seed filled your throat at such rapid speed that you had no choice but to swallow or choke.
Karaku moans loudly as his hands leave your thighs to squeeze your breasts as he felt you tighten and clench down on his cock as he found that sweet spot, pressing on his repeatedly until he felt you shaking and trembling. “Give it to me, pretty little plaything. Soak me in your juices. Let me see you make a mess like the good little slut we’re training you to be.”
You tossed your head back as you let out a loud cry. “Oh fuck!” You screamed as you came hard on Karaku’s dick, rings of cream frothing around the base as he continues to fuck you through your high. “I...I can’t. Please stop.”
Sekido grunted as he slid his cock out and pushed it in deep – stretching the tight muscles into his shape. “Shit.” He grit his fangs tightly as his claws cut into your skin once more. “Tch.” The red-eyed clone scoffs at the feeling of your blood coating his fingers. Taking his hand, he grabbed your cheek and forced your lips to part. “Suck your filthy blood off my fingers, bitch.”
The metallic taste that covered his fingertips coats your tongue as Sekido fucks into your tight hole with fast deep thrusts as Karaku’s mouth sucked on your nipples, his fang scrapping over the swell of them as his own thrust began to grow more and more sporadic.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Karaku moaned as he slammed into you once, twice, three more times before he pulled out and fists his slick covered cock. “Shit...” Cum paints your lower stomach and thighs as he finished and breathes heavily as your slick pussy lips grind over his half mast dick because of Sekido’s brutal thrusting.
Sekido grabbed one of your arms and pinned it to the small of your back, forcing you into a deeper arch for him as he fucked your ass with fast, hard snaps of his hips. His cock tingled and swelled inside you as he felt his end nearing. “Slutty ass bitch. You gonna cum from me fucking and filling your ass with my seed? I bet you are.” His teeth grit from the feeling of your tongue swirling around his fingers as you clean the blood off of them. “Fucking...I’m cumming. Cumming...!” He snarled as he came hard, spraying your insides with his hot cum.
You moaned like a cat in heat from the feeling of Sekido filling your tight, puckered hole – it creamed around his cock because it was so much. You collapsed on top of Karaku, chest heaving. “No...” you swallowed. “No, more.”
Karaku runs his claws soothingly over your back, his grin never leaving his face as he heard Aizetsu slowly making his way over to where you were. “But you only took three of us. There are four of us.” He reminded you as the shy blue-eyed clone pulled you up and into his arms.
Aizetsu cupped your cheek as he lifted you up against him and wrapped your legs around his waist. His lips found yours as his tongue seeks out yours. He swallowed your muffled cries and ignored your fists as they pound against his chest. He lined his weeping cock up with your hole, lifting your hips easily.
“Wait a second, Aizetsu. I ain't get a turn to fuck her.” Urogi said as he flew over to the two of you. “Lemme have her ass.”
Hands spread your ass cheeks, cum still dripping out of the tight hole of your ass. “This ass?” Aizetsu whispered as he slid inside your pussy with one fluid movement, your arms automatically wrapped around his neck as you moaned so beautifully for him. “G-go a-fuck-ahead.”
You let out a shocked gasp when the yellow-eyed avian-like demon let out a cackle as his talons wrapped around your shoulders as he lined his cock up with your still twitching hole as Aizetsu slowly thrust up into you. “No, please. I can’t take it anymore.”
Aizetsu turns your face back to his, his tongue – the Kanji “sorrow” etched into the pink muscle – sliding out to lick at the tears that gathered in your eyes. “You can, pretty slayer. Aren’t we making you feel so good? Tell me I’m making you feel good, please?”
Urogi ignored your pleas and pushed the fat tip of his cock past the tight ring of muscles, his knees buckling a bit. “Fuck, you’re so god damn tight. Such a horny thing.” He licked a line up your back, tasting the sweat that covered it. “You love having two cocks in your tight ass and cunt, right?”
Karaku felt left out and walked over to where his counterparts were and grabbed your hand. “C’mon pretty slayer, touch me too.” Wrapping your fingers around his cock, he used the movements from the other two thrusting up onto you to fuck your fist. 
You wrapped your other arm around Urogi’s neck, nails digging into his back as he and Aizetsu pound into you. You could tell the difference between the two by the pace. Aizetsu was slow, methodical and careful – building up an orgasm out of you. While Urogi fucked into you at an animalistic pace, his balls smacking against the curve of your ass. Your mouth dropped open into a series of drawn out curses, nails digging into Urogi’s back as the other squeezed Karaku’s cock.
“Oi, human!” Sekido growled out, not liking that he was the one left out now. “You got one more hole, let me–” He started to take a step towards them, his cock bobbing as he moved when all three of his counterparts glared at him.
“We wanna hear her.” They growled. The sounds of your moans were like the sweetest of sounds to their ears and they wanted to hear it more and more.
Aizetsu angled his hips so that his thrusts were deep, the thick tip fucking against your cervix with each precise thrust. His mouth drops open in a whimper as his eyes teared up from the feeling of your pussy quivering around him. “Please. Need for you to tell me that I’m making you feel good, slayer. I need to hear it.”
Each word of his last sentence was punctuated by a deep thrust and your head fell back against Urogi’s shoulder. “Fuck! You’re making me feel so fucking good.” You gave into the hypnotic spell Aizetsu was lulling you into with his gentle and tender touches.
Urogi laughed as he picked up speed, his balls starting to tighten with the threat of his release. “You’re damn right we are.” His feathers ruffled when your nails dig into the skin between them. “H-hey...” He mewled. “Not the wings.” The avian-like demon lets out a screen when your hand grabs the downy feathers near the base of his wings. A shudder goes down his spine as his dick swelled inside you as it began to paint your walls with his thick cum. “Fucking dammit...” 
Karaku watched as Urogi fell to his knees, his cock popping out of you as he did so. Aizetsu took that time to turn you around, hands wrapping under your thighs so that he could easily lift you up and down on his cock. “Don’t mind if I do.” He shoved the yellow-eyed clone out of the way as his lips attached to your clit.
The scream you let out was like music to them as Sekido begrudgingly walked over to use your hand to stroke his cock to completion. Your other hand wrapped around Aizetsu’s neck as you moaned those sweet sounding cries in his ear, encouraging him that he was still making you feel good. His lips nuzzled your ear as his voice rumbled, “Cum for me. Let me feel you soak my cock. That way I really know I’m making you feel good.”
“Yeah, our pretty plaything. Cum for Aizetsu and let me taste it. You can squirt, right?” His tongue swirled on your clit, teasing it with the tip as the blue-eyed clone thrust into you so deeply that your body jerked, hand tightening around Sekido’s cock.
“Fucking shit, bitch.” Sekido cursed, the tip drooling with pre as he felt his balls draw up, the telltale sign that he was about to cum. He fucked your fist faster, the slick sounds of it echoing in his ear. Sekido lets out another grunt before he spilt his seed, coating the top of your fist with it. “Making me cum like that...you’re such a whore...” he panted.
Aizetsu bounced you on his cock, determined to make you cum – to make you squirt so hard you passed out from the pleasure. His fangs grazed over the shell of your ear before he stuck his tongue in your ear as he felt you tighten up on his length. “Just let go and be our plaything.” He whispered.
Your back arched like a cat as you felt your thighs tremble, clit throbbing on Karaku's greedy tongue. Your chest heaved as your body convulsed, cumming hard, squirting – the hot clear liquid drenching Karaku’s face and dripping down Aizetsu’s thighs.
“Good fucking girl.” The green-eyed clone praised after he swallowed what he was able to catch on his tongue.
Aizetsu let out a whine as he trailed his tongue down the length of your neck before biting down gently on your pulse point. His thrust sped up until he was pounding into your soaked pussy. “Oh fuck. Oh shit...” He whimpered, tongue lapping at your pulse as he felt his cock twitching. He wasn’t to last much longer. “Gonna cum. Gonna cream this pussy. Say that’s what you want. Please tell me you want my cum.”
In your hazy fucked out mind, anything he said sounded heavenly. You mewled out weakly, “Want your cum. Give it to me.”
No sooner than those words left your throat, Aizetsu gave you a few more deep, cervix kissing thrusts before his hot cum spilled over inside your needy cunt. “Take it. Take it all.” He whined out as he fucked it deeper into you. “You’re our plaything now.”
Even you had to agree, You’ve become the plaything of the Upper Moon 4, Hantengu – no, the four clones, Sekido, Urogi, Karaku, and Aizetsu.
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©️2022-23 nymphoheretic - I do not give permission to copy, edit, alter, or distribute my work. Do not adverse on tiktok. Do not repost on any other platform.
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just-null · 13 days
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wrestling to be the first to greet you (they broke into your house)
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Unfortunate [Teaser] full fic has been posted
Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi x AFAB! Reader
Warning the full length fic will include the following: gang banging, dub-con / non-con, forced oral, forced orgasm, BDSM themes… which just means they aren’t easy on you whatsoever, humiliation, bukkake, outdoor sex, brain washing, etc etc etc
A/N: so I will say, this fic is going to be a darker one. I don’t think I’ve ever written like… full on non-con… honestly this fic will somehow lean towards dub-con anyways. Like let’s be honest, it’s gonna be a very morally gray fic. I mean we aren’t moral people let’s be real.
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You had fucked up, big time. “Such a stupid thing! You couldn’t figure out that we wanted you to do this?” The green eyed demon laughed again, watching as you looked between the three of them. Laughing just a bit harder as you realized only three of them stood before you. “I-but…” there was a fourth. You were certain of it… so where the hell did he go? “Karaku…you’re so loud…” the blue eyed demon whined, eyes locked on you as he referred to the green eyed demon. “Shut it, Aizetsu.”
The red eyed one spoke again, staff hovering just a bit off the ground as he scowled at you. “You’re probably wondering where the fourth one went, huh sugar?” The green eyed demon taunted you, completely torn, you couldn’t figure out where to look. If your eyes left the three of them they’d likely attack. If you didn’t try to figure out the location of the fourth, it was likely he’d kill you instead. “C’mon, little slayer… Show us what you got…” the blue eyed demon spoke, voice somber and eyes filled with sadness.
“Urogi, quit playing around.” The red eyed demon bellowed, another name, but your brain was going too fast to remember it. The flapping of wings pulled you from your daze, head whipping in the direction of the noise but it was too late. Two claws grabbed around your waist, the sudden thrust upward knocking your blade straight from your grasp. A scream of shock left you as you were torn straight off the ground, head flying upwards to see what had grabbed you. Somehow, it was the fourth demon.
He looked just as the other three did, the only differences being his eyes and his limbs. Golden eyes stared down at you, a familiar smirk on his lips. Instead of arms and legs, he had claws. His limbs resembled that of a bird or reptile, large wings expanding behind him. You jerked as he stopped, hovering in the air as he looked you over. It wasn’t until he raised his legs that you realized he was using them to grasp you opposed to his arms. “What a pathetic thing you are…” he laughed as he let you go.
You began to plummet to the ground, body and mind so disconnected from your reality that you couldn’t even muster a scream before he swooped down to grab you again. Now, you were facing him, eyes wide and chest heaving. “You humans are so easy to break… though I must say I’ve never seen the fighting spirit leave someone as quickly as it left you.” He admired your petrified face, slowly descending until he was in earshot of his other halves. “Yah know, Sekido? We shouldn’t kill her just yet…”
His eyes trailed over your body, a cruel grin covering his face as he spoke. “Why don’t we have some fun with her? It’s been years since I’ve gotten my fill of human…desire.” The implications had you feeling hot, panic ebbing up the back of your neck as you squirmed in his grasp. “Oh? There it is…” he dropped you a moment later. The fall wasn’t a big one but it still hurt when you hit the ground. The panic was mixing with dread as you realized what the situation was turning to. “Fun? Urogi why can’t we just eat her…” the blue eyed demon whined softly as he stared at you.
“Oi, Aizetsu don’t be such a prude…” the green eyed demon spoke, walking over to where you sat on the ground. He crouched before you, smiling in a way that made you want to run. “She’d certainly have a good time, don’t you think Sekido? You know we need your approval to do anything…” he turned to look at the red eyed demon, a soft thump behind you told you that the winged demon had landed. You met the red eyed demon’s gaze, swallowing thickly as you waited for him to decide your fate.
“There are rules…you know. We each get a turn, no hogging her.” You got the chills, listening intently to the demons conversing about having their way with you. “Listen here, sugar.” The green eyed demon grabbed your face, keeping your attention on him as he spoke. “We’re gonna have a hell of a time with you… satisfy us and maybe we’ll let you leave here with your life.” Behind you, the winged demon snickered, feet dragging on the ground as he too crouched behind you. “You’ll be able to satisfy the four of us with your body, right?”
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liiopikaa · 1 month
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twitter liked this one
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cinnamoth-art · 1 year
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Im a weak individual
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akazzzaa · 8 months
Were / are they a Virgin?
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Summery- Where they a virgin when they where humans? are they still ?
Genre- Smut. MDNI
Warnings- Talks of sex, masturbation.
Human Muzan
Was a virgin- He didn’t get married. He had a wealthy family but never found a wife. He was born with a frail body so even if he did have a wife-he couldn't. Or at least it would be very bad experience putting sex off for him. Although he never had a big “desire” to have sex- he still was curious about it and often masturbated as a human.
Demon Muzan
Not a virgin- Don't really need to explain- but he's had sex a lot. He likes it, but can live without it. He has other things to focus on so he doesn't seek sex a lot. Sex does come naturally to him though anyway. He's a 'young' good looking man after all. Who often manipulates women and people to get what he wants. If he has to play Husband and a Oiran, he will.
He has also had sex in his female form.
Human Kokushibo
Not a virgin-His first and last was with his wife. He had a duty as a man to produce heirs and that was it to him. He did like sex, but was very insecure. He was emotionally unavailable I suppose, and never expressed himself.
Demon kokushibo
Virgin. He remembers his past life and know how sex works, but he doesn’t see humans as equals- only as cattle. He’s not opposed to it though, he’s seen plenty of humans that are pleasing to the eye and would like to indulge in. But never acted on it.
Human Douma
Not a virgin. Was never married or had plans to - but he was good looking and had different features that made him more 'exotic' so a lot of people where curious, and so was he. He didn't have a lot of sex due to being so busy - only problem he faced was that people fell in love with him after they had sex. He never felt that.
Daemon Douma
Not a virgin. He has toyed with men and women and finds it entertaining, plus it does feels good. People who have had sex with him don't really live to tell anyone else. There are a few who live. Doesn't actively seek sex but he can tell when a humans wants him. He will also use the art of seduction to get what he wants too.
Human Akaza
Virgin. He was planning on marring Koyuki and was waiting for their special night. He never thought he would- having tattoos of a criminal over his body has made him feel worthless so he had a lot of doubt about finding love. Him and Koyuki had kissed a lot but that's as far as it went.
Demon Akaza
Double virgin. He never feels the desire for sex. He only wants to get stronger. All he does is follows Muzans orders, train and eat.
Human Hantengu
Not a virgin- Has had wife's. No idea if any kids have come out of it but there where attempts.
Demon Hantengu
Virgin? Maybe the lust clone has had sex but the other clones and himself? Virgins.
Human Gyokko
Demon Gyokko
Human Gyutaro
Virgin. Women would scream at the sight of him. Not only because he was ugly but had bad hygiene, malnourished and weak. He was fighting everyday of his life. Never thought about it.
Demon Gyutaro
Virgin. Only as a demon he got curious and had the desire for it, he hasn't tried to have sex cause he know he will just get laughed at which will result in someone's death.
Human Nakime
Not a virgin. She had a husband in her human life but never had kids with him.
Demon Nakime
Virgin. Doesn't have the desire to have sex.
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moon-cakiie · 1 year
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Our Pet
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A follow up to my Karaku pussy eating Drabble. Part one can be found here.
Warnings: I call the clones brothers in the fic bc it just sounds better in conversation, 5some with demons lmfao, reader is a lil scared but into it, oral (m receiving), dacryphillia, pussy job, p in v, p in b, double penetration (one in front one in back), degradation, praise, cream pie, light choking, squirting,  just pure filth I fear, not proof read. MDNI
You were thrown over Karaku’s shoulder in a flash. He carried you like you were nothing, running through the trees. But running wasn’t the right word. He was moving so impossibly fast everything blurred around you. You had to close your eyes so you wouldn’t get dizzy.
“Good, all my brothers are home,” Karaku said as he finally slowed to a walk. “Better be good for them. Won’t be happy if you make me look bad.” 
You finally opened your eyes, in disbelief at how far you came in such a short period of time. You were up in the mountains near your village, farther up than you had ever been. Karaku gripped you tightly as he led you into into a hidden little cottage.
The second you walked through, 3 heads whipped to your direction. “Why the hell did you bring a human here?” a red-eye demon asked. He was identical to Karaku, save for the red eyes and angry expression etched on his face.
“Relax, Sekido,” Karaku replied, his fingers trailing up and down your side. “I brought us a little snack.” Your breath caught in your throat.
Another demon, this one yellow-eye approached. “You’ve got good taste, Karaku, I’ll give you that. This one will look pretty on my cock.”
“Urogi! You’re going to scare her,” reprimanded the final demon. His eyes were blue and had a certain softness in them you didn’t think was capable for demon.
“You’re such a baby, Aizetsu,” Urogi rolled his eyes.
Karaku snorted. “She wasn’t scared when fucking my face. Said she didn’t want demon tongue in her pussy, yet creamed on me like a slut. isn’t that right, y/n?” Your face went red at his words. “She thinks it wrong for sweet little humans to fuck demons.”
Sekido scoffed. “You fucking humans are the disgusting ones.” He approached you, gripping your jaw tightly, making you look into his eyes. “You don’t deserve  my cock in you. But I’ll allow you to suck it.”
Karaku ripped your kimono off, leaving you completely naked before the 4 demon. Your face heated as you tried to cover yourself; it was no use, Karaku gripped your wrists and held them up.
“Fuck,” Urogi groaned, “if you don’t wanna put your cock in her, Sekido, I will.” Karaku gave you a little push forward, making you fall on your hands and knees in front of the red-eyed demon. He looked at you with contempt, but you could see his erection pressed against the fabric of his clothes.
“Get on with it.” You did as he asked, not wanting to upset this one in particular. You slipped him out of his clothes, his dick thick and heavy in your hands. The tip red and angry, much like him. You gave a tentative lick of his tip. He tsked. “I haven’t got all night.” 
You licked a stripe up the bottom of his dick, tracing a little vein. You took him in your mouth, as deep as you could go, getting him nice and wet. You used a hand to squeeze the base, as you swirled your tongue over the tip.
As you did this, Aizetsu slid behind you, admiring how your pussy fluttered as you sucked off Sekido. His cock was aching in his clothes and he could wait. You startled as his hands gripped your hips, angling them up to him. “Can’t wait, wanna play with your pussy.” 
Suddenly you felt something thick and hard between your pussy lips. Aizestu let out a sigh as he slid his cock through your wetness. He was so sensitive and too nervous to go in all the way. Instead, he gave himself a pussy job, rutting his cock against your heat. You moaned on Sekido’s cock as Aizetsu’s head brushed against your clit. Each bump made your pussy wetter, aching to be filled.
“Fuck, feels so good,” Aizetsu whined.
Sekido grumbled. “You’re distracting her.” His hands gripped your hair, nails scraping your scalp. “Take me fucking deeper.” He thrust his cock into your mouth, making you choke on him. He let out a loan groan as your mouth tightened on him. He continued to snap his hips against you, turned on by how you struggled to take him. “I didn’t see it when Karaku brought you in, but now that you’re crying on my cock I have to admit you’re pretty. For a human.” A thumb brushed a tear off your cheek.
Meanwhile, Aizetsu was desperately rutting himself against your pussy. He was moaning and whimpering, feeling your arousal drip down his dick. His cock head hit your clit particularly hard, suddenly tipping you over the edge. You moaned on to Sekido, vibrating his cock. The sensation finally sent the demon over the edge, spilling his hot cum in your mouth. 
“Fucking take it, swallow it all,” he grunted, with a few finally thrusts in your mouth.
No soon did he finish did you feel warmth squirting over your pussy and dripping down your thighs as Aizetsu came. “Oh fuck, y/n,” he whined, “Fuck your pussy your looks so pretty covered in my cum.”
Urogi pulled the blue-eyed one away. “You can admire her after I’ve ruined her.” 
Karaku appeared in front of you, smirking. “Wadda ya think Urogi? Think she can take both of us?” Urogi had you sat on his lap, squeezing your boobs. Karaku watched, licking his lips. 
“I think we should find out.” He squeezed your nipples, making you yelp. Both demons laughed. You could feel Urogi’s stiff cock pressing against you. “I want her ass.” 
Before you could say anything, Karaku’s lips were on yours. He kissed you while he undressed himself, taking a pause to squeeze your tits on occasion. Urogi licked and nibbled at your neck hit hands trailing down your back. 
Once he was naked, Karaku pulled you on to his lap. He wasted no time lining his long, hard cock up to your pussy. He pushed into you with as hiss. “So fucking tight.” He gave a few experimental thrusts, loving how you gasped and gripped his shoulders. “I don’t know if we are both gonna fit.”
Urogi snickered. “Oh, I’ll make it fit.” You heard him spit into his hand. He brought his hand to your ass, massaging the tight ring. “She’s so fucking wet and sloppy I didn’t even need spit.” He pressed a finger into you, the sweet, stretching sensation making you gasp.
“Fuc-nngh!” You cried out as the golden-eyed demon pressed the g-spot in your ass.
“Mmm, what pretty sounds you make,” Urogi purred. “Keep em coming.” He pressed another finger into, making you gasp. Karaku kept thrusting into you, making your whole body shake.
“Shit, she really likes that Urogi,” Karaku groaned. “Clenching on me like crazy.” 
“Fuck I can't wait any longer,” Urogi grumbled, “Hope you’re ready. Gonna fuck you dumb.” Your pussy flutter with anticipation. You felt Urogi’s cock at your hole, slowly pressing until he was able to slip inside you.
“Shit, oh Urogi,” you gasped. He pressed into further, hissing as your body just barely gave way to him.
“God she really is fucking tight,” Urogi said through gritted teeth. He bottomed out in you at the same time as Karaku. You felt so full you could barely breathe. Both demons began to rock their hips into you. Your head fell back on Urogi’s shoulder as you tried not fall apart. You’d never had two men inside you, and these were no ordinary men. They were demon. Everything in your rational mind told you this was wrong, that you should enjoy it. They were cold blooded killers. Evil.
Yet the ecstasy you felt as the moved inside you was undeniable. The sensations of two cocks rubbing your more sensitive spots drove any rational thought out of your brain. You moaned and gasped as the pleasure built impossibly more intense.
“Looks like she loves demon cock, doesn't it, Urogi?” Karaku mused. He wasn't even out of breath as he fucked into you.
Urogi grinned wildly. “Creaming on me like slut. She fucking loves it. Don’t you, y/n? You love demon cock?”
You were breathless as you chanted, “Yes, yes- fuck, yes.”
Urogi, gripped your throat, giving it a little squeeze. “Wanna hear you say it. Say you love demon cock.”
“I- I- nngh- I love demon cock.” All four demons laughed at how fucked out you were. You almost forgot the other 2 were there. When you looked over at them, you could see they were hard again, looking at you like they wanted to eat you.
The demons inside you were spurred on by your words, thrusting even harder into you. You were sandwiched so tight between them that your clit brushed against Karaku’s lower stomach with each thrust. The coil in your stomach snapped and pleasure like you’d never felt flooded your body.
Unintelligible moans left your mouth as you came around two cocks. “Fuck yeah, that it,” Urogi groaned. Urogi’s hips stuttered as he fucked into you fully. He let out a near growl as he filled you with his seed. The sensation of his cock throbbing in your ass pushed your orgasm further. 
Your pussy tensed then released, squirting on the two demons. “Such a good fucking slut,” Karaku moaned. His own orgasm finally reaching him. He spilled inside you, rutting his hips until you’ve milked his cock dry. 
The two demons slipped out of you and you collapsed back onto Urogi. Your whole body was shaking and you could barely catch your breath. All four demons drank in your fucked out and ruined appearance. 
As your body started to come down, fear settled over you. They'd used you for what you wanted, would they kill you now. “A-are you going to hurt me?” you squeaked out.
Karaku laughed at your fear. He took you jaw in his hands. “Don’t worry, you’re going to be a our pet now. And we treat our pets very well.” 
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dulaglutide · 1 year
Hello! Can I request some scenarios with yandere! Uppermoons (+ Hantengu’s clones)(separate) where reader who’s well behaved and asks them if she can take a walk by herself outside? The demons think she’s planning an escape so they secretly stalk her only to she her just gathering flowers to decorate the hideout/infinity castle with. (Maybe she notices them and just says; “Pretty aren’t they?” Idk-) I apologize if this is too many characters!
Yandere! Uppermoons x behaved fem reader!
(I did all of the uppermoons except for Daki, Gyutaro, and Gyokko because I don’t know how to write them) (Sorry if some of them don’t sound that yandere like) Warnings: swearing, sexual themes (Karaku), one mention of a cult (Douma), one mention of the words “good girl” (Karaku)
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He will not like this idea one bit
Since your so well behaved though he will let you go outside just to see if he can still trust you
When you go a little far he will watch you from afar seeing if you try to run
But when he sees you playing in and looking at flowers he is in shock
Why don’t you try to run? Maybe you do really love him? What if it’s a trick?
All of those possibilities were going through his head
But when you saw him and waved with the biggest smile on your face he just melted on the inside
He really chose the right person
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He will say yes to see if you end up playing a game of cat and mouse
He loves chasing you then punishing you after
But he hasn’t needed to punish you in so long due to your well behavior
He wants to see if it was a trick the whole time so he takes you outside holding your hand and tells you not to go far
Well……you went a little far but you made sure you could get back and he could find you
He would be following you the whole time waiting until he can catch you and scare you
But when he hears you giggling at a rabbit you found he’s in awe
When you went back the way you came and back to the cult house he was so proud
Now you get to go outside more sue to how loyal you proved you are
Now you can escape much easier
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In that moment he almost snapped at you saying no once you asked but he stopped himself
This would be a good time to test your loyalty
Wouldn’t it?
He let you go outside and saw how happy you were to be in the out doors finally after so many years
He really didn’t want you to be alone due to the fact you might run and he didn’t want to deal with that today
But he left you alone
He was really watching you from a tree but what’s the difference
Once you started making a flower crown he was surprised and proud at the same time
You knew he was in the tree so you looked at him in the eyes, smiled, and said “thank you”
He knew he could trust you more now
Get out of there
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He will look at you like you have lost your fucking mind
But he ends up letting you go outside because he felt like it
You were well behaved and listened to everything he said so he had a little bit of hope that you wouldn’t run away because he doesn’t wanna deal with that shit
He will follow you and if you start to run away you will get electrocuted and back to square one when you were first kidnapped
When you stop walking and sit by a tree and just look up at the stars he’s surprised but thankful omg he isn’t angry for once
You ended up falling asleep on the tree so he picked you up and carried you back home
You just earned more of his trust
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He won’t be surprised that you wanted to go outside
Since you have been a good girl he will allow you to go outside and have fun
He warned you that if you ran off to far that there would be punishments
He followed you of course but you didn’t know he was there
You were playing in a flower field just dancing with the smile he loved so much
He was thinking about how much he wanted to fuck you those flowers loves you
Hearing your happy voice made him happy so now it is a daily routine for him to let you go outside (at night of course we can’t have you running away now)
He fucked you in the flowers because he couldn’t resist
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He would be very scared to let you go outside
But you have been very sweet and kind to him for a while now after your kidnapping
He let you go in the backyard of the little house in the woods and watched you from the window
You were sitting there staring at the stars kicking you feet back and forth
You knew he was watching you from the window so you waved your hand for him to come outside
He was slightly happy that you were asking him to do such a thing
He was so happy with how obedient you have become
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Urogi (I am obsessed with his voice)
Urogi already takes you outside to fly with him
He will always hold you close so you can’t move much
But one night you wanted to go alone….
Urogi didn’t like that much
He thought you were going to try to leave him
He allowed you to only because of how good you have been lately
He followed you though making sure you pulled no tricks
He was very upset and mad that you wanted to go alone
He became more possessive because of that
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
NSFW // KNY characters who take their pussy rare.
CW / Period blood / blood play / degradation/ (DOUMA) reader is viewed as livestock/ BDSM dynamics (Dom+submissive)
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-Of course Douma eats it bloody. That's like, his whole character theme.
-I think Douma has a particular fondness, in fact, for bloody pussy.
-He can smell your hormones pulsing with each cramp. You're aching and pleading not to be touched too rough, and Douma is just shaking with excitement.
-he would never. Have you no faith?
-He's certain blood is actually better than your typical wetness. Says you're tighter when you're cramping. His dick slides better in your lining.
-Has an array of things set up to catch your blood for later. He has jars of it at this point. Keeps it on ice. You don't see him use them ever- You just know they're there, and notice when one dissapears.
-The worst part is that he assures you he doesn't drink them. Those would never be for him, absolutely not. He doesn't have leftovers, silly.
-You don't know where your blood is going, or who it's going into, but he keeps you too fucked out to care regardless.
-'Ah- Another one? Did you know, when you contract, You're pushing all the good stuff out of your womb?'
-He's saying this with you sat on his face. You don't quite hear him, and it takes a moment for you to grasp just what he's saying.
-If you knew him better, which you don't, you'd know he's talking about the actual lining of your wall. He views a womb as a particularly sacred delicacy. As if he's eating a holy relic of sorts.
-So of course he'll take whatever comes from it. It's like a cow with milk. When you stop bleeding, he'll eat the rest of you, but you've got quite a bit of life left to live cushy and pampered.
-He believes this bizarre little practice keeps him at upper two after all. Your bloody cunt is the closest he gets to religion, in a way. Women are so fascinating, with your ready to eat buffets for demons, and that dumb little button you have that makes you crave that?
-If he believed in God, he would be sure the menstrual cycle was a divine design, made especially with him in mind. Not only are you lethargic and aching, but he gets to bully you, and you're supplying him food?
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-One of them has to batter you back into submission when you're like this, and none of them seem anywhere near as capable as Sekido. Or as enthusiastic.
-You're a bit nippy during your period. The four understand this much. The other three seem content, in some capacity, to let you run your mouth. Sekido doesn't like being disrespected in any capacity.
-His clones encourage him to behave... not kindly, but mean in other, more helpful ways.
-It's really hard for him to not eat you whole, starting with the meat of your inner thighs. Your moans ground him, but also bring him dark thoughts.
-Would you moan if he started tearing through your flesh?
-He becomes the only one allowed to fuck you on the first day of your period. That's his bull to handle. His pussy to make a mess of. He plays it off as though he's handling an unwelcome task, but he's very quick to deny anyone else the right.
-Will degrade you if you enjoy it even a smidge.
-'Are you moaning? Disgusting! This isn't the time for hysterics!'
-Shocked and amazed when your cramps actually do lessen. Was entirely lying for the bit and doesn't believe you when you say you're feeling just slightly better.
-Is driven to a near frenzy when you cum and a drop of blood slips down to your taint. He's not wasteful.
-He's more upset at how much he enjoys it compared to how much you enjoy it. He shouldn't enjoy something so disgusting, and he assures you he's not, but his lips are covered in your blood, and it's really hard to take him seriously.
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-four wives, one for each blood type. He jokes he knows how each tastes and can tell the difference by smell alone.
-Very public about this. Not shy to admit to his tastes. He pleases his wives constantly, let it be known that something as small as blood would never prevent him from such an important task.
-If he sees even one of you cramping, he's got you on the ground or the flat of the nearest surface to fix it. He hates seeing you in pain and will do anything in his power to circumvent it. His tongue is definitely within his power.
-Tells you that his seed really is a cure all, he isn't wrong. The warm liquid splattering up against your sore cervix- It's almost comforting in a way. Cooling, even.
-Loves fingering you, too. Places the softest, warmest hand just barely on your stomach, because it hurts so bad, but you tug it to your uterus everytime. A nice heating pad while he works out all the awful things.
-'Ah, does that feel better? I know it hurts, let your lord take care of it.'
-Such a service top it's almost sickening. Living with the three others, and having you sync up? Tengen has had more than one busy day.
-Will cockwarm you if need be. The sex is gentle in comparison. It can get rough if so desired. After the really bad cramps, he's willing to push aside any mess to let you chase your high.
-His thighs look really pretty covered in blood.
-He's his wives personal fuck toy, and he takes pride in that. Especially if they go from aching and exhausted to cumming and overjoyed. Helps them get back on the job.
-Tengen actually enjoys the blood as well. Thinks it adds a certain- artistic flare to your pussy. And to his dick.
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-Eats pussy for his own enjoyment. At your service, hand and foot, 25/8- Does not care what state your vagina is in, he's just grateful to be here.
-A very calm lover. A very calming lover, as well. Doesn't care about taste, smell, visual- barely even cares how he got there. All that matters is that he's doing his job, and he's fulfilling your wishes.
-Such a service bottom it is UNDENIABLY sickening. Zero regard for his own pleasure, entirely subservient.
-See Guard dog and wounded master. Willing to lick the blood from any given wound if he believes it to help. Wishes his spit was healing because seeing you like this is gut wrenching to him. He isn't sure why, but he know it hurts.
-Kitten licks to your clit. He doesn't care if his tongue gets tired. His thumbs massage your lips, keeping your ass elevated at just the right height to make all of it fade away.
-Begs you to come even if he knows how hard that must be given the circumstances. Can't bare to see you in pain anymore than this.
-The head boarders on high. He's chocked you full of any and every pain killer from the time. As it works it's way through your veins, the soft pampering to your pussy becomes borderline overstimulating.
-He thinks you're squirming from pain, so he tries even harder to make it feel better. You can't stop cumming once you start.
-You're in tears under his tongue, and he's lapping up every drop of blood your pussy has to offer. It's euphoric for him, in a way. This was a large point of contention between the two of you. Never wanting to be eaten, and yet being satisfied in such a gluttonous way.
-When you push his head away, he looks up at you with a cakey, pink face. His eyes wide and wondering.
-'Was I too rough?' And when you shake your head no, and your voice sounds all too content, he can't help but smile. With his reddened, cum and blood covered lips, he looks a little too perfect.
-'That makes me happy.'
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hantengu (+plus all of his clones) reaction to their wife giving them their first ever kiss on the lips. This would probably take place like at the beginning of their marriage. Also if you don’t feel comfortable with making wife reader kiss Zohakuten on the lips, you could do like his nose or the area above his lips. Thank you! :))
𝓐 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼 𝓕𝓸𝓻 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴.
Hantengu x Fem!Reader Kissing HCs
Synopsis: The Upper Rank 4's now wife couldn't resist kissing her sweet husband just to see his reaction, or in her case, her sweet husbands.
Warnings: A bit of NSFW elements on Sekido's, Karaku's and Urogi's parts, otherwise it's just a whole lot of sweetness \(>v<)/
Divider credits:
Saradika's roses, golden railing and that weird green thing
Purples sparkles and paint roll splodge thing
Water like waves
Note: OMG THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA!!! I LOVE IT!!!! ALL OF YOU HAVE THE BEST IDEAS!! (I wrote this really quickly cuz the smut is taking WAY too long for even me so have at it in the meantime, anyways, enjoy the food ^3^) + please forgive me if this isn't too great, this is my first time doing HCs. I couldn't really picture a full on one-shot with this so I turned them to HCs, it's also a great way for me to try it out for the first time (° 3 °) + did not proofread (I never do)
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The mere fact that the Upper Moon Four out of all the six (eight) upper moons actually got married, much less got into a relationship and somehow managed to keep it is a shock in itself for not only the other moons but for Muzan himself. If anything, he thought it'd all end in just a few days, but no, his fourth strongest demon is married now. Oh well, he could care less for any of his employees. As long as they did as they were told, they were free to do as they wish.
As for the newlyweds, they were perfect and happy. The wife's family was very happy for the pair, though, they had been under the impression that it was just one man and not a demon that could split into younger versions of himself. That would've been quite the scandal. Now, the day – or in this case, night – after the wedding, they are all simply relaxing in their shared home after having returned from a mission.
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— The first thing this little demon does is rush to his wife, sobbing and bawling his eyes out about the fact that demon slayers tried to kill him, claiming that he "can do no wrong" or that he's being "wrongly accused of crimes". It's the same old thing and even then, she listens to every word he has to say as he shivers in her palm.
— Is quite surprised to say the least. He didn't expect the soft lips of his perfect wife to press against his small head but that doesn't mean it wasn't welcomed, if anything he cried more, though this time, not about the fact that he was hunted by demon slayers. Well, maybe that too, but that was only so his wife could pity him more and give him more kisses.
"T-They were all s-so awful! Their b-blades against my n-n-neck was so a-agonising!! It scared me!" He sobbed while hugging her thumb, wiping his tears and snot on the sleeve of his kimono as he continued his complaints. "Oh, my poor husband. Maybe some kisses will make you feel better." She said as she places a multitude of soft pecks on not only his head but also his small body. The small demon could not resist the feeling of his wife's lips against him and thus moved closer so more of his body could gain the sensation of her lips pressing against it.
— Is far too shy (scared) to ask for kisses. Instead, he uses his manipulation tactics to get her to pity him and so she could kiss him. A little bit of guilt here and there but it is all worth it for a few of his wife's kisses.
— Is the one who enjoys getting kissed by his wife the most after Aizetsu and surprisingly enough is very greedy for them to the point where he forgets being shy and simply begs for her to kiss him.
"P-Please kiss me again, d-dear! Just o-one more time!" He pleaded, almost on the verge of crying again at the thought of his wife's show of affection stopping. She chuckles softly at his desperacy for her kisses and is even a little bit surprised at how much he craves them. Usually he's busy cowering in a corner or something. "Of course, my love. I'll give you all the kisses you want." She cooed before her lips pressed themselves against his cheeks.
— Gets extremely flustered if it's on the lips. He'll begin to stutter and perhaps even forget how to speak as his face flushes a bright red despite his still heart not really giving a proper blood flow.
— Must always kiss him whenever he leaves for a mission or in general, or if you go to bed or anywhere else really and it must be on the lips, he will settle for nothing less. And I mean nothing less.
— Will kiss you softly in your sleep if he returns from a mission and you're already lights out before cuddling up beside you.
— Favourite places to kiss you are your lips, forehead and cheeks, how cute.
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— Sekido is probably at the patio rubbing his temples, trying to get a moment of silence and peace all to himself after having dealt with his annoying younger selves. Their tomfoolery and clown-like behaviour makes him want to absorb them so they shut up, especially Karaku who doesn't know when to keep his trap shut.
— The tension in his head is instantly relieved at the mere sound of his wife. He had heard her approaching from a few rooms away and is pleased with her presence before standing up to give her a firm hug and sighing heavily to begin his complaining about the other clones.
— Completely caught off guard and stunned to silence when he suddenly feels his wife's lips against his face, only blinking in pleasant surprise as his crimson eyes stare into hers. He never knew how much he liked her kisses until now.
"They are such a pain to manage and it makes want to rip them all to shreds so they could shut their traps for once!" He spat angrily while shaking his head in annoyance. The urge to punch something grew ever so stronger as he then got up to grab and throw something before he was interrupted by the feeling of soft lips on his jawline. "Don't break stuff, Sekido, those are expensive." Her soothing voice rang out in the large space, the soft sound waves of her voice reaching his hypersensitive pointed ears and instantly calming his extreme rage.
— Will immediately ask for more kisses and is not ashamed about it, though that won't encourage him to openly ask infront of the others, especially not Karaku.
— Surprisingly enough, he gets a bit hot and bothered at just your kisses alone and even moreso when on the lips. Poor clone is constantly stressed out that any outlet of relief already gets him so worked up. Doesn't mean it's unattractive, if you know what I mean 👀
"Again." He huffs softly, rough hands grabbing onto her waist and pulling her to his frame before his lips connect to hers. Immediately, his tongue fights its way through her mouth, intertwining with hers and venturing as deep as it could. His hands hold onto her waist firmly before one of his them slips just below her buttock and groped it firmly, the other slipping upwards and cupping her breast.
— He was beginning to enjoy himself before his advances were stopped by you with the excuse that the others would hear and would also want to join, much to his disappointment and irritation.
— Nevertheless, he's well-aware that you're right. While he doesn't mind sharing you with the others in the slightest, he'd like to have you alone for a little while due to how worked up he is.
— Will give you kisses should you go anywhere that's not near them and may even follow you just ensure your safety and expect the same when he's going on missions.
— Favourite places to kiss are neck, lips and jawline.
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— At this point, she's had the idea to go around and kiss the other clones to see how they'd react and she had a fair idea of what Karaku's reaction would be. Karaku, who was in the kitchen doing God knows what, was surprised when his wife suddenly approached him and kissed him on the lips.
— I mean, who said he's complaining? If anything, he can put aside time he had made to play fight with Urogi for a few kisses and perhaps more from his wife (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)
"Am I that irresistible to you, sweet thing?" He purred teasingly, face leaning in far beyond her personal space (not that she minds). "Perhaps." She teased back before backing away her head. "Oh no, no, stay a little. I'd like to have some more little kisses from my little wife!" Karaku wasn't going to let her get away that easily, no way. The demon grabbed her hips and pulled her closer before kissing her neck and jawline, slowly trailing his lips upwards towards her lips.
— Instantly got handsy with you (no surprise there), hands busy down there groping your asscheeks as if they were some stress toys while he's busy making out with you. Almost seemed like he wanted to lift you up...
— His mouth was definitely everywhere, especially near your cleavage. The guy has a weird obsession with your boobs and not just in the horny way.
— Was definitely disappointed when you pulled away and said you still have the other clones to attend to but didn't fuss about it. He's just happy he got to get a few grabs on his wife here and there and managed to get a make out session with her, even if short.
"Alright, alright, fine. But were definitely continuing this when you're done." Karaku says before giving her rear a slap and disappearing into the living room as she stood there chuckling at his behaviour. She expected nothing less from the pleasure demon.
— Will often try to engage a make out session with you whether or not the others are present and not giving a rat's ass about what they may think, do, or say as long as he got to taste your lips.
— Favourite places to kiss are definitely cleavage/boobs and neck. He's that guy.
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— Shocked but gladly welcomed it as his face gained a light red colour before he kissed back harder. Instantly went soft and (politely) asked for more kisses, also wanting to feel his head be held in her delicate hands.
— Immediately begins to complain about Sekido having yelled at him too much and that he was following orders. Out of each clone so far, Aizetsu appeared the most stressed and frustrated and the only way he could out that was through crying since he didn't really possess any other emotional receptors other than sorrow.
"He always yells so much, it hurts my ears and head... Even when I do what I'm told he still yells." The now crying demon sniffles softly into the crook of her neck. She pat his back softly as she listened to him vent while also scolding Sekido in her head at his brash behaviour. "Please kiss me, darling... Your love always makes me feel better." Even if he couldn't feel the emotion love itself, he loved it when his wife would express her love for him no matter what way that may be (pause).
— The longer this goes on, the sappier he gets as he constantly asks for words of affirmation and kisses while snuggling you more. While he prefers kisses on his forehead and cheek, he isn't too shy to kiss back on the lips and they're not just the soft once you see in those love story movies.
— The man (demon) can kiss just as well as the others, I mean for goodness' sake, they're the same person but at different ages of their shared life (even though that's barely noticeable). Aizetsu can start a whole make out session if he so wished with the way his tongue was dancing with yours right now, but all he wants right now is comfort from the frustration his second oldest counterpart had caused (Urami is the oldest, dumb dumb excluding Hantengu).
— Like Hantengu, he's a sucker for kisses. Please kiss this man anywhere (pause) because he loves it. He'll kiss you too in return, can't only take without giving something in return for his lovely wife, now can he?
— He comes to you when he's sadder than usual for kisses and snuggles so he can calm down or in case the others are too loud.
— Favourite places to kiss are corner of your lip, nose and temple
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— Oh boy, this one is already so hyperactive and it only gets worse when he gets attention from his wife, so imagine how giggly and jumpy he was when he suddenly felt her lips connect to his. He could almost ascend to the heavens even though that's not where he's ever going.
— Will demand for more because it makes him happy and according to him, he gets "a pleasant feeling" in his chest that he can't get enough of.
— Will instantly grab hold of her to deepen the kiss, so much so that he forgets she needs to breathe (oopsie). He does apologise for forgetting so there's a plus.
"You taste exquisite, songbird. I could kiss those lips forever and not get tired from it." Said the lively harpy clone before once again going in for a deep and passionate kiss while being mindful of his talons and wrapping his wings around her.
— Guaranteed privacy screen with his wings when your kissing him. It reminds him of how you belong to nobody else but him, that you love only him (and the clones) and have eyes for nobody else. It's also a way of asserting his dominance.
— Absolutely LOVES it when you put your hands on his chest, it fuels his already inflated ego since he's the clone who shows off the most ("How do you like my talons?" ahh). Not only does he like to gloat about his talons and their strength, but he also LOVES to show off his body to you and boast about how good he looks (for you).
— Can't have Urogi headcanons without mentioning his wings now, can I? Since – according to actual research – caressing a bird's wings can get them aroused/sexually frustrated (if you don't do anything else), Urogi loves it when you place small kisses on his wings. It makes him feel oh so good. Sometimes he forgets he can't just grab you randomly and make love to you right then and there. Oh well, a kiss will do for now.
"Kiss my wings, it feels good." Urogi commands rather bluntly as he flared his wings out for her, caressing her face gently to coax her into kissing them. She chuckled softly before doing what was requested from her. She was quite surprised to hear a soft, barely audible moan from Urogi before realising why he wanted her to kiss his wings. That gives her ideas for... future playtime.
— Gets embarrassed when you hear him moan and uses the excuse that you must've heard wrong or teases you about wanting him (I sure do 😝). He will never admit that his wings do more than just get him to moan.
— Favourite places to kiss are ears, collarbone, forehead and lips.
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Now, hear me out. While I among many other people see Zohakuten as a child, I've got a more complicated view on it. I see Zohakuten as an adult child if that makes sense. I am comfortable with writing him being married to an adult woman because essentially, he is still an adult, like he has the mental age of an 87 year old man. I can write stuff like kissing and even minor spicy stuff for him but that extends only so far (i.e: him purposely shoving his face into Y/N's breasts like Karaku just to get attention or just very slight groping). I will not go any further than that point. No exceptions. He still physically appears as a child.
— Now, this is a little different. After everyone had calmed down and the wife was wandering elsewhere, they all had gotten the sudden strong urge to fuse. They all realised that Zohakuten wants to have a turn and who could blame him? They just got married and not to mention he rarely ever reveals himself.
— Imagine her surprise when she hears a deep voice – somewhere in the range of Sekido's voice – calling out to her "Woman." and turning around to see a the youngest clone standing there with his arms behind his back.
— Of course, like a good husband, he asked how she fared while he was out on a mission and the usual before respectfully asking for a kiss, however, there was a very faint hint of envy present. She knew he was a tad bit envious of his older counterparts being able to gain her affection at any time of the day or night while he couldn't so of course she couldn't resist him.
"I've missed you..." He mumbles softly before wrapping his arms around his precious wife, reveling the feeling of getting to hold her in his arms even if only for a moment. "I've missed you more, my darling." She coos in return before cupping his small face and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Zohakuten in turn intensified the kiss, his fangs grazing her lower lip as he did so and arms tightening around her waist.
— Believe it or not, this little fella is a certified gentleman. Ignoring what he said to the Love Hashira (💀), this boy is the most gentlemanly after Urami. He's the type to hold your hand like those princes with their princesses to assist you when walking down the stairs.
— I mean, everytime he reveals himself, he greets you with a small bow and a kiss to the back of your palm, idk what more you could want from this little cutie.
— Although, he can be quite vulgar, he tones it down a massive amount when he's around you and is less scornful thanks to the calming effect your presence has on him.
— Do not he surprised when he's simply staring at you with a harsh look as if you've just murdered his main body, that's just him suppressing the urge to kiss you.
"Uhm, d-dear?" The wife calls softly to Zohakuten who's been doing nothing but stare at her with the harshest glare she's ever seen him stare at her with. Zohakuten snaps out of his daze as his expression softens before he hums inquistively. "You've been staring at me like I've just sided with the demon slayers. Is everything, okay?" His eyes then widen slightly before he sighs and shakes his head. "Oh... no. I just simply wish to kiss you, that is all." Her cheeks gained a red tint after that surprisingly blunt and honest confession as she then smiles. "Oh, well... Who am I to say no?"
— Is very honest about what he wants if he's caught. Unlike the other clones – excluding Urami – and the main body, who try to hide what they want, Zohakuten is not shy to admit that he wants your lips against his and he will say that with the straightest face.
— Loves it when you kiss his forehead, it makes him feel all soft inside and he doesn't know why or how.
— Favourite places to kiss are hands, temple and lips.
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— His presence alone surprised her even more than Zohakuten, especially when he walked out of the room that Hantengu was in. Urami reveals himself every once in a blue moon due to the fact that he simply wishes not to deal with his younger selves' bickering and monkey business. However, seeing as all the others gained a bit of affection from their wife and that they're newlyweds, he too wished to spend some time with his wife.
— Much like Zohakuten, he's very gentlemanly when it comes to asking for affection from his wife. He respectfully asked if he could hold her and lift her up to his level so he could kiss her properly.
— Hear me out. The best kisser after Karaku. I don't know, he just looks like he has so much experience with women (which he kinda does 😒), like look how massive he is 😳.
She was surprised when a rather large hand gently grabbed her waist to turn her around. "Oh! Hello you!" She greeted happily as she looked up at her massive husband before hugging his legs. He was surprised but allowed it and even picked her up into his arms before kissing her temple. "Yes. I figured why not also be present when the others are gaining your addicting love?" Quite a flirt.
— Urami is surprisingly chill when it comes to kissing yet also really passionate. Like think of just wanting a quick kiss from big ass hubby over there and he picks you up only to give the most leg-shaking casual kiss ever 😫.
— He's quite a flirt. You could almost say he's near Karaku's level just minus to pervert stares, touches and so on. Like, he's the type of "Formal old man dilf" type of flirt and knows how to use his words, he just doesn't do it often due to how rarely he's present and even if he is, he's just mostly quiet (most sane clone).
— Should he ever engage in flirting with you, be prepared to have a face painted red and him drinking blood as if it were tea as he sits there with his most neutral expression.
— I swear, his kisses make you think you're a virgin again with how well he does it. Like, he even uses his fangs to graze your lips and even your tongue softly while also (respectfully) touching you to the point where your legs aren't even jelly, they're straight up water (😏).
Urami felt the familiar grip of his wife's hands on his kimono and knew that he was once again doing a flawless job at making her melt like ice in his arms and he couldn't be more satisfied at that fact as his fangs gently graze her tongue that was being twirled with his as if it were a sort of waltz. "You're doing it again." The tall clone teased before resuming their kiss.
— Holds your face or hands when he's kissing you cuz he's just that guy.
— Favourite places to kiss are hands, neck and forehead.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
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Aizetsu is certainly the more sensitive one of the four, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a push over. He’s actually quite demanding if the situation is right, stopping you dead in your tracks with a single glare. You enjoy teasing Aizetsu mostly because you believe he won’t retaliate the way his other halves would. You don’t realize how much you’ve underestimated the somber demon until he finally snaps. Aizetsu has a unique way of getting back at you, one you didn’t quite expect from him.
“What are you—“ he’s pushing you down, the same sad look on his face as he gets you on your back. “I’m getting my revenge. I’m sick of you teasing me… it makes me upset.” You’re surprised and curious, needing to see what type of revenge he had in mind. You knew the demon liked you to an extent, the extent being he wouldn’t purposely bring you any harm. Though he had never hinted at anything deeper. You couldn’t help your surprised yelp as his head lowered towards your covered sex, only a few flimsy garments hiding you from him. “W-what are you…” he sighed, hands easily moving the material off of your body. “I told you already.” He whined loudly “I’m getting my revenge.”
Aizetsu’s idea of revenge works in both of your favors. It isn’t even really a form of revenge in your mind, rather it’s a reward for the teasing you’ve done. Aizetsu’s head is buried between your legs, lavishing your sex with his tongue. Covering you in his saliva as he seemingly tries to consume you. By the noises he’s making, you can’t tell who’s enjoying this experience more. You’d think it would be you considering it was his mouth on your sex. Rather, it seemed to be him, unable to contain his noises as his tongue did wonders on you. “A-Aizetsu…” you wailed as you came for the umpteenth time. He was too delirious to hear your pleas, working you through another orgasm as you begged him for a break.
Aizetsu is intoxicated by your aroma, the scent of your hormones are enough to send him into a frenzy as he consumes you from the inside out. He’s whining, muttering you praise even though this is his attempt at revenge. His hips are rutting into the surface below him, trying to relieve some sort of pressure as you continually turn him on. There is no stopping him when he’s this far gone, so lost in the moment that you fear he may never find his way back out of it. Not that he’s trying to find his way out of it anytime soon.
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