#Hanzo x Autistic Reader
alexiela73 · 2 years
hi!!! im sorry if this might be a little bit of an odd request, but i just wanted to ask for a few (romantic) relationship headcanons with Hanzo! but if his s/o is gender-neutral and has multiple mental illnesses (namely autism, schizophrenia, DID, and anxiety!) i just want to know how you'd think he'd treat them 🥹 whether it's from like... the crushing phase -> the actual relationship phase 👉👈 I've just been struggling with a lot irl esp with my mental illnesses and hanzo has been a huge comfort for me;;; thank you sm in advance and again I apologize if this is such a weird request >< please feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfy!!! pls have a wonderful day ahead ^_^ /gen !!
So this is actually the second time I am writing this. My computer fritzed out on me AS I WAS TRYING TO POST IT. I apologize, as I’ve had to cut it shorter, it was SO LONG THE FIRST TIME and I spent forever on it. I hope it was what you were looking for.
The two of you met through Genji, who you’d become friends with after you both met at a local animal shelter.
Your friendship accumulated over the course of two years, and it wasn’t until two years later that you met his brother Hanzo.
At first, Hanzo was a bit standoff-ish, which was fine with you. Being around him was a bit difficult at first- his impassive face made it hard to know what he was thinking or feeling, and he always seemed intimidating. 
Genji though was determined for you two to get to know each other. He joked about Hanzo being incredibly socially awkward, and how he didn’t always seem to know how to fit in with this day and age.
You two actually started to open up a bit when you realized you had a few common interests, including urban myths and a select few video games. They were easy for you to talk about, flowing off your tongue excitedly as you spoke about your progress in Stardew Valley or how fun it had been playing Pokemon Legends of Arceus. Hanzo seemed to have no trouble following your line of thought, even as you cut from one game to the next.
The two of you gradually saw more and more of each other, till finally there was no need for Genji to be the middle man.
There were days he’d worry about your silence, and others where the two of you lose yourself to the simple pleasures of the world around you. Walks in the park, walking through the malls in the late evening when it was quietest.
He never seemed bothered when you said you needed a break, or that you were over stimulated. He was more then willing to find a quiet nook and either rub your back, get you a drink, or find something to help ease you out of the sensory overloads or anxiety attacks. He was good at keeping guard especially, and never rushed you and badgered you to calm down.
Although you knew it would eventually happen, he did finally ask about something Genji had mentioned to him-about you having autism.
He asked if it would be okay to talk about it, as he’d never spoken to someone with autism before. The fact that he was more curious then annoyed about it gave you hope.
While it made you a bit uncomfortable, you decided it was best to get it over with. You explained how you had been diagnosed from an early age and the impact it has had on your life growing up. How it affected your home, your friendships, your work and your passions.
It hasn't always been easy, you admitted. With all that came things like depression, anxiety- getting overstimulated easily sometimes or not being able to handle certain textures or sensory noises.
You explained it was different for everyone- the severity, the effects, the symptoms- the habits, the coping mechanisms, the limitations. You felt lucky, because there were so many things you could do that felt impossible for others.
Hanzo listened with such intensity, and you spoke openly for what felt like hours. He seemed to soak in all the words, absorbing it all and of course you told him he could always do more research.
"People with autism...can still have relationships though, right?" He asked, seeming a bit embarrassed. The question surprised you a bit. Hanzo was never one to ask such personal questions.
"Of course. It can be difficult sometimes...people sometimes assume that having autism means we're stupid or don't have the same kind of feelings or desires as other people. I know I want to date someday...I don't want to feel like I'm going to be alone forever for something I never asked for," you said, your voice quivering a bit. How often that thought consumed you...
"I see," Hanzo said awkwardly, before he looking down at you. "Then...would you consider possibly...erm. Would you consider going on a....date, with me," he managed to get out finally.
The question stunned you. "Date? Like, you want to go out with me? Romantically?" you asked.
Cheeks flushing faintly, he looked away and gave a hard nod. "Yes. Yes, I do," he says quietly.
You took a moment to think of what to say, what to feel.  You wanted to run, to crawl into the ground and hide. You felt ecstatic and overjoyed and overwhelmed and scared.
"...Can I think about it?" you asked finally. "I really need time to process it...I need you to think about it too. I have a lot of good days but my bad days...Some days, it feels like I'm suffocating. Like if I move, I might shatter. Like the world is clawing me down below the waves. And other days, I really just need to be alone. Touch is....is a lot for me sometimes. I can't just stop being me-"
"Don't stop being you," Hanzo says quietly. "I don't want to change you. You're different, and not just because of the disorder. I like you, y/n. I....I like you a lot. I want to try. I want to learn how to support you and to comfort you, and to be there when you need me. I just...want to be present."
Admittedly, no one had ever asked to be present for you like that. Your mood changes, being overwhelmed, stepping back and even your sensory issues were challenging for most people.
"I...Are you sure? What if it...becomes too much for you," you asked meekly.
"Then we talk. I value our friendship, y/n. I feel though I'd be doing us both a disservice by not being honest with you on my attraction to you. We can take all the time you need, go at your pace...just...just take some time to think about it, okay?" he said.
When Hanzo went home that day, you really took the time to think about it. To think about him, and whether there was any attraction, emotionally or physically to him. Whether it was worth it...
It took a week of thought, and ever patiently did he wait. When you finally agreed to try, that day you felt aflutter with hope. With happiness.
And as promised, you both took the time to talk. To build slowly on the relationship, to earn the trust of each other. Hanzo never made you feel bad about your worst days, never made you feel different for the way you spoke or the struggles you'd sometimes face.
He was an amazing partner, just the kind you deserved.
The kind who loved you, all of you.
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Autistic Hanzo <3 this isn’t a headcanon it’s completely fact, source: Blizzard Entertainment told me
He has such a hard time cumming :( everything needs to be just perfect, he needs to be touched just right. Maybe even have one of his sensory stuffed animals with him <3
But until you two find out the perfect way to make him finally tick, to finally cum, it’s all teasing and touching everywhere to figure out where he does and doesn’t want to be touched. Maybe he can only cum with certain toys, maybe he needs to have his own fingers fucking into himself instead of yours. Orgasm after orgasm ruined, trying to find the perfect conditions for him to cum <3
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overwatch-for-men · 1 year
General Hcs for the Shimada bros!
Since Hanzo was reunited with his brother, he has become way more comfortable with being casual almost by force
his exposure to memes and by extension, improper english, has been increased by tenfold
his pronunciation was always clear and consistent, even with his accent
but that’s all but gone because of Cole’s southern slang and Genji picking up random words and phrases from the internet
he was talking to Sojourn about an upcoming scouting mission and he ended up slurring one of his words
he cried about it for an hour/hj
he switches from the most productive man in the universe, to the most sleepy and nonchalant
he’d get all of his work done in two hours and then take an old man nap at 3 pm
i personally hc him having autism and stimming is a really big thing for him
he definitely has a few textured stickers on the back of his phone case
whenever he’s annoyed or anxious he starts to subconsciously scratch at his arms
not anything serious, and from the outside it would just look like he’s extremely itchy
cat boy
he used to be really good at video games but he doesn’t have time for them anymore
sometimes he gets extreme zoomies and that combined with his agility is very scary
will take a nap in the most precarious of places
he faked falling off a railing once
he scared hanzo really badly so he doesn’t do pranks like that anymore
he never liked lightning when he was young
now he has an even bigger reason to dislike it
he has both of his old scarves
he gave one to you for when he goes on long missions
i hc him to have adhd
adhd paralysis is definitely a thing and it’s hard for him to break out of certain loops like opening and closing doors or shifting weight
he’ll get especially stuck if the item makes an interesting yet repetitive noise
he’s usually able to break himself out of the loop though
also this man will just stare into people’s souls
especially when he has his mask on
he’ll be zoning out and forgetting that other people exist
its extremely menacing when he has his mask on because there’s no facial expression to gauge
it’s just him, completely still, staring at everyone
and when he’s completely out, not even yelling his name will get him out of it (at least not immediately)
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Welcome to the Masterlist! I don't think I need to put much introduction here; but I will say this! There will be multiple Masterposts because it seems there is a maximum number of links you can have in a tumblr post, so I will need to divide everything up! Not to worry, I will let you guys know what fandoms are contained in each list as not to confuse anyone! If you are ever curious on what fandoms I still write for please refer to my pinned! Near the bottom is a list of fandoms I've written for as well as their statuses!
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SPIDERVERSE (its all spot LMAO):
Spot x cheerleader!reader
Jon Ohnn x coworker!reader
Spot x autistic!reader
Jealous and clingy hcs for Spot/Ohnn
Jon Ohnn x spiderperson!reader
Showering Jon in affection
Complimenting Spot
Spot x fem!reader
Spot x AFAB/trans!reader
Antics w/ Jon n reader
Spot x reader w/ facial dysmorphia
Spot comforting a self conscious reader
Hands to Hold (Spot x reader)
Spot x reader who loves touch
Jon x reader who gets cuteness aggression
Jon x pregnant!reader
Reader getting Spot a dog
Going on dates w/ Jon
Spot x criminal!reader
One bed trope w/ Jon
Prompts 1-5 with Spot
Cleaning Itwards hands
Random thing #6/more hand cleaning
Random thing #9/kissing itward hcs
Itward x baker!reader who also does plant stuff
Itward propaganda
Itward and reader raising Fran
Matchmaking (Itward x reader)
Fran, Itward, and Mr Midnight x anthro!cat!reader
General Itward hcs
Itward comforting the reader
Compliments to the Mechanic (you guessed it, more Itward x reader)
Itward x sick!stubborn!reader
Itward building a robot child
Itward x reader whos growing up (platonic)
Itward and reader getting married
Perfect date w/ Itward
Itward x silly fella!powerful!reader (platonic)
Itward x teen!reader (platonic)
Valentine's w/ Itward
Remor x Flirty!Imp!reader
Itward infodumping on the reader
Itward x sick!reader (again but they're not stubborn)
H I J for itward
Songs that remind me of itward
General palontras hcs
Itward x reader on their period
Remor x tsundere!reader
Itward playlist
THE OWL HOUSE (spoiler, its all bump)
Principal Bump HCs VOL. 1
Principal Bump x Sick!Reader
Coworkers w/ Principal Bump
Dates w/ Bump!
Cupping Bumps face thought
More Bump hcs
Holding Bumps hand
Sick!Bump x reader
Cuddling hcs w/ Bump
Valentines w/ Bump
First date w/ Bump
Bump x overworked!reader
Bump x reader who struggles w/ sleep
Bump after a rough day
Domestic Bump
Bump x reader on their period
"I miss my spouse, Faust" shitpost
Bump x reader w/ plushies
"Why does your partner call you babygirl, Bump?" shitpost
Bump x reader who works at a different school
Bump x reader w/ stress and anxiety
Bump entering the human world for the first time
Bump getting a love letter from a secret admirer
Jealous!Bump hcs
Reader holding Bumps face shitpost
Games w/ Bump
Bumps art skills
Bump snacks
Sleepy Bump
Bump and Ghibli films
Bumps pets
Bump and social media
Bumps bedtime routine
Bump first kiss hcs
Bump field trip hcs
Retirement w/ Bump
More hcs of Bump going to the human realm
VP bump x reader who has chronic pain
Zenyatta x reader hc
Zenyatta kissing the reader hcs
Zen and Ram steaming + reader buffing out scrapes n dents
Reader shorter than Zenyatta
Hanzo and Cassidy x shy!crush!reader
Zenyatta and hands
Junkrat x stoic!cold!reader
Heat signatures (Zen x reader)
Junkrat x reader who uses sign language!
Junkrat and Roadhog x chubby!reader
Zen and Ram + heartbeats
Reader cleaning Rams hands
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ya-zz · 2 months
hii!! i was wondering if you could do a hanzo x autistic fem!reader?? (projecting here BUT anyways...)
one day theyre out on a small shopping trip and the reader gets very overwhelmed by all the people and noises, and despite him being tense himself, tries to calm her down :33 NO PRESSURE AT ALL TO DO SO i saw you mention work has been hectic and i totally get that!! if you wanna do this req, feel free to do what you want with it!!
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He noticed the skittishness not long into the shopping trip, the way your eyes darted across every single person that passed. Noises were louder than usual, perhaps it was your hearing, but even the most softest of noises being overpowered by the louder ones still shook your body.
Hanzo tightened his grip on your hand as he escorted you around the mall, finding a small secluded area towards the back of the building. It was quieter, less people, less noise.
"Look at me." The archer cups your cheeks, strong and firm hands holding your face up to his. "You're okay." His thumbs brush across your skin.
"It's too much." The overwhelming feeling courses through your body as you stare up at your partner.
"I know, my dear. It won't be long. Here." He rummages around in his back, pulling out a pair of noise cancelling headphones. "Put these on."
His hands were gentle as he places the headphones over your ears. "There we go."
"Thank you." You smile up at him, grabbing his hand and putting his knuckles up to your lips as you press a gentle kiss to them.
"Of course." He strokes your cheek with the backs of his fingers. He knows how much anxiety you feel just being out in such atmospheres. "Let's hurry home, shall we?"
He takes your hands in his, helping you stand before walking through the mall, heading straight for the exit. He smiles warmly, wanting you to feel comfortable and safe in his hands.
"Come on, dear. Let us go."
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queer-overwatch · 5 months
Can I be a little nosy and ask what fanfics you are working on, only if you guys want to, ily your writing and please take your time, you guys deserve to not stress, drink plenty of fluids and snacks☺️
Absolutely you can! We've got a lot lol- I'll make a list! -Frisk
Venture, Lucio and Junkrat w/ independent reader
Venture w/ a sick S/O
MTF Junkerqueen w/ a pregnant S/O
Venture w/ a brainwashed S/O
Venture x Reader where Mauga messes (/lh) with em
Venture x Lucio hc's
Moira and Mercy w/ an autistic daughter reader
Hanzo x reader w/ tremors
essentially Sojourn and Venture w/ a reader who listens to super weird songs (/pos)
Venture x reader who makes weapons and such
and a Mei fic!
We tend to do oldest to newest though sometimes we'll get a request where one of us will be like "I want that" and yoink it lol, every single person who's sent a request has been so sweet we love yall <3
Also we , well I may make a bit of a self indulgent fic at some point whenever the brain rot ends.
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upcoming stuff on my page!
(because i'm dumb (i have adhd) (i'm not saying that everybody w adhd is dumb i just happen to be both neurodivergent and dumb) so i can't remember anything if i don't make a public list) (i love you all neurodivergent people have a cookie /p) (also happy autistic awareness/acceptance month mwah)
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denji x fem!reader pt 3
overwatch characters' playlists (i'll make them either or tmr and post the link in a reblog)
hanzo random headcanons (will be in two or three parts bc i have a lot krkrkr)
how overwatch and tawog characters would react if you told them you're lgbtqia+/autistic (both will be in diferent posts)
everyday ua hanzo x reader and husband!hanzo x reader hcs(both in diff posts)
tawog headcanons
falling aasleep with overwatch characters as your s/o
how would your overwatch s/o react if they saw you wearing their clothes
and many more i'll update when i remember krkrkr
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leorawright · 2 years
Overwatch Masterlist
Junkrat crush headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who is hurt on the battlefield
Overwatch with s/o who had a nightmare
Overwatch jealousy
Soldier 76 with a graduating s/o
Overwatch confessing
Hanzo with intimidating s/o
Reaper with rabbit reader
Overwatch s/o gets kidnapped
Overwatch with cat s/o
Junkers fluff
Junkers with an s/o who loves Halloween
Overwatch cooking with you
Junkers with affectionate s/o
Junkers with s/o who loves to cook and bake
Overwatch being introduced to pocky sticks
Moira soulmate AU
Junker with s/o who loves winter and arson
Junkers with s/o who wants to marry them
Talon with immortal friend who used to be a Pharaoh
Terms of endearment for the Junkers
Soft Kiriko headcannons
Shimada brothers with s/o who has crow wings
Overwatch's s/o patching them up
Overwatch with vampire s/o
Shimadas with s/o who loves giving gifts
Overwatch with s/o who experiences phantom pains
Overwatch being taken care of when sick
Genji x shy reader
Junkers with naturally cold s/o
Overwatch finding their s/o decorating their weapons
Overwatch with s/o who runs a cat café
Shimadas with s/o who loves animals
Overwatch with chainsaw user s/o
Shimadas/Talon terms of endearment
Talon being friends with a parental but feral reader
Reaper with friend who's chill about murder
Talon with cryptic friend
Shimadas with s/o who makes self depricating jokes
Overwatch cuddling s/o after a long day
Mercy and Hazno with s/o who has family issues
Blackwatch Genji with sunshiney crush
Junkers/Shimadas with s/o who has different reactions to doing something right or wrong
Overwatch with vampire s/o
Overwatch being friends with someone who has shark features
Overwatch Halloween couples costumes
Overwatch with s/o who had many pillow/blankets
Lucio with s/o who loves music
Mercy x depressed reader
Overwatch seeing their rabbit s/o get shot in the leg
Junkers/Shimadas with s/o who doesn't eat much
Lucio finds out reader has a crush on him
Overwatch with s/o who hates crowds
Overwatch with s/o who has a 180 personality
Junket Queen with s/o who looks up to her
Mercy's s/o proposes to her
Hanzo adopting a child
Kiriko with short s/o
Mercy with s/o who's loopy from medicine
Moira's friend gets her new lab rats
Kiriko with s/o who wants to learn sign language
Kiriko and her s/o making donuts
Talon seeing their s/o lose an arm mid battle
Overwatch adopting a kid
Overwatch with s/o who makes dark jokes
Overwatch with tall s/o
Taking Kiriko to a fox sanctuary
Kiriko fluff headcannons
Moira having a crush on a autistic coworker
Moira with s/o who's loopy from medicine
Sigma acting like an older brother to his best friend
Overwatch coming home from a long mission
Overwatch with s/o who has night terrors
Overwatch with s/o who doesn't feel pain
Overwatch's s/o naming a cat after them
Moira fluff
Overwatch with s/o who has an obvious crush on them
Overwatch Omnics with reader who was hurt by omnics
Sojourn fluff headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who's always cold
Overwatch with a sick s/o
Sombra with a reader who isn't very healthy
Moira relationship headcannons
Overwatch with s/o who fights with a scythe
Mercy's s/o is an actor
Overwatch omnics get a crush on reader
Kissing hc's with Overwatch
Reinhardt with reader who was also a crusader
Overwatch with sleep walking s/o
Overwatch's s/o has cartoon physics
Overwatch Omnics with reader who calms down from panic attacks through nature
Baptiste having a crush on you
Overwatch with s/o who is cat themed
Moira's crush falls asleep on her after a mission
Moira kissing headcannons
Overwatch accidently hurting their s/o
Characters with s/o who can never open the pickle jar
Halloween with Overwatch
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can we ask to see your list of requests? ^_^
Soldier 76 powerplay with a transman partner
Dva, Lucio and the Junkers -- more of those silly fart headcanons
Poly!Hanzo/Jesse/Fem!s/o -- love confession + semi PDA
Widowmaker and Symmetra with a S/O who can come back from being killed in the form of a mythical creature.
Poly Zarya x Mei with a short s/o that isn't afraid to beat someone up
Doomfist nsfw headcanons
Hanzo Mccree and Zennatta walking on s/o who was taking care of a baby fawn
Pharah/Symmetra/Mercy/Ana's passive s/o has reached a breaking point after their sibling was murdered by Talon
Poly Roadrat. Mako reunites with an old flame from the A.L.F. who needs help. nsfw ensues.
Blackwatch genji having sex with their longterm s/o for the first time since before Hanzo tried to kill him
Dom!Tracer headcanons
Roadhog headcanons where his s/o just loves his body and how big he is, both SFW and NSFW
Genji, Hanzo, and Sombra who walk in on their s/o singing
Super nice and peppy S/O for Gabriel who finally meets blackwatch Genji and McCree
Junkrat and/or Lucio accidentally getting rough with their s/o during sex but then realizes their s/o actually likes it
Poly!Hanzo/Jesse x Reader, NSFW Headcanons
Reinhardt and Zarya with an S/O who can handle and reciprocate their bone crushing hugs, slaps on the back, etc.
Reader is on the opposing team and manages to seduce the other teams Junkrat
Genji and Sombra with a s/o who wears glasses but accidentally forgets them somewhere and is bumping into everything and they're just watching this happen
The girls' reaction to an s/o who anonymously bakes cookies for the team
NSFW Roadhog headcanons about him and a fem!s/o getting intimate
Hanzo, Mccree, Genji, Reaper, and Solder 76 react to walking in on their s/o having a breakdown and when trying to comfort them they pull a gun on them
Junkrat with a migraine from the radiation and their s/o jokingly tells him that they heard that bjs cure headaches and migraines but then they actually decide to put that to the test
Shimada brothers react when Overwatch managed to capture Talon's new agent and turns out it's their younger sister, kidnapped and brainwashed by Talon
Dirty talking headcanons for the Junkers
Lucio with a male s/o who loves to sing and will in front of everyone excluding him
Poly McGenji NSFW headcanons
Junkrat, McCree, and Reinhardt finding out that their fem s/o was shy during sex
Hanzo, Genji, Symmetra, and Pharah react when they see their s/o shirtless or only with underwear while Angela is taking care of s/o.
Female autistic s/o who gets overloaded after sex with Hanzo, McCree and Reaper
Junkers and the Shimada bros being called daddy headcanons
Hanzo, 76, and Genji each responding to their S/O telling them they're a virgin right before sexy times
Boys react when their S/O accidentally makes a super cute sound during sex
Soulmate!AU with Gabriel where they are soulmates, but Gabriel tries to fight his feelings for fem!s/o out of fear he'd hurt her
Plus sized reader (chubby with lovehandles) getting loving from Hanzo but is shy about their weight SFW and NSFW
Witch Mercy making a deal with a reader who is a Rune-castor whom she has a crush on
Anxious but affectionate S/O with McCree and Prefall! Gabe
Tracer, Pharah and Genji reacting to their s/o trying to make them jealous after a big fight
McCree and Hanzo with an S/O who is unbelievably ticklish
Young McCree with a Blackwatch agent who mentors him/ has romantic feelings for him
Zarya saving future s/o from a group of muggers, and future s/o getting so flustered they stutter out a few words and then pass out
Halloween headcanons for Hanzo, Genji, McCree, and Lúcio
Zarya with a short female S/O, Zarya finds out during the winter season she secretly get a job as a christmas elf at a christmas tree farm when Zarya goes to cut down a pine tree at the place her S/O works. S/O would be wearing a little costume with jingly bells pointed shoes and everything. Playing with kids and just looking very adorable
Mercy’s s/o singing "The way you look tonight" then ending it with them proposing
s/o was feeling a little bitchy/not fair play and pulled a nasty prank on endangering their own life to scare Jesse shitless
76, reaper, reinhardt, lucio, jesse, hanzo, genji, akande, junkrat, roadhog, and even Zen would react to fem!s/o with slightly uneven boobs
NSFW Hanzo with an s/o who is a virgin with anxiety
Soldier 76, Reaper, Hanzo, Genji, and Zenyatta react to finding out their s/o used to be a singer but quit to join overwatch
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