#Happy 61st Babe!
rosalie-starfall · 1 year
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Michelle Yeoh
August 6th 1962 Happy Birthday Babe!
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bitter69uk · 4 years
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Born on this day: happy 61st birthday to perma-scowling death kitten of No Wave, the fabulous babe with the fierce curves and even fiercer mouth who spews uncompromising truth from every orifice - high priestess of punk poetry Lydia Lunch! (Née Lydia Koch, born 2 June 1959). This portrait by Richard Kern is circa 1987.
Let’s face it: the puritanical, hypocritical and homophobic hellsite Tumblr has become a dying platform since it banned adult content in December 2018. I post here less and less. Follow me instead on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or on my blog. Fuck Tumblr!
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ahmedaamir185-blog · 2 years
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Happy official 61st birthday to @realegdaily! #happybirthday #birthday #rugrats #powerpuffgirls #happyfeet #babe #nickelodeon #cartoonnetwork #warnerbros #universalstudios https://www.instagram.com/p/CiXZpzYrqCo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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johnnydora · 7 years
someone close to amy dies, jake (and maybe kids) do their best to get her through it. also sending hugs!!!
how did u know i think about this concept all the time?? also this ended up being the longest fic i’ve written in two years did u just cure my depression?? shoutout to @elsaclack for giving this a read thru ily!!!!
When Detective Peralta steps through the doors of the Brooklyn’s 61st precinct, he’s greeted with a smile. “Jake! It’s so lovely to see you again. She’s in a meeting right now, but I’ll let her know you’re here!”
“Thank you, Lucy.” He tries his best, but his own smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
It’s nearly twenty minutes before the captain’s door opens and Amy steps out, shaking hands with the man exiting her office. She smiles, too, when she sees Jake, and he almost drops to the floor there and then. He vowed to preserve her happiness, until death do them apart, and he hasn’t broken that promise in five years. Today, he will.
“Hey, babe! We didn’t have plans today, did we?” In the quick moment she takes to check her watch, Jake lets his smile drop. “It can’t be your lunch break already.”
“No, actually, I’m still on the job.”
He slides past her, without the usual kiss on her cheek, and closes the door behind her when she follows. The light filtering in through the windows is clear and bright, a beautiful spring morning. Just a few hours ago, Amy was opening the windows in the kitchen, little Sadie in her arms, pointing out the new sprouts blooming after the heavy winter. She was smiling, laughing, sprinkling kisses over Jake’s face before they left for work. It was supposed to be a happy day.
“You should sit down.”
He directs her to one of the seats in the back of the room where he can sit next to her, hold her hand between his.
“Jake?” He won’t meet her eyes. “You’re scaring me.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “Carlos was found dead Tuesday evening.”
There’s a moment where Amy’s face falls, but she builds it back up, and takes her hand from his. “Okay,” she says. “Is that all?”
He watches her stand up, rearrange a few items on her desk that were already straight.
“You should get back to the 99. I’ll see you tonight.”
And she smiles, teeth white and eyes shining. Jake takes a deep breath.
“Yeah. See you tonight.”
She’s home before he is, which isn’t a surprise. It was her turn to pick up the kids from daycare. One of them comes running at him before he can close the door, her pigtails flying. He swoops her up in the air, dangling her upside down just a little until she squeals.
“Hey, peanut, how was your day?”
As she tells him something about the robot they built out of recycled materials, Jake wanders further into the apartment. The television is on, playing one of Bella’s shows. The kitchen is empty except for some animal crackers left under the cabinet.
“Where’s Mama?” he asks, flying the four-year-old back to the couch.
She screeches until he plops her down. “Napping.”
“And your sister?”
She’s getting engrossed back into her tv show, so he knows he has to act fast to get any information out of her.
“Did you have anything to eat?”
“Shh, Daddy.”
He leans over the couch to kiss her cheek, even if she pushes him away a little. On his way down the hall, he checks on Sadie first, who’s sound asleep in her crib. Amy, however, is wide awake in bed and staring at the ceiling. Gently, he climbs in next to her.
“How you doing?”
She doesn’t answer for a while, so he turns his head to look at her.
“Mom called.” She drifts her eyes down to meet his. “The funeral’s next weekend.”
When he reaches for her hand, she drifts closer, curling into his chest. She’s motionless against him, her breath steady, and he knows she isn’t crying. Hasn’t cried yet. He thought he’d seen her and all of her ways—screaming rage and silent tears and that small smile when she can’t meet your gaze. He’s never seen her lose a brother.
“Do you need anything?”
“They identified him this morning,” she whispers. “Why did it take so long?”
“I need to know how it happened.”
The air grows darker around them, pressing down. Or perhaps that’s his lungs, collapsing under the weight of his knowledge of the crime. Seeing the body, bloody and crushed halfway under the car. Jake runs his hand down her back, hoping she can’t tell that they’re shaking.
“It was a hit and run. Literally, the man climbed out of his totaled car and ran.” He stops to take a deep breath. When he was first assigned the case to find the runaway, he laughed. Run, run, as fast as you can, Toyata-man! His throat tightens, and he presses a small kiss to the top of Amy’s head. An apology. “Carlos was just a pedestrian, caught in the middle.”
“Why could no one identify him?”
“He—he was hit pretty bad.”
“How bad?”
He moves his lips to her forehead. “I don’t think—”
“I have a right to know.”
His arm is thrown off her as she gets up and starts pacing the floor. She’s mad now. He just watches, waits for her to slow down, maybe collapse and start sobbing. Her feelings always go in and out like waves, and he can’t tell what to expect next. But she stops, sits back on the bed by his feet.
“I have a right to know,” she whispers again.
He’s about to sit up and join her at the end of the bed, but their door squeaks open, and Bella pushes her face through the crack.
“Is it dinner time?”
Amy scoops her up with a smile. “Of course, mi reina. What do you want?”
As “marshmallows!” trails down the hall, Jake rubs a hand down his face. He stays there until the pizza delivery man arrives.
It’s not even two days until Amy gets her hands on the case file. He recognizes it immediately—it was on his desk only two hours ago. She��s hunched over the coffee table, spoon feeding bananas to Sadie as she goes. He’d heard her greet him when he came in through the door, but he still approaches cautiously, sitting gently by her feet.
“Where’d you get that?”
Amy flips to the next page, and he silently takes over banana duty.
It’s another three days when her steady facade falters. They took the girls out to the city today—Bella loves staring up at the skyscrapers, and she swears she’s going to build her own next year when she’s all grown up. She’s dancing through a little play fountain when Jake catches Amy fiddling with something in her purse.
He leans forward to press a kiss to her cheek, stealing a glance down as he does. Amy notices the moment she’s been caught.
“I haven’t opened it,” she says.
“I don’t even carry a lighter anymore.”
He knows. She threw them all away the second they learned she was pregnant the first time around. Leaning his head against hers, he slips the cigarette box out of her hands and intertwines his fingers with hers instead. For a moment, he thinks she’s finally about to cry, but then she shifts away from him, and calls for Bella to come over. It’s time to head home.
Sometimes, she moves slowly. Like in the mornings when she waits for the third alarm before rising to her feet and starting her day, putting in a little less effort than usual. Other times, she’s unstoppable. Juggling two kids at once and managing three other chores at the same time.
Only once does she acknowledge her feelings on the matter, when they’re tucked in bed with the lights off. She mumbles into his chest, “Why did it have to be him?”
He doesn’t have an answer to that.
The funeral is louder than he anticipated. It makes sense, with the entire Santiago clan, including relatives he’s never even heard of, milling around and spreading condolences. Jake’s on daughter duty for the most part, watching from a distance and not getting too involved. But it’s hard to ignore the lump in his throat after his sixth brother-in-law says hello, and he keeps expecting the seventh that will never show.
He watches Amy drift slowly around, though she never strays too far from him. Every few minutes she returns to his side for a quick break. But she always puts a smile back on, braving herself for the next overbearing hug.
“You don’t have to be strong, y’know.” It’s something he’s been telling her every day since the accident.
She just puts on another smile. “I’m fine. Really.”
The first time Jake cries, Bella’s tugging on his sleeve as the immediate family gathers around the coffin with flowers.
“Where’s Tio Carlos?” she asks.
They tried to explain it before the funeral, sitting down with her and introducing the concept of an afterlife—they never wanted to force a religion on their children, but it was the only explanation they had. She only shrugged it off, asked if she could wear her light up sneakers instead of the boring Mary Janes.
So he stays silent and holds her closer to him, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair. She puts up with it for a few moments, then wriggles out of his grasp.
“Can I throw a flower, too?”
He sneaks a final kiss onto her nose, and decides it’s not worth the fight to keep her in her seat.
“Go ask Mama.” He sets her free.
It’s one month after the accident when Amy wakes up shaking and sweaty. Jake frowns as he slowly becomes conscious—he’s always been slow to wake—and throws a hand loosely in his wife’s direction before he manages to regain full function of his limbs and pull himself up to firmly wrap his arms around her.
“Breathe, Ames.” His lips ghost over the shell of her ear.
She takes a staggering breath in, then falls into him, sobs wracking her frame. He continues whispering in her ear, breathing through his mouth to encourage her to match his breaths. Though his hands are shaking where they trace her skin. He’s used to her occasional panic attack and her less often night terrors, but he’s never seen her quite this far gone.
It all stops abruptly, and Jake lifts her from him to look into her eyes. He recognizes what she needs instantly, and pulls her with him off the bed. They only make it just past the bathroom door  before she’s heaving and vomiting onto the tiles at her feet. Her knees buckle, and he carries her the few feet to the toilet before setting her down.
“Deep breaths,” he reminds her, pulling back her hair and securing it with an elastic band. He kisses her temple before fetching her a glass of water, then goes to clean up the bathroom floor as well.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers.
He sits behind her when he’s done, stroking her back as she continues emptying out the contents of her stomach.
“What for?” he asks when she’s done, leaning back into him and away from the toilet.
She doesn’t have an answer for him, just turns her head into his chest and relearns how to breathe.
The nightmares aren’t a constant, but they return every once in a while. Some nights, they stay up talking, taking turns sharing their fears, what they’re grateful for. One night, Bella pokes her head through the door, tears on her face.
Jake beckons her towards him, pulls her up into his lap.
“What’s wrong, peanut?”
She grabs his shirt into fists, stealing glances at Amy. “Is Mama okay?”
He glances at her, too. She’s still against Jake’s side, but she curled more into the pillows when Bella arrived. Her head is turned away, though, probably to keep Bella from seeing her tears.
“Mama just misses Tio Carlos,” he says.
Bella crawls forward, trying to wrap her arms around her mother’s middle. “It’s okay, Mama. He’s in the heaven. It’s good. It has ice cream.”
There’s a moment where Amy’s breath catches, then she’s turning back towards Bella and enveloping her in her arms. Jake leans in and surrounds them both, and there they remain. For a little while.
“Mama?” Bella whispers. “Mama, mama, mama?”
“What is it, mi reina?”
“Can we have ice cream, too?”
She smiles and wipes away her tears. No more seem to follow.
“Of course.”
On their way to the kitchen, Jake grabs a sleeping Sadie and sits down with her on the floor, his back against the counters. Bella jumps around, way too hyper for three in the morning, so Jake tugs her down, too. Tells her stories about the ice cream monster.
Amy joins them with three giant bowls of ice cream moments later, settling down on Jake’s other side. She leans her head against his shoulder as he finishes his wild tales, tickling Bella with his free hand at the finale. Amy laughs along, her fingers tracing along Sadie’s head. He’s a bit delirious, a bit sleep deprived, but he’s certain it’s the happiest he’s ever been.
As for Amy, she never has a nightmare about her brother again.
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yeol · 7 years
ship your mutuals with idols
id do anything for you since you asked so sweetly✨
@taeyeons: mingyu I just love this concept tbh both the softest cutest people. Imagine going to the park and seeing dogs. you would go pet them and he’d just come up to u and pet u too bc “don’t u know ur my pup?”@dokyungsu: kyungsoo please name a more powerful couple ??? You’d both be full of such soft love but such sass you’d be a scary couple. So full of love but you’d have such a strong and powerful aura around you whenever y’all went out like people would STARE.@kimhyunjung: hoseok if i said anyone else it would’ve been a lie a relationship so full of happiness and support. If he ever has a bad day you’d be the first person he’d call bc he just wants to hear your voice. He doesn’t give a damn about your advice, he just needs to you talk to him, your voice full of pure adoration.@kwangie: eunkwang i mEAN HONESTLY!!! You take his mini me everywhere u go… u buy him glasses. I can just see you guys sending pictures to each other and he’ll always ask “what did u and mini me do today?” And you’d tell him and he’d whine bc hE WANTED TO DO THAT WITH U TOO.@doyoung: doyoung i can’t even…. think of putting anyone else honestly. You’d be such a soft couple… feeding each other fruit and holding hands while going on walks wow I’m gonna cry@jinjins: johnny i was gonna say jinjin but ur always talking about johnny so it felt right@tipannies: tiffy 💖😚 y’all would just be the cutest most perfect pair omg the cutest girls braiding each other’s hair. Doing each other’s makeup constantly hugging and cuddling. I just loveeeeee@jenos: jeno is literally ur soulmate I just know. Whenever you’re having a bad day he’d just call and listen. He wouldn’t say a word. The only thing he knows you need to hear is that he loves you. @juliette: kibum listen I’m just seeing y’all sass each other constantly and I love it. I can just see y’all fighting over what movie to watch and finally you’d just cave and put in his movie but you’d pout the entire time and kibum would just look at you and stick out his tongue and tease u@zelo: himchan and matthew I don’t even think anything needs to be said?@cherisoo: changsub forever idc what u say he is ur man. you’re both so goofy and funny I can’t even imagine what it’d be like w the both of you in the same room like I’d have to walk away bc the puns would be so bad@somi: is it bad to say idk like ya changkyun duh but also Wendy????????? I can just see u and Wendy cuddling on the sofa watching cat videos and every time she laughs you’d just look at her in awe bc that’s ur… girl but then w changkyun y’all are trying to cook together and you can’t reach the spices on the top shelf but don’t worry bc “I got this babe” and as u move over he stands on his tip toes… not reaching much higher than u and u can’t help but laugh bc “I was wrong… I haven’t got this”@seok: baekhyun sO CUTE I CAN JUST SEE HIM HAVING A GIGGLE FIT WITH YOU FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN HE LOVES THE WAY YOUR LAUGH SOUNDS UGHHH ILOVEIT@32trbl: chuu y’all would be the cutest friends like you’d just take such good care of chuu and y’all are both so cute I love@cytaoplasm: jongdae please…. I can just see him helping you pick out all your bags you’re saving up for and going on trips with you just so you can show them off 😌@61st: junhong i just….. yes. y’all are just great for each other I can’t even explain it - it just feels right. It’s a perfect fit. You’re both some of my favorite people so ofc y’all would work together. Not to mention I can just see you hyping each other up constantly. Like one of you is napping the other takes a picture and posts it online saying something like “look at this baby! getting their sleep! much needed rest!!!! kick that naps ass!!!!” I love this idea 🌟😚
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twodollarlatefee · 4 years
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Happy 61st birthday to Finola Hughes! While Finola is widely known for her work on General Hospital and All My Children, she is most memorable (at least by cohost Zak) for her work in Staying Alive and Aspen Extreme! Staying Alive (which our good buddy Vince DiCola had a big hand in) is pure cheese...and Finola is excellent in it! Finola is equally great in Aspen Extreme, a highly underrated sports themed movie...in fact, it was the first vhs tape cohost Zak purchased from Suncoast Video back in the day! To this day, it’s why he (Zak) would carry a paperback book with him at all times! The more you know 😉 What’s your favorite FH movie/tv/role? ❤️📼❤️ • •• ••• #finolahughes #generalhospital #allmychildren #actor #birthday #dancer #stayingalive #aspenextreme #vhs #vcr #videostore #suncoastvideo #podcast #80spodcast #80s #90s #1980s #2000s #soapopera #babe #skiing https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7ft1xlbNL/?igshid=1bxicq3nhe54d
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pvdhorror · 5 years
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Happy 61st birthday to scream queen Linnea Quigley! Linnea has done so many horror genre films including Return of the Living Dead, Night of the Demons, Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-o-rama, Nightmare on Elm St 4, Pumpkinhead 2, and the list goes on. Aside from being a genre icon as a scream queen she is also amazing to her fans. Happy birthday @linneaquigley! * * * #linneaquigley #screamqueen #birthday #happybirthday #horroractress #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorcommunity #horrorfan #horrorfanatic #horrornerd #horroraddict #horrorjunkie #actress #horrorfamily #pvdhorror (at Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-NJLPlArP/?igshid=mmvqrqfhvkkc
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fuckmags · 4 years
seriously dude? as if my heart and mental state weren’t already fucked.
ugh. now all I want to do is hug her tight and tell her that everything will be okay. slowly but surely. I want to tell her how much I love her and that I think of her every fucking day. I miss her voice when she would talk to our fur babes. I miss how we could literally talk non stop 24/7 about anything and everything and we never got bored or annoyed with each other. I miss laying in bed all day and not having a single worry about it. I miss our deep connection to each other’s heart, mind, and soul. I miss reading poetry to one another and crying happy/sad tears together. I miss looking across the room and seeing that lil smirk and I just ... knew ... it was time to go home. I miss road trips and singing with you and sitting in comfortable silence. I miss our patio jam sessions. I miss slow dancing with you to our song.
you will always be my favorite and best love I’ve ever had.
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