#The School of Good and Evil
koko2unite · 5 months
dm me if you look like this
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farahtissaiamyloves · 4 months
Hi. Could you please write Lady Lesso x (student)reader(She's 18)?
It's Lesso's birthday, but she doesn't really like it and she's in a bad mood. Reader somehow finds out that today is Lesso's birthday and decides to surprise her, because she has a crush on her. She prepared a gift and a firecracker with confetti and glitter, taking it all with her to class, so she can surprise her right after class. But the firecracker goes off too early and showers Lesso with confetti and glitter, she gets angry, thinking it's some sort of prank. Of course, Lesso decides to send reader to the doom room, and reader somehow have to explain to her that it wasn't a prank and all.
Surprise gone wrong?
Lady Lesso x reader
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I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. I finally found time to write again so here we go. This amazing request was waiting for me for a long time, and I finally seized the opportunity and wrote it. Sorry, for the long wait. Hope you are all doing great!
Ps: it's my name day!!!!
You were at your final year at the school for evil.
You never meant to overhear the Dean of Good talking with one of her colleagues.
Students were forbidden to be walking around the lake at such a late hour, yet here you were studying and mostly admiring all the different stars and magnificent constellations.
You hid and held your breath. The last thing you wanted was to gain detention.
But then again...
Detention with Lady Lesso wasn't such a bad idea...
"You see, Anemone, Lesso's birthday is coming up, and we happen to have already arranged our monthly meeting that day." Dovey spoke with a highly annoyed tone.
Your eyes widened as you processed the newfound information. When?
"Really? Oh dear, she will be more than a handful..." Came Anemone's reply as you continued spying on them with sparkling eyes.
So, Lady Lesso's, your crush's birthday was coming up. You could surprise her! Show her how much you value all her hard work and determination.
You silently squeeled, already thinking of all the ways you could make her day.
"I know! Right? We won't have any work done because of that whining.... vixen." You raised an eyebrow at Dovey's failing attempt to curse your Dean.
You heard Anemone sigh. "And when will we waste our entire day?" Anemone asked, referring to when the meeting will take place.
"Next Thursday. I simply cannot wait!" The good Dean spoke sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at the way they were referring to Lady Lesso, but deep down, you were feeling beyond happy. You couldn't wait for next Thursday.
The day has finally come. You couldn't put your excitement into words. It was the day you were looking forward to since you overheard Dovey.
You were beaming awaiting for the class with Lady Lesso to come.
When the time was right, you went into the classroom a quarter earlier to do the needed preparations.
You knew that Lady Lesso always came from ten to five minutes beforehand to stare daggers at everyone who came into the classroom.
The firecracker was set and ready, and you had your gift inside your backpack. Your plan was to surprise her first, wish her happy birthday, and then pull out her gift to show her.
You couldn't wait to give her your gift, you were a little nervous but you were confident that she was going to like it.
You heard her heels clicking against the floor and giggled in excitedly. You couldn't wait for your little surprise to unfold.
You stood next to the firecracker, which meant to shower the ground in front of her with pink glitter and black confetti.
Lady Lesso marched inside the room at a faster pace than the one you anticipated. Your eyes widened as you were unable to stop the firecracker before being activated.
You stood and watched in horror as the Dean of Evil was showered from head yo tow with your glitter and confetti.
"Surprise." You spoke in shock as you were gazing at her.
The Dean had the exact position and grimace of a cat being thrown water.
She slowly opened her eyes, looked down at her ruined clothes, and up to you.
"What's the meaning of this?" She snapped at you.
You gulped as you noticed her state. "I- I am sorry. I didn't-" You started apologizing.
"Save it." She cut you off and grabbed your arm.
Your eyes widened as the Dean dragged you out of the classroom.
"La- lady Lesso. I can explain." You trembled.
Instead of answering, she pushed you in front of her violently and grabbed your arm again, leading you to the Doom Room.
"Everything but this place. Please." You begged, feeling really scared. You just meant to surprise her.
You briefly looked up at her only to see her furious face. Why was she so angry with you? Couldn't she clean her clothes with magic?
She pushed the door open and pulled you inside. You fell to the ground due to the force and turned to look at her with pleading eyes.
Lesso returned your gaze with an angry and cold one. "Forget class. You shall wait here for me for your proper punishment."
Lesso shut the door and locked it behind her.
You shakily got up and walked to the chair. You sat down and started crying. This was supposed to be a happy day. Couldn't she just use her mind and understand that the confetti was for her birthday?
You sighed as you were left alone with your thoughts. You were disappointed in yourself for ruining such a well-planned surprise and sad because instead of making her feel happy and appreciated, she was feeling furious and sad.
You cried a little bit, realizing that you won't get to give her your gift... All of those hours of preparing the surprise and searching the perfect gift were in vain.
Not just in vain, but they'll probably get you tortured well. You didn't want to be tortured, not for something that you didn't deserve, at least.
You didn't notice the door opened until a cold voice was heard. "Such a polite girl.... She's even trying to make her torture enjoyable.... for me." Lesso's words were accompanied by a chuckle. You knew she was referring to the fact that you were seated on the chair.
You immediately got up and took a deep breath. "I had no ill intentions." You declared.
Lady Lesso smirked, closing the door behind her and walking inside the room. "Oh, I'm sure you don't.... Nobody has in here." She mocked you.
You swallowed hard. Of course, everybody would lie to get themselves out of here. "I'm not everything, Lady Lesso. I never caused trouble in the past. Why would I do it now?" You inquired in a desperate attempt to prove your innocence.
The dean chuckled coldly as she stood in front of her torturing equipment. "There's always a first time for everything, little brat."
You took a deep, shaky breath. Your hands had become sweaty, and your eyes teary. "Can I, at least,... try to explain myself?" You hesitantly asked.
The Dean took a big whip from her collection and sighed. "If you stop acting like a little baby, afterward, then I guess you can certainly.... try to change my mind."
You nodded shakily as she turned around and showed you the whip. "I- I learned that today was your birthday, and I meant to surprise you. The firecracker never meant to wash you with either glitter or confetti. It just meant to surprise you." You explained.
Lesso raised a single perfect eyebrow. "And supposing my birthday was today... How did you learn about that?" She voice a very smart and calculated question.
You bited your lip. You were just going to make your torture worst, perfect. "I was just studying some astrology a week ago, at the lake, when I overheard Professor Dovey and Professor Anemone talking about a meeting happening at your birthday. I wish to reveal no more."
Lady Lesso thought about what you just told her. In was in fact true that there was both a meeting today and her birthday. She also knew that students weren't informed about those kinds of events...
The Dean looked down at the whip, then back to you. "Why the firecracker, then?"
You scratched your head. "That's what they do on birthdays."
Lesso sighed, turning around to put the whip back to its place. She didn't know whether she was disappointed for not conducting the torture or relieved because her favorite student didn't mean to stab her in the back.
"Such a cruel way to torment someone." The woman commented with gritted teeth.
"It didn't mean to fire on you, but in front of you. I'm deeply sorry, Lady Lesso. I never meant to make you furious." You apologized.
The Dean turned to look at you, only with her can in her hands. She sighed. "You did not mean ill, in the end. I'm glad."
You titled your head. "You are?"
Lady Lesso approached you with a sad small. She patted your head and then caressed it. "I am.... You didn't have to make such a big deal out of it, though."
You smiled, looking up at her. You didn't pull away from her grip. "Why not? It's your special day! You should enjoy it!"
Lesso shook her head and sighed. "No, no, I shouldn't. And you shouldn't either. Where's the good with completing another lonely, annoying, and boring year of your life?"
You pouted at her. "Don't say that, Lady Lesso, you have me."
The woman chuckled, patting your head. "That's not what I meant, and you know that."
You swallowed hard. Here goes nothing. "I. I know what you meant." You spoke, biting your lower lip.
Leonora's eyes widened as she looked down on you. Her piercing gaze remained on you as she processed your words. "No." She whispered.
You hesitantly nodded. "Yes."
The Dean took her eyes away from you before returning back to you pretty quickly. "You are lying."
You shook your head. "I had gotten you a gift, too. It's in my bag."
The Dean's eyes widened. "A gift!?"
You nodded. "Yes, if you want it. I think you will like it." You spoke with a smile.
Leonora Lesso was speechless. Firstly, her student admitted on liking her, and now this very same student has bought her a gift.
The Dean bited the inside of her cheek. "How much did it cost?" She meant to repay you.
You shook your head. "It's a gift for now, and it shall remain like one."
The Dean cursed. "What is it?"
You smirked at her and shrugged. "Only one way to find out, professor."
The Dean gave you a stern glance. "Why are you doing this? What do you wish in return?"
You looked up at her smiling. "Making you feel appreciated and cared for."
Leonora's eyes widened in shock. For the first time in a long while, she was truly speechless. She didn't know what she awaited you to say, but definitely not this. Not this, and definitely not with such happiness.
You stood up, standing in front of her. "Wanna open your gift?"
The woman looked at you for a second before blinking to bring herself back to reality.
"I- I guess." The Dean surrendered without a fight.
Nobody had ever gotten her a gift without waiting for something in exchange, and it made her feel... warm.
You walked outside of the room with the woman behind you. You led her to her classroom before taking your bag and opening it.
You pulled out a black box with a golden ribbon.
"Happy birthday, Lady Lesso." You said enthusiastically, handing her her present.
The Dean took the box and examined it. It was a pretty box in nice colors. Lady Lesso hummed, feeling pleased with the box as she slowly pulled it open.
Her eyes widened when she saw the matching cravat and gloves with the color of the box and ribbon.
The Dean touched them both in awe. They were so beautiful and precisely her style.
"So.... Do you like it?" You asked, examining her reaction.
Leonora looked up at you with a genuine smile. Her eyes were teary as she wanted to cry due to your thoughtful action. "I do. I guess a thank you is necessary."
You smiled back at her. It was the first time you saw her so happy. "You are very welcome, Lady Lesso."
The woman nodded and took a glove in her hands, and she caressed it, enjoying the feeling of leather against her fingers. "Call me Leonora when nobody is around."
Your eyes sparkled. Really? She liked it that much. It was your lucky day! Maybe you even stood a chance with her in the future.
The Dean glanced at you. "I believe this is the beginning of something wonderful."
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azural83 · 2 years
They completely missed the point of sophie's character
Sophie was an arrogant,selfish and a narcissistic person behind her sweet facade who didn't believe herself to be evil,who did terrible things including murder as her anger grew. movie sophie on the other hand? She's the "posessed victim" that the mainstream seems to be obsessed with these days
Making her an outcast with agatha was an odd choice,sophie didn't want to get away from a town who hated her,she was tired of her normal life and wanted to go the school of good because she thought that's what she deserves
She did good things (including being friends with agatha) just to change her school not because that she was a nice person,she discovered her evilness and powers on her own not because of rafal (who literally was supposed to remain in the bts and not let Sophie fail instead of brainwashing her) we as audience do know that she really is evil deep down and why rafal saw her potential despite her denial. The movie makes you wonder that what did rafal even see in her? She's a very sympathetic person in the film who goes through hell
She is a great friend towards aggy and only turned against her because of rafal's influence,the scene where she accuses agatha for stealing everything from her feels cheap because there is no build up;she was simply upset and seemed to forgive agatha while reading her letter,while in the book we saw how her jealousy grew over the time to the point she attacked everyone several times and killed all of the wolves and fairies but she barley hurts anyone in the movie,heck one of the first signs of her evilness is when she drowns the beast after he cuts her hair,but in the movie it was lady lesso for some reason and it only makes us feel sorry for sophie. Completely erasing it's meaning. A weak attempt to make her seem like a "bad bitch" in the aftermath when we were supposed to see her true colors
Sophie was such a complicated and complex character but they managed to remove her agency in her own story
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xinimartsy · 2 years
So, School of Good and Evil was kinda fun.
Love the contradiction tho. "Evil is ugly" "witches aren't pretty" and they just go and cast Charlize Theron to play Lady Lesso like she's not the most gorgeous woman in the world. pLEASE, she could step on me and I'd thank her, she's the epitome of beauty
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rosalie-starfall · 1 year
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Michelle Yeoh
August 6th 1962 Happy Birthday Babe!
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discjude · 2 months
Hello I'm a bit behind on Soman's Substack blog but I just wanted to make you all aware of this
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im sorry. im so sorry. rupaul. are you meaning to TELL ME we could've had RuFal. What.
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starlight-bread-blog · 11 months
So yesterday I watched The School of Good and Evil and... uhhhhh
The Movie:
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The Narration:
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Oh, think I'm joking? They kissed and Sophie comes back to life because it was a true love's kiss. And then the narration goes "because there is no greater love than the love of a friend". I laughed SO HARD.
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merci-bitch · 2 years
The Coat Is Off
Lady Lesso x fem!reader
Warning(s): Not too detailed smut, teasing, it’s Lesso 🤷🏼‍♀️
A/N: My inbox certainly is overflowing !! Love to see it. And I haven’t ignored anyone ! I’m trying to start from an end and move my way towards the other haha. But it’s all good, keep em’ coming.
Not too long, and any mistakes are mine !
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For once, if not for the first time you had a break during the day. In between classes. Well, it wasn’t really a break. You had stacks of paperwork to get through, and things to grade. It felt like a mountain that couldn’t get climbed. It was awfully tiring but it had to be done.
You didn’t hear the door open, neither did you hear the sound of a pair of heels clicking against the stone floor alongside a cane. Too focused in your writing. You bit your lip and got up from your desk to go trap the other stack of papers on the desk by the window, only to feel someone grab your wrist.
“Seems awfully rude to ignore me, doesn’t it?”
It was Lesso. A sly smirk on her face as her grip on your wrist tightened. Lesso used her other hand to move the hair from your shoulder and leaned in. She let her nose move alongside your neck. Her warm breath on your skin sent shivers down your spine.
“Lesso I-I really need to finish grading these pa-“
Lesso cut you off by shushing you. Moving up to cover your mouth with her finger. Her other hand moved from your wrist, moved up your thigh and then between your legs, cupping you in her hand. You let out a gasp in response. You gripped her hand and looked at her. She had that glint in her eyes. A cat like grin on her face as she moved even closer to you.
“I-I have to-“ She cut you off once again with a kiss. Cupping your face with both hands as the kiss became more demanding. She started walking you backwards, pushing you against the desk. Getting you to sit on top of it, and standing in between your legs. Her one hand moved down your body, down your thigh and lifted up your leg to wrap around her waist. Her kisses grew more hungry. You moved your head back for air, for her to move her kisses downwards. She started biting at your skin, causing you to hiss out in pleasure. Your hands gripped her forearms, then trying to push her coat off. It landing on the floor.
Her lips found yours once again as her hands moved to your waist. You felt her nails through your shirt. She bit your bottom lip and pulled it with her as she moved her head slightly back. You let out a breath as she did. You knew that familiar glint in her eyes. They were dark and hooded. You reached forward to undo the buttons on her vest only for her to swat your hands away from her.
“Nah uh. No touching.” She grinned.
You crossed your arms and pouted at her. Making her chuckle. “Come now, sweetheart. We both know you won’t be complaining in a few minutes.” She leaned in to kiss you again. Your arms still crossed but you let her. “Don’t ruin all the fun.”
“Well, it’s not fun if only you get to touch.”
“No? You wanna make a bet on that?” Lesso said with a smirk. Leaning in close again. Her nose touching yours. “I have papers to grade.” You started to move only to be stopped by a clawing hand. “You’re not going anywhere, little minx.” She purred. Sending shivers down your spine.
It took a while for her to coax you into it. Damn her, you thought. You should have seen this coming. It was Lesso for gods sake. The way she’d entered the classroom? You should have seen it. You should have known you’d end up with her hand covering your mouth as her hand worked wonders between your legs. Enough to make your eyes roll into the back of your head. Muffled moans and gasps coming from your throat as she continued to assault your neck with her mouth. Leaving enough bite marks for people to wonder if someone had actually tried to eat you. The muffled sounds of students from outside the door didn’t help either. The thrill it sent down your spine was proof of that.
The closer you got, the more cocky she got. The more filth she would whisper in your ear. Your on hand was holding onto her hand between your legs tightly, begging her not to stop moving it. You felt your thighs start to tremble. Your eyes making that roll once again as she hit that specific spot inside you. Her hand moving faster, alongside the biting at your jaw; hit a very good spot and suddenly you saw white. The whole world around you disappeared as you entered a moment of pure bliss. You ended up biting into her hand to contain your sounds. A single tear made its way down your cheek.
When she removed her hand you barely got time to catch your breath as your lips were covered by her own once more. A hand on your lower back pushing you closer to her. A moan came from both sides. The paperwork on your desk scattered around the floor completely forgotten. It wasn’t until a loud banging on the door ruined the moment.
“Oh dammit!” You hissed, starting to get off the desk but Lesso wasn’t moving. She staring daggers at the door. You couldn’t help but giggle. You kissed her cheek and pushed at her shoulders. “Get moving Lesso. We still have students to teach.”
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“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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...but that was just gals being pals I guess?
Tell me, how was I meant to not laugh my arse off at this.
And covid still has its claws in my lungs, people, I can’t breathe, but the laughter is still happening.
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hanxiaofeifei · 2 years
Currently watching The School of Good and Evil and maybe I am just a crack shipper, but does someone agree with me that Lesso and Dovey have just too much sexual tension between them?
I crave them bickering, those eye rolls and looks. Chatting about their day in their rooms. They balance each other out so much!!!
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bdudette · 4 months
I saw the hcs of hort falling for someone from the good school, but what about not just hcs of them being a princess from that school, but they are different from the others. They don’t like pastel colors like the rest and prefers darker colors (Let’s say they somehow found a black dress or took one colorful dress and just modified it. Plus don’t really care what the rest think), not afraid to stand up for others no matter what school they are from, kind, and empathetic (You could add Tedros too if you’d like)
• Characters Included: Hort and Tedros
• a|n: tbh, i didn’t know how to do this one super well. I was mostly thinking of like — typical Disney ‘ I’m not like the other girls ‘ kinda gal. don’t beat me up for saying that 😂. idk if this fits with the tittle but I remember when the ‘ever’ girls called Agatha a ‘never’ because of how she first looked and I kinda wanna work with that ? Uh — yeah
• ps. sorry for taking months to do this, y’all know that at this point I generate fics at the pace of a slug in a 5 yard run. rewatched the movie for y’all. i’ve also been trying to write for some different fandoms im into as well, the amount of drafts I have — cough … this was from 2022 btw 💀
• warnings: based on movie, obsessive Hort ( bro needs to chill a lil ), kinda wack Tedros, rusty writing, short.
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✫ Hort
Obsessed Immediately
It’s not everyday when Hort gets to see such a … different kind of princess.
Typically, they are all like — sheep in fancy clothes and makeup, always following what the most popular shepherd’s words were as if it were like their last drop of water in a dry and hot desert.
So when you were thrown in and showed up in such dark ‘never’ colors in the entrance ceremony of those lame-o ‘ever’s he just — he stared way too hard at you from afar.
What were you trying to accomplish when you chose that outfit? What were you thinking when choosing such darkness of colors that almost had you thrown to the side of the ‘never’s by the humanized wolf guards the very first day?
He was honestly just confused as soon as he first saw you, you were so much different than what he was used to seeing or hearing. So when he continuously saw you wear such clothings for more than a day, he decided to well — stalk you to learn more about your intentions.
And he wasn’t gonna lie and say he didn’t start liking you as soon as you started to show up the next few days after the second one still wearing dark clothing — further pushing the continuations of his stalking towards you in where he’d just stare at you with his arm perched on the cafeteria table with his head leaned against his closed fist.
All while he sighed so dreamily towards you.
Wow that was long.
But it’s true, he so rarely got to see you though because of your different ‘statuses’— so when he did see you again, he always used that time to stare at You.
It wasn’t far after the first few days that You were able to catch on that an never was staring and soon felt kind of uncomfortable.
And it wasn’t because the guy was an never, no — it was just — that weird guy seemed to have a staring problem since the first time You came in.
Well — everyone here had a staring problem when it came to Your clothing style — the difference was that while the others stared in disgust, envy or pity … he stared with something akin to a Dreamy Look.
And that always seemed to put you on a fluttering edge of — confusion, and extreme flattery —
Not you’d outrightly say it, not to this pretty stranger of a never, after all — what’s the fun in making things easy.
After gathering all your courage one day, you had decided that it was time to finally speak to this staring guy.
A smile grazed your colored lips, eyes squinting under the light of the sun rays as you were lightly caressed by the sun itself all while you stared down at the sitting wolf who looked like he was seeing an ethereal being right in front of him.
So this is how it started, the little romantic advances of a wolf man and dark clothing wearing riding hood.
✫ Tedros
Confused Yet Enamored
He was honestly so — confused as to what you were wearing when he first saw you walking on the grounds of the ever school.
Wondering why a Never was walking in the same grounds of the Evers, but after seeing you on the second to third day, it was solidified that you were an Ever … dressed in darkened items.
At first, he had been confused — extremely confused and not understanding as to why an Ever would ever wear such darkened clothings to the point of being confused to a Never.
Why an Ever would ever be kind to a Never when they were the enemies, the villains, of their future life long stories — even standing up for them from time and time again.
He was unsure, but he could not deny the rapid palpations of his golden heart at the sight of your beautiful figure.
Be it from Far, Far Away or Close By.
As a popular guy, he can’t deny that he was somewhat — arrogant when it came to a romantic advance with pretty ladies, but you had been indifferent to the sight of him.
This was one of the many reasons why he has been so enamored with you, why his eyes could not leave you for more than a second.
And sure, it might sound like a typical ‘this is the first time a lady has ever rejected me’ sort of romance, but this was different for Tedros.
This was way too different.
Especially when he started speaking with You, his eyes not leaving You as he had a spark of interest by the time he first spoke to You.
Your empathy, Your kindness, Your wit, Your intelligence — everything about You was different than the ordinary one minded ladies he has met before … not to be insulting.
But You were just different to everyone, to himself, You were — Yourself.
And by the stars above, you were one of a kind to him, You were the beautiful moon that shined the path of salvation to him, the setting sky that held the most beautiful of darkening colors — You ARE his One.
He knew it, he felt it.
From the sole of his feet, to the edge of his fingers and to the top of his hairs — You lit his heart ablaze like the flames on Hades head.
You are the One who held the key within his own Heart and Soul.
Which is why, as soon as he knew, he gently grasped at your darkened nail tainted hands, looking directly at your eyes as his heart trembled within himself while throat dried out for a moment
You looked at him with a light fever within your own, wonder cascading with yourself at this beautiful man that held a tender look within his own eyes.
Was this to be your happily Ever After?
Despite who you were, despite how you dressed — Tedros would not have you any different than right now.
After all, You are the One, truly the One he fell deeply — into the depths of the underworld and above — in love with you.
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Hey its me again, the one who asked about the arranged marriage one thank you for writing it also your welcome I didn't say "can u just do a lesso one" lol. Can we maybe continue it by reader giving birth or idk there baby got ahold of lessos coat while she's looking for it, both reader and lesso see her with the coat, pretending to be lesso and they just(not really) die of cuties lol. Have a nice day
Arranged Marriage - part 3
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Part 2 Part 4
God, Anon, you have literally the best ideas ! You are very welcome for part 2, and I was overjoyed with your request for part 3. Sorry for the waiting, I finished my exams and then couldn't stop playing hogwarts legacy.
The day you gave birth was the most painful yet happy day of your life.
Nothing could compare to the love and happiness you felt when you took your little girl in your arms for the first time.
It was the first time you saw Leonora smiling that brightly without any kind of torture being involved.
Your mother and father were so content with becoming grandparents that they even hugged the evil dean.
You were shocked when Leonora reciprocated the embraces ( slightly awkward but it was a huge character development, and everybody acknowledged that ).
Leonora was smiling with the brightest smile you had ever seen on her face. Her chest was full of pride, and her lips were formed in a wide grin as she presented your little girl to your parents and Clarissa ( who came because she was the closest to family Leonora had ).
Your mother was crying from joy while your father kissed the baby's temple with a fond smile on his face.
Clarissa, who was looking at the little one from your mother's shoulder, couldn't hide her excitement.
Watching this beautiful scene unfolding, Leonora walked to you, kissing your cheek. " You did a wonderful job today, darling. It's high time you rested. "
You nodded, relaxing to the pillows underneath you. " Yes, I'm so tired, but - "
" There are no buts. I will let them play with her for a little while, then take her, wash her, and treat her like the princess she is. " Leonora assured you pecking your lips. " Sleep well, love. "
And you felt Morpheus engulfing you in no time.
Three years came to pass faster than you ever thought.
Watching your little one grow was the best experience you will ever get to experience.
To your great surprise, Leonora was a great mother.
For the evil dean, you always thought that she would leave you raise the child.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Leonora wouldn't only require she spend the whole evening in her office with your little girl on her lap, but she would also insist on being present when you were readying your daughter for sleep.
Leonora loved her baby girl more than anything.
You feared that when your girl would grow old enough to have a relationship, Leonora wouldn't hesitate to do another murder if the person broke her heart.
Not that you would try to keep her at bay, of course...
You were fixing your hair when you heard Leonora's voice outside the bedroom.
" Darling, have you seen my coat ? " Your wife shouted.
You looked around the bedroom. Leonora was used to forgetting her coat on top of the bed or on the armchair near her side of bed.
You titled your hair to the side, confused as you got up from your place in front of the vanity.
If she could not find it near the door and you could not see it here... Could it be inside her closet ?
You opened the door and quickly searched inside.
Leonora, who didn't hear any response coming from you, came into the room.
She looked at you while you searched the closet. " So ? " She asked you.
You shook your head. " Maybe you have forgotten it in your office ? You can have another one, though."
The dean of evil huffed in annoyance. " There's no way. I swear that I left it on the sofa. "
You sighed, closing your eyes in frustration. " What the hell ? "
Leonora smiling because you weren't prone to curse, shrugged. " I don't know. "
Then, little footsteps were heard. You exchanged a look with your wife awaiting your daughter's arrival.
Leonora knelt in front of the open floor, ready to welcome your little princess.
And then your little one appeared, leaving both of you speechless.
The tiny redhead was wearing her mother's coat, trying to mimick her.
" I'm Leonoya Leyo. " She said with the best stern face she could muster while pointing her little finger at the dean of evil.
The real Leonora Lesso smiled at the little human in front of her before quickly wrapping her hands around her daughter and pulling her on her lap.
The little girl laughed as her mother washed her with kisses. " Mo- Mommy. " She whined between her laughter.
You giggled, joining them on the floor and kissing the top of both of their fluffy, curly, red hair.
Your daughter reached out to you, and in no time, Leonora had wrapped her right hand around your waist and attacking both you and your little one with her lips.
Your kid clapped her hands together, enjoying every bit of her mother's attention.
Everybody thought that Leonora would love no one.
They couldn't be more wrong.
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“So deep in my heart that you’re really a part of me”
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Lady Lesso x Ever Reader
cw : soulmate au // blood and injury // angst and hurt comfort // fluff // bffs lesso x dovey // age gap // older woman x younger woman
wc : 5500 ish
ao3 — https://archiveofourown.org/works/42983871
I love the fact that we are all collectively simping for Lady Lesso. Everywhere I go, I see her. Also, is it just me or does it make you incredibly happy when someone you’ve followed for some other women you love began posting contents of this new woman that you’ve just fallen for? No? Just me? Ok.
Fyi, the title is from Ben L’Oncle Soul version of Frank Sinatra’s I’ve got you under my skin
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You have always deemed your parents the quintessence of the vows “in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health”.
There has been a period of time where your jovially energetic mother has peculiarly lost her enthusiasm.
One of the first few signs is exhaustion. The woman who used to be on her feet all day with gusto, executing a whirlwind of tasks about the house, would become short of breath with only a handful of movements.
Then, comes heart palpitations, which eventually lead her to collapse in bed. When it happens, your father has been there for her, taking the houseworks upon himself on top of his own workload. Along with you, your father would take your mother to see a physician before he would, then, have to continue on to his job.
He has to burn the candle at both ends, juggling between his work and taking care of his wife. You help as much as you can, but still, bigger responsibilities fall on your father’s shoulders. Tirelessly, he works day in and day out, never complaining one bit.
The silver lining to it all is that your mother’s case is not so much a decline in health than an ailment, so after a few days of taking prescribed medicines coupled with bed rest, the jovially energetic woman makes her spirited return.
As it so happens, your father comes home one day with a flu, and despite exercising social distancing amongst the three of you, the whole family unfortunately falls prey to the disease.
Whilst recovering however, in the death of one night, the town officials appear on your doorstep, taking your father away on the grounds that he has to be interrogated for an alleged crime.
In the morning, he does not return home. Nor does he within the next day. Eventually, a day melts into two, three. Then, days grow into a week. A week becomes weeks.
Your mother has not been sitting idly by during all that time; she contacts her husband’s friends, does everything within her capability to get even a trace of his news.
Your father is a real people person. If there is one thing he has in abundance, it is friends, and they are good friends, offering to help in any way they can, and indeed, consistently helping your mother in pursuing news of your father’s whereabouts.
The painstaking efforts have had no luck so far, until after having no traces whatsoever of him for a whole month, you and your mother are finally informed of the news that he will be put on trial.
As it turns out, your father has been unfairly accused of a crime that he has not committed, and subsequently detained for it.
You and your mother have gone to meet him a couple of times already, and the both of you are pleased and relieved to find that he is doing well, cheeks getting chubbier and appearing as radiant as ever.
You find the whole ordeal but a testament to their unyielding love for each other.
There have been inevitable arguments between the two of them. But, it is, you suppose, what makes their connection, all the more admirable. Getting to grips with disagreements and surmounting obstacles hand in hand, they nurture their imperfectly perfect tale with conflicts and reconciliations, cries and apologies, curses and sweet nothings.
“After all, what is love without a little pain?”
Your mother has said to you one evening, sitting on the porch and knitting a hat for her dearest husband.
“Your father, he is my one true. People usually say that you will see it. But, my darling girl, mama has to disagree. When you find them, you will feel it.” Her palm rests on your chest. She smiles, drops her voice to a whisper as if what she is about to say is confidential. “In here.”
And indeed, feel you do as soon as your eyes behold her.
Funnily enough, the fated encounter comes as a by product of chasing after your cat, Eclipse for she has midnight sky for fur. After running after her all over the Great Lawn like a headless chicken, you find her sitting curiously at the feet of someone.
Up until this point, you have been in a single-minded pursuit of your cat that everything else has been a blur. Yet, by the time you stand up after gathering your beloved furball in your arms, you are enthralled by the vision before you, so enthralled in fact that you do not realise the proximity of your bodies.
How curious, you muse, that you are bombarded with a queer indecipherable feeling, as if a piece of you, that you do not realise has been missing, has returned to you at long last.
“Get that repulsive thing away from me.”
A voice, rich and smokey, jostles you out of your musings, a tip of a cane landing atop your chest to push you away.
Her lips are pulled tight into a scowl, you notice, and the only thought whirling around your empty head is that this woman is absofuckinglutely captivating, very much the epitome of handsome and gorgeous combined.
And then, before you can formulate a response, she is gone, dark stilettos drumming against the floor with every elegant footfalls of those impressively long legs.
Only then do you see it, a red silky thread coiled around her pinky, stretching across the distance between the two of you, then twining itself round yours.
And just like that, you have found your one true.
Finally being made aware that the fairytales you have grown up loving after all this time, are real does not make you as happy as it is supposed to.
Instead, you are busy envying the nevers who get to interact with the dean of the school for evil on a daily basis, and it does not help either that the woman seems to be deliberately avoiding you like you are the very plague.
Every time she sees so much as a shadow of you, she flees the room. When you try approaching her in front of other people, she disregards your existence altogether.
Fed up to the back teeth with her unreasonable behaviour, you foolishly decide the best course of action would be to confront her, and thus, you find yourself standing in the middle of her study one afternoon.
“Do you plan on keep ignoring me, Lady Lesso?”
“Who says you could come as you please into my study?”
“Why do you keep turning a blind eye to me?”
“Riddle me this ever, what obligation have I to take notice of you?”
Her aloofness stings as well as irritates you, and exasperated, you thrust your arm out, as if it isn’t the elephant in the room.
“Isn’t this reason enough?”
“It is but a worthless string.”
“It’s a string that ties us together. Does it mean absolutely nothing to you?”
A nonchalant hum.
A beat. A painful throb of your heart.
“Lady Lesso, why do you dislike me so?”
“Now, don’t be presumptuous, little girl. Aside from disinterest, I harbour not an ounce of feeling towards you. Your significance to me is as existential to me as my love for cats.”
“But I thought you hated Eclipse?”
“How mean of you.”
“I’m the dean of the school for evil. Does that suggest anything to you?”
“And I am your soulmate. Does that suggest anything to you?”
“Soulmate this. Soulmate that. How utterly risible! It is sheer folly that leads you to believe that two literal strangers can magically, readily feel something deep and profound for each other. I don’t give a flying fuck who my soulmate is. Your existence matters not to me. In fact, it in itself is a downright insult to my face. An ever, a student and a reader at that? I simply do not care.”
Tears of frustration have been pooling in your eyes, but those that finally cascade down your cheeks are tears of dejection.
“Ever since you’ve appeared in front of me, you’ve been nothing but a thorn in my flesh. So, yes, it does suggest to me that you are a pesky little vermin.”
“All it takes is a flick of my finger,-” Suddenly, the tip of her forefinger starts glowing, and before you know it, you watch, crestfallen, as the little red thread is instantly reduced to dust. “-and there, this “our tie” that you’re so annoyingly fixated on is no more. Now, leave me alone. I certainly have far more important things to attend to than deal with this tomfoolery.”
You return to your dormitory a snivelling mess.
You have half a mind to believe that it is heartbreak that has you descending into an awful illness come morning.
After you have run out of her study, Leonora has been left transfixed by the staggering pain that has marred your features, unable to do anything productive for the rest of the evening.
She has thought that without those annoyingly captivating eyes perusing her every move, her heart would not feel as jittery. She has been certain that she would get satisfaction out of her little display of cruelty, and she has, if only for a while, but now, her mind is relentlessly plagued by the images of you. As soon as she has hit you with those words, it is like a dam has been broken behind those big wounded eyes.
It happens three days ago, and she has not seen you ever since. As much as she loathes to admit it, lately, all she can think of is you. In classrooms amidst teaching, at night as she lies awake in bed, it is always your agonised little face sullied with tears that makes a repeated appearance.
You have cried as if physically harmed.
She almost feels bad then, and now, she does.
Regret always comes too late, does it not?
“Why, pray tell, is the dean of the school for evil skulking about the corridors of the school for good?”
She doe not even realise that she has mindlessly wandered off to your school until a sickeningly sweet voice reaches her ears.
Slowly, she swivels on her heels, signature cane in one hand, an equally sickeningly sweet smile plastered on her face.
Her lips have just moved to utter something when she is rudely interrupted by an ever.
“Lady Dovey, I’ve searched the whole perimeter but there’ve been no signs of her.”
It is none of her concern and yet, oddly, she is inclined to ask. “No signs of who?”
And, to her dismay, it is your name that falls out of the other dean’s lips.
After impatiently listening to the detailed recount of your last known whereabouts, subsequently learning that you have been sick in bed, she storms out of the school for good, intent on conducting a surreptitious search of her own.
On her way back to her school, coincidentally, she happens upon a group of nevers. She sees them talking animatedly and hears them all collectively laughing over the story of hexing an ever.
Neither is it strange nor wrong to have nevers and evers going against each other’s throats, but there is something particularly strange about this conversation that is rubbing her up the wrong way.
Soon, she understands why, and simultaneously, her anger is justified once they mention your name.
Your wounds sting, your body aches and your head throbs, contrapuntal with the relentless pounding of your haywire heart. Around you, the naked branches creak, crows cackle, stymphs squeal and various other inhabitants of the forest sneer.
Emitting a cacophony of condescending noises, the woods itself seems to be making a mockery of your misery. Even the moon, in her full golden glory, appears to be looking down on your sorry state from her majestic onyx throne.
Should you were within the comfort of your dormitory, the occasional zephyr would have been a soothing, charming embrace, but currently as you are with nothing more than a flimsy silk on your frame, it is anything but charming.
You are not sure whether it is the spiricks’ venomous bites finally rearing their ugly heads or the weather being particularly unforgiving tonight as the chilliness seeps into your bones, and seems to swell from deep within. In the end, you conclude that it must be a combination of both taking a toll on you, for there is a profound aching agony blooming from beneath the area where their fangs have sunk into your flesh. It does not help either that some of the deeper cuts you have sustained continue to ooze blood, liquid crimson making a macabre artwork of the blank canvas that is your nightdress.
Unconsciousness sounds like a rather enticing idea right about now, but the wicked woodland does not appear too keen on giving you even a semblance of reprieve. No sooner have you entertained the thought than come the rustling noises from the inky thickets adjacent the tree under which you are taking sanctuary.
Scrambling to your feet is instantly proved a careless mistake when, under the influence of a woozy mind and on your wobbly legs that appear to have suddenly lost their purpose, you topple over. Along with a pained little grunt, you lean against the thick mossy trunk, bracing yourself for what you believe to be the imminent danger.
However, all the fear and trepidation that have taken hostage of your mind ebb away once an impeccably dressed woman enters your vision. Her arrestingly gorgeous red curls backdropped by the golden glow of the moon serves as a halo befitting a dark goddess.
If you didn’t know any better, you might have found it puzzling: the fact that her presence alone has the effect of a calming salve on your mayhem of a mind. It swaddles your whole body in an invisible cloak, soothing stings and healing wounds, suffusing warmth and supplying solace.
All this time, your subconscious mind has been desperately craving her, you realise with a start at the lack of surprise and abundance of relief upon seeing her. During the last few days, it has gone as far as daring to harbour the flimsiest of hopes that she will find you while the more logical part of your mind keeps reminding you that she has made it abundantly clear that she wants nothing, absolutely nothing in fact, to do with you. Your last interaction itself is proof enough of that claim, and your wishful thinking regardless of what she has said to your face, is certainly proof enough of your, as she likes to put it, folly.
Then, as a gust of wind plucks sickly leaves out of fragile branches, forcing you to shake on your feet in a similar fashion, a coat suddenly lands on your shoulders, shielding your trembling frame from the assault of the freezing air.
The residual heat from her body seeps into your skin. The familiar fragrance of the dean, dark, rich and dangerous with wonderful woodsy notes, leaves a trail of blood red roses in its wake. Your arms lock themselves around your body, savouring each whiff and soaking every droplet. The combined senses warm you to the core.
On the other hand, you muse with bittersweet fondness that perchance, this is as close to being cocooned in her arms as you will ever come. The sad reality instantly drenches you in thick melancholy.
When your eyes meet the dean’s, dewy though they are with unshed tears, they lack the shine of which she has always been rather fond, she has now just realised, and the realisation hits her like a ton of bricks.
Drowning in your wounded eyes while being well aware that she is unequivocally the culprit, it is well-nigh torture for her not to engulf your dainty frame in her arms. The apparent fragility of its current state is the only reason behind her hesitation to do so.
However, when you stagger on your feet like a newborn fawn, as if possessing a mind of their own, her hands move to hold you on your delicate waist. Immediately, your fingers, lovely and lithe, find home on her forearms, maintaining a determined grip. If she has oh so foolishly thought that this little electrifying contact is going to be the death of her, imagine her absolute bewilderment once your forehead falls onto her chest, dainty digits digging into the fabric of her waistcoat.
An aggressive exhale through her nose is a poor attempt to prevent herself from gasping audibly, a not so flawless facade masking her crumbling resolve.
A muffled little whimper that subsequently drizzles out of your lips is as much a candy to her ears as it is toxin to her mind.
The string that ties the two of you together is now but a flickering red. This usually is a sign of one’s soulmate being in a potentially life threatening condition. She has said such bitter, hatful words to your lovely little face, intentionally injected poison into your veins, simultaneously making you believe that you are absolutely unwanted by the one true who is meant only for you.
Instead of making her feel liberated as she has stubbornly believed, it has weighted heavily on her heart ever since those words, acidic in nature, have left her nefarious lips, and now throbs a pang of guilt, unforgiving and relentless, as your eyes, as shimmery as a moon reflected in a pond, seek her face once more.
“Y- you came.”
Your voice is worryingly feeble, breath ragged, tapering to a choked sob, crumbling into sporadic wheezes.
“Shhh, I’ve got you now.”
A gentle thumb traces a tear as it trickles down your cheek, plucking the blossoming droplets out of your lashes before they burgeon and burst.
A breath catches in her throat when you nuzzle your peachy soft cheek into her palm like a sweet, affectionate kitten.
However, the swaying of your body coupled with the crimson cuts on your once faultless skin reminds her once more of the alarming state you are in.
Hooking an arm under your knees and twining the other round your back, you are effortlessly lifted into her arms, cradled close to her chest. Cheek pressed against her bosom, one of your arms wind up around her elegant neck while your fingers seize her collar in a white-knuckled grip, as if letting her go would colour you crazed.
“Let’s get you out of this godforsaken woods.”
Her voice is the last thing you hear before consciousness slips into oblivion, with the last thing on your mind being if it meant being alone with her, then you wouldn’t mind staying trapped inside the endless woods even if indefinitely. Deem you selfish or even mad for thinking so but as long as you get to be in the receiving end of her concern, you consider a couple of nasty wounds but a small price to pay.
With a broken little darling bird tightly secured in her arms, the dean of the school for evil makes a hasty return.
No sooner has she taken a step into the school grounds than out strolls the dean of the school for good, frazzled and clearly vexed.
“Where in the great lawn have you-” Upon seeing not one but two people, one of which has been declared missing for the past couple of days, she cuts herself off with a gasp, “Where did you find her?” , inching closer to examine the queer little bundle in her evil counterpart’s arms.
When her queries aren’t answered, she knows better than to press, understanding immediately that there is more to it than meets the eyes. Even when she notices that they are not heading towards the school on the right, but the left, piqued though her curiosity is, she asks no questions until someone else does it for her.
“The school for good is this way. Where are you taking her?”
She recalls this lad as a prince endeavouring fruitless attempts at wooing you. Sighing internally, she muses, distracted by her recollections, Just how clueless can he get! You are clearly not interested.
“She’s been lost for days. She must be terribly malnourished, to say nothing of the state she’s in. We need to get her immediate medical attention.”
She wants to feel sorry for her student when he moves to arrogantly pry you out of firmly fixed arms, but she is more intrigued by her friend’s reaction to pay him any mind.
“Touch her if you dare and bid your hands farewell.”
One glance at the red head is enough for Clarissa Dovey to see her true emotions. On the front, her friend’s mien betrays nothing, quintessence of cool and collected. It may work in fooling other people but Clarissa Dovey is not just other people. They go way back and, albeit unintentionally, she has mastered the art of fathoming this intricacy of a person.
She sees it all in those foxy eyes; behind their frosty aloofness lies a brewing storm of anger, desperation and anxiety, sprinkled with just a touch of possessiveness.
“I must tend to her myself. I can’t even for a fraction of a second let her out of my sight.”
Clarissa Dovey knows that the declaration is directed at her, an almost imperceptible crack in her facade as her voice wavers, but she has noticed it all the same.
And, as she watches her friend swiftly disappear into the school for evil with one of her ever students cradled close to her chest, “Don’t.” , she shakes her head at the puzzled lad whose eyes seem to be overflowing with incredulity. “Let them be.”
She thinks she has deciphered the gist of her friend’s odd behaviour.
With every bit of skin that is revealed to Leonora’s intense scrutiny, too, comes a new wound to add to the gradually increasing collection.
The bite on the left side of your chest is arguably the most dreadful of them all. She has magically extracted as much venom from your system as she can manage, being extra careful to instantly heal most of the superficial cuts closed while giving ample attention to the more serious injuries that necessitate organic healing.
Gingerly, she cleans the wounds, stitches them extremely cautiously if stitches are warranted. Once she is satisfied with her work, she dresses them with pristine white linens, and you, in one of her dress shirts.
The sight of you in nothing but her white shirt is a rather dangerous vision, she decides as she tucks you under the covers, and flees the room under the guise of putting the soiled linens away. The pull between the two of you has suddenly become overwhelmingly powerful that she fears it will stoke the flame within her lest she puts some distance.
As long as you are under the same roof as her, she will be fine, she reasons.
“How is she?”
The voice that soon greets her is her friend’s.
“Still unconscious but thankfully, out of the woods. Venom has been extracted and I’ve dressed her wounds. Well, some of it at least.”
The blonde has joined her by her side as she rummages in her potions cabinet for something equivalent of multivitamin supplements to give you. So, she stops, turns to face her best friend, her only confidante.
“Dovey, I said some hateful things to her. I treated her quite horribly. I don’t know if she’s ever going to forgive me for it.”
Resuming her search, she utters her terrible confession.
“It was I who pushed her away, and yet, being away from her, truly away from her, it was awfully unbearable, as if, as if a piece of my heart is being ripped away.“
A hand lands on her shoulder.
“That’s even more reason for you to make it up to her. She needs you as much as you need her.”
The eyes that greet her upon making contact are kind, gentle, and full of wisdom, not anything near the usual Dovey who revels in throwing merciless quips at her with a fiery passion. There however is a hint of reproach in her voice as she adds, eyes hardening for just a fraction.
“Trying to deny the connection will only continue to hurt the both of you. If you are clever enough to understand the importance of it, you would do well to fix your mistakes.”
It is during times like these that she is infinitely grateful for having a friend like Dovey. More often than not, they will be seen partaking in almost ruthlessly aggressive banter, making them come across as nemeses who despise one another to those around them, but Dovey, to Lesso, is a port in the storm: someone, no the only one she can turn to.
Suddenly, following her friend’s much needed advice, even being under the same roof becomes painfully insufferable. Her heart demands that she returns to your side, and thus, after shocking Dovey with a rare moment of expressing gratitude, grabbing the bottle in hand, she walks briskly back towards her chamber.
By the time you wake up, there significantly is less soreness overall. Cocooned in satiny softness, you feel infinitely better, up until the last couple of hours gain on your foggy mind. It is too beautiful of a memory to be real, and you wonder if you have just made it all up when a delightful whiff of a familiar fragrance teases your nose.
Tracing the scent leads you to the conclusion that not only are you in the dean’s chamber, you are buried under her feather-soft duvet, sinking into her pillowy bed. Upon peeling the satin sheet off your body, you find yourself in Lady Lesso’s pristine white shirt.
Your cheeks are painted sunset pink, jolly little hummingbird causing mayhem inside its bony cage, but then, rears the ugly head of reality, crushing the delicate buds of hope beneath its foul boots.
You are inside her room, enveloped in her scent, and surrounded by her things, and yet, it is such a depressing disappointment that the woman herself is nowhere to be found.
She has been adamant that she doesn’t wanted you then.
What are the chances that she will want you now?
Your tie has meant nothing to her after all. Is there even any reason for you to keep pestering her now that what little connection you have to her is no more, due to her own doing no less.
With thoughts running rampant, your bare feet have just barely touched the fluffy carpet when the click-clack of heels notify you of her impending arrival.
Panicked and emotionally unprepared to force back into the bitter reality, you dive back under the covers, pretending as though sleep has yet to release you from its grip.
There is silence for a few minutes.
And then, “If you’re awake, let’s get some elixir in you. It’ll help you heal better.”
You comply, peeking one eye open first before moving to sit on the bed.
Trying your damndest not to unabashedly stare at her is proven to be a rather challenging affair as your eyes are keep being drawn to her tantalisingly dishevelled state. Her sleeves are rolled up to the elbows, displaying her surprisingly strong arms; you can see her veins, emerald green and amethyst purple, under her skin like milky porcelain.
Then, a bottle is handed to you. Your eyes are busy admiring her beautifully long fingers with their stylishly painted nails, sharp as talons, to give any mind to the peculiar looking colour and consistency of the contents of the bottle.
When it comes to most potions, the first droplet is always the most unpleasant, and then, you somehow get used to the taste, and watery as they usually are, the rest of the liquid goes easily in. However, with this one, the taste is unrivalled, in that it does not go down easily, the thick consistency of the liquid making it terribly unpleasant for you to swallow.
You almost end up giving up halfway, and you certainly would have if it wasn’t for her hand holding your jaw, fingers caressing your cheek, while the other is clasped over yours around the bottle, urging you on.
The roundness of the bottle is soon replaced with the thinness of the glass when a glass of water is put in your hand.
“Good girl.”
The lowly husked praise has come out of the blue that you very nearly choke to death amidst mouthfuls of water.
Silence reigns for some time afterwards before it is dethroned once more by her voice, “If you would give me another chance,” soothingly tender and conveying genuine repentance. “I would like to give this, us a proper chance.”
The sincerity of her words stuns you for a moment.
“Would you?”
You choose your words carefully. She has finally warmed up to the idea of you and her, and you do not wish to scare her away.
Still, you must state what you must.
“I won’t lie and say that you didn’t hurt me, Lady Lesso because you did, possibly even more than you’ve intended.”
At this, to your genuine shock, she wilts, the prim and proper Lady Lesso with her shoulders slumped and brows furrowed.
“I took you for granted. Of course, you would want nothing to do with me anymore. I understand. If I were you, I’d hate me, too.”
“Regrettably, even if I want to hate you, I am unable to. Not that I want to in the first place.”
Your hand finds hers on her lap, gingerly brushing a thumb against her warm skin, and when she stares intently at it, stupefied and breath caught in her slender throat, you smile to yourself.
“As foolish as it sounds, I have wanted nothing but you ever since you’ve entered my vision. I think you would have enamoured me all the same even without this string binding us together.”
“So, yes. Yes, I would.”
Her eyes are a mesmerising green as they seek yours. Now it is her doing what she does best, exercising the art of taking one’s breath away.
“No darling,-” A shadow of a smile makes its breathtaking appearance on her lovely lips. “-not only have I been a fool but I have also been a coward. It is an age-old belief that villains are never granted a happily ever after, and I-” Her hand engulfs yours, mirroring your ministrations from earlier. “-I resorted to subjecting you to my wrath before, as my irrational fear had made a foolish presumption, you would, one day, make a fool out of me. Ironically, I ended up making a fool of myself.”
Emboldened by the revelation, you intertwine your fingers with hers. “I know that our case is unique, possibly even unheard of from what I’ve gathered thus far, but Lady Lesso-” Squeezing her hand reassuringly, you make your unfaltering confession. “-even while being well aware that our path will not always be all sunshine and rainbows, I will unequivocally choose to walk the arduous path as long as I can have you.”
A beat.
Your heart thrums anxiously beneath your ribcage.
Have you divulged too much?
And then, she cracks the most fabulous smile, “Be careful darling. Flattery will get you everywhere.”
The warm, pulsating sound of it is the loveliest melody to your ears.
The tip of your ears burning, you move to hide from her mischievous gaze, but as if reading your mind, her fingers slide along your jaw, gingerly running a thumb across your raspberry suffused cheek.
“Verily, you have the purest heart.”
She muses more to herself than talk to you, only after some time, aiming utterances to you.
“Very well then, we have all the time in the world to tackle our situation. Now, rest, for it is your utmost priority. These past few days have been terribly unkind to you after all.”
“Mmhm, but Lady Lesso?”
“I thought you had severed our ties. Why is it still intact?”
“Because I didn’t.”
“It was only a mirage then?”
“And, Lady Lesso?”
“Stay with me?” You ask meekly, then add. “That is, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. I couldn’t wish for anything less.”
Your belly butterflies rejoice when after tucking you back into her bed, “Sleep tight, my sweet little songbird.” , you feel the warm press of her lips on yours. It is but a fleeting touch. But, when they descend upon your cheek next, they linger, brushing against your skin in the softest, most delicate caress.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.”
That night, you fall asleep with the goofiest of smiles on your face.
Tied around your pinkies, and cascading into a stream amongst the creamy sheets, the string of fate that binds your souls together burns the brightest red.
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977 notes · View notes
azural83 · 2 years
The school for good and evil should've been a show made by people who actually care about the source material
624 notes · View notes
Mommy... oups sorry
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Reader entering their bedroom after the school day, completely tired and wishing to see Leonora and cuddle.
Reader : Leoo... I'm home where are you?
Leonora bitting her lips a little at y/n voice and untying the 3 first buttons of her shirt just getting out of the shower.
Lesso: In the bathroom darling.
Reader smiling brightly and getting to Leo.
Reader: thanks god I really need to cuddle right now so do y...
Reader stoping in the bathroom door when she saw Leonora, her mouth opening a little in shock and her eyes trailing all over her.
Reader:..mhh mommy~
Reader suddenly realising what she said, her eyes opening wide and her lips going between her lips.
Lesso: Leonora smiled wickedly at reader's words and angled her head to the side a little letting go of her shirt that still was open in the front.
Reader: Oh good lord! I'm sorry I don't know why I said that I just toug...
Lesso shutting readers mouth up and looking in her eyes with lustful one.
Lesso: On your knees...right now.
Reader obeying without a second or a complain getting on her knees in front of leonora, her eyes never leaving hers.
Lady lesso with a satisfactory expression on her face and a dominant look putting a hand under readers chin and tightening her grip.
Lesso: Mh there you go, my good little girl. mommy is going to show you why you said that hum.
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brolasuite · 2 years
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