#Hardwood Flooring Pros Los Angeles
decadesflooringla · 1 year
How To Choose The Right Engineered Hardwood Floors
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Engineered hardwood floors are popular for a variety of reasons. They are durable, easy to maintain and add beauty to any home. However, choosing the right engineered hardwood floor can be a challenging task. This article will provide an overview of the considerations that must be made when selecting the best engineered hardwood flooring for your home. It will explore the different types and styles available on the market today, as well as important factors such as installation requirements, cost and maintenance considerations. By understanding these elements, you can select the perfect engineered hardwood floor for your home.
The first step in selecting an engineered hardwood floor is determining which type is best suited for your needs. There are two main categories: solid wood boards and composite boards. Solid wood boards consist of one layer of real wood while composite boards have multiple layers bonded together with adhesive. Each type has unique advantages and disadvantages to consider before making a final decision.
It is also important to consider installation requirements when selecting engineered hardwood floors. The installation process varies depending on the type of product you choose and whether you plan to install it yourself or hire a professional contractor. Professional installation may be necessary for certain types of engineered hardwood floors due to their complexity or if you require specialized tools for the job. Consider all options carefully before making a decision about which type of engineered hardwood floor to purchase and how it will be installed in your home.
Types Of Engineered Hardwood Floors
Engineered hardwood floors come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and finishes. Each type of engineered flooring has its own unique advantages, making it important to choose the right one for your project. The most common types of engineered hardwood are solid plank and laminate plank. Solid plank is made up of several layers of wood glued together, with a wear layer on top that provides protection against wear and tear. Laminate plank is made from multiple layers of wood pressed together, with a plastic or vinyl coating that provides protection against moisture. Both types of planks can be used for both residential and commercial applications.
The type of construction used in an engineered hardwood floor will depend on the intended use and application. For example, if you are looking for a durable flooring option for high traffic areas such as hallways or entryways, then solid plank would be the best choice due to its strength and durability. Laminate planks are better suited for areas where water resistance is required, such as bathrooms or kitchens. Both types also have different installation methods; solid planks generally require glue-down installation while laminate planks require click-lock installation making them easier to install than solid planks.
Factors To Consider When Buying
When selecting engineered hardwood floors, there are several factors to consider. These include moisture levels, installation type, grade of the wood and finish. Moisture levels need to be taken into account since they can affect the stability of the wood. If there is too much moisture in the air, it can cause the wood to swell and shrink. Therefore, it is important to choose boards that are designed for areas with high humidity or low moisture levels.
Installation type should also be taken into consideration when making a selection. Floating installations are usually best for engineered hardwood flooring as it allows for expansion and contraction without damaging the flooring or creating gaps between boards. Grade of the wood should also be considered as this will determine how long-lasting and durable your floor will be. It is best to choose higher grade woods if you want a more durable product that is less prone to scratches and dents from daily use. Finally, finish should also be taken into account as this will protect your flooring from everyday wear and tear while adding a beautiful appearance to your home decor. The right finish can enhance the look of any room while extending its life span.
Engineered hardwood floors are an excellent choice for many homeowners. With a variety of styles and options, it is important to consider the various factors that go into choosing the right flooring for your space. The right type of engineered hardwood floor will be one that meets all of your needs, while also providing a durable and attractive option.
The first step in selecting an engineered hardwood floor is to decide which type is best suited for your space. There are solid wood floors, laminate floors, and engineered wood floors. Each has their own unique characteristics and benefits that should be taken into account when making the decision. Solid wood floors offer a more traditional look and feel, while laminate floors have a more modern look and can be easier to install. Engineered wood floors combine the best of both worlds by providing an attractive appearance with increased stability and durability compared to solid or laminate options.
Once you have decided on the type of flooring for your space, it is important to consider other factors such as wear and tear, installation requirements, maintenance needs, cost, environmental impact, warranty coverage, etc. By taking all these considerations into account when making your decision, you can ensure that you choose the best option for your home's needs while also staying within budget.
In conclusion, there are many factors that go into selecting the right engineered hardwood flooring for your home. By considering all aspects such as type of flooring, wear and tear expectations, installation requirements, maintenance needs, cost considerations, environmental impact concerns and warranty coverage before making your purchase decision; homeowners can rest assured they will select an option that meets all their needs while staying within budget constraints.
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helenaheissner · 8 months
Love During Robot Fighting Time: Chapter 5
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :) 
Don't forget you can read two chapters ahead on both this story and "Magical Girl Exorcist Squad", as well as twenty chapters ahead on "A Dream of Summer Rain", by becoming a paid subscriber on my Substack or my Patreon!
12 Months Earlier
“And that’s why you don’t mess with the future champ!” I screamed as I started doing a poorly choreographed victory dance. I’d just slayed a flipper called… Well, Flipper. It looked like a dolphin, and the bottlenose was used to… You get the idea. And it was piloted by these guys from San Diego who had been jeering at me the entirety of the match. 
It was my first match in the pros. I was surprised to have won. But not nearly as surprised as everyone else clearly was. So I danced like the uncoordinated idiot that I was, no partners in sight so I had to be content with my own (not-so) sick moves. 
Marty Weston pulled me aside into an interview. “So, Keith Calloway, how you feeling right now, kid?!”
“I’m feeling pretty great. I think I’ve provided everyone with a good demonstration of what’s gonna happen to them when they face me!” I said, the barely-earned confidence flooding out of my mouth with each screamed syllable. 
“Bold words,” Marty said. “You think you’re gonna live up to them?”
I grabbed the mic out of his hands and grinned maniacally. “I think there’s a new sheriff in town, and you best believe he’s gunning for the crown!”
Everyone went wild, and it was at that point I decided this would make a good angle for a pro career. 
Because I’m an idiot. 
“So, Keith,” Eric said, and it felt like I’d been slapped. What the hell was happening to me?
“Yes,” I said, hurriedly putting my hands under my rear while I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair. 
Eric Gaines was the owner of Gaines Auto Body and Bodybuilding, south Los Angeles’ premier destination for car detailing and weightlifting. Eric was, quite simply put, a hulking specimen of testosterone. He looked like he didn’t have an ounce of fat anywhere on his body- just raw muscle as far as the eye could see. He’d been my sponsor the past year, and he’d been conciliatory when I’d lost the finals last year. The unspoken caveat was that I needed to turn it around next year. 
And so far… I was letting him down. 
His office was all white walls and hardwood floors with a dark brown finish, his desk made of pure glass. He sat on a workout ball, while his guests were made to sit in the most uncomfortable plastic chairs imaginable. Probably a business negotiation strategy- the man had a truly staggering number of books on the subject on shelves lining his walls. “Last night didn’t exactly go as planned.”
“No, sir, it didn’t.”
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
“Um… I mean, I could tell you about how my loss was a fluke, but it would probably just sound like an excuse,” I said. 
“You’re right, it would,” he said with a shockingly earnest smile. Was he being passive-aggressive? I could never tell.
“I’d like to say it won’t happen again-”
“But you can’t guarantee that, and that’s completely reasonable,” he said with a conciliatory shrug. 
“Uh… Yeah,” I said. 
“But you’ll do the best you can?”
“Yes! Absolutely.”
“That’s good. Because anything less than that… Any more of these ‘flukes’, and you and I might have to reconsider our arrangement,” Eric said. “Sponsoring a robot fighter like yourself is an eccentric rich man’s game, and I’m merely an eccentric middle class man running a small business. I have a bottom line. And a reputation. And given your… Antics, in the ring, if you keep losing, it might not be great for that reputation, or that bottom line. Do we understand each other?”
“Yes, sir!” I said. 
“That’s good to hear, Keith,” he said. 
Slap. Seriously, why did that keep happening today? Sure, taking off that dress last night had been one of the single most painful experiences of my life, but that didn’t MEAN anything. Definitely. Not one bit. Not even a tiny little sliver of anything. 
“The money for this month should have already been deposited in your account,” Eric continued. “Anything else you need for the time being?”
“No, sir,” I said. 
“Good. Let’s talk again next week.”
We shook hands, and I left and stepped out into the hot midsummer air of Culver City. That was one meeting down for today. That just left the second one… And probably the much more painful one. 
I’d called Underhill last night, against my instincts. He’d texted back saying if I wanted to resume our conversation from last night, we could meet for lunch the next day.
We met at a retro diner in Inglewood with old movie posters all over the walls and fifties music playing on the speakers and waitresses wearing old timey dresses as uniforms. I’d been here before, and I’d probably been able to ignore it before, but the uniforms were… Really, really freaking cute! They were pink with white polka dots, and they had red aprons over the front. The women all wore their hair up, and I pictured myself with long hair, down past my shoulders, and in the process of putting it up, spending an hour each morning brushing it and applying product and arranging it and… 
Oh boy. 
Right, that’s what I was. That’s all I’d ever be. I wasn’t really tr… 
But I wasn’t exactly cis, now was I? Cis people don’t spend their downtime fantasizing about being the opposite gender. 
So what was I? A girl? Non-binary? Gender fluid? 
Did I even like being a boy?
I ordered a black coffee after being sat in a booth in the back corner of the oblong establishment, drumming my fingers on the table while staring into my drink. 
“Hi,” Underhill’s voice called out as he approached. I looked up- he wore a black and gray flannel button-down and jeans, his hair messy but still framing his face well, his stubble somewhat grown in compared to last night. His eyes were… Big and friendly and inviting, and I… 
No, no, bad! I chastised myself. “Hi.”
He sat down. “So, what did you want to talk about?”
I sipped my coffee, then exhaled deeply. “So. Before we go any further. I need you to promise me that this will remain confidential.”
“Sure thing. Scout’s honor,” he said, holding up the obligatory three fingers, smiling broadly with all his perfectly straight pearly whites. 
 “You were a Boy Scout?”
“Eagle Scout!” he said. 
“Of course you were,” I muttered. 
The waitress, a young black woman named Connie, came over and asked if we were ready to order, to which Underhill replied he just wanted a black coffee. 
“A fellow black coffee drinker, I see,” I said. “A man of culture. Duly noted.”
He chuckled. “You’re stalling.”
I gave a much more nervous chuckle. “Yeah. I am.”
I pulled out my phone, and showed him a photo of me from last night. After Mom had gotten done doing my hair. 
“Oh wow, look at you,” Underhill said with an approving smile. “You look pretty. Did you do your own makeup?”
I felt myself blush. “I’m not wearing makeup in that photo.”
“You’re not? Dang. Good for you.”
I chuckled again… Actually, no, that wasn’t quite accurate; I giggled. I freaking giggled- what the hell was wrong with me? “Thanks. My mom did my hair for me.”
“So she knows?”
“Both my parents do,” I said, stirring my coffee with a spoon. “They were… Completely supportive, and completely unsurprised.”
“So, you’re-”
“I don’t know,” I cut him off. “If you were about to say the ‘t word’ that is. I don’t know yet. But… There’s a chance that I am.”
Connie came back and asked if we wanted anything to eat. Simultaneously, Underhill and I both said, “A Denver omelet, side of hashed browns.”
Connie raised an eyebrow and smirked, then jotted it down on her pad. “Sounds good, kids.”
“A woman of culture,” Underhill smiled at me again, the kind of smile that you saw in dental commercials- seriously, killer smile. 
A burst of warmth ran through me at being called a woman- Gender Euphoria? The articles certainly would have called it that. Was this… This couldn’t just be my immature ass getting off on tricking people into thinking I was trans. That would be ridiculous- no cis person would ever be happy with something like that. 
“I try,” I said, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “I guess I just wanted to ask you- and I need you to be honest here- do you think I’m trans?”
He flinched. “Um… I’m not really sure it’s up to me whether or not you’re trans.”
“I know that, I know that, I just… My parents think I am, and I’m starting to think that maybe, MAYBE, I might be. What do you think?”
“I think that you shouldn’t be looking for someone else’s approval on this sort of thing.”
Dammit. That was a good point. 
“But at the same time, if you’re hoping I’ll say yes and tell you you’re trans-”
I scrunched up my face again, closing my eyes and nodding in spite of myself. Ugh, what is wrong with me?!
I felt a hand covering mine. I opened my eyes to find Underhill squeezing it. “Look,” he said, “I’m not an expert. Yes, my best friend is a trans girl, and I’ve learned a lot about this stuff from her. All I can really tell you is what I think she would say- which does slightly beg the question of why you wanna talk to me about this and not Faith.”
“Because she hates me,” I monotoned.
He opened and closed his mouth, then nodded. “Yeah, that’s a good point- she does. She REALLY does.”
“Not that I don’t deserve it,” I said from the corner of my mouth.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that-”
“I’m a total jerk whenever we’re both around each other.”
“Yeah, but you’re not when you’re out of the ring,” Underhill said. “You play the heel because our sport is populated mostly by weird nerds with questionable social skills- the audience likes a good douchebag. Yeah, you lay it on thick sometimes, but also Faith is terrible at reading social cues from people she doesn’t know super well.”
“Maybe I should dial it back,”  I said. “That whole schtick was one thing when I was on a winning streak. Right now… That ain’t me.”
“Heh. Maybe,” Underhill said. “Backtracking, though: if Faith were here, and she didn’t hate you, I’m sure she would tell you that wanting to be a girl and being a girl are the same thing, but that only you can decide what you want.”
“That’s good advice,” I said, trying to ignore the hollow feeling in my chest. Connie came back with our orders, as well as a single chocolate milkshake with two straws. “We didn’t order that,” I said. 
“Yeah, I put it in for you,” Connie said. “You two were being super cute, figured why not.”
“C-cute?!” I stammered. It was then that I looked down and realized Underhill’s hand was still covering mine. He seemed to realize the same thing, and slowly withdrew his hand, but still smiling that winning smile. 
“I mean, hey, we’re both real good lookin’,” he said. 
Connie gave him a thumbs-up as she walked away. I buried my face in my hands, the heat from my red cheeks burning my palms like a hot stove. 
“You wound me,” Underhill said with a laugh.
“Embarrassed to be assumed as my date? She wounds my fragile male ego.”
I smiled in spite of myself. “Shut up- aren’t you embarrassed? People might think you’re gay!”
“So?” Underhill shrugged. 
“So,” he said. “Not really a big deal to me. If it was the right guy, I could probably call myself hetero-flexible. And besides, you’re…”
“A question mark,” he said. 
“Damn you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Besides, you do realize we live in southern California, yes? This is arguably the most queer friendly place on the whole of God’s green earth.”
“You… You raise an excellent point,” I acquiesced. He really did- if this, whatever it was, was a part of me I wanted to explore, I did live in one of the better places to do that in. And if I wanted to wear a dress outside my home, even if it were just to go down to the market for groceries, it wouldn’t be THAT abnormal in Venice Beach. 
He took a sip from the chocolate shake, and, on impulse, I went for a sip as well, our faces, our mouths very close together as we both sipped. It was his turn to blush, then, and I laughed in earnest and without embarrassment when he did. 
“I thought you said you didn’t mind,” I needled him.
“Lol, just caught me by surprise,” Underhill said. “Bold move, that was.”
“I’m a bold girl,” I said, the words tripping out of my mouth before I could stop them. I’d just called myself a girl without even meaning to, and it felt… It felt amazing. It felt like a hot bubble bath after a long walk, like dry socks on a damp afternoon, like the warm and soft comfort of my bed after a long day. 
“That you are, ma’am,” he said. There was that smile again. 
Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit.
“You’re a good guy, Underhill,” I said. 
“Thanks. But call me Zeke.”
“You’re a good guy, Zeke,” I said, then finally took a bite of my omelet. Delicious!
“Thanks. Also, there’s actually something I wanted to ask you,” Underhill… Zeke said. 
“What’s that?” I said between bites. 
“What got you into the robot fighting game, anyway?” he asked. “For me it was just a fun thing to do with my engineering program buddies- I never expected to actually go anywhere with it.”
“... It’s a little embarrassing.”
“Calloway, we’re professional science nerds.”
“Fair point,” I said. “I, uh, always wanted to build my own Gundam, ever since I was a little kid.”
“Ayyy, I love me some Gundam.”
“You do?”
“Hell yeah! Never get to talk about it though because Faith hates it.”
“What the- she hates Gundam? She’s a robot fighter, and she hates giant robot anime?”
“Obviously she doesn’t hate giant robot anime- look what our bot is named!”
“Touche,” I said. 
“She’s strictly a super-robots girl,” Zeke said. 
“Ahhh, I see, I see,” I said. “That makes sense. No disrespect, they certainly have their place, but I lean more towards real robots.”
“Fair and valid.”
“I actually have a bunch of Gundam on Blue Ray,” I said, leaning forward in my seat. I never got to talk about Gundam with anyone, much to my chagrin, though the whole ‘no life outside of work’ thing probably contributed to that. “You wanna watch it together sometime?”
“Sure!” he said. “When works for you?”
“I’m free tonight,” I said. 
“Awesome!” he said. “Can’t wait.”
I smiled. “Me neither.”
Buy my books here!
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life-in-ventura-ca · 10 months
Ventura, CA, Reasons For Living
Ventura, California, is experiencing a robust economy, with job growth of 1.04% since 2019 and a manageable unemployment rate of 3.2%. The city's diverse businesses contribute to its economy, particularly the tech startup industry. Ventura County offers more funding per student than other regions, with 18 elementary, 5 middle, and 5 high schools in the Ventura Unified School District. Parents can choose the right school through the choice school program. Then, the Pacific Ocean is easily accessible, and famous beaches like Oxnard Beach Park, Ventura Beach, and Harbor Cove Beach host surfing competitions and exhibitions. These are some reasons why people prefer to live here. 
Apartments near Ventura
Looking for an apartment near Ventura? Look no further than Portside Ventura Harbor. This luxury apartment community offers high-end interior features, eye-catching architecture, and phenomenal amenities in an oceanfront setting. Experience the ultimate coastal resort lifestyle daily with exclusive amenities and access to integrated public dining, shopping, and recreation facilities. These apartments, townhomes, and live and work spaces boast spacious open-plan layouts, Instagram-worthy gourmet kitchens, private balconies or decks, and elegant finishes such as chrome fixtures, designer lighting, and hardwood flooring. Enjoy the perfect blend of luxury and comfort with Portside Ventura Harbor. Contact 805-765-6688 for more information.
Marina Park 
Marina Park in California is a popular destination for visitors of all ages and interests due to its diverse amenities, scenic location, and vibrant atmosphere. This park offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and Marina del Rey harbor, providing a picturesque setting for relaxation and recreation. Visitors can enjoy walking along the waterfront promenade, sunbathing on the sandy beach, or picnicking with a view. Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy kayaking, paddleboarding, and stand-up paddleboarding in the calm waters of Marina del Rey. The park features trails for walking, jogging, or biking and well-maintained children's play areas. The park hosts various annual special events, providing entertainment and a sense of community. 
Professor arrested for the death of a Pro-Israeli protester 
Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji, a computer science professor at Moorpark College, has been arrested in connection with the death of Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old pro-Israeli protester. Kessler was allegedly struck in the head with a megaphone during a rally in Thousand Oaks, leading to his death the following day. The Ventura County Medical Examiner reported that Kessler sustained head and facial injuries, including non-lethal bruising, which were consistent with being struck. The fatal injuries were likely sustained when Kessler fell and hit the back of his head on the ground. The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles has expressed gratitude for the sheriff's department's prompt action and condolences to Kessler's family. The Ventura County Sheriff's Department seeks additional information and encourages anyone with relevant video footage from the incident.
Link to maps
Marina Park 2950 Pierpont Blvd, Ventura, CA 93001, United States Head east on Coral St toward Pierpont Blvd 289 ft Turn left onto Bayshore Ave 0.4 mi Turn right at the 1st cross street onto Peninsula St 0.3 mi Turn right onto E Harbor Blvd 1.0 mi Turn right at the 3rd cross street onto Schooner Dr Partial restricted usage road Destination will be on the left 0.2 mi Portside Ventura Harbor 1196 Portside Dr, Ventura, CA 93001, United States
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sequoiaflooring4 · 1 year
Hardwood floor in the bathroom: here are the pros
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Wood is a functional, beautiful, natural material. It can be used in different ways, even within a particular room, such as the bathroom. When it comes to bathroom flooring options, hardwood might not be the first material that comes to mind. However, hardwood floors can bring this often-overlooked space a unique and luxurious touch. While traditionally seen as a more common choice for living rooms and bedrooms, hardwood flooring has become a viable and attractive option for bathrooms. In this article, you will delve into the advantages of installing hardwood floors in the bathroom, considering both their aesthetic appeal and practical benefits.
The bathroom is a space where style meets functionality, and the flooring choice plays a crucial role in defining its overall ambiance. Hardwood flooring has long been associated with warmth, elegance, and natural beauty. Its ability to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere makes it an appealing choice for any room in the house. However, specific considerations must be taken into account when contemplating hardwood floors for bathroom spaces due to the presence of moisture, high humidity, and frequent exposure to water.
All the pros of hardwood floor in the bathroom: that's why you have to choose it
Hardwood floor gives the home a sophisticated and welcoming look, but can it also be placed in the bathroom? Certainly, using due care.
It is a natural material capable of "dressing" the room. This aspect is noticeable when the hardwood floor is laid when the bathroom is still bare: the environment is enriched, becoming not only beautiful but also warm and extremely elegant. Then the right details are enough to create a wonderful room.
It's not as fragile as you think; with the right precautions, it protects the bathroom from stains and humidity. Just think that wood is also used to make houses and entire boats! However, you have to rely on real professional Flooring Contractors Los Angeles: the secret is perfect installation and fixing.
The hardwood floor in the bathroom is hygienic: in fact, the wood always needs to be dry, and this will stimulate the owner to continuously clean the floor, eliminating any residual water. Ban on puddles and ugly carpets, which would contribute to water stagnation.
In short, wood is suitable for the bathroom, but you have to be prepared and take care of its cleanliness.
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Available Repair Services For Your Wood Flooring
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Hardwood floors are getting a trend nowadays for tons of homes. It’s important to keep them maintained and guarded because it’s quite expensive. Tons of house owners prefer hardwood floors for his or her durability and appearance but it can wear out over time. It also can accumulate some damages like scratches which will ruin their look. There are experts that you can hire to provide you hardwood flooring repair services as well as some furniture repairs and restoration services. They also offer restoration to wipe out wood flooring and bring back their own appearance.
It is not necessary to change or remove your hardwood floor entirely if there’s only a minimal amount of damage. Most of the minor problems are often fixed by flooring professionals or people that are confident that they will “do it by themselves”. It is much cheaper than installing a new hardwood floor. If ever the damage is big, refinishing services for hardwood may be a cheaper option.
Here are some list of the foremost common damages in hardwood floors:
Wear and Tear: This happens when your hardwood floors accumulate scratches, dents, also as cracks and splits. The cause for this is often thanks to usage over time.
Humidity or Water Damage: Moisture is among the foremost common enemies of wood. Your hardwood floors can become saggy and it also can cause gaps between each plank. A number of the moisture-related problems can be fixed because of the weather changes but some need to be fixed. You would like to think about refinishing your hardwood floors albeit the issues are fixed in order for it to be restored to its original beauty.
Hardwood separating from the subfloor: If your hardwood floors are starting to buckle, this would mean that the subfloor beneath it was already detached. There are tons of causes for this to happen. you would like to contact an expert in flooring to diagnose the cause and fix it.
Repairing your hardwood may be a bit expensive. The cost of repairing your wood flooring depends on the extent of its damage and the type of hardwood. The cost of the material as well as the labor is additionally a part of the value.
Here is the monetary value for various hardwood repairs:
Hardwood floor repair cost around $3 to $6 per sq ft.
The “Do-it-yourself” repair kits that are used for hardwoods with scratches on them cost around $35 to 65$.
The usual cost for a half-day job of repairing the spots in the hardwood floors cost around $200 to $300. If the work requires a full day, the value is twice the maximum amount (around $500 to $600)
The average cost of refurbishing your wood floorings is around $1,000 to $3,000.
Although the value of repairing and maintaining hardwood floors is sort of high, there are tons of advantages that you can get in the future. Among the advantages that you can have with a hardwood floor is that it’s easy to wash. Compared to other sorts of flooring like carpets, tiles, and even laminated floors, hardwood floors are much easier to wash because it doesn’t accumulate dust and dirt also as debris overtime. Cleaning the hardwood floors weekly is enough to take care of its appearance.
While trying to find companies that do hardwood repair services, you need to search for technicians who are skilled in repairing or replacing damaged or broken floor panels. They may also have skills to refinish and restore floors that were wiped out.
There are a lot of different types of repair services for hardwood floors. This includes:
Precision Repair: Watermarks, stains, dents, scratches, and other minor damages will be repaired.
Refinishing or Restoration: The original color of the hardwood is going to be restored and a replacement finish is going to be applied to scale back the wear and tear of the hardwood.
Panel Replacement or Repair: The ground panels that were cracked, gouged, or broken are replaced or repaired.
While trying to look for repair services for your wood flooring, you need first to understand what sort of damage your hardwood floor has. In this way, you’ll be ready to hire the proper people and if it’s only minor damage, you can probably just buy the do-it-yourself kit in order for you to save a little bit of money.
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moody-by-nature · 6 years
Rescue Me | Chapter Six
Andrea’s POV
"Alright, fine. We'll do it your way this time. Emma has taken on more of an ownership role in the company and Shayla is now my assistant. She's wonderful, but my life has been getting busier and busier each day and we could use an extra set of hands. So, I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in working for me as an assistant? You'd be the perfect addition to the team, what do you think?"
My mind was racing, 'did he really just ask me to work for him?' I pulled my feet up and wrapped my arm around my legs, "I don't know Jared, that's a pretty big change to make so suddenly."
"Says the woman who packed her car and transported her life to Los Angeles without anyone to fall back on! You're obviously strong willed, what's your hesitation?"
I listened to him chewing on the other end of the phone, processing what I wanted to say to him. "I don't want to sound selfish, but I moved here to chase my dreams of acting and directing Jared, and I can't do that if I'm working for you. I mean, sure, I'd love to travel the world with you and learn from you, absolutely. But I feel like what I want would fall on the back burner."
"I promise you it wouldn't. Working with me could open a lot of doors for you. All the events I have to go to, you'd be right beside me. Rubbing elbows with the very people you want to work with."
"So you want me to use you to get what I want? That seems a bit silly and incredibly unfair. What's in it for you?"
Jared laughed quietly, "Honestly, it's an I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine situation, Andie. You help me keep my life together and organized and I'll do whatever I can to support and help you. You get a call to audition? Schedule it and go. You get offered the part? I'll be your biggest cheerleader. I'd never stop you from living your dreams."
I could hear the sincerity laced in his words. They spoke directly to my adventurous side, which wanted to instantly say yes. However, my logical side refused to let up just yet.
"Ok, and what about when we are in the middle of a tour in Europe when that audition happens, hmm? You just expect me to think it's ok to just leave you?" I asked incredulously.
"Shayla will still be around and she can pick up the slack when you're gone. Your role is being created to help take some of her work load off. Occasional trips to audition wouldn't be an issue."
I shook my head at his reply and grinned, "You'd be an excellent salesman if this multihyphenate thing doesn't pan out." Giggling, I added, "You could sell ice to an Eskimo!"
Jared let out a breathy laugh, "So is that a yes?" He asked in excitement.
"No! That was just a discussion of expectations of sorts. I need to think about it Jared."
"Ok, I understand. Hey, I have an idea! We have a show coming up at the Hollywood Bowl. Come to the show and hopefully by then you'll have your answer. Award season will be approaching soon and I'd like to have you with me by then, but no pressure."
I chewed on my cheek as I thought about his offer, "Yeah! I'd love to see you guys play again and I've yet to see a show at The Bowl."
"The Bowl. Listen to you, you already sound like a local." He said with a laugh. We continued talking for hours, just like the first night we met, until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.
"Hey, J," I yawned, "I need to get some sleep, I have the early shift tomorrow at the coffee shop."
"Oh shit, I just realized the time! I was serious about my offer, Andrea. But I want you to take your time deciding and do what's best for you."
I sighed, "I know J, I will think it over, I promise."
"I like it when you call me J." He responded, "Goodnight, Andie, sweet dreams."
With a big smile on my lips, I replied,"Goodnight J, sweet dreams to you, too."
After disconnecting the call I walked into the bathroom to complete my nightly routine and climbed into bed. Lying there in my cozy bed, I generated a mental checklist of pro's and con's, the pro list was gaining traction quickly when I fell into a peaceful sleep.
The next four weeks flew by quickly. All of those auditions under my belt and I had finally landed a small part on a tv show. Along with that role, the exposure had granted me some advertisement work. I was asked to model for one of my favorite local boutiques. With those two projects lined up, I felt it best to resign from the doctor's office and picked up supplemental shifts at the coffee shop in between my time on set and photo shoots.
Jared and I spoke via text almost daily and on the phone at least a couple times a week. Things had been much better since he'd asked me to join his team and our friendship was progressing quickly. Shannon had kept his promise of staying in touch as well.
When I last spoke to Jared he said they were due to arrive home later today. Excitement bubbled through me as time ticked by waiting to see them again.
Unfortunately, that won't be until show day. The next two days were jam packed full of fourteen hour work days, and I know they will be just as busy prepping for the show Saturday.
In an attempt to make the days pass quickly, I threw myself into my work. I loved being on set so much. This is exactly what I want to do with my life. Every morning, I pull onto the studio lot and pinch myself as I glance up at the Hollywood sign to make sure I'm not dreaming. I spend any time I'm not in front of the camera sitting next to the director absorbing everything I can, and learn as much as possible from different crew members.
When Saturday morning arrived, I awoke before my alarm. Today was my first full day free of work in a solid month. Surprisingly, I felt refreshed and ready to enjoy this day to the fullest.
The sounds of Fleetwood Mac flowed from the speakers of my turntable as I danced around my kitchen preparing my favorite tofu scramble with sautéed veggies and coffee. I sat cross legged on top of the counter eating when my phone buzzed with a text.
"Please tell me you're free all day and what time I'll get to see you?" A big smile crept across my face as I read Jared's words again before sending a reply.
"Yes, free all day and how soon do you want to see me?"
Just as I hit send the doorbell rang. I jumped down and rushed to the door looking through the peep hole. Mumbling, "Are you serious right now?" before I opened the door as far as the chain would allow, "How does now sound?" Jared asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Great, except for the fact that I'm not decent! I'll unlock the door, but don't you dare come in here until thirty seconds have passed."
Jared smirked at me, "What are you smirking about?" I asked.
"You just said thirty seconds." He chuckled
I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Unintentional pun, but I'm serious." I shut the door before he could respond and unlatched the chain, then ran down the hall to put pants on. Jared let himself in and walked into the kitchen.
After a few minutes rummaging through my closet, I threw on a pair of black sweatpants, a fresh t-shirt and grabbed my glasses. I glanced at my reflection on my way out of my closet trying to decide the fate of my unruly curls. I made my way into the living room, deciding to toss my hair into a messy bun.
I found Jared sitting on a barstool next to my breakfast, gazing out the window. The sound of my bare feet on the hardwood floor alerted him of my approach. He smiled at me and leapt from his seat, "Hey!" he said, spreading his arms open for a hug.
"Hey." I smiled back, "Are you happy to be home? Would you like some breakfast? I have plenty and it's still fairly warm."
"Very happy and yes, I would please. It smells amazing!"
I pulled a plate out of the cabinet and filled it full of food before placing it in front of Jared. Then I walked back around the counter digging a fork from the drawer, "I have some tea if you'd like? Or some dark chocolate almond milk?"
Glancing up at Jared, I waited for his response, "I haven't had chocolate almond milk in a while, that sounds delicious."
I felt his eyes on me as I moved about. Butterflies danced in my tummy and I couldn't stop smiling. My hands trembled as I poured milk into a glass for him. I shook my head and quietly laughed at my silliness and placed the glass in front of Jared, taking a seat next to him.
Jared took a bite of his breakfast and moaned lightly, "Damn, Andie, this is delicious!" I shivered at the sound he made as it reverberated through me. I gazed at Jared as he said, "That's two meals you've made for me now that we're both great. Even more reason for you to join the team." He winked.
"I'm glad you like it, and don't push your luck, Jared, I'm still processing."
"Yeah, you've been quite the busy bee lately, how's your show going?" he asked.
"Well, it's hardly my show, but I love it!"
As we sat there eating I felt like my body had a mind of its own. My feet bounced uncontrollably on the barstool, my heart was racing and I had to focus on regulating my breathing. Surely it was just excitement for the show tonight. It's been so long since I've seen them play. Or was it something else?
Jared broke my concentration when he asked, "Hey, you ok? You've been staring at your plate for five minutes."
Readjusting my glasses, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about the show tonight, I'm really excited to see you guys play."
Jared smiled, "I'm excited too, should be a great show. You sure you're ok? I should have called before I came over, I'm sorry." He said with a sigh.
"No, no. It's fine, really. I just got lost in my thoughts for a minute there."
I stood up and started clearing our plates, while Jared finished his milk before he walked over and placed it next to the sink.
"Ok, well, I've gotta go. I have to get some things rolling for tonight. The meet and greet with the Echelon is at three. So if you want, you can get there around two and we will have a little downtime." He stated as he walked towards the door. I followed him, wringing my hands together as I listened to his instructions.
"Sounds great, I'll be there around two." I answered, smiling up at him just as he pulled me into another hug. I wrapped my arms around him once again, squeezing him a little tighter before letting him go, and held the door open as he left.
"Bye Andrea, see you in a bit. Oh, when you get there give them your name at the talent entrance."
"Ok. Bye, J."
Shutting and locking the door behind him, I stomped across the living room, fell face first into the couch and let out a frustrated scream. "Get it together, Bennet!"
Around noon I made myself a small pizza and decided to start getting ready. After a shower, I perused my closet for tonight's outfit. My goal was comfort, so I opted for a dark grey crop top with a pair of cutoff shorts, my favorite flannel and my comfy converse. I left my long hair down to air dry, praying for my curls to behave. I switched out bags to a small cross-body purse and made another sweep of my home to ensure I had everything I needed and called Jared.
"Hey, Andie!" He said
"Hey Jared, I'm headed over, need me to bring you anything on the way?"
"See, you're a natural." He chuckled
"What are you talking about?" I asked before it dawned on me what he was referring to. "Ugh. I was just being nice, forget I asked. I'm on the way. Bye."
I arrived at the venue just after two o'clock and checked in as instructed. The big burly man named Steve according to his credentials announced my arrival into a two-way radio. Moments later I hear a female voice say, Let her in, I'm making my way down the hall to meet her." Steve opened the door and I started walking down the empty hallway.
"You must be Andrea, I'm Shayla! It's nice to meet you!" She smiled warmly at me, I smiled back, "Hey, yes I am, it's nice to meet you too, Shayla." She turned and gestured for me to follow her, making idle chit chat as we walked until she stopped, knocking on a door as she pushed it open. "Jared, Andrea's here."
There was no reply, but Shayla said, "Go on in, he may be in the restroom. I'll be back to check on you in a bit. I have to get a few things taken care of." I hesitated entering his dressing room unannounced, but Shayla nudged my arm in encouragement and went on her way.
Jared's things were strewn haphazardly throughout the room. I glanced around at my surroundings looking for a place to sit, settling for the couch in the corner.
I sat there quietly for a couple of minutes playing with the ends of my hair when I heard a door. Jared walked out of the bathroom, completely unaware of my proximity, with nothing but a towel wrapped dangerously low around his slim hips; his hands busy drying his hair with another towel. I suddenly felt like I was violating his privacy, so I quickly grabbed for my phone to distract myself from looking at his body.
I opened my phone, but hadn't managed to get much further when he cleared his throat, "Andrea."
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Sweet Home Depot Sauna
Shop our selection of Radiant Sauna, 120 in the Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Enjoy the time honored Finnish tradition of sauna bathing in the comfort of your own home with the Southport 3-Person sauna. This spacious traditonal Finnish sauna features a 3kW Harvia heater that produces. This Pin was discovered by homedesigns. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. This Infrared Sauna model is perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating, comfortably seating 1 to 2 people on the extra deep bench that runs along the back wall of the sauna. The EZ-touch dual interior and exterior LED control panels allow for easy . The Canadian Spa Company Toronto provides an unbeatable combination of seating capacity, quality, features, and design which are sure to satisfy any household. Our spas come with valuable customer and technical support for the lifetime of the spa, and the knowledge that you’re supporting a Canadian company. An inviting set of colour-changing LEDs . Subscribe to Home Depot . 2018/07/15 – Hurry over and score this Tru Heat 4 Bio2 Person Home Depot Deal while the price is this low. They are currently taking $500 off. Operate your sauna for those times of rest and relaxation by choosing this ALEKO Pine Electric Heater Sauna. Comes partially pre-assembled. Upgrade your home by choosing LIfeSauna Tru Heat Bio Person Ceramic FAR Infrared Sauna Heaters with Light and Programmable Controls. 2019/03/12 – ALEKO Outdoor Hemlock Canadian Wood Sauna brings all the luxury and comfort of the outdoor Sauna at a more accessible . ALEKO 4-Person Canadian Hemlock Electric Heater Sauna-STO4KEMI-HD – The Home Depot . 2 person versatile wet or dry steam capable indoor sauna with (1) bench (1) level. Included with Sauna Purchase: Sauna, Wooden Bucket with Scoop, Thermometer/Hydrometer, Anti-explosive Lamp, Heater Fence, ETL approved 3 kW . Shop our selection of Radiant Sauna, 120 in the Department at The Home Depot. . Radiant Sauna 2-Person Hemlock Infrared Sauna with 6 Carbon Heaters . Radiant Sauna 4-Person Cedar Corner Infrared Sauna with 10 Carbon Heaters. HOME SAUNA KITS $1799 up * 174 sauna kit sizes, home sauna heaters $459 up * Low DIY sauna kit prices * Home sauna kit factory since 1974. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. 2018/11/26 – formalebeaut electric countertop stove. Buy Summit . Categories: Pool. formalebeaut electric garage doors prices south africa . Range Velo . Shop our selection of Electric Cooktops in the Appliances Department at The Home Depot. . Downdraft Sanding Table Box – Learn how to make a simple box that will SAUNA, WOODPortable steam saunaStove AccessoriesSauna IdeasFinnish . Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . Maxxus Infracolor 3-Person Upgraded Far Infrared Sauna with 7 Dual Tech Heaters. Model# LSIF-03. (10). $1,49900. $3,599.00. Save $2,100.00 (58%). Enjoy the benefits of a sauna at home with your own personal sauna. Personal saunas installed in the home have become increasingly common with the introduction of prefabricated kits. These sauna kits eliminate the need for a professional . Shop our selection of Electric Heater, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. If you’re looking for a Joyous 2 Person Infrared Sauna that’s beautiful, comfortable, and gives you all the wonderful . HomeDepot #1 Best Seller Infrared Sauna. icon Seven (7) Carbon Fiber Far Infrared Heaters. Equipped with Latest high quality Carbon Fiber Far Infrared Heaters. The natural wood scent is lovely. Bliss reaches a whole new level with this amazing roundup of steam shower sauna combinations. The word . Steam Shower Enclosure Kit in – The Home Depot . Lovely Sublime 23 Cool Attic Bathroom Design Ideas ideacoration.co/… 2018/06/19 – Sauna, sauna. When Ken drew up the plans for our master bath renovation years ago, he knew he could knock out a weird corner linen closet Tell me: what’s something out-of-the-box you’ve made in your own home lately? 2018/07/14 – home dry sauna hemlock mini far infrared sauna home home depot dry sauna. . home sauna big homes big cars big cheeseburgers but we have to building a home dry sauna home dry sauna kit. . home dry sauna saunas perfect home dry sauna lovely best pool sauna hot tub images on building a home . 2018/07/19 – in home sauna home sauna home saunas can be custom designed and built but basic sauna kits are sauna home depot . in home sauna sauna home depot canada. . in home sauna best home sauna lovely infrared sauna therapy and awesome home sauna ideas compact home sauna installation cost. Items 80 – 100 – Virtu USA Caroline Estate 36 in. Single Square Basin Vanity in White with Marble Vanity Top in Italian Carrara White and – The Home Depot. J Fan Amerec Onyx Residential Sauna with Digital Heater and Controls 72 x 84 x 84. J Fan This could be really cute for the kitchen table. Comes in aluminum and . Resources. Specials & Offers · DIY Projects & Ideas · Truck & Tool Rental · Home Services · Moving Supplies & Rentals · Real Estate Floor Plan Services · Protection Plans · Rebate Center · Gift Cards · Catalog . Enjoy the great outdoors with patio furniture, BBQs, Gazebos, Pergolas, trampolines, swimming pools & more at the Home Depot Canada. . Pools, Hot Tubs & Saunas With the right landscape supplies and garden tools it is easy to mow the yard, trim bushes, and plant seasonal items that will . Every few years, a fresh coat of paint on the porch, door, and shutters will liven up the look of . SAUNA STONES – 42 pound box of dolerite rock selected to withstand rapid heating . One box is sufficient for FINO heaters up to and including 8 kw; Sauna Rocks Specifically for High Output Sauna Heaters; Larger heaters require two boxes. Q. IS THIS BETTER THEN THE “ROCK & WATER” SAUNA LIKE AT A GYM? A. YES, IT IS FOR . Your body must expend energy (calories) to produce sweat, so a single sauna session can burn as . at The Home Depot. The Home Depot are the leader in Infrared Saunas: Fresh Air Vent. . Tempered Glass Door. . 110v/15 amp Electrical. . 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Created from volcanic blasts, lava rock can be purchased at home care centers as well as at some grocery stores during the . that result from charring and smoke exposure, regular occurrences in grilled foods, keep your lava rocks fresh. Pool & Spa Depot, a custom pool builder offers inground pool construction, above ground pool installation & more to Nashville, Brentwood & Clarksville. Shop our selection of 57, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of JNH Lifestyles, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Assembly Required, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Shop our selection of Best Rated, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. outdoor moths cedarwood boards furniture sealer siding planks chips closets plans fleas cedar depot home best. 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New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. Shop our selection of 2, Indoor, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . ALEKO 2-Person Canadian Cedar Electric Heater Sauna. Model# STI2CED- New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. 2019/03/16 – The Heathrow 2-person indoor sauna features a spacious contemporary design with elegant wooden accents. . Durable Canadian hemlock wood; Interior reading lamp; Air ventilation system; Air filtration system; 1600-Watt . Canadian Spa Company Banff 3-Person FIR Sauna with 9 Carbon Far Infrared Heaters. Model# KY-10003. $2,46667. /pallet. $2,46667 . New SunRay Contemporary Design 2-Person Infrared Sauna. Model# HL200W. $1,29800. $1,29800. All Canadian Spa Company Saunas are designed to exceed the safety standards required for an infrared sauna, and maintain . Take advantage of the numerous health benefits that the latest infrared sauna technology has to offer right in the comfort of your own home. . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings  . Products 1 – 45 of 45 – Shop our selection of Saunas and Pools, Hot Tubs & Saunas in the Outdoors Department at the Home Depot Canada. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the numerous health benefits of a Far infrared sauna in the comfort of your own home with . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings. All Canadian Spa Company Saunas are designed to exceed all required safety standards and maintain competitively low . Tempered safety glass doors and windows add a modern look and allow a clear view of your outside surroundings. Take advantage of the numerous health benefits that the latest infrared sauna technology has to offer right in the comfort of your own home. Regular usage of our 4-person FIR Sauna will help remove toxins from your body, improve the look . Enjoy yourself while bathing by choosing this Better Life Corner Carbon Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy, Lighting and Radio. Convenient to maintain. Visit The Home Depot to buy Better Life 2-Person Carbon Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy Lighting and Radio BL-206. Shop our selection of LED Display, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. . Tru Heat 4 Bio2 Person Ceramic FAR Infrared Sauna Heaters with MP3, Light and Programmable Controls. (19) · $1,39900. $1,39900. Outdoor sauna · Joulun lahjaopas Löydä parhaat lahjaideat – Marimekko.com Home Spa, Outdoor Sauna, Ideagalleria Sarokas Rakentaminen, Remontointi, Sisustus Turku Sauna Lights, Outdoor Sauna · Sauna LightsOutdoor . Sauna Photo Gallary. Barrel Saunas – By Northern Light are hand crafted cedar saunas with multiple heating options. See more. 2019 Home Depot Bathroom Vanity Cabinet – Interior Paint Colors 2017 Check more at http: Diy Bathroom . Menards has everything you need to enjoy the great outdoors! Save BIG on pools, grills, awnings and more. 2019/01/31 – hudson bay lamps inspiring floor lamp valley industrial brass adjustable restoration hardware by big tent poetry lighting enchanting s. . hudson bay track lighting the home depot brushed nickel flush mount lights compressed. . hudson bay lamps heatwave 3 person corner unit cedar infrared sauna with 7. fixtures bathroom glass lightin small light mirror home depot rustic vanity kichler pendant exciting recessed replacement . location sauna depot doors home showers maintenance custom health benefits head hea kohler steam eucalyptus bath. King Frame Sets Inspiring Bed Plans Furniture Licious Gorgeous Looking For Cottage Cedar Fold Toddler Chair Out Beautiful Cal Diy Platform Amazing Wood Bedroom Adorable Beach Good Modern lisatripp. The Grandby 3-person outdoor infrared sauna is a perfect addition for any patio, deck or backyard. Enjoy the numerous health benefits of this spacious outdoor sauna without leaving the comfort of your. . The top roof piece was a little long, we had to saw it a little shorter. It heated up very nicely when it was in the low 30’s . 2019/01/30 – The Burlington 2-person outdoor sauna is perfect for backyards with limited space. Featuring a pitched roof and rain cover the Burlington is great for a small deck or patio. 5 ceramic heaters will quickly. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Enjoy the benefits of a sauna by installing a home sauna using a sauna kit. . Windows: If you dislike small spaces, a window in your sauna may allow you to escape the confined feeling. Look for energy-saving windows that prevent heat from . 2019/01/06 – outdoor home sauna best s. home outdoor saunas for sale uk steam sauna diy,outdoor sauna home depot plans saunas for sale ,outdoor home sauna plans diy saunas for sale ,home outdoor saunas for sale sauna depot uk . Building an Outdoor Sauna: Since I became a homeowner several years ago, I always wanted to build a Sauna. I blame it on . A sauna is a small hot room(140 F to 200 F) where you go to swe. . Before installing the heavy 300+ lb. insert, it was repainted with flat black high temperature wood stove paint from Home Depot. Products 1 – 40 of 359 – Shop for Saunas in Hot Tubs & Saunas. Buy products such as Dynamic Saunas Alicante 1-2 Person FAR Infrared Sauna at Walmart and save. . Outdoor Saunas. Outdoor Saunas. Hot Tubs & Saunas. Hot Tubs & Saunas. Outdoor sauna · Joulun lahjaopas Löydä parhaat lahjaideat – Marimekko.com Home Spa, Outdoor Sauna, . See more. Kelo Sauna – die echt rustikale finnische Saunabauart Small Log Cabin, Little Cabin, Tiny · Small Log . Visit The Home Depot to buy Better Life Better Life Person Carbon Infrared Sauna. Von King. Find a great collection of Saunas at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Saunas products. . 3-Person sauna. This spacious traditonal Finnish sauna features a 3kW Harvia heater that produces. . Enjoy the time honored Finnish tradition of sauna bathing in the comfort of your own home with the Southport 3-Person sauna. This spacious Well someone has to be the first and blaze the trail for anyone who might be looking to purchase this sauna. Admittedly we . Granted we have . This guide will walk you through the different sizes and types of infrared saunas so you can find the one that best fits your home. . Look for energy-saving windows that prevent heat from leaking out and unintentionally raising your electric bill. Shop our selection of Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Give yourself and your family the perfect steam sauna experience at home with the SteamSpa Oasis 9kW Steam Bath to Install, Easy to Use, Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Lots of Features, Nice Design, Sturdy, Stylish. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. . Pros: Durable, Easy to Clean, Easy to Install, Easy to Use, Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Nice Design, Sturdy. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. Easy to install . The accessories have a nice chrome finish and all of the wiring needed to attach them is included in the box. You will For a very pricey steam generator it does come in a sub part looking box. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generators. Easy to install and even easier to operate these steam generators produce a consistent flow of soft and. The perfect steam sauna experience is exactly what we had in mind with SteamSpa steam generator packages. Easy to install and even . Pros: Good Size & Weight, High Quality, Looks Great, Lots of Features, Nice Design. Cons: Difficult to . JNH Lifestyles Joyous Far Infrared Sauna allows you to control the temperature and the duration of use. Dual wall construction. . JNH Lifestyles Joyous 1-Person Far Infrared Sauna with 6 Carbon Fiber Heaters Easy Plug-N-Play and LED Lighting · (12) It is a beautiful addition to my Wellness Center – Bob Newman. Shop our selection of JNH Lifestyles, Infrared Saunas in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Hello, Received my 2-person JNH Sauna on 1/23/18. It was delivered to my garage by a wonderful driver with no damage whatsoever. With the help of my wife brought the 3 pcs downstairs for assembly. Assembly was easy with my wife’s help . This sauna is Equipped with 8 Carbon Fiber Heaters. The unit comes with double layers of Canadian Hemlock wood. The Joyous 3-person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. T and G construction, dual wall construction, see . After reading hundreds of reviews on various saunas, we opted for the JNH Lifestyles Joyous 3 Person. It was the perfect . It arrived 5 days earlier than the earliest estimated delivery date, which was wonderful for us. The instructions are easy . JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. This unit comes equipped with a see through . I now can tell you it has been a wonderful experience. The company and its workers are uniformly . Equipped with the latest high quality Carbon Fiber Heaters. The unit comes with double layers of Canadian Hemlock wood. The Joyous 2 person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared . The Joyous 2 person Far Infrared sauna is UL Listed and ETL Approved. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. This unit comes . It looks beautiful in the room we chose to put it in. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 2 person far infrared sauna has 7 carbon fiber heaters, 2 year warranty. . be that the sauna seemed to lose a good amount of heat through the door jamb but I was able to correct this pretty easily with some felt weather . Mina Victory Embroidered Sunflower 18 in. x 18 in. . Mina Victory Animal Print Roses Beige/Black 2 ft. x 3 ft. Area Rug . Mina Victory 2 Sided Solid Corded 20 in. x 20 in. Coral and . Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337) . Shop our selection of Mina Victory in the Special Values Department at The Home Depot. Area Rug. Model# 027568. $3276. $3276. Out of stock online. Set your store to see local availability. Select 2 to 4 Items to Compare. Compare. More saving. More doing.®. Need Help? 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beardykoph-blog · 5 years
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THE DREW LEAGUE Alvin Wills established the Drew League in 1973 with 6 teams.  Wills believed this league could be a place for young men and women of South Central Los Angeles to learn life lessons through basketball. The Drew League’s goal was to help young people form meaningful relationships on the court that would spill over into the neighborhood, as well as build an institution that would bring top local high school, college, and pro players back to the community. As a long time friend and mentor to Dino Smiley, in 1985 Wills decided it was time to let Smiley have a shot at directing the league.  By 1985 the league had grown from the original 6 teams to 10 teams.  Today the league matches up 28 “invitation-only” teams to battle it out on the hardwood. Forty years ago, no one would have predicted that the gym at Charles Drew Junior High School on the corner of Compton and Firestone would play host to Southern California’s toughest competition, attracting streetball legends, collegiate athletes, and several NBA stars. Our list of notable players and people could go on and on, but here are a few who have graced the Drew floor: Kobe Bryant Raymond Lewis Lester Conner Byron Scott John Williams Greg Anthony LeBron James Micheal Cooper Kevin Durant Paul Pierce Allen Caveness Andre Miller Kenny “Bad Santa” Brunner Bobby Brown Jason Hart Trevor Ariza Craig Smith Nick Young Dorell Wright Marcus Williams JaVale McGee Brandon Jennings Demar Derozan James Harden Cuttino Mobley Baron Davis Casper Ware Jr. Paul George Metta World Peace John Wall JR Smith Mo Spillers Mike Brown Dane Suttles Casper Ware Sr. Brandon Bowman Doug Thomas Dwayne Allen Russell Brown Jeff Calhoun Rob “Sic-wit-it” Kennedy Mark “Goggles” Neal James “Gumby” Gray Robert Smith Lamar “Black pearl” Gayle Not to mention the many well -known college, streetball, high school, and international pros that have played at the Drew. The Drew has also been home to some special people like Eyleen Carlyle, the 1st female coach in the history of the league who went on to win coach of the year in the Drew Summer League. CTTO:drewleague.com #drewleague (at Manila, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/BygkOvmlHy1/?igshid=cypc3aomwc3f
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mujeeburrehman · 3 years
Here’s How to Save on Home Remodeling in Atlanta
It’s easy to save on remodeling costs in Atlanta when you know a few tricks
You love your home, and you love living in Atlanta. But there may be some parts of your home that you don’t love. Or maybe you just bought a new home, and you know you want to update it to suit you. We see renovation projects in Atlanta at a wide range of costs. Often, homeowners want to maximize their scope on a minimal budget. Luckily, there are a handful of tricks that can help you save on remodeling in Atlanta. 
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
Remodel smaller and smarter
For years, one of the draws of living in Atlanta was that you could own a large house for the same—or less than—what you would pay in northern cities. Atlanta ranks number two in the United States in home sizes. In fact, Atlanta’s average home size is just under 2,000 square feet. But sprawl has its price, which means large homes and large remodels come with higher costs. 
Find ways to remodel that don’t involve creating a new foundation or building upward. If you can, stay within the existing footprint of the house. Explore rooms that are no longer used for their intended purpose and convert them. Tour the house with your contractor and find walls that you can open to expand two rooms into one large room.
Look into Atlanta’s green remodeling incentives
Green or eco-friendly remodeling helps the environment and can certainly help you save on remodeling in Atlanta. 
Many homeowners may not realize that they can take advantage of a host of green remodeling incentives. These incentives can reduce the cost of remodeling. Some of the incentives include tax credits, loan programs, tax exemptions, and rebates.
Speak to your contractor about your interest in green remodeling. You may also want to have an energy audit done before remodeling begins.
Tailor the HVAC to Atlanta’s weather
Heating and cooling are different in Atlanta than in other cities. Systems that work in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York aren’t always applicable in Atlanta. 
In a city with fewer than 50 days per year below freezing, Atlanta homes don’t need the kind of robust furnaces or heat pumps found in other areas of the country. And maxing out your A/C isn’t always the answer, either! Your A/C should be tailored specifically to Atlanta’s weather and to your own house. Also, it’s smart to explore passive cooling methods with your contractor.
Make use of Georgia’s solar power and natural light
Atlanta is one of the sunniest cities in the United States, with at least 60% of the days per year being sunny. Use this to your advantage! Concentrate on improving windows on the south side of your house. Rooms that have plenty of large windows rely less on artificial light. This saves money on electricians’ costs and on the cost of extensive artificial lighting. 
At the same time, make sure that these windows have low-e solar coating. Add draperies to block sun during the brightest part of the day.
Remodel with mold in mind
Atlanta can get humid—extremely humid. Humidity that reaches 55% or more can lead to mold growth. Poorly vented crawlspaces, basements, and rooms are susceptible to mold growth. Not all mold is dangerous. However, some mold can be a lung irritant and can affect those with respiratory ailments.
Good remodeling work can be quickly undone by mold. To avoid mold growth, talk to your contractor about mold-inhibiting wall and ceiling systems, along with venting systems.
Refurbish, don’t replace
The days of tearing out everything and replacing it wholesale are long gone. Now, there is a smarter approach to remodeling that incorporates fixing items, not throwing them out. 
For example, you may decide to reface, rather than replace, your kitchen cabinets. Refurbishing cabinets, tubs, showers, floors, walls, and more keep these items out of the landfill and make your Atlanta remodel more affordable. 
Considering new doors for your kitchen cabinets? Get the lowdown on different cabinet door styles.
DIY projects in an Atlanta remodel
Not all of the work of your home remodel project needs to be done by the contractor’s workers. You can do a few things yourself in advance, or during downtimes. Sweat equity helps you save on remodel costs and make it all more affordable. Always coordinate in advance with your contractor if you plan to do DIY work. (Here’s what you can DIY and what should be left to the pros!)
Use durable imitation materials
You might really want that exotic hardwood flooring, but the price of it isn’t within your budget. Look for wood-look ceramic tile planks that look just like mahogany or other overseas hardwoods. Laminate and vinyl plank also look remarkably like real wood. Quartz and laminate countertops reliably imitate expensive marbles and granites. 
Wherever there is an expensive material, there is likely a far less expensive imitation material that you can use in your remodel.
Keep the plumbing in place
One rule of thumb for keeping bathroom and kitchen remodeling affordable: avoid moving the plumbing, if possible.
Whenever you move plumbing around, remodel costs rise. This doesn’t mean that you cannot change your shower, bathtub, or sink. You can replace or refurbish these items while keeping the core plumbing system where it is.
Shop around for the best contractor
Finding the best contractor for a remodeling project in Atlanta isn’t about finding the cheapest person. Instead, it’s about finding a person who can best bring your vision to light. Concentrate on finding a contractor who best matches your needs. You’ll also want to find a contractor who you work with well, and who you communicate well with. 
Get on the general contractor’s schedule—now
When you sign with a contractor for a home remodeling project, the contractor places you on their calendar. Being in the early queue means getting ahead of other clients, especially when there is overall high demand for home remodeling, labor, and materials. 
Ask your expert for remodeling advice
One of the upsides of hiring a general contractor is that you can take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. Feel free to ask for their advice…that’s why you hired them! Contractors can have years or decades of experience in construction and the right one will help you match your scope to your budget.
Ready to renovate? Sweeten can match you with our licensed, vetted general contractors in Atlanta.
Here’s where to splurge and where to save during a home remodel—room by room.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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source https://civilco.construction/heres-how-to-save-on-home-remodeling-in-atlanta/ from Civilco Construction & Interior https://civilcoconstruction.blogspot.com/2021/04/heres-how-to-save-on-home-remodeling-in.html
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civilcoconstruction · 3 years
Here’s How to Save on Home Remodeling in Atlanta
It’s easy to save on remodeling costs in Atlanta when you know a few tricks
You love your home, and you love living in Atlanta. But there may be some parts of your home that you don’t love. Or maybe you just bought a new home, and you know you want to update it to suit you. We see renovation projects in Atlanta at a wide range of costs. Often, homeowners want to maximize their scope on a minimal budget. Luckily, there are a handful of tricks that can help you save on remodeling in Atlanta. 
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
Remodel smaller and smarter
For years, one of the draws of living in Atlanta was that you could own a large house for the same—or less than—what you would pay in northern cities. Atlanta ranks number two in the United States in home sizes. In fact, Atlanta’s average home size is just under 2,000 square feet. But sprawl has its price, which means large homes and large remodels come with higher costs. 
Find ways to remodel that don’t involve creating a new foundation or building upward. If you can, stay within the existing footprint of the house. Explore rooms that are no longer used for their intended purpose and convert them. Tour the house with your contractor and find walls that you can open to expand two rooms into one large room.
Look into Atlanta’s green remodeling incentives
Green or eco-friendly remodeling helps the environment and can certainly help you save on remodeling in Atlanta. 
Many homeowners may not realize that they can take advantage of a host of green remodeling incentives. These incentives can reduce the cost of remodeling. Some of the incentives include tax credits, loan programs, tax exemptions, and rebates.
Speak to your contractor about your interest in green remodeling. You may also want to have an energy audit done before remodeling begins.
Tailor the HVAC to Atlanta’s weather
Heating and cooling are different in Atlanta than in other cities. Systems that work in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York aren’t always applicable in Atlanta. 
In a city with fewer than 50 days per year below freezing, Atlanta homes don’t need the kind of robust furnaces or heat pumps found in other areas of the country. And maxing out your A/C isn’t always the answer, either! Your A/C should be tailored specifically to Atlanta’s weather and to your own house. Also, it’s smart to explore passive cooling methods with your contractor.
Make use of Georgia’s solar power and natural light
Atlanta is one of the sunniest cities in the United States, with at least 60% of the days per year being sunny. Use this to your advantage! Concentrate on improving windows on the south side of your house. Rooms that have plenty of large windows rely less on artificial light. This saves money on electricians’ costs and on the cost of extensive artificial lighting. 
At the same time, make sure that these windows have low-e solar coating. Add draperies to block sun during the brightest part of the day.
Remodel with mold in mind
Atlanta can get humid—extremely humid. Humidity that reaches 55% or more can lead to mold growth. Poorly vented crawlspaces, basements, and rooms are susceptible to mold growth. Not all mold is dangerous. However, some mold can be a lung irritant and can affect those with respiratory ailments.
Good remodeling work can be quickly undone by mold. To avoid mold growth, talk to your contractor about mold-inhibiting wall and ceiling systems, along with venting systems.
Refurbish, don’t replace
The days of tearing out everything and replacing it wholesale are long gone. Now, there is a smarter approach to remodeling that incorporates fixing items, not throwing them out. 
For example, you may decide to reface, rather than replace, your kitchen cabinets. Refurbishing cabinets, tubs, showers, floors, walls, and more keep these items out of the landfill and make your Atlanta remodel more affordable. 
Considering new doors for your kitchen cabinets? Get the lowdown on different cabinet door styles.
DIY projects in an Atlanta remodel
Not all of the work of your home remodel project needs to be done by the contractor’s workers. You can do a few things yourself in advance, or during downtimes. Sweat equity helps you save on remodel costs and make it all more affordable. Always coordinate in advance with your contractor if you plan to do DIY work. (Here’s what you can DIY and what should be left to the pros!)
Use durable imitation materials
You might really want that exotic hardwood flooring, but the price of it isn’t within your budget. Look for wood-look ceramic tile planks that look just like mahogany or other overseas hardwoods. Laminate and vinyl plank also look remarkably like real wood. Quartz and laminate countertops reliably imitate expensive marbles and granites. 
Wherever there is an expensive material, there is likely a far less expensive imitation material that you can use in your remodel.
Keep the plumbing in place
One rule of thumb for keeping bathroom and kitchen remodeling affordable: avoid moving the plumbing, if possible.
Whenever you move plumbing around, remodel costs rise. This doesn’t mean that you cannot change your shower, bathtub, or sink. You can replace or refurbish these items while keeping the core plumbing system where it is.
Shop around for the best contractor
Finding the best contractor for a remodeling project in Atlanta isn’t about finding the cheapest person. Instead, it’s about finding a person who can best bring your vision to light. Concentrate on finding a contractor who best matches your needs. You’ll also want to find a contractor who you work with well, and who you communicate well with. 
Get on the general contractor’s schedule—now
When you sign with a contractor for a home remodeling project, the contractor places you on their calendar. Being in the early queue means getting ahead of other clients, especially when there is overall high demand for home remodeling, labor, and materials. 
Ask your expert for remodeling advice
One of the upsides of hiring a general contractor is that you can take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. Feel free to ask for their advice…that’s why you hired them! Contractors can have years or decades of experience in construction and the right one will help you match your scope to your budget.
Ready to renovate? Sweeten can match you with our licensed, vetted general contractors in Atlanta.
Here’s where to splurge and where to save during a home remodel—room by room.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/heres-how-to-save-on-home-remodeling-in-atlanta/
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Now a Falcon, All-Pro RB Todd Gurley Upgrades to Bigger Nest in SoCal
Jacob Kupferman/Getty Images
Although he’s left the Los Angeles Rams, Atlanta Falcons running back Todd Gurley has set down roots in SoCal. The two-time All-Pro recently purchased a massive $4.15 million mansion in Chatsworth, CA.
The deal for his new—and much larger—place closed in June, so now he’s unloading a smaller home in the same city for $2,295,000.
The home Gurley’s selling is located in the guard-gated Indian Springs Estates development and sits at the outer edge of Los Angeles County. Completed in 2005, the five-bedroom Spanish-style house is said to offer “flawless luxury and grandeur” across its 5,133 square feet of living space.
As you enter the grand foyer through glass double entry doors, you’ll see a dramatic staircase, soaring ceilings, and an intricate and elegant chandelier. Flooring in the home is a mix of stone and dark hardwood, with a striking inlay tile design in the foyer.
The gorgeous kitchen is a chef’s dream, complete with granite countertops, high-end cabinetry, dual ovens, and an island to provide ample space for prep.
Front exterior of mansion in Chatsworth, CA
Grand foyer
Chef’s kitchen
Living area with fireplace
Master suite
Master bathroom
The luxurious master suite has double glass doors, which open to a private en suite bathroom. Inside, you’ll find a huge tub with spectacular mountain views, a walk-in shower with bench, built-in vanity, and a large walk-in closet.
Outside, the grounds of the 1-acre-plus property feature a resort-style pool with a waterfall and slide, a half-basketball court, hot tub, and a built-in barbecue station.
Basketball court
In late June, Gurley closed on a deal to double his square footage in the same gated community. He purchased a massive, 10,560-square-foot estate that’s about five houses down from the home he’s now selling. His new custom-built home sits on 2 acres and features six bedrooms and eight bathrooms.
Gurley, 26, starred in college at the University of Georgia. He was selected by the then-St. Louis Rams in the first round of the 2015 NFL Draft.
He starred for the Rams for five seasons and was a key member of the 2018 team that made it all the way to the Super Bowl. After the Rams released him in March, he signed a one-year contract with the Atlanta Falcons worth $5.5 million.
Tai Savetsila has the listing.
The post Now a Falcon, All-Pro RB Todd Gurley Upgrades to Bigger Nest in SoCal appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/celebrity-real-estate/todd-gurley-buys-and-sells-in-chatsworth/
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lielectricians · 5 years
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gwilsonbiz · 5 years
Check out this hot property near Brentwood that Signature Smart Construction was blessed to work on, and collaborate with Project Buddy Pro: a local fund control and on-demand construction management company that has a Professional program that I use to source quality contractors for jobs. Signature Smart Construction is a Malibu, California based company specializing in Luxury Smart Home Consulting, Additions, Automation, and New Builds. They are a Los Angeles division of Delta Construction and Design, Inc based in San Diego, California. CLSB #782999 This property is listed by my brother Chris Nelson from Californian Estates. 375 Dalkeith Ave, Westwood, CA 90049 3900 SF, 8436 SF lot, Traditional Style, 4 Good size Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, Private Showings Only $2,950,000 Amazing location close to Wilshire Corridor, Brentwood and Bel Air. PRICED TO SELL!! This amazing property in the prestigious Westwood neighborhood, near Brentwood, Bel-Air and Beverly Hills. Recently remodeled SMART-HOME is over 3900 sq. ft. and sophisticated living, offering 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. New kitchen with center island, dining room opening out to a deck overlooking the rear yard. Hardwood floors and high ceilings. Living room with fireplace. The backyard includes an entertaining area and children play area. Two car garage with a built-in electric plug for our electric vehicle. Waterfall and landscaping included. This property is well under the current comparable in the area Contact my brother direct for a private showing. Chris Nelson Sales and Acquisitions C - 407-421-1072 [email protected] BRE: 02103225 #smarthome #brentwood #remodel #traditional (at Westwood, Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KEMbip0gr/?igshid=1u1pboe9ce90j
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micaramel · 5 years
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Not every fictional TV apartment is created equally, according to interior designers.
Interior designers liked some of the apartments seen on "Friends" and "The Mindy Project."
But apartments from series like "Gossip Girl," "Sex and the City," and "How I Met Your Mother" weren't as popular. 
Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
Television is filled with some truly eye-catching abodes, but not all on-screen apartments are created equally when it comes to style.
Insider had a group of interior designers critique some of the most famous living areas on TV. 
Here's how the pros reacted to the apartments, plus what they loved or hated about each.
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Experts thought Monica and Rachel's apartment from "Friends" had plenty of personality, but needed a few updates.
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Few television spaces are as iconic as the New York City apartment where Monica and Rachel lived during the early seasons of "Friends."
Katie Stix, design director of Tennessee-based Anderson Design Studios, told Insider that she appreciated the vibrant walls and eclectic styling of the classic sitcom abode.  
"The purple walls are bold but iconic.  The mismatched furniture properly relays the women's young, single, New York lifestyle in the '90s," said Stix. "Though I cringe every time I see the table lamp; it's too old looking for them. Maybe Monica's aunt left it behind."
Another interior designer praised the apartment's floor plan but thought some of the styling details needed a second look. 
"This apartment layout works because it leaves a circulation path from the bedroom," Lonni Paul, an interior designer based in Los Angeles, told Insider. "However, the unruly plant on the TV cabinet looks like it needs some help."
Paul also said she didn't like the red and yellow pillows on the small chair off to the side since they "stand out and feel out of place."
Read More: We had professional stylists rank 'Friends' characters from least to most fashionable
  Designers thought the layout of Frasier Crane’s apartment from "Frasier" was confusing.
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The swanky Seattle apartment of television's most famous radio psychologist may have been Frasier Crane's pride and joy, but NYC-based interior designer and former TV writer Alec Holland told Insider that the apartment's floor plan and styling could use an update.
"Why would anyone have their furniture facing away from that fireplace? I'd turn everything around, and open the living space up," said Holland. 
He also suggested giving the coffee table a face-lift.
"If you replaced that horrible coffee table with something more modern and square, stacked some picture books on it, and added a few [art objects], it would up the elegant vibe," Holland told Insider. 
Stix took issue with the bland color palette of the apartment and also vetoed Frasier's eye-catching coffee table. 
"A little color would be welcome in this room, it is just so vanilla and beige. I wish they placed the Eames lounge chair in a more prominent place and got rid of the heinous coffee table," she said. 
Ted Mosby's apartment from "How I Met Your Mother" was not a hit with designers.
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Although Ted Mosby may be employed as an architect, some of his design choices left interior designers scratching their heads. 
"Yikes! I don't even know where to begin on this one. The clutter is out of control and every inch of space is filled with something. The red everywhere is overwhelming," said Paul. 
The layout of the apartment also seemed counterintuitive to Holland, who suggested rearranging the furniture and adding curtains to make the space more functional.
"This is another example of a TV apartment where the fireplace isn't the focal point. I'd flip this room around pronto. If the office has to stay, I'd hang a good drape that can close it off so you don't have to look at it," he said. 
However, interior designer Kobi Karp of Miami's Kobi Karp Architecture and Interior Design appreciated some aspects of Ted's abode.   
"I do see a drafting table in the back of the room near the window, which is exactly where I would place it if it were my apartment," said Karp. 
The designer also said Ted's apartment could benefit from some hidden-storage solutions to help him creatively hide all of his clutter. 
The loft from "New Girl" inspired mixed reactions from designers.
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The apartment from "New Girl" is a huge space with a distinctly masculine vibe — but it's not perfect.
For starters, Paul told Insider that the furnishings of this apartment might be out of sync with its massive proportions.  
"Everything here feels out of scale. The sofa is too small as well as the coffee table. The chair and ottoman feel too big by contrast. The side table to the left of the sofa is too high. I wish the sofa was a lighter color to brighten up the place. The apartment is too dark," she said. 
However, Stix raved about the roomy loft and its "fresh" vibe. 
"I really love everything here. The space itself is amazing and I love the sectional. The 'found' collected items are hip and fresh," she told Insider. 
Although the designer did like the combination of the sofa and a bookshelf, she conceded that the apartment could benefit from brighter light fixtures or additional floor lamps.
Stylists found Mindy's apartment from "The Mindy Project" to be totally trendy, especially her home office.
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Mindy's combination brownstone apartment and medical practice seems like a stylish marriage of elegance and maximalism — and designers love it. 
"This space is on-point and on-trend for current design styles. I like the decorative molding and the two-tone wall colors in her office," Joe Human, NYC-based interior designer of Designs By Human, told Insider.
That said, even though the Lucite desk is cool and works well with the room, it's not exactly practical, Human pointed out. 
Paul also gave Mindy's office a big thumbs up, praising the color choices and soft character of the furnishings. 
"This is a super chic office and the transparent desk makes the room appear larger than it is. The light colors mixed with the pastels also give the room a feminine vibe," said Paul. 
Carrie Bradshaw's apartment from "Sex and the City" earned mixed praise from stylists, who especially had issues with her bedroom.
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Fans of "Sex and the City" know Carrie Bradshaw for her fashion obsession and cavernous closet, but her apartment, in particular, her bedroom, provoked mixed reviews from interior designers.
"The asymmetry of the room denotes that the owner has an artistic mind," said Karp. "I like the placement of the bed, allowing the morning sun to act as a natural alarm clock for the person sleeping."
Karp also pointed out the magazine problem in Carrie's bedroom, saying perhaps she could benefit from another bookshelf so she could cut back on the tabletop clutter. 
Holland, however, wasn't in love with the casual vibe of Carrie's bedroom, calling it "lackluster."
"I'd get a good shag rug, put a headboard on that bed, and maybe wallpaper behind it to create a more interesting focal wall. I'd also lose the off-center bookcase above the bed — a disaster waiting to happen — and paint that radiator a glossy black," he said. 
Jerry's apartment from "Seinfeld" is surprisingly modern but also a little boring.
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Even though "Seinfeld" debuted in 1989, designers say Jerry Seinfeld's apartment has actually aged pretty well.
"I've always liked this apartment. It's orderly with everything having a place to go. The sofa color pops making the room brighter and the modern style gives the room a point of view," said Paul. 
Of course, there's always room for improvement. Stix told Insider that she would have liked to see more personality in the apartment's styling.  
"My first thought is that this apartment desperately needs art. I love the couch color but it drives me nuts when the accent pillows match the couch," said Stix. 
Although Stix approved of the sofa color, she disliked the apartment's muted color palette.
"The wall color is drab and looks too much like a TV set. it would have been better if the paneling and trim was a deep olive green," she said. 
The Humphrey loft from "Gossip Girl" needs a total makeover, according to designers.
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On "Gossip Girl," the Humphrey family's Brooklyn loft is meant to be a cool and quirky living space, but designers didn't appreciate its awkward layout and confusing combination of furnishings.
"This is such a weird space. The window and rattan-type shades are awesome, but everything else should be a start over," said Human. 
Stix also found the apartment to be a little unappealing, and noted that it didn't feel like a real family's home.  
"This set seems too 'decorator' and staged. I don't care for the tile floors; a stained concrete or distressed hardwood would be more appropriate," she said. "The entry area takes over the entire space and the sitting area is squished in the corner."
She suggested that adding ceiling beams would help accentuate the "warehouse" vibe that the designers may have been going for.   
Read More: The first and last outfits of 12 characters on 'Gossip Girl'
Sheldon and Leonard's apartment from "The Big Bang Theory" was a total flop with interior designers.
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Although Sheldon and Leonard may be bonafide brainiacs, designers told Insider that the design of the physicists' apartment is anything but genius. 
"This is an eclectic bachelor pad that is begging for a makeover," said Paul. "The leather sofa looks really lumpy and uncomfortable, and the wooden chair next to the lounge chair looks out of place. There's also too much clutter." 
Karp was also not a huge fan of the apartment's styling, especially its eclectic mix of furniture. 
"This looks like a very simple apartment that is very organized. However, the mismatched collection of furniture and décor makes the apartment look a bit like a thrift shop," he told Insider.
The designer added that the apartment could use matching pillows, and that the items displayed on the shelves could use better integration into the space as a whole. 
Read More: 10 plot holes and inconsistencies you never noticed on 'The Big Bang Theory'
  Don Draper's apartment from "Mad Men" is the epitome of mid-century style.
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It doesn't get more mid-century modern than Don Draper's Manhattan apartment on "Mad Men."
Paul told Insider that the advertising guru's home is a great visual representation of the character's personality. 
"This retro-style apartment is masculine and perfect for a type-A personality. It's organized and nothing feels out of place," said Paul. 
That said, Paul has some suggestions, pointing out that the apartment would look much better with a patterned rug. 
Holland was also taken with the sleek styling of Draper's urban abode.
"There's not much wrong here. I could see a more festive fabric on the sofa, but those stools are perfection. The hanging light and wood features are also all a big 'yes' for me," he said. 
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from Design http://bit.ly/2VmtP04
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An easy alternative to bending the pipe to fit, is to use a "telescoping coupling"(slip fix is the common name) available at any irrigation supply house or Big Box hardware store. As any nearby fitting to the leak can be cracked by bending the pipe, a "telescoping coupling" removes this problem. Instructions on how to use the product will be included. This is how the "pros" do it. Always wear gloves when working with PVC primer and glue. Consider using "wet/dry" PVC solvent (glue) versus primer. Primer can easily be over used and weaken the pipe. Never store PVC in the sun, it degrades and weakens the pipe structure. Make sure the inside of the PVC pipe that remains after you cut out the broken piece is as clean as you can get it. Even a little bit of dirt left inside can end up clogging your sprinkler heads or prevent your system from draining properly. Drying times for PVC glue varies based on humidity and temperature, longer drying may be needed. Don't get lazy when digging around the repair -- as hard as it may be to dig, you will need plenty of elbow room to work and must keep the fittings clean.
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