corvikash · 2 years
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alynnl · 10 months
I have one more Great Ace Attorney AU that I actually came up with as I was actively playing through case 2-3 (Return of the Great Departed Soul.)
My notes aren't quite polished enough to share the long version, but I have a few key ideas I can share.
It all started with a question. "What would happen if Albert Harebrayne got kidnapped and held for ransom?"
And Barok van Zieks gets the ransom note
Only the demands aren't for money, but instead for Van Zieks to get a guilty verdict in an upcoming trial
Kazuma has gone off on "personal business" so he's not Van Zieks's co-counsel this time around
Ryunosuke and Susato are the opposing counsel, of course
The trial is a murder trial because in Ace Attorney, it's always murder
In this case, it's the murder of someone who'd been recently reported missing
The defendant is a young Italian stage magician who was just making his debut (who I really want to come up with a pun name for)
Herlock Sholmes is there. He's been investigating a string of missing persons cases in the background
Stage magic + missing persons cases = a great idea for a title. Adventure of the Great Vanishing Act
After a very stressful first day of trial and additional investigation, Ryunosuke and Susato approach Van Zieks because they know he's not himself
It takes some effort on Ryunosuke's part, but Van Zieks comes clean about the ransom note, and how he doesn't want to lose one of his friends the day he was supposed to get him out of England to save him from the Reaper's Curse
Sholmes arrives and he's heard everything. And he reassures everyone that he can rescue Albert, since he's close to cracking the missing persons case
There's a major moment (reminiscent of Farewell my Turnabout) where Ryunosuke, Susato and Van Zieks agree to prolong the trial as long as they can to give Sholmes enough time to get Albert out of danger
I'm floating the idea of Iris being Sholmes's investigation partner during that part of the story because you can't have a Dance of Deduction solo
Albert takes matters into his own hands and sets off a small explosion (on purpose this time) just to let people know where he is (when in doubt, blow something up!)
This explosion tips Sholmes off to his location, and after a brief reunion, the Great Detective whisks Professor Harebrayne away to the Old Bailey
Ryunosuke and Van Zieks have given it their all in the courtroom. Van Zieks has no doubt that the young magician is not guilty. Sholmes hasn't arrived yet, but there is no other way to stall the trial. He knows he couldn't live with himself, nor would Albert forgive him if he sent a perfectly innocent young man to the gallows
"The Prosecution... Rests."
Ryunosuke can't come up with anything else either. "The Defense... Rests."
Mere minutes before a verdict is called, there is a last minute "Hold it!"
Sholmes arrives, with Albert in tow. "Forgive my tardiness, ladies and gentlemen! I had a very important promise to keep!"
The Judge asks why they're even here, since the trial seems to have reached its logical conclusion
Sholmes goes on to suggest that the proceedings can't end here, since it's possible that the true culprit behind the murder and the vanished Londoners might be sitting in the gallery.
Ryunosuke suggests that both Albert Harebrayne and Herlock Sholmes testify, since they are both important witnesses. "We have a survivor and... The Great Detective who discovered one of the culprit's hideouts!"
Van Zieks agrees to let them testify. He looks at Albert in particular when he mentions he fully supports the idea.
Their testimony and evidence (including the ransom note sent to Van Zieks) point out the actual mastermind
The culprit is desperate (and perhaps foolish) enough to try and attack the witnesses. Sholmes gets Albert behind him, and quickly has the suspect on the ground with a single blow.
The bailiff takes him away, much to the relief of everyone present.
When there's once again order in the court, the Judge finally calls a verdict of Not Guilty for the young magician, who can hardly believe what just happened in his trial
I'm still working on the post-trial scenes. (As much as the other scenes.) But I have a few details worked out.
The young magician will go back to Italy, both to escape the Reaper's Curse and reconcile with his family
Van Zieks doesn't directly thank Ryunosuke and the others but he recognizes their abilities. And he knows when they're in the courtroom, the truth will be brought to light
Albert apologizes profusely to everyone, feeling like he's just caused them all a great deal of trouble once again
Ryunosuke gets the feeling of de ja vu as he gives Professor Harebrayne the reassurance that none of this was his fault at all
Van Zieks can tell how tired Albert is and offers to take him home. "You need food and rest. You've been through a lot, Albert."
Ryunosuke is completely taken aback on how gentle Van Zieks sounds. He accidentally says this out loud and receives an icy glare in return
Barok and Albert share supper together at the professor's home. They also share a conversation.
Barok isn't proud of the way he first responded to the ransom note
Albert tells him "I might have acted the same way, if I was in your shoes."
In the very end, it's seen as the best thing for Albert to leave Britain after all (in this AU he was trying to stay to prove a point.)
Barok quietly agrees. Then he humbly asks Albert to write to him once he's reached Germany, and mentions that he will keep in touch.
At Baker St, Ryunosuke, Susato, Iris and Sholmes are having their own supper. Sholmes excitedly explains how he found a notebook with details about the other missing Londoners in the same building he found Albert Harebrayne. Since then, the rest of the citizens have been returned home
Ryunosuke couldn't believe how tough (and how personal) today's trial became, but he knows as long as he has the others to help him, he can overcome any challenges in the courtroom
Everyone at Baker St. shares a toast with Iris's tea, to victory and unbreakable bonds
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I actually think it'd be kind of cute if Barok did have a wife. It'd be very gothic romance-esque with the whole gentle-lady who married a nobleman with a ruined reputation knowing that he isn't what people say he is and defending him from his detractors in public. It'd be very sweet.
by the way, in canon, Albert fills in for this role pretty nicely.
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dragofelid · 3 years
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Big scary prosecutor man and his tiny nerd scientist boyfriend
I think more people need to appreciate benbaro perhaps
designs by @corvikash as a thank you!!
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alynnl · 8 months
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They've been on my mind ever since I played 2-3 (even through all my health issues)
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alynnl · 10 months
“Character A comforting character B after they wake up from a nightmare” has to be one of my favorite scenarios to imagine.
And when I apply it to Benbaro I realize it could work both ways.
Barok wakes up having nightmares about the horrors of his past, and Albert tries his best to ground him and remind him they’re both in the here and now. And then he gets one of his smaller machines/gadgets and lets Barok hold onto it and take a look at it as he explains how it works. This piques Barok’s interest and the inquisitive side of his mind (that makes him such a good investigator.) He examines it closely just like a piece of evidence, trying his best to understand it. Once he can form words, Barok compliments Albert’s invention, and thanks him for his kindness.
Albert wakes up from a nightmare about his trial ending in a guilty verdict (even though he’s long since been proven innocent.) Barok is at his side almost immediately, and when he’s certain Albert isn’t hurt (just afraid,) he goes to fetch him tea. Once they’re sitting down to chamomile tea together, Albert nervously admits what his nightmare was about, and wonders out loud if he’s a coward. Barok reassures his old friend that nothing could be further from the truth, and it actually took great courage to return to London and begin new research in spite of everything that happened. Albert is happy to know that Barok will always support him, and feels at-ease after their late night conversation.
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alynnl · 8 months
I'm amused that the first AU idea I got for TGAA was to make Albert a damsel in distress, with everyone else helping Barok rescue him.
Only now I'm thinking "what if the roles were reversed?"
"What if Barok was in some sort of trouble and Albert had to help him?"
(Maybe Van Zieks was attacked and hospitalized by a mysterious assailant even he couldn't identify. Maybe he took a blow to the head and can't remember the incident clearly.)
Would the seriousness of the situation bring the scientist down to earth and lead him to think of a practical solution, or would his harebrained way of thinking be the key to solving the mystery?
Both ideas could be interesting.
In the end it's Albert's contributions that help Kazuma and Gina find the culprit. Along with earning some respect among those two, the investigation takes a shorter time than planned (and Kazuma will be bringing the assailant to court personally.) So Albert gets to spend more time visiting Barok as he steadily recovers from his injuries.
And while this isn't how either of them wanted to spend time together and catch up, Barok is grateful that Albert is there for him. And Albert is just happy that Barok will be on his feet soon. The scientist has been working on a brand new invention ever since he got back to London, and he wants his old friend from university to be the first person to see it.
Barok accepts the invitation, and is definitely looking forward to it.
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alynnl · 8 months
Just after TGAA 2-3 as they’re in their way to Dover…
Imagine Albert being hit by a low mood because of everything that happened at the Great Exhibition, and apologizing to Barok for causing him so much trouble.
And Barok just reassures his old friend by telling him he’s not a burden.
“I haven’t gone to such lengths to protect you because I believe you to be weak or helpless. I want to keep you safe because you’re important to me, Albert.”
He goes on to say that he’s already lost so many people. “And if anything happened to you, I don’t know what I would do.”
And Albert is moved by all this. Because it’s clear that Barok has been through the unimaginable but he hasn’t completely hardened his heart or lost his compassion for others.
Albert reassures him that he’ll lay low once he gets to Germany, maybe take on a job as a lab assistant to one of his old professors (and not leave science behind completely.)
“You’ll keep yourself safe and find time to visit me, right?”
“I have one more important case that needs my attention. But after it’s solved, I’ll have more than enough time to see you. You have my word.”
And Barok wants to do everything to keep his word. Because he knows the case he wants to solve (The Reaper Conspiracy) will put his life at risk. But he wants to hold on to hope. Barok wants to believe he and Albert will meet again in better circumstances. He needs something to look forward to. He needs a vision for the future, however simple or small.
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alynnl · 11 months
The last part of the trial and the credits were long, but I have fully experienced the finale The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles!
I finally know the truth behind The Professor case that took place ten years before the present day in-game.
Parts of it, I guessed correctly - that Genshin Asogi actually did take someone's life and Mael Stronghart was the true mastermind, but other parts really surprised me - Seishiro Jigoku was involved in the plot that ultimately killed Genshin, and Klint van Zieks was the mass murderer all along.
I also couldn't have predicted the extent of Stronghart's involvement - there was hardly a single person that he didn't blackmail or extort the whole time! Ryunosuke, Susato, Yujin, Sholmes and Iris were all very lucky in that respect.
But Genshin's incredible foresight to hide Klint's will (both a confession and his last words to his surviving family) - was truly what allowed the truth to come to light in the end.
And it was an emotionally devastating truth, both to Kazuma Asogi and Barok van Zieks.
Kazuma, who believed his father was completely blameless and convicted on forged evidence learned that Genshin actually did take Klint's life.
Barok, who idolized his brother and held him up as a paragon of justice found out that Klint took many lives (some under duress from Stronghart, who Barok trusted until now) - and he could only be stopped in a duel to the death with Genshin.
And all of this would have stayed hidden if Ryunosuke hadn't been in Great Britain, growing from an inexperienced nervous student of law to a true attorney who helps his client uncover the truth.
The truth is a guiding light, and that's demonstrated. It doesn't always lead to happiness, but it can lead to closure. And that's exactly what he brought to both Kazuma and Barok, who held onto resentment and darkness for ten long years. And those who stray from that guiding light remain in the darkness, like Stronghart, treating people as mere things to achieve their own version of "peace" and "justice" at so many others' expense.
And while the Herlock Sholmes Deus Ex Machina (the hologram broadcast to the Queen of England!) did happen out of nowhere to stop Stronghart from pulling a whole Karma Houdini, that doesn't take away from the fact that it was Ryunosuke who found the evidence.
Ryunosuke is the one who pieced together the truth that was covered up (or in Genshin Asogi's case, protected until the right time came long.) It was his effort that won the day, and all the characters acknowledge him for this. He grows and the narrative awards him for it! He knows what he's going to do with the rest of his life now - return back home to Japan as a defense lawyer.
And it's because of him that other characters have a future to think about.
Gina wants to keep the Inspector's spirit she saw in her old boss Gregson alive (but without the spying of course) after getting a final letter from him.
Van Zieks wants to publish the truth about The Professor Case, no matter what it might do to his reputation. He's almost resigned to leave London and the Prosecutor's Office presuming his name will be permanently disgraced, but it's Kazuma who encourages him to stay and continue fighting for the truth in the courtroom.
Kazuma begins to reconcile with Van Zieks, even if he can't truly forgive him for prosecuting his father. He chooses to remain a prosecutor, recognizing that he has to fight his own inner demons and do some personal growth of his own.
Iris has decided to give up the search on finding her "true" father and has acknowledged Sholmes as such, even calling him "The Greatest." But Sholmes has decided that eventually, Iris will know the truth about her parentage.
The minor one or two-case characters also reappear to give some giggles in the post-case credits scenes too.
(My little Benbaro/Harebaro heart was happy to see Albert Harebrayne return since Barok as invited him back to London to go sightseeing. Awww.)
Also the usual British Judge stepping up to declare Barok van Zieks Not Guilty was a nice touch. (I guess I did get my Turnabout Goodbyes parallel after all!)
Overall, I believe The Great Ace Attorney had a nice ending. Was it perfect? No. But did it stick to the overall themes of the story and deliver on those? Absolutely. Was I sold on the Ryunosuke - Kazuma dynamic at the very end? Certainly! Do I want Barok van Zieks to have some relief in what he believes to be a turbulent future ahead? Of course! Is Susato Mikotoba now my favorite assistant of all time? You bet!
I enjoyed the time I spent with this game as I unraveled the mystery of the main story, got to know the characters and really immersed myself in this world. I am glad I picked it up, and I know for sure I will play it again sometime in the future. The game mechanics (old and new) were enjoyable, the music was always on point and the sound effects just added to the bigger picture.
My blind play through was truly a remarkable experience. And one of my favorite Ace Attorney entries, maybe even one of my favorite Nintendo Switch games of all time.
I look forward to the Escapade chapters, which I will look into very soon!
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corvikash · 2 years
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Barok van Zieks has been repressing for a decade
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corvikash · 2 years
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I won’t leave you anymore!
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corvikash · 2 years
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Miscellaneous sketches
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corvikash · 2 years
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“I know him very well indeed. He’s an extremely kind-hearted soul.”
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corvikash · 2 years
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Kitty rest
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corvikash · 2 years
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Barok's Top Hat
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corvikash · 2 years
Daily cat DGS (Day 50 - Day 61)
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