#Haringey ReSisters
coochiequeens · 1 year
Within one week Australia gave us this guy
and now there’s this guy
A trans-identified male has taken home the championship at the Australian Women’s Classic golf tour which took place at the Bonvile Golf Resort in New South Wales this weekend.
Breanna Gill, a trans-identified male, made off with a women’s professional golfing trophy and a large cash prize. While WPGA Tour of Australia stated that it was Gill’s first professional win, he has dominated competitions in the past. In 2019, Gill was named the New Zealand Professional Women Golfers Trust Pro-Am champion.
The year prior, in 2018, Gill was named the “first woman” to win an official women’s professional golf tournament held in the South Pacific Islands after taking home the Pro-Am title at the New Caledonia Deva Golf Resort.
On Twitter, WPGA Tour of Australasia posted multiple photos of Gill holding the prize, and even changed their Twitter account header to a picture of Gill, but were met with overwhelming backlash as users piled into their replies to denounce them for allowing a male to participate in the women’s tournament.
Some name-dropped Danni Vasquez, the female golfer who placed second, as the “true winner” of the competition. Vasquez and Gill were in stride throughout the match, and the winner was ultimately decided after they faced each other in a sudden death playoff.
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WPGA Tour of Australasia quickly locked down their replies section as negative sentiment flowed in, preventing public comments. The users who had been able to slip in their replies before the setting was changed on the tweet have since all had their comments “hidden” by WPGA Tour of Australasia.
“Why are men allowed in women’s sports? Why has a woman been cheated of her prize,” Haringey ReSistersasked as one of the few users who had been able to leave comments prior to WPGA Tour of Australasia turning their replies off. 
“This is not fair. Keep men out of women’s sport,” Speak Up For Women responded.
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“This is cheating you are allowing someone with a known male physical advantage to steal females prizes [and] prize money that should be theirs! It’s sex discrimination [and] shameful inequality in sport, a physical activity,” Olympian Sharron Davies added in a quote-retweet.
Riley Gaines, a spokeswoman for the Independent Women’s forum and an accomplished All American swimmer, also brought attention to Gill’s trophy-kissing photo, condemning WPGA Tour of Australasia with a cutting remark. 
“Who’s surprised a male is being recognized as the ‘winner’ in the women’s category… you’re right @WPGATour, real nerves of steel,” Gaines wrote.
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As of the writing of this article, there are over 2,600 overwhelmingly negative quote-retweets compared to just 95 ‘likes’ on WPGA Tour of Australasia’s tweet about Gill. 
Women’s athletic competitions have become a major issue in the debate on gender ideology and its impact on women.
The issue mounted in public attention after a trans-identified male swimmer, Lia Thomas, began breaking women’s records and winning medals intended for female athletes in 2021. Since then, there have been several instances of trans-identified male athletes taking the podium in women’s sporting events. But multiple cases of resistance by female athletes and their allies have also been recorded.
Last week, Reduxx reported that a male powerlifting coach in Canada self-identified into a women’s category in order to mock the gender self-identification policies. Avi Silverberg, a powerlifting expert who has worked with Team Canada, participated as a woman at the Heroes Classic Powerlifting Meet held in Lethbridge, Alberta, in order to highlight the unfair advantage males have when competing in women’s athletics.
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In February, a young women’s basketball team made international headlines after withdrawing from their state tournament in protest of a trans-identified male being on the opposing team. The Mid Vermont Christian School Eagles (MVCS) forfeited their playoff game against the Long Trail School Mountain Lions (LTS) after learning that LTS star player Rose Johnson is male, and have since been banned from participating in state competitions.
While fairness and opportunity have been cited as primary causes of the backlash against “inclusive” sport policy, others have also noted that women or girls competing against male athletes would be at higher risk for injury. 
Last week, thousands of complaints were submitted to Football New South Wales in Australia after a trans-identified male reportedly left multiple female players injured after competing in the female leagues. One female player allegedly had to seek medical attention as a result of her injuries.
After some digging I found that it’s another older man in women’s sports
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While Danni is within that range Gill is 32
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scottishcommune · 10 months
Analysis, Nov 27th Last night, the Kurdish People’s Democratic Assembly in Haringey, London, was subject to nothing short of an aggressive invasion by the police. There were no warrants and no legitimate reason for the aggression and violence that they conducted themselves with against a community of civilians celebrating a cultural event. This invasion by the Metropolitan Police comes only two days after UK defence minister Grant Shapps and Turkish counterpart Yaşar Güler held a meeting agreeing to “enhance” defence and security cooperation. As a result of foreign influence on parliament, we are seeing an increase in the number of people within our communities being arrested through the liberally applied ‘Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act‘ (2000), including last week when our community was subject to another aggressive display by the police as they swarmed a small protest, outnumbering the protesters themselves and separating parents from the children, then interrogating them in front of their helpless and crying children. There is also the upcoming trial of Mark Campbell and a Kurdish asylum seeker, ‘Berîtan’, on the 17th and 18th of January, who will face trial for holding a Kurdish flag during a protest.
We must also highlight that this year is also 100 years since Kurdistan was divided by the Sykes-Picot agreement. Since that agreement, the Kurdish people have been subject to continuous attempts of ethnic cleansing, genocide, and ecocide by Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, including the Dersim Massacre, the Anfal Genocide Campaign, the Yazidi Genocide, etc. As a result, many civilians are forced to seek asylum in the UK and elsewhere. Yet what we are seeing is that, despite Turkey’s support for the ISIS insurgency in North and East Syria, the ethnic cleansing they have committed in Afrîn, and their heinous violations of human rights in Turkish prisons, as members of NATO, Grant Shapps and the UK government would have us believe that they are valuable allies whose “influence cannot be underestimated.” The Kurdish People’s Democratic Assembly invites all ethnic, religious, and cultural communities and organisations across the UK to unite with us to prevent the criminalisation of communities, mainly through the misuse of the Terrorism Act. The Metropolitan Police should not be a ‘for hire’ mercenary service to do the bidding of foreign dictatorships, and UK politicians must not be able to use the means of the justice system to advance their own political agendas. Long Live the Democratic Resistance Biji Berxwedan ~ Kurdish People’s Democratic Assembly Britain
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mobscene-london · 2 years
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NAME: Emre Avşar. AGE: 36. PLACE OF BIRTH: İstanbul, Türkiye. AFFILIATION: The Haringey Resistance. OCCUPATION: Second in Command. FACE CLAIM: Kerem Bürsin. AVAILABILITY: OPEN.
İstanbul truly was a spectacle.
Tourists gathered in droves to appreciate an architectural and cultural marvel unlike any other. It was a place of history, and art, and religion, and was not remotely unwarranted in its pride for it all. But whilst it would be a lie to say he didn’t miss home, Emre knew that the city he’d seen was very different to the one reserved for outsiders. For him, the beauty had always been overshadowed by a particularly dark underbelly that he’d been caught up in long before he was mature enough to understand the decisions he was making.
And that was precisely why people like him were targeted.
They never approached the well-off, educated kids from families who actually gave a shit. The petty gangs roaming the back alleys of the city’s less savoury neighbourhoods sought out the weak and vulnerable because it was so much easier to manipulate somebody who was desperate. Back then, Emre had been exactly that. After his parents divorced when he was four years old, his mother, unable to afford caring for a child alone, offloaded her son onto some shady orphanage in Gaziosmanpaşa like he’d meant nothing to her at all.
Emre’s life in Türkiye from that point forward was, with the exception of meeting her, a consistent downward spiral. Being targeted by one of the local gangs seemed more of an eventuality than an unfortunate accident. They liked to pick up the little kids and force them to go begging in the tourist areas. Foreign bleeding hearts were a lot quicker to offer up their hard earned cash to innocent kids who were beaten, bruised, and looked like they needed a meal; all courtesy of those earning on their behalf, of course. They had to make it seem convincing.
At the end of the day, they’d take the money back to whoever was assigned to their area with the hopes of a hot meal and a few coins instead of another beating. Emre usually wasn’t so lucky. Whilst he didn’t have a talent for begging, though, Zehra sure did. Much like him, she’d had an unfortunate start in life that’d landed her in a similarly desperate scenario. With her big doe eyes and pretty features, it was no surprise that she gathered everyone’s attention with ease. His included.
They weren’t supposed to make friends. Maybe because when children got together, they started having fucking ideas. To keep them apart was impossible, though. From their very first hello, Emre had been wholly devoted to her, and as the years passed, their friendship only grew stronger. The streets of İstanbul were dangerous, but he vowed they would never be for her again so long as he was around to protect her. It was a promise that came to a particularly nasty head when the gang they worked for decided to deliver her one of their infamous beatings. Zehra was such a high earner that it became expected. After a poor day where she’d barely scraped together more than him, they’d punished her for it. Emre had relieved some kid of the knife earlier that day. The asshole responsible had seen the sharp end of it with little remorse.
It’d been his first kill. Emre had been twelve years old.
Whilst he might’ve been brave enough to serve the justice, he hadn’t paid much thought (nor did he care) about the consequences that might follow. The idea of them murdering him and Zehra being left alone was his only concern, but it seemed the gang had other plans. Finding little beggars was easy. Finding someone who’d take a life, on the other hand? Not so much. Emre was only punished for what he did to scare him into agreeing to do it again. And he did. Because what other choice did he have?
They used the orphan kids because nobody would miss them if they were gone. Nobody would care if they got hurt instead of someone who mattered. So that was how Emre earned his keep, and to their credit, he got paid a hell of a lot more for bloodying his hands than holding them out. It was enough to look after both himself and Zehra relatively well. When she became too old to earn through pity, Emre had proven useful enough to make demands. If they wanted to keep him around—and he was too damn good at what he did for them to turn it down—they’d let her go. They’d tried to scare him, but he wouldn’t budge.
So eventually they did.
Life continued this way until his late teens. Emre had learned the gang was smuggling people to the UK with fake German passports and papers to attend to their heroin trade. The buy in was insanely expensive, but there was little he wouldn’t pay for a better life. Of course, his price was lessened because he could earn them even more abroad than he did in İstanbul, but they sure took advantage of knowing he’d never leave Zehra behind. They’d bled him dry to pay for her passage; triple the amount it would have cost anybody else. They burdened him with the most dangerous jobs, the most brutal workloads, and drew out his time in the city for as long as possible until eventually, Emre had managed it.
They made it to London just after Zehra’s eighteenth birthday.
Life would never be perfect for someone like him, but it sure got better after that.
They were set up in a shitty two-bedroom flat they had to share with six others, but like always, Emre was there to look out for her until they could do better. Haringey wasn’t exactly an ideal spot, but it was sure better than any of the places he’d spent his childhood, and almost immediately, he was set to work with the gang that operated in the area. His connection? Mehmet Demir.
Perhaps the most striking difference between İstanbul and London came in the way he was treated. It became clear that this time his talents were appreciated instead of demanded, and whilst a certain work ethic was expected, it came a lot easier when it was born out of respect for the old man instead of fear of him. Mehmet taught him everything he needed to know about the city, and eventually, just like his son Hasan—a man who would eventually become a brother to him—he was crafted into a loyal member of the gang. Similar to Mehmet, Emre was the quiet but dangerous type; he kept his head down, but had instilled enough fear over the years that people never mistook it for weakness. It came in handy.
Emre never knew his father, but he liked to imagine he’d have been like Demir.
For seventeen years, Emre has called London home. He’s watched as Zehra has flourished in her freedom, crafted an impressive life all of his own, and learned to know what family feels like in the process. And perhaps that familial feeling is precisely why he never second guessed Hasan’s decision to separate from the rest of the gang. The turmoil the Rutherfords brought to Haringey enraged them all—even if Emre just missed out on witnessing their very hostile takeover—but not nearly as much as the fact people like Hasan have to take a backseat to the likes of Kerem and Azra because of it. Emre doesn’t regret becoming a part of Hasan’s splinter group; partly because he knows it’s the right call, but mostly because there is nowhere else he would be than at the side of his best friend, and a family who’s given him everything.
Whatever London might bring him now, he can hold his head high knowing that he always has—and always will—do the best he can for the people he cares about.
Zehra Şimşek: Best friend. About the only thing that kept him going through his bleakest moments. There wasn’t much good in his life besides her until he moved to London, but even now, she’s the best of it all. Zehra is without a doubt the person he’s closest to. They’ve been through so much together, and supported each other through some pretty shitty experiences, that their bond isn’t comparable to anyone else. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for her.
Hasan Demir: Best friend. Without question, his brother. It doesn’t matter if they aren’t of the same blood. Emre’s trust isn’t easily earned after the kind of childhood he had, but nobody is more deserving of it than Hasan. They learned the ropes of London together, and have grown as members of the gang alongside each other. Emre trusts his best friend’s judgement, but also knows that if he ever had issue with his decisions, his protests would be heard. Their partnership and leadership is the best thing for Haringey moving forward, and he truly does believe that. 
Mustafa Ilhan: Good friend. With the exception of Zehra, he’s the only connection Emre has retained from İstanbul. The formation of their friendship was an unlikely one, given Mustafa’s status in the gang, but he’s more than proven himself over the years; both back at home, and here in London. Emre is glad he decided to make the journey, and especially so that there’s someone else looking out for Zehra now. 
Elif Ateş: Good friend. Just about all of Hasan’s gang has collectively taken Elif under their wing, and Emre is no exception. The loyalty she has shown not only to the Turks, but them specifically, is worth more than anything to him. Whilst he doubts her brother would be cruel enough to seek her out and punish her for turning her back on their traitorous family, Emre has vowed to have her back. Ayaz lays a finger on her, and he’ll break his fucking legs.
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emine--yalaz · 2 years
When: March 4, 2023 Where: On the street in Haringey Who: @emre-avsar​
Behave yourself.
Those were the words she heard in her head over and over by Kerem. Fuck it was hard not being able to go around and use her knives on people. It made dealing drugs a whole lot less boring and she wasn’t sure how long she was going to last. 
The petite Turk made her way down the street with her hands jammed in her pockets, mumbling to herself and not paying attention to those around her that her shoulder clipped into an arm of another. Was it her fault? Maybe, but at the moment it was fully the other person’s fault. 
“Watch where you are going!” She stops and turns to look at the asshole who bumped into her, her eyes instantly recognising who it was. “It’s you.” Hasan’s best friend and second in command for the resistance. “Where’s Little Bo Peep? He out making more messes?”
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ayda--demir · 1 year
@ayaz--ates​ Time: After Party
Ayda excused herself when a group of men came over to start chatting up Levent. The conversation moved quickly into sports and athlete’s that she had no idea who they were that she kindly excused herself. She took a moment to watch the small group interact, the hand gestures and slaps on the back, it was nice to see that he could fit in so easily. It also helped that he was one of them in a sense. Levent may have Haringey blood in him, but he made a name for himself, earning an income that she would never be able to match. 
The Turk found refuge out on one of the smaller decks, the breeze of the cool air kissing the heat of her skin; she let out a small shiver. Fingers curl around the railing, lashes fluttering shut and she takes a deep breath. Thus far, the after party was nice. There would be no taking advantage of the free drinks, though she would definitely give a few to her friends. 
Her eyes open when she hears footsteps. Her head twists in their direction. He was the last person she was expecting to run into. His words played like a continuous loop inside her head - you are a parasite. 
“Ayaz.” She could congratulate him on his win, but by his resistance to go up earlier it was evident he did not want to be recognised for it. Ayda didn’t know what to say. A compliment always worked, but then she knew there would be the need to prepare for his nasty words. She was growing tired of them. 
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mrofontaine · 1 year
FOR: @emre-avsar​ WHEN: 05/06/2023 WHERE: Haringey Streets. 
Olivier was on alert.
Walking through the tense streets of Haringey, he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. A borough gripped by the escalating war between the Russians and the French. He knew there would be some here, tasked with maintaining their influence and protecting their interests in the neighborhood --- their interests being their drug trade and women. 
Buildings were adorned with graffiti, bearing the marks of the warring factions. Bullet holes marred the walls, remnants of violent clashes that had taken place. This was nothing new to this part of London, the residents fearful of venturing outside their homes, but it’d been that way for a long time. 
Olivier kept his walk cautious, senses heightened as he navigated through this dangerous terrain. Turning the corner, his gaze fell upon Emre. A key figure in the Turkish resistance movement, and a name he’d heard from Hasan once.
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‘‘You good?’‘ He called out.
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david-pavoncello · 5 months
Where: Haringey (outside of Lara's new location) When: 15/04/2024 Who: @ayaz--ates
He didn't worry when it came to his safety trekking through the streets of Russian territory. Anyone who truly knew him, knew this was the kind of thing he did, and after getting a lead, well what he thought was a lead, he only trusted himself to follow it through.
It wasn't what he was hoping for, but with his own prisoner off to be secure in one of the Italians locations, a birthday present to himself, he thought about making another trip across to the bar where he originally ran into the man who ran the resistance. It never hurt to have another chat.
About to cross the street, he noticed a man exiting a building and there was something familiar about him. A second passes and he shakes his head. No surprise a Rutherford would be in the borough, since they placed the filthy rats here in the first place.
His name....why couldn't he place his name. David made it his business to know people. A light bulb goes off.
"Ayaz, isn't it?" His attention turns to the male.
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horncastleroofing · 7 months
DIY Roof Maintenane: Essential Tasks Every Homeowner Should Know ?
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Taking care of your roof is a crucial aspect of home maintenance that every homeowner should prioritize. In areas like Hornsey, Haringey, and Holloway, where the weather can be unpredictable, DIY roof maintenance becomes essential to prevent potential issues.
Roofers in N19 and Tottenham recommend homeowners conduct regular inspections to identify any signs of damage or wear. This includes checking for missing or damaged shingles, inspecting the flashing around chimneys and vents, and clearing debris from gutters.
Residents in Palmers Green and E5 are advised to trim overhanging branches, as falling limbs can cause significant damage to the roof. Additionally, in N7 and N5, where moss and algae growth are common, regular cleaning is crucial to prevent these organisms from compromising the integrity of the roof.
In Muswell Hill and Kentish Town, homeowners should be proactive in addressing minor issues promptly. Small leaks or cracks can quickly escalate if left untreated, leading to more extensive and costly repairs.
Wood Green and Nw5 residents are encouraged to take advantage of dry weather for DIY roof maintenance tasks. Applying roof coatings, sealants, or protective paints can help extend the lifespan of the roof and enhance its resistance to the elements.
Whether you’re in Nw3 or Nw6, understanding these essential tasks and performing them regularly can contribute to a well-maintained roof that protects your home and ensures its longevity.
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hasan-demir · 2 years
What are Hasan's plans for if the resistance succeeds?
He would assess things. Protecting the newly free Haringey rates high on the list. He doesn't really have plans for expansion besides as needed for distribution. He sees it more as an ongoing battle than a task to worry about succeeding or failing at. Freeing Haringey, then continuing to make it a place worth living in. Making sure no one tries to take it as a prize again.
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leftpress · 7 years
Britain: Corbyn’s Left Must Seize the Advantage in Labour’s Civil War
George Martin Fell Brown | Socialist Alternative | February 18th 2018 Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales) Limited readmittances, tenants’ ballots, “municipal socialism” Headlines scream about a hard-left takeover of the Labour Party. No wonder. Under Tony Blair, big business found a safe political alternative to the Tory Party. How they must now long for the return of pro-capitalist, pro-austerity Labour as they watch the […]
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old-school-butch · 6 years
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Open letter to Heaven nightclub
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Dear Jeremy Joseph,
On November 21st, Netta Barzilai, Israel’s 2018 Eurovision winner, will perform at Heaven. We would like to outline the reasons why we – as Palestinians, queers and allies – strongly oppose this appearance, which will be used by the Israeli government to pinkwash its inhumane policies against Palestinians.
Israel regularly uses culture to cover up, justify and distract from its oppressive regime of military occupation and apartheid against the Palestinian people. It also cynically exploits LGBTQ rights to pinkwash its violations of international law, which is why Palestinian queer activists have issued a call for a boycott of Netta’s concerts.
In 2005, the absolute majority of Palestinian civil society issued a call urging the international community to support their nonviolent resistance to settler colonialism, occupation and apartheid. The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement is strictly institutional, targeting the complicity of Israeli cultural institutions, and does not call for a boycott of individual Israeli artists. However, BDS does call for the activities of those who represent the state of Israel – or are clearly part of Israel’s “Brand Israel” programme – to be boycotted. “Brand Israel” is designed to project the idea that Israel is a bastion of liberalism and democracy, concealing its violations of human rights and international law.
Since her Eurovision win, Netta has become a willing cultural ambassador for Israel, and has embraced her role in whitewashing Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people. This is something that she has publicly acknowledged, saying in a July 2018 interview with the Associated Press: “Israel is awesome. There are fantastic people here... [but] we have bad PR in the world.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has referred to Netta as “the best ambassador of Israel.” Israeli government institutions regularly promote Netta’s performances. The Israeli consulate in the US promoted her show in North Carolina and the Israeli embassy in Austria promoted her performance in Vienna.
Whilst acting as a cultural ambassador for Israel, Netta also participates in pinkwashing, the effort to use LGBTQ rights to cover up continuing human rights violations against Palestinians. She has performed at Tel Aviv Pride (also sponsored by the Israeli government) as well as Pride events all over Europe. Her performance at Heaven, a legendary queer nightclub, is a continuation of this pinkwashing. We again draw your attention to the call by Palestinian queers calling for a boycott of Netta’s performances for these reasons.
Netta’s performance in your venue is inherently political. We ask that you cancel Netta’s show, refuse to participate in the pinkwashing of Israel’s apartheid regime, and stand on the right side of history. This is the minimum asked by Palestinians: that you do not undermine the struggle for freedom, justice and equality.
We would be happy to meet with you to discuss it.
London Palestine Action No to Pinkwashing Queerspace East Palestine Solidarity Campaign Maqfa (Mesopotamian and Anatolian Queers for  Azadî) The Outside Project Friends of the Joiners Arms Haringey Justice for Palestinians Waltham Forest PSC Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants ACT UP London Queer Strike
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mobscene-london · 2 years
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NAME: Hasan Demir. AGE: 38. PLACE OF BIRTH: London, United Kingdom. AFFILIATION: The Haringey Resistance.  OCCUPATION: Gang Leader. FACE CLAIM: Berk Cankat. AVAILABILITY: TAKEN.
Having a father like his always meant carrying the heavy burden of expectation.  
Funnily enough, though, it never came from him. 
Mehmet Demir: the best friend and most trusted confidant of their gang’s once beloved leader, Mustafa Doğulu. Naturally, the borough of Haringey had its fair share of rival gangs fighting for dominance over the years, but there was always one which managed to remain on top. That was as much his family’s achievement as it was Doğulu’s—no matter how quick his humble father was to shrug the credit off—and Hasan had always been so proud of him for it. 
Still was. 
There had never been a single doubt or hesitation in Hasan’s mind that he would follow in his footsteps. Unlike some of his friends who didn’t learn until much later what their families were caught up in, Mehmet never hid his work from his children. The reality was filtered, of course, and he protected them—Ayda, in particular— from the harsher side until they were old enough to fully understand. But he never lied. Never pretended to live a normal life. Mehmet was the kind of man that Haringey needed more of, and had he been at the helm instead of propping up the man who was, Hasan wonders how differently things might’ve looked for them today. Whether they would’ve caved to the Rutherford family so readily.  
The man had picked up on his son’s eagerness to become involved quickly because Hasan had never made a secret of it. It probably seemed dysfunctional to those on the outside; that any father would embrace their child’s interest instead of discouraging it. That was where his and Kerem’s father differed most, he supposed. Whilst Kerem was always pushed to be better—as if the way they led their lives was something to be ashamed of—Hasan had been encouraged to excel in whatever he chose. And he chose Haringey. 
Looking back on his childhood now, he realises it was a privilege. The young boy was invited into places that others worked their whole lives to be accepted into; sat on the knees of men he saw as uncles, instead of some of the most dangerous men to roam the city.  
They all saw his potential, and Hasan would not disappoint them. 
Until the Rutherford family, the wars they fought had mostly been petty territorial disputes with the Indian gangs who rivalled their presence in the drug market. Things had changed in his mid-teenage years, though, and as the British swept in and violently demanded the compliance of both sides, tensions between the Turkish and Indian gangs reached breaking point. The Rutherfords were playing them; supporting the uprising of one over the other so that they could regulate product income. If only one gang ruled, they’d stop undercutting each other’s prices to try and keep the bigger share of the market, and that ultimately meant that the profits they were forced to pay up to their overlords would be higher. 
Pretty smart, he'd admit, but a devastating outlook for an already struggling borough.  
Eventually, it was the Turks who proved victorious, and Hasan had much to do with that in his early twenties, where he cultivated an ultra-violent reputation that sent ripples through Haringey and beyond. Though some remnants of the dysfunctional South Asian gangs remained, the majority of them instead chose to pledge their services to the Rutherford family directly now that no scraps remained to be fought over. Not that it helped tensions much. They were all still wary of bumping into any of their Indian rivals on the streets. Just because they served the same masters these days, didn’t mean that the confrontation was any less bloody. And as long as they were still making the British money, the Rutherford family didn’t care to intervene in their petty disagreements.  
Hasan begrudged every fucking penny they passed up to the scum, though, and whilst he wasn’t the only one, he was absolutely the most outspoken about it. 
Like the rest, for a while, he complied because he saw no choice in the matter.  
But as the years passed, he, and many others, began to notice that the Rutherfords were not as infallible as they would have the city believe. Their then fresh conflict with the French was growing more turbulent as each day passed, and whilst many in the borough saw it as a concern for the future, Hasan looked at it as an opportunity. If they were distracted by such a formidable enemy, it seemed unlikely that the happenings in a part of London they looked at with so much disdain would be at the forefront of their mind. Yes, the money they raked in from the Turkish-dominated heroin trade was huge, but they were losing people—the important kind—left, right, and fucking centre.  
If there was ever going to be a time to stand up to them, this their best shot. 
Back then, his fellow Turks hadn’t felt the same. Fear, probably.  
It was fucking pathetic to see what they’d been reduced to. 
Despite mild protest from his father—more out of concern for his son’s welfare than believing it was a bad idea—Hasan decided that enough was enough. Hiding behind the chaos of the French war, he would bring together all those who did agree with him, and set aside a new power in Haringey that would refuse to bow down to the Rutherfords. Or any other family who might’ve wanted a slice of their action, for that matter. This was their home. Their history. Their legacy that’d been stripped from them. Doubters said it was wasted effort—that attempting to go against London’s ruling family was akin to suicide—but Hasan didn’t think so, and refused to be discouraged by people so consumed by their own fear. Confident that he could unify a borough which unequivocally resented British occupation, he used his father’s connections to secure his own product. 
Higher risk meant the suppliers demanded more from him, but it was a price he was willing to pay when his gang was going to point-blank refuse to pass any of the profits up to the Rutherfords. 
Kerem didn’t deserve, and never would, the title that his father had pledged would be his someday. Azra was an embarrassing fucking sell-out; using what little talent she had to act as a mediator between the pathetic remnants of a gang and their rulers. Berat would’ve been a useful addition to his growing resistance, but even if he’d asked, Hasan knew he was too loyal to his best friend to agree. But he soon realised familial connections no longer mattered. What was happening transcended it all. They weren’t loyal to what the Turks once were, so why the fuck should he be loyal to them? The numbers he’d managed to secure for his gang were significant enough to inspire new confidence—whispers amongst even those who avoided gang life that things might be changing in Haringey—and Hasan was more than ready to be at the forefront of it all. 
For almost two and a half decades, he had worked for this. 
Learnt from the best. Did what needed to be done to secure their future without question. Bloodied his hands in ways he couldn’t even tell his own father. 
Many in Haringey were ruthless—past and present conflict meant you had to be to survive—but few had ever been as brutal as Hasan; hell-bent on taking his home back, no matter the cost. 
He knew he was to be feared, and soon, so would his enemies. 
Not even God would be able to help those who stood between Haringey and its rightful rulers.  And Hasan Demir would be the one to make sure of that.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. FAMILY: Mehmet Demir (father, unplayable), Unnamed mother (unplayable), Ayda Demir (sister), three, as yet unnamed younger brothers.  CONNECTIONS:
Ayda Demir: Little sister. Older brothers usually have a protective streak, particularly when their sister is as kind a soul as Ayda, but Haringey made his a mile fucking long. They are incredibly close, and there is nothing he wouldn’t do to keep her, or his other siblings, safe. Whilst he hasn’t been honest about his plans for the gang (partly because he doesn’t want to worry her, partly because he doesn’t want to put her in an uncomfortable situation with her friends) Hasan refuses to let her be caught up in any of the fallout. That is a priority. 
Emre Avşar: Best friend. Hasan’s best friend. Closest confidant. Brother. There is nobody else he would trust to be his right-hand-man going forward, and he knows that he’s lucky to have him on board. And, unlike the way his father was treated by Mustafa, Hasan refuses to allow him to feel side-lined. They’re in this together, and their leadership is shared. Just as it will always be. 
Elif Ateş: Friend. There is little he values as much as loyalty, and to see that she gave up everything to return home to Haringey proved she had plenty of it. When Elif severed all connections to the Rutherfords, turning her back on her traitor father and brother in the process, Hasan had welcomed her back to the borough with open arms; the sin rested squarely on her father’s shoulders, and he refused to punish her for them. Since then, her opposition to the British has only grown, and he greatly admires her dedication to their gang. 
Kerem Doğulu: Dislikes. To see him handed respect on the basis of his father’s achievements instead of what he’s earned through his own work, frustrates Hasan immensely. They can fumble around like idiots, serving their British fucking masters, but when Haringey is returned to the Turks, Kerem will find his place as a subordinate, or not have a place in their borough at all. 
Ayaz Ateş: Enemy. Former friend. Fuck the traitor. Anybody who associates with the Rutherfords is a piece of shit in his mind, but a fellow Turk who chose them over his own home? That’s the lowest of the low. Once friend or not, Hasan hopes he gets to be the one to put the bullet between his fucking eyes. 
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downey75haas-blog · 6 years
A Social Background, Lynch.
A TRAINING assistant has actually been charged of having oral sex with her little girls' pal in a church parking area. How to neutralize an unsuitable friend: The most vital point to do with this sort of boss is to learn to set strong boundaries. Movie Studio Boss is absolutely showing it's age - I'm rather certain Hollywood doesn't release too many titles on video clip currently! John Faubion in his brand-new book, Pal Me" published by Howard Books brings us right into the lives of Scott as well as Rachel Douglas. The very best Good friend Bargain was a well written, genuine good friends to lovers story that will certainly bring out all the feels. Often a little motivation can assist your buddy change his harmful methods. Study released this month by the Ohio State College showed that workers who resisted against their employer experienced less mental distress compared to those that did not and also a lot more commitment to their employer. If a task or job is not working out, it is necessary that the brand-new supervisor allows their manager recognize there's a trouble as well as has a plan for how you can resolve it. Things do not constantly go to strategy, but having techniques in position to manage it shows that somebody is qualified and also trustworthy. Regardless of http://buyitdirect-my.com , Simply Friends eventually fails to live up to its early capacity, clearing up right into wide funny that rips off the charming possibilities. Quiting your hobbies as well as interests for your partner will certainly have an unfavorable impact on your total well-being, as well as ultimately injure your connection. A policy implemented such as this will not automatically develop that sort of environment, so the rule isn't mosting likely to aid as well as might rather create even more problems than it addresses. Their connection is initially based solely on sex, however their connection is so powerful, that they are bewildered with the have to be with one another. Numerous staff members shy away from offering their manager any type of comments and also you may coincide way. While you could totally enjoy having a short term partnership it could still be painful if things finish Having pals or family around who could sustain you is essential (although is not feasible for everybody). And also including a divorcing pal in invites to group occasions - even if they do not accept - helps them feel that the rest of their life continues to be undamaged. You have actually taken a house maternity test, you have actually validated the outcomes with your physician and also now you can't wait to inform your best friends that you're pregnant. This is the final as well as 6th in The Boss serial by Cari Quinn as well as Taryn Elliott. I likewise made use of to be homeschooled, because I don't intend to have new buddies not till Nick will come back. Not that I don't appreciate the jump right into the unidentified you would certainly be taking and also the real possibility that you might harm a partnership that presently receives you in various other means. It's no coincidence that individuals keenest to tell me regarding their fictional good friends are females. The former kids's solutions employer at Haringey Council was sacked when a report highlighted mistakes by social workers accuseded of securing Infant P, genuine name Peter Connelly. While Abby naively attempts to enlist the assistance of every grown-up around her fruitless, Gretchen undertakes damageding mayhem on the lives of Abby and their common close friends. Nonetheless, self-image objectives might indirectly have effects for future thoughtful goals; self-image objectives add to reduced responsiveness, which ultimately leads to reduced thoughtful objectives for both partners. This year, I made trips especially to check out family and friends in Arkansas, North Carolina, Ohio, as well as the United Kingdom. Their connection is rocky to begin with each of them pressing the various other buttons. That's how Chase ends up being bossman." After previous disappointments with office romances previously, Reese has actually forgoed ever before becoming entailed with a person from the work environment once again, particularly not the one in charge. Whether it's been a long marriage or a brief one, as Garrett puts it, 'a separation has to do with a connection between 2 individuals - not the moment on the calendar that they've been with each other. By his late forties, he was still a postal employee by day, creating a column for LA's underground magazine Open City in his leisure and also teaming up on a short-lived literary magazine with another poet. Many human beings have a main relationship with their lover and preserve a variety of pastimes and passions during different periods. 2 months back, he finished the connection (once again) because he had actually fulfilled another person as well as was intending to relocate to France with her. Other clothes-from informal Reyn Spooner island t shirts to Hugo Manager suits-came from Garys & Co It's okay to be controlling and let others know that you remain in a relationship with your SO, however gah. The other half of the volunteers check out a declaration that simply described Patricia as Christopher's employer (or Peter as Christine's employer), with no reference to their work environment love. Once again, we expected both social and intrapersonal effects of thoughtful and also self-image goals. Participants finished steps of their caring and self-image goals, understandings of roommates 'responsiveness, responsiveness to the flatmate, relationship high quality, self-worth, as well as esteem for flatmates at pretest, posttest, and also daily. The pretest step likewise included questions about demographics (gender, race/ethnicity, age, adult income). Relationship quality included actions of commitment, satisfaction as well as closeness. Since all ranges were highly associated at each time point (all rs > 67), One of the old Philosophers, Plato, I assume, claimed that 2 pals resemble 2 bodies with just one Spirit between them. On top of that, a boss must demonstrate the behaviour they expect of staff members, and if you desire staff members to confess to blunders after that you need to do the exact same. The connection, the connection in between the hero as well as heroine, despite the setting, the number or sort of sex scenes, the moment duration or sub-genre. It deserves discussing Pal Me is a Christian suspense, meaning a lot of the story's main problems-- primarily Scott's battle to resist lure as well as remain devoted to Rachel-- reference straying away from the course of God, and have lots of prayer as well. The one in charge notes the tasks as well as doesn't tell how to do it. This is most typical issue facing IT employees. Spotlighting a cult phenomenon and also its fans, a lot of who count the number of times they've seen the movie in the hundreds, this contribution to the Fan Phantasm collection covers never-before-explored topics associated with The Rocky Horror Image Program. Remember to subsequent with your employer one to 2 weeks before your trip to remind them you'll be out of the office quickly.
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ayda--demir · 2 years
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 General Information:
FULL NAME: Ayda Canin Demir AGE/DOB: 30 - March 1, 1992 SIBLINGS: Four brothers. Older brother is the leader of the Haringey Resistance. EX-AFFILIATION: Haringey  EX-BOYFRIEND - Berat Yalaz (nickname - benim şövalyem )
Physical Appearance:
HEIGHT: 5’3 WEIGHT: 120lbs ETHNICITY: Turkish GENDER: Female HAIR: Brown EYES: Brown SCARS: One down the side of her left thigh that she got when she was sixteen TATTOOS: Berat’s name on the inside of her left wrist in cursive PIERCINGS: Ears and belly button
LANGUAGES: English & Turkish & Russian EDUCATION: Some Business College OCCUPATION: Owner of Gizli Bahçe Bar - two year anniversary coming up. SIX POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, kind, focused, determined, resilient, and trust-worthy SIX NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stubborn, clumsy, impulsive, anxious, broken & never backs down from a challenge BIGGEST REGRET: Walking away from Berat and not being enough for him PET PEEVE: When someone says they are going to do something, but then do something else and not being on time. HOBBIES: Alcohol, boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, running, her bar and some reading. WEAPONS OF CHOSE: Trailing point pocket knife & glock 9mm FAVOURITE SMELL: (coming soon) RIGHT/LEFT HANDED: Left
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excerpt: adam benmakhlouf, “here’s what it was like to stop the home office deporting people in glasgow” in gal-dem (may 15, 2021)
“They had put the word out and travelled over quickly – the tangible result of years of network building. By chance, some of them had trained with Haringey Anti-Raids the night before, which meant they had an understanding of how to mobilise the community in the exact situation that was playing out. The people with the greatest working knowledge spoke directly to the police officers, making straightforward requests for information and not accepting noncommittal responses. ‘Why are Police Scotland assisting with Home Office deportations?’ one of the crowd called out. ‘We’re here to keep you safe,’ an officer in the ring around the van said. ‘We’re safe,’ we assured them.”
“While the party political rhetoric shifts and morphs, Glasgow organisers pragmatically continue the long history of grassroots organising that extends in large part from many generations of staunch working-class resistance. With asylum seekers facing the constant threat of death, destitution or deportation to warzones, the stakes are too high to divert energies anywhere except direct action and sustained challenge of barbarous Home Office policies. The working presumption of many activists and organisers is that until the nation-state and police are abolished, borders and deportations will continue to destroy lives. Or, to put it as eloquently as the organisers, neighbours, friends, children and elders did on Thursday when they called out together: ‘No borders! No nations! Stop deportations!’”
more on the anti-immigration raid protest: roza salih, “the glasgow girls’ guide to stopping an immigration raid” in the guardian (may 19, 2021)
image: the anti-deportation protest on kenmure street, glasgow, on may 14, 2021, by migrant organise
[image description: a protest/rally in the streets. the picture appears to be taken from a window of a building next to the rally, offering a view from above. in the middle of the street is a white van surrounded by police in neon yellow vests. all around them are numerous people that fill up the street. a few cars can be seen in the crowd. in the background, a sandy coloured building.]
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