#Has the heavenly pillar found it's match?
quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
So the test wasn't able to be performed during the actual coupe, I don't think, but the Jade Emperor's surrender only serves to incite the court even more. After the coup, they DEFINITELY want that test done once its over, and they aren't going to take no for an answer no matter what their emperor says. Partially because he himself wants to know, for certain, if Azure's claim is true and also because of the sheer amount of stress the Celestial Court being in such chaos and disarray, all centered on him, was causing him. Wukong basically goes, "Alright, if it will make you happy and get you off my tail!" nd marches right into that council chamber to perform a test to his dao and compare it to some of the remaining bits of dao of Sonzi left in storage somewhere expressly for the purpose the verifying any heirs fully expecting it to be complete bullshit dreamt up by one of Azure's delusions... and it comes out as a positive match. And since Guanyin is already confirmed as Sonzi's reincarnation, that could only make Wukong a decendant.
Wukong is floored by the revelation because now he can't deny it and has to accept that he is somehow related to the Jade Emperor. His first reaction is to look up at his newly discovered grandfather and, quietly, ask (more like accuse) him if he had always known and ask why he hadn't told him.
See, what everyone except for Macaque had never known was that Wukong's lack of knowledge of his family history, not knowing his origins or his family, had always been a sore point for him. He'd always wanted to know who he was and where he came from... but was forced to accept that he would never truly know as the centuries pass. And now he if finally told that information was kept form him, perhaps to protect him, but he lacks the context to know that the person who had kept ot form him had only jsut found out themselves.
It would be ultimately the pressure from the Celestial and Underworld courts after the coup that force the royal couple and Wukong to come forward with a Dao test. A simple but uncomfortable procedure performed by the Ten Kings taking a sample of Dao from both Wukong, Guanyin, and from a preserved item of Songzi. The test is done publically so the results can't be fudged.
The sheer indignation on Wukong's face when the Dao test comes out a match is immense. Excuse him?! How dare that be true!? Why didn't anyone tell him!?
Wukong: "This has to be a mistake!! I can be a celestial prince! I can't let Xiaotian be mixed up in all of this!!" Macaque: "Peaches, the only way this test could have a false negative is if you took a bite out of the Princess herself. And she's been gone since before the Heavenly Pillar collapsed."
Macaque was the one person Wukong told about his insecurity regarding his family (or lack-there-of). Something that Macaque himself understood and sympathised with, sharing his own origin of being found alone on the moon's surface by his sister. It was something that helped them bond in a way they couldn't with other demons who had families and known ancestors.
And of course now everyone is convinced that Wukong's induction as a Peach Orchard Attendant and his Havoc were the result of a failed coming-out party for the Emperor's grandson. Why else would some random monkey get a job so close to the Emperor's daughters? (ty @soniclozdplovesonic for the idea)
And when evidence of The Stone Matriarch/Shíhuā on Flower Fruit Mountain becomes public, along with the evidence that she pretty much gift-wrapped the Stone Palace for her child, it only convinces the Three Realms even more that Wukong's story was one of a lost heir that was cruelly rejected by his subjects.
The monkeys of FFM (The Stalwarts and those who moved to the mainland) instead argue that no matter the spiritual connection between Wukong and the Celestial Royal Family, he's still their King and rightful Heir to Shíhuā's throne, not the Jade Emperor.
Havoc in Heaven Part 2 is still ongoing with all the political unrest.
By the end of the day, Wukong just wants to cuddle his mate and his baby. Once Macaque takes a shower of course - he's been mucking the stables the last couple of weeks.
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ammoniium · 4 years
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Crack ship for a Scum Villain and 2ha Modern AU @dreaming-fireflies and I are collabing on! You can find the companion ficlet here:
https://twitter.com/rinsled05/status/1254771302667149312?s=20 More ficlets from the same universe:
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ampleappleamble · 3 years
lmao how/why am i actually still writing this y'all???? anyway, here's the first finished portion of my new Pillars WIP, working title: God's Children Bathe Free. It's gonna be a one-chapter wonder about an old man takin' a bath and having Feelings about it ♡
It was the third Rytlingsdag of the month.
Having been raised in a land of sub-freezing temperatures and a culture that regarded him as more holy symbol than flesh-and-blood man, Vatnir had only ever rarely found himself in the company of the underdressed. Communal bathing was commonplace in many clans to conserve the energy needed to heat bathwater, but bathing alongside ordinary clanmates wasn't an activity befitting the progeny of a god, apparently, so Vatnir had always been obliged to wash by himself, when he bothered at all. (This was all due to piety, of course. Nothing at all to do with how he looked, how he smelled.) And for a brother or sister of the clan to attempt to initiate any kind of inappropriate intimacy with the High Harbinger, to open their robes to him– why, that was unheard of, a perverted act of unforgivable blasphemy. So while he had gotten glimpses here and there over the decades of kith with their chests bared or their trousers around their knees– Hel, back when he'd still had lips, a drunken reveler had even kissed him once, full on the mouth, during a festival– the priest could honestly say he'd seen more dead people in his life than he had naked people.
So to say that his first evening in Neketaka was a bit of shock to him would be somewhat of an understatement.
"Because it's the third Rytlingsdag of the month." That's all she'd said when he'd asked the Duskspeaker why they were here, in this too-crowded, too-loud, too-bright street in the middle of this twisted pile of a city. Though the sun was setting, the streets of Periki's Overlook were more than adequately illuminated by arcane torches, their eerie blue light glinting off of the glittering cobblestone. Vatnir winced against the unnatural glare as he tried to avert his gaze from the unsettling amount of bare skin around him, and he muttered softly to himself, pondering the uncharacteristically cryptic response the little Watcher had given him. What did the day of the month have to do with dragging him up a crowded, noisy mountain, being shamelessly gawked at by barely-dressed socialites?
"You haven't figured it out yet?" The air suddenly tasted strongly of the sea, and Vatnir turned his head to find Tekēhu looming over his shoulder, that seemingly permanent sensual grin still chiseled into his perfect face. "I say, you are a rare one, friend Vatnir. I almost envy you, your innocence..."
"Don't tease him, Tekēhu." Pallegina's voice had an edge to it– more than usual, even– but Vatnir still spotted a tiny smile playing on the feathered woman's lips. Until she addressed him, of course, and her typical cool scowl returned. "We are heading for the Luminous Bathhouse, priest. The proprietor offers use of the facilities free of charge to all Godlike patrons after sunset on the third Rytlingsdag of every calendar month."
Tekēhu laughed and his hand fell heavily on Vatnir's shoulder, his knobbly knees knocking together under the blow. "Ekera, just so! And he has done so every month for at least as long as I have been in the city, if not longer. A truly magnanimous soul, my heavenly half-brother Ganor. And a wise leader our little Watcher is, to take advantage of such a generous deal!" His sharp, white smile gleamed in the arcane lamplight, and the sickly little elf winced.
The bathhouse. They were going to the bathhouse, ostensibly for a bath. And...
"And... the Duskspeaker expects me to go in there?" Vatnir's near-constant trembling intensified for a moment as he considered the implications. Oh, gods, was he actually going to have to disrobe in public, in front of everyone? In front of the Watcher and her little wizard boyfriend and that horrid animancer woman? ...And was everyone else going to...?
Tekēhu blinked at the horned man, oblivious. "Well... ekera, yes, of course. The baths have no entry fee for Godlikes this evening, we are Godlikes–"
"–and the Watcher likes to take good care of her crew," Pallegina finished for him, slowing her pace to match Vatnir's. She craned her neck to gaze into his face, a spark of concern in her golden eyes. "...Although she would understand, I think, if you'd rather not participate."
"Don't get my hopes up, serra, please," Ydwin sighed as she strolled quickly past the little cluster of Godlikes, and Vatnir shot her a vicious glare that she did not notice at all. Tíkka.
Tekēhu actually gasped, and Vatnir found himself tolerating the man's gigantic, clammy hands on his shoulders yet again. "Not participate? Oh, my dear lady knight, you mustn't suggest such wicked ideas to one who has never experienced the pleasures of the Luminous Bathhouse before! Especially on this day of all days! To allow this poor, pitiable man to pass up the opportunity to luxuriate in those magical waters and not pay a pand for the privilege– it's a crime, I say, and one that I simply cannot condone." He squeezed the priest's shoulders to emphasize his feelings on the matter, and Vatnir grunted in annoyance, wriggling angrily out of the well-meaning fishman's grip. Tekēhu looked positively wounded.
"You will go to the bathhouse with us, won't you?" The watershaper's wet, black eyes fixed themselves on Vatnir, shining opalescent in the streetlights. "You must!"
"Unless you would prefer not to," Pallegina insisted, shooting the tentacle-headed man a look halfway between warning and plea, before turning her attention back to Vatnir, that same concern from before still gleaming in her keen eyes. "You seem to be a bit... overwhelmed by the city. If the bathhouse seems like it might be too much for you, there is no shame in admitting that. But ultimately, the choice is yours to make."
It took the priest a moment to realize that the other two had stopped talking and were staring at him, waiting for him to make up his mind now that his options had been presented. His eyes darted quickly between the other two Godlikes– Tekēhu, making sad eyes at him like an orphaned seal pup, and Pallegina, her cool aloofness only slightly betrayed by one feathered eyebrow cocked ever-so-slightly higher than the other.
And then he looked past them to the fore of their little group, at the Duskspeaker marching confidently up the hill, her broad hips swaying alluringly beneath her bountiful burgundy curls. At Aloth next to her, the muscles in his shoulders and neck taut and firm beneath his smooth, flawless skin. ...At that hairy blue gremlin of a pirate, practically hanging from Ydwin's elbow, cracking wise and peeking back over his shoulder to point and smirk at Vatnir. At Ydwin, responding with yet another infuriating snicker that came, no doubt, at his expense. Vatnir glared petulantly back down at his feet, embarrassed and angry and conflicted.
If I go in there, they'll– everyone in there will see me, look at me. At my ruined body, my horns, what remains of my face. He could already picture the disgust on the other bathers' faces, hear the jeers and exaggerated retching that often accompanied his appearance in a public place. Not that others' opinions of his body had ever really mattered to him before, but it hit a little differently without his High Harbinger clout to protect him. And I'll see them, too. All of them, with... everything that implies. He stole another glimpse at the Watcher's curves, her full, round behind wiggling as she walked– and he instantly regretted it, guilt and shame bubbling up in his gullet like bile.
But... it'll feel nice, at least, the bath will. Probably. And all the other Godlikes there will surely divert some of the attention from me, at least insofar as providing a bunch of other strange bodies for the nosy fools to gawp at. And even if I do have to suffer the indignity of being stared at and mocked, they'll have to endure the experience of perceiving me, too. Hel, it might be worth it to attend just to spoil Ydwin's evening... He pictured the haughty little shrew gathering her things and storming off in a huff, her precious bath ruined by his mere presence, and his lipless mouth twitched into a mangled grin.
"Oh, I..." he sighed, picking absently at a scab, "I could join in just this one time, I suppose. If, as you say, I must." He rolled his eyes back up to meet Tekēhu's, just in time for the giant to pull him close with one arm, crushing the frail priest against his moist, briney torso in an overly energetic side hug.
"Marvelous!" he cried merrily as he lifted the poor man off his feet. "My friend, you won't regret this. I'll make certain of it!"
"Di verus, I think he might regret it a bit already," Pallegina chuckled as she picked up her pace again, the matter settled at last. "Do put him down before you hurt him, aimico."
"Too late," Vatnir gurgled, writhing miserably in the aumaua's grip. This was going to be a difficult evening.
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kth1 · 4 years
Crosscurrents [Hoseok X Reader] Part 2
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Crosscurrents - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Genre: The Little Mermaid AU | Fantasy AU | Series Pairing: Mermaid!Hoseok x Princess!Reader Featuring: BTS Princes Warnings: Angst, fluff, rated G, sorry no smut, mentions of pain, eventual character death, it’s just a fantasy story. pining, angsty? W/C: 8.8k Summary: Hoseok is a carefree middle child among seven princes, each running one of the seven seas. With a curious nature to study the world above, he makes several routine visits to the surface, once even saving an alluring princess who he grows very smitten by. With a strong determination to meet his lovely princess, Hoseok makes a risky deal with the ocean’s enchantress to become human. Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait, but I am still very happy about this story. Now finals and my semester is over - I can continue updating. Thank you all who support me. Portions of the fic is unedited. 🐚🧜‍♂️
Credits: Story includes strong elements from Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’; and Michiko Yokote’s manga ‘Mermaid Melody’.
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The aqua prince now knew where his beloved princess lived, after revisiting the area nearly every evening after the first time. He often would approach closer to the land each time, venturing further than any of his brothers ever had to the shoreline. As Hoseok still remembered the touch of dry sand on his slimy tail, the foreign air of fresh land right under his body.
Daringly, the carefree and curious prince even swam up the narrow channel that led under the marble balcony that belonged to the princess. During bright moonlit nights he would only invite himself here so he could watch the princess stare off into the sea, where she believed she was all alone. Little did she know, she had a secret admirer in awe from below.
Human beings in general became more and more dear to Hoseok. Days of eavesdropping on humans within the green reeds of the bank who were sailing the water, listening to their stories and conversations in hiding. Stumbling upon fishermen who casted their nets near the beacon’s light, and if anyone on the dock noticed the rustling of his long aqua tail that treaded water, they excused the sounds to wallowing gulls.
Hoseok was happy when he reminisced about the time he had saved the young princess, hearing about her noble actions and performances. She was told of having a heavenly way with her ballroom dance, knowing several styles of movement. He wished he could see her act with his own eyes and to show her one of his.
In time, Hoseok wished that he were one of them; a human that is. Their large world seemed much extravagant than that of the mer-people. Humans can fly above the ocean in their ships, they can ride around in these carriages pulled by large animals called horses, even humans could climb to the top of those beautiful snow tipped mountains that poked their peaks above the clouds. The land they stand on outstretched further than Hoseok could ever imagine, and there was a whole world around him that he wishes to learn about. He had many dreams and desires, his mind craved explanations.
“Do men live forever? Do they die just as us? How long of a life do they live? What happens to them when they pass?”
Hoseok knows these answers for his species, he knows what happens among merfolk and especially what shall happen with royalty. They become foam on the sea, diminish into bubbles into the water. When one royal dies, another is birthed.
These ongoing thoughts horded the capacity of Hoseok’s naïve mind. His passion for above became a sudden obsession, that princess became more of a worship. “Maybe I’ll get some more answers tonight,” he thought as he travels with the current to the north Pacific Ocean, home of the playful salmon pink Prince Jimin.
This lovely evening, we have a court ball. A ball which held dancing mermen and mermaids to the melodies of the singers and composers. A watering hole of very thick crystal walls, so clear and pristine that the illuminating lights from mussel-shells which decorated in rows along them blared through effortlessly. Numberless fish and folk who swam through the lights would flash their glorious colored tails that amplified within these beams.
Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook all danced wonderfully. Linking arms together and with others, displaying their methodologies. They shared many dances with men and women, children even.
Lights gleamed like a galaxy in the subterranean sea, all sparkling like the stars in the night sky. Beautiful pinks, greens, and purples garnished the saloon, ravishing plants and twines tangled around pillars.
The sweet sensual voices of Seokjin and Taehyung filled the room in a magical duet. Back-up singers harmonizing along with their symphony as Namjoon and Yoongi remained lost in their own worlds of instruments.
Jimin twirled around the aqua prince’s tail like a feather, light and soft. Prince Jimin’s eyes were brighter than any blue tail that ever existed, a translucent aquamarine color – no – a luminous crystal blue. A mesmerizing shimmer tinted the orbs in the sunlight as how a cracked geode rock would sparkle.
His hair, much like his tail and lips, were mixes of rose, coral and peaches. Shades fading in and out of another elegantly. He was such a bubbly child – bashful even as everyone could recall times the young Prince would grow embarrassed and the rising pink of his skin would soon match his tail. Jimin danced the best contemporary dance in all of the seas, naturally wiggling his body in expert stretches.
“How have you been, brother?” He hushed his words through a wave of his arms, continuing to dance along to the music with Hoseok. “You look… different.”
Hoseok matched Jimin’s movement, picking up the pace to a slow tempo. “I’ve been doing well.”
The words fell bleakly between the two, Jimin realizing that there was no enthusiasm resonating from Hoseok – no energetic fields sparkling through the waters. Jimin’s intuition can pick up the sudden change of behavior, and he grew nervous for the reasons why his older brother insisted on lying to his face.
“It’s not polite to fib – especially about your feelings.”
Hoseok grabbed ahold of Jimin’s wrist, spinning the pink tailed merman in a quick fluid motion. Dancing around having a private conversation was difficult when they were surrounded with several fish who are also doing the same. A curious ear could overhear them, and Hoseok did not wish to share his secrets to the public.
By the spin of Jimin, Hoseok’s eye catches something – rather, something missing. The chain that snugged around Jimin’s slim waist was colorless, missing its shining pink bead.
“Where is your pearl?” the aqua prince distressed.
Jimin’s crystal eyes avoided Hoseok’s almond ones, swallowing thickly as a shade of pink started breaking through at the tips of his ears. “Come brother, I must show you something.”
Whilst the mermen, mermaids, and fish were still dancing and singing in the palace, the two troublesome brothers stole away past the walls of the pink palace. Swimming freely into the open ocean while being accompanied by their little companions.
Kiko deliberately begged Hoseok to remain back in Jimin’s home, not wanting to cause another mishap event of a storm like the one that happened times prior to when anyone has upset the Mer-King. But the merman ignored his friend, insisting that everything will be alright.
“Jimin where are you taking me?”
“Just a bit further – I promise you will be surprised.”
Soon enough Jimin led Hoseok into a lengthy cave, a narrow cavern filled with sumptuous jewels, gems, and stones. A pleasure-loving treasure of a chamber that was hollowed out, and in the cavity of the cave – past the dark spaces and cracks – they peered up into a grotto. Crystalline formations that grew down from the ceiling, limestones, calcium carbonate and other minerals lined the walls and rocks.
The scene before them was a magical starry canvas. Nothing in any of their realms nor the human world looked better or more extravagant than this place.
“I found this place when I was little, following a stubborn little marine invertebrate.” Jimin narrowed his eyes down at his sticky pet starfish, Bo, that was latching onto his shoulder. “This little guy was a feisty one, but I’m forever grateful that he led me here. Just look.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened around him, eyebrows shot high into his hairline. His thoughts were all about the mystical creations around him until Jimin cut his train of thought.
“It’s what happens when two worlds connect, the sea and the land.” Jimin admired around with a soft smile on his lips.
“Two worlds?” he wondered. “But wait – this doesn’t explain where your pearl is? You have it don’t you? You can’t lose it!”
Jimin chuckled, shaking his head. “Unfortunately, I do not have my pearl.”
Hoseok hovered around, looking at all the jewels and gems that surrounded the two mermen. Anxiety rising from his fins, “Jimin your palace –“
“Is still in great condition, is it not?”
In fact, Jimin’s kingdom was in fantastic shape. Even with the lack of his magical pearl. The ball was extravagant, faces were happy, and his realm was healthy and clear.
“It is.” Hoseok confirmed. “But how?”
Jimin smiled gleefully, satisfied and at complete ease as he hopped up his thin body onto a rock. The pink prince shrugged, “I’m not sure actually. Maybe they aren’t as powerful as we were told. Though they are one of a kind.” Jimin stared at the pearl that dangled off Hoseok’s ear.
“I like to think that they work for anyone who has a good heart. They keep the realm alive with their being.”
Curious, Hoseok pushed for further explanation. “So, if you don’t have it then… you gave it to someone else?”
“Jimin?! You can’t just do that – do you have suds in your brain!?”
Jimin’s eyes crinkled with his wide cutesy smile, unbothered at the world. Innocence exuding out from his face. “Perhaps.”
The cavern twinkled around the reflecting lights, blossoming of precious stones and glows from each crevice of the room. Hoseok’s voice echoed off the structured walls along with the silence drips of the moistened stalactites that elongated from the top.
“Who did you give it to?” Hoseok was furious, getting ready to blow up on his younger pink scaled brother until a shuffling noise distracted him, causing him to twist his head in the direction of the sound.
“Her.” Jimin drew his breath in, watching a shadowed movement draw closer. A padding of feet rushed their way into the corner of the grotto where an opening that was not seen before now was. Entered, a small child, with curly blonde and frizzy hair as light as the clouds, stepped in view. She bared her feet, stepping on the smooth flooring below her in a flowing flower sundress.
Hoseok was quick to duck for cover – trying to pull his brother along but remained puzzled how he refused to move. Jimin sat proudly atop his perch, staring at the young child who’s face lit up with merriment.
“Jiminie!” she squeals. “You came to visit me!”
Frightened, Hoseok sunk further below the water. This is going against everything, why is Jimin speaking to a human? Why did he give his pearl to her? He angrily whispered towards the ditzy prince that waved his arm towards the child, “What are you doing!?”
“I’ve brought a friend, little one! Would you care to meet him?” Jimin outstretched his hand towards his brother who hid behind a rock who returned glare at him. Seeing the disproving stare from Hoseok, he spoke down towards to him, “She’s safe, believe me.”
The curious kid stepped closer to the edge of the grotto, before the land dipped into the water as she waited with anticipation. She pondered the words her friendly pink merman spoke, eyes full of wonder as she looked over to him.
Hesitantly Hoseok poked his head out slowly, making eye contact with the blonde bundle of curls. She stood on her tiptoes with excitement, seeing another pretty face that blended well with the sparkling cave. “Hello!” she squeaked.
It felt uncanny, so unnatural for Hoseok to be approached by a creature with legs and not fins. An unreal wave of relief washed over the merman as the child’s instant presence seemed pure. “Hello.”
“Are you a prince like Jiminie? Are you pink like him too?” She questioned, now landing herself on her knees so she can creep closer to the water. Jimin gleamed with amusement, adoring the young little human who he grew acquainted with over time.
Jimin felt the passion within this little being, relating her curiosity of the sea with Hoseok’s interests with the land. In many ways these two were very much alike and he was ecstatic for them to meet.
For the first time this night, Jimin witnessed a genuine smile turnup on Hoseok’s lips. The aqua tailed man moved toward the small being who knelt by the edge. He flipped his tail up out of the water, flashing his fins with a loud splash. Trickles of water cascaded from the air onto surrounding areas of terrain causing the child to giggle.
“Precisely, I am a prince just as Jimin.”
Jimin swam up besides his brother, guiding him closer to the little girl. He smiled towards her as he raised his hand for her to meet his. Together they connected, her little hand much smaller than Jimin’s and a small glow of gold originated between their touch. “See – she’s good. I trust her.”
At closer inspection Hoseok noticed the chain around the child’s neck that had a glass trinket which encased a pink pearl – Jimin’s unique bead. That too glowed a radiating gold shimmer.
“I wish I had a pretty tail like you two!” She looked mournfully at the two clumsy props of bare legs she owned. “Silly legs!” She shouted down with a huff.
“Oh, but with a tail – you could not get back home.” Jimin tested. “We wouldn’t want that now. You’d miss your parents, your family. Even your bed.” He smirked, teasing the little girl.
Hoseok stood witness as he watched the interaction between human and merman. It wasn’t quite like how his interaction was with his beautiful princess back home, but there was a sincere aura radiating between the two that gave him hope for something.
“What color would I have, I wonder!” Her wide eyes scanned both of the mermen’s faces, taking in their distinctive differences.
Jimin smiled wide, eyes forming crescents. “Oh darling, I think pink would suite you very well. A beautiful plush pink for the young angel.” He pokes her nose.
“We should head back before it gets too late. I will visit another time, alright? Keep my gift safe and sound!” Jimin bid the pouting child farewell before descending down back the narrow crevices they entered.
They swam leisurely back to Jimin’s palace, Jimin humming melodic tunes to himself. The clear water was waving like a light breeze, the seabed littered with various plants and scrubs of all colorations.
“Why’d you give her your pearl?” Hoseok questioned out in the blue.
Jimin spun himself around, looking up towards the plane of water way high above the floating mermen. “She is true. I grew to know her over time. I feel no threat from her, and I trust she won’t speak of me to others. I want her to always remember me.”
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Hoseok’s thoughts soon returned to the world above him as he could not forget his beauteous princess. And he could not control his craving to meet her. Experiencing a merman and human interact as Jimin did with his, Hoseok was sure he could trust the lovely woman he is fascinated with. Deep down in his heart he hopes she will be accepting of him.
One thing stood out from is encounter with Jimin and the little girl. What struck him was how she wished to be a mermaid – one with a beautiful scaly tail. Why would she dream this when she had legs?
Hoseok hovered around his human-decorative study again, a place he consistently escaped to when he had the free time. He eyed the handheld mirror, the compass that lost its pointing needle giving the device worthlessness, even feathering his fingers through the chest full of useless goods. He stumbled upon a painting, a portrait of a bright and sunny day with land lovers dancing on a street. Building’s surrounding the pairs that were grouped together in a gestured dance.
It then hit him, “A pair of legs for a tail – and a tail for legs.” He grumbled to himself looking down at his slimy speckled tail, fins and all. Kiko who has been loitering around the area shifted towards her merman, “Hoseok…”
“I have an idea Kiko, though you may not like it.”
“When do I ever?”
Hoseok snickered, sighing down at his dazzling leafy sea-friend. He brushes his hands through her leaves, scratching underneath Kiko’s keel. “I’m more grateful than you may think. Please don’t be upset with me.”
Kiko rested in the hands of Hoseok, shimmying herself comfortable. The look in her eyes showed regret and worry, though she waited for her prince – her friend – to continue his thoughts.
“I must travel past the whirlpool. Where the seagrass nor flowers bloomed – grey sands expanding to heavens know where. Where waters were dark, whizzing around in strong forces. To the current that doesn’t connect to ours, the abyss down below. I need to go to the enchantress.”
“No!” Kiko jolted, frantically shaking her leaves. “You can’t! You know that. She’s a demon, a – a monster!”
“I’m going. The witch will be able to help. She’s the only one who could advise me.”
The thought of seeing his princess on two legs gave Hoseok the courage he needed to proceed with his foolish actions. He had traveled to where no merfolk dared to go. Advancing his body though the tough of the whirlpool – pass the boiling under gasses, a thick heavily bog that shrouded the turf.
The enchantress lived in a horrid place, all the trees and bushes were gloomy and of dying bowiea weeds. Serpents shooting up out of the ground with lengthy branches that tickled with disgusting fingers of worms. Polypi dressing the skirts of the seafloor and clustering up this wooded area.
Every plant was twisted and mangled in its own way, clutching onto random items. Skeletons of a number of fish and human beings who had drowned were in the grasps of these eager unseemly trees. He swiftly made his way through these bushes and herbs of horror, arriving to a small place that was occupied by large sluggish snails. In the middle of this terrain, stood a house build of broken shards of ships, bones, and shattered mussels.
Along the entrance way to this house floated a darkened figure, cloaked with a slick seaweed. It turned to face the colorful prince who peered over towards it. A loud cackle noise up roared from the witch; her shoulders shook with each breath. “Oh my – what honor do I have here? Prince of the South Atlantic. What a delicate blue tail you have.”
Hoseok stood still in his area, eyeing the being before him. Tentacles dragged beyond her, her writhing arms dangled to her sides and pieces of her hair abnormally distorted around her head in a wicked manner.
“You know me?”
“I know much. Well. I hear many. I see most,” said she to the aqua blue prince. “I know what you want, and it’s quite mindless. Yet I shall assist you, for a price.” The sorceress hovered; brushing pass her field of snails. “You wish to get rid of your tail for a set of those dainty stilts like those pathetic humans have. You fancy a princess above the water. So, I’ve heard.” The wicked woman snickered.
“What a pity, such gorgeous of blues to be snuffed out. But nonetheless, I shall help royalty with no delay.”
“You will?” Hoseok hoped, enthusiastic to the mysterious witch. “What do I owe for your time?”
The enchantress turned towards the opening of her house, floating down into the pit of it. “Come child, I shall show you.”
A large cauldron rested in the middle of the singular room; every moment new ingredients were thrown into the slump of its dome. Mixed smoke and foams sizzling throughout the water. “I will make you a potion – one you will drink as you make it up to the surface. You shall sit on the coast and swallow it whole, and then your tail of beautiful aqua and gold will shrivel and shrink from under you – to things which men call legs.”
Another puff of smoke plumed in the water, a zap of her ingredients fusing together in a rancid smell. “This transformation will be extremely painful after all; you will feel as if a sharp blade passed through your body though no blood shall spill. You’ll retain that beautiful face of yours, your undulation movements of dance. Light on your feet, throughout days on land it will grow to be more difficult to walk. Imagine thousands of blades slicing through your soles with each step you take.”
Hoseok watched the cauldron fill to the brim, gooey discolored liquids lofting around like a stew. He listened intensely to the warnings of the sea witch, but his dedication held strong within him. “You haven’t told me what the price is.”
The witch cackled once more, cutting her arm to allow thick black blood drip down into the pot. “Your voice is the price I ask.”
Hoseok trembled watching the potion being concocted in front of his own eyes. A level on uncertainty settling in the pit of his stomach. “How long do I have?”
“Until your princess falls in love – shall decide your fate. If you seek the princess’s heart, love to such degree that she leaves her family for you, that you flood her mind and wishes – you will remain human. If sorrowfully on the day she is united to another will you see your sadness. Forced back into a merman and you will surrender your kingdom to me.”
“But if you take my voice from me,” spoke the aqua tailed prince, “What do I have to charm the princess? How am I going to communicate with her?”
“Your graceful form of course,” replied the sorceress. “Your speaking eyes, that handsome face that you bestow. You can infatuate a vain meek human heart with your beauty, can you not? Your dance speaks wonders – I’ve heard many stories.” Her arm laced around the shoulder of the prince, eyeing the dangling pearl that hung from his lobe.
“Now speak into my shell,” she held a conch in his view. “Speak to the sea in return for my magic drink.”
And so, he spoke, whispers of nothings but wishes, of thanks, and hopes. His orotund voice slowly being sucked away by a magical blue hue that breathed from his mouth to the inners of the magical conch.
The witch handed a vial of the finished potion, a translucent liquid that swirled around a clear glass. “Remember to swallow all and prepare yourself for the pain.” Her witch laugh resounded loud through the room.
Hoseok trailed back the same way he came, through the heavily wooded thicket of long polypi that bent away from him the moment he drew near. The foaming streams produced from the buzzing whirlpool laid still as he entered. Scrubs and plants dissipating with his presence.
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Once he returned back to his home it was late; lamps in the apartments of the palace were extinguished, families were fast asleep. His halls were dimly lit, the garden shimmered in the moonlight, and his room pitch dark. He was voiceless, the words he wishes to spill to his dear friend Kiko will never reach her. But he chose to try, to gain her attention in her own little quarters.
At her wake she was startled, it was the middle of the night though she heard no noise from Hoseok. His hand tapped on his throat multiple times, signaling a language of no speech. He held the bottle to his pet and shook it with delight. With hopeful eyes he glanced up, referencing the plane between the two worlds. All his attempts to hint his next actions.
“What have you done!?” Kiko jolted from her rest, hollering at the Prince who looked all too pleased with his decision. “Hoseok please, no!”
He smiled his wide bright smile and swam away, not asking for Kiko to follow but she was persistent. She swam alongside him all the way through the dark blue waters to the world above as she did many times before. She wanted to protect Hoseok and be there for him at all costs.
The moon still shone in the sky when they rose from the depts to Hoseok’s casual lounging rocks. The ocean was still, swiftly washing waves ashore and receding back into the sea. He made his way to the shallows, to the area where he once touched when he saved the drowning princess from the wreckage.
A sorrowful look he exchanged with his leafy creature; he was aware of leaving his realm behind on the pursuit of learning about the land and to find his lovely princess. That once he drank this clear liquid, he will turn into one of them, no longer allowed to swim down to his realm because his tail would be no more.
He felt the liquid run down his throat as he tilted his head back, the mix drink oozed its way down his body like a sharp knife cutting from the inside and he fell to the ground clutching his stomach. The excruciating pain sliced his insides overwhelming the human-to-be, a resounded tear of a sudden split of his fin filleting… was last heard before he fainted.
When the sun was reaching over the mountains of the east, Hoseok awoke; and he immediately felt the burning pain in all of his limbs and organs. He inhaled exaggeratedly, clutching his hand over his chest as he leaned up. Fresh air burning its way through his new human lungs, the dryness of his mouth making him feel even more worse. The waters washed him up further on the shore, sand now surrounding his body and his now new pair of legs.
His eyes grew wide looking down between himself and the sea. Looking at the bare of his legs, a set of limbs that do not work like how his tail once had. Naturally, he moved the limbs one by one, turning his ankles, bending his knees, and wiggling his toes. Tiny appendages that matched the ten fingers on his hands, just smaller.
Hoseok sat in complete nude, just basking in the glow of the sun and the breeze of the wind. Until a squeak drew his attention from the water, a flip and a splash. It was Kiko – who must have stayed all night with him.
He opened his mouth, yet nothing came out. Something he needs to get used to now and figure out how to sign language his way through gestures. Instead he waved and smiled excitedly, motioning his hands towards his legs which he waved in the air with joy.
“Are you crazy? Cover yourself up Hoseok!”
Kiko darted around the water, looking for something to give the poor prince for some decency. Pieces of seaweed or kelp won’t do – something bigger needs to cover his bottom half. Lucky for them, remains of the past shipwreck still lurked in the waters. A torn fabric, from a mast, nonetheless, trapped under a broken wooden plank drifted in the sunken water not too far from the shore.
Hoseok remained unphased. More intrigued and preoccupied with these unsteady legs, he almost didn’t notice the added appendage that laid between them. The one thing Kiko was most nervous about, the lack of modesty. That’s no way for Hoseok to go about on land – oh most certainly not!
“Hoseok!” Kiko arrived closer, drawing Hoseok’s attention. “There’s cloth down here, I can’t remove it myself. But you need it, quickly! Come!” She flittered her little fins around the area, “Right down here!”
He bent his knees up, pushed off the ground with enough force to lift his body stable on the flats of his feet. Instantly he started wobbling, teetering left and right as he stumbled towards the water. Not only trying to understand the concepts of walking, looking like a toddler who needed the support to stand up. The witch was right – he felt light on his feet, he swiftly moved with jagged balance. But unfortunate to him, there was a buildup of thorn-stabbing pain with each step.
Hoseok fell, not gracefully, into the water where his limbs straight away felt at ease and cooled off. The threatening pain not causing him anymore discomfort. He drifted towards Kiko, kicking his legs erratically to stay afloat. His eyebrows raised, beckoning a questioned look for Kiko to guide him.
Reaching down through the green weeds, he caught hold of a wet material, yanking it up from under the object it was crammed under. It was thin, but long enough to cover him whole.
Resting his bottom on the sands of the shore once more, he twisted the material around his tapered waistline, right above his prodding hip bones and securing it tight with a knot. A crafted loincloth decorated around him, long enough to reach the tops of his knees. Hoseok’s eyes formed happy-crescent shapes when looking back to his floating buddy, enjoying his small victory.
Kiko observed Hoseok, watched him closely. There was almost a young childlike aspect on is features, his fascination, his wide eyes of wonder taking in his new environment. A wide grin from ear to ear, eyes sparkling in the beautiful sunlight. Hoseok still looked just as handsome as he did when he was adorned his aqua tail. And Kiko prayed from that moment forward that this journey Hoseok choose to take himself – will hopefully play out in his favor.
Seagulls squawked overhead, the gentle air tickling his skin. The reassuring sounds of the waves drifting in and out causing the heart wrenching feeling of home resolve the hollow of his chest.
A sudden uproar of noise startled the prince, coming from the edging of the cliff. A familiar noise he has heard once before but couldn’t quite understand what it was – until he saw it. A black four-legged figure barking along the sands, rushing in every which way with a snout that sniffed up into the air.
Hoseok’s face grew pale when he locked eyes with the creature. He had to get out of there, he didn’t know what this creature was capable of and it sure as well wasn’t human.
The large animal bolted towards Hoseok, yapping it’s head off with excitement. Fearful, Hoseok jumped up on a nearby bolder – one high enough to prevent the beast to touch him as it came close. It didn’t look threatening upon closer inspection; black fur coated this four-legged mut, and it had a tail as well! Is this what a dog was? He’s seen artworks that had these human pets in them, but none looked like this dog that woofed at him.
Hoseok shooed the dog with a wave of his hand, making a disgruntled face. Over the commotion between man and dog, Hoseok didn’t notice a curious wondering human making its way hesitantly. “Toby! Toby where’d you go! You need to help me find these shells – oh my!” A female in a simple tight-fitted bodice and a flowing skirt that covered down to her ankles, crept forward; a netted satchel filled with seashells slinked over her shoulder that she held closer to her body.
Her eyes met with Hoseok’s, frozen. It was her, Princess Y/n. Even though she wasn’t dressed in her elegant gown, decorated in her pretty jewelry, she still looked just as beautiful. Hoseok remained star-struck, as if he was seeing the princess for the very first time. Mouth agape, eyes fixed inquiringly on the stunning girl who stood meters away from him. The continuous barks of the Toby-beast unwavering until the princess scolded it.
“Toby! Down boy! Leave that man alone!” She called her pet back, rushing over to stop him from intruding the man on the rocks space. “I’m so sorry! Toby can be a bit overwhelming. But I assure you he’s really kind!” She managed to hold back her pet, trying to calm him down and get him to sit for her.
Hoseok looked down, preserving his surprised state. He smiled at the princess’s warm features, her soft delicate skin and whisking hair that was pinned out with a bow in the back.
The princess looked up at Hoseok, having a moment of déjà vu – something about this was all too familiar to her. “You seem… are you? Have – have we met before?” The words stumbled out of her mouth, in amazement as her eyes casted up to the glowing stranger. He was gorgeously handsome, his hair long and wavy, his smile so sincere and shining in the sun. Those almond colored eyes that captured the deepest of blues within them dazed back at her.
Hoseok eagerly shook his head – yes yes, they have met before!
“We have met! I knew it!” she exclaimed. “What is your name?”
Hoseok mouthed the formation of his name, but nothing came out. Frustrating the poor man even more, his lips pulled down into a frown. It’s as if his larynx was completely removed from his throat, the voice box completely vanished from within.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” The curious princess spoke with worry. “Can you not speak?”
Exasperated, Hoseok held his fists up in a struggling fight with himself, scrunching his face along with it. This was his one and only time he can talk to her, yet he couldn’t form the words he wanted to say. Panic-stricken, he motions his arms and hands in spur of erratic movements. Trying to signal his distress.
“Oh, something is wrong? You’re hurt? You need help?”
Hoseok reached forward too far, losing his stability on top of the rock and falling forward. He was clumsy, landing in the sand right in front of the princess and blushing from embarrassment. Toby jumped over towards the fallen man, now licking up the side of his face and showering him with a handful of kisses.
“Oh gee – Toby! Off of him!” she hollered, now lunching herself to save Hoseok from her furry dog. “I’m so sorry!” Hoseok’s face was lifted up with a smile again, giggling at the cuteness of this Toby animal.
The princess relaxed, seeing that there was no threat at hand when the stranger started playing back with Toby. She saw how he wasn’t properly dressed, lost his clothes and his voice. Her soft heart churned with sympathy, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you. You must have gone through something terrible recently. Let me help you up.”
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The princess escorted Hoseok back to her palace, offering her assistance as he limped oddly while he walked. Once exposed, no thanks to Toby’s cheerful barking, servants brought the nearly naked man a set of expensive clothes.
“Princess Y/n! Who – what do we have here?” A maid rushed over holding out a robe already set open for the guest. “I thought you were looking for shells,” the maid turned to eye Hoseok. Capturing in his natural beauty essence. “not – not a man.”
The princess laughed, hiding a tinted pink blush from her embarrassment. “Ms Gretta, I assure you I didn’t mean to stumble upon this man. Toby ended up finding him! But he needs help! I think he may be sick.”
“Oh, sweet child. Haven’t we told you not to go running off alone? It’s dangerous for a woman of your status to be out there unsupervised!” The maid slunk the robe around Hoseok’s shoulders, covering him up.
The princess smiled softly, “But, I wasn’t alone. I had Toby!”
Her maid tsk’d, rolling her aging eyes. “Dear, Toby is not an excuse. Please next time, would you be careful?” She averted her attention to the strange man who stood still in the center of their foyer. “Come here young one, let’s get you cleaned up.”
The princess’s maid who addressed the man’s hygiene, escorted Hoseok down the hall. He looked over his shoulder in confusion has he was pushed along the tiled floors, looking at the princess who waved innocently. “I’ll see you soon!” she said.
Hoseok was led into a bejeweled decorative washroom. Gold encrusted handles and trimming, a similar color to the specks that scattered throughout his tail. A large bath displayed in the center, filling up with steamy warm water and colorful bubbles. A pricy chandelier hung from the center right above the tub.
“Now now, I’ll leave you to your privacy, sir. And I’ll come back to check on you. I’ll leave your clothes and towels on the counter right here. Please feel free to use whatever toiletries you need.” The maid bowed before stepping out of the room.
Hoseok walked over to the tub, feet now aching terribly. The bubbles reminded him of the foam that he’s seen a hundred of times on the plane of the water. Dissolved organic matter from algal blooms. It surprised him, however, that these bubbles came with a fresh scent.
Stepping into the tub his feet promptly soothed over from the dull pain. His knees bucked from under him, forcing a splash of water to rise above the edge of the tub and splattering across the tile below. The element of water was natural to him, it was alleviating him. Bubbles fluttered in the air, a cascade of them landing down on top of his head. He loved it; humans had all of the elements. Water, earth, air and fire.
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“Darling please, no more nonsense of this. We need to focus on your studies.”
Princess Y/n and her mother, the Queen, were enjoying teatime in the dining hall with high painted ceilings and checkered flooring. With additions of a ruby red rug, large window plates, and a fireplace structured on the western wall.
Each dressed in their civil casual wear, a baby blue dress for the princess and an elegant topaz green for the queen. They sipped together while staring off at the scenic views outside. “I understand mother. I just turned a new age, please let me enjoy my time just a bit longer,” the princess begged.
“Darling, you know your positioning. We must find you a partner to be wed. There’s many suitors from several kingdoms who are in your age group.”
The princess remained silent, savoring the last bit of tea from her cup. What the queen didn’t know was that the young princess has been waiting for the day to find that man who had saved her. She wanted to express her gratitude and appreciation to the person on the beach. The princess knew there was no way she had dreamed of the man, but unfortunate for her, she sorrowfully cannot remember his face. Only fractions and figments of her memories weave together of that morning. The sun was glaring down into her eyes during the only time she could see him, but she remembered his voice. The audible feature that made her know that he was real.
The word, the greeting, “Hello.” Was the only excuse for her brain to process that hazy morning as real. She heard the person speaking to her. She wished, all this time to see him once more. Before she had to leave her kingdom for good, united with another man from a different country, she was determined to find that person who had saved her.
Every so often, when her schedule allowed it, she would journey down onto the beach. Strolling along the shore picking up pieces of washed up shells and rocks to add to her own collection of aquatic artifacts. And with each trip, she hoped to see that person once more.
“Y/n, are you even listening to me?” The disgruntled tone in the queen’s voice drew the princess’s attention. She blinked, opening her mouth to speak when suddenly she was interrupted.
“Go on – no need to be shy!” prodded the maid, pushing Hoseok forward.
Hoseok approached through the double-wide doors into the dining hall, now dressed in his borrowed rich clothes. A comfortable tunic that fell loose around his arms, black pants that rolled up by the ankles, and a thick belt that sat snug against his waist. It was a simple outfit, casual and relaxed. The only thing that looked more tasteful to the naked eye, something that looked priceless, was the singular pearl earring that hung from his ear.
He stepped towards the princess and queen with an astonished look on his face. The room surrounding them was marvelous, designed beautifully and almost as beautiful as his back in his underwater realm. He was nervous but happy, twiddling his thumbs between another as he stopped at a safe distance. He curtseyed with regard, gaining both the women of the room’s curiosity.
The princess stood up excitedly, “You look amazing – lively! Gretta has done a great job helping you!”
Hoseok nodded bashfully, his smile still present. The princess swore that there was a sudden twinkle in his beautiful beaming eyes when he reconnected their gazes.
“This is the man you found out on the beach?” the queen addressed the two with a quirked brow. “My, he is quite the visual. Young man, what is your name?”
Both Hoseok and Y/n turned to face the queen properly, a warily grin accompanied the both of them. “Mother, I’m afraid he’s a mute.” Hoseok timidly rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, sending the queen an apologetic look.
Perturbed, the queen pursed her lips and nodded slightly. “I see. That’s very luckless my dear.” The queen’s eyes scanned the innocent male in front of her, seeing no threat in any nature. “You are welcomed to spending time here, as Y/n requested. Please make yourself feel at home and do not hesitate to ask, er – to seek out for any help.” Her lips upturned genuinely.
Hoseok bowed as a sign of respect and thanks. Feeling giddy, his body vibrated with delight.
“Come here, please sit. You must be malnourished.” The queen gestured to a seat at the elongated table. “Food will be served shortly.”
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It was a bright chipper day, cool calm and collective. Noisy birds chirped from outside his guest room, a sound he never had the privilege to waking up to. Their squawks and chirps sounding as one of a melodic tune. Little animals making conversations with another, flapping their wings to soar high above the buildings and structures outside Hoseok’s window.
Hesitantly, he pulled the curtain aside to allow the view before him expand. The colors of the palaces garden were gleaming with charm, fantastic brand-new species of plants of all sorts of colors captivated his sights.
He slowly leaned over the railing of the windowsill, sticking his head out further into the air. If he was back in his realm he could simply just swim out, but here he was grounded. Out past the front gates, far into the distance of the forestry, was more building structures assembled. More colorful delight sprung from them, decorations and flags waving in the wind. It indeed was a beautiful day above the water, and Hoseok’s urge to explore was thriving within him.
An echoed knock resonated from the door, causing Hoseok to whip his head in the direction and walked his bare feet over to open the custom designed wooden door. Just before he turned the handle he glanced over at the shallow tub he grabbed from his quarter’s bathroom last night. It was still was filled with cooled water which he used the for his feet.
Another knock causing Hoseok to jump with the sound. He creaked the door open to pry his head curiously through the crack, and he was met with the maid who had assisted him throughout yesterday – Gretta.
“Good morning, sir!” She smiled warmly giving him a tiny nod. It took her a moment to remember she wasn’t going to hear a greeting back, due to Hoseok’s lack of voice. That didn’t derail her train of thoughts though, “I have fresh clothes for you!” She raises the materials in her arms higher up, catching Hoseok’s view.
He nodded, stepping back with the door, allowing Gretta to walk through. Hoseok stood there uncertain with his nightwear still snug on him, watching Gretta make her way to a side table to place the essentials down. She too noticed the tub laying besides the bed, filled with water.
“Miss Y/n was curious if you’d like to join her for the street festival in town today? There are many activities to partake in! She’s grown quite curious about you as well.” Gretta rambled, laying out the selected choice of menswear. It was similar to the previous day outfit, large relaxing soft blue tunic decorated with small detailed floral patterns and another pair of black trousers. There was also a bronzy gold belt laid out along with a set of – a set of…?
“These boots are made out of cowhide, sturdy for long walks on the roads. You don’t need to worry about getting them dirty!”
Oh, they’re called boots. Hoseok mentally noted the two neat glossy brown oddities. But the idea of long walks pulled his face into a grimace – he’ll need a break from walking frequently. He’ll need to find something to soak his feet in to cool of the agonizing stabbing pain that jolted through the pads of his feet the more he stepped.
“Shall I tell the princess you’ll be ready in twenty minutes? We’ll pull a carriage up in the meantime.” Gretta smiled over at the handsome young lad that stood motionless near the door. There was a natural aura about the boy, something ‘off’ for Gretta but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
Hoseok bobbed his head excitedly, smiling at the fact he’ll get to see the princess once again. With joy he hurriedly grabbed at the fabrics, with no hesitation or decency to whip off his nightshirt in one swift movement. Gretta hastily turned her eyes away, heading towards the door just as quick. She laughed slightly, “I will clean up the room when you’re out in town.” From there the click of the door was heard with Gretta’s exit, and Hoseok is stumbling over himself trying to place these so-called ‘boots’ over his damn feet.
The carriage carried Hoseok, Y/n, and two guards into town. The settlement was garnished with florals, furnished with twisted wreaths and tangled vines. Banners hung building to building, colors of pinks, greens, blues, and purples scattered universally. Sculptures of flowers made out of papers and sheer fabrics hung down from above. Bodies of men, women and kids moving about another in dance, or between food stands, shops, and miscellaneous vendors.
It was beautiful for a land festival, but for a moment it reminded Hoseok of his brother’s recent party. There were similarities between the two of course, but there was something different at the same time. Nothing could compare to each other because in Hoseok’s view, land and water were forever going to be different.
The princess walked alongside Hoseok, humming herself a soft tune from an ongoing flute player. Peering down at the lovely princess, Hoseok couldn’t help but smile at the way her eyes wondered around as if she’s searching for something in particular. She smiled when greeted by passersby’s, declining offers of home-made treats and gifts.
“You know – I still don’t know your name. Do you go by a name?” Y/n spoke directly to Hoseok, but her eyes were looking through the crowd of people. Once she glanced up to meet his beautiful brown eyes, she had a mischievous smile. Hoseok nodded, furrowing his brows. He had to think of a way to tell her his name or find something that was close enough to relate back to him.
He turned his head left and right, looking for objects or scenery to point at. But there was nothing in his sights that satisfied him or suited him. Maybe a color would be easier? So, he looked around, pointing out the first blue thing he could find.
“Flower?” she questioned, smiling to herself. But with Hoseok responding with an unenthusiastic look she tilted her head. He searched again, grabbing at items and widgets all in different shades of blue. He held them towards Y/n, motioning the importance with his hand on his chest. Me! These are me! He was referencing.
Even the guards attempt to shout out answers to Hoseok’s amusing charade. Band? Berries? Belt? Cloth? Plate? Bracelet?
Hoseok grew more and more frustrated with the wrong answers he sighed in defeat. Sitting himself down on a bench that perched besides a bridge. He was stumped, blowing a breath of air up into his falling bangs.
“It’s okay!” The princess joined him on the bench, patting Hoseok on the shoulder. “We don’t need to worry about it.”
A pang within his chest tightened over his heart when he looked back to the princess’s sincere eyes. That feeling pinched a sensitive nerve within him, he was stunned by the beautiful princess. Dare he admit that he may be smitten over her rosy cheeks, the way her smile drew a smile from him.
Her gaze flickered to the bead that hung from his lobe, the jewel that adorned his single earring. It glittered in the light, something she never has seen before. But Hoseok could see the small twinkle in the reflection of her orbs.
“It’s beautiful. That pearl you have.” Her wondering finger pointed at the ornament.
The moment she inched closer to Hoseok’s jewel he moved back in retaliation, quickly holding up his hand to catch hers. It’s natural for him to protect the one thing that holds his realm intact. The princess drew back her breath at the sudden movement. She didn’t know he was acting on defense, and they both looked shocked at another.
Hoseok held his hands up innocently, waving them as he wished to apologize. His distressed face was frantic and upset.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t worry! It’s okay!” she grabbed at Hoseok’s hands, holding them together. “I’m sorry.”
Hoseok wanted to say that it wasn’t her fault, it was his. And that he was the one who was sorry. He’s the one that was masquerading around with no voice, bending his mannerisms to the ill façade he needed to do.
A deep sigh exhaled through Hoseok, cocking his head to the side and tongue prodding the inside of his cheek. It now dawned on the poor prince that this indeed will be difficult. Between their hands Hoseok caught a glimpse of something resonating, a small glow mirroring off of another’s skin. Another frightened jump came from Hoseok, looking down at his hands.
He’s seen this before. It wasn’t as strong but that glow nonetheless was definitely similar to the one Jimin had with his human friend. It had to be. But this didn’t happen at all yesterday?
The princess looked befuddled at Hoseok’s behavior – such a strange man she thought.
Hoseok ran his hands through his wavy hair, resting his elbows on his knees and chin on his palm. He side-eyed the princess, smirking slightly as if he thought of something clever.
Y/n caught herself staring at the outline of this man’s profile. The silk of his hair shining in the sunlight, the scoop of his delicate nose, the pucker of his smooth lips. If she wasn’t such a headstrong lady she may have been blushing the first moment she came in contact with him.
Unexpectedly, Hoseok got off the bench. He waved on the princess and their two guards towards a vendor he was walking towards. As they approached, they see Hoseok surrounding himself with branches and twines of flowers, folding and weaving them together. ‘Flower Crowns’ labeled on a sign right above the shop, with a handful of premade crowns with ribbons ready to be bought.
But Hoseok took the initiative to interlace his own craft, bending the steams and twigs of these colorful tangerine colored flowers. Once he secured it safely in a round band, he turned, offering the circlet with a wide grin to Y/n.
She giggled, taking an exaggerated bow, and waited for Hoseok to bestow the new fashion atop her dome. It was like uniting his princess, unifying her to be a queen with a beautiful crown. The orange of the blossoms complimented the tint of pink on her cheeks.
“Thank you so much! Here let me give you one!”
Y/n looked around the small shop, eyeing the various cluster of garlands. Her eyes land one a particular one, perhaps it stood out because she was already primed with the color already. A blueish, greenish bundle of flowers knotted within a band; specks of little yellow daisies crisscrossed within them.
‘Interesting’, thought Hoseok. The princess picked out colors of which resembled his long-lost tail. Was it coincidence or – “Hydrangea flowers are so colorful!” She cooed. “Look at these ruffles of aquas and turquoise! And these yellow daisies!”
That’s it! Aqua! She can call him aqua, at least that’s a small portion of his real name. Hoseok pointed at the princess, then back at himself. He waved his hands for her to speak again with desperation in his eyes.
“What? The daisies?” She quirked a brow. No! shouted Hoseok’s inner conscience. He then pointed at the blue petals, running his finger around the anthers and blade of each petal. “The hydrangea? They’re blue?” She questioned. But when Hoseok shook his head severely as emphasis to the word blue, the princess caught on. “Oh! Blue? No – wait… not blue. Turquoise? Oh… not that one. Wait, aqua? You like Aqua!?”
As desperate for a man could be without his voice, Hoseok strained everything within himself from jumping up with glee when she understood the one thing she needed to know.
“Aqua? Hm, that’s a peculiar name.” She rested her finger on her lips as she pondered.
Hoseok pouted, knowing very well that his name is not short from his real title. The princess snickered to herself, thinking it’s quite cute that this ‘Aqua’ guy was pulling a sulky face.
“I like it.” She exclaimed as she raised the crown over Hoseok’s head and placed it gently on top. The flowers suited him; the coloration looked right. And if he wasn’t already a handsome fellow, he sure looked like one now.
“Here, I want to show you something, Aqua!”
The princess zig-zagged through the street full of people alongside her guards. Hoseok trailed close by, taking in more of the views and shops of the town. Y/n led the group to an opening within the city, a larger circled area with one big cast stone fountain with jets of water cascading out of a mermaid statue.  
Folk music was playing, a band off to the side with a handful of instruments Hoseok has never seen before, violins, trumpets, and guitars – but Hoseok didn’t know the names of these. As if they were just like Namjoon and Yoongi. Composers.
Innocent singers harmonizing off to the side, a sweet melodic song. Their tunes were catchy, and the upbeat tempo pulsed within him. Just how Taehyung’s and Seokjin’s voices conducted.
When Hoseok watched the people danced around their merry ways, impulsively he wanted to dance too.
Hoseok looked down at his legs, almost criticizing the way he needed to work with both legs than a tail to do what his body used to do so fluidly beneath the waves of the sea. Maybe he can, maybe he could try.
In the midst of the princess trailing on about how much she adored the fountain and surrounding shells that decorated the sturdy stone, Hoseok wondered into the crowd. Drawn to the music and he started to dance around them all.
Hoseok stretched out his delicate arms, thin but strong as he hovered gracefully between person to person. Every movement, every agonizing step he took, became more and more in symmetry. He twirled with elegance, just as he did in the ocean. His expression of enjoyment, of love and compassion spoke through his eyes and it touched the hearts of surrounding villagers.
Nobody has seen someone move like Hoseok did, and even more spectators joined in the dance solemnly because of how inviting Hoseok looked.
The princess turned her head to the commotion that riled up, noticing that Aqua was no longer next to her but in the crowd. He was performing his best with little experience on two legs.
Hoseok locked eyes with Y/n, who gawked at the way he looked. Effortless motion, stylish and tasteful swaying.
It was then when the princess decided she wanted to get to know this person more; she wanted to know more about Aqua and figure out his background.
Once the song ended, the bodies halted in place. A round of applause cheered about, circling around Hoseok who stood there with the shyest of smiles. He could only stare back at his princess though, blocking out the views and townsmen around him.
“That was wonderful!” The princess encouraged with clapping hands. “You dance?”
With a nod, Hoseok cloaked the impending pain that was stabbing his feet. He shouldn’t have danced – it worsened the torture, but he couldn’t help the way his body naturally coursed to the music. He walked up to Y/n who stood near the fountain, just as he reached her a spasm pain shot up his foot and forced his knee to buckle.
It ached, cramps gnawing away at his muscles. His stumbling landed him on the fountains edge, sitting his body down on the stone.
“Oh, are you hurt? What’s wrong?” Y/n examined over Hoseok’s scrunched up face. He glowered his sight towards his feet as he kicked off his boots. He cannot keep his feet contained any longer, he needs to relieve them before he can’t walk anymore.
“You’re feet?”
His feet were bare, but severely reddened. Blisters forming on the heels of his feet. He turned his head to look up at the mermaid fountain, eyeing the lengthy tail of stone, reminiscing to himself. Though he’s only been a day without a tail, he can only imagine having it as substitute for this pain.
Once he looks back to the Princess, his thoughts vanished. If it wasn’t for his deal, he wouldn’t have gotten these legs. And with these legs, knees, and feet, he was able to meet Princess Y/n – again.
Without thinking clearly about his next course of action, Hoseok spun himself on the edge to submerge his feet into the fountain.
The cool temperature of the water instantly relieved the throbbing ache, soaking his blistering skin.
Appalled citizens shuttered at the act; the guards were quick to lean towards Hoseok but the princess halted them with her hand. “Uhm, Aqua… you can’t do that.” She kept her voice hushed but stern. “If your feet hurt, we can help you back at the palace. But you can’t dip them in the fountain – please take them out.”
Hoseok complied, not wanting to anger anyone. He only reacted based of instinct, he knew the water was going to help him subside at least for a moment.
The princess ordered a guard to fetch the carriage, requesting for them to pick the group up right here. Soon they were traveling back up the lengthy road to the front gates of her home.
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kirishwima · 5 years
Hey lovely! Would you write some headcanons about Jumin, V, Zen & Seven dealing with MC who has a hard time accepting compliments? From awkwardly laughing them off, straight out denying then or even believing they're meant to be ironic? Loves to you ❤
oof i relate to this a lot tbh ;-; hope you’ll like it~!
* For him, MC is the most beautiful person he’s ever seen
* He doesn’t care wether he’s objectively right or not-and since when was beauty something that can be decided by a checklist or popularity?
* The gentleness in MC’s eyes, the way they laugh, their gait-everything was absoloutely stunning to him, and he couldn’t help but voice his thoughts as much as possible
* He was taken aback the first time MC laughed to his face when he mentioned just how beautiful they are. Why were they laughing? Did he say something funny?
* “Ah, nice one Jumin”, they’d sigh, tears forming at the corners of their eyes from how hard they’d laughed, “but it’s not nice to joke around like that.”
* He was so confused???? Nothing of what he said was meant to be funny??? When he told them so, MC just shook their head and told him it’s impossible that he’s serious. How could he?? It’s Jumin freaking Han??? The most beautiful man alive???? And he was calling them beautiful?!
* The mere thought of MC thinking of themselves as anything else than heavenly infuriated him. He needed his beloved to know just how he saw them.
* And so he comissioned a painter to paint MC the way he viewed them; their appearance exactly as is, only with a pair of wings sprouting from their back, the light in the painting’s background forming an almost halo around their head.
* He brought them to the painting after a night out, pulling MC into an embrace as they both looked to the painting.
* “You’re my light in the dark, an angel that saved me when I needed help the most. I’ll never let you think of yourself as anything less than that.”
* He knew it’s not possible to change MC’s thoughts from one day to the other. But he’d try. God, he’d try.
* Dating an actor was hard
* Dating an actor that was as beautiful and charismatic as Zen was even harder
* And dating a literal marble statue when you have the self-esteem of a limp noodle is nearly impossible;
* Zen would constantly compliment MC, call them his beloved prince/princess/royalty, his sweetheart, his beloved; and each time MC would brush it off, would laugh a forced giggle and leave it at that
* Zen frowned each time, but he didn’t give up. Instead he only upped his ante, complimenting MC about anything and everything he found attractive about them, from their delicious cooking, to the way their cheeks blushed when he kissed them.
* And still-nothing! MC would roll their eyes, laugh, or flat-out ignore Zen’s words, moving on as if he’d never uttered them.
* Eventually Zen called MC out on it, furstrated as to why they refused to even acknowledge Zen’s words, and the answer...boy, it tore his heart in two.
* “I’m just-” MC started, their words caught in their throat, “I’m not-you’re you you know? You’re gorgeous, you’re funny, you’re sweet and I’m just-I’m nothing near that, I don’t-” tear formed at their eyes, threatening to spill “I don’t know what you see in me.”
* Zen was FLOORED. His sweetheart felt this way all this time and he didn’t even realise?!?!?!
* From then on he swore he’d never shut up about how gorgeous his MC was. NEVER. He’d tell them how much he loved them and why until his dying breath, promising to show them every day until they started to believe it too.
* He’d absoloutely talk like the love-struck fool he is about MC in interviews, telling the entire world how and why he was so enarmored with this person. He’d let no person think anything less of his MC, not even MC themselves.
* This boy LOVES MC. Do you hear me? LOVES.
* Everything about them is just-God!! He just loves them so much!! Everything they do, eveyrthing they say, they’re his saving grace, he loves them like a praying man loves his gods-his love is bigger than religion, bigger than life.
* To him it’s almost terrifying how much he could fall for another person. When he thought there’d be no one else for him than Rika, when he thought he would never deserve love again, when he pondered wether he’d ever felt love at all-this single person came around and swept all those worries away, replacing them isntead with gentle kisses, touches so tender they made his skin crawl. His love was terryfing, and he wanted to let it seep into his bones, fill him from the inside out.
* So he wanted to do nothing more than to let MC know of this, everyday of his life. He’d greet them in the morning with kisses and compliments, loving even the way their hair would stick up in all sorts of directions when they lifted their head off of the pillow.
* He was so proud of MC, reminding them how smart they were whenever he saw them working hard at their job or studies, placing a kiss to the nape of their neck and telling them how bright they were.
* And yet MC never seemed to acknowledge any of his words. They’d smile, a forced thing that pained V’s heart to see, would mumble a thanks and immediatly carry on the conversation as if he’d never mentioned anything in the first place.
* He wasn’t a fool-he’d been at the very same place MC was, knew what it was like to hear words you couldn’t believe in. It took him so long to start believing in himself, and it was only with MC’s help that he could ever start doing so. MC was his pillar, and he wanted to be their pillar too.
* He tried to explain why he felt the way he did-prove to MC that each of his compliments was fact-based. They were beautiful because beauty is subjective, and to him beauty came from within. They were smart because they worked hard and were always eager to learn, were bright because their smile would always make him smile too.
* He often centered his pieces, be it paintings or photographs, around MC, would try and capture the reasons he loved them so with his lens and paintbrush, mere mediums to express the feelings burning him from the bottom of his ribcage.
* It wasn’t easy. If he could open MC’s chest and take their insecurities out of their soul he would, but it doesn’t work that way, so for now he’d be content to just love MC until they too started to love themselves. It worked with him afterall, and he wanted it to work for MC too.
* He wanted to be their light too.
* Hoo boy
* Mr.Insecurities over here never accepts compliments either, turning them into jokes or flat out rolling his eyes at them, thinking it’s just irony.
* So he instantly knew MC does the same when, as he leaned back after kissing them and telling them how beautiful they were, MC simply rolled their eyes, a snarky smile on their lips.
* Seven frowned at that, grabbed MC’s cheeks with his hands, making their lips turn into a silly fishy pout.
* “Now you listen here you sass master” he chided, “you. are. beautiful. In every single way. Words won’t bring you down!”
* ‘Seven are you quoting Christina Aguilera to me right now-”   “YES I DO SHE HAS A POINT, SHUT UP OKAY”
* Jokes aside, he let go of MC’s cheeks to bring them into a bone-crushing hug, tugging their head to his chest.
* “Listen, I mean it. I do. I know, I know how hard it is to see it when you believe the world’s out to get you, how you’re conditioned to think of yourself as less than you really are but-you’re my whole world you know?” his voice shook, softer than MC ever heard  him speak before. There was a profound gentleness there, a vulnerability they doubted he’d ever shown anyone before.
* He leaned back, allowing MC to see his small smile, the way his frows burrowed as he bit back tears in his bright eyes.
* He kissed MC, soft and quick before leaning back. “I know it’s cliche as fuck but-I just wish you could see yourself the way I look at you. You’re so damn amazing and I really thought I was no match to you-I could never for the life of me figure out why you decided to be with me.”
* MC opened their mouth, tried to argue that no, it eas the exact opossite. He was beautiful, brilliant, talented and so soft, a boy with so much love to give but no one to give it to-MC was honored to be on the receiving end of Seven’s love, and they wanted-no, needed him to know just that. But the moment they tried to speak, Seven put a finger to their lips, shushing them so he could continue.
* “I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t think this way sometimes still because yeah, I do. You know I do. But it’s not-I don’t think so all the time now, not anymore. Because of you. You showed me love when no one else would, and it made me think that maybe-just maybe, I might not be as shitty a person as I might think I am.”
* He shrugged, running a hand through his hair nervously. “I’m not saying that love fixes everything-you and I both know that’s not true” he said with a bitter smile, remembering the hardships, the years worth of fights and tears they both went through to reach this stage in their relationship, “but it helps. It really fucking helps, and I hope you’ll eventually come to realise it to.”
* He brought out his hand to you, extending his pinky. “I’m not asking you to change right away, I just-just promise me you’ll try alright? Maybe start with not rolling your eyes at compliments anymore. Promise?”
* And well, who can ever say no to those eyes? A pinky promise is a pinky promise. So you’ll try. You’ll try because, at the end of the day, love doesn’t fix everything-but it sure fucking helps.
((i hope you liked these! please remember you’re enough just as you are
-send me a headcanon/scenario for the mystic messenger character(s) to react to!-
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thewhiterabbit42 · 5 years
Wicked Games Part 2
Pairing: Gabriel x reader
Series Summary:  When a trickster seeks revenge on Gabriel, he traps the archangel in a sex dungeon with the person he despises the most: you.  
Word Count:  2726
Written for:  @spndarkbingo​ - sex dungeon
@heavenandhellbingo​ - dark fic
Chapter tags/warnings: kidnapping, nonconsensual removal of clothing, threats of violence
Series tags/warnings (as it stands): dark fic, medium burn, kidnapping, sex dungeon, mutual pining, enemies to lovers, violence, graphic depictions of horror, dub con, non con, oral sex, it’s a sex dungeon so likely all the sex, confessed feelings, bondage, more tba
<<Part 1
“You are such an asshole!” 
You’re crouched behind - well, you honestly don’t want to think about what it is you’re hiding behind.  Your stomach flips just acknowledging the combination of wood, leather, and metal bars, let alone the variety of uses one could get from it.  
There’s a chill to the room that settles across every inch of bare skin, which happens to be just about all of you, because someone decided to outdo themselves in the giant dick department and play the douchiest prank of the century.  Possibly the last several by snapping you to some god awful place in a matching set of black lace bra and panties.
This isn’t what you expected to find walking into an abandoned hunting camp in the middle of the woods.  It has to be Gabriel’s doing.  There’s no way that faded wooden planks can disguise this much concrete, let alone double in size the moment you walk through the door. 
You know you saw windows, a little sliding glass door off the side, but the only glass you can find comes in shapes for things you’re trying really hard not to remember exist.  
“This isn’t funny!”
“Do you hear me laughing?”  The sardonic edge beneath his words becomes lost to you as you look up at the wall.  
There are rows and rows of hooks with various items hanging from them.  Floggers, paddles, canes, whips, all staring back at your wide-eyed face.
Then there's the restraining materials; ropes, chains, zip ties, leather cuffs, actual manacles, metal ones that belong in medieval dungeons.  
Given the lack of anything but wall to wall stone, you can't discount that you might really be in one.  
What the actual fuck. 
Your heart hammers in your chest, and you have to remind yourself that none of this is real;  you haven't actually woken up naked in some sort of sex dungeon.  This is just Gabriel being a shit.  
The worst kind of shit, but one nonetheless.
"Bring us back," you order, hugging your knees to your chest.  
"You need to calm down," he barks right back at you. 
Yeah, like that's helpful.  Like you want the sensation of your lungs shrinking as another windowless room starts to overlay this one.  
You try to focus on something else, but it’s hard to ignore the way your head begins to spin as you struggle to take in air, how unforgiving the lights above you are, highlighting all the physical reminders of why you hate being boxed in by concrete.  
The back of your neck begins to burn with a familiar feeling of helplessness, signalling things are about to get messy real fast.
"You need to bring us back right fucking now!" You've never yelled at him before, not like this, and he has to know how much he's messed up and snap you back.  He has to.
"I can't!"  He erupts, voice booming through the large room.  "You really think I'd snap myself naked into a place like this?" 
The unspoken with you is a given, and you're so done with everything that it takes a moment for what he’s saying to sink in.
He’s naked?
You lean toward the end of the table, curiosity making you slowly peek around the side.  A muscular thigh greets you, pale golden skin offset by meticulous black stitching that runs nearly to his knee.  He shifts his weight, and you yank your head back a split second before anything else can slide into view.  
Oh sweet jesus.
Heat sweeps into your cheeks.  Of course he’d be naked.  Why wouldn’t he be?
"You know anyone else that can pull things out of thin air?"  Your retort comes out a little less confident, though you’re still not convinced he’s not to blame.  Who’s to say he’s not smart enough to put himself in a precarious position to prove his supposed innocence?
He goes silent, and after several seconds of nothing you begin to worry.
Your second glance around the corner gives you an eyeful of firm backside.  He’s drawn up to full height, spine straight and proud as if surveying his handiwork.
What.  A.  Jerk.  
"It's got to be another trickster," he announces.
Yeah.  Like you’re going to buy that.  
Your eyes are drawn past him to the carnival-esque signs that detail what can be found on each wall, as if advertising for things like ring tosses and balloon popping rather than dildos and nipple clamps.  Not to mention how every wall of sex toys is backlit in some gaudy display, surrounded by obnoxious flashing lights you might find on a gameshow.
What really makes you suspicious is the giant wheel in the midst of it all, which is clearly the centerpiece of this freakshow.  
"You're so full of shit." And you're so so over this. “Give me back my clothes and get me out of here right now.”
Apparently, so is he.  
“Are you really that brain dead after spending so much time with the dynamic duo?”  He snarls, and it isn’t the contemptuous bite of his tone that has your stomach knotting, but the black bands you notice as he throws his arms out wide.  “Because what part of I can’t did you not understand?”  
His hands shake with his frustration, the material around his wrists flaring bright with his anger.   
You swallow, more than familiar with the types of symbols that glow a heavenly blue before fading from sight once again.  
Oh fuck.  
“God dammit, Gabriel!”  You scream, because you have to scream at something.  Someone.  Anything.  
You drop your head back hard against the metal eyelets behind it.  For a moment there’s nothing but the small flare of pain and the increasingly frantic cadence of your heart thumping away in your ears.  
You’re actually trapped.  In a sex dungeon.  With a powerless archangel who hates you so much he'd likely prefer to bury his angel blade inside you before he touched you with his personal one.   
“What the hell did I do?” 
He has the gall to sound miffed, and you cling desperately to your fury like driftwood to keep your head from going under. 
"Anyone else kick a hornet’s nest lately and now has a host of vengeful deities on their ass?”  
He at least has the decency to shut his mouth for three seconds.  
You, on the other hand, lose the ability to close yours.  “Let’s not all speak up at once.”
"Just... let me think.”  The bite beneath his words unexpectedly vanishes, and you don’t like how deflated he sounds.
Your mind starts to race, the frantic pace pushing the fringe of hysteria with how fast it whirls.
You should have seen the signs.
You should have walked away.  
You didn’t, and just like before, you’re going to pay for it.  
“Jesus Christ, kid, can you take a breath?  I can’t hear myself think with the way you’re panicking.”  
He’s not harping for once.  If anything, he might be the one panicking, but you’re beyond being able to read the subtleties of his demeanor.  All you hear is the same message he’s been feeding you for months.  
You’re the problem.  You’re always in the way.  Useless.  Useless.  Useless.
“Why is it always my fault?”  You yell.  “I’m the one that always ends up as collateral in the collective shitstorms you bring down upon yourselves.”
You know you’re not thinking clearly.  You’re falling straight down a rabbithole that has nothing good on the other side.  But your brain doesn’t see that, and it can’t do anything other than fire away with warning.
“For all the bitching you do with each other, you’re exactly the same.”  Your voice continues to rise, adrenaline saturating your system.  “You’re so wrapped up in your own agendas that you can’t see what it’s doing to anyone around you even when the damage is sitting in front of your god damn face.”
For the life of you, you don’t understand why you do it anymore.  Your relationship with Dean is so broken you’re not sure it can ever be repaired, and you’re pretty certain what shred of one remains with Gabriel won’t survive this encounter.  
The archangel says your name, but you can’t hear him.  There’s so much you’ve held back and desperately tried to bury that there’s no more space for it to go.  Everything comes barreling to the surface in a tidal wave of rage, because you can’t allow it to be what it actually is.  Hurt layered upon injustices that fester so deeply, trying to cleanse yourself of it at this point might actually destroy you.  
But hate, you can handle that.  
“I don’t need either of you or your bullshit excuses!”
For a moment there’s nothing but seething red and an overwhelming need to release it.  You don’t even know what’s happening with your foot until it slams against the pillar in front of you.  The stone doesn’t give, but your ankle does, and you growl at the explosion of pain that cuts through the whirlwind of emotions inside of you.   
“Now, now, we can’t have you damaging the goods so early in the game…”  
You can’t tell where the voice is coming from, only that it’s everywhere.  Above.  Behind.  Flooding in from every side, wrapping you within the confines of its sultry accent and sending a knot through your stomach.  It pulls your head back above the water, where you find you’re dragging in lungfuls of air no differently than if you really have been drowning.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”  Gabriel knows who it is, and given recent events, you’re not reassured, even if he sounds more peeved than anything.  
The air next to the cement column shimmers, and if there was any give to the object at your back, you would have shot back several feet.  The thing sits bolted straight into cement, however, and it doesn’t do much other than wiggle as your spine slams against it.  
You’re not sure what materializes in front of you.  Those are definitely human legs rising up from the floor, long and lanky, with golden bronze skin that make you think of places filled with warmth and sunshine.  The rest of it is most definitely not a person, though you’re grateful at least one member of this party comes with clothing.  
Somewhere beneath the brightly colored wrap around its waist it changes, skin giving way to a sprinkling of fur that thickens the further up your eyes travel.  It’s chest is fully covered with a coat so glossy you’re tempted to see if it really does feel as silky as it looks.  As odd as the whole thing is, it helps make the coyote head sitting on top of humanesque shoulders a little less shocking.  
You take in the regal headdress that you imagine says something about its status, the red and yellow feathers a colorful contrast to the sea of blacks, metal, and greys of the room.  Nothing about the figure jars anything specific loose from your lore knowledge, though by it’s accent and appearance your guess would be some sort of deity from Latin America.
“You.”  The archangel grumbles, accusation threading through his word. 
The creature smiles.  “Me.”  He spreads his arms wide, an exorbitant amount of pride accompanying the gesture, and it’s not lost on you how very Gabriel-esque the whole entrance is.  “How are you, old friend?  I imagine you’ve seen better days?”
His gaze drops to where you’re sitting, and his head gives a curious tilt.  “And I imagine you have too, my dear?”
“Who the hell are you?”  You don’t feel as fierce as your words would imply, and you could be wrapped from head to toe and still feel exposed with the way he drinks the sight of you in without shame.  
The thing chuckles, clearly amused.   
“Kid, meet Huehuecoyotl,” Gabriel announces.  “Another trickster.”  
You can feel the smugness permeating the space around you, bordering on hubris in a way that’s been inauspiciously absent.  You can’t help but feel like it’s an act, no different than yours, and it only makes you that much more nervous.
“Now are you going to tell me what is going on, or are you here to finish that round of twenty questions we started at the turn of the century?”  He demands.
You can just see him now, hands on his hips, boorish indifference splashing across his features.  
The whole act is just as ignored by the thing in front of you as it would with you.  
“May I?”  The trickster inquires, though he doesn’t actually wait before he reaches for your ankle with grotesque nubs caught somewhere between a paw and a hand.  
You jerk back and he pauses, letting out a soft snort.  “Ah, yes.  How silly of me.”  
An unsettling popping fills the room, and you watch as it’s joints begin to shift, tips extending into fully-formed, fingers.  The fur covering them adds another touch of surreal to the whole situation.
“That’s better.  Won’t get very far without these.” He wiggles the new digits at you, bones cracking as they shake off their stiffness.  
He’s not going to get far, period, opposable thumbs or not.  
You’ve never been so relieved to hear Gabriel open his mouth or intentionally diminish your presence.  “C’mon, Coy.  Stop wasting time with her.”  
The thing smiles, and your stomach drops at the row of long, jagged teeth that emerges.  
“I don’t think you’re in any position to tell me what to do with my time, Loki, or should I say, Gabriel.”  He draws the archangel’s true name out, rolling the r on his tongue in a way that’s intimate.  
There’s an unmistakable gleam in his gaze when he glances up, and the moment the weight of his stare shifts from you, you realize how magnificent it is. Copper hues blend seamlessly with bronze, the colors tied together with flecks of gold that sparkle more playfully than anything. 
It tugs at something in your chest, something you immediately smother.
“That was quite the trick you both pulled, making the world believe that only one of you existed.” He clicks his tongue, shaking his head.  “But we’ll get to that in a moment.”  
With a wave of his hand, the room around you fades to darkness, as the light above your head intensifies.  The sudden spotlight makes you uneasy, as does the way you can still touch the floor beneath you, but not the table at your back.
“Seriously.  Stop dicking around with her and let’s talk about this.”  Gabriel’s voice floats in on the fringes, but it’s like he’s calling across a chasm, the familiar timbre distant and faded.   
It takes all of an instant to realize what’s happening.
“What do you want?”  Your arms tighten across your chest, and you’re even more acutely aware of just how exposed you are.  
“So many things.”  You can’t begin to unpack the complexities of his statement or the ones that follows.  “Mostly, I just want to help.”
Your eyes widen at the knife he brandishes, stomach plummeting well beneath concrete as he holds the blade up in front of your face.  Power pours off the metal, prickling over your skin in a way that alarms you.  It has to be ancient, filled with something you don’t recognize or understand.  
“Sometimes, in order to make something stronger, we must first destroy it.”
You can’t help but notice the short but curved blade attached to the end or the spiked ridges along the inner edge that can’t be for anything other than tearing through flesh. 
“Pain, as a construct, is ultimately fleeting, though the weight of breaking or watching someone break can be unbearable, no matter which side of the knife you are on.”
You swallow, eyes drifting up to the handle, trying to find something you recognize.  
It’s exquisite, a combination of beautiful gems and the finest spellwork you’ve ever seen with ethereal, symbols and lettering shifting along the surface in a way that almost makes them seem alive.  There’s no rhyme or reason to how they move, not that you can tell, and you’d be otherwise fascinated with the weapon, except it’s leveled in your direction.
“Now hold still,” He instructs, his grip on your calf tightening. “I’d prefer not to hurt you more than necessary.”
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phoenix-downer · 6 years
Destiny’s Embrace: A Closer Look
So Kairi got some awesome new renders of her battle poses earlier, one of which is this one:
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Beautiful render, Kairi looks amazing, and never has Destiny’s Embrace looked so good.
Which got me to looking at it more, and...
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Her Keyblade has a chess piece attached to it. 
But not just any chess piece, no.
She has the king.
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Note the cross on top matches the cross on the king piece (courtesy of Wikipedia).
Who is the king? 
Glad you asked.
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And not only that. 
Sora’s chess piece in Eraqus and Xehanort’s chess game, pictured below, has his crown. We don’t know if he’s the king piece for sure yet... but this screenshot heavily implies it. Why else would Xehanort be trying so hard to capture him? 
Because it would mean winning the game. Checkmate the king, and Xehanort will win. 
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Also, take a closer look at the part Kairi is gripping:
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The king piece is black and gold. Black has been featured heavily in Sora’s color scheme for both his KH2 outfit...
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...and his KH3 outfit.
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Gold, the other color in the chess piece, also appears in the Kingdom Key... 
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...and is associated with royalty. Yellow, a related color, also features heavily in Sora’s color scheme.
So, if Sora is the king, why does Kairi have the king piece on her Keyblade instead of Sora?
Perhaps it’s because... she’s the queen? Also known as the most powerful piece in the game. Who else would the king’s safety be entrusted with?
Continuing on, let’s look at that part of Kairi’s Keyblade again.
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Note the red string attached to the king piece. In Japanese culture, a red string of fate connects two people who are destined to be together. 
The red string of fate is attached to the king.
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And not only that; it also connects to the paopu fruit. And according to the legend of the paopu fruit, sharing a paopu with someone intertwines your destiny with theirs, as relayed by both Riku and Selphie.
Kairi’s Keyblade is pretty blatantly referring to this.
Continuing on, both the teeth of her Keyblade and the grip of it form the distinctive heart shape associated with the series:
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Now, it’s interesting to see where else that heart motif is found. On Sora’s throne...
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...and on this Heart Station showing Kairi and Sora with Naminé and Roxas in the background (Credit to @rapis-razuri I think it was for noticing this and for making the following connection - IIRC someone else was involved too, please remind me so I can properly credit them!). Note the distinct shade of blue used here, which also appears in the KH2 Final Mix Box Art...
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...which looks like it might be the same world as...
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...this one, which was recently revealed in the Winnie the Pooh trailer. Note the pillars seem to match the pillars everyone is sitting on in the KH2 Final Mix box art, and both are set in some heavenly realm in the sky with clouds.
Of course, this particular heart motif features heavily throughout the series in general and is certainly not unique to Kairi, but it’s interesting to note all the same. It could also potentially be a reference to her Princess of Heart status.
Continuing on, the hilt of Kairi’s Keyblade features a wave, referencing the meaning of her name (海 kai can mean “sea” or “ocean” in Japanese)...
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...but also Naminé’s name, as 波 nami means “wave.” It also points to Kairi’s second home (now her main home), Destiny Islands. The shades of blue are also very similar to the ones in the Heart Station art and the KH2 Final Mix box art.
The hilt, in contrast, features flowers, no doubt a reference to her original home on Radiant Garden: 
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I tried to do a little digging to see what kinds of flowers they might be, and the yellow flower at least might very well be a chrysanthemum:
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Chrysanthemums are associated with royalty and the Imperial Family in Japan, and as Kairi is a Princess of Heart even if she’s not an actual princess, the connection is fitting.
Not sure about the other flowers, but if anyone has any ideas, feel free to add to this.
Anyway, the takeaway from all this is Destiny’s Embrace is packed full of meaning and symbolism and likely foreshadowing as well.
Really, it’s a great Keyblade and it looks great and Kairi looks great wielding it.
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ofseymour · 5 years
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 * / 𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊
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001.  describe  your  characters’  relationship  with  their  mother  or  father,  or  both.  minimum  word  count:  150.
002. what  are  your  characters’  most  prominent  physical  features?   what  is  a  feature  that  they  are  most  insecure  about?  what  are  they  proudest  of?
it’s been long since isolde has regarded her body as something to revel ( or agonize over ). she likes the ambiguity of her features, how it tricks the general molding of the english, and ventures into marginal territories, burgundian, southern, traitorous. not insecure per se, since she inhabits all aspects of womanhood with ease, all but one: childbearing. she struggles against fertility, rather than towards it: the idea of giving birth has discomfited and unnerved her ever since she was young. it only increases tenfold with age, and so the duchess longs for the time when such worries will be rendered moot by nature’s course.
003.  how  vain  is  your   character?  do  they  find  themselves  attractive?  what  is  their   worst  flaw,  and  are  they  aware  of  it?
she might have grown to be vain if she did not have isabel as a childhood companion. the other woman’s beauty was so stark, so undeniable, and it embodied so many characteristics of desire as well as distant grace, that isolde found herself to be a lukewarm contrast. it was not a comparison that bothered her in the least: isabel’s beauty was a thing to be mirrored at times, but not held over your entire life. it was, like all heavenly boon, a burden. to carry that beauty would’ve required a strength and a determination she did not possess.
004.  what  is  your  character’s  ranking  on  the  kinsey  scale?
a three before her marriage with charles, as emotional bonds were always more readily established with women. she was very fond of all her fellow ladies in waiting when she belonged to the retinue of the old queen, and now she is even more invested in the lives of the younger women she must govern. after her union, it veers towards a two; the idea of becoming involved with someone who would serve no purpose to either isabel or to their duchy seems rather absurd.
005.  describe  your  character’s  happiest  memory.  minimum  word  count:  150.
tbd. ( i sense a pattern )
006. is  there  one  event  in  your  characters’  life  that  they  would   like  to  erase  from  their  past?  why?  minimum  word  count:  200.
007. let’s  talk  favourites!  what  is  their  favourite  colour,  food,   and  season?   what,  in  a  modern  setting,  would  be  your   character’s  favourite  song? 
she is very fond of cream-white, the nuance you would see, for example, on lacework embroidery and church veils, as opposed to the glacial white of gauze and diamond.
as anyone who spent their childhood winters at court, she is fond of all tastes that forged an unwitting association with the feast days: sweetmeats, sugared almonds, poached fruit.
anything by soccer mommy but with a tad less nostalgia.
008.  can  you  define  a  turning  point  in  your  character’s  life?
the first time she understood that it wasn’t only the king’s heart isabel wanted, but also the certainty such a love could secure. the risks she evaluated (and of which she’d been warned by members of their circle) and still deciding to help nonetheless. the acknowledgement that nothing can compare with proximity to a world on the bring of change, except perhaps the sworn devotion to what has still stayed the same. 
009. is  your  character  an  early  morning  bird  or  a  night  owl?  at   what  time  do  they  get  most  of  their  work  done?
devotedly a morning bird. even when she had to stay awake through the late, informal parties tat took place in the private quarters of richmond palace, observing and tailing the ends of conversations like licks of flame, she was still adamant on getting up as early as possible.
010 a.  what  other  character,  a  npc  or  someone  apart  of  the  rp,   is  your  character  completely  real  with?  who  knows  them  best,   has  seen  them  at  their  most  vulnerable,  knows  their  innermost   and  basest  fears?  (b.  if  your  character  does  not  have  this  person,  why?  do  they  long  for  one?)
charles in recent years, but overall isabel. while her own brother kept to the sidelines and permitted isolde to associate with whoever she pleased, it was out of a lack of true understanding rather than a surplus of it. the older seymour never really did comprehend her; not that it would’ve been possible, when isabel had already taken that role for herself.
011.  is  your  character  a  neat  or  messy  person?
organized from the standpoint of mental information and daily responsibilities, and certainly preaching tidiness to the ladies she has under her wing, but sometimes erratic with trivial belongings (sheaves of materials, ribbons, letter kits). 
012.  does  your  character  have  any  irrational  fears  or  phobias?
nothing other than the common ladylike train of vermin, seasonal diseases creeping into the palace, statute ruin. unless you count childbirth as an irrational fear, in which case, yes.
013.  does  your  character  have  an  underlying  passion  or  trait  that  influences  all  aspects  of  their  life?
her need to preserve the status and privileges of those around her. they are inextricably linked with her own: there is no place where charles ends and she begins, no choices isabel makes that does not tug at her own strings. it is not sacrifice, it is not martyrdom. it the mutual egotism that sustains their love, separate and colluded, carnal and platonic.
014.  what  might  your  character’s  ideal  romantic  person  be?
certainly not charles lmao but she has stopped thinking about that ideal for so long that she no longer has any reliable memories. it might have been anyone: the isolde that concocted it, that breathed lifelikeness into its specter with her own desire, no longer exists. not because of some loss, of an identity shaken by something so great that it has no choice but to shift, but due to the normal workings of the world. the choices she made for herself (was allowed to make for herself) as a woman changed the wishes she’s safeguarded as a girl.
015. describe  your  character’s  hands.  are  they  small,  long,   calloused,  smooth,  stubby,  dexterous  or  clumsy?  do  they  wear   any  jewelry  and  would  they  wear  polish  in  a  modern  setting?
in a modern setting they would wear clear nail polish with a top coat. the sort that almost escapes their glance and certainly the sort that’s easily maintained. as it is, her nails are cut short and kept clean, and her hands are small, powdered, entirely within the confines of the ordinary. they work mediocre well with tasks such as embroidery and are far more suited for cerebral purposes like signatures and different calligraphy styles.
016.  how  does  your  character  smell?  what  is  their  favourite  scent?
she is fond of heady, earthly smells, like wood and incense; fragrances that are strong but flowing, associated with the things around them rather than drawing attention for themselves.
017.  how  would  your  muse  describe  their  religious  beliefs?
pragmatic with a twist (some would call that consciousness, others weakness. she loves people from both those sides.)
018.  what  rules  does  your  muse  live  by,  if  any?
see 013. and like half my bio lol (unbelievable i cbf to reiterate even for my own sake)
019.  does  your  muse  overshare,  or  are  they  more  private?
she can easily give the impression of oversharing when she congresses with the ladies of the queen’s household. however, it rarely happens on its own, or with people from which she expects no reciprocating information. she made that mistake several times in the past with her own brother, and as endearing as the duke of somerset was, he was not one of them.
020. is  your  muse  a  gossiper?  are  they  more  likely  to  argue  with their  fists  or  tongue?  what  does  their  voice  sound  like?
gossiper druid class, rolls 20 on tongue attack.
021. is  your  muse  a …  pessimist  or  optimist …  lover  or  fighter … believer  in  happy  endings …  believer  in  love  at  first  sight?
she believes in people designing the type of love that’s easiest for them to bear. those who need the comfort of destiny, divinity, external pillars to lay their heads against, rely on love at first sight. some rely on the sanctity of marriage - undeceivable, unyielding. other find comfort in opposite corners: in the absence of love, the impermanence of happiness, the war waged against all things everlasting. she no longer concerns herself with which is true. perhaps she never had: charles and isabel have long settled such dilemmas for her.
022.  what  sense  of  humour  does  your  character  have?
optimal according to situation. she is not a great wit (think og anne boleyn) but nor is she ignorant to the subtrends and styles in courtly conversation. she is usually most comfortable when throwing back-and-forth remarks with charles or witnessing his sparring matches with isabel, and more often than not she finds things to contribute herself. but she would never try to replicate that sense of humor and intellectual acumen with most members of court.
023.  what  bad  habits  does  your  character  have?
complacency, egotism, lack of desire to change perspective, often false certainty, duplicity, drawing out private information, outright lying, us against them mentality.
024.  how  does  your  character  feel  about  growing  old?
see 002. though she is plagued by conventional concerns such as her husband’s interest in her over the years (at no point in her life did isolde think her unorthodoxy exempts her from the woes of regular women) she finds the scales to be rather in her favor. the idea that she will not risk pregnancy, or an untimely death, is far more appealing than the risk of charles taking up five times more mistresses than decency allows. if she finds she has lost more than she has gained with old age, she will cross that bridge when it shows. she just usually doubts it will.
025.  does  your  character  prefer  adventure  to  safety  and  security?
she married a man that wants to restructure at least 4 governing systems in europe and is mortally devoted to a woman that’s literally just been poisoned..... choose for yourself
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architectnews · 3 years
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant, HK
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant, Hong Kong Island Interior Design, Chinese Commercial Architecture Photos
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant in Hong Kong
26 Jan 2022
Interior Architects: Minus Workshop Limited
Location: Hong Kong Island, China
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant, HK
Minus Workshop brings you to peregrinate an intoxicating ancient myth of Bacchus.
The bar-restaurant, named after Bacchus, means the ancient Greek god of wine. Its interior design integrated with the historical style of ancient times has led us to a journey regarding ancient Greek mythology. It is not difficult for you to see the essence of ancient temples, thus inspiring your unlimited imagination of the dining experience you ever have. Some names you must know about Bacchus, the big wheels are its wine director Hervé Pennequin and the chef Laurent Varachaud.
Hervé has been awarded the title of “Chevalier de l’Ordre du Merite Agricole” for his work on representing the French agricultural merits throughout his international experience and awards. And Laurent has worked in Michelin-starred restaurants worldwide, including the world-famous Sketch in the United Kingdom and Le Louis XV in Monte Carlo. From here, you will be taken into a sacred ambience in an aura of mellow from the wine to gourmet that may allow you to abandon the reality.
An Al Fresco dining covered with a paradise feeling of an exotic island leads to enjoying gratifying wines, gourmet and cigars in the heart of Hong Kong. No wonder the wine cellar comes into view first on the porch. And what makes you feel more delusive at the arrival are a wooden trolley and the ornamental turf carpet. Your feet are touching the lush green airy texture. Your eyes are staring at the decorative wall dotted next to it symbolising the temple in ancient civilisation. The heavenly journey has officially begun.
After your arrival, you will be brought to a welcome station. The island contains various facilities for drinkers and guests—a dazzling array of wines and the upside-down racks of wine glasses combined as a whole cabinet. The decorative metal frame of the wine rack is dramatically carved into a torch. In addition, the marble, rust-coloured copper and brick splicing are integrated harmoniously throughout the idea of deliberately using texture stacking here and at many other corners.
Surrounding the multifunctional station is the general dining area. A Mirror screen that enriches the lines and enhances the atmosphere is inspired by the chain symbolising the underlying Greek culture. On the other side, there is a bar and a marble temple front at the kitchen doorway, creating the scenario of the myth. And the metal wine rack bonding to Bacchus the bar-restaurant is everywhere. The holy light highlights the bar with the marble table installed with a wine glass rack under cabinets. Upon closer inspection, several architectural details with vertical lines are essential in the entire restaurant.
The designer Kevin explained: “Due to the super low ceiling here, the vertical lines are conducive to the sense of space, and I deliberately vacated more above head, which just solved the challenge of this inborn disability of the site.”
There was no lack of nature in ancient Greece, which became the backbone of Bacchus’ design. The vertical pillar lighting from the ceiling of the general dining area forms into a vineyard where the god of wine lives, echoing the green plants on the bar counter. The wallpaper here is from Élitis, a French label, is found in subtle texture. Carefully look under your feet; the plates are spliced, and the turf is between the plates. The design treatment on the floor has been subtly extended to the VIP and activity area. The soft lighting in this area reveals the mysterious elegance of the ancient goddess.
Imagine the era before any light pollution. The whole is presented in a sleek and sophisticated style and has functionality planned to match various themes of various usage and event. Last but not least, there is a control system on the motorised track light branded in Forma Lighting to adjust the focus without a fuss autonomously.
Coming to the most astonishing part of the journey, the gods in ancient mythology represent nature and the origin of humanity. The master concept is shaping the outdoor area more like an imaginary paradise. The general dining area also utilises foldable full height doors to create a semi-outdoor design connected to the open space.
The exterior floor was artificially sodded to respond to the turf from the arrival. The angular shaped parasols and the plant columns between each table also enhance privacy. Not only that, the hidden mesh lighting arrangement is cleverly used here, which creates isolation from the buildings nearby. The utopia is intoxicating that makes you unconsciously peregrinate to find your eudaimonia.
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant in HK, China – Building Information
Design: Minus Workshop Limited – minusworkshop.co
Project size: 4515 ft2 Completion date: 2021 Building levels: 3
Photography: Steven Ko
Bacchus Wine & Restaurant, HK images / information received 260122
Location: Hong Kong , China
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Airside, former Kai Tak airport Design: Snøhetta image courtesy of architects Airside Hong Kong Building
M+ Building West Kowloon image Courtesy of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority M+ Building West Kowloon for WKCDA
The Lyric Theatre Complex Architects: UNStudio renderings by DBOX ; Masterplan image: © WKCDA The Lyric Theatre Complex West Kowloon Hong Kong Architecture Designs – chronological list
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xmasqoo-haineke · 4 years
In relation to my previous post… on searching the internet by the phrase, “with eyes to see and ears to hear historical context origin”… This is definitely related to popular history/culture and has significant meaning to this present/modery day or time(s)….. And what does it mean in terms of ever-evolving… or, for lack of better words, ever-improving and/or constantly improving … or the advancement of technology.?!!!?!?!?!?
For the Turkish film, see
Three Monkeys
."Sanzaru" redirects here. For the game company, see
Sanzaru Games
."See no evil hear no evil" redirects here. For the 1989 comedy film, see
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
The three wise monkeys at the Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan. 
ALSO… a Representation of Mahatma Gandhi's smaller statue of the three monkeys Bapu, Ketan and Bandar, at the
Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.
The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim, embodying the proverbial principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".[1] The three monkeys are
Mizaru, who sees no evil, covering his eyes
Kikazaru, who hears no evil, covering his ears and
Iwazaru, who speaks no evil, covering his mouth.[2]
Lafcadio Hearn refers to them as the three mystic apes.[3]
There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. The phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.[4]
Outside Japan the monkeys' names are sometimes given as Mizaru, Mikazaru[5] and Mazaru,[6] as the last two names were corrupted from the Japanese originals.[7][8]The monkeys are Japanese macaques, a common species in Japan.
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For the Turkish film, see
Three Monkeys
."Sanzaru" redirects here. For the game company, see
Sanzaru Games
."See no evil hear no evil" redirects here. For the 1989 comedy film, see
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
The three wise monkeys at the
shrine in
Representation of
Mahatma Gandhi
's smaller statue of the three monkeys Bapu, Ketan and Bandar, at the
Sabarmati Ashram
The three wise monkeys are a Japanese pictorial maxim, embodying the proverbial principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".[1] The three monkeys are
Mizaru, who sees no evil, covering his eyes
Kikazaru, who hears no evil, covering his ears and
Iwazaru, who speaks no evil, covering his mouth.[2]
Lafcadio Hearn refers to them as the three mystic apes.[3]
There are various meanings ascribed to the monkeys and the proverb including associations with being of good mind, speech and action. The phrase is often used to refer to those who deal with impropriety by turning a blind eye.[4]
Outside Japan the monkeys' names are sometimes given as Mizaru, Mikazaru[5] and Mazaru,[6] as the last two names were corrupted from the Japanese originals.[7][8] The monkeys are Japanese macaques, a common species in Japan.
2Meaning of the proverb
4Rajneesh movement
5Cultural influences
6Unicode characters
7See also
10External links
Kōshin scroll with the three monkeys
A World War II poster directed at participants in the
Manhattan Project
The source that popularized this pictorial maxim is a 17th-century carving over a door of the famous Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan. The carvings at Tōshō-gū Shrine were carved by Hidari Jingoro, and believed to have incorporated  Confucius’s Code of Conduct, using the monkey as a way to depict man’s life cycle. There are a total of eight panels, and the iconic three wise monkeys picture comes from panel 2. The philosophy, however, probably originally came to Japan with a Tendai-Buddhist legend, from China in the 8th century (Nara Period). It has been suggested that the figures represent the three dogmas of the so-called middle school of the sect.
In Chinese, a similar phrase exists in the late Analects of Confucius from 2nd to 4th century B.C.: "Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" (非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動).[9] It may be this phrase that inspired the pictorial maxim after it was brought into Japan.
It is through the Kōshin rite of folk religion that the most significant examples are presented. The Kōshin belief or practice is a Japanese folk religion with Chinese Taoism origins and ancient Shinto influence. It was founded by Tendai Buddhist monks in the late 10th century. A considerable number of stone monuments can be found all over the eastern part of Japan around Tokyo. During the later part of the Muromachi period, it was customary to display stone pillars depicting the three monkeys during the observance of Kōshin.
Though the teaching had nothing to do with monkeys, the concept of the three monkeys originated from a simple play on words. The saying in Japanese is mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる) "see not, hear not, speak not", where the -zaru is a negative conjugation on the three verbs, matching zaru, the modified form of saru (猿) "monkey" used in compounds. Thus the saying (which does not include any specific reference to "evil") can also be interpreted as referring to three monkeys.
The shrine at Nikko is a Shinto shrine, and the monkey is an extremely important being in the Shinto religion. The monkey is believed to be the messenger of the Hie Shinto shrines, which also have connections with Tendai Buddhism. There are even important festivals that are celebrated during the year of the Monkey (occurring every twelve years) and a special festival is celebrated every sixteenth year of the Kōshin.
"The Three Mystic Apes" (Sambiki Saru) were described as "the attendants of Saruta Hito no Mikoto or Kōshin, the God of the Roads".[10] The Kōshin festival was held on the 60th day of the calendar. It has been suggested that during the Kōshin festival, according to old beliefs, one's bad deeds might be reported to heaven "unless avoidance actions were taken…". It has been theorized that the three Mystic Apes, Not Seeing, Hearing, or Speaking, may have been the "things that one has done wrong in the last 59 days".
According to other accounts, the monkeys caused the Sanshi and Ten-Tei not to see, say or hear the bad deeds of a person. The Sanshi (三尸) are the Three Corpses living in everyone's body. The Sanshi keep track of the good deeds and particularly the bad deeds of the person they inhabit. Every 60 days, on the night called Kōshin-Machi (庚申待), if the person sleeps, the Sanshi will leave the body and go to Ten-Tei (天帝), the Heavenly God, to report about the deeds of that person. Ten-Tei will then decide to punish bad people, making them ill, shortening their time alive, and in extreme cases putting an end to their lives. Those believers of Kōshin who have reason to fear will try to stay awake during Kōshin nights. This is the only way to prevent the Sanshi from leaving their body and reporting to Ten-Tei.
An ancient representation of the "no see, no hear, no say, no do" can be found in four golden figurines in the Zelnik Istvan Southeast Asian Gold Museum. These golden statues date from the 6th to 8th century. The figures look like tribal human people with not very precise body carvings and strong phallic symbols.[11] This set indicates that the philosophy comes from very ancient roots.
Meaning of the proverb[edit]
Three wise monkeys on the beach in Barcelona
Just as there is disagreement about the origin of the phrase, there are differing explanations of the meaning of "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil".
In Buddhist tradition, the tenets of the proverb are about not dwelling on evil thoughts.
The proverb and the image are often used to refer to a lack of moral responsibility on the part of people who refuse to acknowledge impropriety, looking the other way or feigning ignorance.[12]
It may also signify a code of silence in gangs, or organized crime.
Sometimes there is a fourth monkey depicted, Shizaru, who symbolizes the principle of "do no evil", which fits with the full quote from Analects of Confucius. The monkey may be shown crossing his arms or covering his genitals. Yet another variation has the fourth monkey hold its nose to avoid a stench and has been dubbed "smell no evil" accordingly.[4]
Sculpture of four monkeys, the fourth monkey is covering his genitals
The opposite version of the three wise monkeys can also be found. In this case, one monkey holds its hands to its eyes to focus vision, the second monkey cups its hands around its ears to improve hearing, and the third monkey holds its hands to its mouth like a bullhorn. Another modern interpretation is "Hear, see, and speak out loud for what you stand for".
Three wise monkeys variation : "Hear, see, speak only good"
Rajneesh movement[edit]
According to Osho Rajneesh, the monkey symbolism originated in ancient Hindu tradition and Buddhist monks spread this symbolism across Asia. The original Hindu and Buddhist version has four monkeys and the fourth monkey covers his genitals. The Buddhist version means this as "Don't do anything evil".
In Hindu original version the meaning of the fourth monkey is totally different from the popular Buddhist version. It means, "Hide your pleasures. Hide your enjoyment, don't show it to anybody."[13]
Osho Rajneesh gave his own meaning regarding this. The first monkey denotes 'Don't listen to the truth because it will disturb all your consoling lies'. The second monkey denotes 'Don't look at the truth; otherwise your God will be dead and your heaven and hell will disappear'. The third monkey denotes 'Don't speak the truth, otherwise you will be condemned, crucified, poisoned, tortured by the whole crowd, the unconscious people. The fourth monkey denotes "Keep your pleasures, your joys, hidden. Don't let anybody know that you are a cheerful man, a blissful man, an ecstatic man, because that will destroy your very life. It is dangerous".[14]
Cultural influences[edit]
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Brass casting
The three wise monkeys, and the associated proverb, are known throughout Asia and outside Asia. They have been a motif in pictures, such as the ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock printings) by Keisai Eisen, and are frequently represented in modern culture.
Indian Prime Minister
Narendra Modi
gifts replica of
Mahatma Gandhi
's three wise monkeys to the U.S. President
Donald Trump
Mahatma Gandhi's one notable exception to his lifestyle of non-possession was a small statue of the three monkeys - Bapu, Ketan and Bandar. Today, a larger representation of the three monkeys is prominently displayed at the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, where Gandhi lived from 1915 to 1930 and from where he departed on his famous salt march. Gandhi's statue also inspired a 2008 artwork by Subodh Gupta, Gandhi's Three Monkeys.[15]
The three monkeys are depicted in the trial scene in the 1968 film Planet of the Apes. In an example of semiotics, the judges mimic the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" monkeys.[16]
In a spoof of this saying, Bob Dole quipped about a meeting of former US Presidents: "Carter, Ford and Nixon: see no evil, hear no evil and evil." [17]
The maxim inspired an award-winning 2008 Turkish film by director Nuri Bilge Ceylan called Three Monkeys (Üç Maymun).
Unicode characters[edit]
Unicode provides emoji representations of the monkeys in the Emoticons block as follows:[18]
Mizaru: U+1F648 🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY
Kikazaru: U+1F649 🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY
See also[edit]
Japan portal
Society portal
Animals portal
Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path: Right speech and right action
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta, "good thoughts, good words, good deeds" in Zoroastrianism
Lashon hara, prohibition of gossip in Judaism
Manasa, vacha, karmana, three Sanskrit words referring to mind, speech and actions
Plausible deniability, being able to convincingly claim ignorance of something incriminating
Three Vajras, a formulation in Tibetan Buddhism referring to body, speech and mind
Willful blindness, knowingly refraining from pursuing available information or knowingly sheltering oneself from information
^ Wolfgang Mieder. 1981. "The Proverbial Three Wise Monkeys," Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore, 7: 5- 38.
^ Oldest reference to the correct monkey names in English. Source:
^ Lafcadio Hearn (1894). Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan, volume 2, p. 127.
^ Jump up to: a b Pornpimol Kanchanalak (21 April 2011). "Searching for the fourth monkey in a corrupted world". The Nation. Thailand. Archived from the original on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 19 June 2017.
^ Oldest references (1926–1984) for Mikazaru in Google Books
^ Oldest reference of the incorrect Mazaru in Google Books. Source:
^ Worth, Fred L. (1974). The Trivia Encyclopedia. Brooke House. p. 262. ISBN 978-0-912588-12-4.
^ Shipley, Joseph Twadell (2001). The Origins of English Words: A Discursive Dictionary of Indo-European Roots. Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 249. ISBN 978-0-8018-6784-2.
^ Original text: 論語 (in Chinese), Analects (in English)
^ Joly, Henri L. (1908). "Legend in Japanese Art". London, New York: J. Lane. p. 10. Retrieved 13 December 2011.
^ Cultures and Civilisations in Southeast Asia. Private museum in Budapest, Hungary.[failed verification]
^ Tom Oleson (29 October 2011). "How about monkey see, monkey DON'T do next time?". Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved 25 July 2012.
^ Osho, Chandra Mohan Jain. "I Celebrate Myself: God Is No Where: Life Is Now Here" (PDF).
^ Osho on zen. "I celebrate myself: God is no where, Life is now here". Chapter 1: The grand Rebellion. Question 1.
^ "QMA unveils Gandhi's 'Three Monkeys' at Katara". Qatar Tribune. 28 May 2012. Archived from the original on 6 June 2012. Retrieved 21 June 2012.
^ "Planet of the Apes (1968)". Retrieved 4 April 2018 – via www.imdb.com.
^ "Liberties;Let Dole Be Dole". New York Times. 7 March 1996. Retrieved 9 March 2019.
^ Unicode 6.0.0 characters in Emoticons block: SEE-NO-EVIL MONKEY ‹🙈›, HEAR-NO-EVIL MONKEY ‹🙉› and SPEAK-NO-EVIL MONKEY ‹🙊›.
Japan Society of London (1893). Transactions and proceedings of the Japan Society, London, Volume 1. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. p. 98.
Anderson, Isabel (1920). The spell of Japan. Page. p. 379.
Titelman, Gregory Y. (2000). Random House Dictionary of America's Popular Proverbs and Sayings (second ed.). New York: Random House. ISBN 978-0-375-70584-7.
Archer Taylor, “Audi, Vidi, Tace” and the three monkeys
A. W. Smith, Folklore, Vol. 104, No. ½ pp. 144–150 "On the Ambiguity of the Three Wise Monkeys"
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coreshorts · 7 years
Her mind turned again and again to the sight of the younger girl, slowly withering, her normally plump, hourglass figure starting to shrink, her eyes heavy with dark bags, porcelain skin almost ashen. When she felt her, it was was even worse. Her aether slowly draining away, she felt as though she was constantly slowly dying, something dark and vicious welling up within her to take her place.
The first time the shinobi had noticed her Moon begin to wane, she had frantically begun searching for answers. She needed options, ways to combat what was being done, that she could grasp and bring to bear against this panic-inducing problem. She was given a small number, some of which were far more preferable than the others.
Hali was forced to settle upon an option which was the best she could hope for in such short notice: She had been told by a close friend - an incredibly accomplished mage by name of Naoh Tayoon - that her best bet without outright killing the girl she had come to so adore was to obtain a charged Amdapori Wardstone. However, the ruins of Amdapor were heavily-guarded and access strictly forbidden. She, herself, had one, but it was not charged, and the only person who came close to knowing could not remember.
"...charge one...” Fiona had muttered over the private line, “I- I think I remember. Just- nnnh. I remember doing it. I don't remember how."
The only other solution would be to use an Onmyouji ritual which not only required multiple practitioners, but would cut the girl off from her aether use entirely - forever - even though it would mean that she could never be possessed again. It was beyond that last thing that Hali wished to do, and the half-elezen’s response chilled her blood.
"...we should keep it in mind. Just in case."
Thus, she turned to Naoh, who instructed her on where to search in the ruins to find Wardstones. She was, after all, not only a shinobi, but one of very high aether sensitivity, which would help her not only infiltrate the ruins, but potentially locate a stone, as well. Loathe to go alone, however, she brought her former teacher - her best friend and sister in the shadows - Kaori, seeking her help to sneak in and out while keeping one another safe.
It was a fortunate thing that she had. The ruins of Amdapor were crawling with horrible creatures. Due to the way the entrances and perimeter were guarded, the two were forced to take a back route through the abandoned keep in order to access the city. 
Though it was suspected that the keep ruins might hold what they sought, it was quite the opposite. The absence of long-established Amdapori artefacts of white magic to stave off the Mhachi void magic and wild beasts that roamed the area has left the entire structure to be overrun by the void in the wake of multiple attempts by the Lambs of Dalamud - some of whose reanimated corpses they had found, already slain - to summon their god back to the star.
Hali found it funny. If Dahlia truly was Dalamud incarnate - if she was some kind of god, they were all wasting their time. She almost thought to tell the mage upon her return, but not knowing her relationship with the cult, she assumed to likely be negative.
It was rough going after they’d fought their way through the maddened flora and fauna both, both of which fought them at every turn in the overgrown keep. She had visited once before, but it had never been quite as overgrown as it was then, she’d thought. By the time they reached the passage needed to slip through catacombs and into the city, Hali had wound up sick nearly twice due to the sheer amount of corrupted aether in some areas. Guarding the passage, they had even encountered a powerful voidsent who struck Hali as mildly familiar. A man she had met before, named Resh, who had been heavily voidtainted and even possessed, bore a very similar voidsent which could materialise separately from his body. Fortunately, the two shinobi made short work of most things in the keep, void included.
The passage put them right by the entrance to the city, and the two made their way down. Mould assailed their lungs, giant insects assailed their bodies, and doubt assailed Hali’s mind. The investigation of the keep had proven fruitless, but her initial scouting of the area around the Lost City had some promise. Deep within the city, she could feel something, and it was very close to what she sought. For a mercy, it had begun to rain, clearing much of the spores in the air, but bringing out insects much larger than either of the two Au Ra. However, they managed to dispatch most of them with ease, even having moments to admire some of those less hostile.
Despite their skills in combat, it was no easy task. In what Hali regarded, in hindsight, though not at that time, as a stroke of irony, Kaori had been assaulted by a massive moth - a creature almost resembling the guardian spirit of their village - and stuck down. Thankfully, Hali had managed to bring supplies enough to complement her admittedly-weak conjury, which, she had found, grew significantly easier and more potent in the ruins, which gave her some hope. Once Kaori was healed properly, her arm set and functional again, and Hali’s panic abated, they moved on.
Continuing deeper in, they were best by ever-increasing wonders. A seemingly-bottomless chasm surrounded them with platforms that connected with aethereal bridges, old wards still present, lingering from when their source stones were once in place, though nothing remained within them for them to protect. Hali’s hope grew again at that, and ,especially,when they found a host of voidsent and reanimated magi who had been attempting to breach a heavily-warded door. After having cleared them out, the two were able to set to work on breaching the door, themselves, seeming unaffected by its protecting wards.
What they saw on the other side was something akin to another world. Blissful, pure, and almost heavenly, they had found themselves in something akin to another world, constantly shifting ivory and gold pillar surrounding bridges and platforms that seemed to manifest from nothing. Sprites of pure light and torches of white fire that sang melodically lined the bottomless - and skyless - expanse of pure radiance.
The two shinobi found themselves almost unnaturally enraptured by the purity and bliss of it all, resolving themselves, one day, to return, though their aims were significantly different. Kaori wished to calm herself and to find inner serenity to better herself, but Hali found herself giggling at the thought of a pocket world created by mortals; it was her ticket to unlocking secrets that would allow her to shape reality to her whim, and she would, one day, have those secrets.
They, finally, reached what seemed to be a council chamber of sorts, empty of all things but a massive winged statue, armed with stone sword, shield... and three charged Wardstones - smooth, red, fist-sized stones that emanated a pure aether - set in its breast and behind both hands. In her excitement, Hali rushed in headlong, Kaori on her heels. The statue, like many others, was a gargoyle, enchanted by Amdapori magic, inset with Wardstones to make it effective against voidsent in the War of the Magi, she assumed. Fortunately, between their skill with ninjutsu, despite the stone being highly resistant to their poor blades, dinged and damaged from assaulting stone creatures, they managed to exhaust the statue’s animating magicks.
Prying the still-gleaming stones from the statue, Hali made one last attempt to contact Naoh, asking how to work the stones, and what she could do with three, rather than one. There was no response. Wherever they were in Amdapor, they were cut off entirely from the outside world. She and Kaori decided to beat a hasty retreat, vowing to return in the future in order to pursue their goals in that wondrous place.
When they neared the entrance to the Lost City, Hali’s heart jumped into her throat as a familiar presence became apparent in the patterns of aether around her: Dahlia. However, it was not simply her Moon. Her aethereal presence had all but winked out, and swirling about it in a writhing, chaos mass was the void-tainted aether of the voidsent that had possessed her, driving Hali to their task in the Lost City in the first place. Kaori and Hali immediately followed their shinobi instincts and made themselves scarce, watching the warped woman, clad in a strange outfit and mask, descend the stairs toward the landing where Hali has used her Vanishing jutsu to hide herself from him.
“Naras... wasn’t it? Come out...” the possessed woman crooned in an unmistakably male voice.
Hali’s heart pounded in her hiding spot. Dahlia’s form had shifted ever-so-slightly in the imbalance between her aether and that of her possessor. Her normally-mis-matched green and brown eyes had turned a deep red, one darker than the other, the edges dark and almost sunken. Her nails had grown into long, sharp claws, and she had a terrible, deathly pallor to her. The voice that came from her was not her own. It was Mirseleiris.
Securing the stones to herself as she frantically called Naoh for help over a linkshell that she knew Dahlia did not have, she was given an idea: all she had to do was get them close, so if she could grapple Mirseleiris, the stones would be able to do their work and suppress him, forcing him into stasis within Dahlia and giving her back her body and her control so long as they remained near. From time to time, she threw a small rock, skipping it on the stone stairs to make it seem as though she was sloppily fleeing further into the city. Fortunately, it seemed to distract the voidsent.
“[Kaori,]” she had said in Hingan over that same shell, “[I am going to do something very stupid. I am counting on you to back me up.]”
“[I will do what I feel is necessary,]” the other shinobi had said, adding, “[Trust me.]” Trust was something Hali had learned to put in Kaori. Though she could hardly trust the whole of the world - it was, after all, most assuredly out to get her in any way possible - she trusted Kaori to be able to handle things, every time.
Having slowly climbed atop the archway above the city’s entrance, she leaped from it, using a Shukuchi to rapidly get closer to Mirseleiris as he searched for her, taunting her. Arms wide, one Wardstone tied tightly to each of her palms and one affixed to the chainmail beneath her ningi, she attempted to embrace Dahlia’s possessed form, only to have the voidsent controlling her move her quickly away.
“Another new trick?” he crooned, then, realising what she had attempted to use, the proximity alone causing his head to spin, hissed, “Wardstones...”
Kaori, however, had been ready, and popped up from a ledge below the landing on which they had engaged Mirseleiris. Grabbing Dahlia’s ankles, she wrenched the Ishgardian’s legs from under her, causing the voidsent to tumble and temporarily release his grip on her. When she landed, it was Dahlia’s voice again, claws and eyes changing back slowly as Mirseleiris‘s presence faded.
However, when Hali straddled the girl, beginning to affix the Wardstones to her, she wound up in, she realised, a trap. Mirseleiris quickly took control of Dahlia again, one hand shooting forth to try and slash at her face and the other attempting to take her by throat. Thanks to Kaori’s quick reaction, smascking the first strike with the spine of her katana, the swipe only managed to tear part of Hali’ hood. However, the voidsent managed to take the heavyset Raen by the throat, choking her with vicious claws sinking into the skin at her neck.
Hali did everything she could not to lose control. It was chaos. It was fear. It was pain. It was rage. The thoughts had started to become murmurs, voices telling her what to do.
Kill her. Kill them both.
Knock her out.
Kill yourself.
She could hear Kaori, but no matter how she tries, she could not understand what she said amongst the din. Then, it got worse as a scream shook her very soul: Dahlia was screaming. Before her, Kaori had thrust the tip of her blade into the mage’s abdomen and drawn it clean, causing her to begin bleeding profusely.
“WHy... WOn’T... yoU... lEavE HeR?!” her body screamed in a disturbing dual voice, one belonging to Dahlia, the other to Mirseleiris, his grip slipping between the mageling’s intense pain and the Wardstones weakening him.
“W... why w- won’t... youhhhh...” Hali wheezed amongst the chaos and pain, before finally being released as Dahlia wrested control once more from her possessor. 
With the time the distraction gave her, she began fastening the second stone. The chaos in her head reached another crescendo as, Dahlia now fully in control and aware of her state, began screaming in agony again.
“Hali... Kel... help...! GahAHAhAHAhAhAHAHAAH!” she pleaded before Mirseleiris began to emerge again, mad dual-toned cackling beginning again, “She’s mine, mine!”
That tipped the scale in Hali’s head from fear to blind rage, and she screamed in response, “SHE’S MINE YOU WORTHLESS SHITSTAIN! SHE’S MINE! I’LL SODDING KILL YOU FOR THIS!” She couldn’t help, after the fact, remembering what she had yelled and how, deeply embarrassed at such melodrama, but she couldn’t help herself. Her mind was slipping, and fast.
“TheN If I cAn’T HAVe hER, I’Ll taKe hEr WIth mE!” the dual voice cackled maniacally, and the claws that had gone to Hali’s throat when, instead, to Dahlia’s poised to tear her own throat out in desperation.
Kaori had busied herself with activating pressure points and calling out to Dahlia, given Hali’s panicked and addled state, in order to try and help. At the same time, despite the start of a protestation from the other Raen, the hand holding the third stone rose, abandoning attempting to tie it to the girl’s choker, and came down hard on the side of her head, immediately knocking her out, as Hali, too, attempted a rather desperate manoeuvre, giving in to the voices as they screamed at her to do it, do it, do it, DO IT. 
Mirseleiris could tell what was coming and, instead of attempting to prevent it, lashed out one last time with claws and a kick, sending Hali reeling backward as not only did she gain two deep gashes across her nose and an eyebrow, she was hit in the death wound at her stomach, sending a massive cramp through her that caused her to lose her breath and fall over.
Silence, however, was the next sound, rain falling lightly upon the three, heavy breathing from them all following the struggle. Hali recovered just enough to carry Dahlia, and they managed to return to the Bountiful Chest. All three were in dire need of healing. Kaori’s arm was still in poor shape from the behemoth moth’s awful bites, and she had some minor wounds and inhalation of mould besides. Hali, too, suffered from inhaling the mould, though not as much, but the slashes across her face and puncture wounds around her neck required treatment. Dahlia’s were, thankfully, only superficial thanks to Kaori’s skill with her blade and proactive tactics, save for the concussion from Hali’s desperation.
Hali, once healed, could only lay in her bed in the medical ward and cry, her mind racing. They had done it. Dahlia could be safe - or even just relatively so while the stones were near or on her - until they had a more permanent solution. They had discovered in their hunt amazing things beyond description. Hali had a new lead into bettering herself, even to the point gaining the power to alter reality to her whim as she had seen done in Amdapor. Yet, she still could not stop panicking.
"Oh, gods, what did I do? She's going to hate me. This is all my fault... Fuck! Why did I say anything?! I knew he was listening! I shouldn't have done any of this... I should leave her alone, but... is she okay...?” she thought to herself on and off in a mad train of thought between bouts of panicked crying.
Slowly, eventually, once she had overheard that Dahlia had been healed and her concussion faded in the process, she shakily got up from her bed, sniffling, to move a few beds down toward hers. Silently padding across the floor on the other side of the curtain, she carefully climbed into the bed in which Dahlia slept. She curled up next to her and just cried, silent and shaking, almost afraid to touch her but still wanting to be close. Everything was still chaos. She needed something.
She’s not yours, you worthless creature; she is my Moon, and, with any luck, will always be mine.
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tellytantra · 5 years
Jealousy: A Complicated Emotion.! At Mishti's CampIn the morning Avni came out of her tent adorning the Most Captivating Smile of her, making her otherwise flawless complexion more Adorable.. She was in her Sporty track pants without much Makeup..And that was the secret of her beauty..She was quizzically looking here and there to spot the sole Reason behind her smile when her Eyes rested on a blur Male figure and a bunch of kids surrounding him at far in Basket ball ground.."There he is.." she registered in her mind..Avni enters the ground where Neil was teaching some basic and easy self defence techniques to Kids and was utmost concentrated in his work.. All other ladies including Teachers and Guardians were already sitted in one corner and watching the training session.. Rather watching the One who was taking that session..Avni looked around to see kids were enjoying and ladies were drooling over Neil- the trainer endlessly..They were checking him out unblinkably with their mouths slightly open as if He is the last Man on Earth..Just then Neil turned to be greeted with the presence of only person for whom he was craving since long.. Ohkay not that long.. but without her, few days also seems like ages to him.. Also he couldnt see her properly yesterday when he came here.. Avni's condition was no Different.. Their gazes stone fixed on each other..Avni couldnt stop herself from admiringHER MAN..! She is seeing him after a week.. A whole long week which was no less than a dull boring and frustrating saga without his warmth by her side.. They were smiling through tears of joy in their eyes.."Ananya Miss..!" Mishti screamed in excitement at Avni from far and waved her..Thank god for Mishti who brought them out of their trance otherwise their love would have overflowed from their eyes and anyone could have fairly doubted them.. "Damn..!! His Eyes..!! Doesnt let me concentrate on anything else" she mentally chided herself biting her lower lip..She smiled at Mishti and waved her back..She squeezed her eyes to reassure Mishti.. something that has been included in their Routine now.. Mishti did the same as a habbit..Avni further Send a Flying kiss full of her love and affection towards Mishti but Neil came in front of Mishti suddenly.. His reflexes are much quicker when it comes to His Lady Love..! "Thats not fair Avni.. U cant give my share of Love to anyone else" His Little heart complained unreasonably while his eyes displayed a little hurt.. All this didnt go unnoticed by Avni and she couldnt help but giggle at his Husband's Antics.. Neil's eyes frowned further but his Heart was at peace.. and y it wont as Her Smile is all what he wanted.. And more specifically Him being the reason behind it.."Miss Ananya plz Be Seated.." Neil said coming closer and gestured her towards the chair.."Sure Mr. Trainer" She responded suppressing her laughter.."Neil.. u can call me Neil" he said smirking.. and that smirk of his skipped her beat.."Cant he just refrain himself from using his charm on me.. We are on a mission.." Her heart was already losing.She joined the ladies who were already pissed off and jealous of her.. what is so special about her that The hot guy is giving his undivided attention to her.. All of their Heads were spinning with just one thought.. Avni looked at them with warmth and the looks she received back made her Heart giggle..Neil also noticed his effects on those ladies.. he just laughed it out.. he wanted such response from Only One Girl..and thats HiS Girl..! He immediately smirked formulating some plan in his mind.. He went on to remove his Tee exposing himself more in only his vest and shorts.. His perfectly tonned body, biceps and cuts increased the heat in surrounding so much that few girls were fanning themselves from their hands..Avni didnt miss the "Ohhhs" and "Ahhsss" after this little stunt Her husband Played to gain her attention.. She couldnt help but flash her Content and Proud Smile as She Knew This Man belongs To her and Only her..!! But someone on other hand was puzzled beyond jigssaww puzzles.."Wasnt she supposed to get Jealous..? But She is smiling.." Neil asked himself in disbelief.. frustration ozzing from his body like sweat.. Avni not missing out a single moment of enjoying his frustration..He went ahead with his plan B and approached most petit, slimmest and good looking women in crowd.. he forward his hand and asked her to join him as a subject to show his techniques.. so that kids can learn easily.. All the while stealing glances at Avni and Scanning her Reactions keenly..The women complied Readily.. He completed his whole session being so close to that women purposefuly showing some or other methods of self defence.. holding her hand occasionaly and also not to foget gripping her waist too.. But Avni didnt show an iota of jealousy..her smile never left her lips.. instead she cheered Mishti and other kids.. "God..!What this women is made of.!" Neil was compelled to think..Lunch time..After training session everyone went to dinning area which was filled with heavenly tempting Aroma.. Avni was heading towards it when a strong arm came from nowhere and suddenly pulled her with utmost force..She was now pinned against a giant pillar and in between those strong muscular arms.. Neil was so close to her Just like her heartbeat..his eyes blood shot more with longging than anger and frustration.. his nose grazing hers gently and gaze boring deep inside her..He leaned closer and closer and rubbed his cheeks against her..His breath tingling her near her earlobes. They got this moment for themselves after what felt like ages of separation.. "Neil.. Chodo mujhe.. Koi dekh lega to Humara Mission fail hojaega" Avni somehow managed to speak amidst her pool of emotions and uneven breathing.. His proximity do affect her and evoke this unexplainable sensations inside her whole body.."Pehle tum mujhe batao agar koi Or mere itne karib Aaega to tumhe koi fark nahi padega..? Huh..?" Neil asked cupping her face..Avni looked up at him with Sly Smile.. "Nahi" she said directly looking into his eyes.. Neil loosened his grip in disbelief.."Kyunki Mujhe pata hai tum kisi or ko Itne Karib Aane hi Nahi Doge" Avni Continued with her confident smile..Neil was taken aback in Amusement.."Avni kya ho yar Tum.. Kaunse Planet se Aai ho?? Tumhe sach me Jara si bhi Jealousy nahi hoti..?" He again asked her expectantly.. Hopeful this time to get a positive response"Jealousy to vaha hoti hai na Neil jaha Insecurity hoti hai.. Jab mujhe pata hai ki Tum sirf Mere ho to mai q Kisi se Jealous hou.." She stated honestly with sparkling eyes and radiant smile..Finally Her Smile reached Neil's lips and made them curve upwards.. She is indeed an Ajooba and he was So Proud of her..He chided himself for being so Childish and unreasonable.. but she never failed to Amuse him.. Its been long since they are married and knew each other but with each passing day he is been introduced to a new side of Her.. "Avni.. Meri Avni.. Meri Miss Ajooba.." He mentally praised her.. His eyes displaying all his emotions and Avni could see them and feel them.."Thanks for the compliment..!!" Avni said winking out of the blue breaking his trance of thoughts.. He was shellshoked and his mouth was wide open in a complete "O""Neil dont be surprised Mai Tumhari Dil ki baat bhi Sun sakti hu" she said holding his face.. His Heart swell up with warmth affection and proud.. Proud that He is Worthy enough to Reside in Her Heart and Own it.."Ananya Miss.?" Mishti was desperately searching Her Angel for lunch and she was nowhere to be found.. While in her hunt for her treasure she came near the pillar where Avneil were busy romancing..Avneil parted with a sanp hearing Mishti's voice..!! Mishti came near them.."Mishti aap.. aap yaha kya kar rahe ho..? Aapne lunch nahi kia..?" Avni said nervously as if she was caught stealing.."Miss mai aapko hi dhund rahi thi.." She guestured Avni to come near her.. As soon as Avni sat to match Mishti's level she threw her hands around her neck in a bone crushing hug.."Thank you Angel..!! Aap mujhe Sir se baccha ke Camp le aai.. Mujhe yaha Bohot maza Aa Raha hai.. Or darr Bhi Nahi lag raha." Mishti said in one breath in her usual adorable way.. Avni just smiled at her innocent confession.."Thank u so much..!!" Saying this Mishti implanted a kiss on Avni's cheek and ran away before Avni could say anything..Avni couldnt stop her smile.. she turned to see Neil whose face showed some other sort of reactions.. was that Jealousy..?? No no that cant be.. Jealousy from a kid whose is just 5..? Avni couldnt underatand anything..Avni tried to say something but Neil leaned closer and pressed his lips hardly on hers..Her eyes closed involuntarily..Before Avni could comprehend and respond or even move, the warmth over her lips was gone as Neil pulled back. Every fiber of her body demanded More but things ended as fast as it occured.."How dare u Avni..!! Tumhe kiss karne ka haq Sirf Mujhe hai or kisiko nahi..!" Neil's possesivess and jealousy was driping through his eyes more than his words..He was still cupping her face while his thumb was circling around her cheek as if trying to erase any remains of the previous uninvited kiss..Avni was as still as she could be.. she even failed to take a breath.. he leaned again to give a wet kiss over her cheeks one by one deliberately taking more time than usual on the side where Mishti kissed.. Avni just gasped.. Rosary was spread all over her Face.."Or haa, Tum Sirf MERI Angel ho.. Yaad rakhna.." Neil said stressing the word Meri and left her..Avni didnt realise when he fred her out of his grip and when he left.. She was lost in her bubble.. This was supposed to betheir First Kiss! Her thoughts stopped at that very moment when his lips touched hers..She carresed her lips with her hand while blushing profusely.."Avni..!!" Neil's voice made her snap out of her thoughts when she realised he is standing queit away.. "Ye to Sirf Trailer tha, Picture to Abhi Baki hai..!!" He said in teasing tone winking at her.. He gave her a flying kiss and went leaving behind a reddish hue on her cheeks and Everlasting smile on her face..The end..Writer : Docritu99
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ladyonly01-blog · 7 years
Hyun Jeong Nong Kunlun Admiral Cup female watch [email protected]
The Admiral Cup series originated in the 1960s British Royal Maritime Club founded the sailing event “Admiral Cup”. The tournament was founded in the third year, the Kunlun table on the production of a behind the Admiral quilt-like waterproof gold shell table. And the design for the sailing race watch should meet more futom, while dial size should not be too large requirements, and Kunlun’s “Admiral Cup” series watch is engaged in the sport of a good choice, today we To share a look at this Fake Cartier Jewelry   series of a female form, 384.101.47 / F149 AN01. Hyun Jeong Nong Kunlun Admiral Cup female watch tasting This watch design is very elegant, the arrangement of the disk is also very particular about the calendar window placed at 2 o’clock position is like a very distant from the earth in general, the moon phase display window placed in 8 o’clock position character has a The sunny moon. Dial is made of mother of pearl, beautiful and will not fade. From the sun-like calendar window to launch the sun’s rays of the same stripes to decorate the dial, the moon phase of the sun when the mother of pearl Fritillaria, the outer disk is decorated with star pattern, six star pattern is more diamonds. The outer ring inlaid with 72 diamonds 12-sided female watch itself has been loved by the ladies, coupled with the sun dazzling dial is a perfect match. This lady watch in the function is indeed not practical, but it is enough complex. Moon disc has been criticized as one of the most impractical features, but the viewing ability is much stronger than other features, especially in the production of such a fine watch above. Calendar window should be no need to say, very common function. It is only the table of the waterproof effect is only 30 meters, some unacceptable, daily application is enough, but how to say this table is the Admiral Cup series, 30 meters effect is really sorry for their own series. Summary: This watch the disk to do really beautiful enough, but also very attractive to women, the appearance is still done the ultimate. Although the moon phase function is no practical function of the value, but the ornamental or very strong. Elegant black silk straps are the most suitable for delicate women, however, triple folding clasp makes it more comfortable when worn. This watch is elegant and complex craft in one, called the female watch model. With the watch manufacturing process of continuous precision, hollow dial design possible. The watch inside the complex mechanical device intuitively presented in the eyes of customers, can not help but make people amazing watch production of talent, make people admire at the same time, more enhanced love for the watch even obsessed. As a result, the hollow dial design has become a Cheap Amulette de Cartier Bracelet watch manufacturer are keen to explore and try the field, and in this area harvest a lot of quality results. Today for everyone to recommend several use of hollow-type dial design watch. Watch comments: see this watch, you will be surprised, in the 32×37 mm table diameter, even to do such a simple hollow design, had to admire the extraordinary ability of watch manufacturers. 18K white gold made of barrel-shaped case, sapphire crystal glass, hollow dial design only a “bridge” as a carrier, the real interpretation of the “Kunlun Bridge” connotation. The crown hidden in the bottom of the ear, to maintain the integrity of the case. And coupled with the use of back through the back cover design, so that this Kunlun bridge looks more transparent. Equipped with CO113 model of the movement, the diameter of 33.27 x11.28 mm, the number of oscillations per hour up to 28,800 times, providing 40 hours of power storage. Table Comments: The same is the hollow-type dial, the use of eccentric design Breguet 7057BR / R9 / 9W6 has a different mechanical beauty. 40mm case made of 18K rose gold material, the thickness of 11.65 mm. Time plate and the pointer is designed in the upper part of the dial, the bottom of the wide place where the escapement device, balance wheel, etc., in the rose under the shadow of a classical gorgeous atmosphere. The movement with the Cal.507DR model is 32.6mm in diameter and 21,600 times per hour with 24 gemstones for 50 hours of power storage. Can provide 30 meters waterproof. Table Comments: 38 mm diameter Vacheron Constantin 43578 / 000G-9393 thickness of 6.82 mm, 18K white gold case with a circle of diamonds on the case, a total of 82. Hollow dial in the periphery of a circle of rail time scale, golden gear with a white frame, purple gemstones dotted the meantime. At one o’clock, there is a sign of Vacheron Constantin. The movement with the Cal.1120SQ model is 28.8mm in diameter and 2.45mm in thickness, with 144 parts for power storage for 40 hours. Mississippi crocodile skin made of strap and 18K white gold made of clasp, safe and generous. With 30 meters of water depth. Summary: the use solid 18k gold Van Cleef Clover Bracelet of hollow on the watch, on the one hand test the designer’s understanding of the degree of the watch, on the other hand, more watch the craftsmen of the ultra-high production process. In addition to reading the watch at the same time the mechanical beauty of the watch, precision contains the law, hollow technology also confirms the complex in the Heavenly Creations. Kunlun was founded in 1955, only 40 years to be recognized as the world’s most vibrant brand-name watch manufacturers, relying on the traditional courage to break through, rich creativity and the perfect attitude. Its existing 150 watches belong to the four “pillar series”, namely the Admiral Cup series, the Roman lettering series, Kunlun bridge series and exquisite craft series. And in 1966 the advent of the sea army cup series watches have become the famous Kunlun table for its success to bring the success. One of today’s greatest navigators, the Olympic gold medalist, has made countless records and Ben Ainslie, who has won numerous honors, has spoken for it. Today for everyone tasting is a Navy Admiral Cup series of women’s watch, paragraph number 984.970.47 / F379 AA12. Today, the Kunlun Navy Admiral Cup series in the appearance of each year will make some special changes. In recent years, perhaps optimistic about the vigorous development of the female table market, Kunlun gradually in the female table on the hard work. Today, this woman will inherit Admiral’s Cup since 1960 on the ocean of love and enthusiasm for the sea movement. Maritime women will be the Kunlun Admiral Cup female watch tasting 40 mm stainless steel 12-sided case The outer ring is set with exquisite round diamonds, unique shape, unique ingenuity. 12 Navy Admiral Cup race to participate in the national flag instead of 12 times the standard, through the sapphire crystal Cheap Van Cleef Clover Earrings glass case mapping, smart beating, this series of style to carry forward the most vividly. In addition, the strap with a white rubber material, simple atmosphere, quite female army of the wind, showing a unique female soft with just the infinite charm. This woman will not only fine on the appearance of competent, functional also quite as, it can be said in the female chronograph watch is a more powerful table. The 12-hour chronograph dial at the 6 o’clock position of the dial and the 30-minute chronograph at the 9 o’clock position can be easily controlled by the chronograph start button on the top of the crown and the chronograph clear button below the crown. Located in the dial at three o’clock position for the small seconds, three round function plate was inverted triangle assigned to the dial, neat and orderly. In addition, located in the dial at half past five, with a large calendar window, the date in the form of double number, more convenient for everyone to obtain the date and time. Summary: Kunlun table with a comprehensive grasp of the time required for the mystery of the creativity, tenacity and courage and courage, and now has been among the world watch luxury series. This woman will watch the whole body with a handsome white uniforms, valiant valiant. Carrying Kunlun 28800 hours per hour oscillation, power reserve 42 hours of automatic mechanical CO984-type movement, full of vigor, vigorous and resolute. Bezel inlaid with sparkling diamonds become the Admiral of the female will be the gender identification logo; flag-style time jump in the dial, highlighting the table of the spirit of the ocean movement, is the love of sports on the female On the election.
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