ghostlynurse · 1 year
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Hausmaster from 2b2t, requested by anon!
Requests are still open, by the way!! I can do any source/theme/topic that is not on the blacklist! Also, please note that anime/manga is only blacklisted for neopronouns, but not stimboards!! You can request characters from animes and mangas as long as it is only for a stimboard :)
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rip 2b2t
just a damn old server now
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internetspacegirl · 2 years
Part One of my 2b2t Timeline video!!
I've spent a year on this and I hope you enjoy it :)
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
Fit's brain and throat and nose are made of gunk, and he can only praise Hausmaster that Ramon has been preoccupied with something in his room and not wanting to come out the past few days. His beautiful baby boy has his cookies for the week, a good supply of food, and absolutely does not deserve any of this. Not being made of cotton wool, and not being so dizzy getting up is impossible.
He has tried to get up - being sick is not an option, being sick gets you found and killed and killed again - but didn't even make it to the door. In defeat he dragged himself back to bed, burrowed under the duvet, and consoled himself with the fact at least this way he has the element of surprise.
And a sword. Can never underestimate the power of a trusty sword.
He dozes, rather than sleeps, already too vulnerable for his liking but unable to stay fully awake.
His sneezes wake him up. Its gross, and its messy, and he can barely find the energy to grab a tissue and care.
It's as he's trying - failing - to get the gunk out of his nose that he hears footsteps. He freezes for a second, then hides himself back under the covers.
Don't look.
Pretend to be asleep.
Maintain the element of surprise, or die.
He listens, and waits, and after a little bit there's a knock at the door.
Pac. That's Pac's voice.
Fit isn't sure why he relaxes at that, but he does. He tosses the tissue at the bin, misses, and calls a very stuffy "come in, Pac."
Pac enters shoulder first, using his elbow on the door handle while he carries a tray. There's a bowl, and a spoon, and a glass, and a bottle.
"Phil said you weren't feeling well last night" traitor "Then you weren't there and... I have soup?"
"Soup sounds lovely, Pac."
Fit keeps his thoughts about Philza's meddling to himself, and struggles to sit up instead. Pac quickly puts down the tray, scooting over to help him get comfortable against the cushions.
"I wasn't sure what sort of sick you are feeling, so I bought all the medicines," he gestures not just at the bottle, but the sheets of pills around it too.
"You're too good to me, Pac."
Pac blushes a bit in reply.
It's a little too much to process. Fit waves a thank you and asks, "soup first?"
"Of course, of course," Pac shifts the tray over, balancing it on Fit's lap. "Do you need help, or...?"
"I'll be fine," Fit reassures - its just a stuffy head cold. "Try not to get sick?"
"I think Richas already has it. If I'm catching it, I've caught it," Pac shrugs. "Toast?"
The idea makes Fit a little queasy; he shakes his head.
Is it good to know some virus is spreading around the island? No, but at least there's someone else to blame if Pac does end up sick. Richars probably caught it off one of the other kids in turn, germ factories that they are.
A hand reaches his forehead, resting there a second as Pac scowls. Fit lets him be, focusing on the bowl of soup in his hands.
Chicken, and there's some sort of noodle in it. The noodles bits are a little much for his throat, but the liquid itself is good.
"I don't think its a fever?" Pac eventually concludes. "So, um..."
As Fit eats a little more soup, Pac starts picking out some of the medicines. A sneezing fit later and he's handed a handful of tablets, and a glass of juice.
Fit hesitates.
But then he looks up at Pac, and decides he is going to trust him.
He takes the handful of pills, swallows them dry, then sips at the juice to quell the anxiety of /something/ in his throat.
"Thank you," Pac says, and really shouldn't that be Fit's line?
Instead he's struggling to keep the medication down, not because of sickness but panic.
A familiar hand reaches out, rubbing his shoulder. It feels good for a moment, before suddenly it pulls away.
"Sorry, sorry," Pac mutters.
"You're good," Fit replies, and stuffy nose warping the tone.
More hesitantly, the hand returns. Fit gives the medicine a few moments to settle, and finishes the juice. Shakily he lifts the tray back up, only for Pac to swoop down and take it.
Fit slumps a bit into the pillows.
"I'll be back when you can have more medicine...?" Pac suggests.
That's good, that sounds good; Fit doesn't want Pac staying and getting sick too.
So he nods, and scoots back down below the cover.
Just as he begins to doze, there's the brush of lips atop his head. And Fit...
Fit isn't sure what to do, so he pretends not to notice, and allows himself to slip back into fragmented sleep.
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ohnothisisathing · 6 months
VOD watching Fit’s second day of Stardew Valley and taking Fit cautiously praying to Hausmaster for a leek as his subconscious mind in the corpse hole wanting food and asking the deity he’s most familiar with while he’s a mimir and dreaming about being a vengeful, bi farmer.
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suspiciouslybee · 4 years
game theory
hausmaster and yanderedev are the same person
run a toxic fanbase
do jack shit but get paid and obscene amount of money
bans people who criticize them on community forums
dickweed incarnate
subject to memery
thanks for coming to my TED talk
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fraseris · 4 years
someday hausmaster is going to log onto 2b2t and just delete it
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korrektheiten · 3 years
Ist die ÖVP noch zu retten?
LePenseur:"von it's  me   Nehammer: ein uncharismatischer, mittelmäßig intelligenter, stocksteifer Apparatischik, aber anscheinend dem Ideal der Landesfürsten entsprechend nach dem Motto: Nur keine Konkurrenz. Das war schon seit Ewigkeiten das Problem der ÖVP, immer Parteiobmänner zuhaben, die bei der Bevölkerung einfach nicht ankamen. Mag der eine oder andere intelligent gewesen sein (was bei Nehammer sicher nicht zutrifft), aber sie waren immer weit entfernt, Sympathieträger und Quotenbringer zu sein. Und genau denselben Fehler machen die Türkisen (nach dem Angang von Kurz und mit der Kür von Nehammer wieder die „Schwarzen“), weil sie ihre große Chance nicht nützen, Karoline Edtstadler zur Kanzlerin zu ernennen. Die Frau ist, so wirkt sie zumindest für den interessierten Beobachter, intelligent, spricht das wesentlich geschliffenere Deutsch als der Mann, der nach der Matura gleich, ohne Diplom-prüfung oder Bacchelaureat Master wurde (vielleicht Hausmaster in der Lichtenfelsgasse 7), und, was ein nicht zu unterschätzender Vorteil wäre, eine äußerst attraktive, gebildete Frau ist, die in ihrem erlernten Beruf als Juristin lange gearbeitet und Erfahrung gesammelt hat. Ohne die Person Edtstadler diskreditieren zu wollen, aber was sind die Kriterien des Durchschnitts-wählers, jemanden zu wählen? Es ist das Aussehen — und sonst nichts! Dazu eine Anekdote, die meine Hypothese untermauert: Vor einer Wahl fragte ich meine Bedienerin, wen sie wählen wolle. „Vranitzky“, kam wie aus der Pistole geschossen. Ich fragte sie nach den Beweg-gründen. „Er ist so ein fescher Mann“. Alles klar, mehr wollte ich danach nicht mehr wissen. Damals schon habe ich in privaten Runden das Idealmodell für einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf in den Raum gestellt: Man nehme eine sehr intelligente, äußerst attraktive Frau (ja, das gibt es häufiger als viele denken mögen) und mache sie zur Spitzenkandidatin (wenn man nach Deutschland schaut, genügt schon ein mittelmäßiges Aussehen und Anenecephalie, um höchste Weihen zu erlangen), und der Erfolg wäre garantiert, denn die Frauen würden sich freuen, dass endlich eine Frau, also eine von ihnen, Kandidatin wäre, und die Männer würden sowieso ob des Aussehens bereits ihrer Fantasie freien Lauf lassen und bei der Beauty ihr Kreuzerl machen. Aber die ÖVP geht ihren üblichen Kreuzweg der Selbstgeißelung und des danach folgenden Jammerns. Diesen Trotteln ist einfach nicht zu helfen.   http://dlvr.it/SDvB7M "
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thunder-stuck · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster. || 9gagrss || https://ift.tt/2IyyPbz https://ift.tt/eA8V8J ||
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gidraeu · 4 years
Ищу работу Хаусмастер водитель садовник
Ищу работу Хаусмастер водитель садовник
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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theglimmerfox · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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meg-the-siren · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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okayaniele · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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katie-scarlet · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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selennophile · 6 years
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Don't mess with the hausmaster.
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