#2b2t video
internetspacegirl · 2 years
Part One of my 2b2t Timeline video!!
I've spent a year on this and I hope you enjoy it :)
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54625 · 9 months
betting any money that "my Brazilian boyfriend" is about to become Fit's new "the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft"
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tastytoastz · 2 months
I ended up cutting some stuff from my current fic, so I might as well talk about them here.
I had an idea of writing more about hacks and how they work. That Pac was going to asking Fit about hacks and how you get them and Fit's answer would be something along the line of:
"Yeah, but first you need to think about a lot of shit and make sure it's from a safe (magic) sources". And the fic would get into different "types" and "sources" of hacks which in reality would just be nods to different types of hack clinets pretty much and Fit would mention like "I once saw a guy use some weird hack and his head exploded" and this would be a nod to how some hack clients made people loose a lot of data/got passwords stolen etc because they used unsafe hack clinents on 2b/2t.
In the end hearing all this Pac would pretty much say "Nevermind I'm good" and that would also explain why he never like, tries to get hacks during the fic despite pretty much everyone else having them.
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videos-i-didnt-make · 6 months
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lilliancdoodles · 6 months
Guys.... q!Fit might be in the cadaver cave for a month.
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pebblemae · 1 year
Random QSMP Head Canons!
When ever the code monster shows up, there’s an area about a chunk and a half around it that has a low amount of static electricity. It’s not super noticeable but can be felt just before the sky changes.
Wilbur taught Talulah how to braid her hair and now she puts little braids in Cheyannes hair when he lets her.
Charlie still has Flippas glasses. He tried wearing them in memory the same as Quackity has Tilins ribbon tied on his arm, but their prescription is so different that he fell off a hill and decided against it.
Fit isn’t actually sure how old he is. He’s not immortal or anything, but his time on 2B2T has made it hard to solidly keep track of.
Sometimes, before Cheyanne or Tallulah wake up, Phil just stands on the edge of the wall with his eyes closed and wings stretched out. He misses being able to fly.
Edit: Feb 29, 2024
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fugaciousgloom · 9 months
I like to think that all the residents of 2B2T speak like they’re in a video game.
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jolikmc-thoughts · 6 months
How I ESCAPED a 2-WEEK Logout Trap on 2B2T by SalC1 on YouTube
This video was entertaining, but not for the intended reasons. Basically, it seems fantastical and almost farcical; like it was set up in advance so SalC1 had something "exciting" to post to his YouTube channel after the whole "2b2t v1.19" fiasco. I have further thoughts.
While I'm not saying it's "impossible" for this to have exactly as it does in the video, I find it difficult to believe that anyone would have the depravity, desperation, or sheer determination to "trap" a mildly famous YouTuber in a hole with the sole intent of pointlessly "killing" their character, let alone for a continuous two-week period. I'm not even questioning the feasibility of the "rescue operation" aspect. I've had friends who would go to great lengths for each other, but never have I known anyone so eager for a fleeting moment of "glory" that they'd resort to "corpse camping" a well-known individual in the community, all for the chance at a quick "gotcha, lol" and fifteen seconds of fame among like-minded individuals.
Furthermore, the level of cooperation among the campers raises suspicion. If they were truly "taking shifts" to wait for the YouTuber's return just to take the kill, wouldn't each of them want their own opportunity at "trolling" him? Additionally, the absence of the camper's "friends" during the rescue mission is peculiar. One would expect loyal guards to be at the ready in case something went wrong.
Overall, the story seems unrealistic, and my ability to suspend disbelief has its limits. While it's possible that the events occurred as described, it's also conceivable that it was fabricated for entertainment purposes, akin to the "Leeroy Jenkins" incident in World of Warcraft. Admittedly, I may not be fully attuned to the gaming culture of this generation, but even in games like Rust, there are bound to be moments of vulnerability between "guard shifts".
In short: it's hard to imagine the YouTuber logging in for two weeks, only to find someone standing guard at their "death hole" each and every time.
This post was revised by ChatGPT 3.5 for clarify and tone.
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boytoyhalo · 10 months
actually i have thoughts about qfit coming out and the fucking courage that had to have taken him as someone who spent the past 10 years of his life on 2b2t
Idk how much people who have never played on 2b2t actually know about the culture and environment there but because it has no rules, theres a shit ton of casual (and not so casual) bigotry of all sorts. Im 100% sure fit has to cut a TON of shit out of his videos, because the first and only time I ever logged onto it it was less than 10 seconds before i saw a wall of bedrock swastikas and slurs being thrown around in the chat. and anti-gay slurs in particular are a big part of the common terminology there, at least according to the wiki and a few of my friends who used to frequent it. Actually, the reason I never watched fit before the QSMP despite being aware of and interested in his content is because I made a point to stay away from anything 2b2t related for my own mental health - the hate speech there is so notorious that I had been warned to do so, and that was reaffirmed the one time I tried to play on it
Basically, that server is a fucking nightmare to be gay on just in terms of the real life community - in-universe, i imagine that would be reflected tenfold. So for Fit to have spent so long surrounded by that kind of attitude towards gay people, presumably closeted and possibly not even aware of his own queerness... it makes sense that he's been as hesitant as he has been to verbalize his feelings for pac. He can do it just fine when it's played as a joke with Phil or Forever or whoever else, but to find yourself entering into a real queer relationship after spending so long surrounded by violent (and most likely deadly) anti-queerness is fucking SCARY. Even without factoring in the general trust issues that spending that long on an anarchy server gave him, there's no way he didn't internalize at least some of that attitude.
So the fact that after these 7 (8??? is it 8 now i cant be bothered to count) months on Quesadilla island, surrounded by queer people in queer relationships being treated completely normally and supported he feels safe enough to (kind of) come out as gay to his son.... idk I'm just feeling super soft over it rn. Obviously it's Ramon, it's his son, who's been talking about getting him a new husband, so he knows he's safe. But knowing that logically and FEELING that are two different things and it's huge for a man who's spent a third of his life on arguably the least queer friendly space in the entire minecraft community to be able to speak it out loud like that..... im so proud of my bald gay cubito guys
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royalarchivist · 17 days
Pac: I was very happy, truly. When I told Fit, he was super… He was super interested in the idea, he asked me some other questions, he even gave me some tips, because, well… I don't know if you know, Fit– no kidding! Fit is one of the… Wow, guys, he's a major reference in the Minecraft community in the United States, and the guy is an excellent storyteller, you know? Literally, I don't know what other term we can use, but Fit makes some videos of 2B2T–
Pac: Ah, but you know I was a fan of Fit before I knew Fit. It's no secret, huh? But I was super happy to have told him, he thought it was super cool, and… And that's it, and that's it. That's it for now. That's it, that's it. Right?
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Pac talks about Fit's reaction to Arkanis! (Special thank you to @atthebell for double-checking my translations + transcript! Much appreciated).
[Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: I'll get back to that later, guys, I'll come back later. Let's look at this Fit business. Speaking of which– I miss Fit guys. If you're watching my live, go say hi to Fit. I've joined Fit's streams a few times to say hello, it's always great to say hello to Fit, right? Let's go then, let's see what Fit said.
Fit: Pac was telling me a little bit about [Arkanis] when it was still like, being worked on behind the scenes. He was very excited about it. It’s- it’s- it’s- it’s a very cool project. It’s very cool. Fit: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, it’s- it’s- it's–
Pac: It's over! It's over! Is that it? Is that all?! I'm kidding, it's only 30 seconds, right? [Laughs] Oh, that's cool, he really liked it! He said– He said– yeah, what he said was– what he said is translated above, right? Yeah, but very cool. Very cool, very cool. Wow, really cool, guys. Really cool, really cool.
Pac: I was very happy, truly. When I told Fit, he was super… He was super interested in the idea, he asked me some other questions, he even gave me some tips, because, well… I don't know if you know, Fit– no kidding! Fit is one of the… Wow, guys, he's a major reference in the Minecraft community in the United States, and the guy is an excellent storyteller, you know? Literally, I don't know what other term we can use, but Fit makes some videos of 2B2T– Ah, but you know I was a fan of Fit before I knew Fit. It's no secret, huh? But I was super happy to have told him, he thought it was super cool, and… And that's it, and that's it. That's it for now. That's it, that's it. Right?
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deadfishisyeq · 8 months
I think in the qsmp universe, the true crime podcasts and stuff would go HARD
There would be a lot of conspiracies around random stuff to be honest
In my head, the plane was a big thing that people REALLY like to make conspiracies on. "Point Nemo Is An Alien Base?!?! 😱" Stuff like that
True crime podcasts and reddit LOVE cellbit "BRAZILIAN SERIAL KILLER AND CANNIBAL DISAPPEARS ON BOAT TRIP!!!" And tiktok loves him for a different reason "Cell Is Misunderstood And Here's Why (blatant misinformation)"
I like to think that Bagi WOULD correct misinformation about her brother online because it's just. A funny image to me. "No, no, he didn't say that, he actually said [much worse thing] 😒"
I think historians are constantly trying to figure out what he black shadowy figure documented for literally thousands of years is. There's a lot of debate over it I'd imagine
If we want to imagine Foolish as immortal we could say the same as we did about Bad. Historians are SO confused. Totems aren't alive so seeing things depicting a totem that Did Things sparked a lot of debate.
The 2b2t conspiracies would be crazy honestly. "This Anarchist Wasteland Holds GOVERNMENT SECRETS?!?!?! 😱😱😱"
I like to think that hybrids aren't that common. They exist but most hide it entirely and if they don't, are often seen as dangerous. (In my head, that's the reason that Jaiden hid her wings. She doesn't remember anything but she still has a sort of shame about being a hybrid and she never thought about Why)
Anyway hybrid conspiracy videos about the government trying to create super human soldiers with them :)
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
A year later, what I couldn't have predicted was the QSMP itself declaring to FitMC from 2B2T that he's a gay failure and him responding with a video thanking his Brazilian Boyfriend
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iridescentpull · 5 months
I haven't seen anyone mention this here but we got some Pac and Fit crumbs yesterday during Cellbit's fruit mountain tournament! Sykkuno and Pac played a match together and were talking, and they reached the topic on Fit. Clip here
Transcript under cut vv
Sykkuno: ...forgot the controls– oh it's this one
Pac: Good luck!
Sykkuno: So what game do you normally play?
Pac: Uhh– I usually play some, uh, minecraft!
Sykkuno: Oh...
Pac: Yeah
Sykkuno: Do you play modded or–
Pac: I play with everyone on QSMP
Sykkuno: Oh, wait– you're on the QSMP!
Pac: Yeah!
Sykkuno: Oh that's a cool place I've heard! Who's your favorite person on the QSMP?
Pac: Hm, if I had to say... ah, probably Fit? *laughs*
Sykkuno: Wait, is Fit the guy who makes those documentary videos?
Pac: Yeah! About the, uh, 2b2t–
Sykkuno: 2b2t! Wait really?! I watch that guy! He's awesome!
Pac: Yeah– he's super nice y'know? He's such a nice guy
Sykkuno: Yeah he's gotta good voice, got a good voice
Pac: Yeah, he's gotta cool voice. And we always play, um, together on the QSMP, so, uh, we're kinda like a family
Sykkuno: Oh that's nice!
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lutraviolet · 5 months
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in honour of the new fitmc video have some RANDAR x NOCOM toxic 2b2t coworker yaoi
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kadextra · 10 months
There is lots of qsmp lore current unknowns/loose ends, but tonight I ended up thinking about the things that aren’t
So! this is a list of qsmp resolved lore plot points, answers & things we have learned :D
More than one island exists
Quesadilla island is in point nemo
There are multiple factions present on quesadilla island - federation, rebellion, capybaras
The duck is the federation manager
There are multiple different cucuruchos - cucurucho, osito, ourson, oscurucho(?)
Elquackity and q!Quackity are different people
The nether is capable of exploring, and the federation goes there. but the portal technology is not stabilized (pluto’s gate, also what walter bob & the rebellion said)
Federation workers have a hierarchy of ranks and different specializations
The federation ran tests/experiments on the eggs and also people
The federation did lots of hybrid experiments
There is more unnamed eggs out there (egg A1, hope egg)
There is more named eggs out there (sunny, empanada, pepito)
The resistance/rebellion faction has been doing hidden operations on quesadilla island, the codes and masked guy who gave sofia’s blueprints are a part of it
Many workers of the federation are secretly a part of the rebellion too (like walter bob)
The rebellion was who helped q!Bagi and q!Cellbit recover their memories of being twins who lived on quesadilla island before
Codes can shapeshift into eggs
Codes are able to go rogue and develop individuality (codeflippa)
Code infection is a thing
There is at least two abnormal unaffiliated entities that exist- oscurucho and the eye guy
The eye guy took over “egg island” and renamed it to purgatory, using it to make the islanders suffer. you can take a train there and also sail on a boat
The wheel spins & dice rolls were all related to purgatory and the eggs
Little eye cyclops creature species exists on egg island
Shadow virus infection is a thing
The effects of the happy pills/risus potion and how to create the antidote
q!Dan, q!Spreen & q!Max are canonically dead
Spirits can return on día de los muertos
q!Bad is a demon and grim reaper
Ron did not get eaten, he lives on beautiful real estate with a cat
Soul infection is a thing
q!Baghera is a hybrid created by the federation
q!Fit was sent to quesadilla island from 2b2t on a mission
q!Wilbur when he’s gone performs with q!Lovejoy off the island to collect funds for the federation
Mr. Mustard was alive just invisible
q!Cellbit was the worker murderer
q!Cellbit and f!Cell are still the same person
q!Jaiden worked with the cucuruchos before
q!Slime can canonically shapeshift bc he’s slime
q!Pol worked with the federation to produce videos in the past
Cucurucho has a house
those are just all the ones off the top of my head, feel free to add what you remember too ^^
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54625 · 5 months
Oh yeah btw public service announcement. All QSMP fans are contractually obligated to watch Fit's next 2b2t video the second it comes out because I've decided so
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